The Consent Factory

CJ Hopkins

So, Matt Taibbi is going after the Consent Factory. No, not my blog. The actual Consent Factory. The unimaginably powerful, mostly decentralized, global-capitalist propaganda apparatus that manufactures what passes for “reality” in our increasingly totalitarian age. Or he is going after the US division of it, anyway.

Needless to say, I’m pretty excited.

Why am I so excited, you ask? Haven’t I been hopping up and down and bouncing off the walls of my enclosure hooting and screeching about how the so-called “Twitter Files” are a “limited hangout” and hurling verbal feces at all and sundry involved like an agitated baboon?

Well, yes, in fact, I have. And I intend to keep on doing that. But here’s what I’m excited about. Pay close attention to the job description in Matt’s recent help-wanted ad for freelancers:

“[W]e’re trying to map a new wing of the U.S. government’s propaganda apparatus that popped into view thanks to the Twitter Files. State-directed censorship is scary, but the more disturbing activity we’re seeing inside companies like Twitter involves what you might call ‘offensive’ information operations, a type of aggressive official messaging that all governments practice but is supposed to be restricted by law in the United States.”

Matt goes on to explain the background of the project:

“In a remarkably short time since the end of the Obama presidency, the U.S. government has funded an elaborate network of NGOs and think-tanks whose researchers call themselves independent ‘disinformation experts.’ They describe their posture as defensive — merely ‘tracking’ or ‘countering’ foreign disinformation — but in truth they aggressively court both the domestic news media and platforms like Twitter, often becoming both the sources for news stories and/or the referring authorities for censorship requests. The end result has been relentless censorship of, and mountains of (often deceptive) state-sponsored propaganda about, legitimate American political activity.”

OK, sure, Matt’s Racket News project will almost certainly be limited in scope to operations in the United States, and will probably still be a limited hangout to the degree that it presents a propaganda/disinformation/censorship model wherein power flows downward from the US government to the corporate media and social-media corporations in the outmoded despotic (i.e., Orwellian) fashion that everyone is used to understanding the functioning of oppressive power according to, and I’ll definitely hoot and screech about that.

However, at least as far as I’m aware, this project will be the first attempt by any high-profile independent journalist to investigate and report on an essential component of the aforementioned official-propaganda apparatus in any kind of systematic manner (“systematic” being the important term here, as we’re talking about a cohesive system, and not a series of arbitrary individual actions).

Or at least that sounds like what Matt has in mind.

If Matt and the Racket team pull this off, it will be quite a journalistic accomplishment, which will be totally ignored, perfunctorily dismissed, branded “far-right disinformation,” and then methodically visibility filtered by the official propaganda-and-disinformation apparatus that the project intends to expose a part of.

That is, unless they are extremely careful, and restrict their reporting to certain designated areas within the Consent Factory campus, in which case, well … you know, awards, book deals, television appearances, the whole nine yards.

I like and respect Matt, and I’d like to see that happen for him. So, I want to do what I can to help. I am not a researcher or an infographics designer, but I thought I could point out some “no-go zones” that he and his team will need to avoid if they want to preserve any chance in hell of not being formally excommunicated from the Church of Seriousness and cast out into the Outer Darkness of the Nethernet where David Icke and Alex Jones hang out and you don’t show up on Google searches.

OK, the first and most important thing that Matt and his team will need to avoid is the fact that the U.S. government is not what has been waging a global War on Dissent, and a global War on Populism, and conducting a global Gleichschaltung campaign whereby societies throughout the world are being ideologically “synchronized” and purged of any and all forms of deviance from global-capitalist ideology since approximately the Summer of 2016. So they will need to stick to the domestic U.S. story and ignore all that “global-capitalism” stuff … which, OK, that could get kind of awkward, given the existence of the rest of the world.

In order to successfully ignore all that stuff — which, knowing Matt, he will be tempted to delve into — they will absolutely need to commit to not hiring a slew of international researchers and convincing Elon Musk to grant them access to the global “Twitter Files” from countries like the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Australia, Canada, et cetera, so that they can report on how the global-capitalist propaganda apparatus operated in virtually perfect lockstep, globally, from 2020 to 2022, and is still operating, in virtually perfect lockstep, globally, right this very minute.

That means they will need to give a wide berth to the official Covid-pandemic narrative and all the government and corporate propaganda and visibility-filtering connected therewith, which was clearly a global enterprise of which the U.S. government was only one part. They will need to pretend that some sort of “Chinese wall” exists between the stories of the PSYOP commonly known as “Russiagate” (a/k/a The War on Populism) and the PSYOP commonly known as “the Pandemic,” and report on the former as if the latter had almost nothing to do with the former, and were not an extension and evolution of the former, as the former was an extension of the War on Terror, which they will also need to give a wide berth to, or else the history of the last 33 years might end up looking like the evolution of some globally hegemonic system (like, for example, global capitalism) toward some ultimate totalitarian morphology.

Basically, they will need to avoid the whole “global-capitalism” thing entirely and report their story as if the world were comprised of competing sovereign nation-states that were acting in their national interests, and for the benefit of their citizens, and so on, and not just a bunch of interdependent global-capitalist administrative entities staffed by fascist maniacs and greedy, half-witted functionaries who couldn’t care less about their fellow citizens, much less their so-called “democratic rights,” and who would gladly establish a global market for their children’s organs if they thought they could get away with it.

Opening up that can of worms would lead them straight into the heart of the Consent Factory (again, not my little blog, but the decentralized, supranational network of governments, global corporations, non-governmental governing entities, financial behemoths, corporate and state media, the majority of the Culture Industry, et cetera).

Once inside, they could get lost in there forever, crawling down rabbit holes, pulling at strings, unraveling something that can never be unraveled, or not completely in any event, and which most people don’t want to see unraveled, not even just a little bit, because, once you see it, you can’t unsee it, and soon you start to see it everywhere, and before you know it you end up raving about the CIA assassinating Kennedy, or NATO blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, or neo-Nazis in the Ukraine, or whatever.

Another area that Matt and his Racket team will need to studiously avoid when digging through the “Twitter Files” that Elon Musk is granting them unrestricted and unconditional access to is any evidence of how the new Free-Speech Twitter is continuing, and actually intensifying, its visibility-filtering of political speech … especially political speech that does not fit neatly into a red/blue paradigm, or that reminds the public about how the Covid-PSYOP was a global PSYOP that was rolled out all at once, globally, and not just a series of “well-intentioned overreactions” and “mistakes,” and so on.

Reporting on Twitter’s current and intensified censorship and visibility-filtering activities (and whichever other entities are currently involved therewith) will only detract from the reporting on Twitter’s former censorship and visibility-filtering activities (and the other entities involved therewith), and confuse people, and leave them feeling hopeless, and depressed, and suspicious of the actual motives of its owner, a billionaire military/Intelligence community contractor.

I know Matt, so I know it will be hard to resist the temptation to delve into all these forbidden areas of inquiry and “no-go” zones, and stick to the past-tense domestic story, but, as a friend and colleague who has been consigned to the aforementioned ignominious Nethernet, I would urge him to exercise some self-discipline and refrain from any such reckless delving. He is not going to do anyone any good by going full-Howard Beale on Substack, and getting himself and Glenn Greenwald horridly machine-gunned to death on System Update by GloboCap-sponsored Bolsonaran guerillas. And the story he’s setting out to report will be a big, fat, big-titted hit in itself!

There’s no need to go after the entire Consent Factory and depress the living hell out of everyone. After all, that’s what blogs like the Consent Factory are for.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Feb 17, 2023 10:10 PM


German Press Discusses Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud. Will “Covid Reckoning” Follow?

Tommy Jensen
Tommy Jensen
Feb 19, 2023 8:37 PM
Reply to  A German

There is Britain and then the stupid Continent.
Britain had to maintain order on the Continent when Napoleon raised himself to Emperor, when Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, and when Hitler thought he outperform London.
Now Germany is fumbling around in European matters again.

Feb 16, 2023 7:38 AM

The Declaration of Human Rights basically means that humanity still lives in many kinds of slavery.

Otherwise, there would be no need for the Declaration.

The very need indicates that people have been deceived for thousands of years.

We has been deceived in such a cunning way that unless we rise above ourselves, we cannot see in what invisible chains we are living, in what bondage, in what invisible prisons we are confined!

The whole history of politics consists only of two things: war and preparation for war.

Politics, for centuries, has been just killing, destroying people.

It seems that inside the politician, a psychopath instinct is very powerful.

Its only joy is to destroy, to dominate.

It is out of fear that a politician wants power.

It is to hide their fear that they become interested in power trips.

They want great power so that they can feel that there is no fear, “at least not for me.”

All fear is basically death-oriented.

Whatsoever its form, mode, whatsoever its shape, name, all fear is death-oriented.

Recognize that all politicians are deep down unconsciously terrified of their own deaths, paranoid.

They constantly live in fear, fear is their problem.

And because all the politicians live in fear, they are creating a world of paranoia, a fear-oriented world.

All the Americans politicians are so afraid of the Russians rising in power that seventy, eighty percent of their energy is going into creating, planning and fighting the illegal NATO/US/UK war of aggression against Russia.

Their demented president and his terrorist government have now broken international law by destroying the NORD Stream pipeline!

Is China next?

This is so foolish, who is going to stop all this?

This same energy can make the earth a paradise.

There is no need for anybody to be poor in the world anymore.

And if people remain poor, it is only because of these foolish politicians, these fear-oriented politicians.

Is nobody interested in finding out what our priority should be?

Is nobody interested in human life?

When continuously around the world people are dying of hunger, lack of clean drinking water, from poverty from created mRNA vaccination sickness.

Politicians certainly need exposure because as far as I can see, if politicians are exposed completely, humanity, for the first time, will be able to be free from politics.

Going around the world from one nation to another,

I have seen that every nation has been turned into a digital concentration camp by these globalist politicians.

Real political freedom can exist only when there is economic freedom.

Economic freedom has to be the fundamental freedom.

Once you destroy economic freedom, political freedom disappears; and when political freedom disappears, religious freedom disappears.

They are all connected together.

If freedom is to exist in the world, it has to exist in its multi-dimensions – religious, political, economic.

It cannot exist only as political; it cannot exist only as economic.

Freedom is one phenomenon.

It has multi-dimensions to it, but they are all interlinked.

Just think of a country which allows no economic freedom.

How can it be politically free?

That’s why communism cannot create freedom.

It creates “equality”.

Equality means people’s freedom to be unequal has been taken away.

Equality means people who can earn more, who have the talents to earn more, will not be allowed to earn more.

And there are people who have the talents.

Capitalism is the natural evolution of human society.

The most fundamental error that Karl Marx committed was that he was not at all aware of the psychological inequality of human beings.

Communism lacks something very fundamental, the perspective that people are unequal psychologically.

A fair and free world has to give people full freedom to be unequal, to move into their own unique talents, to be themselves

But politicians are not concerned at all what happens to humanity.

Their concern is whether power remains in their hands or not.

Yet everything has deteriorated in their hands, truth, freedom, integrity, honesty, everything of value has just become a commodity to be corrupted by them.

They will sacrifice their whole country, condemn the whole world to death, just to have more power, more nuclear weapons!

It is a very insane kind of society that we have created.

Its insanity has come now to a high peak, there is no going back.

It seems we are all sitting on a nuclear volcano which can explode any moment.

I want to see humanity without being governed by anybody, because each government basically means slavery.

Power should be distributed to everybody.

It should be decentralized, there is no need for power to be centralized.

Centralized, power is bound to corrupt.

With power decentralized, everybody is powerful in their own way.

So what is the need of having politicians or political parties?

Their lust for power has come to the climax.

They are absolutely prepared to destroy each other, to destroy the whole world, life itself, everything.

They are the real criminals.

Before they succeed in committing a global suicide, at least you should have known the intelligence that exists within you.

The time is very short and the work is tremendous, but if you have courage, the challenge can be accepted.

Don’t depend on politicians, they cannot do anything, they are not even aware of where they have been leading humanity, into what darkness.

Before the outside world is destroyed by your politicians, enter your inner world.

Know yourself.

Be yourself.

Use your intelligence.

Share your joy, your silence and your laughter to anybody and everybody you come in contact with.

You cannot give a better gift to your friends, to your acquaintances, to your lovers, to your children.

Spirituality is your hidden treasure.

You have not yet recognized it, but it is here-now already in you.

You are the treasure.  

The ultimate is here-now, it is already the case.

Only a certain awakening is needed.

If you can put aside your mind.

You are already the truth.

The moment you have no mind, the past has disappeared.

You have transcended history, now there is no society, no narrative, no religion, no scripture, no tradition, because they all have their abode in the mind.

Now there is no past, no future, because past and future are part of the mind, the memory and the imagination.

Then you are here and now in the present. 

There will be now and now and now – the eternal now.

Then you are freed completely, you transcend all tradition, all divisions, all history, body, mind, everything.

Here-now, this very moment, you are that which is known as divine.

You have not to go anywhere else.

You are already that which you want to be.

It is not an attainment, but a discovery.

Nothing that is to be achieved somewhere in the future. 

You have only to go into yourself, and that going in, is possible this very moment.

Feb 16, 2023 1:16 AM

Oh, CJ, you are a clever one…well done! Yes, Matt definitely should avoid telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…but will he take your advice? Time will tell. Tick tock.

Feb 16, 2023 12:19 AM


Matt Taibbi dropped all his bollocks, years ago Rolling Stone (US Magazine) – and his Revelation of the Octopus Man Eating Squid Thing …whilst not still possibly working for The Squid??? Goldman Sachs???

Who actually wrote about 9/11 honestly?

I don’t know if you did CJ Hopkins

I have only been reading you for about 10 years.

inc Stage plays…

Unless you are trying to get Matt on stage, why concern yourself with him?

As an interesting character for a stage play…

well look to the Scottish Nicola Sturgeon and Craig Murray Alex Almond, Julian Assange, and even the Young American in Moscow for the last 30 years…

They even bring him out for his latest reaction.

He looks almost exactly like a Techie I used to work with in England, who was totally Brilliant, but then got Religion (Born Again US).

He had a posh southern english accent,,Got fired for being extremely crirical of the management.

he sat right opposite me for over a year.

Still not convinced that Edward Snowden is not the same person

Switching accents – can be done very quickly – if the motivation is there to do it

My wife and I speak working class Lancashire in London and have done for over 40 years.

Its never caused us a problem.

We say what we think.

We are not on the team.


Feb 15, 2023 10:40 PM

Why do I always get deleted here when I praise to everybody your policy on comments?

Feb 15, 2023 10:39 PM

Why do I always get deleted here when I tell everybody you have the BEST policy on commenting.

Will - Admin3
Will - Admin3
Feb 15, 2023 11:22 PM
Reply to  ratty

Are you asking me? Or God?

You’ve never posted before, this is your first. So I don’t know what you’re talking about. Or why you felt the need to ask multiple times in such short succession.


Feb 15, 2023 9:35 PM

“Needless to say, I’m pretty excited”

Me too. I’m just about to read CJ Hopkins latest effort.

It’s like a new Beatles song has just been released..

So I would just like to make my own observations…

The Mainstream news today in the UK, and over the last few weeks, has been somewhat unusual to the normal rubbish we have been subjected to…

I am not suggesting that any of the “human interest” stories are not true. I maybe naive, but I think they are all true…

I thought the performance of the Lancashire Police’s Press conference all 36+ minutes of it, was the most Professional Presentation I have seen in years from anyone – politicians, Americans, doctors, lawyers..you name them

Unlike almost anyone else in such a position, that you see on the Telly (which was not my source), I actually believed them

This is highly unusual – do you see the connections – including the well, minor political events – and further afield, beyond the UK, in the USA…

I don’t know if its true but from what I read yesterday. the sadness of American teenagers was off the scale..such that over 30% Girls had replied to a survey (only slightly higher than boys 29%)

They had SERIOUSLY considered committing SUICIDE in 2022

It’s hardly surprising is it?

Being Terrorised, Jabbed and Masked By Your Own Government

Do I detect KICKBACK?

Thanks CJ.

I nominate you to lead the Charge against this Insanity


Feb 15, 2023 8:17 PM

“the U.S. government has funded an elaborate network of NGOs and think-tanks” … so was Taibbi asleep during the years prior to the end of Obama Administration … or suffer the prevalent condition of amnesia in the United States. Has he read any of the actual history of the United States or civilization?

Feb 15, 2023 6:41 PM

I would also like to see him propose an economic system


The socioeconomic concept of leavemethefuckalonism is very simple. You leave me the fuck alone and I’ll leave you the fuck alone.

The rest will arrange itself.

Feb 15, 2023 5:20 PM

Re: The 25% of non-Comformists who insisted on believing their own eyes (in the Asch Conformity Experiment). Some of them might have justified their behaviour in the Biblical language of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Excerpt from “Live not by the Lie“::

“Violence has nothing to cover itself with but Lies, and Lies can only persist through Violence. In its non-violent every day rule over us, Violence demands of us only a tacit submission to Lies —and this suffices as our daily oath of fealty to Violence.

And therein we find the simplest key to our liberation: our own individual personal nonparticipation in Lies! Even if everything around us is covered by Lies, even if everyone obeys the rules of the Lies, let us still resist even in the smallest way.

We are not called upon to step out onto the town square and shout out the truth, to say out loud what we think—this is scary, we may not be ready to say what we think. But let us at least refuse to say what we do not think!

Our way must be: Never knowingly support Lies!

Let us stand back: not move a hand to glue back the flaking scales of the Ideology, not gather back its crumbling bones, nor patch together its decomposing cloak; and we shall be amazed to find how swiftly and helplessly the Lies will fall away, and that without them Violence is exposed as such to the world.”

Feb 15, 2023 8:08 PM
Reply to  NickM

You state it well but negatively.
It’s corollary is loving truth – not as an idol or belief but as true worth-ship given true with-ness.
The lie protected and masked will hold the mind that hosts it in a lie of a self and world – regardless the degree of intensity of conviction in its conflicting drama.

It operates a refusal to own our self by giving power away.
It is often more subtly masked in intellectuals.

Temptation is whatever causes you to act unconsciously, without a
grounded reference point. It is, as well, whatever you find useful in
avoiding honesty, responsibility and Self-respect.
One you use, the other uses you.
Temptation is not evil. It is carelessness. Indulged in, it obscures
the truth from you. It keeps you in the dark.
. or equally, keeps You from being seen.
Temptation is a game of insincerity which two must play quite
consciously, a win/win game wherein the tempter and the tempted
both become unconscious – self-absorbed and Self-ignored. This is
the purpose of the game.
Unconsciousness of Self might well be called attack on Self, and
therefore “evil.” But that elevates the “simple carelessness” – which
prompted self-absorption – artificially and makes it seem as though
there might just be a war of grand dimensions… one between
Illusion and Reality. And thus a quest to win the war takes
precedence, distracting those involved from simple common sense
– addressing carelessness!
The simple fact, if you acknowledged it, that you are always doing
just exactly what you choose to do, would put temptation in its
place. It would be seen as an excuse for irresponsibility, dishonesty
and lack of Self-respect. And such acknowledgment would halt the
game, uncover You to you, and You to all the world
~ Rajpur

Feb 15, 2023 4:43 PM

The Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment to Manufacture Consent:

Asch measured the number of times each participant conformed to the majority view. On average, about one third (32%) of the participants who were placed in this situation went along and conformed with the clearly incorrect majority on the critical trials.Over the 12 critical trials, 25% of participants never conformed.

In the control group, with no [social] pressure to conform, less than 1% of participants gave the wrong answer.

Interviewed after the experiment, most of the Conformists said that they did not really believe their own answers, but had gone along with the group for fear of being ridiculed or thought “peculiar.

A few of them said that they really did believe the group’s answers were correct.

[The more interesting group, the non-Comformists, were not interviewed].

“Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” — Groucho Marx.

Feb 15, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  NickM

But the presence of a single dissenting ally helps quite a few conformists grow a spine.

Feb 15, 2023 7:52 PM
Reply to  October

Like Edwin Muir’s thoughtful poem, The Good Man in Hell. If, through some administrative cockup in Heaven, a good man were to find himself in Hell:

“Would he at last, grown faithful in his station,
Kindle a little hope in hopeless Hell,
And sow among the damned doubts of damnation,
Since here someone could live, and live well?”

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Feb 15, 2023 3:38 PM

Capitalism, as in an open free market of competition and merit, using an honest money system, isn’t the problem with the world. To say it is, is a pretext for supporting some other form of economics controlled by the state.

What we have today is State Crony Capitalism, based in fiat currency (AKA Fake Money). A system were the governments use their currency resources to establish chosen monopolies that they keep in place with regulations and government contracts.

Regulations are not a function to keep people safe. It is a function of squashing competition and creating hurdles for small business.

Supporting this state controlled crony capitalism is the Central Bank Cartel and the monetary policy of debt slavery. Debt is used to control those big companies as much as it is used to keep regular people in their place.

Nothing is going to change in this world until the Central Bank Cartel and the current Government Leadership is burned to the ground, dragged into the street, and otherwise eliminated.

Feb 15, 2023 5:44 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

Nice comment.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 15, 2023 3:23 PM

The thing I like least about Hopkins’ pieces is his villainization of the world’s sprint to technocratic totalitarianism as “GloboCap.” Well yes, demonizing globalism is certainly warranted from my perspective, as even in this age of quantum computers, complete totalitarian control of every soul on this planet requires the total centralization of all forms of power and coercion. But “Cap” I am not so sure of. IMO the difference between Fascism and Communism is essentially how each markets their ideologies to make them more appealing to braindead masses. (The communist countries have all marketed themselves as socialists.) The reality of both is a deceptive marketing to eventually turn a country into a totalitarian dictatorship. I for one do not wish to live under a “dictatorship of the proletariat” or any other form of dictatorship for that matter. As the modern father of “Fascism” stated (one could certainly regard the Roman Empire as fascist), it is the melding of the state with giant corporations. Is that not what we are seeing today? So Hopkins might consider using the term “GloboFasc” as opposed to GloboCap, but I never regarded him as a particularly deep thinker though he can turn a phrase.

I would also like to see him propose an economic system to replace GloboCap as James Corbett and the founders of the FreedomCells have done in some detail as well as a path in that direction. Because our rulers have demonized “anarchism” (no rulers) so successfully, Corbett for one has replaced and rebranded its true tenets (which include total non-violence except in the most valid self-defense) with the term “agorism.” So I would propose that Hopkins in order to become more relevant flesh out an economic system to replace his GloboCap.

Since this article deals with Taibbi (and let those who wish to glorify him simply read his public written debate with the late David Ray Griffin in October, 2008 regarding whether 9/11 was a false flag event.). I wanted to post a URL which included the total debate but could not find it in a limited time. The only links that I found was a single exchange which doesn’t really demonstrate Taibbi’s reliance on braindead, deceptive arguments.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 15, 2023 5:02 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Hopkins’s point is that GloboCap is the system that has led to the covid programme. It’s all a development from capitalism and not some external intrusion by “fascists” and certainly not by “communists” – though Fascism is very much a tool of capitalism in crisis and is therefore a development from capitalism. Communism would overthrow capitalism- or at least that’s how the ideology goes. It has never worked that way but then capitalism was never overthrown. It may be that only in recent years when there is no part of the world outside capitalism that there may be a true revolution. Admittedly that is unlikely to happen especially when you realise that capitalism is the most dynamic system the world has seen. And we seem perched on the verge of transformations previously unimagined.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 15, 2023 5:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I respectfully disagree with your comment, but the history is too long and complex to debate here. A lot depends on the definition of capitalism, but I agree that it can be subverted to fascism, communism, or socialism if the population of a country permits this to happen. I am coming from the perspective of an agorist.

Feb 16, 2023 8:07 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

CJH has been clear. The core problem is the staggering quantity of global (trans-national) capital. Once a government accepts a loan unpayable due to usury, it is caught in the manipulators’ trap.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Feb 15, 2023 3:18 PM

Please watch – then share – the powerful 5-hour film directed by 85-year-old Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav: “Never Again Is Now Global”…

“Never Again Is Now Global” is arguably the most important documentary film ever produced in world history.. Please share the film … everywhere.

Thank you.


Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 15, 2023 7:56 PM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Indeed. It is excellent. I would also say that what the series argues would be consistent with Simon Elmer’s book The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Biosecurity State.
(Fyi – Endorsed by Off-G.)

Levi Tate
Levi Tate
Feb 15, 2023 1:35 PM

I guess there is such a thing as
too much sarcasm.

When is it on S
When is it off /S

Kinda buries the meaning, CJ.

Feb 15, 2023 12:56 PM

Sturgeon resigns – “Jimmy Krankie” and “Good Riddance” trending.

Feb 15, 2023 1:53 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Two down….but why now ?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 15, 2023 1:58 PM
Reply to  mig

The f**k up list is so long it’s amazing it’s taken until now. Rumours of £600k of SNP money gone missing is the one the Establishment may run with….

Feb 15, 2023 11:48 AM

Sorry CJ but this crap gives me a headache.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Feb 15, 2023 11:07 AM

Eating Chocolate Ice Cream: Reading Mayakovsky 


Since I’ve decided to revolutionize my life
How early it is! It is eight o’clock in the morning.
Well, the pigeons were up earlier
Did you eat all your egg?
Now we shall go for a long walk.
Now? There is too much winter.
I am going to admire the snow on your coat.
Time for hot soup, already?
You have worked for three solid hours.
I have written forty-eight, no forty-nine,
no fifty-one poems.
How many states are there?
I cannot remember what is uniting America.
It is then time for your nap.
What a lovely, pleasant dream I just had.
But I like waking up better.
I do admire reality like snow on my coat.
Would you take cream or lemon in your tea?
No sugar?
And no cigarettes.
Daytime is good, but evening is better.
I do like our evening discussions.
Yesterday we talked about Kant.
Today let’s think about Hegel.
In another week we shall have reached Marx.
Life is a joy if one has industrious hands.
Supper? Stew and well-cooked. Delicious.
Well, perhaps just one more glass of milk.
Nine o’clock! Bath time!
Soap and a clean rough towel.
The Red Army is marching tonight.
They shall march through my dreams
in their new shiny leather boots,
their freshly laundered shirts.
All those ugly stains of caviar and champagne
and kisses
have been rubbed away.
They are going to the barracks.
They are answering hundreds of pink
and yellow and blue and white telephones.
How happy and contented and well-fed they look
lounging on their fur divans,
chanting, “Russia how kind you are to us.
How kind you are to everybody.
We want to live forever.”
Before I wake up they will throw away
their pistols, and magically
factories will spring up where once
there was rifle fire, a roulette factory,
where once a body fell from an open window.
Hurry dear dream
I am waiting for you
under the eiderdown.
And tomorrow will be more real, perhaps,
than yesterday.

Feb 15, 2023 9:00 AM

People are taking a fresh look at the early plague months:


Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 15, 2023 2:51 PM
Reply to  October

More evidence that Dr. Denis Rancourt is right. But there were important docs early on that said things were very wrong the Narrative TM: Dr John Ioannidis who called the Pandemic TM “not a once in a century pandemic, but a once in a century evidence fiasco.” Michael Levitt, who said Covid was like a bad flu season, Sukarit Bakdhi (sp?), the authors of Virus Mania to name a few.

Feb 15, 2023 3:05 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Indeed, so Midazolam Matt and his counterparts elsewhere had to produce figures to support the deadly plague narrative, which are now being used to skew the risk-benefit ratio of the injections.

In an ideal world, those who came up with these directives and those who followed them would be behind bars for a very long time.

Follow-up video by John Campbell, still dodging YT censorship:

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 15, 2023 8:17 AM

Klaus Schwab: those who master new technologies “in some way, will be masters of the world”.
(Technology is not neutral. The desire to rule the world is the mother of inventions for the control of the world. )

Prebunking is not some new water sport.
Google project is running “prebunking experiments on social media”.
https://reclaimthenet.org/google-project-is-running-prebunking-experiment-on-social media

Feb 15, 2023 9:02 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Holy Shit! Another new term.
I’ll have to go back to school.


Stuff like that.
Add yours here:

Feb 15, 2023 2:00 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Feb 15, 2023 3:28 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Banker Boss Puppets

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Feb 15, 2023 4:07 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Not new, but sorely underused.

Feb 15, 2023 8:11 AM

Is Germany the consent factory? The U$A has blown up Germany’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to make sure that Germany cannot buy reliable low-cost Russian gas (even if it wanted to). And the German government are silent.

In this case, silence implies consent.

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Feb 15, 2023 3:29 PM
Reply to  NickM

What do you expect from a country that has a law forbidding the insulting of politicians, and are actually enforcing that law.

A German
A German
Feb 15, 2023 4:06 PM
Reply to  NickM

There is no such thing as german government. We are colony of US since 1945, our law is the Besatzungsstatut. With the german figures they formed the EU as 6. Eye to complete the former 5 Eyes under UN- world- government.

Germany and Japan are the enemy states of the UN, and we are stuffed with weapons and military from US and your Country. Our government is Ramstein.

A German
A German
Feb 15, 2023 4:21 PM
Reply to  NickM

Ok OffG, you decided to censor the truth?

You will understand the truth, when it is too late ..

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 15, 2023 7:00 AM

The already ball-less Labour Party has now had its entire groin gouged out:


“Equalities watchdog satisfied with Labour antisemitism reforms
Mr Corbyn was suspended as a Labour MP by Sir Keir for saying, in his response to the EHRC report, that the scale of antisemitism within Labour had been “overstated” by his opponents.

The former leader was readmitted to the party after he said concerns about antisemitism had been neither “exaggerated nor overstated” but he remains barred from representing Labour in Parliament.”

Starmer’s scared rabbit eyes signal the now total compliance of “the opposition”.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Feb 15, 2023 8:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yep, the ‘Labour Friends of Israel’ have been bought and paid for some time past. Just like the Conservative and Social Democrat parties. The media and political class represent a pillar of reaction, there will be no social-political change coming whilst this lot are in power.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 15, 2023 9:07 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Uuumm Lib Dems, what are they I’am a bit out of touch with Westminster fill me in. I’ve been away.

Feb 15, 2023 10:55 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The ‘opposition parties’ in the UK are simply window-dressing for a one-party state. I doubt Corbyn even really ‘lost’ the 2019 general election – hence all the lies since, and the need to eject Johnson before it became too obvious he is a fake. Same with Brexit.

Feb 15, 2023 11:54 AM
Reply to  Thom

Yep the ‘system’ is corrupt and totally fraudulent. The fat arsed overpaid jellyfish sitting in parliament know this yet continue to play the \establishment game. We are going nowhere unless this circus is destroyed.

Feb 15, 2023 11:40 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Funny you should mention that.

I haven’t heard anything at all about the ‘labour’ party for months.
Perhaps the rest of Britain will go the same way shortly.

Feb 15, 2023 6:19 AM

Two great dissenters, Scott Ritter and Sayed Marandi, have an armchair chat about two great dissenting countries that have developed mutually amiable relations: Iran and Russia. Our new gang on the block, NATZO — 15% of the world population — has recently [New-speak “sanctioned” both of these ancient countries ie banned Iran and Russia from trade with NATZO countries]. The discussion is about Iran and Russia getting together to [Old-speak “sanction” ie allow or bless, trade and peace between these two ancient countries — and the remaining 85% of the world population].

Ritter and Marandi, being very knowledgeable commentators, remind us that the first countries to curb NATZO’s so-called “irresistible armed might” were little Lebanon (Hezb’Allah) and little Syria (the Assad government). Resistance has now spread to across most of the globe, including two major military powers: Russia and China.

“Who is my best friend? — My dearest enemy, because he is the one who keeps me up to the mark” — Bernard Shaw, The Revolutionist’s Handbook.

Feb 15, 2023 1:17 AM

‘The problem with common sense is, it’s not that common.’

‘Because you can’t argue with all the fools in the world. It’s easier to let them have their way, then trick them when they’re not paying attention.’

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 15, 2023 1:10 AM

Some have claimed it’s likely the US used its HAARP weapon to cause the ‘eathquake’ in Turkey/Syria, specifically to ‘teach Turkey a lesson’. (ie it wasnt all the dams Turkey built to control the Euphrates river that ‘did it’). But there’s not yet been any claims the US will use HAARP to cause a deluge in eastern Ukraine to bog down the expected Russian Spring Offensive, Expect the claim soon ?

Feb 15, 2023 5:55 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Theres an interesting speech by a Romanian politician here, on point in many respects, Turkey/Syria have many geological instabilites, which makes the haarp more feasible to use than areas like the former ukraine.


whichever way we look at it many events are veering toward the “biblical”, interpreting relevance over “script” seems to be our lot as things move toward some very challenging times which have the potential to make what has passed in the last 3yrs look “tame” in comparrison?

did anyone else see the recent job post at gov.uk for a high level vax coordinator?
i cannot find the link

a shift toward a h5n1 zoonotic leap seems to be on the cards, this route is the “prescribed” method blamed for black death/spanish flu that i discussed with a state vet officer back in 2010, mention of very high levels of mortality were cited, the point being that it was in the works back then and was assuredly on the shelf, many including myself doubt the validity of this vector, but tptb have it marked as the “big one”

for those interested previous zoonotic vectors of the h/n flu “virus” combos have always evolved from swine or fowl, mention of other species means the current all out war by satanists will cover all life on our world, that is what is at stake, nothing more, nothing less, a world of augmented humans, few animals, “gm” crops, engineered weather, a pulsing, living hell we would be forced to reincarnate into for eternity…..

so not too much at stake then?

one last thing? why? so that soulless, non corporeal beings can come and play at “planet avatar world”, where imagination is all that limts the “fun”, because after all “its all good!” as AC once insisted

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 15, 2023 2:27 PM
Reply to  Legless

“One minute before seismographers detected the earthquake, Turkish gas and oil pipelines were shut down (NB. This is the only allegation we were unable to verify).

24 hours before the earthquake, 10 Western countries recalled their ambassadors from Ankara.

5 days before the earthquake, several Western countries, including Romania, issued a travel warning to Turkey without providing a motivation.“

Feb 15, 2023 8:18 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Those who invest in weaponised virus theory are stakeholders in a human zoo – for the would be keepers of the zoo use this to set biosecurity restrictions along with other incentives to pen in and drive into smart compounds.

the unwillingness to question is the unwillingness to release a false investment that delivers us not from evil.

Feb 15, 2023 8:30 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

It’s a much bigger power than any human agency which caused that little earthquake. That same power split the earth and opened up the Great Rift Valley for thousands of miles, from Kenya through the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea up to the Bekah Valley in Lebanon. The same power which rained sulfur and ashes on Sodom and Gomorrah. The same power which is causing Africa to continue on its slow but inexorable collision course with EurAsia.

“The reason one finds fish bones in the mountains is that Dolomite is lighter than volcanic rock. The earth we tread on must be floating on a sea of molten rock, so the lighter rock which is formed under the sea gradually floats up to the surface and makes the mountains.” — Leonardo da Vinci, 15th century Italian scientist.

“This earth we tread on is no more stable than the wind that blows” — Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle. Darwin was a youthful protege of the older Vulcanologists at Cambridge — the first scientists to work out the real age of the earth and its mutations.

Feb 15, 2023 8:26 PM
Reply to  NickM

A nested electric Earth within the Solar plasmasphere that fluctuates both with Solar ‘wind’ and alignments of its system is indeed bigger than man made tech.
BUT the principle of GoF is likely to be able to add to or influence a mountain that is already moving.


The general principles and postulates of electric universe observations at all scales of physics and biology are broadly represented at thunderbolts.info

Curiously plasma physics at scale offers a geologic and archetypal key to pre-historic catastrophe that in some sense activated and shaped a dissociated ‘consciousness’ aka Mankind in Amnesia.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 15, 2023 12:43 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

“The U.S. State Department has issued warnings and threats to Erdogan if he follows through on his plan to have a neighborly relationship with Syria.

On February 3, the Turkish interior minister, Suleyman Soylu, blasted the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, Jeffry L. Flake, saying, “Take your dirty hands off of Turkey.”

The outrage was prompted after Washington and eight European countries issued travel warnings over possible terror attacks in Turkey.”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 15, 2023 2:41 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Yes. The cause of this earthquake has been discussed on a number of web sites. Readers may find this brief presentation of interest.

Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?
February 14, 2023
Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes? – YouTube

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 15, 2023 12:53 AM

I’ve posted this link a number of times on various web sites. There have been near zero responses. I guess it’s not germane to people’s preferred set of illusions. >

5 Corporations Now Dominate Our Privatized Intelligence Industry
September 8, 2016

Feb 15, 2023 7:40 AM

Privatisations, via the hard sell by lobbyists, including some BIG bribes/incentives and a smattering of blackmail have been around for quite a while Paul.
No surprises here.
Taxpayer funded/built organisations have been raped and pillaged by corporate psychos since the first railways were flogged off.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 15, 2023 9:16 AM
Reply to  Johnny

btw Just hit my heart there, public transport.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 15, 2023 2:29 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Hello Johnny: You are correct. Early railroad establishments were largely private investments locally owned by individual proprietors. Some called them “tycoons”. James J Hill was one example.

These early financial structures were hijacked and superseded by “public/private” management and corporate ownership. Soon thereafter came all those wonderful lobby organizations with their meat handlers and political graft…

Feb 15, 2023 7:50 AM

Your Link rapidly pulled down a shutter, but I had enough time to read the author’s warning: Privatization of essential government services is dangerous because it takes those essential services out of the public domain and into the hands of a small, close-knit private Oligo-poly (government by the few).

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 15, 2023 2:13 PM
Reply to  NickM

Hello NickM: Yes. I revisited the link prior to posting here, and had no problems. As many finds are older archived posts, I often check link functionality prior to re-posting. I just checked again, and encountered no readability issues. Clearing your browser cache has become a necessary evil, and should be done often.

The Oligo-poly “situation” is not addressed or understood within most activist circles…

Feb 15, 2023 1:01 PM

good spot, you found CJ’s client list:


Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 15, 2023 3:08 PM

That’s when The Nation was the “loyal opposition.” Now it’s the conservative and libertarian (US style) rags that have taken over that mantle.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 15, 2023 4:46 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Hello Tom Larsen: Yes. I agree. Nearly all media employees have been captured these last few years. They recite from the corporate owned teleprompter, and rarely do any investigative reporting. It’s a damn shame…

Feb 14, 2023 11:43 PM

I just can’t get excited enough to hang on the words of presstitutes.

Feb 15, 2023 11:56 AM
Reply to  niko

Same here. Can’t believe CJ is wasting his literary skills on this trivia.

Feb 14, 2023 11:17 PM

No-one believes anything the powers that be say anymore – they hardly ever did anyway. I don’t agree with commenters below that everyone is still in thrall to the 2020 narrative – it’s a joke – they know it because it feels like that – they are just waiting to be angry or to forgive.

Truth is – there are all sorts of nasty retributions against us possible, and we are being herded – palpably. We are surveilled like 1984 wasn’t a warning, like thought crime wasn’t abhorrent, like it really doesn’t matter anymore. It’s been going on for years already – we give ourselves to this as we type.

Oh – and JFK – why does anyone give a F about that right now? It was made into a film and is like some Hollywood contrivance – a story like Little Red Riding Hood – don’t stray from the path.

We observe this – what is being done to us – and we live on in hope and with positive expectation that things will get better, But we know Homo Sapiens – we are prone to being c***s. History…

Personally I like CJ H – he is funny and on point.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 14, 2023 11:06 PM

Gee, I wish I knew Matt and Glen. They’re famous, like. Kind of rich, they wear suits. Ya. Can’t wait to find out what we already know.

Feb 14, 2023 11:06 PM

Aluminium or Aluminum?
Either way, it’s toxic.
Take your medicine and STFU:


Happy People
Happy People
Feb 14, 2023 10:48 PM


Herr Rima: “Ick nix so goot spieken dee Inglisch.”

“Rima expressed criticism of the measures
taken against the pandemic in Switzerland.
By his own account, he lost several sponsors,
including the children’s charity UNICEF Switzer-
land and Liechtenstein, for which he had collec-
ted donations for 20 years.” Take it easy, dude!

Feb 14, 2023 10:41 PM

This is not your run of the mill rabbit hole. It’s a labyrinthine sewerage system of blind alleys, dead ends and cesspits.
Good luck to any who venture there.

Feb 14, 2023 10:13 PM

Seymour Hersch’s groundbreaking story exposing the Biden regime’s destruction of Nordstream pipelines can be found…WHERE?…in the mainstream media…?

No sane person believes anything on TV anymore and true journalists are extinct

Feb 14, 2023 11:40 PM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt

No sane person believes anything on TV anymore and true journalists are extinct
and along came alternate media with the promise of honest and transparency and the investigative journalism that involves regurgitatism of main stream news and how the plebs were lead back into watching TV again, this time under the guise of alternative TV/newz.

Feb 15, 2023 8:25 AM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt

Hersh on My Lai was on the front page of the NYT; Hersh on Nordstream is on Substack.

That’s half a century of progress for you.

Feb 15, 2023 11:59 AM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt

Don’t give the BBC any money.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 15, 2023 3:23 PM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt

WHERE?…in the mainstream media…?

It’s pushed by Tucker Carlson on the Kissinger Network; a.k.a. Fox News and associates !

Tucker Carlson says you should read this:
Seymour Hersh
Feb 8, 2023

Tucker Carlson: How Does NATO “Stay Together” If The U.S. Really Did Blow Up The Nord Stream Pipeline?
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date February 9, 2023
FNC’s Tucker Carlson and “The Grayzone” reporter Aaron Mate look into a new investigative piece from legendary journalist Sy Hersh: How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

Tucker Carlson pondered: “I mean, NATO is a coalition of European powers led by the United States. The United States just wrecked their economies. I don’t see how NATO stays together after this. But what do I know?”

Feb 1, 2023
Big Thanks to @TuckerCarlson for letting someone say this on TV. I would love to bring this message to @MSNBC @CNN @NPR @abcnews etc.. but they won’t have me. We’re going to have to come together to stop the war machine:
[2 min video extract]

Jimmy Dore Brings ANTI-WAR Message To Fox News
The Jimmy Dore Show
Feb 2, 2023
It’s rare to hear a genuine, full-throated anti-war message on American television, much less on Fox News, but Tucker Carlson’s audience heard that message loud and clear thanks to the latest appearance by Jimmy Dore. Jimmy called out the corruption, the warmongering, the deception and the profiteering as the U.S. military industrial complex and its lackeys in government and media push for war with China.
Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why Tucker is the only broadcaster open to sharing Jimmy’s anti-war message with his audience.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 15, 2023 5:36 PM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt

And its being pushed by Kissinger sock-puppets Alex Jones & Co!

Why Hersh’s Nord Stream Bombshell May Become Legal Nightmare for Team Biden & Its Nordic Allies
by Ekaterina Blinova | Sputnik
February 11th 2023

On February 8, Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh published an article on the US online platform Substack detailing the Biden administration’s plot to destroy Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline network.

The Covert Operation That Took Down The Nord Stream Pipeline
Feb 9, 2023
Greg Reese

NewsWars: October 15, 2022
Originally: By Zero Hedge, April 10, 2021
Kissinger Warns Washington: Accept New Multipolar Global System Or Face A Pre-WWI Geopolitical Situation

In a recent Chatham House webinar with former British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, 97-year-old Kissinger called on the U.S. to create a balance with existing global forces . . . [see Newsweek article]

Kissinger’s career is washed in blood . . . However, his most recent statement about the U.S. and the international system is actually a mature proposal that would be beneficial for world peace if the Biden administration accepts his advice that the global order is changing. It is unlikely that Washington is ready to unilaterally end its hard and soft power aggression as it falsely believes it can maintain a unipolar order. It is always difficult for Great Powers to accept that the world has changed, especially when it is to their detriment.

In the end, Washington will have to resort to a strategy resembling Kissinger’s suggestion of finding equilibrium, whilst also accepting the multipolar reality that has been established.

Endless U.S.-China Contest Risks ‘Catastrophic’ Conflict, Henry Kissinger Warns
March 26, 2021

Veteran diplomat Henry Kissinger has warned that the U.S. and China must come to an understanding on international affairs or risk “catastrophic” conflict that will benefit neither nation. Speaking with former British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt in a Chatham House webinar on Thursday, Kissinger said that “endless” competition between the world’s two largest economies risks unforeseen escalation and subsequent conflict, a situation made more dangerous by artificial intelligence and futuristic weaponry.

Happy People
Happy People
Feb 14, 2023 9:59 PM

New book: “80 methods of opini-
on steering”. (Activate auto subs)
Table of contents (only German):

Happy People
Happy People
Feb 14, 2023 9:34 PM

Take no notice
‘Cause I’m just the same
There’s a thousand other faces
With the very same name

And we look like each other
And we all live together
We talk about the same things
And we never try and change things

We’re the happy, happy people
Yeah, we’re the happy, happy people
The happy, happy people
The happy, happy people

We never give opinions
And we never state views
After all, you can’t be sure
That what we say is true

And if you want to join us
You can follow along behind us
You can talk about your visions
You can make some big decisions

We’re the happy, happy people
Yeah, we’re the happy, happy people
The happy, happy people
The happy, happy people

We believe in having fun
And smiling all the time
And sometimes we’re on TV
If we’re over sixty-nine

And when we have a raffle
Then it’s just a big reshuffle
It’s a democratic poll
But we’re the ones who are in control

‘Cause we’re the happy, happy people
The happy, happy people
Yeah, we’re the happy, happy people
The happy, happy people

We’re the hap-hap-happy people
The hap-hap-happy people
Yeah, we’re the hap-hap-happy people
The hap-hap-happy people

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 14, 2023 9:18 PM

I’m going to say something controversial here. It’s okay, I am ready for a slew of downvotes and abusive messages questioning my intelligence.

I don’t believe that the CIA killed Kennedy. I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. There I said it. And I’m not going to change my opinion.

Now, this isn’t to in any way negate the role of the CIA in nefarious activities in the world, which it clearly engages in. But I still believe in the maxim that a dog doesn’t shit in its own basket.

The Kennedy assasination happened almost sixty years ago. Is is really realistic to suggest that the CIA has not changed in the eighty years of its existence, and that back in 1945 (or 1963) it was just as bad as it is today?

And this assertion that the CIA murdered Kennedy also lionises him. Unjustly in my view. Now, I might, had I been an adult American living in America in 1960, have voted for Kennedy. But his family were no angels. Kennedy himself was a known philanderer and his father was a cruel and ruthless businessman. The Kennedys appear to me to be a very flawed bunch indeed, Teddy.

For sure, Robert Kennedy did appear to be a man of principle and the world may have been a better place had Sirhan x2 not murdered him in 1968, but again, this possibility does not mean that the CIA had any hand in his death.

Its all a big CIA plot. Or maybe it isn’t.

As for the Nordstream Pipelines. You owe the Gerries a lot of money Vicky Nuland. Call me dumb, if you want, but I’m not that dumb!

Feb 14, 2023 10:11 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Dogs have more natural ethical principles than do the CIA, therefore the analogy is somewhat moot. Pull ya-head-in … your petticoat is showing.
Who gives a rat’s-arse about an ‘opinion’ made without substantive evidence?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 14, 2023 11:15 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Everybody is entitled to their informed, well researched opinion.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 15, 2023 2:44 AM

Which his isn’t.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 15, 2023 2:50 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

That’s what I’m thinking.

Feb 15, 2023 7:14 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

‘The Kennedy assasination happened almost sixty years ago. Is is really realistic to suggest that the CIA has not changed in the eighty years of its existence, and that back in 1945 (or 1963) it was just as bad as it is today?”

Uhhm. Think of the CIA as just getting started.LHO worked for the CIA.His wife was friends with CIA operatives.it’s pretty much C I A.


Feb 15, 2023 7:25 AM
Reply to  John Pretty


Feb 15, 2023 8:32 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

“this possibility does not mean that the CIA had any hand in his death.”

Indeed not – however the medical evidence that RFK was shot from the rear at close range and the eyewitness evidence that Sirhan was never behind RFK or that close to him is a diferent matter altogether.

Feb 15, 2023 9:56 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

You really a fucking shill.

Feb 15, 2023 9:57 AM

I mean’t you really are a fucking shill.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 15, 2023 3:18 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

RE: I’m going to say something controversial here.

No you are not. You are saying something stupid and/or profoundly ignorant…really no excuse for a person who frequents Off-G.

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Feb 15, 2023 8:29 PM
Reply to  John Pretty


Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Feb 14, 2023 8:54 PM

What if he went after and named the people behind the massive funding of each and every the “fact checker” and how this group of miscreant media mercenaries amplifies the demonization and marginalization of contrary thought, opinions and dissent within the US media?

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Feb 14, 2023 8:26 PM

Release yet another Kraken 😴

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 14, 2023 7:52 PM

I’am a thinker not a writer, with a problem of never being particularly bothered with whats printed out. So I use a a quick glance stop and shoot off a general opinion:
“Freelance 16′ Lord help us and the restless rest of us. Does this hovering platform ideology have a mouthpiece megaphone of digialised transistional speech. In the land of the United Nations, or an Open University proposal without a specific language.
A simple question by a simpleton on behalf of two individuals, henceforth known as myself.
I apologise to those who appear to have difficulty reasoning beyond the twin dimensional cause an effectual.”
Thank you
Ps sorry for any spelling errors.

Feb 15, 2023 7:04 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

to whoever runs the Clive Williams bot, or the Clivewilliamscoronavirus bot, [according to where it’s directed] , give up. Just fecking give it up. It’s broken, if it ever worked. It spews gibberish and you’re just embarassing yourself. Hope to God it’s a sixth formers AI project. Imagine if this is the quality of the 77th brigade.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 14, 2023 7:17 PM

Will Matt Taibi ever acknowledge being fundamentally wrong in regard to defending the official story about the core narrative of 9/11, i.e. “19 Islamic fundamentalists hijacked four airliners, flew two into the WTC Twin Towers, bringing them down as well as a third steel-frame hi rise, flew one into the Pentagon causing massive damage and many deaths, and crashed a fourth in Pennsylvania due to passenger interference”? If not, anything he says should be taken with a grain of salt. He has rabidly attacked people questioning this narrative, never responded to David Ray Griffin’s 2010 challenge to him to explain his belief in apparent miracles.


Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Feb 14, 2023 8:51 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Griffin: ‘Matt Taibbi, saying that the “9/11 conspiracy theory is so shamefully stupid” and referring to its members as “idiots,” wrote with contempt about the “alleged scientific impossibilities” in the official account of 9/11; about the claim that “the towers couldn’t have fallen the way they did [without the aid of explosives]”; of the view (held by “9/11 Truthers”) that “it isn’t the plane crashes that topple the buildings, but bombs planted in the Towers that do the trick”; and of “the supposed anomalies of physics involved with the collapse of WTC-7.” He had been assured by “scientist friends,” he added, that “[a]ll of the 9/11 science claims” are “rank steaming bullshit.”’ 

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 15, 2023 6:42 PM
Reply to  Nick Baam

The three WTC buildings weren’t brought down by ‘bombs’. It was done by expertly-loaded cutting- and demolition-charges, work which takes an extended period of careful surveying and preparation, followed by a period of light-industrial work, requiring pallet-loads of explosives/incendiaries and control gear.

This simply can’t be done in any way other than by arranging privileged access for the demolition team to the buildings, over a period of weeks. Which is exactly what has been shown to have happened.

That’s how it was done. There isn’t any other way – in the real world – that the buildings could have been brought down in the way they were. And that’s to say nothing of all the other accumulated evidence such as the unexploded nanothermite residues found in the WTC dust. The fact of a carefully-planned false flag is undodgeable.

If Taibbi still refuses to cope with these established facts, and also has the gall to treat the excellent, entirely honourable David Ray Griffin the way he did, then he’s an unprincipled fool, not worthy of attention. And he’s also ripe for reeling in to the crew of limited-hangout artists whose purpose, in the minds of their deep-state handlers, is to keep the public duped. He should do ‘well’.

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Feb 14, 2023 8:53 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Also: by his own admission Taibbi said when covid started, “I was wearing a mask everywhere.”

Feb 14, 2023 9:59 PM
Reply to  Nick Baam

Also: by his own admission Taibbi said when covid started, “I was wearing a mask everywhere.

He wasnt the only one. This is a hero in the alt right.  😂 

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Feb 14, 2023 9:45 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

All of this Taibbi talk prompts me to exhume this 2020 comment published elsewhere to one of his (limited) critiques of the state of US journalism; I don’t know if he’s still with Rolling Stone, but he was when I wrote this:

THERE was a little girl,
And she had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good
She was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid.

— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “There was a little girl” (c. 1904)

Taibbi may not reach these extremes, but he seems to operate on two divergent, almost mutually exclusive, levels. He seems to be at his best when he does investigative reporting, especially on Wall Street’s high crimes and misdemeanors. His research is (or comes across as) rigorous, and he has a real gift for translating arcane financial phenomena into understandable English.

To me, it’s as if Taibbi has two distinct personas: one, which might be called the better angel of his nature, is what I described above: relatively intellectually sophisticated, or at least savvy, and appropriately skeptical and cynical of top-down narratives.

But he also constantly reminds us that he’s a bona-fide Amerikan Normal White Male– a suburban guy who is happiest sitting on a couch with a beer watching the NFL, or handicapping professional sports drafts and prospects. So, for instance, it’s no surprise that Normal Matt seems to uncritically buy into the official Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic narrative.

And this conventional, conformist predilection renders him unable or unwilling to entertain radical insights, and makes him occasionally prone to taking very Establishment-friendly reactionary stances. Yeah, I know. He’s an editor at “Rolling Stone”, so he has to walk a certain line. (I trust that no one still assumes that RS is a glorified “underground” counter-cultural or “anti-Establishment” magazine.)

Anyway, years ago, long before he joined RS, he was a prominent “Trutherphobe” who ranted against 9/11 “Truthers”. He even appeared in “debates” to ridicule and scorn 9/11 skeptics; he accused the so-called “Truther Movement” of discrediting “the Left”– as if he were an outraged “leftist” himself, or an authority on “the Left”.

Taibbi debated 9/11 researcher David Ray Griffin. Griffin, a retired professor, was civil, scholarly, and offered facts and rational analysis. Taibbi behaved like a drunken frat boy, more or less bumptiously and self-righteously jeering and scoffing at Griffin without engaging the merits of Griffin’s points.

Taibbi strikes me as a personally pleasant, likeable guy– not at all supercilious, creepy, or “evil”. But professionally, he’s something of a Good German who can be relied upon to stay in his comfort zone. If challenged, I expect that he might counter that he purposely skirts stickier and more speculative questions because they would only muddle and dilute the worthwhile critique he’s presenting.

Perhaps Taibbi’s bumptious loathing of “conspiracy thinking” instinctively causes him to retreat from acknowledging the TDS Resistance “conspiracy”. But I think that his personal history of being a generally well-regarded conventional journalist, and the son of a well-regarded conventional journalist, imposes a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” filter on his work.

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Art Costa
Art Costa
Feb 14, 2023 11:24 PM
Reply to  Ort

Good take on Taibbi. It is only his digging into financial shell game corruption that leads me to pay him any mind.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 15, 2023 7:43 AM
Reply to  Art Costa

There’s such a plethora of actually-worthwhile sources of high-credibility information around just now that it’s simply foolish to waste time on people who aren’t up to scratch in the truth wars. Anyone who denies the obvious, proven-as-much-as-anything-can-be 11/9 false-flag, and who buys into the covid swindle to boot, clearly isn’t worth any attention. Taibbi, obviously, doesn’t come up to scratch. I never waste any time on him.

Art Costa
Art Costa
Feb 15, 2023 10:11 PM

I think Ort covered the nuances regarding Taibbi as I noted. Otherwise, I don’t really spend time on his long winded stuff. I would add that I’ve given up on Greenwald as well. The clue was when he had his family injected with this experiment, and said he’d researched it in late 2020/early 2021. Obvious lie since there was no information to warrant such an injection under EUA.

These guys are all staying alive because they toe the line that they never cross.

Feb 15, 2023 12:48 PM
Reply to  Ort

Very well put. I was not aware that Taibbi debated David Ray Griffin. I don’t think I have the patience to read or watch it. Suffice to say I would more than likely agree with your assessment.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 15, 2023 7:32 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

A grain of salt, Jeff? You think that’s enough?

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Feb 14, 2023 6:46 PM

Oh my goodness. After Twittergate’s early findings, and the four key suspects shitting themselves at mere non-oath questions,Taibbi’s going back in to negotiate with the terrorists further?

This is like the Alt media quoting the CDCs figures, or the complete mentalists losing their shit over “balloons” in the sky. What can be achieved? Very little is my guess. He’s leading away from the path. Good luck, and good riddance.

Feb 14, 2023 9:52 PM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

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Feb 14, 2023 6:18 PM

I am tired of these legendary stories where some rich Robin Hood, like Pierre Omidyar or Elon Musk is going to save us from the evil sheriff of Nottingham (Trump, Biden, Putin, whatever) and all of his helpers. And all of that done with a little help of a Saracen who is called Morgan Freeman or Glenn Greenwald or Matt with the difficult last name. And then, all they are asking from us is if Sherwood Forest (that’s us) want to join Robin’s fight. And what do we get when we are stupid enough to join? – Well that Robin can take the girl (€€€€) from the Sheriff and live happily ever after. The end.

Anyway, this supposed fight between good (Robin of Loxley) and evil (the Sheriff) is not gonna happen. If people want to be saved (and it’s a big if), they have to do it all by themselves. They certainly will not be saved by some billionaire and a lean mean journalistic fighting machine. It’s all bollocks.

If I want bollocks, I prefer the men in tights. Face it, Musk et al probably are!

‘Merry Men: [singing] We’re men / We’re men in tights / We roam around the forest looking for fights / We’re men / We’re men in tights / We rob from the rich and give to the poor / That’s right! / We may look like sissies / But watch what you say / Or else we’ll put out your lights / We’re men / We’re men in tights/ etc’

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Feb 14, 2023 9:36 PM
Reply to  Willem

Who was Elon Musk/Billy Boy in the run up to 1939? Henry Ford? John D the 3rd? Jacob Schiff?

Feb 15, 2023 8:05 AM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

“Our Ford (or Our Freud as he preferred to be called in spiritual matters) will save us” — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Feb 15, 2023 8:03 AM
Reply to  Willem

“If people want to be saved (and it’s a big if), they have to do it all by themselves. They certainly will not be saved by some billionaire and a lean mean journalistic fighting machine. If I want bollocks, I prefer the men in tights.”


Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Feb 14, 2023 6:12 PM

So Matt Taibbi = Reiner Fuellmich II?

Feb 14, 2023 8:15 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

“fooledusmuchly”, or at least tried to, still we can grab the popcorn and a can of diet woke for bluebeam, bound to be much more entertaining and then, afterwards the fireworks………….joy :0/

off topic, but it seems the operators of haarp now know what the “boost” button does, still, seeing as its just turkey and syria and they support the “opposition” then alls “fair” in love and war….. right?

Feb 14, 2023 11:11 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

I certainly had an interest in Fuellmich’s enterprise, until he announced that he had been floored by the discovery that the political corruption in his field of view had reached the judicial system.

So, from being a potential game-changer, he dropped within seconds to the rank of a rather dull-witted six-year-old child.
That spectacular drop exactly matched the free-fall drop of my jaw to the floor, after which I never looked him up again.
I currently have no idea which Hilton Hotel toilets he is cleaning.

Feb 15, 2023 1:07 AM
Reply to  wardropper

What is this habitual BS and malicious hyperbole, with no citation of when and where Fuellmich was supposed to have said this? ? Because when Fuellmich was still on the C Invest. Committee he was saying early on and based on his experience at court years ago as consumer advocate against Deutsche Bank, that the German judicial system was beholden unto corporations and corrupt.
He repeated that opinion at times, which is why he was so encouraged by legal actions in India and S Africa and interviewed lawyers from there long before the clash with Fischer and Wodarg happened and he left to set up ICIC.

Feb 15, 2023 12:37 PM
Reply to  Jenner

I think they got to him.

Feb 15, 2023 1:47 PM
Reply to  judith

All they’d have to do would be to hint that the life of his family’s favourite dog might be at risk . . .

Feb 15, 2023 4:00 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Exactly. My belief is that they do that to many people.

I do not think that it is always about power and money and reputation.

I believe it is threat of injury of death. Especially to loved ones.
I don’t know anyone who could withstand that.

And I do not put it past the cabal to carry it out.

I did not buy the “stealing money” angle in the Fuellmich/Fischer story at all. Nonsense.

And he knew about the corrupt system from the get-go. He’s a lawyer. How could he not know?

And think of his reputation had he been able to follow through and actually prosecute these cases. Who would pass up that opportunity.

Well, I found his committee interviews very interesting. Didn’t always agree with speakers, but they were enlightening.

Feb 16, 2023 6:20 AM
Reply to  judith

Those are my conclusions too.

Feb 15, 2023 1:45 PM
Reply to  Jenner

I’m sorry, Jenner, but I followed him pretty closely.
I’m not making up when and where he said this. It was on a video which I might even have archived.

I couldn’t believe he said such a thing, but he did.
It wasn’t hearsay or circumstantial.
He said it at one of his regular meetings with that Viviane Fischer person in the background, and he said he hadn’t realized that the corruption had reached into the judicial system. Those are pretty much his exact words, and he used them to explain why his plans were going to be seriously delayed.

If you really care, I could try to find the clip for you, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t still be in his archives, round about the time when he apparently started to give up hope.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 14, 2023 6:10 PM

Its been going on a lot longer than the last seven or eight years. Technology has just caused it to be more universal and pervasive. It also runs the risk of over-exposure — propaganda by its nature needs to be subtle but the temptation is always to dial it up to ’11’, especially when there are blatant disconnects like our foreign adventures — in the hope that the message can be embedded before too many people notice.

Unfortunately it seems that the strategy is winning. The number of people who recite the official line to me despite obvious contradictions in what they’re saying is disheartening. Opportunities to push back are limited — the media’s experiments with open feedback have been shut down and now everything is highly curated so it either adheres to the correct line or is ‘such and such propaganda’.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 14, 2023 10:39 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

You only have to go back to the land of belonging to, point in time admitting you myself I people were forewarned illiterate.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 15, 2023 2:33 PM
Reply to  Clive Williams

Crikey, this learner AI bot hasn’t even mastered basic grammar yet!

Feb 14, 2023 5:32 PM


George Mc
George Mc
Feb 14, 2023 5:25 PM


“Globalism, multiculturalism, political correctness, identity politics, environmental fundamentalism, the orthodoxies of woke and now the dogma and cultic practices of biosecurity are all products of the neoliberalisation of our education, media and culture industries. The result of this ideological co-ordination of every sector of our society is that the most educated demographic in human history, the middle classes of the West, is now the most easily manipulated populace in history. A century and more of universal suffrage and education has created not ‘rule by the people’ but a demos in thrall to the ever-expanding technologies of biopower.

The systemic exploitation of this flaw in our democracy means that our lives are now effectively ruled by the most gullible, the most afraid, the most obedient and the most compliant members of our society, on the grounds that they constitute a democratic consensus. It is not by chance that every crisis manufactured to justify removing our freedoms is turned into a ‘health’ crisis. Just as our human rights, discarded on the justification of the health and safety of the ‘people’, have become the means by which our lives have been taken into the protective custody of the state, so too our democracy has become the means by which the institutions and processes of democratic oversight and accountability have been dismantled and replaced by the rule of a global technocracy implementing a totalitarian system of governance.”

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 14, 2023 11:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ism being a consensual idealist approach to separatist reliance longing to make a statement, put out by the press association of student bodies.
This thought ? has me thinking back to my difficulty over what people may perceive as a cage.put out by Mr Curtin.
I’ve only felt an outward restraining public restriction on the funding necessity. Instead of obstacle ie:cage, I just let go of the bag while circling around the obstacle.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 15, 2023 2:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Simon Elmer at ASH is always worth attention. Thanks for the headsup, George.

Feb 14, 2023 5:07 PM

In advising Matt Taibbi to avoid certain “sensitive” areas of investigation, CJ Hopkins is somewhat lax in his advice. This, because he failed to advise Mr. Taibbi to above all avoid telling anything “sensitive” to the public.

You can expose GloboCap nine ways to Sunday – right to their faces; and you might live to tell (your grandchildren) about it. But if you expose GloboCap to the public, your career will be found lying in the gutter somewhere in Jersey.

Oh, not because GloboCap will get you. Oh no: because the public will turn its back on you. You don’t tell them what they want not to hear and get away with it.

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Feb 14, 2023 6:54 PM
Reply to  Howard

Haven’t always seen eye to eye, but this 100%. And that’s always been the problem-

I sat in a relative’s house in early-early 2020, and hearing cheery dismissals of the Chinese Leaks of the men falling over with their shopping and teams of 5ft sperm welding doors closed, laughed along, glad it wasn’t being taken remotely seriously. When BoJo first dug in his stilletoes at not shutting the country down, i was shocked- the country recoiled in horror, and set about sherricking him into doing what he was always going to do anyway- silly me for listening to even 1 second of their patter, but listen i did.

It’s not Them who are our problem. It’s our fellow Us, who will hand you over.

Feb 14, 2023 7:37 PM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

Yes, but the idea the public wanted a lockdown is almost certainly another piece of media propaganda.

Feb 14, 2023 8:41 PM
Reply to  Thom

Some did. Some still do. I’ve had that conversation with a good liberal, particularly brought up the privilege of being able to work from home. After all, water, power and sewer workers can’t do those jobs from home, can they? Needless to say that hardly made a dent in the idiocy and it never will for many. Yes the media definitely played their part, but when should actual logical thinking take place? Many still don’t get it and never will. When their Amazon shipment doesn’t arrive maybe they will? But then again that’ll just be due to those racist truckers refusing to do their duty.

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Feb 14, 2023 9:07 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

They’re only not bothered because they’re comfortable. From what you and i see as state intrusion, unethical mandates and the evolution of out-and-out tyranny, the vast majority of dummies have snaked their way around regulations best they can, quietly as they can. I’m reminded of the meme with the dog in the burning house, saying “this is fine….”. That’s literally whaf we’re up against. Absolute fucking idiots.

Kevin Craig
Kevin Craig
Feb 14, 2023 9:03 PM
Reply to  Thom

100%. But- BUT- had they put down the remote/phone/paper, and did things differently by choice, they may never have been as popular a move.

In my experience, the people asking, begging for house-arrest were those for whom money was not an issue- either the wealthy, or the state-funded-underclass who had nothing to drastically lose from it. The fact that the “successful” were champing at the bit for the same thing as the street-bums mattered bugger all. “They’re clever, they must know…”. And so, the working class began their clamour for it. Zero context ever was provided at how succesful the Chinese ‘pandemic’ ‘response’ was- it was just what had to happen. If this WAS remotely important, then the idiot society may hace tuned into World-o-meter and shouted louder and harder for China, with their four-digit “death tally”. THEN, they may have been justified in believing a narrative to the full- they didn’t.

The darkest-recorded skies above Hubei told a different story, in my case courtesy of Jim Stone who has yet, in my nine years of reading his articles, to get a single outcome wrong. And still to this day, as it goes. All this information is still as easy to find as it was three years ago. Except Milo Yiannopolous, i can barely find his content anywhere without struggle, but then again that’s me in search of another different angle on things, just in case i might be even 1% mistaken.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Feb 15, 2023 8:55 AM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

Bugger-All LOL ! Where the HELL have you been hiding.
Hey HEY Great War officially ended 2018!!
You DUMB 95% CUNT! The ‘UNDER CLASS’ has been keeping your fat GOB afloat for 50 YEARS!

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 14, 2023 10:37 PM
Reply to  Kevin Craig

The enemy within.

Feb 14, 2023 10:55 PM
Reply to  Howard

The public are/is fickle – easily outraged or nudged. But we are not stupid – even the people who have been on board with the whole madness are now feeling ‘taken for a fool’ – not too vocal about it yet, but they will be. Hence the new protest laws…

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Feb 14, 2023 5:04 PM

IMO, nothing should be avoided. No avenue unexplored. The information should come forth in steady stream leaving people time to digest it and form an opinion. If the truth were laid bear, that wouldn’t be too difficult for anyone to do because these rogue gov’ts have seriously affected everyone.

‘If Matt and the Racket team pull this off… it will be totally ignored, perfunctorily dismissed, branded “far-right disinformation,” and then methodically visibility filtered…’
Then it will go viral.

The Twitter files might just let the ‘conspiracy theorist’ coalmine budgies out from their social engineered cages to chirp freely. As democracy intended.

For Matt and for Elon, the first thing they probably would have done is beef up on the right security. Anyway, the world awaits.