WHO planning new “pandemic treaty” for 2024
Kit Knightly

In December of last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced plans for an “international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness”.
According to the Council of Europe’s website, an “intergovernmental negotiating body” has been formed, and will be holding its first meeting next week, on March 1st.
The aim is to “deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023” and then have the proposed instrument ready for legal implementation by 2024.
None of this should come as much of a surprise, the signs have all been there. If you’ve been paying attention you could probably predict almost everything that will be in this new legislation.
A paper titled “Multilateralism in times of global pandemic: Lessons learned and the way forward” was published by the G20 in Decemeber 2020.
It details all the problems faced by international multilateral organizations during the “pandemic” [emphasis added]:
Individual states cannot effectively manage global public threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic on their own […] overcoming the current health crisis and rebuilding livelihoods can only be achieved through multilateral action on both the economic and social fronts […] The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences have revealed the weakness of the current arrangements for multilateral cooperation. International organizations with the mandate to play leading roles in dealing with international crises have not functioned effectively.
And goes on to propose several solutions, including…
The G20 should reinforce the capacity of the World Health Organization. A stronger and more responsive WHO can help the international community manage pandemics and other health challenges more effectively. It can provide early warning systems and coordinate rapid global responses to health emergencies.
In January of 2021 the EU thinktank Foundation for European Progressive Studies published a 268-page document titled “Reforming Multilateralism in Post Covid Times”, which called for a “more legitimate and binding United Nations”, suggested the EU join the UN Security Council, and asked:
Is national sovereignty compatible with multilateralism?”
A few months later the United Nations Foundation published its own variation on this theme: “Reimagining multilateralism for a post-Covid future”
Then, in May 2021, the International Panel on Pandemic Preparedness released its report on how the world handled Covid, which echoes the G20 paper almost word-for-word in places. We did a detailed breakdown of it here.
Former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, chair of the panel, told the Guardian…
[The pandemic was] compounded by a lack of global leadership and coordination of geopolitical tensions and nationalism weakening the multilateral system, which should act to keep the world safe.”
Earlier this month, the UN Commission for Social Development met for the first time in 2022, with an emphasis on “Strengthening multilateralism”.
Then, on February 17th, the European Council on Foreign Relation’s Robert Dworkin published this article, Health of nations: How Europe can fight future pandemics, which also expresses concern over “the failures of international cooperation during the pandemic” and proposes :
The EU should combine a push for reform of and increased funding for the WHO with support for a new fund for health emergencies, overseen by a representative group of countries.
It goes on and on and on…the messaging is more than clear.
Even just last week, speaking on a panel at the Munich Security Conference, Sweden’s Foreign Minister Anne Linde warned that Covid has “exposed holes” in the international order, and that the UN, WHO and EU were not empowered enough to take appropriate action.
The signs are all there, and they’ve been flashing like neon lights for months: New international legislation to “deal with future pandemics”.
We all knew it was coming eventually. Now we have a timeline, and it starts on March 1st.
Isn’t it amazing what you can almost miss when you’re distracted by a war?
Speaking of the war, the attitude the WHO takes to Russia during this process will be a very interesting barometer. Whether Russia denounces the proposed treaty, or is excluded from negotions, will tell us a lot about how real the conflict in Ukraine truly is, and what direction the Great Reset will take next.
Indeed, if the war itself is used to further argue we need “stronger multilateral institutions” or “important reforms in the security council”, it may go some way to revealing the grander agenda.
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Stop the vaccine immediately, which can only do harm.
Dr. Astrid Stukelberger, PhD, international health expert, speaks on the planned scamdemic treaty:
Our governments are signing our human rights away to WHO financed by Gates and BigPharma.
World government via claims of illness, how lovely.
We, the herds of MMS/3i’s, just need to keep doing what we’ve been doing since January 2020…
The “war” in Ukraine is being fiercely fought ….. with plastic guns!
Multilateral, yes. Brexit, would be the break down of a multilateral arrangement? Or, I wonder what.
Multi (many) lateral (flat) actually means. Surely it’s nonsense jargon?
Lateral means Flat?
” … late Middle English: from Latin lateralis, from latus, later- ‘side’.”
Gawd.Ukraine:Another Blockbuster News Story I have to disagree with eveybody about.Even those who are agains the vax are buying this new shit show.
Amazing that they knew in 2017 there would be a market for “pandemic bonds”: June 28, 2017, World Bank launches first ever “pandemic bonds:” “The PEF [Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility] covers six viruses that are most likely to cause a pandemic. These include new Orthomyxoviruses (new influenza pandemic virus A), Coronaviridae (SARS, MERS), Filoviridae (Ebola, Marburg) and other zoonotic diseases (Crimean Congo, Rift Valley, Lassa fever).
PEF financing to eligible countries will be triggered when an outbreak reaches predetermined levels of contagion, including number of deaths; the speed of the spread of the disease; and whether the disease crosses international borders. The determinations for the trigger are made based on publicly available data as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).”…..https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2017/06/28/world-bank-launches-first-ever-pandemic-bonds-to-support-500-million-pandemic-emergency-financing-facility
Pilot, cafe owner, photographer: family remembers ‘incredible’ great-grandfather who died from Covid | Australia news | The Guardian Have you seen this crap the Graud are publishing as if the fake virus is some sort of hideous black death
What will now be bemusing…
big floods Brisbane area….bet the masks and everything else are quickly dropped as people have to deal with a real emergency….
Nope, it continues…you can only volunteer to fill sandbags if you’ve been double schwacked and wear a mask……. Numpties
Good bloody grief are they that stupid down that end of my state?
What the cryptocracy are really orchestrating is pulling down the veil of faux sovereign nations and fake democracies, under the guise of fictional catastrophes, to insert the global, biometric ID, vax credentials, digital currency and social credit, slave system.
Under this system there will be forced medical treatment and forced vaccination. People’s bank accounts can be wiped or frozen, if they don’t get the next depop shot.
Once it’s automated, there’s no turning back. Once we can only purchase food using cards (how easy and dangerous was swiping and tapping??), can’t use cash, we are in an AI prison grid where an algorithm can literally decide who lives and who dies on a daily basis by switching off our ability to access to our money, jobs, food, fuel or shelter. There’s nowhere to run under this system. It’s global.
There are more faux pandemics planned. The temporary relaxing of the lockdowns, and vax passports is a ruse.
The banking-merchant-military cartel have the infrastructure in place where the SMART health card, already rolled out, will morph into your global digital, banking bio-ID.
All that needs to happen next is pull down the internet and the banking system. Once the internet goes down, they can claim they need everyone to sign onto the web using a certification system such as the Qcode on the SMART card or vax papers, or your credit card or Facebook, Apple, Google account to access the web.
Then once the banking system is pulled down in an orchestrated crisis; through a faux market crash or faux cyber pandemic, they can replace cash and currencies with the Central Bank Digital Currency, that links up your Health SMART Card and the Vaccine Credential Initiative.
The infrastructure has already been built. They have simply used the last two years to traumatize and indoctrinate people into complying with their planned, multiple depopulation mechanisms, economic warfare, and global land grab of all property and assets, through the digital technocratic slavery.
The Great Cull has been planned since the 1930’s. Before they orchestrated WWII. It isn’t a new plan.
Thanks again Research. A good prediction and reinforces my present efforts to build local resources and groups so we can help each other when this shit really hits the fan.
I’d like to share your comment with friends if you don’t mind.
Anytime. Here’s an article on how they are sneaking in the SMART health cards in the US, even in states that were pretending to be against the V-passport system.
In Australia I expect they’ll just turn everyone’s Medicare card into a SMART card, if they haven’t done that already.
Thanks Researcher. Here in the state with the surprisingly true name of ‘Queen’s-land”, the state guvment is sneaking in the ID card disguised as your wonderful “digital driver’s licence”. Of course, we have no choice in this.
The guvment says “The new digital licence will be considered an ‘official document’ that allows you to drive and will also be accepted as a valid form of identification at a range of other places including the bank, pubs and clubs, pharmacies and car rental agencies.
The Queensland Government said the licence would provide a ‘better and safer way for Queenslanders to validate their identity digitally’.”
Pull the other one!
I note a sudden need to provide phone number to access parts of the web ….I guess they do check it is the right one…I just don’t bother….Twitter wants to block access much of the time as well…again I suspect this is lol part of get one ready to have. Magic card to go anywhere..,.
meanwhile they don’t stop spam calls from foreign lands…that is too hard it seems
Yeah. Checkmate. It’s already happened.
Sixteen Tons
Release year: 1955
Tennessee Ernie Ford
Some people say a man is made outta mud
A poor man’s made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
I was born one mornin’ when the sun didn’t shine
I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine
I loaded 16 tons of number nine coal
And the straw boss said, “Well, a-bless my soul”
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
I was born one mornin’, it was drizzlin’ rain
Fightin’ and trouble are my middle name
I was raised in the canebrake by an ol’ mama lion
Can’t no high toned woman make me walk the line
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
If you see me comin’, better step aside
A lotta men didn’t, a lotta men died
One fist of iron, the other of steel
If the right one don’t get you
Then the left one will
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
A point of clarification is the powers-that-be don’t want the Internet offline being that is their surveillance, mind control and paralysis grid. Until they can force most routers and end points to require some identification field on packets coupled with global blacklists and/or whitelist of allowed ids which is a tremendous coordination task that will probably take years to implement, they can only force such control on our ISP accounts. It’s unlikely we lose access to the Internet soon.
Might be worth following.
The man speaks as if war is a circus act… Another talking head attempting to entertain through successful idiocy…
Foreign secretary Liz Truss has said that she supports Ukraine’s call for people worldwide to join the struggle against Russia in Ukraine.
To protect FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY says she. Vomit inducing rhetoric from a neocon dummy.
And Germany has submitted to its US/Israeli dominatrix and agreed to spend $100bn on more weapons. I’m sure they will be able to afford them when their gas price quadruples.
It is illegal for Britons to serve in a foreign army against a country with whom we are not at war.
But the Foreign Secretary supports you if you want to become a terrorist in a foreign country.
“People can make their own decisions.”
Just not about what to inject into their bodies.
She’s a bit fussy about which lands and whether you are a good terrorist or a bad terrorist.
Being a mercenary is an old profession.
You can’t stop people doing it.
Not subtle, are they?
It really is laughable. They seem to think this kind of journalism will work too. It is like they are talking to each other in articles like this.
What fun.
I think these articles will work. People are easily conned.
“The signs are all there, and they’ve been flashing like neon lights for months: New international legislation to “deal with future pandemics”.”
Yes, and OffG has been pushing “sars-cov-2”, “covid”, and “viruses”, supporting and enabling exactly what it tries to make you think it is against…
And they, as usual, ask you to think about the, “war”, and “wonder” where the agenda will go…
To all readers: OffG will keep pushing the lies, to always keep you “reacting”, and chasing your tails in them, “wondering”…
The agenda is clear already, the truth is also clear, the proof and information is all there, and all you need to do is go and find it and see for yourselves.
Do that, or you will remain trapped in OffG’s controlled opposition bs, always behind the agenda, and trapped in the lies.
So where is the uncontrolled opposition?
A good starting point is World Economic Forum’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution” site at https://www.weforum.org/focus/fourth-industrial-revolution.
We’re all in uncontrolled opposition until we let others influence and control us.
There are things we cannot see, hear, taste, smell or feel. We can approach these things as existent but elusive; or as non-existent.
Do atoms exist? Have they ever been isolated or purified? Do gravity waves exist? they were “spotted” at the event horizon of a black hole. But do black holes exist? In theory they do – they must, to account for phenomena otherwise unaccountable.
One of the things humans need to tackle but refuse to is that our senses are not the be all and end all. Just because our senses – and their technological extensions – cannot identify something is not proof positive it doesn’t exist. (And it is virtually impossible for us to invent something which is not merely an extension of our senses.)
We can posit that viruses were fabricated as a cover for industrial pollution; or so that the Rockefeller Big Pharma paradigm could reap endless benefits. Or we can posit that they were theorized to account for certain biological phenomena otherwise incomprehensible.
It either does no harm or great harm to carry forward the supposition of viral existence. As far as I’m concerned the jury’s still out.
Or maybe shite hawks need to stop picking up shite.
Stephen J. Crothers on Non-existence of Black Holes & The Failure of General Relativity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jINHHXaPrWA
Uh-oh, Howard. You committed the sin of not being dogmatic. Congratulations.
The issue is perhaps not Theory in itself but the capture of the scientific process. The power of grants. appointments, peer review, etc etc to create a monopoly, removing any possiblilty to refute it.
People who put forward the idea of viruses believe in evolution. According to the theory of evolution, we humans would be at the top of the evolutionary tree, whereas viruses would be at the very bottom. However, viruses have the power to destroy, even wipe us all out off the face of the earth. The last will be first. It’s biblical but without the bible.
Gravity, black holes, big bangs, multiverses, dark matter, alien superintelligence, panspermia, subatomic particles, and the list gets wackier as it goes on…Anything, anything is possible but God according to The Science. At some point they took the bible and decided they would try to debunk every verse in it and magick spell people into believing the exact opposite to what the bible says. And here we are.
What you are saying also does not follow from a theory of evolution.
“However, viruses have the power to destroy, even wipe us all out off the face of the earth.”
Yes, that is exactly what imaginative monkey science in the hands of the contemporary elite would like people to believe. It creates legitimization for policies which otherwise cannot be legitimized.
Being wiped out by alleged human cause climate change, a meteorite hitting the earth, or alleged micro beings, it all comes in handy, except the meteorite thing, as it cannot be controlled.
Basically the modern secular view leads to the situation that people live if not in a hostile universe, they live in a non caring universe, so they can allegedly be wiped out by many things. Which is nowhere a product of a theory of evolution, but a theory of human power mongering, based upon the most basic primitive, useless, and destructive of feelings, which is fear, which is itself based upon a pathological mix of reason and feeling.
it prints articles that pays the bills and some of us all no this
believe it or not, some of us come here for the comments
Man! You’re the balls. Thanks! I’m a bit of a dick and I’ve thought theses guys were on the level for years.
Dood! You’ve totally outed them!
Dood! Help us escape “the lies” … Help … Give us the t(T)ruth. You know it! Gracias!
Actually, Off G has run a bunch of articles noting that there is no proof the “virus” has been isolated. It could stand a new one about the topic, by say Torsten Engelbrecht or Rosemary Frei.
If you do intensive research that no Coronavirus has been isolated, the rest follows immediately, so I have ever been wondering where such formulations like ‘ there is no proof the “virus” has been isolated ‘ rather than ‘no virus has ever been isolated’ comes from. As in the twentieth century they have ever been using the same comparable methods, different from the fraudulent methods from which the germ theory started, but not less fraudulent. A matter of strategy?
The controlled opposition theory is itself a case of bottomless paranoia, and this paranoia creates division, which is exactly what the cabal needs. The ‘cabel’ is able to cooperate and to join forces in despite of mutual disagreements, which is their strength. So perhaps those who are fixated with the idea of controlled opposition are hired to create division? Personally I don’t think so, some are mentally off track, some are simple minds, only allowing one narrative, some have dictatorial tendencies themselves, but they sure come in handy to divide and rule.
One does not understand the disgusting nature and the hypocrisy of the WHO and its pseudo-scientific recommendations and actions without understanding the HIV=AIDS catastrophe. The so called “antiretroviral therapy” based on the virus hypothesis of the AID Syndrome has lead to a human catastrophe beyond description. This was and is mostly driven by the WHO and its sister organization like UNAIDS.
Only when taking into account the small HI virus with its genome of around 9000 base pairs and the accumulated more than 150.000.000 variants that occurred since 1981 (the origin of the so called AID Syndrome pandemic) one understands the extent of this complete disaster.
We prepared a collection of references on this topic. Given the undisputed(!) scientific facts, most of which are not know to the public, it is not understandable, how one could ever believe that a immune deficiency in heavily drug dependent and multiple classically infected homosexuals in the 1980s, with years of malnutrition and antibiotics abuse (the real AID Syndrome patients), could be caused by a virus.
• Johannes Kreis, “HIV Variant WK.55647.362514.463792”, 27.02.2022, https://archive.org/details/hiv-variant-wk.-55647.362514.463792
I would imagine entering into any ‘legally Binding Agreement” with an unelected supranational could be construed as treason.
Is that why they the WHO are insisting that this “Instrument” the WHO Constitution (according to its Article 9) takes precedence over a country’s constitution?
One needs to ask when can a Sovereign countries constitution be made inferior to an unelected supranational one? On top of this without asking permission for the electorate in a referendum from an elective system?
I think that is looking for a civil war?
Subverted national leaders join treaties that are against national interest and even unconstitutional. Subverted legislators ratify then them. It is that simple.
Yep they have been at it for years….just ask any random person, even the odd one half awake, if they are aware our country has signed up to the WHO rules or agenda 30 and they look at one as if one has suddenly gone nuts…and this Is after they have been told endlessly that we had to do all the covid nonsense because WHO said so…
we seem to be blind and deaf to the fact that our own govt have been signing away any illusion of freedom for decades now…my bet is this was mostly based one the absurdity of public servants thinking about the great posting opportunities this created for them..
Without national referenda, any such move should be simply ignored and if necessary, have the WHO thrown out of the country and all funding for it withdrawn.
It’s laughable having an organisation funded by Bill Gates telling sovereign nation states that they must obey edicts or else.
How is Gates going to enforce his laws, if all the national governments ignore him?
Easy … He’ll block your Windows updates.
This brings to mind Henny Youngman’s classic joke: “Take my wife – please!”
Hello Sunface Jack: The WHO is largely a paper tiger with no Legal authority over anything but its own existence. The WHO is monetized through Charter agreements with corporate financiers, period. Bill Gates happens to be one of their principal financiers…
In all the years of its existence (Founded: Apr 07, 1948) the WHO has violated nearly all aspects and definitions of ethical conduct in relation to its Mission Statement.
Its members are nothing more than suited puppets – spewing forth the sanctified yet putrid ideologies of mass murderers and war mongers. The entire United Nations regimen needs to be exorcised from the planet.
The UN started well, with good intentions, but it went corrupt, and it expanded beyond it’s original goals. It is a hijacked institution.
Hello John the First: The United Nations was initiated from former plantation – “estates” of European oligarchs. These persons were well established long before the first published day of the UN assembly. Here’s a glimpse. >
Excerpted from: Paneuropean Movement – Wikipedia
“The International Paneuropean Union, also referred to as the Paneuropean Movement and the Pan-Europa Movement, is the oldest European unification movement. It began with the publishing of Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi’s manifesto Paneuropa (1923), which presented the idea of a unified European State. Coudenhove-Kalergi, a member of the Bohemian Coudenhove-Kalergi family and the son of an Austro-Hungarian diplomat and a Japanese mother, was the organisation’s central figure and President until his death in 1972.”
“The organisation was prohibited by Nazi Germany in 1933, and was founded again after the Second World War.[citation needed] Otto von Habsburg, the head of the Habsburg dynasty and former Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, became involved with the Paneuropean Union in the 1930s, was elected its Vice President in 1957 and became its International President in 1973, after Coudenhove’s death.
The President of the Union since 2004 is Alain Terrenoire, former Member of Parliament in France and MEP and Director of the French Paneuropa-Union. Otto Habsburg became the International Honorary President of the International Paneuropean Union in 2004. Its Vice President is Walburga Habsburg Douglas, a member of the Swedish Parliament.” [End quote]
There are other players in the game… You need to study and understand the actual mission of the organization.
Complete text: Paneuropean Union – Wikipedia
At last! I’ve made it! I read a WSWS article I fully agreed with – about the campaign against Russian conductor Valery Gergiev – and I attempted to insert a comment but was met by this:
Fame at last!
‘All comments are equal but some comments are less equal than others’
And that means you George!!
Had you tried to post previous comments about COVID which were censored and which prompted this banning?
from the WSWS article, a timely quote by Karl Muck, the German-born director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra during world war I.
“Muck pointed to the universality of music and rejected its subordination to nationalism, declaring: “Art is a thing by itself, and not related to any particular nation or group. Therefore, it would be a gross mistake, a violation of artistic taste and principles for such an organization as ours to play patriotic airs. Does the public think that the Symphony Orchestra is a military band or a ballroom orchestra?”
“pointed to the universality of music and rejected its subordination to nationalism”
There are a lot of things which are universal needs or universally appreciated which are denied from people through sanctions.
Music is aesthetic and thus non political and non moral. Institutions which promote some form of aesthetics, in this case a particular form, music, and more specific, classical music, who then get rid of some particular directors, taking into account that the music which they conduct is also accessible through other channels, is pathetic beyond belief. A most pure form of stupid intolerance and abuse of aesthetics for ideological reasons, which tells you what kind of people are running these institutions, or what kind of people are trying to force them into compliance.
Congratulations. Your forensic logic was just too much for them.
Free at last!
Some live video from the ‘battle zone’
Scary as.
That is utter mayhem!
All those poor besieged, frightened Ukrainian citizens going about their daily business, like shopping, driving, sleeping…..etc.
This is as gruesome as footage of the Fox News Reporter I saw this morning “reporting” from a rooftop in Kyiv, complete with bulletproof vest & helmet, as he talked of the bombs & missiles that couldn’t be seen anywhere, with his Anchor/Hosts praising him for his “bravery” of sitting on that rooftop as he watched the beautiful sunrises & sunsets.
I especially like how most of the “news” stations have to dub in scary-sounding music in the intros for their entertainment, er “news” programs.
BTW – Here are a number of live cams from Ukraine.
The ones from Kyiv are especially alarming. You can see the complete & total “chaos”
“This live streaming camera is currently unavailable – you are watching archived footage that was captured before the camera went offline early morning on February 24th, local Ukraine time.”
My prediction. WHO and WEF are going to be locked up in the big house before their plans are realised. Just a question of how much longer and how much further destruction they inflict on humanity beforehand. I dont think they can win now – their plans are too ambitious, too diabolical.
I really hope you are Right,Cause man it’s bleak-I’m watching Straight out of Compton for kicks.
They just need bringing to court over Covid. the evidence is so overwhelming, when linked up with Gates, Fauci, the CDC, the FDA: there’s no chance any honest judge could conceivably not find them guilty of conspiracy to commit mass murder. And that’s just via the banning of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine etc etc, forget anything to do with dodgy vaccines.
I can’t see many judges, lawyers, presecutors and attorneys chumping at the bit to start investigations. In fact there’s none, all we get is a make believe ‘grand jury’ which will never get anywhere.
Yes, exactly.
For many years, beginning in adolescence, I clung to the optimistic belief that even when other branches of government became corrupt and malevolent, the judiciary was the “last, best hope” to oppose official malfeasance, powermongering, and brutal oppression of ordinary unprivileged folk.
This optimism was at least partly induced and sustained by taking what eventually proved to be public-relations or marketing hype at face value. So, just to pick one egregious example, I accepted the official narrative (promoted heavily, of course, by complicit mass-media) that the Nuremberg Trials proved that solemn judicial proceedings could achieve social justice. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Long after I became appropriately disillusioned, I still wistfully harbored the hope that I was wrong. So I “rooted” for Reiner Fuellmich and his Corona Investigation Committee under the assumption that it was building a massive “overwhelming” case– a “foolproof” case that would get its proverbial day in court.
Even assuming that Fuellmich is sincere and acting in good faith, when he announced that his “endgame” was a mock grand-jury proceeding because the case just couldn’t be presented in a real court, I came back down to Earth again.
RT.com has published an anti-WEF article entitled “Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist?”
I’m impressed.
For two days now, I cannot get RT.com on my browser. Whoever controls the internet has banished this site from Australia. I have been looking at the site quite often, for years.
Yep they tell me I am a robot.,
And now the fucking ABC are reporting that kids have been tortured for 2 years mainly thanks to them.
CIA funded script kiddies are DDOSing it
DDoS-Guard (which is preventing me from viewing this link) is a Russian Internet infrastructure company which provides DDoS protection, content delivery network services, and web hosting services. Researchers and journalists have alleged that many of DDoS-Guard’s clients are engaged in criminal activity, and investigative reporter Brian Krebs reported in January 2021 that a “vast number” of the websites hosted by DDoS-Guard are “phishing sites and domains tied to cybercrime services or forums online”. Some of DDoS-Guard’s notable clients have included the Palestinian Islamic militant nationalist movement Hamas, American alt-tech social network Parler, and various groups associated with the Russian state.
Beginning in 2016, DDoS-Guard began providing denial-of-service protection to the Russian Ministry of Defence. In 2018, DDoS-Guard helped test the Russian state’s deep packet inspection systems. It is also cooperates closely with the Russian Central Bank.
Australia is heavily censored. Always has been, Nobody in Australia really knows what’s happening anywhere because of the physical isolation and also because of the very small, captured faux media market.
May Hem, as an alternative try to reach
Thanks P. Those three links work OK. But when I try to get RT.com this cute message appears on my screen:
“We have registered suspicious traffic coming from your network.
Using this page, we will be able to determine that you are not the robot.”
Yest, its from DDOS Guard.
Right. And the WEF has nothing to do with Russia’s government and business elite. nothing. 😀
“• The head of Sberbank (the central bank of Russia) Herman Gref is a WEF trustee (a very special designation).
• In February 2020, he announced his plans to develop a system of facial recognition in masks.
• He also claims that he took “Sputnik V” in April 2020—before the clinical trials even started—and that it saved him.
• On a side note: “Herman Gref exported a large portion of Sberbank’s gold reserves. Why?”
• The Mayor of Moscow Sobyanin has a plan curiously called “Moscow 2030” (smart city, implantable devices to track people’s heart and determine insurance rates, and so on).
• One of the biggest long-standing thieves of the post-Soviet economy Chubais is… wait for it…. in charge of “sustainable development”—after he almost bankrupted the biggest Russian nanotechnology company (Riley’s article here).[Link. This company is Rusnano, a very important link re 4IR. Anatoly Chubais was Boris Yeltsin’s right hand man, an oligarch who was in charge of the privatization of Russia’s economy]
And why does any of that not surprise me…he was at the cyber conference doing an interview with the Mastercard fellow….all very cosy with the WEF these guys…anyone ho thinks any of this isn’t planned needs to go back to school…
It’s schooling that done them in ! Schooling’s a no-brainer factory.
Tessa is fantastic; she understands the technocrats and the fourth industrial revolution (a.k.a., The Great Reset) better than most others.
This continuous competition about who has the best analysis works to the contrary. The shared idea is that there are many attacks on freedom, and not in the last by the formerly much applauded democratic states, of which most people who think they are awake are about totally ignorant of its very long history of taking over about every aspect of society. So instead of myopically fixating on blame theories, we need a diversity of views, which is already not diverse enough since the tyrannical dominance of conspiracy theorists, and especially a crow of hyping fanatics which seem to gather in the comment section of this medium, and who allegedly understand everything better than others.
“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset,” Trudeau said. “This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts, to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change”
Observe how the language they are talking is ideological zombie language, designed to make it seem big, but actually it is the mindless boasting language of an elite parrot circuit (only a few design the texts). The above is only one example, their texts are ripe with hyper big creeds and slogans. It is the power of ideas an ideals which they are using, instructing their ideological mindless puppets, to bring about an ideological trance. A while ago I ran into another WEF document which also contained quotes from CEO’s of corporations, the usual corporate creeds.
All of it is designed to overpower, to impress, and to destroy individual thinking.
Helen Clark’s comment about ‘keeping the world safe’ is as perverse as it gets.
If she’s serious about keeping the world safe then she MUST denounce the Empire of Greed and Hypocrisy.
Ex pollies on corporate payrolls are a bunch of self serving suckholes.
At Jeffrey S. below; yes i rode b4 that there is some globalists parasites in Russia and that is no good for sure as the corrupt and corporatist W H O is a tentacle of the even worse U N and their stupid and I foresee not successful plan to rule the world if Off-Guardians, ZeroHedgians, RTians, and all other Titans like us spread the word and get better united under and above the IoT, I see also people who I talk, lots of simple and humble pple who are already aware of this sinister globalization plan and they commons do NOT like this obscure idea cause they all know comes from filthy rich microscopic size in number white people (no nothing against white or any other colour, mentioned bcause they do NOT represent the world majority), and like communism being maoist or any other sub kind of it, globalism if forced upon us all (we will fight to bloody death against) will only b successful for a short period in time as history repeats itself being humanity hungry and thirsthy for Freedom and local autonomy. We are all different with different needs, tastes, culture and so on and being uniform like ants and bees is for other realms of animals. Our inner profound animal beast will crush the minuscule percentage of the parasites in time being later or earlier and this is our strenght and will; being left alone cause we all love, preserve and cult our own decisions and paths to follow, mom and dad cease to command us by early teenagehood when we the sane ones are able to discern and choose our own way, no need for babysitters or paternal/maternal or even a boss to tell us where to go in adulthood, never will happen now and even these leeches of the less than 1% worms brainwash the masses with corrupt TV, internet, radio or any kind of propaganda will come a time when the collective will notice and unite against the psycopaths in the penthouse, and they will fall. Most of people here and outhere seems negative and gloomy when these stu.. global institutions make their announcements and decrees, do NOT fear! Do not let them absorb your wonderful beautiful soul and body! Counter attack with talks, reads, family/friends awereness, explain to the ones what this human microbes are trying to infect us with, create union create and groom knowledge and we will be the Antidote and Exterminator for the globalist pest!
God Bless You All… or if u like,
The Human Force Be With You Always.
“On the plus side …
… it should help to get rid of lots of nasty NATO Nazis Banderite variants. Hopefully the Stoltenberg-variant will be among them.”
400. That’s an error.
Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know.
Talk about laughing at us all…
As a general perspective on the appalling things currently happening to us, I respectfully recommend a look at Part Two of Goethe’s “Faust”.
Very different from the basically earthbound story in Part One, it has some astonishingly relevant things to say to us today.
Just look at this fragment of Wikipedia’s synopsis:
“The first act sees Mephistopheles (playing the role of a fool) saving the imperial finances of German emperor Charles V – and so the German empire – by introducing the use of paper money.“
So, if we substitute, “The Western World” for “Germany”, Goethe’s generous hint really tells us all we need to know.
Russia is totally in on The 4IR/Great Reset/Metaverse. See
Are Russian Oligarchs Best Friends with Klaus Schwab? A Conversation with Riley Waggaman
Key Terms: “other health challenges”, and making the WHO’s decisions “more legitimate”.
If, as that Chinaman claimed, “Legitimacy comes out of the barrel of a gun” – to become “more legitimate” the WHO-Gates must raise either a transnational army of its own, or be able to commandeered national armies to impose the Gates-WHO diktats…
Which of the following come under the “other health challenges” umbrella term:
> world-wide glyphosate poisoning ?
> world-wide pharmaceutical pollution of rivers and water supplies ?
> Politicians (and bureaucrats) ?
> world-wide air pollution (9 – 11 million die from it EVERY YEAR (WHO claim) ?.
> Overpopulation ?*
> Global Cooling ?
> War… (esp. The US Pentagon’s Wars) ?
> Nuclear Weapons. (Possession by The Few ‘challenges’ the health of All Life on Earth) ?
> All of the above.
The WHO might gain universal support for some/all of the “above” – but it’s Gates-WHO, thus it’s restricting itself to ‘pandemics’ – for now…
There is no need for a UN military. Countries have shown their willingness to “contribute” their people towards peace-keeping, especially if it reduces their other UN costs. Health threats will merely be a new variation.
Midazolam may have been the UK’s remdesivir:
It’s a strange and curious thing that in 1997 the band Duran Duran put out an album called Medazzaland. inspired supposedly by singer Simon Le Bon’s experiences on the drug. The album features song titles like ‘Out of my Mind’, ‘So Long Suicide’ and ‘Undergoing Treatment’. Some of the band’s videos (especially ‘Union of the Snake’) are highly suggestive and band members (especially Nick Rhodes) have been snapped with some “interesting” people (like Rothschilds and a certain Maxwell).
Medazzaland.could mean mazzys and is a street name for Temazepam.
Dear Mr Putin, can you also take out the WHO, DAVOS and Schwab as the world needs to be rid of these Nazi’s once and for all. Thank you.
Schwab is good friends with Putin, no joke.
I can see them sharing a vodka together, but no more…
I have also drunk vodka with people whom I would never regard as ‘good friends’…
Putin is a shrewd, intelligent, articulate man.
Schwab is a vegetable.
They have very little in common.
what putin? shrew hawk face, or the puffy wide jowled one ; ) or another?
Good point.
Aren’t they all deep-fake anyway…?
Putin was one of Schwab’s “Young Leaders,” paid him a glowing tribute just several years ago.
I think Klaus misspoke. Young Global Leaders /Global Leaders for Tomorrow was launched in 1993. At that time Putin was 41 years old, and since candidates must be younger than 38 years old at the time of acceptance, he would not qualify.
Don’t you know that whatever it is it is Putin’s fault, according to the Merkins?
Can someone tell us how to get this WEF label as a poster. I want to put it up everywhere.
This made the best laughter in my life
Your diagram is already compromised – it’s missing ‘foreskin’.
Zelenskiy went on to star in movies and television sitcoms, including “Servant of the People,” in which he played a history teacher elected as president on an anti-corruption platform. The series ran from 2015 to 2018

They continue to laugh at us all.
They might as well just say, “the G20 WILL give up each of their nation’s sovereignty, without the votes of their citizens, to the WHO, the WEF, and associated globalist organizations.”
There you have it, voila, the New World Order, just like that.
EDWARD DOWD about rapid awakening on Wall St.
Alex Jones interview.
Reading this is a study in psychopathology. The WHO has already led the response to the pandemic. Everywhere their militarized, “no rights will be asserted” by the people doctrine was adopted was a disaster. It’s not that it was a success, rather it was a disaster, both medically and economically. The nations which ignored the WHO have, on every measure, done much better. The WHO response is hardly a feather in their cap, nor is it a recommendation for their further control. I’m not sure if they actually believe they did a good job or if they know they were a force for devastation and lives lost. At any rate, I would not tout that record as a way to get people on board! Jeesh!
WHO, Gates, Klaus, Moscowitz, Eric, Oprah and all others involved: We the people do not consent to your ruler-ship and your other (insane) plans for our lives. Why don’t you set up a colony of just yourselves on an uninhabited island and try out your 4IR, wars, great reset, transhumanism, injection/control grid, neuro chipping on your own bodies, etc. to your heart’s content. If you think it’s so great, then do it to yourselves and leave the rest of us alone. We do not consent nor do we think you are superior to us nor do you have any rights of control over us.
They do not have the right, but they do have the power.
Do ‘they’ have the power? Only if we give it to them. We have a choice.
Thanks Jill. Great comment.
….and most importantly, please do remember not to own anything and be happy!
We could give them a Smart City to do it; bristling with surveillance equipment and we could watch them on TV.
better yet, get elon musk to fly you all to mars.
We need a campaign to take down the WHO. It, the FDA, MHRA, EDA, are not fit for purpose. They are all owned by Bill Gates and Big Pharma.
Or take down Gates & Big Pharma, and liberate the WHO.
Great to see more exposure of this. The thrust of this rewrite of the International Health Regulations (IHR) is to make the WHO dictates “binding” in a “whole of society” regime.
See: Trial Site News ” Who Pandemic Treaty, A Well Kept Secret” and the December “Townhall” on this. Also See: The Expose “Drs. Silvia Berendt and Astrid Stukelberger,
Gavi, Gates, The WHO and International Health Regulations”, which has a transcript of their testimony to the Peoples Grand Jury.
I think the people will rise up if any of this shit gets going. We elect our Government and our Leaders not a bunch of whacko Nazis.
These sick mass murderers should finally prove that their virus exists at all!
Yep, it’s all about freedom all righty. We always knew it would come down to this. Time for some freedom fightin”.
Unfortunately, for so many people, “freedom” means one thing only: freedom to be fools.
I’m seeing lots of little American flags waving from vehicles around town – just like after 911. You’d think Russia entering Ukraine puts it on our doorstep.
But then, when most people haven’t a geographic impulse in their bodies, Kiev could easily be a floating city right off South Florida.
The problem then becomes where does their “freedom” to be fools end and my freedom to be rational begin? Their foolishness puts every rational person – indeed, reason itself – in jeopardy.
Hurrah! “Freedom” is an incredibly vague term… sorta like “feel.”
It’s all part and parcel of the never-ending fight against “ruling” classes. The fools are in the way, but that can’t stop us.
Pfizer & Moderna investors RUN FOR THE EXITS.
“Wall Street investors are dumping their Moderna and Pfizer stock faster than the world can drop the mandates. Moderna is down 70 percent from its high, while Pfizer is off 19 percent. Former Blackrock Executive and investment adviser Edward Dowd calls for Moderna to go to zero and Pfizer to end under ten dollars per share.”
Listen here.
Ever hear the term “Buy the fucking dip”?
The stock markets are completely rigged.
When some 5 Big Asset Management firms own upwards of 40% of the entire outstanding shares of a company, they have massive power to create market dips, reaping massive profits as they sell-off & send share prices tumbling.
Then they can buy the fucking dip, once again buying low & selling high.
A 1-2 mos. snapshot is often meaningless.
Almost guaranteed that Big Pharma is here to stay.
It is one of the most profitable industries in the world.
But that isn’t to say that the CARTEL of Big Asset Management firms don’t regularly pump & dump various industries.
Just because someone says something doesn’t mean it’s true.
To put this chart (Pfizer) into perspective, i.e. the profitability of BTFD strategy (selling high & drive share price down, then rebuying at that low dip):
From 3/24/20 to 5/22/20, those that bought low & sold high made $43.92 BILLION.
From 6/23/20 to 8/21/20, those that bought low & sold high made $34.4 BILLION.
From 2/23/21 to 8/23/21, those that bought low & sold high made $90.21 BILLION.
From 10/12/21 to 12/31/21, those that bought low & sold high made $96.68 BILLION.
And, for most all that money made by a few (those that bought low, i.e. bought the dip), others had to lose it (those that bought high & likely sold when prices dropped).
Thus a more likely scenario in the recent dip is that Big asset Management firm profit seeking.

They helped force “vaccine” mandates, driving demand/pricing for their held shares up, then sold and create new dips.
This is how the Big Asset Management firms profit.
They absolutely possess the wealth backing & share volumes to do this.
While the manufactured ‘war of distraction’ is being performed in Ukraine, its time for the planners to pivot to the climate change fake ’emergency’. No doubt the brain-washing press releases have been ready for some time.
And its also an opportunity to ‘build back better’ their surveillance infrastructure while no one is looking.
Already happening.
When did I become so cynical?
My God! The only way they could possibly build a better surveillance infrastructure is if they sneak in your bedroom while you’re sleeping and install a 5G smart hearing aid in your ear.
Ha ha – all they need is for your mobile phone to be left on – or the ‘smart tv, smart fridge, smart meter”, etc.etc.
Haven’t “they” already built a smart toilet?
I bet they are already printing the stickers, signs, leaflets, posters and whatever PPE needed for the next ‘big alert’.
They had billions of these things ready to roll immediately as govts declared lockdowns everywhere in the world, so let’s ponder for a second how in the hell all that was possible without foreknowledge.
Informative article.
The Nuremberg(2) trials need to come sooner rather than later.
Let’s see now: the Nuremberg trials were those conducted by the WWII winners to cover their taking Nazi scientists under their wing. Hmm. Nuremberg 2 just doesn’t cut it for me.
Who were completely useless from early on advising/stating that masks were not useful or effective in reducing transmission of a respiratory virus. That really lodged as ‘fact’ in so many peoples’ minds. Unbelievable. !!!
IF that mask really did anything, why would we “need” a “vaccine?” The ONLY time Fauci told the truth was when he said they don’t really do anything. Those things are a mark of compliance, period. Not to mention something to fight over. Jesus.
Readers may be interested in this ……. US Embassy deletes details of eleven Pentagon funded bio laboratries in Ukraine .
X22 Report (24.2.2022) mentioned ( but unconfirmed), “of the eleven bio-labs in the Ukraine, seven have been hit’, by the invaders. Seems Russia had been complaining about the presence of the bio-labs for quite a while. Jon Rappoport has a recent post about the amount of toxic waste that’s stored etc in The Ukraine.
Maybe the US embassy deleted the details because the Russians actually deleted the labs ?
I like this!
Now that IS interesting. Didn’t Russian troops capture 4 of them?
Nobody cares what who have to say.
I predict that most will cave – again – when the next pandemic is declared.
No man, we learned something this time. Ain’t no way they’ll trick us again, man.
What’s needed is a total change in how ‘unelected experts’ get to tell Governments what to do.
It is entirely inappropriate for unaccountable experts to be drawing up global treaties.
They should be solely technical advisors to the people in this situation.
When things are supposedly about global pandemics, then its only acceptable for the people to mandate strategies.
We already know that Bill Gates has committed criminal malfeasance on a global scale trying to impose his ineffective Covid vaccines. He is therefore already unfit to stand, just as Chris Whitty is unfit, just as the head of the WHO is unfit, just as WEF can have nothing to do with it and just as Anthony Fauci can have zero to do with it.
Before anything like this gets drawn up, the criminal prosecutions must take place to eliminate the criminals from any part of global healthcare.
No-one at the top of Big Pharma will survive, all the Gates organisations are out, WEF is out and Fauci at best needs life imprisonment.
There cannot be any tolerance of any government saying they will listen to these criminals any longer.
Change the media narrative and get back to what matters to human beings. Freedom from tyranny by psychopaths.
Well said Rhys
We should stop calling it “healthcare” as anything but that has been the outcome. A purge of all those people in the establishment who have either implemented or cheered on these murderous policies is also urgently needed. Profits at any price has been their motivation accompanied by a reckless disregard for the consequences.
An unelected bureaucracy – EU – runs much of Europe, and is steadily increasing its powers. We have already seen the horrendous financial fallout for the loser countries. It cannot get much worse than that.
These bastards won’t let any opportunity go to waste. I can just see them saying “if we can’t get Russia through military means, we’ll do it under the guise of a pandemic”.
“Reimagining multilateralism for a post-Covid future”. Anyone who uses the word ‘reimagine/reimagining’ is a total an utter toss-pot and their views can be disregarded on the spot.
Indeed those corporate/UN buzzwords give me disgust
After the hangings and beheadings these experts may not be around to benefit from the unprecedented profits.
This is never going away, unless we make it.
Digital Certification Mark
The Good Health Pass – (via id2020.org) https://www.goodhealthpass.org/
“Allowing international travel to resume safely means we must take all possible steps to limit the spread of new COVID–19 variants. We urgently require an internationally-recognised system of health passes enabling travellers to quickly and easily prove their health status, in a secure and privacy-preserving way. The Good Health Pass Collaborative is doing vital work to develop the standards necessary to support this. Political leaders should now get behind this. The G20 group of nations should commit to establish a network of globally interoperable health passes, and set up the working groups needed to deliver it.”–Tony Blair, Executive Chairman, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Former UK Prime Minister
The famous MAY REDUCE scam
Semaglutide aka Ozempic.
“Semaglutide acts like human glucagon-like peptide-1 in that it increases insulin secretion, thereby increasing sugar metabolism”
Insulin is a hormone that signals to your body to “store fat now”… Also increasing your pancreatic output of insulin and not addressing the sensitivity to receptor cells is a recipe to destroy your pancreas…. And make sure you’re on drugs forever. posted by Kirsten
Big Pharma is attempting to use the international stage to undermine individual rights.
Their first sentence tells all ….. “Individual states cannot effectively manage global public threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic on their own”. i.e. – you little kiddies need some big people to take charge.
If scary fake viruses don’t work, expect the following from w h o “Individual states cannot effectively manage global public threats such as the Climate Change Emergency on their own“.
Setting the stage for their planned “One World Government” (ie digital dictatorship).
We do not consent.