Letter to a Governing Body
Margaret Anna Alice
Note: This letter was adapted from my Letter to the Washington State Board of Health so it can be used for legislators, policymakers, boards, employers, or any others involved in making decisions related to COVID-19. Several of my readers are already using it in their efforts to combat employer mandates. If you use this tool, I just ask that you include credit and link back to this post. I’d love to hear about it if you are willing to document your actions in the comments, too.
“Everything went strictly ‘by the book,’ using means that were permitted by the constitution. At first there were ‘emergency decrees’ by the president of the Reich, and later a bill was passed by a two-thirds majority of the Reichstag giving the government unlimited legislative powers, perfectly in accordance with the rules for changing the constitution.”Sebastian Haffner, Defying Hitler
I am writing because you are considering legislation or policies related to COVID-19.
Although this letter is addressed to a governing body, I am actually writing to you—you, the living, thinking, feeling individuals who comprise this body.
I am asking that you listen not in your capacity as a member but as a fellow human being, as a neighbor, as a friend.
For nearly a year, you have been gradually conditioned to view the unvaccinated as enemies. You have been subjected to a relentless propaganda campaign designed to divide you from us; to dehumanize us; to paint us as science-deniers, conspiracy nuts, spreaders of disease, and threats to society.
“Men under pressure are first dehumanized and only then demoralized, not the other way around. Organization and specialization, system, subsystem, and supersystem are the consequence, not the cause, of the totalitarian spirit.”
Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45
The United States Holocaust Museum describes this process as “Defining the Enemy: The Excluded”:
“One crucial factor in creating a cohesive group is to define who is excluded from membership. Nazi propagandists contributed to the regime’s policies by publicly identifying groups for exclusion, justifying their outsider status, and inciting hatred or cultivating indifference.… But a second, more sinister aspect of the Nazi myth was that not all Germans were welcome in the new community. Propaganda helped to define who would be excluded from the new society and justified measures against the ‘outsiders.’”
Regardless of what the propagandists have told you, we are not your enemies. We are your neighbors; we are your colleagues; we are your friends; we are your family members—your grandparents, your parents, your siblings, your children.
We are human beings just like you. We love, we live, we think, we feel.
We have merely made a different choice from you. And contrary to what the propagandists tell you, that choice poses no threat to you or our shared community.
This CDC paper (“Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021”), explains that the study found “three-quarters of cases occurred in fully vaccinated people”:
“It also found no significant difference in the viral load present in the breakthrough infections occurring in fully vaccinated people and the other cases, suggesting the viral load of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the coronavirus is similar.”
New stories documenting COVID outbreaks in fully vaccinated groups keep emerging, including cruise ships such as the MS Europa, MS Europa 2, Mein Schiff 6, and Aidanova.
While reporting on a third Royal Caribbean cruise ship outbreak, this Miami Herald article notes:
“The CDC reported there were 5,013 confirmed COVID-19 cases on cruise ships between Dec. 15 and 29, compared to just 162 cases in the two weeks prior, Nov. 30 to Dec. 14.
“According to the CDC’s database for COVID-19 on cruise ships as of Wednesday, all 92 cruise ships currently sailing in U.S. waters had people on board infected by COVID-19.”
After Puerto Rico health insurer Mmm Multi Health lost a court case that struck down their mandate and restored employees’ rights to decide about what would be injected into their bodies, the company instituted segregation: one building housed fully vaccinated employees, while the second building housed unvaccinated employees.
Guess which building experienced a COVID outbreak—and which one didn’t? It’s the opposite of what the media tells you. In this perfect real-world case control study, the building with the fully vaccinated employees suffered an outbreak, while the unvaccinated remained protected by their natural immunity, which has been proven superior to vaccination by 145 research studies to date.
And then consider this scenario at an Antarctica station: “100% vaxxed. 100% remote and quarantined. Still, covid outbreak in 2/3rds.”
I know what you’re thinking, “Okay, but what about the hospitals being overwhelmed by the unvaccinated?”
Well, big surprise, you’ve been deceived about that, too.
At a regional New York hospital serving a community with an under–50-percent vaccination rate, “90% of the individuals admitted to [the] hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.”
The latest UK data reveals that vaccinated individuals comprise the majority of all hospitalizations and deaths in the over-50 group, a pattern that is becoming increasingly common.
If the vaccine does not prevent people from spreading or contracting COVID; being hospitalized; or dying from COVID, what possible justification can you provide for instituting policies such as mandating the COVID-19 vaccine, requiring vaxxports, or detaining individuals and families in quarantine facilities?
And that’s only part of the story. The other part of the story—the one the propagandists don’t show you—is the CDC’s vaccine surveillance system has just surpassed a historic 1 million adverse event reports (1,016,999 as of 12/31/21) for the COVID vaccines, including 21,382 deaths—5,252 of which occurred within the first forty-eight hours following injection.
Contemplate that for a moment—nearly a quarter of reported deaths occurred within the first two days after vaccination.

Using Pfizer’s own six-month data, this Canadian COVID Care Alliance presentation and the accompanying PowerPoint slides demonstrate that the COVID-19 vaccinations cause significantly more harm than good.
Indeed, Pfizer’s data shows the absolute risk reduction from its vaccine was only 0.84 percent, whereas there was a 300-percent increase in risk for adverse events.
Let me repeat that. Our government, our workplaces, our organizations are demanding that its citizens accept a 300-percent increased risk of adverse events—including death—in exchange for less than a 1-percent risk reduction of contracting COVID.
Does that risk-benefit ratio sound reasonable to you? Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are gambling with our lives—at zero-percent risk of liability thanks to their FDA-issued emergency use authorizations.
A recent article, “Risks of Myocarditis, Pericarditis, and Cardiac Arrhythmias Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination or SARS-CoV-2 Infection,” published in Nature Medicine revealed that 1 in 100 of all vaccinated individuals “were admitted to the hospital or died with arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat”:
Of the 38,615,491 vaccinated individuals included in our study, 385,508 (1.0%) were admitted to hospital with or died from cardiac arrhythmia at any time in the study period (either before or after vaccination); 86,754 (0.2%) of these occurred in the 1–28 days after any dose of vaccine. Of those who were admitted or died 39,897 (10.3%) had a SARS-CoV-2 positive test, with 29,694 (7.7%) having a positive test before vaccination. There were 7,795 deaths with cardiac arrhythmia recorded as the cause of death (1,108 had a SARS-CoV-2 positive test).”
Written by CDC and FDA authors, a recent paper, “COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in Children Aged 5–11 Years — United States, November 3–December 19, 2021,” indicates adverse events were underreported in VAERS by a factor of 6.5.
This underreporting factor is likely even higher given the immeasurable pressure being put on hospitals, physicians, and medical professionals not to fulfill their legal obligation to file VAERS reports for those who are injured or who die following injection.
It is estimated that as many as 388,000 Americans may have died due to the COVID vaccines to date. All-cause mortality has remained consistently elevated in 2021 as compared with 2020.

Recently, the CEO of an Indiana life insurance company reported a 40-percent increase in mortality in the 18–64 age group during 2021—the first year of an unprecedented experiment in global mass vaccination.
For those of us who cannot comprehend the monumental scale that spike in mortality represents, statistician Mathew Crawford puts it in layman’s terms:
Davison described a 10% increase in mortality as a 3-sigma (standard deviation) event, so that makes 40% a 12-sigma event. That’s statistics talk for how far from ordinary unusual events are. For clarification, a three-sigma event should happen around once every 300 or so years and a six-sigma event should happen once every 300,000 or so years.
We’re talking about the proportion of the area under a normal curve that is shaded in proportion to the total area. We would really need to zoom in on it quite a bit to detect with the naked eye.
A 12-sigma event is where geeky statisticians who have seen enough tables to know the round-numbers by heart have to look up the capacity of their software package to see if it’s well enough powered to perform the calculation.
Whatever it is, it’s far more likely that an asteroid collides with Indiana tomorrow, ejecting 400 basketball-sized fragments as it falls that each make a perfect swoosh through the nets in every cornfield basketball hoop in the Hoosier state two seconds before destroying all of human civilization (really, I computed that in my head).
And if you’re thinking, surely, COVID deaths dropped following the mass vaccination rollout, well, that’s false, too. According to WebMD, 2021 COVID mortality rates had already surpassed 2020 rates by November.
In an impassioned video, Thai-German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi discusses the autopsy findings he and German Professor of Pathology Arne Burkhardt published in “On COVID Vaccines: Why They Cannot Work, and Irrefutable Evidence of Their Causative Role in Deaths After Vaccination.” Out of the fifteen post-vaccination corpses autopsied, all but one were proven to have been caused by the COVID vaccines.
Given the skyrocketing risk for death and injuries after injection with these products, again I ask, how can you defend coercing people to take it—let alone children?
The inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccines, Dr. Robert Malone has issued a strident plea to immediately halt the injection of children with the COVID-19 vaccines, a fervent message he also delivers in this video.
This living bibliography compiled by Dr. Malone cites peer-reviewed references documenting “COVID-19 Vaccination Adverse Events That Could Harm Children”—currently 140 and counting.
And children are dying after vaccination—possibly as many as 800 so far. As of December 21, 2021, seventy-one dead children under 18 have been logged in VAERS.
“More children die from the COVID vaccine than COVID itself,” one Louisiana nurse told lawmakers. “We are potentially sacrificing our children for fear of maybe dying, getting sick of a virus, a virus with a 99% survival rate.”

And these children have names — like three-year-old Ámbar Suárez, who died of a heart attack the day after her injection.
And thirteen-year-old Jacob Clynick, who died of cardiac arrest three days after his Pfizer shot.
And sixteen-year-old Ernesto Ramirez Jr., who died of an enlarged heart—more than doubled in size—five days after vaccination.
And twelve-year-old Sara Jessica Blattner, who made this heartrending video five days before her death.
And this twelve-year-old German boy, who died two days after his second injection, which his autopsy proved was the cause of death.
And these two fifteen-year-olds, who were illegally injected before the Pfizer and Moderna emergency use authorizations were issued.
Are you willing to kill 117 children to save one from COVID? Because that is the number needed to vaccinate (NNTV) to prevent one COVID fatality in the age 5–11 group based on this analysis.
What you will find—if you remove the blinders Big Media and Big Tech have placed over your eyes to shield you from the gruesome reality unfolding outside the telescreen—is that the science (the actual science, as opposed to the pharmaceutical-funded $cience™) proves the COVID vaccines are neither safe nor effective.
Oh, and by the way, did you know there are no FDA-approved vaccines being administered in the United States? That’s right, we were hoodwinked by BigPharma, yet again. The Pfizer product the FDA approved on August 23, 2021, is Comirnaty, which is unavailable in the United States, where the unapproved version is still being injected so BigPharma can enjoy the blanket protection guaranteed by their emergency use authorizations.
If, however, the vaccines are given to children, pharmaceutical corporations gain greater protection from liability under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which:
provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers if they receive full authorization for all ages.”

Now do you understand why the pharmaceutical companies have been pushing these injections on children, even though all evidence shows they are all risk and no reward?
Do you want your names to go down in history as being associated with forcing children to be injected with a product that has already been demonstrated to cause serious harm during its brief existence?
How will you feel if a child dies because of your decision? How will you feel if children suffer lifelong injuries? How will you feel if your child becomes a casualty of this trillion-dollar experiment on humanity?
If freedom, justice, and truth prevail, the history books will record the names of those who chose to collude with tyrants, and your name will be on that list—unless you summon the courage to join with us in resisting the totalitarian imposition of isolation camps and forced COVID vaccinations.
As the United States Holocaust Museum notes:
“During the Holocaust, the creation of ghettos was a key step in the Nazi process of brutally separating, persecuting, and ultimately destroying Europe’s Jews. Jews were forced to move into the ghettos, where living conditions were miserable. Ghettos were often enclosed districts that isolated Jews from the non-Jewish population and from other Jewish communities.”
In They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45, Milton Mayer discusses the gradual progression of totalitarianism in a once-free nation:
This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.”
“‘Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.”
Writing in the shadow of the brutalities of the Third Reich, Mayer implores us:
“Many, many times since it all happened I have pondered that pair of great maxims, Principiis obsta and Finem respice—‘Resist the beginnings’ and ‘Consider the end.’ But one must foresee the end in order to resist, or even see, the beginnings.”
Are you starting to see yet? Isn’t your gut telling you something is cuttingly, bitterly wrong with creating a class of Untermenschen, curtailing their access to necessities, penalizing them, bullying them, and relegating them to a ghetto?
As James M. Glass writes in Life Unworthy of Life: Racial Phobia and Mass Murder in Hitler’s Germany:
When an entire society, particularly its professions, radically transforms the meanings of right and wrong and then lives by those inverted meanings as part of normal day-to-day events, they cannot be excused from accepting responsibility for the consequences of their actions.”
Watch this video of a CVS pharmacist being questioned for distributing the vaccines without providing informed consent, and you will witness an individual painfully, honorably coming to terms with the knowledge that he has been violating the Nuremberg Code and his professional code of ethics.
He no longer has plausible deniability. And now, neither do you.
If you pass discriminatory or coercive legislation, you will be remembered for your complicit cowardice—and you will not be excused from accepting responsibility for your actions.
If you choose humanity over authoritarianism, if you choose community over division, if you choose freedom over enslavement, you will also be remembered, but in a different way.
You will be remembered for your heroism in the face of formidable political, social, and historical pressures rivaling those weathered nearly a century ago.
You will be remembered for leaping to fulfill the challenge issued by Elie Wiesel:
I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides.”
Let us link arms and join with Five Times August in singing, “I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly”:
Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.
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Regarding excess deaths-
During a recent Board of Supervisors meeting which occurred on January 4th for the County of Kern, California, the public health director Brynn Carrigan made some stunning comments. Below is a dialogue between Kern County Supervisor Mike Maggard and Kern County Public Health Director Brynn Carrigan. The video is linked below. Just like the Indiana life insurance company reporting 40% increase in deaths, this information from Kern County provides another data point in the discussion of an excess death event that is happening right now.
Supervisor Maggard:
“Are you confident that we will continue to have adequate hospital capacity to treat those that are gravely enough ill that they must go to the hospital?”
Public Health Director Carrigan:
“…if we follow along with what the projections have indicated — the State’s modeling has indicated — we will well exceed our capacity to care for those that need hospitalization. We’re seeing a significant number of people who don’t have Covid-19 that are gravely ill and need hospitalization as well, so we need to take all that into consideration and do everything that we can as individuals to prevent getting sick with Covid-19, and just improve our overall health.”
[…] “We are seeing unprecedented call volumes in our 9-11 system. We are seeing more calls for service than we’ve ever seen historically in our system, and they’re calls for a whole wide variety of things. We’re also experiencing that ambulances are having to be taken out of service so that they can be decontaminated and sanitized after they transport a patient that is Covid-19 positive, or suspected, and so that takes a toll on the 9-11 system.”
Queued video of the dialogue:
The bottom line here is that the pharmacuetical investors have been seeking to ensure that there is no way they can be held liable for what they have done.
There is a very simple answer to that: ‘accept liability or accept extra-judical execution.’
There cannot beany question of these pharmafia goons getting away with this and no-one should have any qualms about putting bullets through their heads if they try to claim immunity from liabilities.
Every board of every major investor in AZ, Pfizer, Moderna and J&J, every UHNWI who invested in such companies to make profits is liable to their last cent.
Bill Gates’ entire wealth must be handed over as part of the compensation package and he will never work ever again, not in business, not in a Foundation, not as an advisor, nor will he ever own a share of any corporation or business entity ever again.
What is important is to decide what a just outcome is and not worry what the law says.
The law was shaped by the genocidal killers, so don’t expect it to uphold human decency right now….
great to read this enditement of such great felony an i am glad there is a spirited song of resistance at he end – here is anther one from NE Scotland https://youtu.be/okI3QwhmpGw
Authority figures such as those beseeched pleadingly in this letter are certainly vaxxed themselves and patrons of the narrative in the extreme already.
Their concern is only that they are on the winning side here, that of the oppressor and care not a whit for their victims.
The reservedly threatening warnings at the end are what one hopes will stir them, as they will support whichever is the winning side. We can be sure they are assiduously monitoring the power play here and are already contemplating how they might discreetly switch sides and cover their tracks.
For those not yet aware, the CDC’s V-safe reporting alternative to VAERS has already logged 119,000,000 entries, 100X that of VAERS. See this video at 1:32:40 for it:
Good news from down under
Not that the Aussies will do anything to stop someone teaching them how to win at sport.
Good news for whom?
If I were Djokovic, it would be good news for me.
A perfect opportunity to say, “Fuck you, Australia. I’ll never play here again.”
They have ruined the Australian Open.
Djokovic would gain tenfold the win if he gets to play, wins and hands the trophy to the loser with ” I had an unfair advantage “.
Creating THEM AND US seems to be a part of the human condition. It was ever thus and remains so which is why we need to remain alert to its presence in our human nature.
The Covid scenario often triggers references to the Jewish experience of discrimination and holocaust during the Second World War, and yet, even here, followers of the religion learned nothing for they have created a Them (non-Jews) and Us (Jews) scenario in occupied Palestine and even in Israel itself which has given birth to the most terrible human rights abuses and atrocities.
If such a group learned nothing from experience then it simply says the tendency for humans to divide, separate and destroy in order to concrete in beliefs, whether religious, scientific, medical, social, cultural, is hardwired into our nature. Having an enemy creates a sense of our own victimhood if not innocence and having someone to hate means we can find all evil in others and ignore the evil within.
No wonder the world fell into the Covid madness so easily.
Limbo, a process of reflection.
Judgment does not come all at once, the process becomes the verdict.
I am still leaning toward the simple and to the point message: Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them.
Anyone in a position of authority mandating these vaccines is guilty of willingly and wantingly killing and maiming innocent healthy people while providing zero benefit. Heinous crimes against humanity.
I sent this to my U.S. Rep and Senators last week.
Will do it again next week. Maybe a letter similar to this as well. This letter is fairly complex and will take some effort to pare it down to something they will be more likely to read.
Unfortunately, I have the time.
Many articles ago CJ Hopkins pointed out that carefully researched and skillfully presented information about what’s actually happening will fall on deaf ears.
Most everyone rational agrees that we’re dealing with a cult; most everyone acknowledges that cult members are not open to and cannot be persuaded by rational arguments.
For every rational argument you can present, the cultists can and will counter with an irrational argument which, to them, has far greater import and impact than all the data you can muster.
The irrational is the crutch they use, the pacifier they suck on, the blanket they take to bed with them. They have come to need it – TO NEED IT. When you ask them to give it up for the sake of truth, you are asking the impossible.
In an argument with my covidian father the other day he accused me of being in cult. “Nice cult, Dad” I said, “one with no leaders where you are encouraged to ask questions, look at as many different sources of information as possible, and think critically for yourself about what you’ve read.” He apologised.
That must have been tense…
But it’s a fine man who can apologize under such circumstances.
I had a similar altercation with my ‘Establishment’ stepson, although it was friendly enough.
He mentioned conspiracy theorists of course, imagining that this was my main source of information, but I replied forcefully that my information came from many different sources, some of them wretchedly trivial and others absolutely magnificent.
The point was that I weighed them all up and applied my own critical thinking to them, so I added, for good measure, “I’m not stupid.”
Whereupon he backed off (I could swear he actually took a step backwards!) and said that whatever conclusions I came to, he was sure they would be based on good research.
Of course he may just have been humouring me in order to end the conversation, but he seemed sincere enough.
What is so sad is that we even need to say these things in order to get some basic acknowledgement that we are not fools…
I live in Argentina and yes, Ámbar Suárez, a 3-year old little child died shortly after having received one
lethal doseinj**tion of Sinopharm, which was believed to be, together with the russian one, less harmful than the others. There are much more victims here.FYI the president of Argentina has offered the population as guinea pigs to be experimented on. I can’t even start to describe the level of corruption and sheer ignorance sweeping this place. Here, there is a “culture of vacc**es” going back decades; people just happily hurry to get the jab for themselves, their children, grandchildren, parents and even their pets, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Informed consent? Most don’t even know what does that mean, specially in the remote provinces. Old retired people are denied access to the banks to get their pensions and had to be inoculated to be able to cash their money; in some of the provinces, armed military “accompany” the medical staff to make sure the
Jabjob is done. We are just recently starting to see a semblance of resistance taking shape and protests in the streets “thanks” to the internet.The country has been sold out long ago.
I’m sure many of you have had the same awkward, unpleasant, and even nasty reactions, when you try to explain your position to friends and family on this topic.
They simply can’t hear you.
They have shut down.
Put up the barriers.
Closed their minds and their hearts.
An electric shock of self awareness is the only thing that will wake them from their somnambulism.
My experience has been more positive. A good friend called me this morning and has come around quite a bit. He actually threw his wife under the bus for making him get vaccinated. I kept quiet. His son just had a baby and I think he is beginning to realize that the plan is to vaccinate infants next and he does not want that. Amazing how grand kids can change your whole perspective on things. Told my daughter recently that I would fight to the death to protect my grandchildren. Got that NSA. I will fight to the death to protect my grandchildren from getting vaccinated. They are the most important thing in our lives.
I have to say I am suspicious of wives who “make their husbands get vaccinated”.
What sort of moral blackmail can lead to such an outcome?
An example is given in the play Lysistrata by Aristophanes, but its effectiveness was doubted by contemporary male chauvinist pigs.
I have know them for over 30 years. His life revolves around his wife. Happy wife. Happy life. I was the same. Probably would not be here right now writing this if she were alive. Hell. I might I have died from the vaccine. Just joking. Mostly. I would have convinced her. I have my ways too.
What’s with the ‘closed comment thread’ feature here?
So that people can parade provocative nonsense without having to submit it to peer review and possible criticism…?
I literally wet my pants seeing that post, it had 2 votes on it! i need protection from posts that have votes on them so as this forum is now a safe space forum where only the selected can vote. the double logged in.ITS to keep us safe and protected…
The same reason off guardian got moneylender to write the worse ever Epstein whitewash article, It may as well of been funded by you no who..Because facts are sacred!!!!!!
within that is the answer .
Born and raised in WA state, ancestors came here on an 1854 wagon train from Indiana. I’m fixing my house up as fast as I can so I can sell it and get the fuck out of here. The only thing that can save some of Washington is to split it in half and let the Seattle/Olympia whackos shove their masks up their asses.
See there are new barriers in front of the White House now…!?
‘Jefferson, I think we lost’
(early R.E.M. lyric…. before they got ‘taken’…)
Terrible news story. Democrats are destroying our country and that wall is a reflection of the division they are intentionally creating. All for power.
Despite REM turning into a large corporation, REM fans are actually kind of rare. I know every one of these lyrics from chronic town to reveal but not much after that. According to stipe he’s referring to the manager Jefferson Holt and being lost on tour, but I think you are right it doesn’t mean this in the dreamscape where time and space don’t exist. What about “let’s put our heads together, and start a new county up, our fathers fathers fathers tried erased the parts they didn’t like, let’s try to fill it in.
Gee, Wendell, you’ve made an old man happy with that comment !
Reconstruction of the fables sounds like a plan again.
(Best album ever ?)
Some very good friends moved there in the 80s. Republicans. You are not alone. Great story on the wagon train. Kevin Costner’s show Yellowstone has a great prequel out called 1883 about a wagon train headed Northwest from Texas. I would love to read about your family’s story. My wife’s great grandfather left Indiana and homesteaded in Wyoming just after 1900. The story behind why he departed was not a grand one, however. My wife’s family is in Logansport. A Wabash River settlement.
Thanks. I don’t know too much, just what I could research. I know they came from Indiana and took the Oregon Trail in 1854. Ended up in Oregon City where my ggggg(?) grandmother had a baby two weeks later (she was pregnant during that largely 2000 mile walk). They found their way to Medford, OR, then back up to Colville, WA. I was born in Spokane.
That’s good enough for me. A descendant of that Great Grandfather, my father-in-law’s first cousin, settled in La Conner, WA. My ill wife and I visited with his children the year before she died which was about 6 years ago. Absolutely stunningly beautiful area. We grew accustomed to seeing Mt. Baker every day while visiting. What do they call that river valley…..Skagit River. Quite a few Dutch farming the alluvium in the valley. The farms looked exactly like a Dutch settlement located along the Little Calumet River south of Chicago. Given the political climate, I am not inclined to move to the area. Florida here I come…………
You may as well send a letter to Santa clause.
You dont deal with demons with a Dear so & so letter.!!
This Opposition (what maggy presumes she and her type is) although they not had the Britney spears they can be just as deluded in how they think.
These endless references to nazis and the ignoring of more than a century of “communist” mass murder,torture , repression and environmental vandalism put me off as does the unquestioning acceptance of the existence of the “virus”. And just how much of taxpayer funds have these holocaust museums absorbed ?
ask a nazi or a khazar a phoenician or a venician
a donmeh or marx trotskii or stalin
about wall street russia and the rise winston hitler
and adolph churhcill
standard oil the empire of the city of london
and they will say problem reaction solution
roth shieldl tally ho
The references are appropriate, since the beginnings of real evil in all societies have recognizable features.
One of those features is that they take small steps at first.
Jeez ! You have my sympathies.
It must be torture for you to read the Offguardian posts and comments every day.. My sympathies.
Enough fucking polite letters.
“Everything went strictly ‘by the book,’ using means that were permitted by the constitution. At first there were ‘emergency decrees’ by the president of the Reich, and later a bill was passed by a two-thirds majority of the Reichstag giving the government unlimited legislative powers, perfectly in accordance with the rules for changing the constitution.”
— Sebastian Haffner, Defying Hitler
As a public service, I present a legible translation of the hyper-italicized to extinction prefatory quote. I trust that the author approves. 😉
🤣 🙏 👏
SCOTUS has halted the Biden administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate.
This a GREAT step in stopping these mandates for good.
January 13th 2022
But unfortunately approved the Fed mandate for health care workers in federally-funded facilities.
Good <=maybe most of the health care workers in federally funded facilities will move their practice to the private sectors. The corporations and the Oligarchs own the government let them staff it. Insurance is a forced savings account [basically a monopoly in risk taking] and its premiums and profit margins increase by inflation and inflation is controlled by the fed and the fed is controlled by the monopoly powers that has been given to private for profit corporations by the governments that govern us all.
Monopoly powers are created by rule of law. There is no such a thing as a patent or copyright in nature. Our maker has never given anyone a monopoly over commercial competition or over the well being of another. Monopolies prevent competition and allow inflated pricing and invasive marketing practices. .. the private global corporations have all been given monopolies by the laws the legislatures have passed. Monopoly powers used to all belong exclusively to government, now government must license its own monopolies from the private enterprises it gave them to earlier.
For some reason Martin there is no reply under your contribution…. The straight fact is uranus is following the same path in Taurus that it did back then and while most people don’t follow astrology they intuitively get energy and know this…hence the references that often appear….and we can all watch it get to when uranus hits Algol in a couple of years and match the death rates of WW 2 …then you can tell me if I am right or wrong.
And they will keep resigning
Just listened to a narrative by the lead attorney (via Daily Wire) that brought the case. This ruling does not preclude Congress from passing mandate laws nor does it preclude businesses from imposing their own mandates. Very disappointing, I thought. You just know the Democratic minions are busy. However, if they do it (create a mandate) they will be gone. It will guarantee that they will lose control of the House and Senate and possibly give Republicans a 2/3rds majority that they could use to override Biden’s vetoes. Let’s hope………………
I wish people would stop latching onto the Nazi period to try to explain current events. Most people only know this period through popular history so lack the perspective about where it came from, how it fitted in with fascist movements in other countries and how it gained and consolidated power. They latch on the symbolism, not realizing that everything from the design of uniforms and symbols to the layout, lighting and photography of rallies was carefully designed for maximum psychological effect, a carefully constructed artifact of propaganda experts rather than a deep seated upswelling of populist sentiment.
People who focus on the Holocaust also underestimate the impact of racial policies in that period. We all know about the suppression of Jewish life and the murder of millions but this was just one facet of the pogrom. Little attention is paid to similar actions affecting other groups, who was singled out first and why there was method in the madness. The crimes go way beyond mere mass murder.
All this Holocaust noise detracts from the present situation. We are threatened by fascism — the very same ideology but without the eugenics, racial overtones and street theater of Nazism. (Recent fascists haven’t stinted on the murder but its not on the same scale as the 1940s and as many learned post WW2 labeling the murdered as “communists” usually got you a Get Out of Jail Free card.) These people mobilize any popular sentiment, be it spontaneous or created, to corral people for their agenda. Covid is proving to be just an opportunity; that’s why the people who prominently downplayed the severity of the virus and opposition to precautions tend to also be vaccinated and generally well protected (and well catered for if they do fall ill). Its a tool, and adding in the cynical use of another well worn propaganda technique, accusing the target of your own sins, just shows how cynical these people are. They don’t give a damn about the welfare of the people, they’re only out for power.
Dear Margaret Anna Alice,
You are addressing the corrupt/compromised and the credulous.
And yet, the only audience that could possibly be reached by your appeal to reason/logic are the perspicacious, i.e. the unjabbed.
Ultimately, you are going to end up in an internment camp with everyone else who completely agrees with you.
Stop wasting time addressing an unreachable audience.
Your time would be better spent improving your understanding of what’s going on.
It’s called ‘reaching out’, Xavier.
It’s what you do when you understand very well what’s going on, but don’t think it is right to keep all that information to yourself.
It’s also a record of your valiant attempt to do your best for the greater good of the world, even when the world doesn’t give a fuck.
The corrupt are incorrigible, and the credulous they’ve conned trust them with their lives.
To ‘reach out’ to them is like Canute beseeching the tide – not at all valiant, and at best a demonstration to the naive that the tide is beyond even Canute’s power.
All you’re left with are the perspicacious. Who is reaching out to them?
The perspicacious can read the writing on the wall. They are going down.
Appealing to the instigators and collaborators, however desperately, to cease & desist is moronic.
The Covid psyop has had EXTENSIVE planning. It will be carried out to its end. It is immune to appeal.
The only thing left for the perspicacious to do is to discover its ultimate purpose – and the fate it has in store for them.
Perhaps I took your comment too literally, but it seems to me that the perspicacious don’t need reaching out to. As you say yourself, they can read the writing on the wall.
What they need are effective tools and weapons against Beelzebub, but there isn’t a store that sells those where I live…
To emphasize my point: The perspicacious know what’s going on, but just sitting tight with that knowledge seems to be a rather lazy attitude to me.
Given that there are a myriad human types, I don’t think it’s reasonable to write off all the credulous as if they suffered from ignorance to exactly the same degree and in exactly the same way.
Even here at OffG, we have seen stubborn people get abusive when their views are challenged, while others admit to having learned something from being here.
That’s why I don’t think all the gullible are hopeless to an identical extent.
Within my own family, I have seen abject refusal to listen mutate – at least occasionally, and over perhaps a few weeks – into a more conciliatory attitude.
Outright victory for common sense still awaits, but gentle hinting and quiet persistence have certainly dampened some of the abject refusal…
I hate this battle, but it seems to me that winning it is going to be at least partically dependent upon a little diplomacy.
Surely we must consider the level of ignorance we are dealing with…?
When people who have always struck me previously as intelligent and decent suddenly lapse into buying this covidian package, I am filled with dismay.
But when all the world leaders we have at the moment constantly promote the package with all the arrogant enthusiasm they can muster, then ‘dismay’ doesn’t begin to describe my feelings at all. Then I start wondering if I can persuade my local store to start importing do-it-yourself guillotine kits from France – or, failing that, designing my own…
Hello Wardropper, I’m sure we all thought about the paradoxical situation we find ourselves in; I mean, contrary to those who fell for the current charade who – uncritically – got all their “information” from mainstream sources, we here and in other places have read and researched and asked questions and found some answers and I think we’re entitled to say that in general terms we know what’s going on.
Nevertheless, as you say, we seem unable to even begin to effect a change with all that information in our possession. We are like the main character in Poe’s The Pit and the Pendulum: we can see the blade getting nearer and nearer, Inch by inch; we can describe the mechanism of oscillation of the movement, the function of each gear in the infernal mechanism, but we are irremediably immobilised and seem unable to save ourselves.
I’ve thought about that for some time. Somewhere (I think it’s in the 1844 Manuscripts) Marx says that humanity at any stage of its history can formulate to itself only such problems to which it is able to formulate solutions at that stage; one is able to formulate a problem precisely because one is able to formulate a solution. And regarding this, I located a problem that might be a factor in our passivity: our discourse; the way we express ourselves when we describe what’s going on, and the way we express ourselves in reacting to what’s going on. There was an article, by J. Corbett I think, published here about the necessity of possessing ourselves of a discourse. I think that article is crucial, because I’m convinced that just as there are discourses that engage, there are those that disengage, and I believe we’re using – unwittingly of course – one of those. I believe the effect of the kind of discourse we use on the way we act or don’t act in the real world is almost physiological.
I leave it here for the moment hoping that others will pick this subject up and elaborate it further.
Thanks for that interesting comment. It’s certainly food for thought, and
I’m sure there are some excellent and widely-varying discourses out there already.
Of course one problem might be the sheer number of them… 😕
Sorry, I must have expressed myself very badly, as usual. Here is an example of what I mean:
Suppose all who are against this tyranny CONSTITUTE ourselves in a FRONT and call it, say, the Front for Human Preservation and Defense, which has DELEGATIONS in every country and which has its own CHARTER of principles, and so on.
In that hypothetical case, Instead of many of us saying something like:
-“Doctors who are administering the Jab are accomplices of this agenda.”
We would say as members of the FHPD something like:
-“The medical commission of the FHPD met this fourteenth of January of the year twenty Twenty two, to which meeting participated 350 scientists and doctors from all the delegations of the Front. After two days of intense discussions, the commission issued the following declaration:
“After two days of debates, and considering the charter of the FHPD, whose principal aim is safeguard what is human in every being, which includes physical well-being, we hereby DECLARE every doctor who, willingly or under pressure, knowingly or not, is administering the new treatment recommended by the SELF-PROCLAIMED AUTHORITIES, as NOT APT to pursue his or her practice, and as such is urged stop the administration of the aforementioned treatment, the failing to do so shall expose the offender, after due warning, to be forcefully stopped.
“A full DECLARATION will be made public later this day.
“Signed: members of the medical commission of the FHPD, this 14/01/2022.”
You will agree that the second way of expressing our disagreement with the official measures is more binding that the first, and puts one right in front of one’s responsibility. The words in capital letters are IMO among the key words in any discourse that pretends to be engaging.
That’s the general idea.
By the way, that detailed declaration would contain references to the scientific evidence of why the jabs are killing and maiming people as well as an invitation to a debate.
We wouldn’t want to be authoritarians like our opponents, would we?
Great comment!
Even Plato knew about this problem: “Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
Compare with Cassandra’s Curse.
The first thing for the perspicacious to learn is that they have a very limited amount of time in which to inform themselves.
It should quickly be learnt that this time is wasted trying to point out to the credulous the error of their ways, and appealing to politicians, judiciary, etc.
Perhaps a close family member can be rescued, but once they’ve taken the jab, failure must be accepted – they are a committed blue-piller.
The only productive activity for those who know not to take the jab is intercourse with other unjabbed, as a means of informing and becoming informed.
There is a big question that is addressed very little, and it is “Why?” – as in “Why do the Covid psyop?”
I suppose the “What, when, how, where, who, etc.” are the easy questions with relatively easy answers.
But the “Why?” is the one to relentlessly pursue.
I think the root of my original objection is that ‘the perspicacious’ have already done as much as they can out there in the world, so they don’t really feel that they have “a very limited amount of time in which to inform themselves”.
They are already informed enough.
For them, the question – which does not have “a relatively easy answer”, is “What can we do with the information we have?”
And so, in a way, they are merely addressing some of the ‘authorities’ – who are supposed to represent us in some way – in their spare time, as it were, knowing full well that most of their effort is spurious.
Yet individual seeds can flourish in the most unlikely of places…
There’s a vast difference between “Informed enough to know not to take the jab” and “Informed enough to know the purpose of the Covid psyop”.
I doubt there are any politicians who know the true purpose of the Covid psyop.
However, I suspect a small percentage of the perspicacious have a good inkling as to what it might be.
What a well-crafted response and contribution. Many thanks.
+ 1
My Opinion. When i’ve reached the point when i feel it’s utterly useless, pointless, to continue to try to influence, say, politicians, i’m sure i’ll be feeling, They’ve Won ! They’ve worn me down to total hopelessness. They’ve Won !!!
And like K in Kafka’s The Trial, i’d kneel. place my head on the chopping block and croak “I Submit ! Do whatever it is you always intended, i’m all yours. I Submit !!!”
It’s not politicians you should worry about, but yourself.
The point is survival.
You must survive this trial by fire.
Capitulation is the zero option, i.e. take the jab.
Inform yourself. Enlightenment awaits.
Tsk, tsk, you forgot to squeeze in ‘perspicacious’.
We need translations into other languages.
I’ll do an Afrikaans one.
“Enige van julle dose wat mense met gif wil inspuit gaan fokken hel toe en julle gaan brand want julle is idiotiese kaksleg konte”
As discussed many times on this website, the left (clothed in its weaponized moralism) is the ideological platform for rollout of the pseudo-pandemic and controlled demolition of the economy which are the preconditions of the new technocratic biosecurity totalitarian capitalism. I found this quote below sums it up nicely:
“The political left has opted to take the blue pill, and, as summarized by Franco Berardi, it can only offer false perspectives: “There is no political way out of the apocalypse. For thirty years the left has been the main political instrument of the ultra-capitalist offensive, and whoever invests their hopes in the left is an imbecile who deserves to be betrayed, since betraying is the only activity that the left is capable of performing competently.”
quoted from Fabio Vighi in –
Thank you, missed that one. In France they say that Right and Left are just the two arms of Capital; one more concerned about the economic side of things, the other about the “societal” side, as opposed to social – having to do with LGBT rights, immigration, indigenism, climate,… – and completely ignoring the question of class struggle.
RE:In France they say that Right and Left are just the two arms of Capital…
Oh, that is definitely true and not limited to France. The US (my country) is the poster child for the left/right delusion – it’s a high art form here. However, the quote I posted above is still true. I don’t think that the twisted moral certitude possessed by the left here would have been possible on the right or even via a non-partisan campaign (as in many countries). The left/right polarization is a bit of a double edge sword, but nonetheless very effective.
Thanks, missed that one too. He’s an excellent writer re Operation “Pandemic.”
Tom. Thanks for the link. Vighi argues that ‘covid’ is a cover behind which major economic and political restructuring is taking place. I’ve accepted that idea since early 2020 when Toumas Malinen at gnseconomics focussed my thoughts with his assertion (8 Jan 2020) that there would be a 2020 global recession. It explains the illogic of the massive curtailment of civil liberties supposedly to see off a ‘pandemic’…
‘Covid’ is also cover for the global implementation of 5g. There are a number of agendas being implemented…
I ‘discovered’ ‘Bifo’ Beradi April 2015. I liked the way he agreed with me about the end of The Future, though my take was ideological. The left he refers to is the mainstream continental left – i call it the institutional left… All the left groupuscles on the fringe of politics, especially in Australia – have never been in a position to betray anyone, though they’ve all been afflicted with ‘covid’ derangement syndrome
I had never heard of Beradi before this article by Vighi. Do know of any of his work that is in English? Thanks.
Some of the books listed here are in English.
RE: …have never been in a position to betray anyone, though they’ve all been afflicted with ‘covid’ derangement syndrome.
Isn’t that a betrayal, kind of like the ultimate betrayal?
Repeat of the Iraq war!
We Failed” – One of the largest newspapers in Denmark is apologizing for its journalistic failure during COVID-19 by only publishing official government messages without questioning them
They didn’t fail. They did do just as they were told to do and prevented every possibility of a dissenting voice to air. They’re dogs and they bark and they bite. But they only bite and bark against dissenting voices and not against the boss who gives them food.
But the bosses are changing and the journalists know it. So they want to find a new boss. And so they come up with: ‘we failed!’
They didn’t. They succeeded. And now they’re out of a job.
Lap dogs.
A hard, but I think truthful reading of what journalists are today.
Many of us older ones were brought up to believe that losing your job for any reason was a sign of catastrophic personal failure, but right now 95% of the world’s work force really ought to resign on principle.
If you look into it, almost everybody who has a boss today is a slave to some sort of scumbag hierarchy.
This did not happen with our informed consent. It was concocted in the darkest shadows of decent society.
+ 10
Was it “failure”, or was it complicity?
it was a success beyond dreams
biggest heist in history
120 years or more since proto cull of zion plan
what a goy shoah
bit to late for the newspaper, if they would have said this in say march 2020, it would have meant something, no point saying it 2 yrs later after a lot of destruction to health and economies.
No, it would have meant something in March of 2003. There was overwhelming evidence by 2002 that the WMD canard (the excuse for invasion) was a pack of lies.
The Covid invasion?
I would say: The Covid Weapons of Mass Distraction.
Goes back further still. Eve should have fact-checked the snake in the Garden of Eden. She still owes Adam an apology
Instead she took the
shotappleYou gotta be kidding. A “garden” is an artificial creation. We didn’t fall out of the Garden of Eden, we fell into it. (It is the mythologized memory of the Fall from the hunter gatherer into agriculture and class domination, aka, “civilization”.)
Arguably, it is the very first Narrative!
A fair point. The whole world would have been the ‘garden’ prior to the Fall.
It’s interesting that a fair bit of dystopian literature/films have the untamed garden as the place to escape to. Thinking “Logan’s Run”, “Fahrenheit 451”, “Equals (2016)”…
A recurrent theme buried deep in mankind’s subconscious mind
Tom – it was a garden, if a garden is a contained area, an area of restrictions, and rules.
Restrictions ‘imposed’ by God. A Test – a test as a restriction.
The Fall: we fell from grace, God’s grace. God’s love was conditional. But at least the apples tasted like apples those days, nothing like the insipid, forced ripe stuff on offer at supermarkets these days
RE: … it was a garden, if a garden is a contained area, an area of restrictions, and rules
That’s what I mean, we fell into that, not out of it. We fell out of harmony with nature, as hunter gatherers were part of nature, not separate, not above, not superior to. We fell into class divided societies where hierarchy was justified by Yahweh. The Garden of Eden is part of a creation myth, it justifies the “restrictions” of the agriculturists. It’s been a 10,000 year decent into Hell since, a trajectory to the total world domination we see before us now. Humans have been in our current form for 100 to 200 thousand years. That means that the last 10,000 represents only a small part of our existence, and arguably should not characterize what we think of as “human nature.”
Not everyone subscribes to the evolutionist model of history, but point taken
I have seen with my own eyes cave paintings that are over 17,000 years old. Isn’t that at least twice as old as the Bible would have us humans be around? This isn’t strictly a promotion of Evolution, rather, only saying that Yahweh and Jehovah are relative newcomers – new gods. I am saying that they were gods of a different epoch than that of the hunter gatherers, they served a different social function.
I don’t doubt the cave paintings. Just the dating mechanisms used. Cave paintings don’t come with a ‘Made in 2000BC’ sticker on them. Similarly for fossils coming out of the ground.
But I’d certainly agree that we are far less in tune with nature than our predecessors and that may well be related to how God is viewed/portrayed in different times
Man’s view of God has varied through history, and those social functions regarded as important will have impacted that
Good discussion.
Around about 10,000 years ago a Great Fear gripped the hearts of our species. It expressed itself as fear of The Wild, fear of Out There. The species retreated behind Walls, Walled towns. (and as we know, being under siege is fertile grounds for the development of hierarchy and ruling / controlling strata)…
The Walls did not protect us from The Great Fear, that Driver of History.
Today we use facemasks, isolations, lockdowns, experimental injections to try to protect ourselves from The Great Fear…
Maybe we should bomb China, or Russia, or both, see if that eases The Great Fear’s intensity…
It likely was a localised area. Specific rivers are mentioned. Just without the white picket fence
There was a White Picket Fence on my cot. I was born into a world of fences, fenced off areas, and emotional fences.
To quote Fabio Vighi (the Philosophical salon. com):
‘It is therefore delusional to think that governments, health authorities, and the media act independently. Rather, what speaks through them is always economic financial power, the very thing they want us to believe exists for conspiracy theorists; as if it had suddenly dide out like dinosaurs, or mutated into philanthropy.’
(i recall when during the 1980s ‘capitalism’ became ‘the market’ in all mainstream discussion.)
Ah, yes. A classic “mistakes were made” pseudo-apology. It’s entirely possible that some of the individuals involved may be sincerely remorseful.
Be that as it may, rest assured that the next time circumstances compel it, Ekstra Bladet will blithely resume only publishing official government messages without questioning them.
This is the stuff of posturing “truth and reconciliation” commissions.
That CVS pharmacist is a frail, but honorable soul, and this interview undoubtedly sat heavily on his conscience before he went to bed that night.
Frankly, he sounds close to suicide because of his agonizing dilemma: The fear of losing his job for ‘not obeying orders’.
This article and its links get us all down to some real existential nitty-gritty.
Always a good thing these days.
Fighting this was using the enemy’s language is a losing proposition, e.g. “Covid,” “SARSII-Cov-19,” “infections,”……. This is just like the 1980s, with a bunch of health problems collapsed into one disease, AIDS, blamed upon one microbe, HIV, and “treatments” advanced. The movement fell for the basics of the narrative, took a long time before people started questioning the relation between HIV and AIDS, which now even Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel in 2008 for discovering the HIV, says is an unlikely relationship. Not to mention Kary Mullis, Peter Duesberg, Zach Bush,….. But some people are insistent, thinking they can win by using the same deceptive narrative. Careful what you might win, stuff like surveillance, constant testing, tracing (which Dr Malone advocates).
Plus 10.
You tried to suggest covid is a thing.
Tell me how wrong I was/am.
From January 2020, hindsight, assholes. Read the comments.
Any assholes suggesting covid is a thing are going away.
Recent cruise ship data are mentioned in the letter, but the original Diamond Princess data, from early 2020 provided the model for all events since, viz: of 3700 typically older passengers in a closed ‘control’ group, isolated for weeks, 8 deaths were recorded, later increased to 12. This is a 99.78% survival rate, later 99.68% survival in a group deemed especially vulnerable.
Whole country and whole world statistics in the last 2 years have typically conformed to this original experience, even not considering the hocus pocus of encouragement by monetising positive Covid reporting by hospitals thus significantly increasing reported death rates. (Recently the CDC has admitted that ‘over 75%’ of deaths were in patients with ‘at least 4’ comorbidities.) Even taking the US numbers of ‘800,000’ deaths over about two years results yields a survival rate of 99.76% for the population of the US for the period. If considered per annum at 400,000 the survival rate becomes 99.88%.
As a side note, the letter is excellent and highlights the main concerns of informed and competent individuals, but one wonders if the typical fact-message negative reflex response conditioning of a typical bureaucrat or politician would encourage reading a document of such length. They usually expect to see communications of one paragraph that affirm their indoctrination. But we can always hope …
Laughable attempts by the UK media to turn the departing Van-Tam into some sort of popular cult figure.
It’s a tactic I noticed the BBC doing before I stopped watching them altogether. They tried to turn anyone who’d worked with them for some time into a cult. John Motson was one especially noticeable example. At least Motson was merely dull and mediocre (so far as is currently known), not outright evil.
This connects to Van-Tam because apparently he has a cult following from his football references. Trying to approriate football for cultural cachet has been one ghastly feature of the UK elite since the 1990s. They think it makes them look authentic, especially if they can position themselves as supporters of some minor team. They wouldn’t have been seen with a million miles of anything football releated in the 1980s.
Van-Tam’s going back to making sick people well, that must be what someone dishing out medical advice does? Oh no, he’s going back to “academia” – which means solidifying those public-private partnerships. A “decent” interval and that revolving door beckons.
No corporate-state media source will ever mention that relative of his (grandfather or uncle – I can’t remember off-hand) who governed Vietnam with an iron-fist for the French.
Grandfather or uncle?
He was nicknamed the Tiger of Cai Lậy for his aforementioned brutal suppression of revolutionary groups in the Cai Lậy region of the Mekong Delta.
To his credit it is believed he was responsible for fewer innocent lives than his grandson.
Democracy finally dies when we all give up & allow it to die.
I read so many articles from people that constantly whine about this & that & the other.
But few of those articles put out a true CALL TO ACTION.
Talk – Action = 0!
Any political system and government can be corrupted, regardless of the good-intention formulations of those political systems and governments.
When The People themselves fail to hold leaders accountable, corruption & abuses are inevitable.
Write, call, email, get involved.
Do not allow politics & government to continue to devolve to mere spectator activities.
And above all, learn to better communicate with one another, to engage in oratory, to engage in reasonable, meaningful, logical, intelligent and civil debate (which is not a bad word, as long as it is done correctly), to not only talk but mostly listen.
Regardless of what you may think you know, if you remain closed-minded to other ideas, you will likely never continue to learn & grow intellectually.
The smartest people are those whom know what they don’t know, and continue to consider alternatives to what they think they do know.
A very thorough and compelling case against vaccine mandates, but if I were to send that to my CEO I doubt he would bother to read very far if he’s already brainwashed.
If, due to an unprecedented remission from ADHD, he should actually experience a once-in-a-lifetime brainstorm of concentration and read as far as the extract below, I have predicted his likely response at the bottom.
“Watch this video of a CVS pharmacist being questioned for distributing the vaccines without providing informed consent, and you will witness an individual painfully, honorably coming to terms with the knowledge that he has been violating the Nuremberg Code and his professional code of ethics.
He no longer has plausible deniability. And now, neither do you.”
“Ah, but you see, I didn’t watch the video, nor did I read beyond the first six lines of your letter…
So I DO have plausible deniability.
Sorry, Madam.”
COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report – 13-01-2022 | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Here is the global masterclass in big pharma funded weasel words for deaths and destruction due to the jabs. The average age of deaths from the jabs is under 65, the average age of deaths before the jabs was 86