Propaganda 101: Ukraine 2022
Colin Todhunter
During 2011, NATO bombed a path to Tripoli to help its proxy forces on the ground oust Gaddafi. Tens of thousands lost their lives and much of Libya’s social fabric and infrastructure lay in ruins.
The 2016 article appearing in Foreign Policy Journal ‘Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libyan Intervention’ exposed why Libya was targeted.
Gaddafi was murdered and his plans to assert African independence and undermine Western hegemony on that continent were rendered obsolete.
A March 2013 Daily Telegraph article “US and Europe in major airlift of arms to Syrian rebels through Zagreb” reported that 3,000 tons of weapons dating back to the former Yugoslavia had been sent in 75 planeloads from Zagreb airport to rebels.
In the same month of that year, The New York Times ran the article “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands with CIA Aid”, stating that Arab governments and Turkey had sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters. This aid included more than 160 military cargo flights.
In his book The Dirty War on Syria, Tim Anderson describes how the West and its allies were instrumental in organising and then fuelling that conflict.
Over the last two decades, politicians and the media have been manipulating popular sentiment to get an increasingly war-fatigued Western public to support ongoing conflicts under the notion of ‘protecting civilians’ or a ‘war on terror’.
A yarn is spun about securing women’s rights or fighting terrorists, removing despots (possessing non-existent WMDs) from power or protecting human life to justify military attacks, resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands of civilian lives and the displacement of many more.
Emotive language designed to instil fear about terror threats or ‘humanitarian intervention’ is used as a pretext to wage imperialist wars in mineral-rich countries and geo-strategically important regions.
Although it has been referred to in many articles over the years, it is worth mentioning again retired NATO Secretary General Wesley Clark and a memo from the Office of the US Secretary of Defense that he was told about just a few weeks after 9/11.
It revealed plans to “attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years,” starting with Iraq and moving on to “Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran”. Clark argued this strategy is fundamentally about control of the region’s vast oil and gas resources.
Part of the battle for the public’s hearts and minds is to convince people to regard these wars and conflicts as a disconnected array of events, not the planned machinations of empire. For the last decade, the ongoing narrative about Russian aggression has been part of the strategy.
Anglo-American financial-corporate interests have long been seeking to drive a wedge between Europe and Russia to prevent closer economic alignment. Aside from the expansion of NATO and installation of missile systems in Eastern Europe targeting Russia, there has also been the ever-tightening economic sanctions which the EU has largely been compelled to go along with.
Back in 2014, the proposed (but never implemented) Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was part of the broader geopolitical game plan to weaken Western Europe by making it even more dependent on the US and to divide the European continent by side-lining Russia.
While the TTIP may appear to have had nothing to do with what was happening in Ukraine in 2014 (the coup) or Syria, it was a cog in the machine to cement US hegemony.
Much more can be (and has been) written about US strategies to undermine Russia’s fossil-fuel based economy, but the point is that US actions have for some time been aimed at weakening Russia.
The financial-industrial-military complex is setting this agenda, hammered out behind closed doors in its various forums.
Those who sit at the top of this complex fine-tune their plans within powerful think tanks like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Brookings Institute (documented in Brian Berletic’s 2012 article ‘Naming Names: Your Real Government’) as well as at the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg and NATO, as described in the 2008 book by David Rothkopf, ‘Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making’.
It is worthwhile noting the 2019 report ‘Overextending and Unbalancing Russia’ by the influential US policy think tank the Rand Corporation.
The document sets out various scenarios for destabilising and weakening Russia, including “imposing deeper trade and financial sanctions” and “providing lethal aid to Ukraine” but without provoking “a much wider conflict in which Russia, by reason of proximity, would have significant advantages”.
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia did not happen out of the blue. It is not the result of the machinations of a power-hungry madman hellbent on taking over Europe, a notion that mainstream commentators have for a number of years tried to embed in the psyche of the Western public.
A recent analysis appearing on the India-based news channel WION, ‘Did NATO push Ukraine into war?’, provides the type of insightful analysis of events absent from the Western media.
It succinctly outlines Russia’s valid concerns about NATO’s expansionist thrust into Eastern Europe and how successive US administrations ignored these concerns for many years, including those from top officials in Washington itself.
That such an analysis remains off the Western media agenda is of no surprise. Prominent journalists in key media outlets are essential foot soldiers whose role is to support power. They are groomed for their positions by various means (the British-American Project being a case in point) as they climb the well-paid career ladder.
Notwithstanding the countless civilian casualties and the suffering currently in Ukraine, a country being used as a pawn in a geopolitical war, there are also the effects of disrupted energy supplies and fertilizer and food exports from Ukraine and Russia which will impact possibly hundreds of millions across the world.
For instance, the war could unleash a “hurricane of hunger” and poverty with the World Bank estimating that the average person in Sub-Saharan Africa will be spending about 35% of their income on food in 2023 if the war in Ukraine drags on. It was a little more than 20% in 2017. Elsewhere, in places like South Asia and the Middle East, the increase could be worse.
But this is merely ‘collateral damage’ worth imposing on others in the calculations of those who determine what the ‘price worth paying’ is and who will pay it.
Nevertheless, the public has been encouraged to support a strategy of increasing tension towards Russia, culminating in the situation we now see in Ukraine, by a media which plays its part well. The media serves as a key cheerleader for US-led wars and ensures the civilian wounded and dead of those conflicts are kept out of the headlines and off the screens, unlike the current situation in Ukraine whose victims receive 24/7 coverage across the major media outlets.
But this comes as little surprise. Former CIA boss General Petraeus stated in 2006 that his strategy was to wage a war of perceptions conducted continuously through the news media.
Many readers will be aware of the revelation back in 2015 about the former editor of a major German newspaper who said he planted stories for the CIA. Udo Ulfkotte claimed he accepted news items written and given to him by the agency and published them under his own name in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
While this came as a shock to many, it was noted decades ago by former senior British intelligence officer Peter Wright (author of the 1987 autobiographical book ‘Spycatcher’) that many top journalists in the UK were associated with MI5.
It was another former CIA boss, William Casey, who in the 1980s said:
We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Civilian suffering is given full media coverage when it can be used to tug at the emotional heartstrings in order to sway public opinion. Made-for-media outpourings of morality about good and evil are designed to create outrage and support for more ‘interventions’.
The shaping of public opinion is not a haphazard affair. It is now sophisticated and well established.
Take, for instance, the harvesting of Facebook data by Cambridge Analytica to shape the outcomes of the US election a few years back and the Brexit campaign. According to journalist Liam O’Hare writing in 2018, its now defunct parent company Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL) conducted ‘behavioural change’ programmes in more than 60 countries. Its clients included the British Ministry of Defence, the US State Department and NATO.
According to O’Hare, among SCL’s activities in Europe were campaigns targeting Russia. The company had “sweeping links” with Anglo-American political and military interests. In the UK, the interests of the governing Conservative Party and military-intelligence players were brought together via SCL: board members included “an array of Lords, Tory donors, ex-British army officers and defence contractors”.
For O’Hare, all SCL’s activities were inextricably linked to its Cambridge Analytica arm. He states:
We finally have the most concrete evidence yet of shadowy actors using dirty tricks in order to rig elections. But these operators aren’t operating from Moscow… they are British, Eton educated, headquartered in the City of London and have close ties to Her Majesty’s government.”
Welcome to the world of mass deception à la Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebbels.
With talk of a ‘no-fly zone’ over Ukraine, sanctions on Russia which Putin says are “akin to a declaration of war” and Biden calling Putin a “war criminal”, the world now finds itself in a ‘thinking the unthinkable’ scenario that was totally avoidable.
The day before the invasion of Ukraine, Putin stated on Russian TV:
Whoever tries to get in our way and create further threats to our country and our people must know that Russia’s response will come immediately and will lead to consequences without precedent in history. All the necessary decisions have been taken.”
President of the German Council on Foreign Relations Thomas Enders has since responded by calling for a no-fly zone in western Ukraine, which would most likely lead to direct military involvement by NATO:
It is time for the West to expose Putin’s nuclear threats for what they really are – a bluff to deter Western governments from military intervention.”
Speaking on TV in 2021, prominent US politician and Iraq war veteran Tulsi Gabbard spelt out the consequences of a war with Russia over Ukraine. With thousands of nuclear weapons that the US and Russia have aimed at each other, she said that a nuclear exchange would “exact a cost on every one of us that would result in excruciating death and suffering beyond comprehension”.
And yet, despite what Gabbard warns of, the arrogance and recklessness of power brokers is displayed each day for all to see.
Although it may be regarded as political posturing – in a centuries-old ‘great game’ played out by the ruling elites that boils down to oil, gas, minerals, power, wealth, ego and strategic and military dominance – talk of direct NATO intervention or Putin’s implied threat about the use of nuclear weapons ultimately amounts to those at the pinnacle of power risking gambling away your life and the lives of every living creature on the planet.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal. You can read his “mini e-book”, Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Cultivating Resistance, here.
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For all the readers:
Be aware of how many LIMITED HANGOUT sites are on the internet set up as truth sites or alt media. Most sites on the internet are limited hangouts and controlled opposition.
The ”leftist“ type sites will present a “Zionist-Capitalists are the enemy“, narrative.
The ”right wing” sites will present a “Communist-Aetheists are the enemy”, narrative.
Both types of sites will try to convince you one group (East vs West, NATO vs BRICS, Right versus Left) is fighting the other. Both types of sites and their authors are lying. They’re either telling you to stand down and ignore criminality by governments. Or pray because good will ultimately triumph over evil.
What they don’t want the public to know is that Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin. Therefore, the economic or political system, and political parties are entirely irrelevant subjects since all incorporated municipalities (governments) are already centrally controlled and owned by one authority. And always have been, since their very inception.
For all readers, please at least follow this column of comments ALL,
the WAY DOWN… it is getting interesting in terms of this Faux Character, Researcher,
And Researcher’s # Roger the Artful Dodger of Science Validated,
Proven and witnessed with my own eyes and ears, let alone smelt..
Four decades ago. !
Carry on researcher on your crusade. DO SCROLL DOWN…
Fuck me down, if you can ?
Sorry, I forgot to ask again, you dodgy mofo’…
Where in China and when, Researcher?
If ever, 🤣 ARSCHLOCH ?!
Wow, were you so fast in your monitoring and dislike of my directly confrontational comment? Or one of your dumb minions?
Wake up call, best start typing directly, boss… lmao 🤣
Minions will not manage without you… 😢 against scientific
R E S O L V E …!!! GET TYPING. sort the shit
Of your creation… personally, directly, Pal !
Capitalism is indeed, communism. It is refreshing to see someone else has managed to remove their head from the sand. I left the Canaanite Trafficking system years ago.
Thanks. How did you do it? Get out from the tracking and monitoring?
Walk away from all the benefits. Of course, you need to recognize what those are. Debt is the currency of slaves. Choose ye this day who ye will serve.
If you are interested, set up an email account and respond with the address.
Thanks. Much appreciated.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Walked away decades ago, surviving without banks &&& conveniences.
Even, I was there in 97 watching Grace Jones Slave to the Rhythm of Hong Kong
Handover fist, where vision prevailed, only to be stifled by Corporations,
Not Chinese Policy. I have facts and real history to recount, but find myself
Stifled, attacked and accused by some bullshit Faux Researcher… !!!
Who cannot answer the most basic of questions regarding his Proclaimed,
Living in China. Are you interested in discussing seriously in this forum too,
Or just Trolling with Faux Researchers ?
Until now, Researcher has proven himself unworthy scientifically of anything
Other than contempt, in my book. Do stay here and discuss and stop trying to sub divide my questioning of researcher’s motives and attempted manipulations of this arena/ forum…
J’ accuse… discutez!
Where is the footage of these 100,000 Russian troops in Ukraine Are they all in tanks? I think those tanks are Ukrainian or part of NATO
Why would Russia claim to be in Ukraine if they are not?
In the same way that China made a claim of a virus and locked down millions in Feb-Mar 2020.
In the same way that WHO made a claim of a virus.
This time, Russian regime, led by Putin, is leading the deception game.
Do you really believe in Russian govt’s claims merely because the claims were made? No desire to verify the claim? Can’t you consider the possibility of Russian regime lying and making false claims?
Don’t ask. This site push every psyop imaginable.
That was truly THE most pathetic attempt at Dodging, Roger Researcher and native tongue, would normally say ‘pushes’… very good try to cover yourself and
Change your projections, always dodging questions… to remind you!
Where in China and when were you living in China, so simple ???
How many times you Mofo’ TROLL ?
To go lick mama’s smelly pussy(cat)
but here, I’ll stick to English clarifications,
To save time with Roger the Dodger of Research…
Where & When. FFS, I did not even ask what a dumb awkward cunt like you,
Was doing there? Three questions now, remaining wholly unanswered.
Where. When & Why. Don’t you go get another job, immediately Boss.
You are funked. This is fun…
Even , I’ve freshly cracked the cap of a bottle of Vodka,
Coz’ I am still waiting to glean the benefit of
One single answer from your lips, but in writing…
One still waiting to compare research on Scientific Matters
Of Western Arrogance, you wholly twisted… and completely Dodged. !
Are you drunk ? Or just desperate to train minions ?
Ukraine-Russia: A Proxy-War, Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset?
Like ISIS and Antifa, the Ukronazis are useful idiots for the NWO.
The truth about Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
Mar 15, 2022
When Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine it was under the guise of ‘denazifying’ the country. But are there really any Nazis in Ukraine? Or is this just a story spun by the Kremlin? Aris Roussinos joins Freddie Sayers to unpick this contentious topic and seek some insight into Ukraine’s far-Right factions.
Read the full article (by Aris Roussinos):
Roussinos explaining how they first radicalise the useful idiots; and it’s the same playbook going back centuries:
00:00 – 00:40 – Introduction
00:40 – 02:18 – Does Ukraine have a Nazi problem?
02:18 – 09:39 – The Azov movement & Ukraine’s Far Right
09:39 – 12:28 – Is Ukraine’s hard Right different to other countries?
12:28 – 15:37 – Could Ukraine’s Far Right pose a threat once the war with Russia ends?
15:37 – 16:58 – What is the scale of the problem?
16:58 – 17:13 – Concluding thoughts
How do you solve a problem like the Nazis?
9 mins on the untruths and distortions that Russia is spreading about ‘Nazis’ in Ukraine – including about the role of the Azov regiment of Ukraine’s National Guard.
More links here:
There have been several reports of Ukrainian military forces torturing and otherwise mistreating prisoners of war. The latest and most grisly was even reported by CNN
where they say the geolocated and verified the video.
Natch, nothing about this in the UK or even EU mainstream media.
A Ukrainian army officer and doctor was openly boasting on film how he had given orders for any Russian prisoners to be castrated.
Nice people, these Ukies.
An almost unprecedented cold snap last week here in Cyprus (going as low as 10-2 Celsius high-low in one day, unheard of here in March) has apparently destroyed this year’s potato crop on the island. Catherine Austine Fitts claims they can influence the weather and other natural events from space. Just makes me wonder.
And the scientific qualifications of Catherine Austine Fitts are … nil. She has a degree in history. In other words she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Those with homes and a back garden, it would be interesting to read about people who over the last three years started planting growing their own fruit and vegetables.
Sorry if it sounds negative, but over the last 30-40yrs although I’am no authority one way or the other, the allotment concept has gone.
My mother used to say, people are too busy nowadays, I’am not so sure if that’s the case.
So, fitts plug in comment may not be a neg. after all…what do you think?
She has a degree in economics and was a successful investment banker for many years and headed the government department known as HUD.
Yes, but I understand that she claims to be a woman. And she’s not even a biologist!
And anyone who is not a “scientist” should just get jabbed.
Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity
They can and do, look at chemtrails and HAARP. Been going on for years now but everyone’s to busy looking at their poxy phones.
Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs to Stave Off War With Russia
The Bidens and the U$ Bio-Warfare Labs in Ukraine and China; a statement by Russian spokeswoman Maria Zakharova:
2005-2014 – U$ DTRA builds and upgrades 8 Bio-Warfare Labs in Ukraine instead of eliminating military biological infrastructure, as was originally claimed. One biolab in Odessa has been financed since 2011 for “pathogens that can be used in bioterrorism attacks.”
2007 – US DoD employee Nathan Wolfe founds Global Viral to study transborder infections, including in China.
2009 – Rosemont Seneca Partners is established by former US Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson Christopher Heinz and incumbent US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden.
2014 – U$ funded and armed anti-constitutional coup d’etat in Ukraine.
In the same year 2014 – Hunter Biden joins the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company. Metabiota is detached from Global Viral to specialise in the study of pandemics. Employees of Hunter Biden’s company Rosemont Seneca are appointed to the board of Metabiota. Both Global Viral and its offshoot Metabiota get funding from the US DoD.
2016 – Swine Flu among Ukrainian Defence guards at Bio-Warfare Lab in Kharkov; 20 dead. The incident is hushed up.
2016 – EcoHealth Alliance, another company set up by U$ DoD’s Nathan Wolfe, researches bat-transmitted Corona Virus in a Wuhan laboratory, China. U$ DTRA and Ukraine’s Health Ministry extend the contract with approval from Ukrainian Defence Ministry.
2019 – COVID-19 a suspiciously-mutated Corona Virus pandemic begins with an outbreak in Wuhan.
February 24, 2022 – launch of the Russian Army’s special operation in Ukraine begins with rapid elimination of strains in biolabs.
March 8, 2022 – POTU$ Biden’s Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria “Cookie” Nuland (former head of the 2014 Ukraine regime change operation under POTU$ Obama and Vice-P Biden) is forced to acknowledge cooperation between the US and Ukraine in pathogens.
More on the Devil’s spawn in Ukraine:
Ukraine, being the sewer of corruption & criminality that it is, described in the most concise (apologies for being crude) way possible… Biden (Clinton mafia) is balls deep in this shithole.
We’re in another war, so they can enrich themselves further, Yugoslavia mark 2. A war that will change all our lives forever, if we get to live.
Anyone has heard of how many Ukrainians are defecting to Russia or surrender?… there must be a number.
Soon after recognition of the 2 republics, Russia assisted in evacuating their women and children seeking refuge.
9 soldiers of 36th Marine brigade of Ukrainian army laid down their arms and surrendered to DPR forces [ Mar. 24].
About 2 weeks ago there was an official Russian figure of 572 Ukrainian personnel captured/ surrendered. The current figure will be much higher.
Russian forces shifting strategy, will focus on eastern Ukraine. Per WION.
Wesley Clark is a Brzezinski-esque sock-puppet and a war criminal. He supports the “War on Terror” and objected only to the direction it was taking.
US General Wesley Clark Calls For Interning “Disloyal” Americans Who Do Not Support the “War on Terrorism”
Advocates life sentence for people who have not committed a crime
By Kurt Nimmo
Infowars 18 July 2015
Retired US Army General and the former Supreme Allied Commander of Europe for NATO Wesley Clark advocates rounding up “radicalized” and “disloyal” Americans and putting them in internment camps for the “duration” of the war on terror.
“In World War II if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States, we didn’t say that was freedom of speech, we put him in a camp, they were prisoners of war,” Clark told MSNBC.
Wesley Clark reveals on MSNBC: TPTB want to put you in a KZ internment camp
Jul 18, 2015
I think Wesley Clark’s words after 9/11 were just part of their “predictive programming”/”revelation of the method” strategy.
A lot is actually
Sure is. You point out the presaging of the pandemic in the London Olympics opening ceremony, Event 201 in Oct 2019, the films, Patient Zero, Contagion and yes – Pandemic – and the Simpsons House Cat Flu episode of 2010, the year the Rockefellers released their Lock Step scenario outlined in their “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” document.
But guess what? Just coincidences.
The one coincidence I like is when we stumble upon the truth.
Thank you Colin T, this is the clearest and most concise explanation of the machinations of US and NATO drive to dominate the world. I think the trigger point was 9/11, and now we are 21 years in.
NATO is a Global Military Coalition the War is Ukraine, so naturally the inversion dictum is to dust off the eleventh of September and start the party.
Every ‘conflict’ over the last 200yrs apparently has a 9/11 in it.
Tragically, and as brutal as the Ukraine invasion by Russia is, I trust the word of Putin over the word of Biden/Johnson.
Whilst we condemn Russia for it’s murder of Litvinenko and it’s Salisbury attack, somehow we imagine MI6 isn’t doing the same thing in Russia/China.
Our heads are turned by the righteous violence the west perpetrates, by both direct and proxy intervention across the middle east principally, yet, not once have we ever heard admission from our government or security forces that we have ever conducted spying/hacking/cyber attacks/election interference/psychological warfare etc. on any country in the world.
We know it goes on because the media doesn’t tell us it goes on, despite them having their information tentacles across the globe.
We are considered gullible ‘useless eaters’ because we don’t demand answers to questions we deliberately ignore.
Just what do we imagine MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6) part of SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) do? Develop novel knitting patterns? Similarly, is Porton Down the centre for macramé excellence?
No, MI6 is devoted to foreign espionage. Porton Down to a variety of things including chemical and biological warfare.
Does anyone else find it strange that a very obvious, but convoluted chemical attack was conducted on an ‘individual of concern’ in Salisbury, the British home of chemical warfare, when an old fashioned IRA type car bomb would have eliminated the target?
Similarly, Litvinenko was subject to a ‘sophisticated’ dose of nuclear poison, administered from a unique umbrella that was never found. Employing a drug reliant and desperate street thug with a knife would have been a far more effective and anonymous means of elimination.
Are we really expected to believe that MI6 (or whoever) is a well oiled, efficient espionage unit that never resorts to underhand tactics, whilst Russia is a bumbling bunch of fools who employ tactics straight from the school of James Bond fantasy?
Sorry, but I’m not that gullible.
I’m not being funny but this what the elites want.The covid now the Russian.alt media are feeding as much propaganda as they are why don’t you just say as it is?They are playing 4d chess they think we are dumb and can’t see what they are doing!!!!.Its us against the mega rich it has never ever been about covid or Russia it’s about cowing us down,We are many making wars and viruses is a way to control us it’s as simple as that it’s us against them.
I just wish alt media will stop dilly dalling and tell the truth it’s about control it’s about culling the herd it’s about absolute control.
If it’s 4d chess then the Russians would seem a sure-fire thing to win. Putin’s move of Gas-to-Rubles-For was a master stroke, worthy of a Grandmaster.
Or at least the Russians would have done in olden times, when only human intelligence was involved. Now it’s not so clear. ‘Deep Blue’ probably changed that (assuming that they didn’t cheat 🤔 ) and subsequently ‘AlphaGo’ (for the game of ‘Go’). Now it’s battle of the AI systems with us little humans as spectators.
Our best option may be to pull the plug (ie turn off the router every now and then), or maybe get the ‘elites’ to play 3D tic-tac-toe against themselves (as in War Games (1983))
No AI can be as intelligent as us they are trying to make us think that a man made computer is more intelligent than us they made from their brains?!?Do they think we are that stupid?Everything would not be into being if it was not for us and God.
Very true. Fittingly, it’s the ‘end game’ that AI systems tend to fall down on (too many permutations to consider), as those who’ve played against chess computers will know.
‘Too many permutations to consider’ is not a problem for God. The ‘end game’ is already won.
that is exactly how I interpret it, but the masses seem so dumb.
We us are more than what these parasites are saying.Just because they killed pillaged stole from us does not mean they own us maybe 400 years ago when people were threatened with death but it’s no difference now they’ve been threatening us with death for 2 years?!?No difference.
Quote from humansbefree (dot) com : While everyday Ukrainians have their entire existence taken over by war, the Ukrainian government silently implemented the Great Reset – and barely anyone even noticed.
As a result, Ukraine becomes the first country in the world that surrenders to the New World Order, implementing a Social Credit score, a Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity and a Vax Passport – all within a single app called Diia.
One of the goals of propaganda in to entertain the herds of MMS/3i’s so that they don’t become aware of FUN FACTS:
The herds of MMS/3i’s are utterly stupid.
Some more information:
Akshata Murthy is almost a billionaire. Presently she holds a 0.93% stake in Infosys Ltd, valuing 0.98 billion US dollars at current market price.
The company’s market capitalisation on National Stock Exchange of India at present is around 7900 billion Indian rupees or 105 billion US dollar. She is listed in the promoter category of shareholders.
See here for the list of promoter shareholders of Infosys –>
Her father, N R Narayana Murthy, holds 0.4%. Her mother, Sudha Murty, holds 0.82%. Her brother, Rohan Murthy, holds 1.45%.
Together, the four Murthys hold 3.6% stake that is worth around 3.8 billion US dollars.
N R Naryana Murthy is a founder-promoter of Infosys. He is a major member of the Indian oligarchy, along with his fellow promoter-found, Nandan Nilekani. Nilekani family hold around 2% stake in Infosys presently.
In the covid hoax operation and vaccine coercions/mandates against Indian people the Indian oligarchs colluded with Gates Foundation and other global oligarch entities since Feb-Mar 2020.
“Prominent U.S. politician and Iraq war veteran”? Now why would a place like Off Guardian play up the status of a politician with something like Iraq war veteran, like that’s a good thing and gives her some kind of credence. She was a fucking soldier for imperialism, that’s all, just like I was when I was on a submarine during the Vietnam war. She joined for purely political purposes just so people would do what this writer has done. The CFR girl is pure trouble, just like Trudeau, just like all the so-called politicians people fell for before. That’s for sure. And why is this career politician, groomed by her father, labeled as “prominent”. She’s not even a politician at this point, she’s just a citizen like you and me. When is a politician not a politician, and what is the writer advocating, career politicians? That’s not what I want. Quit playing that game. Why not call me a politician, maybe I’ll run, some day. I see this writer is from Global Research, kind of surprising, but then again, most people fall into these traps.
A fear that I have is whether there’s now the same level of sense in TPTB of what the actual consequences of a nuclear war would be. That counterbalancing voice of reason. Compared to say the ’60s.
The ’50s, ’60s were full of films such as ‘On the Beach (1959)‘, ‘Dr. Strangelove (1964)‘, ‘Fail Safe (1964)‘ etc, which explored the consequences of nuclear war and/or the dangers of needless escalation. I’m currently reading another ’60s-written novel on a survival situation post nuclear war. There were those in power at the time, such as JFK, Khrushchev, who were a counterbalance to warmongering hawks that surrounded them (cf ‘JFK and the Unspeakable’).
Admittedly, Nagasaki and Hiroshima would still have been fairly fresh in the world psyche in those times, but nevertheless.
The ’70s had CND with its anti-nuclear campaign.
The ’80s had ‘War Games (1983)‘. I recall in those days considering how to build a nuclear bunker.
But is there that same counterbalancing force today. That voice of good sense?
Instead, there seem to be many calling for, or at least encouraging, Nato’s military involvement, as if oblivious to what a full-scale conflict would mean.
The finger should be pointed squarely at the one-sided propagandists for that too. We live in dangerous times
The point of the “nuclear” is fear, much like the “pathogenic virus”. That’s the whole point. Yes, the “nuclear” fear has waned. Such a weapon doesn’t need to exist. Weapons that do what it is said to have done in Japan can be replicated with not splitting of imagined “atoms”. The world states are coalescing around a CBCD. That’s the real threat.
Agree. There’s nothing really but fear narratives. That’s the Masonic stock in trade. Create a fear narrative, and then divide and conquer with binary, opposing sides that are centrally controlled.
Most of particle physics and the fission, fusion claims lack any verifiable, experimental evidence.
How do you know it’s the Masons who run the world?
How do you think it works? Is there one boss Mason who tells everyone in the world what to do, or is it more of a committee thing?
How do you know that’s not just another trick? How do you know the Masons aren’t patsies for another force so humongously uber duper super mega powerful NO ONE EVER HEARD OF THEM?
I mean, obviously there is a global elite, but that would still be a complex human process involving thousands of people with egos and competing interests. I just think you get too reductionist abd oversimplified.
think it would be a lot more messy than Lord Voldemort with one trouser leg rolled up, dispensing his orders to his cringing minions
PS if fission isn’t real how do nuclear power stations work?
All those questions have previously been answered in multiple comments. Ad nauseam.
Oh dear, the “I’ve already answered somewhere else” dodge. How disappointing. 😔
You read my previous answers because you asked them Multiple Times, on multiple threads.
You never answered though. You just made assertions and when asked to back them up either refused, told me it was too obvious to bother proving it, or posted links to sites that merely made the same unproven assertions along with others about the earth being flat or Angela Merkel having lizard eyes. Generally speaking I would see those type of sites as intel fronts designed to discredit genuine skepticism. 🤷♀️
False. I answered by providing multiple links and alternative explanations.
Such as, nothing at CERN except the Swiss global data center for the CBDC, AI, mass surveillance and control grid. The nerve center of the Panopticon.
And there’s nothing in “nuclear” power plants besides an ordinary chemical reaction, generating steam.
And nothing in “nuclear” weapons besides conventional bombs.
All of the above are racketeering scams and fear mongering that enslave humans fiscally and intellectually. That’s the far more logical explanation.
There’s no need to fake anything if something is real.
If you aren’t satisfied with those links and those explanations by people who have written papers and books exposing the nuclear hoax, that’s not my problem.
I don’t believe THEIR MASONIC FAKERY. The same way I see the Nazi symbol as the Big Dipper or Ginfaxi, or ancient Hindu symbol and laugh at it, knowing that Stalin, Churchill, Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini and FDR were all Freemason pals and orchestrated WWII – to cull, terrorize, then create Bretton Woods in 1944 (US $ hegemony) and the UN in 1945 as a FRONT for the global banking-merchant-military cartel crime syndicate.
Governments (the crime syndicate) expect people to believe fairy tales and obvious fakery based solely on government statements. But since “governments” (incorporated racketeering crime syndicates owned by one global cartel) only ever perpetuate lies, nothing they claim is anywhere near being authoritative, let alone scientific.
False. End of.
No point discussing further your unresearched opinions,
of anything Scientific: stick to your Chinese conspiracy theories on Masonry Constructs, where you may actually comprehend Something of Building Back Better Baby Wormholes👶 For futures brighter and Electronically Wiser…
High auroral acoustic research programmes of phased antennae 📡 are clearly not interesting for you, as you stated.
Not my problem. Best focus on what you know.
Building wormholes better…
On Runit Island to begin with.
If you dare, secrets are there ?
N.b. Curiously, every time I type Phased Antennas,
the ‘p & a’ are immediately capitalised, corrected, *involuntarily*. Riddle me that if you dare ? If you care,
About Masonic Imagery, Terminology & intentions …
you will also Know Sumerian culture, from their Tablets.
Any secrets there, from your research ? 🔬
Any Flying Serpents 🐍 and Chinese Dragons 🐉
Or antennae depicted, carved in stone ?
Where in China, did you live & when? Simples: instead of
Answering, you chose projection of a pro-forma painting 🖼 of POT(boss?) Calling kettle black, & hung yourself,
not me, pal. You are dogfood,
to an Edinak, thriving on Trolls.
Indeed, you’ve whet my appetite…
For a laugh ! Bring it on. More petty insults from
A complete scientific dickheads’ trolling p.o.v.
Expose pseudo-researcher further, afterwards?
Tell me why not?
You are the most prolific poster in these columns,
Mathematically speaking, word for word, but,
You have no desire to discuss seriously,
Resonant Frequencies. Simply said, INCAPABLE,
With no interest. So do stop
Wasting others’ time.
My gran would say “you deserve a slap in the face,
With a very smelly wet fish …”
Grandfather more serious…
“Better Frozen, easier on his ARSEHOLE …”
Spot on Sophie: I was beginning to worry that you were tolerating and not seeing primary indicators and actuators,
Of team work, in clique formations, rather like swarming,
With a view to Mushrooming the space taken in these columns,
With un-researched distractions, from serious constructs.
Further down, you will find the latest ‘Dodge’ to my repeated,
Innocent simple line of questions, (whilst, giving up some information of myself, simple reciprocity was not returned)
Indeed the very opposite reaction 😅 🙃 occurred.
“You are a Troll, IMO”
Propaganda 101, indeed.
Lol, Broadsword calling Sophie: Roger. Researcher. Over.
Roger – Researcher? Lmao, in fact, actually,
do you mind if I give him a
Damn good scientifically proven,
Public Rogering ? In writing obviously,
Nuffink’ Will Smiffy, like,
Reality beats Hollywood,
Every time.
Just a roasting ? 🤣🤷.
After which, he can get back,
To Masonry Constructs…
of comfy wormholes.
Having asked you two really simple questions, which you continue to avoid, ‘dodge’, you know: with ground zero valid coherent reasoning, on “MULTIPLE threads” and therein, “MULTIPLE times”
WE are collectively becoming BORED and tired of your manipulative methodology, ‘Where we answer and You “Dodge”, with some pathetic whataboutery… change of subject, YOU COMPLETE FAKE Linking pure absurdity, to my comments, and to others.
Henceforth, thou shallt be known commonly,
As Roger, the Artful Dodger of any scientific Researcher…
Let alone 😔 Analyst.
Carry on Trolling. Boss knows best…
Show your underlings how to deal,
With real science, established, long proven,
With Warnings ⚠️ aforethought.
Do it yourself. Expose me now…
If you can. Keep it simple… underlings superfluous REQUIREMENT !
You wanted personal.
Don’t you
I know way more
Than any Admin here, honestly speaking,
On Scientific Matters… Science Firmly,
concluded and exploited by both Military
And Corporate Intelligence,
So fuck with me, not Sam & Sophie,
You fuckin’ COWARD !
Answer my questions, DIRECTLY !!!
Boss, know it all… you fucked with the wrong profile !!!
Over to you. Boss. No dodging…
Only Trolls try the dislike button, absent any comment.
How is the Weather in Langley ?
And, if you could find anything regarding the whereabouts of
Loretta Lynch, I would love to know whether she will just
Rollover or accept Military Legal Justification,
And their Jurisdiction on matters of,
T R E A S O N ? !
Showcase me Loretta,
In your Research.
After saying where, when & Why you,
Lived in China. Honour commands answers, after sworn testimony. Admitting any failures of judgement, Publicly,
From which we learn future benefit,
* Being Data , Wiser *
Who is Researcher who was,
Where, when and doing wtf in China,
You lying skunk. You Smell so much
& speak so much twisted
* (testicles, to save others searching needlessly)*
Hit the high notes, not the dislike button, Roger !
Did you notice…
Why Germany Will Be at the Center of the Next Pandemic
I’m afraid that isn’t a good sign…
Yes, especially it being “permanent”. Argh
It’s reassuring to see they have cutting edge tech and a multidisciplinary approach, I’m impressed!
Scheinriese Long-Covid (Fake Giant Long-Covid)
Hardly any physical impairments – Psychosomatic problems were almost always present
German Original:
The whole thing is mind over matter, they invented a meaningless acronym for a non disease, showed people on vents for other things then convinced the stupid that the fake tests meant they were sick. When the PCR run at 45 ct showed dead cells after 3 months they called it long covid and the hypochondria took over.
New drum beats- people will shortly be expected to pay for lateral flow tests and this is being pushed as something everyone is desperate to do!
I really don’t get this at all. At this late stage, how on earth can there be anyone left who puts any credibilty in the covid crap?
And yet on and on it goes! Meanwhile in our district a fifteen month old child died because the doctor wouldn’t come out to see him. There is a genocide going on and it is totally unreported. Meanwhile what is reported is the apparent rise in little black marks on plastic trays.
There’s a lot to be said for never even hearing what the mainstream spirit mediums have to say.
As long as we talk to actual people, we might at least get a feeling for something much closer to the truth.
But I’m under no illusions – things are bad.
Yes, here in Cyprus if you don’t have a “safe pass” you have had to pay 4-5 euro a time to get a test done at a pharmacy to enable you to enter supermarkerts, restaurants etc. as well as most workplaces. You can now enter all shops without a pass or test, although it is still required for restaurants.
Democide is an historical fact nothing anyone can do about it unless you’re a Saint.
William Casey, who in the 1980s said:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
Yup. And no one knows who’s launching the rockets against civilian targets. They’re too busy throwing stones at Putin…
Just FYI but there is no hard evidence Casey ever said that. Barbara Honegger claims to have heard him say it, but there is no proof.
Whoever might have said it, does it matter? Surely it is blatantly obvious by now that is the intent and it works like a charm.
“We’ll know when our disinformation program is complete, when everything the American public believes is false,” Casey said at Reagan’s first staff meeting in early February 1981, according to Barbara Honegger, assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to Reagan, who was there. This is a chilling statement when considering how corporate media in the U.S., in their national security and foreign affairs reporting, have essentially become mouthpieces for the intelligence agencies, who routinely launder disinformation through big media.
That’s a fairly lewd statement to make up without dreaming up a conspiracy.
Thank you for the clarification. Although, perhaps it shouldn’t have been used in the article without that caveat.
What constitutes evidence? Do we have any reason to believe Honegger was lying? from what I have seen searching around she seems fairly reputable. Even though it’s not written down in a “minutes of meeting”, it was probably still said. Agree though that a written source collaborated by more people would be preferable.
How about a list of invaded and subjugated by the imperial powers – namely, the West
Ireland, India, Burma, Malaya, China (the opium wars) Palestine, Egypt, West Indies, Africa, the Boer wars, Zulu wars, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, (now zimbabwe and zambia) Kenya (Mau Mau uprising) Uganda Nigeria, Ghana, Cyprus (EOKA uprising) the Jamaica (uprising of slavery) That’s some.
The Mexican-American war 1846-1848 (The US carved out California, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona from Mexico. This was apparently America’s manifest destiny.
The Philippines, Cuba, Guam, not sure about Hawaii. Then come Korea and Indo-China. More recently Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen have a very large footprint in these battered states.
France, Germany and so on and so forth. Much the same pattern. Even little Belgium carved out the Congo for itself
Well and how about Russia. Well it occupied a great deal of Eastern Europe but withdrew in the1990s. Russia itself was invaded earlier by the Vikings under Rurik, the Huns, Tartars, Poles, Swedes, French and Germans.
This is all a matter of record, but it is almost certain that 95% of the populations of the west have little or no idea of these facts. The west lives in a veil of ignorance perfected by mechanisms of social and thought control. A mixture pointed out in the literature of ‘Brave New World’ (Huxley) ,’1984′ (Orwell) ‘We’ (Yevgeny Zamyatin) and (‘The Iron Heel’) Jack London. The past has been abolished – it never happened. We live in a permanent NOW amusing ourselves with trivia. This is not the first civilization to fall but it is the relentless repetition of the same inexorable historical pattern.
Sallust’s description of Rome in 80 BC – a ruling elite controlled by wealth, a ruling class numbed by the repetition of political scandal, a public diverted by chariot races and gladiatorial combat – stands as a far summary of our own circumstances.
Lewis Lapham – Waiting for the Barbarians.
You could probably summarise by adding that the whole of human history is a story of invasion & subjugation.
42. The meaning of life, as per ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy‘:
Or ‘War’. W+a+r = 23 + 1 + 18 = 42
I thought the Eskimos had got out of it, but I read recently that the Italian Diet had been tried out on them!
Madeline Albright a warmongering witch recently made transition beyond the earthly realm. Once she was asked by Lesley Stahl on the CBS program 60 Minutes if the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children was worth the policy decision to place sanctions on the people of Iraq, her responds was, “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.”
This is the mentality behind US imperialist neo-colonial policy. The same consciousness is at play in Ukraine by the Western overlords. The psychopathic elites don’t care about human life or the life of the planet for that matter. Their goal is monopoly ownership and control of everything on earth; if billions have to die for them to get their way, so be it! That is their mindset.
She was a true Umanist!
Good that we can freely use the word, “witch” again, but this time with real justification.
We’re still slacking with the punishment side of that issue though…
Vermin like Albright are in the same category as Ceaucescu’s wife, and the same fate should have awaited her.
All the eulogies to the monster are making me sick, and those that will play out for Kissinger will be even worse – he is the worst war criminal on the planet by far.
This prompts me to dust off and recycle a comment I posted elsewhere just after George the First, aka former President George H.W. Bush, died in November, 2018:
In the US, war criminals are now posthumously celebrated as inspirational patriotic heroes. All of their inconvenient, heinous atrocities and predatory depredations are simply discreetly avoided, or reduced to examples of the heroic agon, or burden, of a worthy statesman wrestling with hard choices and decisions.
In our present-day “Through the Looking-Glass” sociopolitical surrealism, the fatuous piety abjuring “speaking ill of the dead” has metastasized into a bacchanal and glurgefest of maudlin reverence and posthumous unconditional positive regard.
I first became aware of this pathological response when Richard M. Nixon died in 1994. Although I was still mired in the conventional progressive-liberal mindset, I was astonished at the public reaction– or at least the mass-media Team Coverage– of Nixon’s death and funeral.
The transformation of Nixon from nominally-disgraced “crook” to a Great, if “flawed”, Amerikan was instantaneous, and startling. I didn’t go out of my way to watch and read the mainstream media reports, but I couldn’t help being exposed to some of it.
I wasn’t surprised that fork-tongued politicians of all parties glibly and blithely praised the deceased Nixon. But I was amazed when celebrities of all stripes, and even the “journalists” and correspondents covering the funeral, joined in the effusive hagiography.
I wondered if perhaps a different Richard M. Nixon was being laid to rest; I didn’t recognize the one being lionized.
More recently, John McCain’s long-anticipated death prompted a fawning orgy of adulation orders of magnitude greater than the seemingly-spontaneous rehabilitation of Nixon in 1994.
And now the rehabilitation of George the First proceeds apace. It’s worth noting that, like the elevation of self-serving charlatan and war-criminal McCain to quasi-divine status in death, the overweening praise for Bush is exacerbated by Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). That is, much of the bloated praise for Bush pointedly commends Bush’s “presidential” demeanor, and contrasts Bush’s putative “dignity” and “resolve” with Trump’s crass, freewheeling style.
In short, apart from being reverently wrapped in the customary Golden Shroud as a reward for finally expiring, George H.W. Bush gets bonus points for Not Being Trump.
For the next week or so, I dare not turn on the TV or access Internet news without first putting on a pair of hip boots.
It was the same for Colin Powell, I actually watched his delusional speech in the UN during a fit of insomnia and laughed till it hurt.
It’s like the worst of Hollywood… They don’t believe that we can actually see what hopeless, over-acting, unconvincing liars they are…
Hillary C. was no inferior witch. Yet, she fared far better in politics and amassing wealth.
Notable of course that it wasn’t her or her fellow American leaders actually paying this price.
Putler dreams of attacking… Scotland!:
Bearing in mind that up here in Covidonia we are suffocating under the weight of terminable viral gullibilty, Putin would be doing us a favour if he bombed us.
How sad is that…?!?!?
I feel for you.
Come on, Scotland.
Stand up, and call lies lies. You’ve had some distinguished medical people in your history. Do their memory credit.
I hear you!
Talking about the POWER of PROPAGANDA…
The same forces that turned a simple cold/flu/pneumonia into a PCR kit fake “pandemic” are the ones being used in the case of the military circus happening in Ukraine.
Those that were fooled into the PCR kit fake “pandemic” are the same that today are being fooled into the pro-NATO/Ukraine propaganda.
Except BOTH sides in this war are pro-globalist and pro-pandemic scam. So, what does that mean?
You are referring to the top management, that data is just reflecting the Herds of MMS mindset and programming.
Well… It seems that Putin realized that all his efforts to be part of the Western Club of Scoundrels, Terrorists and Globalist lead him to nowhere.
This is probably the main reason he started this military campaign in Ukraine because once in NATO he would have no chance to do anything about it… Well except nukes!
I don’t think Putin’s brain works in that straightforward fashion.
He isn’t like Washington. He is not the aggressor here.
Ukraine has been the line in the sand for decades, and NATO (The US) has crossed it.
That’s what I said!
Not really.
You implied that Putin seriously wanted to be part of the Western Club.
I don’t think he’s that narrow-minded.
False. It’s entirely orchestrated and part of a very long term plan. Look at the Russian Coat of arms, standard or emblem. Then compare it to Freemasonry, Germany, Order of Malta, Syria, The Roman Empire, the American seal etc.
In heraldry, the eagle/raptor/pheonix symbolizes empire. And the lion symbolizes monarchy. Examine the Golden Seal (papal) bull of 1356. See how the pope sits on the throne, between both shield (military) emblems. Left and Right, Sinister and Dexter. Demonstrating, or symbolizing that he’s the owner and controller of monarchies and empires. Nothing has changed since then.
There are no countries (incorporated administrations – legal fictions) on earth that are not owned and controlled by the cabal; The Crown/Vatican/Cryptocracy.
One cabal (central authority) that owns all the incorporated administrations creates false dichotomies and false wars to divide and conquer humanity. They simply repeat this fraudulent pattern throughout the ages: Killing, dividing and culling.
All the controllers care about is brainwashing and propagandizing the public. The “politicians” (actors) are all Mason puppets with no power. All of them. Including Putin.
Interesting comment, thanks. Does the Vatican control Vanguard/Blackrock? To me, the current Pope really doesn’t seem to be as in the forefront as previous ones were. The Pope’s latest event regarding Russia and Ukraine didn’t seem particularly pronounced in the media either. Why do you think this is?!
The pope now (and then) is a figurehead. A symbol. But all the puppet politicians, celebrities and monarchs still go and kiss his ring. The black pope probably has more power than the white. I’ve read the grey pope controls both black and the white. Although it’s hard to verify.
Yes. Blackrock, Vanguard, Fidelity and State St, are part of the cabal. The cabal already own nearly everything. Think Tanks. NGOs. Churches. Charities. Governments. Stock Exchanges. Tax revenue agencies. Militaries. Hospitals. Clearing Houses. Brokerages. Banks. Which is why they are purposefully trying to destroy ALL small businesses through these psychological and economic warfare tactics of covid first, and war, second. Then back to covid again, by the fall, maybe with a cyber “pandemic”. Rinse and repeat.
They don’t need to use the pope the way they used to, because most people are already brainwashed into believing tv, msm, alt media, or government statements are offering them truth or reality. So religion as an indoctrination method holds less value as a brainwashing tool, these days.
Or the churches are part of the “entertainment.” As is the case with the countless mega-churches in the U.S. (golf courses, basketball courts, man caves, hunting lessons, huge screens for the brief “service,” christian rock n roll live, mega speaking systems etc) They sure do know how to bring the men into “religion.”
Sure. Like a bunch of teens at a concert. Although in the past, religions took the role of order following, teaching self loathing, mass conformity, doctrines, dogma, social ostracization, mass deception and fear programming.
Governments eventually replaced that mass indoctrination and obeisance with education, media and courts, consequently religions became less important as “the state“ took control.
So within the Hegelian Dialectic or dualism model of Masonic control, there’s the believers (religious) and non believers (atheists, Darwinists).
All the controllers ever need to do is create two factions (or more) to keep the central control hidden.
More on the popes, and their “alleged” roles.
I used to post an image depicting our glorious civilization… It gets censored almost every time… I’ll try again!
😁 I saw it back in the day. I remember. But I think what you failed to include with that graphic is that all religions and all governments are controlled by the same central authority. Which means Russia and Ukraine aren’t at war. Neither is BRICS vs NATO. It’s a psyop.
You said “All the controllers care about is brainwashing and propagandizing the public.”
But that;s not true! Their top priority is something else, isn’t it?
Like what? Racketeering? Stealing? Exploiting? Conning? Lying? Terrorizing? Geongineering? Deceiving? Traumatizing? Creating chaos? Orchestrating crises? Inducing order following? Creating hoaxes? Psyops? Fake mass shootings? Faux assassinations? Propaganda? Disinformation? Committing fraud? Miseducating? Culling humanity? Poisoning Humans? Debt Slavery? Humans as capital? Faux courts? Bio-monitoring the effects of poisons? Human trafficking? Destroying families? Sterilizing the public? Aborting babies? Eugenics? Brain damaging children? Inducing cancer? Faking religions? Creating fear programs? Divide and conquer? Hiding important knowledge? Radiating the public with 5g and SMART devices? They have to brainwash the public first to believe governments are an instrument of the people to do all of the above. Let me know if I missed something. I’m sure I did.
I don’t see any OffG strategic solutions towards highlighting and resolving the
Corporate Media Lobbying for war resolutions, after Societal ‘rinsing’.
But I can see how Xi & Putin have laid a honey trap in a glass bottle, illuminated,
For OffG and many others Alternative, to highlight the Charades of Fascist Corporations.
CFCs most deadly to Sovereign Culture, like, Rachmaninov’s Copyright …
Keep Soul Simple or Soros Styled ? Sound investment Vlad.
I could elaborate, embracing new Tech. that is yearS ahead of Western Corporations &
Any Soros Styling, of which Soros understands absolutely nothing,
Rendering Soros (and his friends) R e d u n d a n t .
Communications and Transport. Antennas & Autobahns.
The Laws in these directions alone, dictate our futures.
Hitler knew this, but, in the treaty of Rome, they ‘accidently’ forgot…
Assuring their guaranteed destiny of FAILURE,
As evidenced Today !
Where do you think all the tech came from? Not China or Russia. That’s for damn sure.
Chinese believe in viruses now, even after thousands of years of no contagion and TCM. Truly hilarious.
They’ll jump off a building or into a net rather than rise up against their slave masters. The Russians aren’t far behind in the conformity, brainwashing and delusions, after having had faux communism, to wipe out all the dissidents and intelligentsia.
That is positively the most ignorant comment I have ever seen from you.
Beneath your intelligence, absent any research.
Have you ever been to China ?
So Blöd, I checked the link on another old device, because, like the Chinese, I have lost any Faith in the judgement & purpose of Western Researchers.
Dusk draws in upon the rising moon.
Stars smother the vault of heaven.
Forests rustle, swayed by rising wind.
The Balkan HAARPs the rebels’ hymn.
(Botev. Circa 1876 reflecting marching Empires
And the Pseudo “intelligentsia” of Sofia.)
Yes, I lived THERE. Space? A total hoax including the space race, Communism, moon landing and the Cold War. Sputnik is one of the most hilarious hoaxes.
Do you believe the earth is flat, Researcher?
I have no idea what shape it is, but nobody went to space. Ever.
Pretty sure it was a psyop. Russia and the US worked closely together during the entire faux Cold War. They were researching other things. The space stuff was a racketeering scam.
Space Shuttle Hoax. They fake everything. There’s tons of videos showing the ISS “astronauts” on wires.
You’d do your case a service if you set a higher standard for the videos you share. This man can hardly string a coherent sentence together. And simply alleging “it’s just a plane” over pictures of the space shuttle is NOT evidence.
Why not apply the same skepticism to the “conspiracy” argument that you do to the mainstream? It seems like any old rubbish is good enough for you provided it claims to be ‘debunking’ some official story.
If you’re trying to debunk yourself you’re going about it the right way
THE PARENTS ARE LAUGHING. Are you blind? You are blind and you have amnesia. Hilarious.
Is the crowd footage definitely taken after the explosion?
Yes. It was after the explosion. It’s all fake.
Judith Resnik. Supposedly vaporized. Alive and well. Now works as a professor.
Irrefutable Scientific Proof ISS Footage is Fraudulent
Here’s a link to the CERN fraud. No particle collider. But instead, a hub for Swiss Underground AI, Panopticon, CBDC data center.
Death Object – Exploding the Nuclear Weapons Hoax
A paper on the nuclear hoaxes.
An transcript from a video of the fraud of “nuclear“ plants by Galen Winsor who ate plutonium and uranium on video.
Space hoax links below. Plenty of evidence showing all the fakery and fraud for racketeering purposes and scare campaigns.
Gematria (Freemasonry) cartel signalling used in the “nuclear“ announcements.
“IDK” good answer. I’ve come to the belief that it depends on ones perspective.
Azimuthal Tranformation and Flat Earth Physics
“We claim it is impossible to ever determine the shape of the planet. There is no measurement or observation that can ever reveal this.”
Interesting link. Thanks.
With all due respect, this reply is sophomoric. I understand his claim is fantastic to most. But clearly, your intent is to ridicule instead of understanding how he comes to such conclusions. There are plenty of reasons to doubt the claims of going to space.
The question is, have you ever truly examined them? If you haven’t. then that coupled with your dismissiveness here constitutes the fruition of Einstein’s fool.
How long did you live where in China & when?
Did you learn 🤔 the language enough to fully
Appreciate Alternative ‘angles’ to problem solving ?
Working from within and from behind,
Was seriously challenging, on many occasions,
But with one huge scientific advantage.
The average IQ of well over 900 million farmers,
And city dwellers, too, was well and truly higher, than
Western Counterparts floundering,
Snowflake Educational Systems.
Many Chinese would say this was always the case, (laughing loudly)
Long Before T.Sq x CNN + Rupert Bear Times Media Mogul
Machinations, to impose the Big Fed. Fat Controller Doctrines
And Societal ‘shaping’ of future perceptions.
Did TPTB succeed…?
My brother was in Beijing, long before T. Day and on that day, he
Departed on a train, with snowflake Western Media Huskies.
Who cares researcher? The mainline was a given: scientifically.
And quite probably a huge miscalculation,
From Corporate Thatchers, even you too…
Answer the above questions, then I can spell clearly,
The true ‘Blessing’ that most miscalculated …
Greetings from my unvaccinated sister in law,
In Shenzhen presently.
There’s no viruses. Understand? It’s quite simple. There is no contagion. Ergo, everything disseminated from China over the last two years is based on FRAUD.
I found Mainland Chinese (versus Hong Kong or Taiwanese or Western born) are brainwashed into feeling a false sense of superiority from state indoctrination and inculcation. The most abominable living and working conditions I have ever seen, in any country, were in the South of China.
Nearly all the money for “Chinese” research came from the West. That’s common knowledge.
All media is a mind control tool. Almost nothing in the media is real. South China Morning Post is as useless as the Guardian.
I tend to avoid Chinese research papers, because they’re not usually rigorous, often pointless or fulfilling the agenda of the (foreign) funders.
Nationalism or patriotism or cultural, ethnic superiority is a political and cultural tool of mind control, enacted on populations to keep them subservient, obedient and docile.
“the Master fulfills her own obligations and corrects her own mistakes. She does what she needs to do and demands nothing of others.“
Given your lack of respect for Electronic Engineers & Real Physics,
(Whose knowledge you benefit from, here) . The wormhole of Superconductivity seems appropriate to begin with,
Nano-lattice-composites, before we move onto room temperature,
Enjoy Ning Li
Sputnik 😀
There’s no space station. The Chinese have never been to space.
And it sounds like you have never been to China 🤔 by virtue of that response. Signal me something interesting and know this. From 1938
Onwards, my family has been heavily involved in developing
Electronics and have shared designs for Societal benefit,
Bright & wide,,. Until the moment any M.o.D. or D.o.D rep.
Turns up at your door, easy…
If you want to stop trains from overshooting platforms? Easy!
Get real Researcher. Answer the questions you have dodged,
Who knows, we may learn something from one another and
Honestly speaking, I am way more interested in the latest
New Technology, in the hands of DARPA and The Chinese
Alternative Strategic Approach in the gradual roll out of
The Photon Internet. I remember Hong Kong Mong Kok
Crazy Internet speeds, long before the 97 Handover and
I was THERE, when the Chinese Firework Barge sank…
With Grace Jones playing live,
Slave to the Rhythm…
Where were you ?
Were you born ?
You are a troll IMO.
China FAKE REPORTS from space.
Karl Marx was a Freemason.
Masonic and gnostic history dating back to Babylon.
How the Hegelian Dialectic (Gnosticism and the essence of Masonic rule over the past several thousand years) is used to brainwash people into taking sides. Red vs Blue. East vs West. Communism vs Capitalism.
What do you mean by “faux communism”? Would you care defining “faux” and what is “communism”?
Communism, as (falsely) defined by the state supposedly serving the public’s interest. Of course, Marx was a total fraud, a Freemason and worked for the central bankers, the most powerful of whom was his cousin, Lionel de Rothschild.
Faux, as in the intentional extermination of individuals en masse and with that, all their individual, innate rights and freedoms. Therefore, the faux version of communism being no different than capitalism in terms of the owners/printers of currency (which never changed), but with the seizure of private land and property rights (from the general public) and the seizure of personal freedom, thus, preventing the populace from using their own talent, creativity or entrepreneurialism as they desired.
The mere idea of communism itself or any type of collectivism as anything other than purely voluntary, is an abomination of morality and all natural law.
But the faux version, of any so-called economic or political model (capitalism or communism) is of course, just an excuse to cull, kill and further exploit an entire populace whilst simultaneously creating faux duelling systems ok the Masonic chessboard. Which aren’t (ever duelling), because they always have the same ownership cartel.
So what I’m implying is that the cartel ownership never changed under communism nor was it ever intended to change. It’s just a more overt form of tyranny, deception, degradation and exploitation of humanity.
*on the Masonic chessboard.
Marx in his day produced by far the best theoretical explanation of how capitalism operates as an exploitative system, one that obviously loses its current relevance as time passes, but a theory stands or falls on its own merits, and I still think it is the best one available for understanding the exploitative system we live under. It is meaningless to use infantile ad-hominem jibes to rebut his theories.
Lol. Don’t push the Hegelian Dialectic crap with me. The only people who believe in left versus right are imbeciles or Masonic shills.
The rest of it’s all BULLSHIT. Go peddle that right and left crap with someone who gives a fuck. I’m not interested.
Lol u give me a headache… what r u on anyway.
Btw couldn’t finish that last report you asked, and I complained to my mum that we’re getting way too much homework from our conspiracy teacher. Expect a letter from the board, sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.
There’s no war. There’s no nukes. There’s no virus. There’s no contagion. And there’s no space travel. Nothing on tv is real. It’s called PROGRAMMING.
Much better, I can work with that
If there’s no war who is destroying all the buildings in Mariupol? Who is shelling Donetsk? What is the Russian army doing there?
Coordinated, military exercises. Destroying, evacuated abandoned buildings.
Administrations (incorporated legal fictions) are not owned or controlled by the residents on the land. But by external, shareholders way above any
electedappointed MASONIC puppet politician.And the civilians hiding in basements and being killed?
Where’s the bodies? Not sheets on top of live actors. Actual bodies.
I don’t think the woman filmed in this video can possibly be alive, though I have heard someone suggest she is a silicone dummy. So I’m sure you will think so too.
I didn’t see anything that looked convincing. Bodies on benches is total bs. Lancaster is ex military. A shill.
The point isn’t *if* civilians or soldiers are dead or not, but why the two administrations are orchestrating the destruction of buildings and evaluating civilians.
CBDC is the major goal. Fuel hikes and energy rationing are another. Supply chain chaos. Food shortages. Famine. All blamed on the “war”.
And THIS. With forced evacuations comes mass immigration, which creates emergency laws the government can enact to requisition housing. That’s one way the psychopaths can get their dirty, thieving hands on private property.
First move people off the land they intend to mine, using the pretext of a fake war. Then shuffle the evacuees to a neighbouring country and requisition housing for the planned influx. You will own nothing and be happy.
You didn’t see the dead woman with the swastika painted on her abdomen? She’s in the burned out basement.
I note how quickly you rearrange your story.
You first say “where’s the bodies? Not sheets on top of live actors. Actual bodies.”
I show you images of actual bodies and you say “the point isn’t *if* civilians or soldiers are dead or not…”
No I didn’t see what looked like bodies. Or any swastika. They can pull a body out of a morgue or from a hospital that died of natural causes, and place them somewhere. People die everyday.
That link you left looked fake. The film was STAGED.
I never rearranged anything. You are being dishonest, yet again. By feigning ignorance.
Since the governments are colluding with coordinated military operations (against the people) there will inevitably be some casualties intentional or unintentional. Because all wars are wars against the people themselves and not one administration against another.
Your video link looked fake. Lancaster is an Intel shill, like Sean Stone is an Intel shill (actor, filmmaker) who used to work for RT.
if you didn’t see the woman you didn’t watch the whole video. She is there, in the basement, camera right on her, swastika clearly visible.
How does that video you link to demonstrate Lancaster is a shill?
I saw the whole video. I didn’t SEE a swastika. I saw covered bodies on benches, which was staged.
All mass and alt-media is fake, it’s a mind control device. All paid “journalists“ are shills. Knowingly or unknowingly.
Certainly all RT employees are shills. Certainly Patrick Lancaster, being allied with RT alumni and reporting events from a pro-Russian perspective, there in Donbass under the protection of government, and presenting the specter of war, when it’s an organized collusion between neighbouring administrations, is proof of his shilling. His military background is the third nail in the coffin.
If you watched the whole thing but somehow missed the long lingering shot of the semi-naked woman lying in the burned basement your ability to tune out what you don’t want to see is truly formidable.
Was the Vietnam war real? Iraq? Syria? Libya? WW2?
They are all ORCHESTRATED. How many times do you need to be told the same thing?
That doesn’t mean NOBODY EVER DIES.
It means the wars aren’t necessary. They are FAKE IN THE SENSE THAT THE GOVERNMENTS AREN’T Really At War.
They are orchestrated, global racketeering scams by a criminal cartel of centrally owned and controlled administrations.
They have a number of goals and aims depending on the orchestrated, coordinated war. Culling. Or moving of populations. Drug Trafficking. Human Trafficking. Gang activity. Arms trade. Dependence on government. Racketeering scams. Seizing land and property. Impoverishing people. Destroying businesses and self sufficient agrarianism. Currency motives such as Bretton Woods in 1944, and now CBDC in 2022. The list of aims is varied and multiple.
In general, terrorizing a population is ALL that governments do. They run fear and control campaigns all the time.
Denying that this has happened throughout history, or denying that this is an ongoing campaign by unlawful, criminal governments to terrorize and cull their own populations, is dishonest and not believable.
That is not what you said before. You originally said the current war is an “exercise” in which empty buildings are shelled. You said the ‘dead’ were just actors.
Of course wars are orchestrated. Of course the motives for starting them are not just the patriotic platitudes served up to the public, everyone knows that. But what you originally said was that this war is literally fake. And now your back-pedaling quite disingenuously.
I never SAID anything. I WROTE this war is fake and obviously so, since there’s no need to go to war since all governments are centrally owned and controlled. And that is EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT.
I am not backpedaling. At all. You asked about ALL the wars. I listed multiple motives for all the wars, not the fake war in Ukraine.
I have consistently COMMENTED that this orchestrated, fake war, with bombing and shelling of mostly abandoned, evacuated cities, is to usher in CBDC, artificially creating supply chain shortages, energy rationing, fuel hikes, price gouging, seizing property, Carbon taxes, creating penniless refugees, forcing immigration and impoverishing of millions. This fake war may lead to an orchestrated hot war, or a cyber pandemic, market crash, famines or any number of artificially created chaos scenarios.
The war is governments against their own citizens. Not by governments against governments. Is that clear enough?
Where’s off-Guardians stories on all the vaccine deaths?
I watched the video closely, but couldn’t see the swastika-painted-on-abdomen dead body of a woman.
Can you point to the minute and second in the video where you saw this?
I could see 5-6 covered bodies in the video with most lying on the benches.
Where’s Off Guardian’s story on the Pfizer FOI clinical trial data? Nine pages of side effects. One in every 35 dead, and every pregnancy lost after the shots. … Crickets.
Central Bank Digital Currencies.
Should ask her Why does Mike Yeadon refuse to be interviewed about his past working for big pharma.?
yet off guardian have referenced his very cheap
(dis)information many times and had him appear on covid911 series they did.Anyone who rose that high in PhRMA is unreliable and unethical. He supported false assertions that vaccines are legitimate, and allopathic drugs save lives. Neither are true, based on epidemiological data.
There’s a network of disinformation, Intel connected controlled opposition or limited hangouts in alt media that supported the lie there was a virus. Many established themselves between 2015-2020, specifically for this task.
Now that there’s proof of excess deaths in the US from the vaccines in 2021, at 600,000+, which is more than 10 Vietnam wars, alt-media has no comment.
These same alt-media, controlled opposition, limited hangouts also pushed the East vs West lie, the Red vs Blue lie and the Communism vs Capitalism lie. They only ever push the Hegelian Dialectic.
I like your rants. You’re fucked up in the head as no other person I’ve ever met, your paranoia is truly exemplary!
Unfortunately, the lack of coherency in your writings prohibits me from getting a good understanding of what the fuck you’re talking about, but I think I kinda get it.
I agree with you that there is a major discrepancy between what was purported as the communist ideology and what communism actually was. Ditto capitalism. Ditto probably every other -ism. Shit gets corrupted along the way, nobody and nothing is perfect. The axiom that man fucks up everything he/she puts his/her handsy hands on applies. So, yes, the regimes perceived to have existed as communism and capitalism have been neither if compared to the textbook definitions thereof. I’m with you on that. However, the corrupt or “faux” incarnation of communism did exist and, surprise surprise, did incorporate some of the concepts corresponding to the pure definition of communism. Ditto capitalism. Ditto everything else.
If you claim that the animosity between the First and Second Worlds was a sort of chess game played by some entity overseeing the world from a Swiss penthouse or something like that, even if that were true, in full or in part, what the fuck does it matter? The animosity, well enmity, existed nonetheless.
Perhaps you allude to the fact that any concept, no matter how inherently conducive to prosperous existence, gets exploited by opportunists. That would be correct. So, how do we get away from that? How do we prevent unscrupulous motherfuckers from taking advantage of others? All sorts of shit have been tried – like religion, political/social science (communism), etc.?
No. The world is centrally controlled and always has been.
Every leader is a Freemason. WWI, WWII. Putin, Zelenksy. Etc.
The wars are created to cull humans and move them off their land. Culling them at the end of every currency bubble deflates the bubble. Moving them so they lose their businesses, homes, savings and they become dependent on “the state”.
And the political or economic systems don’t matter because they are essentially the same owners with minor differences because the world is centrally controlled and owned. Red vs Blue isn’t real. East vs West isn’t real. It’s a game on a chessboard since every country and every political party and every central bank and retail bank is owned by the banking-merchant-military cartel.
And the reason it DOES matter if the political and economic systems are fake and created as binary dual choices is because both systems are unlawful and iniquitous, and people only accept them because they don’t know one cartel owns all the governments and all the major corporations.
1) no man has authority over another, that’s slavery 2) the system is centrally controlled to cull humans and exploit them as farmed animals.
The right to govern is not innate. It goes against natural law. And the governments are false because the people don’t have ownership or control and therefore they aren’t an instrument of the people.
They are all LEGAL FICTIONS owned by one cartel. They were set up by the monarchies and church as corporations to replace monarchies and the church (ruling families and bloodlines) as a FRONT.
You have a very low vibration and even lower intellectual capacity. You shouldn’t reply to any of my comments, if you are too stupid to understand simple concepts that are commonly known but only ever denied by Masons, who are all pathological liars and cult members.
And we don’t need governments. Only idiots and dupes believe we do, due to mass brainwashing and a lifetime of propaganda.
I think I’m gonna reply to whatever the fuck I please. It would behoove you to keep unsolicited advice in the orifice wherefrom you’ve extracted it, or else I might have to tell you to shove it back in there.
Anyways, would you care to specify who specifically is the owner of everything and how they single-handedly control the whole circus?
Do we need governments? If you ask me, I’d say no. I’d be okay with a self-balancing hayekesque world. People transacting on a contractual basis. But what do you think the unscrupulous motherfuckers, the Masons you’re whining about, would have to say about that? You think that they’d leave others alone? Yeah? You sure that’s me between you and me who has a low intellectual capacity?
Plus, there are collective and individual aspects to human existence. It probably does make sense to have some sort of body that takes care of the former.
Also, I agree that no one stands under no one else. But who’s gonna resolve disputes? Consider, for instance, a situation where you tell me that I have a low intellectual capacity, the hotheaded me gets pissed off, and smashes your face in. Who’s gonna be the judge as to who was right and who was wrong? The collective? What if one half think that I was right and the other that you were?
Things are a bit more nuanced than ranting constantly that it’s all the Masons’ fault.
That’s a simplistic statement. What exactly does it mean “pro-globalist” and “pro-pandemic”?
First, both sides could be that,whatever the two mean, and still be adversaries more or less in the sense it is generally perceived, i.e. NATO encroaching on the Russkies and the Russkies getting pissed and launching a preemptive strike.
Second, even is there is the implied puppeteer controlling both sides, the shit that’s going down is in actually reality happening, so what difference does it make?
Would knowing the truth, the underlying scheming that might behind the goings-on allow people to do something about it? Pick the right side? Fight the right enemy?
The correct strategy, AFAIK, is still the same – claiming inalienable rights and withdrawing from the mainstream establishment. In the end, that’s the only way out.
“Pro-globalist” refers to support for the globalist agenda – Agenda 2030, digital currency, climate legislation etc. “Pro-pandemic” refers to promotion of the fictitious pandemic, vax, QR codes etc. Russia and the West are fully behind these strategies.
Obviously the MAJOR developments in 2020 need to be factored in to attempts to understand what’s going on in UKraine in 2022.
We currently do not understand why certain people become immediately hostile and defensive when this simple fact is pointed out.
You mistaking the manifestations of events that are much more nuanced than meets the eye at first sight for facts. Not opposing the fictitious pandemic does not equate supporting it, at least not explicitly. Countries have obviously been given major incentives to go along with the CV-1984 hoax, as evidenced by the offers made to Belarus. Incidentally, is Belarus in on it, given its rejection of BS-1984 and support for Putain, according to your theory? They might have been given an offer they couldn’t refuse, tricked, coerced, etc. Ditto pro-globalist. I’m not saying that you’re necessarily wrong, but things are obviously more complicated.
At what level exactly are Russia and the West (USA) colluding? What is the endgame, the ultimate objective? Who is controlling them and how?
Putin did much more than “not oppose” the fake pandemic. He actively promotes it and he actively promotes Russia’s gene-manipulation vax. He also actively promotes Agenda 2030, climate change initiatives, digital currencies and further vax programs.
I don’t have any theory about that. Just reminding of facts.
Those are not facts per se. Those are manifestations of a certain approach. You don’t know why Putin is doing any of this, he could have 1000+1 reasons, and it could mean that he is in on the globalist agenda, that he’s not, and everything in between.
He might be a germaphobe, scared shitless of viruses, but that doesn’t mean that he’s actively promoting COVID.
Simplistic statements along the lines of “Putin is part of it” are stupid.
It IS a fact that Russia and Putin are promoting the globalist agenda. Most recently in the Feb 4 joint statement with Xi during the Olympics.
If you mean we can’t know whether Putin in his heart really believes in globalism, well ok, but the same can be said of every world leader who ever committed his country to any ideology. 🤷♀️
That doesn’t change the fact he is promoting globalism.
What I’m trying to say that you can’t automatically equate “promoting the globalist agenda” to “staging a faux war in Ukraine”. There might be some motherfucker who has both Putin and the West in his pocket and it’s all a game. Or it’s a game of another kind. Or it’s a little bit of this, little bit of that, and lots of other things thrown in.
I have not said anything to suggest or imply a faux war in UKraine. Why do you equate the fact Russia promotes globalist policies with the idea the war must be fake? That’s quite a leap isn’t it.
Maybe, but that’s basically what is implicated. Not necessarily that the war is fake in the sense of bullets flying and bombs exploding, but in the sense of the claimed or perceived purpose. And paradoxically enough, what’s perceived as the purpose is probably very much wrong too.
The objectives of how the war is peddled in the West almost certainly include energy and finances. Ukraine is almost completely unimportant for anybody. Who cares that there is a civil war there? Ukraine is only good to piss off Russia. Were the repercussions, i.e. refugees, energy prices, shortages, the ruble, collapse of the dollar, etc., carefully planned, I mean was the war launched with this objective, or has it been piggybacked on, as was the case with COVID, i.e. was COVID the egg or the chicken? Who knows. Again, it probably doesn’t matter. It would only matter if you could identify the puppeteer who is behind it, propel him/her into orbit (of the Milky Way if not farther away) with a giant kick in the ass, whereupon lasting peace and prosperity would spread around the world. That’s not quite the case.
Maybe he ally did want to join “Club West” after all, and after being snubbed, invaded Ukraine as party of a hissy fit?
We need to get the big picture though and where does the whole thing stand in the course of history. The forces that are driving things. Minor details, I agree, are of little relevance.
Yes. Here’s how the CBDC is being rolled out globally. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Tracker (
Obviously it’s CBDC. I’ve written about it since 2020, on this site.
The trolls here (and there’s tons) don’t care about the truth. I’ve yet to see a single one of these Putin or Marxist shills ever be honest about the obvious and easily verifiable central control of the world. They are here to lie and obfuscate.
If you had any human tenderness and understanding you wouldn’t be talking like that. I can sense the bitterness and anger in your words from down here in South America. So we are Marxist shills, you knucklehead; furthermore, by your own statement you don’t want to have any discussion with us shills; so we are shills by decree, you insolent. You think it is enough to make the public aware of the facts you drown them with, for them get out on the streets and start a Revolution; all the while you call the rest shills. Who the f*** do you think you are? Do you really believe that the public is ready to give up their centuries-old way of life, what they regard as civilisation, everything generations of families have been taking for granted, have given meaning to them, identified with them, just because someone tossed a link their way proving they are deceived? Do you think that the old people who contribute here are ready to grab a gun, go underground, give up their pension, home, and everything else, to make a Revolution? Do you know what overthrowing governments means, IN REAL LIFE, or are there just words to you, or images? Do you have any f***ing real life experiences, anyway? Perhaps *you* are ready for Revolution, but what right do you have to force your condition on others if they’re not yet ready? You, yourself, shallow researcher, at one time were not ready, then maybe you’ve gone through circumstances that, in your case, were enough to make you ready to risk everything for what you believe is the right thing (though I very much doubt it; you strike me more as someone living in their parents basement and 24/7 behind a screen), and don’t tell me that your circumstances consisted of just acquiring intellectual knowledge of the fraud all around, I wouldn’t believe you; something that changed your emotional being had to occur to make your snap out of it. So, you had to go through all that and now you expect others to be as ready as you just because you want them to right now, denying them the right to have the necessary experiences? Is that fair, or reasonable, know-it-all? Well, that’s not happening, and that’s one more fact for you to add to your already overloaded head; that, and a question: what makes people ready for a Revolution? Perhaps that’s the most important fact and question you have to apply your research abilities – and understanding if you have any, though I very much doubt it – to, instead of the endless stream of rant you delight us with.
Second, I’m really curious about your real-life experience through this nightmare we’re all going through. Nothing transpires in the many comments you post; it really seems that you’re not affected at all. Daddy and mommy taking care of everything is it? Canada was it? Come on, tell us how you tell the policeman of the neighborhood that he’s a thug, a slave then got arrested like Passio, or is it safer doing it online behind a VPN in daddy’s basement? Come on! Do you f***ing wear a mask outside? I don’t. Myself, I nearly got into fights on several occasions here in Argentina; I spit when I get past a policeman (don’t think you’re the only “anarchist” in the room, though I don’t define myself with that word but I have a visceral hate for uniforms and everything official); don’t wear a mask in subways (mandatory) and look at people in the eyes and wait for any reaction; have to wear it when I get onto bus but take it off once seated (still mandatory here). On several occasions I tell people loud and clear that they are slaves while waiting in queues; 50% inflation, know what that is? Not theoretically, but in real life? Of course you don’t. One only has to read your comments to know that you’re not at all economically affected by the everyday misery. That’s why you lack that tenderness I mentioned above; you have to suffer to acquire understanding; you got it easy so you can’t figure out how come people are not reacting to the facts, as if Vatican and Masonry are the first of their concerns.
I’ve already written to you something similar, and received no satisfactory answer: as I said before, saying that these people are evil and liars is no satisfactory if there is room to go beyond those facts; “what made these people act the way they do?” “Aren’t we also part of the problem, of the internal machine?” is a good start, I think. We can put the question to the readers right now and see what they think:
“Are our problems solved through knowing we’re dealing with psychopaths, identifying them and arresting them?”
Third: You said that Marx was a freemason and had a banker cousin; supposing that’s true, what the blazes does that prove? I’m sure you read books and trust some authors, and equally sure that if you dig deep enough you’ll find that they aren’t as perfect as you imagined them to be and that some had very suspicious connexions; it’s because no one is perfect; maybe *you’re* perfect, knucklehead. Did Marx have connections with bankers? What if that’s true? What kind of a stupid “argument” is that? I’m more interested in their thoughts (dozens of books and thousands of pages you very likely haven’t read and which you pretend to dismiss by a gratuitous “he’s a Mason; a fraud”). But here is my strongest refutation: I understand that one of your trusted sources is Mark Passio; well, as you well know he belonged for a long time to a Satanist cult by his own admission. It means that, to your deranged mind, having been a Satanist is not relevant in the case of Passio; you trust him; plus, your rants and the way you disrespectfully dismiss others very much reminds me of him; but an analgous condition in the case of Marx – which no one has proven by the way, but I’ll come to that in just a minute – is to a large extent relevant. What kind of a rotten double-standard is that? But I’m not surprised: the computer revolution created energumens like you, full of
shitfacts but lacking every sense of history, connexions, understanding; like the people described by J. T. Gatto: expert in retrieving information, dates, etc, but unable to make meaning out of them; integrate them in a broader context; connect them with other facts, connect themselves to the facts. To them as for you, everything is either back or white, at odds with reality.Now, to the question of Marx having been a freemason: this is, I believe, the “argument”: the hand hidden in the jacket, an “obvious” symbol of Masonry (see link below). I posted the following on the site below as a reply to the first comment that mentioned that “argument”; the article ABL was arguing against Marx being a Mason. My comment was nevertheless removed. This site:
I’d written something like this: there existed in the XIXth century, as exists in any epoch, rules of behaving properly, according to the “règles de bienséances”; very few could make abstraction of the social conventions of their time, not even Marx. One of these rules has to do with the position of the hands: as a rule, it was regarded as improper, even disrespectful, to let one’s unoccupied hands hang lazily on one’s sides when standing idle. (idle hands are the devil’s workshop?) Also when seated, people used to get embarrassed about where to put their hands when posing for a photograph; in past centuries, works were largely manual and hands were the main human tools, even to MANIpulate, HANDle (“hands” is “mains” in French) other tools, so to stand for a long time with idle hands hanging on one’s sides wasn’t a comfortable experience. Specially, when posing for a photograph, quite an event for the time, the hands definitely shouldn’t be hanging lazily; instead they must hold something, press on something, etc, anything but let them hang nonchalantly.
Besides, if you are a fan of old movies as I’m (30s, 40s, 50s) you’ll notice that the actors themselves when standing idly with free hands, men specially, either put their hands in their pockets, make half a fist as if holding something, hold them up grabbing their coat; or, if they have a table or some other furniture in front of them, use their hands to lean or press on it. The point is: no idle hands
Now, historically speaking, in a book whose French title may be translated as “Rules of Propriety and Christian Civility”, written in 1695, and several times re-edited, priest and doctor in theology Jean-Baptiste de la Salle gives strict rules for men on decent and “honest” posture (of course we’d mock these rules today but they were abided by in the past; very few could escape the conventions of the society they live in the midst of):
“It is a defect to cross one’s arms on one’s chest, to intertwine them behind one’s back, to let them hang nonchalantly, to swing them while walking, under the pretext of relief; it is customary that if one walks with a cane in one’s hand, the arm which is without support is placed slightly against the body, and that it receives an almost imperceptible movement, without however dropping it aside; if one has no cane, sleeve, or gloves, it is quite ordinary to put the right arm on the chest or stomach, putting your hand in the opening of the jacket, in this place, and drop the left by bending the elbow, to facilitate the position of the hand, under the bottom of the jacket. In general, one should hold one’s arms in a situation that is honest and decent.”
If you read French:
Do a web search for portraits of past centuries and notice the positions of the hands. Hands in the jacket is just one such “proper” position. That Freemasons used it in their portraits is not surprising; that they conserved those rules to this day less surprising; but to infer that anyone using it is a Freemason is beyond stupid.
Finally, this is your hero Mark Passio letting off some steam. Same rants and gratuitous dismissing of others; and reluctance to anything resembling attempts at understanding; oh, and identical refusal to engage in discussions. Could it be that you are Mark Passio? I understand you’re a girl but now I wonder… Note the consenting masochistic comments, just like most of the replies you get here. Some of them don’t let themselves intimidated though, for instance Jeff Finley’s comments stand out in the midst of the surrounding worshipping. Read it. Everything he wrote applies to you, knucklehead.
As you can see, it took me a long time to write this post, considering I never learned English in any institution or school; and that proves I’m serious about it. And every time I read “Marxist shills” or similar gratuitous dismissings coming from you I’ll intervene to straighten things out. You may intimidate the others here but not me.
What an interesting poll, Says it all as far as I’m concerned. The power of propaganda. Those who shout their ‘received opinions’ from the rooftops make me sick. They do no research of their own – of course if they did they’d rely on censored sites – and then have the cheek to call those who search for the truth ‘conspiracy theorists’ at the very least.
After watching several videos put together by on-the-spot independent journalists, the real enemy in Ukraine are the Neo-Nazi thugs and their ridiculous puppet president. And those Americans who have been money-laundering and trafficking for years. The beleaguered folk in the Dombas have been living in horrendous conditions since 2014 – most of them are grateful for the Russian invasion bringing with it massive amounts of aid.
Of course, we mustn’t mention the biolabs, cooking up all sorts of horrors no doubt. That would be considered a conspiracy theory.
And another thing, what about the Russia/Ukraine border? Was it ever ratified?
And the Minsk agreement which the Ukraine government reneged on?
So many factors to be taken into consideration.
And, of course, we humans have to have someone to hate – Putin is the latest.
Since the SUN, Asteroids/Comets, Volcanoes Earthquakes/Tsunamis don’t want to help us return to a Balanced Way of Living…
It’s telling that one word signifies endless debt no matter how it’s used. That word is “Interest.”
Whether it’s the “interest” paid on consumer debt or the “interest” of nations, you may rest assured wherever and whenever that odious word comes into play, you will be a little or a lot poorer in its wake.
It’s high time for people everywhere to respond to their “leaders'” claim of this or that being in the “national interest” by raising a single finger. And that’s not the thumb.
Humble brag of the week:
“Sean Penn: I’ll smelt my Oscars if Academy doesn’t let Zelenskiy speak”.
Smelt away, perhaps something useful can be made.
Two astonishing implications there:
First that Penn thinks the Oscars wouldn’t let Z man speak ’cause he’s like such a rebel you know!
Second, that Penn thinks anyone other than his own miserable self would give a shit what he does with his Oscars.
Many of us have some suggestions of just what he can do with his Oscars….
Think he means melt. What a dick
Sophomoric, I know, but the quoted headline (?) brought to mind a traditional juvenile/schoolyard “j’accuse” invoked by flatulence:
He who smelt it, dealt it!
What are the worthless things made of ?
Given that Russia has been invaded by several European power(s) in historical order – Sweden, France and Germany, and now the fact that she is threatened with NATO including the US behemoth of the joint west’s military consortia, is it any wonder that she is concerned about her borders.
Ehret sees the parallel with Rhodes and the direct link through Rhodes Scholarships:
I’d add that the WEF Young Global Leaders looks very like the same playbook as Milner’s kindergarten. They were trained up as plenipotentiaries and then sent to administer parts of the Empire in the sure knowledge they would act in the Empire’s and not their people’s interests on anything crucial. Hence, for example, Canadians would die in mass numbers on the Western Front when Kaiser Bill posed no danger to Canada at all. The only difference was these people could be directly appointed Governor-Generals and now they have to go through the stage managed process of elections although these are now so controlled it isn’t that much of a difference in reality.
Klaus Schwab and Alfred Milner. Milner said his goal was a “world state”. The British Empire essentially was the global government of its day. The entire C20th has been one long plan to reconstitute it in a form that is more sustainable (to coin a phrase) because it is less overt and the threats (like Germany or Third World nationalism) neutered and co-opted.
What is different between the Ukraine conflict and over conflict past and present.
It is the news coverage.
How much on the ground news from the conflict in Yemen has there been.
The same for Libya and Syria and other conflicts.
But with Ukraine it is 24/7 news reporting about refugees and bombings.
There were and are millions of refugees from the other conflicts.
Russia bad west good that is the message.
Russia bad and the west bad also should be the message.
Plus both are members of the same elite organisations like the world economic forum.