WATCH: COVID19/11 – Niels Harrit
Episode Four of Narratives Intertwined
COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.
The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.
Episode Four of Narratives Intertwined features Niels Harrit, retired professor of chemistry from the University of Copenhagen.
Professor Harrit is a well-known voice in the alternate media and has published important academic papers on the destruction of the World Trade Center towers. He has also authored articles outlining serious potential flaws in the RT-PCR tests used to diagnose Sars-Cov-2 infection.
In his interview, Prof Harrit discusses how he woke up to the truth of 9/11, the problems with Covid19 narrative, how both are battles in the same psychological war…and what we can do, together, to resist it.
You can read some of Prof. Harrit’s work below.
“Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe” (With Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen).
“Making something out of nothing”: PCR tests, CT values and false positives.
Prof. Niels Harrit’s testimony to the Toronto Hearings on 9/11.
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I discovered this video shortly after it’s release in 2016. It is a brief, and well presented naming of insider names. Yet all the information in the world, hasn’t put one single operative in prison.
9/11 Inside Out – What A Real 9/11 Investigation Would Reveal
Published on Aug 30, 2016
The covid plandemic is headed in the same direction…
Con-911 & Con-19 — “The Narratives Intertwined”
Cut’n’Paste from Greifenberg on September 11, 2021 · at 6:47 pm EST/EDT
“Ah, the Bush era and their lies. So much hangs on the 9/11 deception. The wars, loss of civil liberties and the destruction of the Western world’s economies has 9/11 has its foundational myth.
BARDA [Con-19] has its genesis [shortly after Con-911] in Senate Bill S. 1873 “Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005”.
[Con-19] grants like this [2014] are written because of BARDA [Bush era]:
We should all be grateful for the courage of Professor Niels Harrit.
The importance of his forensic work on the Trade Centre dust is a major piece of the 911 jigsaw.
Standing head and shoulders above the spineless salarymen that dominate western institutional academia he has proven beyond any doubt the presence of thermite in that dust.
It can’t have been easy taking the shit they have thrown at him over the years.
Thanks Prof.
Hear, hear!
Very few sites are really doing much around 9/11 despite this sad mark in time. Off Guardian is one of the few. We did a timeline of events
There was a 9 hour livestream sponsored by Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11.
It had a good array of speakers. A few connected the dots between 9/11 and covid. With Anthrax also.
Reiner Fuellmich, Robert Kennedy Jr., James Corbett, Whitney Webb, Meryl Nash, Cynthia McKinnon, Graeme MacQueen, Kevin Ryan among others.
I watched about 8 hours.
I think you can pick it up on rumble.
An article in today’s Times indicates Boris will announce the scrapping of vaccine passport measures on Tuesday…
We shall see.
i would not put it past them to follow that news up with another lockdown
People seem to not get how this works.
One would need to be a fool to think a global system which has already spent the money on these things and created innumerable depts and committees to manage the process is going to step away from this.
You need to think like them, not like you. How many times must they teach you this lesson before one stops accepting the first order narrative.
Are the already backtracking on the backtrack?
“…Sajid Javid was asked the same question about vaccine passports earlier on Sky News this morning and only went as far as saying he “hoped” the Government could avoid them.
Javid said to Sky News:
We have been looking at that. We’ve been open about that. Instinctively I don’t like the idea at all of people having to, let’s say, present papers to do basic things.
So if we do that, it has to be something that is looked at very carefully and something that we believe that has to be done with no alternative.
With the vaccination rates rising – for example with 16 and 17-year-olds we only started just last month, now over 50% of 16 and 17-year-olds are already vaccinated – I think we need to take that into account and make a final decision, but I hope we can avoid it.
He added:
I am not here today to rule that out. We haven’t made a final decision as a Government.
I’m currently visiting my old home town and I have just returned from a birthday celebration which thankfully had minimal covid bullshit restrictions. But the change in the usual community services was extreme. Taxi services have been decimated due to “covid cases”, the usual takeaways are gone and the old denizens are fast fading into ghosts now intent on surviving from week to week and trying to ensure they have enough money stashed away to pay for their funerals. What an indictment of our glorious civilization!
And strangely even now very few really understand the nature of the assault now being waged on them.
Short Recap: 20 Years After 9/11
Is it just me or is it getting really hot in here? The Biden announcement about vaccination and workers was the most disturbing thing I have heard outside of fiction. Then we have Boris on about a bad winter. This is going to get worse. I think the authorities have not played their trump card yet: domestic terrorism. Bush mumbling about it in the context of the 9/11 commemorations is an amber light.
Yes, I very seldom read msm but saw that Biden headline about his 6 point plan and read it. Frightening. To say the least.
Civilisations dont collapse, but the power structures imposed on them break down.
I keep an eye on the treatment of the Palestinians to discern developments in population control that’ll eventually be implemented locally. That’s the testing ground. It gives me an idea of how the Unvaxxed will be treated by their fellow citizens after the government has isolated and demonised the Unvaxxed as “Spreaders of Disease” . The evening teevee ‘news’ already has aspects of Orwell’s Two Minute Hate Sessions.
It’s like a steam roller or an avalanche. One insane chapter of the narrative is replaced with another insanity. Then before you have time to say wait a minute now let’s talk about this, there’s another insanity coming at you, followed the next day by 9 more insanities joining the narrative from all directions. Then another insanity…then another. Sane people are being railroaded at pace. There’s no time to think before further insanity hits. It’s an onslaught that only the fully compliant can roll with.
I’ve seen it described as a mass psychosis – the spitting hate in the letters to the editor of my local newspaper is something to behold. But it’s not random, and there is an intelligence behind it, guiding it, telling the press it is okay to demonize ‘anti-vaxxers’ and to promote fury against them. The vaxxer zealots are having the time of their lives, because normally naked hatred against any visible minority in public is strictly discouraged. Now, it’s gloves off.
These oblivious morons are like drowning rats. But that’s a horrible indictment on the poor rat. They are desperate. They’ll do anything. They have clutched at every single life preserver thrown at them…stay at home and we’ll go back to normal…they gleefully stay at home banging saucepans for the brave nurses…wear a mask to protect yourself and others…great idea how many masks do you want us to wear…inject yourself with mystery goop rolled out in 2 seconds flat to fight a virus that’s not killing people…anything you say boss just make it go away!
They have no thoughts of their own. They just react to any measure instructed. And they say “great idea let’s do that”. All State sanctioned. All TV disseminated. All group think.
They took down a lot of people in Russia and China using the exact principles in play with our current health scare.
You can’t walk down a road or track in my community without seeing Government signs self congratulating on ‘this magnificent park’ or ‘this roadway’ or ‘this bike track’ or ‘this amazing bridge’. Constant Gov aggrandizement patting itself on the back for every ‘initiative’ and ‘project’.
And that’s the essence of what’s going on…Government…the State…in your grill…in all your business…in your face…in your ear. Micromanagement. Control.
It works really well.
avalanche the measures so no one can catch a breath and keep moving people forwards. Before you know it you are miles from where you started and covered in shit.
Exactly. There’s no time for that! We have no time! We must keep going forward. Did I hear a question there?? Sorry, no time…OH MY GOD ANOTHER 18 CASES. We have to do something! Here, throw on another 3 masks. Hurry. There’s no time…we’re out of time! OH MY GOD another 90yo cut down in his prime. We’re going to have to get you to go ahead and LOCK YOURSELVES IN YOUR HOME FOR 3 WEEKS! Quickly. Don’t think just do it! You think, you’re dead! OH MY GOD!!
Controlled demolition is an apt description of what’s happening to the Australian economy…
There were many indications, latter part of 2019, of an impending 2020 worldwide recession. Imagine the social upheavals once it hit. It’s certain not many Western Bloc governing parties, or even main oppositions, would have been able to ride it out. There would have been riots against every imposed solution that benefited The Few over The Many.
But the timely arrival of “covid” gave governments the “mandate” to impose covid regulations to kettle any protests against the controlled demolition of businesses and livelihoods.
Australia is in recession, and it’s all “covid’s” fault.
And There appears to be Controlled Demolition of Western Society. But it’s hard to pinpoint if there’s any one culprit. Some say “Biden”, some “George Soros”. I read recently that “Post-Modernism is to blame”. One online journalist dredged up Herbert Marcuse from the 1960s, claimed his influence over the ’60s radicals started the rot setting in. (I’ve even heard it said we’d all be a lot happier if Dr Sigmund Freud hadnt discovered The Unconscious.).
It’s the same old groups that ran the Opium stuff and who were behind the French revolution, the other revolutions, the World Wars etc. The Astor, Bundy, Collins, Du Pont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell families and the Merovingian bloodline which consists of all the European royal families including Elizabeth Windsor Sax Coburg Gotha Battenberg Mountbatten inbreds.
As always the plebs who turned a blind eye to the excesses of the rich and famous as they created the derivatives etc play money markets…as long as we got a crumb or 2 everything was fine….just print more money or borrow it to bribe the voters etc.,.
and now the piper has arrived and as always the plebs get to do the paying.,,perhaps we never had a chance of stopping the excesses….but many liked to discuss the rising values of their house(s) as if it was all real…and we too were enjoying the new fantasy land of easy money….
sad times are ahead and it won’t be pretty….the first economic orientated eclipse is due in November.,,
What today looks like a new and unprecedented tyranny going under the guise of a health emergency isn’t new at all. It’s really old tyranny in new clothes, the next level of what for decades has established itself as the tyranny of ‘political correctness.’ A kind of ‘new normal’ has been with us long before Covid.
The main purpose of the old tyranny was paving the way for the stages to follow. The tactics are just the same. Think of cringing scenes of repenting sinners made to publicly beg forgiveness for daring ro say a wrong word in the wrong place. Think of deplatforming, career wrecking, cancel culture, all devices ruthlessly deployed to set the stage for the blackmail culture that’s raging today and which is the backbone of the tyranny.
All that is needed for establishing a global tyranny is a top rank of megalomaniac psychopaths who want to own the planet, a middle section of cowardly order-takers easily subject to blackmail at the slightest misstep, and a wider population of dumbed-down, clueless, obedient sheep who are easily made fearful of imaginary evils. These latter would still hold the real power by their sheer numbers, but don’t know it, and never will, especially after their routine injections will start to run them down not only physically but also mentally. Taming the frightful plebs has always been the greatest worry of the elites, and now they’re about to finally achieve their dream.
Of course, those few who refuse to take orders or blindly obey, and accept to pay the price for it, are the wrenches in the works, the wild cards who may ultimately overthrow the king.
“cancel culture, all devices ruthlessly deployed to set the stage for the
blackmail culture that’s raging today and which is the backbone of the
I have wondered if social media’s ultimate purpose was to be an instrument of blackmail, FB twitter etc have access to users communications, if every day people can have an old tweet used against them in their jobs etc, what have powerful people been writing on their feeds and what they thought were private messages only for them to be handed over and used against them.
Harrit is correct it’s a war against humanity. The Globalist financiers decided Western Liberal democracies are just too difficult to control– they’re unpredictable and messy. Loudmouth demanding Yellow Vest Protesters as well as all the rest of the discontented miserable working-class need to be crushed into submission. So the WEF sadistic sociopathic ghouls reached a conclusion–authoritarianism China-style is the answer to their demonic prayers. The “plandemic” is merely the tool to extradite a “shock doctrine” conversion.
Epstein and Bill Gates with Whitney Webb
First of all, yellow vest protestors and by way of association…all protestors anywhere, need to be allowed to get uppity. Because the narrative needs scapegoats to blame for all this. And we’ve seen this happen. It was written about in the 1930’s that the West would be dismantled and that China would rise. The master builders build and then take down.
All protests are totally controllable and welcomed by Gov who then get to control the narrative. Look what happened in Hong Kong. Protested their asses off for months…all the while fully infiltrated so that a tiny minority always ensured violence and then suddenly the fix was in and all the protesters made the ridiculous decision to barricade themselves in a university campus and were then surrounded and picked off. The end. No more protest. Then covi covi came and Hong Kong is now in it’s 14th month of forced masks in all locations but the private home. (of course they can crowd into restaurants and eat with no mask because covi covi funny like that). And the Hong Kong people are A-FUCKING OK with it. They’ve gone from HATING the HK Gov as habitual liars and sell outs…to COMPLETE COMPLIANCE following every ordinance. Almost overnight.
If people really wanted to protest, they’d simply stop going to work, stop paying bills and basically just go tools down. That’d leave the morons who think they run everything standing there with their dicks in their hand holding press conferences about your safeties to a bunch of empty chairs.
But the general public never, ever will down tools…because they are institutionalised. They are domesticated versions of human beings. They rely on the system and would never, ever risk cutting themselves off from it and letting the chips fall where they may.
They much prefer their chips drenched in cheese sauce and chicken salt, sitting in front of a big screen TV so they can gargle fizzy drinks and watch Dancing With the Fuckwits.
But, well, I get it that a lot of people have kids to look after, and things aren’t so clear cut or easy. I get it. And the controllers and social engineers get it too. So they always KNOW they can count on overwhelming compliance.
And that shows you exactly how ghoulish, cowardly and evil these people really are.
The general public won’t do anything until they are starving…I think that’s the general concept agreed upon by writers who have been through and witnessed societal take downs and State sanctioned revolutions.
And that can be arranged.
How could anyone not agree with your comment– most people are “addicted to civilization.” Westerners are no different than Iraqis, Afghans, or even the peasants during the Cultural Revolution. If society collapsed there would be utter madness. Millions would be slaughtered.
That’s why the ghouls built those deep cave cities during the Cold War. They knew once all structures were terminated life on planet Earth would look like a dystopian nightmare.
However, although most people are lethargic content and lazy Nader has pointed out on numerous occasions it only takes a “small percentage” of the population to effect change. Granted, it’s much more difficult today because propaganda is extremely sophisticated and powerful. Nevertheless, if only one percent organized and relentlessly protested peacefully it would scare the grap out of the grubby sociopaths. They’re basically money-counting cowards.
I agree on the comment from Nader on the small percentage! I have tried in little ways to inform others, hand out materials, argue calmly with businesses and sign petitions online.
Yes, just “one percent” of millions would have an enormous impact.
I wish more people could understand that concept. From Ghandi onwards, real effective rebellion has consisted in pure and simple non compliance. Civil disobedience. Sadly, in times of mass brainwashing, a true spirit of rebellion is thinning away fast.
For real. Pretty much, to effectively protest, you don’t have to do anything. There’s no swinging from the chandeliers or tank busting or night time infiltration. There’s no pitched street battles. Nothing.
All anyone needs to do is not show up for work. Just turn your back on the system and walk away.
Another worthy installment in the series.
On a trivial note, am I the only one who thinks that Professor Harrit resembles actor/politician Clint Eastwood?
I’m not sure Clint could get the voice right, but it wouldn’t take much wardrobe, makeup, and hairstyling to complete the resemblance.
Something weird I have noticed about the no vaccine group and the jab me harder group.
No vaccine group people knew almost straight away not to get the vaccine. Irrespective of education or background. Call it God given instinct. The facts just confirmed what they knew. The jab me harder group are the complete opposite even when presented with irrefutable facts. Can’t get my head around it. Maybe it’s TV. I don’t watch public broadcast TV at all. If I want my dose of horseshit for the day I turn on the radio and listen to the ABC.
Indeed, one of the saddest things I am hearing from friends being made sick by the jabs and walking around a delicate shade of grey is that they are doing it to protect kids who are at no risk whatsoever while the TGA try and hide the full scale of deaths and destruction being caused.
I think this is above man. It’s a big reset but not orchestrated by man. I get conspiracy but this is way beyond that.
Something is seriously off
It’s not just kids who are at no risk whatsoever: it’s everybody.
Covid is an illusion from start to finish. It’s a pseudo-scientific, pseudo-biological fantastical creation of the PCR test. The PCR test doesn’t just generate a certain percentage of false positives, it’s ALL false positives.
Sure, some people out there are actually sick, even severely sick. But they’re sick with the same old varieties of respiratory ailments that are as old as time.
The ones I know are not doing it for any other reason but to go travelling…which I find just as weird as they don’t seem to notice no one is going nowhere,,,and when I asked one yesterday how they are going to afford the air fares they looked at me as if I had suddenly grown 2 horns.,.totally out of sink with reality…
People are LOVING this. They LOVE the masks. They LOVE the attention they get by medical carers…whether that be in the injections with a lollipop, the “that wasn’t so bad was it?” nose stabbing test nurses or whatever. They LOVE the solidarity and talking points they have with others out there. They really ARE all in this together. It’s a real life soap opera…a real life drama…real life catastrophe that they can literally walk amongst safe in their safety masks. They are immersed in the struggle. They are in the trenches with other morons who think they are “doing their bit” to fight this terrible problem. They are LOVING this. Covid is life now. Totally normalised. And the TV provides the echo chamber.
The longer it goes on, the more it wears down anyone not lockstep marching to the hive mind. The longer it goes on the more marginalised dissent will be. The longer it goes on, the bigger the target on the backs of all those out of lockstep.
I don’t think it’s the belief in the vaccine that is driving their behavior, it is fear and protection of their cognitive dissonance. Unfortunately, I know quite a few people in this group and many people GET that it doesn’t make much sense. However, most people in this lot are fully prepared to burn witches and comply as much as necessary, if it means they can prop up their delusions and not have to face what scares them. They have gotten this far with go along to get along and many will go off a cliff rather then deviate from their validated path.
Its really ugly because they are validated by the masters of insanity to be de facto shamers and bullies to the rest of us.
I tell you one thing, it is REALLY showing people’s true colors. And, how easily people will turn on those who don’t validate their lie including family and friends is beyond sad. Go in peace. We TRIED to tell them.
This is a stretch, I grant you – but I think the stage was set for many many people to be receptive to the COVID nonsense by the almost ubiquitous prescription and dispensation of statin drugs. Lipitor is the largest selling prescription drug ever.
Anecdotally, I know people who started taking statins and in no time had noticeably reduced mental acuity. For years, I’ve been prescribed statins; but have resisted.
I may have a stroke and lose my mind all at once; but I’ll be damned if I’ll deliberately lose it gradually.
It mainly comes down to temperament. Some of us are naturally skeptical and independent minded, while others are totally dependent on their social environment, and actually demand to be told what to do. The ‘jab me harder’ group could never function on their own.
The CDC has not mandated the vaccine for their own staff. LOL OMG how many clues do people need!!?
How do you get thousands of Path Lab Managers (highly qualified people) around the world to not only use a test which they know is not designed for the task but to use the test at cycles of 40+ instead of 20 or less? This is beyond conspiracy.
Why is very State Premier in Australia in on this farce 100% and yet 26 State Governors in the US are not?
Why is not a single Government, State or Federal asking for proof that the covid sars2 virus exists when they know it doesn’t
Why are people being vaccinated with the same vaccine when the “Delta variant” is clearly a variant upon which the “vaccine” doesn’t work?
Why is no one mentioning that the majority of people sick with the “Delta variant” have been vaccinated????
And how the f&ck do you explain Israel? It’s like they running around telling poeple black is white and the people are nodding their heads in agreement.
Confused as ever!
Oh lookie here, turns out Biden has exempted himself and all of congress from requiring the vaccine! Nothing suspicious in that! What are you some tinfoil hat wearer? Nothing at all in the CDC and all of congress being exempt from taking the shots:
Geezuz how obvious does it have get!!! And the sheeple still line up. Maybe that’s the point.
I read this also. Stew Peters had a list on his twitter.
The White house
There were others. Just blatant. Amazing.
But not so amazing.
A post on The Liberty Beacon site: “Members of Congress, staff, exempt from Biden’s VVV mandate… and the federal court system.”
The ruling class’ minions arent taking The Risk. And it suggests that Her Maj, Australias PM, and all the celebs who posed for the TV cameras while being injected – received a dose of saline water.
What’s good for the gooses, the ganders aint havin’ it !
In some ways it’s pretty simple. Twenty years after 9/11, the US is too broke and discredited to invade its alleged enemies so it tries to economically and socially destroy its allies and rivals instead with a fake virus. After 18 months, said allies and rivals stop playing ball, leaving the US even more broke and friendless than it was before. There’s only one thing for it – find some enemies at home.
Here it goes again, playing the covid-is-all-the-US’s-doing-nothing-to-do-with-the-globalists card.
Each day I try to be humane. I shudder at the gratuitous crack of a snail’s shell. Usually a couple, entwined.
Two hours ago I stepped on a slug. I just went to put the fire out and a partner slug is sitting face-to-face with the one dying.
The paid-to-lick-toilet-bowls-and-whoop-they-taste-good Mikkelson, Shermer and West will assure there’s nothing to see. But I am not sure.
I stepped on an earth worm yesterday. It didn’t die right away and I did try to rescue it by putting it in the grass, but it was done. Still bothers me.
Richard Bruce Cheney was in control of events on the day. He is an American. He was at the bunker before it started. Then Leon Edward Panetta turned up He is an American too, and actually gave honest video testimony of events, when interrogated under cross examination. Almost certainly now scrubbed from the internet..but I remember what he said. he gave the distinct impression he had no pre-knowledge of events. He asked Cheney who did. Panetta wanted to shoot the Aircraft down. He kept asking Cheney. Cheney said no. He asked again. Cheney said no.
It was an attack not just on America, but also on Western civilsation, by evil forces, who are doing the same thing now with Covid, so it wasn’t really an Inside Job, but it was not directed from a Cave in Afghanistan, by Osama Bin Laden.
Things are heating up in Canada.
Visiting British Columbia will require a ‘Covid Card’ to enter the Province even if you live in Canada. That card will be required for most public venues, restaurants etc. But don’t worry he said as those refusing the jab can still get take out.
There is increasing media messaging about the threat of the anti-vaxers, even at the community local news level.
The BC Health Minister recently made a media statement saying that those that refuse the jab “are a threat to us all.”
A Liberal political pundit speaking on CBC recently about the Prime Minister’s decision to hold a federal election during a pandemic (Sep. 20) (Lot’s of pissed-off folks) defended the decision as necessary so that the “anti-vaxers don’t get a foot-hold in Canada.”
I was at a Rally today where a woman was assaulted from behind by a man trying to rip the sign she was carrying out of her hands. Her husband intervened and a scuffle broke out and Police were called.
With Government officials and MSM framing those that refuse the jab as a threat, they are irresponsibly encouraging vigilante violence in not so many words. I have removed the ‘I DO NOT CONSENT’ button from my jacket. It may be a wimp-out but when someone asked me what is to be done, my reply was to survive.
Talking with folks at the Rally today was great. Many have done their research and have sound reasons not to consent. As for me, saying NO to tyranny is enough on it’s own.
Greetings from Canada.
Thank you Niels.
The horizontal ejections of large structural members for distances of several hundred feet is one of the bits of evidence which “skeptics” who seem to be present even in this forum cannot handle. Simple law of physics: in any direction, the sum of forces in that direction = the product of (mass) times (acceleration). No force in a given direction means no motion in that direction either. And those who are clueless or think others are clueless might tell us that there was motion with constant velocity, hence no acceleration, as if an object such as a steel beam can go from zero velocity (stationary) to a “constant velocity” without acceleration. I had a co-maker of a video about 9/11 try to tell me on a forum that the structural members of the lower parts “moved” falling beams laterally, as if they packed them in suit cases and took them somewhere. Try it. 🙂
Gary D. Barnett – you’ll go a long way to find a better commenter on the problems we face…
(imho 🙂 )
This was just emphasized by Meryl Nash on the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 livestream today. Climate will be the next boot on the neck.
Well, a background in Chemistry is probably the only thing that Prof Harrit and I share in common. What’s in a title? Prof Chris Whitty, Prof Neil Ferguson. Well, they can’t all be wrong, can they?
I’m not going to join in the discussion here. I do believe in free speech, so I am not in principle against these theories being expounded here. But that doesn’t mean that I have to agree with them. And I don’t agree with them.
I just had a weird thought. I’ve been a opponent of Lockdown and everything associated with it from the start. And I will not, under any circumstance, have a Covid vaccine. But seeing many of the people who I stand shoulder to shoulder with on Covid gulping this stuff down and apparently begging for more has caused me to question – if only a little – my stance on Covid.
The idea that the Washington bubble could be capable of such an atrocity as 9/11 – much less carry it out – only serves to demonstrate in my mind the deep hatred and mistrust of authority and the Media felt by many Americans in particular.
Some degree of hatred and mistrust is not undeserved, but would they go this far? And for what exactly? This is where I part company with many of you guys.
I’m just not buying it. I know. I know you think you are so clever in believing in this stuff. I do understand, but I’m not stupid. I’m not saying you are either. But there’s a lack of balance and perspective here – your hatred and mistrust blinds you to the reality of 9/11.
We don’t know that the “Washington bubble” committed the 911 atrocity, merely that elements were involved in a cover up.
I think your position doesn’t stand up at any rate as it is an uncontroversial fact that the US military killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians in the firebombing of Tokyo and the nuclear attacks on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
The capacity for mass murder is evident.
If you believe that they would never be involved in atrocities against citizens of their own nation due to a deeply held national allegiance, I think you are being hopelessly naive.
Verbose, but points for trying.
Bay of Tonkin ring any bells, WMD in Iraq, the 81 nations the USA has invaded, bombed, slaughtered people and stolen resources from, the dozens of regime changes at the end of guns and just the allowed mass slaughter of Americans with guns doesn’t give you pause about Washington? Nothing?(69) El Salvador – Song by Peter, Paul and Mary – YouTube a little reminder My Lai, the bombing in Laos, Cambodia, Nam, Iraq x 2, Afghanistan, all these atrocities since WW11, Nagasaki and Hiroshima? I don’t think there is any crime the USA won’t commit
Balance? If you feel imbalanced then take a break from this site.
However do not claim lack of balance between events of 9/11 and mistrust of people. Are you a shill by any chance or maybe a brainwashed follower of the Modi bubble who are also in tight with Washington.
Tell the lack of balance to the people of Occupied Kashmir getting raped, kidnapped and murdered for over 80 years by people who say Namaste.
“…the reality of 9/11.” Really John?
This reality of 9/11 you speak of is Plato’s cave.
It is the fanfare marching towards war.
Public relations. Propaganda.
Are you a true believer John? Or having trouble with letting go?
Letting go of the old lies can be difficult: therefore the owners have provided us
with new lies. Vicious games with different names.
I had a moment today at a yard sale.
The radio was on tuned to a local ‘classic rock’ station. At the stationbreak there was, rather surreally, a weird inset of of few seconds duration, basically, some ‘whooshing’ sound and a Deep Radio Voice saying “September 11”. Then they replayed some clip of news broadcast from that day. Then the voice again, “We will not forget!”. Then back into the pop music.
It was so jarring. It felt more like a movie trailer than a rememberance and I kept thinking, “Forget what? It was never known.” The reality of Plato’s cave is very accurate indeed.
Does your expertise in chemistry extend to understanding the decisive work that Niels and a circle of similarly competent colleagues did on analysing the dust from the pulverised WTC buildings, identifying unequivocally the widespread presence of unexploded nanothermite platelets – the famous ‘red-gray chips’ – as well as other chemical indicators of explosives, John? (You’ll be familiar with the arresting capabilities of nanothermite, of course…?)
Can you – having studied Niels and colleagues’ reports in detail, as surely you must have – provide an alternative explanation for what they found, other than it being the detritus of controlled demolition? (Don’t bother to haver on at length about it. I’ll stake a large bullion-bet that you can’t; and indeed that you haven’t studied their evidence to begin with.)
But if you can take the daring step of admitting that only controlled demolition work can explain those residues, can you suggest who – other than powerful people within the US ruling ‘elite’ – could have arranged the rigging of the three – count ’em – buildings that went down; one not hit by a plane, or by anything very substantial at all? All of them before multiple cameras, showing absolutely textbook examples of implosive CDs.
Could it have been foreign amateur guerrilla intruders with a few heavy rucksacks (CD requires multiple pallet-loads of gear and a team of highly-skilled loaders visiting ouf-of-business-hours on multiple nights to rig buildings of that size). Or could it have been organised by one other set of genuinely-credible operators: the zionistani and dual-citizenship people who were also all over the positions of influence which controlled access to the buildings?
Any other credible candidates for rigging the buildings, John?
John?… John?… are you there John…?
I’m just not buying it. I know. I know you think you are so clever in writing in this stuff, Mr. Pretty. I do understand, but I’m not stupid. I’m not saying you are either. But there’s a lack of balance and perspective here – your hatred and mistrust of all the facts in the case blind you to the reality of 9/11.
I think its likely that the people that had the Patriot Act ready to go after 9/11 didn’t actually cause 9/11, they just took advantage of it. It is possible that the act’s promoters were anticipating, even passively encouraging, an ‘incident’ but it would be more like something on the scale of the 1993 WTC bombing, serious enough to alarm the public but overall just a pinprick.
The post 9/11 anthrax attacks were never satisfactorily explained. They did service to focus Congress on the Patriot Act. This suggests a degree of premeditation.
Covid is just collateral damage. Its not a conspiracy, its a virus. It should be a relatively harmless one now but because of the polarization of society and the politicization of the outbreak its been elevated to an all-consuming spawning ground for all sorts of wild and weird theories. Fair enough — but remember the best place to lose a annoying voice is to drown it in noise.
Seriously – just stop. It’s pathetic. You fool no one and you are wasting the only life you have.
Beats me why people keep feeding the trolls Pretty and Usher. You can bet your life that they get a great deal of pleasure out of seeing all the irate responses their bullshit elicits.
You made the exact same reasoning over at the Lockdown Sceptics when you posted there. Like here you offered no counter narrative or insight to what is happening only a willingness to believe and push the msm / govt narrative for reasons you never explain.
Saying that you cannot accept that ‘Washington bubble’ (what is the washington bubble btw?) would be guilty of such an atrocity is no basis for an argument. Meanwhile the Vietnam war started on a false flag cost the lives of 55K American servicemen and around 1M Vietnamese. How do you explain that in line of your comment?
Add to that as Marilyn says below the 200K people killed in the Japanese atomic atrocities and Dresden which cost the lives of more people in one night than the total of those who died in the Vietnam War and your logic starts to look a little shaky.
War is politics by other means and govts have no compunction about acting when it comes to protecting their interests even if that means loss of innocent lives.
One of the ‘benefits’ to the Kennedy assassination and the setup Oswald as a communist / Cuban sympathiser was that as a sympathiser / agent he provided the pretext for a war either with Cuba, the Soviet Union or both. There were many in the higher eschelons of the American administration who were already pushing for a first strike policy against the soviets. Kennedy’s death and Oswalds guilt would have provided that. How many would have died then as a result of that?
And then there’s this…
Even Spike Lee can’t tell the uncensored truth. So the skeptics can keep their blinders on a bit longer, I guess.
I don’t know how much truth Spike was going to get. Did you see the people he interviewed? I think the only one who questions the narrative is Richard Gage.
This does not sound like anything near groundbreaking.
I think there have been many questions raised about Mr Lee. He is just playing a role. That’s how you get to be a big player.
Martha why should you believe that Spike Lee has a ‘special dispensation’ to truth telling? He is as establishment as they come.
It is not the Washington bubble. It is a vast web of internationalists seeking to transform humanity itself. Killing 3000 people is peanuts compared to what is at stake.
It’s the exact opposite. First, it makes no difference if the powerless “hate ” rulers because they have no power to do anything about it. Conversely, rulers today are free to act like kings and queens, can decree that millions of healthy, law abiding families and children must be locked down in their houses indefinitely, giving no end date, no mechanism for forcing an end date. Accordingly, these self appointed royals expect non-royals to shut up and defer to them on all matters. That hasn’t been happening fast enough for them, they’re tired of waiting for people they despise to fall in line, so they’ve amped up their slow speed genocide into high gear. Whether I hate them or not is obviously irrelevant.
When its contrived by the people you name…
Speak for yourself, please.
I do not think I am so clever.
I have no hatred and mistrust.
I do see the reality of 9/11.
It didn’t have to be the little cabal in DC. It could have been the folk behind the curtains who control the cabal in DC.
And if you think THEY don’t exist then I think your blind naivete blinds your from the reality of 9/11.
Unite4Truth Special 9/11 Report
911 to Covid-19
Timeline of Events PART 1
Mr Harrit embraces some big lies, as do 99% of those in my anti-covid 1984 camp. There’s no Sars CoV 2 and no covid 19 and, the PCR is not a ‘test’, although I’m guessing that he understands that and is merely not being totally precise with his language. He’s mostly right about the changed nature of global war, but not entirely right. It’s not vertical now, for the first time. Counterrevolution, war on the people, has been around for a long, long time. If Mr Harrit wanted to argue that what’s new is that there’s more intensity to that counterrevolutionary behavior (as we enter in ‘hot’ war against the people, specifically those who resist the tyranny, which hot war against the people – a thing institutionalized by JFK by the way – is called counterinsurgency), I’d agree. There’s far less interest on the part of police State governments in ‘pretending’, as Catherine Austin Fittls suggested. There’s still much pretending happening, obviously (with federal elections here in Canada which people still allow themselves to be caught up in, sadly), but governments aren’t trying to be reasonable (a sort of honesty as they lie), they aren’t trying to be caring toward their citizens (especially those who they call ‘unvaccinated’) and they aren’t trying to be lawful, as they toss out informed consent along with the Nuremberg code. And that’s just the tip of the lawlessness iceberg.
Don’t know who this guy is – other than a complete airhead by the sound of it – but here is his pearl of wisdom on the vaccine.
”This has come out sharply around the question of COVID vaccines—in opposition to getting the vaccines. While there is, particularly among Black people, some awful history with medical experiments, and some bad experience, historically and right to today, with medical authorities and medical treatment, it is a fact that the COVID pandemic has, in this country, hit Black people (as well as Latinos and Native Americans) the hardest, and with the heaviest death toll; and it is a fact that the vaccines against COVID have been clearly demonstrated to be safe and to be overwhelmingly successful in preventing serious illness and death from COVID. So, there is no good reason NOT to get these vaccines—and refusing to do so not only puts those refusing at risk of serious illness and possibly death, but also exposes others to the same risks.”
Get that! It is a ‘fact’ that vaccines have worked to save us all. Hmmm, I don’t know where this guy gets his ‘facts’ from but the overwhelming evidence is that even in the best case scenario the vaccines have been ineffective, but at the present time they are proving to be actually deadly, this insofar as the already vaccinated (twice) are the biggest group of new vaccine cases. Try Israel for a case study. All that the vaccine does is make people sicker than they were before they had the damn vaccine. It’s not the virus (whose very existence remains in doubt) but the damn vaccine that’s the killer.
But I don’t let me detain you – You just wish to toodle along to get your little jabby-wabby
“I don’t know where this guy gets his ‘facts’ from”.
Same place as Neil Ferguson gets his mathematical models: deciphers the brown marks on the toilet paper.
Israel, the most heavily injected country on earth, and now on to its “fourth wave” of injections, has just proved that you cannot stop the flu with an RNA injection.
In fact, known for a hundred years: you cannot stop the flu even with a real flu vaccine. Which doesn’t prevent medics from handing out annual flu shots to grateful patients.
Correct. Respiratory viruses mutate too fast for a vaccine to catch. Now they’ll spin the “boosters” and the unjabbed are spreading the new variants. These evil bastards knew this would happen, but just didn’t care because profits and power. When will the sheep wake up?
Speaking of that, according to Japanese researchers, the so-called ‘Delta Variant’ is just one Receptor Binding Domain (RBD) mutation away from completely escaping the present ‘vaccines’. One more successful mutation and it won’t even see them, never mind be deterred by them.
I just want to scream, over and over again, IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU IMMUNE! It does NOT, the powers that should not be have NEVER said it does, but you morons REFUSE to listen, even to your masters! Why should I be forced to have some damned “test” weekly to confirm my uncontaminated status when YOU could get it and SPREAD IT just as easily as I can!
And all that assumes there is an “it” to get, which there damned well isn’t, of course, but to even entertain the idea of muttering that will see you branded a heretic and a “denier” of “science,” a science that was bought and sold a long damned time ago and any idiot should be able to see that for themselves by this late date. But I guess really, these people don’t even qualify as idiots anymore. Is there a word for them? Why yes, there are many epithets one could use, too damned many to count.
Well said Lizzyh7. I don’t think it is a matter of intellect, more that the fear puts the Covidians into a trance, they are in a droid type state where they will not use the minds they were given other than to reaffirm what those who terrorised them told them to think.
It is very sad but it cannot last, the myth of the super effective injections will not survive prolonged contact with reality, just as the myth of Saddam’s WMD’s crashed and burned so will the safe and effective nonsense bite the dust in the near future.
Two women I know have looked grey and have been sick and tired since they had the jabs to ”protect” their grand children. Nothing will convince them that this is not the point and that they won’t protect the grand children
I’ve seen that also. I went to a meeting recently of older women, who had all gotten the jabs and they looked visibly aged and unwell, despite the summer tans and pretty summer attire.
I hope the grannies recover, and no harm comes to their grandchildren. Then they can be sure they protected them.
“Is there a word for them?”
Can’t think of one myself, but I remember an imaged from Dante’s Inferno. The first circle contains a great swirling wind that drives a floating crowd of damned but relatively harmless souls, forever veering this way and that to follow an ever changing flag. Touchingly, among them are people who cling to one another with passionate intensity, and ask to know no more.
Whilst the jab seems to make you more likely to catch cv and produce a far more virus if you do, it does seem to keep folk from going to hospital or dying of cv . That said these are the short term effects not factoring in the jab damage. Makes one wonder therefore if in fact we are seriously endangered by the jabbed ?
I do not think it is correct to state that the injections prevent hospitalisation or serious illness. What is your source for that?
Yes, exactly just check out Israel.
See your own link 3000 deaths as opposed to 204.? if I’m not mistaken the Israel figures too, are high infections low deaths ?
“it [the jab] does seem to keep folk from going to hospital or dying of cv”.
How many “cases” are “confirmed positive by PCR”, what proportion of “positives” are consigned to hospital and how many deaths are signed “of cv” despite co-morbity: all this depends on ever-changing directives from the Con-19 regime to the local medical authorities. They could stop the whole global Plandemic tomorrow with a stroke of the pen.
Which guy is this? Clearly not Niels Harrit, so wondering where this came from. Yes, quite obviously an idiot or a pathological liar.
Turns out congress and the judiciary (and their staff) is immune from the exec mandatory order due to “privacy concerns”
As our the FDA, Pfizer staff and our dear old Houses of Parliament.
“Do as we say, not as we do”. Like with their maskless grinning bunfests, Liz Windsor included.
All we need is every single soul to stand up to this tyranny.They have their minions in media institutions but we are the people stop speculating and start doing we are In ww3 right now make no mistakes we are .
Media are incompetent. I worked recently with Al Jazeera… I would not hire 90% of their staff.
Edit: I should not leave that unqualified. The reason is the vast majority display no independence of mind. They are not observers. They are repeaters. Perhaps efficient workers of software. But not journalists.
//They are not observers. They are repeaters.// Exactly.
Not observers, but repeaters…maybe the most succinct description of the indoctrination known as public education systems. Brilliantly said.
David Icke has been saying this for past 25 years.
They’re customer relationship management. Account handlers.
Their job is to fulfil clients’ requests.
In Australia for the past 20 years they simply spew up the pressers.
The maudlin sanctimony of these politicized narratives aka historical/hysterical rewrites promoting the various conspiracy’s that arose around 9/11 American version tend to make me puke! As Forest Gump summed it up , ” that’s all I have to say about that !”
Explain the horizontal ejections from the WTC twin towers, if you please, given that gravity is 100% vertical, seems to defy the laws of physics. Or the molten steel and iron in the dust (in high quantities) and on the site.
Jim is a shill. He is planted here to low key promote “Saudis did it”, “video evidence of planes” and “towers shoddily built”.
Please don’t tell me that you subscribe to the “no plane” baloney. Sheesh.
He may be a shill for big pharma. Prior Jim comment supporting vax passports:
“Vaccination passports are not a new idea ? [sic] From the 1950s until the 1980s a full physical and immunization record were required by most western countries if one wanted to travel internationally .”
Prior Jim comment promoting the idea of the inevitability of never-ending pandemics – very convenient of course for big pHarma:
“The spread of communicable disease on a mobile population of now over 8 billion humans in an environment of decreasing resource’s and increasing pollution makes epidemics inevitable . Medical intervention to limit their spread was the duty of governments.”
No way to know of course as he may simply be incapable of facing reality.
In my opinion, the initial test as to how the USA populace would react to a society changing false flag was the murder of its president, Jack Kennedy, in 1963. It was coordinated by the CIA but had many affiliate groups and institution, not the least of which was the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As a former teacher of physics, one could only embrace the Warren Report by rejecting Newton’s laws of motion, i.e. the “super bullet” theory. When the perps got away with that one, which incidentally birthed the CIA meme “conspiracy theory” in their 1967 two page white paper to their Project Mockingbird “journalists,” they went on to the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident fabrication which strangely enough was coordinated on site by rock star Jim Morrison’s admiral father, then 9/11, and now covid-1984, all without any meaningful pushback. If only the malevolent genetic therapy could murder the patsy, SARS-Cov-2, the way that Jack Ruby’s snub-nosed .38 murdered the patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald.
On a related note, I have to hand it to the Australian psychopathic politicians and their clandestine handlers. They are now charging four star hotel rates for interring victims in their concentration camps. Even the NAZI’s never thought of that.
‘When the perps got away with that one’… it went exponential.
That’s because money’s at stake. When we lie, we grow our lies incrementally. When finance is behind the lie, it’s leveraged. That identifies the criminal behind the lie… he be bankaaa
I think it is counterproductive thought to emphasize money as the motivation for this global coup d’etat. The Fed alone has printed 4 trillion dollars electronically in the past 18 months, and much of it went to their buddies. This hugely dwarfs, at least so far, the Big Pharma profits from the malevolent gene therapy. I see the primary agenda as the extermination of 90+% of us useless eaters through the toxic fake vaccines and the remainder being converted into asexual Borg whose minds are integrated with “the Cloud.”.
Australia is so gone. Incredible.
I think similar stuff took place during the Nazi period. The Australians just seem to have developed it into a more organised enterprise.
I’m now convinced something non- human has taken over Australia. What other explanation can there be?
Gen X premiers led around by the nose by think tanks funded by big pharma
Yes, and they all seem to have a common purpose.
I lean toward the non-human theory of the evil perpetrated on the planet in as much as the all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid is non-human. Which does not in the least mitigate the crimes of the psychopaths in human bodies.
No planes – psychological staging predates 9/11.
“There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know.
There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know.
But there are also unknown unknowns.
There are things we don’t know we don’t know.”
– Donald Rumsfeld –
Former secretary of defense
Spawned: July 9, 1932
And then there are the things that we know that we aren’t telling. Right, Donald?
May he rest in peace. In the great unknown.
The Luck Of Journalists — Few Photos, Few Deaths, Few Insights on 9/11
It is amazing how few journalists were killed on 9/11. Only one, actually, which is a blessing or good planning, considering the scale of the event.
Several of those listed as journalists were actually engineers, three of them were on the 110th floor of the World Trade Center’s north tower seeing to transmission equipment (which raises questions of itself). WNBC has this touching report on the family recollections of Bill Steckman.
One was a journalist-turned-police videographer who entered the towers with first responders. One was a cameraman reportedly on Flight 11 from Boston.
That leaves Bill Biggart, a freelance photographer as the only journalist killed in the worst terrorist attack of all time (according to World Atlas).
That strikes me as very odd. 9/11 was near enough war-time reporting which usually takes its toll on reporters and especially those with their eye wedged to the viewfinder.
In April this year, three European journalists, two Spanish, one Irish, were killed in Burkina Faso, west Africa, when their poaching patrol was ambushed.
No photos, please
Strange features of that day include the lack of any effort by city, state, or federal governments to document the disaster, apparently due to the sudden and catastrophic nature of the attack (Miles Orvell — After 9/11: Photography, the Destructive Sublime, and the Postmodern Archive, 2006).
In addition NY mayor Rudy Giuliani forbade by executive order any amateur photographs of the ruins as they were deemed a crime scene — though that didn’t stop him carting off all the evidence and shipping it to scrapyards in China.
The well-known images — in other words, those that actually captured anything clearly — are so few that Wikipedia can check them off in a short list.
I do not have the resources to do that but I do comment with the experience of picture editor, as a former editor in chief of magazines and, unusually, someone who also has the perspective of an executive producer for international television news. My comments are, therefore, where I would begin rather than a firm conclusion.
Review the photographs of 9/11 and you soon meet the cliché, ‘iconic’. The problem with events like this is that any great photograph qualifies. Most of these iconic images help construct the narrative — when good journalism should challenge a narrative.
Thus we see ranks of people staring into the sky; stressed, almost defeated people spewing from elevators and doors; firefighters choking and overwhelmed and then redemption: heroic, Iwo Jima-style rescuers resilient in the rubble.
My brief critique is that there are too few photographs of the event itself. Not just the planes. The subsequent collapse of the buildings is very poorly documented. Technically imagery has improved leaps and bounds in the past two decades. But that does not excuse the paucity of forensic photography.
Look at the photography and film craft that came out of Vietnam and how that challenged the official narrative that the Nixon administration wanted the people to absorb.
Vanishing Naudets
The most famous — and luckiest — footage of 9/11 was filmed by two documentary makers, the Naudet brothers.
The were filming firefighters investigating sewer gas when they heard the roar of engines and panned up to the north tower, zooming in on the upper floors (93-99) just as American Airlines Flight 11 hit the spot. It is the only clear footage of the plane’s impact and their camera is now displayed in National Museum of American History.
I have timed their reaction, pan and zoom by the second and had they made any error that cost half a second they would have missed the impact. Lucky is not the word.
There is one other set of photographs that are in the FBI’s possession and have been released not piecemeal but literally in pieces and redacted. These are the ones taken by the group famously known as the ‘dancing Israelis’ a self-admitted team of ‘observers’ who positioned themselves in New Jersey to photograph the attacks.
These images would add context, including the valuable perception of the event through the eyes of the Mossad. Unfortunately, as with the images of the plane that allegedly struck the Pentagon, the FBI’s images are so cropped, dodged and masked as to be of little practical use.
Never againIt would not be possible, it’s been said, to recreate a false flag event on the scale of 9/11 today because everyone has a camera in their phone and because much higher video quality is available to amateurs.
How appropriate that the threat this time around is invisible. Just like the planes on 9/11, no-one has a clear photograph of SARS-CoV.
Continued at:
An interesting point is the alleged black box found at the Pentagon. The flight data recorded the plane travelling at 352 knots on impact.
Not only would the engines cut out via drag, from thin to thick air, the shell of the plane itself would have gone into massive shock.
No wonder a plane wasn’t found.
Because there was no plane!
Yet another drongo sucked in by the “no plane” bullshit.
The lady doth protest tooooo much!!!
‘They were filming firefighters investigating sewer gas….’
The stench of which is still lingering all over the world to this very day.
‘I have timed their reaction, pan and zoom by the second and had they
made any error that cost half a second they would have missed the
impact. Lucky is not the word.’
No, the word fakery is.
“NY mayor Rudy Giuliani forbade by executive order any amateur photographs of the ruins as they were deemed a crime scene”
Giulani’s sense of humour is worthy of Shakespeare’s Richard 3.
“See where the witch hath withered up my arm!”.
please explain your joke. I must be dumb but fail to see the comedy.
Perhaps I’m missing the context of Dickey III’s accusation of a witch having withered his arm being as hilarious as Guiliani claiming wtc a crime scene?
Hundreds of photographic images were shot by private individuals the morning of 9/11. Unfortunately; these persons were convinced to turn their photographs over to the FBI as part of the initial investigation. As usual, the photographs disappeared down the usual FBI land fill, and never returned to their owners.
There were also recorded phone conversations between persons in the Trade Center shortly after impact, and their spouses and friends. These also disappeared…
Here are some photographs that few have ever seen or questioned. > WTC 6 (
Even if there is a virus. We are dealing with a 99.9% chance of survival without any vaccine, without any other drugs.
Is there a politician anywhere on this earth that states this fundamental question.
We have Australians on here claiming a warmonger and a fervent believer in a virus to be our next PM.
What world are we fucking living in when all you have left is a fuckwit that wants to drop bombs on innocent women and children.
But hey, take your Ivermectin.
You have been sold!
We have Australians on here claiming a warmonger and a fervent believer in a virus to be our next PM.
Some further explanation please.
Craig Kelly. A flatout warmonger that now has his own party. That’s Australia for ya.
Anyway, i think my time at OffG is done. I’ll keep my sponsorship up but that’s it. All the best and take care.
Well, I’ve taken some time to discover about this “flatout warmonger”. It’s a bit difficult for me as I normally take zero interest in local politics.
So far, I can’t find any corroborating evidence for your statement. I just find the usual turgid political pantomime stuff (yea – well via wiki etc.) Don’t know his voting record, but still nothing to suggest that he was front and center with the War on Terror.
Pity you don’t have the time to enlighten us.
Craig Kelly entered the Australian Parliament in 2010.
Australia has not been involved in any new wars since that time. As it happens Kelly almost certainly was on the wrong side of the war on terror, albeit as a private citizen, but the demand that no-one support him due to his history as a warmonger is evidence free.
Congrats to Shin for being on the same side of the issue as the entire MSM whilst patting himself on the back and posing as a revolutionary, your chutzpah is most admirable!
I sincerely believe that most of the sheep still think the death rate is around 80%.
And that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (term never defined).
It is very strange how most people who know the tests are garbage and don’t work, don’t make the next leap to question, then what are you treating with this drug?
Alternative treatment & natural immunity arguments divert from the gate kept truth
danny jowenko rip
imagine you are a demolition expert
a reporter asks you for an interview about your trade.
during the meeting the guy pulls out some stills and moving images
of demolition.
you the demolition man are impressed footage of a big big job.
demo man you like your job you like talking about demolition.
you talk about the footage you have never seen before
you give a little information about controlled demolition.
you are then told that more than 2 buildings collapsed on the ritual that was
the 9 and 11.
you are a demolition man not a truther
in a sense you have been tricked into disclosure
as you have been video taped.
the video was very important but it got the demolition man killed.
lady died technique is called boston brakes.
uk,usa and israel.
danny wanted like us all just to live in peace apart from when he was triggering his big bangs.
it was a form of entrapment
it is what it is a shitty trick or important information.
like any contract in this world of contracts danny should have been given full disclosure.
thank you danny i am sure you was a good man and now with god.
Danny was certainly good enough at his art to recognise a stone-cold-obvious controlled demolition of the implosion kind when he saw one. But to be fair, anyone at all with his/her brain in gear can look at those images and see the obvious screaming at them. You have to be deep in propaganda hypnosis not to see it. Straight down in perfect symmetry, at near free-fall – the key indicator – the whole way. FFS, what else could it be? You have to be innocent of the basic laws of physics not to understand it. But then, lots are, now.
Put “skyscraper fire” into Youtube and this is what comes up first:
Gosh, it’s almost like this was set on fire and collapsed so they could say WTC wasn’t the only skyscraper to collapse from fire and then shoved in the shop window to herd the curious normies back on to the plantation. Just a coincidence it happened on Beltane, the occult fire festival, of course and that the building was useless.
All that footage of skyscrapers engulfed in flames, sagging maybe, but not collapsing? Buried away.
The building in question was not a steel framed building. End of story…
Slightly off-topic but in Today’s Independent it read:
PM to warn UK of tougher Covid rules. and that ”tighter measures could be imposed this Autumn if people do not behave with caution.”
There’s the message. FALL IN LINE OR GET SOME MORE – CAPICE!
No answer to that really. They are going for broke.
Watch UK MORRISONS supermarket chain CEO (and complete SCUMBAG) Say’s ‘Covid Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving’ / Hugo Talks #lockdown
Boycott the f*ckers!
It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again…
The EUA should be revoked on the strength of this paper alone. Thanks Tess Lawrie.
Now the Left from Down Under:
This is The Daily Blog (“Read the other side of the story” Oh pulleeez!)
And if you heard a curious whirring noise when you read that it was the sound of Orwell spinning in his grave.
The ones riding on the media covid juggernaut and now demanding mandatory vaccinations are each portrayed as seizing a “superb chance to cast (themselves) in the role of … hard-nosed, no-nonsense, champion(s) of the working-class”.
Meanwhile those sceptical of the juggernaut are portrayed as “a council dominated by middle-class public servants of every description” who are “ignorant believer(s) in conspiracy theories peddled by right-wing nutters on the Internet…”
And none of the latter “should be allowed to refuse vaccination – putting countless other Kiwis at risk…”
This is the new war propaganda with its classic trope of “the enemy within” updated for the woke / snowflake age I.e for the affluent consumers of a rich society who have rarely had to deal with life and death issues which is why they can so easily be hoodwinked.
Australia is fucked! has been for a long long time.
Predicted nonsense that gives you a severe headache.
back to home, what do you think of Neil Oliver’s patter latelty??
THIS illustrates the delusional insanity amongst Americans who no doubt believe twelve hijackers armed with boxcutters were responsible for 9/11.
Sarah Turberville
Life should be made very hard for those refusing to get vaccinated. They have made life so very hard for all of us. They have broken the social contract. There should be consequences.
19 hijackers
9/11 Dancing Israelis
anyone have an explanation?
Yes: zionistanis were the first conceivers of the 11/9 false-flag, with USAmericans and dual citizens getting recruited into the conspiracy over time. ‘Elite’ zionistanis were in it up to the oxters from the outset. Of course some of their spies in the US wanted to document and celebrate their triumph, after so many years of preparation. Chris Bollyn has the details, exhaustively; a remarkable lone, real investigative journalist of our time:
Joie de vivre. They just wanted a little dance. Whats wrong with that?
0 hijackers.
I assume, I am still on the naughty step.
What would you like to know about 9/11?
Anthony Lawson (he used to narrate a lot of commercials on TV from 1960’s ) did the best video. I think he was an Australian but did most of his work in London. He had a lovely voice, and kept it short and sweet. Probably started off flogging Cadbury’s Flake (that advert would be banned now) as is his 9/11 thing from Youtube now that he is dead.
“WTC7 – This Is An Orange by Anthony Lawson”
You’re not on the ‘naughty step’, we just realize you literally can’t stop obsessively posting long screeds of rambling nonsense about your invented life, so to save you embarrassment and our readers annoyance we filter out the lengthier OT stuff. Anything you write on topic is always posted.
Niels Harrit, thank you for your powerful voice!
Seems like there’s a marked escalation in the rhetoric across the Atlantic. Nobody unvaxxed is going to take any notice of Biden so they wheel out the cultural assets:
A friend of his…. uh-huh.
The enemy is everywhere in every institution the minnions are next to you.
Mate. If Stephen King suggested I inject some shit into my arm, I’d run away like a mad dog!
The guy’s as creepy as all get out!
Foot shot in, methinks.
This is a bigger horror than he can imagine, methinks.
Funny how so much remains inconceivable to so many.
full of fearful tales that one.
When it’s all over, he’s going to write a book about it.
When King came in with a late attempt to rehabilitate the Warren Commission, he said that his wife, going with the “conspiracy angle”, was a contrarian. Considering that the majority of Americans smell a rat, it is King who is the contrarian.
Kind of a ironic – a man who wallows in imaginary horrors denies the real ones. Maybe that’s the idea of writers like King, to numb people to the horrors and make them look in the wrong directions.
Whatever the downsides of covid, it’s certainly smoking out the celebrity fakers and stooges.
I’ve read most of the initial run of King stuff from Carrie through The Shining up to Pet Sematary. And I reckon his horrors are never very scary. His books are like fairground ghost trains were people in Halloween costume jump out and go “Boo!” And that’s why he’s popular. His middle class characters always experience purely external threats and everyone seems to get what’s coming to them. All very reassuring. And kind of dull.
Thanks for the link to that seminal paper on Nano-Thermite in WTC debris.
Also YouTube have been censoring 9/11 eyewitness accounts of explosions before and in between the towers falling.Hard to find decent documentary’s about the 9/11 truth.
Try this…..9/11 DOCUMENTARY – 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB (
On the street reporting after 4:00
And this is greenscreen I think:
Nina Pineda was a weather girl btw….and that looks like what she is doing.
There was a longer version of this vid.
Aha…and here it is…
Miss Pineda kindly donated the lovely pink jacket she’s wearing to the 9/11 memorial museum.
I’ve been on the site Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth I do believe nano thermite was used.I never believed the story of the towers just collapsing 3 on the same day??.
Sadly, A&E 9/11 are telling half the story/lying by omission and they know it.I fell for it for a little while quite a few years ago.
Just to add : The fact that A&E have an enormous range of merchandise available (Alex Jones style) is also a bit dodgy I think.
HTF else do you imagine outfits of volunteers fund constantly-costly efforts like theirs? Do you imagine everything they’ve done costs just spare change, quite apart from having to earn their own livings at their professions, on the side?
No rich-git organisations bankroll them. Richard Gage and his little circle of dedicated volunteers have given years of their lives to the work, for a lot more kicks than ha’pence. I’ve been a member all the time AE9/11Truth has existed. There’s nothing remotely ‘dodgy’ about them. They do inspired on-a-shoestring work: Deeply honourable dedication driven by an unbreakable passion for getting the truth out. You should be so impressive. FFS grow up!
I believe they are telling the part of the story that is the subject of their expertise. Would you like them to veer into subjects they don’t have professional knowledge for?
I have an acquaintance who belongs to that group. I once saw an envelope with the header in a pile of his mail. I’ve never asked him about it. Given the anniversary, I think I might ask him a few questions about his insight when we next meet.
The give away for me has always been the pristine passports found on the footpath in New York and the mountain of unburnt paper falling unburnt to the ground
And the red bandanna found on top of a small hole in Shanksville.
The first thing I thought was CIA, nothing I have seen or heard since has changed that.
Yes and then there was the beautiful bone china vase which was found intact balanced atop of one of the severed steel beams.
Haha, yes i forgot about that.
9 and 11 planning
gladio daddio
When did the planning for 9 11 take place?
In the early 1950s, the United States began training “stay behind” networks in Europe.
These networks carried out acts of terrorism in Europe, such as the 1980 Bologna Bomb.
gladio daddio 🙂
“When did the planning for 9 11 take place?”
From the earliest days several decades ago, in zionistan. It was always their baby first and foremost, to lead the US by the nose into their patch of the world, with the connivance of the capital-traitor neocons in the US ‘elite’.
This whole effort of criminal geopolitics is just beginning right now to go all to ratshit, as the broke and exhausted US gets booted progressively out of the ME, and the final endgame for zionistan-in-Palestine begins, surrounded by implacable enemies with ever-improving armaments, and they themselves lumbered with several hundred nuclear weapons which they’re just beginning to realise are absolutely no bloody use to them, except to guarantee the total obliteration of zionistan the moment they’re ever launched…
I’m still very surprised why people even vote. What are we voting for? Another massacre, continued poverty, a war against the people.
It’s makes absolutely zero difference who gets elected and/or the subsequent outcome for society.
We live in a dreamland of nothing more than potential outcomes that mean fuck all, except of course for the politician.
For every Australian, if you want to make a stand, simply don’t vote!
“We live in a dreamland of nothing more than potential outcomes that mean fuck all, except of course for the politician.”
Nail on the head.
Wonderful. Concise, filled with positive energy. Thank you OffG and Professor Harrit.
My path was celebrating a smack in the face to the US to… wait a minute.
“From Bob Avakian:
On COVID, The Importance Of Getting People Vaccinated, And The Very Real Problem Regarding Rampant Individualism”
Well I wonder what this is about?
Let’s skip the blasé generalising group theory stuff and cut to the chase:
“…it is a fact that the COVID pandemic has, in this country, hit Black people (as well as Latinos and Native Americans) the hardest, and with the heaviest death toll; and it is a fact that the vaccines against COVID have been clearly demonstrated to be safe and to be overwhelmingly successful in preventing serious illness and death from COVID. So, there is no good reason NOT to get these vaccines—and refusing to do so not only puts those refusing at risk of serious illness and possibly death, but also exposes others to the same risks.”
Yes it’s the covid crap rap. But here is a new combative tone:
“And people are not just refusing to get the vaccines because of any legitimate concerns about the safety (or the effectiveness) of the vaccines. Far too many people—especially lunatic anti-scientific fascists but far too many others as well, including among those hardest hit by the COVID pandemic—are refusing to get the vaccines because of a combination of crazy conspiracy theories, other anti-scientific garbage, and rampant individualism. People insist that “it is a matter of personal choice” whether to get the vaccine—and those refusing to get the vaccine argue (often angrily and belligerently) that “it is a matter of my personal freedom.””
Note one of the most pernicious angles to the covid crap rap I.e. that the objection to the vax was entirely to do with “MY personal freedom” thus giving the impression that vax rejection was a matter of rampant individualism and psychotic selfishness I.e. obviously presuming that the deadliness of covid is set in stone.
But who is Avakian? He is the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party of the US.
And so the battle is now on and whilst sections of the Left remain in an apparently permanent state of stupor, the moles are swinging into a major offensive now.
I can’t get over Arnie saying f your freedom.
Chip off the old block.
Well, he does work for Cyberdyne…
And we must rise against the machines…
“Unfortunately the CIA-New Peoples Temple Party (formerly known as the SEP) is not the only Langley-Land disinformation/misinformation operation out there. The Rev Chairman Bob has been around since the mid 70’s doing his schtick on behalf of the corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psychos.”

Here is an even more explicit piece of conspiracy phobic pseudo scientific question begging excrement:
Note this tired old straw man trope:
“For all, or any, of these conspiracy theories to be true would require the involvement of huge numbers of people conspiring in this—not just powerful people, but ultimately millions of ordinary people, including …”
Blah de blah de fucking de blah.
And here’s a nod to the recently built theatrical extravaganza:
“Along with lunatic conspiracy theories about the vaccines, spread particularly (but not only) by fascist followers of Donald Trump, Fox “News,” etc …”
The Trump meme doing the job it was designed for.
But here comes the biggie:
“This is a basically unscientific understanding of things, both specifically in relation to COVID and the vaccines and fundamentally in terms of the essential nature of this system we live under, the system of capitalism-imperialism, and how this system actually functions.”
Now THAT has a deeply familiar ring, does it not? Here we have the essence of the carefully nurtured Left conspiracy phobia we all know and love. If you posit a conspiracy then you DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW THINGS FUNDAMENTALLY WORK! And so conspiracies are precluded! They either CANNOT exist or if they do, THEY DON’T MATTER!
Why is he so sure? It is because,
“These capitalists are locked in cutthroat competition with each other, and this drives them to penetrate every part of the world, especially the poorer countries, in order”
They couldn’t collaborate.
“when faced with a serious pandemic like the current COVID crisis, it is objectively in the interests of the ruling capitalists and their governments in countries like this actually to bring this pandemic under control … And getting this pandemic “under control” is also objectively in the interests of the ruling capitalist-imperialists in their efforts, in the “international arena,” to secure and strengthen their position.”
So … the capitalists CAN work together to “get the virus under control” but not to spin out a lie?
As if sensing the weakness here, Avakian now goes back to emphasising the divisions and … well it was difficult to follow him after this as the essay dissolves into a welter of identity politics and wokery. Though I note we end up with an invocation of the spirit of the Russian revolution. With social distancing? Good luck with that!
And here was I hoping for a Communist Revolution in the U$A. Like I hoped for a B.Liar victory over Snatcher.
“Be careful what you wish for; you might get it” — Aesop
Is he clinically insane, do you think? The massive reality-detachment and wholesale delusionality certainly suggests a hopeless schizophrenic.
“lunatic anti-scientific fascists… ”
“those refusing to get the vaccine argue (often angrily and belligerently)… ”
Hard to tell if this is an attempt at gas-lighting or he’s just a monumentally un-self-aware prick.
“From past experience the surest way of getting pepper sprayed or busted by the gestapo was to be in close proximity at any demo to Rev Chairman Bob’s acolytes. One of them even tried to plant a pair of brass knuckles under an information table of a group I was assisting to get it shut down. They are gestapo infiltrants. Fortunately they are few in number.”
“Rampant individualism”. That’s a good one.
Individualism – “a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control.”
freedom bad, state control good. Where do these people come from?
On day-release from the secure wards for the incurably insane.
“especially lunatic anti-scientific fascists” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Avakian is basically a Maoist version of the Trotskyist WSW, and he may well be spooky too.
What would he say to a pro-lifer who asserted that abortion on demand was an example of ‘rampant individualism and psychotic selfishness’?
And what indeed does he have to say about the fact that the jab not only does not confer immunity but leaves the jabee open to infection, with a viral load potentially some 200x greater than in someone unjabbed who has caught the lurgy ‘naturally’. How then are the unjabbed a menace to the jabbed? It’s the other way round.
Moreover, if he believes, wrongly, that the jab confers immunity, how is it possible that the jabbed can catch the lurgy? So what business is it of his whether someone else has been jabbed? Biden’s cretinously inflammatory harangue yesterday made the same logical error — the jab works AND simultaneously it doesn’t.
(All of the foregoing assumes that the virus exists, or that the lurgy is something new to medical science, neither of which I’m too sure about.)
He’s quite right that people aren’t only refusing the vaccines out of safety concerns – although one has to be living in a psychotic dream world not to know by now the vaccines are dangerous.
There’s also the fact that they confer no possible health benefits or protection of any sort. It’s not a hard choice to make to refuse a “vaccine” which has zero benefits and tremendous risks. I like how he puts the word “effectiveness” in brackets like an afterthought, as if it’s a self-evident truth they are effective.
And effective against what? Does Covid even exist? Unlikely – i think it doesn’t exist at all – but even if we play along and play pretend that the PCR test is a legitimate diagnostic tool it’s still the case that the vast majority of case numbers are meaningless – if you’re asymptomatic it means you’re not ill – this notion that millions of asymptomatic individuals are walking petri dishes threatening the health and safety of society is made-up, pseudo-scientific nonsense.
And I love how he insists the injections have been “overwhelmingly successful” even though he and every other scientist on the planet has failed to prove this – (successful at what exactly? covid always seems to vanish into thin air the moment you stop testing for it) – and he follows the usual hack media template in not even attempting to demonstrate this is true, but takes a public temper tantrum instead.
WikiPedia, RCP: “Bob Avakian’s ‘New Synthesis’ (or ‘New Communism’)”
From the production company that brought you Tony B.Liar’s ‘New Labour’.
Niels Harrit has always come across as a very sound and logical human.
As an engineer myself, I praise the man for not only being completely honest, but also a man that takes his skills seriously for the betterment of mankind.
It’s called Professional Integrity. Can be risky; remember Dr.David Kelly, found dead “with suicide” but without benefit of coroners inquest. Like people nowadays can be declared dead “with Con-19” and no coroner.
Good video. Very good content. It clears our mind up about the truth
This was produced in 1974.
What can one say?
They’re doing this all the time, and for some reason, it never bores. Fun and games, but in the end, we pay.
Now they’re planning the crime of the century
Well, what will it be?
Read all about their schemes and adventuring
Yes, it’s well worth a fee
So roll up and see
How they rape the universe
How they’ve gone from bad to worse
Who are these men of lust, greed and glory?
Rip off the masks and let’s see
But that’s not right, oh, no, what’s the story?
But there’s you and there’s me
That’s not right
Song 🎵
From the same band – 1979
I don’t know what to make of it, but it’s an interesting coincidence.
Can you imagine how boring it must be, to know, with certainty what will happen in x years of time?
If I look in my agenda, and see what will happen to me even as close as next week, bores the hell out of me.
See it as an all inclusive vacation where every tour, every sight seeing, literally everything is set in stone before one enjoys his or her vacation.
If that’s freemasonry, than it is a club that is even more boring than club med. in x years we are going to play this or that prank. Oh, the duping delight that brings to one’s heart!
But then those who are part of this club, seem like pretty dull people to me who don’t mind to be bored out of their minds.
So maybe…
I’m not sure what will happen tomorrow, let alone in a years time. I’m a firm believer in living everyday as well as you can.
Enjoy what you have and never snicker about what you don’t have.
I have some friends who have a chalk board in their kitchen with all of next weeks meals written on it.
It always sends a shiver down my spine.
Rather impressive level of planning for a family but not in itself sinister, I would have thought.
I knew a few people that joined the freemasonry they said it’s all smoke and mirrors a play a ritual almost comical.
Bruce Robinson wrote a very detailed book on Jack the Ripper. At the time, from the 360 Tory MP’s, 330 were Masons.
Robinson believes that Jack the Ripper was a mason and protected within the brotherhood of the Mosonic.
An interesting tale.
If that’s the case, Masonry has been in decline since then since I doubt whether there are hundreds of them in the current Commons. Perhaps Zionist competition?
Maybe Waldorf, i don’t know a great deal about it. I just read the the book years ago and found it interesting.
Rank and file masons are no more than a social club with illuminist trappings.
It is what goes on in the upper echelons under the cover of the society that constitute the problem with it.
Yes, and I can easily imagine that certain types of people get an enormous kick out of being ‘in the know’ or being involved in ‘something big’. It’s a power trip addiction/entertainment thing I guess. Isn’t that a psycho/control freak/narcist personality trait?