This Week in the New Normal #37

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. “Black Boxes” to log your car’s data
July 6th marked the start of a new EU-wide policy that will see all new vehicles manufactured with a “black box” fitted.
Much like its namesake in an aeroplane, the box will log all the technical data of your car – speed, direction, location, whether or not the doors are open or the seatbelts being used etc. – but unlike in planes, it will then make all that data available to law enforcement, whether or not there’s an accident.
We know how this works. It’s surveillance in the name of “safety”.
The scheme will allegedly be “voluntary”, with drivers having the ability to opt-out of data logging, but if Covid vaccines have taught us anything it’s that “voluntary” doesn’t always mean really voluntary.
They also claim the data will be anonymized…but do you really believe that?
This goes hand in hand with both the UK and EU fitting mandatory “speed limiters” to all new vehicles starting this year.
A speed limiter is an array of sensors designed to detect the speed of your vehicle, including cameras which read road signs, and either forcibly lower the speed by limiting the power of the engine or provide “feedback” to the driver until they slow down.
This seems to be part of a global trend of cracking down on vehicular freedom – in January Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill included a clause that all new vehicles must have remote “kill switches” installed by 2026.
2. “Fake journalists with fake bios”
An interesting story from GMWatch on a French author who claims to have been paid by a marketing/PR firm to author nearly 600 articles which are then distributed to news outlets and magazines and published under fake names with fake biographies.
The report, originating in French magazine Fakir Presse, claims journalist Julien Fomenta Rosat was contracted by a “marketing solutions” firm iStrat to write articles on various topics – including promoting nuclear energy, defending glyphosate and promoting the use of “smart meters”.
This mirrors revelations from German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, who claims many journalists are simply given reports by intelligence agencies and then put their names on them.
A reminder: Question everything. A name and bio and photo do not a person make, and any mainstream article you see could well have been commissioned through marketing firms, NGOs or government agencies.
3. Dutch farmers, Subversion and redirection
For over two weeks now Dutch farmers have been protesting government policies that would see a massive reduction in food production across the country – it was our good news last week.
However, this week it might have become a good example of how the “powers that shouldn’t be” can absorb and then redirect the energy of protests until the people protesting end up unwittingly serving a grander agenda.
Last week farmers were using their tractors to slow traffic and holding rallies – this week they started blockading supermarket supply depots, leading to empty shelves in supermarkets.
They’re using the slogan “no farmers, no food”, which is a fair point…but it’s also counterproductive.
Firstly, making ordinary people go short of food will never win them over – especially during a recession. More importantly, though, it is playing right into the hands of the New Normal crowd.
We’ve documented the “war on food“, a series of policy decisions contrived to create food shortages and justify “resetting” the way we eat. Empty supermarkets service that agenda wonderfully.
One wonders who exactly suggested this change in tactic.
BONUS: Hellhole of the week
It’s that place again – Australia, just what are you doing?
Not content with foodbank queues literally a mile long…
They’re now reporting that Australians may soon need a fifth dose of the Covid vaccine to be considered fully vaccinated:
Aussie government says 5th dose may be required by the end of the year.
— Evelyn Rae (@_evelynrae) July 8, 2022
Really turning into the gold standard of the Great Reset.
BONUS II: Unrepentant war criminal of the week
Alistair Campbell was on BBC Question Time this week, preaching about ethics in politics. When someone (rightly) pointed out that Campbell prattling about “partygate” when he was partly responsible for the war in Iraq, this was his response…
"You lied this country into a war that cost 1000's of lives. Boris Johnson ate some cake."
Haha! Alastair Campbell did NOT like that. 😂#bbcqt
— Lee Harris (@addicted2newz) July 7, 2022
We have written before that Campbell’s continued freedom – let alone media platform – is everything that’s wrong with the world. Just imagine making that face in response with all that blood on your hands.
As for the “last guy” who apparently “regretted” calling Campbell a liar…well, perhaps he means Dr David Kelly.
It’s not all bad…
This week, Bob Moran is his usual savage self…

Neil Oliver is predictably eloquent on the fall of Boris Johnson…
Also, Joe Biden gaffes are always good for a laugh, like his concern that pregnant women have to travel out of state to “terminate their presidency”.
"…to terminate the presidency…"
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) July 8, 2022
If only.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the ongoing mess in Sri Lanka or The Guardian pushing plant based meat “for the climate”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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In the New New Normal:
The first Russian train with cargo for India arrived in Iran
The first transit of Russian products to India via the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) is now in effect, crisscrossing Eurasia from Mumbai to the Baltic via Iranian ports (Chabahar or Bandar Abbas), the Caspian Sea, and Southern and Central Russia. The new route is shorter and cheaper than going through the Suez Canal.
Russia began to deliver goods to India through Iran, IRNA Iranian News Agency reports that the first Russian freight train has already arrived at the Serakhs railway station in the province of Khorasan Razavi on the border with Turkmenistan.
The freight train carrying 39 containers of building materials for India was sent from the Chekhov station of the Moscow region; after travelling 3.8 thousand kilometers and arriving at the Serakhs railway station in the province of Khorasan-Razavi on the border with Turkmenistan, the train will go to the port of Shahid Rajaya in southern Iran, and from there its container cargo will go to India by sea.
The agreement between Russia, India and Iran on the creation of the North-South transport corridor was signed in 2000. The goal is to attract transit cargo flows from India, Iran and the Gulf countries through Russian territory to Europe and back. Distance is halved in comparison with the Suez Canal route, significantly reducing delivery time and transport cost.
From Business Insider. Ice melting in the Arctic opens potential for North West Passage:
The Russians recently announced that they bought several brand new French and German self-propelled howitzers from the Ukrainians at a big discount, delivered at the frontline in perfect working condition.
[Someone in the Ukrainian Army must have thought: Well, if we’re going to lose them anyway there might as well be something in it for me”.]
Flawed… accidental…
John Waters(a cancelled Irish journalist and one of Sinéad O’Connor’s former lovers) details his journey through the Irish judicial system in his attempt to challenge the constitutionality of the Covid lockdowns in Ireland.
The sophistry and changes to established procedural processes he encountered are outlined in his excellent article published yesterday – link below.
…Y’know, just one halfway decent hacker sure could have *All Sortsa* fun with those black boxes and kill-switches, gridlocking an entire city, an entire country even… – Sure do hope TPTB have factored that into their equations…
…- Charlie Croker
Big Capital has convinced itself that it no longer needs a workforce, so no need to support a “public good”, unless when it comes to mass medical experimentation. They think they can keep the system limping along with continual injections of quantitative easing and stirring up yet another contrived medical emergency to justify trillions more to be poured into their on-life-support capitalist system.
What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis.
This is a story from a few weeks ago:
AstraZeneca paid out £120k for a death caused by their vaccine.
I’m confused though because I thought the vaccine manufacturers have legal indemnity?
From the Old New Normal:
‘’Ultimately excessive debt’’ … which we have in abundance … ‘’resembles a Ponzi Scheme [ie, a Con]. Nations, businesses, and individuals need to borrow ever increasing amounts of money in order to pay existing borrowings. In the half-century leading up to 2008 and now 2020 – the amount of debt … is unsustainable, given an ageing population [and] unstoppable population decline.’’ (Satyajit Das – ‘The Age Of Stagnation’ – p.37).
This week in the New New Normal:
Wheat is being harvested in the liberated parts of Zaporozhye oblast:
The upper orders are losing patience with your impertinence. Are they gonna hafta get rough?
NYC subway:
If this signage is indeed legitimate, i.e. “official”, it’s telling that it lacks even a fine-print blurb identifying the issuer. I can’t make out the logo on the wallpaper around the sign.
I don’t ride the SE Pennsylvania (local) transit system much any more, so it doesn’t mean much to say I’ve never seen signage like this on SEPTA (yet). But hitherto, transit authority signage like this would at least have the SEPTA logo and name on it somewhere.
I’m not disputing that it’s an official sign– just suggesting that if it is, the absence of identifying information is reminiscent of police on duty working without badges or nametags.
The bumptious vulgarity is also a radical departure from the typical transit signage approach. I find the relentless posters and incessant automated scamdemic-propaganda announcements obscene and offensive– especially because they persist on some vehicles even though the mask mandates are currently rescinded– but they are invariably polite and respectful.
If this would-be “tough love” messaging is really coming from some transit or political/public-health authority, the silver lining is that the attempted shaming will backfire.
Ha, you may well be right. No MTA logo. Maybe someone’s making a clever attempt to annoy people into tearing their masks off.
That mirrors Broooos Springo (“The Boss” – indeed!) telling Trump to “put on a fucking mask!” Ooh B! You said “fuck” there! Gosh what a prole hero you are!
And echoing this sign, I have been told that the local figures here in Covidonia are nearly as bad as they’ve ever been. Now wouldn’t you think that by this point even the densest might be thinking, “What is it exactly that’s so bad? What do these figures actually mean? How many of these people are even ill? And how many of the ill are really ill?”
At this point, being “ill” is just another form of virtue signalling.
And “recovering” proves that the jab helped you.
Nice. Or conspicuous charity.
^^ Beautifully done. Do they have a German version? If so, I’d be happy to print it out and stick it up here.
if somebody could advise on the text, that might be arranged.
what’s the German equivalent of “practice nasal pickling”? the more ridiculously bureaucratic, the better.
will “dill-gurke” do for “dill pickle”?
here’s a possible candidate for an official poster to creatively alter. other suggestions welcome.
these documents may also be of interest (scannable, although results may be unexpected).
A fine example of Magical Thinking that hooks the sheeple.
“The hungry sheep look up and are fed hooey” — Dante, Paradiso
Is there a way to override the ‘black-box’ technology?
Only by knowing what’s in the black box. There are bad black boxes and good black boxes. That’s what science is about: peering into black boxes to find out what’s inside.
Or drilling a hole into a black box and observing what comes in and out; as with the late 19th century Black Box Radiations Laws which revolutionized the modern world.
Just buy an old car. I drive a 1995 Peugeot 106 Diesel and it’s fkn ace.
It feels very old normal. Here in the UK it is almost as covid never happened – and probably Brexit will go that way too, hence the defenestration of Johnson. It’s back to the 1970s, which I think is a great thing. It must be a great disappointment for the architects of the ‘pandemic’, though – it’s all going down the pan with their interests with it.
Yeah. I mean, what’s this about five vaccines in Australia? Everyone got tired after the first two and nobody took the third so their grip sort of slipped off over the months with how easy it is to make a fake passport (Won’t even be necessary if they try again in many places lol)
For what it’s worth and fyi, a woman who set several wildfires and was caught on residential camera, and her ongoing court case.
Kit, Catte & Admin, deserves your attention. They have launched this repulsive scaremongering filmed-ad campaign, now being heavily promoted in “globally trending” tweets:
Website and Twitler bio are both remarkably uninformative. They only started their Twitler account in May this year, they’re obiously well-funded, and their signal is being heavily boosted. It’s clearly the same bunch who launched that “green cloud” poster campaign a couple of months back.
Can you find out who is behind this op? I suspect it’s SAGE, 77th Brigade or MI5.
Their Facespook page was only launched yesterday, 10 July 2022:
…as was their YouTube account.
“Don’t breathe it in” — the ad on YouTube (1m 06s) — comments are deactivated:
It is really sinister, a new low, positively Goebbelsian. You can tell there’s tons of money behind it, the damn thing is very professionally produced. Riefenstahl would be green with envy. It’s a massive campaign, launched simultaneously across all “social” media platforms. (Is it already on UK TV too?) As it’s in English, and sca-reee, and childish, and heavily boosted, it will rapidly “go viral” worldwide.
Exactly who is behind The John Snow Project? (
Why are they so secretive? What have they got to hide?
Why have they deactivated comments?
Why this shameless fearmongering now, in high summer?
Exactly what is this preparing us for?
And why is their logo a turd in a raindrop?
Ah, clean water. I see now.
^^ Well spotted. Thanks for this. Watch the ad to the end and it shows the turd dissolving to fill the whole raindrop.
Since when have turds in the UK’s drinking water been anyone’s concern? What do turds-in-water have to do with “COVID” or “Omicron” or “Monkeypox” or anything at all?
Exactly what the fuck are these sniggering Mystery Men trying to tell us?
The message may be “You will use water recycled from toilets and be happy”.
Pushing insects as food is a new trend. Promoting the merging of waste water from kitchens and laundry into the sewage pipe system for recyling has been around for longer in urban areas. The processing does not even remove the plastic micro-particles from laundry, let alone dissolved chemical compounds.
Thanks for flagging this
Thanks for the quick response, Sophie. I think it needs to be investigated and exposed as soon as possible. I’d offer to write up something publishable about it myself, but I am really pushed for time right now. I’d suggest getting it out to anyone with good research tools — including hacking skills, which I don’t have. Rapid exposure would be ideal.
Note that they started their Twitler account in May but posted their very first tweet… guess when? Right, yesterday, 10 July, at around midnight.
So how did they acquire (checks)
4,3664,406 Followers in just 17 hours?
Most of the replies to their four (in figures:4) tweets are pretty clearly from bots and sock-puppets and fake accounts. They include enthusiastic “responses” from France and the Netherlands “asking permission” to make & distribute translated or subtitled versions (which I presume were already completed long ago by the JSP/MI5 itself).
Last not least, it pisses me off no end that they misuse John Snow’s name and reputation for this panicmongering pseudoscientific trash. He was brave, he did a good thing, he is long dead, and he can’t defend himself.
These fucking sociopaths. Note that:
#FollowTheScience™, all the way into an early grave
A billion or more people, including defenceless children, are going to be exposed to this mindpoison, unless we expose its makers.
And calling Virology’s bluff is now truly a matter of survival. Because otherwise, these jokers will pull the same vicious hoax again and again and again, ad nauseam. What’s to stop them?
These psychopaths want to make wearing masks a forever thing. Forever and ever amen. Why? That can’t be for money. Which is more evidence that this whole thing is a giant psy-op for complete control of the human population.
But isn’t this nasty little turd merely spouting out the covid crud that everyone has been exposed to and which – surely – even the moderately intelligent will reject because the 5 items in the gospel you listed are pretty inescapable and also inescapably insane?
That’s perhaps the main reason I didn’t go in for the painstaking spade work of finding out exactly where something comes from. You can see the memes, the tricks, the manipulative techniques etc. Think of it as Lovecraft’s Cthulhu or an all pervasive hydra. By the poison it spouts will you know it. And by the time you’ve tracked down the source I’m sure a dozen others will have thrust up.
Just to clarify, George, the main point of my first post was purely practical: to get the info out and try to get a collective effort going. Swarm intelligence. Crowd research. To get as many people as possible — including people who aren’t yet banned from Twitler like moi, and especially skilled young hackers — working on exposing as quickly as possible who is behind “The John Snow Project”.
The perps are certainly spooks. But can we prove it? Because if we can do that quickly, then we have a real weapon in our hands. Because those shameless manipulative bastards can have no imaginable good reason for being so secretive.
There’s been a war on since late 2019. We’re stuck in a trap of endless waiting and watching and opinionating and moaning, and we need to fight back. Things are getting much rougher everywhere very fast indeed now. The global ruling class, the COUPVID plotters, mean serious business. They want the world and they want it now.
PS The reason my posts became such a wall of words (which I didn’t intend — sorry, mods, and readers) is that I just saw the film for the first time this afternoon and I’m still trying to clarify things for myself too. It’ll be a couple of days at least before I can shape it into any kind of an article or blogpost. I don’t care about priority, the best of luck to anyone who succeeds in exposing these creeps asap. I just think it urgently needs to be done
Well now that I think on it, the “” site I link to below took me by surprise since it is simply rehashing the viral propaganda as if returning to the beginning – but with, if anything, even more strident tones.
My first reaction is: Are they kidding? Surely they don’t have a hope in hell of raking this crap up again?
But then I note the underlying meme: that the media have been lying all along (which everyone feels anyway) and yet to turn that round in the opposite direction by saying the virus is underreported!
And the plastic Left sites – Counterpunch, Jacobin, the WSWS and of course yer old pal Nafeez Ahmed have been doing their best to prepare for this meme i.e. that the evil capitalist businesses have been trying to hush up covid like the mayor in Jaws. And the fact that the entire capitalist media have been shovelling covid in our faces doesn’t matter since no matter how much the media have been droning on about it, our brave Leftists can claim it’s still all understatment!
“Don’t breathe” about sums it up. These people are haters of life and the living, true necrophiliacs.
Long-distance listening devices work better with windows open.
The Facebook page has such stilted entries it makes the WSWS comment section look like the very essence of freedom of speech. Again, I look and think, Who the fuck could possibly buy this?
It’s as much a crass demonstration of power (“Duper’s Delight”) as it is an attempt to persuade. “Look what we can get away with, even anonymously.”.
But some real people are truly persuaded. Not all those respondents and retweeters are bots. There’s an MD, undoubtedly real, with a 12-year-old Twitler account and 36,000 Followers, praising the film’s “effectiveness” and spreading the word.
Perhaps this is an up-and-coming psyop contractor on the first job. Aiming to state “past experience” when it bids (bid used loosely here) for the next contract.
When I read this, I thought it was a spoof on the original nonsense around Cov2. Surely it is not meant to be taken seriously?
Less than two weeks ago, my internet feed zapped me with this:
Very aggressive high tech graphic presentation of “The Tale of Covid” chopped down and simplified with a furious fearmongering panache that may even top the plastic Left contingent (“…continues to ravage. … continue to die … rates not seen since …scandalously unvaccinated…”) and note the basic theme:
“The pandemic has remade every part of our world, and the press is not exempt. Jon Allsop has been following and critiquing the media coverage of COVID….”
Media coverage is under scrutiny – as it should be, however this scrutiny comes from the other side i.e. the implication that the media has been underreporting covid.
The site continues with what is clearly going to be the high profile official story “preserved for posterity”.
I said below with respect to the Linehan link that we are witnessing a massively funded incubation of mental illness and the covid thing is part of that. The viral fearmongering is another aspect of the gender mindfuck. Before anything else, this is a war on your mind.
It is exhausting, precisely as it’s designed to be. Wars of attrition are like that. They tend to end in plunder and mass slaughter.
But anger is an energy, which is why these loathsome slimebags are so keen to prohibit it as “Hate Speech”. We are expected to adore them while they kill us
It looks UK based. 6 ip hops from my ISP:
3 15 ms 19 ms 15 ms []
4 18 ms 17 ms 17 ms []
5 20 ms 24 ms 18 ms []
6 19 ms 31 ms 30 ms []
7 19 ms 21 ms 23 ms
8 99 ms 19 ms 18 ms
Thanks. At their website they are soliciting donations (!!!) in pounds sterling.
It’s certainly MI5/SAGE/77th, and a strong collective effort can prove it.
To anyone who’s not yet been banned from Twitler: please get the word out. Just ask “Who is behind ‘The John Snow Project?’ and request retweets.
The New Normal Ukraine War
“Lavrov scolds G7 leaders, Putin’s speech signals the end of neoliberal world order”
Just a reminder.
“Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine has three objectives:
1. Demilitarise Ukraine;
2. Denazify Ukraine;
3. Ensure the safety and integrity of the Donbass republics.”
“The IMF crushed democracy in Ukraine, crushed any chance of Ukrainians to make their own policy. Finance is the American mode of warfare against democracy.”
The IMF Won’t Save Ukraine
The creeping neo normal, the fallacies of Green and virtuous veganism..
Graham Linehan’s latest Monday-morning news roundup on the trans cult’s war on women worldwide:
A thoroughly artificial massively funded plague of mental illness.
In other words, a Con.
Well, yes, but 1 of the many meta-cons that are all the rage, in our new techno-age. Cons gone “nuclear”.
On morning trip to UK supermarket (one of the big five) and walking past the chemists’ counter there were signs up to get the flu vaccine “to do your bit for community immunity”. It’s a carefully crafted message – the wartime echo for the older generation and the helping the community bit for the woke. The fact that they don’t appeal to basic selfishness is the deeper longer-term agenda.
Sad to say but the number of mask-wearers is creeping up. It’s not a majority around here but it’s definitely more than it was – and that’s despite something of a heatwave.
Let them sweat in hell.
That’s exactly what Gates, Schwab and Bourla would say (and want you to say).
Are there any places in the UK where masks are still compulsory, on pain of an instant fine? Here in Germany, people have been forced to wear the evil things on buses, on trams, in the subway and on long-distance trains even in a sweltering heatwave
poornon-rich can ill-afford to risk being slapped with a 50-euro fine, especially after months of massive inflation and imminent huge energy bills.Just like the rest, mass non compliance finishes it. WTF is wrong with peeps?
“Peeps” have to work, have rent or mortgage to pay, have children to raise and feed, Most “peeps” have been put through an education system that encouraged them to trust The Authorities and not to ask questions or think. Few “peeps” can afford to spend much time researching. All “peeps” have been terrorised and misinformed 24/7 by the mass media. Most “peeps” are under increasing financial pressure and already worried, baffled and sick at heart.
You’re blaming the wrong people. They’re in the trenches beside you, not bombarding you from a safe distance.
“They’re in the trenches beside you”
Like the PBI (Poor Bloody Infantry) of WW1 who were Conned into the trenches in order to achieve 3 main aims of Anglo Zio Capitalists in the City of London.
1. to destroy Germany as an industrial competitor of Great Britain.
2 to take over the oilfields of the Middle East
3 to set up a national home for the Jews
Through 4 long years of senseless slaughter and national bankruptcy, the AZC kept their nerve; shepherding sheeple into the trenches with a brilliant and sustained campaign of patriotic propaganda. Mission accomplished 1918, with nearly a million docile PBI “in the trenches beside you” dead.
“Daddy, what did you do in the Great War?”
1. Real time Surveillance equipped with external remote-intercept controlled driver-override lcontrol that government can depend on. Real time logs routinely transmitted to or probed by “all others” in reliable ways [ <=safe means the data must not be corrupted] designed to give govt, its private corporate contractors and data sellers (like med records: access = patient limited [sometimes patient is allowed to see his or her own med. data, but never anyone elses],ccess unlimited access to govt, for profit contractors and vendors of data).
2. Government paid for, private party engineered content produced by propaganda professionals
3. Government intercepting supplies, to produce program outcomes that impact panic buying and create civil chaos
4. Foodbanks are like the Covid scam; they collate consumers into government distribution portals; vendors sell direct to government (get paid immediately, and do
not have to worrying about promoting their goods to a selective market, or waiting for consumers to pay=thus costs are eliminated). Consumers forced to use the Government portals open competitive markets and consumer choice are on their way out.
Ain't top down corporate dictated, government regulated socialism great?
The above is an example of the reset.. It shows that private globally owned monopoly powers owned by the global exchange registered corporations
have more power, and more wealthy, than the governments that gave birth to them and that are supposed to regulate and control them so that such
private parties( oligarchs and their corporations) cannot take advantage of everyone.. Don't forget these monopoly powers can be extinguished over night, the corporation charter can be rescinded in a mere second.. Yet the government does none of these things<= for those it governs; in fact government has become the partner of the private oligarch and their knee breaker corporations. The rule of law has been turned into a marketing channel.
nice article <=its important for people to under
“Don’t forget these monopoly powers can be extinguished overnight, the corporation charter can be rescinded in a mere second… Yet the government does none of these things for those it governs. In fact, government has become the partner of the private oligarch and their knee breaker corporations. The rule of law has been turned into a marketing channel.” [I edited punctuation]
Yes. I’ve been posting links to Charter Revocation potentials for several years. No one wants to risk their retirement portfolio to a perceived “loss”. The Delaware Chancery is the corrupted model most often utilized, which is why so many corporations file charters in Delaware. >
2018 Delaware CodeTitle 8 – CorporationsCHAPTER 1. GENERAL CORPORATION LAWSubchapter X Sale of Assets, Dissolution and Winding Up§ 284. Revocation or forfeiture of charter; proceedings.
8 Delaware Code § 284 (2018) – Revocation or forfeiture of charter; proceedings :: 2018 Delaware Code :: US Codes and Statutes :: US Law :: Justia
It is also instructive to view this page:
Corporate haven – Wikipedia
“It’s that place Australia again”. If only you were here to witness first hand the psychotic surrealness of it all. Especially here in Woke Victoria. Although I have been told that some places, such as Perth, hardly anyone is wearing a facemask anymore and people are getting on with life as if nothing had happened.
On the way to work today, got a coffee at an outside cafe. Two people were waiting for theirs, a man and a woman, both of them masked. So I asked the woman if she had ordered yet. She turned around and a look of terror in her eyes.
She literally ran about 20 feet away. I said out loud “I’m not contaminated… Do you think I’m going to contaminate you”? The male was glaring at me so I said “why do you think this bullshit has gone on for 2.5 years… its because of people like you”.
The man laughed at me and walked off. As she left the woman claimed she was a doctor. Which means she would have at least been triple vaccinated if she was. 5th jab in Australia? It’s about what I’d expect here now.
Have noticed recently, with the increase in fear porn, more and more people are wearing masks outside and the majority when they enter shops.
Regards Food Banks here, I have been told that even in fairly affluent areas the local food bank is regularly being emptied of food. I also know more people here are struggling financially now, especially those with young families.
Take solace Geezah, that in rural Vic and Northern NSW at least, it’s a 95% mask free population.
Here in Blue State America, In the last couple of months (since mandates have been lifted in March) I see almost as many people wearing masks as when they were required. It has gone up. I don’t consume MSM (to the extent I can avoid it) so they must be ramping up the fear porn. People are choosing to mask up. Ukraine was only a temporary distraction…
I don’t look at the mainstream media either Tom, but have definitely noticed an increase in mask wearing here the last week, especially inside shops where its not mandated to wear them. You’re right, people are doing this themselves without being told by the Govt or “health experts”. That’s how insidious this whole propaganda thing has been. Some of my customers now wear them because they have a cold! They tell me that!
Hardly anyone ever wore them in SA, but the AGE and SMH are in full tilt hysterical brainwash mode still as if something is actually happening. They must be getting paid a packet by big pharma when I see the crap they are peddling.
I’m yet to meet anyone except for ONE person who bought into it in Melbourne. Don’t see masks around anymore either. Get out of Shitlib City…
Where are you JA? in Melbourne also? Literally everyone I know personally bought into the scamdemic including nearly all my customers. I talk to these people face to face. Yes, true, for a while earlier this year hardly anyone was wearing masks, but in the last couple of weeks I’m seeing them everywhere now, including a sizable number wearing them outside. I’m also noticing more people putting on masks when they go into shops. I take note of you saying to get out of Woke Melbourne as well.
With poor take-up, the corrupted governments are having a tough time re-ordering jabs. They will do what they can to suppress news of expired/discarded jabs. But even the most stupid citizens eventually get to hear of harm from the jabs.
oh yeah, stralya, the multinational shysters’ tax-free pillage and plunder haven & the u$$a’s death merchants’ wet dream
and by the way down under
my ‘coveed fear porn’ meter has melted
my ‘Hate Russia’ meter is a twisted smouldering piece of junk
and me ‘Hate China’ meter is doing a slow burn
gotta get me more of them Pfizzer anti-veerals for herd loonies!!!
Must say Jimbo… As a New Zealand citizen, I do have a good chuckle at your comments about ‘Straya. Even though, admittedly, things in New Zealand with the globalist ghouls running things there are not looking very good either. By the way, have you thought of jumping on a plane and going off to live on some island in Fiji? Just think of all that fish, coconut, pawpaw and wild boar right on your doorstep!
She would be. The most ardent defenders of an irrational fundamentalist faith are its priests. By daring to breathe freely and fearlessly in her presence, you were threatening not just her sizable income but her social status, the validity of TheScience™ she spent years laboriously absorbing, and the entire basis of the ongoing fraudulent COUPVID operation.
More generally, many thanks for these perceptive and eloquent first-hand reports from Australia. In a fairer world, you’d be a paid journalist.
I’m sick of hearing the words “merely anecdotal” and “not peer-reviewed”. Human beings everywhere are being trained to defer to arrogant brevetted Experts™ and abandon trust in the clear evidence of their own healthy senses: at no time in the last three years has there ever been a deadly global pandemic.
Really appreciate your words Patrick, thank you! And trust me, the salary of a journalist would really come in handy right about now.
People like that woman and all the others who are fully complicit and culpable in this massive crime against humanity make me sick. People like her will have their snouts in the convid trough making out like bunny rabbits in heat. They are morally and ethically bankrupt. Soulless creatures who only care about money and materialism.
Did you know that in Australia, doctors receive $66 for every fully vaccinated person they jab. Pharmacists receive $77. Imagine that doctor jabbing, say, 500 people. That’s $33000 in her pocket. When you look at the vast sums of money being spent on this pysops, you start to understand why it’s still going (as well as all the fear porn) and the immorality of those involved and those sticking their hands out.
A foot note on current distractions, Debt Deflation, whilst you were paying attention. Everyone is missing This! My experience is what i agree to attend to. (William james)Money Power Is More Concerned With Money Than Goods
Expect the price of 2nd hand cars to soar. Cars built before 2000 also tend to be more reliable because there are fewer sensors to go wrong
They’ll be banned for being “too polluting”/”too unsafe”.
Just buy one anyway. Don’t people see if they ignore the laws enough they go away? Who’s gonna arrest everyone riding their diesel cars?
i would not want a new car ever. the toxic umes from various materials, the blinking and the beeping. i just got one from10, bad enough. i just want my 01 lupo back,
i can put a key in the door, and even with pain and mobility issues i can still open and close a window, though it can be hard.
having looked at many cars recently i am aghast. little computers on wheels, or not so little.
And I know so many people who buy the top spec version because they are taken in by the sales patter about all the technological capabilities (blind spot warning, lane discipline warning, main beam controller, speed regulator etc etc) and then spend the next fortnight disabling the functions one by one. 😏 For me, cars took a massive retrograde step when they stopped fitting cd players as standard.
i would did even know they did. my lupo only had a tape player, and the cd player i bought was the most high tech in it.
i still hope to get it refurbished. best little car ever.
This reminds me of my sister’s washing-machine hassle a while back:
The old reliable family washing machine finally broke down to a point of no repair. My sister, one of those people who painstakingly researches products before buying, rejected the new generation of high-tech clothes washers.
She found and ordered a sturdy “manual” washing machine for a good price at a local appliance store. But subsequently, the store contacted her to explain that oops, it turned out to be “out of stock”– and they couldn’t say when, or even if, it would available.
Instead, the apologetic sales manager offered her a “great deal” and immediate delivery on a high-tech, High-Efficiency washer in stock. She reluctantly bought it against her better judgment because by that time she really needed a working washer.
Her original skepticism turned out to be justified. The fancy-schmansy new machine lists a bewildering range of categories and options instead of the familiar “light/medium/heavy”, “delicates”, etc. Even worse, she credibly complains that using it is like launching the Space Shuttle: there’s effectively a “checklist” that must be followed precisely before “launching” a load– and, unlike regular washers, once the load is in orbit Mission Control (my sister) is forbidden to, say, open the lid to add a dropped or forgotten item.
In short, it has a “High-Efficiency” mind of its own, is a real pain in the a**, and she hates it. Progress marches on! Open the pod bay doors, HAL!
i was just told by a washing machine repairman that zanussi are bringing back an old school washing machine. we’d been talking about all the high tech innovations lately and how annoying they are, for him and his colleagues too. they have to go on computer courses to repair those.
I get sick trying to live in new built houses, I have to rent old well settled ones without all the new toxins. The 1983 place I am in now is the newest house I ever lived in.
So it’s not just that they’re monochrome, tightly packed and in the middle of nowhere?
it’s a problem. i can’t paint mine ectr because of toxins. there’s a few ”low” toxins products but i’m not sure.
flooring, furniture, everything is problematic.
personally i’ve been helped a lot by taking vit c while i am in shops for instance. scented candles, synth perfumes [ which are in nearly everything ], ectr are every where also fumes from new clothes in shops.
vit c in large amounts helps me cope with that, at least for short periods.
interesting thing i found out recently: i can breath in smoke from rollies but 1 whiff of a filter cig makes me ill. must be the added chemicals.
that made me wonder if that difference is included in studies.
You might be suffering from something that a friend of mine developed in the 1980s: a sort of generalized hay fever. By the 1990s enough people had the reaction for it to be given a name (General Chemical Sensitivity) and an acronym GCS; even a TV series with Romantic Lead in a filtered-air bubble.
i do have chemical sensitivity. not an allergy though. a reasonable, albeit inconvenient reaction to nasty stuff that’s bad for everyone.
“There’s a lot of change in the air”
The Collective West is slowly but surely acknowledging the reality of the real world. Germany is abandoning its Green Dream, now wants gas from NS1, and requests Canada to return a Russian turbine sent there for repairs. Canada and Germany agreed on the return of the turbine at the latest G-7 meeting, in spite of Green Sanctions. The turbine will go directly to Gazprom, so Germany will “avoid violating” the sanctions.
Meanwhile in other news. I just watched a dr in the Tour De France hanging out the side of an open top car treating a cyclist whilst gong 40kph. She was wearing a mask, whilst touching his wound. Further, a team director was giving out high fives and hugs for the team after the race, wearing a mask, of course. Science…
Welcome back this week to Truther site Saker Vineyard after severe DDOS attack:
“Xafer on July 10, 2022 · at 10:02 pm EST/EDT
Empire of Lies is paddling back fast! Here are the signs:
1. BoJo booted out.
2. Canada waives sanctions in order to return Russian gas compressors.
3. 24/7 coverage of Ukraine discontinued, including by the Guardian.
4. UN blames Ukranians for using human shields, exonerates Russians from attack on old-age home.
5. Rapid firing of underlings by Zelensky.”
The plan has always been for Russia to “win” this phony war. Give a big injection of hopium to the most deluded sections of the Left, libertarians and alt media, get everyone welcoming the Great Reset as a “liberation” from the empire. If the “new multipolar world” is making your vax and your bug-burgers then they must be good. If the “new multipolar world” is rationing your food and making you wear a mask then it’s for your own good. It’s a clever repackaging of the New Normal, that’s all.
There’s a bunch of paid cointelpro types all pushing this line right now. Maybe you’re one?
“The plan has always been for Russia to “win” this phony war.”
So why from the start did the MSM ly proclaim Ukraine as winning and Russias as losing? Until reality became too obvious even for the MSM to ignore. Did you know “the plan” while the MSM didn’t? And if so, where and when did you post, No the MSM is wrong, “the plan is Russia is going to win”?
It’s been obvious to me ever since 2020, when Russia and China co-operated with the Corona-hoax, just like the Decadent West. Hell, even Lukashenko saw through it! Why couldn’t Putin? And now the Russians have announced they are getting ready to roll their new Central Bank Digital Currency — China’s already test-marketing its own.
Until 2020, like a lot of people out there, I was filled with false hope that BRICS was going to stand up to the Globalists and forge us all a brave new world that was safe for national sovereignty. It was all wishful thinking, I’m afraid. Now I know better. The Globalists control Russia and China as well, and they’re setting them up to be the ‘good guys’ in this drama, struggling to save the world from those rogue powers of the evil, decadent West who never follow international law. Once they ultimately defeat this evil, white-boy club of NATO, we’ll all finally be able to enjoy our bugs and social-credit systems in peace.
There is no salvational cavalry on its way.
Even so, many Solzhenitsyns are waiting for one.
The going is getting tough.
NB There’s a good reason for pushing ‘bugs’, but it’s not the right time to explain it here.
“Russia and China co-operated with the Corona-hoax”
The time for explaining that will come when the UN yields to requests from Russia and China to investigate U$ Bio-Warfare Labs. Meanwhile, I admit that Russia and China have been disingenuous in their bland acceptance of Con-19 — even though China was the only country that rolled out a fully prepared Bio-Warfare Defense System; so effective that the Chinese economy rode through Plandemic with barely a bump.
“Digital Currency — China’s already test-marketing its own”.
Don’t knock digital currency. Westerners who have been to China are impressed by the ease of buying street food with a smartphone. It’s not the Currency, its the Controller.
“I don’t care who makes the Laws so long as I control the Currency” — Rothschild.
Why? So that Europe could transfer old military hardware to covert forces (not Ukraine). And go into greater debt buying replacements from USA.
“..the idea of the American Republic.. remains the primary target for destruction.. and bringing it under the control of this Wall St-City of London financial octopus..As long as even a faint memory of that exists, there’s always the risk of some uprising.” ~ David Gosselin
How did FDR create the most prosperous era in US history? He was surrounded by American fascists, licking their chops at the prospect of seizing control of government and doing to it what they’ve been doing these past 40 years.
His federal jobs program.
The fascists know that what they are doing is wrong. That’s why they have to build a moat of surveillance control around themselves (the all-seeing eye) in order to preserve their kleptocratic dysfunction.
Individual and national sovereignty stand in the way of global governance, which is why democratic freedom and the nation-state are under assault. The only freedom that’s increased these past 40 years is unfettered capitalism, or aristocratic fascism.
“Just renaming fascism as “libertarianism” or “neo-liberalism,” has fooled the masses to think that it’s pro-democratic. “Capitalism” has thus come to be re-defined to refer to only the aristocratically controlled form of capitalism: fascism.”
“How did FDR create the most prosperous era in US history? He was surrounded by American fascists, licking their chops at the prospect of seizing control of government and doing to it what they’ve been doing these past 40 years. ”
They even plotted his assassination but were foiled by the great and good General Smedley Butler, author of “War is a Racket”.
The disruption of our old world paradigm and the birthing of a new is at hand. Participating as if things are going to continue in the same way will result in wasted efforts, and worse yet, will leave us evolving lives based upon infrastructures that may no longer exist in the very near future.
Those are the words of sidereal astrologer Nick Anthony Fiorenza, he wrote an article back in 2018 titled “the 2020 societal reset and the great transformation 2020-2030”
In this piece he describes the relevance of Jan 2020, onwards, viewed in sidereal terms the great cycles of the outer planets repeat as they did in the 1280s and previously at other pertinent times in human history, for example the destruction of solomons temple and the emergence of mayer anschel rothschild.
Fiorenza wrote of the potentials for humanity in embracing these energies, sadly, others knew of the potential to use these energies to dominate…. or at least try to.
It appears Mr Fiorenza was an early casualty of “covid” in N Italia, his work has been airbrushed out of existence and his legacy, such as “lunar planner” has been usurped by someone claiming to further his work, yet doing nothing of the sort.
Likewise a young lady in america publishing via wordpress as “walk in light”, who produced incredible articles based on her non-sectarian christian views, who exposed the satanic relevance of scientific institutions, such as c.e.r.n has dissapeared, her domain at wordpress now being the home of some “reiki” output and all traces of her work, gone.
Many of you know that the attempts to control humanities awakening is a full on project that has been in the mill for a very long time, you also know they will NOT succeed, so do they, as life becomes more surreal by the day we must grasp what our place will be in the aftermath.
Sadly some feel it is an intelligence/coding test or exercise, grasping merely the plan does not in itself facilitate functionality after the “event”, many have attempted to ascertian the nature of the “event”, that is like suggesting that one coin in a jar filled with hundreds will self combust, but which coin?
Many of us now realise that from our perspective things are moving very fast, the snowball now shoved from the top gathers momentum and mass, yet metaphorically the hill is just about to level out, the squares and conjunctions that have powered this behemoth of deceit are just about to lose momentum, they failed, we are proof of that failure.
Every vestige of the “truth” that they have fed us from tit to senility has fallen by the wayside, from “germ theory” through to the shape and form of the world we live on, a mass psychosis designed to perpetuate a fake reality, like turning the hurdle walls of the abbatoir into a fucking art gallery for the livestock to marvel at as they march nose to tail toward the knife…
Our strength has become to question everything, i find the knowledge and perspectives passed and shared here have many times inspired and warmed my very soul, like handfuls of sand on the beach i allow what is shared to pass through my fingers and feel the “nuggets” worthy of further inspection catch, sure sometimes its cat shit, sometimes pure gold, cest la vie
winnowing, harvest, call it what you will, it is underway, so far most here are on the right path, but the time for appathy and self congratulation are not upon us, tings are going to get much worse, but our judgment is becoming less clouded by the day.
this is sweet:
yes many astrologers have written, as well as spiritual teachers. we are at a very important point in human history.
jessica davidson has many good posts, i also recommend liz greene’s ”outer planets and their cycles” it’s from 40 years ago, a seminar about the collective subconscious, with many historical examples.
… The aspects between the outer planets and the personal planets, and the corresponding ability to tap into collective energies. -Transits of the outer plants to individuals’ natal planets. -Example charts of people who were especially attuned to collective energies: Marx, Hitler, Lenin, Jung and Freud. -The birth-charts of America and Russia. … includes an interesting ”prediction” re the then future of the ussr.
are those who try to use the knowledge for ”evil” worse that the many who just go along?
it hit me this morning : WE are the second coming of christ [ christ consciousness, not the religion of christianity] and that’s why it’s taking so long 😂 .
when i did not want to incarnate i was told that i needed to, i had a duty to life, now i finally know what for.
i’ve been on a spiritual retreat with michael mirdad for 2 weeks due to computer issues and only having youtube on tv. last night i watched the sedona service live on facebook , including some wonderful live music that gets edited out on youtube.
agreed, the relevance of the “christ” is contained within our “code”, their attempts to map and record our code are current.
just as the “bible” in its original form, (of which i only know a little), was, imho descriptions of interactions using the vocabulary of the time, ie limited to what experience had passed up to that point.
Now we have greater vocabulary, yet that has been corrupted by the imposition of a near complete “fake reality”, in other words “science”.
re your last paragraph, again, imho there is nothing of value on facetube or youbook.
one must even question such places as this, however the up/down vote thing does inform when a nerve has been touched, which is helpful.
whilst there is some extra ordinary intelligence and insight here in the comments, there is also often an invisible wall when experience/relevance outside of biology is touched upon.
those who confine themselves to the limited view that what is being perpetuated upon us is solely the “organic” actions of humans awash with power and madness, needs must ask themselves what is the true meaning of power in this context, not merely the imposition of ones will upon others but pursuance toward a destination.
ive written here more than is required, many times, but the briefest explanation of my m o may illuminate my position to all detractors.
My grandfather, was lodge, to retain something dear to him when such thing was seemingly gone, he approached lodge to assist and facilitate in the return of what was dear to him, acknowledgement that a “price” would be due was given.
What was dear returned to him and many, many happy years ensued, until the price was paid.
The price was the life of his first sons eldest child…
So as i said once before, when asked, “what is the best way to kill a freemason”, the answer is clear:
Really slowly
my way can be rude and a tad crass, but pikey is as pikey does and we have seen shit they aint..
go well, im outta here
thank fuk they say, and to any lodge reading….sleep tight ;0)
there clearly are things of value on youtube, for instance the many michael mirdad videos i watched, and al jarreau live.
though on facebook you get some lovely music with the sunday services, gorgeous stuff yest, john dumas.
Mis-Anthropology the Misanthropic Turn. Love conquers all. Real Love Reality is (Poem), A limited Welsh Hangout.Cynics saw what people could be & were angered by what they had become; Timonists felt humans were hopelessly stupid & uncaring by nature & so saw no hope for change. * 1988 , Paul Ollswang, “Cynicism”:Paul Ollswang, “Cynicism: A Series of Cartoons on a Philosophical Theme”, January 1988, page B at official site; repr. in The Best Comics of the Decade 1980-1990 Vol. 1 , Seattle: (Fantagraphics Books), 1990, ISBN 1-56097-035-9, p. 23. **:
So why the title? Misantropology the Misanthropic turn. Look at the cartoon.
Of Course we are all annoyed
But What Ya Gonna Do?
if you do not belong to the Stop the world I want to get off club, “then Keep Calm and Carry on”
Love and Hope.
Real Love Reality Is
sapere aude
Anglosphere media say Germany is close to or on the verge of energy rationing. German sources are saying it’s already happening in parts of the country (e.g. hot water in apartment blocs only available at certain hours).
Nord Stream 1 will be inoperative for the next two weeks, due to scheduled yearly maintenance work.
Nord Stream 2 was of course blocked by the ruling coalition in early March, days before it was due to start up. As a replacement, fleets of giant tankers from the USA will deliver American LNG, for which hugely expensive new terminals will have to be built. These won’t be operative before 2024 at the earliest.
In the meantime, Germany will be fueled greenly by rainbows and unicorns.
How many Green German Girls does it take to turn on a gas tap?
“My salad days, when I was Green in judgment, cold at home” — Antony and Cleopatra
All part of the GR plan!
So glad I left Germany. As awful as Merkel was, this new coalition is even worse — an absolute nightmare.
Looks like the 4th of July Shooting was another hoax. No one got any decent pictures that I can find. Did anything show up on social media? (I’m not a subscriber)
No bodies, no wounded, no shooter, no blood. Usual unconvincing witnesses, victims who get up & tell us about gun control.
Miles Mathis did a piece on it– rather hilarious actually.
I personally don’t think the mug shot looks like a real person– maybe they changed it a little so he won’t be recognized after giving up this identity.
Nobody ever seems to get good clear images. Lets hope the facial recognition technology is built on the same technology.
What happened to the recent much-touted Ninja Covid variant? Did it just vanish, excuse the pun?
I thought you’d made that up but I see it’s “true”. The jolly old World Socialist Website has been hyping it up under its “proper name” BA. 5 or something, obviously thinking “ninja” sounded like a joke- which it is. The good old WSWS continues to be po-faced over the doom show whilst even the MSM seem to be struggling to keep a straight face.
It’s changing its costume.
I wonder who’s running the United States? Because Biden clearly isn’t.
What is this “United States” you speak of?
aka USA Inc, “Philanthropists without Borders”. The New Age “feel good buccaneers”.
From the New New Normal:
“De-dollarization is underway with BRICS+ countries now including the world´s No.1 crude oil exporter namely Saudi Arabia — per China’s direct invitation and with Russia being No.2 — and with Iran and Argentina´s pending acceptance. This means having yet more oil & gas and yet more food products on the BRICS+ side of the equation. So raw-power relationships and key leverage parameters are undergoing a very major shift around the world nowadays.
“Rapid changes in the global monetary system affect the international role of the dollar” admonition by Jerome Powell, in charge of the US monetary policy.
Germany has its first trade deficit in 30 years as the costs of its gas and oil imports have soared.”
How many Green German Girls does it take to open a gas tap?
“My salad days, when I was Green in judgment, cold in blood” — ShakeSpear, Cleopatra
Biden is selling from the US Petroleum reserve to China:
Cold War 2.0 (or whatever version this is) is so real – I mean, I spent so much time studying geo-politics it must real, mustn’t it?
Sedwill addresses the Atlantic Council 2019. Trump This is the end of real, Cummings to the treasury committee. Spikes , Spooks and Spiel. De ja vu all over again “What Ya Gonna Do”?
UBER. Are they calling Macrons Number as well?
Blockchain, Ghosts of Busts past. and #AadhaarMoments
Good to remind Empire-builders what happened to Nappi:
“Able was I ere I saw Moscow”
Ellen Brown, author and proponent of public banking, ran for CA Treasurer. She’s exceedingly well-informed, knows about primary water, is also an attorney and informed on alternative medicine.
She has a recent article on local currencies– how about food-based money?
The wheels have long since fallen off here in Australia.
This information that I’m providing is much more in line with Neil Olivers observations above.
The link below will take you to proposed Queensland government legislation.
In simple terms this new legislation will provide the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) unprecedented powers to silence doctors who stray from the officially sanctioned narrative.
In particular;
AHPRA will be able to take action against any doctor in any way it decides to be “necessary & convenient” to “safeguard” public confidence and safety.
AHPRA will also be able to name and shame doctors in the absence of any real wrong doing or evidence and done so solely based on a doctors health, conduct or performance.
And it goes on.and on and on. About gone now are the ideas of a doctors loyalty being first and foremost to the well being of their patients, and those of clinical debate and effectiveness of treatments, gone.
And of course AHPRA is an entirely unelected agency that is responsible to no one. They are not subject to questioning, verification or independent review by any jurisdiction in the country. and none of them are medical doctors.
Nazi medicine in our wide brown land.
Dissident medics in Australia urgently need to unite to defend themselves and their patients. There’s a new professional medical association in Germany that would be well worth getting in touch with. Article in English:
“On June 11, doctors and scientists with a critical attitude towards the official corona narrative founded a new medical professional association in Hamburg: the professional association “Hippocratic Oath”. The founders and initiators include well-known critical physicians and experts such as the microbiologist Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, lung specialist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, […]”
Email: [email protected]
Bakdhi and Wodarg are my heroes!
This has been the case since day one. How do you think they contained it. AHPRA sent letters to all staff saying, you go with the official program else you may be prosecuted. Or words to that effect.
re aussie death camp 5th dose of immuno-suppressive drug – canada goes one better – – it’s a battle to see who will sit at the right hand of whoever the new World Dictator turns out to be
That Alistair Campbell response deserved a follow up question. What did happen to the last person? Who was that? Is this a threat? Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
Sadly, the Dutch farmer protest is doomed to fail. With looming diesel fuel shortages, they won’t be able to go on much longer. Also, Canada showed us the efficacy of shutting down protestors’ bank accounts.
Our side will likely lose because we don’t have the numbers yet and have no leadership or organization. Our best hope is that the NWO/Illuminati plan falls apart on its own. There’s also the Hopium that some faction of the cabal opposes the New Normal.
War Criminal
What position did the unrepentant war criminal occupy when the assault on Iraq was launched ?
Damn, I’m gonna be behind five jabs. They keep going like this it could be 10, or 15, or 50! Maybe they’ll start offering those of us who have “fell behind” some kind of mega-dose shots where we can make up 5 or 10 at a time. Especially when they start coming out with mandatory jabs for Covid-23 and Evil-666 and whatever other nasty viruses that are just now starting out as baby molecules and being raised to be even better than the Mamas and Papas. I’m just too darn busy and I know I’ll be missing some of those too. I think this is going to be a big problem, all the people falling behind in their jabs. Maybe like an emergency or something, a global emergency, ya, that’s the ticket. We’re gonna have a global emergency because too many people are falling behind, man.
On another note, I have neighbors who wear masks. Everywhere. It’s fucking creepy. They’re the only ones on my block. It’s 90 degrees out and they walk their dogs with masks on. I never knew.
You’ll need six jabs. Six, every six months, for six years.
OffG – Once again, you’ve excelled at summing up the week in a most enlightening way. Thank you …
Damn! That Neil Oliver is so dead-pan and correct. Encore!
Off topic a little … As much as I would have liked Nick Kyrgios to win at Wimbledon – I think it befitting that Djokovic has stuck a finger-up at the Australian Government turds like Alex Hawke and Boofhead Morrison who used Novak’s un-injected status for grubby political-point scoring. Even more interesting is that Novak was welcomed in the country of our Monarch??? Hmmm! So, one has to wonder who really controls these political parasites in Australia, if it obviously isn’t the Queen??
”That Neil Oliver is so dead-pan and correct.” He would be, he’s a Scot after all.
Firstly, making ordinary people go short of food will never win them over – especially during a recession. More importantly, though, it is playing right into the hands of the New Normal crowd.
So they should stop protesting? That’ll teach the global elites. No, I think they have public support.
If they were able to sell their wares directly to the Dutch public, instead of through supermarkets, that would be perfect.
Djokovic just beat Krygios to win 7th Wimbledon. Unvaxxed and proudly unavailable for U.S. Open. Kudos on him and Kyrie Irving, rumored all summer to be on his way to our/ my Lakers. So I guess I can share, if it happens. (Irving, former teammate of Lakers’ Lebron in their NBA championship at Cleveland, was docked many basketballers millions of his hefty paycheck with the Nets for being banned and unavailable playing home games, a ruling imposed by NYC and the NBA so that they could be sure to get their assinine -and homicidal- NY Coronapalooza on. Kyrie makes us proud for his solo superstar stand against the tide!)
Krygios is a bad tempered, bogan brat. He deserves SHIT.
Psychos, sycophants and control freaks.
Humanity is SICK.
Such desperate attempts to grasp onto a crumbling reality, ever tighter they grasp the sand that slips through their hands. Sad people trembling at the fall of their sad system that has severed modern Europeans from their family, kin, tradition, the natural rythyms, their warming communities and their spiritual truths.
There are no journalists left in Australia, they simply report every crackpot ”review” done by crackpots at big pharma companies and pass it off as news without a single question.
They babble and prattle like puppets and muppets and all talk the same crap but facts are readily available, like the fact that the only people ”sick” with fake covid are fucking jabbed up.
GOT THAT RIGHT MATEY!!! BLEEDING copy&paste slut know-nothing hack haggard fake journos they be!!!! PHARMAKRIM vax nazee-Zombees!!! Disgusting!!!
In these terrible tragic times, it’s a tribute to the human spirit that even the darkest catastrophes can act as a spur to the pioneering of compassionate ingenuity:
“The Maldives is building the world’s first floating city
The first homes are slated to open to public viewing in August
The Maldives has long been the picture-perfect paradise getaway, and even more so during the pandemic. Last year saw tourism return to almost pre-pandemic levels with the arrival of 1.3 million travellers, compared to 1.7 million visitors in 2019. And now, the world’s lowest-lying nation might just have a stable solution to the stark reality of rising sea levels. The Maldives Floating City has just been green-lit for construction: 5,000 housing units that are linked together and tethered to the floor of a 500-acre lagoon, designed to preserve and enhance its natural and cultural ecosystem.”
Cognitive dissonance! How can 5,000 new housing units comprising a “floating city” “preserve and enhance” a “natural and cultural ecosystem”?
More cognitive dissonance: “first homes are slated to open to public viewing in August”… “public” viewing? What public? The millions slumping into poverty and despair after two years of social, medical and economic deprivation brought about by the “pandemic”? No, I sense a vastly more selective “public”!
This “public” will have to have a new city to run to when it all kicks off.
What a fucking joke.
Yes, and what about household rubbish and a sewerage system … in a lagoon?
Will they have a bubble economy? Will they try to float the dollar. their curren-sea?
So “green”, so “sustainable”, so “smart.”
‘Will “facilitate coral growth” and is “designed to preserve and enhance its natural and cultural ecosystem.”
No more land-just develop the ocean.
As long as they can palm off the homes, the project is a success. Like Dubai.
Rising sea levels? But how is it that all the Pacific atolls are still there? They’re only about 10 feet above sea level, so if the seas were really rising, they should be the first to go.
“The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis are counting that WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) are not going to fight back…DISAPPOINT THEM!“
Big problem with “Ungovernable” is it simply encourages the nitwits who have been longtime engineering this governance chokehold to devise “final solutions” for the ungovernable. (For starters )
Clearly a strategy for a “3rd Way” needs articulation and refinement.
Noncompliance is “ungovernable”, too….
Well, of course, perhaps I’m presuming too much that people git me, but I’m mostly thinking of the picture referencing Roddy Piper in “Them” and the other pic suggests people going off like 19th Century Anarchists, or Alden Pyle/Quiet American spewing bombs et al. I really think that age has past, surveillance and infiltration are too omnipresent to get rowdy on them. Other means need to develop. Even mass protests are being derailed.
But yes, non-compliance is excellent, it seems to be the only thing to move the mountains, especially here in California. I managed to get get kicked out of about half of my regular stops in my travels since 2020, mostly the first year, and it cramped my style a little, totally worth the price. A few people were utter prize turds, and I exult in not seeing their faces.
We need to become a culture of non-compliance, or perhaps lose most of what our best ancestors have struggled for, during these most recent 10,000 years just past. Would hate to let them down….
Pardon the dystopian gaffe: the Roddy Piper in sunglasses that discern aliens John Carpenter movie is from “They Live”. With brain-reading tech now, I’m even open to that being a documentary.
I wonder if they’re not trying to provoke some semblance of ‘ungovernable’ in the US, to drop any remaining pretense of ‘democracy’ and just go full scale martial law … with the deepstate ‘blm’ etc rioters, they’re getting pretty close, w the cops basically told to stand down
Well that’s the age old psyop of choice, to counterfeit protest and to astroturf grassroots movements, exploiting violence to trigger martial law. But even Gavin Newsom here in Calif. uses it gingerly, with an eye on his popularity poll stats.
Of course. But this strategy has flopped completely in the ‘red’ states, where few mayors or prosecutors answer to George Soros.