Media Lies & the Sacred Rites of the Vaccine Cult
The coverage Szilveszter Csollany’s death shows you being called an “anti-vaxxer” is more about what you think, than what you do.
Kit Knightly

The Independent has put out an early (and strong) entry for “Worst Journalism of the Year” award, reporting yesterday the death of Hungarian gymnastics coach Szilveszter Csollany under the headline:
Anti-vax Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany dies of Covid, aged 51
The glaring issue with this headline becomes clear just three paragraphs into the article [our emphasis]:
While Csollany had, according to [Hungarian newspaper Blikk], expressed anti-vaccination views on social media, the six-time World Championship medallist had been vaccinated to allow him to continue to work as a gymnastics coach.
The journalism is terrible, criminally bad.
The evidence supplied for Csollany’s supposed “anti-vaccination views” is non-existent. Second-hand hearsay, at best. No direct quotations, no sources provided.
OffGuardian would be ashamed to publish something so flimsy. Any outlet should.
But, of course, that isn’t the most egregious part – as you can tell from our emphasised quote – the supposed “anti-vaxxer” had been vaccinated.
To bury that in the body, under that headline, is deliberate deception. They know many people will read the title and assume he hadn’t had the vaccine without ever reading the body of the text, and they are relying on that to spread an intentionally false impression.
The very definition of disinformation.
After deliberately misrepresenting the man’s life, they proceed to do the same to his death. Not even granting him the respect of an honest appraisal of his last weeks alive, they totally ignore all the relevant questions pertaining to the man’s health.
They never question why a previously healthy 51-year-old would ever need to be put on a ventilator, or consider how ventilator-associated pneumonia or ventilator-induced trauma may have contributed to his death.
The article readily admits he died “of Covid” despite being vaccinated, but never even attempts to explain that, sparing a throwaway sentence suggesting “he contracted the virus soon after receiving his jab, and thus had not built sufficient levels of antibodies”, which is not supported by any medical opinion or sources.
Having admitted he WAS vaccinated, and only a short time before he died, the article never considers even for a second the obvious logical conclusion: That the vaccine may have played some part in his death, or killed him outright.
It doesn’t even refute the idea, it simply refuses to acknowledge its existence.
But really, the worst aspect of this black-hole of integrity is not the deliberately misleading headline, or the lack of even the most basic journalistic ethics, it is deeper than that. There is an unspoken message concealed within the tone of the writing, and a shifting of linguistic definitions that comes with it.
The implied thought buried in the text is that, even though he was vaccinated, his alleged doubts mean he was still an “anti-vaxxer” and therefore deserved to die. That he brought the Covid curse down upon his head through his expressing “anti-vaccination views”.
As if he called down God’s wrath through speaking heresy.
This is not the first time we have seen the narrative try and separate the meaning of “anti-vaxxer” from a person’s vaccination status.
In Australia the Northern Territories Premier Michael Gunner recently told the media :
If you support or give comfort to anybody who argues against the vaccine, you are an anti-vaxxer, I don’t care what your personal vaccination status is.
Yes, in Australia an anti-vaxxer can be a vaccinated person who “gives comfort” to someone who argues against the vaccine, they don’t have to agree with the anti-vaxxer they simply have to tolerate them.
It’s a dark age belief system, where to even hear heresy spoken is to be tainted by it.
This is all part of the redefining, really the broadening, of what people even mean by “anti-vaxxer” in the first place. Yet more “pivoting of our language”.
Szilveszter Csollany is accused of “expressing anti-vaccination views” on social media, but in our current climate that can mean almost anything.
Opposing vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, or the giving of untested vaccines to children. All have been described as “anti-vax” positions.
You could have every vaccine you’ve ever been offered, but decline the Covid “vaccine” to wait for long-term safety data, and still find yourself branded an “anti-vaxxer”.
And now, finally, you can actually be vaccinated, but be labelled an “anti-vaxxer” because you may have previously expressed doubts or asked questions.
The injection has become the quite literal equivalent of a religious rite, where your beliefs are just as important as your actions, maybe even more so.
The vaccines are “safe and effective”, that’s the mantra for the modern age, chanted in televised chapels.
In the beginning, people were told that if you were anti-vaxxer you would die, for the vaccines are the new blood of Christ, and by accepting them into your heart you are promised life eternal.
This conditioning has gone so deep people are inverting it and spitting it back out: Now, if you die, you must have been an anti-vaxxer.
Being vaccinated, but not believing in the vaccine, is just as bad as rejecting the vaccine, and you will remain unvaccinated in spirit.
And like a modern-day ducking stool, if – like poor Szilveszter Csollany – you get the vaccine and die anyway, it shows only that your faith was not strong enough, you were secretly an anti-vaxxer at heart, and the press will say as much in your obituary.
The media all talk this way.
I can’t tell if they do it dishonestly to create this bizarre atmosphere of religious fervour, or they don’t even realise they’re doing it because they’re so caught up in zealotry. And I’m not sure which is worse.
Either way, the endpoint is clear: A world where being “anti-vaccination” is no longer defined by what you do, but by what you say and think or even what you allow others to think.
An all-purpose label, so vague as to be functionally meaningless, but universally applied to anyone who diverts as much as one degree from the mainstream course, turning them into an outsider who must be shunned.
It really is a cult. There’s no other way to describe it.
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God help us because we are in a spiritual war wether you believe it or not.
Totally agree, it is a cult.
A weird and akward cult, but undoubtely a religious movement.
Like other religion has its sacrifices.
Here in Italy the deaths of young people after vaccination (often girls) have not reduced the fervour.
Lot of people discussing young people death say “yes, but the benefits for the society is more important!”
Under the line it seems “the more dangerous… the better” It is a display of power of the remedy (the power of or the new god).
A significant part of us walk and drive, alone, masked.
The Independent has been the worst. And it’s a low bar. It is a cult for sure. There are no ant-vaxxers. There are pro-vaxxers and then there are those who understand statistics.
There is no virus…if he was healthy and died shortly after being vaccinated, then one must question the concoction injected into his veins along with his diet a the time.
exactly right
In time, ‘Vaccianity’ will likely begin to quote from the greatest “religious leader” and “moral teacher” of all time: “Anyone who is not against us is for us.” (Mark 9:40, NLT) And stating its converse (“Anyone who is not for us is against us.”) will be easily passed off as justification for the salvation offered through this new world religion.
New studies of effectiveness of Ivermectin emerging every day. Peer-reviewed, large PSM study from Brazil finds, regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates. The study was published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science. This medicine is proven over and over again to be effective for covid and flu like symptoms. You can get your ivermectin by visiting
You sold novax as a hero when he had ties to Davos, WEF and co which you conveniently left out.
Please post links to your sources rather than make snide implications about the outlet, thank you.
I don’t think he was sold as a ‘hero’, but rather he opted not to pay a pittance and get some doctor to give him a phoney ‘vaccine’ certificate and instead take a stand on that issue.
Djokovic having ties with global finance wouldn’t be that unusual, I suspect, given he’s a multi-millionaires who’s also, I’ve heard, allegedly developing an alternative Covid cure. But is this directly relevant to his public stance against health mandates and, most importantly, the reaction this has prompted?
Please, link to those sources and let others decide. Thank you, A2
Awesome article 10 out of 10. So refreshing reading reality and hearing honest words. Thank you
[This comment makes factually incorrect statements regarding the article above, employing the same misleading strategy as the Graun article in question, leading to layers of irony it will take satirists years of work to fully unpick -Ed]
“The journalism is terrible, criminally bad.”
You mean, what you do does not deserve the name of journalism, and does deserve the name of terrible, criminally bad. Because you have deliberately chosen to completely ignore these paragraphs in the article:
“Budapest newspaper Blikk has reported that Csollany fell ill in December and was put on a ventilator in hospital, before passing away on 24 January.
While Csollany had, according to the publication, expressed anti-vaccination views on social media […]”
And also:
“However, he contracted the virus soon after receiving his jab, Blikk suggested, and had thus not built sufficient levels of antibodies.”
All of this, pretty relevant to the question of quoting sources and giving relevant info. The Independent does a decent job of explaining the situation.
You, on the other hand, deliberately cherry-pick quotes and ignore the information that you don’t want to talk about. In other words, you are openly in the propaganda business, and rubbing your propaganda penis on people’s faces, just to prove that you can, and that people will happily suck your propaganda penis because it gives them pleasure to be lied to.
We’ve come across this before. Eric Hoffer described it in great detail in his book “The True Believer”. When people enjoy being lied to, there’s never a shortage of other people willing to provide them with those lies. That’s what’s always kept priests’ jobs going, after all.
“soon after receiving his jab”
Suspiciously vague. How many days?
Hm, I was quite happy to believe your correction of the slightly hysterical article above, but then I read the Independent piece, and had to conclude that your comment is “terribly, criminally bad.” Knightly does in fact quote some of the lines from further down the original article that you say he missed.
But Knightly’s point clearly is that the Independent article is framed in a deliberately misleading way, as yet another attempt to discredit “anti-vaxxers,” and for some reason you deliberately ignore that.
You know full well how people will read the headline, because it’s part of a pattern in the media of running scare-stories, for example putting the one healthy non-vaccinated person who dies of Covid on the front cover, while ignoring stories of people like Kyle Warner or John Stokes and many others who are damaged for life by vaccination.
For the record, according to the Independent article, Csollaney died two weeks after his AstraZeneca vaccination, and should according to vaccine orthodoxy have been totally protected (there is, contrary to what the author writes above, plentiful evidence that people’s immune system is weaker for 1-2 weeks after vaccination).
If the vaccine cult had integrity, the article would at least have been framed as a tragedy that someone fully vaccinated and seemingly healthy would still die of covid.
If we lived in a world not dominated by cults on either side (there’s also an anti-vaccine cult), and where facts steered the narrative, rather than other way round, the Independent might have framed this article something like this: “Tragic death of healthy athlete shortly after being vaccinated, despite his earlier reservations about getting the shot. Did he die of a breakthrough infection or side-effects of vaccination?
Not only do I not “completely ignore” those quotes you mention, I cite them both in the article, and explain how both reflect poor journalism.
In future I would suggest reading the whole article before you comment, and perhaps being a little less juvenile.
What a ridiculously jumbled mumble, it seems that you are deliberately vague and misleading… rather than address Knightlys points fairly you choose to attack him on the manner in which he presents the information.. NOT the information itself, which to anyone not drooling in an institution is quite obviously a misleading propaganda piece…
a poor tactic and quite revealing of you intent..
The Guardian continues to support the clear campaign to ‘other’ the unvaccinated, by reporting on the BBC’s support for the clear campaign to… you get the idea.
By the end of the article the unvaccinated are equated with flat-Earthers.
Colour me shocked.
Great Scott’n e-gads, the proverbial cat’s out of the bag. . . The evįl W€F’n NWØ wįtch’s been snagged–caught in flagrante delicito–teets up’n legs in the air! 🌾🐈⬛🌾
“vaccines are the new blood of Christ, and by accepting them into your heart you are promised life eternal.” – Amen!
Continuing with the Holy Mother Church theme – perhaps, as in the Holy Inquisition – one can only truly determine the inner workings of the human soul through torture. Perhaps this poor fellow had to be subjected to purifying effects of – “the ventilator” – in order to clarify his level of contrition for his supposed anti-vaccination “heresy.” If one somehow survives the ventilator – clearly it is a sign of contrition and the return of god’s good grace and forgiveness. Whereas if one perishes on the ventilator – one dies a loathsome “heretic.”
I expect that any day now our “infallible” health authorities will begin exhuming the bodies of long dead, but accused – “anti-vaxxers” – so their corpses can be publicly burned! You know, just to be sure the rest of us all – “got the memo!”
Yet more proof that scientism is a bona fide religion and religious cult
…Faith Healing…
…- Turns out the ‘horseshoe’ hypothesis is correct and applicable even to the ‘Science'(tm) vs superstition axis… – Whodathunkit?…
Hong Kong is going full Nazi/Communist (no difference for us at the bottom) as you would expect from a government that is just a branch of the CCP. They are floating the idea of banning unvaxxed from malls and public transport. This is a biggie because most people have to use public transport to work and shop. I live in an outlying island in Hong Kong SAR, so I need to use ferrys to get off the island. I will therefore be stuck on the island until this stupidity ends, and as the stupidity is being run by bureaucrats, that will probably be after my demise.
This makes me wonder: when does “voluntary” become “compulsory”? For example, just because a death row inmate willingly walks to the execution chamber and lies down on the gurney, does that mean he is voluteering to die? Would he have to fight against the guards all the way in order for the death to be considered compulsory?
Is a vaccination really voluntary if the only alternative is to starve to death? I am sure there is a legal definition here, i wonder what the Neuremberg Codes consider to be volutary versus compulsory. Extending the thought, if a victim pays a blackmailer, was that “voluntary”? In which case, blackmail is only blackmail if the victim does not pay up.
Of course, in usual Hong Kong fashion, the rest of the world is moving away from mandates because they understand that the vaccine is incompetent, but Hong Kong will do it in it’s “If the west does it then we do it too to appear to be in the in crowd” lame puppy dog attitude, trying to maintain an image of freedom while all furiously kissing the asses of the CCP.
Hong Kong has cooked its goose, nobody believes it will ever be what it was again, it is slowly becoming more and more mainland China, despite the HK dollar.
Last year 2500 students escaped from Hong Kong as refugees in order to avoid being arrested for sedition, the CCP backlash from the protests. That is one hell of a lot of students, probably half the university students in Hong Kong. Imagine how that will change your city state. In the midst of all that they are now going to start forcing the people to get vaccinated: the older people here are the ones who do not want to get vaccinated, they know the government is full of shit and fundamentally inept.
In Hong Kong people hae been wearing masks in public since the first SARS pseudo pandemic when I was in the far East in 2003, so what did you expect it would happen now? I would have get out of there a long time ago.
YOU are the disease, their covaid$ death squirt the cure.
Now that critters are developing needle induced co/VAIDS and hundreds of other “side” effects and dying en masse after their clot shot even the dumbest of sheeple are putting two and two together and some of them even manage to come up with logical deductions.
Hidden in plain sight.
The growth of irrationalism and even anti-rationalism probably began in the late 19th century and has become securely anchored in modern society. Symbolism and quasi-religious beliefs have formed the bedrock of the emerging global order with the work of theorists like, Pareto, Mosca, and Edward Bernays which have insinuated their way into the political and ideological structures of early and late capitalism, principally through the agency of the mass media, which has displaced religion. Such mental and emotional states are both attributable and nourished the overwhelming group-think today. Here’s an interested commentary by Joseph A Schumpeter, the great Austrian economic and social theorist – to wit.
”Newspaper readers, radio audiences, members of a political party even if they are not physically gathered together are terribly easy to work up into a psychological crowd and into a state of frenzy in which attempt at rational argument only spurs the animal spirits … mere assertion, often repeated, counts more than rational argument and so does the direct attack upon the subconscious which takes the form of attempts to evoke and crystallize pleasant associations of an entirely extra-rational, very frequently of a sexual nature.” (Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy – 1941)
This methodology is frequently mobilised in business advertising and the commercial sphere. Bernays has already been mentioned and is one of many in the field of politics, business advertising and social psychology. One of the pioneers of this method was the American writer, Vance Packard in his work ”The Hidden Persuaders”
In 1957 Packard’s Hidden Persuaders described how the marketing industry used depth psychology and motivational research to manipulate the public. Chapters like ‘The psycho-seduction of children’ and ‘Self-images for everybody’ left no doubt about Packard’s moral contempt for marketing’s uses of psychological techniques.
This of course this methodology had an obvious effect to the political class who utilised this approach in the current Coronavirus episode. The ‘nudge’ technique has been rolled out by social psychologists with telling effect. But this is nothing new, Schumpeter sussed this approach early on.
”The reduced sense of responsibility and the absence of effective volition explain the ordinary citizen’s in matters of domestic and foreign policy which are if anything more shocking in educated people and of people who are successfully active in non-political walks of life than with uneducated people in humble stations…Information is plentiful and readily available, but this does not seem to make any difference. Thus the typical citizen drops down to a lower level of mental performance as soon as he enters the political field. He argues and analyses in a way which he would readily recognize as infantile within the sphere of his real interests. He becomes a primitive again. His thinking becomes associative and affective … What we are confronted in the analysis of political processes is largely not a genuine but a manufactured will.” (Schumpeter, op.cit.)
Thus the war on reason is all-pervasive and relentless. The war goes on, it cannot do otherwise. La Lotta Continua.
Their ancestors built a golden calf to worship, but it didn’t convince many. After millenia a more sophisticated false idol was built, an idol which is immaterial, more godlike called ‘science’ (which has nothing to do with what used to be called science as practiced using a scientific method of 3 principles). Society now worship at the altar of science which for the common people is the doctor’s office or hospital, where they go on a regular basis to confess their sins and take the scientific communion of pharmaceutical chemicals. Many even believe science will grant them eternal life through what they call transhumanism, the ultimate purpose of science.
OK let’s assume maximum dumbass mode. It’s two years in to this clearly endless fear fest.
So you’ve screamed and run round and screamed and run round and screamed and run round ……
And then one morning you wake up to this:
“Prevalence of ‘more infectious’ sub-variant of Omicron has QUADRUPLED in a week – and is now more common than Delta strain of Covid” (Daily Mail)
Don’t you think that maybe just maybe your screaming and running around will get just that little bit LESS forceful?
It’s worse than a cult, cult members are usually small in number and not the majority. We are witnessing mass hysteria and induced psychosis on a global level never seen before. The COVID Zombies are large in number they are oblivious to the facts or what is going on right in front of them. It’s as if they are blind to reports of healthy athletes dropping like flies, injected and boosted people still getting “COVID” and being hospitalized, young people dying or “heart attacks” and a plethora of “unexplained” seemingly “random, unconnected conditions and allergies” cropping up since the injection roll out. It will take major counter propaganda, intervention and deprogramming to cure (if possible) this level of psychosis. The struggle continues.
We live in a pretty free area with respect to mandates, restrictions, etc. With the exception of the schools and most doctors’ offices, most people here have been going on about their lives as if c0v1d didn’t exist — outwardly, anyway.
Well, because of ‘0micr0n’, the masks are back. In the local hardware store, I was one of maybe three customers without a mask; the owner wasn’t wearing one, but all his employees were. Just to see what his reaction would be, I told the cashier guy that that thing on his face didn’t work. Usually, you get a knowing nod from people. But this guy looked at me increduously and asked “What do you mean?” We got into a quiet but terse discussion about the efficacy of masks. I tried to reason with him, but the ‘science’ was settled in his mind. Over and over, he kept saying condescendingly, “You mean there’s no difference between my mask and you not wearing one. Is that what you’re telling me?” Each time, I said “no difference”. If c0v1d’s going to get you, it’s going to get you, especially if you’re depending on an ill-fitting surgical mask to protect you. He handed me my merchandise without bagging it and then turned his back.
It definitely is a cult, at least among a certain percentage of the population. I find most people just wear it to appear agreeable and nice. But the thing is, it creates an atmosphere of fear and sends signals to everyone that everybody else is sick or can potentially get you sick.
I reckon the covid con will indeed implode but in an odd way. The media can no more admit to making it up than they can admit 9/11 was a fraud. But they’ll carry on with the changes they want to implant anyway. As for contradictions and absurdities, they’ve been piling these out for two years out now and they’ll just keep going. In short, they’ll carry on but in an automaton way. It’ll be pure bluff perhaps to be phased out vaguely.
That’s how I expect things will “end” too. The shops will still have all the required QR codes, vaccine pass required, and other dystopian goverment issued posters up, but everyone will simply ignore them.
If the purpose of the covid experiment was to test whether the vast majority of people will comply from fear, shame, collaborationism, whatever reason compels them, with the most incoherent, arbitrary and evidence free regulation or order, it has been completely successful. No one with a modicum amout of common sense takes two bloody years to realise something is utterly absurd.
We have to conclude society as a whole has failed and deserves the rulers we have got. And no amount of truckers queuing up in city streets will change the fact that near me there’s a football stadium full of people with a majority wearing surgical masks, vaccinated and displaying an app on a mobile phone to prove it. That social change will not be undone. Unless a convertion happens in people’s hearts, is it going to happen? I doubt it, but it’s not up to me to say it. I’m not a pessimist though, just tell it like I see it.
“You could have every vaccine you’ve ever been offered, but decline the Covid “vaccine” to wait for long-term safety data, and still find yourself branded an “anti-vaxxer””.
My holding/stalling position is I’m waiting for the long-term safety data (unlikely to be positive) or the non-mRNA Novavax vaccine – whichever arrives first. Even the latter would make me “anti-vax”. Wrong type of Covid vaccine, no doubt.
I just read on Celia Farbers substack that Arby – a prolific and highly intelligent BTL commenter on here and other forums – took his own life on 24/01!!?!?
I remember he shared his last blog “It’s time for me to rest”. I didn’t know Arby and exchanged ideas/discussion points with him on OffG but to now know that whatever he was going through led him to taking his own life is heartbreaking.
Rest In Peace Richard Wayne Battams.
His death really hit hard. We rambled back and forth occasionally and he could be aggressive but he was just making one look in the mirror. He was HONEST. He said he had nothing but look at all the comments about him. I bet his asshole siblings won’t have strangers wring beautiful things about them. I also bet he forgives them for being assholes. He wrote to me “maybe one day we can have a beer together and talk about this like normal people” well I’m still holding him to that, AND we will be the best version of ourselves while we do it.God Bless Arby, may you be at peace.
Surprising. In one comment, he made it clear that his presence here was to push his religious belief relentlessly.
Thank you for the info. I’m truly shocked and saddened. The damage being caused to humanity is inestimable.
…Only knew Arby from around here, but I always figured him for one of the good-un’s… – Principled, sincere, and he could forcefully and forthrightly push an argument to the point of getting you to *Think*, whilst *Constantly* maintaining both civility and dignity, regardless, and *Particularly* when it came to matters spiritual…
…I’m sorry to hear this and for whatever it’s worth, this evening I will light a candle and drink a toast for him…
…- *Godspeed* to you then, Arby… – You will truly be missed, and especially round these parts…
RIP Arby. We exchanged some comments; you were always respectful.
There are Arbys all around the world. A world in which sometimes it is real hard to be in when one is not of it.
A world ruled by Capital(*) aka Thanatos, the spirit of Death, but not the death that is part of Life, like the one that took Arby, no, but Death as the negation of Life, the negation of what is.
(*) The idea of Capital goes far beyond the economic conception and use thereof. It also goes far back in time when we ceased to be hunters-gatherers to settle down, accumulating more than what is immediately needed.
I’m very sorry to read this. Although prickly toward those he disagreed with, he was a sincere man of unwavering conviction.
His death is our loss.
And the only ones immune to the cult-like indoctrination are the perspicacious.
The kill shot, please do not call it a vaccine, along with the ventilator and kidney killing remdesivir an anti viral that causes renal failure, caused this guy’s death. Remdesivir is made by Gilliad pharma of Beijing, China and Fauci is a major share holder. People are being murdered through the ventilators and remdesivir for the last 2 years and they call it a covid death. All the hospitals are actively genociding people to keep the scamdemic going. And i know this is happening because it has happened to 6 of my friends in hospital. They went in and never came out. I’m an immunologist and virologists as well as a clinical lab scientist just for reference.
The anti-vaxx movement has principles and courage, but we don’t have the zeal of the vaxxers. Fauci wants to give 2-4-year-olds three shots of this poison. Once a critical mass of these fanatics dies or sees their children die, they’ll burn the system down themselves.
This must be what the highest echelon of the oligarchy is angling for?
They don’t have a leg to stand on though. Whereas once upon a time their superstitious zeal could remain muddy and unchallengeable, maybe not so nowadays. It hasn’t required equal and opposite zeal, or even a high level of science to dispel the myths, just the wheels of normal, mid-level bureaucracy turning. ONS statistics, FOI requests etc.
Something to bear in mind. A2
Another thing, unfortunately, to bear in mind is that (at least in the US) vaccinations have become almost second nature for most people. They’re so commonplace that it really does strike most people as peculiar – almost crazy – to question them. Especially vaccinations for children.
A good sound rational argument against COVID might resonate; but no argument against a “vaccine” will.
How do you see this ending and in how much time? I have two young sons. The thought of them inheriting hell and being chipped slaves terrifies me
It depends what’s taking place I guess. I’m of the opinion that there’s something deeper at play than simply an elite conspiracy, something which ties into mankind’s collective unconscious in ways no one, not even alt. media, is very comfortable addressing right now and is little understood.
This for me is the only way to explain the top-down/bottom-up complicity in what is essentially a supernatural belief system, complete with chanted prayers and repeated rituals to ward off evil unknowns, independent of veridical reality.
What sort of past trauma is being re-enacted, what form of mass formation is gripping populations? It needs to be investigated. Is it cyclical? Can we trace through mankind’s past regular intervals seperating these sorts of phenomenon, perhaps leading back to some historic cataclysm? Velikovsky touched on such things, citing the work of Jung. I know others have studied it too.
Perhaps such a collective unconscious force has driven past wars, persecutions, religious fundamentalisms and other dark periods in our history.
They have always abated, and been interspersed by periods of enlightenment.
Perhaps a study needs to be made, searching for patterns and cycles in history, and averaging out how long these periods of darkness endure. It would be very interesting to read.
I sort of think 5-6 years. Dunno why, maybe because that’s how long WW2 lasted?
Yes, it is abating in some a places as we speak, although we don’t know if this is a temporary lull.
Bottom line, I believe that whatever the plans of the ‘elite’ are, they are powerless to defy this collective unconscious force, and they must simply piggyback on this wave of dark energy.
Maybe not the answer you were expecting lol 😂 A2
…- I dunno LV, there’s around 50,000 Cannuck truckers and more to come, plus however many of their Yankee brethren’re headed north, looking *Aweful* zealous to me, right about now…
“They are think tanks in which ideas are being produced. I mean, I’ve been 50 years in academia, and if you promise not to tell anyone, most of the people that I met were really stupid, whereas compare normal people that I meet, I hardly ever meet stupid people. But in academia, you meet many of them, and yet the ruling class has at its disposal an apparatus so vast that even the stupidity of so many academics is turned into a process of accumulation of extremely sophisticated thought. And it’s a very instructive experience actually, because you would be amazed where these smart thoughts and these deep insights come from if you ever meet one of the people who are deeply involved in the prestigious institutions. I won’t mention my own experiences here, but they are really interesting in that respect.”
Someone, somewhere is deliberately driving this anti-vaxxer narrative.
Presumably the MSM have been co-opted into this Naziesqe propaganda at the highest level. Many journalists must be instructed on how to report and many others simply conform to the standard to retain their income.
There has never been a time in my experience of the British media when every mainstream publication is marching in lockstep to the drumbeat of oppressive instruction.
There have always been one media group lining up against another. Invariably both sensationalising their side of a story for their own headline sales of print. Whether it be for ‘moral’, political or financial high ground, there has always been a scrap to the death.
The lack of this competition tells us more than we need to know; that someone with immense power and influence is pulling strings, the establishment journalists know about it, and are terrified for their future.
“ the establishment journalists know about it, and are terrified for their future.”
They’re not terrified at-all. They’ve simply rolled over like the cowards they are and taken the easy way out. ‘Journalism’ , media generally and most of the medical establishment have lost all credibility and the ramifications will go on for decades.
Oh and by the way, I was last vaxed as a child when my consent was not asked for or given. I now choose not to be vaxed and have recently politely declined my doctor’s offer of flu & shingles shots, as well, of course, as the clot shot.
And I accept whatever the consequences my be. So far, so good.
was intended to reply to George MC
Ooops! not having a good day. I’m going back to bed
The central bankers own the media and the governments and everything else of consequence. They have been consolidating their hold on the gonads of humanity for millennia.
The globally coordinated ‘anti-vaxxer narrative’ should inform the perspicacious that they are to be rounded up and interned – as a matter of the utmost importance to h sapiens.
Nice. Strongly written article! Now we are all getting a view of how difficult it is to battle against state sponsored propaganda and how regular people might have fallen under the thumbs of Hitler’s Nazi’s.
A couple of mistakes our side has made is to allow Covid to be redefined as a “disease” instead of the infection that it is and two, allowing the government/MSM to co-opt “vaccine” such that anyone who disagrees with the Covid narrative becomes “anti-vaccine” rather than anti-Covid shot.
This is why I try to use CoVax shot whenever talking about these shots, rather than “vaccine’. I’d suggest others adopt this usage also.
I call it the clot shot.
I know I talk sometimes and sounds crap but please don’t take their words for gospel listen to your own intuition 👍
Who funds The Center for Countering Digital Hate?
Here is their latest hit piece over at The Graud:
First, any organisation or article concerned with “countering hate” is a piece of metaphysical mischief. “Hate” is a substitute for “Evil” or “Satan”.
Second, well … this:
It’s good to see Substack kick back at the criticism from the so-called do-gooders trying to protect people from accessing info that disagrees with the mainstream narrative!
There are a lot of good Covid discussion, anti-CoVax shot and alternate treatment content on this platform and I would recommend that others search out writings there.
These are some that I check in with regularly:
Michael Capuzzo
What is monopoly power? In order for Monopoly Power to exist, some space ( with real or imaginary content) must be defined so that the inner space can be distinguished from other space. by a boundary Many Western European laws exist bout trespass and fences. The fences were erected around feudal estates to protect the estate inside the fence from outside intrusion. THE purpose: keep out those whose entire lives depended on their families poaching somewhere on the vast estate out. Before the fence, Families of poachers, would live on the estate and exchange services of the family members to staff feudal armies, to be servants to the feudal lord, and to farm the estate to feed their own families and those of others on the estate. The wives made foods,
made, mended and washed the clothes and raised the children and so on.. But after the enclosure acts these people were ejected from the estate, and forced to seek wage type work somewhere, most became paupers. The reason: competition. The lords were investors and owners of the new coal minds, shipping companies, and manufacturing technologies. Factory made cloths needed workers and buyers. factory packaged foods in cans needed workers and buyers, experts in privately owned colleges and universities needed researchers and buyers. It was impossible to sell factory made goods if everyone was able to make them their selves. So the competition was denied access to the estate by method of rule of law. The king made the law, the estates were fenced in accord to the law, the sheriff arrested and ejected those who violated the law, the jails were full, the poachers became the homeless pitiful poor; they lived in the gutters of the streets that fronted the homes and factories and mines that industrial revolution produced. So you see, monopoly power is exclusionary, it allows its owner to eject all others. That why “exclusive use” has such a giant meaning.
So the first requirement of generating monopoly power: define a boundary that separates protected space from all other space. The description of the boundary to a parcel of land, in a deed, that has been recorded in a court house spells out the space (land) to which exclusive use is protected by [rule of] law. The law says to perfect the claim of private ownership, one must first record the deed. But where would one record such a deed if it were not for the law that operated the government office in which the deed is recorded. So government is the only ingredient necessary to enable the monopoly powers to be established, Government writes the law, government funds the recording office, government pays the sheriff and staffs and funds the jails, and government hires and pays the judges, etc. all so someone can enjoy the privilege of “exclusive use” over a parcel of land. All that is necessary is that the someone files his claim of exclusive use of a parcel of land. .
The word TRESPASS defines the interface (at the boundary) between exclusive use protected land and all other land. The law criminalizes trespass. Trespass means something crossed inside of the defined boundary. We call this protected space OWNERSHIP. Trespass is the legal term from violating the owners private privilege of “exclusive use”.
Patents are similar to deeds. Patents protect use of contents inside of enclosed space (exclusive right to produce and market drugs). Owners of patents must file a claim [we own the formula to make air] in a government office, and the government office must issue to the claimant a patent(deed). Once that is done, no person can use any part of the method described in the patent to produce the drug described in the patent. the owner of the patent has the exclusive right to produce the drug.. No one can compete. No outsider could improve the owners patented process (make it better) because such improvement would still use the process claimed in the patent. So the owner of the patent has exclusive use of his method to make the drug and to prove it the government will record the patent, defend the exclusive use to the patent owner, and deny all others.
To fix the current state of deprivation of our liberties we the governed are experiencing. it seems necessary only to remove the patent and copyright laws. All of a sudden the monopoly powered giants would fall to pint size and startup competitors would invent new ways to challenge the products these monopoly powered giants were before the elimination producing.
Remove the monopoly powers contained within the long series of patents that allow only one person (the owner or his corporation) to make and distribute the mRNA substances . If intangible laws were to be removed, there would be no monopolies. MSM, would become hundreds if not thousands of small broadcasters, employing millions of competitors, organized crime would be reduced from international intelligence agencies to local gangs operating in Al Capone Style in a cities, and legitimate business enterprises would become highly competitive trying to make the best products possible for the least price to the consumer. Reputation of the firm would rest not on MSM narrative, but on actual consumer experience.
God never claimed a patent on creation. God never filed for a patent on making planets or anything in them.. Patents do not exist in nature. Patents are produce wealth in greedy people, but they do so by draining the capital of the governed masses.
Problem with the logic that patents are necessary to provide incentive toward progress is that the invention itself would have no market if everyone else were not educated. in other words, all of the thoughts that become inventions, language, writings or art are resultants of human interaction with our societies; and so on originator, including big pharma is entitled to exclusive use.
If we Remove from the global sphere exclusive use to anything, we establish a world that serves humanity, instead of allowing a world that serves only a few.
Well, that’s the theory anyway, and many words have been wasted on it.
“Brevity is the soul of wit”
–William Shakespeare
Rigged competition covers a lot more than intellectual property. Rigging and undermining competition is the essence of oligarchy.
I do have to point out that Neil Young is as entitled to his opinion as anyone whether you agree with it or not, free speech is not just for those we agree with, that is called bias confirmation.
I have loved his music since Helpless and there is no way in hell I will stop listening to it so suck it up.
Big entertainment is yet another bankster control mechanism.
He’s been an asshole for years, but art is greater than the artist.
We can be pretty sure Marilyn that Neil has smoked a lot of pot and probably taken a few other recreational drugs as well.
In other words his lungs will be compromised, along with a few other major organs.
We can also be pretty sure that his mansion/s are fully wired for infotainment. That is, wall to wall plague propaganda.
The result?
•Extreme paranoia.
• His doctors are ‘Gods’
•Zombification syndrome.
I am well aware, but he also got polio just before vaxxes so cut the man a break. Put yourself in the mind of some of the older people who lived through that and stop this. This hate peddling is as bad as the hate peddled by the likes of Fauci.
Neil Young started it: now he reaps what he sows. Personally I hope that in ten years he is even more of a complete unknown. He has shown his true colours.
But he’s a Nazi: he wants to remove people from society, people he does not agree with, people he does not like, people he sees as Jews. You stand by him if you want to, but he is anathema to anyone who believes in freedom and the rights of the little guy, despite his laughable claim to be a liberal.
…- He could always re-release ‘The Needle And The Damage Done’… – Maybe give all the profits to vaccine research, hmm?…
This is just the hubris and exhilaration of those who’ve survived unscathed the vax and however many boosters, winners of the Russian Roulette. Reminiscent of videos we’ve seen of wing suit daredevils upon effecting safe landings.
It’s all a matter of Faith. Fauci is the Pope, the CDC is the Vatican, and the Vaxx is the Holy Communion. No deviationism allowed in the New World Order. If in doubt, just refer to the Holy Marianna Spring at the Ministry of Truth.
Kit Knightly is right. Journalism has become a black hole of integrity. Yet the problems only begin there.
Let’s go waaay out on a limb and assume the entire scamdemic has been dumped into the swollen dustbin of history. >
Will that solve the underlying problem of economic stratification? Will the myriad issues of corporate dictate have been solved? Will the empty – echoing halls of justice finally rejoice with functional ethics? Probably not… Not at all.
As long as society measures social realities with the reeking stench of money and power, you will screw yourselves (and your children) right into the ground.
Society is a reflection of the people who live within it.
Paul Vonharnish, It isn’t money and power that are the problem, but their concentration.
Money is merely a convenient means of trade between people; power to make our own decesions is what we all want. Our goal should be to decentralize the distribution of both.
System anti-bodies explode. Jordan Peterson blasphemes against the climate mantra and the army of Expert Professional Academic Unquestionable Authorities springs into action.
Following the Joe Rogan heresy, they write An Open Letter to Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy
Relying on, no doubt amidst a veritable ocean of Other Impeccably Researched Tomes,
COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths by Vaccination Status
NOTE: This document was knocked up yesterday. Note also – the splendiferous multi-coloured charts and charts and charts and tables and tables and tables! All to prove conclusively and never to be doubted that young whippersnappers who don’t get injected are going to die horribly in hospital!
The state of WA is one of the blue pill states. We in the USA are damn lucky their Governor’s attempt at running for president failed miserably.
There is no point trying to argue with document like this. There are so many ways to twist and obfuscate statistics, such as quoting percentages instead of raw numbers because those might make a small problem look a hell of a lot larger.
The other day, Axios news service ran an article titled “Another wave of death” about Omicron and quoting some stats that showed 8-12 people/100k were dying of Covid. 8-12? Serious? Who gives a crap? That isn’t a “wave” by any definition, that’s a pinprick.
After 18 months of bitterly rejecting the useless gunk they call a “vaccine” I met a woman who I feel in love with. She has many wonderful qualities, but she’s a Covidian all the way. She made it clear to me, no vax, no relationship. And so, this fool went and got the jab. Happily, I haven’t died from a massive stroke yet, but since recieving it I have this awful cold that simply won’t go away. In short, it feels like my immune system got b**** slapped.
Last week she tested positive for covid, and has been bedridden since. And guess who’s fault it is? Yours truly. Why? Well, even though I am fully vaccinated, I have been deeply irresponsible and unaccountable with my RHETORIC on the pandemic. I still speak poorly of the vaccine and doubt it’s effectiveness, and this has caused her great sickness. This is her honest opinion. Now we are on the rocks.
It really is a cult, my friends. And this gullible idiot was swindled by it. Wish me luck
A virus so deadly another person only has to speak of it for you to be struck down.
Anyway, she should just test again, and quite possibly find she’s quite all right.
The ‘love’ virus is known to pass quickly too, often upon waking in the morning.
Conditional love tends to be especially fleeting.
Maybe a pure blood (uncontaminated by CoVax potions) transfusion might help?
Now there’s a business model! Collect pure blood from the unvaxxed and sell it to those who need to purify their blood. I’m thinking $1000/liter.
I’m sympathetic, do wish you luck, and don’t mean to pour spike proteins or graphene oxide into your wounds.
But I doubt that this shipwreck can be salvaged. Unless you or she has an unlikely complete conversion to the other’s way of thinking, this seems to be the sort of jarring disconnect that is never truly forgiven and forgotten.
Even if she recovers from her present malady– which I trust she’s sure is “COVID”– this sounds like one of those quarrels, for lack of a better term, that will be invoked pejoratively in future strained circumstances as long as you’re together.
Good luck indeed!
…Let this poor guy’s experience be a lesson to you all, fellas:… – Dating Rule #1: You *Do Not* stick your dick in *Crazy*…
We should play them at their own game. I have never been so anti-vax as I became following the corona-nonsense. Yes, I supported Andrew Wakefield over his stance against MMR vaccines and an assumed relationship with autism, but that was more to do with believing in free-speech. I had never studied the research. It is only recently that I realised he was a victim of the Big Pharma campaign to have everyone jab-mad (in all senses of the term.)
Now I realise Wakefield was right and there is overwhelming evidence to show it. Autism is endemic in society and the curve maps the vaccine curve.
If somebody wants to call me anti-vax – they can. Because that is what I am. I am also a conspiracy theorist. The US never put anyone on the moon. They probably assassinated their own president – Kennedy. They (US) almost certainly did 9//11 themselves. And this Covid bollocks is the last straw.
Call me ANTI-VAX. I’ll wear the title like a medal.
Everybody who is anti-vax – which certainly includes me – needs to come out and proudly state the obvious: “vaccines” are one of the biggest scams in human history. The very fact they are mandated, as part of the insidious childhood debasement ritual, proves they are dangerous.
No one has ever had to mandate food or water to force people to partake of them. No one has ever had to mandate nutritional supplements. Life itself gravitates people toward what they need to survive in their environment. Clearly that dynamic does not include “vaccines.”
This is a great comment. And it made me realise that instead of getting disturbed, shocked and worried by all this propaganda and demonising, staying calm, ‘stating the obvious’ and being open about it might be the best thing to do.
I think it’s time for ‘coming out’, as you say. Calm, simple and grounded – as a counterpoint to the screeching high-drama and nuttiness of the propaganda.
If you want to expose vaccines for the medical fraud that they are, you have to expose the fraudulent germ theory and pseudo-scientific field of virology they’re based on.
See this concurring sermon written yesterday to a relevant and trenchant Jon Rappoport post.
To make a key point more briefly, here’s a fresh headline/blurb I clipped today to add to my scamdemic “COVIDganda” folder:
As long as the profit-imposed belief in predatory pathogenic viruses remains generally accepted by the public as an article of faith, the hapless public will be subjected to perpetual twists and turns like this.
Never was anti Vax before this, I’m now 100% against them all
They have shot themselves in the foot over this IMO, best recruitment drive ever for the anti Vax movement
You’re right! I didn’t even think about them before. Didn’t have them myself, was never even asked, but just thought that babies had two or three and that was it until very old people started being pressured to have the ‘flu shot’.
I was so naïve.
What I’ve found out is that everybody has been getting shot up with all sorts, while children seem to have turned into a combination of pin-cushion and cash-cow for the pharmaceutical industry and their medical and government friends. I’ve been horrified.
22 months down the road and a massive education in the development, history and politics of vaccines, I really do think that – for every few who are ignorantly rolling up their sleeve for this injection (ad nauseam), there is someone who has had their eyes opened. And it might not have happened without the lunatic propaganda, threats, lies and Grand Theatrics.
Every picture tells a story; view it and weep!
US children receive the most vaccinations and yet have the worst health out of any developed nation. Similarly, Americans in general are, by far, the most medicated population on Earth and likewise have the worst health. Ironically, we also pay the most for “health” “care”. Some deal!
+1 That’s the spirit!
I have held back from mentioning anything about this but I remember in the 60’s there was hardly any autism, now it’s vast in the genx and y age groups.
Could be a lot of other factors though including environmental poisons, food chemicals, off-gassing in your car, etc.
Hell yes, organophosphates, DDT for two
The amount of time children of lazy parents spend in front of a screen is unprecedented as well and has been proven to have a deleterious effect on a developing brain.
Very much the basis of Robert F. Kennedy’s opinions on vaccinations in general. He came from a large family and no one was autistic or suffered allergies etc. He pins the date it all changed down to 1989, from memory.
I can’t recall a single family in my youth that had, what would be then, an inexplicably mentally ill child.
I can’t recall a single child in school who had ADHD or anything like it, and I was in all the lowest classes where one would expect these people to be consigned.
I worked as a Cop in Glasgow in the 70’s/80’s and the worst I ever saw was kids out their heads on glue, but never did I encounter the distinctive signature of autism in any child I met.
Kennedy tells us children now get some 72 individual shots for 16 different conditions. That just can’t be healthy.
1960s – Autism was rare. It’s defining aspect was emotional unresponsiveness. Psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim wrote about his therapy successes. By the 1980s The Diagnostic and Statistics Manual (DSM) standardised symptoms, diagnoses, and drug treatments. Autism had become medicalised. Medical psychiatry and its drugs-for-every-’emotional-disorder’ prevailed. Multiple vaccinations of infants became the order of the day. Cognitive impairment displaced emotional unresponsiveness…
Decades later to be chastised by an Anarchist for using “brain injured” instead of the politically correct “cognitively challenged” was an indicator of how successful vax makers had dissuaded people from asking if multiple vax of infants was implicated in the autism epidemic occurring, especially in the USA…
I was fairly emotionally unresponsive, more passive aggressive in the face of endless abuse. There was a little boy at my school in the 60’s. The lovely bright 4 year old son of the headmaster who found his mother hanging in the passage way. He became unresponsive and instead of treatment they labelled him autistic. I could get through to him because I was very damaged myself.
I’ve been anti-vax for 20 years, or more. When I researched it and made up my own mind I decided not to stop vaxxing my children or my pets. My children grew up extraordinarily healthily, reaching adulthood with no antibiotics or other meds. My pets were healthy and lived 30% longer than their “life expectancy”. A vet once took me to task because I hadn’t brought the animals in for their boosters. I tried to avoid argument but a debate developed. She was open-minded enough to concede that the points I made were valid.
What I find interesting is the complete success that the pro-vax propaganda has achieved. Now you will find that people that oppose the Covid vax feel obliged to say “I’m not anti-vax but – – -“. It is like being against vaccination is admitting that you are some kind of idiot when, in fact, the opposite is true.
People forget that vaccination has a long and interesting history, going back centuries. Not only that, but it is based on a particular view of medicine, that administering small amounts of poison promotes good health. Yeah, poison will kill you but a little bit, regularly administered, will help you live to 100!
I would recommend a book by Charles Forward called The Golden Calf to see what doctors had to say about this practice about 100 years ago. You can find it at the website It seems to me that doctors, in those days, still had the ability to think logically about matters and write about them in a way that seems to have been lost to the modern world.
Yeah, John, I’m with you on this!
When I researched it and made up my own mind I decided not to stop vaxxing my children or my pets.
I’m not snarking at your thoughtful comment, but I assume you forgot to delete “not” from this sentence.
FWIW, I do this myself too often– usually, say, if I decided to revise “not to vax” to “stop vaxxing”. 😉
Could you give me some sources on MMR? I want to read about the childhood vaccines, but there are nuts on that side too
Good post. There are innumerable other conspiracies that most people have never heard of.
Has anybody seen the British heart foundation advert in uk?Children dropping down doing sports never before have I seen this 😬
Yes, they have rightly taken a lot of stick for it on social media
Trying to normalise deaths in athletes and children
In the Richard Condon novel The Manchurian Candidate, Raymond Shaw, a journalist, tells his maniacally ambitious mother Elly Iselin that he is going to write an article denouncing her. She is dismissive, “go cable your copy” she says. She snorts that most people do not read beyond the headlines anyway.
It occurs to me that this is true, and many hacks actually play to this.
…The Daily Heil Online runs *Entirely* on this premise… – You ever read one of there actual articles? – *Acres* of *Literally Verbatim* copypasta-repeated paragraphs… – Damn things go on for *Miles*, and about the same actual information content as a Spice Girls song…
…- Mind you, their comment threads are occasionally worth it for the giggle…
As neoliberal economist fraudster Larry Summers once said, “You are either an insider or an outsider.”
I’ll never understand the vaccine logic of injecting toxic materials into an already toxic individual to promote an immune response. These new nanomaterials like graphene oxide, yes, it IS being used in these mRNA injectables, are also viewed as foreign invaders by our immune system and eventually (hopefully) are dissolved/removed by the body. Hence the need for constant boosters.
But the damage it may cause in the mean time is being shown clearly to us (in this mass experiment) by the group of people who have a faster heart rate than average – the athletes. These graphene shards may be causing a circulatory crisis that results in collapse and worse, death.
Yes, I also think that the body’s ability to remove toxic materials (such as graphene and other possibly-included nanomaterials) is the reason for the ‘boosters’ and the ‘boosters every three months forever’ narrative that’s been building, and was openly stated by PM Johnson some time last year.
I think about the points you’re making every time I hear Robert Malone speak or hear him cited as an expert on mRNA. He’s the Oppenheimer of vaccine technology.
It’s a crazy conspiracy theory that at least some of the elite are Satanists…
The Empire State Building was lit red late last year. As if that wasn’t creepy enough, who paid for it but the Best Friends Animal Society? The Best Friends Animal Society are a front for the Process Church of the Final Judgment, the Satanic group known for their love of sacrificing alsatians and who are likely culprits in a number of crimes like Son of Sam. When Paul McCartney (or whoever he is) sang about “Mother Mary” in ‘Let It Be’ he didn’t mean the mother of Christ but Mary De Grimston, co-founder of the Process Church. The Process was connected to the Indica Gallery were John Lennon met Yoko Ono. The Indica is located in Mason’s Yard and the Empire State Building is located between 33rd and 34th Streets.
BTW elite Satanists probably mostly don’t conceive of Satan as a literal entity, it’s more allegorical or archetypal. Satan embodies the defiance of God and acting in opposition to God’s path. and it’s surely not much of a leap to see that as exactly how TPTB regard themselves? This in turn connects into Gnosticism, the idea that humans can become gods through the acquisition of knowledge that God sought to deny humanity (whereas the story of the Fall is about denying knowledge to humanity until humans are ready to use it properly, not a denial full stop).
I recall reading a book on cults. I forget the author. While he or she rather confidently ripped apart the usual political or religious cult, dealing with Satanism the author was on less confident ground. The Satanism being described presented Satanism not as sacrificing virgins, horned god mumbo jumbo but just as the way things are. The author had some trouble refuting this relatively unsupernatural interpretation of Satanism, probably because it is more than a little true.
I am inclined to see someone like Anton LaVey as a cunning showman in California, on the edge of Hollywood, rather than a supernatural believer in someone called Satan.
Interesting about the song “Mother Mary”
“BTW elite Satanists probably mostly don’t conceive of Satan as a literal entity, it’s more allegorical or archetypal”
There in lies the big deception by Anton Levi, who although himself was the founder of the church of Satan but was himself a Luciferian. The elites you talk about are Luciferian and luciferaianism is as old as the devil himself.
I think you’ll find that Luciferianism is a relatively recent invention.
Anyway, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist, and this was some time in the 19th century. If I explained how the trick worked, you’d think it pretty crude – however, it has stood the test of time quite well.
Satan is a physical entity, and if you know where to look, not at all difficult to see.
‘lucifer’ with a small ‘L’ is an epithet for Satan – that has since been cultivated into yet another name.
De Grimston notwithstanding, Mother Mary shares the same root as Satan.
I think McCartney’s mother, who died when he was young, was named Mary. How could “version2” look the same AND sing the same? I wonder if the “Paul is dead” story is a red herring to divert attention from something else. Is the state of New York an empire? And I’ve just noticed- for test and trace, one dials 119!
“If you support or give comfort to anybody who argues against the vaccine, you are an anti-vaxxer, I don’t care what your personal vaccination status is.” — Michael Gunner
If you support or give comfort to anybody who argues for mandatory “vaccines”, you are a deranged sadistic psychopath, I don’t care what your personal “vaccination” status is. — Pilgrim Shadow
Gunner tried to do a law degree, obviously found it too difficult, so switched to a Bachelor of Arts degree. This is the person who knows what’s best for your health!
The vaccination is voluntary but they insist that they get to make the decision for you. Gunner is a dumb thug but is oviously hyper ambitious, well ahead of his intelligence, someone who has fought all his life to get to the top of politics: he hasn’t done anything else and he will kill anyone who gets in the way of him proving to his dad that he is not a muppet.
…- That Bio’ sounds *Exactly* like ol’ ‘Dubya’…
Thanks for the background on this guy. He’s a bully and a lout. I simply can’t stand him. Immediate and visceral.
To be fair, though, there are plenty of Dr.’s and other medical personnel who don’t know what’s best for my health. One of the things that has been so disturbing about this scamdemic is the number of medical professionals that are going along with it, either though ignorance, incompetence, complicity, and/or outright malevolence.I didn’t have much trust in the medical establishment to begin with, but trust level is at about zero right now. I think they do pretty well at bone setting.
Do the obvious: Embrace the intended slurs! I’m opposed to vaccination generally, because of its – demonstrable – overall iffyness; and I’m absolutely dead against the covid poison-stabs because they’re not vaccines, they do NOTHING useful about the covid-flu, even seemingly making it worse, but they are the vector of a huge crime against humanity.
In other words, embrace the objective truth, wear it as a badge of honour, and broadcast it vigorously and unapologetically.
I do the same with conspiracies: I Never apologise, but proclaim that you know conspiracies are real, as does everyone else, because plotters are prosecuted for criminal conspiracies every week, and no-one even denies that. The only theorising needed is to sort out the real conspiracies – like the covid crime against humanity – from the zanier ones; and always remembering that even some of the zanies turn out to be true in the end: “What’s the difference between a cospithirry and a universally-acknowledged fact? Lately, about six months!” 😆
Take the slurs, admit them cheerfully as truths you’re proud to serve, and fling that right back in the teeth of the idiot slurrers.
What is appalling about commercial (modern) medicine is not “iffiness” (efficacy) but danger (safety). And even before safety comes necessity.
And the promotion of worse patented drugs ahead of better off-patent drugs: the medical establishment and doctors enable all of this and happily assist.
“Being vaccinated, but not believing in the vaccine, is just as bad as rejecting the vaccine, and you will remain unvaccinated in spirit.”
You hit the nail on the head. I don’t agree with not putting the word “vaccine” when describing the genetic engineering platform, but just for this paragraph, it was worth reading your article. And we see this with a row of articles claiming that nocebo or self-imposition/fixation is really the cause of damage to people who had the delivery platform jabbed into them.
‘Genetic engineering platform’ and ‘delivery platform’ – reminds me of something Moderna put on its website in 2020, but I’ve never heard or seen anybody mention it. They stated that the new ‘vaccine’ was like being injected with an ‘operating system’, and that in the future ‘updates’ could be installed – which they seemed to imply were new ‘vaccines’ for old and new diseases.
I don’t know whether anyone has rubbed Moderna’s nose, or the noses of enthusiastic Moderna customers, in this.
But I guarantee that if confronted, a Moderna apologist would blithely say, “Oh, don’t be silly– that was just the usual marketing puffery!”
It seems that Spotify has called Neil Young’s bluff and removed the crusty old rocker’s music instead of removing NY’s bugbear, Joe Rogan. Curious. I don’t know much about Spotify but would assume it must be under control or at least influence from the covid whoring mainstream. So – does this signal that Rogan is another mainstream operative?
I’m from a demographic that had never heard of Neil Young before this kerfuffle.
I know Joe Rogan (saw clips of his interview with Dave Chappelle I watched more for Dave than Joe) but now I’m intrigued with what Rogan has to say and I wanna know why he’s so popular.
Will I download Neil Youngs music – definitely not (we have enough of these fake SJWs from my generation Ta) but I might give a few a listen to see what he’s about.
Will I checkout Joe Rogans podcast – possibly when I get a chance.
Conclusions: Nicely Controlled PR Stunt for Mr Young like when Heinz took Salad Cream off the shelves. Joe Rogan gets more subscribers. Spotify makes more money.
Or, quite simply, money talks, and Joe Rogan makes far more money for Spotify than Neil Young.
I’m from a demographic whose knowledge of pop music reaches only up to Nirvana, where I then begin to lose track. For example, if you named a random group in the years, say, after Oasis or Coldplay, it’s likely I’ve never even heard of them. I can only identify a couple of Adele’s songs when played, and none of Beyonce’s. Neil Young was big at one time for people in my age bracket. Not a good guitar player, not a good singing voice — almost cringeworthy — but he could write songs. I was not a real huge fan of his, but I liked the songs “Old Man” and “Heart of Gold”. The album “Harvest Moon”, a sort of ‘comeback’ album for him, used to give me goosebumps whenever I heard it.
Neil Young has always been political, but one of the things I’d admired about him was speaking out against all the rank commercialism associated with the music culture of the ’80s. He wrote a song about it (This Note’s for You). Many rock musicians at the time were selling out their music for Pepsi commercials and beer commercials, earning millions above and beyond their normal album sales in the process. At the same time, these people were becoming increasingly comfortable rubbing elbows with members of the ruling establishment.
The irony is that today one of those musicians, whose music was in a beer commercial in the ’80s (Eric Clapton — Michelob) and was once referred to as a member of “Rock’s Aristocracy”, is now speaking out and writing music against the j a bs.
Neil got polio in the last wave before the vaccines, his songs are magic, I love his voice and his character, Ohio still chills my blood after 50 years, Helpless is magic, Deja Vu was his best album and his anti war work will hold. I just looked at Spotify and his songs are there, Spotify – Neil Young and look at that Heart of gold 236 million times and that is for a 50 year old song, Rogan was in nappies when Young sang Ohio.
I didn’t know anything about the actual event until perhaps 10 years after it happened, when I saw the famous photo in a book in our HS library. Not long after that, I heard the song for the first time. ‘Ohio’ probaby did as much to preserve that event in people’s minds as the history books. An incredibly powerful song, and yet so simple. Interesting about the polio bit. Never knew…
Nor did the gen X fools hating on Neil, he did more for the civil rights movement, anti racism, anti war and so on that Rogan will ever do.
Yes, another rock star destroys his whole career and is ‘off the artistic roll call forever – as Bill Hicks would say. Good riddance to Neil Young. He will probably play to segregated crowds in the future, if he lives long enough. I assume he is jabbed. His most relevant song now is ‘The needle and the damage done’. Play it, Neil, play it! I double dare you!
All hail Van Morrison, Ian Brown, Jaz Colman from Killing Joke and others. C’mon other stars…. make your views known and choose which side of history you plan to stand on.
Our record collections are going to need some re-ordering.
NY will learn that his “glorious ascendancy” was a thing of yore and that the period when The Mighty Rock posed something akin to a real pain in the arse for the rulers (in the Vietnam time) is long gone. From then on the scene became increasingly ball-less and nowadays the remaining counterculture icons are embarrassing irrelevances.
I think what happened is that a lot of these people got co-opted. There’s also an argument that pop music/rock music was a corrosive influence on the young, and it was seen as a means of separating generations from the mores of their past. I think TPTB got wise to this.
Growing up in the immediate post-boomer years, I can attest that music was a huge part of people’s lives in those days — much more so than for millennials. It was cultural. Society wasn’t atomized the way it is today, such that whenever a big arena concert was announced on the radio, it created a huge buzz at school and on the street. People would talk about it for days: “Hey, are you going?” “Can you get me tickets?” “Are you camping out?” “Man, I heard Jeff got floor tickets, in the 3rd row!” That sort of thing. For the boomers, the music itself was more important than the ancilliary things Xers liked, like concerts and videos. I think by the time the Xers appeared, music was being used more and more by TPTB to shape people’s views and emotions.
No, he had fucking polio when he was a kid pre vax,
So did my ex-husband who has memories from his youth of running in the fog behind DDT trucks.
I remember the DDT trucks, there has been massive increases in breast cancer from that crap that stays in the soil for generations.
Yet during and just after WW2 it would be siphoned into human armpits or groins in order to kill lice.
If Joe Rogan has to choose between speaking his mind and 100 million dollars, are we expected to believe that he will continue to speak his mind? What exactly is stopping Joe Rogan from making his show freely available and being beholden to nobody?
I ve noticed this religious impulse in the people I work with as a mental health practitioner.
Many of my pts , without any prior interest in religion , revert to extreme religous beliefs – hell damation , the devil, etc. .
I think these religous tendencies still underpin our society .
The media and the government behaviourist know how tap into this impulse to drive home their vaccine and covid narrative. Seems to be working !
Ah, but he’d been jabbed only once! That was his mistake.
I am reminded of the story about a reporter interviewing a man who has just celebrated his 111th birthday. He asks, “To what do you attribute your longevity?” To which the centenarian replies, “I get up early, never smoke, have a glass of whisky every evening, and eat plenty of eggs”.
The reporter replies, “But my father did all of those things – and he died at 49!”
“Ah,” says the old fellow, “but he didn’t do them for long enough!”
Number crunching with the Trots:
“A comparative analysis of COVID-19 and the flu highlights the immense dangers of the pandemic”
The comparison (and – gasp! – “even attempts to suggest that these two infections are the same” ?!) “has been repeatedly promoted to downplay the dangers of COVID and compel workplaces and schools to open to ensure the economy is up and running”.
NO! The dogma is stated:
“The blatant disregard for the population’s health, given the calamity COVID has wrought, has been willfully criminal.”
This, however, is true (although “seriousness” may not be the apt word):
“However, what has also been lacking is an effort by the mainstream media to provide a more concrete scale by which people may compare COVID’s havoc to understand the true seriousness of this disease.”
So let’s compare!
First they add up the flu cases whilst sticking in this curious disclaimer:
“Many of them for whom information on their medical condition was known had pre-existing conditions.”
Well it’s the flu, you see, and they want to play down the statitics!
We find that “the average number of people that died each season was around 36,000 …”
“…COVID-19, by comparison, killed well over 400,000 during its first full year in the United States, March 2020 through February 2021, more than ten times the annual average death toll from influenza.”
And you’ll note that, when we get on to the deadly C, all nuance goes out the window. No “pre-existing conditions” for that lot!
Now prepare to be astounded!
“An astounding finding comes to light when these figures are compared to the 2020-2021 flu season that occurred from October 3, 2020, to July 24, 2021, amid the COVID pandemic. During the last flu season, more than 1.3 million flu specimens were obtained. Only 2,136 were positive for the influenza virus, a yield of 0.16 percent positivity. More so, only 748 deaths were reported. Overall, there was a 98 percent reduction in mortality, a byproduct of the meager measures to mitigate the COVID pandemic. Among children, only one perished. This is a remarkable reduction in the number of deaths. Arguably, the flu in the population was brought to near elimination, and an incredible achievement deemed impossible in the centuries that civilizations have suffered living with the flu.”
So … the staggering rise in covid was accompanied by a staggering decline in the flu? I’m staggered! Also note the curious comment that the vast flu mortality reduction was “a byproduct of the meager measures to mitigate the COVID pandemic”.
Next up, the Trots are happy to take up the “Worldometer COVID dashboard” (a covid swing-o-meter?) and report that “for every flu death, there were almost 550 COVID deaths”.
And as the WSW rolls out the child covid casualty numbers, recall how this outfit were happy to tell us about how 4 year old Kali Cook died of covid until an inconvenient autopsy proved otherwise – at which point, KC was never mentioned again. Never mind – they’re on a roll:
“The comparison to the one child that died from the flu demonstrates how much deadlier COVID has been by comparison.”
“…even for the youngest children, who are most resistant to the worst effects of COVID, the coronavirus kills many more than the flu, and it has even more horrific secondary effects, such as Long COVID, for which there is no real influenza equivalent.”
That mysterious Long Covid which, despite the virus only being allegedly around for two years, is really LONG!
But the WSW frets that the terrible news it brings is not being acknowledged:
“These types of analysis, for the most part, have ceased in the press.”
Well when you can do so much with “robust and rigorous” analysis, anecdote is a pushover:
“Anecdotally, the categories of “mild” to “moderate” COVID were anything but minor in their effects on patients. They typically suffered a …” etc.
“Certainly, other comparisons need to be made.”
And I’m sure you’ll make them.
“COVID vaccines have proven to be more than 90 percent effective. However, a more recent appreciation for waning immunity means that the population will depend on repeat (booster) vaccinations to maintain some immunity against the virus.”
Yup – the MSM script no matter how much you try to present yourselves as brave subversives.
And now the core of the message:
“SARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus, meaning that when it emerged into human populations, no one had ever been exposed to it, and therefore no immunity against it existed, and every human being was a potential host. However, very efficacious vaccines have been developed quickly, and nearly 60 percent of the US population has now been fully vaccinated.”
Behold! The wrath of the Lord is at hand!
“The US is now facing another winter surge in new cases of COVID-19 as the pandemic spreads into the upper Midwest and Northeast.”
Now the Orwellian flip flop:
“The attempt to dismiss the dangers of the virus and claim, like the fascistic president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, that it is “just a little flu,” only plays into the hands of the most reactionary demands of the financial oligarchs. Only an elimination strategy can help stem the further loss of life. This, however, requires a political mobilization of the working class against the ruling elites.”
Reminds me of that old Dylan lyric:
“What’s good is bad
What’s bad is good
You’ll find out when you reach the top
You’re on the bottom”
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on the latest COVID-panic scenario from WSWS. Seems they are now advising the corporate media to promote additional scare tactics.
Mrna jabs 90% effectiveness is a false stat received in whole from the VAX producers.
My questioning of the PCR numbers and mandatory vaxes at colleges (which they support), plus calling attention to the VAERS data got me ejected from that scene.
Their main medical advisor is a charlatan who is skillful with false stats gotten from the official sources. And their “science committee” is no better.
If one questions any of this they are out-of-the-club.
LOL, theres a meme in there somewhere… Long Covid is Long….
The Workers’ League publication “Red Fire” had a good write up on the many splinters of the left in Australia losing their way entirely over covid: “Roll Call of The Lockdown Left”
The write-up mentions the Socialist Equality Party but actually slightly downplays its hysteria on the subject of Covid. It says that it has not actually tried to get physical with opponents re Covid. This is probably true and is down to 1) the SEP having very few members and 2) mainly being an Internet phenomenon. It and its WSWS prefer to fight in cyberspace, rather than reality. They seem a fear-ridden bunch in general, even if they think they are the vanguard of the proletariat.