Reality Check: “100 day vaccines” are NOT possible.
They want us to believe the “next pandemic” will have a safe vaccine in three months. That flies in the face of reality.
Kit Knightly

Neatly nestled behind the Ukraine headlines plastered all over the front pages, this past week has seen the World Health Organization meeting to discuss the global legislation to empowering the WHO to combat “future pandemics”.
The first consultation was held on March 1st. The EU passed a motion authorizing the bloc to negotiate such a treaty on March 3rd.
Nobody knows exactly what the hypothetical international regulations – dubbed the “Pandemic Treaty” – would entail, but there are hints.
It’s almost certainly going to involve some kind of international vaccine passport, possible based on the SMART Health Cards currently rolling out all across the US.
It’s also interesting to note that this treaty is being developed in parallel to the UK “reforming” their Human Rights Act 1998 into a new “UK bill of rights” which seeks to prevent the “abuse” of “rights culture” and place a new emphasis on “social responsibility”.
However, the specifics will remain a mystery until the final proposal is published later this year.
One thing we do know though, is that a big part of the proposed “strengthening” of our pandemic response will be increased funding and resources for developing vaccines even faster than the Covid vaccine.
This aim was announced at the recent Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit in London, where the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) announced their “100 Days Mission”.
CEPI, for those who don’t know, is a foundation jointly funded by (among others) the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation and the World Economic Forum, whose stated aim is “to develop vaccines to stop future epidemics”.
The 100 Days Mission, which already has its own website and a trending hashtag (#100DaysMission), is pretty much exactly what it sounds like.
In future CEPI wants to produce new vaccines for unknown emerging diseases – what they call Disease X – within 100 days of the pathogen being isolated.
They’ve already secured 1.5 BILLION pounds sterling to further this effort.
Let that percolate.
Over a billion pounds to produce vaccines for a disease that – as yet – does not even exist, and may never exist.
This looks like a further step in the process, begun by the ‘pandemic’ narrative, of redefining everything we previously understood about how infective agents and vaccines interact.
Covid, let’s remember, was a disease-narrative totally removed from all social, scientific and historical context to create a fluid, agenda-driven alternate reality. And it looks as if this is intended to be the ‘new normal’.
Here’s a little refresher course on just how fast the Covid vaccines sped through the usual scientific process:
- The virus was allegedly discovered in December.
- It was fully genetically sequenced by January 10th 2020.
- The paper that all the PCR tests were based on was peer-reviewed in less than 24 hours.
- After decades of failure, the human race produced a dozen effective coronavirus vaccines in less than three months.
- These vaccines were then “safety tested” in less than six months.
All told, from ‘discovering’ the virus to getting the vaccine(s) approved for use on people, it took 300 days.
This process normally takes at least 3-10 years.
It usually takes at least 5-10 years to bring a fully-tested vaccine to market. A paper by Pronker et al, “Risk in vaccine research and development quantified” (PubMed 2013), estimates the average development time for a new vaccine to be over 10 years.
Simply put, it has never been possible to make a vaccine for a new disease in 1000 days, let alone 100.
The speed with which the covid vacines were produced is totally unprecedented in the history of vaccines.
The idea you could further reduce this unprecedented time frame, and produce a safe and effective vaccine in only 100 days is frankly absurd. It’s surreal. Fictional.
For one thing, the vast majority of candidate vaccines don’t work.
The Pronker paper, found that of all potential vaccines products being researched, only about 6% ever actually hit the market.
So, back in the real world, a vaccine manufacturer will go through that 5-10 year process knowing there is a ~94% chance there will be nothing to show for it in the end.
After decades of trying they haven’t managed to produce a vaccine against AIDs, or the flu, or malaria or many other common diseases. These are conditions they know and (allegedly) understand, but they cannot make vaccines for them.
So, in that old world of veridical reality, even if you managed to make a vaccine in 100 days, the odds are it either won’t produce immunity, or it will but will also produce harmful side effects, or maybe it will do literally nothing.
Now, granted, science and technology are not static. We are always moving forward and making progress…but that’s irrelevant to this issue, because even if vaccine manufacturing technology really did take a huge leap forward just in time to battle covid, you still can’t produce a safe vaccine in 100 days, or even 300 days – because the process NEEDS time.
It takes time to test rigorously, it takes time – a lot of it – to a assess long term side effects. The clue is right there in the name.
No amount of new tech is going to permit you to know the ten-year effects of a vaccine in under three months.
With the public eye fixed on Ukraine, and Covid now firmly in the collective unconsciousness’s rearview mirror the powers that be are trying to normalise what was, inherently, an abnormal, unreal (if not impossible) process. To make it easier “next time”.
We’ve already seen Bill Gates lament that the vaccine was too slow, and he was partially right. The Covid story didn’t keep people hypnotized enough to secure everything they needed, in part because their “vaccine” rollout took almost a year.
But for the future “Disease X” waiting in the wings, it will officially only take three months, and the fear will still be fresh. The fact the process will be completely incompatible with reality or sense will not matter in the slightest.
To be clear: You cannot develop a “safe and effective” vaccine for a brand new disease in three months.
You can’t do it in one year.
And if in the future they claim to have done so, they will be lying.
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By now the petrochemical pharma industry has enough espertise to develop a poison in 3 months or less. Actually I’m quite sure they’ve had them ready for some time now, just waiting for the right moment to deploy en masse.
This generation of scientists, in case you’re wondering, have been trained in a way to think as a computer; no discernment, common sense, creativity, nothing like that. Scientists used to study philosophy of science, logic and critical thinking, not anymore, they are fancy lab technicians not scientists.
It used to be called magic when you could pull a rabbit (vaccine) out of a hat (virus). Now they just call it “Modern Science”: So what came first, the rabbit or the hat?
The above pertains to excess deaths among millennials during the lockdown, vaccination and booster programs period. The MSM media are also making Vietnam war and WWI-II comparisons of excess death’s, though they are blaming it on their imaginary virus.
To be clear: You cannot develop a “safe and effective” vaccine for a brand new disease in three months. Quite!
However, it should have become quite apparent to us all by now, that ‘Governments’ and ‘Multi-Corps’ are capable of ANYTHING when they control the narrative and they obviously control the very government organisations who are supposed to be the ‘licencing-authority’ on health-and-safety protocols.
THEY CAN DO ANYTHING … and ‘THEY’ are flaunting it quite openly by demonstrated absurdity over the past two years.
It is actually quite infuriating to even listen to the likes of Fauci, Scwab, Boula, etc. etc. and the various Govt. imbeciles who be strategically placed in positions of power … because you know that they are lying to you about virtually everything and yet, these demented criminals appear to openly demonstrate how cock-sure they are with their self-assured power-and-authority. The LEGAL SYSTEMS of all Western-Democracies are worthless and have revealed that they’re only there by the grace of their masters and to serve their masters for the MONEY. The medical hob-knobs and Academics have proven to be quite the same … a bunch of despicable, self-serving swill content with preening themselves and their ‘titles. Maggots the lot …
It has gone beyond the point of mere insanity.
It’s a waste of time and money developing any jab in 100 days. All the people will be dead from this covaids jab and no one will be around to sell future jabs to except the remaining elites and go government officials who pretended to be jabbed over this past 2 years and I’m pretty sure they know better than to take a poison death jab!
Looked so real when they took it.
Irrelevant. I really think we’re waiting for the other shoe to drop. I can’t see the so called Deep State exposing themselves and their control network, and risking losing their vast wealth and their lives, just to kill a few billion people. Recall that these lunatics are Transhumanists. they want to become God, and take control of human evolution. To achieve that, yes, they’d risk it all on one bet, which is what I think they’ve done here.
It’s been proven that synthetic mRNA can insert genes into an adult’s DNA (at least, in the affected cells) through reverse transcription. It’s also known that the mRNA from these shots persists in the body and ends up in most organs, especially the ovaries and testes. It’s also true that certain batches of these shots have caused the majority of deaths and injuries, indicating that different formulations have been tested. Let that all sink in for a minute.
I suspect we’ll start to get a glimpse of the primary agenda when the few young women who took the shot from certain batches and weren’t sterilized by them, begin to have children. The deaths and probable sterilization of a few billion “undesirables” is just a perk to the people who did this. This is, of course, just the first test of minor modifications. They have much more planned, and that will require more ‘pandemics’.
Will we ever stop calling it a vaccine? Words matter – like unborn child vs pregnancy tissue. The decisions connected to meaning have consequences.
Covid genetically sequenced EVER? They supposedly identified 34 out of 30,000 sequences and a computer guessed the rest. PCR? CDC/WHO and every health ministry in the world admit that they NEVER had a sample of COVID19, so they used a cold virus to develop the PCR “test”. BTW, none of the 3D photos showing the green and pink spikey viral particles are electron micrographs. An electron microscope returns flat, low resolution photos in GREYSCALE! So all those “photos” are simply artist’s creations
It’s ALL scientific rubbish.
Kerry Mullis [ inventor of PCR tech ] TOLD the scientific community that PCR was NOT designed to diagnose anything. So interesting he died late 2019. Great interview with him back in the AIDS days saying Fauci knows nothing.
Initially, there was an attempt to call the PCR test RTq-PCR, implying quantitive assessment. Kary said it cannot determine quantity. Pseudo-scientific phrases such as high viral load are mere propaganda.
The “photos” are propaganda over which the scientists remain quiet.
“They want us to believe the “next pandemic” will have a safe vaccine in three months.”
To fight what? Ah, a virus, that does not exist. That makes sense in a world of shitheads.
Well, of course you can, if you’re the one who makes the vaccines and you’re the one who starts the pandemic. Ask Bill.😉
Yes exactly. That’s the whole point of the article. You can, of course, make a ‘vaccine’ in any amount of time if you don’t care whether it’s safe or works. And the timescale they are promising makes it clear they don’t.
It is totally possible now that they have changed the definition of “vaccine”
And changed the ingredients and marketing program as well.
Unfortunately the Government will bring in legislation so that they can force people to be injected with the next warp speed vaccines in the name of the public good and they will undoubtedly impose punishment for any that refuse.
Sadly the vast majority of the population would support this, just as they supported being injecting with the covid19 muck.
Chemicals of mass destruction will work on theses people so easily their will be queuing for the 97% safe and effective protection.
100 days ??? their be screaming’ that will be to long’. whilst Russia has its magic cure out in 33 days.
The fol. are the scheduled end dates for the trials for each jab now being imposed across the world, as originally acknowledged by governments:
– Moderna: Oct 2022 –
– AstraZeneca: Feb 2023 –
– Pfizer: May 2023 –
– J&J: May 2023 –
One problem, it’s not a vaccine.
They’ve been genetic engineering bacteria for decades, then they moved onto plants/crops, then animals, now humans. The forcible expression of proteins, thanks to synthetic software code. From the controllers pov, the possibilities are endless.
From a normal sane persons pov, all such tech should be immediately banned.
Echoes indeed. Groovy right-on rockers do the bidding of the overlords.
‘Greedy rich as rockers’ would be more appropriate George.
Lot of upkeep on palatial mansions, villas, sports cars and ex wives.
Don’t forget the interview where Roger Waters goes full retard saying “thank God for Fauci”.
More and more proof Big Entertainment is and has always been a bankster control tool.
I highly recommend ‘Inside the LC’ by Dave McGowan. It’s a wild romp through Laurel Canyon, examining not only the hippie rock scene, but history that preceded it as well. It’s available on line to read and wow is it high octane info-tainment.
Now that was a sobering “corrective” to the view that the Left may have gotten “back on track” with the Ukraine situation.
First, there are some on this “Left” who are actually not “on track” and are shilling for the exorcism of Putin.
Second, even the ones who are “on track” and don’t fall for the anti-Putin rhetoric are nevertheless still falling for the covid crap.
But perhaps in the long run it doesn’t matter a fuck what these ever-so-compassionate exhibitionistic liberal celebs do. Here’s the rub: When your opinion agrees with the MSM and that doesn’t bother you or, more likely, you haven’t even noticed because you’re totally up your own arse, then you are redundant. So be a good chap and just fuck off.
It is their desperate attempt to remain relevant at all costs. To remain in the kewl kid kamp. Truly sickening.
The only people who will be affected by the removal of music from sites like Spotify are the ultra-hip tech-loving consumers who would never lower themselves to listen to CD’s or tapes or vinyl.
If it ain’t streaming, they don’t want it. Now they don’t got it. Boo hoo.
These rockers were either lobotomised at the turn of the century, or they were always re-programmable empty shells.
If Roger Waters was a young musician today instead of writing ‘Dark side of the moon’ or ‘Wish you were here’, he would be writing ‘Shake dat booty wiv me, bling bling hoes’.
The Western media in their incessant search for (ahem!) truth, find themselves constantly bewildered by the sheer mystery of it all:
“What’s driving Vladimir Putin and his assault on Ukraine?”
Who can tell? He’s a cryptic character. Driven by demons etc.
Portentous opening for the audio, blast of Putin speaking in Russian and with emphasis punctuated by cheers and strident militaristic music. (Echoes of Hitler, clearly deliberate.) Voices intone his crafting of his persona etc. “Sexualised masculine image … Remaining inscrutable, making it impossible for us to understand what his personal interest might be ….”
And I’m afraid my resolve gave up after that. Clearly the entire “analysis” was going to be conducted on the personal psychobabble level completely sundered from all social/political connection i.e. the mode constantly pushed by the Western obsession with identity politics. And a mode that precludes any real understanding of the situation – deliberately.
The writing’s on the wall isn’t it. This and Ukraine are a pincer movement. Our future is clear to see. Get prepared! What else can we do. I have a ‘weekend cottage’ in Cork I’m now consciously readying for the time city living becomes impossible. I have batteries, a generator, some food storage, wood, med supplies, seeds, already growing some veg. There’s an old well on the property that I’m cleaning out.
For carbs, you need tubers. For protein, you need beans and legumes.
Get yourself some guns because you won’t have anything you can’t defend.
Some animals like chickens, rabbits, good yield at low cost, a few lambs are worth considering and a gun as well. In Ireland you can use peat for heating. The ancestral memory will kick in.
Over a billion pounds to produce vaccines for a disease that – as yet – does not even exist
The biolabs are trying all the time to cook up remedies for their deadly potions. In a 2015 medical trial purportedly for a hepatitis remedy, the biolab at Tblisi, Georgia killed 73 subjects with “Crimean-Congo” hemorrhagic fever, not hepatitis [Igor Kirillov 2018].
Predicting threats, proceeding to act aginst them, and demanding that others follow suit, is also the pattern in economic, subversive and military imperialism.
They were able to short circuit the “vaccines” development time because they work only against a very specific spike protein configuration. This is why the CoVax shots produce insufficient immunity protection compared to immunity generated by being infected.
The human immune system protects using a variety of approaches that typically allows them to recognize the virus and variants in various configurations, thus generating better and more full spectrum, robust protection.
mRNA vaccines simply can’t compete against our immune system, which has had hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years to perfect the protection response.
Man that’s just cut and paste gibberish from a WHO disinfo document. You don’t even understand the words. This…
You’re blindly trusting in your ignorance that it means something but it does not. Why in God’s name would “working only against a very specific spike protein configuration” speed up the process of making a workable vaccine? You don’t know, you’re just looking at the sciencey words, crossing yourself and hoping.
Even with all the specific spike proteins in creation they still can’t know in three months if a thing will be safe in ten years, which is the whole point of what the man is saying.
Plus 100.
You didn’t even finish reading their comment, you exclusively latched on to the opening paragraph.
If by that you mean he only QUOTED the opening sentence then sure…but how can you assume he didn’t read the rest. The entire thing sounds like soft back pedaling, a lot of which we are seeing right now. Speaking of which here is a some exemplary word-salad to illustrate the point.
“but how can you assume he didn’t read the rest.” Because it treats Jojo’s post as if it were a pro-genetic engineering platform argument, when Jojo clearly states that he is in favour of of the human immune system against which the mRNA jabs cannot compete? Are you serious?
Are you suggesting that other than that they are just fine and that their flaw if they have one is that they don’t do enough….?
still there is the interaction between 5g frequency <= a Ca channel regulator, and mRNA vaccines that produce in vivo S protein corona virus structures and migrate to the cell nucleus of untreated cells. .. that study has not been reported, and probably it has not been done.
hopefully some prosecutor will get a court order to search the information vaults of all vaccine researchers and providers. to get a handle on the possible harms, and maybe discover some benefits, a mandated mRNA virus can cause or bring about.
Scientists have known for nearly twenty years that the human genome is not stable. That the sequence of three billion letters that made up Bill Clinton’s ‘Book of Life’ could change from day to day. And that means not only is every human different from every other human, he/she is also different from him/herself from day to day. As must everything made of dna including cell debris known, affectionately by some, as viruses.
Evolving humans would be aware they could not in a billion years produce a chemical concoction that could affect such everchanging form. Devolving scaredy cats hiding behind masks, needles and authorities reckon it can be done in a month or so.
Yet call a jibber jabber an imbecile and they want to argue.
We will not be told the names of the victims of the genetic therapy experiments.
Doesnt matter how rosy are the promises, they are all experiments,
and the dead from the failed experiments will be many.
Countering gene ‘therapy’ ideology will prove just as hard as breaking the grip germ theory has on people’s thinking.
Might be a good contribution towards getting ideas straight about the poison-stab injections if everyone stopped calling them ‘therapy’ – a word that conveys solidly the idea of healing. The poison-stabs heal nothing, and kill and maim people to boot. Those which use mRNA should be called what they are: gene TAMPERING concoctions.
Here’s lookin’ at you kid !
Curious that.
“After decades of trying they haven’t managed to produce a vaccine against AIDs, or the flu, or malaria or many other common diseases.”
What’s the flu jab then?
A great little earner.
A money making scam. AIDS is caused by poppers not viruses.
A Big Harma profit-centre that doesn’t work – except as an on-going money-making racket.
PS: All you need to know about colds/flu is that you can avoid getting ill with them – comprehensively – by using sufficient vitamin C in your diet; that and living the prudent, health-preserving life, of course. As ever, ‘’ has the exhaustive details.
dont speak to soon.
their will be a jab for everything!
Yes – and administered BEFORE the nasty viruses even get a chance to work! Isn’t science wonderful?
I suspect that that those would have been the very words used by Harvey Weinstein, when addressing the new recruits for his movies.
A fraud.
One important clue, apart from the fact that there is no reliable scientific proof that they are effective as marketed, is that if questioned, even the doctors who recommend them retreat into a frenzy of handwaving and tapdancing to explain why getting a flu jab is no guarantee that you won’t get “the flu”.
Their dodgy explanations also rationalize the supposed necessity of getting the latest flu jab every year– the pesky phantom flu viruses constantly mutate, dontcha know.
FWIW, even back when I foolishly trusted “The Science” peddled by the Faucis of the world, I always knew that the highly-hyped “annual flu shot” was a scam. For one thing, if it really was effective, it wouldn’t be necessary for every human link in the medical/pharma chain, from doctors to lowly pharmacy cashiers, to harp, hector, and push the public into getting them.
As we’ve seen with the Megadeath Virus of Doom pseudo-vaccines, the “flu jab” pitch was essentially “trust us, they’re ‘scientifically proven’ to be effective”– with a decided implication that anyone who doubted their worth for any reason must be ignorant, mad, or bad.
The ‘flu-jab’ is not actually a vaccine, it is an IQ test by another name.
My uncle in his early 70s got the flu jab every year, and every time after a few weeks he got the flu; so i used to tell him ‘well, you still got the flu despite of the jab’ to which he would respond ‘it’s not the flu, it’s a very strong cold.’
So there you have the ‘flu vaccine’, a total scam but more importantly pre-programming for the current injections.
The Australian government has announced it will spend two billion dollars on preparations for possible Winter flu-covid outbreaks. (Downunder Winter = June-August).
Australian governments dont spend such huge sums unless they know something.
A national election is due to be held soon, probably in May – just before Winter.
It has been stated on one site that post-election those receiving government pensions or social security payments will have to comply to being jabbed or they will have their payments stopped.(Officially considered “Useless Eaters”).
Maybe the covid narrative no longer dominates the media propaganda but that hasnt stopped the government.
Two billion is not a huge sum Jubal, compared with the amount they plan to spend (100 billion plus) on useless submarines and outdated fighter jets. Bought from the US MIC of course.
It is totally illegal to withhold guaranteed pensions by forcing a jab or any medical treatment and we oldies don’t like being pushed around.
Based on the last 2 years, I don’t think being’ totally illegal’ matters anymore.
Marilyn, as we’ve seen in recent years Politicians Dont Give A F**K About Laws . If a law gets in their way they’ll find a way “to work around it”. In Australia Age Pensions are pegged to both CPI, and male’s average weekly earnings. You may recall Joe Hockey’s 2014 national budget wanted to cut that nexus so that the weekly rate declined to a point where, like those on the dole, pensioners must wait on politicians benevolence for an occasional increase to be thrown their way. The CairnsNews post that Jubal might be citing does not mention age pensions, but it’s right to include them.
Thanks to the “Independents” in the Australian Senate the government has legislation enabling it to impose Income Management on all social security payment receivers. Track record: Those “independents” nearly always give the government what it wants.
If the government insists ‘get jabbed or no pension’ expect them to support it.
It might be time that the PEOPLE enforce a recommendation that politicians at ALL levels of government make personal financial contributions to specious purchases as a matter of goodwill and to show the value of their personal belief in whatever hair-brained scheme they want to spend our money on.
The way the Libtards have been spending our money, I think that everything is going to be privatised and we will OWN NOTHING because Blackrock, Vanguard and the Banks will own EVERYTHING that is assuming that they don’t already …
High level discussion between Tom Luongo and Joaquin Flores and another guy (hit the orange button to see it all) . We are so lucky to have these alternative viewpoints. Whilst I agree with a lot I think they are avoiding the elephant in the room: The Tribe.
The announcement came over on Tesco. “Ukraine, Ukraine, donate now”
I remarked to the assistant that wasn’t it Covid 2 weeks ago and masks and shit and now Ukraine. How weird.
But then I realized we’d had one previous encounter and she remembered and was ready for a fight. I mean there are so many opponents you can’t keep track of the faces. They are all faceless. “Russia is going to let off chemical weapons on Ukraine” she said as I grabbed my bananas and half bottle of Grouse.
This lot deserve whatever is coming to them. They are thick as shit.
“The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used.” — Dr. James A. Shannon, National Institutes of Health.
There’s no purpose for pathogenic, injections of multiple toxins into the bloodstream, other than to harm and sicken the population, thereby creating a circular economy for PhRMA.
A weakened, injected populace is more easily brainwashed and controlled.
The propaganda around
vaccinespathogenic injections and their alleged ability to prevent illness, contradicts the facts outlined in the books and videos listed below.Must read books:
The Contagion Myth.
Virus Mania.
The Poisoned Needle.
Murder By Injection.
What Really Makes You Ill.
Béchamp or Pasteur?
Dissolving Illusions.
Must watch videos on bitchute:
Germs debunk Corona
The Church of Virotology
A Shot In The Dark
Trace Amounts
We need a paradigm shift. A new way of assessing, treating and preventing illness.
Agreed, awesome content.
What’s the position of terrain medecine on sexual diseases, bacterial and viral?Herpes is considered viral I think. Perhaps you could explain or suggest some reading on this . I’ve read Virus Mania, but this topic is not mentioned.
Read the Contagion Myth for an alternative explanation. If you aren’t satisfied with that theory, come back and I’ll provide you with my own theory of Herpes as a likely vaccine injury.
And where does Rabies fit in. Is it all about Indian terrain because there is no Rabies in Australia. An Australian can go to India, get bitten by a foaming crazy dog getting off the plane and days later starts foaming and going insane, dies. Can being in Indian terrain be that dangerous? Instantly.
There never was any rabies. Pasteur was a fraud.
I blame the parties responsible for letting that foaming crazy dog get off the plane!
The poor dog may have been injected by one of the many vaccinations imposed upon animals. Vets love money and vaccinations for animals – especially annual ‘booster’ shots. These are unnecessary as proven by my extremely healthy 13 year old un-jabbed cat.
Plus any of the videos by N.Zealand doctor, Sam Bailey (co-author of ‘Virus Mania”).
Good list! And: Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts
Yes thanks! And Goodbye Germ Theory. All of these books are actually available as PDFs.
And there’s Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg – in case you forget 5G causes severe ‘covid’ symptoms.
I would add the book “Vaci-nation” by the wonderful Aussie doctor, Judy Wilyman.
What are the chances they could come up with a shot 1week of each other. Pfizer and Moderna
They held back until just after the presidential elections. “Good” vaccine news before it would have given Trump a boost
The “experts” are getting a bit stale now and running out of scary propaganda ideas. Now these experts have discovered a “sub-variant” of Omicron. Wot next?
“Experts are urging Queenslanders to get their COVID-19 booster shot as soon as possible, as a sub-variant of the Omicron strain threatens to increase case numbers heading into winter months. The sub-variant, designated BA.2, which was first identified in Australia by Queensland Health experts late last year, has now become the dominant strain in NSW and health authorities there are concerned overall cases in the state could double in the next few weeks.”
But there is hope, as more and more Queenslanders refuse to get on their bandwagon ….
“Queensland is languishing with the worst booster rate in the country with less than half of eligible people – 47.43 per cent – having had the third shot.”
But boosters (so far) are the same construction as the original CoVax shots. They work (for what this is worth) for a very specific spike protein configuration that the virus has long abandoned. They hardly work at all against current Covid viruses.
Why isn’t this point being brought out?
There is no fucking virus.
Fighting a false narrative with a false narrative is foolish. There WAS a virus [ or 4g or fill in the blank that made alot of people very sick. Many, like myself, are still suffering months later and ‘no’ I did not or ever will take the shot. All the rest is homicidal rubbish of course, but the illness [ symptoms ] is/are real.
The media here in the US admits that booster uptake is small.
What we have in the States is a lot of avoidance and backpedaling. Fauci has disappeared, and there is a distinct pivot and Narrative 2.0 has been rolled out. The surgeon general has made it known that his office is interested in collecting “covid disinformation” and set up a reporting site to do so. A great many people are reporting the lies spouted by agencies such as the FDA, NIH, and CDC…so there is potential for backfire. It’s clear that the lines are drawn…skeptics and critical thinkers one one side, Branch Covidians on the other…One thing is for certain, there are a decreasing number of people willing to get injected.
Why did they call it “Operation Moonshot” and “Operation Warp Speed”? Because it was Science Fiction, as Kit says- an alternate reality. I recall seeing the Prime Porker introducing it and thinking it would put people off, oh dear. It looks as if CURES are like totally passé in Teenworld, ignoring the fact that most people don’t catch things anyway. But that’s not inclusive think, is it? We all need victim status to like belong, I mean totally like, know what I mean?
The term “Operation Warp Speed” converted me from a covid apologist to a covid antagonist. I wonder for how many others this is true.
Its the build up to spring equinox 322. Xovid anniversary – Nostradame fire – gulf war 1 etc etc.they love this period.
My friend said she received this text it was sent out to several million.
Just to let you know, you’ll notice new security checks to help protect you from fraud when using your card online, If an online card payment Is declined, it could be because the retailer may not be ready to check the payment was by you. Before calling us. Please contact the retailer.
Further investigation the bank (who sent the text ) explained via 3 different departments it was this:
PSD2 U.K 2022
The SCA enforcement date is 14 March 2022 in the UK,
EU directive bbettya it Agenda 30 Sustainable Development: Goal – the usual .
Retailer merchant sellers have until this week to sign up or else.
What does it mean for mr mrs bank account normal folks who want to buy from sellers merchant or business’s who hasn’t signed up.
Your card will get declined to protect you. important part but you can still pay them using other methods except your card from your bank every U.K bank..
Before covid happened banks all at the same time put the interest rates up on credit cards debt to roughly 37%+. This ritualistic text =PSD2 U.K 2022 is a preempt to something big.
Buckle in get some needed bits have different forms of payment usage I.e money cash crypto. Invoice. Tick. Trust.
The ITV news delivered … well, something about labs and weapons and Russia and a lot of footage of children scarred from chemical attacks. I didn’t hear much about claims and counterclaims i.e. I only heard … or “absorbed” the notion that those evil Russians are throwing acid in the faces of children.
Of course they are possible… when the GOAL is the same as the current one (cull many MMS/3i’s):
You can create a candidate vaccine in 100 days. You can’t do proper preclinical animal testing in that 100 days. You can’t write clinical trial documentation, submit to the regulatory authorities and get permission to proceed within 100 days. And that’s just Phase I trials, not Phase III.
That will never change, no matter what technologies you develop.
Animal testing and human trials need the time they need.
Yes. As the article says very clearly.
That’s Before Covid thinking. Now, the pathogen doesn’t matter, we don’t need them anymore. (Pathogens are now just convenient fictions used as marketing tools.) Since vaccine manufacturers have no liability, the vaccines don’t need to work in the Before Covid manner. Today, the vaccines are the pathogens! It is much more efficient…
CEPI – I wonder if they are all in on it, or if they actually think that the reason for illness is an airborne genetic fragment that was created by chance in an animal tombola (bats seem especially proliferate) and that just happens – for no reason, since it’s not an organism – to instruct a living cell to make copies of it.
The militaries, PhRMA, WHO, UN, CEPI and governments at the highest levels know contagion is a myth. They have known for years, ever since the Rosenau experiments. Military and PhRMA had decades to prove germ theory and transmission and couldn’t.
Can’t post here anymore without pending and then poof so, God bless all those fighting the good fight of faith, my the Lord be with you, even to the end of the age. Selah.
three months is too short?
why is the pessimism?
a cure takes a long time, yes. but the evidence tells us they are interested in weakening and disorienting the populace. highly likely, they already have a clear idea what combination of toxins they are going to inject people with [next].
they will call it ‘Vaccine’ for Marketing and Propaganda purposes.
the precedent has been set. the evidence is clear, they have no hesitation to cause widespread damage to the whole society.
What do you believe a vaccine to be? They have never saved lives or prevented illness. The precedent was set with Jenner and the Royal Society. With Pasteur and his well documented fraud, plagiarism and unscientific, unsubstantiated claims.
Why do Eugenicists push poison injections? Why have they been pushing them for more than a century? The same people who think that society should eliminate the weak, the infirm, the mentally ill, the poor, with euthanasia? Does it even make sense that those eugenicists, the ones who use terms like “useless eaters”, who promote euthanasia, abortion and population control, want to save lives?
All the “vaccine” injections were unnecessary, poison products from their very inception. This was not a mistake or an error. This was not bad data, or an unforeseen error, but a highly successful program to destroy the health and the intellect in the general populace.
It’s not a coincidence that all the synthetic chemicals, pesticides, RX drugs and OTC medicines in our world are also highly toxic and damage people’s health and cognitive functions. The poison injections called vaccines. are the first step in the eugenicist’s circular economy to sicken, maim and iatrogenically murder the public. For profit. It was never a miscalculation. It’s a centuries old diabolical scheme.
My upvote.
Reality Check: You cannot produce BILLIONS of vaccines in such a short time period and have all your supply chains in place to get them all over the world in only a few weeks. Bear in mind new factories and new vaccine production lines would have to be isolated and sourced for this reason.
They had these vaccines already produced, they had them ready 2-3 years before. They may have just been relabeled Tamiflu or even just water, or these RNA vaccines or a mixture. I am speculating on the content but the first paragraph is definitely true.
A post some months ago brought it to everyone’s notice that Bill Gates et al were investing heavily in building vax production infrastructure – ready to mass produce vaxxines rapid time when the next ‘pandemic’ is declared. They dont invest huge amounts unless they know something, and unless they expect a return on their investment.
The Concentration Camps built close to Australian cities werent built just to create jobs.
“But more importantly, be aware that the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis want every unprofitable untermenschen useless eater dead.”

“That is where the Billy Eugenics Cull Juice comes in.”
‘ You can’t do it in one year.’
Since ‘the booster’ worked 1-2 months before the new ‘variant’ was found, shows that they can do it in minus 30-60 days.
What I mean to say is that they can invent a vaccine that works, any vaccine, in any given time since they don’t work anyway. But as long as pharma says they can do it in -30 days, 2 days, a year, whatever, it can be done!
It’s all fraud.
“It will be the main concern of these spirits of darkness to bring confusion into the rightful elements which are now spreading on earth, and need to spread in such a way that the spirits of light can continue to be active in them. They will seek to push these in the wrong direction. I have already spoken of one such wrong direction, which is about as paradoxical as is possible. [ Note 1 ] I have pointed out that while human bodies will develop in such a way that certain spiritualities can find room in them, the materialistic bent, which will spread more and more under the guidance of the spirits of darkness, will work against this and combat it by physical means. I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life — ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.” — Rudolf Steiner
Yes. I have myself pointed to this remarkable quote from one of his lectures from over 100 years ago.
This was no ordinary teacher.
Given the high degree of clairvoyance attributed to him by all those who knew him and followed him, and given the fact that I am not at all clairvoyant myself, my attitude to him is rather like that of a colour-blind person to a person with perfect colour discrimination:
“Just because I can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.”
My long experience of life has also shown me countless times that people are not all on the same wavelength. I think we all know that, in fact. So it is entirely rational to accept the possibility that every so often a highly developed spirit will be amongst us, which not everyone will be able to recognize.
We probably can’t begin to imagine the number of doors we are slamming in our own faces if we dismiss all such possibilities with a thoughtless, “Bah, humbug!”, and it is likely no coincidence that the average university student has never heard of Steiner.
He is very unsettling even to ‘the authorities’ of our own time, but I’ve also heard it said that occult elements within the Nazi Party in its beginnings attempted to assassinate him more than once, and perhaps they even succeeded in the end. He apparently believed he had been poisoned some months before his death in 1925.
Just think about how long ago that is!
At any rate what he had to say in the above quote is exactly what we are looking at right now, and most of us here can see it – all-too clearly.
Yes I have heard this too about the poisoning….I heard that (in one case) he drank a great deal of water to neutralise/dilute it (though you can die from drinking too much water too quickly…as I’m sure he was aware…)
Seeing how a number of Steiner schools in the UK have either closed or been de-Steiner-ised in recent years – Ofsted has no understanding of what they’re really about – I do wonder if this is by design. Too much strengthening of the soul and independence of thought in true Steiner education. It breaks my heart to see this, because Steiner had such a profound and beautiful understanding of what it really means to be human, and of what human beings need in order to thrive.
Too true. And it’s like having to watch your loved ones and friends drown right before your eyes with your hands and feet tied and helpless to do anything to save them..
Thank you Pilgrim Shadow. I’ve been aware for some time that Steiner had said something to the effect that there would be a vaccine against spirituality, but I did not have a reference/context. Well, I hadn’t got round to looking it up. If you know where this passage comes from, could you post that? Have just remembered there is a complete online Steiner library, I think…too sleepy to research! – but thank you. I wish this insight of Steiner’s was more widely known. He had such a grasp of how evil would creep up on us through materialism. Not well expressed but I imagine you know what I mean.
I don’t know if this is Pilgrim Shadow’s source, but it’s a source:
why are comments all bold script?
It’s part of the experiment of OffG. Turn off the voting, but let the comments appear in bold. That will scare away the trolls and increases a good commenting system is the hypothesis they hold. Let’s see how that pans out.
There was an unclosed bold tag in the article. I fixed it. (Though of course it was also part of a nefarious plan like Willem says 😉)
The voting isn’t turned off btw, you just need to register with the site to do it. It only requires a working email address, we ask for no personal details and never will.
All the same Voting ceased you have to admit. So it was turned off, apart from a drip. And I did register, though I never vote now, it’s a bit lonely.
Pending as always, at least the robot reads it…
Only about 0.5-2% of our readers comment – possibly much less if we fully factor in multiple comments from one author. Voting was routinely manipulated by a few trolls using multiple VPNs to affect what comments will show when people click the “most popular” option.
What we need is AI to rate the quality of comments. Marvin the paranoid android? Brain the size of a planet and here I am opening doors…
Thanks Sophie and crew, you do a great job.
I always downvote your comments whenever you leave a comment, you are either a “handler” or a fucking idiot, you come in here and throw accusations, in my case it was being a member of the 77th brigade you worthless piece of shit,
I think you should have NO input here unless you are in an unofficial capacity, just like the graun you have become the exact same thing this site was made to fight against, your Ukraine coverage is dismal which gives more weight to the rumours going around that you bastards took the filthy luchre. I recognise one name here,, folk are seeing through you, maybe we are wrong and you are just an idiot, but your actions here have been fucking disgraceful, not just me but other contributors you attacked and flamed and wrongly accused good honest decent people,,, you piece of fucking shit.
I call your actions here utterly disgraceful. This apoplectic response to a perfectly innocuous admin comment makes it obvious your aggression emanates from elsewhere. It’s very wrong of you to vent at people like that. Kindly get a hold of yourself. Thank you. A2
“And if in the future they claim to have done so, they will be lying”.
They’re good at lying, they enjoy it.
remember the stars freaking out like degeneratass and spade? there was a theory they were freaking over tainted chrome. what if the pcr is determine the living ones carrying the taint, since chrome is developed from the living when dying under duress. then the vax either fixes the taint or kills the host? oh yeah, i am the crazy one ;}
The day will come when they’ll produce a vaccine in 10 minutes; and it will have built-in boosters for future variants.
How do I know this? Because sanity has flown the coop. Humanity has completely lost it; and it’s not coming back this time.
It’s the end of the line for the human species. Nature has finally realized where it went wrong. Intelligence must never again go beyond the level of whales and dolphins; and absolutely never again be given to creatures with opposable thumbs.
In Australia as elsewhere the majority of so called covid deaths are among the jabbed, in NSW 43% of ”deaths with covid” have been triple jabbed.
The fear porn surrounding the next “pandemic” will be even more intense than deployed for COVID to reduce the huge number of people who refused to take the injections. By the next one, they will have their digitized surveillance currency infrastructure set up. Just like they made the COVID unvaxxed persona non grata they will make/deem the new dissidents criminals, terrorist and threats to the health safety and public welfare of humanity! Psychological manipulation, induced hysteria and mass psychosis will be the results.
The Ukraine situation will be used to nail another plank of the Great Reset agenda into place. The repercussions from the global economic war ( Western financial implosion, food shortages, hyperinflation, privation and trauma) will make it easier for the Davos crowd to call for changes and a centralized body (UN?) to regulate peace (for the wars they cunningly created). The war will expand militarily and via cyber and environmental attacks. The global suffering will produce depopulation which is another key component of the overlords’ agenda.
We’ve seen how they deal with dissenters. The “leaders” of Canada and Australia showed their hand, they will use asset forfeiture, demonization, shaming, ostracization and quarantining (detention+ reprogramming) to force compliance. The Great Reset/New Word Order/Brave New World is at hand unless we resolve to derail it!
This is truly the most important message I’ve read so far, the “Digitized surveillance currency infrastructure”. This is the official destruction of the human social contract, you will no longer have the ‘right’ to live how you choose, your very life will be scored and the system will decide whether you live or die. Once they crash the old world system and implement the new world one, it will be unlike anything humanity has ever seen before – or will again.
The masses of Humans are asleep on the battlefield, believing the war isn’t in their land, when it is even at their door. This new system is lethal to humans, look at China or any Satanic commie nation, the humans are complete slaves to the ruling class who deems them human ‘cattle’. The digitized beast grid is designed to murder as many of us as possible, and that should awaken the world’s men and women that they (and their children), are deemed prey to this psychotic predator class of our species. Self-preservation is written into our genetic code, life wants to live but we complicate things when we inject our will to self-destruct due to our guilty conscience.
We were once deceived before, but no more, we know now and must act accordingly. I’ve met souls who’ve just recently awakened to the nightmare we’re truly living among these anti-human overlords and they say it’s like having been under a ‘spell’, all the lies we’ve been told have controlled us for so long it’s shameful, but it’s better late than never. When I learned the Truth, it was bitterness to me, it was sweetness to know I’m no longer under the sorcery, but the darkness exposed is truly horrifying – Satanic ped0philes rule the world. It’s sick but we must get over the loss of our innocence and freedoms and realize this is for our very existence – They want 6.5 billion humans wiped out – Death all the time.
If we don’t somehow stop this ‘switch’ from happening, it goes full jackboot on a human face, forever – unless the Lord has something to say.
One still has to have in mind that the Chinese, the Native Americans, the Russians, the Indians and the Inuit have never thought in the same way as we modern arrogant Anglo-Americans do.
Why should they? They are not the same people.
Using “commie” is also a thoughtless insult to the ancient, and advanced, culture of the Chinese and Russian races, which predates “Communism” by thousands of years.
Marx is, after all, just a tiny blip on the radar of human evolution.
when the person you love accuses you of not believing in covid like that’s a crime 🙁
it’s clearly working.
On the other hand the resistance this go around may grow into a mass movement. People like the idea their money and property is their own.
Pfizer have tied in plans for this rapid development which axes safety.
They want to turn the UK into a nation of guinea pigs for Big Pharma.
Dr. Thomas Dimsdale, later known as Baron Thomas Dimsdale FRS (29 May 1712 – 30 December 1800) was an English doctor, banker and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1780 to 1790. He was summoned by the Empress of Russia, Catherine II, in 1768 to introduce the practice of inoculation in Russia. MassVaccination’s birth.
Empress Catherine the Great of Russia was known to be friendly with the Khazars and if you research them, you’ll know it’s all Eugenics. Just researching the toxins used to create these so called ‘Vaccinez’ proves they are not meant to benefit human health and anyone who believes otherwise is either too lazy to do the research or too mind-controlled to care.
The Eugenicists like BillGates et al are very clear on why their ‘use’ of vaccination in lowering the world’s population is so favored, while falsely professing to be preserving life, ending it is actually the goal. The deception over the masses is their most prized trophy, they mock us right to our faces and hide it in plain sight.
If you trust the BrotherhoodOfTheSnakeCaduceus cult for your health, you’re already captured prey and you just don’t know it yet.