Well, It’s bird flu…again
Kit Knightly

Hey remember last year? Remember the spring “bird flu outbreak”?
Remember how it was all just a fear-porn story designed to discourage people from eating real food, drive up the price of poultry and eggs and sell more vaccines?
Well, guess what…

It’s groundhog day again. And I mean that quite literally since it was actually reported on February 2nd:
Bird flu has jumped to mammals in the UK – so how worried should humans be?
Yes, the experts are back and they have more “warnings”. But don’t worry “It’s not that alarming”…yet. Although clearly someone at the New York Times didn’t get the “don’t be alarmist” memo, because they went with…
An Even Deadlier Pandemic Could Soon Be Here
Anyway, the story is that scientists have found bird flu in otters, bears, dolphins and foxes in the last year. And that means it could potentially jump to humans.
Because the order goes otters->bears->dolphins->foxes->people. That’s like biology 101.
Seriously though, what makes this story nonsense is the only reason they found this virus is that they were looking for it. After last year’s “scare” they have increased screening…using PCR tests.
PCR tests which don’t diagnose disease, don’t reliably work and can find basically anything basically anywhere. You know the arguments.
Essentially, now, all that needs to happen is some nature reserve sends a sample of (dead?) otter to a government lab, the lab runs “routine bird flu screening”…and finds it. Becuase of course it does.
Just like that Bird flu can jump from birds to otters to foxes to dolphins.
…like how “Covid” jumped from bats to people to goats to guavas to motor oil. Remmeber?
But what’s the next step?
Well, testing people of course, since we know it can infect mammals now.
And, like clockwork, cue the “experts” in the Guardian saying [emphasis added]:
scientists warn there is a possibility that bird flu viruses could change and gain the ability to spread easily between people. Monitoring for human infection is extremely important
And – just like Covid – if they start testing everyone for bird flu, they will find it.
We all know where it goes from there: Vaccines.
But, apparently, the already-approved vaccines aren’t good enough. Just ask the New York Times…
Perhaps the best news is that we have several H5N1 vaccines already approved by the Food and Drug Administration whose safety and immune response have been studied…The current plan is to mass-produce them if and when such an outbreak occurs, based on the particular variant involved […] Worryingly, all but one of the approved vaccines are produced by incubating each dose in an egg.
Good news though, there’s a solution on the way. An mRNA-based solution…
The mRNA-based platforms used to make two of the Covid vaccines also don’t depend on eggs[…]those vaccines can be mass-produced faster, in as little as three months. There are currently no approved mRNA vaccines for influenza, but efforts to make one should be expedited.
It really is groundhog day all over again.
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Great book on the nonsense of germ theory:
Viruses don’t exist.
PS: would be great if I could donate using Monero. I don’t want to have my bank accounts frozen for donating to something that the government doesn’t like.
Someone here (sorry, too many to keep track of) keeps mentioning the idea of an exponential rise in numbers of people getting sick not being accounted for by Terrain theory. When a new toxin is introduced it usually begins with an initial precautionary use followed by more widespread use. Classic case in point, DDT. I’m sure Thalidomide started with a few prescriptions with an exponential increase as pregnant women reported how it ‘helped’ their sickness. There is rarely a deluge of a toxin at the start (even an oil spill starts off slowly, or an earthquake or anything where we are not even aware of the initial ‘symptoms’).
People getting sick from environmental toxins fits 100% in the terrain model.
I refuse to buy them now from shops.
I miss monkeypox 🙁
Blablabla…the same dumb bullshit again and again and again…repetitions don’t make it more true…
One of your more observant comments.
Tip with my travels is to shave your arm pits and only hydrate as needed. It’s part of personal hygiene, You’ll know close to your fitness from your own smell. If you find you don’t particularly need underarm deodorant, a splash after a shave, bingo.
You are you, fuck everyone else.
Your welcome btw.
And it was a particularly ominous groundhog day here in Quebec:
Those awfully nice internet people made me aware of this splendid inspirational group called 80000hours.org whose main page says,
“You have 80,000 hours in your career. This makes it your best opportunity to have a positive impact on the world.”
Yes, that’s right, it’s a corporate pep-talk site who have decided to bestow their expertise on “the problems we face”. And they have a “problem profiles” page:
“Our list of the most pressing world problems” has eight items, which are “ranked roughly by our guess at the expected impact of an additional person working on them” because – don’t forget You Can Make A Difference!
Of these eight items, three are pure CEO boardroom blather:
Building effective altruismGlobal priorities research Epistemics and institutional decision-making Two are pure bullshit:
Catastrophic pandemicsClimate changeTwo are part of the old sideshow (and they amount to the same thing):
Nuclear warGreat power conflictSo that just leaves this one:
Risks from artificial intelligenceThis is indeed somewhat worrying since these risks “could cause human extinction, or an equally permanent and severe disempowerment of humanity.”
However, “based on estimates from others using a variety of methods, our overall guess is that the risk of an existential catastrophe caused by artificial intelligence within the next 100 years is around 10%. This figure could significantly change with more research — some experts on AI risk think it’s as low as 0.5% or much higher than 50%, and we’re open to either being right.”
And under “Solvability”, “we think it’s moderately tractable, though we’re highly uncertain — again, assessments of the tractability of making AI safe vary enormously”.
So we need to find the right entrepreneurial executives for the job!
It’ll be our old concept at 15. You’ll end up with 5% enjoy the journey.
A quiet person may not mean shy.
Dismissed is a judgement by others enjoy your own fellows.
Big One, that Others Forget is:
Work is Birth, Born is Freedom.
Ah, very “meta”! 😎
Sounds like a message to up the culling of humans through more mRNA vaccines. We need to protect our wildlife from people. Once the wildlife dies out so will the earth. The latest estimate at Davos, according to Gore and Kerry, is 9 years. It is so confusing. 3 years ago someone advised Biden that is was only 8 years left. When 8 – 3 = 9 it is time to kill the chickens. Otherwise the whales are going to die. If the whales die so will the polar bears. Once that happens our gas stoves will stop working. And that’s a good thing. Those dangerous emissions will be stopped and those still alive will live longer.
I betcha ya fear porn farmer got a woke stiffy over this.
Birdflu check your chicken flu symbolism Quack Duckie Chicken SQWAUUK!! Good heavens, excuse me do you have anything unpluged none plucked?
I stand with flustrain
Salva birdfluvaxa
This reports about birdflu now are just another Piece to support the “100day challenge” the WHO / CEPI are trying to win. Problem is: they may proclaim it, but there are still enough scientific riddles to be solved regarding making the “mRNA platform” usable. And the mRNA scientists still have no Clue how to solve these correctly. Just seen and heard on a recent mRNA summit in europe. Also the Production capabilities from “the pandemic” are decreased- all major CDMOs have a huge Drop in revenue right now struggling to compensate the money loss, so layoff is the fast and only solution. For future “Pandemics” regionalisation of production is their way to go .. scary times ahead.
and this all continues until ‘we the people’ get off our assess and stop complaining and start doing something about it – thoughts here – Democracy Study Guide – https://www.rudemacedon.ca/DSG/0000-summary.html
Totally agree but most have not even got the balls to be non compliant, absolutely pathetic! Plus the morons will still vote thinking they have a voice. I now think that all these retards deserve what’s coming but despair that they think its ok for the free thinkers to get dragged down with it.
Believing what governments and the mainstream media tell you does not make you a “moron”.
It just means you have not yet had a life experience which has caused you to question your perception of reality.
“ I now think that all these retards deserve what’s coming“
Is that you “free thinking” semaj? Because it seems more like you’re trying to drive people apart than bring them together, and bringing people together is the only way we can defeat the monsters that are orchestrating this waking nightmare.
Just to be clear:
way to go, champ
Although I don’t disagree that this is mostly about vaccines and the food supply, it does happen to involve killing lots of animals as the season of sacrifice is drawing near. Another votive offering to their gods?
The real pandemic is of corrupted souls, more interested in control, power and money than humanity..
I think the real pandemic is the newfound far more widely spread than I ever would have believed possible passivity of the human race, as a clearly evil cabal of people with clearly evil intentions makes their boldest move yet to take over the entire world and create in reality rather than fiction their one world order dystopia – and the reaction of most people, as they say on Fox – crickets. Not a whole lot of hope out there, it seems, although those of us terribly saddened at ‘this is the way the world ends’ must of course continue to try to wake those hiveminds up.
Covid certainly does jump around. A ‘journalist’ in Australia wrote that last year, covid was so rampant it was ‘jumping fences’.
I guess that is suitable for Australia with all its kangaroos. Do kangaroos get bird flu or is it kangafloo?
Yeah, RT had the story a few days back, but I didn’t get around to posting it:
UK, the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) reportedly found nine otters and foxes that tested positive for the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus. In the US, the disease was found in skunks, bears, a raccoon and a red fox. In France, the virus had spread to a cat and also caused an outbreak on a Spanish mink farm. The bird flu has also been detected in seals and dolphins. It could mutate and spread to people. Gee how could that happen? signs of a mutation that allowed it to infect mammals more easily –RT.com
[I particularly liked the dolphins– nice touch]
Cat reminds me of people leaving them in the countryside. When people do that it’s just more work for the men and women who monitor our great outdoors.
Viruses don’t exist.
Pfizer has replied to the Veritas recording of their half-drunk employee, but it makes no sense to me:
“Pfizer released a statement. Without questioning the authenticity of the recording, it maintained that it had not carried out gain of function research, adding that: “In a limited number of cases when a full virus does not contain any known gain of function mutations, such virus may be engineered to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in cells.” [2].”
Which occurs first, the chicken or the egg?
Will the general public awaken to the tyranny that their governments are foisting on them, or will the continue to cower in abject fear of this next plandemic? I despair the species.
Sorry, I absolutely hate when people write “fear porn” in articles!!!
It shows a worrying amorality… and a low taste, lack of class or even education.
Millions and billions of people don’t have that term in their personal dictionaries.
Sorry… just saying!!!
If you’re referring to this article I think you’re mistaken. This article is clearly flagging up potential fear porn on its way to you. A2
You clearly misunderstood what I said… big time.
The word ‘porn’ doesn’t exist in my dictionary and in many other people’s dictionaries… why use such a tasteless low grade word??? 🤮🤮🤮
Oh I see, yes I did misunderstand. Fear pornography or fear porn is a descriptive phrase used incredibly widely. I don’t want to imply you’re wrong to have standards, I don’t think you are, but I’m not sure this phrase is going anywhere, I’m afraid. Zero offence was intended, though. Thanks for your comment and I’m sorry you feel this way. A2
Yes its derogatory is it not? Would you prefer “fear cunt” ? how does that optic work for you?
we’d probably have a bit more hope if a few more of those millions and billions understood the concept and were less susceptible to it –
“Fear porn” is perfect. As is “Virus porn”, “pandemic porn” etc. What else is it? The entire media has been jacking off for three years now. You’d think their balls must be empty. But I reckon they’ve got a long way to go. Indeed they have shown themselves to be nothing but balls.
No George. They haven’t got any balls, especially the male ones. But I agree with the term ‘fear porn’. Good description.
The current egg shortage was being blamed in part on Bird Flu. But guess what- the chicken feed might be the major culprit since it appears to prevent egg production:
Feed, which is a chemical medical fake food for GM animals isnt new.
Where I live most chicken feed being sold in produce stores has had the protein taken out of it. Only one brand is worth buying and I don’t know if they can continue to produce.
This is true. I know lots of folks with chooks.
Why would you feed chicken protein.>?
May hem a little trick, if shops/health experts are telling you, you need something like protein, then avoid it.
Sorry for being pedantic: chickens eat earthworms from time to time.
“Hancock ‘flu” [see 2019-2022]
An obsolete condition, characterized by enormous moral flabbiness, spinal collapse and general systemic failure.
Once greatly feared, but now relegated to the status of one of mankind’s most ridiculous self-inflicted mistakes.
Named after the pseudo-male of the British Han fowl species – the female being notorious for refusing to have anything to do with the opposite gender if she can help it.
Time to scuttle Scottish independence, again!
Feb 5, 2023
Trans rapist row hammers support for Scottish independence as Nicola Sturgeon feels the force of voters’ anger at row over criminal who carried out sex attacks as a man being held in women’s prison
Support for independence has fallen from 53% to 47% since December
Backing for the SNP at Holyrood and Westminster has also dropped
Polling carried out after massive row over trans double-rapist Isla Bryson
Feb 2, 2023
Excruciating #bbcqt
[clip of BBC Question Time]
Craig Murray:
Could it be that they have no intention of ever actually winning independence for Scotland?
Doggeral from the Murray site:
Check the comment of one “Natasha”:
“As the above genetic range suggests, the molecular biology that underlies gender identity, the development of gonadal and genital anatomy, and the factors that define sexual behaviour is proving unexpectedly complex and is still incompletely understood. It is now evident that humans cannot be characterized as member of 1 of 2 clearly defined units: male or female. In fact, individuals exist on a continuum: those who do not conform unequivocally to the dyadic view of human sex in terms of anatomy, gender identity, and/or sexual behaviour should be characterized as having variations in rather than disorders of sexual development. Such individuals can no longer be regarded as anomalies to be rejected, condemned, and, if possible, “corrected” either psychologically or anatomically. As such concern over the impacts of ‘trans’ people – who are significantly disadvantaged compared to ‘non trans’ people – far outweighs the tiny fraction of the global population they are.”
See? We are apparently no longer required to discover anything from anything so vulgar as actual real life experience. Instead, we wait till given the properly peer reviewed scientific research.
Well, when they load up their “analysis” with a bunch of big 20 dollar words, it simply must be true George. They’re experts, after all, while we are merely idiots who see real physical differences between genders, which is really just another conspiracy theory. Why, there are as many genders as the experts say there are! Or maybe there is only one real gender and all the rest is just make believe? That MUST be it! Even the animals are just playing games with all that gender crap, a stallion is merely a mare playing tough as it can’t quite make up its mind which continuum it belongs to…
As for the need for “correction” it’s funny how those who advocate complex surgery for kids, while telling the parents of those kids how evil they are for not being enthused about watching their child put through that, will whine incessantly that “society” dictates that anatomical correction and not those same experts who can’t wait to try out their latest complex surgery on small children.
I just read this quote from Giorgio Agamben:
“In one sense, the expropriation of experience was implicit in the founding project of modern science.”
i.e. “science” tells us to mistrust experience…. and trust “the experts” who have seen The Truth through a microscope or telescope or through some peculiar technological ritual whose details go far beyond us mere country bumpkins. Thus “The Experts” are the new clergy interpreting sacred scripture for us.
It’s all about child mutilation they are sicko reglious fanactics and human investment mutant cronies. Their soft bots mention Partner, ignore the dummies.
As a strongly male human all my life, I have to say, George, that my real-life experience is that humans do indeed sit on a spectrum from strongly male to strongly female, with – actually – quite a substantial percentage who are not in the ‘strongly’ category either way, but who lie between them and the intersex middle ground. It isn’t all that unusual. Horse-wrangler Pat Parelli always reckons that horses and (strongly female) women can always tell a strongly-male man from a less-so man, at a single instinctual glance; Pat being strongly so, of course, and able to be an instant obedience-worthy lead mare – if you see what I mean – for all sorts of horses, including intact stallions; they all listen to, and cooperate with Pat.
The small percentage of humans who are actually – objectively – marooned in that narrow mid-zone around the centre of the spectrum have a hard row to hoe in their lives. No belittling that burden. I have three good old friends who were designated male at birth, because, each of them had at birth an obvious penis and scrotum, and no vaginal opening. Yet each of them, in early adulthood became more and more harried by the powerful feeling that they should actually be women. Two of these friends married strongly female women, also friends of mine; and one had two beautiful daughters with his wife.
Yet eventually, all three felt absolutely driven to make the switch. One even had surgery to change the genital structures somewhat. These were painful, soul-upheaving decisions. My friends weren’t pissing about. And they weren’t just intellectual-fad band-waggon jumping, as so many of the ‘multi-gender’ wokeists are just now, I suspect. Piss-taking, in a couple of words.
All three of these good people – and they are, very decent and loveable souls – caught a horrendous amount of flak from society, since they were making the switch several decades ago, when it attracted a lot more slagging even than it does now.
The unmarried one, whom I’ll call by her current name, Judy, worked at the same asylum for mentally-handicapped men where I was working, which is how I met her and heard her stories, in all their painful but honest complexities. At this time – in the ’70s – Judy wasn’t allowed to come to work in female dress, and was always addressed as ‘Mister’. But her free time was lived wholly as a woman. Tough schizoid situation for her. She was, and is, a strong, admirable soul. And – coming from the Northern working class in Sheffield at that time, she caught a lot of gratuitous flak, which she endured with great courage and determination. In fact all three of my friends showed – and still show – those qualities in spades, because they had to.
And – incidentally – one of the residents who lived at the asylum, an elderly, formally-male but actually intersex person who liked to be called Gertie, had some eye-opening qualities. When we bathed him (her) it was very evident that, as well as having the body-shape – and the full set of behavioural patterns – of an oldish woman, s/he had genitals that were exactly half-way between male and female: a very small – I mean really tiny – penis, that could just as well have been a rather large clitoris, and an apparently ballsless scrotum that you might have mistaken for the two labia majora of a strongly-female woman – except that once again there was no vaginal opening between them. Gertie was too heavily handicapped to have much language, and had no capacity at all to handle the sort of linguistic subtleties which we are using easily here, but s/he preferred instinctively to hang out with the middle-aged, strongly-female ladies who worked in the sewing room, perennially repairing the residents’ clothing; where – despite the lack of language – Gertie tickled them pink by constantly joining in their conversations with inchoate sounds – and gestures – that imitated their own closely. Gertie didn’t know anything about gender issues; but s/he knew where s/he wanted to be – and how s/he wanted to be.
I think that my three good trans friends, plus dear innocent soul Gertie – knew without any doubt that they should be women, genital structures and chromosome formulae notwithstanding. And none of them were strongly either male or female, but further in on the spectrum towards the centre, where Gertie in fact fitted very well.
It isn’t simple, and it isn’t clear cut. Dmitry Orlov, whom I respect highly for his cool perspicacity, reckons there are only three categories of human, decreed by evolution: male, female and rejects. He’s speaking from the viewpoint of reproductive efficacy, of course (though even on that consideration, one of my trans friends was an effective reproducer, with two children). Even Dmitry’s rough and ready categories nod a little towards the spectrum idea. But my direct personal experience over a lifetime tells me that there are indeed many more than just three shades of sexuality on the male/female spectrum. That isn’t abstract theorising, but visible fact. Visible to me, anyway…
And btw George: doggerel is bad poetry. Prose doesn’t qualify. As a bad poet, but a tolerable prose writer, I have painful experience of the difference. 🙂 Again: born that way; not made by whimsical personal choice…
I thought you was a Andric (Kind off). You transition.?
From what you wrote, your in to that type of stuff.
Makes sense now.
It’s not hard to make a laughing stock of our modern political institutions, is it…?
Dear “The Experts”
Punxsutawney Bill.
The Cha-ching of déjà vu flu.
Hundreds of doctors abusing their patients:
Odd, no mention of JAB ABUSE.
Suicide rate up in the Lockdown capital of Australia:
Odd, no mention of POLICE STATE ABUSE.
I did my own extensive research into this terrible disease and realized……THEY are correct….it does come from a bird…..the VULTURE!!!!!
I think you’ll find it’s actually a Phoenix
easy mistake to make – they both survive by plundering corpses
One Flu Over The Chicken’s Nest.
Oh yes.
Ken Kesey – MK Ultra volunteer. Funny how many of the “Merry Pranksters” ended up in eminent positions….
Emilia Hazelip didn’t. She ended up running an inspired Fukoakan market garden in southern France, explicating – and operating – the truly extraordinary insights into the nature of plant-growing that Masanobu Fukuoka details in his classic ‘One-Straw Revolution’. As she puts it: The biggest major step forward in agricultural understanding since the Agrarian Revolution.
hee hee
My assigned down-voter even managed this one.
He’s good.
I seem to have one too, W. You’re right: these fools are an absolute gas! 😂
This Is Not Normal
After 3 years I’m so sick of all this batsh*t… Best I can do is to go off-topic:
Aaaargh! The Disney abomination! May the Curse of Ernest Shepard visit you!
Hi there downvoter! Do you get extra pay for shadowing me? Do you have any idea how much I’m laughing at you, pillock? 😂
I gave this a 5, But still, as long as you don’t challenge contagion theory itself and stick to trying to nit pick details, specific countermeasures, you are inviting more of this. If contagion theory is valid, why did the 1918 Rosenau experiments fail to create a single case of transmission of allegedly the most infectious of all viruses, the “Spanish” (Kansas) flu?
Because anything can be weaponised. And hands/face/space can be justified just as easily for a Terrain Theory model – which uses environmental toxins plus a psychosomatic/bio-resonant form of contagion, rather than a pathogenic source of contagion.
In many ways, terrain theory is a distinction without a difference.
Both theories have to account for exponential rises in sick observed in epidemiology since records began – attributed to contagious ‘diseases’ in Germ theory, but attributed to transferable ‘dis-ease’ via some more hazy mechanism in Terrain theory.
Just a note here, there’s a difference between referencing and drawing logical conclusions from a set of data and needing to hysterically EXPLAIN everything about that data, even resorting to hasty and poorly defined hypotheses rather than simply focus on the data itself.
Both Germ theory and Terrain theory have to account for exponential spread of illness observable in epidemiological records. Thanks to Rhys Jagger for pointing this out.
Just to restate again, although Terrain theory is shaky on the details, its mechanism MUST account for exponential spread of illness observant in all epidemiological records.
IF this mechanism of spread is, as many suggest, psychosomatic or bio-resonant in origin (linked to epigenetics, morphogenetic fields, cymatic resonance), then visually shielding bio-signals like sneezes and runny noses with masks, covering detox odours with isopropyl alcohol and standing further apart from other people MIGHT WELL help stop the spread.
Think about that.
Terrain theory says that if you actively take care of your health and avoid exposure to environmental toxins, you will not get sick.
And it’s true. That should count for something. Off Guardian’s own slogan is “Because Facts Really Should Be Sacred”.
A non sequitur from you.
Doesnt Germ Theory claim other people, especially ones with snotty noses, are Enviromental Toxins, thus best to avoid exposure to / keep a safe Social Distance from ?
I guess you could say that, sure.
Terrain theory OTOH says the environmental toxins are toxic chemicals in food, household products, building materials, water, etc. All culprits which the government refuses to acknowledge because if they did then powerful people and corporations would have to be held accountable. And if people knew to avoid these toxins, they would stop getting sick, harming pharma profits.
Terrain theory says that “germs” are not pathogens, but rather are an essential part of our body required for important functions. Which has long since proven true with the discovery of the microbiome and “virome”.
Assuming that apparent “spread” of a disease is proof of “viral contagion” leads to the inevitable conclusion that Chernobyl was a virus, that lead poisoning in Flynt, Michigan is a viral pandemic, and many other nonsense hypotheses.
there’s some fairly serious flaws in that line of ‘reasoning’ – I can’t imagine many people would claim the people in Jonestown died of some ‘virus’ other than in some metaphorical way, as in the virus of stupidity.
Indeed. And the same logic by which you deduced that Jonestown was not a virus should be applied to every instance where people get sick in clusters.
Does a whole household of people getting sick at the same time prove the sickness is caused by a contagious pathogen? No.
You need to isolate the pathogen, show it causes a disease, and that it is contagious. You need to rule out other causes, such as poison kool aid.
Has any pathogen been identified, isolated and shown to cause a disease? No.
Has viral transmission been demonstrated in a controlled setting? No. Every experiment attempting this failed to transmit supposedly highly contagious viral diseases from sick people to healthy people. (You’d think this would be really easy to demonstrate, if the viruses are so infectious….)
Could other factors such as pesticides, poison, drugs, medication, toxic food, malnutrition, EMFs, radiation, etc be at play? Virtually every time, yes.
Also one should note that the body’s natural detox process (“the flu”) is linked to the seasons, and this alone is enough to make people more likely to have “the flu” around the same time, no contagion required.
I still struggle to understand why, according to a terrain theory, more people got sick and died in the past, when their food and environmental toxin levels, by today’s standards, were incredibly clean and natural. Especially in rural populations.
But in any case, Terrain theory can be weaponised to justify medical authoritarianism just the same. Cowan’s waterborne bio resonance argument, if accepted as rhe new prevailing orthodoxy, could be weaponised just the same as germ theory to justify ‘hands/face/space’ social control protocol..
The main point should be, surely, that epidemiology from 2020 and 2021 shows no significantly heightened risk to anyone which could possibly justify the terror campaign conducted by governments/captive media against ordinary people.
Therefore, talking about terrain theory is the same ballgame as Ivermectin and HCQ. They are moot points, because there was no significant heightened risk to anyone. There was nothing requiring an explanation, just a simple observation of the facts.
Getting locked into a terrain theory debate gives the impression of engaging with and dignifying the phoney pandemic narrative..
Admin: “I still struggle to understand why, according to a terrain theory, more people got sick and died in the past, when their food and environmental toxin levels, by today’s standards, were incredibly clean and natural. Especially in rural populations.”
Did they? A scan through local (rural) graveyards over the years shows people were on the whole living long lives in the 1800s – early1900s.
Life expectancy figures from those days were skewed by the higher rates of deaths during child birth and in infancy, which can be attributed to hygiene.
People in cities were living in absolute squalor prior to the early 1900s. They were being exposed to toxins constantly and their nutrition was very poor. They had no refrigerators, plumbing, sanitation, etc.
I stated ‘rural’ communities specifically anticipating this reply, but you replied to what you wanted to reply to anyway, regardless. 😅 Never mind.
Harking back to your previous replies here.
I hope you realise just how illogical it is to suggest that because ‘A’ can account for killing a group of people, therefore ‘A’ must kill all groups of people. This is a post hoc fallacy and an extremely obvious one.
Please remember, absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence, Not being able to prove something isn’t ‘A’ doesn’t mean it is ‘A’.
We are all aware that radiation can kill en masse (although some contest this, there’s always someone here to contest anything, you can depend on that lol), but of course radiation isn’t responsible for killing all large groups. There are a range of different causes.
And yes, without examining the evidence, we can broadly say that any occurrence of mass death COULD actually be caused by something else, but this is a meaningless gish gallop if we aren’t careful.
Likewise, may I point out that me reminding you how to debate logically is not me defending Germ theory. Please remember this for your next reply and it will save you a lot of energy.
It makes natural sense, both for germ and terrain theory, that life expectancy would be lower in urban (more densely populated) areas. Actually there are reports showing both higher and lower life expectancies in cities around the world. In the UK it seems to be the general trend that sparsely populated rural areas have the higher life expectancy.
Perhaps this rules out glyphosate environmental toxicity. I dunno lol. But I’m being facetious.
What is curious to me is that you would expect to see a linear relationship between toxicity and mortality. If we could trace a line on a graph of known environmental toxicity levels, you would expect to see a corresponding line for mortality proceeding it.
Perhaps someone working in terrain theory has produced this data?
What puzzles me, though, is I don’t know how we account for exponential rises in mortality without some form of contagion.
Example: If I dumped a big pile of poison in the middle of my town you wouldn’t see an exponential rise. You would witness a huge spike in mortality as people were initially exposed, and were treading the poison around town and into their homes etc., and then you would see this mortality wane as the poison became diluted in the environment.
What would cause an exponential rise of mortality without some form of contagious disease/dis-ease?
The only thing that could account for this would be some accelerating process, some exponential rise in the release of an environmental toxin. Do we have another mechanism to account for that?
This isn’t me defending germ theory, there are just so many questions.
In terms of combating the authoritarianism which reared up in 2020, though, I find this conversation quite useless.
I mean, I’m on your side – meaning I agree Covid is a load of codswallop – but you’re just not convincing me Terrain theory is all that relevant to how we proceed. It’s clearly a very neglected field of science which can’t really provide solid data to answer basic questions. How do we hope to convince normies that Terrain theory will set them free if you can’t convince me now?
So far Terrain theory has hardly been a rallying cry, has it? Lol
The only point I am willing to defend is that this discussion needs to be a much lower priority right now. We need to be on the same page, not constantly bickering. A2
“a man called james” answered regarding rural people. I would also suggest that statistics regarding rural people’s lifespans in the pre-1900s period were probably not well kept in general.
plus rural people also were living without refrigeration or plumbing. So they too would have some problems
A further suggestion around Terrain theory is that what are alleged to be dangerous mass-killing enemy ‘viruses’ are in fact vitally-useful, friendly exosomes: useful-information messages, with enclosed samples, that healthy bodies put out to inform other bodies that they’ve encountered something going about which needs some adaptive preparation to deal with it: and here’s a brief description, together with a sample. These useful, vital message packets are sown on the wind, like aerial seeds or the pheromone messages that trees send out to their neighbours to warn of a visitation by leaf-eating insects (so flood your leaves with bitters!).
Any body which receives one of these exosomes opens the message and shows it to its immune system, which then gets to work making neutralising antibodies, and at the same time writes the message into its immune-system library for future reference, as needed.
If your interior terrain (an animo-psycho-somatic system, remember, in toto) is robustly-strong and healthy – a fairly rare condition amongst the over-rich people of the world (especially those who’ve been vaccinated and medicated to buggery whilst still vulnerable growing toddlers), as it’s also quite rare amongst a lot of the poverty-oppressed people too… but if it is robust, it deals with the receipt and processing of the message with scarcely any noticeable ‘symptoms’: a bit of fever, inflammation and expectoration, as cleansing, health-promoting processes; other equally mild, or sometimes completely unnoticed, effects. And then the message send-and-receive is complete; rinse, repeat, and pass it on.
On this hypothesis, ‘disease vectors’ are really absolutely vital factors of the constant evolutionary adaptations to any novel challenges that the complexity of the Earth’s life-systems may throw up; essential, deeply-useful, actually beneficial components in the process of evolution.
All you need is robust innate good health, due mainly to genetic good fortune bequeathed by your forebears, plus a healthy lifestyle. If you have this, the ‘disease pathogens’ are your much-needed, essential friends. Only already sub-clinically sick people get ‘ill’ from them.
I have lived by this principle for many years. And even now, in my eighties, I don’t get ill. Sod all ‘covid’. Sod all Winter ills.
(Hint: regular vitamin C intake, rising to big doses when small symptoms of illness make themselves known, are a part of maintaining a robust terrain. We are one of a few species who have genetic glitches which means we don’t make our own supplies of this vital food internally; and our over-prosperous schlubs’ diet doesn’t contain enough to compensate.)
Hello again, One-Ball! Or are you actually like Goebbels… 😂 😂
It’s mainly Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab who claim that…
People with snotty noses are supposed to run out into the street screaming, then burst into flames.
It’s only common decency to do that.
Now all you have to do is tell us how to avoid exposure to the environmental toxins that are in every breath of air we take, every surface we touch and every item of food and drink we ingest.
Then, presumably, we won’t get sick.
Just for reference, it might be worth noting that in Biblical times, the air was unpolluted by toxins, the food was kept pure according to strict rules, and the water was kept drinkable by the use of common sense – like not putting rotting carcasses in it.
Yet masses of people got sick and died anyway.
There’s a lot missing from this picture.
But once we’ve hanged Hancock and Co, I’m sure we can rectify that.
There’s a widespread idea about that plagues and sickness were rife in earlier times, before we had the ‘benefits’ of modern medicine. Sometimes they were, and in those times, you can see the signs still detectable in the remains of the peoples’ bodies that they were living through conditions which were as abysmal healthwise as ours are now. When living conditions were basically good, we were healthy, not constantly wracked with disease.
What gives you the idea that the late Middle Ages, or the life in Eighteenth-Century European cities was in the least bit healthy? No wonder the compromised, chronically sub-clinically sick bodies of those time got ill.
Humankind are wankily adept at giving ourselves chronically bad living conditions. No wonder we get ill.
Ever on watch, One-Ball. Hilarious! 😂
Okay Rhis, I get your point.
But I did refer explicitly to Biblical times.
The Middle Ages were, of course, times of great ignorance, being, as they were, so close to the Dark Ages.
This is all a painfully slow re-learning experience…
‘and it’s true’ – ???? We all know people or stories of people who were very healthy and came down with some stupid disease and died – it’s not true that taking care of yourself will prevent disease – it will certainly make your immune system stronger and more able to fight off disease, but it’s not going to prevent you from getting any disease.
You cannot call someone who is sick “very healthy”.
If you are in truly good health, you can spend all day in a room full of sick coughing people and you will be fine. In fact, you don’t even need to be in fabulous health, because the diseases are not contagious. You will only get sick if your body has received a signal that there are toxins in your body which you need to expel.
Unfortunately, few people are truly in good health in our society. We are generally constantly exposed to poisons every day from numerous different vectors and the vast majority of people are chronically ill to one degree or another due to this.
Also, consider the fact hospitals are able to operate at all. How do the doctors stay healthy when they are constantly being exposed to all kinds of sick people every day? Why are they not constantly taking sick leave? Because being around sick people doesn’t make you sick.
‘You cannot call someone who is sick “very healthy”.’ – nor did I – I said they were very heatlhy, and then they got sick. first they were healthy, and then they were sick. A and then B – not A and B at the same time. Doctors are around ‘unwell’ people all the time, but most of those people do not have dangerous communicable diseases, they’re not very worried about catching a broken arm from someone – and when doctors do deal with truly dangerous communicable diseases like TB or something, they do take appropriate precautions. You don’t seem to have thought this out very well.
It bloody-well is! My eight decades of life is a case in point. Virtually never ill. A stranger to hospitals or doctors, except for treatment of accidental injuries.
Don’t ever change, One-Ball! 😂
Contagion is a myth – scientific experiments during the times of the “Spanish Flu” have shown that.
And what about when not everyone in a household “catches” the flu? Or how about the religious nurses in former times who tended to leprosy sufferers who were isolated on islands, etc. These nurses even kissed their hands and feet as a sign of devotion to some holy principle but remained untouched by the disease. etc. etc.
Another example might be someone arriving from out of town who proceeds to make others in the household sick. This can’t be due to shared toxic burden and must therefore be due to some other method of contagion.
How would terrain theory Account for that?
But this is outlying speculation and doesnt address the core issue I raised.
I think it’s better just to stick to the facts. The statistical data, which demonstrates risk over time, shows 2020 wasn’t an especially deadly/dangerous year, and this was clear early in 2020. This proves that the resulting campaign of terror wasn’t justified or excusable. A2
It’s not our job to explain how everything happens. If you can’t show the proof of your claims, exhibit 1. A virus. Exhibit 2. Virus makes somebody sick. Exhibit 3. Specific symptoms connected to specific virus.
Then you have no claim.
None of this has been done.
Contagion is at the core of their social control agenda yet they can not scientifically prove it exists. It must be shown for the false claim it is.
Have you seen The Viral Delusion Sam?
Well worth your time.
What I like about terrain theory is that it takes the power back. It is empowering. The other aspect I like is that it looks at the environment where the illness occurs, water quality, nutrition, drug intake, living conditions etc. Fix those and the illness goes away, Magic! What would the pill pushes do then?
No, rather than fix the underlying cause, make a systemic societal adjustment, they want to medicate and mask. They like the way things are just fine.
I take this point. I actually agree. I just have a problem with valid criticism of virology morphing into criticising germ theory and contagion and offering terrain theory in its place, as this lacks any discipline. It’s is replacing pseudoscience with pseudoscience. It is clouding the water. It is no way to criticise or challenge the scams being perpetrated under the banner of virology.
Arguing the data is the only responsible way to counter the test-demic madness, grounded in rational science-based thinking, to my mind.
Provided we can agree about this there’s no harm speculating and debating alternatives. I have just had enough with people bowling up here to didactically assert ‘there are no germs!!’ as if this achieves anything. This, in my opinion as admin here, is simply sabotaging things, wittingly or no. A2
Who is this “someone who arrived from out of town” and made the house hold sick? Is this an actual scientific event that took place? If not, why are you using this mythical example as your evidence of germ theory?
In any event, we are still auguring over this, amongst other things. I’ve no problem in one believing in fairies or anything else as long as that someone is not forcing their opinion on me. Furthermore, not forcing their experimental injections and totalitarian society to go with it.
So lets get back on topic with resisting the implementation of the global takeover and the smart city model, rather than repeating the mainstream meme of the week.
I don’t think I am repeating the mainstream meme of the week. I’m just flagging up that you could potentially justify ‘hands/face/space’ more easily with a Terrain Theory.
If you factor in the bio-resonance through water/epigenetics angle then covering up our bio markers might help prevent dis-ease in others.
Therefore, wearing a mask over our facial biomarkers – those places that often express dis-ease, the nose and the mouth – might help. The mask would need to be a neutral symbol and medically non-discriminatory ie. something associated with neither sick or well people exclusively, something worn by everyone, regardless of their state of health or profession. In this way, the medical-looking masks we’ve all been wearing fit the bill perfectly.
We could also cover up our detox odours, again with something medically neutral, with hygienic associations. Isopropyl gel again might be a perfect solution.
Again in terms of avoiding spreading our waterborne bio resonance, maintaining a bit more distance from other people would overall help. Say 6 feet minimum.
It could save someone’s life. You’d be doing these things to protect other people.
My point is you can weaponise anything. It isn’t tje system”s fault if it’s weaponised, no matter how flawed the system might be.
Are you aware of the FOI request relating to the number of Scottish doctors and nurses who died because of convid?
The answer is zero.
Surely impossible if viral contagian was real?
viral contagion is real, COVID is not.
My examples – especially the extensive trials during the Spanish flu and further similiar trials since then – definitely show that contagion does not occur, or else everyone having been exposed to the phlegm of sick people would have gotten sick too.
Your example is valid too, however, it does not prove contagion.
Perhaps the mechanisms are still not elucidated but I’m betting on the body’s detox mechanism, with phlegm thrown off by the body as a sign of the body’s vitality in being able to even mount such a response. The sicker and devitalised the person, the less they are able to mount such a detox response; they usually die.
I think one thing we lack is adequate scientific exploration of Terrain theory in order to quantify or qualify any of the things we’re discussing.
At the moment I feel I could interpret psychosomatic interactions/bio-resonance into the terrain theory equation and you would have no means by which to challenge me, meaningfully.
It’s all just our opinions as if we’re reviewing a play or something. A2
Agreed. The mechanisms involved are largely guesswork…
Prove to us that Avian flu viruses have ever been shown to exist. Please!!
I am not saying avian flu viruses are real.
I am saying that statistically speaking, known very early on, no one was at unusually elevated risk in 2020 or 2021. Therefore the terror campaign conducted by government and media can’t be justified.
I am also saying that terrain theory can be weaponised and used to justify authoritarian masking and social distancing etc. just as easily using the principles of waterborne bio resonance. In fact I think it makes more logical sense in a terrain theory model.
Therefore I don’t know what we think tearing down germ theory is going to achieve in this struggle, except waste a lot of energy while subjecting ourselves to needless, debilitating ridicule in the process.
I think anything can be weaponised. It’s a mistake to blame the system, as flawed as the system is.
I often find that when there are two or more different narratives it can be helpful to look at those narratives and see which one(s) are built on a foundation of fear and which ones would be more useful to evil tyrants to help push their agendas forward, lets take terrain theory vs germ theory or example:
terrain theory allows one to take control of their own health by understanding that it is toxins in the environment that make us ill and symptoms are a way for the body to expel toxins, so this includes toxins from chemically sprayed foods, toxins in water such as fluoride, toxins in the air and toxins that are injected, using this model it is much easier to gain control of ones own health by avoiding those kinds of toxins where possible and if enough people understand this then they could possibly manage to get rid of the people who are intentionally forcing these toxins upon us.
germ theory on the other hand is all about invisible never proven to exist monsters coming to attack you and you should be very scared of them, in order to defeat the very scary invisible never proven to exist monster you need all kinds of big pharma chemicals that more often than not do more harm to ones health than good which mostly turns people into repeat customers of big pharma, most until they eventually die.
If i was a evil tyrant i’m pretty sure which narrative i would choose to forward my agendas.
I am by no means an expert as i only discovered terrain theory while all this covid nonsense was going on but i do think viewing narratives by the amount of fear they are built on or pushing is a good way to help decide for oneself if it is nonsense.
Something to think about.
It is not an even playing field. Factor in fear of change and fear of the unknown.
While some people are afraid of viruses whizzing around, I argue more people are afraid of change and the unknown.
Therefore, attempting to supplant germ theory with the overall vague and little-researched Terrain Theory is making people more fearful, not less.
And this in turn can be weaponised.
Normies dimly know the mainstream narrative doesn’t really make sense, and this dim awareness frightens them. Talking about supplanting Western medicine confirms their fears in the worst possible way and overloads them.
And their critical faculties go back to sleep and are in no danger of reawakening any time soon. Another win for the great reset.
Tapping into this, I think the term ‘germ theory denier’ is going to be amped up for just this reason. It might be no surprise if a drive to further delegitimise covid skeptics is taking place, since the term ‘anti-vaxxer’ is starting to seriously lose clout lately lol
Some people here don’t believe in divide and rule, apparently, but I very much do. This is another very important consideration.
All this needless bickering here is giving Klaus Schwab a massive boner. A2
“Terrain Theory is making people more fearful, not less.”
This is the complete opposite of my own experience, when i came to understand that germ theory is nothing but pseudoscience it removed all that fear that i had been programmed with and replaced it with knowledge about what is really causing most illness therefore giving me a better understanding of my own health, but as i say this is just from my own experience.
What makes you say that it is making more people fearful, what is your evidence of this?
The evidence of history. Germ theory is propped up by a colossal institute of ‘science’ or, as many would describe it, ‘science as religion’. Institutionalised people fear change and unknowns more than any other. Historical success at shifting scientific/religious paradigms is slow, drawn out and often bloody. How far along this road do you consider Terrain Theory to be?
i agree lb
Just to add a little to my reply (that seems to have vanished)
I have not seen anyone who has properly looked into terrain theory be made more fearful it has been the complete opposite, everyone that i have seen who understands terrain theory and understands that germ theory is pseudoscience does not fear they are suddenly going to become sick at any time like those that believe in germ theory, they understand that most illness can be avoided by avoiding toxins as much as possible and they do not fear colds or flu because they understand that that is the body’s way of getting rid of toxins yet somehow you think it causes more fear, i do not understand why you think that, even by your own comment where you say “Factor in fear of change and fear of the unknown.” okay, but that is not because of terrain theory that is because of willful ignorance, you can’t blame terrain theory for that.
Terrain theory is full of holes. Epigenetics, morphogenetic resonance, cytamic resonance and other types of bio resonance are often discussed, like Cowen’s waterborne bio-resonance argument. No one has any clear idea of the parameters of these phenomena and you certainly can’t provide that right now.
However, something is required to explain the usual exponential rise of seasonal illnesses as seen in epidemiology. Environmental toxins would result in linear rates of illness, not exponential.
Some form of contagion is taking place and I’ve seen terrain theory often justify this with talk of bio-resonance. Therefore, many argue, Terrain Theory is largely a distinction without a difference, and given no one believes it anyway arguing the toss over it is academic and self-sabotaging.
Germ theory is total pseudoscience, their own experiments prove that it is pseudoscience including the experiments they have done trying to prove contagion, you guessing it is contagion is just your guess, if all the research and funding was not focused on the pseudoscience of germ theory we could have better understanding of what exactly is going on.
Do you think that when someone yawns and then other people do that this is because of a contagious virus, no because that is nonsense just like the whole of germ theory.
I feel as if you missed my point. Terrain theory science is almost non-existent. Therefore we’re discussing supplanting one set of bad science with another. Terrain theory is not de facto true if germ theory ends up being false, you know?
I think there probably are big holes in the germ theory model, bit absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence necessarily. A2
aye but terrain theory chimes imo whereas germ theory goes clunk and breeds profound fear (130 year rockefeller perpetuated petrochemical medical fraud) to most. whereas i agree with lb, i find these terrain ideas empowering tbh
Just because i know for certain what something is not does not mean i know for certain what something is.
When you understand that something in not what it is claimed to be, as in germ theory being complete nonsense that does not mean you need to know for certain what something is in order to prove that the thing that is not is not what it is, some people think that in order for germ theory to be proven nonsense then something else must be known for certain in its place, that is idiotic, for example if i said that i know for certain that the Moon is not made out of cheese but that i do not know for certain what it is made of then that must mean that the Moon is made out of cheese simply because i do not know for certain what it is made of, as i said idiotic.
To get a better understanding of health instead of thinking that scary invisible never proven to exist monsters are out to get you and spreading to other people i suggest people read What Really Makes You Ill? by Dawn Lester and David Parker.
terrain theory gives me confidence in myself, it is up to me what i eat, where i live, who i interact with, how much time i spend outside in as natural environment as possible, what i do for leisure, what i read etc etc we all live in/with toxicity of every description and shade but in my mind it is always about damage limitation in everything i do. it’s the only thing i have a semblance of control over, my immediate terrain.
germ theory is scientific dogma designed to scare the shit out of folks imho
100% agreed, even if terrain theory has not proven everything that can make a person ill just knowing that germ theory is complete pseudoscience removes all that programmed fear which is good for ones health in itself.
Your glossing over and distracting from the facts that 1) no respiratory disease has ever been shown to be contagious, 2) the many attempts to demonstrate contagion completely failed, and 3) many “terrain theory” people know this and don’t try to account for unproven/hypothetical contagion.
Rising/falling in actual sicknesses can have many causes. No need to invoke unproven contagion. And records/statistics are manipulated in many ways. For example, the convid statistics are totally fraudulent and meaningless and don’t even signify sickness, and the numbers can easily be made to go up or down by changing the diagnostic criteria (which has happened many times) and the test protocols and the amount of testing.
How would a mask or/and standing further apart prevent people from visually noticing that someone is wiping their nose or that their body is jerking due to a sneeze?
Should people let running snot accumulate in their mask in order to visually shield from noticing them wiping their noses?
Since when are people so weak and pathetic that we need to be visually shielded from such mundane aspects of life?
Would this not dumb people down ever further?
How do you “visually shield” the sound of a sneeze or sniff?
Is is healthy to put isopropyl alcohol on your face every time you go out?
Is it healthy or fair for the people near you who have to breath that crap?
What are the psychological, psychosomatic and bio-resonant effects of behaving so ridiculously?
Most importantly: help stop what spread of what? Demonstrate contagion first.
No one “has to” account for anything in order to refute a theory or claim. The onus is on the one making the positive claim, to prove their claim.
You’re missing the point. I’m not saying masks etc. would literally help in a terrain situation, I am saying they can be justified the same sort of way.
In fact everyone adopted masks etc. despite the fact germ theory science has never supported this.
It didn’t stop anyone.
I am curious as to why everyone assumes germ theory makes it easier to justify masks etc., therefore. To my mind terrain theory makes it easier to justify it. A2
Is this admin’s time where my donations go?
Yes. If you disagree with this moderator’s efforts to keep this comment forum moderate then by all means reach out to OffG at our email. Thank you. A2
I hear both of these theories but myself can’t be sure which is wrong and which is right. The contagion is an experience that all of us have in our life. When I was a child I caught all the childhood diseases from my older brother.
Did you see the diseases being expelled from your brother’s body and entering your nose and mouth?
Did you ‘see’ the terrain making you sick?
I dunno, you smoke the right stuff you can see all kinds of interesting things …
Most peoples lived experience.
You cant be sure ?
‘In many ways, terrain theory is a distinction without a difference.’
When women live together they start to cycle together. We resonate with each other. Why did you get sick and not your Mother or Father? One suggestion is that during a childes growth spurts the body needs to remove a lot of connective tissue which children do through the skin. If your body at the does not have the right balance of nutrients for this process the transition may not be as smooth as other children. Another suggestion is separation anxiety, at 4 or 5 you are dropped off with a group of strangers for the day. Can be quite traumatic and could cause a physiological response.
I think the period syncing thing is not scientifically established. It remains anecdotal, with the general consensus being it probably doesn’t happen. There have been various studies, and I wouldn’t have thought it would be that difficult to determine either way, especially with period tracking apps nowadays et cetera., but apparently it’s not definitive but nevertheless doubtful.
If we can put any real store in what science thinks of course lol
My Mother and Father already had these childhood illness when they’re kids so they have immunity . No they didn’t let me and my tween sister(which was at the same time ill) with no stranger even for a hour.
Which “both”? My post was about contagion theory. Someone who set outto figure out how (and not “if”) the “Spanish” (Kansas) Flu was transmitted, Dr Milton Rosenau of the US Navy, failed to create a single case of transmission in dozens of tries.
one study doesn’t prove anything, you’d need some number of replications by reputable and qualified people, etc, to even start to say this is significant – there could have been any number of reasons for the ‘failure’ of this guy to get whatever his desired or expected results were. We’ve seen in the last few years quite a few studies ‘proving’ masks were effective, all of which were easily debunked once the details of the ‘studies’ were checked by people who knew what they were doing. etc etc
c’mon you downvoter, tell us who you are that thinks one study can ‘prove’ something???? On team Fauci maybe???
What makes you think it was just ‘one study’? It wasn’t.
This was an extensive study, dozens of subjects, done in both Boston and San Francisco. And it has been replicated. Numerous other studies failed to show contagion for other ailments.
Just to add that my children didn’t get any of these childhood diseases and I presume because they’re vaccinated for measles etc
Also I can say for sure that despite the flu vaccine they get sick every winter so I stopped vaccinated them for the flu .
maybe it was the flu vaccine that was causing them to get sick.
that’s a good point (contagion seems to have a lot more good points than positing some imaginary non-contagion mechanism for common diseases) – when I was young back in the dark ages of the 1950s, common things like the measles, mumps and chicken pox were just part of the world, every year many or most of the kids got these things, got a few days off school, and went back to school with full immunity, never to catch them again. And most of us in small town Ontario were reasonably healthy by then, ate good country diets of ‘real food’ and got lots of exercise – seems to me kind of difficult to work what I’ve read of the ‘terrain theory’ into that kind of thing.
well, if contagion theory is *not* valid, I’m wondering what you’d have to say about the pretty well established fact that a big part of the decimtion of the native Americans was due to the introduction of diseases like smallpox and syphillis into the generally (before the European corruption of them with alchohol etc) very healthy ‘high quality terrain’ population by the colonizers? And if you can work your way through that, I’m also curious about the ‘must be A or B’ attitude of most people talking about that – why not some of both?? Answers are usually found in the middle rather than the extremes.
That is NOT a well-established fact, and in fact many are contesting this notion, saying that a loss of habitat and way of life was what decimated them.
Do they wear tinfoil hats to believe that twaddle?
*This is my bingo card of jab pushers that may potentially do a Malhotra-esque flip-flop. There’s a few likely ones in there and a couple of long shots. Who will be the first flip-flopper?
Bare in mind Nigel Frauge has already, so has Ben shillco from intelligence outfit daily wire,
internet algorithm Jiden Patterson, Jimmy Dore, Freespeech hero Musk awakened and did the flip-flop after his 4th. Dr John Campbell flip flopped after getting his 5th. just another sewer Julia Hartley Brewer had 2 . Double jabbed Dr boloney flip flopped at 2.
Lord Sumpton truther from the simpletons still hasn’t flip flopped.
Ron destantis sold the safe and effective hasn’t flip flopped but wants an inquiry,
Fakeactivistpost flip flop on 2.Could Trump do the flipflop,
*Turn Off Your Tv News
What do all those idiots have in common? They all push for the jab and demonise anyone intelligent enough to refuse it.
Uggh. That’s a horrible snapshot of influencers in the UK. Just think of all the people who sit in front of the TV all day and night, volume up, SMART tv monitoring their every utterance and irradiating them, sucking up the souls of these demonic entities. It’s no wonder the people of the UK have become so weird, they spend their whole lives tuned in to this absolute evil – the UK MSM.
Some of your favourite people!
Feb 5, 2023
“When they go low, you go high”
@DrAseemMalhotra on dealing with recent attempts at character assassination by the mainstream press.
Pandemic Strategies, Lessons and Consequences
Stockholm [Syndrome], 21st- 22nd January 2023
Jan 30, 2023
I personally know Esther Rantzen and she is the opposite of evil. This is the unwitting indoctrination of public figures by a psychopathic entity that is Big Pharma. It was a deliberate strategy from their corporate playbook. Only truth will ultimately liberate us from hell
Posted in reply to:
Jan 29, 2023
A montage of extraordinarily evil people
[2 minute video which includes a statement by Rantzen]
Note; Twitter has locked the views at 1.1M – for nearly a week!
Jan 30, 2023
Nov 15, 2022
a bird flew onto my shoulder today, there was no concern, because I know how to spell.
What do you do if a bird shits on your jacket? Pack her in.
That is a good one.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-02-04. #mRNA gene therapy – Moderna et al admitted it. Masks Do Nothing Stop CV & They Knew It All Along (blog, gab, tweet).
The Covid op was the first time the human “herd” were directly attacked by adversaries. Farm animals, however, have been suffering this kind of thing for many years. Bovine TB for example, is an annual cliffhanger when the vet comes to conduct the compulsory “test”. (Not all areas have annual testing) A healthy-looking cow can be automatically sent for slaughter if she appears to have been “exposed” to bTB. It’s a cheap and highly suspect skin reaction test.
Our 400 free-range organic laying hens are suffering yet another “lockdown”, making their lives miserable and the “free-range” status almost meaningless.
BSE, Foot and mouth, swine flu, now avian flu…livestock farming is already tightly regulated and controlled and each new freakish disease scare leads to more government intervention and less freedom for farmers. It is a depressing and discouraging trend.
Are you the Brian of Nazareth of the famous Monty Python Biggus Dickus scene?
It is wise if you succumb to this depressing trend to avoid Canada as you would undoubtedly be a prime candidate for their MAID department.
Of course the whole avian flu is bollocks, based on a fake rt-PCR test. In rare cases where symptoms are present, they are probably caused by toxins deliberately added to food. I recently built a henhouse condo but have not yet populated it. I will rely on my chicken feed from local farmers. In the USSA they will destroy a huge flock if one chicken tests positive. It is obviously a technique to induce famine and switch the diet to zee bugs. I wonder when they will start exterminating entire human communities when anyone should fake test positive for the avian flu. China already came damn close.
Yeah, Terry Gilliam went much further with the prophetic film “Brazil” which has some of the darkest humour as found in a totalitarian nightmare.
Seriously though, my choice would be to feed backyard chickens with domestic food scraps and collect the same from friends and neighbors if possible. Then you can give surplus eggs to the people who are helping and you have a nice low-cost low-input food system.
Sorry Admin: Fuck these moronic fear monger. Not buying anything they are selling. Not that I did when the ludicrous “deadly” covid hit our shores. We are still probably the most unvaxxed populace (South Africa) and nada is happening here. They have finally removed all those ridiculous “safely apparatus” – screens, alcohol based dispensers and social distancing and of course the absurd masks.
Wish the Europeans and Americans would grow a pair and tell their respective health authorities and ‘government’ officials to eff off. Biden needs a klap (a real literal physical one) and I am quite happy to slap him sillier that he already is. No charge.
I don’t think I’ve seen many of the “temporary” screens being removed in supermarkets – a sad indictment of our pussy society. It’s almost as if they’re wishing another reason to keep them there so they can demonstrate their unwavering compliance one more time.
I notice the staff here at Specsavers and Boots pharma dispensaries are still wearing their masks religiously.
Very sad.
Yes, very sad, well said Andrew, and an excellent reason not to transact with them. Crooks!
Yeah, Andrew, I live in the same part of the world and it has been good to see Covid go, with all its trappings. Although many of us did not take the vaxx, many also did. I’m not sure we grew a pair and told out health authorities to eff off. Seems to me most people complied. Be interesting to see if there is a reintroduction of the measures how many would comply. I’d place a bet that most would, and that a good klap to the heads of those people wouldn’t be amiss!
Aye Ian, yes there were too many wannabees all wanting some type of authority and thus forced us to comply. In our pub, there was no masking mandate and although some did get the shot, The consensus was ‘each too their own’ and most took Ivermectin, got as much sun and exercised more. Only those who were sadly on their last legs (so to speak) are now no longer here. Traveling was an incentive for most to take the shot if I speak to my friends around the country. I know the majority of the people I know didn’t. Live in paradise (the problems of water, electricity and the rioting; notwithstanding), so travelling was not high on our priority list. NSC (lower south coast) is relatively sparsely populated, so except for a few nasty people we went to the beach without any problem. That fool Cele did not come and bother us. What a bizarre 3 years it’s been.
Any bets on how many are going to be suckered by this. Crying wolf too often wears out people’s credulousness. That’s been apparent several times already as tentative trial balloons have been floated repeatedly since people began to weary of the covid hysteria; and all have proved to be lead balloons so far.
I believe monkey pox only ceased to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern last week. Apart from a few power-crazy doctors who saw yet another opportunity to shine, nobody took any notice of it in spite of the effort to make it more scary by calling it the M pox.
Right! Monkey pox is a racist term, though I do not know the exact logic behind that WOKE WHO assertion.
I’m not sure of the exact logic either, but I’m recycling this relevant anecdote:
Identity politics, now “Woke”, culture warriors get so absurdly and comically tangled in their virtue-signaling attempts to purge and sanitize language and usage that they trip over themselves.
In the 1990s, I worked for a Pennsylvania state agency. The state legislature deemed that our increasingly computerized service didn’t need a proper IT Department. Instead, as computer equipment was installed in field offices statewide, the agency budget could only afford to provide actual technical training to a small group in our Central Office (CO) in Harrisburg.
For the rest of the state, management selected non-technical employees considered to be “good with computers” to set up the new equipment. We “automation coordinators” relied on simplified written instructions provided by the half-trained Central Office cadre; they were referred to as “chimp instructions” for obvious reasons– they were so basic and simplified that even a chimp could follow them. So you’d get a memo or telephone call from CO automation staff saying something like, “The new printers are coming next week with chimp instructions for setting them up.”
After a few years of this, we were suddenly notified that the state Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) had received a “complaint” about the term “chimp instructions”; the term was forthwith banned and considered strictly taboo– Streng Verboten! The explanation was that the term “could be considered racist”, with a strong implication, or insinuation, that it had been popularized in the first place by the white, bright Central Office automation group as a subliminal racist jab directed to the non-white automation coordinators around the state.
The EEOC fixated on the tragic and repugnant historical fact that in the past, reprehensible racial bigots invidiously disparaged blacks as simian-like, or even inferior descendants and “relatives” of simians. When such deplorable tropes or memes are catalogued in the Identity Politics Big Book of High Crimes, they are perforce embalmed and perpetuated– they simply can’t be discredited, abandoned, and allowed to fade away.
As it happens, I worked in Philadelphia with a preponderance of black co-workers. None of them had ever regarded the term “chimp instructions” as racist, or as an offensively snide jab at them. They certainly didn’t make a pejorative connection between “chimp instructions” and themselves. In fact, they were embarrassed by all the bureaucratic fuss ostensibly made on their behalf.
Ironically, it was the EEOC directive itself that revived and reified the historic slur, and reinforced the dubious concluson that the term “chimp instructions” had undeniable racist undertones. After all, stamping out racism and bigotry is the EEOC’s raison d’être. 🐒 🤔
I bet the herds of modern moron slaves will BEG for the new m[iracle]RNA jab for the next thing!
Are they already using the muzzle?!
Not after they hear mr. shot Billy MS BS has denounced the technology and divested himself of the company that was it’s creator. Monster…
The “common cold”, flu and influenza are coronaviruses. Even with a bogus “novel coronavirus” real scientists will tell you no vaccines can/will eradicate them because they constantly mutate and change. So these liars and con men keep pumping out the fear porn and propaganda to gin up high levels panic and anxiety that will enable them to sell more of their toxic/lethal injections and grab more and more power.
Notice during the run up to the COVID scam there was little to no mention about the human immune system being sufficient enough all by itself (aided by us eating nutritious foods, hydrating, getting adequate rest and exercise etc.) to protect us from anything nature and the mad scientists bring. It has been this way for millennia but the “experts’ and misanthropes have duped us into thinking mRNA concoctions are the panacea.
At this stage of disclosure, any adult who takes, other than at gunpoint (and even that is arguable), any mRNA genetic “therapy” deserves their Darwin Award.
Yes, but the mRNA concoctions are the new wonder “cure” and the plutocrats big meal ticket to more deaths, more money more power and more control.
Have I got this right?
The fox enters the henhouse and eats an infected chicken. Later on, the fox attacks a bear (for some reason) and the bear becomes infected. In its flu-induced delirium, the bear falls into a river, disturbing an otter, who (defending its territory) bites the bear. Finally, the otter swims out into the ocean, where it encounters a dolphin.
Yes, I could see how this is possible.
Wrong on all counts. It’s because none of them were wearing a mask.
Hey, it’s no dumber than a Chinaman eating a bat, then infecting an Iranian, who, in turn, infects northern Italian, who then infects the rest of the world!
In the US there’s no mention of bird flu. When anything is amplified it’s COVID (no mention of variants on the network stations – that’s just confusing). Those who believe in the “pathogenic virus” will respond to the one psychological suggestion: COVID.
Not sure what’s going on in Britain, it’s hard enough to deal with the multitude of psy-ops being presented daily in the US without amplifying nonsense – which it seems “bird flu” has always been.
The jab is for COVID. Repeat after me: there’s three threats: nuclear war, climate change and COVID.
Since we live under a consumer paradigm, consumption requires novelty. As that fades (as do all fads) than these will dissipate. Nuclear war just doesn’t get the kind of “bang” it use to under the psy-op referred to as Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So it plays a secondary role.
All of this is staged, very real for the victims nonetheless.
Climate change is not a threat. It’s another lie.
“She has gone off to join Jim Jones and find The Rapture.”

“Cull! Cull! Cull! Reducing humanity’s carbon foot print and saving Granny Gaia one foot print at a time. Aren’t Corporate Fascism and Eugenics grand?”
Ain’t gonna be no human-generated eugenicist big-cull, SCoop, because no humans – including the simple-minded pillocks who think they’re inherently superior to the rest of us – aren’t up to it. We simply haven’t got the global organisational capability, despite all the hararoid delusions.
Fortunately, the – real – population overshoot that we’re in currently will be resolved anyway, by the usual Gaian correction feedback processes, whatever we do or don’t do.
We really do think we’re much more important and godlike-capable than we really are, laughable loons that we are.
(Thanks for all the downvotes! I’m here all week! 😆 )
You’re welcome, downvote for buying eugenicist over-population bullshit. Good grief, haven’t you worked out what the Huxley’s, Harari, Gates, Operation Paperclip types etc were up to yet? Over-population is one of the foundational lies of the paradigm they are attempting to force us into. If you follow your own logic, who the hell do you think you are wanting to stick around for a whole EXTRA week?
There are 37.4 million people in Tokyo. Haven’t you worked out what something like that means?
Why is it that every other species (save insects) that have been studied suffer certain very predictable consequences when the population exceeds their environment’s carrying capacity – yet humans are the sole exception?
Thanks Howard, You say it for me. Automatically, to the fanatic ‘There’s NO human over-population!!!!’ loons, anyone who can see the obvious fact that hom-sap is currently in a population-overshoot episode, must – OF COURSE!!! – be a eugenicist. Pathetic innit? For the record, as I’ve often said before, I spit on eugenicists for the superiority-complexed, malignant fools that they are. But we’re STILL in an overshoot, no question.
For anyone who has the balls to face up to the realities, take a listen to this two-hour podcast conversation between Nate Hagens and systems ecologist Prof. Emeritus William Rees. And then go on insisting that the Earth can accommodate yet more humans, and there are NO limits to effing growth! Jesus, fanatic troobleevers are such a laff! 😆
Sorry Sam. I was having difficulty juggling two items at once on my ‘copy’ facility! Computer illiterate! 😀
Thanks Howard, You say it for me. Automatically, to the fanatic ‘There’s NO human over-population!!!!’ loons, anyone who can see the obvious fact that hom-sap is currently in a population-overshoot episode, must – OF COURSE!!! – be a eugenicist. Pathetic innit? For the record, as I’ve often said before, I spit on eugenicists for the superiority-complexed, malignant fools that they are. But we’re STILL in an overshoot, no question.
For anyone who has the balls to face up to the realities, take a listen to this two-hour podcast conversation between Nate Hagens and systems ecologist Prof. Emeritus William Rees. And then go on insisting that the Earth can accommodate yet more humans, and there are NO limits to effing growth! Jesus, fanatic troobleevers are such a laff! 😆 😆
Hilarious how One-Ball is right there every time, innit? Always one angry little down-vote. Laff? I’m wetting meself! 😂
“The Pharma-Con Racket have an enslavement plan for all the untermeschen useless eaters that make it through the Big Cull. How considerate.”

“Screw misinformation, this is clearly a cloud vaccine to spread across the United States. Not some Chinese spy balloon! These CT’s are out there. Safe and effective.”
Then again the pandemic pop parade has a few misses. Recall these?
The folk falling dead in the street dance.
The mighty Monkeypox Mambo.
And generally speaking – the climate clog dance. Nobody cares about it.
But who knows? Maybe the Birdy Dance will take off this time?
Nice article Kit. But I think you’re getting over-excited when you type it:
“Becuase of course it does…..
I got up this morning and a had a very satisfying shit.
In fact it was 500% more satisfying than anything I have ever heard a politician say.
I remember the precise moment when I knew the covid fiasco was a … fiasco.
It was when Johnson first uttered the words: “We are going to follow the science…”
“There is nothing so overrated as sex, and nothing so underrated as a good bowel movement”
— Mark Twain
That’s the first time I have ever pitied Mark Twain.
What a spoiler quote…
I don’t suppose it occurred to him to combine the two, but now I’m being disgusting.
So, apologies to sensitive souls.
One of these eggs?: