2 Years On: The vital lesson Covid can teach us about Ukraine
Kit Knightly

Yesterday marked exactly two years since the UK went into our first lockdown, just “three weeks to flatten the curve”. Several months later the lockdown stopped. Then it started again around Christmas.
There was never, ever, any justification for the lockdown. Lockdowns don’t work to halt the spread of disease, even if they did “Covid” was never enough of a threat to justify one, and the destructive knock-on effects on public health and the economy make the cure worse than the disease.
We don’t need to go into the details of that now. It’s all well-established at this point.
More importantly – it was well-established before the lockdowns began.
From the moment Covid was first mentioned in the press, it was obvious it was more smoke and mirrors than anything else.
As I wrote in January of 2020, when the press was in a frenzy over only 800 global cases and 26 deaths:
Longer-term, there is vaccination to consider. Medicine you have to take even if you’re not sick is a goldmine for pharmaceutical companies, and if the government makes them mandatory well, then that’s even better.
The coming agenda was that obvious, even then.
Surveillance. Censorship. Vaccine mandates. Big profits for big pharma. It was all there to see in January of 2020.
By March 13th 2020 it was even more blatant, as I wrote at the time:
It turns out in order to best deal with the coronavirus we need to ban large public protests, introduce martial law, stop using cash, vote digitally or by post, leave our borders wide open, censor the major social media networks and start enforcing compulsory vaccination. Which is very fortunate, because they wanted to do all of that anyway.
The day before the UK’s lockdown was put in place, a spokesman for Italy’s Institute of Health admitted [emphasis added]:
The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals WITH the coronavirus are deemed to be dying OF the coronavirus
From at least March of 2020 it was perfectly clear that the data was being manipulated and that the bureaucratic machinery was being put in place to create a “pandemic” through nothing but the magic of cultivated statistics.
This was not just an important issue, it was the ONLY important issue.
They revealed their agenda, and then began falsifying data to justify that agenda, and were doing it from the very beginning of the “pandemic”.
It was the only story that mattered, and still matters.
That the mainstream media never discussed this is not surprising. The mainstream are a lost cause, they live in a pretend world they think they can build with their fake headlines about non-events. They have sold themselves completely, and there will be no reaching them. They talked about mask mandates and R0 numbers and hand sanitisers and the panic-buying of toilet paper. Carefully examining the bark on every tree, whilst meticulously ignoring the forest.
But that is to be expected.
The alternate media sphere, however, is still full of people who want to tell the truth and do the right thing. And yet, on Covid, there were major failures.
Somehow even alternative voices began echoing the mainstream, repeating falsehoods as if they were facts, reinforcing the foundational myths of the “pandemic” narrative.
As Catte wrote in April 2020, many high-profile independent outlets were caught up in the hysteria. Either rallying behind the police state, happily cheering on authoritarianism because it was “in the public interest”, or diverted into talking about side issues that never came close to examining the true heart of the matter.
Whether these failures were borne of poor research, fear, ego or ideology, in the end, doesn’t really matter. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. We’re all subject to that weakness of the human condition.
Ivermectin and “lab leaks” and natural immunity and “variants” and the dozen other deck chairs so many people spent two years assiduously re-arranging were not the issue.
The agenda was the issue. The lie used to sell that agenda was the issue.
In the end, the government didn’t care whether you thought masks worked, or exactly how long you self-isolated. They didn’t care if you thought they were incompetent, or heavy-handed or supported them wholeheartedly.
All they cared about was that you believed the pandemic was a genuine threat, and that something had to be done to combat it.
All they wanted was your participation in that one lie. And any story that helped promote this one lie was acceptable.
Anything short of questioning the most basic assumption underpinning the narrative can be tantamount to supporting it – maybe accidentally, maybe with good intentions – but supporting it nonetheless.
This is true of Covid and just as true of every headline, every other piece of breaking news. Including the war in Ukraine.
And it doesn’t just apply to Western establishment narratives either. All official stories need to be equally interrogated.
Yes, Russia has been on the right side of history before now – in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Crimea.
Yes, Putin’s government rescued the Russian state from the brink of collapse in the early 2000s, and likely saved millions of lives as a result.
Yes, the US empire, through NATO, has been ruthlessly expansionist and underpinned by a brazenly hypocritical monopoly on “legitimate” violence.
And yes, there are Nazis in Ukraine.
All of that can be true, without changing the fact Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may be illegal, or that it doesn’t appear to make tactical sense. Or that Western sanctions on Russia may have a more detrimental impact on their own economies than Russia’s. Or that Russia and China are pursuing the same globalist agenda being promoted in the West.
Russia (and China) have thrown their complete support behind the Covid narrative, and the globalist agenda it served. You can’t wave that away with “they didn’t mean it” or “it’s OK when they do it”.
This isn’t about – or shouldn’t be about – taking sides, and doing so is detrimental. We’ve seen how bi-partisan conflicts can serve to bolster the most harmful aspects of a narrative.
Ivermectin vs vaccines, Sweden vs China, lab leak vs zoonosis. These are surface level disagreements whose very existence only reinforces the underlying establishment narrative.
Just as hard binaries were tolerated, even encouraged, during the pandemic, the same pattern emerges in Ukraine. No-fly zone vs sanctions, Nazis vs ‘no-Nazis’, Zelenskiy vs Putin, East vs West.
These are belligerents supposedly opposing one another, yet built upon the same foundational preposition: The geopolitical conflict is entirely as simplistic and total as presented; just pick your hero and villain, and all the economic hardship, censorship, groupthink and loss of personal freedom that results from this conflict is an (un)happy by-product of the war, not an aim.
But there are plenty of good reasons to question that assumption, and plenty of evidence supporting other, more complex, interpretations.
Even Tucker Carlson, of all people, has pointed out the convenience of switching from Covid to Ukraine without missing a beat. A different problem, and different reaction, but requiring an almost identical solution.
The agenda was obvious in January 2020, and it wasn’t about Covid.
The same agenda is just as obvious today…is it likely that this time, it’s really all about Ukraine?
It’s a simple truism of war that you can never win if you are fighting entirely on your enemy’s terms. If you let the opposition choose when and where and how to fight, pick the ground and the rules of engagement, you will lose. Every time.
The same is true of debate and argument – information warfare, if you like – if you let your opponent set the a priori assumptions, they will win. They will pick the unquestioned “truth” at the heart of the matter, and force you to argue within the bounds of a reality they have created to suit their own ends.
The moment you let any government-backed, mainstream ideas become sacrosanct, unassailable “truth” you have lost the argument. You’re letting other people choose the rules of the game.
We don’t need to choose who to believe, we don’t need to believe anyone.
It is the responsibility of alt media to act as a check on the mainstream. To refuse to take part in the establishment games. To maintain a detached focus on the truth, no matter what it is. When we fail to do so, we can end up supporting the very machinery of state and corporate power we’re meant to be opposing.
Covid should have taught us that if nothing else.
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Read other “alternative media” and come to your own conclusions:
Paul Craig Roberts: Incompetent on all fronts… His first mistake is in believing his own bullshit.
Can you provide examples of what has he predicted wrongly in the last 10 years? He’s got all his articles on his website so you can search for them to your heart’s content.
Excellent essay. Succinct and hard-hitting. We would be mistaken to ignore its message.
That Ukrainian flag, which is flying in all sorts of places at the moment, bugs me like the NATO numerology has been bugging Edwige.
Red, white and blue are common colours in the flags of powerful western nations (and Russia) and many a minute could be spent looking into this.
But he yellow and blue of Ukraine represents two of the three primary colours in painting. The third is red. Bloody.
Mix yellow and blue and what do we get? Green. Eco-logical.
Reading into things need not be about truth or accuracy. The correspondences have their own significance. Ukraine is the palette.
Be true to the red, white, and blue …
For a duck maybe somebody’s mother … !!!
The numerology of NATO has been bugging me but I think I’ve finally worked it out:
NATO is 5126. N = 5 (1+4); A = 1; T = 2 (2+0); O = 6 (1+5). This is using English Ordinal where each letter translates to its place in the order of the alphabet and is then reduced to a single number through a process of addition (unless it is a master number).
5+1 is then 6 so it becomes 626. 26 is way of encoding 66 because that is two sixes (like 23 is a hidden way of communicating 33). Therefore NATO is 666.
Try the numerology of f WWW on for worldwide size. It equals 333. (Each letter ~~”W” is the only one in the alphabet with more than 1, let alone 3 ~~ “spells” 3, then turned a quarter turn, when written longhand, actually reads “333” ~ and there a whole slew of amazing construct for these call letters, the most significant in human history, mind you ~ that Sir Timothy Berners-Lee concocted at CERN in Switzerland, and rewarded with a Knighthood of the Realm, for all his troubles).
I might go on, but if you are compelled by such coincidences, that should be motivation enough.
Such as the letter W originating with “V” or “vav” the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In Romance languages W is called as “double V” in French, or “double V” in Spanish.
Well, lest I gild the Nazi “lily”, suffice it to add that a study of all that will produce a cerebral cornucopia of “coincidences”.
In my informal pop quizzes, repeated when convenient in my travels, I ask the simple and obvious question, asked by so few, “What patrols a worldwide web?”
And filling in many a blank stare with just the right words, I add the obvious answer, “Why, a Worldwide Spider, of course.”
When Otto Skorzeny, “Hitler’s Bodyguard”, went to Argentina after the Fall, or displacement (relocation), of the 3rd Reich, he started an international Nazi support group that he named “die Spinne”.
German for “The Spider”.
Now, that’s quite a Spin Doctor, for ya!
Below, please find as complete a listing of the full cast of The Usual Suspects as you are ever likely to see, with all the individual strands of that global web, in its first foundational weaving, connected:
NB: Key collaborators in that history, Skorzeny and Reinhard Gehlen (four years later to become the de facto first real DCI at CIA, and running the Cold War on us from that perch) were both seen by eyewitnesses at the door of Nikolà Tesla’s room at the Hotel New Yorker (#3327) the evening before his body was found inside on his unslept-in bed, neatly posed in dress clothes. Amy Davidson, staff writer at The New Yorker, mentions that very obliquely, as you may see, in her March 2016 article there, “Donald Trump’s Nuclear Uncle”. The FBI seized Tesla’s estate and gave his papers, or what was on hand, to Dr. John G. Trump, if you missed that key collaboration.
(It’s intrigued us often enough that both NASA and NATO have a striking resemblance, in their call letters, to the formats first given for NAZI. ODESSA? A WASP-like swarm of such, LOL.)
Not enough war? Never mind, here comes the CFR with another one –
This “Putin encourages other aggressors” line is too much nonsense for even them to run with it seriously…. surely?
Coming to a news bulletin near you soon:
“Putin was abused as a boy so he killed his family and all the other boys in his class.
That’s also why he’s wreaking his revenge on the whole world now, whilst all serial murders since 1970 are copycat Putin killings”…
That scenario is definitely outrageous enough to fit right in with what the mainstream are planning to feed us 24/7 forever.
But no UFO’s, no Trans-sexuals’ triumphs, and no Global Warming Disasters? just a white boy being treated like he was black for 400 years? How can we believe it?
People accept the false premises that they’re free and live in democracies. Why not make Putin or the fake war in Ukraine, the cause du jour for the planned, worldwide, economic collapse?
The fabrication of covid was merely the first act in a four scene play that will entail at least a decade of artificially created chaos to cover for long planned transitions:
Linear economy transitions to circular economy.
Production and consumption economy transitions to rentier, licensing economy.
Currencies and cash transition to central bank, digital blockchain, programmable, rescindable tokens.
Financial credit system transitions to social credit system.
Private land and property ownership transitions to no private property or land ownership.
Medical freedom transitions to coerced lethal injections.
Individual, innate human rights transition to collective, externally controlled privileges.
Legal fiction, straw-man identity transitions to digital, bio-monitored SMART identity.
Ability to move freely transitions to lockdowns and restricted travel.
Female and Male transitions to transgender and non binary.
Expansion of populations transitions to contraction and government induced depopulation.
Physical and social, face to face interactions transition to digital, online interactions.
Energy consumption transitions to energy rationing. Et cetera. Etc.
That’s quite list. What are you, personally, doing to sabotage it?
Anything, please. I want to believe you, Cassandra.
I’m here. I’m exposing their plans as I’ve researched them. The plans are all available in public documents published by multiple governments, Rockefeller, the UN, Club of Rome, Think Tanks and the DoD. Most of what I’ve listed above has already happened.
Good article.
“All of that can be true, without changing the fact Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may be illegal, or that it doesn’t appear to make tactical sense.”
Even framing it as “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” can be called into question.The logic and the legality will be different if you frame it as:
A invading B
a proxy conflict between NATO and Russia following NATO’s disastrous attempts to destabilize countries in the Middle East and Asia.
It is indisputable that NATO is throwing arms at Ukraine. This second view sees unfortunate Ukraine as dispensable bait that got caught on a glittering lure. The global institutions which are supposed to work for us revealing their true face and saying: whatchya going do?
While the people are distracted with meaningless x or y arguments, what is unfolding is the complete collapse of the institutions (NATO, EU, WHO, UN, BIS, IMF, ICJ etc.) which are supposed to work based on some degree of fairness and transparency. And while they may not care one bit about our health or peace or justice etc. the way they are clinging onto their power is ultimately suicidal for them. They are like a drowning victim who hasn’t understood that if they want to survive, they need to let the rescuer do their thing.
The rescuer by the way, is we the serfs and any country that stands up to these corrupt institutions.
In the case of Ukraine, if you look at OSCE which oversaw the Minsk Agreements, it rests on the principle of the indivisibility of security: one member’s security being at risk endangers everyone’s security. OSCE failed to oversee the implementation of Minsk and even the UN has acknowledged the war crimes in the Donbass by the Ukrainian forces as well as the existence of mass graves. Nobody stopped this genocide.
Putin being a lawyer will have thought all of this through but the problem is that there is no neutral organization that exists any more to objectively determine the legality of the operation or more importantly to broker a genuine peace deal.
Of course the institutions were corrupt even before, but now as if they’re openly saying: we don’t care.
The pandemic narrative was never about health but rather about controlling the population by declaring everyone a security risk unless they offered their bodies to big pharma. Now you’re deemed a security risk if you say: how about some PEACE and let’s not flood an unstable country full of fanatical ideologues with deadly weapons.
I fear it is only the paper-thin surface of those institutions (NATO, EU, WHO, UN, BIS, IMF, ICJ etc.) which is completely collapsing.
The meat underneath is still pumped full of steroids and Viagra.
Of course we were all sold on the notion of ‘some degree of fairness and transparency’ backing them up, but only their new recruits believe that any more.
Hmmm, that is something to think about. I hope for all our sakes that it is more than the “paper thin surface”….
rraa: They’ll cement their demonstration in November, to prepare our dismay in 2024, except for the “even thinner than paper” election safeguards that were floated the past year & almost half.
Knowing history is of the utmost importance to see where we’re going. It’s not enough to be a former Guardian reader.
Make Nazism Great Again
+1 Yes. I read this earlier today. Excellent article.
I think there were many opportunities before the coronavirus hysteria to notice. For example, Annita McVeigh, a BBC News anchor, rebuked Admiral West for daring to doubt that President Assad had used chemical weapons. “We’re in an information war with Russia,” she said. https://viewsandstories.blogspot.com/2018/04/bbc-asserts-it-is-propaganda.html
Yes, can go back to 9/11 for starters but actually even further back…..
We can obviously go back much further. For example, in order to whip up support for the First World War in England, the corporate media claimed that German soldiers were throwing Belgium babies up in the air and catching them on bayonets – a story not dissimilar to the claim that Saddam’s soldiers were throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators. The propagandists do not care that their lies are incredible because by the time they are disproved, they have moved on to their next set of lies.
There’s a long history of international military conflicts– specifically, the government and mass-media propaganda campaigns accompanying the military conflicts– triggering seething lizard-brained xenophobia.
Just to add a detail: when the dastardly Huns weren’t allegedly spearing Belgian infants, they were raping Belgian nuns. 😥
In the US, such “news” precipitated a range of passionate reprisals. In the civic and commercial spheres, this took the form of what is presently called “cancellation”: street and place-names honoring German-surnamed dignitaries were renamed; German shepherd dogs were instead called “Alsatian”, or the even more sanitized “police dog”.
Speaking of dogs, apart from such official anti-German adjustments, frankfurters became “hot dogs”– and occasionally pet dachshunds left outdoors were tormented and even killed.
In the face of supposedly “credible” (i.e., uncritically accepted at face value) horror stories, Decent Folk participated in such reprisals because they felt they had to do something to express their righteous outrage and dismay.
Yes, I fully agree. In fact I have spent the last two years reading up on the last 120 years of world history to understand how collective madness occurs.
Funnily enough I also read about the Belgian babies not long ago. I also found that Indian solders in fact arrived in Belgium before the British did. It seems perfidious Albion had promised India the sort of autonomous self rule normally reserved for “European” dominions such as Canada and Australia if only they’d serve themselves up as cannon fodder in WWI. Needles to say, that promise was reneged on.
Imagine if someone wrote a history book on Russia-Ukraine fifty years from now based on the BBC and other mainstream media reporting. That’s how I now see the history I’ve been taught.
If Putin was the bad guy as this place says maybe you should do a story about all the money the Clinton’s, Obama and Biden’s have funneled through Ukraine?
Maybe that’s the reason the globalists hate Putin. Exposure.
If Peter Switzer can do it so can you.
First it was covid – the plague, then it was Ukraine – the war, Next up the economy, famine. finally starvation.
Has anyone noticed my Biblical slant here? Its the four horsemen of the Apocalypse is it not. I would have thought it obvious. But maybe I am missing the point
No, you’re not missing the point.
There is another point, however:
Are we just supposed to watch all this happening with our mouths open in astonishment?
I am certainly not impressed with the current Elite of the Apocalypse.
They are trash.
The real ‘Horsemen’ will doubtless be much more impressive, but my understanding is that we still have some considerable time to wait before they arrive.
Otherwise, I reckon a Biblical slant is highly appropriate.
i concur, said it in feb 2020, four horsemen approach
A man made apocalypse…I don’t think so, when the real apocalypse arrives there will be no doubts. This now is just as fake as man made climate change, man made viruses and man made little robots sending us pictures from Mars and the beyond.
Right on Kit. Another teaching moment: > > > Over 50% of the voting public can prove to be wrong 99% of the time…
Darth Vader soliloquy, ‘Star Wars’ 1977: “Do not be too impressed with this technological terror you have constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to The Force.”
Yes this is the main point that even people that oppose the lockdowns,masks,mrna injections etc they argue about the origin of the virus or they believe that there is a new serious disease named covid19.It’s the same with the Ukraine and Russia ,they rush to take a side.
When I asked a true believer about the dubious nature of the “testing” and if that is not accurate, then how in hell do we have ANY earthly idea if there’s a real plague or not, he proceeded to agree that yes, that’s a problem, but IF IT WAS a true plague, wouldn’t I see the need for “vaccines” and mandates? Wouldn’t I?? If I remember correctly I did one of those head in hands moments along with a look of utter incredulity, but that didn’t seem to phase him AT ALL. Then he added that he really wonders if China or Russia didn’t release the plague….
They rush to take a side when they don’t even know what damned side they’re really on! And it doesn’t need to make sense, it is the correct side as far as they’re concerned. This same person proceeded at one point with the incompetence argument and I know good and well I put my head in my hands then and shook my head. Doesn’t matter, if I had beat my head against a wall at that remark he’d probably have spouted some more bullshit while my head dissolved to a bloody pulp.
Russia has no colonial history the west has
Russia has no 800 military bases around the world the west has
Russia does not support fascists, wahhabis and zionists – the West supports
Let me support everyone who fights with the current empire and eventually I will fight the next empire if it is created
ps. London is the capital of evil
‘cmon! – Russia has been an empire for centuries – contiguous land – not overseas as Western powers. Your subsequent claims have a larger truth quotient … I am in some sense “rooting” for Russia – any leader of a sovereign nation (trying to act like a sovereign nation) who sneers at “gender freedom” is one I want to listen closely to – but always! – we need to think as clearly as possible – “no colonial history” is not even close to that.
Being an empire versus being an empire and owning a colony is a big difference. No African or South American country had to break free from Russia.
Do you really think African and South American countries ‘broke free’? Do they look to you as independent, sovereign and self reliant nations that really choose who to do do business with and take loans from?
I’m not so sure whether countries like say Venezuela are a much safer, organised, freer and independent than they were while the belonged to the Spanish empire. Now they are part of the global finance empire and think they are a sovereign nation. I think to know which system one is more deceptive and tyrannical only in a more sofisticated and slick way.
I grew up in Czechoslovakia, a country that happened to be a Russian colony, kept on a short leash, occupied, invaded when people got rambunctious in 1968. The Russkies stole what they could, most importantly uranium, behaved like pigs.
On the face of it, Russia now appears to be the good guy, but it ain’t one. There certainly is nothing to glorify about Russia. Or the West. Or any fucking country for that matter. The people are all that matters.
I am from Poland, I know how it was and is in the Czech Republic (I have many friends there and I go there regularly) and it is certainly difficult to call what was an occupation. I have occupied this for 30 years when the CIA took power with the help of the “Solidarity” movement and liquidated the entire Polish industry together with Germany.
Somehow, Russia withdrew 30 years ago and ended its “occupation”. America has not finished it to this day and took over the former Russian zone.
Stuff can be looked at from all sorts of angles and hairs can be split in endless ways.
The point here is the implication or claim that Russia is not an empire and has not had colonies. That’s simply not true. Historically speaking, Russia might have been less expansionist than other nations, but then again, it’s the biggest effing country already and they have everything they need. Plus, they don’t really have access to the seas, which might be a factor. Otherwise, they might have wreaked as much havoc on the planet as the fucking Englishmen (Americans included).
I seem to have started a little conversation – good! At the end of the day, the word “colony” is not what is important. “People” – their families, etc – human life is what matters (I agree with Jacques). When I was 30 years younger, I thought the collapse of the USSR was a wondrous moment and opportunity in human history – and then Yeltsin walked in and installed dozens of CIA agents in Kremlin positions and sold off Russian assets for pennies on the dollar to his cronies. All I know is I feel much more than 30 years older at this point.
There is a guy: Victor Klemperer – survived in Germany to 1945 as a Jew – and then became a minor functionary in the DDR government. His memoir of those post 45 years – in the English version – is called: “A lessor evil” – in his mind, that was the DDR vs the DBR (West G.) … I was screaming at him every page about that judgement 8 or so years ago as I first read it. Now? … I think he was probably correct. Russia vs Davos (if that is, in fact, how this is shaping up) – I think the “lessor evil” judgment is pretty clear there.
It’s incredible how a large group of supposed survivors from WW2 took over the whole narrative in the West when they moved to America and England during and after the war, and took the highest positions in academia, media and finance. It seems like the story of rags to riches was really true for this group. OK I’m being sarcatic.
Lesser … sarcastic …
It is time the Chinese realised that the US Banksters view Russia as the stepping stone to China. Both Russia and China need to purge their societies of the US/UK/Zeo 5th columnists immediately before they’re totally white-anted.
Oh, they know! This is one of the top English language journalists in the Chinese media.
Can you help me fight your friend so that I can concentrate on fighting you later?
Two views of the whatever is going on in Ukraine
Stolen from the Internet:
“So this is what’s going to happen geoppolitically:
The Americans sanctioned Russia as hard as they possibly could, openly trying to break the Russian economy. Most of America’s vassal states in the west followed suit.
India and China have not. So the Americans are now threatening India and China with sanctions of their own, unless they join the United States in punishing Russia.
Paradoxically, America’s bullying tactics against both countries will wind up making them the best of friends.
India has exceedingly good relationship with Russia for several decades — they will not jeopardize it because of the Americans. So in retaliation for not doing what they want, the Americans will sanction India. It will be what my friend Alexandra Mercouris calls “the sanctions escalator”: Little by little at first, random officials here and there, and then slowly targeting the entire Indian economy.
Insofar as China is concerned, America has started this “sanctions escalator “, and the Chinese are under no illusions. But for China, Russia is much more important than the United States. China has spent over 25 years deliberately and consciously deepening its relationship with Russia. China views Russia as a primary partner, and will under no circumstances jeopardize that relationship. That’s why China will never sanction Russia. So China will take on American sanctions — but China realizes something crucial:
The United States needs China much more than the other way around.
China and India have had long-standing border disputes. Because of this American pressure, the two countries are now quickly resolving these border issues, especially water rights issues. Both of them realize that, in order to resist American pressure, they must become allied.
So very quickly, a new super alliance will form between Russia, China and India. Iran, which has strong relationships with Russia and blossoming relationships with China, will inevitably join this partnership.
If these four countries decide to cut out the west, Europe will not have gas for electricity and heat, and no customers for its cars and product. And the Americans will discover that no one wants their dollars—so the American financial architecture will completely collapse, and the US will find itself in the biggest depression of its history. (Yes you read right.)
The Americans do not realize that the US needs China/Russia/India far FAR more than the other way around. Americas hollowed out industrial base means that it does not produce anything. It needs products from Russia/China/India. And yet it is the United States which is busy alienating precisely those nations that it most needs.
The Americans have broken with the Russians – there is now a sanctions moat between Russia and the west. If the US and Europe does this with China and India, the west will sink, their economy completely shattered. And this new Eurasian block will become the literal center of the earth.
Through sheer incompetence, the United States is about to collapse. I am not being hyperbolic, this is what is happening right now. By the end of 2023, there will be catastrophic hyperinflation, over 50% unemployment, mass food shortages, and no gasoline in the United States of America.”
Right on. Below is a clear description of why things are going bump in the night. The only unexplained point is that NATO is made of ventriloquists and sock puppets controlled by “invisible” corporate entities.
Gravitas Plus: Did NATO push Ukraine into war?
Premiered Mar 6, 2022
Gravitas Plus: Did NATO push Ukraine into war? – YouTube
Corporate entities: > Airbus Space & Defense, BAE Systems, The Boeing Company, General Dynamics Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Technologies Corporation. Financial entities: Blackrock, Vanguard Group, Swiss USB, and other assorted price repair agencies…
For Russia the war in Ukraina is an existential matter.
For the West the war is another opportunity to distract from the real problems.
Stop talking about that reset BS, those in favour won’t have the resources and therefore the tech to make it happen.
Don’t you think that if people wanted to be told what they can and can’t talk about they’d be reading the Guardian and not Off-Guardian?
Easy pal, I’m just stating an opinion.
I suspect they’re counting on the majority of people to willingly and with a minimum of coercion open the door and invite the “reset” in. (Reminds me of a folk song from the 60s: Walk Right In/Sit Right Down/Daddy Let Your Mind Roll On)
Plus, it greatly helps the “reset” cause that for so many centuries the psychos have impoverished the vast majority. All they have to do is turn on the big neon sign that announces Freebies for All and they’ve got a willing population.
Even so, I agree with you that the Great Reset will fail. There’s still enough of the middle class left to realize that they’ll lose everything they have – and like fucking shit they’ll “be happy!”
Thanks Kit.
The MSM sold their souls to the oligarchs a long time ago.
To call themselves journalists, reporters, editors and media proprietors is a sick, sad joke.
They are nothing but PR hacks and gofers for the ruling class.
Stories about car crashes, lost dogs and celebrities are distractions from reality.
We are ruled by psychopaths and ‘informed’ by ghouls.
Truth died when the printing press was invented.
they are owned/employed by …
The fall from grace of James Corbett.
Corbett has consistently exposed the lie of the “pandemic”
This is an interesting take n Mr. Corbett …
Corbett blew the whistle on the bullshit in March 2020
El Whatio…???
Covid wasn’t Mr Corbett’s fall from grace. But his Solutions Watch nonsense about being able to work your way around goverTechament censorship appears to be. If he knows a way to lay a Cease and Desist Order on the NSA et al – and make it stick – then okay, he’s still cool.
Yeah the solutions watch series was ridiculous. And currently he seems adamant about bashing Russia. Perhaps he’s just trying to get people to stop thinking of Poutine as their saviour but he’s being exceptionally biased with it.
“Yes, Russia has been on the right side of history before now – in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Crimea.”
AND now — in Ukraine.
“Yes, Putin’s government rescued the Russian state from the brink of collapse in the early 2000s, and likely saved millions of lives as a result.”
AND jailed some oligarchs, or exiled them.
Keep up the good fight, Kit. Truth is an evolutionary struggle:
“The truth rarely if ever convinces its opponents; it simply outlives them” — Max Planck.
A physicist like Planck would know. His comment pertains to how one science paradigm replaces another. Truth here is very much “truth”. The crucial thing is what the controlled training institutions start teaching the next generation – hence the importance of Flexner and the Rockefeller power grab over medical training just over a century ago.
Kit article as usual is very informative. However, it is important to look at the military intervention in the Ukraine in a long term analysis. For example, the West has been trying to destroy Russia for centuries ie the invasion by Napoleon, the Western Wall Street/ City of London financed Bolshevik take over, the Vernichtungskrieg which many of the US/UK/ French elites supported. The Cold war instigated by Churchill plus his masters in Wall street/ city of London.
Moreover, the economic rape of the Russian Federation by the Western Wall street/ city of London controlled corporations and the promise of this continuing under the leadership of Putin.
It didn’t happen. Why didn’t it happen because he stated he is a nationalist. He has demonstrated this on many occasions sometimes using very measures. In addition, he curbed the power of the Western controlled Russian oligarchs and imprisoned the Rothschilds/ city of London point man Khodorkovsky.
The writing was on the wall and Putin now became the new Hitler. Yes, Putin is brutal, ruthless and merciless on occasions. I have lived in Russia and seen how authoritarian it is.
Nevertheless, the countries of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia have seen what happens when the Wall street/ City of London mercenary armies have a free reign !
If Russia didn’t exist, the Western establishment would have to invent it – and in my opinion they have.
They initiated it early 19th Century, Bruce Lockhart, Lord Milner’s (MI6) man on the ground had virtual instantaneous access to both Lenin and Trotsky at the time of the revolution. Russia has since been, in my opinion, an integral part of the Global NWO Takeover Strategy which is essentially working through five attack vectors all designed to subjugate and control the human race which is being set up for the ‘kill’ – UN Agenda 30.
For proof, stand back and take in a ‘Big Picture’ perspective of our present vulnerable situation.
Yes, Wall Street and the City of London did indeed initiate the Bolsheviks takeover as described in Antony. C. Sutton book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.
However, they made a mistake because Stalin seized control and didn’t play ball with their notion of exporting the “ revolution “ as their puppet Trotsky was supposed to do. Stalin was a nationalist just as Putin is and he hasn’t played ball either.
Hey Wolfie, would you mind explaining how “virtual instantaneous access” worked in the early 20th century? I’m very curious.
If Russia didn’t exist we would all be living under fascism.
Brilliant comment, in one sentence. I pray that future generations will one day say: If Russia didn’t exist we would all be living under New World Order (Techno – Fascism).
Why do you think Russia opposes the NWO/techno-fascism?
It’s early days but the key word there was “I pray”…Revival of Russian Orthodox Church is in its advanced stage.
One word:-
Exactly !
I don’t know about that. Clearly the West didn’t reckon with so huge a landmass being rich in natural resources. When they realized Siberia was anything but a vast wasteland fit only for gulags, they undoubtedly realized their “mistake.”
So, as you and many others suggest, the West has been trying ever since to bring Russia under its domination. I’m not at all sure they’ve succeeded.
Of course, on the other hand, maybe the West really was prescient, and decided to let Russia expend its resources developing Siberia – then swoop in and take the goodies for themselves.
Well, the West would have had to invent it in about the 12th century because the Teutonic Knights crusades commenced out then to destroy it !
Well, they have been at a very long time from the time of the crusade by the Teutonic knights to destroy Russia !
Many of the biggest alternative media sites were very pro-lockdown. And now they are very pro-Russia. Which means to me that being pro-Russia can actually be a controlled-opposition perspective.
Good point. The most basic aim of both Ukraine and covid is to tear the public apart and have the factions at each other’s throats. One thing about covid is that, in one way, the lockdowns etc. were not draconian enough if the virus really was as lethal as made out. Indeed, the odd schizophrenia between telling us the virus is the apocalypse and then saying, “Hey but it’s up to you if you want inoculated” was obviously a self-contradiction and was going to set up screaming matches everywhere.
It’s ALMOST like karl marx knew violent revolution was necessary before his socialist/ communist “utopias” could begin. Too bad he never saw after beginning with people many times, they all end the same, or he MIGHT NOT be so popular with “history-challenged” academia?
Here is hard proof of a war crimes as in Mariupol civilian blocks with human shields in the basements were used by AFU and Nazi Azov battalion as one can see dead Ukrainians soldiers with anti tank missiles and snipers in upper floors of those blocks. As residents of those buildings deliberately herded into basements report Nazis were attacking DPR militia from those civilians flats stealing food and valuables, cars cell phones , raping/killing young Ukrainian girls and then moved on while DPR artillery response followed often destroying buildings.
Many Nazis did not move in time and were killed, many dozens per building as this video shows testimony of freshly liberated Mariupol residents in conversation with Anna-News (Abkhazia) war reporter, in background one may hear fierce fighting and shelling. People were starving as Nazi shot anyone who wanted to find some food or get out of center Mariupol treated as Russian spy. They were never told by AFU that there were any humanitarian corridors.
warning real combat footage with no masking (18+ only) unfortunately in Russian only.
Good news is that entire Mariupol came under DPR administration RT and News-Front) as Ukrainian administration vacated administrative building now under control of DPR government.
despite fact that some groups of Nazi Azov fanatics are hiding in few Big Soviet era nuclear shelters Mariupol, first major city was de facto liberated today while former Ukrainian local city officials called for humanitarian help from Russia for 130,000 remaining residents. But that will be handled by new city government appointed by DPR. In next few weeks al Donbas will be liberated.
How do you know any of this is true?
me thinks the lady doth protest a little too much
That’s what she gets paid for, amigo …
They were never told by AFU that there were any humanitarian corridors.
The situation was worse than that: For some time (maybe 2 weeks), the Ukranian government or Azov was telling those who wanted to flee that Russia had rejected the suggestion for the corridor. Anyway, a few managed to flee by following the sea shore.
How low can the efficacy go? (1 min countdown)
Not only the efficacy of these injections, but whatever tricks the empiricists and practical politicians will have to come up with to salvage the system of human regimentation, will end up being tragically absurd, and useless; and when they run out of tricks, the empiricists and practical politicians will have to start shooting people; that’s when Capital finally appears for what it really is: a death compulsion, the incarnation of Thanatos, and will die just like it was born.
It may take a year, a decade, decades…
“If money, according to Augier, ‘comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek,’ Capital comes drip-ping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt.” – Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. I, Ch. XXXI
The whole thing gets convoluted when it’s suggested to go deeper than “the Agenda” and pull out its props.
Those who eschew the Germ Theory insist dismissing germs automatically stops the Agenda dead in its tracks. And it certainly would – if only enough people could be convinced.
Or those, like me, who rail against the very notion of hierarchy, which gives rise to authoritarianism of every description: we could stop the Agenda. But once again, the problem is getting enough people to accept and go along with the program.
The unavoidable truth is that the Agenda-ists have a magic pill in their bag of tricks. Sociologists and political scientists know exactly what it is: it’s called “status quo” and “creatures of habit” – a two tier pill people take and keep taking till the day they die. It strengthens them against nearly every contradiction to the Agenda’s many narratives.
The “status quo” and “creatures of habit” are great bulwarks against ‘The Great Reset’. Not everything in the recent past was perfect – but it looks like paradise compared to what they have in store.
Zelensky says Ukraine wont surrender.
Putin doesnt want Zelensky to surrender.
The USA Govt doesnt want Zelensky to surrender.
Thus is the nature of ‘Putin’s Quagmire’.
Agreed. I think both ‘sides’ want the war to continue until the petrodollar is finished and food rationing is introduced. It really looks to me right now like this war is a fast track to the Great Reset. I wish more people could quit taking sides long enough to see this. I am sick of the yellow and blue flags and equally sick of the red, blue and white flags.
The flags soon disappear if you don’t look at the social media of anyone who posts them. Why would you once they’ve identified what they are?
The blue and yellow in social media now is the equivalent to ‘stay home, stay safe’ of 2020 or ‘I’ve have my jab’ of 2021. It too will soon pass and on will come something else just as meaningless. The case of the lost sheep following the bad shepherd.
You are going to, unfortunately, end up being correct. Sigh!
Let us notice that,
– this war was started, about a week after Canada ransacked their citizens’ bank accounts,
– one day before, the CDC, in response to a Freedom of Information Request, released 9 pages, of small print text of Associated Conditions w/ Covid Injections, — each, separated by commas
– One week, after the English Public Health System published data confirming that the majority of the “Cases”, the Hospitalized, and the Dead from the last Covid Variant, were attributable to the Vaccinated, rather than the Unvaccinated
Simple Way To End Vaccine Misinformation ImmediatelyAll a state has to do is MANDATE autopsies for anyone who dies within 2 months of a vaccination. The Medical Examiner would be required to make the results public.
If they truly wanted to end vaccine hesitancy, all they have to do is require autopsies if you die within 60 days of vaccination and require the medical examiners to make the required tests to determine vaccine involvement (as doctors Bhakdi and Burkhardt have done) and publish them. Publishing a fraudulent report would be a criminal offense.
If just ONE of our American states did this for a couple months we could persuade any nondogmatic person. And when anyone realizes that he’s been systematically lied to in one area it does WONDERS for one’s critical thinking abilities.
This guy should be facing jail time..
“There is a ‘high chance’ that a new Covid variant which is worse than Omicron will emerge in the next two years, Sir Chris Whitty warned today.”
We have been put on notice.Duly noted. Aforementioned,by Bill Gates-about fifty times in the past 24 months(official global policy-setter). Now, warning to be to be dispatched and disseminated through the ranks.Enter media.
a new/old healthcare system can be embraced;
psychoBill bought the old industrial sickcare system
During the early months of the corporate propaganda media’s ‘covid’ fear campaign i recalled “The bigger the lie the harder it is to disbelieve it.” I’d noticed how some didnt buy the story but also didnt know how to swim against The Tide…
PayCan for Workers and Small Businesses and Pay Up for the Wall Street Oligarchy
It’s true, there is class warfare taking place in America except it’s not as Wall Street and their globalist oligarchy owners would have us believe. The reality is that the vast majority of Americans—irrespective of the social divides that keep us at each other’s throats—have been targeted by predatory multinational corporations and the billionaire class as they ravage those who are already poor, impoverish the working class and induce a deep sense of anxiety among the middle and upper-middle-class.
Enough! We must reorient our economy to empower employees and small business entrepreneurs and stop transferring wealth to the neo-aristocracy. To this end, one of the biggest schemes that further this pyramid scheme otherwise known as corporate-crony capitalism is the Federal tax code. As it stands, billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg pay less in marginal taxes than our men and women in the military, teachers and firefighters. This is not only deeply immoral, it is the main driver of economic inequalities which, in turn, lead to social ills like crime, divorce and suicide.
It is time, for once, to alleviate the burdens placed on workers and small business owners, lift people out of poverty and ensure that the very uber-millionaires and billionaires who have been enriching themselves at the cost of the rest of us pay their fair share. By making taxes voluntary for all annual earnings of less than $10 million, we will go a long way to restore fairness in America. This doesn’t mean that…continued…
READ FULL ARTICLE AT: https://fikre4va.com/paycan-for-workers-small-business-pay-up-wall-street-oligarchy/
Yes.this is a great starting point.
there is a minimum wage, there should also be a maximum wage
Lots quote Plato’s shadows on the cave wall – funny how his statement that the maximum wealth differential that a republic could tolerate was 1:8 isn’t quoted so much!
Instead they’re planning to introduce a worldwide business tax. It’s why the MSM have been allowed to run stories on companies like Amazon evading taxes.
In the longer term, we will all pay taxes for being alive. That carbon you use by breathing must be paid for – plus those germs you produce!
From Wiki:
Lemmings have become the subject of a widely popular misconception that they are driven to commit mass suicidewhen they migrate by jumping off cliffs. It is not a deliberate mass suicide, in which animals voluntarily choose to die, but rather a result of their migratory behavior. Driven by strong biological urges, some species of lemmings may migrate in large groups when population density becomes too great.
On the other hand humans _ _ _ _
Real people are dying. But the actual powers-that-be involved seem to be trying to keep the lid on it, keep it limited.
We know who is losing the war. Ordinary people hit again and again by fabricated global disasters. But is Russian military wining the war in Ukraine fo far ?
One of course may not properly assess winning or losing side without knowing initial strategic planing and weather or not progress have been made. In the particular case of limited Russian operation it is even more difficult. For example many recently misinterpreted strategic situation in Ukrainian theater as a stalemate of some sort only because they tacitly assumed, against official Kremlin declarations, that Russia simply wants to conquer Ukraine as a country. If there was a goal than Russia would be on side of losing momentum. But there was never a goal of this conservatively two or three year operation. It is a key to understanding what’s going on as Scott Ritter pointed out.
The immediate military goal apparently was to bind and separate AFU army groups. So they cannot dynamically join and forge any substantive counterattack. So Russian Nikolaev Kherson group and threat of RF marines landing in Odessa keeps UAF southern army group defending south west and away from Kiev. The same semicircling of Kharkov and Sumy prevents those forces from rescuing Kiev or Dnipro. Donbas offensive pins 122,000 of AFU there. Any attempted coordinated large scale AFU movements would result in a massacre comparable to 1991 Kuwait City Basra highway in Iraq. For Russian command it is a chess game. AFU was dealt deliberate pat, can do nothing to win the war meaning cannot defeat Russians pushing them back to Russia. AFU “resists” only because they were never attacked to full Russia’s capabilities.
By such maneuvers and air supremacy Russian military destroyed in just over one week all coordinated offensive capabilities of big 260,000 Ukrainian army trained directly by NATO personnel and achieved almost all territorial control it is prepared to control with 200,000+ army group (just in case there is another 200,000 army group in Central Russia to join them)
Strategic Accomplishments including demilitarization so far:
Russians effectively Ended military blockade of Donbas liberated 90% of LPR and 65% of DPR (from 40%) , secured water and electrical power supplies to Crimea, control Zaporoze and Chernobyl NPP and all fission material that may be used for building nukes, destroyed more than half of Ukrainian MIC, most advanced weapons manufacturers and most of heavy military equipment, destroyed 90% of operational Ukrainian Air Force and 90% of large anti aircraft defense capabilities as the rest is not operational but hidden, annihilated Ukrainian navy, taken over Ukrainian ports in Azov sea that became RF territory so there is no longer threat to Russia-Crimea bridge, pipeline and underwater cables by Ukrainian Navy operations. It is unlikely that Russian military will ever cede one way or another control of strategic Ukrainian territory it seized. Perhaps system of Russian military bases will be established in Ukraine to police any of possible pace agreement after Minsk II implementation fiasco.
Such lighting success with very limited use of available force de facto defeat of AFU trained to NATO standards is scary for NATO command and bureaucrats. Russian invincible (for Patriot II or THAAD or similar) Hypersonic weapons (Mach 10+ ) nuclear capable with thousands of miles range first time demonstrated in combat (probably shot from Caspian Sea into western Ukraine ) served as a reminder to NATO that west is highly vulnerable in case they directly intervene.
Starved, out of ammo and fuel and de facto defenseless UAF can now only hide among civilians in the cities and watch how Russians daily destroy their AFU capabilities and military industrial complex and slowly take over strategic locations.
The dynamic war in last weeks was focused on slow liberation LDPR and removal of digge in AFU capabilities to commit war crimes by shelling civilian targets. And that is being fought methodically to minimize military and civilian casualties among LDPR citizenry still under Kiev regime.
Now as NATO built its supposed strength on lies believed by EU leadership (all CIA agents) they cannot back down rhetorically from their Orwellian narratives as lies is all they got and any wobbling will crash already collapsing confidence as recent brawl called NATO meeting has clearly shown.
Who cares about the military goal? Stop getting off on it. Putin is no more a hero for invading Ukraine than George Bush was a hero for invading Iraq.
Well memorized! 29 words!
Back to reality:
Bush, Obama and Biden, like the rest of Washington, want war, because Washington is under the illusion that several thousand miles between Russia and the US are some kind of guarantee of safety.
Putin, having a functioning brain, knows what war will cost everybody, including his own people.
He therefore doesn’t want war by any stretch of the imagination.
However, decades of ignorant provocation built upon a 1958 Pentagon mindset, along with broken deals, treaties and agreements – broken by the US – are forcing him to react.
So why wouldn’t he react?
Do you really expect him to appear on CNN tomorrow night and declare to the American people:
“Dear US citizens, I stand here before you in all humility, to announce that Russian foreign policy has, for decades, been evil and misguided.
The intellectual and moral superiority of Americans is legendary in Russia, and we all aspire to emulate your impartial, fair and humane outlook on the world, so that democracy – the only decent solution for human civilization – will prevail everywhere.
I therefore pledge to consult Washington on all future matters of Russian foreign policy, and to do absolutely nothing which might interfere with American global values and interests.” ???
Because that certainly appears to be what you expect…
Actually, you cannot compare the two. Or the circumstance.
Do more homework. So completely different from one another.
Way off mark.”Typical non-sensical Western minded rhythmic ‘bitchin’, ”
My best Oz friend Brendan of Brisbane would say, &
“Righty ho, Gosho & Vlad let’s be having you both , with Susan, for a 4 hour LIVE
Global Press Grilling” whadya’ reckon , Barbie ?! Let’s bet.
Which character would give their globalist goals away first ? And support Soros ?
In cultural terms, holding Rachmaninov’s copyright in places held higher than Davos,
Putin’s Sovereign interests could well be seen by many to transcend google’s & the
Goals of Bush and the globalist’s Soros Styled Media, propagating fear propaganda.
The jury is still out, media-wise.
In horror-scope terms, On balance Susan, Putin is Libra ♎ . You are clearly not and Bush was never a Blind Sworded TransWoman of Supreme Court Justices, yet. . . either. However, Bush may even call the Mrs. “Barbie”, behind her back: but, Vlad, (& another Libra minded music loving Jurist friend) and I would all say it Straight faced directly, laughing at you with utter incredulity. “What? Another Megyn Kelly, surely not?”
Bush? Like Putin !? Susan: Unjust trash talking from Lalaland.
Get a grip on Balkan History and an Atlas.
Ukraine. Russia’s doorstep.
Iraq. Another Continent.
Good summary.
Imperial ABM (Patriot II and THAAD) never worked. They were just to suck money from allies.
True they did not work and to add insult to US injury Russian produced Buava ICBM with up to 12 maneuverable nuclear heads with up to 24 maneuverable decoys. Which means they are no longer ICBMs by ICNBM, and to spit in US military face Russian introduced nuclear powered “fire and forget” nuclear capable stealth cruise missiles with unlimited range and time and auto maneuverable around anti missile systems to find a hole to strike whenever possible. Perfect for attacks against US from the south.
as Putin said there will be no winners in nuclear war. Those CIA psychopaths are simply genocidal. Thanks god Pentagon analysts poured cold water on those sick blood thirsty maniacs stating clearly that enforcing US no fly zone amounts to declaration of nuclear war against Russia and is permanently off the table in Pentagon. Ukrainian war is nearly over. Russians achieved all objectives 100% control operational theater leaving no room for AFU but to die or surrender. Adding that there would have been. no other possible outcome that would affect the inevitable predetermined by RF force superior capabilities and training.
They are far worde than genocidal. Look up dominion theology or dominionism. It has infected especially the imperial military. These people hope to kill all humans, they themselves being magically exempt.
Rockefeller Foundation Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, written in 2010.
The one for Pandemic starts on page 17; read through it carefully, start 2-3 pages earlier. It was very carefully planned and scripted language-wise and went according to the plan – using the planned strategies and even the planned catchy terminology ”in it together” etc…, snippets ! – 10 years later, in 2020.
Does anyone else get the distinct and weird feeling this war is not really happening at all? I can’t put my finger on it but it feels fake. Have both sides just agreed their armed forces will tool around bombing and shelling civilians and empty buildings but not each other? Carry on like that until the world economy is busted, then stop?
Given the amount of video game and past war footage that’s been bandied about as ‘happening in Ukraine right now’, I’ve lost all trust in what I hear and see. People ARE dying, bad things ARE happening, but what those things actually are (or mean) is anyone’s guess without seeing it for oneself.
It would be anybody’s guess, except that there are people who actually live there, and not all of them are crisis actors, or willing participants in propaganda.
Decent journalists would, of course, look up the people they know who have family members and good friends in Western Russia and in Ukraine, and simply let them talk about what is going on, what they see, and what, if anything, they feel they are supposed to see…
How difficult could that be?
Only as difficult as it could be to find decent journalists – but today that is extremely difficult…
These days though you don’t even need journalists. Everyone has a phone. In Syria we saw plenty of footage of the war-torn areas from people who lived there, uploaded to social media. Have you seen one single piece of cellphone footage from Mariupol or Donetsk?
And I’m sorry but I think most of the so-called ‘atrocity’ footage from both sides looks fake as shit. Including the Donetsk ‘attack’.
Something isn’t passing the sniff test for me.
I agree with you about the fakery everywhere.
But me calling Ukraine 465 9299 4722 isn’t going to do much to remedy that.
I only know one Ukrainian, and she doesn’t even live in Ukraine any more.
Best-case scenario: I’d like one of those ‘decent journalists’ to help fill in the gap, but I’m not holding my breath.
There is a dude on the ground there posting footage – Ryan Christian at TLAV has been broadcasting it. He seems to say it’s all a big fat lie.
Covid marked certain milestones in the history of deception – one obvious one being the quarantine of the healthy. But perhaps the single biggest lay in the transferral of the statistical focus from deaths to “cases” – a “case” being defined as someone who tests positive and that is all!
Symptoms are irrelevant – a matter that ought to have caused raucous laughter but, to a large extent, the laughter was precluded by this new expression “asymptomatic”. Thus there was apparently a scientific aura around this peculiar symptomless virus.
But of course some who tested positive did indeed experience something – symptoms suggesting the flu or even the common cold. BUT – and here comes the brilliant bit – enough mind manipulation had been sewn in the media for those with symptoms to themselves exaggerate the effects. And even if they didn’t, they thought, “Well I was lucky! I just had mild covid!”
And so we end up with a “deadly virus” where the vast majority who test positive have no symptoms at all while a smaller amount have some symptoms. But with the media churning out the apocalypse scenario, the vast majority think of themselves as amongst the few who are lucky. But they are indeed the majority.
Upshot: something akin to the common cold with, as expected, extremely few serious cases and even fewer actual deaths becomes World War Z.
What does “positive” mean when no actual virus has even been isolated and purified to serve as “gold standard” for calibrating the test?
Check this out:
I assume this is to show me what crap justifications are being offered? 😀 Love the way they dismiss Kary Mullis. And this doesn’t remotely address the point i’m making, the impossibility of calibrating the test, or any test, without a “gold standard,” in this case that would be an isolated, purified virus.
Positive means your supposed to have the deadly virus. How the tests work seems irrelevant to me. They could be telling you how much sugar is in your blood or how big your last turd was.
It means the poster has limited cognitive abilities.
Relief … what you say puts a lie to the sick suggestion that an “actual” virus was developed and tested in Ukraine and Georgia and then released in China in the course of, ahem, Military Olympic games.
Thanks, bro from the all the deep deepies …
Two years on . . .
What would Vlad say? “Nothing to be done!” perhaps?
by James Corbett
April 11, 2020
“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time.”
—WWI conspirator Edward Grey
I do not write these words for my contemporaries. We are the damned. It is our lot now to watch as the lamp of liberty is extinguished, our burden to bear witness to the final flickering of the flame of freedom.
No, I don’t write these words for my peers; I write them for those yet to come. The inhabitants of that future dystopia whose birth pangs we are experiencing. The remnant of once-free humanity who might—through some miracle I can’t even imagine—come across this electronic message in a bottle.
I know that it’s almost hopeless. That the chance of these words surviving the coming internet purge are slim at best. That even if—against all odds—this message does wash up on your digital shores, the chance of these words being understood by you is even slimmer. Not because you don’t understand English, but because you no longer use these words I’m writing: Freedom. Humanity. Individual.
Still, I am here to record the end of an era. So I will press on in the hope against hope that someone, somewhere in that future Digital Dark Age, will have eyes to see and ears to hear.
The darkness is descending.
Etc, etc, etc . . .
Appears Mr. Corbett is what is know as “controlled opposition …
I suspect he was in someway “got at” and is here sending out an intentionally over-egged “message in a bottle”.
“23 years ago today the Nazi Assassin Terrorist Outfit (NATO) started bombing Yugoslavia. This is Belgrade. Tens of thousands of missiles were dropped. Nobody in the Corporate Fascist Propaganda media cried about civilians, babies, schools, hospitals etc. The War Racketeer Imperialists never acknowledge their War Crimes and Crimes Against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”

“End the War Racket, NOW!.”
“In the words of Smedley Darlington Butler, To Hell with War!”
“They are worse than Nazis. Some may even argue that calling them Nazis is an insult to Nazis.”
“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOW!”
Senate Operating Procedure since Reagan.
“Hypocrisy, thy name is US Senate.”
“What about Electric Jets? Make the world a better, safer and healthier place.”

“Have all the War Racketeers Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis fly about in those.”

“Seeing all the morons still walking around with diapers on their faces, are the Psycho Nazis wrong in believing that?”
Looks like not wrong.
(2223) Fascism comes to America- Who are the Nazis now? – YouTube Clan Dyken, i FOUND this song when the Abu Ghraib files came out.
23 years ago… just before everybody felt they absolutely had to have a smart phone.
Well, some of us are remembering the names of those who did the falsifying.
It’s not as easy as some think to expunge uncomfortable and embarrassing facts from history.
There have always been experts in history, and not all of them are employed by politically-correct universities.
The answer for the reasonably intelligent, inquisitive, critically-thinking citizen is always to read a great deal, sort out the incompetent, sentimental and manipulative rubbish, follow the money, then learn to recognize the patterns in the remaining facts.
Tracking down the origins of ideas is another thing I’d highly recommend (especially the ones that appear unchallenged or that you’re not supposed to question).
The discovery that, for example, the Big Bang originated with a Jesuit priest should make anyone not hopelessly lost start asking a few questions.
‘ The same is true of debate and argument – information warfare, if you like – if you let your opponent set the a priori assumptions, they will win. They will pick the unquestioned “truth” at the heart of the matter, and force you to argue within the bounds of a reality they have created to suit their own ends.’
True. So don’t call it a new virus or vaccine is what I learned from ‘Covid’. Same as with ‘the war in Ukraine’. But it’s quite tiresome to talk about these things in quotes. So best is to avoid the issue at all, or start talking about the nonsense of it all and why they are bringing it to us. Many people came to that conclusion with convid at the beginning of 2022, and so the media had to start with a new round of bullshit to keep us talking about things that don’t matter.
After all, it’s the stupid economy…
The crime of the century
Salient points – we can rightfully support the truckers and any other little victories but the agenda still creeps in a totalitarian direction – they’re still winning the war. All of the covid measures would have been thought to be insane in Dec of 19. Now they’re normalized to varying degrees. It’s not a question of who’s winning but how fast or slow we lose.
I fully agree with the above analysis.
The first pictures of the pandemic from China showed a square in a city littered with bodies supposedly dead from Corona. The second picture showed construction workers welding shut the metal doors of an inhabited apartment block.
The war in Ukraine started when Putin had his “opponents” Macron and Scholz sitting at the other end of a 7m long table. Then followed pictures of an unmarked armoured personnel carrier deliberately driving up on a passenger car, only to show the miraculous rescue of the motorist afterwards.
Such absolutely exaggerated images and stories remind us of cheesy B-movies from Hollywood and their staging by the likes of Harvey Weinstein.
I come more and more unavoidably to a sense of unreality with the Ukraine issue. It is another source of cynically contrived division and whipped up anxiety. With the saintly celebs (the new clergy) raising the spectre of … every household taking in refugees. This clearly threatening to explode into another acrimonious public feud where the punch up between vaxxed and unvaxxed is replaced by a punch up between the bleeding hearts and those insufficiently self-sacrificing.
The idea of celebrities as the new priestly caste is very interesting – doubly so as celebrities increasingly get into politics. Our new intellectual Dark age takes shape.
Intellectual Dark Age indeed. I finally watched the movie “Idiocracy” a couple of years ago. The first time I laughed, when I attempted to watch it again there was no more laughter though. It fits better today than it fit two years ago, and two years ago it was scary as hell upon that second attempted viewing. Now if I tried to watch that I’d probably either scream or cry. Celebrity worship is just part of the package. While I’m sure there may be a few celebrities who actually have brains, I personally think most do not, and the ones that do learn quickly not to use that anymore.
it’s actually getting quite comical
Totally agree, but the big fat elephant in the room is why? It’s not about the money, or control they have that already. Maybe it’s just a simple battle of good against evil. Our complicity at ‘all levels’ seems to be important for the side of evil to win.
They actually don’t have either. The financial empires of the West have crumbled and they know this- hence the desperation.
But it IS about the money and control.
You’re right that they have it already, but they are corrupt and greedy, so they want it ALL.
It’s just the usual thing about absolute power corrupting absolutely.
The rich are the most unsatisfied people in the world
Those who are satisfied are the richest people in the world. They need not have money, but can have money.
⬆︎ Well said.
And they know it.
Perpetually hungry and thirsty after – well, something – but never finding it.
Also the most miserly …
Nation of Austria goes full NATO(+Kiev fascists)! New censorship in Austria:
Today the parliament of the once neutral Austria released a law that punishes with up to 50,000 Euro …
“Any operator of a communications service subject to Austrian jurisdiction, any cable network operator, any IPTV provider and any multiplex operator who retransmits the RT – Russia Today English, RT – Russia Today UK, RT – Russia Today Germany, RT – Russia Today France, RT – Russia Today Spanish and Sputnik programmes covered by that Regulation in Annex XV or who provides access to the media services with the same name in terms of the brand on Retrieval enables.”
Here the link:
Another excellent one, Mr Knightly! These passages particularly are classic.
“As Catte wrote in April 2020, many high-profile independent outlets were caught up in the hysteria. Either rallying behind the police state, happily cheering on authoritarianism because it was “in the public interest”, or diverted into talking about side issues that never came close to examining the true heart of the matter.
Whether these failures were borne of poor research, fear, ego or ideology, in the end, doesn’t really matter. The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it. We’re all subject to that weakness of the human condition.
Ivermectin and “lab leaks” and natural immunity and “variants” and the dozen other deck chairs so many people spent two years assiduously re-arranging were not the issue.
The agenda was the issue. The lie used to sell that agenda was the issue.”
“Russia (and China) have thrown their complete support behind the Covid narrative, and the globalist agenda it served. You can’t wave that away with “they didn’t mean it” or “it’s OK when they do it”.
This isn’t about – or shouldn’t be about – taking sides, and doing so is detrimental. We’ve seen how bi-partisan conflicts can serve to bolster the most harmful aspects of a narrative.
Ivermectin vs vaccines, Sweden vs China, lab leak vs zoonosis. These are surface level disagreements whose very existence only reinforces the underlying establishment narrative.
Just as hard binaries were tolerated, even encouraged, during the pandemic, the same pattern emerges in Ukraine. No-fly zone vs sanctions, Nazis vs ‘no-Nazis’, Zelenskiy vs Putin, East vs West.
These are belligerents supposedly opposing one another, yet built upon the same foundational preposition: The geopolitical conflict is entirely as simplistic and total as presented; just pick your hero and villain, and all the economic hardship, censorship, groupthink and loss of personal freedom that results from this conflict is an (un)happy by-product of the war, not an aim.”
One problem I have – indeed it may even be THE problem – is in the discovery that the “mainstream” goes much further than I ever thought. Or to avoid confusion, “the mainstream” isn’t the limit of the deceit. The lying goes way over the previously perceived boundaries. The theatre extends much further than it seemed. Much of the “outside world”, the “reality”, the “extremes”, the “alternative media”, the “dissident faction” is not only NOT oppositional but may in many cases may even be more mainstream than the mainstream.
It reminds me of that last scene in 60s cult classic “The Prisoner” when No. 6 finally breaks away from The Village only to find that the front door of his “real house” in the “real world” opens with the same electronic mechanism used in the false place. He is still in The Village!
Truman show bbc
To have a reference point, however, this would seem to me to be a comparable situation to Goebbels’s propaganda ministry.
The deceit went well beyond the Reichsminister’s office, and all Germans were affected, some, of course, willingly.
For the first time the ABC today mentioned the neo nazis in Ukraine, but then a dumb journo said he had 4 positive RATS and a positive PCR so in spite of his three jabs and no symptoms he is in isolation.
And one can bet as soon as his quarantine finishes he will rush off to get another booster
And are you noting the needle damage is coming to the fore now….lots of older folk going down with “we don’t know what is causing xyz symptoms “ related to heart, kidneys.
And trying to pass off a SIDS baby as covid based on a PCR, why the fuck they would test a tiny baby like that is beyond evil
I still find myself praying that my wife’s two AstraZeneca shots were placebos.
She drew the line at the ‘booster’, God bless her.
yes that must be a worry……….i worry about my vax friends that i really like and who have not gone crazy…. one is having health problems…… difficult to watch……especially as most were forced into it rather than believing in it…….
And I regret allowing them to give me “monoclonal antibody treatment” with, who-really-knows-what.
I got flu-like symptoms last November as I usually do. I worked through it as I usually do, (virtually isolated big truck driver). It turned nasty as it has a few times in the past. Decided at age 56 with health insurance and married to yield to the wife and see a doctor instead of sleep it off at home.
Doctor said “covid-pnuemonia: take these antibiotics, steroids and get this mono-clonal antibody treatment before the pneumonia goes from your lungs to your blood and kills you.” I’ve had all those same symptoms before (and worse) but was never told that was pneumonia and never realized it was that life threatening because I never go to the doctor for that.
So I consented (easy to do when you’re sick) and went through a 2 hour IV session to slowly put that mini IV bag of stuff in my arm under medical supervision in case I reacted badly to it.
Later, I came to my senses and realized I had just done something little different than taking the vaccine I’ve been so keen to avoid. Oops.
Oh well, I’m okay now ( and working through Spring time allergies), but I have the same lingering doubt that I bet many vaccine-takers have.
My wife and I have just got over a two-week ‘flu.
She is double-jabbed, and I am not jabbed at all.
Neither of us tested ourselves for any ‘covid’ nonsense, and our symptoms were typical ‘flu symptoms, although not identical.
She got a cough with general respiratory discomfort and a fever.
I had a higher fever, with a nasty three-day headache, but no cough.
We just looked after ourselves, slept a lot, ate when we felt like it and had the strength to put a meal together, then we recovered.
Today’s Icelandic radio news announced that ‘covid’ was on the way out, but that we should all worry about the ‘flu that was taking its place, and, just to be safe, should get jabbed against it.
Few comedians are as funny as that these days…
My version of the “New World Order” is going to have gross stupidity enshrined in Law as a punishable offence.
As things stand now, monuments are erected in its honour instead…
QED, as per Kit’s essay.