OffG’s Quick Take: “Patriot Front”

Yesterday, the group calling themselves “Patriot Front” marched on Washington DC. They wore perfectly coordinated uniforms, carried shields and batons, and were masked up to make Tony Fauci proud.
Perhaps you saw the “chilling footage”.
Nobody is quite sure why they were there, or what they wanted. Then they packed their gear into a U-haul, got on the subway and left.
A lot of this went “viral”, including the “heroes” standing up to them, and the “leaked footage” of them praising Hitler. While the handful of “Patriots” who got arrested were allowed to keep their masks on by the considerate DC police.
It’s an interesting bit of timing, since just the day before Joe Biden had called white supremacy “the most dangerous threat to our homeland” in a speech at Howard University. A sentiment echoed by Alejandro Mayorkas, the secretary of Homeland Security on TV the next day, adding a specific warning against “anti-government sentiment” and “false narratives”.
Meanwhile, Zero Hedge is reporting leaked documents that teach people “how to spot a radicalised conservative”.
It’s all a very familiar “domestic terrorism” narrative.
Basically, as we said on Twitter, Patriot Front are what you get if you type “1000 Federal Agents trying to start a civil war” into an AI art program.
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Oh goodie! Another club to feel the brunt of…
These guys look like extras from General Casting. Especially the clearly rehearsed Hitler salutes. Is this for real? Nearly everything we see now is part of the movie produced by “who knows” that we are all cast in. God help us.
The first refuge of psychopaths.
how did waggeeze biden patriot missaile system do last night??? bahahahahahahaha looks like the azov nazi sloths fired 32 and all missed . . . .then came the Khinzhal bahahahahahaha
whats wileey waggeeman have to say bout his azov zeeleeenskee bandera boys now?????
From The Last American Vagabond:
Woke Societies on Twitter: “The Patriot Front is making its rounds all over Twitter and everyone thinks they are Feds. I can promise you, that’s the service level take. They enjoy being called Feds because it hides their true origins. This goes much deeper with ties to Azov and Ukraine. A thread” / Twitter
Afterhours_Live on Twitter: “Verifiable facts: US Congress made sure the Azov Battalion WOULD get US arms in 2016. CIA has trained them since 2015. FBI verified that the Azov Battalion is neo-nazi, is immersed with Ukraine’s gov & that those in Charlottesville are their US faction.” / Twitter
I’ve steered clear of the raging “J” controversy which rises up from time to time in this forum. And I still do. However, this article is an eye-opener in showing just how slavishly American politicians pander to a certain Middle Eastern nation.
Is the United States Moving Its Capital to Jerusalem? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Political spin wheeling. Isreal is an American oversea State.
Further the State resides in Asia the quoted .>middle east< is long out dated media none specific for broader propaganda for those who's referrals misquoted as ..cross roads when in fact countries have quite rightly a sphere of Political influence.
‘C’.i.a Village People ?
Another drag attack. ?
Justin, it’s only a ride . . .
“Life is hard…
it’s even harder if you’re stupid.”
– John Wayne –
AKA: Marion Robert Morrison
(May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979)
Guess what the headline is at Reuters.
How a deadly bat virus found new ways to infect people
Gotta keep the fear factor alive.
Gotta keep the fear factor alive.
Gotta keep the fear factor alive.
It is the “Nipah Virus”, by the way.
As long as Big Pharma is riding high, viruses will keep finding “new ways to infect people.”
But if ever Big Pharma goes belly up, viruses will all slink back into the iceberg from whence they came.
(They will be missed.)
U$ patriot, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, on government arrogance and misjudgment:
Are they just another group aligned with those from those other groups, like the MeToo movement who’ve ignored the Biden daughters diary or the Antifa group, so concerned with Fascism that they just plainly forgot about Twitter, Google etc and what was revealed in the Twitter files?
This story takes me back to staged square-offs of Proud Boys, Patriot Front, and/or other well-rehearsed fronts on the right with Antifa, BLM, and avant-garde agents provocateurs on the left. Hardly harmless theater, as the stand-down of security in Charlottesville, VA (cf. John Whitehead) eventuated in lethal assault upon the crowd by automobile (since protected in some state law).
Those were the good old days, before virtually every ‘event’ became a potential candidate for a psyop. Not that the social engineers weren’t busy before, but I’m never again taking off my tinfoil hat. Counter-insurgency has come home to roost with a vengeance. Strategy in the theater of class war known as domestic terrorism seems by itself a daily log of planted reports from propaganda media.
Bat beatings of congressional staff, alerts from the DHS that violence against LGBTQIA…gendered people are on the rise, the usual rounds of mass shootings linked with ‘ex’-military and ‘mentally ill’ on Pharmafia drugs and other forms of mind control…what’s going to be the headline story from the deep state today?
Since the storming of the Capitol in Washington, DeCeit (courtesy of the bipartisan think tank Transition Integrity Project to ‘prepare’ for a coup with the 2020 election) and the kidnapping plot upon Michigan governor Whitmer, we the people are relentlessly conditioned to stay on script.
Did you get all that, AI?
Thanks for the links.
When Ukraine merges with NATO.
Straight from training in Tel Aviv. They should graduate to Ukraine after this.
“Satan’s little helpers”…
The US people should tip their alphabet soups down the drain and start again as the whole thing is spoiled. These organisations are no longer protecting you.
So how, exactly, do we get rid of them?
Become a full-fledged gentle Psywarrior. That anchors in the Joy of Serenity.
Per the Apostle’s recipe: “For we wrestle not with creatures of flesh and blood but with spiritual wickedness in high places.”
The only feasible exit strategy, since it’s really their world after all. Always has been. This one.
The apostle’s recipe should have read: “We wrestle with creatures of flesh and blood that openly display spiritual wickedness in low places. Then we finance them and elect them to positions of power.”
The passage is bullshit, and has always been bullshit.
By voting for someone who will. There are plenty of smart guys in these soups who are being kept back because they want to do the job they were hired for. Soon it will dawn on everyone, but for the grace of god, there go i.
In any case what i have posted needs to be done if america is going to again become the land of the free and home of the brave. At present it’s neither as US politics is a hotbed of corruption and treason.
At some point the people have a duty to rebel. Doing anything less is cowardice.
Can’t imo all that would happen is a greater swell of billionaires connected to underground millionaire agencies. If one stands away from World Screening, they only expertecially exist as they do from those who ask ” Who is that and what does He do now She’s gone”.
Never from Day 1 their intention to protect us, simply to control. Armies of Occupation.
Yes Peter good thinking an Andy Warhol Canned Festival 23,
Couldn’t resist sharing this para:
“Remember that CONSPIRACY about 18-hijackers and the Plane that Melted into the Ground and those Jet Fuel Fires which were unquenchable and took down THREE MASSIVE BUILDINGS IN NYC but not unquenchable in the case of that Impossibly Small Hole in the Pentagon Jet Fuel Fire which a Giant Plane crawled into at 500mph with no clear surveillance footage in the most heavily protected space on Planet Monster in which two adorable fire trucks quenched the Volcanic Jet Fuel Fires in record time atop the pristine Pentagon Lawn.”
To the ‘apocalyptically-minded’ among us, (or those of us who can still make qualitative assessments) it must look as though mankind is already splitting into the good and the bad.
Of course it goes without saying that this is a personal, individual distinction, and has nothing whatever to do with party, national, or international politics.
It isn’t, “Biden good, Putin bad”.
It’s “Some people good, all politicians bad”.
If a politician is “coming to a building near you”, some people want to go there.
I run.
Today, Iceland is host to all the usual suspects for a large conference in Reykjavik, and the state news is pissing itself wondering whether Zelensky will be coming as well.
The only excuse they seem to have is that he’s famous.
The fact that he’s a militaristic punk seems to have escaped their notice…
Zelenskyy “famous” ?? Do me a favour, the bloke’s an utter marionette c*nt.
He’s what the media consider to be famous.
Of course I agree that your description fits him far better.
Yeah well at the least if i was running Ukraine i would have let Russia have the east and saved my half million give or take Ukrainians from death and destruction. Sick people and Zelensky in the middle of the pack.
Sam – Admin2 has very kindly given me special permission to (on this Off-G article) provide the update to the horrific plight I’ve been in, since April 24th, when the most obnoxious ambulance-man (he being the senior of a two-man crew who came to my home to see me re. a serious physical health problem I’ve been suffering for the last approx. 9 weeks) asked to look at some of the books in the bookcases in my lounge (??? since when has that been in the remit of ambulance teams??).
However, he alighted on the esteemed Dr Vernon Coleman’s chunky book (“‘Covid-19: the greatest hoax in history”), glanced at the contents, & said to me “Why would this author write this stuff?”. And so I very briefly summarised why…
The ambulance-man then made a [wholly incorrect, of course] judgement that I ‘must’ be ‘mentally ill’ to ‘believe’ such stuff. He went into my hall, and phoned the local ‘psychiatry’ team, despicably claiming to them that I needed ‘mental health assessment’.
Well, to cut a long story short, I’ve been having pairs of ‘psychiatry’ ‘people ‘visit’ me every 2 or 3 days, since then. Oh, make no mistake, I made them know, every one of them, that I did not need them, & did not want them ‘visiting’ me. That I was immensely angry at what had been done to me.
I was told, last Thursday or Friday, that there’d be another visit to me today, 16th. With a view to ‘discharging’ me (they’d told me that the ambulance-man having ‘reported’ me constituted a ‘referral’ of me, to them… what sort of a world do we live in…??).
The happy outcome is that I was ‘visited’ today by two of the ‘psychiatry’ people. And the senior of the two (the third time he’s visited) told me that they realise that I’m fine, that I’m not ‘mentally unwell’, and that they will not be coming to see me again.
So, success!! I’m so, so relieved (which is stating the obvious, of course!).
Thank you all very much for your support… it’s been so appreciated.
I have followed your plight with sorrow and I am pleased to hear that it has been ended. I would suggest that you seek a full copy of all your medical records to ensure that these now correctly reflect your physical and mental health status.
The one clear point that everyone has carefully avoided making is that the “senior” ambulance man is the person who is in serious need of psychiatric help.
Thank you so very much, Matt, for your kind words. Yes, it’s the understatement of all time to say that I’m so, so relieved that it’s now all over.
I definitely want a full copy of my medical records, for them to be updated.
However, a week or so ago, when I made enquiries re. how to acquire a copy of my medical records, I was sent details re. how to go about it, and at the present time, I’m not able to do so, due to there being a problem on my printer, which won’t ‘scan’ certain documents that I require, in order to apply for the copy of my [medical] records. I’m sure I’ll be able to sort it out.
And yes, you are so, so right, re. the ambulance-man being the one who is in sore need of ‘psychiatric’ help. I recall saying that to a relative of mine, a couple of days ago, in fact.
I would have said to him, “Fine, but on condition that I get to look at some of the bookcases in your lounge.”
These days (years) that should be THE amendment to The Patriot Act: all such “turnabout is fair play.”
Thanks for the clarity.
You’re seriously right there.
Thank you too.
The few ambulance officers I’ve met seem to have either messiah complexes or are control freaks.
I guess it goes with the job Christine.
That’s frightening.
My God either I’m posting in my sleep or there’s two of us.
You’re posting in your sleep.
Ambulance people can call in psychiatry teams. I rang for an ambulance once for someone who was in psychosis. They pushed the team into action. That story ended well after months.
Well done for getting through this awful incident Christine. Healthcare people are probably the least aware groups. I would love to tell them some truths but they have power and ignorance – very dangerous.
Yes, you’re so right when you say that [so-called] health ‘care’ people are probably the least aware groups, and also that they (very worryingly) have power and ignorance. As you say, that is so, so dangerous. And the ‘psychiatric’ fraternity, in the main, operate outside the medical ‘law’. They take it upon themselves to make judgements about people. All being merely subjective judgements. There is no actual science behind so-called ‘psychiatry’.
They are the only ‘medical’ ‘discipline’ who are able (through their own seeming omnipotence) to hold people against their will, and to force people to take what they call ‘medication’.
Many books (and articles, etc) have been written and published, denouncing ‘psychiatry’; and quite a number of them are written by current or former ‘psychiatrists’ who saw the light, and realised that ‘psychiatry’ is medical fraud.
My eldest niece & her Albanian husband are both in ‘psychiatry’… and they both know just what I think of them.
Hi Christine
My guess is psychiatry is “The Thought Police”. What else could it possibly be? As I understand it, the precepts under which it operates are far from “scientific”. If you don’t “think right” you need to be taken away for treatment and realigned.
Now, I don’t argue that there are mental conditions that are dangerous to a person, or others, but I’m of the view that an unwelcome, uninvited “Shrink” needs to be told to piss off – – -. I also guess the term “Shrink” says it all. Funny how words are sometimes so informative!
I once knew someone who was mentally challenged (polite description) who could only tell me what his Shrink had said. My recommendation that he ditch his Shrink was not kindly received, hahaha!
Kind Regards
Hi Ian,
You’re so right! As I mentioned in one of my posts on this (must be one of the ones above, that I posted earlier today, I think), there are many, many books (and articles) on ‘psychiatry’ which provide a wealth of information/data/evidences which demonstrate incontrovertibly that there is absolutely NO science to back up the thing termed ‘psychiatry’. Moreover, a number of the scholarly books debunking this so-called ‘medical discipline’ have been written by current or former ‘psychiatrists’ who saw the light, realised that there was nothing to back it all up, and who thus blew the whistle on it.
The two ‘psychiatry’ people who visited me this morning (the senior one being a bloke, who told me that he was 58, and a young lady, probably in her twenties) realised that I would not stand for being treated the way I have been, since 26 April (when the obnoxious ambulance-man put me into the nightmare I’ve been in, until this morning). He [the ‘psychiatry’ bloke this morning] said “It’s very obvious that you know what you’re talking about, and that you won’t stand for any nonsense from us!”. He even admitted, himself, that “there are some things wrong with the ‘psychiatric’ paradigm…”. (Well, he never spoke a truer word, there!)
Best wishes,
When I made a flippant remark at work about a young boy I know “deciding he was trans” and there was a horrified silence after which my boss tartly remarked “Well I don’t think he DECIDED, George!”, for a few weeks I was dreading being sent on “refresher” courses on “diversity awareness”. Happily it didn’t happen and I was left to think, “Phew that was a close one!” But from now on I have been careful to avoid the “correction facility”.
This is how it is now: the thought police are everywhere.
(Also don’t forget how your ambulance man is keeping the psychiatry business going – and probably taking a back hander too!)
The general purpose of Christine’s and your experience is to reiterate a general warning on what cannot be stated: souped-up political propriety and self-censorship.
Money is the root of all evil and if they weren’t holding that over you, you could have told them all to F right off.
NB: I’m cross-posting this reply to you on another thread; I would’ve posted it here in the first place if I’d paid more attention to your intention to repeat the update on this thread.
I’ve been silently following your predicament, and am glad to hear that it’s apparently been resolved to your satisfaction. 👍
However, it might be a good idea to request the same written certification issued, and proudly displayed, by Homer J. Simpson after he was released from a psychiatric institution 😉:
Hi Ort,
I love it!! The image from ‘The Simpsons’ which you’ve provided! I’ve never watched that show, but that image, and your words to accompany it, are so funny! Thank you!!
Thanks for your comment; much appreciated; best wishes.
Emergency services in action:
Many thanks for your kind wishes!
I commented to someone here on Off-G a few days ago, when they mentioned the book Fahrenheit 451, that I read it for the first time in either 2021 or 2022. I recall that our dad had a copy of it in the 1970s, but I didn’t read it then [in my teens].
This sounds highly implausible. Ambulance folks couldn’t care less about what you’re reading and do not nose around people’s bookshelves.
Excuse me??? You are the second person commenting here on Off-G (during the last 20 days, since it all began) who’s tried to accuse me of making it all up. Well, let me tell you that I most certainly DID NOT make it up. Not one bit of it has been fabricated. It all happened exactly as I’ve related it, since 26th April when it all began.
Why do some people try to claim that people are fabricating stuff, huh?? People who know me know that I’m not the sort of person who makes anything up.
So please, refrain from suggesting that I did… for I most certainly did not.
Credit where credit is due: the ambulance man made things up safe in the knowledge that he was unleashing a world of torment.
Whoever has thumbed-up the post by ‘Gonzogone’ should not have done so. For I most certainly did not make up the horrific situation I’d been in, since 26 April.
The two ambulance blokes on that day did ‘nose around my bookcases’. I thought to myself, when one of them asked if he could take a look, “What on earth are these blokes doing, why aren’t they going off to their next case?”.
I most certainly do not appreciate being accused of fabricating something which truly did take place. What is wrong with people who have so little respect for others that they make such a wrong assumption…??
Yes, 99.9% of the people who read this excellent site are more than aware that the ‘Establishment’ (the ‘Powers-who-should-NOT-be’) regularly make things up/tell whoppers of blatant black lies. But I most certainly do NOT.
The U.K seems a nice place to live. (Alt media shows videos of Africa)
The Bank of England is set to raise interest rates last Thursday to their highest level since late 2008 . It set to rise by 4.5% !!
More than 1.4 million people on tracker and variable rate deals usually see an immediate increase in their monthly payments the 12th consecutive rise since December 2021.
Around 700,000 UK households couldn’t pay rent or mortgage last month, according to data issued days before another expected rise in the cost of borrowing.
According to The Guardian:
Obviously the B of E is entirely blameless for the runaway inflation. After all their target was 2% pa (not a month) and how could they possibly know that all those years of Quantitative Easing might just possibly cause a bit of a problem?
They are the epitome of modern Britain – no one is ever accountable.
No one except those at the bottom of the pyramid are accountble.
Modern Canada and modern U.S.A. As well. I think it is a case of post modernist relativism…. Nothing matters unless they believe it does. Or possibly a case of malevolent destruction of those things called nation states.
Rise to or by 4.5%?
yes, it should be rise ‘to’ 4.5% (from 4.25%)… still crippling though.
Build Back Better Conservatives in the UNITED KINGDOM already 1 step ahead.
New laws brought out two days before the coronation. (D noticed by the alt media for some reason).
How dare anyone not be a believer…..
The most draconian assault on free speech in living memory is now law.
These powers will ruin the lives of those they target. The silence that will follow should chill us to the bone.
The so called “conservative” party which has achieved exactly none of its election pledges:
Brexit, Immigration control, inflation, public spending management, etc etc
BUT it has been hugely successful in enriching its sponsors and donors and itself.
Build those Gallows now.
Off topic (or perhaps not?) and seriously desperate.
From the BBC:
“Austrian train plays Hitler speech over loudspeaker
Travellers on an intercity train in Austria were startled on Sunday when a recording of an Adolf Hitler speech was played on board.
Instead of the normal announcements, a crowd could also be heard shouting “Heil Hitler” and “Sieg Heil” over the train’s speaker system.
The operator said there had been several such incidents in recent days”
We hear from “David Stoegmueller, a Green Party MP” who “said he had received an email from a man who was on the train with an old lady who was a concentration camp survivor. “She was crying,” he said.”
How coincidental.
I don’t know much about train sound systems but I wouldn’t have thought they’d be easy to hack into.
Lol! I remember recording part of his speech on at home answer phone once. When did those phones come out. Are you sure your hilterian obsession isn’t related to Merkel Germany’s environmental policies.
In the 1960’s us young ones were actually perhaps more unknowingly dilutioning the membobilia – being a recently retrospective World War.
There’s an indiscriminately factually accounting of the Rise of its Collectabillty with tourism flying into London. And the tick tackle pollickering of self opinionation backlash.
As always early on we all new it was the old old story…this war stuff must be worth money ..that’s why these Dealers want it tagged down…London..its worth more in City dollars than it is to us.
Your comments always seem to be half AI generated and half thoughtful. I don’t know what to make of half the things you write.
From what I have read in the official press statement here it is quite easy as every employee has a key for the system in each carriage, EU wide so there are thousands of these keys floating around and I would imagine quite easy to get hold off.
Of course it was also stated that it was not an employee;-)
New printed Syrian passports were also found on the floor of train.
The terrorists whoever they were, probably lost them in their hurry to get away from justice.
Lol 😂
Or the passports blew there from the vapourized dust of a ghost plane in Manhattan and got updated just before they were discovered…
Identical events occurring in Australia last week which also provided the opportunity for police to enact new powers…the middle class were sufficiently frightened and then cautiously assured
A US group of wealthy people callled Patriotic Millionares is warning that the country will collapse if taxation does not become progressive. They propose 90% top marginal tax on those earning $500 million or more. The group includes a former BlackRock executive.
The Marxist attack on good ol’ America continues with the Marxists now in “White Extremist Conservative” drag. Pathetic…
McCarthy and I warned everybody as we wanted to save the innocent American people and our Constitution, but everybody refused to listen.
Thats why we stand in the mud to the neck today. A future with soup kitchens and Chinese charity noodles, and the Chinese laughing their arses off America..
Not everything you don’t like is “Marxist”, hell not even all socialism is “Marxist”… theres your good old national socialism, Proudhouns socialism, and Fabian socialism for example, the whole schtik of calling everything “Marxist” is kind of stale, just like calling everything “fascist” when people mean “authoritarian”, words and political terminology have meaning you know, or would you like to break down how the US government is “Marxist” if you think so I would really like to know(not being sarcastic there).
“They” are not persons.
“They” are the fears and insecurities that persons
are held in thrall by…
So now you know who “They” are…(anon)
The Covid Psyop was quite a success because so many plebs
(and especially politicians) were held in thrall by their Fear of
I bet the majority of those FEDs are orphans.
Probably worth researching, but, for me, life’s too short…
Probably all CIA/FBI agents. Everything in the MSM is fake:
It’s the same mob that called themselves Antifa.
They are everything Antifa is not.
Bad Cop-Good Cop routine for the cameras.
Exactly. I think I’ve seen these guys before. They turn up as Antifa, the next day they change their gear a bit and play at skinheads and on Saturdays they are the ‘Ultras’ in any given football stadium in Western Europe. I do think they are in fact the trainees of a militarized police force. And of course they justify the increasing violence of their colleagues in uniform.
It’s a Propagandist May festivity that’s all imo.
White supremacy is the biggest threat to democracy and no arrests? Why not? They did exactly what the J6 people did and hundreds (thousands?) of the J6 people are in jail.
What? A thousand patriots in DC at once … and no insurrection? 😂
I guess we can safely assume they’re FBI-shirts.
As “inequality” (poverty) expands and deepens, it is easier to hire people for all sorts of tasks. E.g., I know of an attempt (exposed early) to video a water shortage, with people seeming to sqabble as they queue up for water.
Or crisis-actors.
Catastrophe thespian’s as Matt McKinley calls them.
Ironically, the masks give them away…
Not new evidently and you can even join them, just send them your name and email (website called PatriotFront.US.) An ongoing psy-op evidently. Looks like they’ve been trotted out from time to time.
This is from last year (thinks it could be coming from the left to discredit the right), not necessarily to start a civil war. But they look too much like pigs to me.
The ‘Patriot Front’ Is a Ridiculous Hoax | Ricochet
The ADL is all over it. That tells you something.
Patriot Front | ADL
Gateway Pundit commenters aren’t buying it either.
Feds on Parade: Hundreds of ‘Patriot Front’ Members March in Khakis and Masks Towards U.S. Capitol (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
FBIsteria:Best Patriot Front March Memes:
What’s wrong with viking helmets and davy crockett hats? Couldn’t those dudes have tried a bit harder on the sartorial front? And they didn’t even storm a mcdonalds, let alone a library or the capitol building. Pussies.
I saw Joe Biden say that in some video clips. A commencement speech at an all black college. Nice. Great leadership. What the fuck is wrong with these people. It is beyond all reasoning. As a lifelong racist himself what is he trying to accomplish? Some kind atonement to help him get into heaven? He just keeps lying more and more every day. Never seen anything like it. “The biggest threat to America is White Supremacy.” Democrats want a civil war. That’s the best I can make of it. And Joe will be in hell. And it couldn’t happen sooner. Being dumb is not an excuse.
Of course Democrats want a civil war, at least their leaders do. It is ALL they have to run on, the fundraising using it is massive as the willfully naive tell themselves Democrats could never be racist, or sexist, or homophobic, or whatever other form of bigotry we can name. Democrats are the good guys, they’re responsible, compassionate, blah, blah, blah. Democrats are all of those good things right up until one of those things affects their own paychecks or the neighborhood where they live. Or if one of the white ones are called racist as fuck to their own faces, then watch the ugliness come oozing out of them. Of course most of them don’t know about Joe’s own open bigotry, but even if they were to read something from recent history, which in and of itself is highly unlikely unless it’s in a meme somewhere, they would refuse to believe it and call it right wing conspiracy theory.
Sadly, they aren’t the only stupid we are now surrounded by, but they make a somewhat easy target since they’re so open about it.
As for the biggest threat to America, that would be Joe Biden and every other puppet in Washington doing the bidding of psychopaths, along with the willfully ignorant who vote for them and believe in them as honest brokers.
U$ patriot Harriet Fraad asks, What have we gained from going deep into debt in order to build up more weapons and lose more wars than any other country?
You have gained nothing, but your masters have gained a lot.
That depends. If you’re a wealthy investor in the MIC it all makes sense.
If we dont go there with updated weaponry, 2 billion Commies are coming here to America after us, hiding under our beds and steal our dollares from the inside and thats a fact.
To secure innocent American lives who never have done anything wrong, always have been working hard and paying all our bills, we need to be out there on the spot ready to kill anyone threatening the United States of America and our Constitution.
LOL, look at those guys. Couldn’t be more obvious if they had “agent provocateur” painted black on their masks. You can tell by just the way they’re standing. Wow, hadn’t heard of this, but yes, it’s as obvious as obvious gets.
The result of a low budget. Otherwise, they could have got training, realistic simulation of wounds and the wounded, etc.
If there is an inconvenient leak, there is always the fallback excuse that it was a training exercise.
Oh Brian Krassenstein. An “Independent Investigative Journalist – Fighting hate and tackling conspiracy theories”. He asks,
“What is wrong with people?”
But that isn’t enough – so he pushes further,
“Why does so much hate exist?”
I had originally typed out a smart arse spoof on how BK was such a “profound mind” etc. But I couldn’t keep it going. What “distinguishes” BK – or, to be more precise, what lodges him in the same circle of hell as the other hacks, is his total and utter vacuity.
Truly – there is nothing there!
BK embodies the emptiness of the pit, the void of craven submission to the parasitical overlords. I wonder if he and his ilk are human or even real. They form a soul sucking black hole.
The sad thing is that this kind of thing works:
There are vast hordes of dumbasses who will be already chilled the moment they read the first two words, “Chilling footage”. Just like that video compendium of celebs and other media monkeys squealing about how the unvaccinated should be rounded up and exterminated, where the very note of hysteria in their voices will already infect the aforementioned dumbasses.
You don’t need to actually attach electrodes to these specimens to get them to spasm. The right soundbites and news shapes do the trick.
We drove my brother-in-law home after Mother’s day yesterday. He wanted to talk politics: he says “haven’t you been following the most important thing happening in the world”? “Which one”, I say. He says, “well Trump, of course!” (Regarding the “sexual assault” case where NY state removed its statute of limitations – for one year only – so the woman could sue Trump in civil court. She “won” of course.)
More proof that “Limited Hangouts” work.
If only men could try to think of something else. The right head to mention an example.
First women try with marriage, then they try as hookers. If the two dont work the third chance is in the Court Room.
Thats why I as a man is against this e-money and bank account bs.
Dollares, gold and silver in the mattress where no one can see what you have, and then a deaf/blind stick to walk around with, a magnum 45 in your backpack, and you are safe.
Another Commodified Rebellion. Add that to the long list including: BLM, Xtinction Rebellion, Greta Thunberg etc.
The late Joe Bageant,: “Our Theatre State”
RE Bageant:
“Bageant argues convincingly – well at least to me, since I have held this view for years, along with many others – that Americans are essentially using TV and film (and video games, and the internet) to self-medicate themselves numb. Being numb is much easier than facing the world and any sense of being responsible for ourselves…”
That’s my brother-in-law to a T.
Bageant had a deep take, wonderful social analyst, even when we disagreed I learned nore than if he hadn’t.
I miss Bageant so much. I wonder what he’d say about all the stuff happening now? It’d be interesting, I’m sure.
Burns victim’s on a day out?(sarc)
This is just more proof that the US Government Corporation wants civil conflict to start on their terms, because violence is what they do best.
TPTB recognize the beginnings of a grass root movement of rebellion happening in the USA. Granted it is still years away from formally organizing.
We should also discern the difference between Government Tyranny and their Terrorist Violence. Versus those that are, or will, be fighting against government, with justified resistance force.
War is when the government tells you who the enemy of the day is.
Revolution is when you figure out for yourself who the real enemy is.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
One does have to ask, in all humility, why anyone left in the USA still has any basis to think that other people look up to their society?
The nonsense that is the USA right now is tragic in its comedic irony: completely devoid of all the founding principles. Whether you agreed with all of them or not, at least the Founding Male Reproducers believed in them and so did several generations of US citizens.
The founding principles of the nation were that any Government that betrayed the people could and should be overthrown by the people. With the advent of ‘domestic terrorism’, that founding principle is pretty much dead in the water.
The founding principles included small government. When you have out-of-control debt ceilings, an utterly corrupt budget setting process, that principle disappeared over a decade ago.
The founding principles included ‘the inalienable right to pursue happiness’. Now if happiness for many is found through conservative values, it’s arguable now that that doctrine is now dead in the water. You have to be woke, you have to promote transgenderism and you have to call all whites racists. It would not be possible for me to be happy having to believe that load of claptrap, so it’s a jolly good thing I don’t reside in the USA, isn’t it?
As for the right to liberty: well liberty to do what? Express christian, conservative values? Believe in marriage between a man and a woman? Believe in a meritocratic job selection process? Believe in a balanced federal budget? Believe in a system of representation which is not bought lock, stock and barrel by nefarious, unaccountable elites???
If you can’t be proud to be a god-fearing, white-skinned Republican who believes in sound money, defending the country rather than conquering the world and who is sufficiently scientifically educated to demolish all the false arguments about Covid19, then the USA does not uphold the inalienable right to liberty.
I like your comment (sar) , But America was founded tongue in cheek. LOL
“One does have to ask, in all humility, why anyone left in the USA still has any basis to think that other people look up to their society?”
As an American, I hope that nobody looks up to our society. Our ship is wrecked, on the rocks. At this point other countries should just learn from our failure. Especially the UK.
The UK (City of London) holds significant responsibility for the wreck. They helped make the rocks. But the UK is sailing quickly into the sunset and humanity gives thanks that justice is served. Whatever the UK may learn will be of no use to them. Tally ho!
Not with our supine, subservient, jellyfish sitting in parliament we won’t.
As usual, Rhys, you nailed it. I would only add that the takedown of America (and any country in which there is the memory of democracy) is “on purpose” by TPTB.
A “god-fearing” man is not a man – he is a slave to a false god, and an imported one at that.
This is the problem when you make everyone fat and stupid they don’t know when they’re supposed to do real violence.
Parasite Front.
Looked like the movie “The Invisible Man.” Since he was invisible he had to wrap his face, wear glasses & a hat to be seen.
So what were they really? CIA making the truth invisible?
Its just another form of cosplay. They’re the fringe of a fringe organization, so small that they were probably tolerated by law enforcement because in was a quiet Sunday and there wasn’t enough of them to be a nuisance. (“Dignifying them with a response”.)
Incidentally, its quite common for badges to be stuck to tactical uniforms with Velcro.
“Nonsurrection Redux: a Langley Land Misinformation abd Disinformation production.”
For a moment I thought it was Halloween in D.C., so disorienting.
A Langley Spookfest, “BOO!”
There you go again Martin lad, reliably upholding some crumbling corner of the establishment narrative.
You do it with covid, you do with 9/11 and everything else, grinding out the tired ole Western propaganda bullshit. “It was al Qaeda who dunnit,” you say, “and covid is real as shit and the vaccines are just marvelous, look at me I got an armful of everything going and I’m feeling fantastic”
I mean you must be working for someone or why would ya bother with this thankless task? No one listens to you. Ya have to be getting paid to do this shite.
Which is why in interests me very much to note your latest bit of bullshit is about the war in Ukraine and how Russia are good guys.
Now why would an ole Langley/GCHQ fella like yourself be selling that particular set of wares right now?
I’m guessing you’re not gonna tell me of course.
I am paid by the government but only because I receive Social Security. That’s right, I’m some old geezer who’s retired and on a pension. Despite being old I have a fair bit of technical/scientific education, have been into politics since I wa a child and have seen enough genuine conspiracies not to want to go around inventing new ones just because they fit some world view template.
Incidentally, if I was in the job market I doubt if those agencies would touch me, what with my political background and all that. I do have a nephew that appears to work for GCHQ but he fits a certain profile (I say “appears”, he’s never said anything outright but I figure that someone who works with computers who lives in Cheltenham and is vague about their employment, that’s near enough.)
Funny: that’s not what happened at Charlottesville five years ago. There’s really only one sensible explanation for the total absence of ‘Antifa’ and the good behavior of the police generally: those guys supposedly protesting were actually their colleagues.
Gov is much more comfortable with extremism… as it’s easier to counter. So goes the media.
That’s why the most amenable will be quarantined from debate, while the occasional flashpoints will be tolerated.
Too true, “they” will provoke the amenable.
I’d be much, much more afraid of the Puritan, censorial “racism”-obsessed Biden regime than any “right-wing conspiracy”. But the media will lap it up
This is building to something and may be linked to the huge amount of survey flights going on over Northeast US cities (See Monkey Werx on YouTube) which some suggest are for shaping battlefields (
We could well be looking down the barrel of a series of false flag running battles in US cities that would bring a level of death and destruction not seen since 9/11 and would usher in marshall law and the end of the 2nd amendment and forced confiscation of all private arms (Which will result in more running battles and chaos across the US).
The US “government” need to get the guns in order to roll out CBDCs and close the control grid gate and they will need a huge event to effect this…
I think we’re all interested in ‘getting the guns’ because most people don’t know how to use them properly, they’re need for an ego boost or whatever means they’re a danger to themselves and everyone around them (but they’re not — as they’d like to imagine — any threat to the government).
(Personally, I’d just make ammunition either very expensive or almost impossible to obtain. There’s nothing in the Bill of Rights that conveys any right to own pre-manufacturerd ammunition.)
“For Gods sake let the government have that gun before you accidentally blow someone’s head off”.
You’re just worried to death about us all aren’t ya. You won’t rest until we’ve had our vaccines and given up all our weapons. For our own good. God love you.
Did you draw a short straw to get this billet? It can’t be very rewarding for you.
No. Living in California as I do means we’re relatively immune to random gun violence compared to all those red states that are into open carry, unrestricted ownership and so on. I’d guess me and my neighbors would like to keep it that way.
No disrespect, Martin, but please don’t leave California ever! We wouldn’t want you voting in one of our states.
What is “random gun violence?” Is that when a gun gets up and puts ammo into itself and then drives itself downtown and shoots people?