Parasite Empire Unravelled
Hiroyuki Hamada
So before Covid, a local school where one of my kids used to attend had prominent race issues. Namely, teachers were being accused of being blind to obvious racist incidences against black students.
The normalized notion of racism was so rampant that the school was forced to embrace some sort of deprogramming sessions by a parent-led committee on the issue. However, this committee itself was ultimately deemed rather racist in its own way by the school’s black alumni group.
To me, at the end, it became rather obvious that the whole momentum was part of a corporate political campaign for the Democratic Party establishment. The same people who raised their fists and said “Black Lives Matter” turned out to be the supporters of Joe Biden who has bragged that he was the architect of crime bills and The Patriot Act — the very root of the school to prison pipeline, the racist, colonial “war on terror,” the prison industrial complex and so on.
Is irony completely dead as “reality” continues to be stretched to fit the ruling class interests? In the end, I felt so dirty and violated to be a part of that committee’s activities.
Fast forward to the Black-Lives-Matter-only-if-you-are-vaccinated era, and this school is voluntarily implementing a strict mandatory vaccine policy with few exemptions.
My son doesn’t like to gossip and he never really talks behind anyone’s back. But the other day, he said that the whole school is basically bullying the few kids that have not received the experimental injections. He was particularly upset about his Black friend being given a hard time, after being subjected to the blatant racism previously.
There are some harsh numbers regarding race related matters and the Covid “vaccines”.
In NYC, where Covid “vaccine” mandates are effectively shutting people out from indoor activities, roughly half the Black people have chosen not to receive the experimental injections. How can anyone justify segregating half the Black people from indoor activities? What is that?
And what is wrong with businesses that, without a mandate, voluntarily exclude unvaccinated people from entering their premises when statistical risk factors for getting the illness in question range from obesity to old age to having chronic conditions.
To be clear, the efficacy of the Covid injections are being debated by scientists and doctors vigorously, along with their safety issues.
Yet, there are business owners who are calling themselves “community leaders” for being medical cheer leaders for big pharma, proud of being brownnosed social climbers at the expense of those who make their own medical choices. And if we take the whole US, 40% of small Black-owned businesses have been wiped out.
This whole virus event is a giant urban renewal push disguised as war on virus—don’t they realize what people have gone through with war on crime, war on drugs and so on?
The cozy Covid life for privileged, resourced people who can work from home or afford not to work is propped up in many ways at the expense of many who are suffering under the economic restructuring process for the oligarchy.
An unprecedented wealth transfer from the already exploited population to extremely rich and powerful people has been ongoing for the past two years, while the kind of neoliberal restructuring they’ve been dreaming about has been implemented in the name of saving lives.
It’s really demoralizing to really understand that the mechanism of exploitation and subjugation is rather simple. The power of the wealthy oligarchs is so huge that they own everything. They own the media. They own the politics. They own the governments. They own the scientists. They own the military.
And the same people who own everything tell us that we have to respect the separation of powers, we have to rely on “representative democracy,” and we have to obey the legal system which is ultimately ruled by Supreme Court judges who are appointed by, well, the same people who own everything.
eedless to say, the whole thing is made to divide us and consecrate the rich and powerful as priests of capitalism, because they own everything and all powers are designed to concentrate in their hands, while the people are effectively deprived of all power.
In the US, the power of the people is represented by two corrupt corporate political parties. I mean, they don’t really represent people, but they pretend that they do.
The situation is so obvious and blatant that it is tedious to even mention, but the reality is that this mechanism of two corporate entities engaging in ritualistic battles within a strictly curated capitalist framework has been so effective in staging the appearance of “democracy” that it is hard to discuss the social dynamics in the US without it.
No matter what ideological leaning one has as an American, the larger than life theater of historical myths, dramas, glories of wars, nationalistic emotions and the reverence of the American flag are likely to be a part of the internalized authority which builds its footings in the minds and the bodies of those who are born on this land.
Today, many of the rich and powerful are associated with the Democratric Party—for example, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Bill Gates, and so on. This is strange because it is the Republican Party that is supposed to represent business interests. Recent numbers also indicate the trend:
Some recent US figures on the distribution of income by party: 65 percent of taxpayer households that earn more than $500,000 per year are now in Democratic districts; 74 percent of the households in Republican districts earn less than $100,000 per year. Add to this what we knew already, namely that the 10 richest congressional districts in the country all have Democratic representatives in Congress.”
Anyway, it really doesn’t matter because when people play politics—meaning you cheer for one of the corrupt political parties—you are not supposed to talk about how money controls social institutions and how our values, beliefs and norms are determined by the interests of the ruling class, and how the economic caste order effectively enforces capitalist imperatives to perpetuate the reign of money and violence.
Believe it or not, today, this sort of understanding is labeled as “conspiracy.” Right, you are a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nut case if you happen to call out corporate crimes, their criminal conspiracies and so on and so forth.
How obvious can it get? Rich people dominate corporate politics with the good old righteousness of exceptionalism, and a colonial attitude with the kinder, gentler face of liberal politics, and it is perfectly OK to call a simple Marxist analysis of exploitation a “conspiracy.”
The tendency to obscure the mechanism of capitalism is mirrored exactly among many of those who oppose the overwhelming push for Covid lockdowns, Covid “vaccine” mandates and so on. For many of those who stand on the other side of the virus event, the entire mobilization is described as a “communist takeover.”
That’s right. All those diehard capitalists who have been conspiring to perpetuate their interests through World Economic Forum, IMF, World Bank and so on are communists now. How convenient? You can’t have capitalism without opportunism.
But the whole thing makes perfect sense. Both ends of the capitalist spectrum, fascists and social democrats, have always struggled to perpetuate capitalist hegemony together. At the end of the day, their ultimate goal is to perpetuate the capitalist caste hierarchy and their righteous positions within it.
One step with the left leg goes forward as the right leg moves forward to balance the momentum of the imperial hegemony — just as the hopelessly corrupt Hilary Clinton gives birth to a Donald Trump Presidency, which, in turn, gives the Democratic Party a reason to exist.
Left, right, left, right, the empire moves forward as it gently shifts its weight left to right. As they march the imperial-scape together, they sing derogatory smears against any revolutionary momentum.
Both sides are free to argue and fight as long as they adhere to the imperial imperatives of capitalism. The corporate media ensure that the narratives are told to fit this dynamic. Those who do not belong to the dynamics are portrayed as “others”–fringe extremists to be demonized from multiple angles.
How does the empire gain its mythical aura of authority? Easy. They play a good old protection racket scheme against unsuspecting “good people.”
For example, they tell people that terrorists are coming, while “secretly” funding the killers in ways which are not so secret to the people. People get the idea: “Oh I see. we have to pay the protection fee. Otherwise, we get fucked up.”
Or, for example, they tell people that plague is coming, and force people to get injected with special medicines. If the people refuse, their jobs are taken away, their families are split apart, you can’t eat at a restaurant and so on. They can effectively turn everyone into a dangerous element with an infection until proven “healthy” by the designated means of the authority.
There goes the presumption of innocence along with informed consent out of the door.
This is a big deal. There is a huge reason why an authority must prove someone guilty without a reasonable doubt. Otherwise, people can be arbitrarily accused of committing any crime and then punished for it. And without informed consent, people can be forced to drink Cool Aid just because they are told to do so.
Moreover, as soon as the feudal overloads deal with the life and death of the people, they effectively consecrate themself as gods. A politician would claim that Covid “vaccines” are sent by God. Cultural figures would start accusing those who refuse the medication of “defying the law of nature,” defying “science” and so on, effectively turning Bill Gates and the rest of the snake oil salesmen into gods of our times.
So now it seems that even this pretend “democracy” is being taken away by the acceptance of decrees under an “emergency” just like any other fascist take-over.
Colonizing humanity and nature
How is it even possible though? The capitalist assaults come in stages. First, it attacks to destabilize, infiltrate and tear communities apart. It destroys the fabric of communities and turns vital institutions useless.
It cultivates the ground on which the invaders can turn themselves into the new providers of artificial social relations, resources and facts. Then the colonizers embark on domesticating people with their own beliefs, norms and values to exploit them and subjugate them.
Social institutions are taken over by capital. As they lose their functions for the people, they are further bought and sold by the oligarchs to transform themselves into machines for the ruling class interests.
In every step of the process, people are mobilized to destroy and reassemble their own institutions only to be domesticated by the resulting fake institution for the ruling class.
Corporate NGOs, corporate think tanks, paid academics, paid scientists, corporate politicians are always ready to help in this regard. This is how education has been taken away from the people. This is how healthcare has been taken away. This is how politics has been taken away.
The people’s institutions are intentionally deprived of resources so that they must rely on the rich and powerful to function. Then, privatizing and corporatizing transform the institutions into entities for profit, indoctrination and domestication.
The more you struggle financially, the more you are likely to be trapped in a cycle of exploitation—an ironic reality imposed by the capitalist hierarchy in which those who could gain the most by overthrowing the establishment are pressured the most to obey the capitalist imperatives.
Meanwhile those with privileged positions are conditioned to protect the status quo. Hierarchies of ideas, ideologies, religions, and people are formed. The caste system built by all elements permeates the empire—what’s good for the empire naturally floats as the opposing elements sink systemically and structurally.
People are forced to compete in serving the interests of the oligarchs regardless of the ultimate consequences to them.
This is how people are indoctrinated to hate the system that gives power to the people—socialism, and are forced to crave the system that strangles them—capitalism. Here is a brief summary of how socialism is actively demonized in our society:
1. Point out results of imperial assaults against socialist countries and claim socialism doesn’t work.
- Give them economic sanctions, then call the countries “economic disasters”.
- Send death squads to destabilize their countries, then call the enemies of the western hegemony “strong man,” “dictator,” “butcher” and so on.
- Attempt to overthrow the government by massive propaganda campaigns, then call them oppressive.
2. Claim that no ideology, country or government is perfect, in order to ignore the injustice and inhumanity systematically and structurally imposed on the entire capitalist hegemony and beyond by the western ruling class.
Claim that socialism and capitalism are the same when they are not historically and in practice. Capitalism is a system guided by forces of accumulated wealth and power. It manifests as imperialism at the global scale.
Historically, socialism has emerged to counter imperial exploitation and subjugation. Socialist countries have been vehemently assaulted by organized forces of imperialism. The equation totally dismisses these obvious historical dynamics, while also obscuring the very nature and mechanism of capitalism itself. This position is often expressed with the use of the word totalitarianism.
Although the term has been largely normalized in the western cultural sphere, historically, this term has been used by reactionary forces to equate fascism (which operates within the framework of capitalism) and socialist countries with the intention of demonizing socialist countries.
Claim that all violence must stop as the capitalist hegemony targets a socialist country, knowing that the imperial hegemony can topple the socialist country by many means if the country stops engaging in self-defense.
Demonize political leaders who defy the western hegemony saying that although the West is atrocious the dictators aren’t worth saving anyway.
3. Utilize an emotional personal anecdote in demonizing “socialism” in its entirety, totally ignoring its inner workings to forward the interests of the people, imperial dynamics and so on. Reactionary voices of those who betray their countries of origin in seeking to secure positions within the empire are often promoted by the capitalist media.
- “My grand dad was killed by communists.”
- “My family members were imprisoned by a socialist regime.”
- “So and so is killing its own people. I know because I’m from there and you are not.”
4. Simply rely on propaganda lies concocted by capitalist social institutions.
Just mock, ridicule and demonize socialists. The notion is fully normalized so there is no need to explain. The burden of proof is on those who defy the notion.
Engage in 1, 2 and 3 using the propaganda lies.
Where is this giant monster swinging right to left, guided by the selfish motives of the ruling class, going? Is it going to put us all in a digital prison as it continues to digitalize, financialize, and transhumanize, colonizing humanity and nature? Is it going to declare a war against China?
These are very significant concerns but it is unlikely that they will be on the table for all of us to examine anytime soon. Our thoughts and ideas are constantly, systemically and structurally beaten into shapes by layers of capitalist institutions over and over so that they fit into the capitalist framework.
Then the momentums of pros and cons are safely exchanged within the imperial framework at the expense of the people who struggle to secure their livelihood within it.
When we are beaten by the capitalists, we are put against each other. As we fight back, we are forced to attack our fellow community members as our institutions are further colonized as I described above.
In the corporate political theater billions of dollars are spent in picking between hardened corporatist Joe Biden, and “reality TV show star” Donald Trump, but we cannot embrace the political institution which can truly function as our own—such a drastic shift is firmly demonized, again, as “socialism,” “communism,” Marxism and so on.
Look at how doctors and nurses are forced to be complicit in the ongoing virus event. They are forced to limit treatment options. Effective early treatments such as Ivermectin or HCQ, which have saved countless lives in other countries, are being ridiculed as snake oil, because as long as there are effective treatments for the virus, the experimental gene therapy drugs can’t have emergency use status.
All this goes on as Covid “vaccine” deaths are blatantly covered up in the US and in other Western countries. The health professionals are forced to put people on deadly ventilators, deadly remdisivir, and deadly sedatives—the real reason why there are so many deaths in the US, along with the fact that obesity is a hidden killer in patients with seasonal respiratory illness.
The more they try to protect their positions within the institution, the more they compromise the whole institution. Doctors, scientists and the rest of the healthcare professionals who wish to protect the institution by speaking the truth about the virus and experimental injections are censored, harassed and fired for doing so, while those who obey are forced to be complicit in failing their patients with profit-oriented protocols.
This is what the system does when it’s driven by and for the oligarchs.
Their exploitive schemes create crises on many fronts—environmental crisis, health crisis, housing crisis, economic crisis, psychiatric crisis, you name it. The ruling class officially designates a chosen crisis to impose prepackaged corporate “solutions” for more profits, more power grab and readjustment of the capitalist trajectory.
In the process, they destroy vital social institutions and reassemble them for domestication. Nothing else matters other than the chosen crisis and the associated corporate schemes. Other crises deepen as the capitalist trajectory is recalibrated and the capitalist hierarchy is readjusted.
They will not run out of crises as long as they exploit and subjugate. Crises are not predicaments for those who can buy their way out of anything, they are opportunities for them. And they have nothing to lose in the process.
We are forced to do their work of destroying our own institutions. We are forced to do their work of turning them into our cages. They can buy most of anything, and if they can’t, they destroy it, then they can simply buy and sell any remaining elements, repackage them as something else and sell them back to the people.
See how it works?
As we further lose our connections to ourselves, to each other, to our community and nature, we are freely subjected to propaganda and indoctrination through ruling class sanctioned entities. Psychology has been applied to adjust individuals to the hardships of capitalist behavioral conditioning.
Sociology has been applied to shape collective behaviors within the capitalist framework. Economics has been applied to justify the capitalist domination. Politics has been applied to ritualize the normalization of the feudal hierarchy.
Now, we see science being applied to shift the trajectory of exploitation and subjugation.
Our behaviors are largely based on establishment supplied social relations, facts, culture, and so on. We don’t generally act because we perceive actual events in our lives. Most of us go through our lives on auto-pilot mode within the structurally sanctioned capitalist framework.
The Covid event clearly shows this aspect of our lives.
People wear masks, social distance and follow lockdown measures when clearly stipulated; however, at the personal level, most of us do not act like there is a deadly plague out there.
The masks, very possibly contaminated with the “deadly virus” are thrown away everywhere without being treated as biohazard materials. People wear masks only to enter a restaurant, then take them off to eat with strangers stuck in an enclosed space.
As soon as we are born into our society, we learn to perceive the capitalist framework as our guiding principle over our actual perceptions. This makes us extremely vulnerable to top-down mobilization, as we see with the virus event.
As soon as we are systemically and structurally forced into following instructions, then facts, our perceptions, and experts’ opinions become totally irrelevant before the decrees coming out of the establishment.
The process of colonization of humanity and nature has been ongoing for generations, deeply affecting how we are, and it is accelerating.
Being deprived of our actual perceptions based on material reality, and the subsequent manufacturing of our perceptions based on the imperatives of the ruling class interests contributes to acute divisions among dissidents as well.
The urgency of capitalist oppressions together with marginalization of ideological positions has often cornered those who voice their concerns into prescribing “solutions” based on their own condition, regardless of the consequences to others. This often happens over class lines, or against those who are victims of imperial violence.
The classic example was seen during the imperial war against Syria.
Many anti-war dissidents had taken a position in support of the US military intervention of Syria to varying degrees due to the western demonization of the Syrian government, western propaganda that glorified the US backed terrorists as victims of Syrian violence and etc.
(Those who stand with enemies of the empire are strongly urged to amend their anti-imperial positions. This urging comes from across the spectrum; for instance, Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges and others who are considered “dissidents” adamantly demonized leaders of targeted countries and repeated official propaganda narratives justifying the toleration of violence against those countries – By the way, both Chomsky and Hedges also hold starkly discriminatory opinions against unvaccinated people, echoing their strong condemnations of the middle eastern leaders.)
This has resulted in acceptance of the US military attacks and the US support for violent opposition groups inside Syria. Those American people who insisted on saving the children of Syria by bombing Syria and by supporting brutal terrorists, who would behead children, failed to see the great sacrifice paid by the majority of Syrian people, who were in support of their government and their military.
Activist communities were split into pieces, while the momentum greatly exacerbated the US led war against the Syrian government.
The situation began to turn as independent journalists — Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett and others — started to report from Syria on the actual situation—in which the majority of the Syrian people have approved the determined government policy against the west backed terrorists and the US colonial policies which had strangled Syrian people on many grounds.
The war on virus, which has directly targeted our entire society, as well as the global dynamics, has presented itself as a great divider among us. Our alienated perceptions have effectively prevented our ability to understand the course of action taken by others.
The excruciating hardship of those who wear masks 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, or more, to keep their jobs, or the anger and bitterness of those who were forced to be vaccinated against their will to remain employed, or the predicaments faced by those who chose to be fired for their medical choice, are not shared by those who do not share the circumstances and perspectives.
The virus event kept people away from each other, prevented freedom of speech, and prevented freedom of assembly while deeply dividing people on many grounds. It is appalling that US media outlets actually told their audience to cut their ties to friends and family members who are not vaccinated.
Anger, frustration, fear and hatred have been boiling in our communities.
Sadly, the situation is not any better among those who oppose the draconian virus measures. For example, some people see anyone who complies with a government mandate as an enemy, even if non compliance would have meant a total loss of livelihood.
I’ve seen a sad instance in which a bar owner, who courageously spoke against the government “vaccine” mandate for his customers, was mocked and ridiculed for complying with the strict mandate, though not doing so could have resulted in loss of his business.
This sort of atmosphere effectively prevents constructive community actions. It prevents natural growth of genuine social relations among the people based on creativity and practical means.
The real struggle involves real observations of facts and spontaneous reactions to associated events. Ultimately, it cannot be prescribed by those who stand outside of the particular circumstance.
Without the existence of a genuine institution for the people to coordinate overall strategies and educate people about the mechanism of exploitation, this sort of arbitrary behavior of purging would emerge only to exacerbate alienation and division among those who should be united to counter the ruling class assaults.
What Lenin said in last century still stands on this regard. It also cultivates a defeatist attitude to embrace martyrdom as the only plausible goal of resistance.
The establishment understands this mechanism very well. That is why organized efforts of socialists, communists, and Marxists have been vehemently attacked by the US empire. As long as we stand with the establishment in demonizing any potential to build revolutionary momentum, we are bound to stay within the framework of the exploitation.
Our goal is to change the exploitive system to the one that benefits our mutual well-beings. We are not the enemies of each other.
On this point, we have a lot to learn from the Syrian government, which has been allowing reconciliation between those who took weapons against the people and those who lost their family members by the violence.
Anti-Chinese sentiment
I have already written briefly about China and the virus event here, and here. This topic continues to be crucial because China continues to present itself as the biggest obstacle to the western capitalist hegemony.
Although China is fully integrated in the global market economy, it continues to resist western domination of its social fabric through western neoliberalization and financialization.
This makes total sense if we understand the very reason why China opened itself to the market economy—it has done so to put its economic activities under the guidance of the Communist Party of China. It allows China to grow economically in providing for its people while preventing western propaganda infiltration, development of western guided blackmarket, and western capitalist restructuring of Chinese social structure.
That is why we are flooded with anti-Chinese rhetoric today.
All western wars are ultimately imperial in nature. War on virus is not an exception. Those who operate within the capitalist framework— including those who claim to resist the lockdowns and the experimental Covid injections—express their disdain toward the imperial enemy as a gesture to express their allegiance to the empire even when they must oppose their feudal overlords.
Historically, the western capitalist mobilizations—war on poverty, war on drugs, war on terror and so on—that reshape and perpetuate its structural integrity occur in tandem with imperial dynamics. The slogans and talking points have always included anti-communist/anti-socialist elements.
The war on drugs was about destruction of minority communities as much as about destruction of Latin American movements to defy the US hegemony. The war on terror ended up destroying the middle eastern countries which have cooperated with the US hegemony to varying degrees.
The US simply does not tolerate an alternative system that demonstrates the viability of social relations outside of the imperial framework. Millions have perished. One out of hundred people became refugees. Countries were destroyed.
The momentum of war on terror exacerbated institutionalized racism and structural violence within the US as well, ultimately depriving people of legal rights through the National Defense Authorization Act, the Patriot Act, installation of the surveillance state, militarization of police and etc.
China has experienced capitalist onslaughts of colonialism, colonial wars, chemical/biological attacks, proxy wars, propaganda campaigns, regime change operations, trade embargoes, trade sanctions, economic war and more even before it embarked on the path of socialism with its revolution.
China has seen it all.
There is a reason why we keep hearing “China is complicit,” “the Chinese system is coming,” and “China is violating human rights” over and over. Because the war on virus follows the same rule. It restructures our society to perpetuate the oligarchy, and the momentum of exploitation and subjugation parallels the imperial violence against targeted countries.
This is why hundreds of military bases are surrounding China, while multiple propaganda projects are being carried out — Hong Kong, Tibet, Uyghur, continued lies about Tiananmen Square, outright deceptions stating China has killed millions of its own people.
As long as the movement of resistance being built in the west stays within the framework of imperial exploitation and subjugation, ultimately, it will serve the empire very effectively. The oscillation between fascism and social democracy applies within imperial dynamics as well.
For example, within the imperial framework, Nazi Germany was cultivated by the US industries to assault USSR, its failure to do so then became a justification for the US to construct its imperial hegemony. Famously, Nazi scientists and even some political figures were absorbed into the US empire (see operation paper clip). The current atmosphere emerging is not new or any more deadly than the imperial essence itself.
This dynamic is crucial to understand.
Failure to do so would allow another oscillation within the empire which could perpetuate the empire. On the surface, China seems to be a part of the momentum generally referred to as the “Great Reset.” However, meanwhile, the western allies in the pacific are also arming themself to encircle China militarily.
China is under tremendous pressure to accept western led financialization and neoliberalization of their social structure. The situation greatly echoes how USSR and its allies were subjected to containment and encirclement. China seems to recognize the dynamics very well as I explain shortly.
Or, down the road, the fascist “Great Reset” might grow into a modern day economic Nazi to give a legitimacy to its counterpart within the western hegemony just like how the US achieved its imperial status after the WW2. The history could certainly rhyme. Such a possibility can’t be ruled out, but who wants to become another Nazi to be destroyed by the empire?
All players understand these dynamics, the US won’t allow its own allies to threaten its own interests, while some allies are very eager to please the empire by playing their role in enforcing imperial imperatives—see how draconian measures in pushing big pharma vaccines, along with digitalization, financialization and the rest of the 4th Industrial Revolution, are forcefully forwarded in Australia, Canada and so on.
Perhaps the role of Israel in the imperial dynamics should be pointed out here to illustrate the dynamics. The violence which has been inflicted by the Israeli regime against neighboring countries and beyond serves the war-based US economy while punishing those who defy the imperial hegemony.
Israel plays a violent guard dog for the empire under US protection, takes on the blame for it and sustains itself in this imperial relationship. Israel has been faithfully playing its role in the war on virus by relentlessly vaccinating its people while introducing various associated measures as well.
Again, understanding the war on virus requires understanding imperial dynamics.
Meanwhile, China clearly understands its position within the imperial dynamics. China is not about to impose on itself a deadly neoliberal restructuring such as the USSR suffered as it was being demolished. China is not about to accept colonial war on its soil in any form including biological attacks, proxy war or economic war.
If China sees its economic sphere as a part of its socialism with Chinese characteristics, it stands to reason that China would have to confront the waves of the western socio-political-economic restructuring associated with the virus event appropriately.
It’s none of western business if China decides to prepare itself for potential western biological attacks with any measures it deems necessary considering that the US owns the biggest pile of WMDs along with hundreds of bio weapon facilities across the globe, along with the history of actually using such weapons during the Korean War and on other occasions.
It’s none of western business if China develops its own Covid vaccines and virus measures in order to protect its financial sovereignty against western waves of Covid related neoliberal restructuring and financialization.
It’s none of western business if China ends up succeeding in all of the above and turning the occasion into an opportunity to strengthen its economic viability, scientific progress and international presence with the overwhelming approval of its people.
Parasites devouring paralyzed hosts
Twisting around fear and putting people against each other in consecrating the unconditional authority of corporate entities over families torn apart, communities destroyed, and individuals rendered hopeless and hateful is not anything nature meant for us humans.
We are looking at parasites devouring paralyzed hosts. This is the very essence of an inhumane social formation called capitalism described precisely by Karl Marx. It is revealing that the formation is called “communism” even by those who claim to “resist”.
Again, the colonized institutions ultimately act as cages for capitalism. They work together to recalibrate the caste system.
Over and over we’ve been deceived. We are mobilized to play ritual battles on political theaters. We are mobilized to play “activism” on social theaters. We are mobilized to play good citizens on cultural theaters. We are mobilized to fight “others” on colonial theaters of war.
As long as we run around within the framework of the oligarchs, we just shift the blame among ourselves and we keep fine tuning the very feudal hierarchy that traps us as expendable beings.
The wealth and power hoarded by the parasitic minority never belong to them. They are blessings of nature and humanity belonging to the harmony among us. Those oligarchs have only one thing—they are astronomically richer than the rest.
They monopolize what belongs to us all in order to domesticate humanity and nature. But life can’t be contained by their primitive cage. So they have been modifying life to fit within the narrowly defined framework of their own kingdom. We became dumber, we are less brave, we are more cynical and hypocritical. None of it is acceptable from any angle from which we look at it.
The current social formation is extremely destructive to our species.
If we fail to grasp the situation, gene therapy drugs, psychotropic drugs, behavioral conditioning and so on will be fully used to exacerbate the situation, commodifying our minds and bodies as our lives are more and more digitized and financialized.
If we become the products to be consumed, we are subjected to planned obsolescence, reduced quality, reduced diversity and so on just like any other items around us.
They spread their tentacles in taking over social institutions. They freely attenuate and amplify the roles of institutions in orchestrating the material reality to suit their interests. Again, they paralyze people with illusions, lies, deceptions, drugs, carrot and stick and eat us alive.
We do not deserve this parasitic social formation.
We need a system which firmly ensures that the material reality reflects a harmony of man and nature. For one thing, the ridiculous rituals of corporate politics, corporate slogans for health, and so on have no place in getting us out of this feudalism of money and violence.
How can we all step back a little and take a look at what is really going on, calling out the parasites for what they are?
How can we recognize that the same colonizers who destroyed countries across the globe have embarked on psychological asymmetrical urban warfare against us? We are told that we are all in this together only to find ourselves shooting each other.
We are told to flatten the curve only to see our communities flattened to be swallowed by corporate entities. How can we build our communities with social relations based on our needs? How can we build social institutions which can help us build a social formation that serves us all.
The parasites devour the hosts because they do not have the ability to engage in the creative process of life. They must lie and deceive to imprison the subject population so that the captive beings are forced to construct the kingdom for the parasites. Parasites are not the all-seeing gods which they present themselves to be.
In order to survive and embrace the blessings of the universe as one of the species on our planet, we must recognize this destructive state of being and somehow move beyond it.
We are hardly the only ones screaming. We are a fraction of a huge momentum of humanity continuing to make a point about our species’ obvious predicaments. The following words came from George L. Jackson shortly before he was murdered in California’s San Quentin Prison (I thank John Steppling for mentioning the quote recently):
Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution.”
George L. Jackson, Blood in my Eye, January 1, 1972
Like Fred Hampton said:
…you can jail a revolutionary, but you can’t jail the revolution. You can run a freedom fighter around the country but you can’t run freedom fighting around the country. You can murder a liberator, but you can’t murder liberation.”
Fred Hampton, Speech delivered on April 27, 1969 (Movement Vol. 5. No. 12, The Movement Press, January, 1970)
Hiroyuki Hamada is an artist. Exhibiting widely in gallery and non-commercial settings alike, Hamada has been the recipient of a Pollock-Krasner Foundation grant, twice received New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowships in sculpture, and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. Alongside his career as an artist, his writing can be found at various outlets online.
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A bit of perspective: Could Herr Schwab be singing from
a Fabian School hymn book?
The relience on modeling, the appreciation for systems
and the disdain for people… just wondering is all.
as this scribbler sagely notes… the ‘parasites’ have stolen your freedoms and the worlds resources in order to loll about in luxury and dictate the terms of reality best suited to themselves and the ‘system’ (an old fabulous creation stretching back in time)…
this to them is the natural order of things, the shepherd and his flock.. some for grazing, some for breeding and some for eating.. the rest will be sent to market after the lambing season…
one can only conclude, having dispensed with the flowery prose and ‘new age’ philosophy that the majority of imbeciles are quite happy with this status quo… (being lazy and somewhat brainwashed)..
so…. I am afraid that this ignorant, mind controlled and somewhat unpredictable mass will be the biggest obstacle to unseating the ‘parasites’ (although there are some promising developments )…
Yo, will someone direct me to the anarchists?
There are no collectivist solutions.
All institutions must fall.
“Government” “jurisdiction” any bigger than walking distance is criminal.
Diversity is only diversity when it is actual.
We could even one up wilderness by selecting for total freedom.
Natural law? Yep, but also very radical freedom.
Fear of death is so #ucking stale!!!!!!
yay!…. anarchy…
I simply adore bakunin (mortal enemy of that miscreant marx) if only imbecile kind could trusted to apprehend such genius…
and if only some enterprising capitalists had put his image on t-shirts and flags and other shady cheap tat…
to decorate student halls of residence..
Bakunin certainly hit the nail on the head when he told Karl Marx that a communist regime would within a generation become more oppressive that the oligarchies controlled by aristocrats and the wealthy.
Pity that didn’t get the publicity Marx’s bollocks about ‘to each according to his need’ did, if it had people might have paused and asked ‘but who gets o decide what my needs are?’
The ruling elite gonna do what ruling elite do no matter what the system is called by which they rule.
It’s not so much that we need a change of governing system but that the ruling elite need a change of heart.
1Ti 2:1-3
First of all, I encourage you to make petitions, prayers, intercessions, and prayers of thanks for all people, 2 for rulers, and for everyone who has authority over us. Pray for these people so that we can have a quiet and peaceful life always lived in a godly and reverent way. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior.
Great article. It names the Beast that so many are trying to overlook, even here among OG readers.
Just as I expected, every other comment under this article is a pathetic masochistic attempt to deflect from capitalism.
Too many people see capitalism as a kind of buffer against something worse – without realizing there is nothing worse.
Capitalism in “theory” – just like Communism or even Fascism – might not sound half bad. Until you take into account who must put it into practice – Humans! Then it’s all downhill from there.
Currently we have a system where one class of people rule over the rest and exploit them as slaves, demanding they comply under threat of physical violence or economic sanctions, leading to potential homelessness and even mass starvation or incarceration. The system can never work for the majority, under those conditions.
The systems and structures of hierarchy and control are created through mass deception and the game is rigged for the owners and their descendants who use the populations like farmed animals, stealing their labor, their ingenuity, their compliance and servitude, but only through these innumerate deceptions, mass indoctrination and trauma based mind control.
The countries are merely pawns on a chessboard. And all economic systems exist under the same global banking-government-corporation racketeering scams.
If those deceptions, psychological methods and racketeering scams are revealed, then exposed to the masses, the controllers potentially lose everything, especially their power.
Man he can’t see that China is part of it or he’s a mouthpiece for China. So Mao didn’t kill all those people I’ve been told about with the great leap forward?
Actual capitalism? We haven’t had that here in the US in quite awhile. We have cronyism, we have corporatism and the government is being led around by them.
I did agree with much of the early part of the article.
The problem with “actual capitalism” in the US was that the excesses, exploitation and downright violations of the Constitution became so obvious and egregious that the government had to step in and start reining it in. Or there would have been a revolution – which, I suspect, the Brinks and Pinkerton security forces and even the US Army would not have been able to quell as easily as they did incipient strikes (the Pullman, e.g.).
I mean, even if you just go with what you’d been told about the great leap forward, does that all actually sound fully deliberate to you? Or the kind of fuck-up (combined with people being encouraged to be idiots and no one in authority wanting to admit being wrong) that could and does happen under any attempted system, the word system being key? I don’t even think our governments strictly intended every application of their covid rules (and I think they thought we’d ignore them more tbqh: after all, they would), it’s what happens with hierarchy and sweeping, vague, rules.
It struck me today that all the things I was taught as a child and youngster, especially along the lines of, “Oh, don’t ever say that!”, are no longer valid.
My parents would be appalled at me, but honestly if nobody ever says, “Bugger off!” to our current psychological torturers, the bastards will simply never go away.
So it looks like they must be made to go away.
Trudeau’s scarpering was an excellent start, I must say.
I do hope somebody followed him to see where he really went…
very good article and very helpful. the language is fairly accessible. why not make it 2 articles with perhaps some headings for various sections?
PARASITE empire is a well-fitting title!!
Great article but i dont quite agree with his use of the words capitalism and socialism.I’m used to his style as i follow him on facebook and read everything he posts.I also listened to him a couple of time on Aesthetic Resistance podcast on soundcloud.I guess if everytime he writes capitalism you switch it in your mind for corporatism it would make more sense.Maybe its because i read a lot of ancap stuff!
A local footy team is self-dubbed ‘The Tigers’. They are not Tigers. Tigers dont play footy.
Capitalism by any other name is not socialism. (Shake A Speare).
The two approved political parties in the USA only represent their major donors, ultra wealthy families and individuals, and major corporations.
They say whatever sounds good to the People, but only do what the money tells them to do.
Excellent article. I see little difference between oppression under a capitalist oligarchical class and a Technocracy – both groups seek to live unfettered lives above the law while imposing incrementally restrictive rules and laws on everyone else. So while we may congratulate China and Russia in their efforts to deny the capitalist oligarchy to run their nations, and we admire their vision for furthering infrastructural progress throughout the OBOR regions, what’s the point if that infrastructure includes engulfing it in smart grid surveillance technology?
These past two years have been an experiment – an experiment in what rule under capitalist fascism AND Technocracy would look like, and both are to be avoided at all costs.
The Benefits of Technocracy in China
Sorry, but sovereign nation-states, democracy and free speech is the closest structural progress in supporting what it means to be human. This can never be replaced. It looks like direct democracy is the best route to go if we want to implement any kind of reset.
Take it from one who knew:
“The white Liberal differs from the white Conservative only in one way; the Liberal is more deceitful, more hypocritical, than the Conservative. Both want power, but the White Liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the White Liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or a weapon in this political football game, that is constantly raging, between the White Liberals and the White Conservatives. The American Negro is nothing, but a political football.”
– Malcom X (1963)
Why is the “White Liberal” the only figure you could conjure when reading about how capitalism shapes the world and workers struggles across the globe? Take it from me, boss: the black panthers would not march with the DNC nor advocate for participating in the elections supporting Hillary Clinton.
Because MX was talking about the white Liberal not the not the “Black mis-leadership class.”
You are right, I realised after posting.
What a load of intellectual windbaggery, and look out for more as you scroll down. It gets duller and duller, I’m out of here!
Thanks to Off-G for publishing this.
Is it worth noting that some of the people with the earliest, most comprehensive and accurate analysis of the Pseudopandemic and emergent bio-security state have been marxists?
Capitalism is strict property rights and voluntary trades. What the globalists practice with their government enforcers is anything but capitalism.
“anything but capitalism”. According to whom? That arbitrary definition you suggested?
Indeed. If it is fair to criticize socialism for “actually existing socialism”, then it is also fair to criticize capitalism for actually existing capitalism, not someone’s theoretical idea of what it might be.
It’s the same argument used in 2020, “why would they destroy the economy”, on its negative side: suggesting, and he even compresses it as such, that the economy is but supply and demand between free individuals whose property is recognised and respected, as if I can build a two story apartment building by myself, having purchased stone by someone who was mining it by himself and tools by someone who was building them himself, and rent the building to farmers who happened to be farmers because…. nature. That is not even the definition of an economy in the classical sense (economy is the organisation of production factors within a society, which shapes its production relations, and the distribution of goods within that society in accordance with its current needs and evaluation of its future needs- this implies political power who decides how to organise and how to distribute) let alone a capitalist economy, which for the first time in history has an economic system absorbing all other social spheres, compartmentalising time and space into commodification factors. Turning humans into waged workers and the planet into a huge factory city, day by day, year by year, sometimes faster sometimes slower. All aspects and remnants of previous diversity are rendered mere advertisement for the individual to exercise their free will only by consuming. And eventually it brings it into conflict with all other remaining forms of social order, ultimately it is the clash of the commodity versus uncomodified or uncomodifiable conditions of existance. And very quickly we ourselves won’t know anything else.
Capitalism is the opposite of socialism. What most of you have been conditioned to blame on capitalism is actually socialism (run by society rather than the individual). My definition may be arbitrary to you, but that is the way the globalists want it to be. While you’re quibbling over definitions, they are using their socialist government to bleed us dry. They promise to implement more rules (more socialism) to save you, while at the same time they are profiting from the bigger bureaucracy required to implement those rules. The globalists love gullible citizens.
There is nothing arbitrary about it. Look up the definition at Mises Wiki:
“Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market”
Pardon the cliche, but “the Devil is in the Details.” Property rights and voluntary trades sound simple and fair enough – until they become institutionalized.
What becomes “property” – at what point do people, at least in the form of workers, become “property?” And yes, people are also apt to become “property” of the state in socialistic set-ups.
And at what point do “trades” cease being entirely “voluntary?” When a given businessman acquires all the “property” in a given area, thereby controlling food, clothing and shelter – is it “voluntary” any longer for the people within that area to work for him?
What better way is there to enslave the people than to use the force of government? The ruling class convinces you with their left hand that they are protecting you from the predators, while their right hand is pillaging you.
The government exists to serve the interests of the ruling class. Does it really matter if it’s the government publicly enslaving you or the ruling class privately enslaving you?
The only fair system is no system. Any system at all will result in corruption because any system allows some to dictate to others. Authority is the underlying factor.
So long as authority exists – i.e., so long as it is respected and adhered to, – some will end up telling others what they may and may not do.
How can the ruling class enslave you without the force of government? When is the last time that a private company made you work for them or purchase products from them?
Anyone who needs money must work for those who have money.
Those with money are freeloading off, read:enslave, those who actually create the wealth.
You identify the mere existance of the state with socialism, which is wrong. By your standards, a monarchy is socialist. By your definition. Neo-protectionism would be a more accurate term.
Indeed. Socialism is the opposite of individual liberty. The less individual liberty we have, the more socialism we have. Look up the etymology of the word socialism in Wikipedia.
Socialism — to make social. That is to take choices away from individuals and put them in the hands of society (or committees that claim to represent society).
The propagandists have done their jobs well. How easy is it to relay political ideas when the meanings of political words have been thoroughly obfuscated?
Ownership is a belief system which necessarily leads to extreme disparity and unconscionable conduct. The imaginary right to “own” and freedom to trade are the core of the problem. Individuals and nations competing for more than their fair share of the wealth is no way to run a society. The pursuit of wealth is anti-social behaviour. A poor person does not voluntarily engage in low paid work, they are being exploited. An investor is not earning their money, they are stealing it. What is a fine to a rich person? Why should they have more rights than everyone else?
Capitalism is not an economic system which was designed or invented. It is merely a natural consequence of people imagining they have a right to own and trade.
great piece thank you
A mere Supreme Court ruling of unconsitutionality is no impediment:
I look forward to the next invasion being justified by invocations of “the rule of law” and “a rules-based order”.
P.S. The number suipposedly discharged from the Air Force is 27 which happens to be 6+6+6 inverted.
The parasite is the Corporate/State. You are all feeding the beast. Revoke all forms of Corporate Charter, corporate francize, and corporate syndication. You are the lesser beasts who continue to feed the beast that will not go away.
I thank Mr Hamada for this wonderful article. I must, however, take exception to one statement therein:
I’m afraid we do. Everything which accrued to the parasites, we the people willingly bequeathed them.
The people are largely mentioned within the article, but only as passive recipients of the parasitic dynamic – the shit end of this stick (or should that be schtick?); not as the very ones who handed the elites the piece of wood they whittled into a fine sharp point.
Why on earth would they have done this? and why do they continue doing it when it’s so obvious they’re the intended targets?
Because they’re duped? dumbed down? educated and initiated into a system which exploits them?
Or is it because they might – just might – get a bone or two out of it? They hand everything to the psychos in the vain hope some pittance will be returned to them. This way, they may each profit a fraction from the collective largesse the psychos’ wealth comes from. Stranger things have happened!
If anyone can find anything other than pure insanity in this dynamic, please come forward and point it out.
As per Doctor Robert Malone. Mass Formation Psychosis = Covidian Cult.
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. All of them.
Anyone in authority calling for vaccine mandates is willingly and wantingly killing and maiming innocent healthy people in order to protect themselves and their credibility.
Black and white is being smeared into gray.
As obvious as the nose on one’s face.
Do not let anyone argue differently.
Black and white.
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence to death. Execute them. All of them.
It’s the only way we will get our freedoms back.
Hear hear…
Those of us opposed to the death penalty must necessarily oppose the “execute them” part of the dynamic you propose.
Yes, it’s justice and in keeping with the enormity of their crime; but it is not justice for innocent people to bloody their hands extracting vengeance on even these psychos.
There is only one punishment deserving of those who mandate injections they know to be harmful: inject them with it – with the real “vaccine” and not the fake “vaccine” they get. And let history take its course. They’ve brought that on themselves.
Well, since our corrupt representatives are off sick, that means the rest of us are desperately overworked trying to cope with the backlog of injustice.
As a result, we simply don’t have the time for ‘due process’ any more, so it’s going to have to be the executing thing for the tormenting and mandating class, I’m afraid – at least until the robotic middle-men’s batteries have expired.
We should have more time after that…
Billy G should get all the jabs he has invested in.
Apart from the fact that it never works and the same kind of people will always fill the power vacuum, the presumption of the right to take life is the very problem we are facing.
In any case we cannot arrest, try or sentence them because they write the laws.
What would scare them though is a people’s prison: a crypto crowd funded black site prison, although mob justice is not justice either.
All of them, every single government on the planet, is founded on its assumption of authority to kill you if you don’t obey. To attribute superiority of one over the other, capitalist vs socialist, is delusional. The only difference between the two is who controls the capital. The corporate oligarch, or the state oligarch. Any form of government can be easily worked with if participation is voluntary, and one can vote with their feet. The instant the guns come out forcing participation and denying the vote by foot, it turns to fresh organic fertilizer.
I agree. Nation states, whether capitalist or socialist, are totalitarian. Essentially they are cults, as members behave like fanatics, waving flags and pledging allegiance.
The existence of the majority (of people on this planet) has been made miserable by a Cabal of Pigs.
All the ” isms ” are promoted by those who have succeeded within them, i.e. preserved their own freedom by dint of cleverness or occasionally good fortune. Those who decry a particular ” ism ” tend to be those who have failed at it, longing for a different one dangling the sought after freedom while, as we ultimately discover, none provide it but deprive us instead, without exception and differing only in style and to some extent, degree.
Governance will never be a source of freedom though it can sometimes protect it. The Spirit is the source; its discovery and emanation are after all the only purpose of life.
We will continue to be dominated by these institutions of the so called left or the right, until we accept the hard fact that this is a symptom of our collective inability to assume personal responsibility for the current state of affairs.
Looking to government for the solution, is the problem, this article is just proof of that fact.
Decentralization is the solution, but we’re going to have to earn it!
Though I approve very much OffG’s free and easy policy on posting, it has a weak point: Flooding by Bot. AI App can spew out kilobytes of garbled text without human intervention. A sort of AI DaDa. Laced with taunts to provoke a reply, hence waste even more space.
Don’t feed the Bot.
I noticed a long long time ago that trolls, or bots, work in pairs – like a tag team wrestling match. That way they keep going back and forth; and maybe get others to join in.
It’s frustrating, yes – mainly because, in scrolling past the match, you risk scrolling past a legitimate commenter.
The Governments response to COVID19 taught me its fine to discriminate
“…don’t they realize what people have gone through with war on crime, war on drugs and so on?”
I’ve had it with “Don’t they realize?” scenarios.
We’re not talking about ‘realizing’ anything here. We’re talking about ‘perfectly polished, institutionalized greed and not giving a toss about consequences’.
The ‘realizing’ part of our tormentors’ brains has been switched off. On purpose.
There’s one very simple comeback to the ‘presumption of guilt’.
It’s presuming that Bezos is guilty of making employees shit in their pants without any legal due process, and shoving his head straight into a shit-filled toilet before pulling the flush.That’s just for starters….you can in fact find him guilty of anything you fancy, up to and including receiving billions of dollars for overcharging the Federal Government for Cloud Services, without which Amazon would have made zero dollars.
You can find Gates guilty of premeditated mass murder through the promotion of dangerous vaccines, with the concurrent life sentences (or the death penalty if you are so inclined) accruing from that guilt.
You can find Zuckerberg guilty of media propaganda promoting mass genocides through vaccination bias. What happened to Goebbels? The same should happen to Zuckerberg….
The assumption is that you must use the legal system controlled by the oligarchs.
By resorting to one controlled by the people, the people can take whatsoever action they deem fit without paying any attention whatsoever to what the oligarchs do.
The oligarchs think they can buy everyone with money.
When they are ruining people’s health, they will find out the hard way that health is priceless and Gates et al are worthless…..
This is the essence of the con. Covid was pitched as a revolution, the last gasp of capitalism, the end of neoliberalism etc. And that many called the lockdowns etc. “incipient communism” was a vital part of the move i.e. these policies “fighting against covid” were called communistic by those old Rightist relics.
And if these “communistic” lockdown moves appeared to line the pockets of the wealthy even further, this was put down to “opportunism” or “incompetence” (as if!) None of which could have happened without carefully placed “Leftist” sentiments which suddenly started to spring up: covid as “The Big One” or capitalism’s nemesis, scepticism of covid and protest against the lockdowns/vaccines as “a Right Wing thing”. The anti-lockdown movement even seen as a consequence of Thatcher’s “There is no such thing as society”. This last named was another ubiquitous sentiment whose very reach signified long incubated spookery.
But then covid – as the deepest of deep events – shows up the underlying truth. And this truth appears as an instantaneous alteration similar to one of those magic pictures which appear as one thing but then alter when you adjust your perspective by the tiniest margin. And the effect is stunning. It is an alteration that, in a sense, doesn’t happen – or not in the object. The object remains the same but your new view reveals that it was always different from your previous idea.
The Left did not exist. Or at least, not as the revolutionary force they supposedly were. Indeed, they now appear as the central device of the old capitalism i.e. the part that “justified” the old system by making it appear as a compromise with a dissident faction. This Left were indeed always “champagne socialists”, nodding their sage worldly wisdom with self-regarding composure. Thus being relatively harmless until called on by the Mighty Covid coup. Now the many spooks amongst them have psyched them up for the biggest robbery on the public realm ever, masked as its opposite. And their silence now indicates to me that they have developed the beginning of an insight into their dupery. Whether this insight will lead anywhere is hugely doubtful.
[Note: Offg strongly recommend reading articles before challenging people to debate them – Ed.]
I stopped reading at “simple Marxist analysis” and was cringing every time you used his pejorative “capitalism” to describe the centrally planned fascist cousin of Marx’s own murderous delusions. Have you even read The Communist Manifesto?
We have nothing of the sort, if you mean freedom of association including and especially with regard to contracts.
Current events are the result of 150-odd years of the central planning Marx envisioned. It doesn’t work, but it does a lot of damage before people have enough and are once again forced to clean up the mess you made.
You’ll learn, but it’ll probably be the hard way, since that’s the only way any of us ever really learn.
OffGuardian you should be ashamed of yourselves for publishing this garbage. I will debate anyone you have in your choice of venue in front of a hostile audience, and eat your Marxist for lunch on this topic. I’ll bet a $1000 donation to your site on it.
Ha. Considering the ‘argument’ that you’ve put forward above, your debating skills are looking rather dubious and shaky, if not non existent.
Your supplied graphic amply shows the quality of ‘debate’ that you’d be able to muster.
I made several verifiable points. Care to submit a refutation that isn’t demonstrating one of them for me?
Verifiable points? I’m not even sure that you know the definition of ‘verifiable’, or of ‘points’.
So no, I’m not wasting time with such bollocks. I’m just going to point at you and laugh.
Ha ha!
Here’s a verifiable point:
Marx himself advocated for slavery and eugenics.
you’d have a stronger argument if you bothered to supply a reference, but of course you won’t.
I see your Marx and Engels and raise you von Mises:
I think this is the actual link you wanted, comrade.
But I bet you haven’t actually read this:
“I will debate anyone you have in your choice of venue in front of a hostile audience, and eat your Marxist for lunch on this topic. I’ll bet a $1000 donation to your site on it.”
Ridiculous “challenges” like this don’t convince anyone – a) You’d always declare you won the debate and b) it’ll never happen and you know it. It’s childish playing of “you’re chicken”.
I stated terms, which you are obviously militantly ignoring.
I wouldn’t be the one declaring victory. The hostile audience would be.
I have $1000 I’m willing to put up, against $0. You’re projecting, accusing me of precisely what you’ve already demonstrated as your modus operandi – I wouldn’t call anyone such pedantic names because there is no dishonor in refusing my offer.
You just know you don’t have a rational argument, but you’re not adult enough to admit it. This is why we can’t have nice things. Because Marxists, like children, aren’t concerned with what is, only with what they want at the moment.
[Edit: I’m not going to change what I wrote, but I didn’t see that it wasn’t from ity. Edwige has, thus far, not resorted to logical fallacies as a pattern which I could describe as a modus operandi. I’d almost bet on it though.]
An adult has entered the room, and yet the kids refuse
to behave. (Greta:”This is all wrong..!)
Should I pull the HateSpeech card on commenter
Capt. Barbie? Seeing how my beloved socialism
is all defenseless and hurt by his mean insults…
…. Yugoslavia was attacked because it was a socialist
powerhouse: cannot have that in europe.
NATO is a disgusting pack of jackals.
(yeah I know, honour does not factor into policy)
AnCapBarbie has already stated that he is OffGuardian. (“OffGuardian appreciates that you …”) and that he has the entire “hostile audience” on his side. Thus his grasp on his own physical status would appear to be as pathologically vacant as his grasp of politics/economics. Don’t waste your time.
Chuckle: do you mind if I ask whether you are pre. Or post
men-o-pause? For thought, Also, was Marx born Pre. Or Post.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild… ? hedging my bets, knowing you know in which direction we are heading, also laughing with you…
So, about this wager, fancy meeting in Beijing and discussing
Soros’ latest post ?
That’s challenging… 😀
Sure but I’m not willing to pay for a trip to Beijing, so if you’re covering my travel expenses and whatever shit-show the US State Department is gonna require to let me travel there at all legally. Anyway I did address that point re: the manufactured Soros vs. China sock-puppetry, as the former is among those rotting inbred cadavers and the latter is a key player in that burgeoning EastAsia which I doubt Orwell himself would scarcely believe. Not that I’m entirely clear why it’s relevant, except maybe in the context of the diminishing number of fucks I have to give about the delicate sensibilities on Google-funded media sites like this one, but I’m probably in menopause currently, considering I still enjoy sex but don’t really care one way or another if my husband wants to fuck me anymore. The Rothschilds primarily serve the House of Orange. The house of Welf is the other major family (inbred with several others including Oranges to create their current claim to divinity) among the rotting inbred cadavers I mentioned. They don’t like that Rockefellers and other “nouveau riche” “Americans” (who see themselves above notions like nations) seized a significant consolidation of global power, but that particular feud is mostly beneath the surface these days and anyway doesn’t matter because we the little people are subsidizing the oil majors regardless of which scumbags are in charge of them. That they remain so is what matters to them. The shuffling around at the top is palace intrigue bread and circuses packaged for the consumption of the great unwashed masses. In other words, you and I are supposed to fight each other over the singular privilege of JDR graciously giving us a dime out of his plundered billions, never question the pure unadulterated good or even… Read more »
A.I…….ie Anal Intrusion
The house of Welf?
Only knew of them as Guelph via Evola and his
literary worship of nobility.
The house of Orange: it has been suggested that
the late Prince Bernhard schemed and manipulated
for the marriage between the current king of Oranje
and his consort Maxima Z.
From an elite and fascist family, connected with
the Vatican and so on. Added bonus.
Deadly serious for one moment. Thank you for your candour, Honestly speaking. I feel you and your disillusionment. But, You may find Beetroot Balsamico and one teaspoon of raw cane soft brown sugar in a jar, is helpful biologically: my wife did, gran’s ole’ recipe for Chemical balance. One thing’s for sure, yer’ not a ‘bot’ or at Rockerfellers’ bottom of the shitstorm he created, with the Rothschilds, Montagues & Mountbattens. They all have estates in the New Forest, where I grew up, just a bike ride away from… I even used to seduce the Lords’ Pheasants onto the asphalt in blind bends with hedges, using bread 🍞 and collect the ‘roadkill’ legally, With some teamwork, riding my bike, going out hiking… As a child we knew them and their ways. And having worked nights monitoring global media for the CEO of the largest corporation in the world, following his brief and his concerns, Daily, there’s not much that you need to mention in terms of Corporate intelligence. Or the Media, or Moreover Military. Since the 80’s HAARP is real. And everything resonates, even here now! Funk dat’ sh8t ? ! Except Chemical Warfare, Geo+Political Engineering with mass media brainwash is being amplified At lightening speed, coz’ NATO and its’ central fiat money Bankers are bankrupt, like the governments. Morally and Financially, simple math Ancap. 100 years of War 100 years of Central Banking 100 years of Chemical Weapons ‘Tis blindingly obvious. Restructure Central Banking. Russia & China have the potential and the will. And the Tech. Working their Blockchain. Define Sovereign Rights. Cheer up. What’s Blue White Foamy Rubbery Smelly Wet and Flew across the Atlantic Ocean @180 mph ? Lord Louis’ plimsol… still makes me laff’ n’ laff And still chuckling four decades on… 😉 You wanna’ know… Read more »
Let’s see …
I said no such thing.
My vagina has a first name.
I’m engaging with the hostile audience already. Thus far you’ve been rather shabby.
Are we debating politics/economics? Or telling ourselves what an unclean fringe conspiracy theorist who doesn’t trust the science I am?
I see you are continuing the argument with yourself. Let me know who wins.
Here’s a good primer. I have thousands of citations, most of them from the proverbial horses’ mouths.
This has been about keeping Germany, and later Russia, from attaining world peer status with the Anglosphere, since the unification of Germany in 1871.
The debate isn’t between fascism and communism, because that’s just fighting over which boot we want on our faces forever.
The debate is between authority and leadership (tell me the difference), or the total state and the individual, if you prefer.
It’s okay though. We’re in a Fourth Turning.
Hence my comment about all of us learn the really valuable lessons the hard way. I’m covered with scars to prove I don’t claim to be any exception.
Well, now that you’ve clarified, it is blatantly obvious that you have not even read the above article. I suppose you did warn us earlier that you had stopped reading.
Anyway, cuddle up to those thousands of citations for warmth, and perhaps hope that they insulate you from the embarrassment. And as I’m not even sure that you’ll reach that level of awareness, I’m now feeling embarrassed on your behalf. You’re welcome.
The first thing I stated in my original comment was literally when I stopped reading this drivel.
Thanks for playing, Captain Obvious.
Get back to me when you have something other than ad hominem and appeal to authority [who is “us”?], please.
So what the fuck are you playing at then? You’ve come on here attacking an article that you’ve not read, just so that you can have a pop at socialism? And not only have you seriously misjudged the thrust of the article in question, but you’ve not even made any real point worth discussing. You’ve just had a little themed, deranged rant of your own choosing.
Well done you. Have a biscuit.
Okay so you’re telling me this isn’t, as the author describes, a “simple Marxist analysis” and my cringe at the repeated pejorative use of “capitalism” as coined by Marx was unwarranted?
Bullshit, or they have a fucked up way of demonstrating that in like five paragraphs, to the point that they’re at best a terrible writer.
Oh you poor thing. Your obvious offense at the word ‘capitalism’ ever being used in a derogatory or pejorative manner seems to have almost completely over ridden your reading and comprehension skills. I’m beginning to doubt that you even want to understand the article. Or are capable.
For someone so keen to engage in debate, you appear rather unequipped.
No this still isn’t about me or my emotional state or what a horrible person I am, no matter how much that’s what you want it to be about.
Study some history. I even provided you with a good primer, despite the ease with which you presumably could do so on your own.
You even provided me with a good primer?
Now I just feel so silly. I’ve obviously misjudged you. You’re a very good and kind person, and one who has my best interests at heart. Gotta love an educator.
And there was me thinking you a total twat.
Well you know what they say about assuming.
Try JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick
I’m guessing that would demonstrate most of what I’m saying, but from an Occupy Wall Street perspective.
The difference between you and me is I don’t see you as my enemy.
Hmm tried to add the link but wouldn’t let me edit.
1) I don’t see you as my enemy. (Ironic, considering your cliched response with regard to ‘assuming’).
2) You’re not even disagreeing with the article, which is pretty much about everything being a rich mans trick. Why not give the article another try?
Using an old saying that “it makes an ass outta you and me” makes us enemies?
You’ve spent the past hour-plus trying to insult me on the internet after first stating you wouldn’t engage with my bollocks?
I’m not going to take yet another “Marxist analysis” even remotely seriously when I’ve read hundreds of books and seen countless hours of video from its “intellectual” and spiritual “leaders”. Again, it’s at best a shitty article, or the author isn’t very good, because “capitalism” was repeatedly used as Marx’s pejorative beforehand and “Born-again Anarchist” or something like that would have kept me reading.
I value Rich Man’s Trick greatly for its history lesson, whether or not I agree with the framing (of certain implied political action in the present) on the part of the narrator and/or film-maker(s).
I tell you what, ity.
Convince me with one paragraph or less from the remainder of the article – and you can even cut and paste to your heart’s content if it’s that important – that I should read the rest of this article, or refrain whatsoever from being as fucking rude as I want to be toward anyone who advocates systemic mass-murder.
That or you can point me to the time in history when highly concentrated power didn’t lead to atrocities?
Oh fuck, I’ve just realised you thought my post at 10:36 was sincere. I thought my biting sarcasm was obvious. I’ll be more careful in future.
Nobody reading this thread is going to believe that except for you.
Also please don’t edit it and make me embarrass you with the screenshot.
Oh dear. Read it again. It’s pretty fucking obvious, especially when compared with my usual syntax and style of speech.
And your suggestion that I would edit my post for devious purposes is way wide of the mark. That ain’t me.
It’s hilarious that you see that as an accusation.
Are you doing a Greta??? “How dare you?!?” impugn the integrity you’ve so gracefully demonstrated thus far? Go fuck yourself, you lying sack of shit.
I prepare for as many contingencies as I can predict as thoroughly as I can. You’re not actually interested in my offered debate if you think being prepared is a bad thing.
You’re still demonstrating one of my key points, and you still don’t realize it.
Grow up.
Of course it was an accusation. In the context of this conversation it can be seen as nothing else.
You’re beginning to lose it; the stress is showing, you are unraveling. And you calling me a lying sack of shit is nothing but projection.
I see you.
You keep telling me what my emotional state is.
It’s pretty fucking creepy, since evidently that needs to be said.
Wait you think I should infer something noble about your syntax and style without any point of reference outside of your visceral and evasive replies on this thread? How the fuck should I know your “usual” when all I’ve seen of it thus far is that you’re a fucking asshole who wouldn’t get within 1000 yards of me talking that shit in the real world?
That “usual”?
Fucking cunt.
Get the jab for Marx!
Also please don’t multiply or operate an automobile.
If the author is in fact agreeing with me, they have a weird way of attracting sympathetic readers. Otherwise, what the fuck are you playing at?
It’s a rhetorical question.
You’re a fool.
That’s a rhetorical answer.
Thank you for such an honest debate on the topic of Marxism.
But do you really want a true debate?
I suspect that you are acting here, playing a role, pushing an agenda.
But you certainly don’t come across as honest.
Yes, I want a debate.
But you’ve spent over an hour trying to insult me, and finished this begging the question by accusing me of dishonesty?
And you don’t see how that’s dishonest?
Yes, I want a debate.
I’ve made quite a few points opposing Marxism, including several references, and thus far not a single reply has been favoring Marxism, and none of them are even on the same fucking topic as such a debate.
So, advocate against the evidence I’ve shown thus far. It’s your turn. The floor is yours. Convince me.
The only person here who wants a debate about Marxism appears to be you.
You’ve spent the past two hours demonstrating that flawlessly.
Again with your blatant dishonesty. Or genuine stupidity. So, which of my posts of today are actually debating Marxism?
Anyway, I’m off out, so we’ll have to continue this love fest later. Toodlepip.
Umm … that doesn’t make any sense unless you actually don’t know what you wrote.
Good night. Or whatever time it is where you are.
May your dreams bless you with wisdom beyond yourself.
Look I’ll explain it very slowly for you:
I said repeatedly I want a debate.
You say I’m the only one who does.
Over two hours, you demonstrated that you wanted to tell me all about myself but not debate on the side of Marxism, anything but it appears from my perspective.
You still don’t see how small you think, and how destructive that is when applied at scale.
I 100% agreed with this person’s statement that they don’t want to debate Marxism and they replied by accusing me of blatant dishonesty, or stupidity, again.
That about sums up the intellectual level of this conversation.
Ah, yes, that’s fair enough. I was rushing about trying to leave the house while still conversing at the same time. I ended up confusing my end of the conversation by doing a strange flip, and I do apologise for that. But anyway, a minor mishap. I’m sure that we’ll survive. So, to continue, where were we? Oh yes, you were stomping around in an entitled manner, demanding that everyone and his dog debate with you on the evils of Marxism. How’s that working out? I noticed that you’ve even tried to involve twitter, with included screen shots of this page, and a challenge that people come “fight you”. How’s that going? Oh, nearly 6 hours now and not a peep. Ah well… Is that what this is all about? You just want some attention? Perhaps you abandoned reading the article because it was taking too much effort, requiring too much thought. Instead you decided to jump on your simple hobby horse, and noisily ride that horse into the nearest crowd while waving a big flag. And why does any poster owe you a comment? Owe you a reply? Owe you a response? You’ve accused others on here of being entitled, but your behaviour on here today could be seen as a perfect example of an over inflated sense of entitlement. Your demands are unreasonable, and you are unreasonably demanding. To be honest, you’re coming across as a bit mental. You remind me of a fundamentalist, born again Christian who’s just shouting at people passing by in the street. You accost. Or perhaps your mission is to disparage the main article and this site, but as the article is so far ranging, you would really struggle using the skills and tools at your disposal. So instead you go for another… Read more »
That’s a lot of extra syllables if you’re correct.
Be gentle to yourself and the world around you.
That doc is something else! You gotta love ,he really is at the top of the independant media pyramid…
ity, I am compelled to inform you that my husband woke up, read this entire article, and described it as “that’s where they fall on their face”.
Which is precisely what I’ve been trying to explain to you, evidently to no avail.
It doesn’t work at scale. So it invariably reduces the scale. As we’re seeing with the current cull being celebrated by billions of dumbfounded dipshits.
Leave him alone.
He’ll go away.
I agree with ity, your infantile graphic does give us a clue that you must have accidently gone astray by typing a wrong email address..Here is the correct one:
McMurphy, here’s your personal finishing move, since apparently Google and Youtube are censoring your Marxist utopia but not enough to reject their filthy ad dollars I guess.
“Current events are the result of 150-odd years of the central planning Marx envisioned”.
Marx did not envision central planning anymore than western, liberal states just coming off their bourgeois revolutions did. France went through “terrorism” during Rovespierre and central plannning of the economy is, in the broad sense, a function of the state; the printing of currency, the central banking, collection of taxes and distribution of public funds. These are well recorded activities of any state. If anyone advocated for decentralised economy to render the state obsolete, that would be the theoretics of historical materialism. People who so vehemently oppose historical materialism usually cannot differentiate between what Marx analysed and what the role of Lenin was in the historic course of the International Workers Organisation. Hamada wrote historical facts about the propaganda and the material antithesis of interests of u.s. imperialism against workers movements in other countries.
Central planning is a function of the state with or without large capital investment. If you’re the state, which would you prefer?
I conveniently had that on my clipboard after linking it for another Marxist who obviously hasn’t ever read it.
Please read it or at least talk to someone who’s lived under real-world application of your paradise.
About 100 million corpses and counting
“Central planning is a function of the state with or without large capital investment. If you’re the state, which would you prefer?”
So how was it Marx’s invention? If you yourself define it as a material need of the state, how were states adopting it centuries before Marx was born? I have read the manifesto before, Marx advocates for a transitional period where state functions change hands, calling it the dictatorship of the proletariat. This notion, although appearing similar to Lenin’s strategy, does not outline Party function and actions as a general rule to be applied without deviation and consideration of historical and local parametres. You are latching on terminology, foregoing study to understand, a feature not strictly confined to you to be honest.
100 million dead? How many have died as a direct result of usa imperialism in Vietnam, Iraq, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Mexico, Chile, Argentina and within the usa?
That is called “whataboutism”. The Anglo-American Empire is evil af, so therefore you have to be even more evil af? Go spend some time in any of the countries you mentioned. If you’re gonna whatabout, I’m gonna say Romans hated the Empire but most of them would have still lived in Rome if they had the choice.
You have to deny others the existence of that choice in order for your argument to work.
One of your greatest thinkers, in my opinion, wrote a couple of brilliant works titled Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil and On Violence, among others.
But FFS what’s active isn’t Arendt, it’s Alinsky, Cloward/Piven … seriously how many of your own sources does a singularly evil capitalist pig-dog have to provide you free of charge simply for the remote chance that it may accrue net positive benefit for our entire species?
You can’t do this at scale, because as soon as everyone doesn’t have an individual voice, it’s no longer voluntary and therefore requires “enforcement”, apart from the slavery and eugenics Marx and all of his prominent followers advocate are self-evidently monstrous atrocities, not to mention economically inefficient.
Marx was explicitly inspired by the Reign of Terror, which didn’t end well for the “revolutionaries”. It never does. Hence the .gif in my original comment.
“apart from the slavery and eugenics Marx and all of his prominent followers advocate”
This is an outright lie and I would ask for the source of your statement.
I already cited the source on this thread, twice. But okay, here you go, again:
Let me know when you’ve read that and I’ll spoon-feed you the relevant historical context since then, and I promise I’ll only use your own “trusted authorities” as sources.
Quote directly next time, be a good conversation partner.
I wasn’t advocating for your censorship nor did I declare you anything.
The First world war ended the Prussian Empire, the “2nd Reich” . The first reich, the Holy Roman Empire, ended with the failure of the Crusades and the Religious Reformation.
I made no mention of Reichs, and I apologize for not being the one who made that particular video timeline. It was the one with the most clicks or likes or whatever so I figured “consensus” had determined it the most accurate. There are a few others if you like different terminology. I have to quote your material for you to disprove a claim you’re making but not willing to overtly advocate? And that, in your estimation, will make me a “good conversation partner”? Ugh, you’re making this more complicated than it needs to be, as if providing you more information than most modern Masters “programs” in a few hours is somehow inadequate, but okay, again, or at least ’til you move the goalposts some more: “If, for instance, among us mathematical axioms seem self-evident to every eight-year-old child and in no need of proof from evidence that is solely the result of ‘accumulated inheritance.’ It would be difficult to teach them by proof to a bushman or to an Australian Negro.” – Engels, 1877 “Centralization of the means of production, and socialization of labour at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated.” – Karl Marx ““The Negro is indolent and lazy and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.” – Ernesto Guevara, The Motorcycle Diaries ““The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way.” – Marx, 1853 “Among all the large and small nations of Austria, only three standard-bearers of progress took an active part in history, and still retain their vitality—the Germans, the Poles and the Magyars. Hence they are now revolutionary. All the other… Read more »
You did refer to the Holy Roman Empire, the first Reich, and falsely claimed that it officially ended with world war 1.
Of the quotes you give, out of context, none referencing racial characterisations are of Marx and I doubt any of the two quotes you provided were from the manifesto, which twice you prompted me to read.
Furthermore, none of the quotes advocate eugenics (a scientific school with WIDE acceptance, wholly originating from your side of the Atlantic…) and it is well known that Marx and Engels, besides not being two sides of the same brain as marxists-leninists would have us believe, often argued in their writings about the different nationalities in Europe and their revolutionary potential based on the degree of capital accumulation and adjacent class struggle within their borders.
I did not say the Holy Roman Empire “ended with world war 1.” I said the unification of Germany in 1871 was the direct cause of world war 1, not the sanitized version “schools” teach kids. What you’re cherry-picking and turning into a mountain is the titles various historians apply to the remnants of that Holy Roman Empire fighting among each other prior to the official unification of Germany. While that period is relevant in terms of Britain’s reasoning for its action 20 years later, insofar as that unification fucked up their plan for continental dominance, it was the unification itself which fucked up that plan.
One of the first things I posted on this long thread was Corbett’s Why Big Oil Conquered the World. Someone downvoted it – I thought Corbett was allowed into acceptable discourse around here but I guess downvoting it is better than refuting any of it.
In that context, his The World War 1 Conspiracy is also excellent. 4 stars outta 5. Also there’s another 90-something minutes of knowledge many here clearly lack while repeatedly telling me how little I know about anything, without any self-awareness or sense of irony. My super-power is that I can go for days powered by that same irony; the only downside is that for the same number of days afterward I’m an insufferably cheeky cunt.
Please either read it before replying, or don’t put strawmen in my mouth.
So how about this?
If I concede that I could have worded one particular sentence more precisely, will you concede that even if the strawman you’re creating for me is absolutely true, it is nonetheless irrelevant.
Also I appreciate a grammar and syntax Nazi as much as anyone, but given the length and unintended irony of this thread overall, including several of your own comments? Pretty used-car-salesman of you bruh.
I rushed through your comment, you said the Holy Roman Empire (the firat Reich) ended after the 1st usa civil war,not with the first world war. Which is still wrong.
An argument is not a game of concessions. I listen to you, you listen to me and we see who is right or closer to the truth, or at least understand what the other person is saying. The point of me focusing on your First Reich statement was to expose your level of ignorance when it comes to general knowledge of history, to establish lack of critical and spherical outlook on it.
I said the fall of the first Reich, or the rise of the second, was the proximate cause of WW1, though I never used the term “Reich” until you accused me of a strawman you created, which was my imprecise description of that very brief bloody chaotic period which just coincidentally took place during the sames brief bloody chaotic periods as the 1st US civil war and French Revolution or Reign of Terror depending on your point of view.
Again, farewell. I have some money to deposit in the bank that has recently become a higher priority to me than this. I’ll check back later for a few laughs, if I’m not shadow-banned by then.
George Bernard Shaw is laughing at your undeveloped sense of humour from beyond the grave…
Now, you be at a bare minimum your own definition of “good conversation partner” and refute anything I’ve said, even in response to other Marxists militantly refusing to defend their position without me explaining to them what their position is first.
Such are betas, or NPC’s or incels, or whatever name “the other” calls them. I have to make both sides of the debate so others can claim victory and some of them can literally pretend to be Marxists while profiting by quoting me, sometimes verbatim.
Which is fine. It’s a mistake to think I care about the accolades. Someone else can play-act in front of cameras. I only care about results.
Are you going to cherry-pick that the specific term “eugenics” wasn’t in common use for like 20 years after The Communist Manifesto was published and barely noticed ’til a madman named Vladimir Lenin thought it sounded like a brilliant idea? Or are we pretending like he wasn’t celebrated by Fabians and others for murdering several million Russians in the 1920s alone?
Because I also sourced the origin of that concept already. If you care to learn something you obviously don’t know, I invite you to do so. If you care to militantly declare me a threat and an enemy, I still recommend you do so if for no other reason than to know thy enemy. Duh. It’s just bad strategic planning at best, which is pretty much the hallmark of your repeated socio-economic disasters.
I don’t care what I want it to be. You can model alternate realities until we’re living in the next one. Your models are consistently wrong, and even if they weren’t I would care far more about what we observe actually is, and then work with anyone willing to do so peacefully toward achieving the best possible outcomes which I am not willing to sacrifice on the alter of unattainable and subjective perfection or ubermensch or whatever other psychotic fantasies your masters want you to pay and die for.
Are you aware that the “Holy ‘Roman’ Empire” dissolved after the 1st US civil war? WW1 was planned 20 years later, and began 23 years after that. We’re still living in its crater.
Every relevant event occurs on this map.
Note, in the context of centrally-planned societies and the “discovery” of petroleum as a principal energy resource, key events beginning in the mid-19th century. If it’s not obvious, even after I’ve spelled it out several times, then I’m not sure I know how else to make it more plain.
See you’re absolutely correct that France experienced terrorism, except you’re being dishonest in that usage and you know it: Marxists nakedly romanticize it as the French Revolution, not the Reign of Terror.
My point with the part you quoted was that Marx most certainly did envision central planning, and it wasn’t an original concept, and proto versions of it were implemented among the populations ruled by 1000-year-old inbred rotting cadaverous families in order to perpetuate both their bloodlines and the self-proclaimed rights to rule that allegedly accrue from them. They know they’re fucked, even after they allowed a bit of genetic diversity in the past 20 or so years, hence the massive investments in gene modification culminating in the current global gain of function research, damn the consequences. These people are that insane.
There are several factions in play, though I realize this is difficult to conceptualize for people who don’t study their own titans’ work, but the most of reality is not binary, black/white, us/them, good/evil. Currently we have the aforementioned rotting cadavers; we have some obnoxious tech kids with enough money to buy ass-kissers for miles but apparently not enough to actually know what they’re doing; we have a burgeoning EastAsia that Orwell himself would scarcely believe; and we have the Anglo-American Empire desperately pretending like the rest of the world views it as an inevitable and necessary benefactor of all mankind in perpetuity.
The third option nobody considers because a century of Edward Bernays et. al. isn’t programming them to consider it, is to escape the plantation.
exactly here i stopped reading 🙂
where i stopped reading.
Yet another infantile attack on OffG. Did you have this motion graphic ready on your desktop or had to ask your supervisor for it? You must be very proud of yourself.
I am, quite, since it’s generated a lot of replies and almost all of them are making this too easy for me.
Are you seriously appealing to the authority of OffGuardian?
Because I respect them enough to have already challenged them to this debate directly, and you’ve generated two reply threads demonstrating that their NPC’s are fucking terrible at this. C’mon Kit, Catte? CJ Hopkins seems to understand the distinction between free-market “capitalism” and “globocap”, but none of them can produce a cogent argument in favor of collectivism in any form that requires force. And it doesn’t matter which *ism we apply to it because that shit only matters to the inevitable master*isms while the rest of us end up essentially the same paupers under any of them the moment we no longer have a say in any aspect of our own lives.
Also I already showed you the breakfast equivalent of a nice hot steaming cup of shut the fuck up, since the “authority” (not leadership, but I bet you can’t spot the difference) you appealed to is so anti-establishment censored by big tech that it’s collecting Google ad revenue.
Remember, I’m all of those names you clowns call me and then some. Because in clown world, you better expect the Joker sooner or later.
You don’t get why it’s a joke, because it’s on you. It is not even possible to plan every aspect of your own life. What hubris to presume to plan others’.
That pain some of you seem to be experiencing is not coincidentally the same one Klaus Schwab experiences when he summons a demon and a badass demon huntress shows up to ruin his half-baked schemes.
If he/you were smart, you’d know better than to summon demons in the first place.
But you don’t carry the scars, and sooner or later the rest of us are going to react in ways the algorithms that do what you refer to as “thinking” for you do not anticipate, a la Canadian truckers at this very moment.
Imperialism, the first stage of capitalism, by Ninel IV…
You’ve got to subjugate and control before you can exploit…
China, a giant corporation, in a world of global corporations who have China in their sights to carve up. The Clash of the Global Corporations…
China, where capitalist social relations prevail but are are called “socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
Hiroyuki Hamada has written a long and thoughtful description of the West’s political illness, as seen through the eyes of a well meaning outsider. After description comes the naming of the disease: Plutocratic Oligarchy.
And the remedy? I would recommend Communism as a remedy against Plutocracy.
“It is easier to thread a cable through the eye of a needle than to squeeze a rich man through the gate of the Heavenly Kingdom.” — New Testament
But against Oligarchy? Against the natural competitive instinct to be Top: Top Dog, Top Chimp, Top Impegnator, Top of the World? Reinforced by the natural submissive instinct to join a herd because there is Safety in Numbers. What is the remedy for those?
“Who then devised the torture? Love.
Love is the unfamiliar name
Behind the woven shirt of flame” — TS Eliot.
It’s great how people can dream up solutions of problems that were never there, thereby creating new markets with problems that did not exist when the solutions weren’t there!
Good stuff, that was a really good read. And thanks for ending on a positive note, as I’m full up with despair at the moment. Wishing everyone a good day.
we are all parasites in varying degrees
The thing about parasites is, they never know when to stop. They keep on consuming until their host is dead.
Dead world = dead parasites.
No, they don’t – they keep the host alive until they are ready to emerge for the very reason you’ve identified.
Parasitic wasps are a big deal in Gnosticism. They argue they are the most successful species on Earth. Such wasps lay their eggs in their chosen animal and the larvae eat their way around the vital organs of the host to keep them alive. When the wasp erupts from the host, the host might survive or it might not – the wasp doesn’t care. Tarantula hawk wasps are an example. Gnostic make a big deal of this because it’s difficult to reconcile with notions of a loving god. Darwin mentions it which suggests to me he was a closet Gnostic.
The ‘Alien’ films are essntially this story transplanted to humans. Dan O’Bannon who wrote the original story and H.R. Giger were big-time Occultists and Ridley Scott has made a string of Occult-themed films.
Great post. Thanks.
“The war on drugs was about destruction of minority communities as much as about destruction of Latin American movements to defy the US hegemony.” – Absolutely.
The Reagan era Iran Contra operation was a perfect example of how both of those policy goals were accomplished with the same operation – with cheap cocaine being flown into the U.S. and guns flown out in the other direction by the Ollie North crew. The underling dynamic was that as poor disinfranchised minority communities bought those cheap drugs narcotizing both their pain and dissent, the American government used those drug profits to help fund the Contra’s counter-insurgency death squad atrocities and mayhem in the effort to overthrow the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Ollie, psychopath that he is, constructed the perfect circle of criminality and amoral cynicism. Poor people in the U.S. and the poor of Nicaragua all caught in the same circular web of official criminality that routinely characterizes the West’s “intelligence” operations.
The ‘War on Drugs’ was about eliminating the drug suppliers not favoured by intelligence agencies and their banker masters.
The problem isn’t Capitalism but more specifically “Finance Capitalism” vs “Industrial Capitalism”. Finance Capitalism is Neo-liberal, parasitic, speculative, debt slavery, Imperialistic in nature where as Industrial Capitalism is National, Sovereign, creation of money for productive means and benefits 99% of the people. Read Professor Michael Hudson who explains this in detail:
“Finance capitalism” instead of “industrial capitalism” was apparently Margaret Thatcher’s aim when she encouraged formation of IPCC in 1988. If CO2 was bad, coal miners unions had to go, of course.
I would like to step back first and ask whether a bought government is a form of capitalism? I prefer to call this situation not capitalism but corruption. Is a uniform press a form of capitalism, i.e. a monopoly, or a form of corruption?
Why I don’t like to call these corrupt states forms of capitalism is that you enter a society that has a lack of free choices. The basis of capitalism is free choice and competition to win my preference. That is gone when you are forced to take vaccines or pay for fake enemies because you are not told they are fake.
My point is that I don’t think we should call our system capitalist, but instead fascist. Its opposite is not socialism but effective freedom of information and choice.
I have always liked Michael Hudson, but it has been the same problem since the Normans [in the UK] – secrets, lies and marketing. Why is marketing a thing, a degree? Why are politics, psychology, epidemiology, and business studies academic subjects? They are about gaming society, finding the average, nudging, reinforcing and scamming. Without those parasites society would have true diversity and choice.
The problem isn’t a few individuals appropriating the means of production and reducing the rest of the population to serfs?
Very crudely ahistorical approach. The polity changes in the way those who hold the reins of the production factors change. What is happening now is no different than what was happening all over the west when the railway was invented and petroleum was discovered. Do you think tycoons had no pull back then? If you are from the usa, have you heard of Tammany Hall? The scientific organisation of labour during the 2nd industrial revolution went hand in hand with Ford espousing eugenics and funding Hitler? What you call corruption, implying that it is an exceptional condition, is an integral and INSEPARABLE part of capital accumulation and domination. It is why the usa is a world power and Norway isn’t.
„This is how people are indoctrinated to hate the system that gives power to the people—socialism”
In my case, as I was born and educated in a Socialist country, it is not true. My main indoctrination against Socialism came from my personal experience of living under a Socialist regime.
Regarding the covid problem, we should not forget that it started in China – a socialist country. How and why it started it is clearf for me:
One hour this nonsense of wuhan labs may stop…the Chinese were at that Oct meeting where it was all planned…they knew exactly what role they were to play, including the people dying in the street and communicating with the pseudo pro Dresden to make the PCR test etc etc. all planned and coordinated…curtesy world economic forum, gates and the rest…nothing more or less
Started in China? The location is not as important as following the money; DARPA, NIH, Harvard, etc.
You didnt read the article which I linked in my comment, isnt it?
Does it mention outsourced scientific research to Wuhan, with US funding, in it,
innit’? I hope so and that you’ve followed the thought and money & the intentions.
Careful how much you digest media matters in open society &
Soros’ future formula already operational submerged
Deep within China, for 20+years, like the Rothschilds.Murdochs.&&&
Keep following the money 💰 since 1970 onwards, Alles Klar!
100 Years of War
100 Years Central Banking
100 Years Chemical Weapons
Chemical Battles of Doiran are still happening today, shockingly, against the very
INVENTORS of Gunpowder. The Chinese government admits to Geo-engineering the Weather with 500 installations and LOCKHEED MARTIN’S Tech. And help to prepare the air for the 2008 Olympics. All of which the Chinese people have been informed of, even receiving apologies when experiments go wrong!
An equation that is kind of similar to the NIST ‘pseudo-science’ report on
WTC7 & the science of Societal demolition, as a whole.
Mass Formation Psychosis was clearly weaponised and it appears,
You may not see devil’s within your present perceptions.
Soros declared War on Xi personally,
And very publicly.
Consider further Marius.
I presume that you know the Rothschiklds’ shipping business was transferred to
China, 2 weeks before the 11th Sept. 2001 and that the Rothschilds’ business in
Shipping, were residents of the WTC Complex, prior to moving onto pastures new.
Whilst the SEC investigation into HAARP, MONSANTO, GEC & ENRON went
Up in smoke, with many mirrors demolishing WTC7’s records.
Including the IRS, not just their 17 government security agencies, with all official
Tax declarations, nor just the missing $$$2.3 Trillion$$$ Rumsfeld declared,
The day previous to the public demolition of Science !
The virus event kept people away from each other, prevented freedom of speech, and prevented freedom of assembly while deeply dividing people on many grounds.
i used to backup n protect Sophie on many occasions, til she proved how awful a person she is to be a moderator. Not personal, this is judgement cos my thinking is justified, awful judgement in making someone so emotional as her, chief moderator.
One of the best articles I’ve had the pleasure to read on OffG. Thanks Hiroyuki.
I liked “parasites devouring paralyzed hosts.” Thanks for including Dilyana’s latest on US bioweapons and global bio labs. My favorite US bio lab is the “Lugar Center” in Georgia. US Sen. Lugar was of course knighted by the Queen. George Soros has been normalized as he recently spoke at the “conservative” Hoover Institute at Stanford. Why not? Jared Kushner’s business accepted a $250 million credit line from Soros in 2015. Soros is also a partner in Jared’s business.
“This is how people are indoctrinated to hate the system that gives power to the people—socialism, and are forced to crave the system that strangles them—capitalism.” Beware of mere phraseology. Words & concepts like “socialism” and “capitalism” are meaningless without greater interpretation. Keep in mind that there are wealth-hoarding “capitalists” in “communist” China, in “socialist” Russia, in “socialist” Vietnam, in “socialist” North Korea, etc. Each has their own billionaire class. And what they have in common with other wealth-hoarding billionaire “capitalists” in countries like the U.S. is their willingness to use their massive hoards of wealth to greatly influence & control public policy. Thus “capitalism” and “socialism” are not necessarily opposing ideologies. You can, and we often do, have both at the same time, in the same places. Many people have logically pointed out that the U.S. economic system is “socialism” for the wealthy. Whereas there are many different forms of “socialism”, one primary tenet of most of those forms of “socialism” is central planning. The U.S. Federal Reserve is one of the largest central planning entities on the planet, setting policy that determines interest rates, employment rates, money supply, etc. And it is owned by the largest national banks, for their primary benefit. The moral? ANY system can be corrupted & controlled. For thousands of years, Philosophers, Social Scientists, Sociologists, Economists and such have striven to create systems to overcome the corruptions of human beings. But over time each of those systems have become corrupted themselves. Criticizing a corruptible system like “capitalism” whilst praising another corruptible system like “socialism” is pure foolishness. When most people talk of generically of phrases like “socialism”, they demonstrate how little they truly know about those concepts. And how little they know about the true workings of the real world. And how little they… Read more »
“The moral?
ANY system can be corrupted & controlled.”
That was written in bold print, well deserved. And in conclusion, a welcome reminder of DeToqueville’s prophetic insight.
On a more humdrum level, from the Readers Digest circa 1947:
“How to protect yourself from Con-men? Watch your morals”.
Göring: Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country…
* Dr. G.M. Gilbert 1976 “The Memory of Justice” *
From an interview with Gilbert, in Göring’s jail cell during the Nuremberg trials.
„in the United States only Congress can declare wars”
Please remind me in how many wars were USA involved after the Second World War and in how many of them the Congress declared war.
I’m not presuming to speak for TDj, but the absurdity you quoted came from Dr. Gilbert.
It’s not too surprising that Gilbert, the prison psychologist at Nuremberg, spewed this kind of pious claptrap– especially when interviewing leaders of the Third Reich.
Thank you, Ort.
A response would have cost me far more thought and likely,
Just wasted time considering holographic elephants…
Quote me: “Whoosh_speechless” words fail.
Who’s Marius? Who upvoted him?
I wonder why? And if moderators
Monitored this action.
Can be nothing.
Crazy people everywhere…
But, memory serves. 😉
“And what they have in common with other wealth-hoarding billionaire “capitalists” in countries like the U.S. is their willingness to use their massive hoards of wealth to greatly influence & control public policy.”
What they also have in common is their desire for monopoly. They realised statist versions of communism were a hugely useful weapon in achieving this goal which is why they started promoting them. Capitalism had to keep up some sort of pretense about valuing competition whereas communism doesn’t even have to pretend.
Thank you CS, excellent comment.
That is why one needs to make the distinction between capitalism as a form, as a historical phase established BUT NOT LIMITED to the economic system centered around capital accumulation and profit and capitalism as an ideology, as an apologetic manifestation of the system towards itself; and between socialism as a form, as an economic practice that opposes capitalist economy and a hypothetical subsequent historical phase to follow capitalism-as-a-historical-phase and socialism as ideology, which can and has easily been manipulated by self-appointed defenders of the working class (i.e. parties) as an apologetic manifestation of the countries ruled by such parties and their internal and foreign policy. Socialism is a moot point unless workers have developed historical consciousness, which more or less, all of us opposing the jabs have.
There’s a slight difference – which may very well be attributed to enmity within the system. Nonetheless, several years ago, when plastic somehow got into one of China’s big exports – wheat gluten – the businessman who allowed the error to go forward was (supposedly) tried and executed. In the US he would have been toasted by the President.
Slight difference.
Or, has already happened.
The Top 60 global Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks, aka the CARTEL, now control over $100 TRILLION in assets.
They have become the largest shareholders/owners of the largest “competing” corporations, in most every single industry.
From the Americas to Europe to Asia and beyond.
A good percentage of the global population now exists solely to work for, and consume from this CARTEL of neo-feudal Lords.
Even many of the few remaining small businesses exist solely as middlemen/middlewomen of this CARTEL.
Existing most solely to resell products and/or services of the owned corporations of this CARTEL.
Much like serfs & peasants of the past feudal eras, whom existed most solely to work the lands and consume the products owned by the Lords.
By controlling such a massive value of assets, this CARTEL maintains effective control over entire economies, and thus effective control over politics and governance.
Most public policy now exists most solely for their benefit.
Yep you got it in one…all the other words are just dressing
Not to worry: the $100 trillion the elites now control, once you remove every last smoke and mirror, plus a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee.
I think the writer needs to step back from his text books and catch up with reality on the ground:
Leftists are pushing the Zero Covid policies and the associated stringent containment nonsense.
The Great Reset “Own nothing be happy”, UBI, Vax Passports are from the Chinese Communist Playbook.
The Chinese Social Credit System and expansion by the Chinese Party of their Vax passports to now hold information on their subjects political views, criminal record etc… is the envy of the Demons from Davos.
The rampant censorship of any dissident views that go against The Party has its roots where? Certainly not capitalism.
Capitalism is exploitative absolutely but to not recognise how repressive and deranged Marxist-Leninist policies can be is downright ignorant.
Capitalism was used to steal the wealth.
Communism/Marxism is now to be used to keep that wealth from the proles.
“Those in China may call themselves anything they want. Does not mean they are. The right-center-left paradigm/construct is just another way the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychos use to keep WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) at each others throats so the psychos can continue with their grand theft enslavement racket.”
I always love it when an entity – in this case, the Media – is pilloried for telling nothing but lies.
Until along comes something someone agrees with. I do it too (with climate change) so I know how easy it is to rationalize the lie as “getting this one thing right.”
With left and right wing capitalist propaganda, what people think they know of Marxism are distorted shadows of the real thing.
[Genuine] Marxism is Anti-leftism
The Communist Manifesto divides its withering critique of all existing socialism into three general headings: “reactionary socialism,” “conservative or bourgeois socialism,” and “critical-utopian socialism and communism.”
You had me, till you started discussing China. “Although China is fully integrated in the global market economy, it continues to resist western domination of its social fabric through western neoliberalization and financialization. This makes total sense if we understand the very reason why China opened itself to the market economy—it has done so to put its economic activities under the guidance of the Communist Party of China. It allows China to grow economically in providing for its people while preventing western propaganda infiltration, development of western guided blackmarket, and western capitalist restructuring of Chinese social structure.” China’s social structure is dominated by billionaires, members of the “communist party,” whose enterprises operate internationally, and are core parts of the Great Reset. China is one of the 3 models being set up by the Great Reset, the other two being Estonia and Israel. China’s people are getting exploited to the bone and are seeing the ecosystem getting shredded in pursuit of profits, by both domestic corporations and foreign ones. China’s government initiated the Lockdown which it then pushed upon the rest of the world with the assistance of the corporate media, WHO and big tech, doing it for the WEF. This government is pursuing “Zero Covid,” pushing forth the illusion of pandemic, which it stared with fake videos of people dropping dead in the streets, and putting forth the lie that an actual virus has been isolated (as well as hints of “lab leak” to further the fear factor_. For anyone to put fother this nation state as some sort of alternative is a disgusting travesty. If readers are interested in reality, go read Michael P Senger’s book Snake Oil: How Xi Jiping Shut Down the Whole World. I gave this a 1, because 0 was impossible to do. This is… Read more »
Totally agree with you. All of them are corrupt to the core. As if the Chinese are any better, though they may not be worse.
“China’s government initiated the Lockdown which it then pushed upon the rest of the world with the assistance of the corporate media, WHO and big tech, doing it for the WEF. ”
Last I checked, Xi and gang did not hold a gun to the heads of western governments to force them to implement lockdowns. So your whole tirade on China is based on nothing more than what you have read – you don’t have your own opinions!
Who suggested they held a gun? But isn’t there overwhelming evidence of global cooperation over the COVID rollout?
That’s not the point of my statement. Please read the above comment. How can China be accused of something it’s not responsible for?
Greetings Sophie: Cooperation of Media, Banks & bankrupt governments’ politicians, (excepting Lukashenko, logic) with military, police & doctors to Enforce all edicts and editing of the narrative… daily losing credibility. The Chinese have actually marginalised the significance of Western media Credibility, very successfully and YOU personally have benefited with a massive extra workload ‘Allgemein’ @OffG, first and hopefully increased wages finally, For your judicious worthy endeavours in inflationary times. There is civil war In China, too, only of a very different nature from your train of thought. Haiiiyyyaaa, you forget colour of umbrella in Hong Kong? This Made China, the Chinese & Chinese A.i. wake up and prepare for the flu, profiling media profilers carrying poison umbrellas, Like Georgi Markov/Soros ? Haiiiyyyaaa, Uncle Roger say FM Truss Boris Black See Baltic sea, very embarrassing politicians planted throughout whole NATO, Exposing Media Monopoly, just like TrueDough. Alternative Media Rising? Re-writing the Narrative? This remains to be BBC seen… unlikely without compulsion. The Legacy Media even render, sore, grill & dress their own hacks, Let alone Rogan, Snowden & Assange. Think objectively longterm over that which Xi & Putin have achieved in exposing The connectivity between communications control,media&bankrolling the M.i.c. & CENSORSHIP !? Same darn game, with Tech. Twist, Supermen with crypto-nite- night Elon. Fancy a battery? Musk thinks quickly. Made in Shanghai, of Chinese design and blockchain Legacy, quality the priority. Tesla needed to improve safety factoring, due to heat in various departments. Musk’s new Sputnik Network is massive in its’ design conceptions: way more significant than any car battery, especially for an exceptionally visionary electronics engineer like Ren Zhengfei. People will have to strike deals and Share their Data with the Blockchain. Via Sputniks. Logic. Keyword being bankrolling. In March, after NATO’s ECB/IMF have finished their attempts at ridiculing the… Read more »
I said nothing about a gun. Michael P Senger researched out this matter very well. He is a principal in the lawsuit against the Corman-Drosten paper which is the basis for the PCR test scam and indeed the entire Plandemic.
I would only caution that we in the West – the US in particular – can be sure of one newsflash alone: not to believe anything the media tells us.
Presumably China did what you note; but then again, with a little help from Hollywood sets, CGI and Chinese extras, there does exist the possibility that the entire China pandemic scenario was faked.
I wasn’t in Wuhan so I can’t verify any of it.
I never said i got this off the media. Michael P Senger is NOT a mainstream media commentator, he is a principal in the lawsuit against the Corman-Drosten paper which is the basis of the PCR test scam.
After wiping out so many small business in aust the next step would appear to be wipe out education…one could have a debate about how good it was before 2021 but from what I am seeing there will be basically bugger all going forward…
it used to be one way out of the poverty trap along with starting a small business…interesting how they have gone after would seem a reverting to the serf system is well under way….along with mass starvation…
“it [free Education] used to be one way out of the poverty trap along with starting a small business…interesting how they [the Predator Class] have gone after both”.
In the Mother Country it started with Maggie Snatcher who climbed the ladder of free education and kicked it away from the next generation by raising student fees. The assault on small businesses came later, with her Trickle Up Theory: let your money trickle up to the Wealthy, and they will trickle their wealth down to you. The sheeple swallowed both doctrines, same as they swallowed Con-19.
“The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed” — Dante, Paradiso.
They don’t want to “wipe out” education – they want to shift to tele-education which brings 1) more profit to big tech and 2) more control. The Open University was a model to normalise the idea for everyone now (no wonder Harold Wilson said it was his proudest achievement).
They’ll probably shift to some sort of hybrid model first with some physical attendance at an institution still required. Such teachers that still exist will find they have to work much more and the BBC/Guardian can print concerned articles about how surprised they are this has happened after having done nothing but support it beforehand. Read ‘School World Order’.
P.S. They don’t want to wipe it out because of the opportunity for brain-washing of course.
One wonders if tele-students will still be required to jab themselves with poison to attend online? My guess is they would comply rather than be “left out” of such a glorious thing as “education.”
It’s already happening in some parts of the US. At some universitites, even online students aren’t allowed to enroll unless they’re jabbed.
The late Peter Drucker wrote in his book ‘The Post Capitalist Society’, that national borders would disappear and that people’s loyalty would be to the organization. The corporation would take care of the individual, while the individual would find his identity in the corporation that protected him and took care of all his needs, from income, to healthcare, to education, and so on. He described this setup as a return to feudalism, with large corporations acting as lords. I read this book back in the late ’90s and remember being chilled to the bone.
But it now seems that the corporations don’t even want vassals anymore.
That was the case in Japan – until it wasn’t.