Pandemic Treaty: Reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated
Kit Knightly

A few days ago the British Medical Journal published a report headlined:
Don’t let economic crisis distract from preparing for a future pandemic
The headline is quoting Sarah Gilbert – team leader behind the development AstraZeneca Covid “vaccine” – addressing the World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) when it opened on September 29th. It was part of a keynote discussion on preparing for the next pandemic, and more specifically the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty.
Now, you might be thinking at this point, “wait, wasn’t the Pandemic Treaty voted down at the world health summit in May?”
And the answer to that is no. You’re probably remembering the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, and they weren’t outright defeated, they passed a watered-down version after some backroom compromises.
Back to the WISH Summit, where multiple high-level “experts”, vaccine manufacturers and health ministers expressed regret that countries are already neglecting pandemic preparedness. To quote Gilbert again:
We are already seeing investment moving away from pandemic preparedness, and I hope politicians don’t take their eye off the ball.”
Now, obviously, a vaccine manufacturer has clear motives for saying this. A mix of scaremongering and good old-fashioned profiteering (one company claims to be working on portable labs that can be shipped to the third world in the event of a pandemic – a surefire moneyspinner).
It may also be part of the prep work for bringing Covid back over the winter, there is a reason #Covidisnotover keeps trending on twitter after all.
The Cliff note version is the “Pandemic Treaty”, the one they all stopped talking about a few months ago, is not going away. While it isn’t supposed to be implemented until at least 2024, what it lacks in immediacy it will make up in reach.
WISH wasn’t the only international panel discussing the Pandemic Treaty the last few weeks, while Sarah Gilbert was addressing them in Doha, across the world in Geneva the WHO was conducting the public consultation stage of the process.
Reporting this on September 29th, Health Policy Watch headlined “From Equity to Conspiracies, People Say What They Want From a Pandemic Treaty”.
They quote Dame Barbara Stocking (who is apparently an actual person, and not a comedy drag act), from the Panel for Global Public Health Convention:
“Countries need to be held to account. There is now strong evidence that treaties without compliance measures are ineffective. We believe the best way to do this is by having an independent assessment body within the treaty structure for at arm’s length of the WHO.”
The report adds:
The panel also wants to “incentivize countries to be accountable” where, for example, “non-delivery could have implications for a country’s financial stability” in terms of article four of the IMF.
Can you see the two-pronged nature of “pandemic preparedness”?
“Incentivising countries to be held accountable”, versus “compliance measures” that have “implications for a nation’s financial stability”.
Put more simply: Nations who do what the WHO tells them to do get money, and nations who don’t…well, they don’t. They lose money. It’s bribery and blackmail, dressed up in the language of “aid” and “sanctions”.
These are the exact same amendments they tried to add to the International Health Regulations back in May. Essentially, as we have reported before, it would empower the WHO to create a “pandemic” out of thin air whenever it wants to by incentivising poor countries reliant on aid to name any flu outbreak a new “pandemic”.
The good news is that our side has already scored some points, and the establishment is playing on the back foot, to mix some sporting metaphors.
It’s possible that the compromised IHR amendments were almost “scuppered” as a direct result of public pressure and awareness campaigns, and the same has already slowed the progress of the treaty.
You can tell by just how many fact-checks there are out there. The Washington Post, France24, Reuters, all have run articles pre-emptively defending the Pandemic Treaty’s honour.
That was a direct result of alt media, and their readers, spreading awareness. And we’re still making progress.
The very fact the Pandemic Treaty’s development has been pushed from the front pages to footnotes in relatively obscure or specific outlets is a sign that a) they didn’t expect the pushback they got already, but b) they are still determined to push ahead with the plan.
The Health Policy Watch article I quoted earlier has an entire paragraph devoted to mocking the “conspiracy theorists”:
Meanwhile, a flotilla of conspiracy theorists also submitted the comments, condemning COVID-19 vaccines (“gene genocide”, according to one), WHO “global domination”, masks and social distancing. People from Australia, Poland and Switzerland seemed particularly agitated about these issues, as well as any notion that there could be global decision-making about how to address pandemics.
It might not feel like it, but that’s what progress looks like. That they are acknowledging the position – even under scorn – means something.
To quote a saying frequently misattributed to Gandhi, first they ignore you then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.
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Interesting, informative, thought-provoking article. I just wish people would learn to speak without feeling the need to use the F-word. Sounds like a high school kid when you do that. Start talking like an adult speaking English, not a kid showing off their urban dictionary vocabulary.
It’s the ‘W’ words that offend me;
Want, Wealth, Weapons and War.
Pandemic Treaty. Is that where all governments agree to have a pandemic?
Here’s a fascinating comment (not mine) taken from the link below in part II:
The biggest, darkest conspiracy of all is the one that gets dismissed by even the vast majority of the conspiracy theory community, due to the community largely being controlled by TPTB. That being the conspiracy to suppress knowledge of Peak Oil/Limits to Growth. To suppress knowledge of ecological reality.
Civilization hiding the fact that it is built to collapse catastrophically is *the* mother of all conspiracies, and the closer to collapse it comes the louder get the avoidance tactics that seek to delay the inevitable. The plandemic and Russian war being the two main globally-coordinated fake crises postpeak oil that serve to both initiate and fine-tune denand destruction ahead of the supply collapse of remaining affordable energy to the marginal global consumer.
If you can see peak oil then you can see the necessity to head for the hills and start busting your ass because you and your family’s lives depend on it. And what’s more, honoring our species depends on it.
Peak Oil is the most maligned (non-) conspiracy theory of all time. So much so that it’s been turned into the inverse of what it is, by the conspiracy theory community.
The conspiracy to cover up the geological reality of peak oil has been inverted by people like Alex Jones into a ‘malthusian’ conspiracy by the elites to have a fake justification to kill everyone off. And that’s just plain stupid. Carrying out depop agendas bring extreme risk to elites. You don’t do it for no reason. You don’t even countenance doing it. They’re doing it out of necessity no different from the aging hobby farmer downsizing the herd out of necessity.
As with most things, it’s the ignorant strawman fallacy that gets lobbed at Peak Oil Theory in order to maintain the denialism that finds it’s root in fear. Peak Oil scares people because the industrial dynamics of catabolic collapse surely leads to Senecan Cliff. There’s no reason-based room for doubt.
The strawman ignorantly says, “they’ve been talking about peak oil forever and it never happened, and they’re still talking about it!” The strawman refuses to go inside peak oil just as the germ theorist refuses to go into the terrain.
There are numerous classes of oil production as well as numerous geographical and economic sectors of the oil industry. This, there are various peaks of production that must be distinguished from each other, and the natural order in which the peaks occur.
Here is the most basic peak oil pattern of historic production peaks and the *causal* fallout from them.
1970- the US hit peak conventional crude production. About 2 years later it went off gold altogether and by surrounding the middle east with it’s military it forced the world onto the petrodollar system which is the dollar backed by oil instead of gold. (Gold is an agrarian standard of value unsuited for the scale of mature industrialism.)
1989- Soviet Union total oil liquids production peaked (all-time high). About 2 years later the USSR collapsed.
1999- Global peak cheap oil occured. This was the all-time low of the real, inflation-adjusted cost (not the nominal cost) of retail petroleum products. About 2 years later 9/11 happened, which catalysed the oil theft wars of the next two decades AKA the ‘war on terror.’
2004/5- global peak conventional oil happened. This was the peak that the godfather M King Hubbard was referring to when in the 50s he predicted global peak oil in the year 2000. About two years later Bear Stearns happened, then Lehman Brothers, and global organic economic growth ended forever, and ever since we’ve been riding on nested financial bubbles, the suspension of mark-to-market accounting in the shale industry that enabled that bubble, bailouts, and quantitative easings.
2018/2019- the world hit global total oil liquids production, which is all conventional crudes plus the unconventional shale and tarsands plays. About 1.5years later they front-ran the uncontrolled collapse caused by this final peak — THE peak in Peak Oil — with the plandemic. Because they saw the pattern long before I ever did.
The future is an endless series of overlapping manufactured crises that frontrun uncontrolled collapse until there’s no more manufacturing. I tend to think the manufacturing on any national has about ten more years to run. At most. We nobodies won’t personally be burning fossil fuels in a few short years – five at most. Once the deflationary spiral hits, all oil production will be uneconomic. Only the easiest remaining plays will be able to be kept flowing by nationalizing them. Any play that is turned off will be turned off for good because well-pressure will be gone, maintenance will be foregone, and momentum is everything in that industry.
There’s a lot of noise and disinfo out there, and the best we can do is pattern the truth with the lateral thinking of reason-based systems analysis, and pattern it on available data because that’s all we have. Naturally that leads to suspicions about unavailable data.
There do appear to be a few oil reservoirs that have appeared to have had some ‘replenishing’ dynamics but there are plausible geological explanations for that. And those fields we’re not significant commercial fields by any stretch. Abiotic oil has no geological grounding AFAIK. On the other hand we can know from biology that ‘fossil’ fuels in their various manifestations are the obvious result of the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. We can see it happening at the surface and in a single lifetime with peat.
The market-based reason for the collapse over the last 15 years in the oil industry’s capital expenditures and specifically exploration is a reflection of the collapse in economical discoveries. The places they explore now are deep sea and arctic. It’s consistent with short-term thinking under natural law (the profit motive) to pick all the low hanging fruit first. Then when the infrastructure that was built with low hanging fruit in mind no longer has a low hanging fruit source, it finds itself in a fix. It’s a simple resource dynamic.
They are on a tightrope. If the prices are too high the economy breaks and if they are too low they can’t get the more expensive to produce oil out of the ground. So they have been highly manipulating the oil markets both ways since the 2014 barrel price collapse, in order to keep the price within the ever-narrowing range that’s neither too low or too high. That range is now gone altogether and any price now is either too low or too high for some plays out there which is why famines are suddenly knocking on the door.
My position on ‘suppressed silver bullet’ technologies is that I’ll believe them when I see them. The phony new age princes and princesses who clamor for ‘free’ energy just want more laziness for less money while ignoring the costs that that mindset imposes on the ecology.
Climate change policy is just political cover for peak oil. They can’t admit peak oil or chaos ensues. So they use the fake-green agenda’s fight against fossil fuels to mask peak oil which is a force of nature they can do nothing about.
Far as I’m concerned globalization has been the new world order they’ve sought. Total world domination. They got about 40 years of it. They even got the Confucian Chinese doing old testament capitalism on a scale never seen before.
I think a few hunger games -type city states may be plausible over the next decades but I don’t see nation states surviving much less global government. No city states will exist at all in the northern hemisphere unless they dispose of all the spent fuel in the spent fuel pools. My expectation is that they do have a plan for that as soon as the current political establishment has finished serving its purpose over the next two years here.
Decommissioning the nuclear power industry will be the global Manhattan project of collapse and the signature policy of the wave of National Socialist politics coming our way.
The illuminati stuff doesn’t inspire people to take responsibility for their lives. Whether that’s Icke’s version or Alex Jones’. People prefer to point fingers instead of take responsibility for their lives.
The elites are just farmers of men. They started out goat-herding when everyone else was hunting and gathering. They learned they could do it with people too so they did. Do they do occult ritual sacrifice stuff? I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. Their religion is a supremacist cult. As far as they’re concerned everyone alive today is alive because of them. From their perspective, we wouldn’t even be alive if they hadn’t farmed us into existence and, frankly, they’re not wrong are they? Who among us would be alive without the old banking families? Other people would be alive but they wouldn’t be us. That might be a hard truth to swallow but it needs reckoning with. So it wouldn’t surprise me that that type of power would cause some of them to play sick games with people’s lives. But we can see from Q-anon how these grotesque mythologies can distort people’s sense of reality, and how they can ultimately be elite disinfo/misdirection campaigns. I think these mythologies are designed to lower people’s political expectations of the future so much that the death of global capitalism and lowered standards of living won’t seem as bad when a new establishment of earnest, capable, populist takes over under very bad circumstances. The populist ‘revolutions’ will be their disappearing act by design. No more Fed. No more Goldman Sachs. No more Zuckerberg and Gates and Fauci.
They know when to hold em and they know when to fold em.
did not find the comment in below link of so called viruses… here some supporting evidence, dating from 2006….
The comments by “reante” are in the link near the end.
Yes. Peak oil is the nature of the beast, but the beast has been hijacked until the last drop is burned. The post industrial world will be a slaughter house. Just watch some of the latest films from the big three studios. The plebs are being programmed for the inevitable crash.
Those ridiculous cruise ships and SUV’s won’t be worth a damn when there’s no fuel to romp around with…
Yes exactly, as i said all from the beginning… anyway, NOW they are suppressing the death toll by side effect. It’s the same game but in ‘reverse’. As loudly as they escalated the fear porn back in 2020, now they are silencing the evidence!
It’s beyond belief – but we’d better believe it.
By what criteria do we measure resistance to the Great Reset? I think one crucial criterion is what’s happening not just online but on the ground, where real world alternatives are patiently and painstakingly built. Registering our dissent in such exercises as polls or petitions and other voluntary submissions to the surveillance state seems to measure little more than just how much our masters can get away with at whatever stage of totalitarian rollout they’re presently at. When I look away from the screened world and engage the forgotten embodied world of humanity, I find all too little else than ghosts in a machine following motions like two, or ten, steps forward, and one backward, while still leading us to the edge of extinction.
Blablabla…come on you fucking morons stop spreading bullshit!!
That says it all.
Popping in to say thanks for a good article and update Kit.
Would post more often but the heavy-handed moderation on this site, particularly after that “vacation” you guys took awhile back is a turn off.
In my opinion, all of these organizations, like WHO/CDC/etc, should be dismantled and de-legitimized. I had no trust in them for a very long time no, but this mass scam that they have run (and still do) over the past 3 years showed me that they want deliberately cause harm. It’s clear by now that this is an organized criminal group who’s only objective is to exploit the people, financially, emotionally and physically. So, again, in my opinion, the talks about the treaty this, the treaty that, I would start talking about dismantling the WHO, the Red Cross and other global institutions that not only haven’t made the life of this planet better but deliberately made it a lot worst. Each country can manage their own crisis, plus there is telephone and internet (zoom) if they want to share ideas. There is absolutely no need for an organization that represent no one on this planet but themselves.
Just tell me who is going to do the dismantling, and I’ll hop on a plane and join them.
We are. We have to start petitions to withdraw membership, like it happened in the UK about the treaty. It didn’t stop it but slowed it. Or like in France now, protesting and demanding to leave the NATO. We want change, We have to make it happen.
They are also part of the MIC as Bio-Haz-dept
Hello Krisztian: All global based organizations are incorporated entities. Therein lies the rub. The civilian public has invested in it’s own extermination for centuries… The United Nations should be leveled. Preferably when all members are physically present.
I know its a stretch, but this organization seems to have some clout in terms of quality petitions. Petitions | Stand For Health Freedom
That’s a great handle: (WISH) A bunch of ghouls and morons wishing for another “pandemic”. Thanks! Go to Hell and burn, ya fuckers.
I’d like Sarah Gilbert to forced to address an audience not of sycophantic co-conspirators, rather an audience filled with independent minds, skeptical opinion leaders, retired pharmacuetical R+D executives, those who understand the proper procedure for pre-marketing testing of licensed pharmaceuticals, epidemiologists who do not drink Wellcome/Gates Koolaid, libertarian MDs, NHS workers sacked for refusing to take the Covid19 vaccine etc etc.
I’d like her punishment for refusing to answer every question in totalilty, with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, to be defrocking from every official honour she has ever received, a loss of her pension fund and removal of every share she may own in vaccine-associated biotechs or any other firm which would benefit financially from artificially created ‘pandemics’.
People need to stop thinking that all scientists are saints. There are just as many avaricious charlatans in biomedical science/medicine as anywhere else, especially the ones who fancy making £50m+ from an IPO.
Treat them like used car salesfolk, estate agents and corporate lawyers.
Then at least they will receive the sort of grilling that they so definitely deserve.
Nice fantasy…
It is either a “Conspiracy theory” or a “coincidence” – say the Conspirators who own all the MSM. A MSM that has never once asked about the resultant transfer of wealth that the owners’ efforts generate.
I don’t know the plan, not being a member of the club and all, so I can only guess what we’ll be up to this winter.
I do see some tactics from my former academic colleagues who once again try to make it in the news (with some success), yet again claiming that the threat of BS19 is real and can only be circumvented with… lies, antisocial measures and greed.
Now I know my former academic colleagues a little bit better than ‘the plan’ and therefore think I know that they know that they’re cornered.
They will be the ultimate patsies who will be judged for their intolerable ‘going along with, to even loving BS19 at a time that they should have resisted the lie of Covid19, yet didn’t. There is no way back now and so they trie to postpone the inevitable (judgment) by keeping going along.
In the meantime health care grants are running dry for epidemiologists (what’s the use of epidemiology if everyone can be an epidemiologist?), and employees who report in sick at the department is sky rocketing: some because of the vaccine, others because they have ‘psychological issues’ (cannot handle the cognitive dissonance of the completely absurd epidemiology of BS19 that they have to follow). And others turn into zombies.
It’s all self-inflected and it’s hard to feel sorry for them. They should grow a spine, but the problem for wind bags is that they can’t grow a spine…
“They will be the ultimate patsies”.
They don’t usually fess up to their major cons – the danger of the “if they lied about that?… ” argument is too great. However they obviously could use this one to tank medicine as we know it. They clearly loathe paying anything to maintain the profane. Tele-medicine and AI-prescribed drugs taken like vitamins is part of the Great Reset. Surgery is destined for robotics – how they intend to locate the robots remains to be seen. These things aren’t coming in next week but they aren’t distant sci-fi either.
You may be right about the lie being too big and therefore it will never come to public judgment, but one can always hope and it would be for the best even for the lying and spineless academics.
Yet judgment with punishment is already there as you can see in the behavior of the academic: it’s self-inflecting harm and by now, I am not so sure if they still love it.
The only way academics can survive in the medical profession is by sawing off their own foot, by writing grants that introduce robotics for surgery and where AI will replace the internist (as you noticed). And they do it, as there is no other alternative (other than fully admitting that they have been in the wrong for a very long time about medicine, culminating in the mass murder of covid19). They are paying to Shylock with their own pound of flesh and it’s hard to feel sorry about them since they are doing it to themselves. They don’t need my pity, they need guts or a spine that they don’t seem to have…
Medication that was sold as healthy effective by the older doctors is now only given in limited amounts by the younger doctors as they may be addictive or have severe side effects.
It always comes out.
An effective medicine may go off the “essential meds” list when its patent expires or its replacement is ready. The government may stop buying it for its own outlets, or raise taxes. If the med. is generic, there may be a sly campaign of denigration.
Christine Massey updated her count of public health agencies stating they have no proof of virus purification and are not aware of any proofs other entities have.
211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever
June 6, 2021 by Christine Massey. (original posting data, updated. )
As of September 11, 2022:
211 institutions (mainly health and science institutions) in >35 countries have all failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the alleged “SARS-COV-2” having been found in any sick human and purified, in order to sequence and characterize “it” and study “it” with controlled experiments. In other words, none of these institutions can prove that the alleged RNA genome of 30,000 base pairs with a spikey protein shell actually exists…. let alone that “it” causes an allegedly new respiratory disease that is allegedly spread from host to host via contagion. No one on the planet has a pure sample of the alleged virus. There are no validated tests. Validation of a test for a “virus” would require a gold standard – the alleged virus.
Below is a list of the institutions. Note that from several of these institutions (i.e. the CDC, Public Health England, UK DHSC, India’s ICMR) we have multiple responses.[List follows at the page, both of the responders as well as their responses.]
Thank you so much for sharing that info!!! I was just going to try finding out if any “health” agency or institution has YET isolated & purified the supposed CONvid virus… You just saved me oodles of time & frustration!!! Thank you again.
OT but Graham Norton has attacked John Cleese for complaining about cancel culture, saying that Cleese objects to “being held accountable” whilst Norton skates over the issue of who decides what “accountable” means. Thus does another servile celebrity grovel before the new cyber order.
Spare a thought for giggling Graham.
He’s got bills to pay, mansions to upkeep, designer wardrobes, luxury cars etc etc.
He’s under a lot of pressure.
Make no mistake, Norton’s chat show is one of the most carefully choreographed and monitored shows on TV. After all, he is a representative of “Happy Celebrity Land” i.e. that ersatz media family that now stands in for community in most households. This is the presentation which, under the guise of good cheerful blather, determines what is “civilised discourse”. And if the lords from on high have decided through their phony research that e.g. pre-pubescents have the right to determine their own gender through the “way they feel” (which, since it isn’t based on anything so vulgar as actual genitalia, must be influenced by the way the media presents gender images) and so commit themselves to a lifetime of hormone replacement and genital mutilation, then anything spoken against this will be “hate speech” for which the speaker must be “held accountable”.
You must have heard that old joke George;
‘What’s the largest sexual organ?’
‘Err, err’
‘The human brain you twit!’
That man thinks the way we should all think.
He’s stating the bleedin’ obvious, but still hardly anybody can see it…
pending 🙂
what’s as amazing as anything is the way these people just blithely ignore facts that blow their words right out of the water, i.e. in this case, most nations HAD good pandemic plans prior to the covid fraud, but that they more or less en masse immediately tossed in the trash when ‘someone’?? shouted ‘LOCKDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ – plans which all of ‘our’ brains-engaged scientists etc have said would have been far, far better in dealing with what turned out to be not a new ebola after all but basically a mild flu at worst for almost everyone – as long as most people cannot or refuse to access reliable information and take their lead from the liars and grifters guiding them, we’re going to be on the edge of what these people desire, some form of world domination. aka the ‘new capitalist-pharma-techno-feudalism’ All disengage brains permanently and on your knees for big brother bill and the rest.
The poison is the TV. In a revolution the broadcasting stations are the first to be taken over by the revolutionaries.
Cook calling the ‘kettle’ black:
Hypocrisy runs rampant in the Left.
There is no left or right.
That is a childish distinction for minds incapable of understanding the sphere of influences.
People do like their simple labels.
The truth is often much more complicated.
These “health” advocates are criminals and need to serve very long jail sentences.
That would cost too much.
Let them volunteer to be the subjects of invasive medical experiments.
For the common good of course.
Jail sentence, no, got plenty of rope here!
There is no pandemics so it is a moot point.
What exists is global terrorism so the world should address the infection cult.
Starting to feel less scared of WHO. Dunno why – they just seem like schmucks. Like no-one believes that or anything else on MSM anymore. Yeah… we ‘know’ Putin’s bad. But we know Blair was. Numerous others. This is a show – everyone knows. WHO can stick it and enough people are so sick of war and WHO they will just sit down and say a la Ghandi – what you gonna do? Nuke us? Well done – grade A in atrocity. If not, then get gone you odious vipers.
WHO can use the big donations it gets to buy just about any national leader.
Question is; Can a ‘flotilla’ of Truth outmanoeuvre an armada of lies, hubris and ignorance?
Fools and their delusions are soon parted, or sunk?
Here’s hoping.
Masks on the way back in Ireland. Some expert on tv just now saying we’ll probably be wearing masks forever!!!! The so called health minister (ex McKinsey & co employee) bringing in new mask wearing laws for later in the year……to protect our “fragile” / overworked health service…..900000 people on hospital waiting lists…..I think they’re waiting for most of them to die before they ever see the inside of a hospital.
An “expert” on TV. Enough of these paid up liars.
trust worthy twatter has already started the ‘bring the masks back’ thread.
Best reply when told to put a mask on by the psychotic masked receptionist or whoever, is to say, why, does yours not work? Don’t hold your breath for an answer though!
I really like this phrase from Kit’s article “a flotilla of conspiracy theorists”. The PR writers are getting a bit more creative.
Meanwhile, here’s the next invisible threat. A scary nuclear war is forecast so President Biden-his-time is generously buying radiation pills for the peasants. I wonder who makes money from these?
This short video from Hugo explains all:
There is no need for ‘nuclear war’.
Every cell phone has a battery that is a thermo-chemical explosive device.
And radionic microwave antennae are ubiquitous.
1+1 = 0 : point efficiency.
A thousand migrants a day now crossing the English Channel, nearly all fighting fit young males.
Not state sponsored of course.
I hope the treasonous architects of this sinister agenda, suffer the same fate they have planned for us..
The rubber dingys crossing the Atlantic ocean grainy photo gets them every time.
nearly all Fighting fit young males LOL
Perhaps you should invite them to stay with you.
Perhaps do some research of the local hotels housing them (as I have done) before posting.
Like his snake symbol, Tedros and Gates speak with a forked tongue.
The most fundamental error: the assumption (that often doesn’t even get as far as consciousness) that the media is there to tell you the news. It isn’t. It’s there to programme you. The media is not your friend. The media wants to kill you.
Until this truth sinks in, all is futile. If you don’t understand this then you will never understand anything. And you will always be a puppet.
They want us gone. All of the unvaccinated. We are the “burden” of proof. The evidence is everywhere. They are scrambling to suppress it. Simple science can expose them and they know it. They want us gone.
The control group is too big.
Nearly twenty million unjabbed in the UK.
No chance. Calm down.
They would like all dissent removed but unfortunately (for them) the gullible people who lapped up their “narrative” are the ones who are getting the early funeral. This is why the story has been changed to Ukraine, as the assumption is that people can only handle one thought at a time.
Their “news” that is.
No it’s the people who own the media that wants to kill you.
These things are like vampires, they keep coming back.
Look at the many EU referendums, or the multilateral agreement on investment, which never died. It just morphed into other agreements that served the same purpose.
It’s an utter scandal that anyone at all could so blandly refer to “the next pandemic” on the obvious assumption that no-one will query such a suspicious statement. And it’s an even greater scandal that this blasé bullshit turns out to be justified because no-one does query such a suspicious statement.
But it’s on the TV so it must be true. 😳
Thanks Kit. Spot on.
We give these monsters too much credit. They are chaotic, disorganized and we don’t need them. Atrophy will win the day.
On the contrary, I believe they are focused and determined, but because they are unintelligent raving lunatics, chaos and disorganization are naturally left in their wake.
You’re certainly right about us not needing them, but they don’t care. They don’t see themselves as fulfilling a need at all.
The new king turd to be crowned on 6/5/2023
6+5+2+2+3 = 18 = 6+6+6
(also, 18 -> 9 = 3×3)
don’t worry.
its just a coincidence
“NameWithheld” my arse. It’s you Edwige.
Innocent this time!
If you want some fun with numbers though, look at that Kyiv Independent tally of alleged Russian losses that Off-G replied to on twitter. Russian troop losses 63,110? Apart from its preposterous exaggeration, can you spot the 911? The Russian alleged plane and helicopter losses happen to be Freemasonic master numbers (55 and 88) and there are two thinly-disguised 19s in there as well.
What is the point of these alleged “master numbers”, exactly?
What, concretely, does anyone actually achieve by using them?
“Its a big club, and you aren’t in it”
and you don’t understand its rules, or in the case of numerology, its symbols and language.
symbols, signs, ritual significance, communication, arrogance, mockery
to name but a few.
to clarify: so are the numbers themselves meaningful? or is it just some code used to signal and mock??
they have multiple meanings to those who understand and subscribe to it.
Its all bollocks: mumbo jumbo mysticism, golden dawn, gnosis, gematria, crowley, of course.
Edvige will never reply to your honest question or mine or anyone’s. She never does.
Honest people reply — honestly — to honest questions.
Deliberate timewasters just love wasting people’s time and sowing confusion. Often they have an ulterior motive for doing so. Sometimes they are professionally trained in effective techniques. They are rampant online.
There’s a war on.
Yup, I would like to know as well, but you will never get a reasoned answer. It’s a bit like asking a computer why!
Not to endorse all this numerology thing which can easily only serve to make the proponents look less credible, but fwiw Christine Lagarde is apparently a believer or dabbler.
I guess it doesn’t have to be rational in order for it to potentially form part of some elite belief system. A lot of these people are quite insane.
True. I thought that Dave McGowan’s mention of numbers and dates with supposedly occult significance was a drawback in his Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon. But then I realised that if you’re dealing with nuts who really go in for that kind of thing then it’s justified to mention it.
FWIW, I generally respect and even admire McGowan’s work. I never (or haven’t yet) read his books, but have read and re-read most of the material on the website maintained by his daughters.
Unfortunately, by the time I caught up with him he was deceased.
Anyway, I am puzzled by his occult references; I simply can’t tell if he genuinely found them meaningful or significant, or if it was an ongoing wry put-on of sorts. My confusion arises from his habit of mentioning them straightforwardly, or “seriously” in passing, but never, ever digressing to discuss their significance or otherwise connect the occult dots.
He did the same thing with “Masonic” references in his revisionary Lincoln assassination review, e.g. noting in captions to photographs that the subject seemed to be making a gesture or pose identified as Masonic.
My impression is that he threw in these occult references in an ambiguous “for what it’s worth” spirit. It’s a bit frustrating, but of course I don’t know if he expanded upon his perspective on these occult references in his books.
When you say thinly disguised 19s, do you mean numbers that aren’t 19?
Liz Truss got in with 81,326 votes, another 911
Many neo Nazis in Ukraine have a four digit tattoo 1488. The significance is explained here.
’88’ is shorthand for Heil Hitler.