This Week in the New Normal #19

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1: “Covid made my penis smaller”
An anonymous US man has come forward to claim his bout with Covid made his penis smaller…and the mainstream media are apparently reporting this with a seemingly straight face.
“Codi dick”, as they are calling it, is “amongst the rarer complications of long covid”, which I’m sure everyone will be relieved to hear.
The anonymous American claims his penis was “above average” before he got Covid, but is now “decidedly below average”.
A modern-day tragedy or a genius piece of trolling? You be the judge.
2. She’s baaaccckkkk (maybe)
It’s happening, guys. The big comeback, the thrilling sequel to the smash-hit original: Clinton 2024.
It’s been in the wind since the humiliating spectacle of Clinton appearing on television reading the victory speech she would have given if she’d been elected in 2016, but now it’s got some more solid confirmation.
Five days ago, the Wall Street Journal headlined “Hillary Clinton’s 2024 Election Comeback”, going on to add “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become unpopular. It may be time for a change candidate.”.
The idea that Hillary Clinton of all people could ever be called a “change candidate” is literally laugh-out-loud funny. But, if the campaign is really clicking into action, we can expect a lot more where that came from.
Now, you likely have some questions. Questions like “What?!”, “Huh?” or “Why on Earth would they do that?” It’s possible some of you are just chuckling in bemusement. Whatever your chosen reaction, I concur. This is a move of such breathtaking hubris that…I just don’t know.
On a scale of 1 to even, I just can’t.
No wonder Hollywood is only producing remakes and sequels, we’re stuck in a cultural time loop.
Let’s just hope Clinton 2024 is as fun to watch as the 2016 original.
3. Covid tests, a cure for loneliness
On Friday, the New York Times ran the headline:
Lonely? Get in Line. A Covid Test Line.
I hadn’t previously heard this, but apparently New Yorkers habitually have to stand in sub-zero temperatures for hours at a time waiting to get Covid tests. Somewhat ironically, or even deliberately, the long exposure to the cold is probably far more dangerous to their health than testing positive for Covid, whatever that means.
Anyway, the article is all about how standing around in the cold for literally 6+ hours, to get tested for Covid is actually a good thing because people have sing-alongs and meet new friends.
What’s doubly hilarious about the sheer desperation behind the story is how tiny these forced moments of solidarity are. Usually, these puff pieces are like “couple meets in Covid line, 6 months later they are married and won the lottery”, or maybe “adopted man finds birth-parents in Covid line, donates kidney to dying father”.
Nothing like that here, no. Just a series of anecdotes of the wait being not that bad.
One lady met a guy and dated him for a couple of months. Some other guy goes with his workmates and it’s alright. Someone else heard a funny joke once. Some people sang a song from Dreamgirls.
That’s it, that’s the feel-good stories of the Covid test line.
“Remember to stand in the freezing cold for hours, because it might be not quite as unpleasant as it sounds.”
Ace PR work.
BONUS: Hellhole of the week…again
Yeah…it’s still Australia, and not just because of their treatment of Novak Djokovic, but because of this latest move in the game of fascist one-upmanship being played by all the state premiers:
Australia has fallen.. unvaccinated citizens are completely banned from life..!
— Pelham (@Resist_05) January 13, 2022
That’s Mark McGowan, Premier of Western Australia, announcing unvaccinated people are barred from zoos, cinemas, theatres, gyms, sports stadiums, shopping malls, restaurants, bars, clubs, museums, art galleries and cafes. They are, essentially, banned from life.
It looks like Canada won’t be far behind, with government advisor bioethicists telling unvaccinated Canadians they shouldn’t “be allowed to circulate freely”.
A briefer than usual TWitNN (because one section got too long, and became an article in its own right), so to make up, have some bonus bonuses…
Bonus II: Desperate headline of the week
It seems strange to have week featuring headlines claiming covid tests are great because you make new friends, or that covid makes your penis smaller, and NOT give either the desperate headline of the week award…but it’s been a weird week.
This week’s most desperate piece of propaganda is, without a doubt:
This statement, based on a “scientific” study done at Cardiff University, is doing the rounds all over the press. The “experiment”, such as it was, involved asking 43 (yes, just 43) women if pictures of men looked more attractive with or without masks.
Now, you likely don’t need me to point out how absurd this is…but I’m gonna.
If you asked people: “would you rather watch Boris Johnson jump up and down on a trampoline in slow motion completely naked, OR whilst wearing a gorilla costume?”
The (hopefully) inevitable answer does NOT mean gorilla costumes make you more attractive.
BONUs III: Child Abuse of the Week
What the hell, let’s do three, like I said it’s been a very weird week.
Presenting this upsetting video of a German woman (mother? nurse?) swabbing a young boy’s nose, with no further comment:
For your own safety.
Childcare in Germany (Bavaria):
3x weekly mandatory covid tests for children from 1 year— Prof. Freedom (@prof_freedom) January 14, 2022
…OK, some further comment. This woman is a terrible person, the little chap being traumatised and having his trust abused is awful, and the idea this has happened to millions of children all over the world for NOTHING is almost too terrible to think about.
It’s not all bad…
More huge protests this week, this time coming from Sydney, Australia:
Sydney, Australia… this is absolutely epic.. this is a revolution.!
— Pelham (@Resist_05) January 15, 2022
In other good news, the US Supreme Court has blocked Biden’s planned vaccine mandate for large employers, the decision stating that the President did not have the authority to issue such an order and that it was not supported by any existing legislation.
Also, Mexico has officially dropped all Covid-related restrictions on entry to the country. No tests, no vaccines required.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the inevitable Deltacron or the return of the Covid sniffer dogs.
…I still can’t believe I’m going to have to tag a post on OffGuardian “small penis”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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“This statement, based on a “scientific” study done at Cardiff University, is doing the rounds all over the press. The “experiment”, such as it was, involved asking 43 (yes, just 43) women if pictures of men looked more attractive with or without masks”
This just proves that our academics have lost the plot. I read so much about this survey and that survey/experiment which proves nothing but confuses the situation even more. Do they want chaos to reign forever? The zeitgeist is not getting better – it’s getting worse every day
Seeing that woman do that to the child I find it hard to disagree that people like her shouldn’t be allowed to have children or be around children.
Re Australia has fallen: All state premiers are reading from the same script, same as Trudeau, Macron, etc. Most are graduates of the WEF and must be promised a seat at the table whilst the rest of us clamor for food due to manipulated shortages.
Yes I was astounded to see how many of them were students at the WEF school for little dictators or whatever its called…
Ernst Wolff did a good interview with Reiner Füllmich about this.
If the child abuse is in Bavaria, why are they talking French?
They aren’t speaking French as far as I can tell.
“unvaccinated people are barred from zoos, cinemas, theatres, gyms, sports stadiums, shopping malls, restaurants, bars, clubs, museums, art galleries and cafes. They are, essentially, banned from life.”
Anyone who defines these things as “life” needs to take a look at themselves. At best they’re distractions, most are vehicles for social engineering and, while obviously nobody should be banned from them, exclusion from them is nothing much to be lamented.
Take cinema… I finally saw the new Bond film yesterday. Among other things the film:
1) Pushed the conventional ebola and smallpox narratives which are both highly dubious.
2) Had an ostensible baddie who wants to be a god. He’s not shown as being any worse than the national intelligence agencies and is given a speech to express his ideology (very Plato’s cave).
3) Includes references to nanobots and smartblood. It’s Bond’s disgust wjen he’s told these things cannot be removed that produces his death wish – the new world has no place in it for people like him.
4) Killing off Bond represents the death of masculinity. The evil scientist who made the bioweapon is killed by a black woman, not Bond. They might re-boot Bond with some different identity except they tried it with DR. Who and it flopped.
5) The title sequence showed icons of Britishness being buried in the sands of time. Clear message: nationalism is dead.
6) There was a gratuitous reference propping up their ailing gravity narrative (and tbc, there is a downwards force but what is that force? Gravity works so badly in their cosmic model they have to invent “dark matter” and “dark energy” to plug the gap).
7) The image of the missiles falling on the island is obviously Luciferian, the angels falling to Earth. Lucifer fell with a third of the angels so that’s ultimately where all their 33 references come from.
Make your own food and drink, don’t consume theirs…. make your own art, don’t consume theirs… play games yourself, don’t sit on your arse watching theirs…
Absolutely everything in our culture is designed to destroy what was to bring in the new. All entertainment (including pro sports), what they call science, medicine, education, food and all media, is loaded with destructive elements of the way things were created.
I don’t want to get theological but if you read the bible, you’ll find that the modernist/humanist culture is an exact invertion of what the scripture says.
As for ‘gravity’ and all things relating space, it’s nothing more than the eternal tangents and rabbit holes that achieve absolutely nothing, but to keep a good portion of otherwise intelligent people chasing shadows and cementing those humanist beliefs that one day we will reach absolute knowledge of how the universe works.
The madness of the fallen man who believed ‘we can be our own gods if we eat from the forbidden tree of knowledge’.
Number 1 on this list, it cannot be long covid if your willy is getting shorter or perhaps I am not following the science.
It’s not you; it’s a common mistake. Contrary to popular belief, short is long.
It’s because the vaccine is working.
Hahahaha excellent!
Maybe the guy with the withering penis saw this: >
Covid-19 Patent Horrors
Dr. Ariyana Love
DECEMBER 8, 2021
Covid-19 Patent Horrors – Ariyana Love (
A short excerpt: >
“SV-40 vector is a chimeric Bioweapon found in the J&J patent. It’s known to cause rapid cancer growth. The SV-40 vector is provided to J&J by Thermo Fischer. SV-40 contains Human cells, Bovine Growth Hormone (Mad Cow Disease), E. coli, and Herpes. This would explain the Herpes outbreaks after “vaccination”.”
I learned how to trawl with music again. I’ll probably be banned because of that, *shrug*
try harder, CIA.
A corner of the Vietnam War I’d not heard of before:,000
The film ‘Forrest Gump’ made an explicit reference to it in the initial script draft but dropped it when the military objected – despite the script’s authenticity on this point which only goes to show that the military’s script objections are not about authenticity as they claim but about what makes the military look good or bad.
Info from David Robb’s ‘Operation Hollywood’ which also contains a curious quote from producer Jerry Bruckheimer that the Kelly McGillis’ character in ‘Top Gun’ worked for the Rand Corporation.
Soviets and germans did that! Maybe even the allies during in the two world wars.. it’s war after all. (Not justifying)
Interesting behind-the-scenes’ nugget from the England cricket tour of Australia:
It takes a lot to make as docile and generally conformist bunch as cricketers to rebel – but well done to those players who weren’t having this (and not forgetting that it’s easier for a highly-paid sportsman to say no than Joe Average).
Hey, there’s a cricketer here in South Africa, Quinton De Kock (excellent player completely misused) who was like “I don’t listen to your politically subversive BLM bullshit, you worthless morons.”
Souled out imbeciles tried to give him shit, slander him because of that, so he stopped playing.
Of course, they tried to make a big deal of getting on your knees based on what the TV suggests and him not capitulating to that fraudulent garbage. I lost a LOT of respect for supposed “cricketing legends” who souled out, peddling garbage like vaccines recently. I mean, I appreciate physics, so I know that if you peddle vaccines you should go to hell.
They try to be fancy and “uppity” but they’re cunts, and they can fuckoff. Some of those commentators shouldn’t be paid.
I appreciate physics, so I know that if you peddle vaccines you should go to hell.
fuck off, CIA.
A diminishing penis should be no surprise after all the jabbed have shown throughout this scam they have no balls
The guy with the diminishing penis: it’s obvious what that’s all about. His penis is merely trying to mimic what’s happening to his brain. After all, don’t they say the most erotic part of the body is the brain?
Another way to put it is that his “big head” wanted to stay bigger than his “little head”.
I made a comment here a few weeks ago about my two friends (unknown to each other) who raised their now 30+ year-old progeny in the traditional “anti-vaxxer” vein, ie, they did not make their kids get the standard jabs of MMR, polio, whooping cough, etc., believing those shots to be dangerous and unnecessary. Last summer both friends told me that, while they rejected the shots for their children, THESE jabs were necessary because COVID was so dangerous! OMG!
UPDATE: In two different meetings, I recently touched base with my friends. Both families (5 people in one family and 6 in the other) have been jabbed and boosted, yet both have family members who have felt sick or currently feel sick (“from omicron”), and both rather feverishly (lol) talked about their near-frantic search for home testing kits, their morose fear of the koof, and their determination to keep up with the prescribed agenda of distancing, masking, jabbing, etc.
Isn’t this a fine illustration of the power of mass-narrative propaganda? It got these two people and their families–who had the fortitude to go against the considerable social/legal/medical tsunami that has been pushing the childhood vax regimen for decades–to buckle under and fall for the C19 psy-op. I mean, really.
Many just accept the injections because they cannot handle being outside society and because they have not realised how dangerous the “jabs” really are, and of course they have zero political/class consciousness and are only vaguely (un)aware of what is happening in China and what “social credit system” means.
sure, it’s all China’s fault. pay no attention to the billionaire behind the curtain.
Isn’t this a fine illustration of the power of mass-narrative propaganda?
either that, or of the power of mental deficiency.
I also know a couple of people who similarly did not get their children vaccinated but have got this jab. I really thought both would not give this thing the time of day. It’s baffling – one of them is pretty easy going and I think has just gone along with it as she works face to face with multiple clients and the other is a staunch and vociferous Democrat and I think couldn’t bear to go against that tribal Groupthink and relinquish the moral high ground of selflessly doing it for “the greater good”.
I think Gotcha makes two good points – some people just can’t handle being outside society and I think most committed to this without doing any research and now that truths are coming out, it’s maybe more comforting not to look too closely at it.
One of these two has also been rather vociferous about the unvaccinated on social media and so it’s probably psychologically easier to double down on that rather than admit he might be wrong. Of course, if he’s smart he’ll be noticing that all is not well and might delay getting boosters etc. But Covid has taught me that intelligent educated people aren’t always that smart. It has made me question what intelligence and education really mean tbh.
Similar experiences here, Cathy. Totally agree with your last couple of sentences, especially. Really is baffling to understand how people think – or don’t/can’t/won’t as the case may be.
It has made me question what intelligence and education really mean tbh.
I applaud your willingness to question, which is itself a sign of, or precursor to, intelligence.
The question you pose is vast, and beyond the scope of even Off-G’s comments threads. 😉
So for the moment, I will only offer a sample of my own insights for your consideration:
First of all, despite the “settled” and popular presumption that “education” and “intelligence” exist in a cause-and-effect relationship, i.e. the former exists to promote the latter, in practice the terms are virtually mutually exclusive.
Intelligence is a personal, idiosyncratic phenomenon; as suggested, both the seed and fruit of the active, skeptical, disinterested inquiring mind.
Education– again, in practice, not according to high-flown rhetoric– is largely a matter of authoritarian socialization or indoctrination. Modern institutionalized “education”, or pedagogy, nominally cultivates intelligence but actually confines or traps it in the process.
Intelligence is by nature wild and free, like an eagle. Education is a chicken in an industrial poultry facility. Most educational institutions are “grow-out barns”, although the high-priced factory farms may fashionably tout free-range chicken harvesting. 🐓
Kuhn’s ideas apply to any monolithic organization. Innovation comes from without.
I have an aquintance who thinks all the unvaxinated are Trump supporters. Even if Trump promotes the jabs, it doesn’t matter. LOL
I hear they’ve promised Hillary if she makes it to President they’ll carve her image on Mt Rushmore. As soon as they find two faces.
Duplicity, complicity? It’s difficult to choose.
That’s why, as a voter, my choices never matter!
*I’ve never voted and I won’t.
sure, your type control the vote counts, anyway.
Well I’m glad you recognize and acknowledge my draconian authority. I am from Orion, so.
Saturnian poetry or Tyrannous pirate?
Also, I appreciate your numerous insightful and elucidating comments of me being “CIA” every time. But as I’ve told you, I’m KGB too, please understand that.
Apparently, posters here also tell me I’m 77th or whatever the fuck that means. But actually, my favourite poker hand is 47. You know, like 4 7s, or perhaps some kind of Swastika? Oh, and I was born on the same day as Goering. Cool huh?
Random question, do you support Peter McCullough?
posters here also tell me I’m 77th or whatever the fuck that means.
it means you’re an obvious government disinfo operative, which government exactly remains to be determined. the most likely candidates are obviously USA, Britain, and a shitty little country that starts with an “I”.
the KGB ceased to exist thirty years ago, but maybe such matters weren’t covered at the CIA training course. get fucked.
This Week in the New Normal ‘The Alternative media version’ would be hilarious..
Another favorite of the Comatised sold by the usual lot.
For any of you who are foolish enough to buy into Robert Malone’s slang for Dr bob baloney = utter bulshiter! latest fear porn over the new bio weapon hemorrhagic fever coming out of ‘china’
Anyone would think they enjoyed laughing at the dumb fuicks who foool for this crap.
Another well done to The Alternative media for this campaign of bullshit.
(fits in nicely with Undertaker Looneys hospital fake visit and him also saying bio weapon)
I think Robert Malone is stuck in the middle. There are two separate aspects to this.
He is very much a part of this and clearly he knew from “CIA Agent Michael Callaghan” in December 2019 that the pandemic narrative was being launched in Wuhan bykey players such as Fauci, Drosten etc. People think of China as some sort of homogenous blob of 1.4 billion people all of whom are mind controlled and surveilled 24/7 by the evil CCP. You don’t actually need a new virus to launch a pandemic narrative. You just need to grab someone who’s coughing and keep running the samples through software such as “Megahit” before you come up with some random sequence and declare it to be new based on some statistical probability. He claims he had “long covid” in Feb 2020 but there wasn’t even testing available back then. And if he’s such a genius, why didn’t he get a human version of the ivermectin he was using for horses. He could have just claimed he had scabies.
2.Robert thought he would be playing a heroic role in the pandemic narrative with his repurposed drugs group and the vaccine that he was working on. Not only was he sidelined, dangerous mRNA vaccines were approved and he wasn’t even given any credit.
So he is arguing against the mRNA vaccines and I think that part is genuine.
The faulty logic that I see cropping up again and again on here is thus: This person doesn’t think exactly 100% the same as me, therefore , they must be controlled opposition.
I mean, they might be controlled opposition. Or maybe they just have a different perspective on things. Robert Malone is an insider, that much is clear, in that he has an inside track on the science of mRNA vaccines, in a way that nobody on here probably does. Of course he believes in medicine, he’s a fucking doctor for fuck’s sake, he’s spent his life trying to invent new medicines and get them to market. Does he think the same as me? Of course not. Do some of his views now align with my own? Yes they do. Read, critically appraise, take out the useful bits, question the questionable stuff and discard the bullshit. The problem is that those with a faith position on something can’t do that, unless you’re 100% certain that they are right, you’re an enemy. Which to my mind at least, puts them in pretty much the same camp as any other cult believer, they just have faith in a different thing.
For my money, what Robert Malone is saying seriously undermines the mainstream vaccine narrative. As such, he’s more of an ally to me than a foe.
Yes, I tend to agree with you.
The big problem I have with Dr. Malone is from one of his earlier videos where he advises “older” or “vulnerable” to get the jab if they want to and then goes on to detail what spike proteins do after injection.
I don’t trust celebrities in the opposition any more than I trust celebrities in general.
Malone was/is involved in the creation of toxic garbage. He’s made money off of toxic garbage, he’s pushed toxic garbage and is pushing his own toxic garbage.
Trust a vaccine salesman at your peril.
‘… ‘older’ or ‘vulnerable’ to get the jab if they want to …’, and ‘ detail[ing] what the spike proteins do after injection.’ would fall under the category of informed consent.
Problem is you lot believe any old shit. That is the faulty logic.
The point is that I don’t. I don’t know anything other than the fact that I am alive with absolute certainty. I know i haven’t fallen for any of this covid bullshit, I wouldn’t take ivermectin and I generally trust myself to look after myself. I’m totally at ease with people thinking different thoughts to me and having a different perspective on things.
Oh fuckoff.
That’s why you’re supported by “clutching at straws”.
Malone is a worthless piece of souled out shit.
Perfectly summed up by .Alcheminister.
If an idiot goes around trying to genocide people, for decades, demonizing nature, especially like, the non-bleached, does that idiot understand tRNA?
souled out
tell me, is it true that you guys at the CIA invented all that “New Age” bullshit?
Atlantis and all that, yup. I’m the Centrally Intelligent Atlantean, maybe.
Just imagine Aquaman, but a bit more potent and psychic. Then take a look at the sky and so hello to Hydrogenguy.
It’s called cancel culture.
You’re not even considering the possibility of infiltrating and leading the opposition that the state and status quo have been practicing for a long time. Malone does say some genuine things, but he is not a genuine character.
Welsh: maybe masks make the women look more like the sheep the like to shag.
Yeah, frequent heavy masturbation during lockdown will do that.
will it, though?
have there been properly controlled experiments?
I tried controlling it but it went off in my hand!
I’ve heard that two people have been charged with insurrection after 1/6 although finding details is proving frustrating. The corporate-stae media had a tidal wave of stories about “charges” (and sentences) after the “insurrection” but repeatedly obfuscates what people have been charged with – which is mostly trespass or disorderly conduct. The corporate-state media who do note the lack of prosecutions on serious charges either blame the complexity of the case (funny then how the media could declare it an insurrection immediately) or blame the laxity of the authorities and imply there’s some sort of conspiracy to be soft on the protesters (because?…. ).
Curiously unprosecuted is one Ray Epps who broadcast the day before to attack the Capitol and who just happens to look very like an FBI agent provocateur (the assistant chief of the FBI admits knowing him, he’s on film opening up the barriers to let the crowd in etc). The FBI have previous on this of course e.g. the first WTC attack.
Oh look, here’s one story on prosecutions:
7+5=12 and 1+2=3. Yes, it’s another thinly-disguised 33.
It was an unsurrection (as some serendipitously typical fat-fingered typing revealed the other day).
Trump claims if your white you dont get the vaccine.
In other words not enough whites (especially his flock of sheep) aren’t getting the shot.
Reverse psychology at it’s finest & we know Race baiting is their greatest tool
They gotta drain the swamp some how and it is not like he was lying. Worse still you all repeated it. which makes you complicit in the ritual. The swamp is coded talk for ‘you dregs’ NOW go get the vaccine from the anti vaccer anti big pharma anti globalist trump. LOL
Christian folks you too and chant / wear MAGA to add to the insult.
He has to hit his quota or he wont get another chance of ring a ring a rosey with Hillery.
I wonder: do candidates need to be semi-literate and unable to form coherent sentences, to get into 77? Seems that way from the samples in this btl.
Perhaps they’re rejects from the fart-chucker candidates’ queue? Those schmucks needing to be at least able to string a grammatical sentence together, and to spell reasonably well, for that job. Because, you know: appearance of minimal credibility, at least. For a 77, just being able to splurge incoherent, mis-spelled bile onto a keyboard seems to be enough. 😂
Another sycophant ex guardian reader now turned Tory. Triggered by the trump post.
BTW Gorden one semi-literate sentence is worth more than anything you have ever written on this forum.
Gizz ! in your face 😂
look at how the CIA trolls reply to each other, to disguise the fact that that’s what they are.
Trumper got upset.
I am a shill 77 or watered down fact checker semi-literate .unable to string a
grammatical sentence together, because of what…?
Yet the post had more of a response than any of yours do.
Never went to school. You went to eton or private but your still thick as fuck Gwilym & absolutely clueless in whats going on.
There is a difference between being trained and being educated”
yah, but YOU’RE just a CIA moron.
Dude, haven’t you figured it out? Everyone is CIA, we’re watching you.
well, at least you’re open about it. it’s great that even CIA morons can accept their true identity.
do candidates need to be semi-literate and unable to form coherent sentences, to get into 77?
maybe those are the only sort of people who would be interested in such a career.
If the vaxx caused scarring/injury to the blood vessels it cd cause penis-shrinkage, as the guy says:
With aging “your penis and testicles may get slightly smaller. One reason is the buildup of fatty deposits in your arteries reducing blood flow to your penis. This can cause withering of the muscle cells in the spongy tubes of erectile tissue inside your penis.”
Scar tissue cd buildup “in the formerly supple and elastic sheath that surrounds the spongy erectile tissues in your penis. That could reduce overall size and limit the size of erections.”
Incidentally, I know of a case where the vaxx caused swelling of a testicle– to the size of a grapefruit. Even if he exaggerated this sounds horrific.
The global Con-19 regime is lawless, says physician:
Australia has decided to ‘let Covid rip.’ Is that a good idea?
In just over a month, the country’s Covid cases have sharply risen from around 1,000 a day to more than 100,000 a day — but its deaths remain low.
Jan. 16, 2022
SYDNEY — As 2021 drew to a close, many Australians were cautiously optimistic that the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic was behind them.
The country had surpassed ambitious vaccine targets, meaning its rolling lockdowns could cease, both internal and international borders would reopen, and as Prime Minister Scott Morrison declared, it was now possible to “live with this virus.”
But as Australia moved to change course on its pandemic strategy, the highly transmissible omicron variant hit. In just over a month, cases have risen from around 1,000 a day to more than 100,000 a day. Hallmarks of the pandemic that Australia mostly avoided began to emerge. The health system is buckling. Many supermarket shelves are bare as sick workers stay home.
Despite this surge in cases, most Australian states and territories are holding the line and allowing the virus to circulate in their communities, which critics have labeled the “let it rip” approach. But is it all bad news?
So they selected some cellular debris/genetic fragment common to everyone (and labeled it ‘omicron’), set their PCR tests to find it (40+ cycles) and, “Viola !” they found tens of thousands with ‘omicron’…(Is the 100,000 a projection, a guestimate ? for if you go past a test centre at nearby hospital there’s never any crowd gathered, or long lines).
Food shelves are not restocked as workers are sent home if they were in contact with someone who was in contact with someone who was … (The Tyranny of The Asymptomatics !)
A solution is aggressively promoted – self testing kits. Millions are being flown to Australia, Millions. All ready there’s been mention of kids being tested every three days to be able to attend school. Will businesses adopt such requirements for customers ? — Surely a vax pass system would be more efficient ?
Omicron, such a ‘mild’ variant, but more disruptive than lockdowns…
the testing lines remain long in my neck of the woods and the mad vax mob are terrified…I just laugh at them and say I am going free breathing …I.e. no mask and doing my thing,,,.
i actually established today that the actual covid bit …whatever the hell version of flu, cold, was in aust long before Xmas 2019…finally ran across a young man who ended up on a ventilator end of Aug 2019…his mum said she had it too along with his carer …carer had pneumonia…mum just the normal cough and not feeling too good…she also knew of someone who had had it in March 2019…they didn’t fair too well, but were old….
this leads me to believe it was doing the rounds from mid 2018 when oldies were dying in our local hospital, but back then you didn’t close the economy and bugger all small business for a few oldies dying of pneumonia in the local hospital…then it was just the normal death rate of old and frail from pneumonia..
“…this leads me to believe it was doing the rounds from mid 2018 when oldies were dying in our local hospital…”
Meaning, malpractice, toxic medications and ignorance of causation!
why not violin? or even cello?
silly me. a mispelling !! it’s vOila, not viOla… my old timers getting gradually worser…and none of the brainiacs noticed the misspelling !!
well, I did.
Or 12th night.
The best yoyo artists always use PCR “tests”.
what do CIA bullshit artists always use?
hopefully, they can charge it to the Company expense account.
Very good. I like that.
The woman traumatising the kid is a pure sadist. I’ve done a lateral flow thing and it just takes a quick jab.
It could be that video was staged – the kid shaking like he was having a seizure seems a bit overacted. Or, given the German reputation, it could be genuine – the mother giving a perfunctory kiss on the kid’s forehead the icing on the cake. But then, wouldn’t the kid also be stoic about his torture?
or fucked somewhere, anyway.
If ya look at where the money is Hillary is logical… so’s Donald. A rematch would be a fun show.
No. Fuckoff.
I recommend elimination.
maybe you can lead by example.
I don’t have enough nukes to herald the dawning of such a great new age of worldwide pieces yet.
did you think of that pun yourself, or did your CIA handlers put it in the script?
Here’s an idea for Western Australia; no need to scan their phone:
Reason US Doesn’t yet Look Like Australia:
400 million Civilian Guns
US Army will conduct a two-week ‘guerilla war’ training exercise in North Carolina to teach Special Forces how to overthrow an ‘illegitimate government’ just weeks after DoJ announced new ‘domestic terrorism’ unit.
The guerilla training exercise, known as Robin Sage, has actually been running every few months since the 1970s, and is the final training for Special Forces.
While “Covid” can’t shrink one’s penis, the whole Covidian onslaught has demonstrated with starkness who does and doesn’t have balls.
Germany again. Three nose rapes per week for children in child care above one year old. Reminds me how the nurses and medical system “lovingly” killed the undesirable children for the good of the German people. We need a reassessment of moral standards and legal acceptance of this type of abuse, when this type of psychological mind fuck behavior is allowed to become normalized. The hospitals, doctors, and nurses by following eugenicist’s protocol have murdered the elderly, the poor and now are coming for everyone all in the name of covid, the great reset. Now the children are being forcefully and “lovingly” injected in many places in the world.
In the words of Hannah Ardent.
“The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together.”
While following orders is no excuse, the manipulation of the people by the psychopath pedo self-appointed elite should be looked at as the worst type of crime that can be committed. All those in charge, giving orders, need to be the first to be tried, starting with the top in command.
So true.
It was never just a bunch of fanatical Nazis in 1930s.
Seeing the brutality of police in Europe demos, is frightening.
Here we go again…
“the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal.”
Normal for our chimpanzee cousins as well; I saw a video somewhere of chimps playing ball with the body of a child from an different tribe.
“True civilisation is neither gas nor solar nor wifi; true civilisation tries to diminish the traces of original sin” — Baudelaire
Not trying to be a pompous know-it-all; but Charles Baudelaire died in 1867. He couldn’t have known of wifi – even with his prophetic vision.
Wow they’re sexy. Especially when they get on their knees.
But that thing where they get on their knees and twerk, that’s not inappropriate.
maybe you guys at the CIA troll farms can record some twerking videos and put them on TikTok, as a public information service.
There must be a lot, a hell of a lot of non-vaxxed West Australians for the politician in charge to impose such extreme exclusion on them ? The election landslide that returned him to office suggested that, except for a handful, they are all thoroughly fearfully conformist. But then, he’s one of those Labor Party apparatchiks, never worked a day in his life, that George Orwell warned about. Born to Rule.
Officially, 95% of Australians 16 and older have had one experimental injection, 92.5% have submitted twice. Of a national population of around 25 million, 2 to 2.5 cringe in WA. WAs percentage of the non-vaxxed cant be that many to warrant such hysteria.
Were the ballots publicly counted? Or inside a hackable computer?
“Or inside a hackable computer?”
Like in electric cars?
no, like the brain implant the aliens/MKULTRA gave you when you were recruited, as a junior CIA disinfo operative. that’s what your anal-probe screen memory is hiding from you.
You’ve gotta understand. Western Australia is not like the rest of Oz.
It’s more like some of those US southern states.
It’s more racist (Australia’s highest rate of aboriginal deaths in custody).
It’s more culturally backward.
It’s basically a pit mine open for exploitation by billionaires, multi national corporations and the ruling plutocrats.
Many folks in WA believe they live in God’s own country or the centre of the universe.
Beautiful coastlines, beautiful forests, millions of wildflowers and a nineteenth century attitude.
Sad, that.
That’s the older generation, but not much like the younger people I know, and it also leaves out the big Asian immigrant population. This never gets a mention, I suppose because it is so disparate and well behaved. I would say it follows orders but is not a believer. In a way the worst of all.. China here we come!
It’s basically a pit mine open for exploitation by billionaires, multi national corporations and the ruling plutocrats.
so, basicly exactly like the rest of Australia, then.
Those nasty 19th century people and their backwards beliefs! Nothing like the enlightened, science based, logical, critical thinking 21st century folk.
“One lady met a guy and dated him for a couple of months. Some other guy goes with his workmates and it’s alright. Someone else heard a funny joke once. Some people sang a song from Dreamgirls.
That’s it, that’s the feel-good stories of the Covid test line.”
Reminds me of school bus trips out into the rainy countryside, with several of us pewking because of the interminable winding roads in those wonderful nature resorts:
” Isn’t this fun, Form III ! “, exclaims the teacher lumbered with supervising us and hating every damn minute of it.
Well it wasn’t fun, and I hated every damn minute of pretending to enjoy myself too.
Back then, of course, you weren’t allowed to reply, even jokingly, with, “No!”.
“Just say no”, hadn’t been invented yet.
Recent events suggest “Just say no” died (or was smothered) in its infancy, once drugs became an easy way to rule the unruly “minorities.”
Define drugs, or sobriety.
drugs? that’s the secret vitamins your MK-ULTRA handlers feed you every morning, so you don’t realize the fundamental horror of your own existence, and off yourself.
but please be strong, and put yourself out of our misery. it’s the humane thing to do.
People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-01-14. Fauci Concealed Knowledge Of Lab Leak. Ability-To-Infect Plunges 90% After 20 Minutes In The Air (blog, gab, tweet).
To be fair, the movement to date has invited THAT smear… by making it about the jabs and NOT human rights. Rather than recitify the error, apparently the strategy is to double down.
novax joker vic
with eyes wide shut put on the mask
for moloch
many times
all of them witches
was the name of the hastings book that rosemary read when demon seeded
in polanski movie
lies on the news truths in the movies
and so it goes
Novaxx! at least you see. Ended on full moon
lies on the news truths in the movies yes sir. Simpson made more predictions better reporting that all of alternative media put together.
It’s likely that by 2024 Clinton will be looking for ‘change candidates’ herself: candidates for the job of changing her nappy.
very funny Cliff unfortunately someone was clearly upset by it
Just a correction.
maybe a CIA disinfo troll.
Why is there such a strong resemblance between Australian State Premiers and WW11 Nazi henchmen/women? I thought that this mRNA gene-therapy was something new …
They are worse, Jesse Owens said he was treated better by Hitler than by his own president that didn’t even acknowledge him. At least everyone was allowed to compete, I believe. Australia have showed themselves up on the world stage.
What is needed is a worldwide union against mandatory vaxx. I’m happy to send money to Australia like they did for the 1889 Great Dock Strike.
How about PRO-human rights? That “innoculates” us from all manner of elite f@ckery.
What a novel idea.
Now, all you have to do is not capitulate to corporate industrial statism and “freemasonry” and start worshiping the Earth and the Sun instead of mammon, for a start.
come on, we all know that you CIA guys worship Cheney’s and Pompeo’s assholes.
May I give you my PO Box address?
Chasing natives with poisoned needles is classic British Empire.
The Nazis were always aping the Brits and the Yanks.
Remember Oz along with Canada are arguably the most successful modern colonial settler states in terms of exterminating the indigenous populations.
I don’t know if that is true but it fits with something I read half a century ago, which interested me as a South African: the article claimed that British settlers in 17th-19th century Australia and North America exterminated their aboriginal population whereas British settlers in 18th-20th century South Africa did not because of the 19th century anti-slavery movement and Victorian morality.
You’re South African? Sorry, I don’t believe you. You’re some kind of orwellian statist incorporated type.
District 9, Nick, and I’m not your average SuperSatanist.
“…Victorian morality.”
What? You can’t say like slavery is freedom hey.
I have ZERO respect for british (imperialist “communism”) ideals.
<a href=”″><img src=”” title=”made at”/></a><div><a href=””>from Imgflip Meme Generator</a></div>
let me help you with that:
The War on Children. In this phase of total war it seems that children are being targetted especially: the Trans shit, the MMR vaccines and autism, Epstein and company on paedophilia and now Covid vaccines and the terrible effect of lockdowns on teenagers.
This documentary, on MMR and autism shows where we are at:
I react badly to video on social media which appeals ONLY to emotion.
If a home nose swab were ever to be a seriously sensible way of testing your own children for anything at all, most of them would not be screaming like this.
Some children scream at everything: Having a thermometer placed under their tongue; having to eat something they don’t like; not getting the attention they want; going to the dentist, and, of course, having a jab.
This video is of course distressing – because of the flippin’ pandemonium – but we all know that nose swabs are NOT making people all over the world scream.
These are two issues dishonestly conflated, and the conflation does us no favours here:
1) A useless and unnecessary nose swab which is, however, not generally reckoned to be painful anyway.
2) A video of a very insecure child driven by brutal parents into hysterics, posted to make us think that in future we should view all medical procedures as crimes against humanity…
I mean, who was recording that awful scene, anyway…?
A caring father…?
I would certainly scream blue murder myself if anybody tried to force any sort of covid ‘procedure’ upon me.
But that wouldn’t be because of pain.
It would be a scream of rage on account of my informed refusal being overruled by halfwits.
Ahh mate, you are a great commentator, obviously very experienced, lots of hubris,lots of hubris, but little empathy. Get swabbed for the Asperger’s man.
You misjudge me sorely, Julian.
I have a lot of empathy. (I scream at the TV all the time)…
Seriously, I do feel that kid’s conniption fit to the core.
What I have no sympathy for is the brutal, ignorant parents who seem to have taught him, presumably indirectly, that the unpleasant things in life are something to scream about.
I’ll bet you they never talked any of this over with the poor sod beforehand.
We won’t go into the question of his “informed consent” right now – or I’ll be the one screaming…
This child isn’t protesting because he is aware that he is being abused and his rights being trampled on.
He is too young to know what that means.
He’s screaming because he’s in a panic, and that panic didn’t come from him.
I’m not blaming him at all, but I am blaming the people who cynically thought that putting a video like that out there on Twitter was going to make more sense to us just because he was screaming.
I’m just against using extreme emotion to make us react instead of thinking.
Once you start using yelling kids – or cute kittens dancing, for that matter – to make a serious point, you are jeopardizing the effectiveness of informed, critical thinking.
As far as I’m concerned, it should go without saying that the whole idea of ‘testing’/jabbing children incessantly with heaven-knows-what crap is an evil act of treason.
+1 Yes. Nobody should use kids to make a political point EVER. Remember Bana?
Bana Banana of Syria with her emotive English and excellent internet skills. Closely related to Greta Greenberg of Sweden with her actor family prime access to TV cameras. Yes, children and pets should not be exploited to tug at our heartstrings.
“A man who cannot laugh at the death of Little Nell must have a heart of stone” — Oscar Wilde
For me, it really had nothing to do with the screaming kid. Like you said, kids scream for all kinds of reasons. It was was the lady’s micro-expressions which I found disturbing: first, she appeared to resent his resistance, then she enjoyed dominating him. As to why it was filmed in the first place, maybe it was a tutorial on how to swab “troublesome” kids. You can find such videos on how to give squirming cats a pill. If that is the case, I doubt her contribution to society went over very well; a child-whisperer, she ain’t!
I have to disagree with you here. We really have no idea why the child is screaming. Maybe the child is subconsciously aware that what is happening to him. In my opinion what is happening is a psychologically damaging medical rape and he is screaming out of resistance because he knows what is happening is wrong, the way we should all be screaming that this is happening to the children three times a week.
When I was a child vaccinations were given in the schools where I lived. Having older brothers I certainly was not afraid of pain. I resisted and was not given the vaccines. Somehow I knew what was happening was wrong. Children often know what is happening is wrong but have no way of communicating to adults what is wrong.
Yes children scream, people always blame the screaming on the children, but the problem is not the children but the parents who have already lost the confidence of the children. The parents who do not know how to deal with their children and the society which is so fucked up that it creates children who scream. Often parents do not, themselves, try to understand and recognize the causes for screaming but put the blame on the children. Often parents, as well, do not have the know how or ability to deal with screaming children. I know quite a few.
When an adult picks up a screaming child because the child is hungry, tired, needs to be held and the child calms down thats okay. When I child is forcefully grabbed and held against their will as this child was, to me it is a form of abuse. The child does not want to be touched. To me what is most disturbing is the action of the adult in this picture, this is not what love and compassion is about, it screws up the child even more, the child becomes more confused and begins to equate love with forceful violence.
When I here children scream, I usually tell them “I here ya”. I actually empathize with them a lot. I have little empathy for adults. I actually want to scream most days when I see what is happening around me. This has been an occurrence most of my adult life. Most people agree with what goes on in our society, I do not. Even when I was five years old, i had some knowing that the society was fucked up. My parents were actually pretty decent parents compared to what I noticed around me.
hear not here (twice) in last paragraph
your comment is great ‘irregardless’ of two typos.
If Covid-19 were more serious than a common cold, and if these experimental RNA injections were harmless and actually prevented Covid-19, there might be a case for dictatorial imposition of this Con-19 regime by the WHO. But they aren’t so there isn’t.
“…and if these experimental RNA injections were harmless and actually prevented Covid-19, there might be a case for dictatorial imposition of this Con-19 regime by the WHO…”
Like Caitlin Johnstone, you seem to be kinda like a statist puppet.
Feel like arguing?
Disease expert who helped spearhead Australia’s fight against Covid-19 is diagnosed with a shock brain tumour
“Professor Mary-Louise McLaws confirmed the devastating news on Saturday afternoon on Twitter, before announcing she will take a month of sick leave from her two roles with the World Health Organisation and University of New South Wales.”
Several years ago, three corrupt Icelandic politicians (is there any other kind…?) got brain tumours within months of each other.
Could it be that a guilty conscience can cause that?
The rest of course don’t even have a conscience, so they’ll probably be in the best of health until they drop.
Karma is a bitch and so is that soon to be dead “professor” McLaws.
She is a fucking useless hysterical shill.
hopefully, the nazi bitch can choke to death on her own puke.
sometimes bad things happen to bad people. it’s nature’s way.
I have qualified sympathy for the man with the alleged Megadeath Virus of Doom-diminished penis.
But he needs to look on the bright side. In the New Abnormal, with its perpetual cascade of lethal viral pathogens that require the strict public-health measures all right-thinking people have come to love and respect, he surely won’t be needing it much any more.
I mean, it’s not like he’s Neil Ferguson. As long as the shrunken member still reaches his pelvis, he’ll be fine!
this would be enough to shrink anyone’s penis:
Great article. Enjoyed the humour.
Re Western Australia – all those places where the unjabbed may not venture. They don’t mention public toilets …… yet.
We can still buy petrol. It’s not that bad.
Not a expert (kind off) but chanting ‘lock her up’ then getting locked up and muzzle up is kind of funny.
You people never learn that you create your own enslavement by performing along to the rituals they give you.
You people? What a nice divide and conquer tactic to use language like that… Why don’t you go back to your people and leave the rest of us the hell alone? No one appreciates that kinda tactic here so why not go back to Fuckbook where you belong?
I use the expression ‘you people’ consciously or not to drive people like you nuts.
Good to know it works. When will you people ever learn? Perhaps I should say grow up.
Why don’t you go back to your people
I’ve only just heard of this, but it looks a far more interesting scandal than partygate
January 16, 2022
Cum-Ex scandal Chancellor Scholz – is he soon convicted of lying and complicit?
[The scam] allows C to get a [dividend] tax refund of the same amount as A from the tax office, even though he has never paid the tax. In this way, the state and thus the taxpayer in Hamburg has been shitted by the Warburg Bank, which is the “C” here, by 47 million €. Other sources put the damage to the taxpayer at several hundred million euros. . . .
Research by NDR shows that the then head of Warburg Bank, Christian Olearius, met with leading Hamburg politicians of the SPD in 2017. At that time, the criminal tax investigations against him for serious tax evasion were still running at full speed. Mr. Olearius also met with the budget policy spokesman of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Johannes Kahrs in December 2017. At the same time, the SPD received a donation of 45,500 euros from Bankhaus Warburg. . . .
On the 13th day of the trial of the third Cum-Ex trial, the bomb finally exploded after massive “follow-up” by the judge. A former managing director of Wartburg-Invest, a subsidiary of Wartburg Bank, surprisingly admitted to having been involved in the cum-ex deals. On the urgent advice of the judge, who repeatedly admonished him to finally tell the truth for his own good, the defendant would finally confess. Apparently, he acted here against the advice of his four lawyers. . . .
After the proceedings against the now Chancellor Olaf Scholz, about his entanglements in this scandal, were discontinued “just in time” before the Bundestag election, there is now a threat of renewed disaster in this case. Previously, after more than a year and a half, the Hamburg public prosecutor’s office had conducted a preliminary investigation on suspicion of embezzlement against today’s Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
Among other things, this was due to a total of nine criminal complaints by citizens in connection with Scholz’s role in the Hamburg cum-ex scandal. Scholz was the first mayor of Hamburg from 2011 to 2018. On the basis of the confession of a defendant, the question now arises, will Germany soon have a chancellor who has cancelled the tax debts of a criminal organization?
Jan 15, 2022
Sieht so aus, als sei der Quarterback bald weg. Im Strafprozess gesteht unerwartet ein Warburg Banker, und @OlafScholz ist als Lügner überführt.
Looks like the quarterback will be gone soon. In criminal proceedings, a Warburg banker unexpectedly confesses, and @OlafScholz is convicted of being a liar.
…- George Carlin
+ 1
It’s weird how I’d never even heard of this !
The CumEx-Files is an investigation by a number of European news media outlets into a tax fraud scheme discovered by them in 2017.[1] A network of banks, stock traders, and lawyers had obtained billions from European treasuries through suspected fraud and speculation involving dividend taxes. The five hardest hit countries may have lost at least $62.9 billion.[2] Germany is the hardest hit country, with around $36.2 billion withdrawn from the German treasury.[3] Estimated losses for other countries include at least €17 billion for France, €4.5 billion in Italy, €1.7 billion in Denmark and €201 million for Belgium.[4]
The name “cum-ex” is derived from Latin, meaning “with without”, and refers to the disappearing nature of the fraudulent dividend payments.[5][6]
Various banks and other financial institutions were involved in these alleged trades. Among those named in the leaked files include Macquarie Bank, Deutsche Bank, HypoVereinsbank, M. M. Warburg, Maple Bank, Merrill Lynch, KPMG, Ernst & Young, Investec,[19] and Freshfields.[20] Investigations revealed that since 2012 Investec had provided the Dutch broker Frank Vogel with more than €12 billion to facilitate his alleged tax arbitrage scheme.[21]
21 Oct 2021
Investec implicated in probes into the world’s largest tax fraud (Part 1)
A new trove of confidential documents lays bare the shocking extent to which Investec was involved in suspect deals worth hundreds of millions of Euros that resulted in European governments being defrauded through the infamous “cum-ex” withholding tax scam.
In doing so, the elite bank joins the ranks of lawyers, bankers and financial service outfits from across the world already implicated in what is widely reported to be the largest fraud in history, allegedly costing European revenue services more than EUR55 billion, mostly between 2007 and 2012.
The UK government admits that vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated.
The UK government has admitted that once you have been double-vaccinated, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants – or possibly any other virus.
So let’s watch the “real” pandemic begin now! In its Week 42 “COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report”, the UK Department of Health admits on page 23 that “N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who become infected after two doses of vaccination”. It goes on to say that this drop in antibodies is essentially permanent. What does this mean?
We know that vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus (indeed, the report elsewhere shows that vaccinated adults are now much more likely to be infected than unvaccinated ones).
The British now find that the vaccine interferes with the body’s ability to make antibodies after infection not only against the spike protein but also against other parts of the virus. In particular, vaccinated people do not appear to form antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein, the envelope of the virus, which is a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people. In the long term, the vaccinated are far more susceptible to any mutations in the spike protein, even if they have already been infected and cured once or more.
The unvaccinated, on the other hand, will gain lasting, if not permanent, immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being naturally infected with it even once.
I cannot access this file- it just won’t come up!
frustrating and can’t understand why?
Thanks Anonyme
no matter how I try the pdf won’t open 🙁
Is it my Canadian ISP?
I don’t know?
Even after I accepted the additional cookies!
The link did work for me Down Under.
I was finally able to read it!
Had to reset something with my browser, but, am all good now.
Thanks to all 🙂
Speaking of lasting and permanent immunity. Check this article:Omicron acts as Nature’s Vaccine
Since most everyone is getting Omicrom… no need for further vaccination.
Then consider what the man with dementia (should not be in a leadership role) Joe Biden said?
Over at my place I said…
That looks to be the reality confirmed by EU and UK..Canada’s leadership is still criminally insane
The moronic variant is the jabs
or the people getting jabbed.
Talk of “natural immunity” is just as deceptive as vaccine-based immunity. There is no immunity but they want to keep the concept alive to push their toxins.
Think about it – how could anybody know if there is permanent or long-lasting immunity to covid? Nobody could possibly know this at this stage.
The body has a defense system, not an immune system. Kept in good repair it’s a marvel that scientists admit among themselves they don’t fully understand but it doesn’t make anyone bombproof. The idea of immunity is so impossible to stamp out that one C19th scientist was still claiming those who caught scarlet fever developed an immunity to it as his daughter ‘caught’. it for the third time and eventually died of it.
Dr. Mike Yeadon and Marc Giradot on the subject of immunity and variants. Seems they disagree with you,
How Broad is Covid Immunity?
Thank you Janey. Michael Yeadon has both the character and the expert knowledge.
Or not.
you tell them, CIA.
The body has a defense system, not an immune system. Exactly !
I’d suggest, that more accurately the body IS a defense system, it’s health status.
If you attack health status with toxins (such as with vaccines), obviously “immunity” is compromised.
Every reaction or “immune response” from vaccines are indicators of damage to that health status, your body. Provably.
Am trying to learn more about homeostasis – through a thicket of metaphors. Can understanding ever occur, except indirectly ?
“o the language that is used
for to get the ship confused
will not be understood
as it’s spoken (dylan)… ?
I can’t be bothered to plough through all that.
Could you please point to the relevant paragraphs?
Good post. But do not call it a vaccine; it is forced injection of experimental virus genes into a human population, and contravenes Nuremberg convention.
It is a vaccine, like every vaccine, toxic, unnessential and based on fraud.
Final warning, Nick.
oh, so scary, Mr. CIA-man. how did you like The Catcher in the Rye?
“The UK government admits that vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated. “
I’m kinda tired of idiots trying to say convoluted deflective shit like that. Vaccines are toxic and damage health status. The “immune system” doesn’t exist. It’s a conflated derivative suggestion of health status.
Their idea of the “immune system” relies on and is derived from what?
now tell us about “no planes”, “holograms”, and “space beams”.
or is that not your department?
As we swallow down week 19 of the new normal, alive as we are in a world where daily poisoning happens at the pop of a pill, the turn of a tap, the use of a device.
As agriculture is positioned as a means to kill, not supply nourishment, as the precious suns rays are diminshed yet further than our current GSM is already pushing us, thanks to gates and a company in sweden (good old swedes, not what they were eh?).
As moves are made to push CO2 levels to below that optimium for humanbeanz (meanz heinz), and animals are “off the menu”, despite their intrinsic value at providing fertilizer, grazing management, symbiosis and a whole host of shit that doesnt require glyphosphate at 4x recommended level in your cheerios and your (oh so fkn wholesome) quaker oats,
Put quite frankly as our once benign, fruitfull “earth” is made hostile and alien…
We debate endlessly about bankers, elites and the rest of the enslaved puppetry, im reminded of a memory from the 70`s..
And as any young border collie pup will tell you, if you direct your vengeance solely on the puppet you merely get a mouthfull of synthetic fur, fuff and filling, likely as not a trip to vertinrys n all, and the puppeteer gets the satisfaction of watching your wasted effort
disclaimer, being more au fait with tractor engines, 3 phase circuits, growing food and other seemingly less importnat shit, you may need to tap the link, appologies
I think we should have a competition on the best gag based on that picture
Fuck masks, get smashed.
Thank you for the early morning chuckle.
Then he said: ‘I AM the science’…
Game, set and match.
artist’s rendering of the COVID-1984 virus meeting its criminal pals
did you all cover the comment from the EU Drug Regulator- acknowledging too many jabs could destroy the immune system. It’s happening already in my opinion, and though the regulator is talking as if it’s a potentiality instead of an actual present day occurrence.. it’s worth mentioning. Hopefully it’ll help end the covid zombie apocalypse
What are the chances of the U.K lot saying the same.(check post above)
hey entitled2
yah, I just checked out your comment. I don’t even know what to say to this type of information. glad you posted it though. We’ve been printing and sharing info with whom ever will read/take it.
Gotta keep getting info out
Yes, Canada is the epitome of insanity. What with our virtue signalling leadership (rolls eyes)
I had the misfortune of reading the mask piece from the guardian- bad joke
My brother-in-law, when he got married to my Sister (bizarrely enough – I really liked him – no interest in music, but a lot of interest in very old racing cars) – a bit like my brother – but with him, it was mainly motorcycles, and the occasional Daimler – when they got married ( 8&10 years older than me – I was the young snotty nosed brat).
They got their own house (this happened a lot in the 1970’s – even I did it)
He says to My Sister – NO TV
I now realise, how clever he was. At the time I thought he was Mad.
I have Never Imposed NO TV in My house, or no Internet or No Facebook
I am not an Authoritarian Dictator
I just don’t watch TV, and have banned myself from Facebook, not that particularly helped last night.
The place was Rammed – busiest I have ever seen.
The Band Were Totally World Class
No One Was Wearing Masks.
In the Breaks and During the Cuddles and Snogs…(I asked my wife, who was the Girl was all over me?)
Well the subject never came up. No one wanted or did talk about that.
It was pretty much the equivalent of a 500 person group hug.
COVID is OVER in England.
No one believes it, but we all think our Politicians are Cunts, and we don’t even mention them.
I am sure the feeling is reciprocated, but us plebs haven’t been killing any one.
I note even the Boss of The Nudge Unit is Confessing,
They are shitting themselves