Covid’s Willing Executioners
How have previously normal people become so eager to deal out death in judgment?
Todd Hayen

A subject in the famous Milgram experiment, administering electric shocks just because he’s told to.
A few weeks ago, three friends on Facebook told me that they wished for my death.
One of them I didn’t really know. He freaked out when I calmly suggested there were viable treatment options for those with Covid. He responded: “Stay out of my life!! I hope you get Covid and die!”
The other two friends were people I knew in college 45 years ago, one was my freshman year roommate, and the other guy introduced me to my first wife. He suggested that I prove Darwin’s theory and perish from the virus, the other just basically said I deserved what was coming as a selfish unvaccinated science-denier.
Covid’s willing executioners.
I know Facebook is certainly not the ideal place for reasonable discourse. As a psychologist, however, I do find it an interesting sample of a certain extreme way of thinking and behaving.
I also believe my experience with “friends” wishing for my demise is not unusual amongst those on that side of the fence in this debate. At least not unusual in thought.
As we all know, Facebook is the place of no inhibition. However, that said, I do believe it is a grave concern that human beings can be manipulated into this dark manner of thinking and feeling.
The operative word here is “manipulate.”
I do have faith, that for the most part, human beings have evolved from a cave mentality when confronting “other” in the culture. In cave days our psychology was programmed for survival, and it didn’t take much coercion to view members from another tribe that wandered into territory that was not their own to be immediately met with suspicion and fear.
Today, many thousands of years later, I think it takes a bit of manipulation to view “other” as fatally dangerous—but not much coercion, so it seems.
In this regard it appears we have lost any scintilla of common sense. How can a government (or more likely an even higher organization of authority) convince the masses so easily that the unvaccinated are the mortal enemy with not a whiff of science in the argument? This clearly is a case of the emperor’s new clothes, but it isn’t going to take only a small innocent child’s exaltation that the emperor is naked to make everyone see what is true.
Why is this?
I’m afraid it is human nature — at least a small part of human nature — that these days needs a little coercion to come out in full bloom. For me, as a psychologist, it is more proof that there is an organized agenda, a “psyop” if you will, driving this whole debacle. When humans are put into this sort of psychological environment, their reaction is very predictable.
A friend of mine, Dr. Mark McDonald, who is a prominent psychiatrist and has a very prestigious practice in California, told me this in a recent conversation:
“Pandemic of the unvaccinated” has emerged as an expression of propaganda meant to provoke anger toward those who exercise medical choice in deferring or refusing the experimental vaccine. It is meant to isolate, shame, and humiliate anyone who will not agree to surrender medical autonomy to the state. It intentionally divides Americans against one another while simultaneously distracting attention from the medical reality of poor vaccine efficacy and vaccine harm. The expression is devoid of scientific meaning but full of coercive psychological power. It must be challenged.
Again, we see this idea of “coercive psychological power” come up in Dr. McDonald’s comment. Propaganda and the manipulation of the masses has been a key tenet in totalitarian regimes. Pitting person against person is of utmost importance to having control over the masses. Even in Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, the opposition to the state was created by the state to keep the masses distracted, or so it is implied.
I am reminded of the Stanford Prison Experiment as well as Milgram’s obedience studies at Yale. Milgram set up an experiment where a subject, someone who did not know the parameters of the experiment, was in control of administering an electric shock to the “learner” if he/she failed to answer certain questions correctly.
The “learner” was also “in” on the experiment and in fact received no shocks. The authority figure egging on the subject was also, of course, “in” on the experiment and played the role of authority that the subject had to succumb to. “Just following orders” is the phrase that immediately comes to mind.
The current phenomenon regarding the persecution of the unvaccinated has some correlation with this experiment in that people, when pressured by the “mainstream authority or narrative,” tend to have little or no connection with a natural empathy toward the group identified as “other” (the unvaccinated).
The subjects in Milgram’s experiment consistently detached from the learner’s pain and tended to dissociate from them as fellow humans. They ceased to see them as in the same tribe as themselves; they were quickly reclassified as “other.”
The difference in the results of this experiment and the current situation is that “other” (the “learner”) posed no threat to the subject in Milgram’s experiment. He or she was just disobedient to authority, i.e., was not doing correctly what authority demanded him/her to do.
Now, in our present situation, the vaccinated are convinced by authority that the unvaccinated are in fact a threat (as well as not being obedient to the parental agenda). Authority is doing this through any means available to them, and it makes no difference if these means have even the slightest scientific truth to them (they say of course it is all scientific, but with further scrutiny, it certainly is not).
We saw this early on with the mask compliance. Those wearing masks were identified as one particular tribe: the “good” tribe who possessed community values. Those not wearing masks, or complaining about them, were the other tribe: the bad tribe, who were selfish, stupid, and science deniers. (to paraphrase Orwell’s sheep in Animal Farm: “four legs good (mask), two legs bad (no masks)”).
Now this effort of segregation and persecution has moved to the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. It is not the “right” science that will disintegrate this tribal conflict: it is a psycho-social issue, not a pragmatic objective one.
In a recent Charles Eisenstein article “Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed” he states:
My point is that those in the scientific and medical community who dissent from the demonization of the unvaxxed contend not only with opposing scientific views, but with ancient, powerful psycho-social forces. They can debate the science all they want, but they are up against something much bigger.
Daniel Goldhagen’s book, Hitler’s Willing Executioners (from which this article’s title is derived) presents a thesis that the persecution of the Jews in Hitler’s Germany was not only an exercise of obedience to Hitler’s ideology but was the result of a long history of German antisemitism. This very well could be true, but in my opinion this historic antisemitism was only the hook which made it easier for Hitler to hang his ideology.
Today’s willing executioners do not need a history of racial discrimination to hang their hatred of anti-vaxxers, but instead rely on a simple identification of “other” (unvaccinated) and a hatred for those who “don’t care about me, or those that I love.” The key common denominator it seems is the common concept of caring for others before caring for yourself, which, ironically, is clearly not the true psychological operator in this situation.
These people seem to care far more for themselves and their own safety (and their opinion) than they do for the rights and freedoms (and safety) of others — take the jab to save me, never mind you might die or get sick in the process.
So what we are actually experiencing is “normal” — normal from the perspective that human beings have the innate capability of being all sorts of ugly things, particularly when gathered in crowds: tribes.
If coerced and manipulated in a particular way, as has happened countless times in world history, they can become unconscious, irrational, nonempathic, monsters. I will close with a paragraph from another excellent article by author CJ Hopkins (which can be found in its entirety on Off-Guardian’s website) “The Approaching Storm”:
Thus, their plan is to make our lives as miserable as possible, to segregate us, stigmatize us, demonize us, bully, and harass us, and pressure us to conform at every turn.
They are not going to put us on the trains to the camps. GloboCap is not the Nazis. They need to maintain the simulation of democracy.
So, they need to transform us into an underclass of “anti-social conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxer disinformationists,” “white-supremacist election-result deniers,” “potentially violent domestic extremists,” and whatever other epithets they come up with, so that we can be painted as dangerously unhinged freaks and cast out of society in a way that makes it appear that we have cast out ourselves.
Hunker down.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.
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Well said. I will certainly share it will all the other so called “friend” in my world because more people need to develop an open mind towards this imposed depopulation agenda that the elitists (those with too much money and fear) are imposing. Thank you for your insights.
I think part of it is also fear. Not all vaxxed are complete idiots. Some of them are maybe secretly having second thoughts and are afraid they made a terrible mistake in getting themselves and their children vaxxed. Rather than entertain that horrifying thought, they lash out at the unvaxxed who unknowingly bring their secret fears to the surface.
Wow, this is one of the best written summary of all arguments against masks, lockdowns, Vaccination, covid etc.
I stumbled across this story and read it with interest, to try to understand the “anti-vaxx” position. I have to say, I’m disappointed that it wasn’t more substantial. “Not a whiff of science?” Do you think it’s all a lie that it is largely the unvaccinated that are now dying of Covid? Do you consider vaccinations against smallpox and polio also to be part of “mob morality”? This article is flat out histrionic, comparing the push to vaccinate to prison experiments and the Nazis — who is actually guilty of “extreme way of thinking and behaving” here, after all?
I’ve never heard a single person say they “hate” anti-vaxxers. Sorry you’d heard that from your peeps, but it’s not exactly the norm.
You didn’t actually deny that the unvaccinated are now getting seriously ill and dying at much higher rates than the unvaccinated. That the unvaccinated exhaust our healthcare systems and workers and put them at unnecessary risk. That the rest of the population is paying billions for those unneccessary illnesses, that the longer Covid is allowed to spread, the greater chances of new variants, and that the more continuing cases we have of Covid, the greater harm it does to the economy and to businesses who are trying to work with other countries who now see us as high risk. And you didn’t give one single reason for your stance. No, you don’t have to justify yourself, but YOU made these histrionic claims.
You dissemble mightily. The most vaxxed countries are the ones with the most infections and hospitalizations. You clearly have no interest in understanding anything but continuing your intellectually lazy and dishonest *rebuttal*, while using the *anti-vaxxer* pejorative lie—most are anti-THIS-not-a-vax—and decrying the lack of *substantiality*. Do your damn due diligence,for once. Let me do the hard part for you, since you won’t. Research Israel, Iceland, Singapore, Gibraltar, England, for starters. The stats for those countries quickly put to the lie your heavily deceitful claims that the unjabbed are *exhausting our healthcare systems, blah blah blah*. What is exhausting those systems are the uneducated fear porn addicts like yourself, who are rejoicing at forcing a demonstrably ineffective, crippling and lethal injection into those whom you–just like in the article that you comically failed to comprehend—view as rogues for going outside your stubbornly illiterate consensus and echo chamber mentality. Hospitals are understaffed because they are forcing unjabbed workers to resign or be fired for refusing to submit to murderous coercion and abrogation of rights from the clinically deranged, like you, whose idea of fairness and logic is that the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected.
It is you who is indulging in *histrionics*. Classic projection. Childish, petulant histrionic projection.
We know of over 50 unvaccinated people personally and not one is sick with covid nor do any of them know anyone unvaccinated who is sick with covid. We do however know of 4 vaccinated people in the last month sick with covid. We unvaccinated are peaceful and just want to be left alone to decide for ourselves. We are not the reason for so many to be sick right now, it is the result of a useless vaccine that doesn’t prevent disease or prevent serious symptoms, in fact an Israeli doctor who testified at the recent FDA hearings about utilizing the boosters said that 65% of the seriously and critical ill in hospitals in Israel are vaccinated. The proof of this is everywhere, but if you only listen to the mainstream media and “fact checkers” you will never find that out.
Even the front for the vaccine industry, the WHO, admits: “Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment”.
This was known from the beginning…
So why is covid being cast as a threat to all…there is something very sinister going on…
But now they’ve unleashed ‘leaky vaccines’ that don’t prevent infection nor transmission, and with unknown duration of ‘immunity’…against a virus they knew from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people…
Who knows what lies ahead now? Nobody knows, this is a global experiment in progress, without ‘informed consent’.
Polio and Small Pox had proven results during the push to inoculate the masses. The “game” the FDA is playing is attempting to deceive and confuse those minds that they are comparing apples and apples. The FDA “approved” an injection by Pfizer that isn’t even available or has been manufactured in quantities sufficient to offer. Then later act like FDA approved the one currently being used which they did not. It’s the same devastating one they have been offering.It remains”EXPERIMENTAL” but who bothers reading anymore??
You are definitely mixed up about who is getting sick. In Israel 80 percent of those who have gotten the BioWeapon fake covid shot are sick. What do you read? Have you not read that Dr Faucci created this Bioweapon in the GAIN FOR FUNCTION LAB that he runs. Do you even know about AGENDA 21? if not, you need to RESEARCH it. The GLOBALIST ADMIT (in their own words) that they will use Vaccines to DEPOPULATE THE EARTH. For crying out loud, Wake up, and do the RESEARCH.
Even the Corners in the Funeral Homes are saying that they are lying to us about the Unvaccinated being the ones who are dying. They say it is the Vaccinated who are dying. Something has happened to the minds of those who have taken this bioweapon shot. Personally, I have not/and will not take it. I have NATURAL IMMUNITY BECAUSE I HAVE HAD THE FAKE COVID. The way I see it, My Body, My Choice. AND I refuse to be FORCED into putting something in my body that will change/alter my GOD GIVEN DNA. BUT anyone who wants to take the SHOT, i have no problem with them taking it, AND they should have no problem with my DECISION TO NOT TAKE IT.
Good article my friend. Well put.
There is a darkness within the psyche that when awakened will not listen to reason, facts or have any empathy to any one’s suffering but their own. This darkness takes pleasure in its new found power to ridicule and shame the ‘lower’ life forms.
Are Pfizer, Moderns and the rest paying commissions to firms, educational establishments, trusts and so in doing these so called vaccinations, or giving inducements to anybody from Bozo downwards? They can’t all be fanatics about this useless and often dangerous injection. We’re paying a lot of money for this forced inoculation, I can’t believe a govt/state as desperate as this one isn’t getting something back.
Hayen’s fault is in his false premise of “previously normal people”… they were never normal, as in psychologically healthy, in the first place — read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at
I can’t disagree…but I would have had to have explained myself if I got into that, which would have distracted from the primary point…
UK – I wrote this to kids’ school – any takes on legality of not informing parents at every moment? Equally, are 16 year olds really not protected from fun-fair induced vaccines? Really?
‘Have you any knowledge of proposed Covid vaccine offers? I am strictly against this in line with JCIV guidance that it is not suitable for your cohort for health reasons. I would welcome your take on this as things unfold with my kids in the potential firing line. This is far more pressing than any other subject, so please update a.s.a.p.
Yesterday, at my place of work at an FE college, they had a vaccine bus next to candy floss, popcorn and ice-cream stalls. I’m sorry, but if you are being pressured into this kind of ‘fun fair’ vaccine roll-out for kids who do not need it I would like to know in advance.
I would also like to be alerted immediately of any government guidance you receive on this subject with regard to my children, as I will otherwise deem this a removal of informed consent by your school via the delay of information.
For example, the children where I work and their parents were not informed about the vaccine bus or the candy floss ahead of time.
This is a very real issue and I expect a timely response.
I am going to forward this email to the local press and our MP here in XXXX. And whatever get out clause there is, please bear in mind that my children are in your care while at your school. I do not give you permission to roll that care out to other providers at any point ever until future notice’.
for some reason my comment is not approved??
Here is a message I’ve composed and sent to those in my chat groups admonishing the nuvo cultists of Covidia..
Perhaps you might do the same or similar?
It is time we started to speak to them as we do so amongst ourselves.
If reason won’t work, perhaps shaming might make a difference?
Ask yourselves this question, you so given to this new fascistic faith of Covidia….
Can you even at your most ambitious ever imagine your high priest Fauci ever standing next to the bed of a vaccine fallen comrade of yours and even mouthing some sympathetic platitudes?
He would also not ever do this for you either…
For this fascistic insanity considers its own fallen as become enemy, the very moment they falter when struck down by the poison demanded in this cultist initiation.
You, your comrades, and your leaders leave behind as already dead those that march with you and bloat your insane ranks the moment your administered poison strikes them down.
This will be so with you as well should you succumb.
The very State, the Government you have supported and do still with your labour and your taxes will leave you stranded…. deserted and even despised should you fall.
They have contracts and agreements in place to ensure that you are not protected by laws, neither local, national or international.
This is the cult you subscribe to, you of Covidian convictions…
You leave us, the newly condemned to fight for human rights and human dignity while you pound us with your contempt.
Your wounded and fallen ours to carry and care for while you rampage on in your insane delusions…. ever more while you can, and while you still stand.
Shame on you!
Beautifully put JIMLAP.
Since you brought up Fauci: there is an old interview in which he says he takes 1000mg of vitamin C daily to protect his health. Has he ever once advocated upping vitamin C intake to protect Americans since the start of this ‘pandemic?’ Not that I have heard.
As during his AIDS heyday he is all about pushing dangerous experimental drugs (from companies such as Gilead in which he owns stock) on people when well established vitamins, supplements, and established medicines would work. He loves running secret clinical trials on unsuspecting and vulnerable people.
Wonderful letter, and I am happy to share this.
You are correct about how to deal with cultists. Reason, while it appeals to our sense of reason and civility, won’t work. Brainwashing or cognitive dissonance can’t be breached by anything other than mockery, ridicule, shaming ARE tactics recommended by those who have dealt with deprogramming cultists.
The reason medical fascism is happening is quite simple. It actually works. That is, if you are a psychopath who wants to rule the world.
“Medical Martial Law” is the most accurate term I’ve heard. Got it from an interview with the rapper “Lord Jamar”.
Yeah.. “fascism” has nothing to do with this thing neither do communism as others call it communism…
Authoritarianism and/or Totalitarianism, simple.
I’ve seen it described as ‘medical apartheid’, and that, too, is both good and accurate.
It isn’t difficult at all to understand how the world got so crazy that people might soon be willing to kill for the sake of a virus.
It is virtually impossible to survive in the world today…without money. When the f**k did it come to that? You can’t eat, drink, clothe or shelter yourself with money – yet you can’t survive without it.
Talk about the triumph of unreality over reality.
Farmers in India – farmers: the great givers of life – are killing themselves for lack of money. Not for lack of soil, or rain, or sunshine, or seeds or crops – for lack of money!
And we will take up a collection in their honor – and try to get some much needed money to them so that they may live.
The world has been stark raving mad for a very long time.
That’s right. Since about the Fall.
My response to the “shamers” is rhetorical questions: After informing them that the Canadian government has, on at least two occasions, admitted that it has not isolated a pure form of the virus, nor is it aware of any study anywhere, any time that has, what am I being vaccinated against? and
If former Pfizer VP and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon and Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier are opposed to this vaccination scheme not vaccines in general, why would I listen to a politician?
An endless succession of variants and jabs. That’s what I predict,
And growing list of dead and maimed as the jab takes its toll.
Today is election day and for the first time since I became an adult I’m not voting.
Go spoil your ballot in protest. I do that a lot more than actually voting for someone.
t feels like the vaccinated are angry and saying something like hey government I was duped so why do I have to keep getting jabbed for the rest of my life while they don’t.
So they are angry at the government and the unvaccinated.
That’s why they want the reward for being duped into endless jabs and the unvaccinated punished.
Now they want freedom and the unvaccinated locked up, banned from shops and lose jobs.
There’s also the hey I took the risk (safe and effective) and got jabbed so if I’m going to suffer side effects so should you. The moral high ground, I took the risk for you and you are the selfish one which makes them more angry.
The rhetoric some of the governments use makes you think they are looking for a fight and civil war between the people.
It’s really quite strange.
Not strange, just the usual divide and rule.
It’s all going according to plan — so far.
The biggest mistake people make is thinkng the ruling class are stupid.
The second-biggest mistake is thinking the ruling class are infallible and invulnerable.
Too true. #3 would be lack of spine to stand up.
I’ve thought so, too, that the anger and rancor is a manifestation of buyer’s remorse, Similar to—but without the pre-meditated malice—how a drowning victim can down those trying to help them…it really looks as if they have decided that if they are going down, they have determined to take us all with them.
Whose idea of normal applies to ‘previously normal people’?
Is it not simply an expression of previously presumed and accepted reality or identity?
Terrain theory posits the individual or specific as an expression of its relationship with terrain or context. This is more of a Field of resonant communication than the object model of external or material causes.
Automatous theory assigns causative agency to specific entities as an independent entity, relative to a world of objects and forces in which it presumes or is presumed to exist. This is the projection of an image-belief we create our self.
The normalisation of pathological theory as a basis for social masking of inner conflicts as a basis for survival as a distanced, locked down and masked separateness is a human expression of self-consciousness as trauma to be denied, escaped and adjusted for in a social persona through which an augmentation of reality substitutes for natural recognition of life and existence as it is – as I am.
While the mind is masked in its own image it does run as an automaton in place of an aligned will within the Will or Desire to live and share being. It cannot see or hear or know anything by virtue of a self-investment in oppositional thought and intent given power as a split mind acted out on the body of the living.
Anything can become habituated and adapted to as normal, but there are limits to tolerance for pain at all seeming levels of our being that root in the heart of original separation trauma. So in time we will come to question insane ways of ‘thinking’ that self-contradict and mask over the cracks, that dictate ways of ‘seeing’ that initiate reactions of a dissociated mind running its own convictions in polarised support of the shadow projections of another broken relationship.
Unless a movement from which the question reality as adapted to and normalised, no introspection is possible because the mind of masking doesn’t and cannot know you, for not knowing who you are is your chosen defence to which it was invoked to supply.
Fear of infection can lead to casting it out onto others. Hateful and loveless thoughts are made real thereby in the denier and can infect the denied if they are susceptible to the same learning errors. While we deny and disown hate and fear, we will seem to escape temporarily, at cost of diminishing and disempowering the mind of our freedom to release such a choice in aligning anew. Instead we repackage ‘reality’ in solutions by which to mask the problem in external pathogenic actors and agencies that shift and mutate with every attempt to eradicate them.
The insane fragmentation of such a ‘reality’ collapses under its own contradictions to reveal a lack of substance or basis in reality.
Instead of seeking influence and impact with such conflicts, consider what is it that the mask of lies was set to hide or make safe from?
I just relistened to Dr Fleming, who has a very helpful website, with a downloadable form for people wanting to fight against mandated vaccines, and he has an interesting suggestion we should ask those who rail against us, the “vaccine hesitant” – ask what the person would do if they lived in 1930s Germany.
Do you have a direct link to that downloadable form?
This seems to be the link:
Thanks Ort.
“Pandemic of the unvaccinated”
The exact expression used recently by Victorian dictator Andrews.
They all get the same memos from the big head office.
Most definitely.
Where is the “head office”? Is there a central command point, because it certainly looks like there is?
I’m sure The Science claims that no two people on the planet have the same fingerprints.
When someone tells me it’s true, i ask “show me the evidence.”
Say hi to Michael and Gillian for me 😉
Dr Richard Fleming observed that the Nazis interred the intellectuals before interring the Jews in order to separate the thinkers from the people. It is very evident to me that this is the current agenda, such as removing the qualifications from Dr Robert Malone’s wikipedia page, and demonising the “Dirty Dozen” Health Freedom advocates as “killers” by Biden, deregistering doctors who treat patients successfully with other protocols, etc. Queensland doctors can be jailed for 6 months if they prescribe ivermectin: the TGA has totally banned it.
VI Lenin wasnt as cruel. He rounded up all the philosophers, etc, sent them packing on A Ship of Fools. He may also have coined the expression “blah, blah, blah !”- which is put into the mouth of Count Vlad in “Transylvania” movies by his critics – because that’s what most (Soviet) Thinkers sounded like to him….(He had no time for anyone not plotting Revolution, or at least plotting a political coup.)
Once Lenin was out of the way, and he was a Thinker, Uncle Joe Stalin got rid of all the thinkers in the CPSU, except for those like Trofim Lysenko
Lenin was one of history’s great butchers.
The Aussies really ought to start feeding the wood chipper with politicians.
Actually, the National Socialists (Nazis) interred their political opposition (Social Democrats, Communists mostly) first. The “intellectuals” – (to the extent they were not associated with those political parties) just rolled over (sound familiar?). Up just ahead, 2+ months after coming to power was the “Restoration of Civil Service” law which fired most of the Jewish intellectuals (academics and attorneys, etc) and created windfall job opportunities for “German” intellectuals (vaxed / unvaxed academics here in the USA may be reproducing that dynamic).
Hey Glenda, “Dr Richard Fleming observed that the Nazis interred the intellectuals before interring the Jews in order to separate the thinkers from the people. “
No need to have the intellectuals interred when they can be killed off. Those among us who have been paying attention for some time might remember the odd spate of microbiologists, epidemiologists, and virologists who began experiencing odd deaths about 15 or 20 years ago.
I think that many such scientists were killed so that more, uh, “pliable” candidates could be promoted up the ranks — scientists who would go along with promoting the scare and the eternal hobgoblins. Paranoid? Sure! But is it paranoid enough? After all, we are dealing with psychopaths in power.
Startling prediction of depopulation through vaccination in this 2014 indie movie starring Rik Mayall in what was (i think) his last performance:
“One by One” (2014), excerpt
Is there anyway we can watch the whole movie ?
You quote the CJ Hopkins line: “They are not going to put us on the trains to the camps.”
Australians might beg to differ, since some undesirables are already being transported to old mining camps in the outback.
“GloboCap is not the Nazis.”
It’s true that nothing is exactly the same as anything else. (The clue is in the word “else”.)
Still: early days yet. The Third Reich lasted 12 years, and Auschwitz wasn’t built in a day.
Auschwitz wasn’t built in a day. But one brick at a time. If Boris has put Vax Passports on hold for the winter, it’s probably because he feels he needs a Winter Wave of Covid Deaths as the final piece of infrastructure. Politicians dont order the building of detention centres aka concentration camps just to create employment opportunities for Tradies…(and as an indication of Economic Growth).
That would suit me, because I, too, am expecting a winter wave of deaths. But not from some as-yet-unglimpsed COVID variant – from ADE, as the immune systems of the vaccinated tip over and betray them. Oh, it would be blamed on some new COVID variant, but if it harvested only the vaccinated it would not take long for people to wise up. This, I believe, is why the leadership is determined to vaccinate everyone. So there won’t be anyone people can point to and say “Hey; he isn’t sick, and he never got vaccinated”.
Happy to be wrong, but this was always my condition for getting jabbed, even though I know it does no real good; I want to see one complete North-American flu-season cycle, and see if ADE manifests itself as many medical professionals have warned it could.
i think Nazi’s might be behind it all
There’s an expression in German: “Wehret den Anfängen.” It means: “Beware of (or: defend yourself against) the beginnings.”
Hell wasn’t built in a day.
“We had so much of ease that we did not mark the signs – a crop blighted, a spring failed, a man killed. Then it was too late – war, and siege, and betrayal, and the dying of the light.”
(Alan Garner, Elidor, 1965)
Most if not all of the Australian states are building 1000+ bed quarantine camps (internment camps??) for the vunerable (unvaxxed??) and are expected to be operational early next year. The West Australian premier has stated vax passports will be in effect by the end of the year for some venues. For anyone that doesn’t already know there are freedom rallies being held around the globe in all major cities on Saturday 18th September.
I am not generally a fan of psychologists of psychiatrists, but this is an above-average analysis of what thinking opponents to this globalist-engineered medical tyranny are facing from the unthinking aggressors who, in their collectivist frenzy, fear and hate all expressions of personal liberty.
I have equal experience with “science” (i.e., biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics – replete with academic awards therein) and “religion” (i.e., ecclesiastical ministry within Biblical Christianity); I bring that parallel perspective to this crisis – a crisis not of pandemic but of liberty:
I have been assertively anti-vaccine since 1993 – and unashamed of it! – when I began to study the true history of the vaccine. Antoine Bechamp and Terrain Theory were and are more valid than Louis Pasteur and Microbe Theory – but Nature cannot be patented for profit and control. John Rockefeller began the assault on natural remedies circa 1910, and the world’s first billionaire bought off our elected representatives to give him a pharmaceutical monopoly.
Follow the money. Follow the power. Follow the control.
If vaccines were anything close to being as “safe and effective” as the government, academia, media, and the medical and pharmaceutical industries, insist, then we would not have a virtually unique, semi-secret Vaccine Court (in the very heart of the District of Corruption), designed to pay for harm or death due to vaccines on a no-fault basis, granting indemnity to one of the most vastly wealthy lobbies on Earth while being funded by the very taxpaying victims of their noxious vaccines.
The fascistic alliance between the GOs (unelected bureaucrats) and NGOs (unelected corporatists) has finally produced universal medical tyranny. The individual human being is not to be allowed to have any say in what happens to one’s own body. The decree has gone out:
Your body belongs to us – to do with as we will! Only experts are allowed to have a say – and if an expert disagrees with the official dogma, then that heretic will be unexperted!
Those who think this is new are wrong: In such as the AMA we have a continuation of the medieval guilds, which have always existed to control the clientele, and to destroy the competition. In the vast – and vastly unaccountable – administrative state (e.g., the CIA, the FDA, et al), created by the closet communist, Franklin Roosevelt, we have self-appointed dictators like Anthony Fauci who never work in the private sector, but who wield ultimate power over the private sector that made these public
servantsmasters wealthy and famous.As for the other side of the equation, I suggest Todd Hayen and all his readers see this not merely as an manifestation of some evolutionary or psychological paradigm, but as a spiritual one: Humankind is fallen and sinful; evil is real. If fallen humanity were perfectible, then the anti-theist communists would have produced, if not a utopia, at least a superior society, instead of the hells-on-earth that they inevitably produce when they divorce themselves from the unalienable rights endowed by the Creator. No Supernatural Creator equals no Natural Rights!
If America does not turn back to the Biblical Christianity that directly fostered Western Civilization, then America is doomed. No political maneuvering can overcome the current corruption.
As I said, I am not a great fan of psychology. If I am to appeal to some mind more modern than that of Jesus the Christ, I prefer the insight and wisdom of G. K. Chesterton or C. S. Lewis. Anyone who wants to see that such men saw this medical tyranny – corrupted science as a depraved religion – as the future of the West need only read That Hideous Strength by Lewis.
These morons only stiffen my resolve. If anyone tries to forcibly inject me, I will execute them with extreme prejudice.
Better a lead injection than a covid injection. We all have to consider what we will do when the police turn up at the door and try to hold us down to forcibly give us an injection. It will happen, it’s just a matter of time.
Agreed. I, for one, will stare at the nurse who delivers the jab and say “I’ve never seen a cold-blooded murderer face to face before.”
Any human being who would jab an unwilling victim – including a child – is a potential murderer and needs to be called out as such.
For over 99% of our species existence we were anarchists. No government, no rulers. No politician. No cell-phones, No teevees to tell us about things we didnt know we needed ’til the teevee said they were essential if you wanted to be one of The Included…
Warre ? Unheard of. Tribal dispute over territory ? What, when the neighbourhood was far from Crowded…
But our psychologist informs us ‘In cave days our psychology was programmed for survival…’ (Who was the programmer Back Then ?)….Clearly he’s been influenced by that guy who claimed Back Then ‘life was nasty, brutish, and short.’ Who wrote of our post-cavedweller psychology ‘Of our Civilized States, there is always Warre of everyone against everyone.’ (Tommy Hobbes. Leviathan (1651)…
(One of the few/best books ever on Human Territoriality > No Trespassing. Bakker & Bakker)
Ps: i’m not too sure about that “no politicians”. If it’s a Genetic Disposition geneticists are sure to one day isolate The Gene, then we can do Gene Therapy on Boris, et al.
You’re all over the place, kiddo.
I accept the compliment. Thanks !
How smart they will feel when they die from taking a bioweapon intravenously.
I’ve noticed two things in blogs/comments sections – jab regret from people that are now jab sick and people telling others about the deaths of family members, co-workers, neighbours, etc.
Those people have been given over to Strong Delusions, because they refuse the truth of the Word of God and follow the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 2
The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
‘Propaganda and the manipulation of the masses has been a key tenet of totalitarian regimes.’
Thank The Lord we live in a Democracy, and it’s Advertisements that are used to Persuade the masses.
“Putting person against person is of utmost importance for having control over the masses.”
Thank The Lord we’re only under pressure to “Keep Up With The Jones’s !”
Who has the luxury of fellow feelings when one’s economic security, on which everything else in one’s lives depends, is sundered through controlled economic demolition ?
What made NAZI fascism possible, what makes Covid Tyranny possible, is the economic havoc caused by an economic system which has us all by the balls.
Facebook friends are like Covid, they aren’t real.
yjod os
What? Punish the heretic!
Hahaha. That made my day.
Singapore, with 80% double injection rates, is now seeing an increases in “cases”. Instead of ditching the useless (and possibly harmful) injections, they propose:
“They now need at least 90 per cent vaccination, which is technically not possible due to hardened anti-vaxxers or refusers.”
So, more jabs, more profit for pHARMa, and more blame directed at the wrong target.
Planner’ plans are working perfectly…..or so it seems.
Maybe Hong Kong could relocate when the Singaporeans start dropping like flies.
Unless the “cases” are occurring amongst the 20% refusers – who are conflated with ‘anti-vaxxers’ – then they can be left to die out…
But it appears the “cases” aren’t amongst the refusers – because that point would have been doubly stressed… And if the double dosed were catching “covid’ from the refusers – that too would have been doubly stressed…
The quote reveals the vax, even double doses, does not protect…
However what is the ‘covid’ that’s affecting the compliant ones ? Is it the same collection of pre-injection symptoms ? Are there different post-injection symptoms, but the label “covid’ is applied because of shared symptoms – used for convenience ( or propaganda purposes) ?
That is, is the ‘covid’ label being stretched to cover reaction symptoms to the injections. The readiness in applying it suggest it’s being used as an umbrella term.
The jabbed are not only falling ill, they are infecting the unjabbed. This has been the pattern in every country that rolled out the jab en masse.
The first robot “dog” deployed in public was in a public park in Singapore (“for your own safety”):
And now we have one on Oahu named SPOT! Such an innocent name and such a sweet and helpful bot. Spot has been bought for over (so vague) $150k and its job is to make friends with the homeless by scanning their iris and taking their temps to keep everyone safe from death!!! Jezzz I wish I was making this stuff up.
Nightmarish. Imagine waking up on a park bench to find one of those things “taking care” of you…
A loony radical might suggest helping the homeless by actually, y’know, housing them. How many destitute people could be accommodated decently for a year with that $150K?
Btw, I think all of these devices are named ‘Spot’. (Hollywood has been working hard to make robots seem cute and friendly at least since Star Wars, with R2D2 and C3PO). HAL would be a better name.
EMP gun might fry its electronics
“The mechanical Hound slept but did not sleep, lived but did not live in its gently humming, gently vibrating, softly illuminated kennel back in a dark corner of the fire house. The dim light of one in the morning, the moonlight from the open sky framed through the great window, touched here and there on the brass and copper and the steel of the faintly trembling beast. Light flickered on bits of ruby glass and on sensitive capillary hairs in the nylon-brushed nostrils of the creature that quivered gently, its eight legs spidered under it on rubber padded paws.
Nights when things got dull, which was every night, the men slid down the brass poles, and set the ticking combinations of the olfactory system of the hound and let loose rats in the fire house areaway. Three seconds later the game was done, the rat caught half across the areaway, gripped in gentle paws while a four-inch hollow steel needle plunged down from the proboscis of the hound to inject massive jolts of morphine or procaine.”
“The Vaccinated want to vaccinate the ‘unvaccinated,’ because the vaccines don’t work on the vaccinated.”
Singapore has plans doe more dystopia.
If you cannot reach herd immunity with 80% vaccination, herd immunity is not achievable. But the British Medical Journal (BMJ) knew that going in, before there were even whispers of a vaccine. They said, straight up, “Herd immunity will not be possible with COVID”. It’s the same in Canada; provincial public-health officers keep exhorting and wheedling; if ‘just a few more’ will step up and roll up their sleeves, we could reach herd immunity.
Jacqui Lambie: We’ll be coming for the anti-vaxxers lock, stock and barrel. (paraphrased)
Jacquiline Louise Lambie[1] (born 26 February 1971) is an Australian politician who is the leader and founder of the Jacqui Lambie Network (JLN). She was a Senator for Tasmania from 2014 to 2017, and was re-elected in 2019.
Lambie is rough as guts and a bully. Background in the army.
“Somebody [she] needs a hug.”
“But only after a thorough delousing.”
Outright incitement to violence, given a friendly hearing on TV.
Poor bloody Australia.
“Channeling the inner Goebbels might get one hanged.”

“We will not be lab ratted, culled, enslaved or owned.”
Where can I buy that T shirt?
An acceptable number of deaths.
In reality, the last 50 years or so have been the setting for a huge psy-op, intended to roll back society to where things were before the 1960s. I saw it unfold. We’re now seeing the cumulative results. See The Cancer Stage of Capitalism by John McMurtrey and Rich Media, Poor Democracy by Robert McChesney, both came out in 1999.
Right. It’s been nearly 60 years of determined counter-revolution, from the killing of JFK, RFK & MLK through Reagan & Thatcher to 1989, disaster capitalism in all its forms, Gladio 2 (9/11 & 7/7), Afghanistan-Iraq-Libya-Syria, and an endless series of “financial crises” that have somehow, amazingly, only left the now-globalised ruling class richer and more powerful than ever before in history.
They want the world and they want it now, hence the “Covid” coup and the slow strangulation of a million small businesses. (“What’s the big deal? You can buy all your books from Amazon.”) Even capitalism as we knew it is too risky for these gangsters. Now that they’re close to owning everything, it is being dismantled as surplus to requirements.
Pity that McMurtry himself can’t seem to make the connection between what he was writing about and what is now transpiring!
Indeed, given he did get 9/11.
John McMurtry too? Damn. That’s two Canadians I’ve admired (and still admire) for their insight and undeceived-ness on other issues – Matè on trauma & addiction, McMurtry on 9/11 – who have nevertheless fallen helplessly for this blatantly obvious scam.
Don’t they even notice how few people have actually died in this alleged “global health emergency”? Have they abandoned all scepticism about The Authorities? Don’t they ever question the monster that calls itself Medicine? It really is a new false god.
Maybe old age goes some way towards explaining their fear of The Deadly Invisible Flying Mutant Killer-Dot. But I have more understanding for young people who a) still have their lives ahead of them, b) know next to nothing, c) are heavily subjected to peer-group pressure, and d) are in a panic about being denied their future. The old have far less excuse (and Chomsky least of all)..
Rolling it back to pre-60s would be great.
The psy-op in process now has the objective of implementing a totalitarian society, exactly the opposite of what the pre-60s was.
There is so much going on here that it’s difficult to assimilate everything. But I do understand several dynamics: First, there appears to be a concerted effort to exert Bernays-ian pressure on the American and global public to divide and conquer. The Committee on Public Information would approve of this project.
Second, it’s quite ironic that the political and cultural otherization decried by those progenitors of the Frankfurt School is well underway…exerted by some powerful players behind the scenes. Foucault, Adorno, Marcuse, and even Habermas would be astonished. They warned us, but I fear they never would have anticipated this.
Sorry to disappoint your former friend, but, statistically, it’s quite difficult to die from covid.
y hasn’t ths has not be ‘spam checked’? duhhhhhhhhhhh
For long time, I am using Darwin’s theory to oppose covid panicdemic. It is my pleasure to post on social media articles about people who died after a covid vaccine with the hastag #NecruțătorulDarwin which is Romanian for #TheUnforgivenDarwin. I go to the social media pages of people killed by the covid vaccine and post this hastag on comments. Sometimes even on the pages of their relatives, even if I never knew them. I post articles with people infected with covid after they take the covid vaccine with the comment „The virus is fucking vaccinated people”. I used the word „muzzle” for mask and I post articles about people who weared masks but were infected with covid with the comment „The virus is fucking muzzled people”. I am mocking and calling stupid the covid pandemic fans whenever I have the opportunity.
Covid pandemic fans know that I am a evil person. I make no effort to deny it. I am living a happy life.
Be like me!
A la guerre comme a la guerre!
Forget to mention: when is a right opportunity, telling to ladies who are wearing masks on the streets that mask are obligatory only for ugly persons.
Deeply disappointed to hear of this shockingly stupid “analysis” by Dr Gabor Maté, author of a great book about trauma and addiction. I thought he was better than that.
Gabor Maté, now 77, just barely survived the Nazis, and many of his family members did not. You’d think he would pause to consider whether trust in authorities is always advisable or a reliable indicator of good mental health..
Wow, what a mess! “Shockingly stupid” is right. So many elementary errors in reasoning from the usually astute and insightful Dr. Maté that I can only conclude his “analysis” is one big act of projection, and that he’s the one who’s actually motivated by fear and trauma. Primal fears about infection – to the point of paranoia – drive the vax fanatics like himself.
Then again, nothing should surprise me by now. After Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine, bought wholesale the whole entire fear porn Covid narrative, I should have realized anyone can be suckered.
If the author of The Shock Doctrine can’t even see the “shock” playbook she herself chronicled and analyzed in detail being applied on a global scale, I guess anyone can be fooled.
That’s exactly what happens with ‘science’, it evolves and adapts, it changes. What was true before is false now and viceversa.
Man made ‘truths’ are only temporary. So don’t be surprised when the intelligentsia accommodate their ideas and opinions to the current trend.
Chomsky the great ‘thinker’ supports segregating the unvaccinated from society by making ridiculous mental gymastics to cover for his intellectual incoherence and decay.
These people were always full of shit in my opinion.
Or he was handed a script by Bill Gate’s official arse wiper.
Rather than something fueled by unresolved trauma, is this not more likely to be some kinda mass psychological hive mind purge event, on a scale never seen before?
One of my customers wrote a novel recently about living in Paris during the German occupation in WW2, how the heroine becomes involved in helping the resistance in various ways, as well as detailing the sense of oppression living there during that time. Yet, my customer is not only a covid cult member, but has already had her jabs. She just couldn’t recognise what has been happening in the last 16 months here in Australia.
Someone else on the thread mentioned Professor John McMurtry, who has written powerful and eloquent critiques of the system, yet he too, has swallowed the scamdemic narrative, hook line and sinker.
Like you, I’m surprised about Gabor Mate as well. You’d also know that his son, Aaron Mate is literally a frothing shill for Big Pharma. It’s mind boggling when you take a step back and look at just who has fallen for the scamdemic “official version”.
Names you’d never expect…
Why not the vaccine taking group, then they could get encouragement from their TVs every night? Why are ant-vaxxers a “group” and vaxxers are not a “group”: are pro-vaxxers not like minded?
Mate, did you know that football supporters are like minded people which is why they are football supporter and that pigs are like minded people which is why they are pigs? Wow, this guy is good! I have never heard of this Gabor Mate, but he ain’t my mate if that is the best he can get out of his brain.
So they become anti-vaxxer pariahsin order to make themselves more resilient, more connected and less alone? Jesus, the dumb shite the vaccination sheep chew up is sadly plainly ridiculous.
Obviously this guy made his name sometime in the past, but he is well past it and should accept graceful retirement. Mind you, maybe he never did anything wonderful in the past to make his name: consider how many people the medical profession kill on a regular basis, it is an ongoing annual holocaust.
Well he was 1 in 1945 at the end of WW11 so I think barely escaped the nazis is a bit of hyperbole best ignored.
It’s a way to perpetuate the victimhood badge to shut down any fair criticism to his tribe.
“His tribe”. Sic. “The victimhood badge”. Jfc. You have no clue.
We get a small clique of anti semites who use VPNs to upvote their own comments. It’s kinda sad.
(Four upvotes & no downvotes for that? Why are so many people apparently incapable of criticising someone, even vehemently, without simultaneously un-personing him? I bet many of those people would complain bitterly about “cancel-culture”
Please take the trouble to inform yourself minimally about Budapest in 1944-45. Gabor Maté and his family barely escaped deportation. He was separated from his mother for months.
Millions died a miserable and lonely death in cold and damp trenches and flattened by their houses’ roofs collapsing on them. Burned to death by fire bombs. But poor Gabor got deported to North America to become a successful academic against all odds, and to always remind us of the tragegy of his people alone, no one else has ever suffered.
What a pathetic response. You think acknowledging that the firebombing of German cities was a vicious and indefensible war crime (which, of course, it was) entails asserting that the persecution and mass murder of European Jews was an invention of propaganda. You leap on a deeply stupid statement by an otherwise-honourable 77-year-old physician, not to crticise him (entirely justifiably) for being wrong, foolish or even cowardly about that, but to assert that he’s exaggerating the crimes of the Nazis. He musta made it up about his Mum.
You clearly know (or care) nothing about European history or about Gabor Maté, have neither read nor heard a word by him, and now leap on his indefensibly foolish statement about the “covid” scam to indulge in your hatred of da Joooozzzz as such.
It’s a good thing we have sound and honest Aryans like Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Hancock, Whitty, Ferguson, Drosten, Trudeau,,Biden, Trump, Johnson, Arden, Blair, Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney to tell us the truth and look after our best interests. Isn’t it? We’d be lost without ’em.
Are you claiming that being a baby made him safe from the Nazis?
It’s quiet in the desert. You can hear the sandgrains fall.
My dream is that this site will be the new normal.
I support you but you sure earn your screen name with that dream:-)
I do hope we all, one fine fresh day, hae a meet, settle our trite scores, perceived grievances, punch the odd fizzog, hae a guid laugh about life’s fuktupness, and forge a new world : )
[then you’ll know you’re in the camps ; ) lol]
Glaswegian Futurism. You should write a script for a dystopian film. Call it Mad Mac or maybe Mad Malky.
If one side wants the other to die, and the other side just wants to be heard, guess which wins? Perhaps it’s time to revisit the tactics we are willing to use and what our end goals should be.
The psychopaths always win until the people see them for what they are, then the people realise that death is the only way to stop them. The people then sit back and accept it, after all, who wants to try and hang a psychopath from a lamp post?
Hell, I just want to be left alone. But even that seems beyond what these people are capable of.
Excellent article. I have experienced almost all of that since March / April 2020, when lockdown was first imposed. Been there. Done all that. Experienced all The Abuse. Tried to take the piss, only to find it doesn’t work on the terrified, and seriously told off from friends from 40 years ago.
“No you cannot ride your push bike to Richmond Park. It is not safe, and even if you do, you won’t get in. All the gates are padlocked and chained”
I should of course just have done it, and send my terrified friends selfies of me, with the deer.
The conditions were perfect. There were almost no cars on the road. All of South West London was clear. Motorways too. On a Sunny Sunday afternoon less than 5% of the traffic you would get at 3:00 am. I know cos I went (in my car) – though we do have fold up bikes, I wasn’t quite that confident to cycle alone.
Things seem very much better in England now. No vaccine Passports, No Masks. No checks. No Lockdowns -which is of course very good news for us, the unjabbed and untested. My wife is delighted. She wants to book tickets for the Christmas Ballet.
But I don’t trust these buggers, not to reintroduce all this bollocks at a moments notice.
If they do, will people comply, put their masks back on, and lock themselves in and bolt the door…or ignore these lunatics and just carry on as normal?
Unfortunately, I think most of them will comply. It’s the old “go along to get along”. It’s the English way. As for the passports, do not think that the government will hesitate to yank them out at an opportune moment.
What’s amazing is that thus far I’ve only heard of–not experienced in my own life, one vaccinated person who has stood up against this demonization of the unvaccinated. This was a Parisian diner, who tossed his dinner into a tablecloth and walked out onto to the sidewalk to join a protest picnic. This is not exactly like the tens of thousands of U.S. Vietnam vets who upon returning home joined, rather than attacked, the peace movement, and in fact, often became the most passionate and courageous activists against the war. But it’s a start, I guess.
“Young males are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems after being jabbed than be hospitalised from coronavirus, study finds”
Young males also suffer more injuries from such other hellish concoctions as the HPV (gardasil) vaccine, and the MMR vaccine.
One has to ask: are they being deliberately targeted? or are their systems just more sensitive to the devil’s brew?
Important interview with Dr Peter McCullough:
This story opens with a similar story. The violence and treats of violence have been shocking. Globalresearch – Ca-Common Cruelty in Lockdown Time Allowing Hatred Fear and Paranoia To Cloud Our Judgment | PDF | Donald Trump | American Government (
Watched “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix recently. This should make people aware of both the reach and the influence of social networking and how the drive to monetize the Internet has encouraged the growth of division and tribalism. It probably wasn’t deliberate corporate policy but rather an unintended side effect similar to the way that naive system design led to the development of malware and the panolpy of Internet crime. We are stuck with it, though, because the entire Internet business ecosystem is dependent on the current model of nudging people by shaping their tastes and preferences.
Obviously you don’t need the Internet and social media to take over a society and bend to your will. But regardless of the actual mechanisms the threat is there and we need to push back against it. One simple way to do this is to eliminate anonymity from social media — make people responsible for their posts and they will need to think twice before sending off that death threat. (This would have to be combined with generous protection against using libel threats to chill free speech. Fortunately in the US we have fairly robust protections for free speech.) I am one of the few users on the ‘net that strives to use my real name on any material I post. It is partly because I’ve been using the ‘net since pretty much the beginning but also because I refuse to shelter behind the faux anonymity of fake user names — yes, those names don’t hide your identity at all, they’re merely there to give you the impression of security so that you’ll feel less inhibited about letting loose.
If you remove anonymity, you silence anyone speaking out against establishment narratives (save for those willing to face prison). It’s delusional to think otherwise.
There’s not much need to hide behind a fake user name if you’re fully behind the official 9/11 and covid narratives, is there, Martin?
Brilliant. So if anyone on Twitler or Facespook ever dares to cast doubt on any Official Yarn, then their employer will know about it immediately, just by googling that employee’s name.
Can you think of an easier way to ensure mass cowardice and conformity?
People visiting the USA are now required to tell the CIA what thoughts they’ve been expressing online. If they refuse, they can be turned back:
“Applicants must provide the social media accounts and usernames that they have used in the last five years. For example, they would need to provide this information for any Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts that they hold.”
Presumably “Martin Usher” (sic) is fine with all this. Is his workplace by any chance in Langley? I think we should be told.
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave indeed.
Martin ushers in the total surveillance system, and he loves it.
A top notch article , however, that humans have evolved from their caveman mentality is an unproven thesis based on a belief that our technology has advanced our genetic default positions when acting/reacting to stimuli usually external with our emotions. Cave men are only about 15- 20 millennia ago our history , a blink of an eye in geological or cosmic time measurement. 40 generations /millennia is + or – 800 generations ?
Todd maybe i am crazy
but i find it ludicrous that people like doctors psychiatrists especially them and those that have this high opinion of medical freedom but still believe in psychiatry and voting and that system can even discuss covid why ?? They are under bigger mind control,and when that enchantment evaporates then maybe I take them serious until them it gibber gabba.
Drug addicts not dealing with the real cause of the issues. That system.
People Are Strange – The Doors