No, it’s not OK when China does it
Justifying lockdowns and endorsing the “threat” of Covid is doing the establishment’s work for it.

According to the worst kind of special pleading we have seen in the alternative media recently it’s actually ok to lock up your citizenry 24/7 to the point of mental and physical torture if you really REALLY think there’s an uber-scary virus out there.
Well, it is in China anyway. Where “DEFCON something” just rewrites the ethical rule book.
Because China’s government can be trusted to put their citizens first. Even to the point of locking them up and throwing away the key.
Couple of basic points these people need to remember since they have apparently been dozing for two years…
- No. It is NOT ok to lock up healthy innocent people. Even in China.
- Lockdowns DON’T WORK to contain infections. Even in China.
- The “pandemic” is a lie. “COVID” is just a rebrand of normal seasonal flu-like illness plus meaningless PCR. Also true in China btw.
- China is not an innocent bystander. It launched the entire fake “pandemic” scenario back in 2020, with help from the WHO.
- And most important – Saying “but bio labs!” is dangerous exceptionalism you are being encouraged to promote.
The bio labs excuse is exactly why the “COVID was made in a lab” story was allowed to remain in the mainstream narrative almost from day one, even while being officially ‘denied’.
💢 Exactly why those Fauci ’emails’ were ‘leaked’.
💢 Exactly why Russia ‘found’ a zillion ‘bio labs’ in Ukraine.
💢 Exactly why Nuland “admitted” those labs were real
💢 Exactly why Hunter’s laptop was suddenly a headline in the mainstream media and all about his involvement with “bio labs”
All to build the exact narrative this article sells, so that it can be used to justify something like Shanghai.
The only part of the official COVID narrative that has ever really mattered is that COVID is NEW, DEADLY and SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ABOUT IT.
Resistance grew when people began to realize this was not true.
Resistance will therefore likely diminish if people can be freshly convinced it IS true – eg by new waves of stories about “bio labs”
So when you write justifying stuff about China has no choice blah blah, you are not just promoting known and proven falsehoods about the effectiveness of lockdowns and the reality of the “pandemic”, you’re also helping to promote the new wave of justifying fear porn.
Well done!
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Anyone know if around N Bay or Manitoulin Island might be a safer place here in Ont Canada? Really, you know water, grow food, try to survive the apocalypse?
suggestions very appreciated. Surrounded by the walking dead here. I feel like I’m in bizarro world or something. Family, friends, all vaxed and incredulous. Been fighting this for three years now, at least six hours/day/ every day. I need some rest .
suggestions anyone?
Love it! Yerp, that’s right. I’m fucking done with ALL the nonsense.
Superb article. You got a new sub.
3 covid deaths were reported in Shanghai recently: One 89 years old and two 91 years old. The deaths appeared AFTER the lockdowns was imposed. You see, the lockdown was necesary to save lives!
Why does Xi keep on fearing this stuff? Is it because he knows it came from a bio L4 lab, with Fausti’s a$$istance? This 2022 world should shows him that Covid was a co dud. Good way to get the lockdown affected Chinese population to hate him….
Do you really still not get it?
Enlighten me…
You’re referring to the October 2022 CCP congress to select the next Chinese president?
I think this is a very important and very well done long piece by Dr Kevin Corbett:
I agree, but this article reads like an multipart Twitter blue check screed.
Fear porn it is but that doesn’t come close to describing the authoritarian horror they are (un)knowingly) promoting.
Well said
Why there is a though lockdown in Shanghai? This is the answer:
From the begining, covid was ONLY about population control:
It’s not the flu. I do not know why contributors to Off-Guardian, most none clinicians, continue to beat this drum.
The measures to address this bioweapon, whether aerosolized, in the water, or injected, are deplorable.
What would you suggest? More lockdowns? Masking? Social distancing? Vaxxes?
And we’re back to the beginning!
Hmm…let’s see. Identical symptoms to flu. Identical mortality to flu. Only distinguishing feature is a PCR that doesn’t work…
Yeah… It’s the flu.
There’s a distinguishing feature of covid that is being ignored when comparing to flu: lost of taste for weeks or months. I’ve expreienced it and I’ve also had flu many times without the profound and long lived loss of taste. This interests me and suggests that whatever else is going on covid is not flu.
No one can define exactly what the flu is. It’s a collection of symptoms that may or may not be caused by some transmissible pathogen, no one has proven scientifically this to be the case, but it’s a hypothesis.
Losing taste and smell is a known side affect of certain drugs and other toxic substances, this is proven, so why go to an unproven cause like a virus?
It’s like out of the many probable causes people believe it to be towards the most unlikely only because of social and cultural conditioning.
You’ve never had man flu, That doesnt sound like its sars2 either.
I live in the US my friends seemed to never have heard of it.
‘Man flu’. Ladies that means you as well.
It’s just the flu, at least have the decency to say influenza please.
Furthermore “detox” is an American saying to make money with the drug supplement industry.
Medications are prescribed by A Doctor. A reccomended supplement by your Doctor who may also reccomend a Blood test.
Post Covid, I think it’s wise not to have unshakable faith in the medical establishment. I also find there are huge areas neglected by modern medicine, discarded an a big pile called ‘auto-immune disorder’ and left at that.
I also think getting in touch with yourself, eg. Becoming emotionally aware and attuned to your body’s natural dietary cravings etc., is a large part of preventative medicine that’s completely ignored by modern medicine, except as a sort of Old Wives’ cliche surrounding pregnancy. A2
I lost a lot of smell and taste ability quite a few years ago (certainly pre-covid) , after what I call a bad cold, others might call flu. I suspected that the lining of my nose had been damaged. It’s quite delicate I believe. I was also spraying colloidal silver up there, probably misguidedly, so that may have done some damage.
Anyway, it never came back. There again, I’m not getting any younger, and ageing can also be a factor in losing taste and smell, so I have read.
I resisted jumping into this sub-thread, but I might as well belatedly add my tale of woe, which is similar to yours:
In late 1999 or so, I developed a debilitating flu-like illness; fever, lethargy, and worst of all a seriously “stuffed-up” nose and sinuses; the area around my nose became tender and achy. At the time, in my role as a state unemployment agency “automation coordinator” I’d been helping to remove computer equipment from our field offices– the agency was closing the offices and converting to a (wretched) call-center service-delivery system.
I was frequently on my belly or back under work stations, mostly to disconnect cables and power cords. It was a hidden subterranean wasteland, filled with dirt, dust, flotsam, and jetsam (food wrappers that missed the wastebaskets, food crumbs and fragments) from years of mediocre office-cleaning and unsavory personal habits.
I regret the sexism, but I learned that many women evidently obtained relief from wearing painful fashionable shoes by taking them off when they were sitting at their desks; the carpeted floor beneath their stations sported extra pairs of comfortable shoes, crumpled tissues evidently used for padding, and a distinctive cumulative odor of exposed feet.
Anyway, I finally visited my primary care physician, who treated me for acute sinusitis. I remember being given three successive courses of different antibiotics before the symptoms subsided. Of course, at the time I took “germ theory” at face value and was happy that the final antibiotic finally “knocked out” the infection.
But my sense of smell, and its fraternal twin taste, had become seriously impaired. My doctor eventually sent me to an ENT specialist who conducted a “smell/taste” test and confirmed that these senses were impaired. Worst of all, at the time, was that there was no treatment to restore them; the specialist theorized that the infection had permanently destroyed olfactory nerves and tissues.
Fortunately, as the specialist optimistically speculated, over time I regained some function; I can smell and taste sufficiently, although I’m not sure I would be the first person to detect, say, the odor of escaping gas in a building.
This experience makes me skeptical of the insistent claim that “complete loss of smell and taste” is a unique and distinctive symptom of the “COVID” illness allegedly caused by the (fictitious) “SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus” I call the Megadeath Virus of Doom.
Doesnt wearing a mask also lose taste and smell for some people?
I remember reading something along those lines over two years ago.
Thanks for sharing your experiences Ort.
It may of course even have been the antibiotics that did at least some of the damage in your case.
In my case, back in the day, I was prone to excessively strong nose-blowing which probably didn’t help. I’m more cautious now.
The idea loss of taste and smell is an identifying symptom of the elusive “covid” is purely a myth. It’s even listed as a potential symptom of flu on the CDC website.
In 2018 I had Double Pneumonia, which started as flu, and I lost all sense of taste and smell which persists to a great degree to this day, over 4 years later. Unless I had Covid 18, may I point out that that these symptoms are a feature of flu and people experience different symptoms in varying degrees and not always the same ones.
Does the flu distort your sense of smell so that many foods smell like burnt chemicals and have little taste? because this is what this thing did to me and many others. It went away after a few days but that was not a normal illness.
Yes. Loss of taste/smell is a recognized ‘flu’ symptom.
Gotta love Hot Mic: Trump Coronavirus Press Briefing
What China is doing now in Shanghai is INSANE, WE ALL need to recognize this! #ZERO Xi
5 star article.
Is Catte exclusive to this blog ?
How else can i read more of her writing.?
Catte is exclusive to Offg. Scroll up to our search bar and you can read all of her material here, going back to the site’s beginning. Thanks very much for your feedback, A2
I second that. Catte is amazing.
“Russia Inches Toward Its Splinternet Dream” , yeah after the US f**ked up Internet.
China is already behind its own great fire wall, not my cup of tea.
Dear Admin and others,
Why/How is China such a batshit insane totalitarian dystopia?
Zero covid policy
Do the middle management actually believe all of this crap?
All governments are evil, but the CCP is on a whole new level
What’s your take on this?
Exactly: the zero-Covid policy. This is the real issue and why I think that what is happening in China is not done with the purpose of repeating the Wuhan story in the Western world. I see people scared saying things like “they will lock us down again!”, but they don’t seem to realize that China has the zero-Covid policy, something that is not possible (talking from the official point of view) in most of the countries of the world because Covid is already endemic.
Again, I’m talking from their point of view, because I don’t believe in any of what they have said in the last two years, starting by the SARS-CoV2 existance.
Another issue is that the Shanghai lockdown is happening in March/April, which means that the objective of the parasites can’t be to continue this in America/Europe because summer is comming, which means not many respiratory diseases to back the hysteria up.
So… what are the parasites’ plans?
China has a connected labyrinth in Towns districts in Cities small to International metropolis hubs.
It just takes a little longer as you would expect in villages and hamlets etc.
Anyone perfect legitimatelly can observe how their responses to health function.
If you are interested,
You Me Anyone ! good heavens zero, never heard such rubbish.
When you understand psyop MO many things are very predictable if not in specifics in type.
— Big psyops generally roll out with complete nonsense which serves a number of purposes including:
Bamboozling makes us susceptible to any explanation in order to alleviate our confusion, a psychological technique used by mentalists such as Derren Brown.
Additionally, as soon as we agree to (agreement being a form of compliance) complete nonsense we’re put in the vulnerable position of maintaining that agreement. In Brown’s very interesting social experiment, The Push, shown on Netflix, he first gets participants to comply with something small – agreeing to put vegetarian labels on meat-based canapes – as the first step in a chain that will eventually lead to them being asked to kill someone. If you can manage to watch The Push I highly recommend it.
The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
In Wuhan, we’re shown images of people falling flat on their faces and laid out on the ground and on hospital floors; claims (immediately refuted and completely disappeared from Wikipedia including History) that the virus was found in two species of snake, the Chinese cobra and the many-banded krait. Interestingly, Stefano Scoglio has pointed out that six vaccinations were made compulsory in Wuhan in December 2019 so it could be, in fact, that some of the images at least that we’re shown of people falling flat on their face were genuine and were of people having reactions to the vaccines as we’ve certainly seen examples of people collapsing suddenly due to covid vaccines.
As soon as we allow that images of people falling flat on their faces and laid out on the ground and on hospital floors is consistent with reality as is a couple of unrelated species of snake being reservoirs of the virus, we’re doomed.
— Big psyops always involve controlled opposition to fragment and weaken argument critical of the narrative so Judy Mikovits and her Wuhan lab nonsense (and all the stuff stated in the article re bioweapons) is 100% predictable. Also predictable are many scientists and doctors saying, “Oh yes, there’s a virus but the measures are not commensurate.” There are certainly genuine scientists and doctors who believe this but we can see controlled opposition agents such as Dr Dolores Cahill curating and promulgating this message.
We could predict 100% from Day One that there would be no virus because:
— In psyops they only do what they want for real and fake the rest. They didn’t want a virus and they didn’t need one to make us believe in one.
— They prefer to do their psyops smoke’n’mirrors style rather than simulate reality as much as possible – that way works better. Even where you can see that they could easily do elements for real rather than fake it we can see they fake it in preference. Why? It shows how much power they have. It shows they can present us with absolute nonsense, they can fake it in the lamest way possible … and still get away with it. What could testify to their power better than that? Not lifting a finger to do a good job of it and yet managing to pull it off, to have most of us in thrall to absolute nonsense.
— A real pathogen wouldn’t have worked for their narrative in any shape or form. A pathogen cannot be controlled in the way it would have needed to be controlled for the narrative.
Nice +1,
Eventually?? their figure out WEF-cartoon villain character’s like Klaus ‘Swab’- Gates just front men pastys to lead the half lost astray into dead ends which is a part of the control; opertias/propaganda.itself.
I would have said the aim of propaganda is to simply mobilise people e.g. to vote a certain way, buy a product, support a war etc. And to do this, propaganda always appeals to people’s already existing prejudices. In an age of fundamentalist faith, it’s God and Satan. In an age that likes to (smugly) consider itself so smart and incapable of being fooled, that very smartness can be used. cf. “conspiracy theory” as a dumbass thing for the gullible etc.
To a large degree yes … but mobilising people isn’t necessarily the only aim and nor is appealing to people’s prejudices the only technique.
How do you explain according to the aim and technique you put forward:
— Showing us people falling flat on their faces and laid out on hospital floors and on the ground
— Telling us that that two species of snake were found to be reservoirs of the virus (then having someone refute that claim)
— Having Hani Hanjour’s flight instructor tell us that he cried when asked to attempt steep turns and stalls (HH being the alleged executor of the impossible plane manoeuvre into Defence HQ) … but even having a passenger airliner plough into Defence HQ in the first place – how was that necessary for their terror story, the seeming exposure of complete defence vulnerability? Why not restrict their terror story to, say, two planes into the twin towers. Surely that would have been sufficient rather than over-egging the omelette by having Defence HQ attacked? Of course, any passenger airliner going wildly off course and ploughing into any iconic building is in no way consistent with reality but still … they really over-egged the omelette by having Defence HQ penetrated so very easily, no? I seem to recall also that they told us that Dick Cheney was advised a plane was heading towards the Pentagon and responded not to be concerned about it. Yeah, right.
HH’s alleged flight instructor –
— Showing us Princess Diana being walked into the ambulance. I just heard this from John Hamer, author of The Falsification and History and The Falsification of Science, who said that was his wake-up call – a friend of his happened to be spending the weekend in Paris the night of the Princess Diana event and when she turned on the TV on returning from her night out that is what she saw. Hamer’s explanation for this seeming slip is that the perps weren’t sure of their agenda at that stage but it’s so obviously an example of “revelation of the method”. Hamer tends to think that revelation of the method is just “predictive programming”, giving us the clues beforehand but this isn’t how it works. They give us the clues before, during and after, they flood us with them.
Maybe Hamer’s friend just remembered it wrong? How do you distinguish between ‘revelation of the method’ and simple mistake either by an observer or a perp?
In the case of Princess Diana we can’t know that Hamer’s friend saw her being escorted to the ambulance … but guess what? Just internet-searched and found this:
“Peter Paget, who has worked for intelligence agencies throughout his adult life, explains in his autobiography that he conducted a ‘tasked investigation’ after being alerted to the crash.
‘I was on service in London that fateful night and got a telephone call very early in the morning that the ‘accident’ had happened and Diana was injured.
‘I was on the case straight away and accessed immediately all that was on the airwaves and online.
‘There in front of me was a picture taken by a member of the public of Diana, sitting up, not prone in the back of the ambulance where it had pulled over near a bridge.
‘She looked ok, was not unconscious and showed no signs of low blood pressure, as claimed from the internal heart injury, which would have had her lying down on the bed/stretcher, maybe hooked up to life support.
‘None of that was attached to her in the photo, which had come online so quickly that it could not have been faked or photoshopped.
‘That photo disappeared within hours from the web, as did certain paparazzi photos from a news agency that had been about to market them after was raided and sanitised.’”
All I can say is that the only thing that makes sense to me is that she didn’t die – the accident narrative doesn’t add up and I simply cannot reconcile her being murdered with her children presumably working that out one way or another.
In other cases, there is no possible way that it isn’t revelation of the method, eg, Larry Silverstein saying he said to “pull it”. He never would have said those words so he couldn’t slip up in saying that’s what he said and the example of the alleged flight instructor speaking about little Hani in my comment also has to be ROTM as do numerous other examples. Some things could be genuine slip ups but others absolutely not. Robbie Parker smiling broadly then hyperventilating and giving a 17-minute press conference where he makes no mention of the terrible slaughter that’s just occurred but twice mentions a fund-raising site set up for his 6 year-old daughter the day before (the day of her alleged death) – could you really get any more in-your-face than that?
Oh I agree there are various tricks. But propaganda is a very broad term and it fits in with psychological shaping too i.e. it plays to people’s prejudices but also tries to manipulate people over time so that these prejudices are also molded i.e. demonisation of “conspiracy” – fulfilling Orwell’s point that control of language means control of thought. They have effectively removed the word “conspiracy” from the language.
And certainly since spring 2020 the media have launched a psy-op of unprecedented ambition.
But the point I wanted to make is that your prejudices can be used against you. Therefore it is always important to know what you’re prejudices are. The Left were total suckers in this respect. They were sold “the end of capitalism” and they couldn’t resist.
Oh are they ever, George, are they ever. It’s important to know what they are but also to really look at the evidence as objectively as possible. I have a friend who would tell me when I pointed out fake police violence that I was trying to defend the police which infuriated me. I wasn’t trying to defend the police, I was just pointing out fake violence. It’s not as if I don’t think the police commit real violence but whatever happens for real they fake when it suits them and no doubt in the vast majority of cases where real police violence is committed it’s not caught on camera! Eventually, I think I got through to my friend but it did rather surprise me how desirous she seemed to be to believe the violence. Although I certainly have prejudices they’re rather weak and easy for me to detach from and the more I see of how they play to our prejudices the easier it is.
And what is also massively used against us is our natural inclination to comply – nowhere more obvious than the current situation. We are social creatures, we have a natural tendency to submit to authority perhaps just in the same way that dogs in a pack submit to the alpha and this is massively used against us.
I was accosted by 3 police last night when I was picking my bag up from baggage claim. I made the fatal mistake of lying and saying that I was exempt from wearing a mask. I didn’t maintain my prior resolve not to show my details as I believe that one is not obliged to do that but the police told me that I had committed an offence by lying about being exempt – which I admitted to after they demanded to see proof which I first refused to supply on the grounds that it was a breach of the Privacy Act but to which they responded the NSW Public Health Act overrode. I have been issued fines totalling $1,500 and I’m due in court the week after next for those – perhaps I won’t bother going. I’ve seen video of a guy who runs a cafe in regional Victoria where the police are harassing him about not imposing measures and telling him how his fines now total $33,000 and he’s as cool as a cucumber about it.
I don’t think the police issued a fine last night – they said they wouldn’t at least – and I did end up putting on the mask they gave me just to collect my bag which I feel annoyed about. Next time I’m going to do as I’ve seen someone advise on Tik Tok – simply do not say anything. Apparently this right dates from the Magna Carta and applies in all Commonwealth countries – I’ll see how that goes.
It was not a pleasant experience and I can totally understand why people would comply to avoid it. In the end I did myself even though my prior resolve was not to.
US certainly finaced work at Wuhan, just as at labs in 29 other countries, as its online documents on expenditure show.
The Shanghai lockdown is shocking in coverage (area and population), abruptness (on a workday), strictness (requiring vast manpower), extended period, disregard for resultant problems and completely delusional goal. This is out of character for the consultative and empirical government of recent years.
I don’t look at the media but what’s happening seems utterly abominable.
Both sides of the story have one thing in common: ‘The Science’. Whether creating vaccines to save lives to appease the masses, or engineering deadly viral weapons and highly sophisticated labs to justify the skeptics. So they both worship at the altar of science.
The truth is obviously outside of the story given by the tricksters.The whole system is based on lies, so the most sane way to go about it is to understand this. The difficulty comes because there are truths imbedded in the lies, so like a sieve our God given instincs need to be sharp at all times if we want to negociate our way through it without being sucked into it.
There’s nothing wrong with real science though. They don’t really worship at the altar of science, they worship at the altar of propaganda posing as science. Real science doesn’t make ludicrous claims and censor criticism. Au contraire – real science welcomes criticism. As Kary Mullis said (although I don’t think he always followed his own dictum):
“Scientists aim to prove their hypothesis wrong.”
You don’t see any of that going on now. Zero. Where is addressing of the criticism of the science by Drs Bailey, Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, etc. It’s hiding.
Fearmongering would be a very much harder task without those Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer-Dots, those scary wee shapeshifting demons. They’re so handy. If they didn’t exist, someone would have to invent them.
Follow TheScience™, plebs. That’s an order.
TIME front cover: says it all.
Actually, the 9/11 falling man image below doesn’t look like a front cover although I have a strong feeling I’ve seen it as a front cover image. Regardless, TIME featured it.
“Science” is the new religion – not so much the authentic science of proposing theories and then testing them (which obviously depends on constantly watching and weighing up evidence) but simply the word “science” and anything slotted under it. (“The Science” is a giveaway since that label suggests a settled unchanging base.)
Hence how the Left, so sceptical and cautious with any other topic, just submit to all this medico-blather especially when it provides capitalism as the villain.
cf. Philip Roddis’s “Whether or not the pandemic is overstated – and my view is it’s too early to call either way – it shines a torch as never before in my lifetime on the rottenness of capitalism, with its systemic inability to put people before profits.”
That’s because ‘The Science’ is a humanist concept and the Left is intrinsically humanist. It all boils down to truth being the result of concensus, so whoever controls concensus decides what is true.
If people would quit repeating the “follow the science” meme, and start following the technology, they would be forced to recognize that it’s the application of technology that causes the effect…
When people fail to understand the relationships of cause and effect, there is very little anyone can do for them…
+ 1
That’s why Hollywood, the media, digital technologies and ‘science’ are so closely tied together in our culture today. I’m not anti anything but the percent of members of a certain ‘religion’ involved in all those is very high.
Lockdowns are on a temporary pause.
They will be rolled out in the future for new viruses, climate change, civil unrest and then ultimately for those that won’t submit to the jabs and the NWO.
80% of the population are suffering the “Boiling frog syndrome”…sadly the virtue signaling frog is too busy waving a Ukranian flag.
Neil Ferguson says everything changed in 2020 when Italy copied China’s lockdowns. Meaning, now UK could “get away with it.” Ferguson group “SAGE debated whether, nevertheless, it [lockdown] would be effective here [in UK]. [Ferguson:] “[China] It’s a communist one party state, we said. We couldn’t get away with it in Europe, we thought….And then Italy did it. And we realised we could.””…Times of London, 12/25/2020…
One of David Icke’s most impressive reports concerned “The Italian Job” i.e. the vital role played by Italy in introducing The Covid Show to the West. The psychology was right on the ball: Nobody cared about China. Too far away and nothing to do with us. But Italy! Oh my God! That’s on our doorstep!
Because they knew the Italians would fall for it (the gullible hypochrondriacs) hence leading the way for other Europeans to. They still are falling for it. Just popped out to the shops and more masked gimps than unmasked humans walking around. They love the coviddi show here as it gives them something to talk about.
Rubbish. From Torino to (especially) Napoli, Italians have come out forcefully in recent months, in huge numbers and very angrily, against this fascist bullshit.
He’s a liar SAGE Ferguson are Science Health partners with the Chinese so are Hancock & Co.
It’s No secret heck even the Restrictions are Chinese protocols.
You see it matters little what Country it is when WHO Asia WHO Europe WHO North American Continent all agree on Science Health!
If People want to kit up and join The FASHION it’s up to Them isn’t it.
World Organisation (Health), note in brackets!
Health is a commodity so Corporations increase their stake in WEALTH.
It’s like an World ‘Army’ given an Order to Mobliise, once issued there is no stopping it. CATTE you can shove there are no bioweapons propaganda up your neonazi supporting bum.
I’m guessing you’re an American pretending to be British by using the word “bum”, but using it where a real Britisher probably wouldn’t. We’d be much more likely to say “arse” in this circumstance.
MATT EHRET – is it really you? 🤣
fire this hack bioweapons lab denier in Ukraine. A US expert on bioweapons labs proved otherwise yesterday .CATTE is a hack writer. Cate uses no science or evidence to back up her no bioweapons labs claims. FYI the US has hundreds all around the world. FIRE THSI worst fraud at ” journalism”
presence of these labs does not rule out that the virus does not actually exists.
Excellent. Thank you.
Most of us would not know Fascism even if it bit us on the bum…
We’ve been raised on a diet of movies & videos about WW2 and the German NAZI atrocities so think Fascism is jackboots and swastikas…
Like so many terms vital to understanding, “fascism” has been so widely and generously applied that it’s next to useless as a tool for analysis…Who gains from the confusion caused ? (Clue: The story of the Tower of Babel)…
Totalitarian, and Authoritarian, are terms that were always applied to the USSR, and currently are mainly used to describe China’s political system…
It can be expected that people in the West will embrace such a system – provided it dont seem “like that Chinese system”.
Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew ran a tight, authoritarian fiefdom. Freedom was regulated. Obedience was mandatory, dissent was outlawed – but such were the Price of Security…
It’s been said that Fascism, when it arrives, will be dressed in the National Colours…
Many movies produced in Hollywood are full of violence and horror on purpose: to numb their viewers down to the level of sociopaths. Handy to have a large supply of boys and young men with little scruples for your global military domination arm.
Pax Americana = Bellum Angli saxones.
Will these barbarians be needed to stave the PLA off one day?
China’s population is 5 times higher than that of the U.S. Yet it’s prison population is over 500,000 fewer than that of the U.S. So, it’s relatively hard to think of China as the Lock Down or Lock Up capital of the world. They ain’t even close.
You think locking up an entire population without trial “for their health” is justified by the fact there are fewer people in Chinese jails?
The entire population of China has been locked up/down?
Good point. Sir Peter Ustinov, a fine and famous actor, and rather well-versed in many things, was an admirer of how China had handled things. He tried to tune detractors into the simple truth that security in a country that vast is not the same as for much smaller total populations.
And your mention of the prison population is great supportive evidence. In Alabama and some southern stares the sheriff’s often are part owners of prisons, from which they get kickbacks from taxes for every cell they fill. Maybe that explains why such states have 7 times the incarceration rate of China. Charles Blow wrote a great piece about it 10 years ago at NYT “Of Prisons, Plantations, and Profits”
It was shocking. “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” has become, “Land of the Me and Home of the Slave”?
Peter Ustinov had intelligence connections. He just happened to be metres away when Indira Gandhi was assassinated in 1984.
Edited to replace previous, which timed out:
Good point. Sir Peter Ustinov, a fine and famous actor, and rather well-versed in many things, was an admirer of how China had handled things. He tried to tune detractors into the simple truth that security in a country that vast is not the same as for much smaller total populations.
And your mention of the prison population is great supportive evidence. In Alabama and some southern stares the sheriffs often are part owners of prisons, from which they get kickbacks from taxes for every cell they fill. Maybe that explains why such states have 7 times the incarceration rate of China. Charles Blow wrote a great piece about it 10 years ago at NYT “Of Prisons, Plantations, and Profits”
It was shocking. “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave” has become, “Land of the Me and Home of the Slave”?
But I also worked in 1975 with Jean Pasqualini at Newsweek in Paris and spent time in their small office every day. It was a trip, since my whole first year in France I saw a book cover in the windows of every book store, such as Brentano’s on Champs Elysees, called “J’étais Prisonnier de Mao” (I was a Prisoner of Mao). He had been rescued by General de Gaulle himself, an intervention like the Bridge of Spies story, and you’ll also see his name at the end of Bertolucci’s “The Last Emperor” as “technical advisor” as back then he was one of the few available in the West to hold forth on the “re-education” camps that Pu Yi experienced.
He would say that he defied anyone to go through those camps and resist “re-education”. He said that they had ways of making you see the error of your ways.
As I recall the impressive film, though, a lot of what they taught Pu Yi was a big improvement on his spoiled childhood ways.
That doesn’t make it right, but governments the world over have similarities to that.
Some are way harder core. One of my icons as a youth, the Italian psychologist and thinker, Roberto Assagioli, was arrested by Mussolini henchmen and jailed for “Praying for peace and inviting others to join him and other international crimes.”
Perhaps a lot depends what kind of lifestyle your country or government is pushing, and if there are available loopholes!?
Always was the land of the slave. Or have you forgotten?
Peter Ustinov was President of the World Federalist Movement and Davos insider. If only he were around today to deliver the program with some charm and humour.
Erm… If you had studied the political history of China, you’d notice that civilian populations have been locked down to a radically authoritarian system since the days of Confucius. (Approximately 550 BC)
Prior to his time, civil populations were bound under the aegis of local authority within sovereign precincts. Confucius and his royally subsidized “schools” marked the beginning of the end of aboriginal origins of Eastern philosophy. The rest is bloody…
That may be because China doesn’t have much need to jail offenders as other countries, impractical solution due perhaps to the size of their population, not because the offender population is smaller. They found a more sophisticated way to punish and perhaps more effective and more cruel because it relies on impersonal power as is technolgy; they may believe that jailing is a waste of ressources and obsolete and that more “interesting” ways to limit one’s freedom than solid walls exist, thanks to the advanced digitalisation and technology: they lower one’s social credit, and as a result one’s life is diminished to a certain extent, as one is refused access to certain products and services, depending on the gravity of the offense.
Frankly, were I to choose between being jailed by the police (human beings after all when in civilian clothes) and having fellow inmates with whom one can chat, or being refused access to social life by an impersonal power I can’t see, because some algorithm decided I can have this but not that, I prefer to be jailed 100%.
Both systems of personal and impersonal (cold and inhuman) punishment miss the point in that they don’t concern themselves with the crucial question of what produces offenders in the first place.
By the way, social credit scoring appeared first – couldn’t be otherwise – in the US in the 50s, but the intent to control, to diminish social uncertainty and increase predictability, the distrust in human spontaneous living is the lot of anyone who acceded to power.
@Matthew Ehret….
Bless him he really has a blind spot when it comes to China….
So, erm… ? We should, erm… ? Avoid all notification that there are nasty things happening. Erm… ?
For me it is OK when China does it… Even better when that causes a chain reaction that will generate high unbalances in the West a few months latter!
Forcing millions of MMS/3i’s into slave quarters self-arrest in China will end in with so many funny stuff down the road that it is OK.
Random question,
ELON MUSK . Good guy, bad guy?
ALL billionaires are “bad”… One needs to understand the current MONETARY SYSTEM in order to be able to see it!
IMHO, just one more spoiled entitled plutocrat making a killing off the covid nightmare while pretending to be a populist. He’s a member of their club, not ours, and certainly will NOT stick his own neck out to stop the coming totalitarianism. He’ll help it along if it benefits him and it will. In the meantime, he’s got lots of fans who do not know any better and do not want to know any better than to believe he has their interests at heart.
Elon Musk’s person is neither good nor bad. But his ideas are those of a deranged megalomaniac.
If his fortunes were spent on assisting Nature in the production of healthful and needed food, rather than poisoning the stratosphere with spent rocket fuel, I’d cut him a little slack. He (and his ilk) need to go away. Far, far, away…
Not so great.
A letter-boxed quote in TIME mag in their New Year’s issue with him as cover boy “Person of the Year” from a Richard Durbin:
“He is a humanist ~ but that doesn’t mean that he’s a nice person, because he isn’t.”
Since I view Luce’s TIME as a lurid tabloid at best, I don’t really know, but the fairly reliable multi-sourced stat is that his net worth in March 2020 was 26 billion. Eight months later, 210 billion (with some monthly ups and downs).
A year later, the TIME article reported it as over 300 billion. (!?!)
One of the things I keep drumming is that that stat does not appear but in a “Covid Economy”. That phrase seems to get through to people.
It would suggest the most massive money laundering ops ever.
So, absent my gossip, he may still be not so great.
Any person who thinks he has the right to finance and promote the forcible take-over of a government in another sovereign country, for its natural resources, cannot be classified as … a ‘good guy’, period.
I suspect the real question is why does the US elite want control of Twitter and how does that fit the agenda as they move their game forward,,
Thanks Catte.
There are some good people around who have already prevented this shitshow become a de facto nightmare.
Whether this is enough remains to be seen.
Is resistance effective?
A certain amount will have been accounted for in the agenda for sure but did they model it on Chinese resistance or “Western world” resistance?
There is a huge difference and their model could be vastly skewed by using the former.
A potentially fatal mistake in their reckoning.
Thanks for this heads up to the world, mostly to those who are awake enough but haven’t smelled enough coffee.
My “travels” and observation brought me ten years ago, surely 5, to start all matters with two sacred, inviolable, if mostly “modern” (or perhaps not) primary principles~
1. Everyone is a spook, until proven otherwise
2. All text, video, audio (lincluding all sensory input, which can now sometimes be faked) input is propaganda until proven otherwise (including harmless chats around “town”; please refer to “1”)..
Seems like a lot to put on a plate, but that’s the breaks, and it serves as a prophylactic counterweight amidst citizenry that is hopelessly mired in the midst of the most inane suggestibility since 1930s Axis countries, or just USAmerica more or less since it’s inception (if needed, consult any history book for relevant fairy tales).
I find that inflexibly practicing these simple but productive, if onerous, principles as a steady, daily mental diet goes far as an Rx to offset a deficit of caffeine or consciousness.
In short, living life every day as a science experiment.
To counter the waves upon growing waves of multi-layered mind control directly, daily, threatening the species survival, you may offer in its place an ironclad cultivated habit of rad insuggestibility. Not a cakewalk, but as rewarding as revealing.
Best of all, that advice didn’t come from Central.
A HUGE group of people actually believe they have now “lived through a deadly pandemic” even though NOTHING in their real world experiences confirm that. A population that brainwashable, is very dangerous indeed.
Welcome to “The Gutenberg Galaxy”.
I have had some very interesting conversations with a lot of “fully jabbed” people recently.
EVERY one of them has had “covid”.
Some of them multiple times.
They are ALL praising the “vaccines” for not having worse symptoms.
The nearest analogy I can come up with is something about witches and ducking stools but my head is too confused to come up with a witty riposte.
It is the equivalent of spraying a room, that has no cockroaches, with a particular brand of pesticide and then espousing the extraordinary benefits of using that pesticide, because there are no cockroaches in the room.
That’s paraphrased, IIRC, from Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire by Chalmers Johnson
I think it’s more like them espousing the extraordinary benefits of using that pesticide, because there are only a few cockroaches in the room.
Many more people seem to be getting “covid” now they’ve been vaxxed than in the 1st year before the vax became available. Although their “covid” is usually pretty much identical to a cold.
It’s not quite that. For many, the room didn’t have any cockroaches before spraying it but now that cockroaches have invaded a couple of times, they know the solution works because the walls are not filled with the parasites. Yet. Why there were no cockroaches before spraying the room? The windows and door were closed. That kept the cockroaches out. But you can’t live like that forever…
Same thing here among my multi-jabbed friends and acquaintances. I would add that once they get “covid,” they like to trumpet the fact to the world on social media. It’s a badge of honor and signal of fealty to their tribe.
Agreed. The most washed part of the human body is the brain.
exactly. drag you down with their moronicity, or stone you to death…..
All sensationalism to keep us hooked on the FAKE/FALSE/LIE of a “deadly virus” narrative ALGORITHM. No more PHARM POISON for me. “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving you) have been doing this type of shit to maim, cull, and control the masses for EONS. Now many of us are more aware of the open air prison/ human science lab and refuse to consent to our blood streams to be penetrated with TOXINS, which create ailments all cloaked behind a “benign” reason: ” All for the greater good.” 100% DIABOLICAL. The “CON-vid” “life saving vaccine” isn’t the only poisonous/deadly/damaging vaccine… ALL OF THEM ARE and have always been. We are being and have been royally BAMBOOZLED.
p.s. It’s my birthday and the greatest gift to myself is being open minded and using discernment ALWAYS.
Happy birthday great words.
It was mine yesterday, big 7-0. So I can feel you.
good comment – happy birthday 🍿
I’m not sure if these shadowy perps are 100% diabolical, just foisting so much folly upon an unwatchful world. Wouldn’t it depend on their intentions, in other words, and I guess a long littered history tells us that they are not always so credible.
But the history also tells me, as one at least, that whatever their intentions, there is a Perp, the Granddaddy of all perps, who has plans to push an agenda that this site is discerning, by apparent solid consensus, that has too little human input, toward an end of absolute slavery. And not only can the Ol’ 1st Perp appreciate the blind assistance of lesser perps toward that bitter end, but manipulates it with the most ancient mind control, or absolute absence of wisdom.
When discerning minds see more clearly the connecting infernal dots, the more the good then that can be brought out of evil.
That’s just textbook doctrine, but the more useful perspectives are quickly modernizing.
(As examples of what we can at least identify, most pastors, and public leaders, agents of local life, are markedly behind in any (kind of useful) perspective on some of the most obvious current problems, and how to address them in terms of policies to lead their flocks from day to day.
Palpably, at sea. Compassion trumps accusation. As far as I can see, anyway, since many clearly can’t keep any pace, it’s a big project to keep on top of all this AND proclaim it at the same hour to others in a publicly practicable way. I’ve seen that in other past crises, but these 2 years take the 🍰.)
Often on the verge of building and installing a useful perspective of my own, I get pantsed by new input, and hours later I see that happening to pretty much everyone in my local public view, at least those who are trying with some functional sincerity, even most of all the favored authoritative mouthpieces at higher rungs.
Embarrassing, exhilarating, humiliating, enlivening, debasing, enriching. Confounding.
Are we thus on the threshold of Salvation?
(Don’t answer that, unless all your papers are in perfect existential order.)
When you bring up “salvation,” who or what is going to “save” us from ourselves and our fears?
Many happy returns,Starr🎈
Love to support alternative out of the box thinking. This does not qualify. It ignores a lot of fact and shows no movement from when I last looked here more than a year ago.
China has done a remarkable job with almost a million fewer covid deaths than a country only a quarter as populous. Their economy continued to thrive.
It’s not flu. It’s much more infectious.
Clear off for another year then.
go home fool
Here try reading this
THERE ARE NO VIRUSES! The genome of viruses only exist in computers and photo’s are of dead cell debris, photo’s have never been made of isolated virus particles.
A nice article about the sequencing of the sars cov 2 genome, the writers can not reproduce the genome, using the same data which was used by the researchers who found the sars cov 2 genome, they could hoever, produce 2 different sequences from the data set
“With the sequence data at hand, we were able to compute consensus sequences for the reference genomes LC312715.1 (HIV) and NC_001653.2 (Hepatitis delta virus) with higher goodness than for those reference sequences we considered associated with coronaviruses”
“Alignment with the nucleotide database on 05/12/2021 showed a high match (98.85%) with “Homo sapiens RNA, 45S pre-ribosomal N4 (RNA45SN4), ribosomal RNA” (GenBank: NR_146117.1, dated
04/07/2020). This observation contradicts the claim in [1] that ribosomal RNA depletion was performed and human sequence reads were filtered using the human reference genome”
Dr Sam rocks, so does her husband Mark. It’s mind-boggling how we as a species have been snowed by “science talk” for a century.
I second that. Love the work of Dr. Sam – another excellent doctor with a great web site is this one:
Yes! And here’s a link to the older edition of Virus Mania (without the Covid chapter) for free:
PDF download
Doing the governments work would also be buying into the very conveniently timed propaganda appearances of the state actor/s fake whistleblowers.
Now they’ve so confident of your naivety, you’ve got
fakeCeo’s or inventor’s doing the alt media clown circuit,.This week a Former CDS Director been added to the playlist..Biden’s laptop -Rabies – Mad cow -Bat virus – Snake venom – selected Bird flu.
It just as bad as believing in politicians helping us fantasy..
Yup. I am so off the BRICS-train now. To be sure, I still agree with much of Russia’s foreign policy since they happen to be in the right, but I definitely no longer trust Putin as I once did, not since he locked down Russia over a flu — twice!
Thank you, Catte, i am so sick of seeing such actions justified if undertaken by the BRICS bloc by people who base their entire politics upon global power rivalries rather than the herding of people by all governments into the Blockchain-based virtual camps, the digital Enclosures. And you know what, the American elite were calling for a shift to a multi-polar world order 10 years ago, only calling it “multilateral” vs “multi-polar.”
The Coming Multilateral World Order. World Bank head Robert Zoellick sees a tomorrow in which developing countries wield more power, societies succeed or fail as they empower women, and development moves beyond aid. Stewart M. Patrick, 9/29/11.
t’s rare that the head of a lumbering international organization delivers a visionary speech about a new world order. But when that person is a polymath and strategic thinker like Robert Zoellick, it pays to sit up and take notice. In a sweeping address at George Washington University earlier this month, the World Bank president identified a “critical inflection point” in world history. Global affairs have been so transformed, he suggested, that we need new paradigms for global governance and global development. Since the speech attracted little media attention, The Internationalist thought it opportune to take a closer look…..
The ground is shifting under our feet. Economic and political power is flowing to developing countries at an unprecedented speed. In the 1990s, developing countries collectively accounted for a fifth of global growth. By 2025, six of the biggest emerging economies–China, India, Brazil, South Korea, Russia and Indonesia–will account for half. Based on its current trajectory, China may quadruple its per capita income to $16,000 by 2030–“equivalent to adding sixteen South Koreas each year.” For the world to absorb such dramatic changes, China and other rapid ascenders must shift from export-led to more balanced growth. Simultaneously, mature economies like the United States, the European Union, and Japan need to overcome political gridlock and make difficult fiscal choices–or face inevitable decline……
• Tomorrow’s multilateral order will be fluid and volatile. In the twenty-first century, global governance will be more flexible, but also more subject to shocks. Old hierarchies will be pushed aside, as emerging economies join “new networks–of countries, international institutions, civil society, and the private sector–in diverse combinations and changing patterns.” Long-established patterns of Western privilege will fade: “The New Normal will be about countries continually earning their place in world economic affairs, not presuming it because of past standing or official prerogatives.”
“Growth” is a very dirty word. Worse than “development”. Snakes speak with forked tongues.
The above reads like something a university student would write, including all the words they’ re expected to use.
We all know this, but I’m just going to say it anyway: even if the ‘virus’ were real, or it was ‘made in a lab’/was an engineered ‘bioweapon’ [synthetic something-or-other] – it still would not be OK to lock people up, transfer shitloads of ‘wealth’, usher in techno-authoritarian madness, attack and manipulate the ‘public’ with 24/7 fear-mongering, lies, and manipulation – while aiding everyone in being at each others’ disgruntled throats for 2+ years. There was no dialogue, no ‘democracy’, no choice, no transparency, no modesty/humility.
Also, a lot of our ‘resistance heroes’ were pushing, or at the very least, ‘talking up’ the ‘lab leak’ and ‘gain-of-function’ narratives for a while in the beginning. I’m pretty sure y’all know the hucksters of whom I speak. The parasocial Groom Squad!
So, to summarise:
I think I get it now.
The labs exist, they do chemical weapons, the “bio” is a smokescreen.
I think that you and I don’t actually know anything for sure. Including what you just said and also what the article says about China.
I think we do know we are all fucked though, so there’s that at least. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
Yes Jeff have you seen one or been in one ?
Spot on! And the bioweapons include vaccines.
We don’t know the labs exist. Whose word are we taking by believing so?
We can presume they do exist since we know how evil these entities are.
The Russians have lost a battleship. Whether they have lost the war remains to be seen.
Scott Ritter on the other hand is convinced they have already won.
its all a show, whilst real people die and mangle and salvage value old ships get, … salvaged? who knows? maybe the WHO?
but natzo certainly escalating things and putin won’t unmuzzle his forces…??
still a pantomime. another distraction toward utter reset.
If you keep repeating “there is no covid” you will keep failing to be taken seriously. There is something out there that is not a normal flu, and huge numbers of people have had it. The sign that it is not a normal flu is the weird distortion of the sense of smell (not a lack of smell but a distortion of smell) that many have experienced- myself included. Foods with strong aromas smell like burnt chemicals. Pretty much everyone I know (most of them very healthy and most of them antivax) has had a heavy flu that they felt was not normal.
Virology is a blatant scam but some disease is very real.
Thank you for offering a factual critical-thinking piece to oppose the usual logical fallacy-overload and extreme worship of the masses.
US folk in particular love to jump on either side with rabid worship to the extent they ruin everything in their path, all the while professing to want freedom from oppression.
Obsession with Elon Musk is their latest cause. Exchange jabs for chips in their brain.
I was thrown that Musk worship a couple of days ago. Jaw dropping.
haha aye Musk worship has been growing over the past few years, peaking now? my son thinks he’s cool and a good guy!
hell yeah get a chip in yer heid. indeed.
i reckon Ellon’s snorted so many nano-bots he’s barely human, never mind functional.
Well, just as there is no God, we can ignore the fact that hundreds of billions of dollars have been invested in research of viruses at biolabs which don’t exist… >
U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist
by The Expose’
April 13, 2022
U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist – The Expose (
Covid does not exist, did not exist then, does not exist now.
Hello Jeffery Strahl: I’ve studied extensively in a number of scientific fields for many years…
Like numerous others coming here, you offer no valid insight into the actual presence of infective disease agents and offer no data or links to support your assertions.
Plentiful data overrides your refusal to face the facts. >
BREAKING: Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19
March 3, 2022
BREAKING: Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19 – The Expose (
“Evidence has emerged which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the pharmaceutical giant Moderna, the company that has made billions through the sale of an experimental Covid-19 injection, actually created the Covid-19 virus.”
“The Double CGG Codon used in the Moderna Specific Furin Cleavage site does not occur in any other Furin cleavage site in any other virus in nature.”
Refer to the list of patent filings for more elucidation…
Paul, did you notice two things in the Expose article: the placement of the labs, and the recurrent mention of “surveillance” ?
They’re largely sited in/near political ‘hotspots’. And could easily provide cover for Intelligence gathering. Journalists and anthropologists have been employed to gather Intelligence, why not people in white lab coats ?
Vaguely recalled: the Hunt for Ozzie bin Liner > In Pakistan UN/gates supported polio-vax teams were alleged to provide cover for the gathering of Intelligence about Ozzie’s whereabouts… The use of such programs as cover for Intelligence gathering is suggested by the labs… Whatever the labs are researching is irrelevant. Widespread fears of contagion makes the labs ideal for unmolested surveillance etc operations…
‘Biolabs’ has nothing to do with how you ‘treat Covid’. It has to do with whether or not a hybrid virus was created in a laboratory with particular target characteristics. Bioweaponry is a very imprecise science precisely because you tend not to carry out controlled releases of such bioweapons on human subjects.
How you treat ‘covid’ is solely to do with what your priorities are.
If you priorities are minimising the number of deaths, no matter the economic cost, then you will do different things to saying that there has to be a cost limit assigned to interventions.
My view is that absolutely everything in the ‘media’ these days is clouded with propaganda. It is impossible to say that the media seeks to inform the citizenry, rather that it seeks to condition it.
You believe in viruses? Can you show us any which have been physically isolated? Particularly “Covid”? The very idea of “bio-weapons” means a belief in germ theory.
Germ Theory includes more than just viruses.
Tell me about rabies. What causes it?
The “lab-leak” theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative.
This ‘virus’ is not man made in a lab in Wuhan. Just consider that we are looking at a ‘virus’ that cannot be identified as SARS-CoV-2 (there is no evidence), so that’s the end of that story. It was man made on a computer by Drosten et al in Berlin in January 2020 for reasons that we all know.
The bio-weapon thesis, by relying on the virus thesis, weakens all legal and other cases to stop the measures and vaccinations. Because then it becomes a question of what is the greater danger, and answers can only be subjective.
This may be a reason why it resurfaced. To keep lockdowns and all the measures in place and returning regularly to mandated vaccinations. Governments can also endlessly justify “research” (and the copious cash involved) towards more “specifically targeted” mRNA injections by perpetuating fear of a bio-weapon.
Sanjoy Mahajan states:
“Another disinformation method is at work too, seen in the omnipresent coverage of the Wuhan bio-weapons lab, gain-of-function research, Fauci’s funding of it, etc. Even intelligent alt media is falling for this piece of the psyop. All that coverage (1) strengthens the belief that viruses are contagious and deadly and can be made more so, preparing us for worse pandemics and lockdowns, and (2) distracts with talk of alleged bio-weapons “over there” from the real bio-weapons going into arms here.”
A further but related result is to distract from the fraudulence of the whole “pandemic” conjured up with a research tool, PCR, that has been repurposed into an impossible-to-calibrate “test” made without any isolated virus and run at a Ct so high as to detect RNA fragments.
Biolabs could exist if they concoct, say, vaccines and/or aerial sprays containing synthetic and bacterial muck for release as ‘medicines’ or into the environment.
Not really. Covid could well be a failed bioweapon, or an experiment. The evidence for the artificial nature of the spike protein is there. The vector is not likely to be an “airborne virus” but then the question is how did they spread it around so much- because , make no mistake, there is an abnormal disease out there, which is mild for the vast majority of the population ( as the pandemic mongers stated from the start).
I think the vector is the vaccines and the spike protein “shedding” occurs and that is why unvaxxed people also get this “omicron”.
BA2 variant? More like BS # 2 variant.
BA2 as bah bah like a sheep maybe
The so called variant depends on which RAT they use
Bravo OG. You can’t meet a lie half way and hope to appease it.
this exactly.The germ theory need to be consigned to the dustbin of history where it belongs
What causes rabies?
Yes you have absulutely right.The people must realize that there isn’t any deadly virus, and propably no viruses at all.
But Joe Rogan caught Covid.
As the King of Siam opined in the Rogers & Hammerstein musical “The King And I”: “Is A Puzzlement!”
Why, oh dear God why, are we so sure all the news out of Ukraine is fake, involving crisis actors, Hollywood movie scenes and the whole nine yards.
Yet we’re 110% absolutely, positively convinced the entire city of Shanghai has been locked down?
Is there no room for even a teeny weeny itsy bitsy little skepticism here?
I’m so curious about this as well. Especially after the first go around when they presented us with all the videos of people dropping dead in the streets, etc.
One fairly reliable test is to view the mainstream media as a negative guide i.e. if you aren’t hearing any news item on there then it’s more likely to be true. At the opposite extreme, any constantly repeated item is almost certainly false.
good point actually, Had not thought about that.
At present the difference between China and India is 180 degrees on the lockdown front.
Indians are not afraid to protest strongly on the streets again unpopular policies. Farm laws were rejected and now Covid lockdowns and even masks are rejected by 98%. These became too destructive financially, economically, socially and educationally balanced against the few extra deaths. Facial recognition is still in it infancy, Internet freedown is quite good presently and people are quite ready to go on the streets en mass or vote for the opposition to display unhappiness. There is no build in “CCP kind” monopoly. The Modi government knows all this and adjusted.
The ghosts of Gates are thus slowly chased out of New Delhi minds, offices and policies.
Fausti was good only for big harma, not the voting masses.
No part in India can take away cash fully from society without a total loss of next elections which happen regularly on town, state and central levels.
I can’t see poverty stricken Indians (the vast majority?) carrying smart phones and/or using the internet to make purchases.
It will be probably the case that cash can only be used to buy tomatoes and chickpeas and for everything else digital currency is required.
Is it possibly the “Mid-term Variant”?
That’s one explanation.
Seems reasonable to me.
More desperate and more extreme.
Worked the first time.
Ramp it up!
Whether washing hair or minds, the same instruction applies: “rinse and repeat.”
Routine sadistic/masochistic torture conditioning requires habituation, “normalization” of (increased) brutality, pain and suffering.
It is, after all, a syndrome that works, predictably, as battered spouses, among others, well-understand, only expanded, as a general principle, to encompassing entire cultures.
Is it possible we live In a culture of captives whose fundamental nature, “raison d’etre” and SOP is a S/M dynamic syndrome?
Habituation of pain as stimulant/narcotic, once ingrained, requires increased pain to feel anything at all, doesn’t it?
One way to end the cycle of “battered citizen syndrome” is first to recognize and acknowledge it, then to consciously, willfully and deliberately, entirely withdraw and disengage from participation in it.
Another way is to continue the escalation until the victim dies, which ruins it for the torturer.
However, what the torturer depends on is a perpetual and plentiful supply of willing victims.
Torture is a science whose practitioners know precisely what they’re doing.
But why are they actually locking down in Shanghai in this way? It’s obviously not for a virus. Is it to scare people in china/the world into total submission without question for the incoming economic collapse?
I was watching one American’s tiktok and the endless testing rituals and running out of food posts seem to indicate what is to come. Total control in the face of societal collapse. Maybe they are testing out on a big urban area to see how this would work in practice, and get the food delivery/rationing systems in place?
It seems urgent to create/implement an alternative vision. This looks interesting in the UK
It’s just the Chinese version of “heavy-handedness” which is actually part of all our lives today.
Same lust for control, same ruthlessness.
And until now most people never thought we were as bad as China in any respect…
But I’ve been to China. They have their good and bad people – like us. They also have their humorous people and their deadly serious robotic types – just like us.
Don’t let anybody tell you different.
But they do have a much longer history of mass control than we do, and experience tells…
I sense a indifferent callousness too??? as long as its not me,
from peta vids(sic), agricultural stuff and Red Dust or maybe just the way we are meant to perceive them Sinois ??
lol, just described consumerwestworld that i live in !!!
i think the russkis have the same collective ability, germans too ! : )
ole soft honky westworlder is looking lowwww on the rise these coming days??
I expect what we would call indifferent callousness is what they would call focused efficiency…
As I’ve said, their origins are so unbelievably different from ours that it would be pretty strange to see them acting like us today – even if the westernized Japanese have managed to copy us in many respects – at least to start with.
There’s no reason for us to be surprised that Chinese points of reference have nothing to do with apple pie, Uncle Sam and The Declaration of Independence.
They just went a different way, and the same might have happened to us under different circumstances.
It is what it is.
I can’t judge it, because it isn’t within my frame of reference.
Perhaps the crucial thing is that some Chinese mean well, and others do not.
I have travelled all over China including Shanghai, amazing country and lots going on below the surface of stereotypes as you say like elsewhere there are all sorts but what I was trying to understand was why they are doing this now so severely Some have suggested it is to disrupt trade with Europe in retaliation to Russian sanctions others that they are preparing for major societal collapse. City’s are more fragile in such scenarios and China has created the most rapidly urbanised population in history. Maybe this is a trial run of exactly how they would cope and the ccp still be able to maintain control. These days it’s difficult to know exactly why these things are happening but it’s undoubtedly about control. It would be good to get some inside information from China from those who are opposing this nightmare and what they are doing I can’t believe everyone is just taking it.
they say the average person in the world is a 25 year old Chinese programmer – maybe the solution to the disaster that the world is heading will come from ordinary people in China – there must be some progressive Chinese hackers who want a better world
Fair & interesting comment WD/Sofia.
Consider: in 2001, 2 weeks before WTC7 was demolished,
The Rothschilds moved to Shanghai, China, from the
World Trade Centre Complex, restructuring Focus…
Offering gainful employment to Chinese programmers.
I believe that Shanghai was targeted as revenge on Soros &
Rockerfeller/Rothschilds, after the public insult to Xi, from Soros & Co.
@Hoover Institute 31/1/2022. Now, even the Shanghai based Chinese
Programmers will understand very clearly that NOT SOROS
NOR ROTHSCHILD NOR ROCKERFELLER nor their media Corporations could ever be,
Sovereign in Shanghai ! A tough lesson.
* Soros’ Open Society of Media Matters? *
Had zero future in modern China.
As reality bites,
Shenzhen eased up.
Just a thought.
My 5 pence.
Thanks for this information very interesting I had no idea just trying to understand what is going on there beyond what is allowed to seep out