Syrian Civilians Attacked by Terrorists using American Weapons
Vanessa Beeley in Idlib

UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres celebrated the extension of a “humanitarian” border crossing at Bab Al Hawa, on July 10th, as a “lifeline for millions of people” – many Syrians would rather describe it as a “lifeline” for Al Qaeda.
On the 15th July I visited Jurin, a village to the north of the Hama governorate and only 5km from the Syrian allied military frontlines with the Al Qaeda-dominated armed groups controlling Idlib, north-west Syria.
We arrived at around 9 am to the boom of mortar and rocket fire from the Jabal az Zawiya mountain that is under control of Turkish-backed armed groups. Jurin is in the Al Ghab plains at the foot of two mountain ranges and is an easy target for the elevated terrorist positions, occupying Jabal az Zawiya.
On June 20th, a three-year-old child, Massa Akram Saleh, was murdered by the armed groups who targeted her family home, injuring her father and brother, five-year-old Akram Saleh, whose body was lacerated by shrapnel wounds. Massa was rushed to Al Sqeilbiyyeh hospital, a journey of one hour, but later died. Her brother and father are still receiving treatment. Massa’s grandfather told me:
If this had been a child of the militants, the UN would have made a big case of it. Hundreds of children have died in our area but it is as if nobody died at all”
The grandfather describes a daily deluge of attacks from the Turkey-assisted armed groups, targeting the triangle of Jurin, Al Safafeh and Zkereh. He begs the Syrian forces to push the militants at least as far as the M4 highway and away from the region, to bring an end to the ceaseless aggression.
This is an aggression that apparently is not worth mentioning in UN reports on the cross border “humanitarian” activity. He thanks the Syrian Arab Army for doing everything they can to keep the extremist groups at bay.

A mother with her baby and the grandmother of three-year-old martyr, Massa Saleh in Jurin. Photo: Vanessa Beeley
While the grandfather is talking to me, a mother carrying a baby, hugging her children, is cowering and weeping in the background as the shells continue to fall. Next to her is Massa’s grandmother who cannot move without her walking frame.
One shell had hit the outer wall of the house just before we arrived, another had blown a two meter crater in the garden behind the extended family home. A third exploded five meters from where I was standing while I interviewed a second family member, Ghaith Ghazi Saleh. He told me:
We are being targeted on a daily basis with shells from Az Zawiya mountain. During the last two or three years we have seen Turkish convoys coming into the area not more than 2km from our farmlands, they prevent us from cultivating our farmlands [..] the artillery that bombards us is Turkish. The coordinates are provided by the terrorists”

On left the rocket that targeted the Saleh household on 15/7/2021 and on the right the debris from the strike in the hallway. Photo: Vanessa Beeley
Saleh informed me that the armed groups target schools, residential areas and civilian infrastructure. They even targeted a funeral procession and a condolences gathering two years ago, according to Saleh. He describes the Turkish and armed group destruction of the land. Saleh talks of the intensification of militant aggression to target Russian/Syrian humanitarian corridors that are an effort to allow Syrian civilians to safely escape the armed occupation of north-west Syria.
This is something that I had previously witnessed in Aleppo and Eastern Ghouta as civilians attempted to flee to the safety of Syrian Arab Army humanitarian collection points, they were cruelly shelled or sniped by the occupying extremist groups, furious that their human shields were evading them.
US-manufactured weapons in the hands of Al Qaeda affiliates
It is no secret that the CIA Timber Sycamore operation supplied US-manufactured weapons to “moderate” extremist groups that mysteriously ended up in the hands of terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Weapons that included the TOW anti-tank missiles that are liberally used by the Idlib armed groups against civilian targets which is an undeniable war crime according to investigative journalist, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, who has specialised in uncovering the illegal arms trade in Syria.
In Gaytandzhieva’s latest investigation, she reveals that the Pentagon is “buying $ 2.8 billion worth of weapons for conflict zones around the world. Most of the weapons are destined for Syria.” Videos and images released by the armed groups clearly show that Hayat Tahrir As Sham (HTS) an Al Qaeda offshoot have been supplied with US TOW missiles in Idlib.
Unexploded #US TOW rocket in #Jurin #Idlib borders today. "Humanitarian aid" enables the supply of these weapons to #AlQaeda to kill #Syrian civilians. When the #UN sheds crocodile tears for "humanitarian" crisis, it is enabling US regime sanctioned terrorism. @dgaytandzhieva
— vanessa beeley (@VanessaBeeley) July 15, 2021
During my visit to Jurin, I was shown a number of weapons that had been used against civilian infrastructure and residential areas. They included a 155mm Turkish Army artillery shell and an unexploded US-origin TOW missile. According to residents, Turkey is supplying the armed groups with incendiary missiles which are being used to torch farmland and agricultural crops, again a familiar tactic to starve civilians and force them to leave their land. I was shown fields that were blackened and burned as evidence of this barbaric practice.

The scorched earth policy in Jurin, Turkey and terrorist groups have deliberately burned agricultural crops and farmland. Photo: Vanessa Beeley
It must raise the question – how do these weapons enter Idlib? Press TV journalist, Serena Shim, revealed in 2013 that World Food Programme (WFP) “humanitarian” aid trucks were being used to smuggle ISIS terrorists and weapons into Syria via the Turkish border crossings.
Shortly after Shim reported on this nefarious activity, she died in a suspicious car accident after being threatened by Turkish authorities. 2020 Nobel Peace Laureate WFP still has a presence and involvement in Bab Al Hawa.
In 2021 the official border crossings have been reduced down to one, Bab Al Hawa. A Russian UN representative statement informs us that:
The UN still has no presence in Idlib de-escalation zone which is controlled by international terrorists and fighters. It’s not a secret that the terrorist groups control certain areas of the de-escalation zone and use the UN humanitarian aid as a tool to exert pressure on [the] civil population and openly make profit from such deliveries.”
Turkish mobster Sedat Peker, former ally to President #Erdogan, revealed he shipped arms, military supplies, drones, vehicles to al-Nusra front in #Syria at the request of #Sadat, Turkish contractor run by Erdogan's former chief military advisor Adnan Tanriverdi.
— Abdullah Bozkurt (@abdbozkurt) May 30, 2021
In May, Sedat Peker, a gangster and former aide of Turkish President Recep Erdogan exposed the trafficking of weapons and vehicles from Turkey to Al Qaeda by a contractor called SADAT that was run by Erdogan’s former military advisor.
Who controls Bab Al Hawa?
According to an Al Monitor article in May 2020, HTS seize at least 10% of the ‘humanitarian” aid entering Bab Al Hawa. HTS benefit from illicit trade of UN-supplied equipment and aid and have a monopoly over the processing of oil stolen by the US Coalition and proxies in occupied North-East Syria via their lucrative WATAD operation.
The HTS warlords make an estimated $130 million per month from this criminal merchanting of Syrian resources and UN “aid” while imposing heavy taxes and “customs fees” on civilians to supplement their dwindling foreign assistance.
Syrian analyst, Ibrahim Mohammad, highlighted a May 2020 report in Amjad Media, a known Nusra Front (Al Qaeda) media outlet that revealed the establishment of a military “unified operations room” in Bab Al Hawa which included Turkish military officers and HTS fighters. In other words, an Al Qaeda central command supported by NATO member state, Turkey.
Other recent articles highlighting the true purpose of the US Coalition determination to maintain Bab Al Hawa can be found here and here.
Turkey is embedded in Idlib to support Al Qaeda and target Syrian civilians
Nine months ago a Turkish convoy entered Quqfin to the east of Jurin and established a military observation base. According to the Syrian military personnel I spoke to in Jurin, this Turkish base is providing surveillance and coordinates for HTS enabling them to target not military installations but civilian infrastructure, schools, farmland and homes. Turkey is enabling war crimes and committing them, according to Syrian residents in Jurin.

The Turkish military base in Quqfin providing surveillance for HTS/Al Qaeda. Photo: Syrian Media in Jurin
Zeyzoun power plant, Turkish-backed industrial theft of Syrian infrastructure
In May 2020 the former Syrian Ambassador to the UN, Dr Bashar Al Jaafari, detailed the Turkish sponsored theft of the largest power station in north-west Syria, Zeyzoun power plant. The plant supplied electricity to the Al Ghab region where Jurin is located, Hama, Latakia, Tartous (on the coast) and to Idlib.
The plant was destroyed by the armed groups under Turkish control prior to plundering the remains and transporting them to Turkey via the Bab Al Hawa “humanitarian” crossing. This left the Al Ghab area with extended electricity outages which are exacerbated by the US direct and proxy occupation of Syrian oil resources in the North East. Destruction of essential civilian infrastructure is, again, a war crime.
Various groups have occupied Zeyzoun since 2015 but the dominant warlord is still HTS or Al Qaeda. However, according to a field source at the time of the dismantlement and destruction, it was members of the salafist Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) that brought engineering equipment and machinery to Zeyzoun to dismember the plant for scrap and revenue.
The same group had been accused of theft of electrical transformers and agricultural crops to trade and provide income as their financial backing had largely dried up. The power plant comprised three gas generators each with a capacity of 128 megawatts, powered by gas and fuel. The following is a video of the final demolition of the power plant by the TIP:
Combined with the US Coalition illegal occupation of fuel resources, the damages sustained by the electricity and energy sectors in Syria and sanctions have devastatingly impacted on the ability of the Syrian state to provide electricity and power to civilians. This is a deliberate policy by the US/UK alliance to collectively punish the Syrian people and to coerce them into opposition to the Syrian government and Presidency. The destruction of Zayzoun alone will need an estimated $ 450 million to restore.
The NATO-member-state extremist proxies have deliberately destroyed and looted Syrian infrastructure in every region they have occupied, this is not coincidence. In October 2015, the US Coalition directly bombed the Aleppo power station plunging the region into darkness.
This sadistic tactic had been employed previously in Iraq in 1991and is ongoing today with the ISIS destruction of electrical power grids and stations – actions by a terrorist group that the US has empowered, equipped and trained despite it being the false pretext for the US/UK/EU military footprint in the Middle East. It is a major part of the psychological war being waged against the Syrian people to bring them to heel and to force “regime change”.
Why did Russia sanction the 6-month extension for the Bab Al Hawa crossing?
Russia and Syria have historically opposed the UN “aid’ runs via Turkey for reasons that become obvious when considering the benefits for Al Qaeda. Many were surprised that Russia in the end approved the 6 month extension. However, there is a promised “substantive” UNSG report into the Cross Border Mechanism transparency which will be of concern to the US Coalition and Turkey as Russia will presumably be gathering evidence to prove that much of the aid is destined for Al Qaeda and to sustain the war against the Syrian government.
I believe Russia took this decision to prevent US accusations of belligerence post the Biden, Putin summit in Geneva while hoping to ensure that terrorist sponsorship by NATO member states is fully exposed and that those involved should be held accountable for the resulting war crimes.
Many Syrians, however, including those suffering daily attacks in Jurin and the other frontline villages will deem this decision a political one which will have dire consequences for their communities. This is another example of how this externally fomented and sustained war has impacted so horrifically upon the Syrian people, leaving nobody untouched by tragedy and loss.
Bab Al Hawa is not a lifeline for the Syrian civilians of Jurin
One thing is clear from my recent visit to the Idlib battle frontlines – the Bab Al Hawa border crossing is not the “humanitarian” lifeline as described by US, UK representatives and aligned officials at the UN. For these civilians, it represents the perpetual threat of death or injury, the destruction of their livelihood and a life of deprivation, bloodshed and fear.
Western media is still amplifying the alleged “war crimes” of Sryian and Russian forces battling to liberate Syrian territory from the clutches of terrorist groups that would massacre the residents of Jurin in an instant if they could break through Syrian and Russian defences.
Two days after my visit, during the night of the 17th July, eleven civilians were injured by HTS shelling, including one child. This is the reality of this war, never explored by the NATO-aligned media outlets and “humanitarian” agencies who seek only to demonise the Syrian government and to “disappear” these inconvenient Syrians who expose the moral vacuum of their Syria narratives.
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I would like to remind everyone here that this has been going on regardless of which u. s. party has been in power.
Firstly, Thank You Vanessa for your outstanding work and your belief in true humanity.
Stay safe.
The UK on the wrong side as usual and they wonder why ‘they’ hate us…
When the members of the the likes of the 33rd Lightweight Brigade read this do they feel proud? Does it make you feel hard? Important? or just impotent?
One day…
Reverend Nasr’Allah pays tribute to the importance of honest reports from Truther sites (such as this one by Vanessa in OffG) in the struggle for justice and mercy:
“There are people whose houses were destroyed, and yet they stand patiently over the wreckage, expressing their determination to continue resisting.
There are those whose family members are killed, as we have recently seen in Gaza and see every day in Jerusalem and the West Bank, as well as in the occupied Palestinian territories. There are similar scenes in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and many places.
Therefore, this media base exists. It needs your discourse, the facts that you report, as well as your interaction because the word that comes from the heart enters the heart.
A few days ago, the USA shut down more than 33 websites. If these had no influence and were ineffective, why would the enemy bother taking them down?”
Dilyana is an intrepid reporter. She was one of the first to tell the world about the goings-on at Lugar Centre for “Public Health Research” in Tiblisi, Georgia.
Because Russia, the US, Syria, the mercenaries (even Turkey) are staging the Syrian war. In order to annihilate civilians, whilst pretending it’s a proxy war, to further the East vs West psy-op and the other fake narratives such as “hacking”.
Once you figure out all the wars are staged by Masonic psychopaths and orchestrated (otherwise they are always over in mere days) everything makes sense: How state powers always fund terrorism and train mercenaries. Why so many civilians are murdered, driven off their land and made refugees. How the leaders of these nations always meet beforehand or through backchannels. And how Russia, China, the US (and to a lesser degree, France and the U.K.) always have a thriving arms market.
It’s important to keep the psy-op of the Freemason banking cartel’s, planned, phony wars in place, otherwise the citizenry might get wise to the fact that their leaders like to sacrifice them, en masse in faux pandemics and faux wars.
This is all courtesy of the election-stealing wokester fascists in Washington.
Indeed, I think foreign policy was they main reason they “needed” to steal the election.
There will be more of this until the cancer is removed.
Oh dearie me. Even an article on Syria has people commenting on COVID here. No wonder Caitlin Johnstone keeps off the subject.
Back to topic, thank God for Putin. It would have been game over for Syria years ago had he not bravely stood up to NATO and the Neoliberal World Order.
Keep up your brilliant work Vanessa. May God protect you from the evil doers at all times.
Caitlin Johnstone keeps off the subject of Covid for one reason – she’s been told to.
Yes, but there’s another reason. Caitlin Johnstone has generally good instincts in her reading of world events, and at her best she wields a wickedly poison pen in skewering most of the lies we’re fed. The problem is, and this became clear to me after being a fan of Caitlin’s, that she’s a narcissist. She lays off Covid because she’s afraid to lose readers, and for the same reason she will throw out occasional sops to the TDS brigades, lest they take her political critiques, as they often do, for Trumpist apologias. (A more solid intellectual wouldn’t care.) But the worst of her narcissism is in her “creative” endeavors: the terrible poetry, fictional sketches, the horrendous videos, drawings, songs (Chrissakes!), and so on. There’s no need to pollute her political commentary with third-rate creative endeavors, but she just can’t help it. I can’t stand it any more.
In my world she’s henceforth toast. Her newsletters go straight to the spam box.
Good evaluation if perhaps too personal ? I believe she feigns a form of idealism viewed through the lens of materialism working the woke crowd perhaps ?
This analysis rings true. Thanks!
I can’t forbear adding that the analysis also seems applicable to certain prolific commenters here.
This may seem off-topic, though it is anything but. It tells of the first nuclear bomb test in the New Mexico desert – and the callous disregard for those affected by it. Is it any wonder the US military could care less about Syrian civilians?
Leading Up to Hiroshima, 76 Years Ago: The First Nuclear Bomb Exploded in the Desert of New Mexico – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Dear Vanessa – thankyou for the glimpse of reality, and for the very evident risks you took. We’ve seen nothing about Syria here for months till last week when a leader of JAI appeared in his office – in Paris? – and some White Helmets digging again for children. What we do hear endlessly however is about the 3 million, or sometimes 4 million, IDPs living in tent camps around Bab al Hawa – the alleged destination of the alleged aid convoys. Do you have any information to give some credibility to this figure, or a more accurate estimate? I doubt the real number is anything approaching it.
“a military “unified operations room” in Bab Al Hawa which included Turkish military officers and HTS fighters. In other words, an Al Qaeda central command supported by NATO member state, Turkey. ”
Sounds like a juicy target for RuAF.
A single Russian attack on an underground command post of the terrorists killed around 12 Turkish, Saudi and Qatari officers. Turkish engineers built the bunker in 2013. It was under up to 40 feet of bedrock, 3 stories deep, and had space for about 300 persons.. The Syrian refugees going to Europe are from areas under the control of al Nusra and al Qaeda. The aim may be to break up EU, replacing it with “neo-nationalist” governments. -Gordon Duff, 2015
From abandoned weaponry, UK-based Conflict Armament Research found that ISIL had been using what USA supposedly supplied to “allies”, including anti-tank missiles. As far back as 2012, NYT had reported that most of the weaponry USA provided Syrian “rebels” were going to fundamentalists. -Darius Shahtahmasebi, ICH 2017
In areas the Syrian military liberated from terrorists, it has found chemical weapons made by Federal Laboratories and NonLethal Technologies of USA, and by Cherming Defence of UK. -Leonid Slutsky (Chairman of Russian Duma Comm. for Foreign Affairs) 2017
Antonio Guterres is one hell of a baddie.
The USA, with its many forever wars, has rendered the very concept of “war crimes” not only moot but a running international joke. Thus it is that Turkey can commit all the “war crimes” Ms Beeley notes yet not give a second thought to repercussions.
In a world where nothing but the interests of major powers and their aristocracy matters, there is no such thing as “repercussions” for any atrocity committed against the people of nations without the means of stopping the major powers and their infinity of proxies in their tracks.
(Nor will there be such a thing as a final reckoning, when the aggressors get their just due. God, who used to be an Englishman, is now an American. Perhaps tomorrow He’ll morph into a Chinese, ready to do their bidding.)
War everyone on Earth is involved one way or another, becomes more and more arm in arm through history so you have less separatist lands and peoples oblivious.
anglo-zionist (and this includes all their gladio henches) war is specifically waged against the civilian population (the true nature of terrorism).. with ‘industrial fervour’ and abatoir production line intent… thus, little children riddled with bullet holes.. and pious imperious imbeciles pontificating on the their ‘moral’ ‘crusades’..
the little helpers who give their consent, the dogs of war in ‘uniform’ and ‘non combatants’ nodding at home in front of the idiot box…
this is the dis-order of the day, managed and packaged by corporate misanthropes who are all ‘invested’ and have ‘shares’ in the ‘carnage’..
and all coming to a street near you… so get ready numbskulls..
‘professor’ (credentialed imbecile) lindemann ( ‘viscount’ cherwell to you plebs) must be pleased to see his little baby all grown up..
“The UN still has no presence in Idlib de-escalation zone which is controlled by international terrorists and fighters. It’s not a secret that the terrorist groups control certain areas of the de-escalation zone and use the UN humanitarian aid as a tool to exert pressure on [the] civil population and openly make profit from such deliveries,” said the Russian rep. What should we expect from the same organization that is at the center of the emerging terrifying global biosecurity police State?
These Terrorists in Control, should not underestimate our Courage, from ordinary people, like my wife and I, and our friends
So be There Tomorrow if You Possibly Can
All Over The World – wherever you are
Turn Up, and Just Walk Down the Road in Your Capital City or your small hometown.
Protest with Words and Songs
Fight For Our Freedom , for our Children and Granchilden by Singing, and Banging Your Drums.
World Wide Anti Lockdown 24th July 2021
Ask your friends locally.
No one will give you a hard time.
There is Strength in Numbers
You will feel great for being there
PROTESTING against this EVIL
You just turn up.
In the end, it’s a bunch of rich people with power acting like the complete psychopaths they are. In many countries. The world is going to have to have a “come to Jesus” moment here soon or else, and I don’t mean that literally but in the sense of “a moment of epiphany, enlightenment, or intuition regarding the truth of the matter”, and/or “a point in time in which fundamental priorities and/or beliefs are challenged, reassessed, or reaffirmed”. When was the last time global humanity had one of those, after WWII? Sort of, even though it was mostly a sham as fully seen now (like, Nuremburg what?) Maybe we should just go ahead and schedule one, say November 1st, “This is to serve notice to all humans on Planet Earth that we will be having a Come to Jesus Moment on November 1st, 2021”. Well, might have to come up with another name, too many dumb shits on the planet.
JINGO! Then we can look forward to good old Bonfire Night..bangers Roman candles starburst rockets etc etc.. sparklers for children and parents who act like children calling themselves…Partners.
Police must also love it, they have children as well, called little rozzers.
People who object we call PINGPONG JINGOBONG.
What do you think?
By November we’ll probably be in lockdown mode again as another plague sweeps across the planet ? The Wuhan flu having accomplished its goal at the onset of the Great Reset , and the New Reality solidifies .
The same entity that created that Hell on Earth for the people of the middle-east has moved its focus inward, towards the people who fund it, through their taxes.
We are, now, paying for the privilege of destroying our own lives as well.
After the last year and a half, anyone who still believes that there is a ‘West’ versus Russia or China is utterly deluded.
As the entity known as Shakespear said, ‘All the world is a stage’.
However as that old meme vanishes Mr Assad must have many restless nights as the new deal between the 3 world powers concerning Syria is worked out , ditto the mullahs in Iran. Oil and a Mediterranean naval base may not be enough to keep China and Russia onside.
Does Putin give a damn about war crimes in Syria.
I doubt that as he did not give a damn about indiscriminate slaughter of ethnic Russians by ukronazi battalions in Donbass in 2014/2015 even if they have close families in RF citizen across the border with Rostov region. Instead he sent liaison officers to frontline to observe … violations of Donbas militia while refused to do the same on militia side because.. DPR and LPR were not officially recognized by Russia while Nazi Kiev regime was immediately recognized, They kept pumping nat gas through Ukraine as Kiev regime was stealing it shutting down supplies to the west and never even paid for what it took. All that when RF embassy in Kiev was on fire and entire personnel emergency evacuated as they lives were in danger.
one thing about Putin is clear he is neither friend nor foe of Bashar Assad and Syrian people. Russia follows her own narrow interest either regional or geopolitical and hence is only interested in acceptable short or log term status quo in the interest of RF as Putin sees it. And Putin is courting Turkey second most powerful army in NATO ( sold them S400 ) and Israel regional nuclear power. Through almost entire Syria, war Netanyahu visited Moscow about twice a year, the same Netanyahu who bombs Syria regularly, while Russian defense system s400 sleep.
Putin said in UN in 2017 that RF is in Syria not to support of Assad but to fight Chechen terrorists who took leading role as commanders of most “successful” and most brutal and inhumane ISIS operations like mass killing over hundred children 8-14 age who failed training in ISIS camp and refused to kill or became suicide bombers.
Putin in Syria defends Russian interests only, nothing more and nothing less, not interested in war crimes and hence claims that he is trying to bring attention to those crimes by agreeing to extend western weapons supply corridor for half a year is ridiculous as Russian media long and continuously expose those crimes at least from 2014 in Syria or even before that with nothing percolating into western propaganda machine or into even slightest changes in western policies regarding Syria..
BDY. Great Journalism Venessa.
Would you be happier if Putin defended Washington’s interests only…?
I would think he had become a certifiable lunatic.
Sometimes it looked like he did by refusing to upgrade and sell spare parts to Soviet SU ground attack warplanes in 2011-2015 or to deliver to Assad Top Russian attack helicopters paid for in 2008 , engaging in pointless Geneva process aimed specifically at disposing of Assad under guise of UN organized elections and replacing him with puppets of Salafists of ISIS and al-Qaeda US and GCC funded. They cooperated with Americans in so called chemical weapons use inquiry and consequences CW disarmament of Syria, which actually fed the western propaganda did not stop continuing chemical warfare provocations of terrorists including Douma.
Only when in 2014 Assad successfully introduced his total amnesty plan for everyone except for foreign fighters and received strong military supports from Hezbollah, IRG, Palestinians and Iraq Shia militia then Putin recognized fact and intervened in the war not in Assad dark hours of 2013-2014 when his palace was shelled and few assassination attempts were made but in late 2015 when it was already Assad’s to win, and in the same time got Syrian concessions of building new air base and expand the existing Russian navy base in Tartus.
Or was made an offer he couldn’t refuse ? Putin is a classical tyrant and will become more Stalin like the longer he retains power.
Putin is just another gangster politician. And he takes his orders from powerful special interests (transnational capitalist class) the way they all do. For now.
I see by downvoting, that it seems not too many people want to recognize factual truth about who are all politicians East and west, gangsters in Armani suits freaks of control and brutality preoccupied solely with their own power as COVID sham proved. Putin is leading suppression of Covid skeptics in Russia firing many doctors pushing them out of medical profession by phony tax evasion charges or professional misconduct, closing clinics run by Covid skeptics . Social media censorship in Russia is at least as bad as in the US. It is not only you and I see it that way.
James Corbett reported a while ago that Putin had passed a censorship law. I lost all respect for Putin when I seen him in a hazmat suit not for poisonous chemicals but for biosecurity theater purposes in connection with the covd 19 pandemic hoax. Corbett does a good job of showing up the phony East/West conflict as well (China, Russia and the West). Who knows who’s downvoting? I’d ignore it. It’s a system open to abuse and abused it is.
There is certainly some truth in that hypothesis . Putin and Kissinger, the worlds senior war criminal have been close associates since Putin , now reputed to be one of the most wealthy men in Russia, rose to power.
Yes agreed – but you won’t find such “bloody great journalism” on the Guardian, and they really need more writers like you who can package the whole lot together into one bloody great p.o.s. You’re wasting your time here anyway.
Hello Kalen: All excellent points. As you can see from the down votes, most “westerners” are still wrapped up in their own petty bullshit, and have no intention of pressuring their governments to come clean and quit the ongoing slaughter in the Mid-East.
Putin is the same kind of animal as all the other corporate cock suckers… As was said: “All wars are bankers wars.” and those who are critical of your comments are aiding and abetting corporate and oligarchic control of their lives and futures. They wonder why their children hate their sorry asses, and end up cutting themselves and/or committing suicide.
I gave you up votes for having the intelligence and courage to say what needs to be said.
the first casualty of war is truth ! A depressing fact , unfortunately I tend to find Ms Beeley view more accurate than NATOs . A US controlled organization that has far outlived it purpose. Were it not for Russia and to a lesser extent China , Syria would now be like Somalia , Afghanistan , and Iraq , and may yet be , as the geopolitical objectives of our globalized overlords change.
Frankness leads to truth you could probably find and ask people from those countries in London.
Pragmatic truth and Platonic views of absolute truth have become polar opposites . I see no way to reconcile the two belief systems ?
“War is primarily not about victory or defeat but about death and the infliction of death. It represents the total failure of the human spirit.”
~ Robert Fisk (12 July 1946 – 30 October 2020)
War is about gaining power over others . Deaths in war aka body count is simply a simplified way of keeping score. Since the end of the last ice age warfare has become the primary endeavor of most of humanity , fight , become enslaved , or killed are the choices.
The problem is not ISIS terrorists, the problem is the NATZO powers who created ISIS. NATZO’s proxy army was defeated years ago, but NATZO’s regular army of occupation (primarily U$A+Turkey) cannot be removed without risking a world war. I see renewed signs on the diplomatic front, encouraged by the increasingly uncomfortable situation of our “bravest and finest” in Afghanistan and lately in Iraq. As the Afghans said to our boys when they arrived armed with superior toys: You have the watches but we have the time.
That said, it is sickening to learn what Vanessa has the courage to go and see for herself, and to show us on what is being done in our name.
Todays volunteer armies are neither brave nor our finest as the mounting atrocities committed against civilians mount up. The are the tip of a bloody spear forced into the belly of humanity by our overlords in search of power and wealth.
Good report. But you can summarize it as Turkey out of control.
Decades ago the EU could have done a deal with Turkish secularists. It preferred to push Turkey to the wall. Now we can see why. Same policy as Afghanistan. Back the radicals against international coexistence in favour of private, corporate and sectional interests.
Private (banker drug baron) interests privilege themselves over nations? Say it ain’t so.
Four months ago, I wrote a dispatch to the men and women of the United States military, active duty and veterans, asking them to prepare for the eventuality of being given orders they know in their hearts to be immoral and unconstitutional. What seemed needlessly alarmist is now proving to be prescient as Biden’s administration—with only token and duplicitous resistance from Republicans—is transitioning from pressuring Americans to get “vaccinated” to potentially using the full might and coercive force of government to compel everyone to get injected with experimental boosters.
As always, our bravest and finest will be the first ones in the line of fire; the US Army has already instructed commands to prepare to administer mandatory Covid-19 “vaccines” as early as September. The US Navy is following suit; Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Admiral John Nowell affirmed that as soon as the FDA approves the “vaccines”, they too will most likely mandate jabs. According to, the Pentagon is eyeing forced “vaccinations” for all DoD personnel in a move that is not only an outrageous infringement of our rights as Americans but also has the potential to undermine military preparedness….continued…
“Coercion, threats, blackmail, murder and a plethora of other unsavory criminal acts all to get WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) to be victims of the Billy Eugenics EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT toxic viral cull juice gene experiment. The WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST PSYCHOS have no shame.”
“Being called a pathological liar is considered a badge of honor for unprincipled CORPORATE FASCIST Langley Land hack propagandists. The Nuremberg Codes were written with just such slime in mind.

There are lies, damn lies, statistics… and then there is the dishonest disingenuous dissemblings of the the sleaze down at Fact Check.“
Hello S Cooper: As Fact Checkers stated, the vaccines are fine. It’s just the use of them that is questionable… Those ‘clinical trials’ are fine too. Just ask those who are now crippled or deceased. They’re happier than shit…
Hello Seek Wisdom: I appreciate your attempt to “inform” our bravest and finest, but our bravest and finest are little more than morons and hired thugs. Some would call them “mercenaries”.
We dress them up in expensive camouflage, and march them around in confetti parades. They are our idiot children, and we’re proud to have them grace our filthy streets.
It’s horrible to think that a totally insignificant amount of people will be aware of this. Just like truth about Convid; just like the truth about everything, ever. I’m going to turn my mind off as completely as I can for a few days and listen to the dicky birds! Anything else just turns my sarcasm level way over eleven.
There are two operations being run, the British hysteria and shut down, and the French coup, by the CIA from their armchairs in Washington. Sit back and enjoy as they gather their data during the stress testing.
Nothing to enjoy there.
This is no longer a world for human beings.
It’s a world for robots and sheep.
While there are human beings like Vanessa Beeley to redeem the name of Britain this will not be a world only for robots and sheep. But I believe there are superhuman forces at play:
“For we wrestle not [only?] against flesh and blood but against principles and powers in the cosmos” — St.Paul
I am convinced you’re right, Nick. Thank you for a rare wider perspective
I was really only objecting to the idea that there was anything to ‘sit back and enjoy’ about the current nightmare.
Dealing with sadness and anger are daily chores for me these days, but one does what one must.
Possibly , but how do guys like Macron , an international bankster , and a buffoon like BoJo or a senile crook like Biden gain power is the real untold story . A failure of democracy begins with the voters an unpleasant factoid ?