Nordstream Sabotage – Deeper Dive
Kit Knightly
In the most recent edition of New World Next Week, James Corbett cites my recent article on the Nordstream sabotage, but politely disagrees about the irrelevance of attribution.
He argues that this kind of event will have definite geopolitical ramifications, and as such the identity of the culprit becomes important information. (I will embed the full video, below as the two Jameses are always worth watching.)
I respect James’ work immensely and in the alternate media world there’s probably no one I am more likely to agree with as a general rule, but here I must return that polite disagreement in kind.
Now, I do not doubt there will be “geopolitical ramifications”, but in a post-Covid world we need to ask what that means in real terms.
Yes, this will likely mean “tougher sanctions”, or Russia being declared a “terrorist state”. Maybe the war will “intensify”. Maybe Russia’s allies in China or India or Iran will face sanctions too.
But have we not already established that the sanctions are not really designed to hurt Russia, but the West’s own economies?
That the war is being used to excuse and exacerbate the economic downturn already deliberately created by the “pandemic”?
And does that not, in turn, mean that any geopolitical ramifications will be translated ultimately into further excuses to wear down the economic foundations of our society?
I would argue any such reaction could be more accurately described as a shadowplay of conflict, a puppet show for our consumption.
This is not a nihilistic or sweeping dismissal, borne of childish contrarianism.
I’m not saying “both sides of the conflict are the same so what does it matter who wins or which crimes are committed by which side”.
I’m saying, aside from whatever personal or petty gripes, ambitions, power plays may run through the hierarchy, and no matter how much blood is spilled, ultimately there is no conflict between them, and through cooperative complicity, both “sides” are equally responsible for every act within the Great Reset narrative.
To paraphrase Iain Davis in a recent comment, global governance has a management structure akin to any major corporation, and though individual managers or vice-presidents may seek personal advancement or pursue private rivalries, they are all ultimately answerable to the owner of the company, and all working toward the same overarching goal.
We can debate about the extent or complexity of the rivalries but we can’t afford to lose sight of the fact they only go so far, and beyond that point there is unity of purpose. They tell the same lies, they promote the same covert tyrannies. None of them are our friends.
Elsewhere, there have been a lot of comments comparing my sentiments to Noam Chomsky claiming the assassination of JFK or 9/11 truth movements don’t matter, but I suggest that’s a false comparison.
Chomsky was pretending it didn’t matter in order to avoid taking a position, and in his calculated passivity he was de facto supporting the official narrative.
I’m not taking a position supporting the mainstream, or endorsing any official narrative. As it happens, in this case, there are two official narratives, and I’m simply challenging them both.
Chomsky was avoiding looking deeper. I’m saying we need to look deeper, and not get distracted by surface-level questions that ultimately have unknowable answers.
We know the CIA had JFK killed, the evidence is clear. The fact we’ll never know exactly who pulled the trigger does not change that.
We know that 9/11 was an inside job, any other explanation is a physical impossibility. That we’ll likely never know exactly who planted what explosives where does not signify.
In both cases those questions are not only impossible to answer, but actually draw focus away from the important points: The identity of those ultimately responsible, and the political agenda the events served.
In both cases, we already have the most important information, and I suggest we already have the most important information on the Nordstream sabotage, too:
- We know that the global elite is committed to breaking and remaking the world.
- We know that almost every global government is cooperating with that plan.
- We know that they have been working together all across the globe, for at least the last two years, to sabotage the economy and in particular the cost of energy.
- And we know that (allegedly) blowing up Nordstream plays right into that agenda.
Would knowing the specific names and nationalities of the people directly responsible for the sabotage change any of that?
If a Russian planted the bomb, does that mean NATO are the good guys? If an American did it, are the Russians heroes again?
Sure they will promote various versions and use them to hook us into various fear or loathing scenarios – in hopes of distracting us from the real question –
The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, The Mafia, keeps ’em guessing like some kind of parlor game, prevents ’em from asking the most important question: why?
JFK (1991)
It all comes back to the fake binary, the illusion of difference and delusion of choice.
The “official story” will never prove who bombed the pipeline one way or the other and is not intended to. Resolution is not desired. Instead, Team A will encourage us to blame Team B, and vice versa. The MSM will report evidence implicating Russia, while other evidence suggesting NATO were responsible will be “leaked”. Both narratives will be fed just enough to keep the argument going for as long as required and in any direction chosen.
That’s the nature of the false binary, its very purpose, to divide and distract and create controlled dissent alongside managed controversy.
Maybe Russia “did it”, maybe the US “did it”, but since it can be reasoned that they’re working together towards the same ends I say again, what difference does that ultimately make?
Arguing about it could easily become the equivalent of debating whether OJ Simpson (allegedly) stabbed his wife with his left hand or his right.
In my view. we have to look at the war in Ukraine in this context – not simply as a real war on its own terms, but as a new front in the wider war against all of us that started with Covid.
In that context Ukraine becomes another horrible, callous piece of theatre. A cynical sacrifice that creates and then “justifies” – as Covid “justified” – shortages and price gouges and, let’s be honest, anything else in their anti-human agenda.
As the months go by the distraction will spike up talking points, they will progressively up the ante to trick people into remaining engaged.
They may even play the World War III card, scaring people with the shadow of a mushroom cloud, so that months down the line when we’re still here, people will be relieved to have survived the scare intact.
They’ll be poor and cold and hungry, but so happy to be alive they won’t even notice.
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The real question is “waddya donna do aboudit?!”. I would suggest that behind every destructive act, physical, social, or psychological you can trace a path back to a Neoconservative. You could argue that there has been an ongoing operation against humanity, certainly since the emergence of the US as the global hegemon after WW2, if not before. A myriad of organisations from the Rand Corporation in the ‘Fifties to the WHO and WEF today, have been directed to one central problem: how to keep the hopes and aspirations of the human population in check, while allowing a small caucus of psychopaths plunder the planet.
“geopolitical ramifications”
It seems these have been placed deep underwater. Why? Because, Brandon’s promised removal of the pipe from (potential) service has been completed by his direction. He emphatically “promised” it would be done. That parallled the same promise by his lackey in the State Department.
Sweden and Denmark and Russia purported investigations. Sweden then declined to advise of results. Russia indicated the Brits. Biden emphatically promised and had his Brit divers do the deed. The silence was deafening. That in and of itself was indication that the war profiteers were behind it.
The extremely voluble Plino is obviously a reincarnation of Jacques who also posted profusely in the past. His posts are too long to read but I get the impression he is anti Russian.
Surely Skylab (1973 to 1979) was a hoax in the tradition of Apollo ?
Another hoax their deadly enemy the USSR did nothing to expose.
Plino….i was thinking after i sent my response to you that the ‘just being human’ comment required evidence….i’m normally leary of BBC productions but thought this was fairly objective….when people get confused or don’t understand they tend to look under carpets / find mythical reasons / turn to spiritual solace / whatever….when really it’s staring them in the face, thought this might help, it’s always been in my pocket….
hi Sophie….thank you for your reply and my mistake if that is the case. There were a few comments in Kits article (pasted below) which may have attributed to my misconception, i’ll let you decide. In terms of J Corbett, he has since dropped the ‘two sides of one coin’ theory that he was originally running with. Whether it is due to what i had pointed out to him (with evidence of course) i do not know?
I understand how most people are inclined to believe V Putin is part of ‘two sides of one coin’. Especially since he was one of the (approx) 3800 WEF special programs graduates. However, not all of those graduates ‘drank the coolaid’ so to speak, V Putin would be one them, thankfully….
–——-Kits comments below——-
But have we not already established that the sanctions are not really designed to hurt Russia, but the West’s own economies?
That the war is being used to excuse and exacerbate the economic downturn already deliberately created by the “pandemic”?
I would argue any such reaction could be more accurately described as a shadowplay of conflict, a puppet show for our consumption.
I’m not saying “both sides of the conflict are the same so what does it matter who wins or which crimes are committed by which side”.
I’m saying, aside from whatever personal or petty gripes, ambitions, power plays may run through the hierarchy, and no matter how much blood is spilled, ultimately there is no conflict between them, and through cooperative complicity, both “sides” are equally responsible for every act within the Great Reset narrative.
Another abstract conclusion sucked from the fingers of only one hand. “Is Putin part or not of the global conspiracy?”How to judge? Is it not only through sufficient facts directly from Russian sources that alone tell whether or not the same evil globalist development is taking place there? And if this is happening, and Russia is not part of the global conspiracy, then what are they? What are they, if before the ” war “they were equally involved in covid and in a direct agreement with the SIF and in cooperation with the UN Agenda for sustainable development, including the global digital treaty, whose main purpose is to” fight destructive speech online “(the latter two are officially supported to this day by Russia, which itself says it will abide by” international agreements”; a few days ago there was a Russian forum on internet regulation, which is part of the Gitieresh World Forum, and there they said they will be in the global digital treaty). Good thing it’s me to post some things that would otherwise have gone unnoticed here. Yes, yes, indeed; and everything is a translation from Russian sources to Russian patriots. And there are other things, much scarier, transhumanist strategy of Russia who do not appear in the West at all (why?). But, the people with whom we share the common thesis that Russia is complicit, write their semi-informative essays, which are built mainly on the information that the two well-known authors here deliver (to be alive and well, I like them), and put each other, and also calculate from readers, 30 or more thumbs. On my posts, however, I have over 5 thumbs (sometimes 15-18) only when I quote, refer to, or give a link to the two people mentioned. So, what is this? Part of what… Read more »
hi Plino….as i said to Sophie, i don’t ever get involved with on-line discussions so this is a first for me. Please don’t get the wrong impression that i’m attempting to change anyone’s mind, especially westerners who have been let’s say ‘psychologically adjusted’ that they are ‘the good guys’ / stand with us or against us, etc etc. To challenge that narrative simply doesn’t wash. Without going into specific incidents i prefer to stand back and look at a bigger picture. Russia almost lost it’s sovereignty during Yeltsin’s term, and without V Putins interjection / tactics the US most likely would have stripped Russia of their resources. I certainly don’t see an issue with protecting your country. As you are well aware, this ongoing American ‘initiative’ is the fundamental premise behind what we are seeing today. Not to mention the manufactured hate of V Putin because of his actions to strengthen their cause. Without continual plundering and subugation their system does not work. People scratch their heads about US debt (31 trillion now), it was never meant to be ‘paid back’, simply put, once you have all countries under your ‘rules based’ system debt would be irrelevant. I must say that’s one hell of a gamble, and things better go to plan. Well, it seems that things are not going to US plan, when Rus / China / India and friends (remember approx 80 – 82 % of global pop) said that’s enough ‘whoa cowboy’, it created a do or die situation for the West, what we have now. Oddly, most countries were initially sold on the concept of democracy / freedom etc including those mentioned. When overtures were made (and many were) to align themselves with western concepts, serious strings were always attached which compromise sovereignty. What would you… Read more »
Are we still chewing on that silly kindergarten argument about this minor event? Does this determine whether Russia is complicit or not? If that’s the main reason you talked James out of Russia’s participation … this would be just amazing and a real convincing indicator of level…
Next Up?
Apr 14, 2019
Trump told Netanyahu that Israel’s China ties could harm security cooperation
h/t Brendon O’Connell
China Is Infiltrating Israel’s Tech Sector
China Uncensored
Oct 5, 2022
Israel is known for its technological advancements, especially its advanced military equipment. China wants to acquire that defense know-how and is hacking, buying and swindling it any way it can. But despite China being an authoritarian regime genociding ethnic and religious minorities, Israel is also giving China its tech IP. In this episode of China Uncensored, we look at the China-Israel relationship and why the US is so concerned about it
Why does nobody ever ask who ist the big winner If Yanks and Ivans pound each other to crap, why don’t we just go back and look where the whole scamdemic-shitshow started ? Why does everybody have a blind eye to the role of the Chicoms ???
hi Kit….I have only once engaged in an on-line topic which was with J Corbett. This second engagment is due to your comment about how you disagree with James opinion that V Putin is not part of / advancing WEF objectives. It seems that times have changed, you see my disagreement with James at the time was that he did believe as you do now that V Putin is the opposite side of the same coin. My comments / evidence to James has it seems changed something in his thinking / theory about that topic. We all tend to lean towards what suits our thinking patterns and need to be aware of that pitfall. In this case we are heading towards a distinct multi-polar global governance not uni-polar. I do agree the WEF is laying the groundwork, but only for the western audience (18-20% global population), that’s where it stops. Russia / China and friends are decoupling and will determine their own direction now….
The disagreement between James and Kit was whether the exact identity of the alleged perps matters. I don’t think James has changed his mind on Putin’s relationship with globalism
hi Sophie….thanks for your reply, I must be viewing the comments (pasted below) by Kit differently than what you are describing in that case, my mistake but it seems slightly misleading….in my mind haha
I do understand how many people believe the ‘two sides of the same coin’ theory, for example V Putin being a WEF Young Leader (according to the list of 3800 or so graduates of WEF programs)….i get that, but everyone shouldn’t assume he’s ‘drank the koolaid’ so to speak, i’m quite sure has has not, thankfully.
That the war is being used to excuse and exacerbate the economic downturn already deliberately created by the “pandemic”?
And does that not, in turn, mean that any geopolitical ramifications will be translated ultimately into further excuses to wear down the economic foundations of our society?
I would argue any such reaction could be more accurately described as a shadowplay of conflict, a puppet show for our consumption.
This is not a nihilistic or sweeping dismissal, borne of childish contrarianism.
I’m not saying “both sides of the conflict are the same so what does it matter who wins or which crimes are committed by which side”.
I’m saying, aside from whatever personal or petty gripes, ambitions, power plays may run through the hierarchy, and no matter how much blood is spilled, ultimately there is no conflict between them, and through cooperative complicity, both “sides” are equally responsible for every act within the Great Reset narrative.
Couldn’t agree more Kit.
I don’t ofter disagree with James but this time – I was baffled by his words in NWNW
Excellent piece Kit. I agree entirely. Putin is doing his part just like any WEF good ol’ boy.
Retired Colonel Richard Black has similar views :
“US Col. Richard Black Asks: Did U.S/NATO Blow up the Nord Stream Pipelines?”
Dunno why but this
Edit – my heart is gold and my feet are light = why
An example of attention deficit disorder >
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany
The Crisis in Ukraine is not about Ukraine. It’s about Germany, by Mike Whitney – The Unz Review
‘…but since it can be reasoned that they’re working together towards the same ends I say again, what difference does that ultimately make?’
Yes, that can be reasoned. But why reason it if that is not done in quest of the facts of the matter? Noam Chomsky’s sophisms had landed him in difficulties even in his intellectual prime: Let us not forget that he had to ditch his revolutionary grammar when his ‘innate knowledge’ tenet bit the dust irretrievably. It had survived for as long as it did because he was talking to linguists. The philosophers just laughed at him.
Kit Knightly, I’m sorry, but if a sequence reasoning about an event in the world lacks existential import, then that sequence of reasoning is not worth a fig, no matter how you steer it.
And the philosophers laughed, and there we have it a false premise, philosopher induced to laugh is a clear sign of impossible Truth, philosophy exists as the very impossibility of humour.
‘philosophy exists as the very impossibility of humour.’
Only for those who have not heard of the three ways of spilling ink.
Glenn Greenwald goes on Fox News again to complain about being repressed and to
threatenwarn of nuclear Armageddon if we don’t appease Putin. Supported by fellow travellers – Tucker Carlson, Summit News, Zero Hedge – and the New Jersey Department of Gaslighting.Greenwald: Accidents might happen! (paraphrased)
Carlson: “It means the end of the World!”
Glenn Greenwald sounds the alarm on a ‘very real threat’ of a nuclear exchange
Oct 3, 2022
Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald joined ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ to discuss Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats and the implications of Ukraine’s application to join NATO
FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. . . . Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.
Why would we listen to anything Greenwald says? They obviously want us invested in this alleged war and fear is a good way of achieving that.
I see no reason to believe the globalists would intentionally nuke themselves,
The whole presentation is a Fox News position (i.e. Rupert Murdoch) and there’s no disagreement between Carlson and Greenwald. Their role is to present that position within the pretense of an interview. Fox News have been pushing this position for a while. For instance, after the following “nuclear attack” propaganda was put out by NYC.
NYC releases PSA for residents in the event of a nuclear attack
July 11, 2022
This leads to the brink of nuclear war with Russia: Tulsi Gabbard
Jul 14, 2022
Fox News
Exactly. They won’t do anything that will harm them.
OMG, it feels like the 70’s and 80’s again. Exactly why we wanted nuclear weapons banned. But the Western powers would never go along with that. Keep everyone fearful and afraid. But, I suspect it’s another big fib, like ‘bioweapons’.
Greenwald, Poitrou, Snowden, all write at The Intercept, owned and operated by Pierre Omidyar.
For those who know something about all that, enough said.
Jeremy Bowen pretends to be in frontline while woman with shopping cart looks on
Thing is, we all assume this is just the West and the Beeb doing this faking. But why?
And how come this fake footage is so easy to find but real footage of large scale engagement is apparently non-existent?
[Your image was broken so I added it to our server, but pls check links before posting – Admin]
Wow, these trolls really use some software, bots or I don’t know what, to put their thumbs up. 🐻 It’s amazing how far he can fall…
And I am – I know I’m proud, but it’s still an honor worth noting and bragging about – the main intended “victim.” 😖
And I am-I know I am proud, but still it is an honor worth noting and boasting about – the main goal “sacrifice”.”One bot I understand it – he goes and puts exactly 3 thumbs down, on most of my comments. And the other one puts 10, 12, 13; some kind of more powerful bot. Other people have 40+ minus the thumb. 🔫
This is how to ” win a war”. . sorry,(troll) ” special operation.” 💤
But, of course, the timing is serious, so this troll initiative also has firm intentions. It been set an operational task 🕵 (and this is not from yesterday, but it has intensified recently). 😍
They use a VPN to make multiple votes. It’s transparent who is doing it but we have made a decision to leave them to it as it’s a small minority and ultimately manipulating votes is just a substitution for solid data and a clear admission of weakness.
I agree.
Ok so here we have a Peace deal on Oct 30. Let us see what will actually happen.
‘Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism, No, but freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystalized. Yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.’ – Edgar Cayce . Edgar Cayce was not anything special when he was conscious. Only when he was in a sort of unconsciousness, a trance-like sleep, would he start saying things of tremendous importance, many of which have come true. Russia seems to be a land of destiny, not only for its own people, but for the whole world. If Russia is the hope for humanity, then the United States of America is the greatest danger for humanity. As it prepares for all of humanity’s death. “The reality facing Russia now…. the arsenal of democracy, the United States” – Gen. Petraeus The Arsenal Of Democracy! What kind of democracy is this? The truth is we are all facing the ‘Arsenal Of Tyrants’ – Unending Lies, Coercion, Blackmail, Nuclear Threats, Mis-information, Dis-information, Censorship, Propaganda, Genocide, War Crimes. Crimes Against Humanity. The whole western colonial lie that they call democracy really only deceives the ignorant masses. There is almost no democracy at all. It was just a trick. America was never a democracy. The EU, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand are not democracies. They are all just pure illusion, to complete the whole fascist clown show. And fascism is the worst. Democracy has failed. R.I.P. Politicians have done enough harm, and they are leading the whole of humanity towards a global suicide. The whole of politics depends on lies. Politicians live on lies, politicians live on promises, but those promises are never fulfilled. They are… Read more »
Under International Law, secession and annexation of a part of a country is legal if the part seceding is legal if the people were being oppressed. Clearly, the Donetsk Region of Ukraine was being ‘oppressed’ – in fact they were being systemically murdered in a bid for genocide of anyone Russian. This ‘oppression’ was documented by Amnesty International and the UN prior to 2022. In 2015, in 2017 and again in 2019, the UN Security Council met and demanded Ukraine uphold the Minsk Agreement in eastern Ukraine citing ‘dangerous deterioration’. Declaring the civilian population bearing the brunt of Ukrainian shelling, the UN has provided the basis for upholding the Referendum and Secession based on their own criteria ‘oppression’. Prior to 2022, Amnesty International wrote extensive reports detailing the mass inhumanity the Ukrainian government continued unabated toward the eastern peoples, including torture and murder: The authorities continued to predominantly target ethnic Crimean Tatars. Parliament had still not ratified the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women The investigations into the killings of journalists Oles Buzina in 2015, and Pavel Sheremet in 2016, had yielded no results. The authorities continued their attempts to limit the right to freedom of expression by instigating trumped-up criminal cases against journalists who criticized the government over its failure to implement reforms and its policies in eastern Ukraine. The Chief Military Prosecutor’s investigation into the allegations of secret detention by the SBU in eastern Ukraine was ineffective. Evidence published in 2016 by international NGOs showing the existence of this practice was largely ignored by the authorities. The investigation into the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) for its alleged secret prisons failed to make any progress. Law enforcement officials continued to use torture and other ill-treatment. The Ukrainian authorities increased pressure on their critics… Read more »
And how do these facts correspond to the current globalist, cov-ID-inoculationist, biometricist and other, even more evil transhumanist actions of the Russian state leadership and business in their own country?
In order for transhumanist NWO to take place, it had to have exactly what we have: a series of intertwined and building created crises in which, while all the authorities around the world are doing the same thing, people are being offered different narratives of enmity in which there are white and dark characters. In short. Therefore, there had to be a huge network of correlating mass media and alternative media to sell the fog behind which The Magicians Association is carrying out the transformation. And honest deluded people only help by spreading the deception at face value.
The sheep represents the mass of humanity. I refer to the people who keep digging the trenches as the Khazarians; though you may call them the New World Order or the Globalists etc if you like. The people who have just pulled humanity out of the trench are a select group of Christian Zionists (Pompeo, Pence, etc) who ran the behind-the-scenes stream of the Trump administration.
Only in the zombyfied Q Maga psychosis movement could you have murderers shills war criminals pedos become heros within a short period.
This is the same lot who sold Rudy Giuliani as a truther in 2019. rewashed tucker carlson as a truther. They’re even tried to resurrect Flynn as a “hero of the people” and “victim of the Deep State”
Pay attention lost in the dark and her type are is so under mass hallucination without any symbolism or linguist or basic knowledge skills they would read anything out of anything to believe that Trump and co really was helping when it was the opposite.
C’mon guys, you need to trust the plan harder! Lmfaoooo
Next he was shopping in waitrose for tools to defeat the deep state.
It should be noted that there is a difference between Q and Qanon. For those who are capable of understanding this distinction, please see my earlier post here:
Well, I missed that news. Short (at least not long). Straight from Russia: — “At the Army-2022 forum, a transhumanist, a convinced globalist and a Swabian, “programmed by an algorithm”, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko announced the opening of an AI center in Russia in early September this year. His task as a state lobbyist is extremely simple – to introduce a programmable machine algorithm into the management of all people and systems. This is done extremely pathetically, as if transhumanism and digit are now a Russian nationalism. The name of the forum section where Chernyshenko was steering is “Artificial Intelligence. National consolidation in the name of creation.” “Already this year, a third of Russian schoolchildren will be trained in AI within the framework of specialized school programs,” Chernyshenko happily said at Army-2022. At the end of the session, which was attended by AI lobbyist from Sberbank Vedyakhin, ex-Minister Livanov, who destroyed Russian education for many years, Nizhny Novgorod technocrat governor Nikitin, Chernyshenko confidently stated that “by 2025, AI technologies will be massively used by public authorities and corporations.” It is important to understand that it was Chernyshenko who signed the agreement on the opening of the Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia (a cell of the Shvabovsky (WEF) Global Council for Private Economic Development with headquarters in the USA) on the basis of the ANO “Digital Economy” (a meeting of public and private corporations of the Russian Federation and members of the Government). By the way, the head of the supervisory board of this ANO “suddenly” is… Chernyshenko again. For several months, the we corresponded with the Government and ANO “CE”, asking for the text of the “Partnership and Cooperation Agreement” dated October 15, 2021, to be submitted for review, as well as to explain to… Read more »
I’m ok though
If you want Russia or China running shit – that’s fine. But no!
It’s the WEF young global leaders being placed around the world to consolidate control over us fools.
Good. Makes life easier to understand
Dmitry Chernyshenko held a working meeting with the head of the Republic of Tatarstan 30 September 2022 It discussed the breakthrough projects of the region, which were selected within the institution of curation … as well as preparations for the first of its kind Games in Kazan in 2024. in the future. … “According to the government coordination center in the region, there has been a decrease in calls to the partial mobilization line… Dmitry Chernyshenko said. Regarding the implementation of breakthrough projects in Tatarstan, Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that each of them has high social significance. “The implementation of the projects will enable to attract more than 200 billion investments in the region and create more than 40,000 new jobs for citizens. All of them are aimed at fulfilling President Vladimir Putin’s instructions to achieve technological sovereignty and economic security. Today Tatarstan is one of the largest centers for training of highly qualified IT personnel, Home digital products and services are developed here. We are also working with industry partners to train engineers… added the deputy prime minister. … During the meeting, Dmitry Chernyshenko noted that Tatarstan is also a region in which a powerful sports cluster has developed. In 2024. Kazan will host the first games of the future with the participation of young boys from friendly countries. As a preparation for them on 21-23 September were held the Fidgetal Games. About 100 athletes from five countries took part. The athletes competed in four disciplines: digital football (FIFA and futsal), digital basketball (NBA and streetball), drone competitions, and game Beat Sabre VR. “The games of the future tournament is a new format of sports competitions. Each of the 15 hybrid disciplines combines classic sports and e-sports,“ said Rustam Minikhanov. Today, digital transformation has been identified by Russian President Vladimir Putin… Read more »
You are gonna die anyway. If you think the US is some terrible empire imposing it’s will around the world and not off set by any good at all by all means grow some balls and fight it – but the reality is the United States is not some shit hole of starving maniacs -and we aren’t the only good country – there are lots of them made up of people that have better things to do than worry about death and destruction.
We’ve got this – there are some bad players that will sacrifice innocent lives for power. That is nothing new. That is humanity.
Was JFK killed by the CIA?
What narrative do you want to pursue ? That JFK was criminal asshole or an incompetent fool?
You can’t have it both ways. Things are chaotic. If he was killed by the CIA – you win
If he wasn’t you still win.
Maybe the world trade centers were blown up by the elite as you call them or maybe they were blown up for insurance money – assholes are gonna do asshole things – why is this some big surprise?
I don’t know what’s in a fucking Tylenol much less a vaccine or mRNA shot. But if you lose your damn minds over powerful people doing fucked up shit- that’s it for you
You want order. I can’t blame you. The bullies are pushing people around. But to lose your chicken over a fucking pandemic or a war in Ukraine only serves the people you claim to protest
There is zero evidence as much as we believe it to convince regular news watchers of anything different – you two nerds with zero power to change anything means zero fucks. If you have some concrete proof spit it out. Everybody knows the world is fallen. It’s not the United States fault or the Egyptian or a Mongolian – it’s the fucking madness of the world
Who is Luisa Neubauer? Normally, this would really interest absolutely no one in the world (except per- haps a few representatives of the male sex of the sa- me age). Like Annalena Baerbock, Luisa is a spoiled millionaire’s daughter with a limited mental horizon and “German face of FridaysForFuture movement”. Now the American Time magazine has honored both Baerbock and Neubauer, they are on their list of the “100 rising stars”. While Baerbock finds herself among the political leaders, Neubauer has been attributed to the “Advocate” rubric. Secreta- ry of State Blinken penned the eulogy for Baerbock: “At press conference in Davos there was an em- barrassing moment. Luisa Neubauer said some- thing that apparently did not suit Greta at all.” On June 10, Neubauer told journalists at the Copen- hagen Democracy Summit: “We are … planning to blow up a pipeline.” The phrase “How to blow up a pipeline” recalls the eponymous title of a book by ra- dical Swedish climate activist Andreas Malm. In his book, Malm calls for property damage and sabotage of industrial facilities to combat climate change. Malm con- siders violence against SUVs and coal mines justified. A radicalization of the climate movement has already been observed for months. The intellectual pioneer here is the Berlin activist Tadzio Müller, who sees a transition to radical actions and sabotage as a necessary path for the climate movement to take: “We will see actions that aim less to convince that climate protection is important. But rather those that raise the cost of the climate-destroying normalcy. There will be actions that go beyond the existing repertoire. I can’t say yet what they’ll look like, because they always have to be planned covertly, too, because of violations of the law.” “Supporters… Read more »
These dimwits need to realize that their existence is tolerable as long as it serves a purpose to others in control and when it no longer does then they too become expandable, at the hands of their own movement and the violent methods they condone.
Climate optics are dangerous and this is a very good example of it.
By the way where the hell are these so called climate activists in the midst of this so called environmental pipeline blow up? Why not stand up and take credit when credit is due? Come on Greta, cats got your tongue does it? Zbitch in Berlin comes to mind.
You don’t know it was inside job. You have speculation. But zero credible proof. I agree the official narrative is shit but you don’t know it was an inside job
To see beyond the headline of a “ deeper dive ‘
I see two different positions
1) The NWO already exists, the world is run by a corporate elite to which all national governments are subordinate. any appearance of discord is purely illusory. I call this the neo-marxist position where the principal contradiction is between a global bourgeoisie and the international working class.
2) In order for the NWO to be realized resistance to it by sovereign nation states, primarily Russia and China, has to be defeated. Since this isn’t going to happen everyone is already talking about a multipolar world order in which no one nation or culture can dominate. There may be something artificial about the Ukraine war in that it may be about giving the neocons enough rope to hang themselves and putting to bed the last fantasies of the NWO fanatics. At the same time the Davos agenda dies with the climate nonsense. That would enable any putative sane elements in the USA to embrace multipolarity and US sovereign nationhood as opposed to empire
But according to Iain Davies’ recent and wonderfully researched article the “multipolar world” is the brainchild of those elites. They do not mean what we would like to think they mean by it.
The world is run by those that take command
check out the balls on the CIA-sponsored alpha male…
here’s the thing Carl – the bare fact that Russia has even dared to launch this “special military operation” speaks volumes about the diminishing power of the US military
the truth is that the US is an irretrievably failed state and it’s reign as the “world’s policeman” (lol) is rapidly coming to a close
Don’t forget the Brutish Empire just replaced physical subjugation with phynancial power.
If Nordstream 2 was not operational maybe it was just air bubbling out so there’s no environmental damage like what some claim.
Inert gas is what it is but then most don’t know the difference between LNG, natural gas and oil.
The point is that sales of Russian natural gas to EU , not just to Germany, needs to take a break so that all the EU degenerates running around yapping that they have solutions to their energy woes, when in fact they have non, needed to be outed once and for all, along with the entire Green movement, for all of its falsehoods.
Now when we have simple formats like Hydrogen technology ( which the Germans perfected in the 1990’s) – why are they not discussing that? Nope. Instead they are trying to purchase the same products their neighbours were providing at a now marked up rate of more than 400% if not greater.
Yes these climate activist sure have what it fucking takes.
Hi BB, I fear that those little green men would believe that global scorching and the evil oil monster were responsible, oh yes and Vlad the Bogeyman.
While I wholeheartedly agree it is a puppet show and each side wants the same at the cost of the little guy, they both still wish to be (or to destroy) the Empire and in that regard – they may both want the same thing – hegemony/whatever, they share the same goal – but will not to share the outcome. They therefore work ‘against’ each in their drive for power – but there can be only one.
I disagree – I believe the drive for global governance derives from a supranational level, from a super-wealthy entitled clique who have been pushing toward it for decades. The only explanation for what we witnessed in 2020 (and still now really) is that all leaders of major first world nations take their orders from, or are part of, a unified unit that at least attempts to control global policies through the UN, WHO, WEF, TC etc
Its called corporate and human greed and when your in a room ( or organization) of like minded individuals, it makes it all that much easier to reap it.
Its just that some of us got left out and so we are pretty pissed off about it while others seem to want to put an end to it all and replace it with nationalistic interests that still allows its citizens to proposer while at the same time improving global standards for the collective humanity and not just your home.
Utopian maybe but I would place my bey on this one for the time being.
Humanity seems to be going through a massive ‘mid-life’ crisis right now! For the individual – such shifts usually end one of two ways – ruination or awakening!!! Will the same occur collectively (i.e. humanity as a whole)??? Everything that’s unfolding in front of me is mindboggling befuddling and incomprehensible – but at the same time it is tickling my warped sense of humour and I’m finding it quite weirdly fascinating!!!! That I’m still alive to witness even more crazy after living a life fraught with the usual kinds of everything; people; weird near death experiences; multiple ‘careers;’ family tragedy; broken dreams; heartbreak; trauma et al astounds my 63 year old self. I’m not on any prescription meds and haven’t been vaxxed nor had a university education…beginning to think there’s something seriously wrong with me! LOL!!!! As my dear mum used to say “It will all work out in the end……”
The sea looks like the aftermath of a good curry night in a submarine.
For my fellow MMS… Best regards from Poland & USofT JOINT military special operation!
Another day, another WEF cock-up! Last week I did a YouTube video on why the WEF’s #GreatReset is failing. The video attracted a lot of comments from doomsters who thought that a WEF victory was inevitable. Two points: (1) is this a sign of Stockholm Syndrome? and (2) it ignores the fact that the WEF has made numerous mistakes so far. This video catalogues these WEF mistakes
Well observed…
Those few (wef spelt backwards by the way) who seek to deceptively dominate always forget that there is a Human Spirit…which has no leader or organised ‘power’-structure and is invincible in its ubiquitous intelligent invisibly interconnected love.
(PS thoughts: Not so much mainsteam-media but much more definitively: Mass Media
& Christ belongs to no Church nor any book of words… Christ, Buddha, Atman or any name is describing the Human Soul we all inhabit and will serve us in anyway we ask… all you need do is know this: I AM (AUM) is you.)
Which part of the “WEF’s” program fails when many countries are working on implementing this program? Rather, it seems that the program is working; it is as if WEF, as a center, has multiplied or decomposed in the fabric of the individual countries and has come to life through them. (Perhaps the best telling case is Russia, where immediately after the formal termination of relations with the WEF, the WEF program was even more accelerated; without the WEF.) WEF may be and ostentatiously terminated, but so what?!
Here are two analyses of the Nordstream sabotage that don’t succumb to intellectual nihilism:
Thank you Maxwell, but I was hoping you might find time to answer some if the numerous questions from yesterday, or respond to the answers you were provided with.
If you don’t do that it seems you have fled the field only to be reborn at the top of the thread again with many things left unresolved.
Sure- start with the first two and we can go from there.
What’s your analysis/critique of those two articles?
They are the standard Indy media East-West analysis that existed pre-2020. They don’t even mention the massive upheaval of 2020-22, the GR, anything.
They seem a little like two older people whose internal worldview can’t update. Or – as I think I see in others – almost a relief in getting back to the familiar pre-New Normal world. A desire to believe everything has gone back to the way it used to be.
That’s it?
No argument based on factual evidence? Not even a citation?
Sorry Hannah but that’s a rather non-existent “analysis.”
😄 😆 😅
😴 🐻
Freddie Fonton, recently has written a very detailed analysis of the strategy behind the energy sanctions which links with Nordstream sabotage. WEF Doctrine and Dismantling Europe’s Industry The globalists are losing the social media war regarding vaccines, and Ukraine. However, the one they really need to win is climate change. They are still riding the sick renewable energy horse in order to please their financial and political sponsors at confabs like the UN Climate Summit and the World Economic Forum. They most likely would like to avoid having people dying of cold this winter, but of course they might still accept a bivalent booster shot (of fear) for the population. They are probably telling each other: trust the plan. Planned Collapse We are currently witnessing a controlled demolition of the western economy – where a self-inflicted energy crisis on the back of the West’s proxy war in Ukraine is currently underway. As for Germany, Europe’s largest economy could shrink by 0.7% in 2023, according to the OECD’s latest forecast, with the organization citing rising energy prices and power disruptions as the reason for the continued downturn, all of which confirms our controlled demolition hypothesis. Lessons from the past I will posit that the Oil Shock of 1978–79 certainly qualifies, and could provide some of the answers, as well as help us to better understand the origins of the globalists’ orchestrated meltdown of the global economy. Tracking the Trilateralists The Trilateral Commission‘s role in orchestrating the self-destruction of the domestic U.S. economy from 1977–1981 is well documented, and that includes the push for the so-called era of “globalization,” Conclusion Non-aligned countries will feel the wrath of these neoliberals; the banks want it all, and they are ready to maim and kill for it This is an abridged version. You can read the full version here.… Read more »
And yet, bizarrely they exclude Russia and China from any part in this scheme, even though they are named by the WEF as beneficiaries of the GR
Pray tell how Russia is part of this scheme to reduce the West European’s dependence on cheap Russian energy with verifiable evidence ?
If you had bothered to read the article in its entirety, you would see how in 1973 the Central Bankers at a meeting on island off the coast off Sweden owned by the Wallenbergs under the auspices of the Bildeberg group orchestrated an energy crisis which both stunted the industrial development of African plus other economically underdeveloped countries as well as the deindustrialisation of the US/ U.K. and now the intended target is the most powerful economy in Europe.
Do try to read the article in its entirety it contains a wealth of information/ data / facts and a very analytical analysis of what has been happening for a very long time.
There you go. A big clue?
This one is also good…
Here’s Condi Rice in 2014 speaking on the subject of Russian energy/business ties/pipeline routes- EU dependence on Russian energy and the need to change “the structure of energy dependence” and the desire to have the EU become dependent on US energy.
And today you can read about: “Blinken Calls Sabotage Attacks on Nord Stream Pipelines a “Tremendous Opportunity”
RE: intellectual nihilism
Could you expand on what you mean? I am asking for the sake of clarity.
What’s happening at Off-G reminds me of Trotskyist parties that would adopt a particular political analysis, and anyone not conforming to it would be brow beat out of the organization. (Later finding, that historical events proved the analysis wrong.)
Is it an admission of having no facts to support your position that you stop trying to debate and begin to attempt insidiously to discredit?
Are you being brow beaten? You seem to be free to post, even to the point of rather gracelessly attacking OG while using their server and their dime to do so.
15 September 2022
…Today the Department unites scientific institutes and laboratories in different regions of our country. Digital, genomic, genetic technologies allow to prevent the spread of epidemics, to ensure the safety of air and water and to identify poor quality food.
Thanks to your dedicated work, a testing system has been launched as soon as possible, monitoring of the variability of the strains of COVID19 has been organised, a number of other effective measures have been taken to combat this virus and the necessary support has been provided to friendly countries.All of this has helped save hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives.
At the request of the President today, the Rospotrebnadzor is creating a “sanitary shield” for the country. The implementation of this project will allow to put a powerful barrier against infections and reduce many risks.”
Why are so many elite plans foiled? Because they are operating with primarily one hemisphere of the brain.
“Iain McGilchrist has been outlining for many years that a fundamental problem in the way we are perceiving the world is likely to lead us into trouble. Now in 2022 he believes the situation is reaching a crucial turning point and we need to wake up urgently.
In this conversation with Rebel Wisdom’s David Fuller he talks about how our current culture’s domination by a ‘left brain’, reductionistic, materialist and literalist perspective had reached crisis point.
He explains how this is manifesting as a ‘war on reality’, and a series of attacks on free speech.”
You write: “Why are so many elite plans foiled? Because they are operating with primarily one hemisphere of the brain.”
You might add the ironic: “Because they are operating out of primarily one hemisphere of the planet.” Although the Furies out West have left no stone unturned nor trick untried to try to jam their square peg of super~funded techno~wilfulness into the round hole of more organic ancient cultures that still have tribal roots that haven’t been violently savaged so as to permanently uproot them (as they did with malice aforethought to Native America).
Besides, I had been for some time reading that the binary left/right brain paradigm, like other “art-challenged” simplistic views such as the either/or of left/right ideologies, and many such others, has been transcended by more multi-polar models. (Although I still use it for the sake of convenience, like suggestive hooks such as “Exhibits A & B”.)
Actually, the more i think about it, the more it seems the left hemisphere is schooled to be a repressive force…Logical thinking – the three Rs… You cant call it a Happy Marriage when one half keeps the other half enchained…”The Chains of Logic”…
Why do many boast about being a logical, rational thinker when such are general attributes of the species ? Is creativity praised because it is ‘thinking’ which has outwitted the logical, rational, repressive left hemisphere ?
After reading here 5 times longer meaningless stubborn nonsense about clear things of some people (one), then I can afford to say one more thing, longer, and it seems to me – a little more important on the topic “is Russia with the West or not”. — 3 octomber SOVEREIGNTY OR DIGITIZATION? THE PRESIDENT INSTRUCTED TO CREATE A JOINT STOCK COMPANY BASED ON ROSTELECOM AND THE BANK OF RUSSIA TO PROMOTE BIOMETRIC IDENTIFICATION On the day of the Russian President’s uplifting speech on the occasion of the official reunification of the Russian lands, the light saw not only a document signed by Vladimir Putin and the heads of the regions of the former Ukraine. The President also signed Decree No. 693 “On the definition of an organization that ensures the development of digital identification and authentication technologies.” We are talking about the creation of JSC “Center for Biometric Technologies”, which will receive the functions of the operator of the unified information system (UIS) of biometric personal data of citizens. And not only biometric, but in general all personal data that can be used to digitally identify a person, sign legally significant digital documents. At the same time, the JSC will be responsible for the creation and development of commercial identification services (!) and will receive exclusive rights (!) to the results of intellectual activity (that is, to use the EIS), which until now belonged to the Russian Federation (!!!). All this seems to be a clear step towards the alienation of state functions in favor of a non–state digital platform (“the state is in your pocket” (c) – German Gref), as well as the continuation of the approval of an electronic biometric concentration camp on the territory of Russia according to the patterns of globalists. With such a political doublethink… Read more »
Could you post better links–your links don’t take me anywhere. Seems like you are saying Russia/Putin is onboard with the digital slave grid, at least in terms of setting up digital ID.
I managed to fix the second link. Perhaps the op will provide the first link again. A2
UPDATE: The OP kindly provided a working first link. Thanks Plino. A2
“On the day of the Russian President’s uplifting speech on the occasion of the official reunification of the Russian lands, the light saw not only a document signed by Vladimir Putin and the heads of the regions of the former Ukraine.The President also signed Decree No. 693 “On the definition of an organization that ensures the development of digital identification and authentication technologies.”
..there are very serious changes in the algorithms for the processing of key personal data of Russian citizens. A private Joint-Stock Company is established, whose competence includes the creation and development, among other things, of a system of commercial services based on a platform for biometric identification of citizens of the Russian Federation
And when the president spoke of Russia’s original, peculiar cultural, spiritual and moral path, he certainly did not mean a totalitarian electronic biometric concentration camp with a personal social rating instead of traditional laws?”
Hallelujah well said!
Yes, contradictions everywhere.
Re Noam Chomsky’s calculated passivity, that appears as right.
The reality of 9/11 demonstrates that we are treated like fools and with good reason. Check the Physics. Few do nor want to.
Interestingly, the Nordstream event benefits both the Washington Systems Managers and Russia. The US is now the largest LNG exporter, for now and Russia continues to expand markets within the expanding Great Eurasian Union.
But the European economies are going the way of Britain’s – Stagflation and very high energy prices. The enemy of Europe and the UK is Washington.
But “since it can be reasoned that they’re working together towards the same ends . . . “, meaning the US and Russia, it is difficult to explain the US-NATO-UK Ukrainian Proxy War on Russia which US-NATO-UK Systems Managers are losing. To assume some common higher purpose is a contradiction.
Contradictions also examined here . . .
Re “The how and the who is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, The Mafia, keeps ’em guessing like some kind of parlor game, prevents ’em from asking the most important question: why? JFK (1991)”.
Shouldn’t this be RFK and an earlier date?
RFK did say he was going after those who killed his brother and there was only one place from which he could do that – from the position of the president.
That comment about RFK may be apocryphal. Surely he may have thought it, though I have heard it more than once reported that he actually said it, and it’s not clear that that is true. It would have behooved him to keep that to himself, I think a lot of their enemies (JFK and RFK) have planted that on him, as they did the whole Bay of Pigs fiasco, entirely a product of the bowels of Langley aka CIA. Surely.
Russia’s partial mobilization has turned into one of the world’s strictest compulsory vaccination decrees
looks like the war is accidentally helping out the Great Reset yet again folks
False binaries distract. The magician can get so much done when we curse Putin or Truss/ Biden. Is it any coincidence that so many current leaders are pathetic? One day, a real leader will emerge. When that happens, God help us.
The only true leader in your life will always be: yourself.
According to Thomas Roeper, an independent German resident blogger/ journalist in St Petersburg who has visited the war zone on a number of occasions, on his telegram channel this is false.
numbering in case of “pending” – 1 RUSSIAN INTERNET GOVERNANCE FORUM / HISTORY IGF Worldwide Background The problem of Internet governance was at Tunis Agenda for the Information Society at World Summit on the Information Society held in Geneva in 2003 and in Tunis in 2005, resulting in Information Society program approved in Tunis that year. The program oversees all key issues of Internet governance, including the definition of Internet governance itself, and contains a decision to start a series of Internet Governance Forums worldwide. ( The first IGF meeting held in Athens in 2006 provided a new ground for discussing the issues of Internet governance globally. IGF is a forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue, its establishment approved by the UN Secretary-General. .. Paragraph 72 of the Tunis Agenda: …72. We ask the UN Secretary-General, in an open and inclusive process, to convene, by the second quarter of 2006, a meeting of the new forum for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue—called the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The mandate of the Forum is to: Discuss public policy issues related to key elements of Internet governance in order to foster the sustainability, robustness, security, stability and development of the Internet; … Facilitate the exchange of information and best practices, and in this regard make full use of the expertise of the academic, scientific and technical communities; .. Strengthen and enhance the engagement of stakeholders in existing and/or future Internet governance mechanisms, particularly those from developing countries; Identify emerging issues, bring them to the attention of the relevant bodies and the general public, and, where appropriate, make recommendations; .. Help to find solutions to the issues arising from the use and misuse of the Internet, of particular concern to everyday users; .. Internet governance is based on a multi-stakeholder dialogue, which ideally includes government, society,… Read more »
2 PARTICIPANTS OF RIGF 2022 WILL CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL INTERNET REGULATION 28.09.2022 The work of the 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum began. .. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko welcomed the participants of RIGF 2022 and wished them fruitful work. He noted that RIGF is one of the largest events in Eastern Europe for the development of the global network, as well as an important annual event for the entire Internet community and part of the Global Internet Governance Forum (IGF). “This gives us the opportunity to discuss current digital trends at RIGF and collaborate within the global agenda. The Internet is a worldwide network that must be maintained together. Today it is necessary to create new international norms of responsible behavior in the digital environment, and Russia is ready to take part in building an open space of trust on the Internet as a responsible international partner,” Dmitry Chernyshenko said. Tatyana Matveeva, Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications Infrastructure, noted that this year the Forum is being held at a difficult time of unprecedented challenges. “However, despite significant external pressure and massive cyberattacks, the local IT industry has proven to be capable and strong. We are closely monitoring the progress of the UN Secretary General’s attempt to create a Global Digital Compact due to the increasing understanding of the necessity to establish uniform rules for the game. I’m hoping that RIGF participants will be able to contribute to its growth as well as the growth of global network regulation internationally,” she said. Chengetai Masango, Head of the Secretariat of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, also noted that many important topics will be discussed at RIGF 2022… Read more »
3 According to Vladimir Todorov, Director of media development at Rambler&Co and editor-in-chief of, World practice demonstrates that social networks’ attempts to self- regulate do not always succeed, their algorithms for identifying harmful content are not always accurate, and there are simply insufficient moderators to handle the volume of information that is released. “One of the key tasks of journalism is to ask uncomfortable questions for which society must seek answers. For example, where does the request for such content come from. Perhaps, new destructive subcultures are being formed now, and children fall under their influence from loneliness and complete misunderstanding of parents and teachers. It is necessary to establish an institute of school psychologists so that adolescents have confidence in them. Together with teachers, they should conduct training seminars so that parents do not see mailings with the subject: “Attention, remove Genshin Impact from children’s phones.” Teenagers are already content producers, and if the state and social networks start to marginalize them, they will become atomized and want to leave this society for new, much more closed communication channels: encrypted messengers or private chats,” the speaker said. The first day of RIGF 2022 was completed by the section “Preserving Human Agency In Ai-Enabled Internet”, which was moderated by Karen Kazarian (Internet Research Institute). The participants discussed how Internet technologies will develop under the influence of AI, what challenges users and society face, and what opportunities exist today to reduce risks when using AI. …The main conclusions of the section are: the person should have the final responsibility for any technology, fears about the disappearance of certain professions due to the introduction of AI are greatly exaggerated, because the pace of digital transformation and the introduction of AI allows you to quickly get a new profession if necessary, and… Read more »
4 The RIGF 2022 work program was completed by the section “Youth Participation in Internet Governance”. Moderator Ilona Stadnik (Coordination Center for TLD .RU) and section participants presented the results of the IGF 2021 youth program, the results of YouthRIGF 2022, programs for youth in the world (ITU, EuroDIG, IGF), as well as information about the youth projects of the Coordination Center. “In the Youth Council, we have gathered people who are somehow immersed in the context of Internet Governance and can share their expertise in completely different areas of IG. It is the synergy of views and opinions of young people and more experienced colleagues that should be the driver that will lead the development of the Internet in a positive direction,” said Andrei Aleinikov, Chairman of the Youth Council of the Coordination Center. “Today, the youth audience is interested in promoting their ideas and participating in decision- making in the field of Internet development and ensuring its security. It is ready not only to listen and learn, but also to offer and teach its younger and older friends itself. You only need to ask it about this, offer to join this difficult, but very important process. In particular, to help in this direction, the Institute of the Youth Digital Ombudsman has been functioning for almost a year and a half! And for this, very soon we, together with the University named after O.E. Kutafin (Moscow State Law Academy) and the Alliance for the Protection of Children in the Digital Environment, we will open the 1st All-Russian School of Internet Safety for Youth!”, – added Dmitry Gulyaev, Youth Digital Ombudsman. Summing up the results of RIGF 2022, Andrey Vorobyev noted that all proposals received from speakers and participants will be included in the final document of the Forum. And… Read more » RUSSIAN INTERNET GOVERNANCE FORUM Russian Internet Governance Forum to be held on September 28-29 online Speakers and participants of RIGF 2022 will discuss the development of the Global Digital Compact proposed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, regulation of the Internet and its ecosystems, the role of digital platforms in ensuring the right to access information, as well as censorship by these platforms, new technologies in EdTech and other topical issues. — AGENDA,28 September .. Section 1. Global Digital Compact: a chance for fair play? The question of the need to revise the classical approaches to global cooperation in the field of ICT and creation new international norms and “rules of the game” arises in the context of the rapid development of digital technologies and the emergence of new social and technological trends. That is why one of the most relevant initiatives on the agenda is the development of the Global Digital Compact, a document proposed personally by UN Secretary-General António Guterres in 2021 in his report “Our Common Agenda”. Will this document be the first step towards a future where technologies used for good create the conditions for a more just and equitable digital world order? – Section 3. Russian and world experience in the field of combating destructive content. The role and responsibility of digital platforms — PARTICIPANTS OF RIGF 2022 WILL CONTRIBUTE TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL INTERNET REGULATION 28.09.2022 The work of the 12th Russian Internet Governance Forum began. .. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko welcomed the participants of RIGF 2022 and wished them fruitful work. He noted that RIGF is one of the largest events in Eastern Europe for the development of the global network, as well as an important annual event for the entire Internet community and part of… Read more »
The entire artificial intelligence concept rather describes the “artificial” intelligence of it’s inventors. Apparently, these people need to find a real brain. Maybe the Wizard of Oz could help them. >
Artificial Intelligence And The Billionaires
August 19, 2022
Artificial Intelligence And The Billionaires – YouTube
Precisely put.
Who programs the programmers that program the programs?
You write: “At the same time, the question of the influence of the Internet and artificial intelligence technologies on civilizational development is largely unexplored;…”
They have had the technology for some years now to remotely (wirelessly) scan our e.e.g.’s and translate them into text. I have posted about that fathomless caveat quite a few times, and intriguingly ZERO response.
In 2018 Nissan, whose Leaf I drive, unveiled at the Geneva Auto Expo their KURO concept car, where they claim the car software, can scan the dummy wearing the headset (brainwave reader) and interact a half second faster than the driver?
All bets are off. I can just imagine Uncle Scam selling one of those as a deluxe standalone to Ernst Stavro Blofeld (or, Mr. Burns of “The Simpson’s” sociopathic recluse) when he then reads our mental mail while quietly stroking his Angora in a remote volcano.
Let alone the CIA, who are certainly already hacking us whilst we type.
By what few lights I get, all that seems like the real game-changer, though (quoting myself):
“God can yet communicate with his children on infinitely discreet channels.”
Leave them, John. You know from how many intertwined things depend on the understanding of anything, and especially of such things as are generally “anathema” to the public mind. The fact that someone does not know about something basic will not undo the impact of that thing on them, but on the contrary, they will be deprived of the small chance of an adequate reaction due to their lazy unwillingness to know.
After all, with the threat of such a powerful and large-scale influence, it may not matter if you know about it or not, because in both cases your ability to react is equally weak? However, as we know very well (well – those who know) the human nature and the actions resulting from it are much more than the physical and the possibility of physical reaction. But, the good thing is,” every train has its passengers, ” so the opportunity for understatement, cynical attempts to quell fear, etc., can be temporarily exploited by whoever thinks it’s worth it. I have no problem with that.
As the saying goes,” some things are common, and others depend on personal intention, willpower, effort, ” not everything is for everyone, as in sociastic bedtime stories. That’s what this guy will hear who has ears to hear. Personal choice, free will; right? 🙂
All good points, thanks. In my world, God protects those who ask for refuge from great ills, and ALSO at least try, try to move forward, and it plays out on a strictly “need-to-know” basis, as is true of other chains of command. And why not? I am deeply thankful that the only true repositary of TRUE Intel is God alone. It’s that way for a reason, as we are finding!
(Jesus: “It is not for you to know the day and the hour. Even the Son of Man does not know, that is reserved for the Father alone.”)
Makes more and more sense!
But I have got people’s attention with spiels about this, around town, yet I would say few are very well equipped to give me much more than the expectable lip service, and attentive, courteous, and appreciative nods.
Nonetheless, I keep on keeping on with it, as it is totally new and strange territory, and people should begin pondering in some ways how to deal with it?
I think there are ways, but unprecedented human, spiritual, AND artistic creativity, and of a “novel” sort, will be needed?
The east verses west $£ alt media shill is just as $£ as the left verses right shill.
If Russia is on board why didn’t they inject their men with Pfizer and Moderna, but the first to announce that they have Sputnik and they don’t need Western crap? Maybe they wanted to protect their own people? I have not heard that Russians have such problems as people in the West after this experiment, and my ears are good.
Sputnik is developed in partnership with Astra Zeneca and based on their technology. It’s equally as untested as any Western concoction.
Isn’t a better question – why is Russia lying to its citizens about a fake pandemic and using that as an excuse to impose untested, unnecessary toxic injections on them? Even given their past history of respect for international law etc, does this sound like they are any longer operating on a different and higher moral plain than the West?
Putin was so sure of the safety, he let his own daughter get it first.
Putin eventually months later after the roll out was asked why he hadn’t have the jab yet, He did get it behind closed door.
Oh yeah sure. And Biden got Pfizer too. So did the Pope. We know it’s all true cos the media told us.
Give me strength guys, this is clueless
If that’s what you say, you should have no trouble presenting evidence that Sputnik does as much damage as the Astra. Show them.
I am suggesting that Putin did not want to “untested, unnecessary toxic injections” (pfizer, moderna, astra) that’s why he gave them Sputnik (“saline”) and the WHO had nothing to say.
A reason one may have trouble presenting such evidence is that Russia don’t have, as far as we can tell, a yellow card or a VAERS-style reporting system. Yet there are some red flags. It is a viral vector vaccine, it has been developed closely with Astrazeneca (and Russia actually manufactures a portion of Astrazeneca’s vaccines), and it hasn’t undergone proper safety trials.
Try looking at these two articles. Waggaman has gathered some interesting facts which you should definitely go and verify to your own satisfaction.
Both pieces are, conveniently (for you that is), narrated by yours truly lol
Myth vs Reality in Covid Russia
Russia & AstraZeneca: “Vaccine” Collusion
I know these articles and they do not contain what I am asking.
Any articles in the local press about strange deaths or myocarditis in young people? Any videos of ordinary people? Whatever? After all, you build your opinion on something.
Do you have any evidence Sputnik is just saline? How does this fit with all the data showing it was developed in conjunction with Astra Zeneca?
There is no publicly available VAERS data in Russia, but there is anecdotal evidence of vax damage. Eg –
I asked for videos of young people ;(
below colin buchanan provided statistics from India – deny what you say
I should point out, India has injected only about a million people with Sputnik, according to wiki.
But there’s probably the last time I’ll indulge this silly red herring. I think Russia is fully complicit in the GR agenda. If something walks, looks and quacks like a duck…
It’s probably a duck, unless it’s a Q-anon-style double agent duck, deep under the radar, playing 5d chess with both wings and both webbed feet…
But, to indulge your troubled mind, let’s say it really IS saline. Aren’t Russia still manufacturing AstraZeneca and doing vaccine mandates and generally owning the GR reset agenda the same as Canada, UK, NY, NZ, Australia etc?? Ahh, yeah, but never mind that, they’re just 5d chessing it. Putin is playing a loooong looong game, because Russia are really the Good Guys.
Because that’s what little ten-year-old you buried deep within your troubled psyche yearns for. I know, because suppressed 10 y/o me does too! Honestly, I’d love if you were fucking right!
But call me cynical, I’ll wait for the evidence and prepare for the worst. I think this might all be a big ol’ fake binary designed to hook me into GR mk2.
Shall we agree to disagree for now? I think this convo may have run its course lol A2
Well said.
Just wait to see, after the full publication (of the much shortened version) of the analytical report on the “strategy for the development of nature-like (convergent) technologies,” which is the meaning, the goal and the rallying point of all these resets programs that the Russian leadership is just beginning to impose. Right now, I’m thinking of continuing it where I started it, in the comments under Iain Davis’s latest article. Then I will give all the internet addresses, including those that explain the direct connection of this program of Russia to those with whom they have declared their separation and are in a “war”.
Just like that, for nothing. But, in the Western media – only in the Off-G (I have checked and it is nowhere). So, not proudly speaking on my part, you can consider it a gift/reward for what I’m here for, what I’m reading and commenting on here. It doesn’t matter who thinks what, says or doesn’t say now (even you, or Iain Davis, or anyone else competent), just as the number of red thumbs doesn’t matter. Just save it somewhere, write it down, and then follow the developments, because this will soon be topic number one (unless we experience this “fight the ‘destructive’ speech online, and no one has anything to say).
For between 20 and 30 minutes – 13 red thumbs. 💪
Mel Brooks – Hope For The Best (Expect The Worst) lyrics:
Hope for the best, expect the worst
Some drink champagne, some die of thirst
No way of knowing which way it’s going
Hope for the best, expect the worst!
Hope for the best, expect the worst
The world’s a stage, we’re unrehearsed
Some reach the top, friends, while others drop, friends
Hope for the best, expect the worst!
I knew a man who saved a fortune that was splendid
Then he died the day he’d planned to go and spend it
Shouting “Live while you’re alive! No one will survive!”
Life is sorrow—here today and gone tomorrow
Live while you’re alive, no one will survive—there’s no guarantee
Hope for the best; expect the worst
You could be Tolstoy or Fannie Hurst
You take your chances; there are no answers.
Mel, in a tux, sings his wisest song:
In addition to your brilliant points, Sophie, Here is an interesting piece also. It appears that Gamaleya Centre make very little distinction themselves between Sputnik V and AstraZeneca: There are no “significant” differences between Sputnik V and AstraZeneca’s adenovirus-based vaccine, according to Gamaleya’s director, Alexander Gintsburg. Alexander Gintsburg, Gamaleya’s director, stated that AstraZeneca and Sputnik V could be be used in combination. Also in the link, Sputnik V was rolled out in other countries, who apparently all reported similar adverse reactions to other vaccines. The above info might well imply, if we’re taking into account your ‘tip of the iceberg’ comment somewhere else, that there isn’t much of a distinction between the performance of Sputnik V and other vaccines, which might also translate as ‘equally as bad’! XD Argentina actually reported Sputnik V had the highest cases of adverse reactions amongst the vaccines they used, by quite some way (this is in two of the links I provided, with sources. Although Waggaman’s first link is dead, his second link to the full report is working). Sputnik V similarly had no proper trials. I can imagine there may be fewer local reports that we are exposed to, especially post the ‘digital iron curtain’, although Sophie has provided an example, plus the stats from Argentina and other countries, plus statements from Gamaleya themselves, and it seems to imply their vaccines are pretty much equal to others. If, after reviewing the various links and sources provided, you still don’t agree that Russia has behaved similarly unethically, that it has seemingly willingly misled its population, that these factors make Russia indistinguishable from other countries complicit in this vaccine scandal/GR agenda and that THIS is the significant factor, regardless of how the vaccine ‘rates’ next to others, then I fear we are doomed to be… Read more »
Well, Sputnik is used globally so you can look at stats from other countries: “As of January 30, 2022, India has reported at least 70,102 cases of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI), and 1,013 fatalities following the COVID-19 vaccines, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed the Parliament.
70,102 adverse events after vaccination reported in India: Govt data
Out of the total reported adverse events, Covishield comprised 63,315 cases, followed by Covaxin at 6,757 and Sputnik at 30.
Further, out of 1,013 deaths reported following the COVID-19 vaccines, 921 were after Covishield, 92 after Covaxin, and Sputnik reported zero such incidents, the ministry said.”
What percentages of the population took which shot?
About a million, according to wiki 🤷♂️
Russia doesn’t release any details on potential vaccine damage, so that’s why you haven’t heard anything. There’s plenty of anecdotal info though.
Revealing or not, nothing to do with it. the west “reveals” the top of the iceberg. and the narrative is “injection site redness” and “short-term muscle pain”. Show 10 Sputnik effect videos hundreds of them available for pfizer, moderna or astra.
Please se my reply here for more info.
The Russian govt didn’t hesitate slaying, torturing and emprisoning millions of their people up until only 3 decades ago, yes when Putin was an agent of the govt, yet somehow now all they care about is protecting those same people? What an extraordinary change!
I’m not saying the Western govts have any better goals but only different styles in how to achieve thsoe goals.
billions, in addition to incubators, and ate Viagra at the same time
I suggest you read and understand much more of Russian history.
By the end of Yeltsin’s failed rule, life expectancy had fallen by five years (from 69 to 64). Russians’ poverty rate pummeled from 1.5% at the end of the SU to 43.4%. (President Putin changed that dramatically as he reclaimed the nation’s sovereignty. In 2020, poverty rate stood at 2.9%.) Russia Poverty Rate 1997-2022 | MacroTrends
Empire of Lies Christens the New World Order. Part I of II: Overthrow Russia — Strategic Culture (
It seems significant that Russia has at least created some separation from the “western” vaccines, and also suggestive of many things, or grist for the mill (of conjectures). Of course, it has often occured to me that there is a raft of experts who have weighed in on the Russo-palooza response to the plandemic and her contributions to this murk, here, and may have more significant opinions, but I suspect that Putin himself, and advisors may know more about this than all of us, if not from the medical perspective, certainly from the geo-political, however strong the drive to out-guess it.
And that’s what this is all about, anyway, it has never had anything to do with medicine, or science, only groping grasping geopolitics and high finance, obviously.
You don’t need to be a Nobel-winning Mullis to get that. As billions who get it aren’t.
Thanks so much Kit. We mustn’t lose sight of the big picture, and the big picture has certainly begun to speak a very clear language over the past 3 years – and now looking back, we can clearly see the same big picture lurking behind most significant World events of the past century going back to the First World War. The idea of a Global strategy is just too much for many to bear. (And I do know from their work that James and James also see this Global strategy.) The Good guy – Bad guy narrative is just so much easier to believe and live with.
Thank you for your brilliant, incisive and courageous work!!
Again stupid bullshit propoganda, you damn morons!! Shove it up your damn ass if you need a little bit of satisfaction, you fuckin assholes!!!
Hi Maxwell, things not going so well in GCHQ today?
@ Edwige
Vladimir Putin sent greetings to the participants, organisers and guests of the 33rd Open Festival of Documentary Filmmaking Rossiya.
🙄 😉 🙂
Yesterday the US Dept of Defense tweeted this, including the photo:
My problem with the reportage coming out of any NATO ally, or source, is that the only way you can tell they’re lying is if they move their lips, including boasts? So, given a long history of that, more convincing proof is needed, whether they think they get some bounce or spin out of laying claim to the sabotage or not.