Rash of blood clots caused by…the heat?
Kit Knightly

Perhaps you’ve heard about the rash of blood clots in young healthy people, recently?
Well don’t you worry your silly head about it, they were caused by dehydration due to the hot weather.
Some of them, anyway. Maybe. Definitely the most recent ones, and certainly any you may hear about in the future.
Naturally, any reported spike in blood clots before the summer was nothing to do with the hot weather.
…that was the cold weather.
Or maybe it was a long-term side effect of Covid19 infection.
Or maybe it wasn’t a clot, it was just Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Or one of the 300,000 symptomless cases of aortic stenosis wandering around.
Or maybe they were suffering from “post-pandemic stress disorder”.
Or maybe there weren’t any deaths at all, and the fact-checkers have debunked all of that.
It doesn’t matter. Forget it. There’s no point even considering what may or may not have caused the blood clots that may or may not have happened in the past.
The point is, in the future, they will be caused by the hot weather.
And nothing else.
Have a good day.
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FYI – the voting has NOT been turned off by us, it’s just stopped working for an unknown reason.
The votes are being counted it seems but just not showing up.
We just updated the software hoping that would fix it but it didn’t. So we are continuing to look for a solution.
Hopefully it will be operational again soon – thanks for your patience
Thanks, Sophie. I count counting as part of the Democratic Consensus mechanism, almost as important as Free Speech.
“Solon, one of the Seven Sages and founder of Athenian Democracy, made it a crime for a citizen to conceal his political opinion.”
In Australia, in a parody of democracy, or perhaps democracy taken to its logical conclusion, or possibly in tribute to Solon, it’s a crime not to vote. Naturally, many spoil their ballots in protest which could be construed as an expression of free speech, otherwise not allowed.
It may be better to offer the choice: ‘None of the above’.
But what if that choice won?
Upvoting/ downvoting comments is easy to manipulate with bots. This was heavily used in my opinion for covid and even before then. Sites like quora had already been manipulated for years with various methods. There was upvotes, downvotes, upvoting/ downvoting of the question itself etc. There was new comments posted 20 seconds ago with 10,000 upvotes in the ‘vaccine’ space. This was so quick that nobody could have even had time to read them. They even went so far as to infiltrate the moderation team so they could get posts or whole accounts deleted. They would target such accounts with multiple complaints to get them banned. Many major sites like for example tripadvisor were all already infiltrated in preparation for covid so that a false perception of consensus could be presented. It is highly dangerous to rely on such systems to form any sort of opinion about the popularity of a comment.
For info on coordinated targetting of authors, comments, etc. as well as coordinated deflection, see this:
Comment gone to Pending.
It has been my view for quite some years that if voting IS compulsory, as it is in Australia, THEN, just like any other “multiple choice question” there SHOULD also be a box that says “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” Then, if none of the above actually ever WINS, this should trigger a complete overhaul of the entire system. The political party system is actually apparently ILLEGAL under the Australian Constitution anyway – but, that one’s for another day. We have the usual masonic set up they refer to as “the red and the blue” (meaning, two sides of the same coin, aka controlled opposition), however, it is clear to me that at least the Greens would likely have been infiltrated additionally now, due to the eventual move towards the “green pass”, which might otherwise be called “eco-fascism.”
Strange, when i vote, i see the result right away. PS: i am registered.
FWIW, I’m logged in and the voting appears to work normally.
However, although I haven’t tried to monitor and track my votes, when I revisit recent threads I see some comments in which the vote indicator (^) is green, but the count tally (the number next to the arrow) is blank.
I up voted you while logged in and logged out….. Seemed to work either way for me. However, I see no other votes.
Are you in the US? Aussies do not register their political allegiance – it is a secret ballot. However, I’m NOT under the impression that elections are fraudulent in many, many countries, and I doubt Australia is immune to this. We tend not to define ourselves and each other by who one votes for – unlike the US. I wouldn’t even know who most of my friends vote for. I only know that I have decided that small parties and independents need to be well represented, to help keep the B…s honest.
Sorry, suspect you may be talking about voting for what people said. I’ll upvote something occasionally, but I couldn’t care less how popular or otherwise what I say is – it’s all freedom of expression and speech to me.
Y’know what? I was thinking about the cattle deaths “due to 100 degree heat for 3 days w nighttime temps going down to 70.”
-Cattle in other places– like Texas and Australia endure hotter temps for longer periods.
-TPTB keep coming out w new vaxxes for cattle. I wonder if one of these might weaken them?
-Cattle are now eating GMO feed, especially in the CAFO lots where apparently many of the cattle deaths occurred?
Brilliant , five stars ! God bless you Kit, thanx from East Europe: Short article, concise, like an arrow hitting the very center of circle, appreciated, greetings !
This is SO bogus that it’s actually quite amusing. So, IF the heat suddenly causes blood clots – two quick points would be – 1 – then why has this NEVER been a “thing” before? And 2 – then why aren’t people dropping dead all over the equatorial regions? I mean, REALLY? These folk must think we are REALLY dumb, bless ’em.
Fwiw, just came across an Article indicating the lipid nanoparticles of the mRNA gene hacking (‘vaccines’), which are in liquid state when transported and stored at freezing temps, become solid when exposed to heat like that of the human body. I seriously doubt this is on the minds of the fraudsters who come up with the ever absurd storylines to cover up the clot shots, but it does seem to add some sick irony to the killing bizzness in this case.
Not sure if it’s a separate issue but I read that those few people who died recently “from Covid” and where a postmortem investigation was performed were found to have large plaques made up of protein and other materials, some of which looked man-made, pulled out of their arteries.
Speculation by the postmortem docs was that these were the self-generated spike proteins which adhere to other protein structures.
So, are people dying from blood clots or from large protein agglomerations or plaques in their arteries, or both?
Veri Tas,
It was speculated that those long things pulled out of veins by undertakers (since the vaxx) is fibrinogen:
“Fibrinogen is a protein produced by the liver. This protein helps stop bleeding by helping blood clots to form.”
Seems like they’re related, no?
Infowars bs – or is there something here?
I am a father of two. My wife died of cancer 5 years ago. I am devastated by her death. My kids, born in 81 and 84, apparently blame me. Neither of them will “talk” with me on any medium. Everyone in my golf group has abandoned me. I am not vaccinated. Five of my six brothers and sisters will talk to me. One is dead. I am alone. Totally. Father’s day is tomorrow. I don’t expect either of my children to contact me and acknowledge me. Which is fine. Their bad. Not mine. I am venting. Either way. I am alone. Totally.
Hemlockfen, life is not fair. How in the world can they blame you for cancer?
Fill your life w something: Register on a dating site, oppose what TPTB & their inhumane NWO plan for us.
Don’t say “poor me” any more. You’re intelligent; you know how to make a life for yourself. If you’re depressed, get outdoors and walk in the natural light every morning– your psyche will respond to this, especially if you skip breakfast.
You are not alone.
Blood is thicker than water – so is sewage.
Thumbs up Chum, Go for a walk I’am alone to. Tell you what, we’ll both go for a walk together, ok?
I’am (68) my Families allways Loved the Outdoors, come on.
These are hard times. Many people are feeling abandoned by friends and family over their unvaxed status. I am hoping support groups for unvaxed might happen. Good luck and do something special for yourself for father’s day.
Dear oh dear Hemlockfen, what a stuck-up, priggish, self-righteous bunch of cnuts you have for ‘friends’ and neighbours. You seem to have been infected by some of the quadruple vaccinated. Yikes! a fate worse than death! (for them, not us). You would appear to be moving in the wrong circles old chap. Get rid of this stuck up supercilious riff-raff out of your life – pronto! Go out and meet some decent unvaccinated people. They do exist. Just look at off-Guardian. And me of course.
Hombre, better times will arrive for you ! Saludos de Polonia.
Now is your time to find God. Meditate.
This is a video w much add’l info, plus text summary. Since it’s Mercola it will be up only today June 18 & tomorrow.
http://covid19criticalcare.com also covers post vax treatment.
I’m listening to the Mercola video now & it’s a really riveting wrap-up of the vax illnesses. I think quite persuasive for your resistant friends.
Maybe the cold sheet treatment would be better. The cold sheet treatment promotes the growth of germs to help clean things up. It is from Dr Christopher. Mercola is an allopath so probably his video is some nonsense that just suppresses symptoms but isn’t going to fully cleanse out the ‘vaccine’ or restore health. https://odysee.com/@NaturalLawHealth:c/LS-32-CST:4
Dr. Joseph Mercola is NOT an allopath. He advises against ANY drugs and is one step behind cutting edge naturopath. That one step just allows him to make all of his videos w transcripts fully documented.
I believe him to be the MOST viewed naturopath on the internet. Biden has named him among the top ten “disinformation” sources.
Mike, please don’t comment about people of whom you know nothing.
“Citizens, get it through your beautiful but thick heads: if there are any unusual deaths due to any reason, WE will inform you of them. Ignore unofficial fear mongers, listen only to official sources, who will fully explain everything.”
“And listen only to the OFFICIAL fear mongers!”
Should be worrying these so called scientists and doctors that young people are dying of blood clots heart attacks and it’s always the weather?Damn you weather 👊 you murderer.
Bill Gates and his cohorts are behind every bot of this. Bill and Friends have been talking about thinning the population of the world in 1/2 by 2030 since atleast 1986. Bill gave a speech at a symposium of scientists and money makers on this topic. He has repeated this several times ever since, the last time was just 6 months before the outbreak of covid. At the meeting he said there was going to be a pandemic one day soon.
Good one Kit. Clots for Tots has a nice ring to it…
An inverted world of lies, self obsession and corruption.
Spiritual warfare..
Pray and meditate.
i aam safe in ireland :)))))
Cattle in Kansas are suddenly dying from heatstroke. Or thermonuclear fluctuations in the space-time continuum. Or something. The fact that this is good for the meat reduction movement is pure coincidenzzzzzzzzzzzz ….
they can’t use that excuse where i am, maybe in the uk for a day or 2?
In the UK there was news about 2 million deer, that they might had covid and should have been slaughtered. I don’t know what happened later.
i seem to remember reading that nonsense too. hmm,
Cattle travelling interstate must have ear tags showing origin (& I spose vaxxes). Recent laws require them w/in certain states, like in Ohio.
KANSAS recently required ELECTRONIC tags for State Fair animals– new law in 2022, so it might be universal in Kansas now.
An EID tag is a small button that contains an embedded microchip that attaches to a regular cattle tag. Each tag and chip have the same unique 15-digit number—one for visual identification and one to use with an electronic reader.
Past 30 day kansas city weather 78 – 93 F
“Cattle usually accumulate a heat load during the day, Capoun said, then lose that body heat overnight. But they can’t shed the body heat without cool nights, and nighttime temperatures remained in the 70s for at least three days during the heat wave.”
industry trade publication has reported that an estimated 10,000 have died.
The EID buttons on cow eartags can be read by a reader: Can it act as a receptor for exaggerated on-purpose transmission?
I have no opinion. If somebody has good links I’ll follow up more.
The bovine deaths were consentrated in one town. The so called “heat wave” included several states and was not unusual for this part of the US at this time of year.
Very witty kit.
A witty Kitty and a sprightly Knightly!
Every day, EVERY DAY, I hear an ambulance driving past my house with its siren blasting away. That never used to happen. Of course there is nobody in the ambulance because there is only one driver and no emergency crew. The whole show is to frighten people. They now throw in the monkey-pox scare to ramp up the fear.
But it doesn’t seem to be having much effect in my neck of the woods because about 95% of the population have given up wearing face masks (including doctors) except for the hapless shop-assistants who are forced to.
The noise alone from an airport, highway, factory, etc. raises the blood pressure of those living close by. Ambulances also help, even if you are asleep. Anything to push up those “covid” hospitalisations and deaths, especially when so many share counters are tanking.
I lived in downtown Baltimore from 2013-2017, close to the huge University of Maryland hospital campus. Through the period when the police killed Freddie Gray, the national guard were armed and out on the streets and the police refused to do their jobs after the Gray hearing helping the murder rate double in the space of a few months. The nearest shooting was 100m from my front door.
I now live in a tiny village in the Welsh mountains (UK), and I swear for the past 2 years the number of ambulance sirens per day here is significantly higher than it was in downtown Baltimore. I’ve yet to meet anyone affected by illness since the start of this farce, except one neighbour who had a brain aneurysm the day after her first Pfizer injection which caused paralysis in her left arm for 4 months.
That and we have school playgrounds being used to park fleets of ambulances overnight which leave and return to the school, going nowhere near any hospital, blaring their sirens whether or not there is any traffic to move out of their way.
They must think we’re fucking morons. Sadly they are right in so many cases.
Free floating anxiety seems to be their game, keep people on edge.
Exactly. Free-floating anxiety is one of the key conditions necessary to create a mass formation of brainwashed people, as Prf Mattias Desmet has explained on numerous podcasts and interviews. His book is out this week.
This began in my area the exact same time they “mandated” that everyone stay locked up at home. It made me crazy enough I walked out to the highway with a stopwatch. Sure enough six cop cars and an ambulance making loops every twenty or so minutes. You could see the smiles on the young drivers faces, getting paid to joyride 100MPH on empty highways, what a life. Sad it worked so well on the populace. I could never feel safe living there again.
Where I live they have volunteer ambulance paramedics. It’s customary to send out two paramedics: one always remains in the back with the patient. So you would never see more than one paramedic up front.
But then, a volunteer force would not be amused at having to take time from their lives to simply drive around empty handed.
There is more to come …
“Contagious Vaccines: A Warning”
I doubt this news, they are humans, too, they don’t want to murder themselves. Can be ‘contagious’ with close contact or rather they can ‘broadcast the vaccine’ frequency (Icke) but the elite can’t entirely avoid contacts with the poisoned by vax, hotel staff, etc.
Say….they got antidotum for the “choosen” ??? Anyway, best to avoid fear propaganda, could be desinfo also among those who are waking up. Cheers !
GEE WHIZ KIT!!! Dem ‘clots’ are simply psychosomatic aberrations. Dem clots just all in the ‘head’ of those whining anti-vax vermin.
We @ Fizzer™ is now brewing a combo coveed/flue/mickee-pox potion that will be safe and effective ($$$$$$$$) to inject directly into the placenta. Our 3-day trials in remote villages of Nepal were extremely cost effective. Investors (Soros, Gates, Bezos ad nauseum) please take note.
It sounds to me like you are having a stroke. You need to see a homeopath, mate!
A dead man is a dead man.
During the early days of the COVID hoax, when the world was hit with a tsunami of bullshit about the virus, the daily case counts, the people allegedly dying, and all that shit, I – and I presume others too, as I had never had the need to look into shit like this in the past – discovered excess mortality statistics, such as euromomo.eu, the stats office where I live, and various others. None of them showed anything quite unusual. Despite the official claims of COVID deaths, there was no rise in all-cause mortality, clearly indicating that it was all a giant crock of shit.
Relying on the same logic, I have to say that no data are indicating that the fuckccine is the “kill shot” it’s claimed to be.
I’m aware of the reports of adverse effects, myo-fucking-carditis and peri-fucking-carditis, miscarriages, this and that. I’m even aware of cases of what appears to be fuckcine injuries among people I know. I know of all the nefarious things about the fuckccine, especially the toxic nature of the nanolipids it contains – the mRNA mechanism apparently doesn’t work the way they claim, basically it does big shit. I’m also aware of claims that vaccination as a general concept is flawed.
Still, where are dead people? Where are the people whose bodies would be “disintegrating at the cellular level”, as some claimed last year when mRNA fuckccination was rolled out? They’re just not there.
So, in whose interest is to keep dissent against fuckccination going? Obviously, in the establishment’s. In the proponents of covidism-wokeism. They need people who refuse the fuckccine to have somebody to blame for double, triple, quadruple mutations, new variants, new strains. If everybody obediently took the shot, there would be no more justification for any restrictive measure.
Logic therefore dictates that much of the anti-fuckccine shit might be spread by the same fuckers who are behind COVID itself.
Does it mean that you should get yourself injected with the shit? Fuck, no. There exists not a single reason for that, while there are countless reasons why not allowed the shitheads to coerce you into taking the jab.
On the other hand, since there is no evidence that the ‘kill shot’ is in fact one, one should be careful of not getting played and spreading irrational fear.
The turmoil in the world is NOT a fucking health issue. The world is being transformed, a revolution is in progress. What matters is the economic and societal arrangement that will emerge from all this shit, and that’s what people need to focus on. The availability/scarcity of energy. Etc.
Yeah i agree- good to hear some fucking sense
‘If everybody obediently took the shot, there would be no more justification for any restrictive measure.’
True. And that’s why they did put something in the vaxx which does increase the risk of death, as you can see at euromono
It’s killing thousands of people world wide and there are many side effects, as one can see with its own eyes. It may even be millions, but it certainly is not 10 millions or billions. Yet…
Epidemiology becomes visible to the eye when several people in your own environment get sick from poisonous stuff. Smoking is the example that is often used. Have I seen people in my own environment who got lung cancer and smoked? – I certainly have. But for other diseases not so much. The risk of getting lung cancer due to smoking is about 10 fold increased to normal (which is still not a lot in absolute terms, most smokers won’t die from lung cancer). The idea is that if something is more than 10 fold increased, you don’t have to be an epidemiologist to see the association between one thing (vaccine) and the other (sickness or death). I have seen people getting sick after the vaxx and people die. There is my evidence. But euromono also helps.
I can’t see any increase in mortality at euromomo. The stats look totally normal.
The claims of side effects reek of the same scaremongering as the effects of COVID itself.
That’s my point. I’m simply trying to make objective observations.
It uses a 5 year average so the baseline has already moved up compared with if you had looked at it 2 years ago. If you look at the baseline it was under 52,000 at the bottom of the curve in 2018. Last year it came down to 53,900. The baseline is moving up so perhaps you are not noticing how substantial the increase is. These are quite thin graphs but if you stretched them it would be more clear how much change there was.
The huge spike during the lockdown was even more clear 2 years ago coz the baseline was lower. Are you for real?
There was claims of covid deaths but I don’t know why you would call them official. No post mortems were conducted and zero evidence exists to support your assertion they were covid deaths. There was a huge rise in all cause deaths but they wern’t covid deaths but midazolam deaths, suicides, fear induced deaths and various other lockdown associated deaths. In short these were deaths caused by the lockdowns, propaganda and fake medical system.
You’re doggedly refusing to understand the point I’m making and, instead, you’re desperately clinging to the scared-shitless view of the past two years.
I’ve been following the stats since day one, I know everything about this shit and then some, such as the dry tinder phenomenon. You wanna dwell on it, your choice.
I gotta move on.
BTW, just like there is zero evidence that deaths were COVID deaths, there is zero evidence that deaths are kill-shot deaths.
Don’t you get it? Health is NOT THE ISSUE.
The issue is two things:
1) A protectionist ideology that makes people embrace technology in a vain hope that it will save and protect them from any and all risks life has in the store for them. That’s the main problem behind all of this. Fear and the fallacious belief in the supernatural power of man/science/technology.
2) The collapse of the socio-economic model of the past century or two. Plausibly caused by thermodynamic/physical phenomena (lack of energy).
Some slight aberrations in mortality – easily explicable in view of the turmoil in the world – are pretty much inconsequential.
Stop splitting hairs and try to see the bigger picture for fucks sakes!
Health is not the issue for the criminals but it is for us. There is adequate energy, just not to squander on unhealthy ‘vaccination’ programs for example.
Is that a reliable source? Just asking because in the US 1.3 million people somehow disappeared from work. Dead? Deadly ill hiding at home?
The “Vaccines” have done their job and done it very well.
Their job was to divide society and it has succeeded spectacularly.
You may be correct that we will not see masses of people collapsing in the street from vaxx injuries.
Then again, maybe we will.
The important thing is, by turning the issue into a new religion they have created a schism not normally seen outside religious secularism.
One huge boost to the agenda.
They got a two for one bonus with the accompanying obedience experiment in readiness for CBDC.
Clever bastards are still bastards.
Every time a dichotomy, a divisive issue pops up, you gotta ask yourself whether you’re not being played. The bastards are pretty cunning and will tell everyone just what they wanna hear.
Re: Obedience
Why? Why now? People are not obedient enough? The way they’ve fucked up the economy – with people’s generous assistance/insistence – has finally caught up with them and things are about to get tough? Cheap energy has run out?
In the ‘mericas the problem was actually a giant drop in energy demand which comically took place right as some of the largest oil and gas reserves in history were discovered and drilled (Texas, Wyoming). All that conservation fuss finally started to add up and it was basically self-defeating to an economic model which requires constant growth and consumption. Energy got TOO CHEAP to be used as a psychological driver for change and they needed to put a stop to that future ASAP.
Here is an interesting site where the author speaks precisely about this phenomenon.
A couple of years ago WTI (US crude oil) sold for a brief period at about minus 30 dollars. That is, you had to pay the buyer to take it. Now that’s cheap.
Their job was to tag people who now have MAC address.
Feel free to check, I did. True. OLD android device with A6 or 7 or Bluetooth Scanner downloaded to a newer.
“Where are the people whose bodies would be “disintegrating at the cellular level”, as some claimed last year when mRNA fuckccination was rolled out?”
Strawman argument – anyone who claimed this was either an agent or a fool. There clearly is some sort of depopulation agenda in play but that never meant masses were going to die immediately or in a year. There had to be plausible deniability.
I’m not saying I believe the vaccine is a “kill shot”, I’ve argued all along there could be other explanations. There is some evidence of increased death rates from insurance companies but I wouldn’t claim it is conclusive. Government death stats I wouldn’t trust at all. I’ve seen some signs of health deterioration in people I know who’ve been vaxxed but not enough to reach any definite conclusions.
That was not a strawman argument – there was a somewhat exaggerated generalization of claims made to the effect of the aforestated that were being made at the time, i.e. that the gene therapy peddled as vaccines would screw up people’s genetic makeup in a matter of a few months.
As it turns out, it hasn’t happened. From what I hear, the problem with the shots is not the genetic mechanism – apparently that doesn’t work at all – but the delivery method, the nanolipid shit that’s pretty toxic.
As far as depopulation, let me play the devil’s advocate.
The sustainability of the population size is proportionate to available energy and consequently resources and produced food and other needs. At present, we’re riding on a wave driven by cheap sources rich in energy, the various kinds of fossil fuels. Without them, the current population size would not be sustainable. Not because there is not enough space on the globe, but because there is not enough concentrated energy. Without the energy that drives the mechanized production means, people would simply not be able to produce enough energy to cater to their needs, let alone to sustain the current luxurious lifestyle.
Since not only everything points to the fact that fossil fuels are finite, but also, even if they weren’t, there is a certain population size the available resources on the Earth are able to sustain – the space here IS finite, should humankind engage in some kind of population control so as to prevent an overshoot and the consequent fight for resources, or should people say fuck it and trust that a state of equilibrium can be achieved spontaneously?
If the answer is the former, how should it be done?
To clear up potential misunderstanding, I’m not advocating no fuckccines or condoning what in fact might be a depopulation effort. Just proposing something beyond the limits where people dare go.
I agree with your premises in principle and, to an extent your devil’s advocate argument.
“If the answer is the former, how should it be done?”
How indeed?
Maybe that can be partly answered by looking at the potential methods of depopulation.
Firstly, birth control;
Sterilisation, financial incentive, punishments, contraception.
This could achieve appreciable results in three generations but it has the problem of limiting the supply of productive, working people in the immediate future exacerbating the problem of caring for a disproportionate number of older dependants.
Secondly, disease:
Introduction of a disease targetted at the elderly/ weak which leaves a large number of productive, working people.
Thirdly, war:
A true leveller. Reduces numbers across the board but results in population explosion after the event.
Forthly, famine:
Reduces the number of mainly poor people who tend to contribute to keeping the “first world” fed.
For this exercise I’m going to take out birth control because of the imbalance it would cause, maybe the Chinese one child policy was an early test of the idea?
There are many many wars all around the world at any given time chipping away at the population but without a major conflagration like the last two world wars is it really going to change much on a global scale?
Leaving famine and disease.
The advantages to a potential World domination cabal of these two scenarios is obvious. The disadvantage of the famine scenario are outweighed by the diminished needs of a smaller population.
In a Court of Law the three elements used to prove gult are Means, Motivation and opportunity.
The people in my imaginary dock have all three.
Good thinking.
Supposing that it’s the case, I’d imagine that schemers intending to reduce the population would also consider what sort of people they’d want to retain. I’m assuming that they have enough foresight to think not about the immediately available workforce, but also people who are creative and cultured more or less in the vein of how civilization has developed thus far because progress must go on lest civilization stagnates, regresses, atrophies, and disappears. Labor is easy to get, as evidenced by the fact that shit is now manufactured in places with no industrial tradition. So is research, at least to some or large extent. Creativity is different – that hinges on the freedom-loving spirit of the westerners.
Another thing to consider is the willingness/stupidity of the population the be culled and, presumably, subjugated once that’s accomplished.
Who would the depopulators wanna have with them in the future? Obviously people who share their views. How many are of those? What about the rest? Would they not give a shit and accept the reality that after whatever scenario to cut the population is achieved, thing will arrange themselves?
How do all these factors correspond to the reality of what’s happening?
Is it maybe that the so-called elites are not that smart at all and stuff like this is way over their head. Or could it be that they’re honestly trying – fuck, I hate to be writing this – to do something about the energy predicament humanity might be facing, using dishonest means knowing that people would not accept the truth? Whether the truth is true – remember, we’re in the realm of the devil’s advocate.
“Obviously people who share their views. How many are of those? What about the rest? ”
If the past few years have taught us one thing it’s that “they” have an incomprehensible amount of power and influence.
They will use tactics that would make a street trickster blush yet cover their tracks so well that MOST people won’t even notice.
People have been trying to trip them up for years and still they wriggle free, aided by many state and media agencies.
80% of people believe that building 7 was brought down by a fire.
Yes, they have plans for “afterwards” but you won’t even know it’s afterwards.
So, you survived!
You will be counting your rewards for complying – not knowing you’ve complied.
You will forget that they killed your relatives and march on to the Brave New World.
Nobody eating a sausage ever thinks of a pig in a cage.
Of course, in the realms of the devil’s advocate.
Now the heretical question:
Suppose that the underlying reason, i.e. need to impose some population control vis-a-vis the finite availability of energy/resources, is correct, which logic kinda dictates it is, what is the judicious person to do?
Knowing that they’re essentially right, at least in some of what they’re doing – meaning population control, while understanding that they’re malevolent motherfuckers intent on having a bigger piece of the pie … err, scratch that … eating the whole fucking pie and tossing a few crumbs to the rest, or feeding them cockroaches for that matter … and fuck over everybody else? While most of the rest are completely oblivious to what the fuck is going on?
Why should we believe the world population statistics given that we’ve been lied to about practically everything else? The world seems a lot emptier to me now than it used to.
I usually skip past your nonsense but as have time on my hands skim read; and oh man do I regret it because I have to now respond:
kill shots – The Jabs are causing health issues in otherwise healthy people and some are dying from issues caused by the jabs. It’s clear as day; if you pull your head out off your backside and look at the stats gathered by Metatron, Matthew Crawford, El Gato etc you might see it.
Depopulation – what the heck are you going on about!!?! So according to you civilisation needs to get culled because there isn’t enough energy and space on this earth? Who told you that? Al Gore or was it in your subscriber only WEF newsletter? Birth rates are dropping and an Israeli study has shown that the Jab actually affects sperm counts.
Energy – wow!! So you actually advocate that people need to be killed off (the population needs to be reduced) because there isn’t enough energy left? Like it’s some kind of market correction and the poor controllers have no choice and are doing it in devious ways to spare our feelings? Oh dear. You know the people who wrote limits to growth or whatever it was were lying to you! They’re not switching to electric cars (for example) because they feel bad for us or because there’s not enough oil they’re doing it to open new revenue streams and continue with their building of the control grid. If they really cared about “Mother Earth” there are means of creating energy out of excrement (shit to you).
why now? Are you serious!!?! Because if you hadn’t noticed their Usury based financial system is about to blow up in their parasitic faces and they are trying their best to save it whilst looting the remaining treasures – stagflation is on the way Jacques you might want to consider its effects.
Devils advocate – own your know-it-all word salads which sound like they’re straight out of Yuval Hararis playbook!
(apologies to everyone else on here for my bad language – peace)
Go fuck yourself, idiot. You are projecting into me a need to have an enemy and wage a verbal war thereagainst (you evidently have no balls for nothing else).
I’m not advocating anything you dimwit. I’m asking questions based on what I try to be as objective as possible observations of what’s going on.
You’re mixing apples and oranges with piss and shit (excrement to you), your drivel about electric cars being a case in point.
Next time, skip past my nonsense and continue regurgitating the “they’re after us, we’re fucked” narrative.
BTW, in most of the points you make, you’re at least to some extent correct, but that has nothing to do with what I wrote above. I don’t have my head stuck in my asshole, you do, you fucking idiot.
As a means of depopulation (if that is what the vaxx is) it would work better as an attack on fertility rather than killing people off. Infertility has, in my lifetime, been blamed on a variety of lifestyle choices and environmental factors including the wearing of tight jeans, fears about climate change making people opt for childlessness, oestrogen in the water, the increase in same-sex relationships, dietary changes, selfishness in young people. It would be so much easier for TPTB to disguise a massive dip in the birthrate by blaming things ‘outside our control’. And young people are weirdly aware they may be affected by this but, as my niece recently said in answer to my query as to why someone in their early twenties who had no risk of hospitalisation from covid would have taken two shots, ‘I’d rather be able to travel than have a baby’. Not much hope for humanity if this is the case.
try this for an interesting hypothesis:
I’ve glanced it over – a lot of stuff is right on.
What’s missing is why. Why they unleashed it now. Why would they want to start a new page of history now.
I don’t quite buy that they’re psychos and act irrationally.
“I don’t quite buy that they’re psychos and act irrationally.”
How about that they’re psychos and act rationally?
They probably are – psychopaths, sociopaths, whatever-the-fuck-you-can-think-of-paths, and fucking assholes on top of that.
So, what’s the rationale behind their move now? The usual occasional world war to burn down the place for insurance money?
The public rationale is that it’s all for our own good.
The private rationale is that these psychos see us as below them and they are justified in taking complete power and control over every living thing, for their own profit and pleasure.
This writer’s columns are thought provoking. This from the essay on acceleration. It pertains to what you are discussing
In that sense, it is very likely the “vaccines” will have debilitating side effects; not because the central planners need such a “jab” to poison people (they already have the flu shots, vaccine schedule, they are already poisoning our food, air and water, etc.); rather because such side effects would become widely known and avowed, and the “system” would be blamed for it. If these injections happen to injure, sterilize or kill millions of people, that would merely be a “bonus”, or the means to a more subversive and subtle end.
So is the plan to stage a fake ‘revolution’? To coax us into overthrowing the current crop of political/corporate puppets and rallying around a new régime that will be even more tightly controlled by the Illuminati? That’s the thesis I’m leaning towards at the moment myself. I wonder whether, for example, Putin and Xi — and maybe even Trump — are being enlisted to collectively play the role of the ‘good cops’ who are going to save us from the evil, decadent globalists who dominated (only!) the West. But then again, Putin, Xi and Trump have all been pushing the clot-shots as well, so how would that work?
You allege, “where are dead people?@ Get a grip and start here in the US:
https://healthimpactnews.com/Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company in US Paid Out 163% More for Deaths of Working People ages 18-64 in 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Then watch all Edward Dowd’s videos for USA and John Looney’s videos for UK. And finish in Australia with this mail of 6 June to Alex Berenson:
“Alex! I’m a lawyer in Australia, the increase in mortality in Australia is absolutely shocking. Truly scary. Strange signals are now showing up all over the place. You cannot drive anywhere without being confronted by an ambulance screaming past – this was something I used to see once every few weeks and yet I now see several, each day. Work wise, our office has seen a huge increase in the number of estates we are dealing with, compared to the usual amount we would handle. On average, it takes about 3 weeks for a Grant of Probate to issue from our State’s Supreme Court – currently it is taking over 2 months for a Probate to issue (I can only imagine it is due to the excessive number of Applications being submitted, due to the excess deaths). In addition, Death Certificates usually have a specific date of death, however if someone has died alone at home and not been found for several days, a Death Certificate will show a period of between two specific dates (for example, ‘between 3 March 2022 – 6 March 2022’). This is rare, and at our practice we would usually only see one or two of these a year. I saw three such Death Certificates come into our office for new estates, in one week alone. Essentially, these are people who died, at home, alone, completely unexpectedly. In addition, life insurance claims are taking so much longer to process than usual, because of the excess number of claims currently being made. I had a rep of a major Australian life insurance company phone our office to apologise for the delay on a specific estate, and she said the delay was caused by a huge increase in deaths that they are seeing (she said a huge number of additional employees had to be hired to process the excess) and quote ‘they are not covid deaths’. We are just a small practice, but I would imagine any law firm dealing with estate law would be seeing the same thing. I don’t know how the Governments can not only let this continue, but actively push these failed products onto the people of this country. “
I certainly won’t watch some video. I only want to see HARD DATA.
So, you care to show me where the allegedly “dead people” are? I ain’t see any.
Ditto here: https://www.euromomo.eu/graphs-and-maps/.
I’m not following US stats, only Canada (occasionally) – you wanna procure mortality statistics from the US that show a major increase clearly attributable to the alleged “kill shot”? Frankly, since the European stats aren’t showing anything and fuckccination is about the same, if there is an increase it would have to be due to something else.
You obviously didn’t get the point of what I wrote above.
There is clear evidence because the injection was given first to older people so if you look at the different age groups you can see the rise in the death rate as they moved down the age groups. There is evidence of coverup such as the graphs that were on this account showing correlations in various countries: https://twitter.com/MConceptions
Persons posting here denying that there was even any excess.
Reread what I wrote above and try to get the point.
You’re arguing just as dogmatically as ardent covidist. You don’t want to allow yourself consider a different point of view.
Sorry, not interested in this kind of exchange. Gotta move on.
Thank you, Jenner. I personally know of 3 cases of covid– like bad flu, that’s all, and a mother & son who got long covid. I know of two deaths from the vaxx; one was a construction worker in his 40s, the other was past 65. Another had post-vax seizures and wrecked his truck, lost his license.
Two vaxxed– only a sore arm, altho the 20s son of one of these was acutely ill for 4-5 days post-vax. Three men had the armpit become convex with swelling & two of these had testicular swelling.
I just realized that ALL of the vaxx effects & deaths that I personally know of were male.
Probably best to remember that only SOME of the vaxx lots are thought to have contained sufficient dosage for the more short-term acute reactions. I’ve noticed that the statistics seem to be getting progressively worse
Months ago the incidence of covid in vaxxed vs unvaxxed was something like 12 X greater in the vaxxed. Now I’m hearing all the way up to 30 X.
The increase may mean that ADE, antibody-dependent enhancement , which may be starting as long predicted. So far every attempt to produce a corona vaxx of any kind has ended in ADE.
Another way of looking at it is that the inaccessibility of health services to diagnose and ‘treat’ serious illness, and even not so serious illness, may well be having a beneficial impact on life expectancy. So, for the time being at least, deaths resulting from the jab are being offset by lives protected from the clutches of medical professionals.
That’s an interesting, rather naughty observation. Point taken.
Still playing the devil’s advocate, I could say that while what you say might be a factor, a contrary factor would be the fact that preventative care has been neglected (not all healthcare is complete shit) resulting in more deaths.
Also, if you look at demographics, there was a huge baby boom DURING WWII, bigger than the postwar one, which translates into a large part of the population being at the end of their statistical lifespan. Mortality should be going up now and in the following five years or so, considering that people kick the bucket at about 80. Still, the stats aren’t showing any major increase.
Is there anything else in your repertoire besides playing the devil’s advocate and writing the F word? It’s a poor substitute for civil and informative dialogue.
The wise person will consider an alternative viewpoint proposed by his interlocutor in the interest of acquiring a better understanding of what the fuck is going on. The fucking idiot will attack his interlocutor ad hominem, pissed off that somebody dares put a dent in his indoctrination.
Kinda looks to me that you’re of the latter kind.
Disrespectfully yours
I agree. I think the 2 year interruption in cancer treatments and especially screenings and diagnosis, have saved or at least extended many lives, to mention only one leg of the medical killing machine. Abortions were not interrupted though, so killing babies was and is always a priority.
The most logical explanation looking at the outcomes after 18 months of intense jabbing for lots of people, is that there have been different batches. A very small minority must have contained some active elements that had a very quick impact on many of the receivers including death. Then the rest had to be a combination of regular vaxxes, hence the common side effects with a few quite severe; and total blanks, hence the lack of any symptoms on many people.
So, it was an experiment. Did it work? It depends, the mRNA is another bullshit technology that has never and will never work. They’ve been at it for decades, the whole ‘gene editing’ is another sciency fantasy like machine consciousness, populating Mars or the ‘cure for cancer’. Scientism at its finest.
But, did it work for manipulating people’s behaviour, the spreading of digital money, IDs and all kinds of annoying ID verification steps to push you into using the apps that interconnect all your accounts? Absolutely it has worked.
The control grid is the aim but again is based on fantasy and false beliefs, in real life is not going to work but the attempts are going to be quite interesting and entertaining if you’re into dystopianism.
“control grid is the aim”
Why is the control grid the aim? Why now? Why do they need more control now than before?
It’s the wet dream of the oligarchic rulers and now they believe this can be achieved thanks to modern technology. From an esoteric perspective it all goes back to ‘You shall be like gods’, able to steer and control the earth and even artificially create and perpetuate life which is their main and ultimate goal. It’s madness and not going to work as they are not really the ones in control.
Pooled number of deaths by age group
Graphs showing the pooled weekly total number of deaths in the data-providing EuroMOMO partner countries and subnational regions, all ages and by age groups.
From mid-2021, in all ages which have been receiving the jab, the “pooled deaths” line is almost entirely above the “baseline”; and frequently above the “substantial increase” line.
Does this not show that death rates in the jabbed population have been significantly higher than expected?
I’ve hardly ever looked at these numbers, so if I’m reading it wrong, please explain.
Well, there is some irregularity vis-a-vis the long-term averages and seasonal fluctuations, but NOTHING suggesting that the vaccine is a kill shot. Over a HALF OF THE POPULATION HAS TAKEN SEVERAL SHOTS OF THE SHIT. If it were a kill shot, then excess mortality would be through the roof.
Considering the turmoil in the world, the psychosomatic effect thereof, and all the rest, it’s actually surprising the there are not more excess deaths!
You stated:
Do you stand by that statement?
Pretty much yes.
You can’t dogmatically look at the figures. You have to consider things in a synthetic manner, taking into account demographic, psychosomatic factors, mortality in previous years, all sorts of shit.
If you look at all that, there certainly has NOT been a rise in all-cause mortality to speak of in regard to both the alleged COVID and the alleged kill shot.
You mean making shit up!
Look, I don’t particularly care if you’ve convinced yourself that the kill shot is a kill shot and wanna rant and whine about it for the rest of your days. Your prerogative.
I’m trying to follow the stuff that’s unfolding before our eyes and see things in as objective a manner as possible.
If you read what I wrote above, I’m not even making a statement – I’m simply proposing a view of things based on my observations. If I’m wrong and you or anyone else can prove it and propose something more viable, so much the better.
If you want to doggedly cling to an opinion you’ve formed and fight anybody who puts a dent in it, kindly leave me out of it. Just think that I’m a fucking asshole and ignore the stupid shit I write.
Fair enough?
Synthetic means evidence-based.
Analytic means make shit up – like ‘models’.
What I find strange is how everyone seems to believe that our ‘leaders’ are a bunch of lying fucks who are trying to kill us (I personally believe this), yet at the same time blindly accept the official figures that most of the population have taken the clot shot.
In the UK, we are supposed to believe that something like 90% of the eligible population have taken at least 1 shot. I believe this is fairly similar globally, or at least a high percentage of the population of ‘1st world’ countries anyway.
If this is the case and for once in their stinking, miserable, pitiful lives, the powers that be weren’t lying with the intention of playing on the crowd mentality of ‘everyone else is getting stabbed according to the official figures so I should too’, then can someone please help me to understand why there seems to be a mad rush to open up the world to the unvaccinated?
Me and my family are unvaccinated and had wrongly assumed that international travel would be a thing of the past for us (we’re currently on.a 6 week tour of the balkans). Why are so many countries dropping the requirement for ANY test or proof of vaccination? Surely if the numbers are so small then it would make no difference if there was a ban on the pure bloods or not? Why the rush? Why bother? Surely it’s safer and easier just to keep restrictions in place for such an insignificant amount of refuseniks?
I don’t know, it just seems strange and as I’ve never believed a word these sick fucks said, I don’t believe that anywhere near the numbers they have declared have succumbed to the jibjab. It seems more likely that this was all a big test to see what they could and couldn’t get away with and there is nothing worse than any other quackcine in the jab that will lead to any global depopulation (for what it’s worth I’m proudly anti all vaccines). It seems more likely that in order to get the world back to normal in preparation for the next psyop they have to remove restrictions otherwise normality would never happen.
Before anyone asks, I have no proof or sources, just a genuine thought that popped into my head whilst travelling that I can’t work out the answer to.
Yes, Jacques I noticed the euromomo stats about two months back. If anything it looks like there is a slight decrease in overall mortality over the last few months. This doesn’t fit in with the widely reported increase in deaths by the life insurance companies.
I’m unvaxxed (uninfected by the lurgy so far) and have debunked the scamdemic from about March,2020. I spent a lot of time on euromomo earlier on but hadn’t checked it for about six months and the graphs came as a surprise. Is euromomo cooking the books? Hard to believe but anything is possible in these crazy times.
Still glad I haven’t had the bio-weapon. I’ll be interested to see what is happening in a years time.
Exactly. Data show the exact opposite of the claims of a “kill shot”.
Like you, I wouldn’t come anywhere near the fuckccine and I’d fight if they tried to forcibly inject me, but at the same time – for the sake of impartiality – I can’t but point out that the claims that the fuckccine is a kill shit are just as much, or nearly as much, bullshit as claims about COVID.
During the height of the COVID hoax, my neighbors were always saying “People are dying!” When I would ask if they personally knew anyone who died, they kind of backed off.
Similarly, I know of no one in my neighborhood who knows of someone who died after receiving the “clot shot.”
Even in a small neighborhood, what are the odds that no one knows anyone who died from either COVID or the “vaccine?”
The neighbor’s father allegedly died of COVID.
Get a load of this. The neighbor’s wife is a nurse and works in a hospital. So, she tells me that father-in-law got the flu, developed pneumonia, and then, on top of that he got COVID, and croaked. Hilarious. They PCR-tested him and instead of pneumonia, he died of COVID. This is a nurse telling me this shit!
Anyway, to get more serious. I know of people who have had adverse effects after fuckccination. Some pretty serious, like a life-threatening epileptic seizure. The absolute vast majority of jabbed people I know have had no reaction. But what really matters is metadata. I’m all ears, but I just can’t see anything that would make my head turn.
I have to admit: I personally know several people who’ve taken the shots, but don’t personally know of any who’ve died from them. Of course, two years ago, I knew a few people who claimed to have had Covid-19 (though I suspect it was just the flu), but none of them died of that either. I can say this, however: none of the people I know who claimed to have had Covid — however awful they described it as being — ever had to be hospitalized, while I personally two people who had to be hospitalized after their shots (though they haven’t died of them — at least not up until now).
So what am I to take away from all this? I think these shots are mostly about sterilization and inducing longer-term illnesses in people. I don’t think they were ever intended to cause the ‘sudden adult death syndrome’ we on the internet are all fixating on. I think the SADS cases are the exception, not the rule. Were they unintended by the Illuminati? Maybe, though probably not.
What can we say about the people who’ve perished of SADS? Well, in my experience, they all tend to fall into one of three categories: movie stars, professional athletes, and young people (teens & twenties). What do these three groups have in common? Maybe they’re all more likely to engage in sports and exercise regimens? Perhaps lots of movement, which causes the heart to beat faster, also does more damage to the internal organs more quickly? But I’m sure the absolute numbers of the people presently dying of the shots is still quite small. It’s just unusual to have so many deaths at once fall so heavily in the category of the physically fit.
Oh: one other thing about the shots. I’ve noticed that it’s almost the people who’ve taken those things that are now constantly getting sick with ‘Covid-19’. Therefore, I surmise that these shots are slowly destroying/weakening people’s immune systems (‘CovAIDS’).
We ahve to be mindful not to fall for the dual narrative the system always presents us with.
Like this; two years ago for the ‘normies’ camp every death was from covid. Now for the ‘awake’ camp every death is from the kill shots. Certainly neither are true.
‘Relying on the same logic, I have to say that no data are indicating that the fuckccine is the “kill shot” it’s claimed to be.’
You are wrong, listen to the testimony of the funeral director, O’Looney
Besides just in my family a previously very healthy elderly died 10 days after the Pfizer to emboli and his also elderly sister developed Alzheimer on ‘steroids’ sometimes around the first two jabs.
Would you please append this idiotic anecdotal drivel to somebody else’s posts?
I’m trying to have an informed discussion here. Merci
Please try to use this argument on court against witnesses.
You can’t entirely really rely on official statistics either, you know how easy it is to fudge the numbers (the financial systems demonstrate that). But you can rely on your personal experience from what you gather around you that may include hundreds of people which is a decent sample of what’s going on at large.
Besides, the official statistics still predict a population growth that will take the world population to 9 or 10 billion which cannot happen considering the current birth rates in most countries, plus the decline in fertility in the West at least.
‘If everybody obediently took the shot, there would be no more justification for any restrictive measure.’
Jacques–there WAS an increase in all-cause mortality on euromomo in the correct timeframe for covid. There was an even larger spike in response to the lockdowns. I had hoped to continue monitoring euromomo when the vaxx was rolled out, but shortly after lockdown they “redesigned” euromomo’s presentation of its data, and I was unable to make sense of it anymore.
US insurance data reflective of employed persons in group policies, such as companies use– persons from 18 to 65 years of age– showed a 40% increase of all-cause mortality.
This was associated w early vaxx experience and the statistics were nearly the same when the insurer of Americans was a Dutch insurance company.
VAERS confirms the death & disability Americans suffered from the vaxx. Many accounts were on social media– but of course taken down.
Whistleblowers in the US armed forces made public the effects of the vaxx on their population. TPTB said it was only a glitch in the reporting and took it down.
Even undertakers have commented on the increase in the numbers of deceased and on a common occurrence of what appears to be increased fibrinogen in the veins of the deceased.
Yes, there have been increases in mortality. Decreases too. All sorts of irregularities. No wonder, the world is under the biggest attack in history that’s taking place on a global scale.
I don’t have the exact figure, but maybe a half of the world’s population has been injected with the fuckccine. Certainly the populations in most western countries. If the kill shot were a kill shot, there would be a huge spike in mortality. There IS NOT.
VAERS and some insurance companies do not equal mortality. Whistleblowers could be plants. I don’t trust nobody. I look at the facts with no bias. Relying on VAERS is the same error as relying on COVID death data.
There is zero evidence that the fuckccine is the kill shot it’s claimed to be.
As I said above, it’s in the interest of the same people who propagate covidism that a certain proportion of the populace refuse the fuckccine. The need somebody to blame for the variants. Plus, they got a bigger half of the people scared shitless of COVID, smaller half scared shitless of the fuckccine. Beautiful. Divide and conquer par excellence.
Even if the fuckccine were, say, mildly hazardous, which it probably is, one would expect that they’ll do what they can to fuel the opposition to it.
‘I don’t have the exact figure, but maybe a half of the world’s population has been injected with the fuckccine. Certainly the populations in most western countries.’
Very easy to make your own statistics based on ‘measuring’, grab an old Android just as I wrote above in another comment, go to a crowded place like a restaurant, count the number of the people then count the unidentified MAC addresses popping up on your Android. You can go more places to have more clear picture, you can try it even abroad (I DID). Based on that I would say the wast majority, at least 70-80% of the adults (but can be more) are nanotech vaxxed.
You can be wrong on just 1-2 MACs which belonging to devices but that part can be checked, too on sites like Macvendors.com.
‘If the kill shot were a kill shot, there would be a huge spike in mortality. There IS NOT.’
There were differences among batches like more poisonous, less poisonous, the elderly was targeted harder. In their cases deaths by storke, blood clote or similar is a kind of ‘natural’ even if they got the poison shot just 1-2 days earlier.
Another news – probably ‘anecdotal’ to you – that VAERS deleted 13k records.
That’s why I asked that how much we can trust in ANY sources apart from the funeral directors, who should really know how many extra deaths happened compared to previous years.
Dr. Day: “The test vaccinates you and makes you patentable.”
It appears that the “covid test” is one of the most potent bioweapons of the scamdemic and people are being implanted with nanoparticles during fraudulent “covid tests.”
The “covid tests” might be engineering an impression of the pandemic by repeatedly damaging the olfactory nerves and the entire limbic system with long serrated swabs, which cause loss of smell and taste and other flu-like symptoms, falsely attributed to “covid.”
supreme court 12-398
when human genetics are altered by a patented gene altering susbstance, the subject becomes the property of the patent holder:
In connection with this I read or saw? something interesting, I wish I would recall the details where but maybe others found it, too and remember better than me.
The point was that they lied to us and this modification was not possible. They just put trust into our faith in the system and their words but in reality they couldn’t prove that real modification happened. I don’t know it is true or not but found it very interesting and maybe useful knowledge for the future.
I think but not sure that info came from Dr Cowan. Because there is an issue of the DNA as we know it. There is a debate as it is really as long as it claimed or something else work as ‘hard drive’ in us to store the details and water is the constant software update (memory) for a relatively small ‘ hard drive’. Sorry if it is a bit messy, I always memorize only the core point but the details.
Dr Cowan had an interesting interview with Dr Merrit, the end of it – if I recall well – was about the DNA and water’ role.
A very interesting interview / broadcast by the way with many new small details like the lie about ribosome – Rib O(f) Soma (soma means man). Mocking on us?
the egyptians used to puncture the pineal gland of unruly slaves with a pointy stick….
fluoride is also reported as having a negative effect on the pineal gland..
imagine being at the cinema, then discovering toward the end of the “show” that you hadnt noticed the 3d glasses…
And bones and it is carcinogen. The problem with flouride apart from calcifying the pineal gland is that if the body is lack of calcium it will ‘pick up’ the next closest material/element which is flouride to build in. The other is that it is a cause of many mysterious diseases as it is a poison, especially stomach and gut problems, gum inflammation. It lowers the IQ.
2-3 years ago the Johnson government raised the added flouride amount, a guy on forums (mainly DM) raised alarm, it was a matter of ‘public debate’ but very well hidden, majority surely didn’t know about it.
I knew it only because of a terrible experience, when we moved here we had kittens and had to use formula, I boiled the tap water as I would have done at the country we came and where there was no such thing as added flouride in the tap water. It killed them after only one feeding, they refused any following and died in pain and cramps within 1-2 days after that meal. First we didn’t understand then I googled and at the next kittens we used purified water with the same batch of kitten milk formula and they grew nicely. I also developed stomach ulcer and I thought that was because of the tap water as I recovered when we bought an osmosis filter system for drinking water and cooking.
Here you can find decent studies on flouride.
“Revolt Now and Avoid the Rush!”
Absolutely the ‘monarchy’ here in the UK needs to be abolished. A long-overdue event.
I’ve been a passionate anti-‘royalist’ for 35+ years, and am proud of that. How do ‘royalists’ not realise that by worshipping these people (they, the Windsors, being a very high-up part of the Globalist cabal who run/control the world, and the perpetrators of what’s going on right now), they’re manifesting such servility, such subservience, etc, and therefore can have no self-respect, no pride.
At least in monarchies people knew who the ruler was, and if there was a tyrant monarch people could potentially overthrow him/her.
Do people know now who really rules over them? How can people overthrow a ‘democratically elected’ government? We can change prime ministers/presidents every 4/5 years or every week if you’d like, but the ruling class and their system stays the same.
It always amazes me how Big Pharma is allowed to murder people with impunity.
I stopped being amazed a long time ago.
The amazement cortex in my brain simply went on strike.
Now I always expect the worst, and I’m never disappointed.
I’d say it’s very important to find a vocation in life, or, at the very least, a creative hobby.
And go for walks in as unspoiled an area of Nature as you can find.
Nothing else in our environment is worthy of our attention.
I work beside a farmer and once told her the odious details of that law by which pharma companies are protected from being prosecuted if their poisons just so happen to kill people. Expecting her to share my disgust, she instead said, “Well you’ve got to cover yourself” and I realised she was looking at the situation from the point of view of the drug Lords. Ah but she was a good Christian! She cares so much about entreupenarial psychopaths!
The CIA and MI6 hired guns don’t seem have let a silly thing like legality get in the way either. They’ve been stealing countries, not just lives.
Compared to these hired guns, Big-Pharma appears to have been late to the party.
Conscience vs Oblivion
Whereas the spiritual approach for a troubled conscience typically involves some form of redemptive voyage into the wilderness, the medical-materialist “treatment” requires some or other variant of oblivion. This has been understood since at least the time of Shakespeare, but probably at lot longer.
With regard to the covid jab, Peter McCullough is becoming aware of the conflict between conscience and oblivion; though he uses the concept of “mass psychosis” to build his understanding. In the moral-conflict understanding, however, oblivion is more a form of stupidity; meaning that it is an apparently irrational failure to act in accord with a knowable and important reality (e.g. the elephant in the room phenomena). Moreover, with oblivion, the stupidity is often intentional; e.g. putting oneself in a mindless stupor.
The problem with the oblivion approach is that it requires ever increasing dosages; more alcohol; more pills; more busyness; more rigid avoidance. And as noted by McCullough, it leads to ever increasing levels of absurdity. Also, the further one goes with oblivion, the greater the guilt which ultimately needs to be faced.
Macbeth: How does your patient, doctor?
Doctor: Not so sick, my lord, As she is troubled with thick-coming fancies that keep her from her rest.
Macbeth: Cure her of that. Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased, Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, Raze out the written troubles of the brain, And with some sweet oblivious antidote, Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff which weighs upon the heart?
Doctor: Therein the patient must minister to himself.
Note; although it’s the doctor who voices the moral rather than the medical philosophy, he does so in order to distance himself from the crime of Lady Macbeth.
Peter McCullough:
Dr. Peter McCullough On Mass Formation Psychosis
First published May 24th, 2022
Too bad there won’t be enough postmortems to determine exactly why so many people young and old are dying. Anyway even if postmortems were conducted and most determined death was from the COVID jab the “fact checkers” would swear that was not true. “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Eric Arthur Blair aka George Orwell.
Hello Junious Ricardo Stanton: Postmortems are expensive, and most are censored away from public disclosure. World populations will take notice after populations have been reduced to about 500 million… See: Georgia Guidestones
Families can ask for autopsies, there was a time the doctors or hospitals would ask the family’s permission to conduct one.
I haven’t heard about “the rash of blood clots in young people”. This might be a localized phenomenon. More information, please.
Dehydration does cause strokes, that is, blood clots. You can get dehydrated without realizing it, especially if the weather’s unnaturally hot (as it is at the moment). It appears that we’ve finally caught up with that climate change can that we’ve been kicking down the road — instead of it being hysterical rantings about doom and gloom from climate extremists its now tomorrow’s weather forecast. That’s probably a lot more important than Covid (and definitely a lot more important than Monkeypox)(or whatever its called this week).
What are we going to actually do about (all) this?
what’s this we shit? All along as the oligarchs and their monopoly powered corporate knee breaking side kicks were taking control of everything and deeding all the property of value to their names, stealing by patenting or copyrighting the technology our tax dollars paid some poor slave to invent it, or to run the experiments that eventually produced a discovery which they patented or copyrighted <= you weren’t around, when they did that, you did not care? Monopoly power thieves I call them, and use the power of the state to own the pieces.. They have dissected the peoples nation states, and separated the nation states into pieces (the energy piece, the jailer piece, the sewer and water piece, the weapons piece, the transportation piece, , and obtain franchises, ownership or govt contracts in a method of theft called privatization (it means they have pushed assided the politically controlled nation state, and stepped their private ownership rights in the place of the obligation of the state. They make their profits by charging the governed masses to do what the state was supposed to do.
The private sector functions in the place of the state, and the private sector benefits in the place of the governed public.
Yes sir they have bought the politicians and used the rule of law to steal everything of value from you, and now you want to know what WE are going to do about it?
Today they own everything, today they own all those things of value, and today they own all of the modern technology and today they own all the necessary software, confidential instructions and methods that make it all work and they own the factories that make the gadgets that make “the privateers and global internationalist” kings of the our roads, chiefs of our banks, presidents of our countries, heads of the corporations that are bigger than any nation state; so big in fact they even have the nation state giving them our tax money when the oligarchs and their corporations fall on bad times. The corporate Sovereign is bigger than the nation state sovereign, the corporate sovereign is more powerful than the nation state sovereign, and the corporate sovereign is not only itself not human, but it refuses to allow those it rules to treat the humanity it impacts, as any but a human in the coral waiting for slaughter to be served as needed for corporate and oligarch nourishment.
Where were you when they were using the nation state to steal everything from us?
They own the weapons, they own the devices and software that operates the networks[I call that the digital platform], they own all the ammunition, all the broadcast facilities, all the media, all the politicians, all the energy, all the trucks, all the ships, all the planes, most all of the water, all of the minerals, all the pharmaceutical industry and its medical markets, they own your home (via its mortgage and local taxes), and they own the insurance companies that you pay to help you save something for yourself.
Now you want to know what we are going to do about it?
Briefly, yes.
You seem to forget a tiny bit detail that is essential nevertheless: for each one of them there’s at least a thousand of us.
It is at some point fascinating that the US fed could create large enough created money and hand it over to blackrock to go on a buying spree….thus it turned funny money into real assets and then the money was channeled back into speculative stocks and shares, bitcoins etc and housing….now they can just collapse all that and the funny money disappears and they are left holding the only things of value….
all under the guise of a pandemic….broad daylight robbery has taken place….and yes I don’t really see what WE are going to be able to do about it as our fellow citizens were far too busy worrying about a bloody cold and getting themselves jabbed to notice any of it as it went down….and now seem back to their normal jibbering selves…more keen on the latest tv show than the fact that WE have all been sharfted…
Hell eman: I’m going to copy and retain your reply to Patrick L. as it perfectly consolidates everything the civilian public is loath to admit. You are right on… Thanks for posting.
Untwist your knickers. Minus its verbal padding, your self-righteous little rant amounts to nothing more than the assertion that you are not going to do anything about it or even think about what anyone or any collective of people might do about it.
Well done, you.
“Die! Die! Die!”
“Cull! Cull! Cull!”
Now that you’ve laid it out simply-it’ shouldn’t be that hard to explain it to the masses.
They work hard on culling. Anyone noticed the exceptional amount of chemtrails?
(Openly admitted as geoengineering on the government site.)
The rain yesterday was cloudy. Today when it dried half of the dust on my windscreen were magnetic. Colour of beige-greyish. What metals?
Next wave of something?
Your name was David Rockefeller and I’m glad you’re dead.
Life is killing me.
Try and live between the crushing bullshit-at least sometime
Don’t blame it on the sunshine.
Don’t blame it on the moonlight.
Don’t blame it on the good times.
Blame it on the boogie.
Boogie man?
Electric Boogaloo !
What has the Sun and Moon go to do with it ?
The Sun is 93 million miles away, they say, kids.
Off-topic, where was I ?
Lets have a pole.
It can’t be. It is just common sense. Our eyes don’t work like that. If a light is too far away, you can’t see it, simple. Especially can’t see its shape. I still don’t know the shape of the Earth or the truth about universe but I know that on many points they are lying to us about these.
Watch the moon when it just has come up but the sky is still blueish-grey, notice that the so called spots colour is a match to the background (sky) colour.
There was a scientist they tired to delete from the net, he said shortly before the claimed moon landing that the moon was not a rock but a plasma.
My point is: is there a thing they didn’t lie about?
Comment of the year.
Boogiephobic comment.
Thousands,singing, dancing-packed in like sardines-free-and having a fabulous time in 70’s London:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O3DEUDKlgQ