How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash You
Internet giants cover-up for Big Pharma, suppress alternative medicine and bury inconvenient facts.
Ryan Matters

According to research done by We Are Social, the average internet user spends over 6 and half hours online every day.
The internet is both a blessing as a curse. On the one hand, it gives us access to knowledge and technology that improves our lives, but on the other hand, it’s an addictive and dangerous mind-control tool that can be exploited to influence your choices and manipulate your thinking.
The COVID pseudopandemic has seen internet censorship rise to an unprecedented level. The controllers and their minions are scrambling to silence anyone who dares to question the efficacy of vaccines or the existence of Sars-Cov-2.
Let’s recap: In the space of a few months, thousands of YouTube channels and millions of Facebook posts have been deleted. The former president of the United States’ Twitter account was removed, and, Greenmedinfo, a site that aggregates research on natural remedies, had both their Facebook and Instagram accounts deleted losing over half a million followers.
LinkedIn also joined in on the action by deleting the account of Dr. Robert Malone after he questioned the safety of the mRNA vaccines, the technology for which he himself played a huge part in creating.
Parler was removed from the internet and so was the website of America’s Frontline Doctors after they endorsed non-agenda-approved treatments to combat COVID-19. More recently, in a move that’s disturbing yet predictable, Facebook has begun sending users creepy messages relating to “extremist content”.
So content that goes against the mainstream agenda is either censored or outright deleted. We know that. But what about the content that goes against corporate interests but isn’t quite insidious enough to be removed? What does Google, the largest search engine in the world, processing over 40,000 search requests per second, do about such content?
The first thing to understand about Google is that it’s more than just a search engine. Google develops and maintains a network of applications that all work together to collect, analyze, and leverage your data. Each application feeds data into the next, forming a global chain of information exchange.
For example, Google’s driverless car initiative powers Google Maps, which in turn powers Google’s local listings. It is this network effect that has made Google such a powerful and unrivaled force in the search engine space.
As a search engine, Google decides what information you see and what information you don’t. It goes without saying, but any tool with such power needs to be responsibly managed and repeatedly scrutinized.
Anyone who chooses to use such a tool should also be aware that they are seeing the internet through a lens created by Google’s mysterious algorithms and the information they’re receiving doesn’t necessarily come from an objective or neutral source.
Google’s ability to affect people’s thinking was demonstrated by the work of Dr. Robert Epstein when his team found that Google was profoundly influencing the results of elections. Epstein writes that:
Our research leaves a little doubt about whether Google has the ability to control voters. In laboratory and online experiments conducted in the United States, we were able to boost the proportion of people who favored any candidates by between 37 and 63 percent after just one search session. […] Whether or not Google executive see it this way, the employees who constantly adjust the search giants algorithms are manipulating people every minute of every day.”
It would also appear that Google is inherently biased towards pro-drug, pro-vaccine, Big Pharma medicine. In 2019, the search engine made an update to its algorithm that just so happened to shadow-ban health websites not affiliated with billion-dollar corporates.
The websites affected included GreenMedInfo, SelfHacked, and Some of these sites lost over 90% of their organic traffic, overnight.
When searching for most health-related topics on Google, the first page is almost always filled with content from websites like WebMD, whose history is filled with conflicts of interest and open collaborations with Monsanto, Merck, and other corporates.
In 2017, the search engine blacklisted, a natural health advocacy organization that reports on controversial health topics including vaccine safety, GMOs, and pharmaceutical experiments, de-indexing over 140,000 of their webpages.
In a 2019 article, the founder of NaturalNews, Mike Adams, had this to say about Google (emphasis in original):
Make no mistake: Google is pro-pharma, pro-Monsanto, pro-glyphosate, pro-pesticides, pro-chemotherapy, pro-fluoride, pro-5G, pro-geoengineering and fully supports every other toxic poison that endangers humankind.”
Google’s ties to Big Pharma are well-known. In 2016, Google’s parent company, Alphabet, partnered with GlaxoSmithKline to create a new company focused on research into bioelectronics – a branch of medical science aimed at fighting diseases by targeting electrical signals in the body. GSK also works directly with Google thanks to a deal between the two companies that allows GSK full control over the data that they use. What data? Whose data? That isn’t disclosed.
Alphabet is also heavily invested in Vaccitech, a UK-based vaccine company founded by researchers at Oxford University’s Jenner Institute, the Vatican (vaxxican?) of vaccine research.
Finally, it has recently come to light that Google’s charity arm,, provided funding for research and studies carried out by Peter Daszak and his charity, EcoHealth Alliance – the same charity that previously worked with the Wuhan lab involved in so-called ‘gain of function’ research.
These conflicts of interest alone should call into question the search engine’s ability to provide an unbiased view of health content on the internet.
Google’s “autocomplete” algorithm is another source of manipulation that works to affect people’s perceptions about the danger of vaccines and the efficacy of natural treatments.
For example, if you type “vaccines cause” into Google, the top suggestion is “vaccines cause adults”. I mean, seriously? In contrast, if you search “Chiropractic is”, the top suggestions are “quackery”, “pseudoscience” and “dangerous”.
Autocomplete is supposedly based on data collected from real Google searches, especially common and trending ones. However, data from Google trends clearly show that ever since 2004, “vaccines cause autism” has been searched far more times than “vaccines cause adults”, and “Chiropractic is good” has received a far higher popularity score than “Chiropractic is quackery”, the top suggestion.
A similar trend can be observed for terms such as “supplements are”, “GMOs are”, “glyphosate is”, “organic is”, “homeopathy is”, and “holistic medicine is”.
Looking at the way Google favours Big Pharma content, it’s reasonable to suspect that their “data lakes” are being poisoned. In fact, this was confirmed in 2019 when former Google software engineer, Zack Vorheis, leaked 950 pages of internal company documents providing evidence that Google was shaping election results, implementing stealth censorship programmes, and maintaining undisclosed blacklists.
Google’s algorithms are shrouded in mystery, based on black-box machine learning models that few people understand.
Machine learning models must be “trained” and as long as Google feeds them data to say “non-drug medicine is bad, Big Pharma is good”, the algorithms will continue to re-bias the internet in that direction, altering people’s perceptions of natural health and presenting drug-based medicine as the shining light in a dark world filled with invisible enemies.
When it comes to psychological manipulation, Google’s “partner in crime” is Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a free, online encyclopedia operated by the Wikimedia Foundation.
If you’ve ever searched for anything on the internet, you’ve likely seen Wikipedia show up towards the top of the search results. When it comes to questions without any commercial impact, such as “What’s the capital of Turkey?”, Wikipedia does a pretty good job.
But when it comes to multibillion-dollar industries, things get a little murky. Big corporates have big pockets and they aren’t opposed to the concept of “pay-to-play”. This was highlighted in 2012 when British PR firm, Bell Pottinger, was exposed for its involvement in manipulating Wikipedia entries for paying clients.
The founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, is no saint, either. In 2008 he used the platform as his personal relationship break-up tool by updating his relationship status on his Wiki entry before telling his girlfriend. And in 2010, he was embroiled in a Wikipedia pornography-removal scandal that saw him “voluntarily” relinquish certain editing and admin privileges.
One of the industries where Wikipedia’s bias is most noticeable is healthcare. In an article for the Orthomolecular News Service, Howard Strauss, Grandson of Max Gerson, MD (the creator of the Gerson cancer therapy) states that:
This writer and many others in the field of alternative medicine and natural healing have experienced Wikipedia bias personally when contributing well-documented, carefully researched articles to the site, only to have them be radically altered and deleted, by anonymous “editors,” then being banned from further editing or contributions. This is impossible to reconcile with a free flow of information.”
And this can be verified as Wikipedia keeps a public record of all edits made to an article over time. He goes on to comment on the history of Wikipedia and states that:
At first, it was interesting to see uncensored information flow through the site, and even contribute to it. Then corporate America realized that Wikipedia, and similar sites, were distributing information they had carefully and thoroughly suppressed in the media, and set about correcting that omission. Soon, Wikipedia entries about natural healing, holistic medicine, and other subjects began to resemble publicity blurbs from Monsanto, or Merck, or the NIH. Contributors are supposed to be anonymous, “volunteer” editors were supposed to be both anonymous and neutral. But it was clear that for certain sensitive subjects, this was far from the case.”
If you want to see Wikipedia’s bias for yourself, just search for any medical discipline that isn’t drug-based. And if you want to make things really fun, take a shot of whiskey every time you see the word ‘pseudoscience’.
Here are real snippets from Wikipedia entries on alternative forms of medicine and natural healing, taken from the first few sentences of the entry…
- Chiropractic: “Chiropractic is a pseudoscientific alternative medicine…”
- Chinese medicine: “Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a branch of traditional medicine in China. It has been described as “fraught with pseudoscience.“
- Homeopathy: “Homeopathy or homoeopathy is a pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine.”
- Ayurveda: “The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific.”
- Acupuncture: “Acupuncture is a pseudoscience.”
- German New Medicine: “Germanic New Medicine (GNM), also formerly known as German New Medicine and New Medicine, a system of pseudo-medicine.“
- Functional Medicine: “Functional medicine is a form of alternative medicine that encompasses a number of unproven and disproven methods and treatments.“
The editors display a shocking level of bias by cherry-picking references, many of which are not peer-reviewed or scientific, and make hollow claims which they portray as facts.
The entry on Functional Medicine is particularly difficult to get through. Functional Medicine is a form of medicine focused on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. It often involves treatments to correct nutritional imbalances and gut dysbiosis.
However, the author claims that functional medicine encompasses a number of ‘unproven’ and ‘disproven’ treatments and cites two articles on, a notorious ‘Skeptic’ publication, both written by the same author.
The articles, far from scientific or scholarly, read as opinion pieces written by an MD with a chip on his shoulder, who clearly has no understanding of what functional medicine really is. The author, Dr. Wallace Sampson, passed away in 2015. Here’s his author bio:
Retired hematologist/oncologist, presumptive analyzer of ideological and fraudulent medical claims, claimant to being founding editor of the Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, and to detecting quackery by smell.”
Incidentally, the Wikipedia entry for the Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, says that it is a discontinued medical journal and that it was evaluated at least three times by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for indexing in MEDLINE, but rejected each time. What a shame.
Furthermore, in 2003, a California Appeals Court found Dr. Sampson “to be biased and unworthy of credibility.” Yet these are the kind of charlatans that Wikipedia endorses as “experts”.
Instead of citing ‘quackbuster’ publications written by biased, outdated, and nutritionally uneducated MDs, the editors would do well to dive into Alan Gaby’s Nutritional Medicine (over 16,000 scientific references), or Dr. Alex Vasquez’s Inflammation Mastery. That’s presuming they have the intelligence to read high-level, academic texts, based on real, unbiased science (not opinions).
If I were an editor at Wikipedia, I may choose to rewrite the article on chemotherapy, claiming it is a pseudoscience by citing this 2004 study which found the overall contribution of chemotherapy to cancer survival to be barely over 2%, or this study in Nature Medicine that found chemotherapy to increase tumour growth and survival.
Wikipedia made its stance on alternative health quite clear in 2014 when founder Jimmy Wales ridiculed an 8,000-signature petition on calling for a fairer discussion of alternative and complementary medicine on the encyclopedia. The petition stated that:
As gatekeepers for the status quo, they [Wikipedia] refuse discourse with leading-edge research scientists and clinicians or, for that matter, anyone with a different point of view”
Instead of recognizing his lack of expertise in the area of healthcare and re-evaluating the fraudulent and dubious wiki entries, Wales demonstrated his lack of awareness by stating that:
What we won’t do is pretend that the work of lunatic charlatans is the equivalent of ‘true scientific discourse’. It isn’t.”
Quite frankly, it’s not surprising to hear such a response from the man who heads an organization that serves the interests of the Big Money Machine and its quest to dumb down the populace. As Dr. Vasquez puts it, in a recent critique of a New York Times propaganda piece on the “danger” of nutritional supplements to fight coronavirus:
The scaffolding of our institutionalized ignorance requires structural support from publications and organizations that pretend to inform and empower us while simply leaving us dumber and weaker than before.”
So when did Wikipedia become an extension of Big Pharma? The truth is that the health section of Wikipedia was commandeered by a bitter group of skeptics who live within their own, egoic constructs of reality and health.
This anti-health movement ramped up in 2006 when Paul Lee, then the listmaster of Quackwatch, made a forum post inviting skeptics to come forward and begin writing content on Wikipedia about natural and complementary health topics.
Quackwatch, a “Skeptic” website aimed at “debunking” and smearing non-drug medicine, was founded by Steven Barrett, an unlicensed MD who failed his psychiatric board exam, and has authored zero published research (at least I haven’t been able to find any). During a court proceeding, he admitted ties to the AMA, the Federal Trade Commission, and the FDA (though his sources of funding are likely far more expansive).
Lee was in full violation of Wikipedia’s neutrality policy and knowing this, he stated:
Any coordination of efforts should be done by private email, since Wikipedia keeps a very public history of every little edit, and you can’t get them removed. We don’t need any accusations of a conspiracy.”
Needless to say, a coordinated effort over private email IS a conspiracy. And not a very sophisticated one at that.
Then, in a move demonstrating both the organization’s ethical and moral standards, Wikipedia made Paul Lee a senior editor with special rights and privileges.
The influence that both Google and Wikipedia have is astonishing when you consider that Google receives more than 1 billion health-related questions per day. How many of those people have turned away from effective treatments due to the information Google fed them? How many people wrongly believe that COVID vaccines are safe effective?
But who do we blame for the increasing power and influence that Google and Wikipedia hold? Perhaps we are to blame. Blindly trusting in “authorities” to have our best interests at heart is the kind of infantile thinking that got us into this mess.
As the number one visited website in the world, Google controls ~90% of global search traffic. Our minds, health beliefs, political stances, and world views are inseparably linked to information we read on the internet and neither Google nor Wikipedia is an objective source for this information.
It is time that we take responsibility for our own health. We have to develop the ability to read and assess health knowledge objectively and intuitively.
Do you suffer from depression? Maybe you need to get your vitamin B12 or vitamin D levels checked, maybe you need to cut out processed and neuroinflammatory foods from your diet.
The internet is not a miracle worker, The internet doesn’t know what’s best for you, no one does. Your body is different from mine. Treatments that work for you may not work for me. But as long as we learn to listen to our bodies, to understand our own, unique inner landscape, we can begin to seek treatments and practitioners that truly make a difference.
The lesson is this: You are the authority. Read, learn, understand, and don’t take anything at face value. We need to learn to develop our intuition in parallel with our critical thinking skills.
Discernment is our secret weapon. We’re fighting an information war. Arm yourself with knowledge and be free.
Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.
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People are lazy. Bernard Shaw was supposed to have been heard to say: people would rather die than think.
Hello I’m pawel and this is my first comment here.
Just after the first UK wide lockdown , when this all started, I accidentally stepped into this:
See, I was looking for an elegant one liner C code to get me the next power of two which is greater then the given argument.
Then in the background of someone else’s screenshot I saw this:
I think when you get the news about Wikipedia from Larry Sanger , you just can’t ignore it.
The other striking thing when I started dashing through his blog is that he for the first time I think used the word ‘lockdown’. Mind you that he wrote this in Jan. 2019. It was quite prophetic I must say.
Happy reading .
PS: I’ve been working really hard to follow his recipes re locking down my cyber life including getting my first ever linux smartphone.
int p = 1; while(n){ n >>= 1; p <<= 1; } return p;
Where n is the given argument and p is the next power of 2.
That’s nice ! Thanks!
I would also add to my previous comment that Larry’s blog changed my mind re home schooling. But this is for another article I guess.
Overall, great article!
Clean up the writing, Ryan.
“The internet is both a blessing as a curse. On the one hand, it gives us access to knowledge and technology that improves our lives, but on the other hand, it’s an addictive and dangerous mind-control tool that can be exploited to influence your choices and manipulate your thinking.”
There is a 3rd partner in this dance of censorship and manipulation that needs to be discussed:
CDNs or “Content Distribution Networks”.
-Many if not most “alternative search engines” use Google/Bing as their back-end anyway. They’re literally sending queries to those major engines, simply with their own window-dressing on top.
-The CDNs are mostly funded by…. companies like Google/Bing. They routinely prevent “unauthorized” search engines from even spidering their content. A good example would be LinkedIn. Microsoft does not allow LinkedIn content to be spidered by anyone but the big players, which incidentally means that if you want to know whether your favorite “alternative” search engine is truly independent, try searching LinkedIn content with it. If you succeed you’ll know it isn’t; that it must be on the “approved” list.
-Even when the CDNs do allow smaller engines to crawl their content, they throttle them to a point of near-uselessness, even going so far as to demand Turing tests and the like from engines that attempt to crawl them without sending them metadata on the searcher. In practical terms that means that smaller engines, even when they can access the content, take an inordinate amount of time to return results, which in turn results in a poor user experience among a populace trained to equate speed with quality.
So it isn’t just on the “front-end” that perceptions are molded, or that information is suppressed or censored. If you’re lucky enough to get past the front-end censors with an actual, independent search engine, they’ll simply censor you on the CDN “back-end” by disallowing your engine access to the info, or by limiting its speed and effectiveness.
In line with all of the above is the demise of the meta-search engine, which has largely gone the way of the dodo. So-called “meta-search” engines do still exist, but they cannot perform like they used to for the reasons I gave above. They are either a.)simply forwarding queries to the big 2 anyway or b.)choked by the CDNs.
I could go on but I hope I’ve made my point that there is a very large, powerful component to this issue that the above article is missing, and which must be addressed. The problem is already far larger than one of simple front-end censorship, in other words. Switiching to an “alternative” engine won’t fix it, since they’re all effectively neutered anyway. As long as the CDNs are allowed to treat queries in a discriminatory way the problem will persist.
Dear friends, I am loathe to say that we have now entered a phase of this Quiet War that has been inflicted upon us where anything goes and there’s no surprises.
You may have heard that our traitorous MPs have now passed a so- called ‘law’ banning unvaccinated workers from care homes despite a “furious revolt” by some 30 Tory rebels.
This “furious revolt” turned out to be nothing more than a complaint that because the Law had been “poorly drafted” it could “force routine boiler workers and delivery men to show their status at a care homes door!” (Daily Mirror).
Are we really living on the same planet with these morons who want to force these experimental vaccines on everyone – these silent weapons that are being proven empirically by the day to be inimical to life ?
Are we quite content to carry on living in their version of Cuckoo Land? In the vernacular, how much more shit are people willing to take before it actually does dawn on them that the Emperor virus really has no clothes -and how much more can they take before the Cuckoo Clockers get clocked ?????? Your thoughts please.
Corporate totalitarianism aka ‘Not-So Friendly Anymore Fascism’ or ‘liberal democracy’. Those who the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.
Well Richard, the Gods have certainly done a done a good job on the morons in Parliament. Not all of them are what I would define as “mad” but rather, as’ one sandwich short of a picnic’ – I.e. of questionable mental capacity or intelligence.
Perhaps these people are the true sheeple just following orders to get us all deeper in the shit. I do not think it’s a question of “forgive them for they know not what they do” I believe that they know exactly what they are doing and it’s not for the good of ‘public health’. is an alternative to Wikipedia.
COVID-19 Vaccines are Voluntary
AFLDS physicians strongly object to any persons being coerced, mandated or forced to take any experimental medication, whether it is labeled a vaccine, drug, therapeutic, modality, agent etc. Our scientific recommendations as to who should consider the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, currently in investigational stages only, are contained within the White Paper. Federal law, per the FDA, prohibits any persons from being coerced to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccine. Please read attached Pfizer and Moderna Fact Sheets published by the FDA and found here
Moderna FDA
Pfizer FDA
Far less people have been vaccinated than governments are claiming.
In the US, the Biden admin has enlisted the “DNC to engage “fact checkers” to work with SMS carriers to dispel misinformation about the injectable pathogen sent over social media and text messages.”
Criminalization of speech is just around the corner. Anyone critical of allopathic medicine or vaccines will probably be targeted. I expect the military to start going door to door in multiple countries by the end of the year.
The number one thing the controlled opposition seem concerned about is people figuring out there’s no virus. Or contagion.
awaitin the proverbial ‘spam check’
whadda bunch of . . . .
When it comes to both covid figures and vaccination figures, the govt is like a teenage boy bragging about the outrageous size of his cock. He assures you it’s a foot long when it’s a flaccid little millimetre.
I’ve always argued that proving the alleged SARS-CoV -2 has always been the crux of the matter. They have not a cat 😻 in hells chance of ever doing that and they KNOW IT because their virus theory itself is riddled with holes.
No virus, means no scamdemic, no lock-downs, no masks and no vaccines it’s therefore one of the biggest outright FRAUDS perpetrated on the people in modern history.
Hi -Co. Yes. Exactly. I’ve been exploring some of the other “scientific” frauds lately and there seems to be more than just germ theory and the nonsensical viral claims.
Which ones did you have in mind? Ones like aviation fuel melting steel girders in 911 and Arab passports found in the rubble???? Or the structure of the cells they pass off in biology textbooks as pictures of the real thing? lol.
Haha Tony… I already knew about those fabrications. And the genetic nonsense. It looks like fraud.
I’m looking into the aether and sun at the moment. I looked into some of these hoaxes a while ago.
Looks like you upset the apple 🍎 cart on the ‘Alien Mind’s thread re fake dinosaur skeletons etc.. I note in the ‘dinosaurs are fake’ reference you gave they use a similar construction tactic to alleged ‘pathogenic viruses’ but instead of using bits of genetic material to concoct a complete viral genome that they have modelled the paleontologists use bits and pieces of bone to concoct a complete skeleton!
Quote: These dinosaur bone sets have never formed a complete skeleton, but from these incomplete bone sets, paleontologists have constructed a hypothesis about the appearance of the whole skeleton, which they have modeled in plastic”.
Perhaps paleontologists should have been virologists!!!!!!!!! The archaeologists are just as bad – see Cremo and Thompson’s Forbidden Archeology.
this comment, is about eggs floating in a butterscotch river – nothing more, will it be moderated or thought as spam – oh so sad.
edit – it is.
got that spot on
Stop the oppressive big tech bullies (and those behind them), Destroy their System – Death to the Web.
Zee Hedge is a typical example. ZH uses Google advertising to support the site. Google withdrew this service about 2 years ago, after which ZH agreed to Google censorship of the comments section. As a result you are no longer able to use words such as “Jew”, “fag”, etc or most swear words.
This sounds harmless enough, but the Google censors are also banning users, the users they don’t like. As a result the comments section is slowly changing its political mix. What used to be mainly conservative comments are very gradually being diluted by more and more emboldened progressive commenters – which may well be Google bots.
The insidious changes are obviously part of a long term persuasion operation that will neutralise the site without actually shutting it down.
The War on Freedom: How Tyranny Overran the United States
What an ungodly amount of meddling.
“I will make you fishers of men” And now we have the internet, or rather DARPA-net.
“The blood is the life” And so we are offered poison vaccines.
“According to research done by We Are Social, the average internet user spends over 6 and half hours online every day.”
Change the name to We Are Not Social to avoid doublethink. The internet a blessing and a curse? That scale isn’t balanced. More like a curse sold to us as a blessing, just alone for all the conditioning and programming the digital (c)age has built upon corporate state control of the means of communication.
Speaking of which, I always felt short changed by the dismal low budget presentation of the virus. With the taxes I pay I expected much more impressive special effects – like a combination of George Romero, David Cronenberg and John Carpenter.
No sir, no can do! If the script starting looking too much like a movie, even the American people might have caught on.
Oh wait a minute. American people might catch on to something? I knew I was out in the sun too long this morning when I walked the dog.
Never mind.
I don’t trust Googlue and I don’t trust Wickedpedia for a long while now.
“Our minds, health beliefs, political stances, and world views are inseparably linked to information we read on the internet and neither Google nor Wikipedia is an objective source for this information.”
True, but picking whatever is most popular wouldn’t be anywhere near an objective source, either. Most people are terribly ignorant about most subjects, and whatever has been widely advertised by the rich and powerful is often popular.
Maybe it’s time to recognise that objective sources are rare, if they exist at all. And that if you are going to outsource your thinking to somebody else, you’d better pick a person that you actually know personally, rather than picking the opinions of some random stranger on the Internet, like the author of this article.
May I ask your opinions, for those of you in UK? Do you think it will remain safer in Britain? Im advised not to go there. That I must stay, because all those who realise its a fight between good and evil and that we have to disconnect totally from the system are getting together right now in France since today. Its unbelievable Ive met someone really wonderful near me because of yesterday’s announcement. After yesterday’s announcement we realise its far more rapid than we thought. They’re not even giving us the summer to breathe.
With people I dont know, just meeting, we’re planning to live together. Its unbelievable. We’re talking of developing mutual help, and true friendship, based on simple things, between us.
And not in some undetermined future: but right now from this summer. Some proposed taking me to their countryside to prospect properties near them. Told the cityfolk Im meeting about that, that if I do find something, Ill let them know. We need every profession, so we can beuild our lives between us, doctors, nurses, teachers, house builders, everything…
Somehow its both a nightmare and a dream… Class barriers are breaking. I offered to teach the children of those Im meeting. Generation barriers. Just those who have faith: thats what unites us, faith in whatever, it can be different for each, lets call it God, whatever any of us means by this. Its amazing I had no idea there were in France so many people with such strong faith. So many marvelous people.
People are ready to open their houses to those in need. They have given me hope and strength, or rather its unbelievable that God is bringing out of the blue such people on my path. I think among other things we should organize a huge prayer session. In Indian philosophies, the power of thought is acknowledged. Good thinking connects you to good thought “frequencies” around (from the dawn of times), while when you have hatred in your heart and dark feelings, or even fear, the negative thought frequencies around you are what you connect with. Hence it is explained that is why, thinking good thoughts takes you to better ones, while thinking negative ones, takes you on a downward path.
So in India, some say if many people get together to think positively, pray, this is bound to have an effect…
Im seeing thoughtful people in the younger generations in France. Thats a huge hope for the country, for the world.
Considering population density alone, I would consider France a much better bet if things get ugly. Then there’s the weather, the food, the wine, Francoise Hardy and….. it’s a difficult choice isn’t it.
What happened to the yellow vests ? Yellow livers ?
They’re around, but I think they missed the train by not taking position against what is happening. Had they in the spring of 2020 led a movement against lockdowns, it might well have been different for them and for France, and possibly the rest of the world.
Though I’m not in the UK (I’m in the US), I would caution against letting yourself be enticed into going off with people whose only characteristic in common with you is their opposition to the coming madness. If you don’t already know them, by all means get to know them before putting yourself at their mercy.
(I apologize for my negativity; but I just believe people are not to be trusted. They will turn on someone else in a heartbeat if it suits their purpose.)
More news (though off topic): just been told that the French government is buy off the food to create an artificial famine. So we have to stock on food.
Since a little while!
I believe the ScrewTube interview recently deleted is part of this clip
Yes, that’s good, but I would just take issue with one thing you said.
Wikipedia is not biased. It is a platform that anyone can edit. (I can attest to this having done plenty of it myself over the years).
The problem is that those with sufficient resources can manipulate and control pages so that their agendas are promoted.
If you try to remove false information from politically sensitive figures your comment will be reversed within 24 hours in most cases. I have tried to defend a number of figures against smears, the smear usually being an accusation of being “far right”, a “conspiracy theorist” or a “climate change denier” but the smear is always reinstated.
The excuse given is always that the slur is referenced to a hack (no doubt in the pay of corporate or government interests) who has published a smear piece on the individual concerned in the MSM.
The problem is not wikipedia’s “bias” – it is not inherently biased – but the fact that it can be so easily be manipulated by government and corporate interests.
The problem is that JWales and cronies are corrupt to the core, and their lying-platform stinks like the spiritual cess-pit that it is. Avoid the damned shithole at all costs. Trust NOTHING it says.
It’s not biased but “those with sufficient resources can manipulate and control pages so that their agendas are promoted” – so WTF is that?
The fact that it can be edited by “anyone” is testimony that it is biased. We are all biased, which is another way of saying what we believe.
Wik always reads with an undertone of opinion.
Wikipedia has long been controlled by the CIA and FBI. I really cannot imagine how you are not aware.
It’s common knowledge.
I just came across this quote in a guitar course of all places, and on reading it, a beautiful tone rang out in my mind, likely due to the context of the news being posted here today, especially the situation our French brothers and sisters are faced with. And so enjoy the quote, and bear in mind that the entities that are subjecting us to this horror lack the ability to create anything of beauty or meaning. –
”We must give ourselves from the heart, if Truth is to give itself to us.”
”Listening to oneself is a formula that amounts to the same things as listening to God. It is in the creative thought that our true being lies, our self in its authentic shape.”
A.G. Sertillanges
We been informed that many councils have issued guidance to taxi company’s and drivers that they should still wear masks and encourage it ( i am pretty sure it not just taxis that got this)
Also wondered why many shelf’s are unstocked at major supermarkets
Its the e.u u.k brexiit thing lorry driver having issues getting pass’s to come over
it so magically isnt it? how brxXeit psyop and laws etc has fitted in perfectly into covid.
One of the major councils in the u.k email response today
We acknowledge receipt of your email. In light of recent developments regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), there may be a delay in our response.
We are taking measures across the Planning and Building Control service to try and maintain service continuity during the current and ongoing coronavirus outbreak. We are following government advice closely and implementing measures to protect the health of our staff and customers as first priority, whilst at the same time doing everything we can to maintain service continuity. Our measures include:
Thought U.k was opening up……….
Sir Patrick
cuntVallance The Chief Scientific Officer, proponent of masks in crowded spaces, sitting unmasked in the VIP section at the full house Wimbledon final.Monday 13 July press nonsense

Quote Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said families should still ‘avoid unnecessary meetings’ with other households with normal life returning only ‘very slowly’. Unquote
dummies on line told me Sir
cuntVallance had a negative tests and double vac so didn t need to wear mask or social distant at Wimbledon.response
Except for parents in the school playground who have been asked to wear masks all term. Outside. Standing apart.
My favourite Wikipedia page is the excess mortality under Stalin page. Dispels a lot of myths
What! And you actually trust it to tell the truth about that subject, K? Really? Dispelling ‘myths’ (Illiterate-USAmerican-English definition) means telling truths unwaveringly. And you trust Wikideceivia to do that? About anything?
Listen suc- er – sorry, friend – can I interest you in shares in this hugely profitable bridge…?
The people are so frightened, they start a petition to keep the requirement to wear their masks!!!

The people are so frightened, they start a petition to close the border!!!

We should seek out this dean halliday
fucking chickenshit loser self enslaving brainwashed softcock pizzles
Well said. I will steal that. I’m glad to see the home of Shakespeare continues to produce linguistic geniuses who fuse art and science.
I stole that from The Tempest’s opening scene
Thanks Billy Bob, please use it freely and liberally every chance you get
The person who ACTUALLY wrote the literature that’s referred to as the ‘Shakespeare canon’ was Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford (1550-1604), and NOT ‘the Stratford-on-Avon bloke’ [William Shakspere; that IS how his name was spelt… 1564-1616]. If one carries out a great deal of scholarly research, a veritable wealth of incontrovertible evidences will be found which will confirm the veracity of my first sentence in this post.
Here’s but ONE of the MANY evidences which prove the above to be true: that ‘the Stratford-on-Avon bloke’, William Shakspere, left just six signatures extant; and their nature demonstrates that he was, to all extents and purposes, illiterate. Hence he could NOT have been the author of the ‘Shakespeare canon’. Moreover, MANY of the events written about in the ‘Shakespeare canon’ are literally events that took place in the personal life of the afore-mentioned Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.
Edward de Vere IS the person who is thought, by numerous thousands of PROPERLY-informed people around the world, to be the actual author of the (so-called…) Shakespeare canon’.
Isn’t the real point that the author called ‘Shakespeare’ is poorly known and there’s much evidence he has been wrongly identified as the merchant from Stratford with a similar, but not identical, name? The whole thing being there’s uncertainty.
That’s all valid and I admire people like the actor Mark Rylance who are not afraid to say it and call for the uncertainty to be acknowledged.
But when it comes to identifying who was really behind the author name ‘Shakespeare’ that’s a different matter. There are many theories, including that it was mr Shaksper from Stratford, but none of them can be proven. So there seems no point in replacing one set of certitudes with another.
There’s a 99.99% certainty that Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, was the actual author of the (wrongly-termed) ‘Shakespeare’ canon! And there’s a veritable wealth of evidences to support that claim.
There are many hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of people around the world who are more or less sure that de Vere WAS the actual author. For, as I said in the paragraph above, there’s a veritable wealth of evidences to support that statement.
There are a number of “Oxford ‘Shakespeare’ Societies – here in the UK , in the US, etc (for eg, the DeVere Society, the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship, and others).
To provide just a few of the many evidences: a very great deal of the events/incidents written about in the ‘Shakespeare’ works are of very specific, ACTUAL events which took place in the life of Edward de Vere! There are too many of them to relate here.
Ie, that the ‘Shakespeare canon’ was a case of de Vere putting his own life experiences into the written form.
Then, the so-called ‘First Folio’ of the ‘Shakespeare’ canon, that was published in 1623 (very soon after the death of ‘the Stratford bloke’), was funded and published by the daughters and sons-in-law of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford!!
And one title which de Vere held, that of the ‘Viscount Bolebec’, had as a symbol [on the coat of arms] a lion SHAKING A SPEAR. Many writers in the 16th century wrote under pseudonyms. Also, de Vere had a nickname: the name ‘William’! It is thought that, because, as a very high-up courtier at the Court of Elizabeth I, and THUS not being allowed (due to the edicts made by Elizabeth: she stated that no-one who was a member of her Court could write, act, etc, under their own name: that it would be ‘too demeaning’…) to write/publish under his own name, that he chose to write under a pseudonym, and chose his nickname, ‘William’, combined with the image from his Bolebec coat of arms, of a lion ‘SHAKING a SPEAR’, and so created the pseudonym of ‘William Shakespeare’.
There is good circumstantial evidence for Oxford as Shakespeare, I agree. Big prob tho is that Oxford’s own written works show no similarity of style or talent to Shakespeare.
In that regard Marlowe is a much better candidate. His writing style is an almost perfect match for Shakespeare, and his career ended (with his supposed death) just as Shakespeare’s began 🤷♀️
But there’d be no reason for Marlowe to have written of very specific events in the life of de Vere! For, as I said in one of my posts above, many of the events/incidents in the works of ‘Shakespeare’ are very specific events in Oxford’s life!! Marlowe would have less than no reason to write of such things.
Also, Oxford was given an annual payment of £1000, by ‘queen’ Elizabeth I (I put the word ‘queen’ in quote marks because [whilt being English] I’m a passionate ANTI-‘royalist’… they all need abolishing, ASAP…’royalty’ is so very anachronistic. And the Windsors are all part of the Globalists…), for no OBVIOUS reason. That regular annual payment of £1000 (£1000 THEN would be a great deal more NOW, of course) was paid to him by ‘king’ James I, after Elizabeth’s death in 1603. The data indicates that Elizabeth decided to pay de Vere that regular amount because she wanted him to create a permanent record of the history of England/British Isles, up to and including the Spanish Armada of 1588, in order to create patriotism in the British people, when the Spaniards tried to invade, via that Armada. Scholars of this subject think that she was providing Oxford with an annual stipend, in order to help his finances, to enable him to fund the purchase of a new home [at the time when the payment was first made], and for his regular expenses. There is no other reason for her to have made that very large (at the time) regular payment to him.
Oxford’s earlier writing is just that: his EARLIER writing. And then, when he wrote under the pseudonym of ‘William Shake-speare’ [it was usually hyphenated… denoting a ‘pen-name’…], his writing was naturally matured. And hence some people WRONGLY think that the writings belong to two different people.
Also, some of the [so-called] ‘Shakespeare’ writings are recognised as being ‘treasonous’. ONLY someone who was very close to ‘queen’ Elizabeth I would have ‘got away with’ such writings. Anyone else would have been ‘sent to the Tower’. Marlowe was not ‘close to the Elizabethan Court’. Neither was, for eg, Francis Bacon, another writer of the time who some people claim was the actual writer of the ‘Shakespeare canon’. However, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford was VERY close to ‘queen’ Elizabeth’s Court. Not only was he was one of the FOREMOST of Elizabeth’s courtiers (he was one of the most important men in the realm), but many knowledgeable people say there’s a great deal of evidence to support the claim that he, Oxford, and ‘queen’ Elizabeth, were lovers. Whether that is so or not, he WAS one of the most important men in the Court, and Elizabeth would have allowed him to write things which no one else would have been allowed to get away with.
There’s far more likelihood that Oxford was the true author of the ‘Shakespeare canon’ than any other person put forward for that role!
WHY have you taken off my comment in reply to you (of a couple or so hours ago)?? I saw a note saying that it was being “checked for spam”. WHY????? My reply to your post above, Sophie, was most definitely NOT ‘spam’!!! WHY would you think that?!? Because my reply to you (re. Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford) contained an amount of money??? Well, the amount of money that I quoted, a few times, in my reply to you, is one aspect of the many known, documented FACTS re. him, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, in the 16th century, and the extreme likelihood that it was he who was the actual author of the (wrongly-termed) ‘Shakespeare canon’.
This ‘spam’ thing, in modern life, is nonsense!!!
It’s funnier than the memes, I can’t stop laughing. They’re not real are they? Dean Halliday is such a perfect name, he looks a bit like Neil Ferguson but younger and trendier, very earnest and progressive, his house is very tidy, definitely no pets, I bet he’s got a pale yellow sweater and socks to match,casual loafers… for goodness sake shut up, ok.
The fascist democRAT-Communist party, its members, and its sympathizers are an existential threat to the United States of America.
Hahahaha what’s communism? Trust me I can tell if you google it
Trust me Koba… If I had $50 for every post I saw on Facebook or, um, even here, stating this is a ‘communist agenda’ or creatures like Klaus Schwab are ‘radical Marxists’… Then I wouldn’t need to work for a few months.
Neoliberalism and outright fascism has nothing whatsoever to do with “communism”. Where the hell do they get these ideas from? Fox News? Zero Hedge?
no, alt media of course
Perhaps indeed they would be a threat – if they existed. But they don’t. They – like the Republican Party – exist on paper only. Their elected officials throughout the country are hand picked water carriers for the ruling elites. And the people within those non-existent parties go to the polls to participate in a non-existent election.
It’s all a stunning display of team effort, signifying nothing (or less).
The US ‘Democrats’ are communist? Bill, do you know the word ‘dictionary’…? Has that idea percolated to your neck of the backwoods – on Mars?
I recall when covid used to be called something else. What was it? Ah yes – “life”!
Good luck George👍🙏✌️ Thought of you when I heard the vote in the Parliament about mandatory jabs. Are there any other job options?
A job option will soon be a jab option. See what I did there?
Yes, I did George. I expect as they ramp this up even more, soon, people in work dealing directly with the public, like retail workers (or Big Issue vendors) will be required to get either regularly tested or jabbed. Unless there is a major concerted pushback. And I’m not holding my breath on that one.
Interesting re employers forcing the maxine:
I haven’t used Google since 2000 because I thought to myself why would I use a product by my enemy, same thing with Wikipedia. There are alternatives for search and the entire internet for that stupid wiki site. The only reason wikiP is even a thing is that Google puts it in first place in all related searches
I use Brave Browser exclusively.
Does it mean anything that the root CA that signs this website SSL request is Amazon ? Not saying it does but wondering. And not that techy either so might be saying nonsense.
Google is both blatant and subtle in its censorship. You can see it in action by googling a hot political topic and notice that the placement and volume of articles heavily favor the leftist sites in priority and numbers.
“Leftist” sure
Anything remotely left in any meaningful sense of that much-distorted word is invisible in USAmerica. There, but massively unnoticed. Meanwhile the coast-to-coast TV-entranced rubes seem to imagine the ‘Democrats’ are on the left. LOL! Well, maybe comparatively speaking Hitler was to the left of Chingis Khan. After all, his partei were National Socialists…
How ’bout let’s use the word “Leftish”?
Left attack because of the lockdown and Mask protocols so it’s a commie attack on God & Country.
Sounds reasonable to me, are you an American? I’am not didn’t see hear it., so maybe that’s one explanation.
Now that the mainstream has become officially “leftist” then sure.
They DoNOT “brainwash you” if you don’t use them. They are inferior to other sources.
I remember one summer Saturday morning in 2016, I cricked my neck muscle or trapped a nerve fooling around with my kids.
‘‘Twas very painful and even thinking about looking rightward caused huge pain.
I like to think I’m in tune with my body so figured I’d need a neck brace to keep my neck steady whilst it heals itself. I went down to the minor injuries unit at our local hospital (our A&E was closed down in 2010 by our loving government).
They took an x-ray and told me I’d inflamed/pulled some pretty large muscle connecting the shoulder and neck (apologies I can’t remember the exact name and diagnosis). I told the Doctor that I needed a neck brace to hold it still whilst it fixed itself plus it’d be easy when I travel to work on Monday (I commuted using London Underground) I knew it was temporary. Doctor shook her head telling me that she wouldn’t be giving me a neck brace and that I wouldn’t be able to move never mind travel for at least 10 days!!
She then prescribed me something to “manage the pain” – I argued I’d rather have something to fix the problem than pain management but she was having none of it. Querying her prescription she told me it was a very powerful pain killer usually prescribed to those with long term acute pain – thinking back now it must have been some kind of opioid (methadone was mentioned).
Anyways upon hobbling out of the hospital I threw the prescription in the bin and made my way in great difficulty to an acupuncturist I knew of. After I explained what happened to me Dr. Lee hooked me up to his needles for 30 mins then massaged the injured area. He told me to return the next day Sunday so he could finish up and gave me some balm to apply overnight.
On Monday my neck was back in full use and on Tuesday I was back amongst the hustle and bustle of rush hour Central Line.
you are out of compliance
you are a threat dangerous even
you are sick ill
you still have that neck disease
you need help
you need to be corrected medicated before you spread
your neck distemper onto granny and possibly innocent cats and dogs
Brilliant stuff gordan.
I fear I have the most dangerous disease of all:
Common sense
Its ok Winston, you only have these thoughts because you are sick, once you are cured, you will no longer worry about such things.
Indeed. A GP allowed my mother to walk around with a broken foot for two years. By the time she discovered it had been broken, the damage and the pain were extreme. Only rebreaking the foot could potentially solve the issue, but due to her age and hypertension, this wasn’t possible. Or so the NHS said. The same GP then prescribed her painkillers. I looked up the name of the so called painkillers. The drug was created for soldiers with PTSD, and the side effects are horrendous. My poor mum just soldiered on without the drugs, until she succumbed to a third stroke. We then had a ten week fight on our hands in the stroke ward to prevent the doctors applying the Liverpool Care Pathway, also known as death by dehydration through withdrawal of liquids and sustenance to those incapacitated and deemed beyond help. After a hideous early 2019, I was just starting to get my head screwed on when the Covid Psyop was unleashed, and now have a strangely similar sense of dread for someone close to me. Don’t go to a doctor or a hospital unless you absolutely have to. I am not signed up to a surgery right now. I have no phone so they can’t bug me with their shitty propaganda and bullshit.
What a traumatic (and unnecessary) experience for you and your family. Thank you for sharing what happened and warning all of us to stay the hell away from hospitals. That Liverpool pathway to death is just unbelievably heartless and cruel. What was the outcome of your fight?
Thanks for your kind words. My mother passed away, but not from dehydration or starvation, and with her family around her. That’s all we wanted, we weren’t going to allow them to deny her liquids, and pretend things were ok. I had to drip water into her mouth from a spoon one evening waiting hours and hours for them to attach a drip. Not long afterwards, when I visited my surgery, a lady doctor who was standing in for my usual GP, when I recounted the story, told me that sometimes ‘it is better to let them just fade away’. I couldn’t believe it, and it just added to my sense of desolation.
Most doctors are sociopathic with no empathy. All the caring has been driven out of them in medical school. The patient is a piece of meat. Nothing more. They do not care if their patients die. They see patients as either annoying, a meal ticket or car payment, and they generally resent them immensely. Particularly if the patient, or patient advocate dares to question them on treatment or diagnosis.
Mostly, they will kill the elderly or patients they don’t like through drugging. Happens all the time. People don’t believe it because they don’t want to believe it.
they work with city of london insurance factors
many are marked for death
the charity macmiilan should have a name change crippen and dr shupman corpse care
dr cameron and linus pauling kept many folks alive in scotland in the 1970s by giving terminally ill folks mega doses of ascorbic acid vit c
Indeed Gordan, the scales well and truly fell from my eyes after that sobering experience, so when this 18 month long horror show started I saw it for what it was within 7 days
The Big C is the goods, gordan. Absolutely!
Thank your lucky stars you didnt need pain management after a pillow fight, yea, that goose filling can pack real a punch.
And you threw an opioid prescription away inside the hospital or outside??
You didn’t think to hand it to a medial nurse staff member?
You’re an incredibly irresponsible stupid person. Why didn’t you refuse the pain medication explaining a personal preference.
Why did you feel the need to just discard an opiate Prescription that may be needed by someone in great pain. Did you even consider this at the time. Obviously not so why even mention something you didn’t want prescribed.
2016!! Really, whats Dr Lee’s contact information can you provide a link, interesting he’s open on a Sunday. What was the cost of the treatment.
ALERT FRANCE (off topic)
Just to let people know from July 21st and mainly early August, in France you wont be able to take a train, a bus or a plane, go to a shop, go to a restaurant, a bar, go to any cinema, theatre etc without PCR tests and/or vaccination. The whole medical and para-medical profession will have to be vaccinated. You wont be able to get to most workplaces, whatever work you are doing, without daily pcr tests or else vaccination.
This also means that without PCR tests and vaccinations, you wont be able to attend hospitals and have recourse to any medical aid if need be (from info I received this morning). So no food shopping, no medical aid.
It’s up to the French people to destroy this criminality.
It is up to the “people” to reclaim our rights.
The powers that be will not hand them over now that the final assault on our freedom has occurred.
Google is not our friend and neither are the politicians who screw us at every opportunity.
Short of a complete breakdown of society how can this be achieved?
Go to the courts, the HMCTS and claim your rights. This is the only way.
There is enough knowledge on these threads to establish that our rights are being abused.
Most of the people who post on this site are able to state the case of abuse of rights,
So why not? what are you all afraid of?
Any summons can be dealt with by using your common sense and the information that can be asked for, which the HMCTS is obliged to supply.
Just deal with the HMCTS as you would deal with any business that wants to communicate with you.
If you think that COVID 19 was bullshit and will collapse under its own weight the HMCTS is in the same position, but it needs evidence to back up the claim that our rights are being denied. This now exists in great quantity.
Ask what type of law is being used against you. Why should you not do this? You have a right to do this.
Is the judge a member of the freemasons? you have a right to know. Has the oath taker used the Kol Nidre prayer
[The Kol Nidre prayer (recited before the evening service) is a legal formula that absolves Jews from fulfilling solemn vows, thus safeguarding them from accidentally violating a vow’s stipulations. The formula first appears in gaonic sources (derived from the Babylonian Talmudic academies, 6th–11th centuries) but may…]
Its all just common sense.
The problem with the legal and many professions is they are against their will put in a compromising situation and then photos are taken or else some other proof. Its apparently quite widespread. Then they are no longer their own masters.
Another of my posts goes down the memory hole.
Does admin work for google?
Your motives are not clear.
Admin just tell us so we can stop wasting our time posting information that you do not like or understand.
You are worse than the snakes in the MSM.
Your post is right there 👆(here’s a direct link –
– you just needed to refresh your browser.
You hair trigger guys remind me of Bulldog in Frasier
and of course you feel you have a right to be gratuitously rude and never apologise.
Dysfunctional much.
Annette, as horrible as the information you present is, it’s a “reality check” – a much needed one. So many commenters on this site are starting to imagine this horror show is winding down, and that people are finally beginning to wake up. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What’s happening in France is merely a harbinger of what’s to come – not an anomaly.
Yes, the rhetoric and threats around the world have certainly dialed up a notch or two! (Did they all get their marching orders at the G7?!)
They just had the G20 and I suspect some marching orders there….they lock stepped the March 20 after one of those meetings ,from memory….macron is one of the close to the heart boys from what I gathered in all this…he was very anxious right from the start….I thought it to do with getting the protestors off the streets….but it would seem he was just implementing the plan…
fear is to be ramped up yet again ….planets are encouraging this from now until end of October at least….I didn’t think it was straight covid…seems to be increased restrictions via vax passports if the French are anything to go on…
next question why are the passports needed for the grand plan?
Digital ID. This has been the aim all along. Nudgery gone wild.
I fear you are right! However a major drought and massive forest fires burning across western North America where I live have knocked the Wuhan flu panic and great reset into 3d place on the MSM’s daily regurgitations . However Mr. Trudeau is certainly anxious to follow Mr Mitterrand’s lead .He is currently trying to make it an election issue, but it is gaining little traction out west .
It’s like a bad dream.
Or bad breath – nasty for the people who are around it……
Apologies- I’ll get the sequences right eventually!
Then stop dreaming and do something positive like take out an action against the perps.
And I’m not advocating masks..
” So no food shopping, no medical aid.”
Shops have not been referred to, and I suspect terraces at restaurants will be unrestricted.
It is bad lets not exaggerate.
Any big shop has. And all the smaller shops may follow suit. The mask is already obligatory there, and has been this whole year and is likely to be “permanent”. The only food shop in the neighbourhood which is small has very low quality products. The organic food stores in the Paris region are mainly chain shops. So they become out of bounds.
We now have to each one of us in France find a way to survive if you dont want to get vaccinated. In my case, I already suffer from blood clots for other reasons, so a vaccine would literally kill me. But even otherwise, it would be a big no.
We have to now all think survival, not quarrel. Its likely to worsen even more soon.
We must all unite, we must all help one other. Doctors against all this must come together and agree to help us. What do you do like me with a broken leg?
What do you do if you have toothache? We need people from every profession who refuse this to be done to them, to stop working. Not to resign, to simply stop working: if you are sacked they’ll have to pay unemployment benefits.
Every single person has now to decide: will he continue to work for the system? will he collaborate out of fear? Will he get vaxxed out of fear of the measures? For the more you take these vaccines, the more you are likely to have severe health issues.
Or will we unite to build a new civilization alongside, wherever, possibly as someone said, only deep forests or high up in mountains where there are mountains at some later date will remain safer places. We have to accept to live simply, eat less. To build a totally new life between ourselves. But for that we have to unite. We cannot survive in such places and in being excluded from everything alone.
We must unite. We must leave our quarrels aside. We must come together. Together we will build a better world. Together we can accomplish miracles. The forces of good are far stronger than the forces of evil. They will win, they will win. But many will die before. Many will die of hunger, of vaccines, of pcr tests, of masks, of lockdowns, of despair and fear at the measures, many will kill themselves. Its truly war, a devious, underhand war.
In the last war, Jews were excluded from everything in Germany and Nazi occupied countries. This time we who refuse vaccinations, tests, and all we are the new Jews. We must learn to survive. We must help the more vulnerable to survive. We must help both others and ourselves.
Whats really quite interesting, and a big difference Im noticing between French sites and OffG: on OffG people insult, on French sites, people are gentle, cultivated, united, very thoughtful, and yes also intelligent. Should I extrapolate from OffG to the Anglo-Americans? Being neither French, nor Anglo-American myself, its very interesting to observe Western behaviour from a distance, and to see the differences. At least I am happy to see that the France of Romain Rolland is alive. Im sorry to see that all too many at least on OffG can only resort to insults. Its very sad.
Sorry I shouldnt include Americans. America has produced truly universal thinkers throughout, something in my opinion Britain lacks.
But then I guess Im stupid. So I bow down to your wonderful intelligence. Please teach me: should I learn to insult? For arent you supposed to be civilizing the stupid savages like me? Im learning you know what it means to be intelligent and civilized: to insult, to be violent, to treat anyone like a dog when one feels like. Ive learnt much during my stay in England or with people of English descent these last months.
At the moment in RSA we have one major city burning and the biggest one partly burning – looting and arson of small shops, big shops, malls, factories and warehouses , trucks set alight on the major highways and people being shot, by vigilantes/security/police – who knows?
The downside is clear and fits the narrative- the upside is that some of the places destroyed are the vaccination sites.
Ours has started.
Hi Derek, I just saw some scenes of this on telegram today. What’s the sudden reason for all of this?
Hi Esmeralda – there are many reasons, but perhaps the two most relevant ones are poverty and a feeling of hopelessness amongst many young people who realise their future is very bleak in the “ formal” economy.
This has been exacerbated by widespread corruption and theft of billions ( some say trillions) enabled ( it is claimed) by the former President Zuma.
Zuma was recently arrested for Contempt of Court, and it provided the spark for the dry tinder. Strangely, he retains strong support amongst the grassroots.
So it seems it is a power struggle between the corrupt faction of Government and its allies, and those that are trying to stop the rot.
But there is no doubt in my mind that Lockdowns have played a huge part in the explosion as small and medium size businesses have been decimated and therefore the jobs that go with them.
But the majority of South Africans (especially in poorer communities) are decent people and perhaps this is the darkness before the dawn.
It is a really complex situation, but hopefully this gives the gist of it.
If the looters are against lockdowns, muzzles and above all lethal injections, then they are what we need.
Sadly I think it is flat screen TV’s, Nike’s and lager that are first prize.
The vax sites were collateral damage.
Right J. … let’s separate the psy-op from the Covidian quotidian.
I doubt you will not be turned away from your doctor office.
Go and tell this to my GP. The doctors here are horrific. The handful that arent are having the licences taken away.
Go and tell this to my neighbour: he’s a doctor. Thinks himself God. Puts music on loudly, has absolutely not the slightest concern for others, when he’s at home and not in his hospital killing people. He has no humanity, he’s like a zombie. He actually scares me. And he’s probably not even 40. Drives a BMW and just tramples on everyone in the neighbourhood. Each month, has a different woman moving in with him. Thats what a doctor is today. Tell him, jester, tell him.
My GP refuses to come and see because Im not vaccinated, et al. And would force vaccination. She’s become a fury: probably would come with her jab prepared. So I am left with my blood clots due to a leg that is not mending properly, with no help whatsover. Its all very well telling me I may not last the year, that I could have a thrombosis any day. In may ways that will solve all the problems for me.
Luckily I am meeting one by one people who have faith. Faith is the only thing that can get us through, but we need to be also practical. Its likely to get far worse.
As I say below, lets all unite, what does it matter what we believe, who we are, we must unite.
Please, do not be so compliant. All Doctors are breaking the Nuremberg Code ask them why.
All? Not helpful …
I should have said all doctors promoting the vaccine.
Not because they were following orders. They want to follow orders. So it is no defence.
I would be surprised if the French accept this.
Yes, me too. I’ve heard that only around 30% are jabbed, so that’s a lot of people who are having to come around within only a few weeks.
Told by whom? Do you believe them? The most basic advertising trick is to persuade people that what you are selling is really popular. If the uptake really is that great you have to wonder why they need so much pressure and extortion.
Either way, maybe think twice before being an unpaid promoter of their propaganda?
Today, there has been such an elan of humanity, of unity on French social sites (is that how these sites are called?), its been unbelievable. This morning was incredible. Have met really wonderful people. We plan to meet later this week. We’ve even already talked over the phone. Some have offered to come and get me to stay with them in the countryside, find a place to buy, sell my flat and move there.
Its incredible the generosity shown. Tomorrow (14th July, national day, and a call to boycott Bastille day festivities) major demos are organized throughout the country. Sat. there will be a huge demo. But demos wont help. I dont know, they could have their agent provocateurs and counter demos to create violence. But some are proposing much more intelligent, non-confrontational ways to do things, and this will be in the long term, it will also change society, it will create a new civilization beside the one that is dying. Im getting to know truly thoughtful and intelligent people from all social classes (at last!) and here in France, all holding to some faith, all open to anyone with other faiths, but without faith its not possible to survive this, one would come to commit suicide and be sapped by it, and the fear. Its frightening if you let your faith go right now. Its amazing when you are losing faith, for we all have our dark moments, you can phone someone now and they immediately boost you up, say the right words. Its both the worst nightmare and the best of dreams. Was it like that among the Jews in the 30s?
Still this said, I wonder, is it safe to stay on like those among the Jews who did stay on in Germany and we all know what happened to them. Or would it be wiser to flee? But flee how, where? To the UK? And how would one live? Anyhow Im asking advice. The French are advising to stay on, as the social networks are forming now locally, new friendships, people to live together with… But is it safe?
Confrontation is the least you could do at this stage. The lethal injection is genocidal violence. Any kind of resistance is acceptable.
The German analogy is spurious. There is nowhere on this planet where you can expect safety from the poison.
I would like to add that vaccination is now becoming obligatory for children in France, I think any child above 11. This may give rise to a civil war according to someone I know. Its horrid because the vaccines are especially dangerous for children: the nanoparticles are extremely dangerous if they go into your blood vessels or veins, you can have a thrombosis, stroke, anything. Now for them to remain in your muscle where you have been injected, your body must have sufficient energy to hold them there. Now, in children, the entire energy goes for growth. They dont have any surplus. So the consequences on them could be unthinkable.
According to again someone else, this is precisely the aim: to show that children are dying in great numbers, to then scare people even more, and make vaccination compulsory for everyone. No one had thought they would make it compulsory for children and for health workers so rapidly before the summer is only 1/2 way through.
Wanted to share: The admission that the vaccines are ineffective against transmission
Covid Vaccine Effectiveness 2.9% ( Negligible to non existent effectiveness)
Which is zero. For all intents and purposes the “vaccine” has nearly zero percent of blocking transmission. This was long known to be true. Despite what was previously “thought”
I suspect this news will be used to justify continued lock downs- Spun for that reason.
What should be realized by all is the vaccine was one big human experiment, for profit, and we were lied to on a massive scale. It should not be tolerated as a lock down justification. It should be used against the liars and their lies. All of them.
For years Fauci tried to get a vaccine for influenza and failed. Just like Polio, they needed a new name and so Covid was born and the resulting “vaccine” received Emergency Use Authorization. It is not a vaccine in the true accepted sense and an EUA was the only way it could be administered.
There is no SARS-CoV-2 virus hence the “vaccine” does not & cannot treat something that doesn’t exist. It was developed and patented as a bio-weapon at least 10 years ago and its true ingredients are not known.
So what does this bio-weapon do in the short, medium, long-term ?
We’ll find out this Winter
Scary to think about.
what a number you must have done on yourself to roll up your sleeve and do this voluntarily
Where does it say “I did this to myself” ?
I didn’t mean you, I meant in the general sense, as in a rhetorical question aimed at the subject of the discussion
sorry, lol, explanation below
Sounds like you also watched David Martin’s bombshell of facts with Reiner. Unbelievable. I’m trying to get everyone I know who’s sitting on the fence to AT LEAST wait until after this Winter. It will be very interesting to see what will happen with ADE etc (maybe nothing at all).
Yes I did. A well-researched exposé, not sure why I should be so surprised but when it’s all laid out so meticulously, it’s difficult to comprehend the sheer deviousness of it.
I do agree, I believe we will shortly come to understand another of their catchphrases : The Dark Winter.
Deaths (on the face of it from natural causes), food shortages, power outages and, with those, the inability to carry out the simplest of cashless transactions.
Karl Friston is a genius of Leibnizian proportions. Not only that, he is one of the world’s leading computer modeller’s (unlike Neil Ferguson, for instance.) His main area of study is in the field of “neurophenomenology” and is well known for his Free Energy Minimisation theory. For which he is likely to be in line for a Nobel Prize at some point. All of which, like Robert Malone, adds up to him most definitely NOT being a conspiracy theorist!
It is quite clear where the conspiracy now lies. No PCR test, no antigen test, no virus, no excess mortality; being combated by shutting down the world economy and a “wartime” rollout, in undue haste, of an experimental vaxxine technology, with an efficacy of 2.9%, against an inexistent and invisible enemy that does not exist. That’s non-existent. I’m surprised at the 2.9% efficacy which should be 0% effective against a bioinformatic none entity or statistical anomaly.
I’m going to have a field day with this one!
2.9 % is statistically zero.
Please do!
2.7% is not shockingly low number in fact overstates prevention of infection three times. Pfizer own phase 3 trial resulted empirically in 0.7%-1.3% of efficacy or absolute effectiveness meaning that about 100 jabs are needed “prevent” one infection.
For Moderna 167 jabs to prevent one infection while relative efficacy was reported 95%. And that is just a noise as they used PCR test alone to determine infection while PCR cannot do that according to FDA.
That is why Manufacturers stated that their jabs do not prevent infection or stop spreading it. They did not even commence study of that type. What we hear on media are ad hoc fundamentally flawed or faked studies by third parties for medial consumption.
I do not think that those models have any value. I have no cindifenct in Gates co owned ICL scientific productions. It is garbage in (PCR, antigen lateral flow or serology) garbage out.
efficacy of jabs (especially those genetically engineered containing no real viral material ) for nonexistent or non consequential virus like SC2 can only be zero and that is what however corrupted data indicate.
See the articles here by (a) Iain Davis, 2021-01-03 (b) Dr Sadaf Gilani, 2021-02-22.
I’ll check them out, though I might have seen them already, but it’s good to refresh.
This apparent fact was actually part of the information given from the trials…they never hid it…they just emphasised the other end of the story about 98%. This was pointed out by various people right at the start…..I have told those keen on being vax and they just say…oh well better than nothing…so it doesn’t cut ice at stopping anything.
this is why the various pushers have always said it doesn’t stop you getting whatever covid is…MAY make the symptoms less….they don’t even have a clue about that….the sitting with that thought finally got me to understand that whatever is in that needle has little to do with attempting to stop anyone getting anything….well other than a healthy life……and the larger question of why are they doing this and why are our various western govts pushing it like no tomorrow…..the answer to that isn’t pleasant..
What has happened to the NHS? Instead of dealing with real medical issues it has just become a dispenser of magic potions to ”cure” the afflicted ‘patients’. I recently had a car accident injuring my right shoulder, but my local GP surgery told me that appointments were on hold dealing with other things – to wit COVID – and I was told to await a phone call and telephone talk with one of the doctors. Well I thought – f*** that. Is that what I pay taxes for? In the event I had to go to a private hospital and pay the fees required. Interestingly enough when I was being examined I was face to face with the surgeon. The surgeon was mask-less but was okay about masks, thought it was bollocks, and he didn’t wear one anyway.
And now what about the real issues and real victims; the people suffering from serious medical problems, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and the rest, who are being left to kick their heels and die? Because all the resources of the NHS are diverted to deal with the covid scam.
In this latter connexion I seem to recall something that Noam Chomsky said: namely that there were the deserving victims – the covid mob – and the underserving victims, those suffering real health issues.
Covid is a ghost illness whose purpose is to wreck all the public services.
Is that the best you can do George?
Millions will die but you can only think in terms of public services.
Not good enough by half.
Have you ever posted whose to blame?
Satire, Laurence? It’s hard to tell.
Check out the Total Deaths from all causes US, CDC rates.
Hospital Treatments cancelled………fantastic, at least 400,000 saved from cancer treatments that they are unable to obtain due to the introduction of the
Illuminati Bio Weapon.
Wake up people.FFS
There is a template on Wikipedia that reads, “This article is written like and advert”, but there is no corresponding template that reads, “This article is written like a curse”. And there lies the problem.
Wikipedia has very good monitoring of editors who may be trying to promote their own companies, or achievements, but less awareness of editors who are there to put the boot in. The result is that whole subject areas now do nothing but denigrate the subject they are covering. Alternative health being one of them.
Last night !
Dutch Prime Minister Rutte apologises for lifting COVID-19 restrictions early
Do not use Wiki as a dictionary go to! Look up facist in both Websters and Wikipedia. I have a problem with that.
All you covid deniers should be ashamed. My great, great, great Nana died of it and she was only 124. Despite the doctors doing everything they could. Including 4 vaccinations, making sure she wears a mask and not letting anyone near her. In a last ditch attempt they dosed her up on Midazolam, put her on a ventilator and hung a DNR notice round her neck but this evil virus still got her. You people are sick.
Sorry about your Nana. I never liked her anyways.
Awfully sorry, D.
It’s a tragedy.
I”m ashamed but still I’m hoping to not have to wait that long to celebrate Henry K.’s departure.
Dave, it was probably the “Nanna Variant” that got her – a mutation of the deadly Delta variant. May Nanna R.I.P.
and has done for years. re vit b 12, some of us, with certain issues, need methylcobalamine, a superior form not available in cheap subs/pharm products, but can be found in health food shops/iherb.
What is it? I might haves skimmed over the definition and I am too scared to do a search.
Everybody lies to me!
Don’t lie okay?
I do not lie
That is a lie by omission. You didn’t say what methylcobalamine was. Heck, I had to paste it rather than attempt to spell it.I read “re vit b 12” and my dylexic brain implodes.
I totally lost the thread. Why am I taking vitamin B12? I completely forgot the old reason and there certainly might be a new reason. Reasons change like seasons.
Anywho, I had vit [sic] C and D and a dollop of magnesium for the ladies.
But what do I know?
Nutrition ain’t exactly my thing doc.
I’m looking forward to the cure for the common cold, which seems a bit late to arrive, given the ease and speed the COVID ‘vaccine’ was delivered & given they are both in the same viral family. Easy no?
I think covid is the cure for the common cold also the flu seeing how it’s been eradicated since this plandemic.
COordinated Virus ID
Many people think the acronym stands for Certificate Of Vaccination ID (and with ’19’ standing for ‘Artificial Intelligence’ – ie, ’19’ – the 1st and 9th letters of the alphabet being A. and I…).
Bearing in mind the underlying agenda of the ‘health’ passports, and the associated 24/7 surveillance = digital slavery… they could well be right.
Horrifying times.
(apologies for not being able to embolden the relevant letters to emphasise the C.O.V.I.D. letters, above… am not sure how to do it! I know the relevant tools are below, but have not yet tried them on this site, even though I do, of course, know how to use them in emails!)
P.S. Have now attempted to use them… and succeeded!!
I have not used Google or Wikipedia for years. In fact I am now conditioned to ignore the wikipedia search results and move on to the next result.
There is no reason to use Wikipedia. Who needs a sub-par Encyclopedia Britannica when you’ve got the web at your fingertips?
It’s nothing but laziness. And it’s the only reason the propaganda-censorship-surveilance works. If people put in an ounce more effort it would fall apart.
Couldn’t agree more.
Go to the HMCTS and use common sense.
Apologies if this has been posted previously but EVERYONE should watch this.
Sly devious murdering bastards
No harm to repost for any who missed it.
Spread the word as often as needed.
slow his voice down and then look away quickly then look back and he sounds and looks like George bush.
There’s your smoking gun. Patents.
I reposted your link. Thanks very much.
I was going to share this with the esteemed James Corbett.
But instead, that dirty commie stole my 0.90 Canadian rubles. I didn’t get my email… I didn’t even get diner before he… Oops…
And he’s in Japan. God damn it!
He’s some sort of Canadian Japanese mind hacker or something.
I even paid to be silenced. 🇯🇵👍👍
If you are wondering what 0.90 Canadian rubles buys, it’s a down payment on a cup of coffee. ☕
Interesting- Video not available.
Must have been informative; screwYoutube deleted it!
If I knew what it was, I’d look elsewhere for it…
The US are burning through, printing press dollars, that will soon have little value, they are engaged in a massive world wide ‘land grab’ and asset striping planned as a consequence of the covid ‘sanctions’.
”KKR steps up pursuit of British targets as private equity buyout frenzy builds”
Hurrah! The UK Government don’t want us sitting in front of a computer all summer, they want us out-and-about:
We can create “hybrid heroes” or learn new skills…. what’s the first one they suggest? grow your own food? make your own clothes? no, it’s “coding”. Looks like we will be sitting in front of that computer after all.
Of course it’s the government, after ruining our lives for 16 months, now posing as our friend and saviour – before re-introducing lockdown come the autumn flu season.
Why not simply say do as you wish. What’s with the serving suggestions?
How will they still be able to administer emergency vaccines without an emergency?
Why should we believe a liar now?
coding means you don’t always need to leave your house to work, while more businesses go bust.
the gov didn’t, compliance did.
If coding was easy everyone would do it. You have to have something to code to start with.
Manly bearded men wear extra large face nappies when faced with less deadly than the flu deadly megadeath virus of doom
I’m having one of my ‘I just can’t fucking believe how stupid you’d have to be to fall for this bullshit days’, but then the horrible other thought follows on fast, which is that they don’t believe it but are doing what they are told, and actively choosing to believe what they have been instructed to believe, taking the cowardly and intellectually bankrupt route, and then dark thoughts follow on from that. A Spitfire flies over my home town regularly from a local airfield, and I think, what’s the point? All anybody had to do to successfully invade and occupy this place was scare them all into submission with a rebranded flu.
And the thought has often occurred to me that they already have….we just don’t know the enemy any more….we were led to believe it was the pesky Russians or Asian hordes etc which o could never get excited about….but the real enemy was the US based multinational who want to extract every last cent…and our stupid politicians are just very excited to be helping them with their task…probably for a political donation and invite to come idiot conference like davos…
Yesterday in town I saw a lady wearing a spangly gold shiny one that looked to be covered in sequins?? If she had come any nearer I might have asked her if the reflective properties of sequins kept her extra safe? Greetings from west wales.
Only in West Wales.
Greetings from East Wales.
That’s SO lame it’s stupefying.
You haven’t seen the proud EMO accessory versions of the face nappy, proudly worn by teenagers with the platform boots and black attire and hair, it’s a thing
If she had come any nearer I might have asked her if the reflective properties of sequins kept her extra safe?
I’m a city boy with no experience in animal husbandry, but those oversized masks look awfully familiar: