This Week in the New Normal #15

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Unvaxxed banned from Jury Duty
A Canadian judge has published his finding on unvaccinated people being removed from the jury pool. The original decision was made in October, for trial of Cory Smith in Nova Scotia. In the finding, Judge John Bodurtha wrote that:
Both Crown and defence agreed that allowing unvaccinated jurors could potentially impact the accused’s right to be tried within a reasonable time by increasing the probability of the trial being disrupted or delayed due to a COVID-19 outbreak among the jurors and other court participants,”
No thought is given to the potential impact, say, on an unvaccinated person being tried by a jury made up of only vaccinated people, but given the current climate that should be a very real concern.
You can expect more of this in other countries around the world, as lawyers in New Zealand are already warning of an “Enormous juror vaccination dilemma”. It’s also being used to further undermine the jury system in general, which is coming under constant fire recently.
This is yet another instance of literal segregation and unpersoning of the unvaccinated. Or, for the less civic-minded, a really good reason to not get vaccinated.
2. Trevor Noah steps out of line
Very interesting little situation here. Last week we covered the CEO of Moderna claiming that the Omicron variant would mean we need to buy – sorry, “use” – more vaccines. Clearly, there’s a very obvious conflict of interest there.
Where it gets interesting is that Trevor Noah, the host of the Daily Show, made a joke about it:
“The Daily Show” host Trevor Noah criticizes Moderna’s CEO Stephane Bancel!
Uh oh!! The jab is wearing off!! Quick!! jab him again!! 😂😂😂
— nick moseder (@nick_moseder) December 4, 2021
As you can see, it’s not hard-hitting stuff. Just the merest implication that the CEO of a Big Pharma vaccine manufacturer might have an interest in boosting his company’s profits.
Nevertheless, he was roundly criticised for the bit. Articles accused him of “switching lanes” on vaccines, with the most interesting reaction being below-the-line.
Twitter commenters lined up to lay into Noah for expressing, at worst, the slightest doubt as to the sincerity of Big Pharma. The phrases “not a good look” and “bad take” made frequent appearances.
The question is then: are these people real?
Because if they are, then it’s a depressing reminder of how brainwashed people have become.
But if they’re not – and I think that’s more likely – then we have a fascinating insight into the way “influencers” and celebrities are kept in line by a fake “audience” reaction designed to corral their talking points, without ever directly telling them what to say.
Look out for this, because I think it happens a lot.
3. OffG’s Ukraine Flashback
A lot of talk this week about Russia preparing to “invade” Ukraine. Again. By our count Putin has “invaded” Ukraine at least a dozen times since 2014.
In a startling act of insane political theatre, the G7 have warned Russia they may increase their sanctions in response to Russia’s “troop build up” on the Ukrainian border. Russia will ignore them, obviously, because no nation is going to allow other nations to tell them where they can station their troops inside their own border.
The very idea Putin would order an invasion of Ukraine is insane. There is nothing to gain strategically or in terms of resources, except 20 million very poor people, a few hundred thousand neo-Nazis, and a war with NATO. Even supposing Russia wanted to start a full-on war with Ukraine, the idea they would do it in the middle of Winter is totally crazy.
Nevertheless, our old buddy Luke Harding is out there writing retrograde puff-pieces about the Ukrainian military, as if they haven’t been shelling civilians for seven years. Belching out emotive tosh like “nobody wants to be Putin’s slave”.
It’s a situation we are more than familiar with here at OffG, it was trying to inject some realism into the Ukraine coup/Crimea annexation narrative that directly lead to the creation of this website. You can read a lot of our old Ukraine material here. It may even be time to do a quick reference summary.
When Russia agreed to play their part in the covid narrative, they probably thought they were done with all this nonsense.
Considering the pressure being put on Germany to sanction the Nordstream 2 pipeline, it’s possible this is about increasing energy prices, forcing the EU to buy American gas, and just generally making poor people suffer through the cold months.
Good times.
BONUS: Cringey TV of the week
Hillary Clinton went on morning television this week, and gave the speech she would have given if she had won in 2016…
Hillary Clinton gets emotional as she reads her “would have been” 2016 victory speech
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) December 8, 2021
There are tears too. I’m not sure if they’re real tears or not, and I’m not sure which is more embarrassing…but not as embarrassing as the people who claim to have cried watching it, or the talking heads calling it a “lesson in resilience”.
Hopefully not a sign she’s planning to run again in 2024.
It’s not all bad…
Good news this week comes in legal form. A federal judge has issued a nationwide injunction, putting a halt to Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate, finding the President probably “exceeded his authority” in issuing the order.
Similarly, in New York, a judge has put a temporary stay on Mayor Bill de Blasio’s city-wide vaccine mandate.
In Europe, the group of MEPs who oppose vaccine passports and mandates gave another press conference this week, in response to Ursula von der Leyen’s statement on compulsory vaccination.
Christine Anderson MEP made a powerful speech, including this nice line: “Pharamceutical companies are as interested in your health as arms dealers are in world peace.”
Also, for those in the UK following the “Downing Street Christmas party” scandal, this is just funny…
— Badger Growler (@DeanCoates) December 8, 2021
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention New Zealand outright banning smoking or the latest batch of crazy hysterics ruining their children’s lives because they like the drama.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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its not “unpersonizing”, its “dehumanizing”
“The Omicron wave of the coronavirus pandemic is being driven by “young, healthy, vaccinated” people, according to the World Health Organisation.”
In this case someone forgot to send the memo to the fake/bots. A ridiculously over the top piece of propaganda on Australian TV about the recent protests gets SLAMMED by comments. Literally every comment. Who knew there were still so many non-zombified humans on Facecrack?
As long as Christine is in Brussels there is hope…
There is currently a war raging over who gets “Literal Hitler” rights. See:
9:19 PM · Dec 12, 2021
Replying to @ConceptualJames
Exploiting the tragedy of J’s who were humiliated, marked with a yellow star, isolated, starved, dehumanized, and murdered in ghettos during the Holocaust in a debate about vaccination that saves human lives during pandemic is shameful. It’s a sad symptom of moral decay.
12:12 AM · Dec 13, 2021
For the record, the Consent Factory doesn’t approve of wearing the Star of David as a protest (we suggest the red “political prisoner” triangle), but we object to the hypocrites at @AuschwitzMuseum attempting to shame those who do it as a protest against the New Normal.
Dear @AuschwitzMuseum, we’re confused … did we miss the part where you scolded Billy Joel for wearing the star at his concert in 2017 to help the ruling class portray Donald Trump as literal Hitler, or was that not “shameful,” and “a symptom of moral decay”?
This takes me back to the Piers Corbyn tempest in a teapot this past February. Corbyn drew the usual pearl-clutching sententious flak for daring to mention the ill-starred, or ill-swastikaed, phrase “Arbeit Macht Frei” in a perfectly lucid, rational, respectful manner.
Here’s an excerpt from Corbyn’s statement:
We point out in the leaflet that the Evening Standard headline 27th Nov VACCINES ARE SAFE PATH TO FREEDOM is a lie and horribly similar to the Nazi sign WORK SETS YOU FREE (Arbeit Macht Frei) on Auschwitz 1 work camp (for left-wingers – which was followed later by further totally horrific camps for Jews). We illustrated this point with an artist’s drawing.
The claim by police prompted by certain politicians that this was malicious or anti-semitic is a monstrous attack on freedom of expression.
When police and politicians choose what an artist does we know we are in a dangerous place.
I noticed a curious paradox a long time ago: as a kid gaining haphazard knowledge and understanding of the Nazi Holocaust via popular culture and parochial school education, I was introduced to the primary mantra “Never Forget!”. The Jewish people, especially Holocaust survivors, righteously and zealously proselytized the necessity to remember the horrific events both to honor the victims and to prevent or deter the prospect of recurrences; the extensive public commemorations are an expression of this profound dedication.
To be clear, here I am being respectfully descriptive of this premise, not criticizing or questioning it. I don’t have my Norman Finkelstein hat on.
The paradox arises from an equally powerful countervailing sociopolitical movement that effectively forbids and punishes any “unauthorized” reference to historical aspects of the period. By “unauthorized”, I mean made by ordinary people outside a select class of authorities and dignitaries, e.g. religious leaders and scholars, who have license to publicly address this fraught subject without triggering reflexive outrage and remonstrance.
So if someone makes a lucid comparison between current events and the awful past, and straightforwardly cites the evidence in a manner which does credit to the “Never Forget!” ethos, they might as well paint a target on their back.
In short, there’s enormous piety built up around “Never Forget!”, but an equal and opposing impulse to censor and censure any unsanctioned party who dares to express a good-faith “never forget” analysis, argument, or mere reference by explicitly, er, remembering unpleasant factual details.
This censoriousness is even more pernicious when the Holocaust-era Nazi regime references are made in works of art, from satirical writing to the visual arts. The default “blowback” assumes that the spontaneous use of such material is inherently outrageous, offensive, and obscene.
So we’re stuck in a doublethink: although it’s vitally important that we “never forget” for the highest reasons, it’s equally important that we do reverence to the memory by never invoking it, even truthfully and respectfully, in social and political discourse.
Any invocation is denounced as a reprehensible insult that “dishonors” Holocaust victims, and the “crime” of making it preempts and supersedes its useful relevance.
That’s a head-scratcher.
I missed the Corbyn episode, but it seems to be on the point of becoming illegal in Germany; and then perhaps much of Europe.

October 29, 2021
“Vaccination makes you free” slogan: Justice hunts down corona deniers
Many use the phrase “vaccination makes you free” (impfen macht frei) in allusion to the phrase the Nazis wrote about concentration camp gates – now the judiciary is investigating these cases.
I agree with Hopkins that it’s better to use the red triangle than the yellow star; since the distinction is political or philosophical rather than ethnic.
A wonderful piece of writing, Ort.
A place in my heart.
Thanks, it’s kind of you to say so.
It is less complicated to me. For a designated subject, a cabal or the oligarchy wants you to (a) believe and propagate the given slogans (b) never compare/contextualise the matter or – worst of all – research/investigate it.
Re: “Never forget!”
What was the lesson?
4:51 AM · Dec 14, 2021
Jordan Peterson on the lessons to be learned from the Holocaust.
[video clip: 1 minute extract of JP]
BTW: I never quote JP, and the same point has been made by others, but he expresses it quite well here.
Yeah, there was an article in my local paper last week by a director of the Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights and a co-founder of Jews For Justice, insisting that “Comparing Vaccine Passports to Holocaust is Dangerous”.
I think it’s a coordinated campaign on a broad front to establish the moral high ground; right after protests here took place in front of hospitals – and hospital workers were allegedly assaulted and spat upon – editorials sprouted which sanctified healthcare workers like deities and excoriated all the low-lifes who impeded their precious, precious work when things are at such a low ebb.
Protests 4 All is the rule, but the light in which protest is viewed by the media is heavily dependent on whether you are opposed to an initiative the government really wants to get done. Just by the bye, everyone is masked here when indoors except the tiny minority who have a medical exemption, and nearly 85% of the province is double-vaccinated…but we have 1,129 ‘new cases’ over the past 3 days. Nearly all of them, naturellement, among the unvaccinated. When Fraulein Doktor Bonnie announced the indoor mask mandate in November of 2020, she was ‘concerned’ that ‘cases’ had gone over 100 per day in the province. They have never been that low since. Vaccination and masks are certainly working a treat to Stop The Spread.
The Auschwitz Museum tweet is a reply to the following from @ConceptualJames
7:49 PM · Dec 12, 2021
History break! How 1940s Germany legally justified the creation and utilization of the Warsaw Ghetto: segregating people for “Public Health” and “Public Safety.”
[video clip: 2 minutes extracted from DW’s “The Warsaw Ghetto”]
The Warsaw Ghetto
Jan 27, 2021
DW Documentary
A Polish businessman risked his life to film everyday life in the Warsaw Ghetto. These harrowing 8 mm movies were stored for decades in archives, and are shown publicly for the first time in this documentary. The original title of the film is “Warsaw: A City Divided”, directed by Eric Bednarski.
The Warsaw Ghetto was located in the heart of the Polish capital. In November 1940, one year after Germany invaded Poland, the occupation authorities completed work on a three-meter-high wall that surrounded the ghetto. The Jewish residents were sealed off from the outside world. The ghetto was intended to serve as a concentration camp for Jews from all over Europe. They would later be deported to the extermination camp at Treblinka.
As many as 500,000 people were rounded up and herded into the ghetto. The films shown in this documentary portray the daily lives of those who lived there. Food and clean water were in short supply. The Germans demolished the ghetto in May 1943, and sent the residents to concentration or extermination camps. Today, a series of memorial plaques marks the district’s boundaries. In this documentary, witnesses describe what life was like in Warsaw before the German invasion, and provide graphic accounts of life in the ghetto.
@ Mark: This ^ was supposed to be a reply to my opening post, but I hit the wrong button.
Michael Bloomfield:
To compare the Holocaust and vaccine passport policies is beyond stupid and unkind, it is dangerous. And yet the scourge of Holocaust exploitation was on full display on Thursday at the B.C. legislature. . . . The yellow star is an unambiguous symbol of Jewish pain and horror from which our community is still recovering; not a cheap gimmick to disagree with public policy. It is a deep-seated symbol of Jew-hatred and systemic persecution used by caliphates, churches and despots.
That’s one of the reasons why Hopkins is right about not using the yellow star; and instead advocates use of the red triangle. Of course, the Holocaust industry will then get upset about the acknowledgment that lots other people were systematically persecuted and killed by the Nazis; with it often being done “first”.
I have one of the T-shirts with the red triangle. But Bloomfield’s angst is not inspired by misappropriation of the yellow star – he is wound up because people are comparing the requirement for vaccine passes to Nazism and the requirement to ‘show your papers’ to anyone in authority on demand.
And they’re right – the notion of ‘vaccine passes’ was thought up specifically to deny ordinary pleasures, such as going to see a film or to enjoy a meal in a restaurant, to the unvaccinated specifically as a pressure tactic to make them choose ‘vaccination’. Restaurants and movie theatres have never been major drivers of infection. Governments know this, know full well that you are as likely to catch COVID of whatever variant happens to be flavour-of-the-month while shopping for groceries or lining up at the post office. But they can’t forbid those to you; they are considered essential services. The entire purpose of vaccine passes is to introduce complications and frustration into the lives of those who refuse the jab so they will reconsider. It’s even worse than that in Canada, to the point that you can’t wok at anything but the meanest of manual-labour jobs without being ‘vaccinated’. You can quit, but where will you go? Every employer takes the same position, and gladly, because the government has stepped up to protect companies from lawsuits by workers who are terrified of getting COVID, and who might sue. Now the company can say, we’re only doing what the government ordered us to do. You can try suing the government if you like, in which instance you will be paying for their lawyers as well as your own, since the government guards its legal positions with taxpayer funds.
The vax pass is a major step toward the total, internet-of-things, control grid; so even those people who are pro-vax should be seriously alarmed by it. The irony is that the world was already sleepwalking toward total control and would have got there without the scamdemic. The intention is to build a hierarchical, neo-feudal society with the majority enslaved to a ultra-wealthy elite. And of course, this would involve the elimination of a few billion useless eaters. It can be useful to draw historical analogies, but there are substantial differences to anything that’s gone before.
I’ve hardly looked at Canada recently, and although I knew Trudeau had been threatening massive restrictions, I didn’t know how much of it had actually gone ahead. In Russia and Italy they’ve implemented restrictions on the use of buses and trains. Has any of that happened in Canada yet?
We need someone of the same caliber as Christine Anderson MEP in the UK.
“Haha, nobody’s buying their vaccines anyway, haha”… Yeah Noah… At what cost? Seriously, all those people who got crippled or died because of the “Jahnsen” platform or the astrazeneca? What about them? What about the people theu left behind? And what about the people who have had loved ones jabbed? Are we sitting on ticking time bombs? This mistrust in johnson and johnson that is the vehicle of the humorous take you did, the discontinuation of astrazeneca… at what cost did it come?? What led to it? Will we ever know the names of the VICTIMS OF STATE ABUSE that died or were irreparably injured because they were COERCED to put the genetic engineering platforms in them? The EMA authorised the Astrazeneca despite scientific warnings. And now the mistrust is but a joke.
Good point. Thank you.
House rag of the Compatible Left is fully on-board with the required narrative of course:
Some selected low-lights:
“A return to normal, to the old world before Covid-19, looks increasingly elusive. There will be new scares and new aggressive responses”.
Gosh, they are so good at knowing what “will” happen.
“Patience is running dangerously low in many parts of the world and democracies find themselves in a vulnerable position”.
Wouldn’t non-democracy be so much better?!
We feel entitled to normal life.”
The problem is our sense of entitlement. Watch out for that one.
“In a survey of 77 scientists carried out in March, two thirds of respondents… ”
More Occult numerology – Flight 77, 7/7, 66.6%.
“… thought we had a year or less before the virus mutated to the extent that the majority of first-generation vaccines were rendered ineffective”.
Don’t recall much mention of this when the first jab was being rolled out – and why won’t the third or fourths jabs do exactly the same?
“It was surprising to hear the recent news that a top vaccine manufacturing centre in the UK is up for sale because of concerns about excess capacity in vaccine production.”
The decline in contagious diseases was creating a Big Pharma crisis – until the magic solutions came along. How incredibly fortunate!
“It is time to lose the innocence of youth: pretending that we can quickly return to normal is the best way to prolong the current travails.”
Wow, supporting this insanity is a sign of maturity?
“The economic and social gains from the Covid vaccines should not be measured against the state of the world before the pandemic, but against the state of a future world in which no vaccines had been discovered or where they had turned out to be much less efficient. Can you imagine the counterfactual?”
I’ve always found judging success by a fantasy-imagined standard rather than decades of lived reality a sendible idea. How would this have worked in Narnia is my measure!
“The same logic would apply to the climate transition”.
Oh, colour me surprised…
“From the point of view of progressive thought, what looks like a constricted path is in fact empty space where infinite lines may be drawn and movement has no preordered direction or even necessity.”
Was this written by AI?
“There must be a better way.Antiviral pills such as those recently announced by Merck and Pfizer offer new hope, but they are far from a miracle cure.”
Do I sense the miracle cure is about to be revealed?…
“Some scientists have called for the development of general vaccines targeting future viruses or entire virus families”.
Ah-ha! BTW a quick reminder that it was Pfizer’s search for a generic antibiotic that killed all those children in Nigeria and that’s the story behind ‘The Constant Gardener’.
One difficulty we must face is that price and market mechanisms struggle with coordinating transformations this radical… the common good would be better promoted by a serious, coordinated effort to develop a universal coronavirus vaccine.”
So there it is – the global PPP by any other name and governments underwriting corporations’ next big money-making scam dressed up as “the common good”.
“consent cannot become a veto power held by each individual that affects our ability to act collectively.”
As every dictator ever has always said…
“We have even started to notice how a kind of decayed libertarianism stops us from embracing new technological developments.”
Libertarianism has become the big boogeyman to wave in front of the Compatible Left (except when it’s really serious and it’s back to “Fascism”).
“Joe Rogan, the host of the popular podcast The Joe Rogan Experience, told his listeners… ”
Controlled opposition shill acts as strawman….
And who wrote this garbage?
“Bruno Maçães was the Portuguese Europe minister from 2013-15. He is the author of “Geopolitics for the End Time””.
Well, that’s an interesting book title for someone who supposedly believes in progress, science and technology! ‘End Time’ sounds a bit esoteric to me, a bit like beneath all the apparent reasonableness is a beserk attempt to manifest the Book of Revelation. But that’s crazy conspiracy talk…
Well snap! It was Bruno Maçães that wrote the latest covid blockbuster for the New Statesman:
“How the virus struck back
In this dark pandemic era, Omicron is only the beginning”
So what do you think? Psycho theme? Too 60s? Jaws theme? Too 70s? How about The Thing with its sinister throbbing baseline? Perfect!
“WHO says Omicron spreads faster and weakens jabs”
“Omicron poses very high global risk but data on severity limited”
“2-dose vaccines induce lower antibodies against Omicron”
So, a good angle to counter the spreading news that the jabs have not just failed but injured and killed many.
The Judge’s injunction on Biden’s mandates is good, it has always been clear that the Executive Branch was over stepping his power as he cannot make law – however, the legislature can.
See below from the Defender:
H.R. 550, a federal bill passed Nov. 30 by the U.S. House of Representatives, would expand state and local health department vaccine-tracking systems to monitor the vaccination status of American citizens. States would provide the information to the federal government.The bill, “Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021,” will be difficult to stop as it already has bipartisan support. It passed the house with the support of 294 U.S. Representatives, including all Democrats and 80 Republicans.
The bill is now under consideration by the U.S. Senate where, if passed, it could be implemented in under 12 months.
H.R. 550 it would lead to a monumental invasion of our rights as American citizens. It would set a dangerous precedent and could lead to more vaccine mandates, and more restrictions of services and healthcare for the unvaccinated.
The author of H.R. 550, Rep. Ann Kuster of New Hampshire, bragged the bill will help the government remind patients when they are due for a recommended vaccine and identify areas with low compliance.
The bill also creates a mechanism for federal, state and local governments to enforce vaccine passports or no-fly lists. And it would be costly to taxpayers — it appropriates $400 million dollars to expand vaccine tracking.
Part of this money would be spent on grants and cooperative agreements to state or local governmental entities that agree to adopt the new data collection guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
We must work to educate our Senators on why this legislation poses an unprecedented threat to freedom and liberty, and how it will lead to an unconstitutional invasion of privacy and loss of medical freedom.
I enjoyed Christine Anderson’s speech immensely, but what a pity she stooped to quoting Thatcher at the end… talk about the floor giving way under your feet…
“This lady’s not for turning” is such a flawed statement in any case.
Thatcher was no lady, but an overgrown grammar school prefect giving herself airs.
Please let her Rot In Peace. I was just beginning to forget she ever existed.
Madame Thatcher is the quintessential bellwether of what we like to call “politics.” More specifically, of the folly of the electorate.
She was losing (was it her third term?) when all of a sudden the Falkland Islands reared their ugly head. And the Iron Lady vowed to go to war with Argentina if need be to preserve this crucial piece of Empire.
This turned her around and kept her from exiting Number 10 Downing Street.
A little war NEVER hurt a politician. And we wonder why it is that people fell for the COVID scam!
Thus equating rejection of the covid tale with The Right. And playing into the “covid as communist uprising” card. I suspect our Christine is every bit as controlled as the WSW.
Hear the man!
So lets get this straight , the East verse’s West beef is fake.!!
BUT . A federal judge has issued a nationwide injunction, putting a halt to Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate
The priesthood has got hold of Country s but not the courts!
Bit deluded….. dont you think?? that type of thinking.
Don’t start counting chickens just yet. That great big egg will be rolled in front of the Supreme Court for its final scramble.
And that should be interesting given the State’s Rights issue and the High Court’s conservative bent.
Perhaps this whole brouhaha is to put State’s Rights to rest once and for all. After all, can’t very well auction the Nation off to the highest bidder till that pesky issue is sent packing.
Missing from mainstrea media, the 84th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre
On 13th December 1937, Japan invaded Nanjing in Eastern China and massacred more than 300,000 men, women and children in just 6 weeks.
Mainstream media erases inconvenient news but welcomes Japan to the Summit for Democracy, along with other genocidal regimes.
You said yourself that it was the 84th anniversary.
I’m an old man now but I wasn’t even born back then.
Let it go.
Since history is basically one big blood letting, it’s best to only dwell on past events that still resonate today – like dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What happened in Nanjing stayed in Nanjing. What happened in Hiroshima began a (so far) never ending race to annihilation. Big difference.
the japanese haven’t repented, and they don’t know how to repent..
today the japanese are considering boycotting the Beijing Winter Olympics, after a solid support from China for the Summer Tokyo Olympics
it is Sad, some commenters are suggesting a cut-off date, after which, it is OK to “selectively” WhiteWash atrocities.
I just shit myself, no it wasn’t food poisoning like the last 127 times I shit myself since our arrival in New Berlin- it was this:
URGENT: Stunning data from South Africa suggest Omicron may be the end of Covid (and of Covid vaccines)
We’re fucked, I thought as I read the article out loud to Sue, Karen, Angus, Mick and E-major, my weird and wonderful Team, who listened tranyfixxed, silent and motionless like those street actors who pretend to be statues at popular malls and where tourist congregate. The crap slowly slid down the back of my legs and into my hush puppies (I call them my silent beagles) while my heart sunk like a tungsten turd in a smelly old railway station royal doulton.
“It’s over … it’s OVER … IT”S OVER” .. I crescendoed doing my best Roy Orbison impression for artistic effect – the Team clapped in appreciation of my raw talent but as it turned out they did so in pity, as dear Angus gently informed me later.
Looks like no more free prawn dumplings and sausage rolls I lamented to all – then E-minor suggested, bless her way too tiny silk g-sting, that I call the dirty old cigarette (Doc) in charge at lgbHQ and check in to find out if we were being hoaxed. “It’s probably just those Og mutants being nasty” she whispered breathlessly into my ear – knowing full well I love it when she does that.
So I called Doc Camala only to be informed Omicrom was in fact a game changer, that was the bad news, but the good news was the game was never, I repeat NEVER, going to really change at all. The dirty old cigarette told me he had plenty of filthy rotten tricks hidden up his big fat dirty arse that would keep this Greatest Show on Earth going for many years to cum.
Like this one:
Prominent Aboriginal leader dies in COVID-19 ward
The dear old black fella (anti-vaxxer) actually died of asthma (a white fella disease), no mention at all of him having Covid or even testing positive for Covid. He just supposedly died in a Covid ward that most likely was a Covid ward but now empty of Covid patients – because of fucking Omicron. The headline was deceptive but true. But hey, Covidiots will read the headline and think that fucking anti-vaxxer got what he deserved – death by Covid.
Doc also assured me that all the vaccine dead and injured could readily be counted as Covid deaths and injuries, rather than Covid vaccine deaths and injuries, besides we were saving energy by leaving out the word “vaccine” and therefore we are saving the planet a little bit at a time. A win win he proudly declared.
Camala is a most wonderful, thoughtful and noble (lying) dirty old cigarette – there should be more like him. Together we will save the planet from …. the ugly truth.
Dr. Justin PhuXXXD (god save our noble queen)
PS “Beauty is
truthbullshit,truthbullshit beauty,—that is allYe know on earth, and all ye need to know.” from: Owed on a Gates earn
Recent Tornadoes are Due to Unusually Cold Weather
To claim that global warming is causing more tornadoes is worse than speculative; it is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence.
But when you add climate engineering, with its manipulation of moisture with ionospheric heaters and of temperature with chemical ice nucleation, you alter the equation in such a way that anything is possible.
Perhaps is unaware of the 75+ years of US Military operations in the atmosphere?
“Considering the pressure being put on Germany to sanction the Nordstream 2 pipeline,”
Newspeak, having corrupted the word “gay” now uses the word “sanction” to mean both itself and its opposite. A welcome protest by David Marsh in the Guardian:
” I don’t sanction this misuse of ‘sanction’ ”
The decay of a civilization shows itself not only in devaluation of the coinage but also in debasement of the language.
Creating multiple meanings for words isn’t just about cultural debasement (although cultural debasement is definitely a thing) – it creates more opportunities that they can tell us what they’re doing but in ways that will be misinterpreted.
They seem to enjoy doing this. Some say it’s to escape the kharma of their actions if the public freely consent to them. I doubt they give a toss about kharma or could really believe that such trickery gets anyone a free pass. It’s all about mockery and feeling more powerful, like magicians are more powerful if they show how they do a trick and then can fool people anyway.
I think they are using multiple meanings for words because it creates more opportunities for them NOT to tell us what they are doing.
We won’t misinterpret their words at all. We simply won’t have a clue what’s going on – they hope . . .
In the case of ‘sanction,’ though, it’s legitimate. That word has long has opposite meanings, just like ‘oversight’. It’s known as an auto-antonym.
As Wittgenstein and then Chomsky along with many others have pointed out the development language has been one of the main reason so many conflicts exist among us . Voltaire was right ,”God gave men voices to disguise their thoughts” .
Allow me to state the obvious: language evolves over time. New words – as slang gets incorporated into the official language – and new meanings of extant words, rather than necessarily corrupting language, help keep it vital and relevant.
Given enough time, I predict that even the perennial bad boy of the English language – ain’t – will become acceptable.
Justification for a much higher death county from the CoVax shots than what is being shown in VAERS. I assume a similar analysis and vastly increased death number would apply to EURDS.
VAERS Data Indicates the Covid Vaccines Have Killed At Least 140,000 People
Vasko Kohlmayer
9 Dec 2021
Here’s something that has not gotten any press! Hopefully, people who have filed VAERS reports will see this (or their next of kin will, anyway) and get some serious money from the US government.
Feds Pay Zero Claims For Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries/Deaths
Adam Andrzejewski – Senior Contributor
Nov 4, 2021
Each person with a “provable” injury from a Covid vaccine could claim up to $379,000 from a special Covid vaccine fund set up by the federal government. The payout for death could be as high as $370,376.
However, according to an investigation, the federal government didn’t pay a penny for Covid-vaccine claims. The special fund for these claims is called the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).
There were only 1,357 claims filed that alleged “injuries/deaths from the Covid vaccines,” and 53 were listed as deaths, according to recent reporting by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
By contrast, the self-reporting Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) lists 16,310 deaths related to Covid vaccines. Of these, “5,326 of the deaths occurred on Day 0, 1,or 2 following vaccination[.]”
The low number of applicants to the CICP fund for injuries or death from the Covid vaccine suggests that people don’t know the special fund exists.
I think having to prove the ‘vaccine’ was responsible might be more of an issue.
The drugs being pushed aren’t vaccines, so what to call them? Calling them a ‘vaccine’ is a cynical PR stunt by Big Pharma. They only reduce severity of some symptoms in slight cases of disease (ignore the bad news). If they are ‘vaccines’ then so is aspirin. Maybe aspirin should be promoted as a ‘vaccine’. It even has some nasty side effects to make it a genuine ‘vaccine’.
Call it whatever you want. I’m amazed at the number of people here who waste everyone’s time arguing over semantics, as if whatever YOU want to call the shots is going to make any difference at all to governments anywhere.
The US government calls them vaccines and if you are or know of a next of kin of someone in the USA who possibly died after taking their shots, then they should be encourage to pursue a claim.
This reluctance of the Fed to compensate “vaccine” injuries is an on-going issue. COVID is just the latest example. The MMR Vaccine has had numerous injuries, such as autism (especially among black male children).
VAERS has paid out over the years upwards of a billion in claims; but they’re only the tip of the iceberg.
Nobody has scientifically proven that autism is or has been caused by vaccines, so that is a steep hill to climb.
Japan Places Warning on COVID ‘Vaccines
By Patricia Harrity on December 12, 2021
While many countries are either voting and threatening to make vaccines mandatory, the UK being one of them, Japan allows individuals to choose whether to be injected with the experimental gene-therapies or not and also labels the vaccines with warnings.
Additives Warnings
Even the additives in the vaccines are highlighted in the vaccines available in Japan. Three Covid-19 gene-therapy treatments are currently offered, they include the Pfizer/BioNTech (Comirnaty) and Takeda’s Moderna formulation. Vaxzevria (formerly AstraZeneca) is also administered but only recommended to people 40-year-old and over.
The product descriptions of Pfizer and Moderna state that: “This product contains an additive that has never been used in a vaccine before,” and reference is also made to the new type of additive in the Vaxzevria injections and Pharmaceutical companies urge individuals to consult their doctors about the additive if they plan to be injected with it.
Asking a doctor for an honest opinion, even about an old treatment, is a joke.
Yes indeed they are. Many thousands of them are real and panicked although I am sure there are some plants in the mix also. Just read the comment stream on any Covid article in MSM properties like the NYT, LAT, WaPo, etc.
The NYT has a technique they use to minimize the impact of comments that disagree with the Covid establishment narrative and that they too often use against me – they hold comments for moderation for a day or so and then post them, shortly before the comment section is locked.
Most NYT comment streams are only open for 36-48 hours. After they are closed, hardly anybody reads the comments any longer, which can be seen by the lack of further “recommendations” (likes or upvotes). Out of sight, out of mind.
“Just read the comment stream on any Covid article in MSM properties”.
This doesn’t prove anything – all the main ones are under surveillance and will have bots operating.
A double thickness of aluminum foil inside your hat will help significantly!
Many thanks for the ‘Slice of Sanity Pie’… 👍
Interesting news snippet from Sunday’s Cyprus Mail:
They do their job thinking that they will last forever. Nothing is forever. When the matrix stops and people awake en mass, the real trouble will start for all those with lost integrity.
That is how the universe works.
Today;s Graun.
”Health policy
”UK booster jab rollout to increase to 1m a day to battle Omicron ‘tidal wave’Army to be deployed as part of effort to offer Covid vaccine dose to every adult by end of month.”
They have obviously gone quite insane! ‘Tiday Wave’ indeed! Hysteria! So the great hoax continues. Not content with two jabs and a booster they now want everyone to be vaxed against a quite mild cold.
I can remember the dim, distant past when BTL comments on the Graun were instantly deleted if it suggested that one shot would not be enough for Big Pharma. Similarly, any references to T-cell immunity disappeared though it now appears to be flavour of the month. A post suggesting that one side effect of the AZ ‘vaccine’ would be a life long craving for bananas also disappeared, showing that Covid causes loss of the sense of smell, sense of taste and sense of humour.
Pls don’t link direct to the Guardian. Add the word ‘dump’ before ‘the’ and it will redirect to an archived version and deprive them of clicks
Just make your system do that automatically, saves on errors
They want everyone to get vaccinated against Covid 19 which isn’t exactly the SARS-Cov2 they said it was at the beginning of the plandemic but is actually flu REBRANDED!
It seems that the US neo-con ‘crazies in the basement’ a designation used by Bush Snr. in the 1990s, are determined to start a war with Russia. Of course they will be cheered on by the usual suspects in the Department of State, the Council for Foreign Relations, both houses of Congress, the CIA, the media (of course) the Democrat and Replblican parties. According to Grandad (Biden) and that fat slag, Nuland, Russia doesn’t have any red lines (unlike America of course) and the NATO bloc can do precisely what it likes. I wonder how they would feel if Russia’s nuclear submarines were deployed in Chesapeake Bay or the Gulf of Mexico! Oh and I almost forgot being cheered on by NATO/EU by our lovely Boris, and the moronic Ursula von de Leyen, Macron and the rest.
NATO’s policy since the 1990s has been to encroach on Russia’s western borders as of right ready for an outright invasion. Russia objects. What would the West expect them to do? Invite them in for some vodka and borsch!
Yes, the Anglo-Zionist empire is squaring up for a rumble but such silly adventurisms have in the past come to a some sticky outcomes. (Why is it that both Napoleon and Hitler have not quite got the measure of Russia) and why is it that the west thinks itself invincible!
The west has basically gone mad, all of its institutions are malfunctioning. Turbulent times ahead I am afraid.
Since the 1990s?
Since 1917? (Brother Yank was also involved, to no-one’s surprise.)
you don’t think it’s just theatre to make people forget Russia and the West are all run by the same globalists now?
It’s not theatre, it’s bluster by a punk.
Uncle $cam: “Lay a finger on me and I’ll sue you for every penny you’ve got”.
I’ve been hearing about the ‘impending’ war with Russia since I was a child in the 70s. Just like the ‘cure’ for cancer, flying cars and cities on the moon. But yeah I’m sure this is time is it…
ICI Pharma, the Z in AZ was set up with the promise of a cure for cancer. Failed, of course.
Remember when James Baker promised NATO wouldn’t move an inch eastwards?
Most people in the West still probably think their governments are the rules-bound ones that respect treaties and keep their word….
They really think (hope) Russia will invade Ukraine. It doesn’t need to. It can unleash weapons on any Ukranian Neo-Nazis attacking dual Ukraine-Russian citizens in the east from within Russia. It can also take out any and all Ukraine military facilities using Kalibr cruise missiles launched from Crimea or Russian waters.
If the Ukraine Neo-Nazis do go beserk, the first that will happen is the weapons dumps, airbases and comms systems deep behind the front line will start going up in smoke. No weapons, no fighting
And while Ukraine fantasizes of war with Russia, Chernobyl is slowly coming back to life – not that it ever died, though it was buried. Sure would hate to see NATO faced with a REAL nuclear war – a war with Chernobyl.
Wonderful news about allowing only devout Covidians onto juries since they appear to rely on the Prosecuter’s Fallacy, a complete misunderstanding, deliberate or otherwise of probability.
And this from Prikipedia.
(Read their entry for Dr Faustus, incredible arse-licking.)
Not allowing the unvaccinated on juries is good news for prosecutors and bad news for defendants. It keeps off of juries skeptics and freethinkers.
I got this second-hand, but as it aligns with my suspicions….
“According to…the official version, the symptoms of the new variant of SARS COV2, are the following: complications relating to the vascular system, including heart failure, arrhythmias of the heart and blood clots.” … ‘from the Spanish scientist collective known as Biologia Por La verdad, who think Omicron is a cover story to hide the effects of the vaccine.’ (“Omicrom ? Isnt new. It’s very, very old.” Anti-empire site. (comment by Maiasta)
My suspicion ? vaxxx injuries will be somehow attributed to Omicron…
It’s not all bad …
Making official looking posters/notices that could be attached to Dr surgery windows, like it was put up by the surgery, apologising for being no long able to offer vaccinations due to the alarming number of severe adverse reactions and deaths that have been occurring, listing some of them: still births and heart attacks etc. Clients are advised to seek other successful and harmless early treatments.
Printing such posters and putting them on the windows of establishments offering the fake vax is a good way to get ordinary people to start having doubts.
A good way until you get caught. (Although I assume you never intended to try this yourself?)
And what crime would one be charged with for sticky taping a poster to a glass door?
Noah better pull his head in or he’ll be F ARK ED.
TV medical guru Dr. Mehmet Oz suddenly quit his show to put all his efforts into running as a Republican for a U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania. The reason he gave his staff for his sudden decision was that he feels “a patriotic duty to embark on this journey.” He added: “I can no longer witness the suffering and anger of our countrymen from the safety of our studio.”
“Republican Senate candidate Dr. Oz supports transgender surgeries for kids, occult practices” by Raymond Wolfe (Life Site News) I have my issues with Life Site News, but this was an informative article.
Have to question this report. Who in their right mind would run for office as a Republican and support something which is anathema to Republican voters?
“In just six months, Waterloo, Ontario, has seen 86 stillbirths. Normally, the area sees five to six stillbirths a year; British Columbia saw 13 in just 24 hours.Dr. Daniel Nagase is demanding that the government begin releasing the death statistics for all injuries and deaths connected with the COVID jabs.” (ALL fully vaxxed)
video interview
Penelope, that is not surprising because there was only one small preliminary study into vaccine safety and pregnant women that was used to promote the vax to pregnant women all over the world.
The Australian Health Department published the following dated 9th June 2021 regarding Covid vaccines and pregnancy:
“RANZCOG and ATAGI recommend that pregnant women are routinely offered Pfizer mRNA vaccine (Cominarty) at any stage of pregnancy. This is because the risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 is significantly higher for pregnant women and their unborn baby.
Global surveillance data from large numbers of pregnant women have not identified any significant safety concerns with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines given at any stage of pregnancy.”
This actual study only included 827 women.
The study concluded:
“Preliminary findings did not show obvious safety signals among pregnant persons who received mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. However, more longitudinal follow-up, including follow-up of large numbers of women vaccinated earlier in pregnancy, is necessary to inform maternal, pregnancy, and infant outcomes.”
In summary this is what I concluded from a lot of global research into the matter – I shared a full report with the relevant health authorities, my GP, and a lawyer. Nobody gave a shit.
It would appear the governments of Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and New Zealand at least have all used this one preliminary study to infer that vaccines are safe for women through all stages of pregnancy. In fact the ‘global surveillance” data only refers to this one limited preliminary study that specifically makes the point there is not enough data to show or inform vaccines are safe in early pregnancy.
Have not our Government and related health officials been misleading and reckless, the results of which could be very unfortunate indeed?
How could any women pregnant during their first and second trimesters (at least) give informed consent?
It should also be noted that although neo-natal outcomes for women vaccinated in their third trimester were unremarkable, there is still no guarantee that on going observation will not reveal adverse childhood development such as neurological development disorder etc
Yours etc
It should also be noted that in table 4 of this paper the calculation regarding spontaneous abortions was erroneous – the error was not corrected until October 24th.
All in all this just supports that our regulatory bodies simply cannot be trusted in any way whatsoever having been totally captured by the Usual Suspects.
God Bless the Child
Very frightening. I do not understand why some countries are still recommending vaccines for pregnant women.
The authorities are also relentlessly (and ruthlessly) promoting the “COVID vaccines” for young children who are manifestly not at risk.
Whatever else is happening in the complex tangle of overclass agendas and motivations, the inescapable conclusion is that the authorities are implementing a New Abnormal that includes a regime of mandatory recurring vaccination. The metastasizing vaccine imperative seeks, in part, to condition the populace into automatically getting jabbed without giving it a second thought.
Leaving aside the question of whether population reduction is actually a goal of the “Great Resetters”, the devastating injury, illness, and death caused by these toxins, especially to the more vulnerable classes of vaccine recipients, is obviously regarded as “collateral damage”.
You still have’nt figured that out?
If Vaccine Passports are meant to ensure ‘vaccine’ uptake then they are aimed not at The Minority (Whom Jesus assured, “Those Buggers Will Always Be With Us”) but at The Rest – to ensure, if they dont want to be treated like lepers / The Diseased / The Excluded, they’d best keep up to date with The Booster Program. Once again Israel leads the way: Not got your 2nd ‘booster’ = Greenpass (and all the privileges that go with it) canceled.
These are not ‘privileges’. They are our rights.
Yeah but Israeli’s have had it and are burning the joint down
If only . . .
Last time I heard, here in Cyprus your “Safe Pass” will expire seven months after your most recent booster.
Strangely no one is actually vaccinated against covid because there are no actual vaccines for covid. They have been injected with a substance poisonous to the DNA masquerading as a vaccine, a liquid in a vial that has the word vaccine printed on it by people whose intent is to deceive, a potion with undisclosed ingredients that is being fraudulently presented as a vaccine. Like counterfeit money there is no money, there are no vaccines. No one has been vaccinated, everyone is unvaccinated. No one becomes rich and wealthy finding a suitcase full of counterfeit money. Recognising the money is counterfeit does not make someone anti-money. Understanding that the fluid in the vial is not a vaccine does not make someone an anti-vaxxer.
Everyone who have had the injection have been poisoned.
I have reposted the poster.
The “Bangui definition of AIDS was established in the city of Bangui in the Central African Republic in 1985. The definition requires neither a positive HIV test nor a low T-cell count, as in the West, but only the presence of chronic diarrhea, fever, significant weight loss, and asthenia, as well as other minor symptoms. These happen to be the symptoms of Chronic Malnutrition, malaria, parasitic infections, an other common African illnesses. (In 1994 the definition was updated to suggest the use of HIV tests, but in practice they are prohibitively expensive.)
Celia Faber,, “Out of control: AIDS and the corruption of medical science,” Harper’s Magazine (Mar 2006).
The Humpty Dumpty Definition: As Humpty Dumpty told Alice, “the one who has the power – decides the definition..” So if They decide sniffles, sneezes, sore throats, and heart injures are ‘covid symptoms’ then that’s what they are.
Which is why the Free World is giving Africa weaponry, military bases and even “terrorists” to fight against.
Sub-Saharan Africa seems to be developing into a Quarry Economy, much like Australia (That’s when we’re not The Food Bowl of Asia (Asian middle-classes, that is) .I Worry sometimes that if they keep gouging out the mineral wealth in Australia and ship it to China, will the shifting of all that weight tip the globe over. Then i console myself: If the South pole becomes the North pole Santa wont have far to travel to my place. “Oh Happy Days !”)
Yes, that matter of shifting all that ore occurred to me. Far worse is the concentration of concrete and steel at specific spots in China. The current crunch (over-hang) in construction there can only be a good thing.
Be that as it may, the Aus government is a strong contender for most confused on which side its bread is buttered on. Nuclear subarines and all.
Re Nuclear sub(sidies), by Noel Monteiro on December 13, 2021 · at 9:01 am EST/EDT
“To preserve regional dominion over Australia, the U$A cut into the submarine pact Australia had with France. Instead U$ nuclear subs will be provided. The U$ submarines will take a very long time to be produced, but the money$ flowing into the U$ economy from Australia will be immediate and consistant. So also is the premature ditching of the fleet of Australia’s functioning MRH-90 helicopters from the Eurocopter company, to purchase 47 new U$ Blackhawk Helicopter$.
These are fundamentally monetary injections deals to keep the U$ alive. But for how long? These deals isolate Australia, and could prevent Australian decision to join the Asian economy.”
[The Wonderful Land of Oz is very large island in East Asia]
“The China Syndrome” in slow motion.
Francis Boyle, drafter of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, has a strategy for ending the vaccine via prosecution for murder by LOCAL attorneys general. There are 400 such attorneys general in the US.
This link will be good only for a day unless someone else picks it up elsewhere on the net:
Is it true that Mercola is deleting his own articles daily because like a stopped clock he is only right twice a day?
So you think he’s wrong to call for prosecution of covid related crimes?
The New Fascism has installed some replacement puppets over the last week. Firstly, in Austria:
Dec 6, 2021
Der neue österreichische Bundeskanzler #Nehammer wird nach seiner Vereidigung von seinem Volk mit Pfiffen und Buhrufen empfangen! Stoppt das #CoronaRegime! #NehammerMussWeg und soll gleich mit seiner gesamten ReGIERung zurücktreten.
The new Austrian Chancellor #Nehammer is received by his people with whistles and boos after his swearing-in! Stop the #CoronaRegime! #NehammerMussWeg and should resign immediately with its entire direction.
Secondly, in Germany:
Dec 10, 2021
Consent Factory (CJ Hopkins)
Update from New Normal Germany … fascist fanatic Minister of Health @Karl_Lauterbach now threatening to impose fines on anyone who refuses to conform to the new official ideology … imprisoning us in camps is considered “unnecessary” at this point.
“Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach considers fines for unvaccinated people to be ‘unavoidable’ … You have to talk with psychologists and economists about when penalties have an effect. [He] does not consider prison sentences to be necessary.”
New Normal Germany’s Health Minister is a fountain of Goebbelsian lies. A recent example was his claim that OMICRON is especially threatening to children. New Normal fascists will say anything, as they know their fanatical followers don’t care about facts.
Boris is not helping the genocide efforts of his bosses. He is now the father of at least seven children.
I suspect he will soon be fired to be replaced by yet another unelected, selected actor to carry the comedy show on the the next chapter.
Eton teaches you how to laugh at the common people.
Basically, you invent some ridiculous and restrictive new rules that you want the plebs to follow.
Then you break them all yourself.
A Belgian politico claimed omicron was Ebola – surely the equivalent of shouting ‘fire’ in a theatre.
“Pants on fire”, more like…
Like Dave Lister’s boots (in “Timewave” from Series 12), Ebola can’t cause diversions like it used to.
Definitely in My Top Ten, but what does my head in, is that this really nice old man, is terrified, he comes from near Manchester – a bit older than me, and we share similar histories, and so far as I am aware, we have never actually met, but if we dd, I think we would get on O.K., and i think he would like my lovely wife and her mate (also from Lancashire)
John Ward is Frightened
“a crew of psychotic megalomaniacs hiding behind a shopfront of American liberal democracy. In this one action, my homeland demonstrates with insouciant persuasion why I will never go back there.”
That surprised me a bit, but you are looking from afar. Maybe I can’t see the wood for the trees. But most people I meet in England, are very nice, and that includes the vast majority of people formerly from foreign lands.
” Retreat to safety and regroup. Do what De Gaulle did in 1940.” He moved from France to England. Strangely enough, my son is briefly moving from England to France. I guess you don’t want a free lift.
“the Fifth Republic and/or a customer of Lufthansa.”
“I find myself surrounded by snoring Germans”
“Smash the corporate fascist eugenicist mobster Nazi State! It is the oppressor and enemy of WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”

“You will be owned and be happy… or else you will be culled.“

“The title of this photo is: Taking orders from THE BOSSMAN.

The corporate fascist eugenicist bankster psychopath Nazis need to go.
Only a Rothschild can poke royalty in the chest, owning him like a bitch!
The last photograph is evidence of who really is the boss.
I.e money