Repeat after me: “The PCR tests don’t work!”
The pandemic is only as real as the test, and test is a dice roll.
Catte Black
The PCR tests don’t work to diagnose active infection with covid19.
We all keep saying that don’t we, but we don’t seem able to grasp what it means, because even though we know PCR tests don’t work to diagnose infection we keep accepting all the statistics that are produced as a result of assuming PCR tests diagnose infection.
We say – “0h wow, covid numbers rising despite the lockdown”. Or “massive spike in people getting covid in THIS care home despite precautions”. Or “look the ‘vax’ doesn’t work because people who get it still catch covid”.
No. Wrong. They’re not “covid numbers”, they’re positive-test numbers. It’s not a spike in people ‘getting Covid’ in the care home, it’s a spike of people testing positive. The people who get the vax don’t “still catch covid”, they still test positive.
And the reason why these ‘anomalies’ happen, the reason why vaxxed people can still test positive, etc etc is the same reason a papaya can test positive – because the PCR tests don’t work.
We know it but keep forgetting it. So let’s say it again.
The PCR tests don’t work.
The PCR tests. Don’t. Work.
We all know the danger of false positives if too many cycles are run. This is admitted even by Fauci.
If you run your tests at 30 cycles or more the results are very likely to be junk and any positives meaningless. And, incredibly, most labs performing these tests have been doing just that – running cycles of 30 or more, even up to 45.
But this well known and important fact hides the even more important fact that even when the tests are done properly they still don’t work – in that they are not designed to do what they are being used for.
They don’t diagnose infection or detect active infection. They aren’t, for the most part, even specific for SARSCOV2. They just look to see if you have some random fragments of RNA in your body that someone has identified as being similar to some types of assumed viral RNA.
Even if the test truly finds this stuff inside you, and isn’t just spewing out nonsense from having its cycle threshold set too high, there is literally nothing to show this bit of junk has anything to do with your runny nose, sore throat, pneumonia or death. It might, but much more likely does not.
They weren’t even designed using real viral RNA from the (alleged) Sars-Cov-2 virus. They used “synthetic RNA” or “contrived sources”, because there were no isolated samples of Sars-Cov-2 available.
The CDC says that the 59 different PCR tests on the market can’t have their performance` compared…because they all used different “contrived samples” for their production.
So, in terms of diagnosis or epidemiology, the information we get is little better than if we took a six-sided die, labeled one side ‘positive’ and five sides ‘negative’ and started rolling.
Looked at like that, the mystery of post-vaccine “breakthrough infections” or “repeat infections” or “lockdown spikes” etc is not so mysterious is it? Turns out there’s one simple answer to all of them.
Why can you test positive and then negative and then positive again on the same day?
Because the tests don’t work.
Why do ‘breakthrough cases’ turn up?
Because the tests don’t work.
Why do ‘spikes’ sometimes happen during lockdowns?
Because the tests don’t work.
Why can you ‘catch covid’ more than once?
Because the tests don’t work.
Why can you ‘have covid’ without symptoms?
Because the tests don’t work.
Why does covid only ‘kill’ people already dying of something else?
Because the tests don’t work.
Why can you test positive after getting vaxxed?
Because the tests don’t work.
Why can a piece of fruit have covid?
Because the tests DON’T WORK.
Why does all-cause mortality not show any sign of a real pandemic?
Because theres isn’t one, because the killer bug is an illusion created by tests – that don’t work.
Absorb this fact. Internalize it. Stop talking about ‘cases’, stop buying the fundamental lie which sells all the other lies.
The pandemic is as real as the tests. And the tests don’t work.
The powers that be have even basically admitted it. Over and over again.
Why did the WHO start warning about false positives and high CT values after the vaccines were “approved”?
Because they know the tests don’t work.
Why is the CDC testing vaccinated people at lower CT values than unvaccinated people?
Because they know the tests don’t work.
Why are vaccinated people told to “skip routine testing”?
Because they know the tests don’t work.
Why has the NHS been told to disregard “incidental covid”?
Because they know the tests don’t work.
Do you get it yet?
You can die in a traffic accident, fall down the stairs, get bacterial pneumonia, have a coronary thrombosis, die of old age, or shoot yourself in the head – and a PCR test can make you a ‘Covid death’.
You could be vaxxed every other Tuesday or develop “natural immunity” a million times…but that scientifically meaningless PCR can still turn you into a case any time that chance (or the approved cycle threshold) decide.
That’s why no one will ever reliably ‘have immunity’ and this pandemic can last forever.
The pandemic will never end because it never really began.
It’s a scam, a pea and thimble game of phony stats designed to keep you locked down, afraid and isolated while an insane new cult moves its agenda into play.
That agenda is being clearly stated and has been from day one, and we have spent the last 16 months talking about it. It involves the biggest wealth and power transfer ever envisaged, the mass destruction of small businesses, home ownership, personal autonomy.
It involves apartheid and the demonization of anyone questioning the prevailing narrative – especially those refusing the experimental ‘vaccine’.
That the pandemic has been invented in part to sell the various potentially toxic non-vaccines is undeniable. Profit is part of the motive. Never underestimate the ruling psycho-archy’s eagerness to make a quick buck.
But is that really all it is? Any rational person has to ask why they are pushing these experimental chemical brews on people like an evangelical preacher selling salvation. Do these lunatics really want global depopulation as some are suggesting?
I don’t know. Frankly, back in 2019 even considering the PTB might have such an agenda seemed hysterical. But after 16 months of the New Insanity, it doesn’t seem like something to rule out unconditionally.
Why did the vax manufacturers get permission to sell these protocols without any previous testing?
Why are these brews still being sold despite unprecedented numbers of adverse reaction reports?
What exactly will the much-discussed spike proteins end up doing to their hosts?
Depopulation or just cynical exploitation of an opportunity to shift those damn mRNA “vaccines” never previously approved for human use (because the animal trials were a disaster)?
Who knows right now in this new Matrix of madness.
All we know for sure is the ‘pandemic’ is a lie being used to promote the interests of the most brutal, crazed, fanatical, reality-denying sector of the uber-wealthy – and your safety is NOT their priority.
Oh, and – in case it slipped your mind again already – the tests don’t work.
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The tests don’t work.
Please don’t undermine this important fact by saying “the tests don’t identify the variants” , or “if the tests DO work then…”
The. Tests. Don’t. Work.
This is the fact we need to absorb. Don’t dilute it.
The tests work fine.

Look at the chaos and destruction they caused!
Cute future icon. Near.
The trouble with facts is that the MSM just contradicts them. What I said (and I don’t know why I was deleted) is that even if the tests do work then all they prove is that the virus is not lethal. Or even remarkable. Call their bluff.
Wait, we have about a two in a million chance of dying. That’s pretty lethal to those two!
Like the feel-good Tom Hanks in “Saving Private Ryan” wheezed with his last breath to that eponymous private: “Earn thisss!”
In the USA Inc . Mythology they love to remind us, such campaigns are about not endangering even the slightest asymptomatic victim of covid.
They’ve done the same schtick for 50 years with the Vietnam POW/MIA circus, “leave not even one behind” despite that country showing that there is not even one single vet still hiding under a bed or a chicken coop.
Hey, it’s not about the destination, it’s the journey, Pilgrim (as Duke might say).
It’s not about the outcome, it’s the campaign.
Enter Lord Covid redux, and another coming “Winter of Our Discontent”.
Cha-ching. (Times trillions.)
I feel safer already…
Just as we did when the late supervillain Ken Lay of Enron milked us for 40+ billions during the summer of 2000 with the fake “California Electricity Crisis” and the fake solution of buying electricity from Arizona at double the cost to us. I told everyone that I could collar that it was riddled with all the same signs as this Covidapalooza of being a really monstrous scam, just more widely organized than a 19th century Wild West snake oil swindle and “elixir of youth”.
I took a lot of heat then, but nothing like this. I’ve been kicked out of two of my regular stops in the last year, one two days ago, and a lot of heat, in ridiculous and humiliating ways.
As polluted as Wikipedia is, they nevertheless have a revealing and accurate article “California Electricity Crisis 2000”.
A lot of people sent demons aplenty after me then, by “demonizing” me as a danger to public health. Nobody apologized when Kenny Boy Lay was found guilty on all counts of fraud 5 years later in Federal Court in Houston, that cesspool of corporate crime.
And then he died mysteriously of a heart attack weeks later before sentence could be imposed, so his “estate” got to keep his (our) ill-gotten billions.
But I’ll keep my purple hearts, he can keep his billions. I bet they burned holes in his deep pockets.
May the same fate await the Musks and other Bozos and Bezos of this merciless swindle, if they won’t come clean. Their wealth after Covid went up in a matterof months by anywhere from double (Bezos) to an order of magnitude (Musk).
May that whole crowd ponder the stark Gospel parable of Lazarus and Dives. Again. They seemed to have really missed the point made.
“If they didn’t listen…… they won’t listen to someone who rises from the dead.”
now the story has altered…if you are vax you can be relieved you won’t get too sick…the vax will have saved you….this ignores the fact that the majority were not getting sick from whatever before….
so now it is roll up and have your vax so you don’t get as sick….with as as sick whatever you wish to make it….
gotta keep the scam going at all costs…
They DON’T work. So discussing anything about ‘if they do’ is just conceding unnecessary ground.
Further thought. Yes, we are being murdered and/or maimed. FDA/CDC knew well in October before the vaccine roll-out that the vaccine caused death and destruction. It’s even in one of their slide shows they concocted. Making money is always there, but killing us is now front and center. They don’t need to kill us all at once, though there are already lots of dead bodies. We can die over time and most importantly, they can sterilize all the women. This is already apparent from the early effects.
I don’t think it dilutes anything to remember that they don’t work because they are not tests, yet they are being used as if they were.
That’s important.
Nice. Do NOT *dilute* the simple message.
Just lather, rinse, repeat.
The original idiocy of the “tests” needs be all our ‘Pole Star’.
Hear hear, best just stop right THERE.
As far as mass extinctions and the perceived need to play God, let the real One tend to all that. As we have noted elsewhere, if such a thing were to become absolute necessity, God can always find the nearest 6 mile meteor to seal the deal.
No matter how heartbreaking the details of our decline, we may only have to wait, as an extinct species, 66 million years or so, until, like the Jurassic dinosaurs, we are reconstructed to run free in our very own theme park.
That’s only down here, that is.
Thank God we can always hope in a higher, better realm than this. As Emily Dickinson put it many times, such things have wings.
Something like, “Hope is that wingèd thing that perches in the soul.”
Important to note that the PCR tests didn’t really start becoming the norm until about a year ago. It was around the same time the narrative went from Death count to Case count.
I remember it well because I was travelling from Italy (had been there for a quarantine stop – long story) on the 2nd of August 2020 as flights started opening and was required to get a PCR for my next leg of the journey. At that time PCRs were not available in Italy since they had been disqualified by the ministry of health as a testing medium. The doctors and nurses at the hospital asked me why I would possibly need a test that was worthless (this is a direct quote), after which they told me I could get as many blood tests to check for Covid as I wanted, but PCRs were not available at all; even for money.
Today, I assume even Italy has adopted PCRs as standard. Why the change of heart, is anybody’s guess. But can it be anything but nefarious?
PS Lovely piece btw
The PCR test cannot logically confirm the presence of a complete viral genome, the cycle threshold is not relevant. The PCR test can only confirm the presence of a small fragment of the genome.
A= Complete SarsCov2 genome
B= fragment of SarsCov2 genome
If A is present, therefore B is present (True. B is required for A)
If B is present, therefore A is present (Invalid; Assuming the Consequent)
Many are aware the PCR test is invalid when it’s run over 35 cycles. But the test is also invalid even when run at low cycles. The SARS-COV-2 virus is supposedly 30,000 “letters” (nucleotides) long. Guess what- the PCR test only checks ~50 of those letters for a match! How can anyone claim that only checking for 0.17% of the virus is enough to determine you’re infected with that virus, especially when they also claim the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus is ~80% similar to other coronaviruses, which only cause a mild cold?!
Virologists claim the world is teeming with trillions of viruses which are everywhere- in the oceans, ground and atmosphere. Only a tiny fraction of these viruses have been sequenced. So how can only checking for 0.17% of a virus be enough to identify it? The answer is- IT CAN’T- and the CDC and WHO know this! So all talk of “cases” and “variants” and even “COVID deaths”, which are all based on the PCR test is NONSENSE!
The REAL purpose of PCR is to manufacture a given strand of DNA. Primers at the beginning and end of the strand identify which segment will be replicated. Step 4 of this link show two typical COVID-19 primers, which are only 22+26=48 letters out of 30,000 letters!
Wikipedia shows the 8 steps of a PCR cycle and how the DNA strand is doubled (2,4,8,16 etc.) with every cycle. A PCR test is “positive” if enough DNA, which matches the primers, is manufactured to be detected by the time the set number of cycles is completed.
Kary Mullis, who invented PCR and won the 1993 Nobel Prize for it, repeatedly said the PCR test can’t be used to determine a viral infection. He also said Fauci is a “liar and a fraud” (due to Fauci’s role in the HIV=AIDS scamdemic) long before the rest of us learned this the hard way.
It seems that now they have tests that can tell which is delta variant, which is lambda variant, which is the Brazilian variant. Such a wonderfull progress of science!
Who can please explain the abbreviation PTB to a German reader?
Otherwise: Thank you very much for the wonderful article. Like so much at the Off-Guardian, once again a ray of hope in dark times.
And – by the way: The text is published in German on many platforms here.
Together we can do it 🙂
‘Powers That Be’. Sometimes written as TPTB – ‘The Powers That Be’. A2
Vielen Dank, Thanks a lot! TPTB in German: Die Mächte der Finsternis
That of course I know 😉
Seems to me that saying “PCR does not work as a test.” might have been a better way to go.
Yes indeed. The PCR test works well for the purpose for which it was designed, which is alongside a doctor’s physical examination of the patient- as an adjunct which might help clarify a diagnosis, but the trick being employed is to use it for a different purpose entirely, and to amplify the test material to the extent that all that is found in most ‘positive’ cases is a tiny fragment of genetic material remaining from a long dead virus- often debris from the common cold.
Drosten’s protocol is a fake and was clearly designed to create the impression of a pandemic where one has never existed, and of course that is why moves are afoot to indict him and others for crimes against humanity. I just pray that the actions go ahead and succeed. If they do, its all over for the conspirators.
Catte Black, if you see this, please understand that the conclusion that one can arrive at, based on the actions of the elite during this pandemic narrative, is for depopulation and humanity control. There is no doubt that this is the agenda, since the elite themselves have written that this is their desire in many of their publications for over 100 years.
But seriously does the reference that the PCR test for SARS-cov2 was positive in a papaya, made by an ex president of Tanzania, without any data to support it make one question the rest of the article just such a tiny little bit?
Yeah, isn’t he dead now?
Nope, the fact that papaya, coca cola and goat have tested positive is meaningful.
Don’t forget the goat.
Yes he died from unknown causes (CIA speak for murdered) after declaring the vaccine evil and that he will never allow it in his country.
He died shortly after that either by lead poisoning (bullet) or neurotoxin
(forced vaccination)
You can say that the tests don’t work, but you can’t say that the Vaxxed don’t get COVID, there have been a couple of hundred die of it in the UK.
In fact more vaxxed died of the so called Delta variant than unvaxxed.
Tony – think. If the tests don’t work to diagnose the infection how can anyone know someone ‘died of Covid’ as opposed to any other respiratory virus with identical symptoms?
If the tests don’t work the name becomes meaningless. Read the article again perhaps?
You surely are aware that having a positive test is not the sole criterion for diagnosing the disease. From the outset it was made clear by the WHO that a distinction should be made between those who test positive for the virus called SARS-cov2, and those who have symptoms and a clinical findings of the disease, called Covid-19, and these are very distinctive and unlike those of other current corona viruses. Where you are quite right is that sadly, the press and by neglect, the governments and even some scientists labelled those who are PCR positive as ‘cases’. This is wrong and it is very well known and documented that up to 80% of those testing positive may have mild or asymptomatic infection.
But otherwise your statements that the PCR does not work is baseless Andalla easy to dismantle point by point. But of course you may choose to censor my posts, because the your perception of the ‘truth’ is for you, better than the actual truth.
You’ll have to dismantle it point by point, or sit down. Your fighting words aren’t going anywhere.
BTW 80% are asymptomatic. 95% are moderate to mild cold/flu.
The symptoms of ‘covid’ are NOT unique. They are generic respiratory infection symptoms. As you well know.
The only way to diagnose ‘covid’ is with a test. If you have pneumonia and you test negative, you’re given a diagnoses of ‘suspected C-19’. Never the other way round. The tests are sacrosanct, at the same time they DON’T WORK. Hence all the aggressive cognitive dissonance. It’s a farce. A farce you are buying into.
You simply can’t amble your way on here and assert anything else. A2
Shall we look at some solid data? The ECDC has looked at this and the overall rate of hospitalisation is 7.5% and this is age dependent being up to 34.9% in those above 80 years of age. The death rate in those above 80 is 19%.and 7.4% in those 60-69 years. Given that the overall proportion of those aged 65 and above in the EU is about 20%, this means that there is an awful lot of individuals at risk from severe illness and death in the EU. So this is a real and serious problem.
You assert that the symptoms of Covid-19 are not unique and very generally that may be true. But there are now well documented publications that show some of the distinguishing features that do not occur with a great frequency in other diseases. To give one example: the loss of taste and smell is a common symptom in patients with Covid-19, even in those who have mild disease. This symptom, which is not related to nasal congestion, does not occur in other respiratory diseases. But even more seriously, the lung pathology, which is the major killer in this disease does not occur with the same frequency in say the seasonal ‘flu associated pneumonia. I can give you scientific links to this, if you like to verify for yourself.
You are contradicting yourself above by stating that the PCR is useless in diagnosing Covid-19, but then conceding that there is such a disease but that it is no different from other respiratory viruses. What do you base this on? I suppose that you will then state, without evidence, that because you know that the PCR does not diagnose anything then there is nothing to diagnose, sort of like the three wise monkeys approach.
Incidentally, I would appreciate candour, why do you not announce that I am in pre-moderation rather than stating that my comments are awaiting a spam check? Can you not tell the difference?
What does “7.5%” hospitalized even mean absent a specific test for the supposed disease?
7.5% of WHAT? Those with cold/flu symptoms plus meaningless positive test? Those ‘clinically diagnosed’ due to a runny nose, headache or fever?
Tons of BS is still just BS.
The lung pathology exhibited in alleged ‘Covid’ is identical to common pneumonia lung pathology in every way. Only distinction is a meaningless PCR.
Btw where does it say the loss of taste and smell is uniformly different from those common and often persistent symptoms in colds/flu? And where is the comparative literature?
Are you actually claiming this is sufficient for a differential diagnosis? 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
You are in an existential muddle over whether a thing that can’t be seen, touched, defined or diagnosed can still be said to exist simply because it has been given a name. That’s ok. But it’s not a topic for this forum.
Meaningless tests? These are people who have positive PCR tests and who have symptoms that are serious enough to be admitted. Many of those who died, did so because of acute respiratory distress, not something you die of because you have a runny nose!
Let us be honest, you have no medical training. It takes 6 years to qualify in medicine and then several more years to specialize. Doctors make diagnoses all the time, and believe me, are not as ignorant as you make them to be. So either the whole medical profession is buying in this hoax, or there is something wrong with your analysis.
If you are so finicky about off-topic, I promise you this is much more on topic than some of the nonsense and banter on this website. Just look at the comments on the recent article on Syria, most of them are completely off topic.
And while we are on the topic of specific pathology to Covid-19, were you aware that one of the most common features in serious cases is a thrombotic tendency. Here is a scientific paper to show how this happens, if you are aspiring to criticize professional doctors.
Yes. They have pneumonia PLUS a meaningless PCR. Are you alleging no one was ever hospitalized with pneumonia prior to 2020?
Yes. They died of pneumonia. And most of them were also very old and already terminal with something else. A small proportion of those with ‘runny noses’ due to respiratory virus will go on to develop more serious symptoms. Thousands of sick and aged people go that way every year. Literally the only diff is that in 2020 they were also given a meaningless PCR.
Wow, steep nosedive into intellectually bankrupt appeals to authority. 1) the ‘whole medical profession’ is not buying it. Hundreds, maybe thousands are complete skeptics on the reality of the pandemic. Some have lost their jobs by questioning bravely. Check out Doctors For Covid Ethics website. 2) even if every doctor in the world believed the narrative it would not make it true. Only the data can do that, and the data shows the ‘pandemic’ is a scam
I see you censored my answer.
I see no answer. Checked in spam etc. Hopefully you made a copy of it. Feel free to repost if you feel like it 👍 A2
You have removed this as well as another post of mine above. If you like to exercise censorship then that’s fine, just don’t claim to own the truth.
Please stop making fake claims of censorship to cover the fact you are embarrassed by having no valid responses.
with all due respect Sophie – and Catte – I feel that your persistence in maintaining that the PCR test “doesn’t work” – or that the Virus “hasn’t been isolated” hinders any kind of acceptance of everything OffG presents here amongst those who we might conceivably persuade. In fact the PCR method is remarkably sensitive as well as quite specific for detecting fragments of virus with a specific code that is only found in SARS-2 or possibly SARS-1, but incapable of telling if the fragment is attached to a viable virus. However if a test of say 25 cycles finds a positive result, you can be fairly sure the person will be showing symptoms and will be infectious. The wider point is whether this is any use, as a disease that you have to test for to find out if you have it is clearly not a very serious one!
If you watch the second presentation from the D4CE seminar on the genetics of the virus and its defining components, you cannot dispute the idea that this virus exists and is genetically engineered, and may have unusual effects, for instance on the nervous system, that distinguish it from other similar Coronaviruses.
Following the way that things are now going in Australia, with people in a hysterical panic to get vaxed for fear of catching the flu, I’m also coming to the D4CE conclusion that the whole scam is not really about the danger of the virus, nor even about the danger of the vaxines, but is a means to manipulate us into this digital health identity from which we cannot escape. Those who won’t submit will be forced into an underclass, as is already happening here, and will be forced not by the leaders but by their deluded compatriots. In OZ what is more, there is no escape…
I am already accused of being a conspiracy theorist and enemy of the people, but I still believe it may be possible to persuade someone that children MUST NOT be vaccinated, and that we must not be subject to discrimination for refusing. But I am already lumped in with those who claim the Virus doesn’t exist.
In fact I just heard Peter Doherty interviewed yesterday, as the man who isolated the virus from the first patient in Australia last February and then distributed it to the world as a live viral culture. The Chinese had supplied us earlier with the genetic code after sequencing it – so goes the story, but Australia’s CSIRO participated in the GOF research with Wuhan, the US and France, so someone is not telling quite the truth!
But there most definitely IS a SARS-CoV-2 virus, whose genetic code and structure is known down to the last nucleotide, and whose spike protein 1 is coded exactly in the mRNA vaccines, produced using the same PCR technique as was used to create the virus in the first place. That they don’t now work properly against the Delta mutant is a feature of this specificity, and why Pfizer is pushing a new “booster”. While offloading its outdated vaccines to idiot Australians…
Allow me to correct you –
1) We have never said the virus hasn’t been isolated. We acknowledge the controversy and that many highly qualified people make that claim, but we have never taken a side on the question.
2) We DO NOT say the PCR does not work at all. It does work to do what it is designed to do. But it is not designed to diagnose active infection. It therefore ‘does not work’ in the context of the pandemic narrative.
3) Your claim that any alleged virus isolated at 25 cycles or less will be diagnostic completely elides the fact that the PCRs in use since early 2020 have for the most part not even be searching for RNA sequences proven to be viral in origin, let alone unique to SARSCOV2. They don’t even all search for the same sequences and many of those they search for were modeled on a computer, not ‘found’ anywhere!
Even at 25 cycles they are still amplifying minute amounts of material, not even whole virus. There is way more chance anything they find will be incidental to patient symptoms.
There’s even the danger a meaningless positive will stop doctors doing cultures for bacterial pneumonia, which could be a life-threatening omission.
People may have died with a meaningless ‘Covid’ diagnosis who might have been saved by antibiotics if they had been tested for strep or the like. As they would have been in pre-pandemic days.
“2) We DO NOT say the PCR does not work at all.”
Catte Black
Aug 3, 2021 6:33 PM
The tests don’t work.
Please don’t undermine this important fact by saying “the tests don’t identify the variants” , or “if the tests DO work then…”
The. Tests. Don’t. Work.
So Sophie, which one is it? Do the tests work or do they not work, they can’t be both?
Anyway so your opinion that the tests do work for what they are designed to do, is merely an opinion, based on second hand information, not from people who manage the disease, but from some second hand opinions of people who are not active in the field. If that is not a fair presentation then please point my to reliable sources, and please, not the president of Tanzania, now deceased.
How desperate are you Orage? First you pretend your replies are being ‘censored’ as a pitiful excuse for a failure to respond, and next you come up with this brilliant scheme of quote mining to pretend you’ve found some non-existent contradiction.
Here’s my full reply with the bit you missed out in bold –
“We DO NOT say the PCR does not work at all. It does work to do what it is designed to do. But it is not designed to diagnose active infection. It therefore ‘does not work’ in the context of the pandemic narrative.”
You’re out of data and rational argument. Go listen to Mullis. Read the many scholarly articles here and elsewhere that make it clear what PCR can and can’t do.
Start here
Thanks for responding Sophie – but my criticism remains, that if we have any chance of beating this monster we have to stick to the real science on the exact genetic composition of this chimaeric engineered virus. There is a comprehensive analysis of its structure by one Yuri Deigin, which has gained attention recently even though it was done in April last year, describing the odd features of its structure that prove it was engineered – including the nature of its Furin cleavage site and apparent inclusion of Pangolin RNA. These details were also covered in the D4CE seminar presentation by the German specialist, including illustrations of the structure of the spike protein.
The RT PCR test may only use a limited length of RNA as its basis, but like any code this may be quite specific – depending on the primers used. I would never dispute the false positive rate in the sense that many people test positive when they are not infectious and have already beaten off the infection. But it’s a mistake to think the disease doesn’t exist, and I’m afraid many people who otherwise understand the truth of what is being done to us wrongly come to this conclusion. And it simply doesn’t make sense – if you believe like me and many others that HCQ and Ivermectin had the potential to cure the infection such that vaccination would never have been justifiable or necessary. I still regard Prof Raoult as the ultimate authority on this, and his fight with the corrupt health authorities and researchers sponsored by GILEAD illustrates it.
It is very unfortunate that I must argue the science not only with those who have gone full Covidian – which is a waste of time, but also with those struggling to resist by any means possible, including fringe science and false claims. A good example is the problem with many on the right who put out some sense on masks and lockdowns and treatments, but constantly talk about the “CCP virus” and claim the WHO is controlled by China.
Lastly on the PCR test, there is an “iconic” paper in the NEJM from last August, highlighted by Raoult, about an immunocompromised patient who had four different infections of COVID strains and four Remdesevir treatments before dying after 153 days. Raoult believes that the mutations in the virus under the influence of Remdesevir led to the generation of the “Alpha” or Kent strain of the virus. The point with all these strains however is the same – both anti-virals and naturally acquired immunity work the same against them all – which is why the PTB will do absolutely anything to discredit those who pursue these cures.
Also btw, in Australia in times when the virus was barely present, in Victoria there were getting on for 500,000 tests done without finding a single positive case. I’m sure they didn’t restrict the CT value to 25 to do this, as there was in fact no evidence that any virus was circulating at all – we had eliminated it. Now we have the consequences – a population with practically no immunity held to ransom by demonic forces and mass fear, and held together by false community spirit and Five Minute Hates.
Please define ‘fringe science’.
Is the fact, stated by the CDC, that the PCRs in use since early last year DO NOT use specific sequences and DO use computer-developed ‘contrived’ RNA ‘fringe science’?
Is the fact PCRs are incapable of finding whole live virus and therefore of diagnosing active viral infection ‘fringe science’?
Is the claim made by many eminent scientists that SARSCOV2 has not been isolated ‘fringe science’? It may be controversial – but how exactly is it ‘fringe’?
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic used to worm dogs and horses. Why exactly is the claim this can cure a poorly defined coronavirus less ‘fringe’ than any of the above?
Sounds like a pretty subjective definition of ‘fringe science’ you are using.
It’s a rather extraordinary assertion Sophie – that Ivermectin is “fringe science”, given its dramatic effect in defeating the Delta variant in India in the places where Indian authorities ignored the WHO’s advice against using it. Many people believe that had HCQ not been badmouthed by fake science and Fauci, that this virus would never have been a “pandemic” and vaccines would never have been considered necessary, nor accepted.
I believe that the rural Peruvians used horse treatments on themselves and recovered rapidly while those in Lima had a serious epidemic…
But doesn’t look like I’ll persuade you, which I deeply regret.
Where did I say Ivermectin was ‘fringe science’?
Take another look at my words. Currently they are not computing for you.
Catte Black’s (and Sophie’s) point is obvious, and your objections merely reinforce its strength: that it is a strategic and tactical error — eighteen months into this murderous & obviously fraudulent scam and coup, — to get distracted by side-issues.
They are not claiming that “Ivermectin is ‘fringe science'”, or that the entire Official Yarn is not packed full of diverse and multifarious lies; they are noticing, correctly, that propagandists live by sowing confusion, and that it’s essential to set priorities.
Reiner Füllmich, Viviane Fischer and their legal and medical team in Germany reached the same conclusion months ago, and that’s why they too are focusing their efforts on the utter fraudulence of the PCR “tests” — the sole flimsy support for the huge lie that the world is threatened by a deadly pandemic.
If you want to demolish a house of cards, remove its main support. Because it’s not as if we have all the time in the world to bring it down card-by-card, is it?
“Is the fact PCRs are incapable of finding whole live virus and therefore of diagnosing active viral infection ‘fringe science’?”
No, the PCR and its users is not designed and no claims have ever been made that it detects a whole virus, just that it detects a unique sequence of the virus which tells you that a person has been exposed to this virus. It does not tell you that they have active disease either, that is done by clinicians who look at the clinical picture, which you seem to deny, exists even though there is a lot of literature on the subject. This is much safer than trying to isolate live viruses. Also because the the RNA sequence of the virus is known, you do not need to use the virus in order to make the probes, you can manufacture the sequence in the lab. This is a basic fact of molecular science.
Maybe you don’t know this, but the diagnosis of viral infections such as Influenza and para-influenza are all PCR based tests. And because these viruses are present widely, if they are found, the clinicians will always look at the clinical picture. To isolate a parainfluenza virus in a normal asymptomatic person means little, but in a bone marrow transplant patient with pneumonia, means a lot. Even isolating a bacterium doesn’t necessarily mean you have the disease, these are basic rules of medicine, so non-scientists trying to pontificate as to whether the patients with pneumonia that the a doctor is seeing is dying with or of a virus is just so much waffle that has been disseminated by people with a strange agenda who should not be trusted. There is much that is wrong with the way that the pandemic is being handled, but denying its existence will only exonerate the incompetent authorities and help no one.
You can’t just keep claiming the ‘RNA sequence’ of SARSCOV2 was known, when the CDC etc clearly say it was not. They created the PCR they used from ‘contrived’ pieces of assumed viral RNA because they did not have any actual RNA. Pointless
The rest of what you write is basically restating what’s in the article. Yes, PCR does not find whole virus and can’t diagnose active infection. Thank you.
Sure you also agree it’s one thing to use PCR to discover possible distributions of viral particles in a population, but another to use it as a basis for diagnosing ‘cases’, and to then use this completely fraudulent data to justify wholesale shut down of basic human rights.
Let’s wrap this up now, unless you have anything to add not either previously agreed between us or debunked.
Correction: micrograph.
hang on a minute. The so called virus has never been isolated. It can’t meet the postulates of isolation.
Anyone who says its been isolated from a medical profession is not telling the full truth.
OK, then I’ll say it. NO virus has ever been isolated and proven to cause illness. I’m not talking about the way virologist claim to isolate a virus: put some infected goo in a petri dish with no nutrients, a couple of antibiotics, monkey kidney cells, a little antifreeze for seasoning and cook over night. In the morning if the “human” cell are dead the researcher assumes a virus is present and killing the cells, never mind that antifreeze or whatever else they put in there. And never mind that no one ever actually isolated, meaning separated the virus from everything that is not the “virus,” and recorded that on “film.”
The Sequence the Chinese claim to have done is “insilico” meaning a computer filled in the blanks on a sample. AND, every bit of RNA or DNA claimed to be part of a virus is also part of the human genome. Virology is gobbledygook and vodoo. You don’t need a virus to explain respiratory disease. The PCR applied to viral detection is like using a box wrench to loosen a Phillips head screw. Wrong tool, baby!
correction correction, micrograph never appeared!
Idiot Australians ? Well I won’t argue that one.
I do have a question…. what makes you so sure that anything has been isolated? I am not aware of the postulates of the isolation theory being met.
Furthermore, I am not aware of any country currently cycling at 25. Its more like 40 plus. How else are you going to get a positive ?
Now if the strain is lab generated and I feel it most definitely is, then the PCR test is fake. The Pandemic is fake and this needs to be addressed as murder.
These are two different theories that can co-exist. A fake PCR test and an actual disease driven viroid that is used to mimic diseases we die from on a daily basis.
I am running out of aluminum.
You are of course mistaken. There is not a single proof of a virus isolate from sars-cov2 anywhere in the world. Every claim to the same, upon inspection, shows that a few dozen pairings are identified which may or may not be sars-cov2. The rest of the genome is infilled by computer program. That this is accepted by scientists around the world as a valid sequencing of a genome does not actually make it so. Further, if you read each of the peer reviewed papers detailing the isolation of sars-cov2 by various labs around the world, you will find that NONE were able to grow these “isolated” virus cultures in actual human cells. ALL needed to use the immuno-compromised monkey cell line in order to grow a viable culture. And Finally, Drosten’s test was calibrated to nothing. Read his paper. No samples of any kind were used to create the useless PCR test.
You are, of course, absolutely correct. There is so much misinformation about everywhere and even ‘scientists’ often resort to so called common sense when the truth is often counterintuitive.
The real truth is that virologists and immunologists have been pointing out what happened to the ferrets used in the animal testing of the Covid-SARS one vaccine some years ago. Everything went fine. The ferrets produced antibodies and appeared healthy- until the appearance of wild strains of the virus killed most of them.
The really sad thing about what is being foisted upon us by those psycopathic killers who seem to be calling the shots is that vaccines and these experimental SARS/Covid 2 injections often make recipients more, rather than less likely to become infected and that when individuals do become infected, the outcome is far more likely to be fatal. The mechanism is called ‘pathogenic priming’ or ‘immune enhancement’, recognised for years, but fear prevents doctors who know this from speaking out because they profit massively from vaccination programs and those who still retain a sense of ethics are fearful of losing their jobs.
Have a look at what is currently happening to Dr Sam White for speaking out about covid fraud
The BBC’s propaganda campaign hits a new low. Just look at this utterly shameless junk:
She is anonymous.
Note that Ms Nameless doesn’t even claim her parents are ill; just that they have impermissible opinions. As does almost anyone writing for, or even visiting, OffGuardian.
Our governments & mass media are at war with us.
In March 2020 Claus Kohnlein, a german doctor, told that we have an epidemy of testing.
Excellent stuff from Catte Black.
Here is an awesome speech from Gareth Icke.
I think I just fell in love.
Yup. The PCR tests are bullshit. Have always been bullshit. And will continue to be bullshit until they are challenged in the courts.
Here’s some good news that needs to go viral. (pardon the pun)
Stew Peters Show
Published August 3, 2021
Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta! (
Patrick King is a proud father of 2, Freedom Fighter and Patriot who took on the powerful government in Alberta, and WON!
The initial deaths that were used to justify the lockdowns were the Doctors killing patients.
They killed patients by aggressively treating people with higly toxic anti virals and strong toxic antibiotics, the frail elderly coudn’t handle this.
They also killed people by giving them known dangerously high doses of HCQ not to mention the inapproprite use of ventilation that was a virtual death sentence.
Additionally the medics killed lots of elderly people in the carehomes using midazolam, an end of life medication that Hancock just happened to have purchased a massive over supply of just before the lockdowns came in.
We are governed by psychotic mass murderers and their NHS staff are, for the most part. fully on board.
Your point is well taken but needs some clarification as to how the early patients were killed for the cause. In the UK the old and frail were “put to sleep” literally by administering surgical drugs(midazolam) at newly revised doses (2-8X previous) and in unsupervised settings, again rewritten. These drugs presented as difficulty breathing and lowered heart and respiration rates. When the patients did not wake again they were called covid deaths due to the obvious symptom of respiratory distress. Fake PCR tests were not needed. These drugs have been administered to anyone showing signs of agitation. The same or similar drugs were administered in the US for agitation and to facilitate intubation as the victims were usually still conscious. In the US much of the “pneumonia” was in fact the side effect of dosing with remdesivir, which became the only approved emergency treatment by the NIH. Bureaucrats in the US brag of thwarting the efforts of Trump by cancelling his executive orders making HCQ an emergency use authorization and substituting remdesivir @ $5k per dose. Many lives appear to have been lost in the US for no reason, other than to undermine Trump. The CDC quotes the guardian (hitpiece) paper specifically when they blocked HCQ, AFTER the paper was withdrawn for fraud. You cannot get more smoke from the gun.
There is no test, it’s a mockery to us, and it’s the new reality for the majority.
Either we create some sort of break away society, or we adapt to this new one presented to us. This one we are in ain’t gonna change because a few we don’t like it.
Proof of this is look around you, the masses are not complaining, they have adapted already. They’ve sailed away down the river of the insane ‘new reality’.
I first became aware of the vagaries of rtPCR some time ago through admittedly anecdotal stories on the internet. I was researching facts on the hiv/aids illness. At the time and probably still presently, if you wished to work in Saudi Arabia you had to provide a negative HIV test, this was done using rtPCR. Stories abounded of people being tested positive in one lab and then negative in a different lab.
Of course, the rtPCR test does not look for a full virus, only a tiny fragment. Where a virus may be 40000 base pairs long, the fragment will be say only 20 base pairs long. You find a fragment, an assumption is made that the virus is still there. Of course the virus may be long gone, no indication is made of the viral load. It might even just be the result of a random fragment having the right combinations. As the inventor of PCR inferred, one molecule is sufficient to give a positive result.
An analogy would be, if I go for a walk in a scrap yard and find a car licence plate, does that mean that the car is still there, that the car still runs…
The more sensitive the test, the more cycles and the more likely a spurious fragment will give a false positive result or as the government calls them, asymptomatic cases.
Thanks for this splendid article, Catte. I have been thinking and saying exactly this – that the tests don’t work – since March 2020, but with insufficient force and conviction.
I think you have made the case with just about the right amount of force and conviction.
Here is an important paper that shows the CT cutoff of 23 as the limit where these test samples can actually be grown in a lab culture. (with about 1/3 success) Note that no viable cultures were obtained at any CT of 25 or higher. Infectivity of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in children compared with adults | CMAJ This paper also shows that children are 50% less contagious and with lower viral loads than adults due to their physiology.
Wave’s and surges: What is happening? Does anybody have a more detailed picture how these come about? Are the testers just ramping up the cycle numbers or is there more to it?
Gotta get this off my chest. Just back from local GP and the ignorant twat triggered me badly.
He asked me about the “covid shot”. I said what about that poisonous shit. If yer asking me to get it tells me you are ignorant.
He asked me what did I mean by that so I said have you heard of Robert Malone,Michael Yeadon, Dr Joffe, David Martin? No, to all he said.
He denied any clotting from AZ. Then he mentioned a 27 year old dead in Sydney. I asked him does he believe everything the lying media puts out? BTW the 27 year old died of heart failure according to his friends on social media. The scum are politicising his death.
He then said I have strange theories and I replied not my theories, they are facts from industry insiders.
Asked him about PCR and he wouldn’t have it that they are manipulating “cases”.
So I basically told him to research and not follow medical industry dogma and propaganda while he sat there with a smug look shaking his thick head. Fuck me I wanted to punch him, I was so angry at his casual ignorance.
So imagine the harm this cunt is doing. He has probably talked hundreds of people in to the poison stab.
I won’t go back there.
Update: I sent a letter to the “doctor”, General Practitioner.
Your wilful ignorance regarding the dangerous adeno virus vector, and Mrna experimental (and not approved, only authorised) gene therapy products is astounding. To ignore the deaths and injuries and push this on to people is disgraceful and a breach of your Hippocratic Oath.
Your attempt to gaslight quoting fake MSM that a 27 year old in Sydney died from “Covid” is lame. The man’s family and friends are reporting he died from congenital heart failure!! But the MSM won’t report that fact.
And even if he did die from a virus, shutting down society is criminal, and many countries and US states are refusing to do so. The flu kills tens of thousands every year, but we are meant to forget that.
The AZ and Phiser poison is killling tens of thousands and that’s just the official figures from VAERS, UK Yellow card, and EudraVigilance.
But hey as long as you have your job it’s all ok. Being part of the machine has it’s perks!
You need to listen to Drs Robert Malone, Michael Yeadon, David Martin, Sherry Tenpenny, Joffe and Brydle from Canada. They have been warning about the dangers since last year. Many other doctors in the UK, USA, India< Canada are speaking out. It is quite telling that all Australian doctors are cowards, as not one has publicly denounced the lies being issued from Geneva and relayed by our puppets in govt. It seems here truth can’t get in the way of vehicle leasing payments.
And now the maniacs running this scamdemic want to poison stab children and many ignorant and negligent doctors and nurses will do this? It is murder and grievous bodily harm on a mass scale, pure and simple.
Are you going to sacrifice your own children? Or will you wake up before you allow irreparable harm come to them?
Get your head out of the fake news, and govt propaganda. Take note of the Great Barrington Declaration which tens of thousands of GPs, and specialists have signed. Are they all quacks?
The PCR, on which this entire scam is predicated, has been discredited in many countries. The main criminal responsible Fauci, even admits it does not show infection status and any result over 35 cycles is meaningless.
The corrupted WHO has announced it is to be discontinued in December as it does not differentiate between the flu and Sars cov 2.
Gates and Soros have bought test manuf. facilities and will supply a different test (yeah go on shake your head in disbelief).
Scientific evidence has always shown surgical masks do not stop viruses. Only last year the WHO reversed it’s decades long stance due to, admitted by them, political pressure.
Patents were issued as early as 2002 for SARS Cov 2 so the lie of a “new” virus is exposed by that .
All “medical” staff pushing these dangerous non vaccines will one day be held to account; charged and sentenced. After WWII the NAZI’s and Hirohito’s doctors and nurses did not have any success stating that they were following orders as a defense.
Anyway I have said enough, you do your own research instead of blindly following the lies from govt. (although doctors are paid very well to do so). I didn’t realise until recently that being ignorant and blindly following discredited dogma and administering deadly experimental products to unsuspecting patients can be so lucrative.
My family will now attend a clinic that has doctors that refuse to administer the deathly experimental gene therapies (and there are many) that by definition are NOT vaccines. FYI a vaccine gives immunity from infection; the dangerous and experimental AZ, Phizer, etc do not do so and the manufacturers state this.
Lastly, you treated the wrong area on my head with LN2 yesterday; missed the spot where the biopsy was done by 2 cm!!
why use my genitals as an insult? why is women’s genitals the biggest insult there is, along with … like a girl?
Stop being silly with your attempts to stoke an argument on such flimsy grounds; it’s equal opportunity; prick, cockhead, dickhead, knobhead, bellend, etc, etc.
You see my point?
Thank you for this timely reminder, Dash. I see Kary Mullis inaccurately referred to as the inventor of the PCR test all the time. In fact, I made that mistake myself in a couple of my early posts here. It’s important to be clear about this, as you say: “PCR is NOT a test. It is a manufacturing technique.” And I agree with you about viruses in general. All of infectious medicine is built on a false paradigm.
Thanks for this article – I really needed to hear it! I can read it over and over again and maybe reverse propagandize myself.
The Tests don’t work
They just make you worse
But I hope I’ll see your face again
The problem with non-sterilizing vaccines is simply this: There is no safe means of mass-use of non-sterilizing vaccines so long as transmission within the community does or is likely to exist.
There are no exceptions.
This was known to public health officials and virologists seventy years ago and is why the United States used both IPV (injected polio vaccine) and OPV (oral polio vaccine) in sequence for polio until the 1990s. OPV produced sterilizing immunity but IPV did not. OPV had a very small (but non-zero, about 1 in a million) risk of causing polio because it was a codon-deoptimized live virus which, on rare occasion, would mutate back to its virulent form in the human body. So to mitigate that risk you got IPV first in the US (to prevent systemic infection; this was non-sterilizing), then OPV which is sterilizing — that is, it prevents not only getting sick from polio but also replicating and shedding the virus, thus giving it to others along with preventing the promotion of mutations that WILL eventually escape the vaccine.
Had we done with polio what we’re doing now with Covid — IPV (non-sterilizing) use only with virus circulating in the United States — it is very likely the virus would have mutated, escaped the vaccine and killed millions in America.
Every single so-called expert knows damn well why we didn’t do that with polio and how dangerous it is to attempt it. Indeed where polio still circulates but money is scarce they use OPV only (which is sterilizing) and accept the risk of the rare but possible active case it can cause for this exact reason.
Again: This is not a “new idea”; it was in fact the only rational path of action and known decades ago, forming the very basis of our polio vaccination strategy. This combination strategy was necessary for polio but not for measles, for example, as the measles vaccine is sterilizing.
Polio being an infectious disease is just another lie made up to justify vaccines.
Polio symptoms are actually brought about by exposure to toxins like DDT, remove the toxin and ‘the virus’ magically disappears.
Delta Variant is the Cover Story for the 2022 Election Steal
Why were my posts about the FDA RT PCR EUA removed? Seemed in my mind to strongly support the gist of this article. Fred and Wilma agree with me.
I’ve had comments removed for using an apostrophe so maybe its something like that. A glitch in their system.
You mean these comments?
They’re right there. Always were. Just refresh your browser before complaining and thus giving us extra work.
The pcw test is NOT a test. It’s simply a means of increasing rna/dna in a sample
I disagree, the tests work….how else could we obtain a false positive.
The PCR probe was invented by Dr. Kary Mullis as a research and clinical tool for amplifying samples of DNA and RNA. His discovery was worthy of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 and in his acceptance speech he expressly criticized its use as a diagnostic tool to find pathogens. His criticism included Dr. Anthony Fauci, who had misused the PCR probe to diagnose AIDS.
Dr. Kary Mullis died in August 2019 and it is quite enlightening to see how the New York Times described the PCR probe in his obituary:
“Today, his method (PCR probe) is used to detect genetic mutations that can lead to diagnoses of diseases, like sickle cell anemia; analyze ancient sources of DNA, like bones; assist in obtaining crime scene evidence (he was recruited as an expert witness in the O.J. Simpson murder trial), and determine paternity. It was used as well to decode and map the entire human DNA as part of the Human Genome Project, the landmark international research effort that ran from 1990 to 2003.”
Nowhere does the NYT say that this probe is a diagnostic tool for finding any pathogen. Just 6 months after the death of Dr. Mullis, the New York Times and media forgot the correct uses of the PCR probe and followed the global status quo by accepting it as the essential diagnostic tool. The PCR can be of help in diagnosis in an institutional setting accompanied by many other tests, but it is completely useless as a diagnostic tool on its own.
If the test used to declare cases is completely unreliable, then the case and mortality statistics are meaningless.
Credibility matters less and less to these fascist gangsters. They care nothing for real science, real art or any kind of truth. The more transparently implausible their assertions, the more shamelessly they grab power. Who’s gonna stop them? Trilateral Sir Keir? Nicola Sturgeon? The Guardian and the BBC?
The French Resistance leads the way. They have already moved on quickly from gigantic mass protests to strikes. And strikes are very far from the last step in resistance.
Hello ADMIN. The date sorting of comments doesn’t seem to be working? Sort newest first and you get comments that are older at the top. Doesn’t matter how you sort. Most reacted comment seems to be permanently switched on and can’t be disabled.
I will look into it. Try clearing your browser cache, cookies and restarting the browser. A2
I’ve noticed this on another site, might be something to do with discus
Astra = Hinduism – a supernatural weapon
Zeneca = Fallen star
H.R 6666 = Bill before congress concerning Covid
Luciferase/Luciferin = Associated with the vaccines
Nothing to see here folks. Just my imagination.
I have been heavily inclined to distrust both the lateral flow and the PCR tests all the way through the ‘pandemic’ as tools used to justify whatever political/economic measures our overlords wanted to push through. However, I did catch covid a few weeks ago and when I had the symptoms (very mild, most notable loss of taste/smell) the LFT did return a positive result. As an arch sceptic, this was useful for me; Prior to this, I was 50/50 as to whether the virus even existed but am more inclined now to think it does. Having watched and read Dr David Martin’s investigative work, I now believe that the virus and the ‘vaccine’ are essentially components of the same biological weapon. And as crazy as it might sound to some people, I really do believe that humanity is under attack.
This is the thing that I really, really do not understand and it makes my head hurt to fathom what it is that has led to such cognitive dissonance. As is pointed out so succinctly and in no uncertain terms in Cat Blacks excellent reminder. The tests do not work. So all else is flawed when based on data and figures derived from these tests. And yet still over and over again this most fundamental of pieces of information doesn’t seam to register with so many people.
How can anything else be as we are told if this one detail is understood and acknowledged. Never mind that cases have now become loaded with a kiss of death in most peoples minds,due to the twist in reporting from daily deaths to daily cases. It feels more and more like we are in some bizarre alternate universe in which the truth has become the lie. No matter how much information is shown to point this one fundamental detail out it still does not compute.
I apologize to Catte for the misspelling of your name. My comment coincided with the need to dish up tea and so posted before checking properly.
Thankyou Catte… – That was about as comprehensive and emphatic as a *Reality Check* can get…
…The problem, I think, is that we dissenters feel ourselves tied to a particular position in the name of truth and it’s defense, but it is one from which we can simply never win…
…- We *Know* that They lie… – That They have lied, *Continuously*, and about the *Whole Damned Thing*… Nevertheless we feel obliged to combat Their lies with the relevant counterfactuals… As such we are often thrown back on citing Their corrupted data, *Precisely* in order to show *That*, and *How*, it is corrupted and thus how Their lies then *Just Don’t Stack Up*… – In doing so we often might find ourselves saying something along the lines of, “But, taking the narrative at face value, for the moment…”, and then, often, we get lost in the weeds and forget that we were assuming a hypothetical merely for the sake of playing ‘Devil’s Advocate’, in order to demonstrate the inherent inconsistencies and contradictions within and between the fraudulently cooked data and the lies of the overall narrative… – I *Know* I have wound up doing this *A Lot*…
…But this is a game we can *Simply Never Win*: – All They do is play pigeon-on-a-chessboard, and so even if we succeed in showing some element or other of The Con to be a lie, They will *Never* acknowledge, *Never* retract, and certainly *Never* ‘fess up and apologize… – They simply move blithely on to the next lie, merrily a-flapping and a-gaslighting and a-smearing as they go…
…Instead, we ought to recognize that when one *Knows* one is dealing with willfully malicious and *Inveterate* mendacity, there are always *Two* sets of facts at hand:…
…- Naively and trivially there are the counterfactuals to Their lies – the *Contents* of Their speech;
…- Then there are the facts that Those addressing us are proven inveterate liars, with prior ‘Form’, *In Spades*, and that They are, *Here And Now*, *Yet Again* engaged in *Even More Lying* – these are the facts pertaining to the *Context*…
…This second set of facts are not *Neccessarily* ones we should be attempting to apraise those we seek to convince by argument or persuation, nor to throw in the Perps’ faces in order to play ‘*Gotcha*!’… Rather we should simply keep these contextual facts in mind ourselves, and then engage in debate and action *Tactically*, in order to lead Them to progressively ensnare Themselves in a briar patch of Their own ever-increasing absurdities and arrogant complacency… – After all, *Left ToTheir Own Devices*, They have an innate tendency to lead Themselves there *Anyways*, particularly when They are either emboldened and hubristic, or otherwise desparate and panicked… – All we need to do is find ways to give ‘Em a *Generous* helping hand…
…- Strictly, the approach I’m suggesting we adopt here is strictly to “Only give ‘Em *Just Enough* rope…”, and then allow ‘Em *Ample* latitude to *Continue* stepping on their own meat, as they will…
It’s sickening to witness the ongoing cowardly silence of nearly all medics and academics in the face of this anti-scientific scam.
The author of that tweet is Professor of Psychiatry @UCIrvineSOM and Director of Medical Ethics @UCIrvineHealth.
…I dunno… – Looks to me like France is heading *Right Back* to picking up from where they left off around Christmas 2019:… 🙂
The cowardly bastards need to speak out, and not whisper behind doors.
They are part of a Mob and know very well that “snitches get stiches”!
Exactly right and this is why I created this sub reddit to call out all the lies and bullshit from the mainstream propaganda media
Meanwhile, supposedly awake people are convinced the ‘virus’ was made in a lab
I regard such claims with suspicion, too, but then again Michael Palmer’s arguments along these lines on day one of the Doctors for Covid Ethics’ symposium were very cogent and persuasive.
Here is something quite interesting from ‘The New Agora’
“The pandemic is only as real as the test, and test is a dice role.”
You sure about that “role”? Makes better sense with ‘Roll.’
Overall a fine article.
Anybody can tell if this is true? German readers?
Editor of German newspaper or rather tabloid Bild (NYT became a tabloid as well ) apologized for fear mongering about COVID admitted that fear was scientifically baseless and that they censored or ignored experts who warned them of dire consequences of lockdowns especially to children.
is corrupted facade of COVID sham crumbling? Or is is beginning of election campaign?
True, happened a few weeks ago (at least).
Not sure about how consistent Bild have been about it since then.
Yes, it’s true. Julian Reichelt’s apology is welcome, but long overdue.
And it speaks volumes about the dire state of German journalism in August 2021 that the editor-in-chief of BILD (!!) is the only prominent hack who’s had the guts to apologise for terrorising the nation and traumatising its children. The posher, “liberal”, “critical”,”quality” media, by contrast, are still faithfully purveying the government-approved antiscience and vilifying all critics as Nazis (!!), dupes,”COVIDIOTEN” and “conspiracy nuts.”. Well-paid jobs in the media don’t grow on trees, y’know.
“Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity.” – William Blake.
As if on cue:
“German government plans further restrictions on the unvaccinated from autumn onwards.”
Bundesregierung plant ab Herbst weitergehende Einschränkungen für Ungeimpfte….socialflow_twitter
The Health Ministry — headed by the grotesque former bank clerk Jens Spahn — claim they’re worried about a “fourth wave” when the thing formerly known as the flu season arrives. Once the jabbed start succumbing in their millions to that poison, you know it will be blamed on a new deadly Epsilon or Zeta Variant of “covid”, which will of course serve to justify further repression.
In UK the Telegraph, The Sun, The Mirror and The Independent plus some others keep doing this.
Dropping a story which suggests that the scam is about to exposed before going back to full on “The virus will kill us all!!!” Mode.
Like an abuser will play with their victim – nice one day followed by physical and/or mental abuse the next etc…
Or are they simply covering their backsides for when the scam is permitted to be exposed, they can refer to these tidbits “well, we did say..”
The Fraudian of course doesn’t lower itself to such frivolous games – it hates humanity and continually espouses that venom.
Tests ?
Bit late to the party to even be discussing them
Had the shot/s ? you are very likely going to die earlier than you thought
Not had the shot/s ? As above
The big question is what exactly are you doing personally to avoid either or both of the above ?
The PCR tests don’t work.
They’re not supposed to work.
If they worked, there’d be nothing to talk about.
If they worked, there’d be no pandemic.
If they worked, there’d be no cases.
If they worked, the global maniacs would have so much egg on their faces all their time and energy would be spent hosing their faces down.
The PCR tests dare not work or people would catch on in two minutes flat.
The tests don’t work,Ok ,right lets move on to more pressing matters ,18 months of debate regarding tests has proven and stopped nothing.Here are a few pointers as to whats coming your way whilst you continue to debate ‘tests’
1 You are very possibly going to die rather earlier than you expected should you avail yourself of the miracles in a syringe
2 You are,in your shortend lifetime,going to witness the injection of children,very often without parental consent,with gene altering treatments purporting to be vaccines with a subsequent rapid rise in fatalities which will be blamed on the unjabbed
3 If you are unjabbed you are going to be taken to the level of paedophiles and mass murderers in the minds of the holy warriors who are jabbed
4 You will see NO legal course of action that is effctive in stopping the jabbing
5 You will see family and friends ostracise and shun you if you remain unjabbed
6 You may very well find yourself forcibly removed from your property and your property seized by the state if you insist on remaining unjabbed possibly as early as march next year
7 You may find yourself being subjected to forced ”vaccination” and/or your removal to an isolation/detention facility (the laws and facilities are already in place in the UK)
8 You will find sites such as this vanish overnight due to it largely not following the governments narrative (online harms bill will see to that) and as of today i have seen no viable alternative offered by any online fora or website in the case of that inevitability occurring
9 Your early death is not dependent on your standing in society,your job or career choice,your academic qualifications,how much money you have in the bank (or thought you had) you are to be disposed of,you have no place in the 500 million,if you did you would be aware of th fact by now,if you aint got the memo assume you are slated for cremation/composting
10 You actually deserve everything coming to you if all you have done during the last 18 months is believe somone else is going to solve your problems for you or the democratic process can be used to solve your problems
You have 2 choices, death by the state or death fighting the state
Decisions decisions
While those things you mention may well happen to many, there is one small detail you miss out which is God. If you believe in God and his only begotten son, what’s happening now is not really what matters but what comes next.
See, the problem with the godless is that they only see this world, and it’s dog eat dog, it’s evolution, pragmatism, utilitarianism, the tools of the devil.
The ones in power work for satan, you should know that, so the question is how do you work for? Because we’re battling forces that are beyond the earthly realm. This is something the alternative media won’t touch with a barge pole because we’re still talking in the terms of the enemies of God.
Scary, I know. But let’s not forget there’s still a chance that the whole thing blows up soon.
Let us all resolve to light fuses where we see them.
There haven’t been 18 months of debate regarding tests. There have been studies and court rulings criticizing the validity of the tests, but these facts have been totally censored in the MSM.
Just the the opposite of what you say is true – there hasn’t been any debate allowed at all. Instead there’s been a wall of silence. This is why we must force this issue into the public consciousness.
Apart from being useless, any test for “covid” has serious and even fatal consequences such as (a) loss of livelihood/business (b) unplanned separation from dependents (c) illness/injury/death from being warded (with ill people), inappropriate treatment (for ‘covid”) or withheld treatment (for “comorbidities”).
A bit OT:
There is talk of the FDA giving full approval to the injectables next month.
Is this likely? Can it be challenged? If so, will it be challenged?
They seem to be in a hurry. More people are unhappy, including the jabbed, who are told they are not protected from ‘variants’.
They are in a hurry and precisely because people are unhappy and getting more so. Have you seen this?
Lawsuit to end the Emergency Use Authorization for the vaccines. This is the ‘details’ of their race to approve a vaccine. Once it’s approved the EUA issue no longer exists and they’d be free to mandate it anywhere the federal government has that power — the military for example.
Please pass on that lawsuit link and check that it actually arrives — it has been quite effectively blocked.
How blocked? I was unable to email it to my wife who is normally about 15′ away. Why yes, she does have a gmail address … why do you ask?
It seems by “accidently” also inoculating the control group from trials,that there is no need to wait for the end of phase 3,as,hell, we have lost the comparative data.
Shock and awe,indeed
Another excellent article Catte, thank you ! I think it was a Global Research article back in early 2020 talking about this very issue that first opened my eyes to this scam. I have been trying to wake people up to this but with very little success. It reminds me of when Black Adder convinces Prince George NOT to invite Dr. Johnson for tea only for thick Prince George in his next breath to get Black Adder to make another cup because ‘that splendid brainbox Dr. Johnson is coming round.’ People listen and then you find them chatting to someone else about how worrying the rise in ‘cases’ is. It’s so frustrating !
Mind you, I have had a little success with groups of High School students whose homework for the past year, straddling different groups of kids, has been to summarize videos by Dr. Bhakdi, Dr. Yeadon and from September Dr. Martin on patents. But the article that they most enjoyed, the one that brought a spark to many of the brighter ones’ eyes, was your “Hats of Monstrous Foolishness.” When you feel the inspiration, another allegory would be more than welcome.
I read the “Hats of Monstrous Foolishness” to my 3 young children last year whilst schools were closed – they loved it and it helped them make sense of the madness going on around them.
I said this in March last year: without the fraudulent PCR test, there would be no pandemic.
This whole scam/coup is based on attribution : the PTB are attributing normal deaths and normal colds to Covid via the PCR test. This enables them to impose anti-Covid policy, all based on false attribution.
Cases are their weapon and this article is spot on: disable their agenda by refusing to discuss and stats based on the PCR test.
2019? The Georgia Guidestones, 1980:
Ignorance even of other closely-related (!) conspiracy theories. Amazing? Not. mehitabel is also an alley cat, with a cockroach biographer named archie and an author named Don Marquis, who was famous American humourist. Literary ignorance too? Is there no end to the O-G talent roster?
Your point?
Why mention Georgia guidestones?
The article didn’t.
My immediate point was a quibble with the date, which was mentioned in the article, as identifying a point on the far side of which “even considering the PTB might have such an agenda seemed hysterical”, set against this site’s repeated editorial causal linking of the ‘Great Reset’ agenda and the Covid-19 pandemic, in the longer term light of the Burke/Santayana/Churchill admonition that those who ignore their history are doomed to repeat it. The history of the Great Reset/Covid-19 hysteria closely echoes that of the Guardian Stones/UPC universal tracking panic of that earlier zeitgeist in almost all of its individual elements, to the extent that drawing parallels is clearly relevant to the latter of the two. That’s why.
A quick, cartoon-assisted account of what’s happening to us right now. Highly recommended. PS: the PCR fake ‘test’ doesn’t work!!! Fake from top to bottom. Make that a watchword in all discussions of what’s happening. The sort of steady suggestion-streams that hypnotise people can also unhypnotise them; and time works to help the natural awakening that always comes, eventually. Keep repeating the de-hypnotiser: the ‘test’ is fake; none of the ‘statistics’ which are built on it have any validity at all. ZERO:
Excellent video – just one thing I think the guy has wrong – making fun of the perps will have ZERO effect on them – they do it already massively as part of their controlled opposition strategy. Making fun of them won’t work on them and it doesn’t seem to work on those who swallow their propaganda either. Making fun seems to only benefit likeminded people in the light relief it offers from the nightmare.
Excellent video – Thank you for sharing