Is there something more sinister than money behind the “new HIV” scare?
Although any “public health crisis” is big bucks for big pharma, the drive behind a “new AIDS variant” maybe more than greed.

Just yesterday we ran a story highlighting the sudden shift in news coverage, away from Covid and towards HIV/AIDS.
In brief, testing drives and government vows to “end the AIDS epidemic” accompanied news of a scary “new variant”. We won’t detail it all again, you can read it here.
Our article reasoned that this was likely just a play to keep people scared, and sell a lot of mRNA “vaccines”, and while that is definitely a factor, further research has shown other potential angles to take on this story.
Whilst there’s not enough information to form any definite conclusions there are some very interesting questions to be asked and theories to consider.
Firstly, there’s the idea that the “scary new AIDS variant” is not just a phantom used to sell vaccines, as COVID has always seemed to be, but could actually be a cover for illnesses and injuries caused by the vaccines themselves.
An October 2021 study, published in the Lancet, found that over time the effectiveness of Covid “vaccines” dropped below zero, meaning that eventually, a vaccinated person was more likely to get “Covid” than an unvaccinated person.[note]
America’s Frontline Doctor’s speculate that the vaccines could have even broader effects on the immune system, producing what they call Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or “VAIDS”.
There is currently no hard evidence to support this theory, but if they are correct millions upon millions of people could become ill, and soon.
We have already seen a plethora of predictions of increases in strokes and heart attacks, all attributed to very much non-vaccine causes. Everything from increased energy prices to lockdown-related depression has been blamed.
That certainly appears to be pre-emptive ass-covering behaviour. And this “new variant” of AIDS could be too.
If the Covid “vaccines” cause millions of people to suddenly develop dysfunctional immune systems, or some kind of antibody-dependent enhancement a “more dangerous new strain of AIDS” is a pretty good cover story, don’t you think?
Again, there’s no direct evidence of this being the case yet, but it’s certainly possible.
In October 2020 one group of researchers, quoted in Forbes, warned that any potential Covid “vaccine” could increase your risk of being infected with HIV.
One of the few abandoned Covid vaccine candidates, from the University of Queensland, actually used a protein from HIV as a “molecular clamp” to bind their artificial spike proteins together, the researchers claimed. This potential “vaccine” was apparently discarded after test subjects returned “false positives” on HIV tests.
I don’t want to get into the AIDS/HIV debate here (or in the comments) – but whatever your position on that issue, you must concede there is something potentially quite odd going on here.
Another fact to consider: The death of Dr Luc Montagnier.
Dr Montaigner was a virologist who won a Nobel prize for his work on HIV in 2008, repeatedly spoke out against the vaccines, and stated he believed the spike proteins show similarities to HIV. And yesterday he died.
Now, he was 89 years old, and statistically, when you get to 89 you’re more likely to die than make it to 90, but it is a funny piece of timing nonetheless.
It echoes the death of Dr Kary Mullis, Nobel prize-winning inventor of PCR, who died in late 2019, just months before his invention would be misused to sell a fake pandemic.
Funnily enough, I had actually written 80% of this piece before I saw the most recent episode of New World Next Week, in which James Corbett and James Evan Pilato have a good discussion on this very topic:
OffGuardian’s position has always been that alarmism should be avoided until it is one hundred per cent justified, that “ah scary covid!” and “ah scary vaccines!”, though seeming in conflict, can end up servicing the same narrative.
This is true of the “vaccines can make new variants” line, for example, which though appearing to be counter to the establishment line, subtly reinforced it by maintaining there was a definite disease called “covid”, and it posed a danger to the public.
But we also believe in supplying all the information, and never dismissing any opinion or position if there’s some evidence to back it up, and there are definitely questions to be asked on this issue.
There’s almost certainly going to be big money in HIV tests and AIDS “vaccines” in the future, but it’s possible there could be something even worse than that coming down the road. We’ll just have to wait and see.
But what do you guys think?
- Is the new AIDS scare for real? Or another Covid phony war?
- Could it be to cover up vaccine-related harms?
- If so, is this an intentional plan or an accidental consequence?
- Will they push for more testing? Why?
- Is “AIDS screening” a way of monitoring a huge experiment?
Discuss in the comments below.
*CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article stated “A study in the Lancet in October 2021 claimed the Covid “vaccines” could lead to what they called “VAIDS”, this was incorrect. The Lancet paper only discusses waning immunity from Covid. “VAIDS” is an (as yet) theoretical side-effect, posited by America’s Frontline Doctors in their article on the Lancet paper. We have amended the text to correctly reflect this, and apologise for the mistake.
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Money is always will rule our world and people will go to use them to fix all their problems by getting more and more money and that is a right fix for a lot of situations but for what you are talking in your articles that I really appreciate reading especially from a side of financial expert I can easily say that they are very easy to read and informative. I want to add that people nowadays more and more looking for a service like this one , and they help them with their financial problems, so maybe someone will use this link, and it will help them. I hope everything will be ok with everyone who is reading this message.
As long as medics & powers that be are lying how can we know the truth behind anything. Either way mRNA vaccines are bad idea. I was microbiologist for 20 years…..
Tuberculosis is the larger problem; and as Nature would have it, bacterial.
Symptom-overlaps make for ease of gathering illnesses under one big umbrella-of-causation; most likely constructed for just that purpose – obfuscation of the multiple-causes – many of which are toxicological and reveal virology itself to be a hand-maiden to pollution-at-large.
Stewing in our own industrial-success?
Usually the Off-G articles by the editors are concise and logical. But this one recommends that readers not discuss the original HIV/AIDS fraud (“I don’t want to get into the AIDS/HIV debate here (or in the comments)”) but also asks readers, “Is the new AIDS scare for real?”
Understanding the extent of the original fraud (e.g., is HIV real and does it cause AIDS? Or is HIV real but it doesn’t cause AIDS? Or is HIV fake but AIDS is real and due to other causes? etc.) is necessary for having an informed opinion on the question asked of readers.
(My own opinion is that HIV is fake and that AIDS had other causes, including AZT and now including damage from injected bioweapons.)
Spot on. The jabs are causing AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) or ADE (Antibody-dependent enhancement); whichever way you argue, the results will be similar.
Whether this video is to be believed, is another question =—Leaks-Online:3
It’s a sick cult and they are complicit in genocide and human slavery.
The Young Global Leaders and their leaders must all be hunted down like the criminal dogs that they are. They have viciously attacked humanity, our health, our families, our businesses, our elections, our safety and security, our human rights and our national sovereignty.Every one of them must be eliminated from public life.
Anyone can give me some links for debunking Smallpox, Cholera and polio vaccines?
I don’t have any links, but the book Dissolving:Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries is a good place to start.
I think many are mentioned in this paper –
The fundamental principle behind it all though is to look up “Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory”; but if you look at many of the alt – video channels like “Brand New Tube” (BNT) or Odysee and the likes – they all have decent enough documentaries on them that explain your diseases mentioned plus many others – like Mers, Ebola, blah blah.
PS Look up Dr Stefan Lanka as well.
The death of Dr Luc Montagnier could well be another unfortunate death of the countless microbiologists who have been falling like dried leaves since the turn of this century.
Unfortunately Luc appeared very frail on one of his last public visits, his journey to Milan.
I remember being surprised that someone in that condition would undertake such a journey. R.I.P.
What seems obvious is that there are and will be more and more deaths due to the jab, and that the Deep State will try to cover it up. Anything that helps this will fit the bill: a new Aids “variant”, haemorrhagic fever, World War Three…
Several of the scientists behind the “A highly virulent variant of HIV-1 circulating in the Netherlands”-study are connected to the Nuttfield Department of Medicine which is partnered up with the Wellcome Trust and the British Council. The latter has Elizabeth Windsor as its protector.
There has been a lot of blither in the propaganda press for the last few years about the development of a vaccine for Ebola. Similar to the blither in mother Jones popular mechanics and the Atlantic about the necessity for sulfur chemtrails, which they are using somewhat frequently here in Southern California now, talk about oppressive lack of oxygen and the air turns yellow at sunrise.
It could be that SARS-CoV-2 is a vaccine for HIV/AIDS that went wrong. Fauci has always wanted an HIV vaccine.
Ryan from TLAV has done closereads on documents treating of the HIV/CV19/VAIDS
research and findings. Posted to Odysee.
If anyone hasn’t yet read “The Real Anthony Fauci,” please read it immediately (or listen to it on Audible). Talk about pattern recognition. The book shows the long, long pattern of Fauci setting up the current medical mafia, and how he perfected it, all the parts, his whole sordid process. And, yes, I remember the interview where Dr Montaigner said that he found a snippet of HIV inserted into the covid bioweapon. We read in the aforementioned book that HIV was proven to be a minor contributor to AIDS, not the cause, but that Fauci (and others) fraudulently blew it up as the cause. Many people test positive for HIV but DO NOT have AIDS. But as long as Fauci can convince people that anyone that tests positive for HIV has AIDS and that he has the cure, he can pivot his medical tyranny back to his old “cures for HIV and AIDS” injections that were proven to cause so much damage or deaths in so many people. This is all documented in the book. But that is irrelevant data to Fauci. He has other purposes than a healthy population.
A friend in from the U.K has received a sales type call from the Doctors surgery telling her she must come in for blood tests !
They is starting with the venerable groups first.. (where have i heard this before.?)
Might it have something to do with the new virus that Gill Bates and his “wife” promised we could not fail to notice?
They may have created a new AIDS variant, they’ve had plenty of time to create it and create a vaccine for it, so they can portect themselves while getting rid of the useless eaters. I think either way we’re f****d. .
beautifully written! thanks
Truly thankful for this outlet. I like the way the author of this article writes and thinks. Very similar to Joe Rogan’s reasoning and questioning.
I was highly suspicious when this AIDs bullshit made the headlines. I amof the view it’s to cover for the real, long term side effects of these gene therapy injection. A recent EMA report said if people take any more of them it will completely destroy their immune system. Convenient to call it AIDs then.
That line reminds me if “mother’s little helper”
“And it you take more of those, you will get an overdose.
No more running for the shelter of [Karen’s] little helper….”
Microscopy: Nanotech In The Shots?
108 professional soccer players dead from heart failure (Video)
649 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 404 Dead, After COVID Shot
Nothing to do with the jab –
On the other hand, as Chaim Bermant used to say:
‘COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs’:
Do NOT look behind that curtain! Ignore that man behind the curtain!
It’s a shame to say so, but anyone who gives ludicrous dodges like this the slightest bit of consideration– other than saying “Now pull the other one!” with a derisive laugh– deserves all the scamdemic-generated misery they get.
The statement ‘All indicidents are not vaccine related’ is most likely true. ALL equals 100%, so if ‘only’ 99% of the incidents are vaccine related it means not ‘all’ incidents are. Crafty manipulation of language is what’s needed for a huge scam like this to succeed.
1,000 Medical Studies Evidence CV-19 V@xx Adverse Events
The article focuses on immunity alone. The studies and personal reports show almost every illness and injury. We can classify them as follows:
— immediate/short-term (from nano-lipids): death from anaphylactic shock
— short-/medium-term (from clots, bleeding, auto-immune response): damage to any organ, paralysis, dementia, death, still-birth
— medium-/long-term (from DNA change including undermined immunity): infectious disease, new/relapsed cancer, death, infertility, birth defect
But many will survive and will even appear to prosper under of the care of the technocratic authoritarian experts. They will live on and procreate and the creative expressions of their offspring will then be
raped(vaccinated) and studied andtreatedcared for and so on and so forth.The transhumans. They can’t transform a fully formed human so they’ll go for conception meaning changing the potential parents biochemistry in the sick hope the next generation will be transhuman.
I’ll just repeat the post I made in the Comments to the original article, which stimulated no curiosity! :
“The Queensland research “incident” may actually have been as a result of the viral genetic sequence employed. Remember that “the virus” has still not been isolated and purified so the RNA sequence used in development of the “vaccines” is determined in silico via computer simulations in reference to known viral sequences in a database. So they are NOT all the same, especially in the early days of development. We know there is overlap between the sequences for SARS-CoV-2 and HIV and it might have been that the sequence used in Queensland simply overlapped a little too much with HIV!
That said, you raise an important issue. We now know that the immune systems of vaccinated subjects are being impaired by the “vaccines”. We know that because their innate immune system is no longer responding to new pathogens, for instance Omicron. That explains why vaccinated people are contracting Omicron at rates 5-12X greater than the unvaccinated. It isn’t yet clear precisely why and it could be OAS, ADE, a type of AIDS or some comination of or all of the above.
However, if the reason is the latter, a type of AIDS there might be catastrophic consequences in the years ahead for the Covid-vaccinated. Seen in that context, does it not seem a little strange that after decades of nothing, all of a sudden a “deadly”new strain of HIV has emerged? They could “prove” HIV-positive status with another faulty test. It might be a cynical perspective (experience has shown!) and entirely speculative at this stage but there is a possibility that this is being rolled-out now to provide cover for an anticipated dramatic increase in deaths in the Covid vaccinated.
I’m not a believer in these types of “Coincidences”
Totally plausible.
In silico of assumed sequences. It all a concoction based on assumptions. The problem that these assumption that are used to base their injectables are leading to an enormous amount of damage to human lives. It murder approved under the guise of EU authorisation. Licence to kill in fact.
‘Globalist Banker Predicted Scamdemic & Genocide of The Useless’:
One thing I’m confused about – if it hasn’t been isolated and purified, how is it that we can have variants such as Delta and Omicron?
We can’t. All fabricated!
To express your correct and straightforwardly succinct reply more coyly:
It is precisely because the “SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus” is a Phantom Menace that has never been isolated and purified that the scamdemic-mongers are free to extend the fraud by claiming that the original Megadeath Virus of Doom mutates into an incessant stream of more or less lethal “variants”.
Jon Rappoport asks the question: What is a disease without a cause? His answer : A business plan.
Without cause, symptom or clinical diagnosis.
I find this truly fascinating, the VAIDS/AIDS thing is everywhere now, there would be virtually no mention of OperationCovid19 if not for the TruckerConvoy. I perceive that they wanted us to still be in some version of ‘LockDowns’ so that the VAIDS narrative could just role out to hospitals and presstitute media outlets but the FreedomProtests exposed it to soon. People are wondering, what about Cofid?
Yes, I believe you are right over the target, remember when BillyGoatGates said, “The next pandemic will get everybody’s attention.” and he and his ObviouslyMaleTransitionedToFemaleWife grinned like devils in He|| likely would? This could be what they meant, the dots are connecting indeed.
So, it has finally come full circle then, this explains why DrDeathTonyFraudci is at the helm of this titanic, he is after all deemed the FatherOfTheGenocidalAIDSDrugAZT, he’s been torturing animals and murdering humans for decades unabated.
The FDA let him experiment from 1980-1985 until they found AZT ‘too deadly’ and pulled it. So, if history is just repeating itself, perhaps we have another 3yrs to go before he’s stopped again? Unless of course, he is exposed and imprisoned before the actual entire world is subjected to forced AIDS tests and deadly mRNAVaxxes, which cause VAIDS.
Who knows, all I know is, the ridiculously Satanic take-over-the-world puppet movie called, “TeamAmerica: WorldPolice” had a bit where a sodomitepuppet sang, “Everybody has AIDS.” and it kinda had a, “TheSimpsons” predictive programming vibe to it.
i was watching simon scharma and his khazar conmeh donmeh zio history of the world on bbc world it isreal
he said that heart attacks and aids had been around forever even mentioned in babylon
during goy wickerman fool for the day saturnalia ritual
in fact many of the covids died of aids and hearts stoppings all at the same time my life already
Eh, call me a Millenial cynic, but I think it was entirely predictable and inevitable that more and younger straight/bi women and girls would get HIV, and that it really is of concern. Of course, we won’t have any discussion about pornography, coercion, and risks in general, we’ll just vaccinate. What are they saying about the demographics this time? Shouldn’t it still be obvious from those what’s really going on? It’s not going to provide much of a convincing cover story if significant numbers of long married old dears start coming down with something like it (and there’ll be outrage if they’re disbelived). Back in the day, my mum says her cohort never took the dire warnings about AIDS seriously: unlike with the results of covid propaganda on the whole population, they knew who the at-risk demographic of the time really were and why.
To use it specifically as cover, they’d have to start claiming it’s no longer just a STD first, that Fauci was right all along to be discriminatingly paranoid about other means of transmission. And then people would, not unjustifiably, panic: it’d make the covid scare look like nothing. Perhaps more than our evil overlords really want.
AIDS is also still very political: I don’t think it’s that convenient to try to make use of. It has the old history (gay rights, religious condemnation, sexual mores) and now all this recent baggage (including my own response: old school feminism is now finally reaching those Millenial women increasingly fed up as the promised liberation fails to materialise. But at the same time in the US due to the specific mix of conservatism and religion, there’s a tendency to snapback to old mores, instead of founding better new ones), it’d be the kind of political civil war that’d hard to steer even without the fear of disease. Too easy to imagine immigration could be thrown into that explosive mix, as well. I think I’d assume, if the next pandemic were AIDs and there was clearly unusual propaganda (beyond standard health hectoring, I mean) around it, the actual intent was to continue building towards real civil war in the US, it’s an issue that still links to a lot of tinderboxes and would blow up, imo.
Not impossible, there’s been a lot of odd STD testing language around covid and unusual moralising about transmission. But I still think ‘tell me something I don’t know’ is the simplest response to the idea of a new HIV epidemic, at present. It was bound to happen to at least some extent.
Interesting take i’d like to show you this video
Unfortunately, you are still under mind-control, check this out and see if you still believein coincidences.
I think you are right that the AIDS as cover story is unlikely unless they tell us that it is no longer just sexually transmissible, which they are not. Or maybe they will come up with something later on as an “explanation”, we have seen many of those.
In my opinion the Guardian has been describing with glee how young people are a lot more risk averse in their sex life. Could imagine this being the case, so that does not seem like the obvious condition for AIDS to proliferate either.
Other than that, more fear mongering and obsession with health is obviously something the establishment likes to serve us. Whether these diseases are “real” or novel or as bad as they are made out to be surely matters less than that how we are subjected to re-engineering of society and pushed medications that are obviously bad for us.
I’ve just spent the last half hour randomly searching the web for stuff on ‘Terrain Theory’, and something becomes clear very quickly. Many headings are titled along the lines of ‘Germ theory vs terrain theory’. Which reminds me that for a while now, I’ve noticed people expressing what can only be described as ‘germ theory denialism’.
So, I think that some people are making a fundamental mistake here, in that they wrongly assume that germ theory and terrain theory are incompatible with each other. Where as I see it as not so much ‘terrain theory vs germ theory’, but ‘terrain theory with germ theory’.
The terrain theory happily contains the germ theory.
I really like the look of terrain theory. It’s a natural fit with my generally holistic attitude to all things health related, and terrain theory just feels right, and from a biological point of view, it all looks very sensible and credible.
But again, embracing terrain theory in no way negates germ theory. These two look to be completely compatible with each other. It could be said that germ theory is an aspect of terrain theory. The terrain is the whole, which contains, as a part of itself, germs.
I’m making these lay mans observations here just because it seems that some people are starting from the erroneous point that terrain theory and germ theory are completely incompatible with each other. And I think this is a mistake. Not only are these two theories compatible with each other, but they actually need each other to work.
Terrain theory and germ theory are two halves of the whole.
Coming back and reading my post again, I’m aware of how certain of myself I sound. But the above was really just me thinking aloud. Perhaps I should have ended with; Are not terrain theory and germ theory two halves of the whole? A little bit of doubt goes a long way.
Yep i came across this information back in 2020 i discovered that most if not all viruses are false/cause no harm but i had the mistaken assumption of actually “denying” germ theory (a common mistake in newcomers) i’m getting only now that in fact both theories are compatible! Im currently reading “What Really Makes You Ill”a huge book about diseases and i also have read “Virus Mania” excellent book debunking false info about viruses i still have much muuch to read and watch, good to see other people doing the same it was a very niche thing before.
I’ve just today downloaded a copy of ‘Virus Mania’; it looks interesting. A poster on here earlier gave the link to an page, which has this book available for download in numerous formats.
Here’s the link again for anyone who wants it.
The villified E Coli plays vital a role in the body. The current medical propaganda and “pandemic” restrictions all undermine health by reducing exposure to ambient microbes.
But what do you guys think?
What do I think?
I think that you are overly confident in your certainty.
You wanna talk about fundamentals?
So many insist that a lack of proof is the proof of a lack.
That is illogical.
You are spot on. AIDS is a real bioweapon and there is no Virus that has ever been isolated. Hence why the GainOfFunction Fraudci was so inflammatory when denying his ties to the NIH’s research into GOF, which is subsequently what got him caught in the end.
He tried to spin some rhetoric with a semantic word-salad but ultimately, it came out, TonyFraudci is in fact a mass-murderer and he loves that it’s out there in the public’s view, yet he remains untouchable.
Who cares about Tony, he’s going to the place where Fire will be his skin, what I care about is that the jig is up, the Truth has been revealed. I think it is crystal clear now that, the killshot contains the SpikeProtein which causes the bioweapon named ‘AIDS’ to be released into the human body, thus creating the new and real disease called ‘VAIDS’.
SARS-CoV-2 and Patent Activity-
FYI, you can only patent something not found in nature, that is just facts.
“SARS-CoV-2 and Patent Activity-
FYI, you can only patent something not found in nature, that is just facts.”
I looked at the pubmed article and could only see references to patents for vaccines or treatments, not for man-made viruses. In contrast, Dr David Martin has written extensively on the long history of patents for coronaviruses.
Why call it a bioweapon which gives it an aura of mystique and evil scientific genius? When it’s just harmful chemicals i.e poisons that have been around in different varieties for millenia, only now more accurately administered by needles straight into the bloodstream.
…- Yo’ bod’ it attacc…
…Yet don’t protecc…
,,,But most important of all:…
…- It *Profitable* as hecc!… 🙂
thanks for the compilation!
That gave me a good chuckle LOL
Fully agree about the timing of the latest disappearance.
Especially when you read this:
When Kary Mullis asked Montagnier to specify any paper proving the existence of the HIV/AIDS virus, the latter was certainly shy about responding.
Of course he was. He didn’t have an answer to the question, did he?
Many years later, though, he did row back on a lot of the HIV narrative, at one point even saying AIDS could be “cured” by a good diet and healthy lifestyle. Which is quite an admission.
So for me, when he recently said something like “Those of you who have got a third jab, go and get yourself tested for HIV. The results will surprise you and make you want to sue your government”, he probably did not see those results as a death sentence.
And he was lavish in his praise for RFK’s book, which “exposes the decades of lies”.
He was not vilified in France for no reason. Mainstream media even ignored his death for about 48 hours, and the obit articles on him were all hit pieces.
Do you have a link for a source for that interesting comment about the third jab, please?
Sorry, I cannot find it. I just have this “fact check” saying it’s not true.
So can we guess it probably is true ? 😉
“But what do you guys think?
If you haven’t noticed the change since the police crime number was issued you have missed something. None of the predicted lockdowns for Christmas. No mask mandate. Even the perpetual radio vaccine garbage is tailing off. The crime number is probably why Cressida Dick had to go. Together with a slow awakening.
All these questions are more likely to be answered by a war in Ukraine. Or the crashing of the economy. Or both.
Have you filled your car up recently?
ADES (VAIDS) killed ALL the ferrets in every corona vaccine trial. It is VERY real. People were losing 30+ % of their immune system with every injection, and their bodies are now programmed to produce only one type of toxic antibody. It is real as DEATH…and EVERYBODY is going to have that truth revealed with tens of thousands of examples starting…NOW.
Maybe he’s right…?
Dostoevsky was Absolutely spot on.
No question about it.
When you’ve already dialled up fear to 11 and the impact is wearing off, you’re going to have to go for 22 next time, particularly if evil Vlad doesn’t want to play nuclear war.
Petition requesting urgent investigation and analysis of the C19 Vaccines
More information about what graphene can cause in the vaccinated:
Dr. Andreas Noack – Graphene Razor Blades In The P0!$0N Clotshot—Graphene-razor-blades-found-in-the-COVID-vaccines-Dr.-Andreas-Noack:5
Anybody know if Andreas Noack is dead like his pregnant girlfriend said?
ThinkTwice, thank you so much for the link to this investigation of content of the vials. As it’s 76pp long it’ll be awhile before I can digest it. Meanwhile:
–Do you know what this stands for? UNIT was commissioned by EbMCsquared CiC under project UNITC-112980
–I don’t think the mere presence of graphene oxide is necessarily a chargeable offence, since a searchterm graphene oxide andPubMed discloses it to be fairly commonly used.
–Karen Kingston who is experienced in vaccine production said in a video that manufacturers aren’t legally obliged to reveal all ingredients– the old “proprietary formula” dodge.
Good grief, ThinkTwice. The photos are a bit horrifying, aren’t they? I hope somebody who knows how to interpret them comes forward soon.
Thanks again for posting this.
they want us to behave and think like a computer device.
they have instructed us, we now need to be up-to-date rather than fully vaccinated.
updates have the following purposes:
1. Fix bugs from older installs
2. introduce new features, mainly to maintain an income stream
3. Confirm the supplier is still relevant (Public Relations/Propaganda)
3. introduce -willingly or unwillingly- new bugs
with computer devices, rolling back an update is a common practice when the update proves to be problematic, like when it is created in a hurry, for example. UNFORTUNATELY, with vaccines, one cannot be unvaccinated,but needs to wait for some ‘creative solutions’.
Also ‘up to date’ sounds like a pet dog. Is Snoopy up to date on his shots?
Updates to operating systems – Microsoft – are far more ominous than merely income stream related. I’ve been trying to uninstall the Windows 10 updates – which are mandatory. I keep getting the “encountered an error” message. So I can’t uninstall them.
No way is Microsoft about to fuck with the NSA.
Makes me glad I have taken my chances sticking with Windows 7 Professional.
The reality is that many people want this. Like with the jabs people were asking for them and as soon as they could they couldn’t wait to book their appointment and then stand in very long queues in their masks staring at their mobile devices. They were also happy to stay home getting paid for doing f* all for a couple of years. It seems to me the ones running the system are only supplying what a lot of people want. Sad but true.
The lancet study cited doesn’t seem to mention ‘vaids’, ‘deficiency’ or anything like that. Contrariwise, the summary says “This strengthens the evidence-based rationale for administration of a third booster dose.” Did the author accidentally link to the wrong paper?
Nope. That links to a study set up to recommend boosters. Not great for your credibility.
The HIV to aids link is not the issue here, but there is a tie in. Most who test for hiv don’t develop aids.
Now, a mass testing on a new “variant” will of course manufacture another epidemic. Especially if the same over testing with overly sensitive pcr tests trick is pulled, again. And the expected symptoms here are very clearly similar to the vaids issue some of us have had an eye on for a few months now.
To me, this us an attempt to front run this epidemic, which proves that this danger is very real. They know this is coming, and they need to front this. And we need to push the issue in front of eye balls before people take the fatal aids chemotherapy drugs which have so far killed hundreds of thousands of people.
Push the issue? Do you not think that after 2 years of a fake pandemic, the ones who wanted to see the truth wouldn’t see it already? They choose to believe in it, they are not ‘unfortunate’. Someone can be duped for a minute, not for two years straight. You need to accept this, they don’t think like you.
They are playing the same shit with us poultry farmers in the uk, highly pathogenic avian influenza, lock down for ducks, i guess you can imagine my take on this?
Speaking to a good, older friend recently, who watches tv, uses a smart phone etc, the level of pure fear running through the masses is high.
The message is clear, “small tiny organisms which we claim exist (cos we have the tec) are after killing you any way they can….”
As a child of the 70`s and as mother referred to a me a “muck magnet” and this lie stinks of horse shit..
Which reminds me re the new fad of “vermiculture”, dung heap horse shit and within days you will have more worms than you can cope with, manure the stuff for a year and you have a pretty all round fertiliser.
As 2 recent opposing posters claimed:
a) you cannot get land, rent it or other wise access it.. So, i as a piece of shit dwelling in vehicles on laybys, working potato grades, saved up 10k bought 2.5 acres is myth then?
If a twat like me can do it, then so can you?
b) All routes lead back to the self same players, the “go daddy” or other, hosting of off g being an example, you could argue that the small barrista coffee shop still has to buy his beans from the big wholesaler (owned by walfart or whoever??).
Agreed, but every step you take AWAY from this madness is a step they have to chase you.
So, two takes, ancient agriculture is not a fad, or a phase, just embrace it, its kinda natural.
And be sure to deprive “them” of your time, energy, money in any and every way you can.
From small acorns.. great oaks come, unless they zapped the area with glyphosate, aluminium, etc?
Lastly a potentially very cool pikey trik,
For £400 you can buy the software/hardware package that sits in EV charging stations, it allows the charging station to recognise what EV it is charging..
It works in reverse, If you have access to the free charging stations that seem to be popping up everywhere (uk anyway), you charge your car, then plug your car into your house upon return home, you power your house from your car..
Even a nissan leaf has 35kwh, even with the lights blazing and the sounds up high, you wont deplete your Ah.
A grid connect inverter etc is required but to those with some savvy this is all very attainable, like i say if a twat like me can do it then so can you ;0)
It depends how well the battery copes with being fast charged all the time. For older battery tec, this was an emergency thing only. Good idea for you if it works well. In reality, there should be no free chargers, because it isn’t free. The non users are paying for it. Like free home grocery deliveries, or kids eat for free etc..
The fast charging takes.. 20 minutes? Imagine the queues at the urban charging facilities.
Excellent reply Duckman and well done… I wish now that I had an Electric car, I’ve just been stung with £187,99 Elec bill, for one MONTH, one of those weeks I was in hosital? So God only knows what I’ll be paying when the Zionist States of America get into their stride in Ukraine. We would all have cheap fuel now had the ZSA not put a stop to the NordStream2 switch on. I was wondering what that was all about? Now I know, it was all part of the plan to demonize Russia ready for the next phase of the “Full Spectrum Dominance” which has been creeping up on us like a fungus without most of us even noticing..
No two persons measured HIV+ carry the same variant. Every person carries more than one variant.
On this one can cite the co-discoverer of the HI Virus and Nobel Prize winner Françoise Barré-Sinoussi (colleague of the late Luc Montagnier), cf.
· Barré-Sinoussi et al., “Expert consensus statement on the science of HIV in the context of criminal law.”, J Int AIDS Soc. 2018 Jul;21(7):e25161,
“Mutations of the virus occur repeatedly so that every person living with HIV has more than one virus variant [154]. During transmission, a limited number of virus variants (one to a few) are transmitted, but these will also mutate to form new variants so that no two persons’ HIV is identical [155].”
HIV was discovered in 1983/84, i.e. about 40 years ago. According to the (false) zoonosis hypothesis SIV jumped around 1930 almost simultaneously from 3 different species of apes and monkeys to humans what supposedly led to the creation of HIV-1 and HIV-2. Both differ by about 45% in their genetic sequence.
Until today, none of the HIV=AIDS science priests, who preach the zoonosis hypothesis, has ever discussed the question, if HIV, 90 years after the alleged zoonosis, can be the same pathogens as 90 years before. In SARS-CoV2 we have seen that already after 2 years after the alleged zoonosis the variants are much milder.
Further information under,
There is no HIV just as there is no SARS-COV2. Read ‘fear of the invisible’ by Janine Roberts or watch ‘House of Numbers’ by Brent Leung. The victims were all killed by the treatments. It is the same playbook in both cases. This nonsense about viruses jumping the species barrier and causing disease is pure cargo cult science. Fauci has been involved in both scams. Follow the Jesuits.
I understand what you are saying. My point is, that there is proof, according to what was formerly known as scientific standards, that HIV is not the cause of AIDS.
There is enough proof to carry the discussion into the so called scientific community and to ask critical questions. E.g. how much sense does a discussion over variants make, if every person measured HIV+ carries her own variant?
What is the use of phylogenetic (ancestor) analysis and the timing of the assumed zoonosis (SIV in apes –> HIV in humans ) around 1930 in Africa to explain the first appearance of HIV in the severely drug addicted and multiple classically infected homosexual communities in the USA in the 1980ies, if every person carries her own variant?
Or, how can it be that science assumes that 90 years after an alleged zoonosis it is still the same pathogen? What variant do the test measure anyway?
The so called scientific community has no answer to these questions.
kevin, nonexistence of a particular virus doesn’t necessarily mean that a disease is nonexistent. Some people on this site are saying:
–Viruses don’t cause disease.
–These 2 viruses don’t exist & therefore the 2 diseases don’t exist.
I’m sure you see the contradiction.
Actually I’ve never seen the sense in calling AIDS a disease; surely it’s a malfunction of the immune system– like nearsightedness is a malfunction of vision. Probably not a very good analogy.
The AID Syndrome existed in the 1980ies as a malfunction of the immune system. It lead to opportunistic infections. That is the catalogue of the around (as of today) 30 AID Syndrome defining diseases. The catalogue has been expanded several times and contains tuberculosis, prolonged fever, diarrhea and weight loss. Especially in Africa these definition let the numbers of supposed cases explode.
The AID Syndrome occurred in homosexual population in San Francisco and New York in the 1980ies. These patients suffered from severe drug addiction and sexually transmitted diseases from frequent unprotected sex, up to a 1000 sex partners per year.
These people had destroyed their bodies by an extremely unhealthy lifestyle. Besides the misuse of cocaine and poppers (amyl nitrites) the abuse of antibiotics to protect against gonorrhoe and syphilis was also very frequent.
• Pifer et al., “Borderline immunodeficiency in male homosexuals: is life-style contributory?”, South Med J. 1987 Jun;80(6):687-91, 697,
Nothing of this has anything to do with a virus.
Today, 40 years later, the positive HIV test defines the disease. That is the same as with SARS-CoV2. Irrespective of any symptoms.
The discussion, if there are viruses and what they are, leads away from the central point that a positive HIV test condemns people to a lifelong therapy with the most toxic substances. That is what over the years kills them.
The positive HIV test has no meaning. That is the central point. There is no connection between a positive HIV test and the AID Syndrome.
There is one more thing: HIV is supposed to be a “slow virus” (lentivirus). That is, the opportunistic infections defining the AID Syndrome are supposed to occur 15 – 10 years after the infection.
There is not one single proof that something like slow viruses exist in the sense that the effects of an infection show decades after the infection. Especially after the virus is neutralized by anti-bodies, which occurs some days(!) after the infection. Here, “science” assumes that anti-bodies against HIV are useless. They only serve to “detect” the infection.
However, after years of treatment people will become ill, by the toxic substances of the lifelong therapy. (Useless anti-bodies = lifelong therapy)
It is incredible what ridiculous assumptions are needed for the HIV=AIDS dogma.
Shot-acquired immune deficiency has been hypothesised for a while now, by actual scientists who have so far and unfortunately proven mostly correct.
Your hypothesis makes sense, and as you say, a whole host of nonsense is being invented to “explain” the adverse reactions from the shots
I would hope, though, if it is a ginned up story, that it was sprung too early. If authorities in Europe and the US had stepped in the moment Omicron was announced and declared that Omicron was the desired result of their efforts, the finally domesticated SARS-CoV-2 virus that allowed life to return to normal, and done so in the same lock-step fashion as when the New Pandemonics were launched, then they would have retained control over the narrative. But by leaving the “cry wolf”-machine in overdrive in some places and giving up in others, they’ve allowed the wheels to come off, and there is no way to win back the ever growing number of people who will never ever again trust a government/media story.
A study in the Lancet in October 2021 claimed the Covid “vaccines” could lead to what they called “VAIDS”, Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. If this research is correct millions upon millions of people could become ill, and soon.
I’m unable to find anything relating to VAIDS in the document attached within the link. Please god don’t tell me I unable to complete such a simple task as reading?
In the discussion they refer to another study suggesting ‘A reasonable explanation to waning effectiveness in older adults is that the vaccine induces a
lower induction of memory T- and B-cells in older adults, and that production of plasma cells
that could produce lower levels of antibody for decades is impaired29
It’s all right the link has been rectified in the piece and now points to the correct site.
As far as I can see there’s nothing in the abstract. But in the paper (you can open it further down the page). Go to Supplemental Table 4 and by the >210 days section you see that most effectiveness numbers are negative i.e. it not only doesn’t stop you getting ill, it actually makes you more likely (VAIDS).
Just to add…this paper is just an attempt to justify a 3rd dose. And, as seems usual, they bury the nasty shit deep in the Supplemental Material rather than come clean about it in the abstract, discussion or conclusions.
As a non-scientist who semi-regularly looks at papers, I find this type of behaviour annoying and also very revealing about how biased/corrupt scientific practise is.
“Is there something more sinister than money…? ”
I wasn’t expecting that when i pressed your link 😀
This is a totally believable argument.
It answers the question of where this shitshow is going next in a totally logical way.
I can see one big problem:
Whilst, in the richer countries the programme has managed to snare most of the populations into the jabs so that the control group is relatively small, the poorer countries still have a control group approaching 50%.
It should be evident within a relatively short period of time that the unjabbed are not getting “AIDS”
Mind you, the way VAERS and Yellow card have simply been ignored, they will probably push on regardless.
In poorer countries misc common illnesses may easily be counted as AIDS so I’m not so sure about the difference …
In all countries, misc common illnesses and injuries are being counted as covid.