“The Omicron Variant” – Magic pills, or solving the Africa problem?
Kit Knightly

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Yesterday the WHO labelled the sars-cov-2 variant B.1.1.529 as a “variant of concern” and officially named it “Omicron”.
This was as entirely predictable as it is completely meaningless. The “variants” are just tools to stretch the story out and keep people on their toes.
If you want to know exactly how the Omicron variant is going to affect the narrative, well The Guardian has done a handy “here’s all the bullshit we’re gonna sell you over the next couple of weeks” guide:
- The Omicron variant is more transmissable, but they don’t know if it’s more dangerous yet (keeping their options open).
- It originated in Africa, possible mutating in an “untreated AIDS patient” (sick people are breeding grounds for dangerous “mutations”).
- “it has more than double the mutations of Delta…scientists anticipate that the virus will be more likely to infect – or reinfect – people who have immunity to earlier variants. (undermining natural immunity, selling more boosters, keeping the scarefest going).
- “Scientists are concerned” that current vaccines may not be as effective against the new strain, they may need to be “tweaked” (get your boosters, and the new booster we haven’t invented yet)
- “Scientists expect that recently approved antiviral drugs, such as Merck’s pill, will work as effectively against the new variant” (more on this later)
- It’s already spreading around the world, and travel bans may be needed to prevent the need for another lockdown
We’re already seeing preparations for more “public health measures”, with the press breathlessly quoting “concerned” public health officials. We’re being told that a new lockdown won’t be necessary…as long as we remember to get boosted and wear masks and blah blah blah.
Generally speaking, it’s all fairly boilerplate scary nonsense. Although it is quite funny that the Biden administration has already put a bunch of African nations on a travel ban list, when Biden called Trump a racist for doing the same thing in 2020.
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) November 26, 2021
It’s interesting that the new variant has allegedly come from Africa, perhaps “mutating in the body of an AIDS patient”, since Africa has been the biggest hole in the Covid narrative for well over a year.
Africa is by far the poorest continent, it is densely populated, malnourishment and extreme poverty are endemic across many African nations, and it is home to more AIDS patients than the entire rest of the world combined. And yet, no Covid crisis.
This is a weak point in the story, and always has been.
Last Summer, the UK’s virus modeller-in-chief Neil Ferguson attempted to explain it by arguing that African nations have, on average, younger populations than the rest of the world, and Covid is only a threat to the elderly. But five minutes of common sense debunks that idea.
The reason Africa has a younger population, on average, is that – on average – they are much sicker.
There are diseases endemic to large parts of Africa that are all but wiped out in most of the Western world. Cholera, typhus, yellow fever, tuberculosis, malaria. Access to clean water, and healthcare are also much more limited.
And while it has been nailed into the public mind that being elderly is the biggest risk factor for Covid, that is inaccurate. In fact, the biggest risk factor for dying “of Covid” is, and always has been, already dying of something else.
The truth is that any REAL dangerous respiratory virus would have cut a bloody swath across the entire continent.
Instead, as recently as last week, we were getting articles about how Africa “escaped Covid”, and the continent’s low covid deaths with only 6% of people vaccinated is “mystifying” and “baffling” scientists.
Politically, African nations have shown themselves far less likely to buy into the “pandemic” narrative than their European, Asian or American counterparts. At least two “Covid denying” African presidents – Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi and John Magufuli of Tanzania – have died suddenly in the last year, and seen their successors immediately reverse their covid policies.
So maybe the Omicron Variant is a way of trying to fold Africa into the covid narrative that the other continents have already fully embraced. That will become clear as the story develops.
Of course, it’s also true that being “African” is media shorthand for being scary, relying on the deeply-seated xenophobia of Western audiences. See: “Africanized killer bees”.
But, either way, Africa is the long game. There’s a more obvious, and more cynical, short term agenda here.
The magic pills
Let’s go back to the Guardian’s “Omicron” bullet points, above:
- Scientists are concerned by the number of mutations and the fact some of them have already been linked to an ability to evade existing [vaccine-created] immune protection.
- Scientists expect that recently approved antiviral drugs, such as Merck’s pill, [will work effectively] against the new variant
The “new variant” is already being described as potentially resistant to the vaccines, but NOT the new anti-viral medications.
Pharmaceutical giants Merck and Pfizer are both working on “Covid pills”, which as recently as three days ago, were being hyped up in the press:
US may have a ‘game changer’ new Covid pill soon, but its success will hinge on rapid testing
In the US, an emergency use authorisation can only be issued if there is no effective medication or treatment already available, so the vaccines not being proof against Omicron would be vital to rushing the pills onto the US market, at least.
If Omicron is found to be “resistant to the vaccines”, but NOT the pills, that will give governments an excuse to rush through approving the pills on an EUA, just as they did with the vaccines.
So, you bet your ass that testing is gonna be “rapid”. Super rapid. Blink-and-you’ll-miss-it rapid. Rapid to the point you’re not even sure it definitely happened. And now they have an excuse.
Really, it’s all just more of the same.
A scare before the new year. An excuse to make people believe their Christmas could be in peril. An exercise in flexing their control muscles a bit, milking even more money out of the double-jabbed and boosted crowd, now newly terrified of the Omicron variant, and a nice holiday bump to Pfizer’s ever-inflating stock price.
At this point either you can see the pattern, or you can’t. You’re free of the fear machinery, or you’re not.
There is one potential silver lining here: It feels rushed and frantic. Discovered on Tuesday, named on Friday, travel bans on Saturday. It is hurried, and maybe that’s a reaction to feeling like the “pandemic” is losing its grip on the public mind.
Hopefully, as the narrative becomes more and more absurd, more and more people will wake up to reality.
It has been pointed out that “Omicron” is an anagram of “moronic”.
One wonders if that’s deliberate and they’re making fun of us.
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The real genius of the virus is that it can mutate from non-existence. Astounding!
Thanks for this article and the information!
However, the article is not quite correct. The OMICRON variant has been registered by the WHO in November 2020 – 2020! – yet.
At that time the WHO associated the OMICRON variant not to South Africa but to “mutliple countries”.
For more information see
The Moronic Variant is absolutely deadly. There are literally thousands of bodies blocking the streets now from the MV. There is no alternative to a complete lockdown. Everybody might as well stay at home. Nobody can get anywhere anyway with all the thousands of bodies blocking the streets.
There are 2 drugs widely used throughout Africa – HCQ (for Malaria) and Ivermectin (for Riverblindness). And people are “baffled” as to the lack of Covid cases?
Hmm well that could be evidence of their efficacy, IF there were evidence of a genuine, ongoing pandemic, but the statistics just don’t support that. There never was. A2
Was there really a Covid pandemic in Africa?
Maybe, mebbe not. Reporting from Africa is not one statistic to rely on…
I feel like this thread has been infiltrated by the 77th Brigade
Thirtythree: You can take that as a given. It is what they do to please their pay-masters.
O wow. The icing on the cake is the last sentence. But let that pass. Let us instead concentrate on on factual errors:
Whereas it is true that Africa is the poorest continent, it is not generally densely
populated. This sweeping statement is factually incorrect. See this.
It really is not and there are several reasons for this. As pointed out the average population age in Africa is low and children have been shown to suffer far less disease than adults from Covid19. The reasons for this is that Covid-19 unlike say Flu or
bronchopneumonia, causes damage by a number of mechanisms not directly due to the virus infecting cells, but through generation of an immune response that can be
harmful. Some of this is through what is known as a ‘cytokine storm’, and the
other is through activation of the coagulation pathway leading to clots in
various organs. It is this response that leads to the pneumonia and not direct
infection by the virus. This is also shown by the fact that steroids, which
dampen the immune response, can reduce the disease severity and death from
severe covid-19. As to the interaction between HIV and Covid-19 this is
not very clear There is no overwhelming evidence that HIV infected individuals
are more or less susceptible to severe covid infections or that ART reduces the
risk from Covid-19 infections. This would also be the reason why
As the explanation for this is easy to follow: if a virus is not killed by the immune system but lives in a person longer, without causing illness because it does not stimulate the immune system to a hyperreaction, then it will have a chance to mutate. This situation is likely to occur more in South Africa. Statistics show that 55% of HIV infected individuals come from Southern and eastern Africa and treatment for Aids is also less available in Africa.
To turn to other factors that may affect transmission of Covid-19 in Africa, the ambient temperature in many of these countries is high and therefore ventilation of buildings and living space is likely to be much better with less crowding in public closed spaces, This study postulates that Covid incidence is reduced in countries nearer to the equator and that transmission is reduced in hotter weather because
Moreover data collection from Africa may be poorer and more incomplete.
So let me see if I got this right. The whole of society, restaurants, the travel industry, shops and businesses grind to a halt and that is because governments around the world want to destroy all of these various businesses, just for the benefit of Pfizer? This doesn’t make sense and requires an explanation from Kit. Is Pfizer running the world?
Looks to me that Corporations are instruments, none can run the world, more likely those that control most Corporations do. All you need is control mainstream media, and have something powerful enough to impose an agenda on most goverments, worldwide. ( do we really know all about the new L.E.O sat networks? )
I have the Vanguard is top of my short list.
There’s nothing in your comment except disinfo, apart from Africa not being densely populated.
First of all, governments are not sovereign nations they are centrally owned and controlled by the same financial cartel. This financial cartel also owns and controls all major corporations listed publicly, including Pfizer, Johnson snd Johnson, Astra Zeneca and Moderna (MRNA).
The externally seen mechanism for controlling the actions of the incorporated municipalities is the UN, but the contract mechanism is achieved through the WHO.
There is no such thing as Covid19. It’s defined entirely through a fraudulent test using non-unique, short genetic sequences common in human and bacterial DNA. PCR is a research technique, not a diagnostic test.
Not a single virus in the history of virology has ever been physically isolated and purified (found) meaning the particle is always assumed and the genetic sequences are hypothetical (de novo assembly, in silico) using a software program and template.
Contagion and transmission of any disease or illness has never been proven in any experiment or study. Not once.
Stop repeating lies and fraud.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Says Lockdowns are Not an Option Regardless of What Variant They Come Up With
November 29, 2021
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis responded to the remarks from Dr. Anthony Fauci yesterday and from Joe Biden earlier today about the new Omicron variant of COVID and the possibility of lockdowns.
The Governor was very specific and clear about no lockdowns when he spoke today at an event to celebrate increased salaries and bonuses for law enforcement officers in the state. Florida will continue to emphasize prevention, optional vaccinations, therapeutics and quick responsive treatment – with accessible monoclonal antibody treatments – as the state COVID mitigation protocol.
Florida governor says lockdowns are not an option as concerns are raised over Omicron variant
Nov 29, 2021
First Coast News
DeSantis says Florida has one of the lowest rates of COVID-19 in the country.
The WHO Coronavirus variant Omicron ( aka Moronic )
The WHO declared a global health emergency on January 30, 2020
666 days later
The WHO classified the Omicron variant as a VOC on November 26, 2021
Interesting! According to numerology: The date 11-26-2021 also reduces to 6.
1+1+2+6+2+2+1 = 15 = 6
My ‘had enough of this s**t’ point was April 2020. Now, they’re enjoying the power.
I see people on social media saying that the time for a revolution is now. What are they waiting for?
Time for politicians to start dropping. Or being dropped.
Strange dont you think>?
Kit and co mentions the anagram part. (1st time ever)
The minute one mentions this slightly further it is like talking to someone who thinks it is a conspiracy theory Which Kit and co will eye roll the anagram part still.
IF it says moronic is ok anything else is far to far fetched borderline conspiracy theorist flat earth lizard territory.
B1.1.529 is not new – it was reported on by the World Economic Forum on the 21st July, conveniently they deleted the article, so now it’s new again! https://www.informedchoiceaustralia.com/post/how-did-the-wef-know-about-omnicron-b-1-1-529-in-july-21
Personally I’ve been calling it the omigod variant (pronounced oh-me-god). Sadly many still believe.
The Scrabble player in me prefers to call it the Moronic variant.
Cripes, the next family member/friend that equates the measles vaccine to the covid vaccine as being the same…….I’M GONNA LET LOOSE AND CRY TILL I’M A JIBBERING WRECK AND THEN GET SELF CERTIFIED AS A MENTAL PATIENT!
The only SANE place in this country is within a sanitorium!
Measles vaccine? Let’s see:
All one big distraction from Nov 3 2020.
And just in time to take the heat of their friend Ghislaine Maxwell.
“Omicron” is an anagram of “moronic”? Omicron and moronic are actually an anagram of macron as in Emmanuel Macron.
Theirs no A in moronic so how you got moronic with no A is anyone’s guess
There’s a k an o a b and an a in it.
Ah yes. Another name for this “new” virus would be Omnicon. It’s all a con job folks. Why not start naming these bogus ploys with proper names?
Please go talk to the nurses, orderlies, and Doctors at your local hospital and see how much of a con job they think it is.
A very typical non-argument from someone very invested in the narrative, afraid to be a realist for even a moment.
Interestingly, most people in a hospital don’t know what goes on in most other parts of the hospital. No uk hospitals have ever been overrun to a higher degree than usual throughout this farce. Despite the fact beds have been radically reduced due to ‘Covid’ measures.
What is the literal mechanism of paper masks that prevent aerosol moisture droplets from the mucous membranes of your lungs escaping into the atmosphere? What does the paper physically do? It doesn’t prevent your glasses misting up, as I found when I worked in orthopaedic theatres as a scrub nurse’s assistant and porter. Opinions among doctors were divided even back then as to whether masks actually did anything, unless you were stood over an open wound. They were considered largely ceremonial.
Since corporations are by definition conspiracies of interest, and since multi global conglomerates and financial regulators run most of the world and share a common goal to breath life into a failing global financial model, why would a grounded person not question what’s going on?
Try to question the sense of what you’re saying. A2
I can”t speak for the NHS but we’ve had hospitals overrun in the US. What tends to happen is that it pushes back treatment for other issues. Clagging up ICUs with Covid patients makes problems for people with heart or stroke conditions that can’t afford to wait a year or more to get dealt with.
All those masks do is consolidate small droplets into larger ones. Small droplets can be carried a considerable distance by HVAC systems. Large ones just fall to the ground.
Your comments on masks are not born out by scientific evidence, or practical observation. People blow vaping clouds easily through the gaps in masks. Your glasses easily steam up while wearing a mask. There are no randomised controlled trials showing any advantage to mask wearing in relation to respiratory infection spread. Your opiniojs to one side, we need to drop this pseudo-medical, medieval-level superstitious assertions.
Shutting down essential healthcare has made healthcare waiting lists longer, not ‘Covid’. Flu season in temperate zones have always burdened healthcare. A2
“Clagging up ICUs with Covid patients”
Covid patients according to which reliable test?
“Landmark Danish study finds no significant effect for facemask wearers”
My old weed dealers mum is a nurse and she laughs at the whole COVID saga
my wife works in a big hospital and according to what she has seen it’s a con job.
Why are Australians the only people being attacked by sharks?
This insightful bit of information sums it up very well when it comes to the third eye or is it the fourth ? Who knows, who cares.
All I know is that I would be surprised if the F1 circus shows up next year for the Australian GP.
In the meantime …. oral antivirals are their saviour , mush as the orange man suggested.
Nothing like a good British voice. As in the Old Testament movies of my childhood.
This is indeed a great voice, is this AI? Where’dya get it? : )
New variant discovered
Gives a new twist to ‘pigs might fly’ (link)
Class. LOL
New Variant discovered
Reuters reporting Japan is at 1% of its COVID peak cases and falling. India is at 3% of its peak and falling. What did these countries do? Ditch vaccine mandates for ivermectin. Since April 28, India medical officials started providing hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to its massive population. As India is the major pharmaceutical manufacturer in the world, they were ready for this massive drug distribution. MIRACULOUSLY!, COVID cases have plummeted quickly since then. Meanwhile, all “first world” countries in Europe are reporting a rise in cases. Get your ivermectin before it is too late https://ivmpharmacy.com
Piss off, spammer.
“Cases”, brought to you by the o so reliable PCR “test”!
Can someone help me ? I still unfortunately have friends who struggle with understanding the COVID hoax and the vaccine situation – but they always stump by saying “but if everyone just took the vaccine the virus would be eradicated “ can anyone help me on by rebuttal , how to disprove this….
Hmm, realism? I mean, there’s no reason a vaccine which doesn’t stop transmission, by the manufacturer’s own open admission, will ever eliminate the alleged virus’, is there? A2
Nope, and with a vaccine that doesn’t confer immunity (not that any vaccine does) the concept of ‘herd immunity’ is null and void, isn’t it?
Too naive to answer but here it is….just tell your friends to research the souces of those pushing the vaccines. The big pharmas for examples looking for their next billion.
How could you possibly disprove that? Or the opposite of that? It’s a pseudo-issue. If I hadn’t worn a red shirt this morning, the world would have exploded. Disprove that!
if we back off all cars in the world, then no more kids will be die in car accident.
if we back off alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, weapons…
Humen being means that we have a choice. My life, my rules, my die.
I wear mask that other feel safier. I stay home during illness. Keep distance. I was dozen of tested – still negativ.
Let me decide about my health and life.
Greatings from Poland
Ryszard X Unvincible
As far as I know, 100% of the population of Gibraltar have taken the injection, yet both “cases” and “deaths” continue there.
how many deaths?
Looks like 4 since March
I might as well add a “Valley Girl”-inspired speculation, and point out that “Omicron Virus” is pretty close to “Omigod! Virus”.
There are a few potential variants here. I came up with ‘Oh-my-another-con’.
Great Article and helps us to put the latest scare tactics into perspective. Omicron = mOronic, yes indeed. Moronic is a very good way to describe the official narratives of the “pandemic” in all its stages of insanity to date. What will it take for most people to realize that this whole thing is a globally orchestrated fraud? So now with the new Merck pills, will it be mandatory to to swallow some of these instead of having a cocktail of contaminants and nano-particles injected into our arms? Personally I’ll be just having normal diet, ensuring my vitamin C, D3, K2, magnesium levels are good and using what was once called common sense over the winter to keep immunity levels normal.
Although for a long time Alex Jones has being describing the Globalist agenda, I wouldn’t call this much of a “prediction”. Anybody paying attention would expect there to be new variants and nobody is surprised by it.
Watch General Flynn Predict Omicron Variant, New Lockdowns, And Controlled Economic Depression
Nov 27, 2021
The Alex Jones Show
On Saturday, November 13th, former National Security Advisor General Michael T. Flynn issues an emergency warning to the world! That Warning has now come true.
Updated: November 11, 2021
Israeli Leaders Hole Up In War Bunker During COVID-19 Outbreak Drill
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett described the day-long “Omega Drill”, named after a fictitious strain of the coronavirus, as a precaution to ensure Israel was prepared for “any scenario”.
Next stop: the Omega variant!
Actually Omega is last.
The next one is “Pi”
But 5 more after that comes “Pfi”…
Already saw an article that said this variant was very mild compared to regular Covid, so why all the hype again?
The show must go on!
Will this years Advent Calendar have different variants in the message>?
It’s no secret that attitudes toward the whole Covid phenomenon are divided significantly along left-right fault lines. What is amazing is that the left, which in all normal circumstances could be expected to suspect a grand conspiracy by Big Pharma and the other usual Kapitalist suspects, is in this case alone a trusting partner with them against such ‘conspiracy theories’ .
The mainstream left has been condition to reject any notion of a conspiracy, except one that makes the “right” look bad, and by the “right” they mean anybody who doesn’t like doing what they are told by some fake “authority”, which also includes lots of “left wing” people like me. The mainstream left love to tell people what they can or can’t do, or say, or think, and they love to be told what to do, or say, or think. What I have come to realise about these people is that they just like to whinge, they just like to fit in and they don’t actually care one jot about what rapacious capitalism has done to the planet, because its made them very comfortable, so they concentrate on none issues such as gender, carbon dioxide, or any branch of identity politics, because that’s what their leaders have told them to do. They’ll bleat all day about such mental fripperies, but studiously avoid the real issues. They are actually in the minority in society, but they shout the loudest on social media. Don’t pay them much heed, their day of judgement will come and when this bullshit inevitably fails, they will fail. Take your head out of their game and life gets a lot easier.
the left are marxists and want to destroy ‘capitalism’ so are very happy with whats going on. They don’t tend to think for themselves either but like to belong to the superior group of ‘intellectuals’
Squeaky bum time for those Austrian politicians and their medical fascism….
Austrian Police Officers Taking The Side of The People!!! THIS IS THE WAY!!! – YouTube
There is only one flu shot (or was) and the flu has been proven to have several variants each year…why is this covid(flu) any different?
“Proven” is a strong word, given that no virus (flu included) is purified, isolated, and sequenced directly from a sick individual.
Supposedly a human has 380 trillion viruses in their body at any time, a number which is supposedly 10x more than the number of bacteria they also in their body, and all of these microbes (along with fungi and parasites) are said to have unique genomes; a sample is taken which contains some portion of all of this along with the person’s own cells; the sample is added to a cell culture consisting of (most commonly) monkey tissue along with bovine serum and antibiotics which contribute to the breakdown of all the living cells; the resulting fragments of genetic sequences are cobbled together in a computer and then a new variant is defined. If this sounds irrational…good.
One of our challenges is understanding that there is no such thing as a virus. I refer you to the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka, who explains this well. I find it a relief. We’ve been the pawns of “scientists” for too long.
As much as we’ve been told “science” is “scientific”, the sad truth is that much of it is not. All too often consensus in a group desperately trying to get along with each other is not scientific or truth. I think Kennedy’s book on Fauci explains this.
It is to our credit that we try to understand what “scientists” tell us, try to fit the odd pieces together into a shape that makes sense. Only to discover that “they” have changed the definitions of “pandemic” and “vaccine”. And what we thought was sensible in early 2020 is now revealed to be a lie.
For several years I studied the microbiome, which NIH said included many bacteria and viruses. And then I read the other day that the NIH lied. I feel adrift.
Already time for a repost

can hardly keep up with the pricks and their ‘variants’
After my partner had her booster, she believes the bollocks about the Scamdemic, within a short time she a developed bruising on her forearm which happened after the second experimental gene therapy “ vaccine “. Yesterday, I met an old friend in the pub. The first thing I noticed was a similar bruising on his forearm which he told me had appeared after his booster. Moreover, he also informed me his sister had also developed bruising on her arm. Coincidence or the signs of clotting from these “ vaccines “ ?
Oh no, I’m sure that there’s a simple “Occam’s Razor” explanation.
You know– people getting “COVID boosters” are so enthusiastic, or are in such a hurry, that many bang through the booster-facilities’ door so hard that they wind up bruising their forearms in the process. They don’t even realize it!
Just trying to channel the fact-checker mindset!
like marring in haste repent at leisure .
Astute. There’s always a simple, logical, sciencetific explanation.
Hehe …
Really rather frightening.
But won’t someone think of the children? Oh they’re way ahead of you:
Its the same as before. A new disease! You have no immune system against it! There is no treatment! Only a new synthetic chemical injected into your body is the only hope!
Good for you. Another effing lie. How did humans and the animals we share the planet with get this far with no intrinsic protection from killer diseases?
Switzerland Green Pass Referendum – Result Due Later Today
A very convenient variant?
Projected Result
Swiss reject plan to abolish COVID health pass: projection
Opponents of the certificate, which restricts entry to events and restaurants to mostly vaccinated people, forced Sunday’s referendum. Most voters, instead, have backed the government’s approach.
Why was this vote important?
The referendum offered a rare litmus test of public opinion specifically on the issue of COVID health passes, which have drawn protests in Switzerland and across Europe.
The Swiss government, always careful not to overstep the rules of the country’s direct democracy, has hesitated before introducing additional curbs to stem a fresh winter wave of the virus.
Sunday’s support for their policies will likely embolden the government to proceed with new measures.
To date, ministers have recommended more working from home and have made mask-wearing compulsory in many public indoor places.
Infection rates have risen more than fivefold in recent weeks to an average of 5,200 per day.
Switzerland’s vaccination rate — at about two-thirds of the population — is around the same as neighboring Austria, which recently became the first European country to return to lockdown and will make vaccinations mandatory in the spring.
Germany, which this week saw a record daily caseload of nearly 70,000, has also seen a sharp increase in forged vaccination certificates.
Is the Daily Mail implying there may be some connection?
PUBLISHED: 21:54, 27 November 2021 | UPDATED: 14:51, 28 November 2021
Switzerland on Saturday widened quarantine requirements to stem the spread of the new Omicron coronavirus variant to travellers arriving from Britain, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Egypt and Malawi, where cases have been detected, its health ministry said.
On Friday, Switzerland banned direct flights from South Africa and the surrounding region due to the detection of a new COVID-19 variant, while also imposing restrictions on travel from other countries including Hong Kong, Israel and Belgium.
Entry from those countries would only be possible for Swiss citizens or those with a residence permit in Switzerland or the broader Schengen area.
This strengthens the previous restriction, announced just yesterday, which was that all flight passenger arrivals had to quarantine.
Now, following the detection of new Omicron cases, travellers from Britain, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Egypt and Malawi will need to present a negative COVID-19 test and quarantine for ten days as well, the Federal Office of Public Health said in a tweet.
It did not state whether travel from those countries would be limited to Swiss citizens and residents or not.
Two cases of the new Omicron coronavirus variant have also been detected in the southern German state of Bavaria and in Italy, both neighbours of Switzerland, but Switzerland has thus far not imposed travel restrictions on any countries with which it shares borders.
Referendum on Covid certificate in Switzerland
Swiss voters are having their say in a referendum today which will decide whether Switzerland should impose the COVID-19 certificate, which says if a person has been vaccinated or has recovered from the virus.
The vote is for amendments to the COVID-19 law, which was created to issue federal orders effectively across the entire country.
Polls suggest a solid majority of Swiss will approve the measure, which is already in effect.
But campaigners said the measure is creating an ‘apartheid’ system as the certificate gives them access to restaurants, bars, cafes and other indoor venues.
Just under two-thirds of the Swiss population is fully vaccinated and they have one of the lowest vaccination rates in Western Europe.
If voters reject the bill, including its amendments, it will be dissolved by the end of September – one year from when it was approved.
It would appear to have passed (62.01% in favour).
So it looks like the voters were bribed. Wrapping the vote up with financial aid to those affected by Covid
Flies mixed with honey
As the saying goes:
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner, whereas Liberty is a well-armed lamb.

Switzerland is of course a well-armed country:
So maybe something is being set up!
Fortunately, most of the fascists have taken the jab, so the best tactic is to wait it out while continuing the peaceful demonstrations. And 40% is a sizeable anti-totalitarian minority, so it can turn quite quickly.
The vote was rigged. 100% of vaccinated people did not vote for the pass. Which is what is implieď by the résult. Personally know many people who have taken the jab and voted no. As most people do.
Berne has closed down parliment with high sécurity all weekend, all planned.
The people will stand up.
My understanding is that the Swiss take the principle of voting very seriously. If the process has been corrupted, that would be reason enough to rise up.
If one country could succeed in throwing off the draconian measures, then it would be a model for the rest of the world to follow
New Model Army – My Country
It is incredibly easy to manifest an increase in the infection rate: increase the PCR testing and raise the CT level of said tests. Voila! More infections.
0vert the Top HINT : Pill by Merck (which is the W0RST ) It doesn’t even get the average, actual e.g., varivaxxines right (0D/breakout concentrations) !
Reading this article it seems to me like Kit is finally coming around to seeing that there never was a virus in the first place. I got that distinct impression even though she didn’t quite say as much. If true that would obviously be a good thing. People need to stop dragging their heels and own the Great Obviousness of the situation, and accept the consequences of accepting the Great Obviousness – and also enjoy the most excellent BENEFITS of walking in the light.
Kit is a boy.
Thanks Sophie for the correction.
‘kit’ has been mis-gendered…..
very sad, very very sad…. I hope he doesn’t feel too invalidated..
Are you sure? Did you ask Kit? He/she has the right to decide you know!
He did it for you:
“We find that when some people who are immune-compromised that they can have virus lingering on,” Fauci said. “I know nothing about his medical condition so I’m really very reluctant to make any comment about it.”
Reluctant to make a comment about a stranger’s medical condition, but perfectly comfortable with a strong insinuation. Just a horrible human being.
A “pill” is not going to replace the jab. It may be used as a primer or decoy supplement, but what’s in those vials cannot be encased in a pill. From the analysis done on the Pfizer vials it appears sophisticated nano-technology is contained which could, at least hypothetically be internally assembled into a network which connects externally to other technologies. If this is the case, than a “pill” can’t be an alternative. Still unanswered questions, but I don’t see a pill as providing much of anything other than a brief diversion and billions for Merck as a partner in this massive crime.
Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections – Truth Comes to Light
Perhaps the billions for Merck isn’t the diversion? Perhaps it’s the main game?
Is there a genuine thought there, or are you just part of the psyop?
Ooh miaow. Yes there’s a genuine thought and it really doesn’t take much to see it: what this viral bullshit has definitely achieved is an enormous plundering of resources and funds and transferral of wealth over to the top and it will continue to do so – as well as providing a massive diversion to cover up this very process.
What about eugenics George.
What about, there is no isolated virus.
What about, how can you have a mutant strain on a non existent virus
From the Gematria Calculator….omicron…..Jewish Gematria = 262 = its all fake,
What about, the Ivermectin Miracle in Japan, Dr. John Coleman, ytb
What about Dr John Coleman is so surprised that Ivermectin is so effective in Japan at reducing infections to near zero.
What about the murder of old people with midazolam coupled with the NHS protocols on end of life care.
What about the Liverpool pathway, end of life care denial of water and DNR, do not resuscitate.
Plenty to cover up here.
Check this out,
IHC‑plus™ Polyclonal Rabbit anti‑Human RRAD Antibody (aa107‑156, IHC, WB) LS‑B11529 They love numerology and gematria here is something interesting I found on the so called new variant!!!
From the Gematria Calculator….omicron…..Jewish Gematria = 262 = its all fake,
MicroChip listed as the same numerology code
From the bitchute site….ENZYMEDOM WALLED IN MEDIA
well considering you are getting all cabalistic.… look at what you missed on your odyssey of the ‘occult’ (hidden)… with words =262
it begins
it’s all fake
ein soph
infernal god
the end bible code
thank odin
god apollo
gene israel
infernal god…etc etc
not forgetting of course ‘peppa pig‘ and ‘pub‘..
Caught this Graud headline:
It was the last bit that got me. “Omicron Covid fears” are rising round the world! Not the Omicron itself – whatever that is.
Note the technique: the media openly states what it wants to happen as if it really is happening, like a hypnotist telling his subject, “You will now squawk like a duck!”
Omicron is moronic….just rearrange the letters.
It’s also Oncomir – look it up
An oncomir (also oncomiR) is a microRNA (miRNA) that is associated with cancer. MicroRNAs are short RNA molecules about 22 nucleotides in length. Essentially, miRNAs specifically target certain messenger RNAs (mRNAs) to prevent them from coding for a specific protein.
Sick bastards! Cancer is the new pandemic caused by the mRNA vaccines.
I would not be surprised.
“Generally speaking, it’s all fairly boilerplate scary nonsense.”
If by “it” you mean the rhetorical tricks to inform people that they ought to be concerned by a new wave of potentially deadly virus, I agree. If by “it” you mean the actual potentially deadly virus, it just happens that real viruses are not nonsense.
Given the current madness of the world, I suppose it can’t be ruled out that The Powers That Be aren’t that worried about this particular variant, and are just using it as a testing ground for the power of their standard rhetoric. Maybe. But when it comes to actual potentially deadly viruses, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’d rather be safe than sorry.
We all know that a lot of people are not going for the safe bet of trying to protect themselves and their close family and friends from a potentially deadly because… because… if anybody knows, it would be a nice time to point it out.
My personal guess is that some powerful vested interests have become such masters at deflection, that they just can’t turn their deflectors off, even when they want to. The deflectors have become conditioned reflex in vast swathes of the population.
As for who are those powerful vested interests, well, the obvious ones spring to mind. Meaningless fights among parties to keep their base separated so that it can be claimed that democracy offers a real choice. Meaningless defences of GDP growth, well after GDP has stopped meaning anything, let alone its growth. Meaningless claims by powerful people that they didn’t see it coming, when their actions, especially those they took with their personal wealth, make it quite plain that they saw it coming.
And so it goes on, for as long as that meaningless babble continues.
And so it goes on, for as long as that meaningless babble continues.
You mean your crap about the “potentially deadly virus”, right? There isn’t one, idiot.
A bit unfair? Doly may have a point. If someone genuinely believes there is a deadly virus out there, with variants, African variants, variants from African AIDS sufferers*, it makes little sense for them to trust their lives to a silly mask or a “vaccine” which requires a month to take effect and lasts about two months, according to the salesmen and saleswomen.
*I’m apply for a job as a government scaremonger.
If someone genuinely believes there is a deadly virus out there, with variants, African variants, variants from African AIDS sufferers, it makes perfect sense for them to trust their lives to whatever the sales people say.
Oops, didn’t mean to reply to myself.
They didn’t “see it coming”. They wrote the script!
Was this comment tongue in cheek?
Before you ask why it is that some people are not “trying to protect themselves and their close family and friends from a potentially deadly” you must first do sufficient research to be satisfied that the “vaccine” is not itself “potentially deadly.”
There are many whose research (including possible “vaccine” ingredients and VAERS data) suggests the cure may indeed be worse than the disease.
By exercising the same care exercised regarding any pathogen, one can usually avoid illness. But once “vaccinated,” one is totally at the mercy of a foreign substance injected into one’s body. There is at present nothing one can take to counteract that substance if it proves harmful.
If that doesn’t give pause for thought, nothing will.
Well said.
What especially bothers me is that we do not know what is in the “vaccine” or what it will do to us. And, as you say, how we can respond it if proves harmful.
All this dissuades me from getting the mystery drug.
Omicron anagram of moronic
Bit surprised that Boris hasn’t pointed out that the Greek letter is omikron, although their anagram would not then work.
See: “Africanized killer bees”.
Also, “African swine fever” that began its spread across Eastern Europe and Asia from the vicinity of Lugar Centre for “Public Health Research” in Tiblisi , Georgia.
Another FUN cycle…
When I read this funny bit
I had a good laugh.
Nothing like using another fake & scam “pandemic” (“HIV”/AIDS) in order to keep the newest one alive and jabbing!
We’re indeed a moronic herd of MMS/3i’s
“…Covid is only a threat to the elderly.”
Strangely, Florida, the retirement capital of the US, has the lowest number of cases.
Well, if you scare them to death, lock them down, give them some toxic medications and put them on ventilators – it is.
One of the worst co-morbidities is anxiety.
Not in FL, but I know of seniors who haven’t left the house since this started. The whole family now has to revolve around supplying them. They don’t seem to mind their children and grandchildren ‘taking one for the team’.
This pitting the generations against each other is wrong.