Is the Bank of Russia buying gold?
That’s classified information, buddy.
Riley Waggaman

On March 25, the Bank of Russia announced it would buy gold at a fixed price of 5,000 rubles per gram. Less than two weeks later, on April 7, Russia’s central bank canceled its new gold-buying policy, opting instead for a negotiated price (at a discount).
The logic behind this move, according to an excellent report by Interfax, is fairly straightforward: sanctions have made it difficult for commercial banks to export their gold to foreign markets. The Bank of Russia is taking advantage of this conundrum by offering to gobble up their gold—at a reduced price. Yes, it’s a bit stingy, but at least it keeps Russia’s gold miners and merchants in business, and it also ensures Russia’s gold stays inside the country. Everyone wins.
But is the Bank of Russia buying gold?
The short answer is: we have no idea, because this information has been classified since March. Pre-February 24, the Bank of Russia published a monthly spreadsheet disclosing the amount of gold and other assets in its possession. Now we are only told the total value of the central bank’s holdings:

The Bank of Russia stopped reporting its gold holdings (in millions of troy ounces) in March. (source)
In January, the Bank of Russia boasted 74 million troy ounces of gold; in February, 73.9. After that? It’s a mystery.
Okay, but this isn’t necessarily a bad sign. Maybe the Bank of Russia is feverishly and covertly scooping up all the gold it can get its hands on, in order to prepare for the introduction of the “gold-pegged ruble,” which still does not exist?
Maybe, but not according to Tsargrad:

A bit worrying? (source)
Here’s what Valentin Katasonov, Professor of International Finance at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, told Tsargrad on July 30:
There is no exact information about the Central Bank’s gold operations, since it is classified. We can only build our own guesses based on certain signs. Indirectly, it can be assumed that if purchases are made, they are insignificant.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to say something according to the reports of the Central Bank. Gold is not even singled out in a separate position when the statistics are published. Why doesn’t the Central Bank buy up gold on the domestic market? It seems to me that the main financial regulator is playing against Russia. Of course, this is deliberate sabotage. They’ve been doing it for a long time.
From April 1, 2020 to the end of February 2022, the Central Bank did not purchase gold, and this was reflected in the statistics of the Central Bank. Now everything is closed, but by indirect signs, we feel that there are no purchases or they are minimal. One of the confirmations for me is my contacts with representatives of gold mining companies—they say that they do not receive any orders from the Central Bank. From commercial banks—yes, in theory they can resell gold to the Central Bank, but before such transactions were made directly.
We have to admit this testimonial contradicts our previous assumptions about how the Bank of Russia acquires gold. Our understanding was the central bank deals exclusively with commercial banks. But according to Katasonov, this is not necessarily the case—in the past, gold miners have bypassed the middle man and have worked directly with the Bank of Russia. You learn something new every day.
Kommersant, citing its own experts, also believes the Bank of Russia’s recent gold purchases have been negligible.

From July 28 (source)
As Katasonov concedes, it’s possible commercial banks are selling gold to the central bank. At the very least, we can confirm ordinary Russians are buying precious metals—motivated in part by the government’s decision to drop VAT on such purchases.
According to a recent report by Kommersant, commercial banks have recorded a sharp increase in gold bar sales to private investors. Over the past five months, Sberbank customers purchased 10.9 tons of gold bars. But domestic demand is still low when compared to gold exports in the beginning of 2022.
In April, Russian banks were storing 43.8 tons of gold—and this was after exporting 11.4 tons in February-March.
In May, reserves of precious metals in Russian banks totaled 33.3 tons in gold equivalent. Their holdings increased slightly to 34.6 tons in June.
Would reserves in private banks be considerably lower if the Bank of Russia was making large purchases? Would they be higher in anticipation of sizable and sustained orders from the central bank? We can only speculate.
The thing is: if the Bank of Russia was aggressively purchasing gold, surely Russia’s gold miners would know about it? And this is why Katasonov’s grim assessment of the current state of affairs seems credible to us. But that’s just our personal opinion about this Classified matter.
To be fair to the Bank of Russia, Tsargrad’s super-conservative leanings make it susceptible to assuming the worst when it comes to Elvira Nabiullina and her (admittedly loathsome) central bank. On the other hand, does the Bank of Russia even need more gold if it’s obsessed with shilling zero-privacy, pure Hell, centralized and programmable digital tokens?
Maybe not.
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.
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Someone has decided that we should be subjected to this Riley guy for some reason! George McC is better at saying nothing than this quisling!
Russians are buying gold for a long time… Preparing for something BIG!
We don’t know but perhaps maybe. Well thanks, that was a waste of my time.
Tallinn (Estonia) and Helsinki have discussed integration of coastal missile batteries that would enable the two NATO members to blockade the Russian Navy in the Gulf of Finland, Estonia’s defense minister announced on Friday. This would turn the Baltic Sea into a “NATO internal sea,” the official said, echoing comments made earlier by Polish and Lithuanian leaders.
Finland’s MTO85M coastal missiles have a range of over 100 kilometers. The Gulf is about 82 kilometers across from Helsinki to Tallinn. Estonia plans to buy Israeli Blue Spear missiles later this year, which have a range of almost 300 kilometers.
The eastern parts of the Gulf of Finland belong to Russia, and some of Russia’s most important oil harbors are located farthest in, near Saint Petersburg (including Primorsk). As the seaway to Saint Petersburg, the Gulf of Finland has been and continues to be of considerable strategic importance to Russia. Maps here{google:bookmarkBarPinned}sourceid=chrome&{google:instantExtendedEnabledParameter}{google:omniboxStartMarginParameter}ie=UTF-8#imgrc=m9k3EJBsiia3gM
(sigh) Rather poor theatrics, but I suppose when there ARE no lions. . . .
If Ukrainian forces keep attacking the Zaporozhye power plant, a nuclear disaster can happen at any moment, Moscow warns. Russian ambassador to UN:
“We have repeatedly warned our Western colleagues that, should they fail to talk sense into the Kiev regime, it would take the most heinous and reckless steps, which would have consequences far beyond Ukraine,” Nebenzia told the Security Council on Thursday. “That is exactly what is happening,” he said, adding that the Western “sponsors” of Kiev would have to bear the responsibility for a potential nuclear catastrophe.
“They say it happens purely by chance. Like they didn’t want to. What can I say… We should not forget that the European Union also has nuclear power plants. And accidents are also possible there, ”he added.
[Very dangerous Medvedev. Don’t say such things.]
ex-deputy Ilya Kiva of the Ukrainian Parliament:
“The Kyiv regime will soon conduct a special operation to blow up the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. For this, intelligence groups of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, which had previously committed similar terrorist attacks, were trained in Transnistria and the Belgorod and Bryansk regions. The first stage of the operation – information preparation and the formation of the culprit – has already begun, ”Kiva wrote in his telegram channel.
Earlier, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again hit the ZNPP . Shelling can lead to leaks of radioactive materials. This nuclear power plant is the largest in Europe in terms of the number of units and installed capacity.
The Chernobyl disaster was no accident. Russia has not forgotten, though insane Ukraine has.
On the radio: “A new covid vaccine will not be made available yet as there is insufficient data …” And so the covid tale continues to unfold at a leisurely pace, its speakers secure in the knowledge that, no matter how absurd it is, no matter how insulting to the intelligence of the audience, there is no comparably large media outlet to challenge them with an alternative angle.
In the end, what can any one of us do to change the status quo?
Very little to nothing.
But we can each continue to Love, live, laugh and play.
After all, that’s why we’re here.
I didn’t succumb to the stab! That alone must mean something.
It means you can, and do, question authority. Those that don’t question authority will be the victims of authority.
we can do a lot.. The first thing is to debunk the erroneous, misleading, fabricated propaganda. Secondly, we can study the real and fictitious people (corporations, partnerships and government contracts) that have privatized monopoly powers. We can study how Oligarchs control our political, economic, and cultural systems. We can monitor and report transactions between the legal and bureaucratic nation state and the corporate lobbyist to identify their intentions. we can educate our fellow humans until from among us emerges a leader.
Hello eman: “Secondly, we can study the real and fictitious people (corporations, partnerships and government contracts) that have privatized monopoly powers.”
Yes. True. The persons involved and schematics of executive corporate structures have been documented over and over. Just studying the problem has not resolved into viable solutions. There are actionable Laws which define criminal corporate monopoly, racketeering, and extortion of civil agency. Civil agency was once known as governance…
Civil populations have produced an unlawful and corrupted legal class. The civilian public needs to become educated, and learn to flush their own moral toilets…
They control the education of 99% of all children. That battle is long over, or at least, lost for the foreseeable future.
Any responsible parent who does their job properly will have way more influence on a child than school will. Unfortunately, many parents’ idea of raising their child properly is to stick an iPad under their nose from birth to keep them quiet and to inculcate them into the ways of entitled normie consumerism by giving in to their child’s every materialistic whim.
Sounds like the cue for a song. We should be so lucky lucky lucky lucky….
The Tories don’t have “the vision” or “the strength” to take “desperately needed radical solutions”! But Gordon Brown – a “Leftie” – has shown the way. I wonder how this is going to play out? Well let me guess: The hated Tories and Right Wingers in general are too corrupt and commited to the old version of capitalism (still identified as “capitalism” full stop) and they need to be “dragged kicking and screaming” into responsible policies like total clamp down on all consumption, elmination of all meat products, disposal of all fuel guzzling vehicles, endless parade of “much needed” vaccines for … ooh anything really …. etc.
All of the above applying only to the masses. The De Caprio crowd will continue to sunbathe on their luxury liners while we are invited to shout “BOO!”
I suspect it’s the opposite. Gordon Brown is being used by the establishment and the Tories as ‘controlled opposition’, so that people ‘feel’ they have a voice of reason, and so they don’t look to genuine opposition or support the present Labour party leadership.
Monkeypox-ageddon propaganda with a continuing gay fixation angle. Ends with
“It wasn’t an emergency while it was just the gay guys.”
Thus suggesting what we already knew i.e. that the dreaded pox-a-thon is being cast as a divide-and-rule “gays against hetero” issue.
Related information from Catherine Austine Fitts:
After 21 years of watching $21+ trillion go missing from U.S. federal accounts at HUD and the Department of Defense (DOD), I am often asked, “Where did the money go and how do we get it back?”
While the government has documented the money missing from these two federal agencies through fiscal 2015—and thus the documented violations of the Constitution related to financial accounts and disclosure as well as financial management laws—it has not published accounts of where the money went, who has those resources, and how it was reinvested or spent.
We can safely assume that money continues to disappear. Thanks to the federal government’s continual refusal to produce audited financial statements as required by law and the 2018 adoption of FASAB 56 as an administrative policy (which allows federal accounts to be kept off books and secret), we no longer have any reliable means of determining the amount of “undocumentable adjustments” after fiscal 2015. Because the undocumentable adjustments were $6.5 trillion in 2015—the largest amount missing in one year—it is not surprising that the operations then went dark. In addition, there are numerous black budget and classification laws that can make it difficult, if not impossible, for us to tell what is really going on in the federal accounts.
Continue reading. . . .
Thanks for the information. I think. I’m not sure what it means, but I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything, other than Russia is doing something and other countries are doing things and we’re all getting screwed while the rich eat themselves into a bug frenzy. But as an aside, I’ve been buying silver. Buying an ounce gold coin that I can lose in a nano-second for over 2 grand, just doesn’t make me feel very good. Besides, when it’s TEOTWAWKI time, what am I going to trade a gold coin for, bread or meat? I bet I could get them with a silver coin too. In fact, I’ve been buying half ounce silver coins so I can get toilet paper and some weed. I’ve been buying copper rounds also so I can get toothpaste and soap. Maybe Russia doesn’t need toothpaste and soap.
It may be another bloody distraction but you must admit “He had it coming !” ?
When TV “news” items are sewn together with “maybe”, “It’s believed”, “authorities think”, “police claim”, and so on, suspicions are sown – and suspicion is the soil of Conspiracy Theorising…Fact-checkers exist to inoculate normal people against believing ‘alt-facts’ (aka ‘dis-information’) that escape past the cordon sanitaire imposed online by Big Tech ?
The Fact Cheka exist to combat the inherent tendencies to conspiracy thinking amongst homo normalis… Normal people dont need no internet to sow doubt into their heads, but they’ll eagerly insist “He had it coming !”
Trump’s idiotic cult is becoming increasingly idiotic, if that’s possible. The “father of the Covid-19 vaccine” and “Operation Warpspeed”, and the unbelievably narcissistic moron who had the audacity to praise Klaus Schwab for “doing a great job” (like Trump would know), wanted “his” (there’s that narcissism again) military leaders to have been more like Hitler’s, and didn’t want disabled military parading his parade because it might make him look bad, and besides, he thinks all military who ever served and especially died, are simply “losers”. The idiot child is a cancer but more than that, a supreme distraction and divisor that needs to get lost, any way we can take it. It makes me puke to see all the writers complaining about the FBI raid, exclaiming (OMG!) how they have it out for Trump, might even, ahem, assassinate him, while the limp dick moron is in on the whole thing and laughing all the way to his Kentucky Fried Chicken dinner.
The unfortunate thing is, at most places, making such as statement automatically means you must be a “Biden” supporter, or democrat, or what the hell ever. Like you can’t criticize one without it being assumed you are for the other. Such a sickness that has invaded our cultures.
The Kool-Aid drinking trump cult has been TRUMPED.
All yank presidents “have it coming”! Trump included. Hillary Clinton’s blood relation. Who killed an 8 year old girl with a drone and his supposed anti war trumpet blowers all got doe eyed over it.
Some people are criticizing Mr. Waggaman for not coming to a conclusion: He’s giving us interesting nonconclusive facts– would perhaps be irresponsible to arrive at a conclusion, no?
Personally, I don’t even like my movies to be didactic.
LOL Hollyweird endings are predictable.
Just like the Great Reset.
Russia buying gold, or actually having gold, is a fantasy.
Only the Central Bank Cartel has real gold.
Everything else in fantasy or paper.
Russia is beholden to the Central Bank Cartel like anyone else.
Only difference is that the system is pushing the rise of the East to destroy the West, that dares to question the existence of the Central Bank Cartel.
Even if all governments went away, nothing would really change because of the Central Bank Cartel.
Take out the Central Bank Cartel, or a way around it, and everything changes.
I’m shocked, a nation’s central bank is screwing the host nation.
Like those parasite wasps claimed to be the most successful species on Earth.
Gnostics love pointing this out and how they prove there can’t be a loving God; the ‘Alien’ films are based on this.
In other words the parasitic rothschilds is screwing their host nations.
You mean: the criminal banking cartel?
Russia has buckets of gold to mine or not mine as the authorities see fit, but the strength of the Rouble and other friendly Bricks currencies going forward, is that their value will be based on real natural wealth and essential commodities, unlike the declining Western Fiat script.
Yeah we know you’re anti-Poutine but I bet he hasn’t forgotten all that gold on deposit in the Bank of England in 1915 and still wonders where the fabulous treasures and jewels of the Romanovs et al disappeared to because clearly it wasn’t scooped up by Lenin.
No head of state in the current, or any, era is a saint but my 2c is that Poutine has no intention of cowtowing to Blofeld. And honestly at this point, I’d prefer his version of NWO over fascist fucking Brandon. If we can get rid of the psychopath Americans we can start over. Somehow.
“I’d prefer his version of NWO over fascist fucking Brandon”.
I’d prefer neither.
Lenin and Djugasvili were excellent conduits to the Rothschild’s coffers. The gold mined by gulag slaves landed up in that repository. It is the R family that sets the price of gold.
There is more gold on paper than there is gold in the vaults.
Gold in my opinion is utterly pointless yet most humans are enamoured with the shit
Send me some of yours please!
How else would you like to poke a stick into the wheel of the fiat-money printing press?
A thousand families are going to sue the Tavistock Institute for gender damage. Great news. But when is the suing over covid going to begin?
I travelled down the Hán siver (Hànshuî) During the first years of this century. THE “HÀN refers to the fact that the foundar om the Han dynasy (211.FC-2I12 AD) Had for a short time been the lord if all of the Hàn flood area from southern Shânxi and down into the Chángjiang ((called Yangtzejiang) by the know-naughts)),
In those early years over twenty years ago, it was clear that the Hàn-shuĭ was getting destroied by gold-diggers. And I loathed the enviromental damage that thay caused. BUT NOW I SEE THAT IT WAS NeCeSSARY in order to withthstand US and those “World bank” dollal aunslaughts.
Nyhow, very few Chinese live in that valley.
nicely and cryptically put, as baba vanga said “behold the rise of the three headed dragon”
the only thing stopping it is the pathetic, childlike remnant that is the us of a, who as we all know would prefer we endure armageddon than ever concede that it is dead
god bless america? god save us from america
a number of alternate futures face us, none offer that much compared to what we “had”
but as the natural forces level out the inbalance that gave us lot what we “had” a degree of discomfort and most importantly a whole bunch of “opportunities” present themselves for a really vile bunch of self declared “elite” to reap merry hell
Strange, aimless article.
By the time this speculative piece made it half way around the room in “the telephone game” it would turn into, “The Russians are buying up all the world’s gold!”
As far as an investigative piece this falls into the general heading-“That’s nothing to go on.”
There is a rumor going around alternative media that Russia is transitioning to a gold backed ruble to give a big middle finger to the central banker Great Reset globalists. People cite this as evidence that Putin is not on team Davos.
The point of the article is to show that this rumor is not backed by evidence. And when we look at everything else that is going on in Russia (see Riley’s other articles) it is clear that they are actually headed towards a Central Bank Digital Currency linked to biometric digital ID “vaccine passport” microchip implants, just like all the other countries.
So why is it not clear and clearly stated in the article? Why do you need to tell the readers what the point of the article is? As otherwise the reader has no clue why it was written and to what intent.
It is like Katasonov’s endless circular inability to explain a thing, clarify a thing and deliver any clear answer, all this ineptitude soaked up in his conspiratorial esoteric manner. On which endless manner he is probably making good money, fooling the hypnotized crowd of his followers awaiting the BIG REVEAL..
Gotta keep feeding the substack with garb to keep the subs coming in. It gets my goat when I think of how long it takes to write a book and how much an indie can sell it for on the Zon, versus these substack ‘writers’ demanding ‘support of $5 each and every month for throwing out some unresearched circular non-reveal.
Same applies to patreon for me. Can’t see why anyone would pay anyone to make YouTube videos (although it’s also a CIA tactic used to pay its youtube shills – der laods of Patreons on a youtubers credits? CIA/MI6 asset)
If you are familiar with his previous articles, it is easy to understand what is being said here. This was originally from his blog, so maybe it’s a bit confusing out of context.
Definitely check out this other article by him if you haven’t already, really important journalism IMO:
”it is easy to understand what is being said here”
No, it is not. The ulterior motive behind this writing even less.
There is now long-term US $ trend reversal expected, it has probably already started, cooling inflation, interest rates freeze and all that Janet Yellen jazz, perhaps gold will start its replacement climb anew.
Katasonov and the gold-lobby may have sponsored/ordered/written even the piece.
I cite Tsargard and Kommersant — a conservative orthodox site and a buttoned-down business paper — both saying essentially the same thing.
The Bank of Russia classified its gold holdings. This is a fact. So what’s going on here? Just found it interesting that Russian media were reporting that, according to their experts, the Bank of Russia wasn’t buying much gold.
I’ve read Riley’s other articles. Most all of them are speculative and rife with conflations sans evidence.
Can’t agree with that at all. He actually cites sources for every single claim he makes…
Look again and tell me I’m wrong:
”cites sources for every single claim” is a postmodern idiocy; everyone does these days; ”sources” are created to be circulated; besides, who takes seriously tons of research created nowadays, especially by scientists born into the generation of he Instagram ”scientists”, all these PhDs aged 26 or thereabout, millions of them poured out by nature for the asking, all of them on grants and research programmes carefully staged and calibrated by the matrix;
that’s what the problem consists in; ”sources” by these donkeys researchers keep you chained within the matrix;
only fools ”cite sources” and take all this game in earnest;
would love an example. I’m open to constructive criticism!
Katasonov is part of the Russian gold-investment lobby, he interviews with them regularly; Katasonov’s religion is one, that of the Golden Calf; his bio as skewed as it can only be;
Doesn’t matter what Ephrem the Syrian or Johannes the Damascene or any other Orthodoxy prayers he prays with and what number of Icons hang behind his back;
What about Kommersant? Gold bugs? In my opinion, hardly.
The article states very clearly the Bank of Russia’s gold reserves are now classified info. Then it cites two different Russian outlets — a super-conservative, pro-Orthodox one, and a normie business rag, that state the same thing: the central bank is not buying gold, or if it is, in very small quantities.
Then I point out private investors are buying gold and compare gold reserves in private banks to pre-Feb 24 levels.
Then I end without providing a conclusion, because I can’t, because the information in classified.
What is speculative about this? lol
If it created the impression “Where there’s smoke there’s fire !” maybe that was its intent ? Wiley doesnt scandalise me…
The reality is that we’ve been at war with Russia for a very long time but until the end of February it was mostly economic. In warfare the normal rules of economics don’t apply, they’re subverted to the pragmatic task of needing to prevail. So trying to pretend that everything’s business as usual with just a few inconvenient sanctions is really missing the obvious.
This present war didn’t start in Ukraine. Its true that the the ongoing civil war in the East and continual grumbling about the Crimea but you could see things brewing up well before that with an ongoing sanctions policy tailored to suit Western interests — we needed their resources but we didn’t want them to grow. Much the same has been done with respect to China but here the Chinese have been rather clever leaving us to apply too little leverage too late in the game (we still don’t know quite how to harass them, maybe stoke a bit of war fever over Tiawan while we find compliant local countries to bully or bribe into becoming ‘allies’). Anyway, I quite understand why Russia decided to take the steps it did when they did; I’m not a great fan of war but its what you resort to when diplomacy fails. Its just that we’re in a sort of Phoney War where we’re fighting Russia but at the same time pretending we’re not fighting Russia (NATO’s running the war from a converted industrial building in the Netherlands; there was a piece on it in our (US) press but only the one….).
So, bottom line…..war distorts economies. At least they’ve got gold. A very large part of our Western wealth is imaginary — our economies run on debt which is fine for making large paper profits but you can’t eat it, it can’t cope with endemic poverty and it has no way short of the fantastic for dealing with global problems.
Enjoyed the clarity of your comment.
What real proof has been presented that Russia has real physical gold reserves?
Other than documents, that can be made up, or bytes, that can be fabricated?
I have not seen anything I would consider real evidence.
it does not, it adds to there growth.
This whole article is much ado about nothing peddled by known anti Putin opposition media in Russia like Kommersant especially in context of brutal western economic war unleashed against Russia.
The classification of gold positions of BoR in such war like condition is simply imperative as any disclosures of trades may result in secondary sanctions in fact impairment of operation of global Russian commodity companies including Russian gold companies operating worldwide. Secondly as Russia was banned from trading gold in London they are in the process to redirect Russian gold to Shanghai which may take some time.
The gold trade is continuing but obfuscated for obvious reasons of total economic war against Russia. We must remember that BoR has been robbed by G7 gang of thieves and definitely they do not want to tell those gangsters if or where more loot is hidden.
Besides BoR is consistently building reserves of gold for two decades and has according to estimates several thousands of tonnes. As far as secrecy is concerned US treasury did not audit US gold reserves for decades just to conceal reality of its holding that were systematically diminished in last 50 years.
May be Kommersant associated group of oligarchs hate Nabulina for her policy of defense of national currency, ruble, that hurt somewhat Russian export competitiveness as ruble is too strong however purchasing more domestic gold by BoR will only strengthen ruble now already trading in 55-58 range when 70-80 rubies per dollar is optimal for Russian exporters. But also that is being taking care of by Russian agreements with countries like China, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, India, Egypt, Venezuela and most of Africa and ME to switch to much of their trade in petrorubles as well as opening Central banks currency swap-lines adequate for domestic purposes of controlIng exchange rates and that including enabling easy sovereign bonds investing in these countries immune to swings of dollar FX. Even Saudis are buying historically unprecedented volume of Russia crude oil for petrochemical industries in rubles.
Whatever Nabulina’s enemies may say it were her monetary policies and Putin that shielded Russia from brunt of western financial and economic war including introduction of de facto petroruble benchmark (soon formalized in context of BRICS) that brought economic stability to Russia now facing headline deflation in last three months.
Nabulina amid failed attempts to sabotage Russian economy by abandoning western corporate industry and investments in Russia is still keeping for obvious reasons of sanctions western currencies capital controls preventing some Russian pro western oligarchs from fleeing country with loot. Instead she decided to drop interest rates to below those in 2021 to stimulate domestic economy and stop strengthening of ruble amid collapse of euro.
Most of prices in Russia returned to pre February levels and still falling. While US is deep into technical recession (two quarters of negative growth) soon to be labor and corporate earning recession amid collapse of US real wages Russia had only one quartet negative growth in Q1 2022 and positive in Q2 and likely in Q3.
As coordinated western attack on ruble failed and boomerang to Hit EU economy hard while ruble strengthened. Despite claimed exodus of western capital 77% of all western corporations declared to stay in Russia and expand, continue or resume operations this year. Almost all Japanese businesses in Russia keep operating with no disruption. Sanctions are falling apart.
In March only one Russian bank GAZPROM BANK was connected to SWIFT. Today seven and number is growing. There is no and it won’t be any embargo on Russian oil or nat gas as US EU, UK allow not only oil but all maritime trade of Russian goods to be insured on London shipping insurance markets. Russia can buy or sell to anyone who wants It anything. In last EU “sanction” package EU dropped sanctions on Russian airplane parts and services. EU badly economically bruised surrenders.
It is important to realized that Russia is not against globalization, digital programmable currencies or global medical regime or the west as economic power but she is against globalization under western cultural and social dominance and political dictate. That is all.
Tsargrad is “anti Putin opposition media”? I would have to disagree.
“It is important to realized that Russia is not against globalization, digital programmable currencies or global medical regime or the west as economic power but she is against globalization under western cultural and social dominance and political dictate. That is all.” — I very much agree with this, though.
did not audit US gold reserves for decades
Decades ago, some obsolete US nuclear warheads – supposedly under much greater control – got stolen for the reprocessing black market. About a decade ago, live (current) nukes almost got stolen. In comparison, gold may be an easier target.
The rightful owners of foreign gold withheld include Afghanistan and Russia. The targets of military theft of foreign gold include Iraq, Libya and Syria. The targets of heists of gold include Ukraine and Bolivia.
The good news is that nuclear warheads, unlike gold, deteriorate in storage and need constant renewal. So, stealing a warhead will pose a threat (assuming you know how to make it work) but the longer you leave it the less useful it will be, especially as we have very sensitive radiation detectors so you can’t just put it in a closet and forget it (unless its a very well shielded closet).
Incidentally, plutonium is a very unpleasant material to work with. Apart from it being radioactive (of course) it will spontaneously combust in air, its difficult to machine and its very poisonous. It requires a “significant industrial infrastructure” to create and possess, the sort that completely distorts a country’s economy. If it wasn’t for its use as a weapon then no sane person would make it except in milligram quantities as a laboratory curiousity. Its worth bearing this in mind the next time your government tells you “we just just can’t afford xxxxxx”, where ‘xxxxx’ could be healthcare, education, pensions, infrastructure,whatever. Just remember — “Guns Before Butter”.
This whole DIABOLICAL situation stems from EONS ago apparently when the ghouls, who called themselves “Gods” saw how beautiful and peaceful the beings were and wanted to exploit them, enslave them, create misery for them and make them mine for gold.
Look where we are now? On the slave master’s plantation doing their work and then we give them 30% from the fruits of our labor? Any different?
Still looking for the truth of our ORIGINS. Gold is important in finding this Truth.
We have always been here.
Gold is worthless.
Seems gold was here before our consciousness was placed in human meat suits.
‘Gold is worthless’
Send some to me please!
Sure, but first…
Send me one tonne of gold (the transportation and storage will also cost a additional half a tonne of gold)
… Then once we have that secured and analyzed for purity, we will send you a certificate stating that you have this gold available…
Then when you are hungry, you can eat the certificate
Humans have been mining gold for thousands of years. Millions of Troy ounce and tons of it exist, yet people are still starving to death. I guess gold isn’t very nutritious…
Even canned food has expiry date. Gold hasn’t. It has trust. When my family ran out of food around the end of WWII my grandmother could have some in exchange for her gold jewelry pieces.
Freeze dried food can last for decades.
And it’s an expensive luxury…
Far less expensive than gold per ounce… and you can eat it.
You’re not supposed to eat it! Gold is money, it is used for exchange and as a store of value. It has always be thus and always will be.
Not always. Our pre agricultural ancestors did without it.
Bon Appétit! 😎
After you George! Jesus H Christ you do have some silly comments online – but I suppose that’s democracy for you.
How come it is called “Troy once”? (Troya) at the entance to the Black Sea via the h
Hellespont and th
e ensuing 10year legendary struggleS?
ALSO PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE FROM GOLD AS TH MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE IN EARLY “TROYAN ” TIMES: The Athenians based their currecy on Silve, In Spata, only copper coinage was allowed (The LACEDEMOIANS of Sparta savedthair riches in the Temple in Jeusalem — to in the final end be betrayed just like the EURO nations by CITY OF LONDON AND THE US “Federal reserve” now in the year to come.
Money is the technology of slavery.
The California grizzlies perished when the gold rush occurred in 1848. Eight million indigenous miners perished mining silver in the mines at Potosi in Bolivia.The human lust for these metals is an indication of our insanity.
The individual CBDC of each major G20 economy will probably be weighted according to a range of metrics, one of which may well be their reserve gold holding.
The IMF’s current basket is limited to five currencies for international trade, this is called the SDR.
The smaller economies outside of the G20 may well have their CBDC ‘pegged’ to one of the larger CBDC’s for practical reasons.
This private Central Bank system was not ready for prime-time when the overnight global repo-market failed in Sept ’19, hence all the ongoing distractions of the last two and a half years, buying them time to facilitate the transition from the old SWIFT system into an updated, fully digital system without intermediaries.
The price of gold and other commodities are completely controlled by the Central Banks through the derivatives market, using their proxies within the Commercial Banks as a front.
The private Central Banks are the problem, they want to own and control it all.
‘pon my word. A load of sick gerries:
it was fact checked!
Useful, thanks.
Any articles about the weather? The DM just promised a very dry autumn.
“Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite,..”
Weather warfare, right now.
“September 03, 2018 | Senate Hearing US Military Will Use Weather as a Weapon on AMERICAN Citizens” 4 minutes long only…
Have you noticed how lightnings and thunderstorms disappeared? The dry weather (far less rain) period started around the SPRING of 2020 or became very noticeable. Electrical charges affects weather, the time is exactly the time of 5G rollout together with mass implementation of Musk’ satellites, almost 60 in every 2 week.
“Electric charges[edit]Since 2021, the United Arab Emirates has been using a new technology: drones equipped with a payload of electric-charge emission instruments and customised sensors fly at low altitudes and deliver an electric charge to air molecules.[8] This method produced a significant rainstorm in July 2021.[9] For instance, in Al Ain it rained 6.9 millimetres on 20 – 21 July.[10]”
“RAF rainmakers ’caused 1952 flood’Unearthed documents suggest experiment triggered torrent that killed 35 in Devon disaster”
70 years passed, the tech developed a lot, so why there is no rain but they let countries burned all over Europe and here?
The latest John o’Looney (funeral director whistleblower) interview is online. Here’s the link. He’s speaking to Jason Liosatos.
“John O’Looney, funeral director – massive increase in deaths and miscarriages – interview” (video: 1.11.11 hours), at:
Thanks, Christine. Lovely man, Mr. O’Looney. “Moral compass” indeed.
So who is Mr Waggamann shilling for?
The anti-clot-shot agenda. Shhhhh. It’s a secret.
Exactly, who? Remove ”Katasonov” and might go straight to the Guardian. Are we not so much worried about the Russian gold, we the bankers? Especially when wrapped in the muddy Orthodoxy gravy??
Plus this Katasonov is a piece of 24K art on its own. To friends just one: ”stay away”. Best” run away…”
His writing has a cynical tone because people respond like this every time he writes an article scrutinizing Russia without re-explaining Putin’s extremely well-documented enthusiastic participation in the Great Reset genocidal injection program
Mr Waggamann is shilling for a pound.
It looks like one of Katasonov’s useless circular products and the Tzargrad juices all over the paper.
Perhaps he ”hired” the author’s name and reputation to ”go international” and test his own thing on this forum?
As the article really makes no sense, and even with one of the user’s extra input as to its apparent hidden meaning, it still doesn’t deliver on what the user claims it crypto-does.
Putin fighting the deep state.
A few places in Russia have began to reinstate mask mandates in “crowded places and indoors” to fight COVID-19
Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping don’t want to lose face in the Covid /lockdown scandal and change tack 180 degrees now. They also got spooked by Fauci’s long reach on their own soil.
Brushing them with other WEF types in the West is too facile: they are in a Lukewarm war with Washington’s coalition. Don’t make these human jokers into demi-gods/devils.
Simply authoritarians nowhere want to lose face for some doubtful decisions in the near past.
Neither the Russian nor the Chinese are idiots. Their leading scientists all knew it was a hoax from day one. The scientists who were not directly perpetrating the hoax themselves were censored and punished if they spoke against the pseudoscientific agenda.
They are not mandating lethal experimental serums, locking people in camps and enforcing QR code gene modification passports because they care about their citizens’ health. They were not tricked, nor were they frightened of an actually-nonexistent nothingburger virus which their own studies found is impossible to transmit asymptomatically. They are not genociding their own people to avoid embarrassment.
Their scientists don’t run their countries. Why does Xi Jinping keeps on locking down his own population and is Vladimir Putil still in the vaxx game?
I blame Ego.
Yow appeared out of no where shill- where ya been the last 2 years?? they DID ALL THE ABOVE YOU SAID THEY DIDNT DO.
They did do all these things. They didn’t do them ON ACCIDENT is what I was saying.
Do you lose face when you wear a mask?
The being playing the character role of “Putin” on the screens is not trying to “save” the human race from the “deep state.” Come on!
Come on. !
Has the prices of gold gone up yes, there seems to be a demand which buyers come to the conclusion gold silver copper et c is the better safer bet than cash.
Getting worried – wait what they will found in Iceland. Gates and the rest are racing.
You mean, ICE…?
Apart from that, Iceland is rich in disgusting, useless substances like sulphur, lava and mud.
Don’t come here looking for gold, Bill. There ain’t none.
But currently we do have some attractive lava pools you might be interested in sampling…
Sulphur is very useful. Lava and mud are laden with delicious chemicals for extraction and when solidified can be used for all manner of constructive purposes.
Also as a side note, geothermic processes are necessary in the manifestation of the Au atom.
Then of course there is geothermic electricity generation…
Iceland is cool.
In third thought…
Iceland is hot!
In the case of India, families and temples traditionally hold much more gold than the central bank, the RBI. They also want to buy more – from abroad, but this is taxed heavily as it disturbs the nation’s import export / balance negatively. In Western Europe private gold ownership is minimum. The Middle East on the other hand likes gold.
Those central banks are privatly owned, almost everywhere in the world. The ones which aren’t meet the US military complex.
Is the Bank of Russia privatly owned? Poking through the fiscal constructions, off course.
Then you really know who is buying the gold.
Saw this yesterday. Look closely, you see the flag on the left with the stars fallen down, and a horned businessman devil (market crash).
You see the emperor with no clothes.
MSK is written in the back, and jab er in the front with 666 and the compass and square (order and chaos):
The date is 2016! Saw it on a YouTube video. The person with the keen eye who found it also suspects that a fake Trump shooting will occur.
Read it left to right:
America will be turned upside down. (Flag upside down)
The market will crash and it will be the devil doing it. (Fallen stars, business devil)
There will be masks. (MSK is on billboard)
Trump will usher in the vaccines. (Jaber)
Trump will not actually be in charge. (Emperor has no clothes)
The covenant will be responsible. (666)
A new world order will come. (Compass and Square-order + chaos)
Trump also used to say cofeoffe a lot. A feoffe is someone put in charge of the sheep, but doesn’t own them. A cofeoffe is someone put in charge of the country, but doesn’t actually rule it. Hence, the emperor has no clothes.
And it was done in 2016. Same time Fauci was predicting a pandemic.
I can’t remember the context in which Trump said, “cofefe”, but most people thought it was just a sign that he had finally gone out of his mind…
I have come to the conclusion that the whole of Washington has finally gone out of its mind.
It’s horrible to watch, since it is supposed to represent the same species as myself…
Places of POWER, which controls or WANTS to control the entirety of the collective consciousness is:
An oligarchical government is a form of rule in which a small group of wealthy individuals have control over the critical mechanisms of state power, industry and economy. These people are unelected, unaccountable and they exercise control on behalf of their personal financial interests, drawing on the productive power of a nation to support their lifestyles and geopolitical ambitions. The ruling class in such a nation is often comprised of dynastic families who pass the baton of power back and forth between themselves, managing the illusion of change and evolution while never actually ceding their franchise over the masses.
You are describing a typical democracy.
Monarchy more like it.
The central bankers outrank the monarchy which they (the bankers) set up or depose as they see fit.
Trump tweeted the word Covfefe once, and it became a viral meme. Most likely a typo.
This is interesting though.
Wiktionary adds some because of the etymologies. They have feoffee as:
A vassal holding a fief.
And fief:
fief (countable and uncountable, plural fiefs)
An estate held by a person on condition of providing military service to a superior.
Something over which one has rights or exercises control. quotations
An area of dominion, especially in a corporate or governmental bureaucracy.
Originally related to cattle.
Lucifer, a fallen star.
Lucifer is famous.
Maybe Riley himself is Luci? Because it is against the “opponents” of the Great Reset. (The “opponents” who, in their own territory, carry out each part of the global plan, in some respects even more successfully, because of the specifics of the power relations and the capabilities of the state apparatus. Riley doesn’t write extensively about many other things that can be found in Russian sources, not because he doesn’t want to, but because he has to load himself with 100 times more content. Probably.)
Riley, sweet-talker, Russia is clear, and it’s exactly as you describe it, but if you happen to be some kind of controlled opposition yourself, I’d be very disappointed, because I like you. I don’t know what I could do to you if I went crazy! It might even go so far as to write you a damn nasty angry comment, so think about it…