On the Edge of a Nuclear Abyss
Edward Curtin

Two days after Russia attacked Ukraine and the day before Vladimir Putin put Russia on nuclear alert, I wrote a little article whose first sentence was:
Not wanting to sound hyperbolic, but I am starting to conclude that the nuclear madmen running the US/NATO New Cold War they started decades ago are itching to start a nuclear war with Russia.”
It was an intuition based on my knowledge of US/Russia history, including the U.S engineered coup in Ukraine in 2014, and a reading of current events. I refer to it as intuition, yet it is based on a lifetime’s study and teaching of political sociology and writing against war.
I am not a Russian scholar, simply a writer with a sociological, historical, and artistic imagination, although my first graduate academic study in the late 1960s was a thesis on nuclear weapons and why they might be someday used again.
It no longer sounds hyperbolic to me that madmen in the declining US Empire might resort, like rats in a sinking ship, to first-strike use of nuclear weapons, which is official US policy.
My stomach is churning at the thought, despite what most experts say: that the chances of a nuclear war are slight. And despite what others say about the Ukraine war: that it is an intentional diversion from the Covid propaganda and the Great Reset (although I agree it achieves that goal).
My gut tells me no; it is very real, sui generis, and very, very dangerous now.
The eminent scholar Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research agrees that we are very close to the unthinkable.
In a recent historical analysis of US-Russia relations and nuclear weapons, he writes the following before quoting Vladimir Putin’s recent statement on the matter. “Vladimir Putin’s statement on February 21st, 2022 was a response to US threats to use nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis against Russia, despite Joe Biden’s “reassurance” that the US would not be resorting to ‘A first strike’ nuclear attack against an enemy of America”:
Let me [Putin] explain that US strategic planning documents contain the possibility of a so-called preemptive strike against enemy missile systems. And who is the main enemy for the US and NATO? We know that too. It’s Russia. In NATO documents, our country is officially and directly declared the main threat to North Atlantic security. And Ukraine will serve as a forward springboard for the strike.”
(Putin Speech, February 21, 2022 emphasis added)
Putin is absolutely correct. It is why he put Russia’s nuclear forces on full alert. Only those ignorant of history, which sadly includes most US Americans, don’t know this.
I believe that today we are in the greatest danger of a nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962, something I vividly remember as a teenager. The same feelings return. Dread. Anxiety. Breathlessness.
I do not think these feelings are misplaced nor are they simply an emotional response. I try to continue writing on other projects that I have started but feel stymied. The possibility of nuclear war, whether intentional or accidental, obsesses me.
In order to grasp this stomach-churning possibility within the context of Ukraine, we need to put aside all talk of morality, rights, international law, and think in terms of great power politics, as John Mearsheimer has so clearly articulated. As he says, when a great power feels its existence is threatened, might makes right.
You simply can’t understand world politics without thinking at this level. Doing so does not mean justifying the use of might; it is a means of clarifying the causes of wars, which start long before the first shots are fired.
In the present crisis over Ukraine, Russia clearly feels existentially threatened by US/NATO military moves in Ukraine and in eastern Europe where they have positioned missiles that can be very quickly converted to nuclear and are within a few minutes’ range of Russia. (And of course there are US/NATO nuclear missiles throughout western and southern Europe.)
Vladimir Putin has been talking about this for many years and is factually correct. He has reiterated that this is unacceptable to Russia and must stop. He has pushed for negotiations to end this situation.
The United States, despite its own Monroe Doctrine that prohibits another great power from putting weapons or military forces close to its borders, has blocked its ears and kept upping the ante, provoking Russian fears. This fact is not in dispute but is shrugged off by US/NATO as of little consequence.
Such an attitude is pure provocation as anyone with a smidgeon of historical awareness knows.
The world was very lucky sixty years ago this October when JFK and Nikita Khrushchev negotiated the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis before the world was incinerated. Kennedy, of course, was intensely pressured by the military and CIA to bomb Cuba, but he resisted.
He also rejected the insane military desire to nuke the Soviet Union, calling such people crazy; at a National Security Council meeting on September 12, 1963, when the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented a report about a nuclear first strike against the Soviet Union which they wanted for that fall, he said, “Preemption is not possible for us.”
Such leadership, together with the nuclear test ban treaty he negotiated with the USSR that month, inter alia (such treaties have now been abrogated by the US government), assured his assassination organized by the CIA. These days, the US is led by deluded men who espouse a nuclear first strike policy, which tells one all one needs to know about the danger the world is in. The US has been very sick with Russia hatred for a long time.
After the terror of the Cuban Missile Crisis, many more people took the threat of nuclear war seriously. Today very few do. It has receded into the ”unimaginable.” In 1962, however, as James W. Douglass writes in JFK and the Unspeakable:
Kennedy saw that, at least outside Washington, DC, people were living with a deeper awareness of the ultimate choice they faced. Nuclear weapons were real. So, too, was the prospect of peace. Shocked by the Cuban Missile Crisis into recognizing a real choice, people preferred peace to annihilation.
Today the reality of nuclear annihilation has receded into unconsciousness. This despite the recent statements by US generals and the US Ukrainian puppet Zelensky about nuclear weapons and their use that have extremely inflamed Russia’s fears, which clearly is intentional. The game is to have some officials say it and then deny it while having a policy that contradicts your denial. Keep pushing the envelope is US policy.
Obama-Biden reigned over the US 2014 coup in Ukraine, Trump increased weapon sales to Ukraine in 2017, and Biden has picked up the baton from his partner (not his enemy) in this most deadly game. It is a bi-partisan Cold War 2, getting very hot. And it is the reason why Russia, its back to the wall, attacked Ukraine.
It is obvious that this is exactly what the US wanted or it would have acted very differently in the leadup to this tragedy. All the current ringing of hands is pure hypocrisy, the nihilism of a nuclear power never for one moment threatened but whose designs were calculated to threaten Russia at its borders.
The media propaganda against Russia and Putin is the most extreme and extensive propaganda in my lifetime. Patrick Lawrence has astutely examined this in a recent essay, where he writes the same is true for him:
Many people of many different ages have remarked in recent days that they cannot recall in their lifetimes a more pervasive, suffocating barrage of propaganda than what has engulfed us since the months that preceded Russia’s intervention. In my case, it has come to supersede the worst of what I remember from the Cold War decades.
Engulfed is an appropriate word. Lawrence rightly points to this propaganda as cognitive warfare directed at the US population (and the rest of the world) and notes its connection to the January 2021 final draft of a “diabolic” NATO study called “Cognitive Warfare.” He quotes it thus:
The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century […] Humans are the contested domain. Cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.”
This cognitive warfare, however, has a longer history in cutting edge science. For each successive decade beginning with the 1990s and a declaration from President (and ex-Director of the CIA) George H. W. Bush that the 1990s would be the Decade of Brain Research, presidents have announced additional decades long projects involving the brain, with 2000-2010 being the Decade of Behavior Project, followed by mapping of the brain, artificial intelligence, etc. all organized and funded through the Office of Science and Technology Project (OSTP) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
This medical, military, and scientific research has been part of a long range plan to extend MK-Ultra’s mind control to the population at large under the cover of medical science, and it has been simultaneously connected to the development and funding of the pharmaceutical industries research and development of new brain-altering drugs.
RFK, Jr. has documented the CIA’s extensive connection to germ and mind research and promotion in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. It is why his book is banned from the mainstream media, who do the prime work of cognitive warfare for the government. To put it clearly: these media are the CIA.
And the issue of US bio-weapons research and development is central to these many matters, including in Ukraine.
In other words, the cognitive warfare we are now being subjected to has many tentacles connected to much more than today’s fanatical anti-Russian propaganda over Ukraine. All the US wars of aggression have been promoted under its aegis, as have the lies about the attacks of September 11, 2001, the economic warfare by the elites, the COVID crisis, etc. It’s one piece.
Take, for example, a book written in 2010 by David Ray Griffin, a renowned theologian who has written more than a dozen books about 9/11. The book is Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory. It is a critique of law professor Cass Sunstein, appointed by Obama to be the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
Sunstein had written an article with a plan for the government to prevent the spread of anti-government “conspiracy theories” in which he promoted the use of anonymous government agents to use secret “cognitive infiltration” of these groups in order to break them up; to use media plants to disparage their arguments. He was particularly referring to those who questioned the official 9/11 narrative but his point obviously extended much further. He was working in the tradition of the great propagandists.
Griffin took a scalpel to this call for cognitive warfare and was of course a victim of it as well. Sunstein has since worked for the World Health Organization (WHO) on COVID psychological responses and other COVID committees. It’s all one piece.
Sunstein’s wife is Samantha Power, Obama’s Ambassador to the United Nations and war hawk extraordinaire. She gleefully promoted the US destruction of Libya under the appellation of the “responsibility to protect,” a “humane” cover for imperialism. Now she is Biden’s Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), an arm of the CIA throughout the world. It’s all one piece.
The merry-go-round goes round and round.
I have gone off on this slight tangent to emphasize how vast and interconnected are the players and groups on Team Cognitive Warfare. They have been leading the league for quite some time and are hoping their game plan against Team Russia will keep them there. So far they are winning, as Patrick Lawrence says:
Look at what has become of us. Most Americans seem to approve of these things, or at least are unstirred to object. We have lost all sense of decency, of ordinary morality, of proportion. Can anyone listen to the din of the past couple of weeks without wondering if we have made of ourselves a nation of grotesques?
It is common to observe that in war the enemy is always dehumanized. We are now face-to-face with another reality: Those who dehumanize others dehumanize themselves more profoundly.
Perhaps people are too ignorant to see through the propaganda. To have some group to hate is always “uplifting.” But we are all responsible for the consequences of our actions, even when those actions are just buying the propaganda and hating those one is told to hate. It is very hard to accept that the leaders of your own country commit and contemplate unspeakable evil deeds and that they wish to control your mind. To contemplate that they might once again use nuclear weapons is unspeakable but necessary if we are to prevent it.
I hope my fears are unfounded. I agree with Gilbert Doctorow that the Ukraine-Russia war separates the sheep from the goats, that there is no middle ground. This is not to celebrate war and the death of innocent people, but it does demand placing the blame squarely where it belongs and not trying to have it both ways.
People like him, John Mearsheimer, the late badly missed Stephen Cohen, Ray McGovern, Oliver Stone (see his 2016 film Ukraine on Fire), Scott Ritter, Pepe Escobar, Patrick Lawrence, Jack Matlock, Ted Postol, et al. are all cutting through the propaganda and delivering truth in opposition to all the lies.
They go gentle with fears of nuclear war, however, as if it is somewhat possible but highly unlikely, as if their deepest thoughts are unspeakable, for to utter them would be an act of despondency.
The consensus of the experts tends to be that the US wishes to draw the Russians into a long protracted guerrilla war along the lines of its secret use of mujahideen in Afghanistan in 1979 and after. There is evidence that this is already happening.
But I think the US strategists know that the Russians are too smart for that; that they have learned their lesson; and that they will withdraw once they feel they have accomplished their goals.
Therefore, from the US/NATO perspective, time is reasonably short and they must act quickly, perhaps by doing a false flag operation that will justify a drastic response, or upping the tempo in some other way that would seem to justify the use of nuclear weapons, perhaps tactical at first.
I appreciate the input of the Russia experts I mentioned above. Their expertise dwarfs mine, but I disagree. Perhaps I am an excitable sort; perhaps I am one of those Patrick Lawrence refers to, quoting Carl Jung, as too emotional and therefore incapable of clear thinking. (I will leave the issue of this long held but erroneous western philosophical belief in the division of emotions and thoughts for another day.)
Perhaps I can’t see the obvious that a nuclear war will profit no one and therefore it cannot happen. Yet Ted Postol, MIT professor of technology and international security, while perhaps agreeing that an intentional nuclear war is very unlikely, has been warning of an accidental one for many years. He is surely right on that score and well worth listening to.
But either way, I am sorry to say, perhaps because my perspective is that of a generalist, not an expert, and my thinking is informed by art as much as social science and history, my antennae pick up a very disturbing message. A voice tells me that the danger is very, very real today. It says:
Beware, we are on the edge of a nuclear abyss.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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“madmen in the declining US Empire”
And those religious fundamentalists (the Pompeo type) in the Pentagon who are impatiently anticipating The Apocalypse, shouldn’t they be screened and locked up in a mental asylum?!!
Instead of being locked up and sterilised, they are spawning feverishly around the world, like in Canberra for example.
Stop this Geopolitical Madness with a completely different approach!. The United Nations is currently as effective as the “League of Nations”. We need an international conference to establish a new paradigm of international relations based on the principles of economic development and respect for the security and sovereignty of all nations. Organize an international conference that will create a “Treaty of Westphalia” between all nations currently in conflict AND a new economic power structure that eliminates Wall Street/City of London Speculation, promotes Hamiltonian Banking, and creates low interest credit for construction of infrastructure for transportation, energy production and public health systems, and advance scientific research to develop Fusion energy and space technologies for ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD .
Sign and circulate the petition of the Schiller Institute :
They have allegedly been trying to harness fusion for over 70 years. It is obviously impossible. If we had stayed hunter gatherers we would have been ok. However going back is impossible given current population levels and the destruction of the forests and the fish stocks which sustained our pre agricultural ancestors.Irresistible forces drive the evolution of the universe and of the phenomenon of life. We are apparently at the point at which this 3.5 billion year phenomenon begins to contract and perhaps disappear.
Marijuana Plant Upkeep & Nuclear War
All War is Evil. No More Wa
From South Front about another Donetsk massacre perpetrated by Nazi run Ukrainian military. The insidiousness of the pre planned attack is beyond pale of any civilized conduct but fully compatible with genocide by UkroNazi committed in Volhynia and eastern Galicia between 1942-45.
On March 14, the Ukrainian Armed Forces committed a mass murder of civilians in the city of Donetsk, which is under the control of the DPR. After the attack, horrifying details of a pre-planned provocation were revealed.
Ukrainian Tochka-U (tactical ballistic) missiles are targeting civilian areas under the DPR and the LPR control on a regular basis. Most of them are intercepted. Unfortunately, on March 14, another Tochka-U tactical missile equipped with cluster munitions targeted the center of the city of Donetsk. As a result at least 20 people were killed and 28 more were injured, including at least one child.
First Deputy Minister of Information of the DPR Daniil Bessonov claimed that the rocket was fired from the AFU positions near the city of Krasnoarmeysk (now Pokrovsk), which is located approximately 55 km from Donetsk. It was carried out by the 19th Separate Missile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, (which has a permanent deployment point in the city of Khmelnitsky.
The missile was equipped with a cluster warhead, which contains 50 fragmentation warheads weighing 7.45 kg, each of which contains 316 fragments. The mass of the head part alone is 482 kg, the total number of fragments is 15.8 thousand. The detonation of the central charge and the opening of the warhead is initiated by a radio sensor at an altitude of 2250 m. The affected area is from 3.5 to 7 hectares.
Such a munition is intended only for the destruction of manpower and unarmored equipment located in an open area. A cluster type ammunition scatters smaller “bombs” over a large area and lead to mass casualties among the population. In accordance with the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, more than 100 countries have pledged never to use these weapons.
Mr Bessonov clarified that if the goal was to destroy the Government building in the city center, then a rocket would not be used with a cluster head, but, for example, with a high-explosive fragmentation, which could cause maximum damage to the building. Therefore, the target was civilians, passers-by, of whom there were a large number on the street at that time.
It turned out that a mass murder provocation was prepared by the UAF in the city of Donetsk. The attack was planned in advance, and the Ukrainian side attempted to inveigle civilians, especially women, to the city center at noon today.
For this purpose, special groups on the social media were created by the Ukrainian service. For example, a group called “Union of Mothers in Donbass” was created just on the eve of the attack. It was stuffed with fake accounts and was well promoted in Telegram.
The admin of the group has called women to come to the city center to the government building at noon on March 14. The women should allegedly come to ask about their relatives who were mobilized.
Nuclear Weapons are Pure Evil
People with evil intentions are worse …
From the articles and investigations done it can be confidently said that nukes aren’t real and the only reason for the demonisation of uranium was because its such a valuable energy resource that could be used on small scale energy systems.
WW3 was always going to be an economic war. Not the war that your Hollywood movies portray so sit back and relax.
The US started it and others will finish it. The EU will crash and burn only to come out of it better than it is now. It will take some time.
The US republic should survive economically as its grounded by decent hardworking people. The US will fragment into nations much like Europe. Hard road is ahead for all.
Wall Street may survive but the dollar will not, neither will the housing market. 2.7 trillion in mortgage back securities needs to come off the balance sheet. You can’t raise intreats rates and stagflation is your new nemesis. Good luck.
Next time someone with a brain tries to explain it to you best you learn from this and listen up. It may save humanity much anguish and pain and this is only the beginning.
The US is the result of genocide and slavery and ecocide. It’s military has done a lot of very nasty things to a lot of people around the globe. Modern civilisation is a Ponzi scheme, the result of a long quest for an El Dorado that isn’t there.
Remove Josef Bitem and Poop’n and this all goes away. Send the SWAT team for our side and the version of it on Russia side.
Better 2 uckfheads die than 2 million people.
These individuals are only puppets of the central banking cartel.
Bit of a shallow analysis there. Biden is a puppet. Trump was not a puppet and they crucified him. Last non-puppet before Trump was JFK and they shot him. Leave Putin alone, he bothers no one, let Russians deal with Russians how they see fit. Russians certainly are not causing wars willy nilly over the globe for the last 80 years.
Progress: We’ve progressed from a generation of experts that graduated from hiding under their desks, to a generation of experts that are hiding behind their desks… Wonderful…
Progress: We’ve progressed from a generation of experts that graduated from hiding under their desks, to a generation of experts that are hiding behind their masks – social distant sanitizer gel- 2 weekly lustral flow tests…home feeling well diagnosed as asymptomatic !
This is what ‘banning protest’ actually looks like
Video: https://twitter.com/LeftGrassroots/status/1503306339761725441
Ottawa was a better example as were Melbourne, London, Amsterdam, Berlin,Zurich, etc,etc. I wonder when cities around the world started ordering water cannon and rubber bullets. On whose command ? Anal Schwab ? Kill Gates ? George Sore Arse ?
Ah the old new “Leftist” slant is back with the Graud declaring
“Kremlin memos urged Russian media to use Tucker Carlson clips – report”
This comes from Mother Jones who, we are assured, is a “progressive” magazine.
So … the Right now leap to the defence of the former Soviet Union while the Left want to bomb the bastards!
The blaming of rising fuel prices on Putin works. A certain member of staff- very likable under normal conditions- started venting about how fuel prices will continue to rise “until someone puts a bullet through Putin’s brain”. When I pointed out that the prices were already rising, she first contradicted me and then said “Ah but they’ll get worse!” At which point I just made a tactful exit though I could still hear her droning in the background.
Many just want a convenient hate figure and if you deny them one then YOU will become the hate figure.
The staff member in question is, as I’ve said, normally likable but she is not by any stretch what you’d call a thinker. And after our little exchange I could sense a tension which thankfully passed. Now regarding Putin, I was going to go into detail with her but am glad I didn’t. I can imagine the kind of screaming matches taking place right now in innumerable locations and how (designedly) counter productive they are.
Hi George. It is painfully obvious to me that the sanctions on Russia’s oil exports were a deliberate psyop designed to ramp up global oil prices with two main goals: number one is to cause pain for the western public and to channel the anger against Putin, justifying NATO intervention. Number two is to further us down the road of global economic collapse (building on the lockdown damage). And of course, it doesn’t hurt the oil companies that they make record profits, as they do with every war affecting oil prices (ie most of them!).
Edward is correct in thinking this risks going nuclear because that is a small price to pay, and of course it won’t be the elite who pay it! If it comes to it, they can just holiday in Patagonia: https://geopolitics.co/2019/03/12/deep-state-nazionists-establishing-a-parallel-state-for-ratline-2-0/
Hi George, RT UK has a good article today showcasing a statement made by Charles Michen, former Prime Minister of Belgium and now Head of the Council of Europe. He is very clear NATO and the EU should not get involved with this situation as it will ineviatbly lead to WW3. It’s a very good Statement.
Well George Mc – it seems to me that the people to blame are the USA, Canada, NATO snd the EU given the decisions they have made about Russian energy as per the Sanctions. Bojo the idiot has said the UK will ban Russian oil from the end of the year. Our politicians are so full of hatred for Russia that they are blind to rational decision making so are making decisions off the cuff without giving any thought to the consequences. As someone said in another Blog, Hatred is the expressway to Hell. Your colleague needs to consider who it is actually making the decisions, not Putin, it’s the world leaders spewing out Sanctions against Russia.
Sasha Johnson loves Russians. He just needs to hide it from his fans.
So we turn away ships containing cheap Russian fuel and blame them for fuel price rises?
That was one of the reason the Oiligarchs murdered Sadam Hussein, for having the gonads to sell oil more cheaply. Couldn’t have that …
Main reason was that he wanted to not use US $ in oil transactions. Same with Ghadaffi, he wanted to organise a pan-african currency backed by gold to trade for oil. Both offences punishable by death.
Now, 20 years later, Russia, China, India etc are all dropping the petro dollar and there is nothing Wall St can do about it. Well, they will try, I guess that is the point of this article. Interesting times indeed….
Frankly, I can’t think of anything which is going to put an end to the certifiable madness which has overtaken the world.
An object lesson in all their little tactics to assail an unassailable argument:
There are more strawmen in here than at a scarecrow convention.
BTW Georgia are making overtures to join the EU and Georgia’s leader just happens to be a Brzezinski protegee.
Georgia’s president is Salomé Zourabichvili, born in Paris in 1952. She is a former French ambassador to Georgia. She was educated at Science Po (a Parisian school of political science for the French elite) and the University of Colombia. She was inteviewed about two weeks ago on the main French state radio station, France Inter, where she expressed (if my memory is accurate) completely Atlantist/EU positions – these, by the way, are the only permissible views currently allowed on French MSM, where we are also ‘engulfed’ by propaganda, most of it bar-room psychology focussing on Putin’s supposed inner thoughts, with very little comment on actual geopolitical issues except in a very truncated way. The war in Yugoslavia, the Maidan coup and Russia’s security concerns about having NATO on its borders are, for example, rarely if ever mentioned.
My own view is that Russia is the only country standing up to NATO’s murderous imperial expansion and deserves to be thanked and supported, instead of being shunned and vilified. Like Edward Curtin, I think the danger of nuclear war – even an unintentional one – is real. Zelensky is doing his best to drag NATO, i.e. the US, into a direct confrontation with Russia. False flag massacre, anyone? ‘Chemical weapons’ event, anyone? Coming our way soon, I fear. (I hope some optimists will post comments, though.)
Are we supposed to think that Putin has taken this decision to invade Ukraine.
The idea that nuclear weapons on the border of Russia or Ukraine joining NATO is a problem for Russia is a Joke. It is a situation that has already existed for a long time. A few hundred miles makes little difference for nuclear missiles.
The decision was taken elsewhere. Starting with old European royalty , secret societies , fed into think tanks , planned at the pentagon , with instructions fed into Bilderberg. That is why Putin looks so unhappy. He has been given his orders . He knows it is not in Russia’s interest. But he has given his blood oath as the pact that put hi in power.
But I am surprised they have chosen not to destroy more of Ukraine. They normally want lots of reconstruction with billion dollar contracts agreed in advance.
The old play book of chemical weapons will be used again. Maybe a mini nuke. Probably fake.
It is all cover for the ongoing financial crash that was happening anyway.
Cover for the energy collapse due to stupid green policies. Plus stupid Covid policies.
Also helps keep people afraid as they bring in the great reset.
“the ongoing financial crash”.
Crashing the petrodollar system is one of the main aspects of this. A lot of people’s reaction is going to be “good” but the people behind this are the people who were behind the petrodollar and the replacement isn’t going to be some gold-backed currency or anything like that. The only question is whether they go for the yan as a stopgap or try to launch straight into a CBDC.
That should read yuan of course.
I am surprised they have chosen not to destroy more of Ukraine. They normally want lots of reconstruction with billion dollar contracts agreed in advance.
maybe that should count as evidence that your theory of what is going on is untrue.
World economic forum include
Both President Putin of Russia and
And President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine
So if you think these are acting independently . I would disagree.
Why they have chosen not to destroy Ukraine to the extent they destroyed LIbya
I do not know.
Was the US destroying Libya & all it stood for; don’t have time to tell about Gaddafi’s accomplishments & plan for a gold-backed currency.
Russia doesn’t want a resentful neighboring country after the war; wants them to see it was fought as mercifully as possible. However, it’s in a sense nonsensical to speak of nationstates, since what Putin & US & many of the leaders are fighting for is the NWO where those nationstates don’t even exist.
This can go on for a lot longer, so they may get around to fully destroying Ukraine eventually. The way the propaganda is spewing around, I imagine this “war” goes on for quite a while, and as you state, it is being used to crash national economies.
As for the mini-nuke, I do think that could indeed be faked, just as the “pandemic” was a complete fake, although these psychopaths could indeed launch a limited nuclear war. That accomplishes several things – destruction of agriculture, driving us all to their lab manufactured “food;” ramping up the hate of Russia or whoever the enemy du jour happens to be at that moment to drive fear and compliance as well as demands for “safety;” depopulation on a rather large scale of course and all to be blamed on that external enemy, complete collapse of energy grids, which could indeed probably be “managed” by the elites somehow as they will not want to give up the smart grid for surveillance and I personally imagine they already have a way around that. Of course, I could be ascribing more power to the psycho’s than they really have, but should we be willing to place our bets on that? Would that not be the height of naivety to think they aren’t at least making plans for such an outcome?
Funny, look at the two downvotes for your statement. I take that as being from those who refuse to believe just how dire things really are. There are many of them. Those who think “they’ll never do THAT” will help cover the tracks of our owners, won’t they? It’ll all be the fault of us deniers, who “bought into the predictive programming and made it happen!” Sigh.
“…As for the mini-nuke,…” have you seen or heard of anyone who ran a geiger counter over the grain storage area in the harbour back awhile ago in Lebanon?
Or at the WTC on 9/11.
In an expert, authoritative, and highly detailed analysis, “Intelligence Sources” have now set out the causes of the current conflict in Ukraine.
In a startling assessment, Agent Sid Scurvy, Luke Harding’s long term contact and chum at MI6, has helpfully explained to Luke in a long afternoon session at the Dog And Duck that the Ukraine Crisis has nothing whatsoever to do with NATO expansion since 1989, strategic and geopolitical issues, the ongoing seven year war in the Donbass, or great power competition.
Rather, as Sid has revealed, the true causes are as follows:-
(1.) Putin is dying of Parkinson’s Disease.
(2.) Putin is dying of cancer.
(3.) Putin is dying of Galloping Nob Rot.
(4.) Putin is also dying of assorted other ailments and medical conditions.
(5.) Putin is a drug addict.
(6.) Because of (1.) to (5.) above, Putin is also mentally deranged, (“madder than a box of frogs”) according to Sid.
There is also some intriguing speculation that Putin may only have one testicle. This is a common medical condition of all foreign enemy dictators, from Napoleon Bonaparte to the Kaiser to Adolf Hitler.
Sid has also revealed that his friend Christopher Steele, another of Luke’s trusted sources, will shortly bring out a dossier dealing with all these issues.
I hope that explains it all to everybody.
The nuclear holocaust threat’s main purpose is to function as an on-demand terror inducer and as a black hole of endless money for the military-industrial complex. On the same note, it didn’t happen during fifty years of cold war, with much higher tensions and much worse communications systems and command-and-control systems than today, it is not going to happen now. Daniel Ellsberg in his book “The Doomsday Machine”, which I highly recommend as he worked as a nuclear war strategist in RAND Corporation for years and his reputation is impeccable, explains all this and also notes that we’ve been extremely lucky that the nuclear holocaust didn’t happen just on accident during at least a dozen of incidents during the cold war. I disagree with him that luck was a factor. There are higher forces in play which don’t want a destroyed planet earth and will never allow an extinction level event to happen. If you are interested to know more, you should read about the Disclosure Project https://siriusdisclosure.com/evidence/ and furthermore watch the movies “Unacknowledged”, “Close Encounters of the 5th kind” and “The Cosmic Hoax: an Expose”. Highly recommended.
P.S. From an entertainment standpoint I also recommend the History Channel’s series “Project Bluebook”, based on the actual UFO research project of the US Air Force after the Roswell incident. Also research Dr. J. Allen Hynek and his views, who lead the project. Unfortunately the series was cancelled after the first season, for no apparent reason as it’s reception by the audience was great. Makes you think…
“…a black hole of endless money for the military-[pharma]industrial complex…” , fraudulent sickness’
they might be someday used again
Many people continue to suffer from past nuclear testing, that continued long after 1945. The atmospheric tests permanently distorted one of the protective Van Allen belts. We do not know the real causes of the atmospheric ozone holes – which propaganda is playing down as a thing of the past.
This is apart from the suffering, and consequent profiteering, from nuclear energy.
Thanks mgeo. Most civilians have been systematically programed to believe nuclear detonations are benign. “Just nuke ’em!” What dumb asses…
They have no concept of 30,000 year half-life decay rates, much less the decay rate of depleted Uranium… Millennials and generation X’s have been game-trained to believe bombs can go off and the game continues onward into the next video frame. There will be no survivors in a modern nuclear exchange, period.
The ozone is already so depleted, that ultraviolet C is reaching Earth’s surface. Crops cannot grow in high saturations of UVC The millennials don’t care, and I don’t care for them.
According to a long article at globalresearch.ca, the insane covert modification of the the atmosphere to attack weather or geology (the ground) may create gaps in the ionosphere as an “adverse effect”. This may also disrupt terrestrial or satellite communication, electricity generation or even mental health, said the Russian Duma quoted in the said article.
In developing and producing nuclear weapons over 1951-1973, the Empire caused the deaths of ~340,000-690,000 of its own citizens; this included miners and those consuming cow milk, where the cows had consumed fodder tainted by nuclear fallout. -Keith Meyers c. 2019
Yes. I’ve been aware of geoengineering exercises since early 2003. The use of HAARP and sophisticated radars have increased hazardous weather events for decades. These events are actually “forecast” by weather control companies such as Climate Global Control Trading LLC. Their web site is wonderfully ignorant of how these operations are devastating the balance of Earth’s environment…
Here’s a recent article describing the tip of the iceberg. >
Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity
By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Prof Michel Chossudovsky,
Josefina Fraile, Elana Freeland, Maria Heibel, Claire Henrion, Conny Kadia,
Linda Leblanc, and Vilma Rocío
Global Research, December 26, 2021
Complete text: Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
That is the article (or book) I was referring to.
I’m not an authority on the ozone holes, but it’s my understanding that they appear seasonally & vanish seasonally. i.e., that the issue’s a hoax.
Since Curtin warns of it, citing RFK Jr no less, there probably are no nuclear bombs. It fits perfectly with there being no pathogenic transmissible viruses.
Whenever there is something that ordinary men can’t recreate or verify on their own – like climate change, terrorists and invisible germ enemies – it’s probably fake. Once nuclear mail bombs become used by the local mafia gangs, it’s time to panic.
I think the three most compelling pieces of evidence against the existence of nuclear bombs are:
— Footage of Hiroshima and Tokyo after bombing which shows the same destruction profiles.
https://youtu.be/xWCUvDVZT94 (4 mins)
— Free e-book by chemistry professor, Michael Palmer, Hiroshima revisited: the evidence that napalm and mustard gas helped fake the atomic bombings (2020), that explains how radiation injuries can be explained by mustard gas and napalm.
— The claim that North Korea has nuclear bombs
How North Korea’s nuclear weapons advancement has left experts baffled
Image of a missile (implied nuclear) shown in the FT article above.
Doncha love it?
There are quite a number of further pieces of evidence that favour fake over real but if anyone has evidence that favours the other way I’d be very interested to hear it.
The two things I still believe in after having so many other beliefs completely destroyed are the moon landings and man-made climate change (although I can see how this is being exploited to control us).
For the thousandth time, evidence they have been faked is NOT evidence they can’t be made! 🤦♀️
There were fake tanks and Spitfires in WW2 – NOT evidence tanks and Spitfires don’t exist.
Do you get it? Try very hard…is light dawning?
For goodness sake up the IQ level of this discussion and at least produce a scientific argument why a nuke can’t be made as opposed to circumstantial evidence this or that alleged nuke might be fake.
The method by which a nuclear explosion can be produced is well known and frequently repeated in small scale in hundreds of labs around the world all the time.
If you can produce a nuclear explosion you can make a nuclear bomb.
If you want to prove nukes don’t exist (as opposed to have been faked) you need to show nuclear explosions can’t happen.
So, what do you ‘no nukes’ guys have on that?
Not holding my breath here.
Sophie, I think what you need is evidence of nuclear capability or evidence that favours nuclear over fire-bombing or contradicts fire-bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki otherwise what reason can you give me to believe in nuclear capability or that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear-bombed?
It should not be this hard to make someone understand that the question whether Hiroshima & Nagasaki were nukes or fire bombs is separate from the question of whether nuclear weapons can be produced 70 years later.
Two questions. Separate.
Get it?
Address them separately.
Maybe H & N we’re just firebombed. Maybe not. I don’t know. But for you to extrapolate from that to the idea nuclear weapons CAN’T exist you need to explain why you believe fission doesn’t happen and explain all the evidence that it does. Eg – nuclear power stations.
Because if fission happens there are nuclear weapons. That simple.
Ignoring the fact that we were told that Hiroshima & Nagasaki were nuked and the fallout is supposed to make the area uninhabitable due to radiation fallout for 100s if not 1000s of years (as is the case with Chernobyl reactor meltdown), but both cities have human population, in the millions, just look at google maps. If nukes were real surely the whole island of Japan would be uninhabitable
Just because someone is questioning whether nuclear weapons are real, doesn’t necessarily mean that they are automatically suggesting nuclear reactors are not real. Applying some logic and critical thinking to various so called truths of the past, including the moon landings for instance. Both happened over 50 or 70 years ago and have never been repeated since, very odd that is.
When people believe that something happened just because they saw it on TV, or read it in the newspaper/web or in a book, it baffles me. Considering what we humans as a collective have had to endure the last couple of years with covid and the lies beginning to be uncovered. If they lied about covid, WMDs in Iraq, Tobacco, Talcum Powder, Artificial Sweeteners etc. We should ALL be realistic and truthful to ourselves and realise that the web of lies is likely so deep, it is incomprehensible.
We are living through a war of information / misinformation and to be frank we cannot trust any source, but when all else fails, logic and intuition and your own senses are a good place to start.
We should all be questioning everything we have ever been taught.
Sigh. Thanks for admonishing me to question more, but you don’t need to. My point is simple. If nuclear reactors work then fission happens. If fission happens then fissile material explodes on reaching critical mass. If that’s true then making a nuclear bomb is possible. If it’s possible to make a nuclear bomb they probably have done it, right – because human beings are like that.
Sophie, of COURSE nuclear weapons may exist today; they may even have been used in the past. On the other hand. . . we don’t know, so it doesn’t hurt to exercise caution about what might trigger their use.
For that matter, serious warfare, even w/o nukes, wd kill an awful lot of people.
OK, I’ll deal with each item separately.
Nuclear weapons in general (and I always mean bombs)
I don’t so much say nuclear weapons can’t exist, I say there is no clear evidence of them while the evidence purported for them has psyop fingerprints all over it, eg, unconvincing stories about Israeli leaker of nuclear secrets, Mordechai Vanunu, and Iranian nuclear scientists being assassinated. Also, North Korea? So if nuclear weapons really do exist why all this purported evidence that is 100% unconvincing? If you’re arguing that they have the knowhow but simply haven’t bothered to manufacture them I say you’re massively in the realm of speculation.
This book actually argues against their possibility but it’s a bit technical for me, however, Amazon reviewers indicate their respect for this argument.
“Mr Nakio’s book certainly puts forth some thought provoking scenarios of how difficult it Is for atomic bombs to work maybe even impossible if what he says is correct.”
“The book gives a convincing account that there is basically no evidence that atomic explosion weapons exist. Unfortunately, as a statistician myself, he could have gone deeper into the impossibility of fast atomic fission.”
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
You say:
“Maybe H & N were just firebombed. Maybe not.”
I say, using Occam’s Razor there is no doubt that they were fire-bombed.
To me, in a situation where there is sufficient evidence, Occam’s Razor is the bees knees. When you apply OR you cannot fail to come up with the right answer because it aligns perfectly with the nature of reality – the nature of reality is that every single skerrick of evidence ultimately must at least support if not favour the correct hypothesis. That is the nature of reality. Where pieces of evidence seem to favour the incorrect hypothesis it is simply because they haven’t been subjected to the right level of scrutiny.
They say OR is a “rule of thumb” tool but I disagree. I believe OR will only not necessarily produce the right answer where there is insufficient evidence to eliminate all other possible hypotheses. For example, if a murder is committed in a house and recently deposited DNA of someone is found at the site of a break-in to that house we might say OR favours that person as being the murderer. However, that is not enough evidence to determine that that person is guilty of murder because other hypotheses are possible. There is the possibility that that person simply broke in for other reasons and someone else who entered the house with a key committed the murder.
I believe that there is more than sufficient evidence that favours fire over nuclear for H and N with zero evidence that favours nuclear or any evidence that contradicts that hypothesis and I make my case here:
So I ask you, Sophie, where do you see reason to doubt the fire-bombing hypothesis?
Just to make a point about reasoning generally, Sophie.
I favour the approach:
“What hypothesis do the easily-ascertained facts favour with the fewest assumptions and questions raised.”
My belief is that this approach will yield the best results in terms of the truth.
Thus I say the easily-ascertained facts are that the information purporting to support the existence of nuclear weapons has psyop all over it which favours their non-existence in addition to the clear evidence that favours the fire-bombing of H and N.
You say:
It seems you’re the one doing the extrapolating, Sophie. I haven’t the foggiest about fission and if fission happens in power stations I haven’t the foggiest about whether that fission can also be used to make nuclear bombs. To me this is a rarefied area. To speak authoritatively though I’d suggest you really need to read this book which disputes the possibility of their existence and argue against its claims.
Hi, P!
“I haven’t the foggiest about fission … ” That statement speaks volumes about your method, I think.
And BTW, your method is Petra’s Pro vs. Con Tally Sheet not, Occam’s Razor.
Thanks for linking Amazon … I’ll look for your book the next time I’m shopping for Azov Battalion paraphernalia.
I’m sorry, Victor, that you think my statement “speaks volumes” about my method because what I see so much evidence of is people being led astray by avoiding focus on the easily-ascertained significant facts while going into territory they are not authoritative in or is not relevant.
The method of Occam’s Razor includes shaving away the unnecessary. If there is sufficient evidence that favours an hypothesis conclusively of an “easily-ascertained-facts” nature then OR says stick with that, don’t go further afield where your knowledge is insufficient to speak authoritatively and avoid areas that really aren’t necessary for whatever reason, eg, we don’t need to concern ourselves with what was going on in WTC-7 before it collapsed – the manner of collapse is really all we need – a controlled demolition and a collapse by fire cannot be confused. All the information they put forward for what was going on inside the building was simply a red herring. Then again, 7’s collapse of itself is a red herring because they didn’t need to bring it down on 9/11 – they did it deliberately to move focus of the anticipated disbelievers of their cockamamie story away from the planes because the planes are far more revealing. The propagandists make it all about the science of the building collapses but the impossible failure of defence is where the focus should really be in my book … and the plane passengers.
Moonhoaxers feel very confident to talk about what’s possible and impossible in rocket travel in space and about all manner of things relating to space which they very obviously do not have a grounding in and they don’t follow the debunking trail and look at all the arguments against the moonhoax hypothesis and test them for validity. To me, the truth that astronauts landed on the moon is very easily ascertained by the clear matching of everything we are shown with the unique lunar conditions. There is an abundance of imagery that perfectly matches the unique conditions and there is no evidence that contradicts the reality of the moon landings only theories about what is and isn’t possible. What is also extremely evident is that the people who say we went to the moon have authoritative knowledge while those who say we don’t do not.
These are my golden rules for ascertaining the truth of something:
— Look at all the easily ascertained facts first and stay with them if they are sufficient to show that the hypothesis they favour is the correct hypothesis and excludes other hypotheses from being correct
— Try to keep your argument to: this FACT favours this hypothesis over that hypothesis because fewer questions and assumptions are raised
— Avoid modal expressions as much as possible in your argument, that is, avoid could (have)/ would (have) /should (have) /must (have) /might /couldn’t /wouldn’t /shouldn’t. Stick to arguing what hypothesis the facts favour, that is, the hypothesis where the fewest questions and assumptions are raised. Using modals tends to produce the logical fallacies, appeal to possibility and argumentum ad speculum (Hypothesis Contrary To Fact).
The most egregious use of the Hypothesis Contrary to Fact fallacy I think is Chomsky’s, “If the Bush Administration had been responsible for 9/11 they would have chosen Iraqi terrorists.” Firstly, it completely ignores the obvious facts which incriminate the US government and secondly it ignores the seemingly counterintuitive feature of power which is that irrationality works better on us than rationality. The notion that power concerns itself with behaving rationally is completely absurd.
— Where you are obliged to go into territory you do not have authoritative knowledge of follow the debunking trail. Look at what Expert A says in response to Expert B and then at A’s response to B if there is one. In subjects where we have little knowledge, following the debunking trail can be very helpful in aiding our understanding. So if either you or Sophie can debunk Akio Nakatani’s claim that atomic bombs aren’t possible I’m all ears, Victor, all ears.
— Ensure all the available evidence at least does not contradict or supports and favours your hypothesis over all others. Never ignore pieces of evidence or try to “wave them away”. I give an example where someone pointed out an excess spike in mortality in Europe in April 2020 and asked me to explain it if covid wasn’t responsible. I had no clue how to explain it although I knew there was sufficient evidence to show covid was bogus. I responded that I had no explanation but I’d chew on that data – I didn’t “wave it away” with the explanation that they’d falsified the figures because I somehow felt that even though we’d been massively lied to I just didn’t think they’d falsify the mortality figures – of course, anything’s possible. I’m so glad I didn’t just wave those figures away as “falsified” because two weeks later Dr Sam Bailey came to the rescue with an explanation that showed that the figures were much better explained by aggressive drug trials than the alleged covid, eg, for neighbouring countries, Portugal and Spain, we see no excess spike in Portugal (no aggressive drug trials) while we see a massive excess spike in Spain (aggressive drug trials). When I came back with that information to my questioner do you think it affected his thinking? No, of course not. He had thought he had me snookered and when he realised he didn’t and that, in fact, it was he who was snookered it made no difference to his thinking. So many people not prepared to change their minds according to the evidence. But you’re not one of those people, are you, Victor?
Do you have a set of golden rules for determining the truth, Victor? If so, I’d be most interested to see them.
So they’re blowing off small nukes everywhere around the world all the time?! I hadn’t heard about that.
Fission happens every day, yes. It happens in nuclear reactors which are controlled ‘critical mass chain reactions’. It happens in experimental labs.
Fission is the energy source for a nuclear bomb
You’re overlooking the No 1 piece of evidence for the existence of nuclear bombs: the US Military (and everything that entity entails).
It is suggested that the primary reason for dropping nuclear bombs rather than conventional bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was to study the result of nuclear radiation on a large scale.
And the secondary reason was to send a message to the Soviet Union that the US could annihilate it in the blink of an eye. Of course, if that was a winked eye, then no nukes would have been necessary.
However, central banks notwithstanding, there is, let’s say, a reluctance to accept at face value that everything that ever happened was faked and that those who died in conflicts were extras on a Hollywood set.
Above all, it’s all but impossible to imagine a world without madmen looking for ways to destroy things.
Next, we’ll be told that smart phones are fake and that they’re actually walkie-talkies rather than tools of mass propaganda.
I do not regard “the US Military (and everything that entity entails)” as evidence for the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Howard.
Interestingly, the first words in the Amazon spiel about this book explaining how the nuclear bombing of Japan was a hoax plus nuclear weapons in general being a hoax echo the words of Lao Tzu’s, The Art of War, written a few hundred years BC: – “All warfare is based on deception.”
Trickery is the way of war – thus has it always been.
What global citizens do not understand is that warfare is committed against US by those who rule us. At the top, they’re all in it together to some degree, certainly on the subject of “nuclear weapons”.
What abou lsrael’s successful quest for the bomb ? The Vela incident and it’s cover up ? And why do you promote the validity of the very obvious moon hoax ?
The Vela incident and its cover up? I smell propaganda. What seems obvious to me is that the nuclear weapons hoax is simply ongoingly perpetuated so they’ll push out this that and the other to keep it going.
There is abundant evidence astronauts landed on the moon. I’m simply baffled at the number of people who think it’s a hoax. I mean I think just about everything else is … but not the moon landings.
For me there is a great distinction between events that are psyops and other events. Psyops have a very distinctive MO where they give you loads of gratuitous clues and never fake anything so well that anyone who believes their story can brandish it in defence of it. There is such a clear MO.
When I first started to look at the moon landings I was all prepared to disbelieve them but when I got to the audio of astronauts speaking with mission control it stopped me dead in my tracks. It sounded so authentic and I couldn’t possibly imagine guys who’d been test pilots sitting in a studio recording hours of what is totally boring unless you were actually there at the time or you’re an absolute Apollo nut. Compare the audio for the faked Collateral Murder used to infiltrate Wikileaks. Immediately you can see the signs of fakery – it’s stitched together bits of genuine audio of soldiers communicating, not a smooth scripted audio which might fool you but genuine bits (or mostly) stitched together which results in 13 call signs – which makes no sense because supposedly the two Apache helicopters weren’t even in communication with Ethan McCord’s ground crew, a massive anomaly of itself.
When they hoax us they let us know good and proper. There is at least one hoax connected to the moon landings though – Bill Kaysing, the first person to say we didn’t go. He has psyop fingerprints all over him – gee they had fun with him. So what was Bill’s purpose? Bill’s purpose was to encourage those who tend to disbelieve government into disbelieving the moon landings and thereby undermine themselves (and those of us who recognise their truth) when they call out the real lies – a kind of Boy Who Cried Wolf Effect. Plus, they just like to control everyone’s minds. They don’t want to just control those who’ll easily believe them, they must control the minds of those who don’t believe them and the moon landings were the perfect opportunity because it was one of the rare true things they told us … that also seemed highly unlikely and I will admit, it does seem a kind of miracle. I think it was a case of all the stars aligning.
It wont take 100 days to knock up a ‘vaccine’ for The Next Pandemic…
From the TrialSite site you can learn of the billions being invested in concocting and testing ‘vaccines’ in anticipation, and It’s possible you might be able to predict the cause of The Next Pandemic by following the investments…
The ‘covid-vax soap opera required most of 2020 to prepare the masses for the introduction of The Vax Solution; some claimed there was evidence the vax existed before the pandemic was declared. With the vax for The Next Pandemic already on hand it should take less than 100 days to terrorise the masses to submit…
(Little billy gates has said to expect More pandemics, and has invested huge sums to build up the vax-making infrastructure. Little billy gates must know something to invest all that money.)…
The parade of the pincushion Proles.
Tis a sad, sad parade.
No Jab.
No Job.
The Joke’s.
On You.
In my little corner of the world the heart attacks and heart problems are showing up significantly….young policeman had to be dragged off to acute intensive care over weekend only hours post injection..one of his mates decided to have his heart checked then…same problem waiting to happen…young dr collapsed while riding bike up a hill….put down to vax as heart related…suspect it won’t take many more before the community decides enough is enough….
but I see mad Dan is still pushing mandates on all the same workers….do they just want no police and health care workers?
Droppin like phizes:
Yep a dangerous yr to have been born…the difficult eclipses and energies in their birth dates have left them vulnerable to heart attacks…someone should have known this weakness and told them not to go near the bloody jab under any circumstance,,,then again suspect there is more than that yr who are at risk.
Did you see the recent Dr John Campbell youtube video? Been a good chap, followed the party line (and the science) but having read some of the papers dragged out of Pfizer discovers he’s been taken for a mug. Quite moving, in a way.
Apparently not taken far enough to question the virus narrative one tiny bit. And still up on YT.
Was and is controlled opposition.
No, he is one of the leading shills of the covid narrative.
Vaccines ‘possibly’ suspect.
PCR test ? Wha? She’ll be right mate.
Be consistent for Christ’s sake.
Irritating man. I pointed out his hypocrisy a number of times on his Youtube comments. Claiming he was entirely neutral on the subject yet signalling his virtue by announcing every time he was jabbed and then, if not insisting, certainly implying we should all follow suit.
To be fair to him though, he was beginning to question the narrative before the Pfizer documents were released however, far too late, many of us were anticipating all this but were dismissed as conspiracy theorists.
I’ll be reminding my grown son of his dismissal of me as a crank very soon…….
FWIW, I posted this response to the Campbell story elsewhere the other day:
Well, it’s always nice to see a well-regarded Useful Idiot jolted into an epiphany of rational skepticism and critical thinking.
It remains to be seen whether this proto-radicalization will germinate, or whether Campbell’s cognitive dissonance circuits will hum and crackle into life to reverse the process.
For instance, he may conclude that the heinous malfeasance he’s just discovered “must be” an aberration, e.g. attributable to an isolated group of “bad apples” or a perfect storm of unfortunate groupthink.
True radicalization often proceeds as a domino effect; once a seemingly-settled and reliable truth is knocked over, the entire elaborate configuration of dominoes falls in a cascade– sometimes rapidly, sometimes more slowly, but inexorably. In order to preserve the delusional superstructure, cognitive dissonance may successfully provide a new “truthy” domino to halt the radicalization process.
Time will tell. But, if nothing else, if Campbell manages to “unsee” the lesson he’s belatedly learned, presumably he’ll get a lot more blowback than formerly.
One version of the “aberration” spin is the ongoing claim that only a few batches of the jab are bad.
Yup. These days, the “bad apples” rationalization is often applied to bad actors, i.e. mad or bad individuals corrupting or infecting an ostensibly benevolent or morally neutral organization.
But, as the literal basis for the analogy indicates, sometimes the “bad apples” are things like “bad batches”.
This brings to mind reports that at least some of the informational inserts in doses of “COVID” pseudo-vaccines are blank.
I’m sure that somewhere along the line, some Big Pharma flack or vax apologist has suggested that these blank inserts are merely commonplace defects in the printing process that slipped by quality control, probably because of the necessary haste in getting The Cure out there ASAP.
Just listened to a bit and given the following John Campbell has among the true believers, this is the kind of source that could lead to the narrative becoming more widely discredited. I loved it when poor naive John said with incredulity: “Why would they (Pfizer) want to redact that information?”
No, no, E., this is all extremely rare and pure coincidence.
They are still relying on the sad fact that people don’t actually read any more.
The community would indeed have decided long ago that “enough is enough”, if they had the faintest idea of what is going on.
may i put this here?
Above Obama and Biden in 2014 coup was George Soros. Entire US political class is fine that Soros spent 2 years planning 2014 US coup of Ukraine: “It is the degree to which Soros provided finances, logistics, and other support to the Ukrainian coup plotters in 2012, two years before the Euromaidan uprising, that is noteworthy. OSF and its affiliates provided…entire buildings, vehicles, travel to the US.”…Soros also ran US policy post coup, “rejected a federalized Ukraine that would grant self-government to the Russian-speaking eastern Donbass region.” G. Pyatt, then US Ambassador to Ukraine suggested federalization to Soros–and was thus shipped to another country to be US Ambassador... Oh, yes, Soros can get the US Treasury on the phone to pitch “swaps:”
“In his March 2015 memo Soros further writes that Ukrainian President Poroshenko’s “first priority must be to regain control of financial markets,” which he assures Poroshenko that Soros would be ready to assist in: “I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement.”“…12/6/2015, journal-neo.org
Soros’ specialty is raping fragile, defenseless populations. If he’s involved in your country, you’ll have worse pain than you ever imagined. Ukraine has been a Soros project for 20 years which means he robbed the country blind, just as he did when he “helped” fledgling Russia in 1990s. He destroyed Ukraine’s industry, made it the poorest country in Europe, beating Moldova. Tens of millions of Americans live in poverty, but US has shipped billions of US tax dollars to Ukraine over past 20 years. With Soros involved, there’s no chance the money would’ve been spent in the country’s best interests.
Oh no, no, no: there was no coup. It was just a central bank ledger adjustment, nothing more. And when they found out Peter Sellers had died, they scared up this Zelensky guy to run the country.
Their only mistake was letting Mr Soros direct the movie: he botched it. They should have gotten James Cameron.
These excuses for journalists are a joke:
WTF is ‘NATO territory’ ?
Any land or sea between the North and South Poles that they deem is theirs ?
If it’s all about psychological warfare, ie “cognitive infiltration”, how about….
The US/NATO mob tell their Ukrainian ‘puppet’ to Go Loud about wanting to become nuclear armed. That should scare the Putin Ruskis. That should scare All Ruskis – provided The State hasnt ‘muzzled’ the media…
The Ruskis invade Ukrainia, The Ruskis get bogged down in another treacherous Afghan-like war. The homefolk, bothered by the mounting bodybags, but more bothered by the nuclear threats, call on Putin to Withdraw With Dignity. The Most vociferous of the homefolk is the Comprador Class.
The Comprador Class know the Global Corporations – that US/NATO front for – believe all the natural wealth in Russia’s hinterland belongs to them, so they suggest to Putin Managed Transitioned Access for the Global Corporations to dig up all the wealth, share some of profits with The State (after the comprador class take their cut) = Win Win. And nuclear war averted…
The cognitive infiltration of the idea of a nuclear attack got The Putin Ruskis agree to letting the Global Corporations rape the country, but on the condition they leave the women and children alone…
Russia was already raped and left for dead in the 1990s. Fledgling Russia in 1990s had drunken Boris Yeltsin as its president. The usual suspects from the US arrived to “help,” Soros of course sat st the table with poor Yeltsin who was eager to please his “friends” from the US. Yeltsin thought his pal Bill Clinton might let Russia into NATO, or at least might not bomb Serbia, Russia’s friend. But Bill Clinton did bomb Serbia in 1999. Bill laughed at how he used to “stuff shit down Boris’s throat.” Yes, Russia has wonderful natural resources, but the oligarchs have known that for a long time. US thought Putin would be a pushover like Yeltsin. Instead, Putin brought Russia and its people back from death’s door. US does believe Russia belongs to them, but they’re not going to get another Yeltsin. In fact, Putin is considered a moderate compared to others there.
Let us also give honourable mention to the suave soft-spoken Prof. Jeffrey Sachs for his work in Russia. He went on to propose the elimination of global poverty, which led to Millenium Development Goals and then Sustainable Development Goals.
A pity that Putin is also a WEF NWO puppet and would never have invaded Ukraine unless he was ordered to do so. The real targets are you and me.
Putin is neither WEF or NWO. Go back and read the joint statement by him and President Xi Ping of China about rejection of a unipolar world and the ‘rules based order’. It is all to easy to see conspiracies etc in all of this when in fact, this whole scenario has developed because of NATO, EU and USA’s refusal to negotiate these issues with Putin over the past 8yrs. He is doing what a good president should be, protecting the security of his country. No more no less. What appears to have been the side effect for some of us anyway, is that we now hope this will bring about the demise of the WEF and the whole NWO manifesto and we are laying that responsibility on Putin’s shoulders which we shouldn’t be. The situation is as simple as that. Listen or read Putin’s epic Speeches to the Russian Nation about these actions. Read clearly his consistently stated objectives and you will find he is not obeying anyone’s orders.
Jo, Putin is not going to SAY that his no.1 reason is to play his part in a play the outcome of which is to crash the global economy to bring in the NWO.
Certainly you’re correct that his actions re Ukraine are entirely consistent with patriotic protection of Russia. Those of us who impute other motives do so on the basis of his past actions and history.
The discussion about whether or not nuclear weapons exist reminds me of these lines from Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1979)
Roddy Martindale: Now George, let’s talk about your old boss, Control. The only Head of the Circus who ever kept his name a secret. Shall we talk about Control?
George Smiley: If you insist.
Roddy Martindale: Of course, it wasn’t a secret to you, was it, George? He never had any secrets from you, his tried and trusted right hand, did he?
George Smiley: I don’t know. That’s the point about secrets.
The UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report from week 10 is out
I bought three of the local “news” papers on Saturday. None covered Putin’s War on their front page. (Though one managed a 24 word snippet about a seven year old, his mother shot dead in front of him, who now lies in intensive care. Nothing more.)
All had relegated Putin’s War to their International Section – usually a page or two found further in…
The main morning paper, the Sydney Morning Herald, had ‘covid’ splashed across its front page – a reminder to readers that The Narrative hasnt crumbled, it’s just been given a rest. That main story was about a storm in a teacup…
Readers were told the state’s health department is in ‘conflict’ with the relevant minister about reintroducing the ‘covid’ restrictions when ‘cases’ reach a certain level, restrictions which the minister had ditched a few weeks previously. The article is actually a vehicle for sneakily conveying to readers that as uptake of the profit-booster shot has been so low expect lockdowns etc during the approaching Winter. That is, lockdowns will be used to force everyone to get the profit-booster injections…
That lockdowns, masks, anti-social distancing, shooting The Family Pet, wont “Stop The Spread” is irrelevant…
It Was Never About A Virus…
On page 35 readers are told about the likelihood that millions of workers face higher taxes post-national election (due soon) if certain tax cuts are not extended…
The article is actually a vehicle for sneakily conveying to readers the Prime Ministers remark that “..when it comes to the budget, you’ve got to get it back to normal settings.”
The PM oversaw the “incredible” level of government spending that put Australia deeply into Debt, spending necessitated by economically devastating government policies… Australians now have to pay off the PM’s Debt. The PM’s comment should be read as “Post-election expect Income Tax hikes, indirect tax increases, the privatisation of any remaining tax-payer (government) assets, pension cuts, reduced services, etc. Sacrifices by everyone. Austerity for all !! to pay off The Debt.”…
The tax-cut story is of real interest to most readers and should be on the front page, not the ‘covid’ beat-up. Maybe ‘covid’ will have a role to play in helping the PM with another “miracle” election win ? Current opinion polls indicate he will need a “miracle”…
(There are those who claim ‘covid’ was a scam to get governments to go deeply into debt to give them reason for privatising every government (tax-payer) asset and services.
For sure, taxpayers would sooner assets be sold off, pensions and social security be cut – a goal of neo-liberalism – than for them be the only ones made to pay.)…
Apologies for the link les (They’re still pretending to fight the good fight).
A thousand dollars to some flood victims and 578 BILLION to the MIC.
Tongue twisting TURDS. All of them.
Sometimes you just have to laugh. ‘Aussie winter’, about as cold as a UK summer when we are relieved of all the covid ‘deaths’.
It looks like the covid virus can tell the difference between seasons in different countries with no regards for temperatures.
Australian non entity, has been, ‘actor’ in GARBAGE movies gives Putin the finger:
He’s gonna lose a lot of sleep I’m sure.
If she had another brain it would be lonely.
She’s a known liar and a god awful whatever she is.
I do not think there will be a nuclear war, but after looking around at the figure heads and levels of intelligence of many of today’s “leaders” I do think think they are that stupid to attempt one.
This is the level of intelligence currently required for high office.
No IQs higher than double digits acceptable, and even then to be subjected to scrutiny by even lower IQs…
Online poll shows Americans favor Putin over Zelensky 3:1.
However while I cd find almost no one willing to defend covid restrictions ever, I am still seeing a lot of masks– altho here in California mask mandates are over except for medical facilities & buses, etc.
Apparently the public is more susceptible to personal-danger propaganda than foreign policy propagnda. Interesting.
Who were the voters? Still, pretty amazing in any case.
Jordan Peterson said recently that many of the comments on YouTube political videos show a far greater awareness of what’s going on than is generally realized.
In any case, I would expect Americans to recognize a clown instantaneously.
They have decades of experience with them.
Also, California is a heck of a long way from Ukraine, so the locals probably feel they can afford to dismiss that particular foreign policy threat without batting an eyelid.
Good point, wardropper; still you have to give people some credit for actually THINKING. I guess a lot of em still do– when they’re not disabled by fear at the end of their nose.
For the last 13 or so days some posters have been trying to use arguments that the military intervention in the Ukraine is nothing more than a psychological operation in order to con most of humanity in a long line of scams . Those who have been paying attention, and Edward Curtin is one of those, know that that is a pre cursor to Armageddon unless we wake from our slumber.
No, Brianborou, I believe what we are saying is that the Ukrainian conflict has physical reality, but that it is engaged in by both sides in order to continue global advancement towards the NWO or 4th Industrial Revolution, or Totalitarian World via digital currency aping the Chinese social credit system.
In advancing towards this NWO, this preplanned war has the following advantages:
1. Like the Trump presidency, it is a tremendous distraction, while all concrete steps towards UN Agenda 2030 continue unabated (& largely unreported).
2. The war serves as pretext for further destruction of the financial order; the sanctions push us closer to a monetary collapse wherein we’ll likely be told that an emergency digital currency is our only option.
3. The war reinforces the pretext for censorship
4. It displaces the failing covid story at the very moment when its entire purpose was becoming most apparent.
5. It gives an excuse for continued supply-chain disruptions and destruction of nearly every type of economic production, including food.
6. The ridiculous US response to the conflict gives so many Americans a disgust at their govt that it may even shake their faith in democracy as the system which will allow them to return to normality.
I realize that Putin has been cast as a patriotic leader but a critical analysis of his history and the causes which he espouses shows his cooperation in moving towards the NWO. Putin is a longtime protege of Kissinger, one of WEF’s Young Global Leaders, an advocate of the Global Warming hoax.
He cooperated with MI6 and CIA in the Russian Airbus downing over the Sinai as pretext for Russian conversion from an airwar in Syria to boots-on-the-ground.
Given the thesis that Russia and the others pushing for NWO are on the same side, it is in their interest to avoid any chaos which threatens their control– and serious nuclear warfare is not in their interest.
But I assume there are elites and power structures in Russia that are much bigger than schoolboy (WEF) Putin. I’m thinking a parallel action is about to erupt over Taiwan. The U.S. is building up the pressure there, perhaps to suck China into an invasion, which might then be used as a tipping point to all-out war. If so, it would certainly answer to that extreme reduction of world population demand (no vaccines necessary).
Most certainly not. Putin is an evil baddie so he most be near omnipotent. Is the way things are — only our goodies have other people who may be tripping them up,
Your conclusions are correct but that doesn’t mean that a war can’t erupt.
Jacques, If the two sides are in fact on the same side, then war cannot just ERUPT, but it can occur as a preplanned part of the scenario to bring about the NWO. However, any truly acute event like nuclear war wd end the control of those currently in power globally.
Under acute emergency, everything becomes locally determined; TPTB depend upon upon the continuation of their pyramidal top-down order. Their govts, their rules, their lines of authority, their ownership, their uninterrupted communication including propaganda, etc.
Under a controlled scenario, war cannot just erupt; my thesis (which cd be mistaken) is that the scenario is preplanned, that whatever the principals feel of patriotism, their first loyalty is to their f’g NWO.
I’m blackwashing Putin’s motives based on his past actions, not his actions in the present instance, which are consistent with rational patriotism.
If you follow Putin from the time he was thrust forward to be the President of the Russian Federation, he has shown by his actions that he is first and foremost a nationalist.
For example, his refusal to accept the hegemony of the Western corporations controlled by the City of London. Eg he arrested and confiscated the immense fortune of the Rothschilds point man in the RF, Khodorkovsky.
His outmaneuvering of the Western controlled oligarchs such as Berezovsky plus refusing to allow the RF to be balkanized.
Moreover, his intervention in Syria to prevent the destruction of it by Western mercenaries.
Lastly, his continual warnings from the Munich security conference in 2007 about the enlargement of NATO and the ring of military bases surrounding the RF on the pretext of defense against Iranian missiles.
Let’s not forget who has been forcing the issue of economically sanctioning the RF and forcing it to look towards the East.
Yes, there are Quislings within the RF who would welcome the dismemberment of the RF just as there are with in the US.
Putin was acting in concert w the West in intervening in Syria; MI6 & CIA helped Russian escalation of the Syrian action thru their device of the Russian airbus “bombing” over the Sinai. Also thru the “failure of the entire Western intelligence corp plus Israel’s to notice that Russia was bringing into Syria huge quantities of materiel to upgrade the Syrian airport out of which the initial Russian actions occurred.
Apparently no one happened to notice the satellite photos. (They were leaked later & there’s no possible way they cd actually have been overlooked.)
The constant confrontation between US & Russia — as between China & US is just theater in my estimation. A distraction, a denial that the major govts of the world are united against we the people.
Others w more expertise than I disagree w me on this, and they may be right– but I have more evidence than I’ve stated here & I think we should bear this other possibility in mind.
Lest you forget, the West tried to balkanise the Russian Federation through proxy wars. Remember what Wesley Clark said about the plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years, Syria and Iran being in that list. If the West had succeeded in Syria, Iran was next followed by southern Russian Muslim republics. As The Russians put better to fight in Syria than having to fight the same mercenaries in Russia.
Armageddon, Gotterdammerung, Ragnarok, God’s judgement, etc.
Actually, you’ll recognise the Russia/Ukraine ‘conflict’ as a precursor IF you wake from your slumber.
Suggest you read the precursor to the situation in the Ukraine rather than being a silly billy.
Who would nuclear Armageddon serve?
If much of the population was wiped off the face of the earth, so goes fuel, food, technology, transport, sanitation etc. etc.
The elite would have no one to work for them, they too would be reduced to grubbing for a very meagre living. Their money would be useless and their influential reach would shrink to their local village.
Do you really imagine that’s what they want?
Hmm, the people, who control the West in almost every sense of the word, are Satanists. It is very important to grasp that.
Now, their ideology/ religion opposes in almost aspect what the overwhelming majority of the human race accepts as the foundations of a society. Ie the family, a code of ethics/ morals etc. They are intent on dismembering life as we understand eg the fusion of man and machine, the destruction of the family, the right to life.
Moreover, a number of books have been written outlining what they want eg The Committee of 300 which states that they want a population of approximately 500,000- 1,000,000,000 people. If you read their Georgia stones, you can see plainly what their intentions are.
Furthermore, don’t forget that many of these Satanists have been planning for this for a very long time such as the construction of very deep underground facilities. You might not believe in Armageddon but they most certainly do !
Chaos serves only the devil, and, like they say, “Every dog will have his day”.
It looks to me like his time has come.
May it be short-lived…
The pervasive propaganda we hear in the US isn’t anything new, its just a lot louder than usual. We’re also being encouraged to join in our version of the “two minutes’ hate” against any and all Russians regardless of whether they’re involved in the conflict or not. Somehow it seems quite normal for people’s property to be expropriated and this whole business of Chelsea Football Club in the UK defies explanation.
All this noise hides the bigger issue. This is really about the dollar hegemony, about permitting countries to exist and trade by the ‘grave and favor’ of the US, or more accurately, ‘the banking/fiance system that dominates the US’. Countries that don’t toe the line are made to suffer economically by programs of sanctions. This situation was tolerable provided the US understood that its currency was global and that the considerable soft power it gave the US was used judiciously. Unfortunate, like all power ir corrupts and particularly in the last decade or two US governments have been over exercising soft power for narrow, often domestic, reasons and this, combined with seems like a careless stewardship of the US economy, has made it absolutely imperative that independent states break free of the dollar hegemony.
Ukraine comes into play because it was purchased with dollars (the Maiden coup) and its been rearmed to join with other European states in threatening Russia. Russia has obviously objected to this distraction but has been held in check by a steady program of sanctions and other economic measures — warfare by any other name — until it became clear that Russia had two choices — either submit along the lines of its 1991 post-Soviet state or make a stand. The choice was obvious, and also unfortunate (“War is never the answer”). But in fighting for the ‘little guy’ (and indirectly for that Really Big Guy, China) it will eventually break free of the western economic system. To quote that famous neo-conservative, Margaret Thatcher, “There Is No Alternative”.
Which leads us to the “Great Reset”. One of the advantages of dollar decoupling is that you can run a non-debt based economy. A surprising amount of economic activity in the US is built around generating, managing and servicing debt. Some debt is useful but making it a large part of your economy risks hiding what is effectively unproductive effort under a veneer of economic activity. The effect is inflation; money’s easy to print but difficult to earn and when the two get out of balance then the result is trouble. Now we’re in the process of convincing that an across the board reduction in living standards is good for us (“good for the environment”) — we pay more for the same or less because its good for our soul. But under no circumstances would we contemplate not making those payments — debt service is the very foundation of our economy.
You should read David Graebers 5000 years of Debt. It’s an eyeopener. The economy is an excuse for slavery.
Some people saw the problems when he was acquiring Chelski, others turned a blind eye. It should be noted that he being persecuted for historic wrong doings, not for the liberation of the Ukraine (old Russian for borderland, apparently).
What an idiot. 1 star rating for you!
It is called sleepwalking into nuclear Holocaust. Russia tries to wake up the west or at least western audience. Unfortunately Putin’s exhaustive and logical expose of the real geopolitical threats fall on deaf ears not only in DC but regrettably younger generations who have most of their lives to lose in nuclear annihilation. Is that because their are brainwashed to see war only as computer game where the only limb can be hit is pocketbook?
someone must remind generations lamenting about Russian invasion of its hostile neighbor or rather intervention for immediate strategic national security reasons (3 minutes flight to hit Moscow from Ukraine) that Cuban blockade was aimed as a cheap substitute of outright, immediate, invasion of US forces of Cuba for the same immediate strategic national security reasons. Also young should realize that next day after deployment or preparation for deployment of nuclear missiles in Taiwan Chinese Army would invade the island despite their patience in already 70+ reintegration processes.
Despite Chinese support of Russia self defensive action in Ukraine against NATO expansion they are getting little bit hypocritical not seeing clear analogy between Taiwan last time part under Chinese administration in 1949 and Ukraine last time under Russian administration in 1991.
Although your text is very evocative and disturbing, it grounded me. I thank you for that.
Although your text is very evocative and disturbing, it grounded me. I thank you for that.
thank you Edward. I think you give voice to a lot of the fear many of us hold deep in our innermost recesses, unable to or unwilling to express, because it is so unthinkable, and yet, possible, as we all know from the not-too-distant past. I agree with the very wise words of Captain Spock as expressed earlier in these comments; that we are at the darkest point, but hopefully one that immediately precedes a golden age of new enlightenment. What we are witnessing now does indeed appear to be the thrashing of some dying monster, some ancient obsession with death and control and the very murkiest and stickiest elements of the human soul. Also, it seems like we are now, thanks to social media, addicted to the drama. But like you Edward, I deeply fear the prospect of a nuclear war, though I am perturbed to see that most of those around me aren’t similarly haunted by the prospect; it gives me a sense of cognitive dissonance as I go around my daily chores. In any case, your words here lend some succor in these hard times, and for that I am grateful.
You are so right Edward, and thank you for laying it out so simply for those not plugged in as yet. I write every week to keep my readers informed and I support all you say: But few are listening:
My Substack at: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/ukraine-its-all-the-news-now-but?utm_source=email&s=w
AND my book at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358117070_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_1_-_4th_Edition_2020
It explains much of what is happening now, but more importantly, what will be the ‘New Emergent Economy’ – (see Chapter 13), in the aftermath (lots of scrolling needed.). Or readers can email me at: [email protected] for a PDF copy of my e-Book where the links are instant.
Putin will call off the war soon because he has now bombed all the kindergartens and maternity hospitals, and being a fully paid up member of the Evil Cartoon Villains Club, he will have to go elsewhere to find some more to bomb.
Fikre on Faith: Free Will and Love as Guiding Principles of Governance
I believe in maximum liberty, as long as your decisions don’t infringe on the freedoms of others and as long as your life choices don’t endanger society, you have every right to live out your life according to your desires. My family and I fled my native land Ethiopia and arrived in America as immigrants in 1982 because a tyrannical regime made it their mission to foist their ideology upon Ethiopians, restrict our rights and butcher anyone who spoke up for freedom.
It breaks my heart to witness America taking incremental steps towards the same abyss that led to the deaths of 500,000 Ethiopians a few years after I was born. I love America precisely because of the liberties she stands for and the rights of her people that are enshrined in the Constitution. Every day, these freedoms too many of us take for granted are being chipped away by politicians, pundits and technocrats who view our inalienable rights as optional privileges that can be snatched away using security as a means of nullifying our liberties…continued…
READ FULL ARTICLE AT: https://fikre4va.com/fikre-on-faith-free-will-love/
I agree with most of what you say except the first sentence ‘I believe in maximum liberty, as long as your decisions don’t infringe on the freedoms of others and as long as your life choices don’t endanger society’ which sounds like polit speak for justification of Covid measures. I hope that I have misunderstood what you have said.
Your intuition is right,They are poking and prodding Russia into an all out war to end all wars.People standing up for Ukraine government and demonising Russia,MSM everywhere you look is anti Russian right now this is not going to end well for anyone.
But this is all staged planned out for decades.Russia,US,Ukraine,Then china and all the rest of the muppets are all in on the big stage to usher in the NWO,They are on stage and we are the captivated Audience cheering on the good guy’s when there are no good guys but the enemies of us.They do not have our best interests at heart they slither around like snakes and we are being slowly suffocated.
Baptiste De Pape interviews Brecht Arnaert: “Why high politics and satanism are inextricably linked”
Excellent video!
I had to open the frame in a new tab in order to see the video.
Is this a new thing?
Oh, sorry. I just had to refresh the page…
Sadly the sun didn’t enter scorpio on 8 Nov. it was near half way through by then so can I believe anything he says?
NATO Cognitive Warfare Manual
Ta. More documents on ‘Cognitive Warfare’ from the same site:
BTW the post I put up earlier about false flag re Russians using phospherous to attack military base (Yahoo news I admit is propaganda) has now changed in the last hour that Russia has killed 180 Foreign Mercaneries at a military base in Lviv. How news changes eh? The truth is definitely out there as the story of 180 Mercenaries was posted on RT earlier but oh, how the propaganda lies are pumped out. I hope these journalists who are advocating WW3 are forced to serve on the front line of the nuclear attack when it happens.
It’s important to remember that the struggle for supremacy of nation-states is in all likelihood phoney– a distraction, or in the worst case, a pretext behind which billionaire gangsters act against the people.
Our human nature impels us to take sides when we see a struggle– even an ersatz one.
Bearing this in mind, it’s extremely unlikely that TPTB, the playwrights, will resort to nuclear war: They are currently progressing towards their NWO goals, and nuclear war wd be equivalent to throwing all the cards in the air when you have a winning hand. [Not that I think they WILL win, in the end.]
The supposed motive for war wd be to defend US supremacy,but how many times do we need to be told that this is NOT their goal. If one merely BELIEVES what TPTB have told us– that they want to crash the present global financial system, replacing nation-states with a few administrative regions on the way to unitary slave-governance– then it’s clear they don’t want the disorder of nuclear war. Death, yes, but within the context of a continued orderly degradation of civilization.
Ukraine Is Not an Anti-Nazi Struggle. It’s an Oligarch War.
“The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psychopath Nazis funded and supported both Hitler and Mussolini. So it is both. The two are not mutually exclusive.”
“Prescott Bush was one of several conduits between JD Rockefeller and Hitler.”
“The more deranged psycho Nazis were so sick that they even wanted to get rid of FDR, who by no stretch of the imagination was a socialist.”
That’s not human. It looks like the financier of Mordor and one of Sauron’s bosses.
Yossam, thank you so much. Eric Draitser’s comments were quite illuminating.
There is more of his commentary on Counterpunch.org.
However, I have not so far found his commentary to deal with the relationship between the conflict and the NWO process & goals. He seems to deal w internal Russian and Ukrainian politics, and ECONOMIC consequences of the sanctions.
For many of us the predominant preoccupation is to reverse and resist the NWO.
It’s hard to watch more than 5 minutes of this because the intro material is incredibly patronizing (how old is this guy?) and dismissive of voices/reporters/historians who have been covering these issues for way more years. I don’t want to let him tell me anything.
I’m with the anti-Nazi oligarchs, I guess.
One more piece pushing the false Manichean binary choice narrative: US/NATO or Putin/Russia/BRICS. So, when did Putin cease to push the “Pandemic” fraud and force Russians to get shot up with the “domestic” (co-made with Astra Zeneca) version of the genetic engineering poison which is being used to stop a virus whose very existence via isolation/purification has not been proven? Right, he loves the Russian people.
And why the refusal to deal with the fact that the WEF has been promoting the shift away from a uni-polar global order to a multi-polar one, pretending Herr Schwab is only backing one side here? https://thenewamerican.com/whats-really-up-with-ukraine-deep-state-seeking-new-world-order/
Granted Russia are not the good guys even if they held the moral high ground in some ways until recently. But that doesn’t mean real genuine wars can’t happen and get out of control. WW2 was a planned op, but a lot of people still died and that’s a fact.
WWII was not a “planned op.” it was capitalism’s global crisis being “resolved” in the only way such crises can be even temporarily resolved, via a hot war which grows out of escalating trade wars, happening en masse by the mid-late ’30s. Just like the global crisis led to trade wars in the early 1910s which led to WWI, in the making for a couple of decades as rivalries between the major powers kept leading to near war situations, resolved till… they weren’t. Lots of people died in both wars, absolutely. And the combatants maintained trade relations through both these wars, in the case of WWII via the Bank of International Settlements. See “Trading With the Enemy” by Charles Higham, 1982.
I did not say the war in Ukraine isn’t real, that people aren’t dying, or that it couldn’t lead to WWIII. There is in fact a good chance that it will lead to it. Sooner or later, WWIII will happen, as long as humans allow the capitalist system to run the world, and this will happen despite the on-going efforts by the WEF to re-configure and digitalize the world order. Two contradictory dynamics of capital at work here, the centralization/concentration one and the centrifugal splintering one.
Psyops, planned/staged operations can be – and are- integrated from the perspective of “overcoming” the contradictions inherent to the capitalist mode of production in its different temporalities. Some, however, believe that the frequent, almost obsessional resorting to the concept of “a psyop” is self-explanatory, and I find that a little too easy a scapegoat that indicates, as far as I’m concerned, a reluctance to engage in efforts of understanding, of making intelligible these events, of trying to explain their genesis and evolution within a broader social, economic and political context.
What am I to understand when someone tells me that WWI was a psyop? That WWII too was a psyop? That the 1929 crisis was planned? That the American war of Independence was a hoax? If I don’t dig beyond the word into the historical dynamics, into the social, economic changes that led from one psyop to the other, absolutely nothing.
And if we agree that the only too frequent recurring to the word to explain – really only to describe – historical events, is no substitute to the efforts we ought to make to render them intelligible and logically connected within a broader context, then why indulge in their use?
Good one. We can even wonder if the very act of calling everything “a psyop” without the analysis you mention is, could it be….itself a psyop, making the term so overly used it comes to mean nothing and is thus ignored.
It certainly has that effect on the mind in the long term.
Actually Jeffrey, I think WWII WAS preplanned: Wm Engdahl’s book “A Century of War” points out that WWI was preplanned cuz Britain’s Buy-cheap-sell-dear mercantilism couldn’t compete w Germany’s industrial might. Then the post-WWI debt which was imposed on Germany couldn’t be repaid, guaranteeing political instability.
However, actual support of WWII occurred in the form of direct support for Hitler by the bankers pp 99-100 (2011 ed):
Rosenberg, emissary from Hitler, met w Montagu Norman governor of the Bank of England, then
“Jan 4, 1932 at Cologne villa of Baron Kurt von Schroeder, Adolf Hitler, von Papen, and the Cologne banker secretly arranged financing of Hitler’s NSDAP, at that time de facto bankrupt with huge debts, until the planned seizure of power by Hitler.”
Sorry, I’m not going to type it all. On page 100 alone there are 3 more meetings with the bankers. Nor is Engdahl the only one to write about this.
The history books say Hitler became popular in the beer-halls & this is how he came to power. What a crock!.
Well, I’d rather you write the above instead of a laconic “WWI was a psyop”.
Now don’t get me wrong; this is just an opinion: I can’t help feeling that “WWI was a psyop” without any further elaboration is an insult to the intelligence of the reader.
Well if you agree there could be a nuclear war what’s the issue? Far as I can see the author is worried about nuclear Armageddon, so are you – you see eye to eye, right? The fella didn’t say jack shit about unipolar versus multipolar or any of the other stuff you brought up. What are you getting so hot under the collar about?
Yes, and? It’s like, what are they going to do next? Maybe they will, maybe they won’t, but there’s the possibility and “all things considered”, maybe we should be just a little bit hyperbolic. Because, pardon my American, we better stop these fuckers soon no matter what. There shouldn’t be any debate about that. I mean really, what is being discussed here? Same shit I’ve heard my whole life, and I’m now 66. The danger is hoping to stop a nuclear war and forgetting to stop their Great Reset.
There’s nothing American about the word fuckers, dude. We use it in Ireland all the time.
Well, I didn’t want to say pardon my french and be stereotypical, not that they don’t also. It’s universal now, no doubt.
Question to contributors from around the world:
What’s the degree of warmongering in your neck of the woods? Media, politicians? What’s the general mindset among people?
Over here (Czech Republic), it’s beyond belief. Transpose the worst covidian hysteria onto the Ukraine-Russia thing. So, Ukrainian flags are all over the fucking place. We’re all in together. It’s practically assumed that it’s OUR war. People are fucked up, fanatically rabidly against Russians. They’re renaming streets, products, anything remotely associated with Russia. Denouncing Russian composers, authors. It’s fucking insane! There already is a state of emergency (allegedly to deal with the influx of refugees), they’ve hinted at mobilization!
Looks like they’re prepping the populace for a war against Russia.
Are you experiencing the same shit wherever you are?
PS: Covid is largely dead.
The propaganda madness is just as bad in the UK, supermarkets are removing Russian vodka (which they have probably already paid for) from the shelves, Some Russian dancers on a TV program have been told to denounce Russia, dock workers have turned away 6 or 7 Russian fuel ships (again, probably already paid for) – and that’s just skimming the headlines.
I am awaiting with baited breath (pun intended) the first appearance of a COVID face mask having the Ukraine flag embossed on its front.
Plus a bit about the climate change con.
Jacques what a nightmare! However, have faith and have courage. The narrative is pretty much breaking down because the ‘evidence’ is not with TPTB. I’m surprised by the people of the Czech Republic. Yes, I am old enough to remember the Russian tanks rolling into Czechoslovakia. But, the truth will prevail and very shortly. The USA, Canada, UK and the West are now in desperation mode. I was in a well known national department store here in the UK, you know, “not just any shop but an ………” and I was asked whether I would like to contribute £1 to UNICEF for the Ukraine. My response was curt. I said I wasn’t in the habit of funding nazis and neo-nazis and the only people killing Ukranians were the Ukranian Nationalist Armed Forces. Everone on the Tills remained silent. But I said my piece and it had an impact.
I’m alright.
Frankly, I find the current goings-on most fascinating. I wonder if people have ever witnessed such an eruption of pure madness. It’s probably happened before, but never on such a mass, global scale.
It’s captivating to observe how gullible and malleable people are. It’s a veritable tsunami of idiocy. Shit hitting the fan kinda situation, literally.
Happened to me too, but I wasn’t as brave as you! I politely declined.
I’m in Moscow. Russians are typically stoical. Many are now realising the extent of visceral hatred felt towards them and whipped up by, above all, the Brits, who are the supreme, absolute and undisputed masters of virtue-signalling hypocrisy.
Many Russians are waking up to the fact that their country is in a fight for its life.And I’m on their side.
Same uk it’s all about the Ukrainians.They are even talking about taking Ukrainian refugees into our own homes when we can barely afford gas,Electricity,Food??!Its madness then talking about non fly zone over Ukraine?!And all the while covid has disappeared?!?Its madness.
People actually are taking Ukrainian refugees into their homes or letting them used their recreational or rental properties. They’re virtue signalling the shit out of the situation, trying to outdo one another who is more caring.
I guess that would be alright if the Earth got hit by an asteroid and an entire chunk of land got wiped out, but as far as I can see and based on what I hear, most of the refugees who’ve made it here are affluent people who could well afford to pay for their stay. I see a lot of brand new Ukrainian cars. Apparently, a lot of refugees have left places people have offered them because they had expected better. In other words, it’s mostly people who can afford it, probably from the western part of Ukraine, who come. The poor bastards who really would need to get out of there can never make it.
And regardless of whether or to what extent the war is real, they’re milking it to the bone, like covid, in antagonizing people.
Is this scaremongering at a higher level or prepping people for a real war? Hard to tell.
The subsidy in UK helps the rich with their excess property.
In Iceland, the media are copying the BBC, Guardian and CNN as fast as they can.
They are doing a typical mass hysteria job of inviting hundreds of Ukrainians into our tiny country (which has huge problems finding accommodation for its own low-wage citizens) and the first arrivals were literally only days after the ‘war’ began.
Most of them looked pretty well off too, but the crying women distracted us all from that inconvenient fact.
The general population, thank heaven, use their iPhones to contact better sources of information.
Lol this war is so fake.. there won’t be any nukes.
Best yet 👍