WATCH: “There is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11 & Covid-19”
Edward Curtin on the Geopolitics and Empire podcast
Edward Curtin returns to discuss deep politics and what links the assassination of JFK, 9/11, and Covid-19. No president since Kennedy has dared to buck the Military-Industrial-Complex, including Trump, who is part of the same system that produced both Obama and Biden.
He discusses the 1967 CIA memo which told mainstream media to use the disparaging term “conspiracy theory” to quell all deviation from the official narrative, and how this propaganda technique has continued to function from JFK to 9/11 to Covid-19.
Many of the same actors involved in the MIC and 9/11 continue to be involved with the drug companies, CDC, WEF, WHO, Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation. It’s very obvious, but the story is so frightening people don’t want to do any homework.
Too many people think there is this war going on between the right and the left, in the larger frame of reference there is no difference, it’s the warfare state against the regular people, the rich versus the poor. The 4IR is an effort for total political and economic control of peoples all over the world. He believes the purpose of the vaccine mandate is for political control. Ultimately, we are in a spiritual war.
Previous episodes of the Geopolitics and Empire podcast can be found on their website, the podcast is also available on spotify, SoundCloud, Apple podcasts and many other platforms.
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9/11 and the people still seeking answers via legal means are very much still on the case.
Mick Harrison and Richard Gage AIA of Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry on Friday’s Oral Arguments
Sorry, I disagree with you about Pres. Trump being part of the cabal. The truth is in the vibes. Have you any proof to back that up? He’s done everything to thwart the cabal and vice versa. If he were one of them, we’d already be under a fourth Reich, God forbid.
I tend to agree with you. He’s one of the rare presidents that made good on his campaign promises as well (except for Obummercare). Economy was booming, we were energy independent, good relations with other countries, ISIS was not thriving….I could go on). All that by controlled opposition, to throw us off? Call me a fool than haha
Totally agree that this is beyond politics. Here in France we can’t go anywhere without the pass so we go nowhere. This was a great potted history of the power of control – peace and love to you guys!
The REAL Epidemic in the World right now is an Epidemic of Bullshit…….We’re being drowned in it…..
Staging events long predates 2001 and people should reexamine earlier events in that light. The layers of the onion go deep. The best way to control the opposition is to lead it and this includes the very top leadership. Actors in a play, it’s ALL a show.
Just a few charts for your statistical pleasure.
Another in an apparently endless supply of threats that justify tough measures to be taken against everybody, in this case surveillance of electronic communication.
Forcing kids wear masks and play alone in circles chalked on the ground let alone maiming them with genetic horseshit is, of course, not child abuse.
It’s a hard pill to swallow, accepting Trump is part of the play… but after 4 years of his presidency what did we get? Russian collusion, pee pee gate, Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti, grabbing pussy, mocking disabled, a sudden surge of white supremacy? Vaccines and masks? A 4 mile wall… and a lot of blather. And now he’s punching powder-puffs from behind the scenes and some believe like Jesus he’s going to rise again and put people behind bars, while my mind always runs into the same wall. Who’s going to put them behind bars when the judge, jury and military are ‘them’?
They are ALL part of the play (ALL) – if they are a central media feature and ESPECIALLY if they are an icon – actors. Assigned roles and sometimes they swap parts. Remember that…
The horror! The horror!
And look at that roll call of the damned! The Graud, The BBC, CNN, The Atlantic, Al Jazeera ….
And as Jon Steppling noted:
The odd dual movement continues. As the covid propaganda becomes more embarrassingly threadbare, the air of gloom and futility seems to be intensifying. The build up to Christmas is more depressed than last year when the Operation Dark Winter had at least the glimmer of novelty and the basic assumption that this “Black Christmas” would be a one off. Now we are preparing for a repeat and the devastating realisation that this ferocious downturn is the new norm.
In our workplace we have been emailed with details as to how to “safely” put up Christmas ornaments, making sure all surfaces are scrubbed and all paper items are laminated etc. A member with learning difficulties now finds she has to wear a mask even in her own private car! A personal assistant – the self-styed Leftie following the covid script with spirited jubilation – can no longer carry on with the same blasé posturing rebellion. He has been declining with bad health owing to a nervous condition. I wonder why?
The brutal bottom line is that no-one anywhere will suspect anything or question anything or even note the diminishing of real vital resources for as long as they are fixed on the “deadly bug” scenario. But somewhere down in their mouldy collapsing synapses, they feel a growing pain as their sphincters are forced to expand and expand.
Another ominous sign: We have now acquired a cleaner or, to be more precise, a cleaning post, that requires someone to spend the entire day going round and round the centre obsessively wiping and wiping, going over and over the same surfaces day after day. And in today’s staff meeting we gave him a big round of applause! Is this it then? Are these the new “jobs”? Indeed – this is the new religion! This is the present day version of the exorcist carefully practising his rituals to cleanse the grounds and chant the sacred spells. Whilst the media pulpits bellow the sermons to quash all doubt.
“I don’t think it already contains a numerical chip”
Be it as it may, two things are for sure.
1) The COVID jab is NOT A VACCINE. That’s the same hoax or lie, if not greater, than the fairy tale about the alleged SARS-CoV-2 causing the alleged COVID-19. The COVID shit, whatever is in it, is branded “vaccine” so that a) people would generally embrace it in a truly imbecilicaly gullible fashion b) pharma pricks would be not only exempt from liability, but also cheered by the said gullible imbeciles.
2) By accepting the jab/pass sanitaire combo, people sign away their physical existence to Big Brother. Whether that’s revocable is questionable. As it stands, people can opt out from any future “booster”, even though they’ll lose the bit of carrot they’re getting for complying. But have they already been fucked up? Injected with something that will require this or that in the future or else they’ll croak?
Also, we must consider that this is the very beginning. They won’t necessarily inject into people a human-machine interface in the first jab, or operating system if you will, but that’s precisely what you’d expect to be the ultimate objective from motherfuckers like Kill Gates.
You’re correct and it’s refreshing yet dark as hell. But feels completely accurate to me. Perhaps the bio integration is being saved for the survivors, beyond 2030 or so. It’s hard to keep caring when everyone else around you doesn’t. Yet here we are. Thank you speaking out though.
‘We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order’ David Rockefeller
What does the globalist’s ‘Great Reset’ really mean?
It means the whole consciousness has to be taken away from humanity, so that their intelligence is destroyed.
According to them people have to be converted to carbon copies, their originality has to be destroyed, otherwise this whole Neo-Nazi reset will be impossible.
Klaus Martin-Bormann Schwab and his merry band of sociopaths are doing something very, very wrong with humanity, and for certain reasons.
They want you to remain slaves, they want you to be always afraid, they want you to be always greedy, they want you to be always ambitious, they want you to be always competitive.
They want you to be unloving, they want you to be full of anger and hatred, they want you to remain weak, imitative, obedient carbon copies.
What is the antidote?
Intelligence is naturally rebellious.
Intelligence cannot be forced into any servitude.
Intelligence is very assertive, individual.
Intelligence cannot be converted into a mechanical imitation.
If you are intelligent, you will solve all your problems yourself.
Intelligence is enough to solve all problems.
In fact, whatsoever problems are created in life, you have more intelligence than all those problems.
Intelligence is intrinsic to life.
Intelligence is a natural quality of life.
Just as fire is hot, and air is invisible, and water flows downwards, so is life intelligent.
Intelligence is not an achievement, you are born intelligent.
Yet a person who has no understanding of this is continuously a victim of mind, of so many thoughts, of fake globalist narratives, because they have no insight to give them a center.
Thinking is the absence of understanding.
You think because you don’t understand.
When understanding arises, thinking disappears.
What is understanding?
Understanding is pure intelligence.
That pure intelligence is originally yours, you are born with it.
Nobody can give you intelligence.
Knowledge can be given to you, absurd narratives can be given to you, but not intelligence.
Intelligence is your own sharpened being.
Through deep meditation one sharpens one’s being.
Through meditation one drops borrowed thoughts, drops all false narratives, and reclaims one’s own being, reclaims one’s originality, reclaims one’s childhood, innocence, freshness.
Out of that freshness, when you act, you act out of understanding.
And then the response is total, here-now, and the response is because of the challenge, not because of a government’s false narrative.
Try to find your hidden understanding, and the way is to drop thinking.
Each child is born, as a very, very open phenomenon, utterly intelligent.
But we jump upon them, we start destroying their intelligence.
We start creating fear in them.
You call it teaching, you call it making the child capable of coping with life.
You create more fear in them.
They then begin to lose their intelligence.
And your schools, colleges, universities, they all make them more and more unintelligent.
They demand foolish things.
They demand foolish information to be crammed in which the child and their natural intelligence cannot see any point.
For what?
That child cannot see the point.
Why cram these things?
Remember, I am not against education, I am only against these forms of so-called education.
Critical Race Theory?!
This world can become such a great, intelligent world if individuals are allowed to be themselves, helped to be themselves, supported in every way to be themselves, and nobody comes in and interferes.
In fact, nobody manipulates the child.
Intelligent people always trust themselves.
Their trust is absolute about themselves.
How can you trust anybody else if you cannot even trust yourself?
Remember, meditation is needed only to undo what the society has done to you.
Meditation is negative, it simply negates the damage, it destroys the illness.
And once the illness has gone, your well-being asserts itself of its own accord.
Intelligence is to make the ut\most use of the present moment that is available, the future will come out of it.
If this moment has been lived in delight and joy, the next moment is going to be born out of it.
Intelligence has to spread all over your life.
It is not a Sunday thing.
And you cannot do it for twenty minutes and then forget about it.
Intelligence has to be just like breathing.
Whatsoever you are doing, small, big, whatsoever it can be done intelligently.
So, be intelligent.
Bring in the quality of intelligence.
And the more intelligent you become, the more capable you will be of bringing more intelligence into your life.
Each single moment can become luminous with intelligence.
Love what you said, intelligence, connected to the Divine, is an intelligent scenario to consider
So well put friend, it’s clear you’ve thoroughly grasped the teachings of Osho and other great minds in the world. Thank you for putting all that down. It’s bulletproof truth!!!
The next act of the covid-o-rama is premiered by the WSW:
The “maniac” Johnson moves centre stage. Our Trots waste no time in repeating the “Let the bodies pile high in their thousands” line – surely the most ludicrous cheesy waffle to be reported outside a spoof disaster movie! It’s an indictment of utter stupidity for anyone to give any credibility to this line. But then this is the WSW!
And the scene is set for Evil Capitalists to neglect doing what must be done! We are in no doubt that all calls to soften the covid restrictions and vaccinations come from this Satanic sector. (The proletariat as usual seem to stand silently in the background as if completely appalled at such softening.)
But then the supposed blasé callousness of the Right Wing press seems to be contradicted by this from the Mail:
“Living with COVID must happen, even though one of the documents warns that “an extreme event could emerge at any time.” The Mail states that such an event could be the “spread of a vaccine-busting new strain” or as the document notes, “severe supply chain issues” with booster jabs. One document warns of “an unforeseen event or combination of events” that would “leave us in a worst case scenario with no end in sight.””
How intriguing! This sinister “Right Wing” presence which is supposedly trying to shovel covid under the carpet actually seems to be looking forward to a vast resurgence of it! Not unlike the anticipation so clearly shown by this “Left Wing” presence!
Ramping down the abnormal sounds good to me. Just need to avoid the nano-tech-jabs.
And in other Beeb shite:
It’s a worker’s market now! So many vacancies! Hallelujah! We can set our own terms!
Except that … nobody can get the staff! No-one is coming along. Oh dear – the jobs are not being taken up – and it’s the fault of the shiftless public!
But never mind! Kids are getting fatter and fatter because of the lockdowns. So they’ll all die young anyway!
“Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting focus”
And there was me thinking it was the media that had shifted the focus. All along it was those pesky conspiracists. Although … hmmm … it’s hard to change from denial of one to denial of the other if the shift had not occurred elsewhere.
But note how the viral lingo transfers from the biological field to the psychological field:
“Members of an online movement infected with pandemic conspiracies are shifting their focus – and are increasingly peddling falsehoods about climate change.”
Well it seems that covid isn’t just a “hard” infection affecting the body. It is a “soft” infection affecting the mind too – like a spiritual entity perhaps. A demon say?
That might be indicated by this:
“Matthew is convinced that shadowy forces lie behind two of the biggest news stories of our time, and that he’s not being told the truth.”
Ah but of course Matthew is one of these silly conspiracists!
But hang on a mo! Isn’t there a bit of projection going on here? We hear that an online movement has become “infected” with these pandemic conspiracies. Doesn’t that suggest some kind of “shadowy” force influencing peoples’ minds?
Oh how they juggle the concepts back and forth! Blending the physical virus with a mental one whilst suggesting that it’s the “denialists” who are paranoid!
MintPress can reveal that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) has made over $300 million worth of donations to fund media projects.
Recipients of this cash include many of America’s most important news outlets, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic. Gates also sponsors a myriad of influential foreign organizations, including the BBC, The Guardian, The Financial Times and The Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom; prominent European newspapers such as Le Monde (France), Der Spiegel (Germany) and El País (Spain); as well as big global broadcasters like Al-Jazeera.
Thank you, Geoff. Useful to know. I’ve added it to my media file.
I HATE Gates’ pseudo-benign facial expression.
All of which makes it amusing that the BBC always pontificated about their “purity” in never permitting adverts. Now the entire channel has bacome one huge advert for Gates.
I tune into these wide angle lens perspectives every now and again to see where people are at here. We all now have these research tools at our disposal and it is interesting where it takes people (and where it doesn’t). I like Edward Curtin, he has shared many a wise word, but at this point in time, interviews like this are appearing increasingly as a kind of ‘censorship by omission’.
The title suggests that there is a link between JFK, 911 and Covid. But where in the interview is that really explored ? To name ‘the Military Industrial Complex’ is merely to name an abstract concept. I don’t think that is very useful. The military industries and the shadow state employ many hundreds of thousands of people, they are not all in on a conspiracy. To name ‘rogue elements’ within the MIC, just leaves us asking “Who ultimately are these people?”; “What is their motivation?”; and “How do they avoid accusation and scrutiny?” and so on. In short this is an example of a limited and shallow analysis that steadfastly ignores certain aspects of these events. If we are legitimate in pursuing an investigation of the patterns we see in these phenomena (as a rebuttal to the pejorative use of the term ‘Conspiracy Theory’) then why are certain rather glaring patterns not allowable in the discourse in certain circles ?
The interview starts with mention of the Kuzamov article explaining Obama’s CIA background. So I look at the article. It fleshes out work I read by others back in the Obama era, and it names the Pritzkers as major backers of his ascendancy. Of note is that Obama lived in the Hyde Park area of Chicago, known for its community. Saul Alinsky is worth a mention as a probable mentor for Obama.
Curtin then mentions Oliver Stone’s recent documentary which looks again at the JFK hit. I look at the trailer and it has a clip of the magic bullet evidence – arguably the most compelling aspect in terms of hard science forensics. It was Arlon Spectre who came up with the blatantly absurd lie which held the Warren Commission version together. I think back to the Jack Ruby story and wonder, “Is there some hint of a link there that might make more sense of 911 and Covid too ?”.
The interview moves onto Trump, and they both agree that he was another “put up” there to dupe the Right after Obama had done the Left. But who was around Trump ? Who was his political mentor ? Who were his campaign strategists ? Who bailed him out when he was in financial trouble earlier in his life ? Who was his lawyer ? (Cone, Dershowitz, Finkelstein are some of the names). But Trump was “part of the MIC”, according to the interview here.
Trump of course was barely in charge according to insiders and by most accounts his son in law Kushner ran the White House (and the pandemic response operation). Similar assertions are made now about the White House only with a character Ron Klain running the show in the mental absence of Joe Biden.
…And 911. Who were the Neocons ? What were they about ? Who inspired them and funded them ? It is not really disputed, only quietly ignored in certain circles as unacceptable discourse. A public intellectual can talk all they like about “the Military Industrial Complex” but (as Professor Miller of Bristol Uni found out) certain subjects are off limits.
It goes on and so could I. As Bourla tells everyone that I am a terrorist for questioning whether the vax works or is safe, Walensky tells us to get the booster just days after admitting that it does not stop transmission. Who is the CEO at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ? Which country has headed the vaccine roll out and pass scheme ?
Come on people, think. Your life depends on it, and so does mine. Enough of this vague, shallow analysis and lets have some honest-even-if-discomforting delve into the characters at the centre of these controversies. What motivates them ? Where is it going ?
9/11 was the first bell:
Building 1: The Sun (twin 1 – The Son)
Building 2: Satan (twin 2 – The Father – hallowed be his name)
Building 7: The Moon (The Holy Ghost)
The direct link is that the fall of the towers signifies the end of the age of Pisces, and the coming of the sign of the Son of Man (Aquarius), and Covid provides the pretext for The Winnowing that is to gather the wheat into the barn, prior to The Great Reset, whereafter commences the new world order.
I doubt Off-Guardian will ever publish articles making those kinds of links…
You’re right, as Off-G doesn’t normally publish that sort of rubbish.
Governments are at war with their people both citizens and residents. It is undeclared, it is terrorism against the populace simply put.
another great article
u should get this guy writing for off-g
Thanks for the link.
The science bit is first class.
I’m struggling with the author’s assumption that the governments of the world didn’t know what they were doing.
Look at Victoria for example. Now Austria and perhaps Germany.
Well, fuck me!
This guy is saying that they have conducted an experiment in the presence of a public official proving that vaccinated people are identifiable by an alphanumerical code transmitted via Bluetooth.
Is this far-fetched or could it be real?
Supposing that they would be able to inject into people some shit capable of emitting a code, how would they actually install the code? People get one, two, three doses of the shit, which one would carry the code? Not sure if it makes sense.
At the same time, having everybody branded like this would explain why they’re so crazy about pushing the crap.
Hows that gonna work when the injections came in vials containing 6 doses?
Well, there are more problems with that claim than that. AFAIK, Bluetooth would require a fairly sophisticated circuitry to communicate. Bluetooth is not a scanner, it’s a transceiver.
Be it as it may, I have no doubts that making people harnessed electronically to Big Brother is a part of the agenda. They already have that through mobile phones. I’d expect that an injectable chip would be the next phase, followed by some shit integrated within the body itself.
Nice point!
It’s looking increasingly likely but still at the experimental stage. Separate studies have found nanoparticles of various origin, organic and elemental, which are clearly not adjuvants.
In order of probability:
Would these particles show up in a scanner as proof of vaccination? Very likely.
Could they distribute uniquely in each person, serving to identify them? Possibly.
Can these particles be detected from near-distance? Maybe.
Is it possible for the particles in one person to communicate with a device? There are patents.
Such patents include Microsoft’s famous 060606 for using human energy to perform tasks; Luciferase and digital dyes, and one whose number escapes me for humans to communicate with “wearable” devices which covers implant – while communicating with each other and near-distance tracking.
Research has long been underway into all the elements and devices that the Fakt Cheka currently denounce as false, including conductive graphene and micro-electronics much smaller than the RFID chips currently used in a Danish pilot study.
Right. Having some background in electronics, I’d have rejected most of these theories a little while ago, but with truly phantasmagorical info emerging all the time now, I’m lending any hypothesis as to what’s going on a very receptive ear.
One thing that amazes me is how science is beginning to be taboo — off the table. One is not allowed to discuss it for fear that one may put a step wrong or expose oneself as a heretic.
Almost as if one were caught up in the witch trials, or the repression of Elizabethan England.
If that sounds reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition that is because… No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Of course patents can be speculative. This kind of patent trolling goes back to Thomas Edison.
OTOH there are so many patents and papers homing in on injectable ID and RFID that the they’re the rule rather than the exception. The Fakt Cheka’s dismissal must have a motive.
For example: NANO RFID device
Syringe-injectable electronics (PDF)
Thank you, Moneycircus. I hope to have time to read your two links in a few days. Meanwhile, to motivate others, here’s a few subheads to the second link:
3.6 in vivo rodent brain injection
3.5.3 co-injection of mesh electronics w neurons
Yes, Moneycircus, nanowires have applications in micro-electronics, batteries, etc.
Jacques, I don’t think it already contains a numerical chip, but it may contain a lethal threat which can be activated under certain circumstances & therefore used to compel taking the numerical chip.
The necessary pre-existing circumstances:
–enrollment of more of the vaxx-resisters.
–completion of the 5G set-up
Reduced graphene oxide and metallic nanoparticles are showing magnetic properties under some circumstances. (Don’t know what it depends on; perhaps level of ambient wireless EMF) There is a researcher in nano-technology recently indicted for sharing advanced tech regarding nano-wires w the Chinese. Teeny-tiny wires; I’m afraid we now must always consider the potential evil of much new tech.
Graphene oxide has been used in vaccines before now and apparently it can be targeted since it’s been used in cancer treatment of specific organs. PubMed has articles on graphene oxide.
Maybe I’m being overly logical (and I don’t even like logic); but having such a set-up would be rather a moot point.
Those getting the jab are already, almost by definition, docile, malleable, obedient followers. So what would be the gain of injecting them with some kind of nano-particle capable of rendering them docile, malleable and obedient? And why bother tracking their every movement and even their every thought – when a freshman psych major could easily predict everything in their lives?
Of course, there is the absurd human tendency to do something simply for the sake of proving one’s supreme intelligence whether it serves any purpose or not. Climbing the mountain “because it’s there” has always been and will continue being man’s undoing.
Pride goeth before a fall.
The programme has moved on to a new unconscious behavioural level whereby the most stupid routines are being acted out in automaton style. In our work, the managers are roaming around ensuring that the requisite number of social distancing signs are in each room with the proper designated spacing between. Masks are now compulsively worn and segregation strictly observed.
Meanwhile the little matter of everyone’s money drying up through steepening fuel bills and the equally concerning matter of rapidly deleting shelves goes unnoticed.
I attempted to engage a shop assistant in discussion of these trivial items but she preferred to mention the escalating covid levels.
Mission accomplished. Diversion complete.
The inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology joins the dots (finally):
In this extensive interview at Dr. Malone’s Virginia horse farm, he addresses almost every issue bearing on the Covid Crisis, including the upcoming Delta Plus variant, the push to vaccinate kids and pregnant women, and the global forces behind the insanity. It was Robert Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, which he edited twice, that changed his mind about the political aspects of Covid.
Dr. Robert Malone: “The government is now lawless!”
What a wonderful interviewer. Who is she? She is confident enough to introduce Malone with the phrase, “one of the most glorified, and also one of the most despised, professionals.”
That is how an interviewer grabs your attention by the cojones.
Today went to my local library at Footscray here in Melbourne to get a file printed off. Walk in maskless and a woman about 50 stops me.
I explained I had a medical exemption for wearing a mask. She then says “I need to see your vaccination certificate sir”. I told her that I didn’t have one. She then said “well I can’t let you in without a vaccination certificate”.
I looked her straight in the eyes and said “you do remember South Africa; Apartheid”? She just shrugged so as I walked out I said “you do know this is going to keep going on and on don’t you”. I had a similar experience at another place where the security guard kept insisting I check in. I just went “I don’t have an App, sorry” and walked in.
More Little Eichmann’s keeping this bullshit going.
Footscray is a grungy working class suburb that is now rapidly gentrifying and quite a lot of hipsters and yuppies have moved in there in the last few years. As well as very large apartment blocks. And trendy cafes and bars and the like. Same story right around the world.
I also spotted these while I was there. CARF (campaign against racism and fascism) have been busy little critters. I ripped a couple of posters down but they were everywhere. Useful idiots shilling for Big Pharma and actual medical fascism.
Like vast swathes of the so called Left.
The shoe horning of legitimate covid sceptics into characterisation as far right, fascist, gun touting, likely white supremists has been sad to see. You could watch it all being set up and forming like a slow motion car crash. Horrifying. But here we are.
Yep, and at a fairly informed guess, the large majority in organisations like CARF will be young, gullible, impressionable Uni students with very little actual life experiences, while the older controllers in these groups are operatives from the Labor Party or a Union who actually call the shots. I went on their Facebook page a week ago and a guy about 40 with an Italian surname seemed to be the main organiser.
Probably won’t make you feel any better but a friend of mine doubled jabbed was ordered to leave susan cloth store as they didn’t have uploaded proof of her status…that is how ridiculous things are in Queanbeyan nsw….here in nth of qld we continue to slide by but Anna dear will change that in dec…Cody knows dates…
When that nice green tick turns into a big red X, hopefully we will see more pushback from the vaxxed.
Governments the world over are using citizens, businesses, organizations, anybody to foist this totalitarianism on people. They’re using legally inferior decrees, regulations, shit like that are incompatible with acts let alone constitutions, but people comply because they’re scared shitless by coercive actions, in some instances brutal.
They don’t have to comply. In fact, it’s illegal in most jurisdiction to demand medical information. Not only is it illegal in itself, but a person doing so is also assuming the powers of a public official (also a crime, at least over here), committing apartheid (a crime subject to no limitation period), discrimination, and probably also a host of other offenses.
So, by not complying with any of these mickey-mouse decrees, in themselves either unlawful or highly questionable, a person is committing nothing or a very minor misdemeanor, while by enforcing this shite, the idiot who is doing it is committing an array of actual crimes. People need to wrap their heads around this and assert their rights. Call the cops on them motherfuckers.
The constitutions, however, imperfect are still in effect.
I know Jacques… Even here in Australia you are not required to provide proof of a medical exemption, and they (security guards, cops, etc) are not allowed to ask for that proof by law. I had a security guard at a bank recently tried to ask me for proof and I just gave him a death stare and said “no, I have a medical exemption”.
Yet laws have been broken here willy nilly because of this bullshit. Especially by politicians and the so called Chief Health Officers (planted there for this pysops). Should I also mention the Nuremburg Code on medical experiments?
Coercing someone to digitally scan a QR code carries up to a $5000 fine and I think 2 months in jail for coercing a person to do that. Yet no one seems to know this contravenes the Privacy Act, section 94H. You’re right, they comply out of fear of authority figures, fear of getting into trouble, and fear of “rocking the boat”. Yeah, when I said South Africa, Apartheid to that woman she just shrugged like ho hum, I don’t care.
Most of us have been under the impression that the majority of people do not believe us when we tell them about the Covid psyop and totalitarian takeover, and that is the reason they are complying. The truth is, many of them simply don’t care if what we say is correct or not, they will comply anyway. The librarian is a good example.
I think you’re right, Kevin.
They’re living zombies. Consumption is the only thing that fuels their lives. They’re completely devoid of principles, their raison d’etre being conforming as best as they can to the lifestyle fashioned for them by their favorite marketing firm.
Correct Kevin, and I will strongly echo what Jacques said: “consumption is the only thing that fuels their lives”. They don’t care because they still have their incomes and they can still buy stuff and still go to one of the trendy cafes in the area. For now. I also agree with them being devoid of principles as well. If they had any, they would never have gone along with this crap.
Add in the addiction to ‘convenience’ at all costs, and the craven life of ridiculous ease, and constant ‘safety’. An ancient pattern: the hardy plains herders conquer the – grain-growing – cities of the fertile plains, and within two generations they’ve become as soft and cowardly as cream puffs. My parent’s generation, born at the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries weren’t this spineless.
Fully agree Rhisiart… And I can remember how my grandparents were when I was growing up… My grandad from Paisley, my nana from East London, my other grandmother emigrated to New Zealand from Ireland when she was about 21. Tough as old boots, frugal in a common sense way, and all imbued with those old fashioned values that seem to have vanished – except in the elderly now. And you’re right… cities like Melbourne are just swarming with cream puffs.
And the hipster brigades. Such a completely different world now R.
Stop using Gmail!
people don’t remember, don’t want to remember, don’t recognise changes in MO.
We have the same little gruppen fuehrers in the U.K. For example, I had a hospital appointment for a CT scan. A jumped up little pipsqueak of a nurse demanded to see my exemption card for wearing a mask. I ignored him and proceeded to the CT department. He followed me and tried to badger me to wear one. I refused whereupon he demanded the radiologist see my exemption card citing the rote learnt mantra “ a duty of care”. The radiologist in so many words told him to sling his hook. I have had this at supermarkets, restaurants, pubs and on public transport. I always face them down because the vast majority of the them have no backbone. To quote Professor Antony C Sutton “ there is no left, there is no right, it us against them “
They’re all on their little power trips Brian. It makes them feel part of something important, like they’re helping to save the world, or saving peoples lives… But also because they’re too scared to say no. They’re scared of authority. And as for backbone, most men in Melbourne don’t have any. And they don’t have a pair of you know what either.
Spanish proverb: Give someone a uniform they think they’re a general.
It may be all of those reasons you cite for their compliance but I think that their complacency is a significant factor in the way they act. In the main they are just so uninterested in what is going on around them in things they don’t appreciate or understand; that they are more likely concerned with the ins and outs of fictional characters in the most current tv soap opera or sordid ‘reality’ tv programme. These people are more to be pitied than pilloried, but having said that, it doesn’t help the rest of us that are aware of what is being perpetrated.
you should have walked in said ucc 1-308 all rights reserved no assumpsit
and walked on through
once status position is presented at inception on terra firma that is it
those words and numbers are status jurisdiction
her jurisdiction is beyond sea as is the policy
unless you comply or consent understand stand under
you are principal she is corporate policy agent
she is nothing you are a king
you behaved like a slave
remember that song somewhere beyond the sea
like return to sender song
these words have law meaning
without prejudice spoken or written
is not just a song it is power too negotiate navigate
the land and the sea
help you deal with zombie town
I guess the million dead in Iraq or the millions dead in the cultural revolutions should have said “all rights reserved no assumpsit”. That shit only works in the good times at best. When the good times are turning into insane tyranny right before your eyes, your assumpsit declarations may not fly. Nothing against you Gordan. I’m just thinking out loud.
listen slave
i get arrested because the pigs do not understand the law
but i never get charged
non assumpsit is not for you
nor any codes
just yes sir
the beast system needs the slaves
it is folks like you that comply with the bolshevik zio
it is shit too you
i have not paid a water bill in 17 years as we live in a pre paid system
and even if it was not
god gave man this amazing gift h20
Went into Scoresby Bunnings the other day & Eva Braun barked “excuse meee, excuse meee, you haven’t checked in” I just ignored her & kept on walking in.
She wanted to desert her post but from her screeching there was a couple of blokes behind me also ignoring the bullshit.
If we’re talking connections, how about the connection between Jonestown and Harvey Milk?
Milk was assassinated with San Francisco mayor George Moscone. Moscone had shut down the investigation into the People’s Temple. He was facing allegations that his election was a fraud based on People’s Temple members being bussed in to vote for him and that he’d been seen at their parties indulging in sexual favours. Rather than Milk being some martyr it looks more like he was collateral damage in a clean-up operation. Certainly the official story of the assassination is a nonsense – whether because it was hastily improvised or as yet more mockery who knows?
BTW the US Navy has just launched a ship called the Harvey Milk. Construction on it just happened to start on 9/3 (Crowley’s favourite number and the final 9/11 flight) and the ship was launched on 11/6 (invert the 6 and it’s 9/11 – if six turned out to be nine, they don’t mind).
Rather than Milk being some martyr it looks more like he was collateral damage in a clean-up operation.
I’m not familiar with the background information you cite, but FWIW these descriptions are not mutually exclusive.
The difference between left and right is there and those who can’t see it, can’t track history. Left parties have been for a century now, if not more, ambitious pimps of the working class and the right, attached to previous paradigms, survives as a remnant of them WITH them, wherever they exist. You have the working class fending for themselves against digital tyranny and the right resisting the shift into a new economic paradigm, similar to how the South of the USA resisted the passage into the first industrial revolution, that’s why you see them “together” in fighting the covid narrative. Which by the way is a very material battle, not a spiritual one.
What’s the German for “bollocks”?
DW News is a global English-language news and information programme from German public international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW), established in summer 2015. DW is funded by the German government and is barred from broadcasting in Germany itself.
Thousands protest Austria’s COVID lockdown for the unvaccinated
Nov 15, 2021
DW News
Austria went into a new pandemic lockdown at midnight on Sunday night – but only for its unvaccinated population. It’s in response to a record surge in COVID-19 cases that the government says threatens to overwhelm intensive care units. For ten days, millions of people will be required to stay at home – unless their journey is deemed essential. Crowds took to the streets of the capital, Vienna, to protest what they say is a vaccine mandate by the back door.
They chanted for their freedom outside a fortified Chancellery – but under the new measures they will have to stay home.
The protestors were there to make their hostility to the new lockdown heard. But in a country entering a fourth wave of the COVID pandemic – not all are opposed.
Speaking on Sunday the country’s Interior Minister Karl Nehammer had a stern warning to the Austrian people.
63 percent of the population have currently had both jabs, with Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg calling on those still unvaccinated to take up the offer of a shot.
Those who currently haven’t received two jabs will only be permitted to leave their homes for work and carry out essential tasks such as shopping and attending medical appointments.
The announcement follows a record surge in COVID infections and government concerns hospitals could become overwhelmed.
That question reminds me of a talking German translater we used to sell somewhere I worked. It was quite loud.
We used to put in the English – ‘bollocks’
to translate in to German, and we ducked underneath the counter while startled and shocked customers passed. I think perhaps someone at the factory had programmed it in for a laugh.
Any way to answer your question I think the translation was ‘Eine Bollocks’
. . . and how about in Russian?
As noted by Anti-Empire, this modern version of fascistic, medical apartheid seems to have been trialled first in Russia.
Nov 16, 2021
Russia Aghast After Not Being Given Credit for Pioneering “Lockdown for the Unvaccinated”
MSM falsely crediting Austria for the best that pseudo-medical fascism has to offer
Marko Marjanović
Austria has declared a “lockdown for the unvaccinated”, New Southern Wales (Sydney region) in Australia has a similar semi-lockdown for the modern leppers, and the UK is slowly preparing the public for a lepper lockdown deeper into the flu season. “Lockdown for the unvaccinated” is the hot new thing in town, destined to spread far beyond Australia, Australia and the UK, and it all started in . . . Russia.
More than a month ago Russia’s Tatarstan already barred the unvaccinated over 65 from exiting their homes except to take out trash, seek emergency medical care, shop in their nearest grocery, or walk their pet within 100 meters of their home.
Oct 9, 2021
Are You Unvaxxed and Over 65 in Russia’s Tatarstan? We Have Great News For You!
You are permitted to leave your home for a trip to the vax center. That’s also pretty much all you’re permitted
Tag: Russian Faucism
Kazan AiF
The compulsory isolation regime for citizens over 65 years old is introduced on October 11 for those who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 or have not suffered a coronavirus infection in the last six months.
“There is a disease in Austria alright. It is called called corporate fascist totalitarianism. Its chief spreader is the pathological liar and sociopath the Nazi Schallenberg, following in the jack boot steps of his personal hero and idol the artiste Alois Schicklgruber, the little corporal himself.”

“Beagle Lives Matter.”
A couple of weeks ago I wondered if there’d been a bit of a coup in Austria. I’ve heard that Kurz was a one of those selectees who’d been groomed for global leadership or whatever, but maybe he wasn’t quite ready to go full fascist.
Sebastian Kurz (born 27 August 1986) is an Austrian politician currently serving as chairman and parliamentary leader of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP). He was twice chancellor of Austria, initially from December 2017 to May 2019 and then a second time from January 2020 to October 2021. For about four years, Kurz was the youngest head of government in the world as well as the youngest chancellor in Austrian history, being first elected into office at age 31.
After Kurz announced his pending resignation on 9 October 2021, Schallenberg was proposed by the ÖVP to replace him as Chancellor of Austria.[3] The Schallenberg government was sworn in on 11 October 2021.[4]
A member of the comital branch of the Austro-Hungarian Schallenberg family,[5][1] Schallenberg was born in 1969 in Bern, Switzerland, where his father Wolfgang was Austrian ambassador to Switzerland.[6] His mother is a native of Switzerland, and the daughter of Swiss banker and president of UBS Alfred Schaefer.
I was surprised about Kurz as well Lost. Corruption scandal. Hmmm. Given his WEF connections and grooming, I thought he was the selected person to turn Austria into a European version of Melbourne. I know you’re talking about the current period,as in this decade, but Valentine Strasser was 25 when he became President of Sierra Leone in 1992 via a military coup. Just some trivia for you.
Another possibility is that they’re saving Kurz for some later, public-facing role and don’t want to risk him getting too damaged.
So they talk to one protester, then cut to a state journalist who will lose his job if he shows any inclination to analyze real research, along with footage of some compliant masses – what George Carlin called ‘compliant workers’, who have done zero research into what a disease is, what a virus is, what a pandemic is and what a fascist tyranny is…
Yes, hence my opening question. This is from early August and it’s an Austrian journalist who could no longer rationalise the bollocks.
In order to force people into getting jabbed, they’re expecting to introduce further, unspecified measures in addition those already announced.
Austria announces COVID-19 lockdown for unvaccinated only
Nov 14, 2021
DW News
Austria’s government has approved a new lockdown that will only apply to unvaccinated people. Starting at midnight on Sunday, the government said people who haven’t been vaccinated will only be allowed to leave their homes for essential reasons, such as working, shopping or taking a walk. The lockdown is intended to push more people to get the jabs against COVID-19.
Austria’s decision comes just two days after the Netherlands announced a partial lockdown for all residents.
Austria has one of the lowest vaccination rates in western Europe. Together with Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg Interior Minister Karl Nehammer held a press conference announcing the measure.
UK Column News – 15th November 2021
Hearsay, “Rumours Of A War,” From Express, ITV
Military exercises are regular events. Russian troops are well within own borders.
NATO’s exercises are here:
ITV’s Rohit Kachroo quotes anonymous NATO sources on Russia Troops.
Express: ‘More than entire British Army’ — Satellite shows size of Russian troop deployment on Ukraine border.
Brian Gerrish: That’s not difficult since the British Army has two divisions.
Press try to link Russian exercises to long-running tensions between Belarus and Poland.
Currently these focus on migration. NATO Statement.
UK Foreign Min Liz Truss: “We believe in freedom and democracy.” (stopped reading there) — Telegraph
Putin: “It is important to remember where the migration crisis came from. Is it Belarus that triggered such problems? The causes lie with the Western countries themselves, including European countries. They are of an economic and military nature… we have nothing to do with it.”
Brian Gerrish: The West is stirring the trouble. Putin does not play games with war for a reason:
Losses as proportion of population in WW2
Belarus 2.3mn or 25%
Poland 5.8mn, 18%
Ukraine 6.8mn, 18%
Rest of USSR 16 mn, unknown
France 500k
UK 400k
U.S. 400k
Mike Robinson: all these narratives are linked, from Ukraine to Novichok. All to ramp up fear.
Woke Army: Mirror: Female Army instructor, 34, told teenage recruits ‘you’re mine now, b**ches’
Real War: Eastern Front, 1941 (animated)
COP26 Flops As Reality Pricks “Da Science”
China, India stake their right to development 00:25:15
350-year UK data set shows very little change
Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero based on $130 trn mythical fund. This masks a very real power grab.
David Scott: so far the lies have not gained traction but Nicola Sturgeon did put together an impressive COP26 selfie collection for when she applies for a job with the United Nations.
Interview with David Noakes’ Son, Andrew 00:32:00
Double Jeopardy – each time the charge is slightly different but basically similar.
He’s already served time in Britain, he’s currently in France and he is now facing extradition to Switzerland. The question for him is when will it end.
UKC Video: –
French Bio-Statistician, Second Interview
Christine Cotton 2: –
British independent mortician John O’looney: –
JVCI Advise More and More Vaccines And Boosters 00:37:00
Unspecified admission (could be half) people suffer harm from vaccines
“Positive safety profile for the majority of people.” June Raine, CEO, MHRA << The organization which helped put David Noakes in prison.
Claims myocarditis heart inflammation is extremely rare.
Brian Gerrish: She is on record saying every death on the Yellow Card system is investigated but we know of many cases where there has been none.
Bill Gates Effectively Admits That The Vaccines Don’t Work 00:41:45
Continues to demand totalitarian solutions to the weather
“We didn’t have vaccines that block transmission… We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce the transmission.”
Professor Byram Bridle Says Vaccines Fail to Protect Upper Repiratory Tract
The more vaccinated the country — the more Covid.
The vaccinated continue to transmit coronaviruses. Antibody titres in blood do nothing to stop upper airways. It is 100% impossible to achieve herd immunity with these vaccines. Study of 68 countries shows the more vaccinated the country, the more problem they’re having with Covid.
CDC has no record of anyone who suffered “Covid” recovered, gettting reinfected and transmitting
Lancet reports that vaccination does not limit spread — case for passports demolished.
Boston Herald: New vax science shows mandates unwise
David Scott: if you are unvaxxed catch Covid you represent no risk to others.
Cancer Is Latest Safety Concern In Vaccinated People, Says Bridle
Cancers come out of remission after shot is most under-reported adverse effect, because clinicians will never link it to the vaccine.
Devi Sridhar: Expert or Charlatan? – Citizen Journalist Report
Scottish adviser is a World Economic Forum, Young Global Leader
Lied about safety of vaccines to children — now she doesn’t want to “be a punching bag” because people are pushing back.
David Scott: Devi for all her comfortable academic position cannot take the heat.
Full Fact Inflitrates Office For National Statistics — Fakt Cheka seconded to ONS
And the ONS is seconding to the BBC 00:56:00
Soviet Appointee for Biden’s Banking Watchdog
More worryingly, Saule Omarova is a Federal Reserve Booster 00:59:30
Calls herself a free market idealist but she sees the Federal Reserve becoming the universal bank. Digital dollar deposit accounts would give central bank direct control of your money. (It would no longer be your money).
This would allow the central bank to stimulate the economy by giving you “QE or helicopter money” but when it wants to counter inflation, it would withdaw money — directly from your account.
Bloomberg Article: –
Saule Omarova Paper: –
Magic Money Tree: –
Inflation Is Already Destroying Farming Companies 01:04:30
Texan Independence Mulled
Common Sense: Case for an independent Texas
Debasement of currency, unsustainable debt, health, education. Consitution says all power is inherent in the people.
Virtue Signaling And Queer Theory in Schools 01:08:15
BBC Backs Away From Stonewall 01:15:45
British Police Goons Shamed By Terminally Ill Man 01:18:00
Retired university lecturer Darrell Meekcom ticked one off his bucket list by mooning at a speed camera.
Isn’t Gates’ message that young people should go all over the world to witness poverty slightly at odds with his global warming message? And more than a little creepy?
The entire NGO business of taking money from eager youngsters to fly around the world doing jobs that locals could do is equally flawed.
UKC Nov 12 edition (audio issue fixed)… my summary here:
Lancet reports that vaccination does not limit spread
Why this research when the jab sellers themselves admit it?
–Please purge your speech of “mainstream media.” They are the controlled media in the same way that IBM is controlled– those who own the greatest block of stock elect the board of directors who hire the managers.
All the presenters and reporters are controlled by editors and managers who serve at the pleasure of the Boards, who answer to a few trillionaire share-holders. There were more than 200 major news media companies in the 70s. Now there are SIX.
We used to hear nothing but ‘state controlled media’ when discussing Russia, Cuba, China or any other country that didn’t roll over unconditionally to the psychos. Never has media been as tightly controlled by state and corporate power as ours is nowadays in the west.
Peter Doshi’s 5 minute video testimony undresses some nonsequiturs.
Such an admirable example of what it means to be an intellectual!!
I had my entertainment sending faucci comments on the ineffective vax to a group of people including the jabbed….the returning comments were basically that this didn’t apply to whatever version they got…but one can only wonder why they are getting notices for the need for the booster then…they are a strange mind set ….
UK government to change rules on vaccinated status for covid pass:
Almost as if all these governments are in, what’s the word?… lockstep.
One of the things that gives me some joy (I know it’s probably wrong) is asking the double jabbed, in the nicest possible way, when they are due for their booster shot, and almost to a person there is this glazed look of incomprehension. The question is rarely answered & they quickly move on to something else
interesting BOOK REVIEW: ‘In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year’ Detailing the downfall of hydroxychloroquine at the height of the pandemic
On promoting anything opposite of what Trump said plus Fauci’s patented med$ only plugging.
The most chilling revelation for me in this interview is Curtain’s assessment of those who speak out against the government and globalists vaccine push-academics,doctors scientists-who are discredited and removed from their positions.It reminded me of those dissidents in places like Argentina and Chile-removed and then disappeared.It really hit home-again-the link between the tropes and playbooks used in establishing and reinforcing dictatorships, coupes and other sinister regimes.
Staged events aren’t new. It’s all a show.
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”
~ George Orwell
I knew we must be missing something – what they’ve been selling in the supermarkets is just mislabelled dumb f*ck juice! 😂
The ones on debt slave and human rights are just great.
Except that there’s a missing category: Human rights are –
Inherent and inalienable.
Of course Trump came out of somewhere. But that doesn’t mean it’s the same somewhere as Obama.

Although JFK is an important waymark, that “somewhere” is placed much earlier and probably doesn’t have a definable starting point. However, rather than JFK, Trump identifies more closely with Andrew Jackson.
If there is one president that Donald Trump wants to associate with himself, it’s Andrew Jackson. The 45th president has repeatedly praised Jackson in his speeches and tweets, placed a portrait of the seventh president in the Oval Office, insisted (illogically) that the Tennessean could have prevented the Civil War and told an audience at Jackson’s plantation, the Hermitage, that Jackson “confronted and defied an arrogant elite. Does that sound familiar to you? I wonder why they keep talking about Trump and Jackson, Jackson and Trump. Oh, I know the feeling, Andrew.”
On January 30, 1835, what is believed to be the first attempt to kill a sitting president of the United States occurred just outside the United States Capitol. When Jackson was leaving through the East Portico after the funeral of South Carolina Representative Warren R. Davis, Richard Lawrence, an unemployed house painter from England, aimed a pistol at Jackson, which misfired. Lawrence then pulled out a second pistol, which also misfired. Historians believe the humid weather contributed to the double misfiring.[263] Jackson, infuriated, attacked Lawrence with his cane, until others present, including Davy Crockett, fearing that the president would beat Lawrence to a pulp, intervened to restrain and disarm Lawrence.[264][265]
Lawrence offered a variety of explanations for the attempted shooting. He blamed Jackson for the loss of his job. He claimed that with the president dead, “money would be more plenty,” (a reference to Jackson’s struggle with the Bank of the United States) and that he “could not rise until the President fell.” Finally, Lawrence told his interrogators that he was a deposed English king—specifically, Richard III, dead since 1485—and that Jackson was his clerk.[266] He was deemed insane and was institutionalized at the Government Hospital for the Insane in Washington, D.C.[267][268]
Afterwards, the pistols were tested and retested. Each time they performed perfectly. Many believed that Jackson had been protected by the same Providence that also protected their young nation. The incident became a part of Jacksonian mythos. Jackson initially suspected that a number of his political enemies might have orchestrated the attempt on his life. His suspicions were never proven.[269]
Andrew Jackson’s crime was to resist control of American finances from a group of international bankers operating in the City of London. These were the Lombard bankers who moved to London from Amsterdam founding both the Dutch and English East India Companies. These people financed Cromwell and as reward were allowed to found the Private Bank of England corporation.
American independence was determined to control their own finances after independence and this wasn’t possible with the central bank controlling policy operating out of the City of London.
There were a number of acts that sought to control finances away from the people and have links back to the city of London. Andrew Jackson rejected these and took his war to the bankers. That policy very nearly cost him his life as he suffered 4 assassination attempts.
The same interest determined to get of Jackson eventually got Lincoln and later James Garfield for the crime of printing their own currency and resisting the same central bank policy and control.
It was therefore no coincidence that ties to the murder of Lincoln said to involve James Wilkes Booth (a distant relation to Cherie Booth) as well as the attempt on Jackson found their way back to Britain. In fact some of the conspirators actually found refuge in Britain after the murder of Lincoln.
Confederate secession was financed and back by the City of London who sought to over throw the North and impose the central bank system. 100 years later the same interests got rid of Kennedy for pretty much the same reasons.
There’s a definite continuity arising from the English Civil War and the 1688 “Glorious” Revolution, and so they’re probably the most appropriate starting point. We should be looking at it as the rise of the City of London Empire (making the world safe for banksters) in the way we look at previous city-based empires.
My suspicion is that the US war of independence was largely a sham. The banksters realised that overt, deferential domination was not going to be stable so they allowed “independence” to go ahead while ensuring they had a continuous stream of people placed on the inside.
Ed Sanders of The Bob Tuskin Show asks Noam Chomsky about the Federal Reserve.
Bankster appologist. He said this in 2013, and they applauded.
Just like you’re applauding Trump.
You are clearly lost in the wood you can’t see for the trees.
I think the two are a world apart. For instance, Chomsky steers people away from looking into the true reality of the Federal Reserve, the JFK assassination, and 9/11; and I doubt he’s ever commented on such matters as satanic child abuse. On the other hand, Trump and Q invite inquiry and discussion into these and related areas. Also, considering the source and the context, I think Trump would take the following as a compliment.
Chomsky discussing Trump and Climate Change (@21:10):
“Trump is – fact of the matter, the most dangerous figure in human history. Literally, there has been no one else – Hitler, anyone else, who is dedicated to destroying the prospects of human life on Earth in the short term, and that’s exactly what he’s doing.”
Noam Chomsky Says Trump is WORSE Than Hitler
Aug 20, 2020
TYT’s The Conversation
Noam Chomky speaks with Cenk Uygur on The Conversation about how consent to nominate Joe Biden was manufactured by the mainstream media.
Hilarious to hear Trump supporters defend Steve Bannon who was literally pardoned by Trump, for stealing money from Trump supporters supposedly to build a border wall.
Drain the swamp
Bannon arrested yesterday again in his yearly arrest show
Being arrested by the globalist deep-state is a badge of honour; and Steve Bannon, as a shameless self-publicist, is milking it for all it’s worth.
Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon surrenders to FBI
Nov 15, 2021
Steve Bannon, a longtime adviser to former President Donald Trump, turned himself into the FBI to face criminal charges handed down amid a congressional probe of the deadly January 6 attack on the Capitol for refusing to cooperate with the investigation.
His recent comments on unvaccinated should render Chomsky irrelevant. Period. Who cares what he says, it’s clear he says what he’s paid to. And funnily enough the same seems to apply to what he doesn’t say. A well trained mental sheep dog.
‘How can we get food to them?’ asks Chomsky. ‘Well, that’s actually their problem”
Anyone who missed his recent display of mental gymnastics-for-cash you can read about it here:
Chomsky has been a “left-wing” gatekeeper for several decades, but it’s now reached a point of inversion where everything he says has the opposite effect. They should have killed him off several years ago, but they’re probably having trouble finding a replacement.
I can’t say whether Chomsky is descending into dementia, or whether his aged brittle mask is cracking off and flaking to reveal a malignant character that was previously hidden.
But this remarkable expression of a “no more Mister Nice Guy” sentiment is a close paraphrase of a quote we see a lot during the holiday season:
“‘If they would rather die,’ said Scrooge, ‘they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.'”
Agree. Just look at his speech at Orlando when he said “This was our chance to reclaim our government from a permanent political class that enriched itself at your expense. We did not merely transfer power from one party to another. We transferred power back to you, the proud citizens of the United States of America.” he terrified the “Elite”
There’s been a consistent message and direction throughout Trump’s presidency. And he’s not finished yet!
Speech: Donald Trump Announces His 2020 Candidacy at a Political Rally in Orlando – June 18, 2019
Factbase Videos
Donald Trump holds a political rally at the Amway Center in Orlando and officially announces his 2020 re-election campaign on June 18, 2019.
[Quote @ 5:15]
Of course, it would be a good idea when trying out ‘gene manipulation technology’ on a mass scale to make sure it didnt kill too many during the mass trial run; only 5% get the real thing, the rest get some weaker solutions…
That would get the mass to accept the use of such technology in many other instances, and, as they werent affected, they’ll believe “there must have been something wrong with the few who had a bad experience.” (The mass already accept that injuries from actual vaccines are “rare”)…
If grannie had her triple shots without incident then it cant be the shots that caused all those young, fit, healthy athletes to drop dead. Maybe it was over-exertion – something grannie hadnt done since her kids left home….
Long interview with him here:
(Note: this one truly suffers from this site’s degraded color palette. Be sure to click on the image to view the original, undegraded image.)
Gee, will this be on the Telly tonight?
The tip of the iceberg, we know.
Almost impossible to prove in a court of ‘law’
It’s of no surprise the SMH (propaganda rag) quotes the TGA adverse reaction numbers (passive reporting) rather than AusVaxSafety (solicited surveys). TGA claims only 0.21% of vaccinations caused adverse reactions while AusVaxSafety reports that nearly 1.0% (0.9% actually) of people sought treatment at a GP of hospital after being vaccinated – they do not mention how many people had severe reactions or were hospitalised. To date Australia has given nearly 38,000,000 vaccinations which reckons to 342,000 visits to hospitals and GPs.
Thanks Justin.
The Age and SMH are good _ _ _ _
Anecdotal evidence only – Melbourne south east – this happened @ 4 weeks ago. The 20 year old son of a mate reluctantly got the jab to keep his apprenticeship, within a day he started to get chest pains, only mild but getting worse, so very concerning. He took his son to the local GP clinic where the doctor examined him & said take him to Emergency local hospital. As he was leaving the doctor took my friend aside and said that he had seen 30 young patients with the exact same issue in the previous ‘few’ weeks.
At the hospital he was checked & tested etc. for a few hours and then was told they could find nothing wrong with him!
Luckily after a day or so he has recovered but what damage has been done is unknown.
As an aside this is the same clinic that I go to. I booked a ‘phone consultation’ with the intention of trying to get a vax exemption so I could keep on working (I am pretty healthy so was always going to be hard). As soon as I uttered the words that I was unvaxxed all hell broke from this so called women ‘doctor’ – usual nonense about being dangerous, irresponsible etc. nothing remotely medical. Finally she said that as I was unvaxxed I would not get the same treatment or care as a vaxxed person if I got sick or got in an accident. At this point I hung up.
Just one of my experiences of living in the longest locked down city in the world.
One thing they’ve learned since 9/11 is the importance of controlling the internet. Hence its replacement by spook-created, spook-controlled “social media” corporations that can monitor you constantly, censor you at will and delete you in a millisecond.
Precisely as planned, lockdowns have created millions more screen-addicts, especially among the defenceless young. Precisely as planned, this too has had a disastrous effect on public health. And while we piss and moan and crack jokes in an ever-tightening Net, they’re busy enclosing the real world.
Except that they wouldn’t recognize a ‘real world’ if it shoved 50,000 volts up their bums.
They are surrounding a mere fantasy image of what human beings actually are.
As you say, it is the young for whom our hearts ache. Most of us at middle age, or beyond, can remember a world that wasn’t ugly and a general population that wasn’t certifiably insane. But just imagine what it must be like to have today’s chaos as your starting point in life…
It really makes you shudder.
Oh, these bastards know exactly what the real world is and how beautiful it can be. That’s why they’re grabbing it for themselves. That’s why they own private islands and fly private planes. That’s why they eat and drink only the best the Earth has to offer. That’s why they’re building fortified palaces in New Zealand. That’s why they send their own kids to high-class “free schools” among forests and rolling hills and keep them well away from seductively-glowing screens.
Meanwhile, millions of five-year-olds have now spent 33% of their life masked, propagandised, misinformed, antisocially-distanced, forbidden to play, stuck indoors, forcibly addicted to a corporate screenworld, and frightened out of their senses. Damaged for life.
Sadly one knows what space he means and it isn’t the one circling the earth..
Well, Patrick, I’m sure we’re basically in agreement.
What I’m getting at is what the scum actually do with their wealth, even considering their very limited perception of what I call ‘the real world’:
They have cocktail parties on yachts out in the Indian Ocean, they have more than one swimming pool, they have pretty girls, and they don’t like to share.
Some of them like Mozart and Verdi.
That’s just about it. Their perception of the real world is not a real perception.
They see it only as something to manipulate for profit, not as a sheer miracle for its own sake.
At least to my mind, being a cultured, truly creative human being entails an understanding of wider moral issues.
These robotic thugs wouldn’t know what I’m talking about.
Once you start thinking you have the same powers as God, you’re done.
offG might consider putting this up here:
9/11 was the turning-point. Having gotten away with that, they knew they could get away with literally anything. In the 20 years since then, they’ve succeeded in making at least two generations screen-addicted, passive, compliant, de-skilled, defenceless against propaganda, easier than ever to manipulate, and of course mired in debt. Hooked, and now begging for the needle. We live in a world where the UK government can openly employ a fucking Nudge Unit and most nice middle-class people will see nothing wrong with that.
The ruling class is now openly at war with all of us, at war with humanity. What they did to Iraqis and Libyans they will not hesitate to do to us and our children, billions of us, slowly or quickly, with needles or with bombs.
They weren’t joking when they talked about Full Spectrum Dominance. They really mean this one to be The War To End All Wars.
Or the final revolution which was Huxley’s actual term.
Hikikomori Planet
There’s also the occultists’ indication of an eventual War of All against All, although I understand that is supposed to be a long way off in mankind’s future.
The good news there is that mankind would seem to be destined to have a future.
So, if they’re right, this nightmare we are experiencing now is only a kind of rehearsal. Perhaps we should use it well…
I’m doing what it is really against my nature to do: I’m trying to keep alive the notion that some of the appalling people we see on our mainstream media are not, in fact, human at all.
That, along with OffGuardian and the concept that covidiocy was deliberately concocted in order to get everybody vaccinated, encapsulates the three main things in my life which actually make sense.
The Mekon, from those old Dan Dare comics, has fattened with age.
Otherwise, he is the same.
AFAIK many members joined SAGE. So when the MSM or the government speaks of scientists the Great British Public thinks “biologist” or “medic” but never “propagandist” or “brainwasher”.
I should have added the the website is either down or non-existent. Make of that what you will.
According to Mike Yeadon, former scientist with Pfizer, we are now in phase 5 of the covid timetable:
Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
> – Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
> – Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
> – Let unemployment explode.
> – Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
> – Take up the murder of the living old men.
> – Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
> – Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
> – Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
> – Arrest opposition leaders.
> – Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card …
> – Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
> Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.—-timetable-to-tyranny.html
So why have they let faucci loose to tell all that the vax doesn’t work but you will be suffering for the rest of your short life.,,is it a stretch to think this is so we get used to them dying everywhere? And get to blame it on themselves not the mad govt who forced them all to do it via jobs and travel?
Link to faucci telling all that vax don’t work and endanger health
Just came across an interview with faucci….gist it is very interesting we are seeing people’s capacity to resist any infection reduced by the needle…looks like they will need endless pfyser to remain alive. Wonder how many double shots will enjoy seeing that?
The vaccine mandates are a tool being utilized for total control of the individual from both the inside out and the outside in. If we do not stop this with every fiber of our being, it will be the gateway to digital and biological enslavement.
The entire system is rotten to the core and woven together by blanket webs of interlocking incestious corruption. It cannot be untangled or fixed – each corrupted entanglement is dependent on the next – it can only be demolished and rebuilt. For instance:
Although the CDC officially denies it, they receive millions in funding and gifts from the industry they are supposed to be regulating.
Their members own 50 vaccine related patents, meaning those members likely earn money on most – if not all – of the vaccines they approve.
You could hook the revolving door between the CDC and their subordinate industry up to a turbine and light up the Vegas strip.
These criminals should be in prison – strolling ‘C’ block swinging from some alpha male’s belt-loop – not sipping martinis in their mansions as they further enrich themselves by approving ever more poison to inject into our children.
Thanks Riven. The corruption here in Australia is also shocking and deeply embedded.