Don’t let them rewrite history: Ventilators KILLED people…and it was no accident
New studies claim many “Covid patients” were killed by invasive mechanical ventilation, but we knew this at the time and now people are re-writing history.
Kit Knightly

A new study from Northwestern University has concluded that the majority of “Covid19” patients put on ventilators were actually killed by bacterial pneumonia, not the alleged virus.
You can read that paper here.
This should not come as a shock to any regular OffG reader – or indeed anyone who tried to keep themselves informed during the “pandemic”. Mechanical ventilation is not a treatment for respiratory infection, and quite often makes the situation worse.
Deliberate, institutional misuse of mechanical ventilation probably killed huge numbers of patients during the so-called “first wave”. We cover this in great detail in our “40 Facts” covid cribsheet.
Predictably enough, though, mainstream talking heads are not ready to admit this, and the Northwestern paper has produced a wave of somewhat fevered revisionism among the dwindling covidiot class.
See, for example, this tweet from “Dr Craig Spencer”:
You know why we intubated people for Covid in March 2020?
Because otherwise they were going to die. Full. Stop.
I remember a patient rolling in with an oxygen saturation of 42%, breathing twice as fast as normal,struggling on a face mask with oxygen all the way up.
What to do?
— Craig Spencer MD MPH (@Craig_A_Spencer) May 19, 2023
Ironically, while he is accusing others of revisionism, he is the one rewriting history. Ventilators were never recommended for treating Covid, but rather for preventing transmission.
The WHO, CDC, NHS and ECDC all published guidelines instructing healthcare workers to put “Covid patients” on respirators as early as possible, and in every case it was classed as an “infection control measure”.
This is not new information, it was all known at the time.
Further, it was known, that this policy was potentially doing harm, having been reported in mainstream articles (such as this one from Time or this one from The Spectator) as early as April 2020.
But it’s not just the “ventilators saved lives” crowd who are rewriting history, even this new discussion recognizing the role ventilators played in Covid stops several steps short of the truth, characterizing it as a mistake or a panic reaction.
It was neither. It was deliberate policy.
This was recorded by whistle-blowers and becomes glaringly obvious when you consider that, in the US, the CARES Act paid out bonus money to hospitals for ventilating “covid patients”.
So no, it is not revisionism to blame ventilators for many of the deaths usually attributed to “Covid”, that was obviously true, and widely known, at the time.
Real revisionism is pretending there was no way anyone could have known the harm that was being done, or to close your eyes to the fact it was all done on purpose.
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Excellent article and exactly on point! The policy was implemented to protect the staff from the phantom virus, to reduce exposure to “virus aerosols.”
Scan of Titanic reveals wreck as never seen before.
The world’s most famous shipwreck has been revealed as never seen before.
The first full-sized digital scan of the Titanic, which lies 3,800m (12,500ft) down in the Atlantic, has been created using deep-sea mapping.
It provides a unique 3D view of the entire ship, enabling it to be seen as if the wayer has been drained.
The hope is that this will shed new light on exactly what happened to the liner, which sank in 1912 – killing 1,500 people.
Several years ago I spoke to a podiatrist who after 30 minutes had me believing the cerebral cortex was nothing compared to the foot. And the point he emphasized: the elderly have to keep moving, they have to let the rest of their body know, their internal organs, that they’re not closing up shop just yet.
One of the most common sites I saw living in NYC during the 80’s: the elderly, most often w a caregiver, out and about, getting their exercise, limited as it may have been.
What were the medical experts telling the elderly to do during covid? Stay inside. Don’t go out. Don’t move.
Convid was Revelation- but not like the psychopathic Judaic rants in the Bible.
It was a Revelation of how the System operates and propagates itself over the centuries much more clearly than ever before.
Here’s a brief summary:
The System’s primary modus operandi is early childhood trauma. This affects the development of the human being, creating chronic conditions that render people unable to take power. At the most they can struggle to support themselves and their familes, and will never have the energy to overthrow the System.
The common denominator across the modern so-called civilised world is physical trauma, and there are two common vectors: – Vaccinations (starting from the age of 1 because the younger, the more permanent the effects ) and genital mutilation.
Both are physical assaults with the former being poisoning with aluminium, heavy metals and who knows what else, and the latter being actual mutilation of sexual pleasure centers leading to emotional – psyhological issues later in life. Both these types of child abuse are so common in America ( the leading cultural paradigm) that they are entirely naturalised and overlooked by all within that culture (just a jab, just a snip).
Talking about male genital mutilation (and to a lesser extent childhood vaccination) in America and its colonies is a massive no-no because the issue is way too close to home.
I pray every day for some real human beings to take power in their hands and treat these white-coated sub-human parasites to some good medicine with permanent effects.
My friend’s mother broke her arm. Six weeks later, she “died of Covid”. They wanted to give her nuclear medicine!! She kept telling her son “They’re trying to kill me.” He’s a doctor and still wasn’t allowed to see her. She was intubated, which usually comes with a fentanyl drip and generally has a survival rate of only 14%. I still can’t believe that happened to her. Hospital protocols must be changed. If people would just receive ozone therapy instead of ventilators, many would heal from infections and diseases.
Matt Orfalea’s latest montage of this manufactured crisis is excellent:
THE UNVACCINATED | “Nobody is Safe!”
If anyone still asks, “What crimes?”, send them this link:
International Covid Summit – Dr. David Martin
Directly or indirectly, medical service is a business. In the “free market”, the business model seeks the greatest profit from the local and (for medical tourism) foreign patients. For the elderly, this often entails exaggerating the medical condition or intensifying treatment. Preventing communication between patient and loved ones is a prevalent approach.Many of the illnesses arise from other parts of the “free market”.
David Martin’s opening presentation on day 1 of the International Covid Summit was (is) authoritatively substantiated by documented record and consequently, horrifically chilling – genuinely revelatory.
I would recommend all to take the 10 minutes or so to watch. It is worth forwarding to family, friends, as well as acquaintances and strangers.
History has already been planned, all we can do is not go along with it.
There are no such things as pandemics. The entire medical categorization of “pandemic” is fraudulent.
In today’s surreality as one commenter put it- “the importance of declaring a “pandemic” is that it triggers the implementation of pre-loaded contracts between governments and their Pharma partners that both open the public funding floodgates and provide indemnity for the pharmaceutical companies.”
The “Covid-19 Crisis” was not an epidemiological event nor a medical emergency, it was and is a criminal conspiracy- an orchestrated program launched by elite Western financial interests in response to the comprehensive collapse of the Western financial systems in 2019 which itself was the result of decades long Ponzi Schemes carried out by these elites.
The Pharma Cartel makes a lot of money for large investment firms and the Pandemic Business Model is one of the more lucrative investment strategies for these firms.
Manufactured pandemics have become mammoth investment opportunities that increase the wealth of billionaires and further consolidate their power.
It’s all fraud.
There was no viral pandemic or epidemiological emergency in 2020- it was mass murder.
The mandated use of ventilators/remdesivir/barticinib/midazolam/vancomyacin/propofol/fentanyl etc. combined with neglect when not being harassed/abused killed off hundreds of thousands of “Covid” (rebranded flu and bacterial pneumonia) patients.
Those that were killed off in the manufactured “first wave” of iatrogenic slaughter came primarily from institutionalized settings- the voiceless and faceless of society. There were few to no third party witnesses to these crimes as mandated by health bureaucrats.
All of this was (and much more) was done to create the mass hysteria event in order to hide the massive economic collapse of 2019 and hide the $13 trillion (so far) worth of bailouts in the US alone (fiurther bailouts in the EU) AND to jump start the Pharma bio-security system as THE new economic driver in a bankrupt system.
There were many additional facets to this operation as those who read OG regularly know.
Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of the US and perhaps the world.
They will use a similar template and roll this out again unless there are prosecutions for the crimes committed.
“Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering/racketeering scheme in the history of the US and perhaps the world.”
And an excuse for the launching of a massive data collection process.
The pandemic-law was just approved by the Dutch equivalent of the Senate so theyre doing it again soon. And force injections and quarantine coming.
People did not die of “COVID,” an invention of the ruling narrative allegedly caused by an invented “virus,” a file filled with computer code. They died of being ventilated or given drugs like Remdesivir. moxifloxacin and azithromycin.
And the elderly died because they were deliberately denied medical care while in so called “care homes”. That more than 25,000 people just in the U.K.
AND no one is being held accountable.
In the US, they were given “care” in the form of ventilators and the drugs i mention above. At least in the “caring” states, the 16 which had excess deaths (only in really “caring” locales within those stats, e.g. New York City’s “care centers.”
The project was a dry run or “live exercise”. Now, the administrative orders and laws have been tweaked for extra authority, legal immunity, secrecy, retroactive effect, silencing if whistle-blowers, etc. Our overlords are ready for bigger things.
We may blame party politics, but has any purportedly independent legislator raised serious questions about the mass murder, especially from the jabs?
I am curios about the case in a Kirkland, Washington nursing home where 35 residents died in the span of one week in the early days of the plandemic. I do not believe they died of a disease – Covid or otherwise. Were they intentionally killed with ventilators, anti-virals and lethal doses of sedatives or did they die of neglect/starvation/dehydration-low sodium from abandonment of staff? Has anyone looked into this?
Remember to add that the jab itself caused “covid”, damage and death, even among associates or family members of the jabbed. All talk of “shedding” has now died down.
I remember a medic describing his heroic but unsuccesful efforts to save pneumonia patients by ventilation. Since pneumonia is, as you say, a bacterial infection, giving more oxygen is a palliative measure at best. Still, every little helps; on the positive side I also know a pneumonia patient pulling through with careful nursing by his wife and son.
The really terrifying thing about Con-19, to my mind, was the way patients were “disappeared” and died without the presence of their loving family.
You never treat pneumonia with ventilation. Never.
Ventilators are a tool to replace the patients’s breathing muscles. They are indicated for use when a patient is literally too weak to breathe unaided or when his breathing muscles are paralyzed or compromised or when his breathing reflex is not functioning properly.
They are not a tool for treating damaged lungs. In fact if used for too long or incorrectly they will only make the damage worse.
People with pneumonia have lungs that are infected or inflamed and are full of fluid or scar tissue that impedes the transfer of oxygen through the system and into the blood.
Forcing air into these lungs through ventilation will not help, because the problem is not lack of access to air it’s the inability of the damaged lungs to process the air in them and move oxygen into the blood.
In fact forcing air into lungs sick with pneumonia will increase inflammation, force infective material deeper into the lung branches and just make things much much worse. It can even blow out the fragile alveoli and create ventilation pneumonia.
This is why ventilation would NEVER be given to a person with pneumonia whose breathing muscles and reflex are working normally.
The only time it is ever used in pneumonia is as a hail mary pass when a patient’s lungs are so compromized, stats so low that the CO2 in his blood is suppressing the breathing reflex. In these cases ventilation is used to keep the patient alive until hopefully his lungs might begin to clear and his breathing reflex can reestablish.
It’s a heroic last ditch effort and usually fails, because the ventilation, while short term keeping him alive is also further damaging his already critical lungs with every minute of use.
Anyone who tells you stories about people getting pneumonia and being immediately put on a ventilator to “treat” that pneumonia are lying or confused.
Pre-covid it was unheard of and would have resulted in discipline against any medical staff who did it.
Do you remember the cries of “the ventilators aren’t powerful enough”. They were asking people to find a way to increase the force of air being pushed through. I lost a friend to ventilation, she would have been fine with an oxygen mask. Here in the UK ventilation was practically the only treatment offered – that’s the joy of the Gov’t handling healthcare. Never forgive, never forget.
The way to deliver “more oxygen” to a patient is thru masks or cannuli. Ventilators are not intended for that purpose, they are designed to replace a patient’s breathing muscles. They function more like an iron lung than a simple oxygen delivery system.
Intubation has always been a source of infection, if not worse. This means more business in treating the infection.
I know an elderly person discharged (on her insistence) with a feeding tube through the nose not removed, in the hope she would come back. Another person having a stone in the bladder insisted he did not need to be warded (could not afford it); so the doctor left a tube in his penis to ensure he returned for a second visit to complete treatent.
OG are doing some of the best factual and opinion stuff out there and have been since 2020.
Thank you, much appreciated 🙏
Indeed, some of our commenters have a considerable collection of verifiable facts at their disposal, and their input amounts to more serious information than one person could ever manage.
Like Ian Davis who perpetuates the virus and co2 myths?
I hope as many Twitter users as possible get the jab. Can’t wait for the COVID and twatter crowd to fuck off and die.
A lot of good people use twitter.
No, de facto not
So, are they finally ready to flip the script on us? Is this when they admit that the whole Covid-hysteria was a ‘tragic overreaction’ and that their officially untested injections were snake oil being pushed by ‘greedy pharmaceutical companies’ in concert with ‘corrupt national governments’? Is this when we find out that 75% (or whatever percentage took the shots) are going need to grotesquely expensive treatment for cancer, heart disease and early-onset dementia for the rest of their lives, meaning we’re going to need crazy new levels of immigration–or else robots!–just to keep on functioning in a civilized fashion? That we’re going to end up bankrupting one Western country after the next with healthcare expenditures, necessitating IMF bailouts that will force us to adopt CBDCs in exchange for the ‘aid’?
And shall a Kennedy lead us? 😉
Or am I just being paranoid? 😉
No, its the way its scripted and so far we follow the script to the detail.
no, you’re not
I am literally waiting for this to happen every day. And morons on our side will think it’s a victory because “they admitted they were wrong”.
The overlords are never going to tell the truth about their COVID depopulation PSYOP campaign, in fact here in the US they are still pushing the kill shots in the media! There is too much money involved, too much power and societal reengineering at stake for the plutocrats to do the right thing, ever. We will see more “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”, more “died suddenly”, more high school and college athletes dropping like flies and more comorbidities accelerating and reoccurring as time goes on. Only a few brave souls will dare point to the kill shots as the causes. The cowards will continue to remain silent lest they be demonized, beset with abuse by the comatose go-alongs, government minions and the Great Reset acolytes. Their goal is to kill off as many of us as they can and thus far their plan is working.
The US hospital administrators wanted their $35,000 – $70,000 per patient death and i’m guessing a lot of so-called NHS hospitals in Blighty received the same, although they are keeping as quiet as they can at the moment.
Privatising hospitals is really no better than letting the monolithic gov’t run it. There has to be a better way, but as long as there is plenty scope for corruption it won’t be sought. This attack on the human race cannot be ignored or brushed away and it cannot go unpunished.
$35,000 – $70,000 per patient death – would love a source please.
To be honest i have seen these figures in a number of reports but i cannot remember the sources for sure. The info is out there and shouldn’t be too hard to find. If i have seen it so have others so maybe someone else could supply a definite link.
They get money for treating the patients as covid patients, and they haven’t really been denying it.
I guess it’s somewhere in this ”bill to provide emergency assistance and health care response for individuals, families, and businesses affected by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic” (CARES Act), March 19, 2020:
Also, here’s something presented on this site. Sources?
Here’s some links on the hospital covid blood money incentive payments.. I hope it helps…My state of Tennessee got $166,000–ceos-racked-up-huge-pandemic-profits/
They wouldn’t even dare these days. Certainly, the British media are a busted flush, shilling for Brexit, the ‘covid’ house arrests and now the Ukrainian clown – all of it unravelling.
Shilling forBrexit? You alright, mate? The whole corporate media with maybe two exceptions was solid Remain. The propaganda level was insane. As it turned out though it was just another fake out. Leave or remain, no difference.
When are they going to start prosecuting and jailing these people if they fully knew it was harming people instead?
I would like to see things taken much much further than that.
I would see every single CEO of every company that incentivised people to get experimented on, by way of product discounts and the like, at the very least locked up. The link below comes from the WEF. I will add that the WEF, amongst others, should be put away with the same level of vicious and callous cruelty that they themselves have advocated.
I would also have every single media personalty, radio, TV & print, whom promoted the segregation and discrimination against people like myself, absolutely locked up, at the very least.
I wonder whether anyone else has seen the info. in the item below. Looking it up online, it seems to be genuine… (even though it’s sometimes the case that ‘celebrities’/famous people’s deaths are reported, and then it turns out to be a false claim).
Dr Rashid Buttar was in the news a lot, at the beginning of this fake ‘pandemic’, back in 2020…
“Rashid Buttar who has died aged 57 said a few days ago that he was poisoned after CNN interview” (two videos embedded in the link below), at:
Here’s an article from the ‘Truth11’ site, re. the above, re. Dr Rashid Buttar:
“Dr Rashid Buttar has died. He said he was intentionally poisoned 200x what is in the ‘vaccine'”, at:
What does he mean poisoned by 200x what was in the vax? How did that happen exactly?
He got 200 boosters and Im not funny. Its the truth with logo and reason.
I too wonder what he meant by that remark.
A couple of possibilities. He could have been forced into taking the clot shot and decided not to disclose it.
He did say he was poisoned. The covert agencies have their ways of doing these things. Remember Jack Ruby of JFK/Oswald fame. He conveniently developed cancer and died before he could disclose what he knew. This is bad news.They could be coming after convid truthers.
Dr. Craig Spencer is a typical arrogant and clueless twit holding an MD degree. When I was pursuing a chemistry degree, all the chem majors in the class were please to see such a large number of pre-meds in a particularly difficult course, realizing that it would make it that much easier to ace it. Two silver linings of the devastating cv-1984 psyops are that far fewer parents are permitting their newborns to be intoxicated with the childhood program of toxins, and a growing number of the population realize that MD’s are just amoral street pushers of toxic drugs for Big Pharma. I would estimate that well under 10% have either what I would consider basic intelligence and basic decency. “We were just following orders” i.e. ,gov protocols. The only positive treatment of “modern medicine” is the treatment of severe physical trauma.
They’re not just rewriting history, they’re covering their butts. If it ever becomes common knowledge – which in a sane world it already would – that ventilators murdered, then the lawsuits would virtually wipe out the medical profession.
Apart from that, it’s virtually de rigueur for the medical profession to grotesquely overdo it. Beaucoup unnecessary tests, wildly over medication – whatever brings in the lucre.
Doctors are like used car salesmen. You have to kick the tires before you buy the car. Maybe you should kick a little sense into the doctor’s treatment before you buy that either.
Strictly speaking, they are not “rewriting” history. They are only trying to stick to the same pile of steaming crap they’ve been shovelling out since the start.
My mother who is now in her 90s told me yesterday that she has just had her fourth injection. I tried to put her off before but she said she was “just going to go along with them”. There’s little point in arguing further. She lives a considerable distance away and, though I phone her often, I can’t compete with the TV she will have on most of the time. If I went into details about the deaths from the vaccine it would only frighten her and she wouldn’t believe me anyway – or rather, she wouldn’t really take it in.
This is a phenomenon I’ve seen over and over: People can agree with you and yet their actions show that they haven’t really taken it in. Either they are not aware of the discrepancy or they will bashfully say “I’m just going to go along with it”. They don’t want to admit the two claims made by Simon Elmer: that we have a government that is criminal (relatively easy to accept “theoretically”) and – here comes the major blasphemy – that we have an NHS that is criminal. (The latter claim is one that no-one will accept even theoretically.)
As an example of the kind of shite my mom is subject to: she asked me how many people died of the Spanish Flu – so I looked it up and the upper global estimate was 100 million. She said she had heard it was 500 million. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that was something getting rammed through on TV, without “confirmation” on the net.
There’s quite a lot of data (including from honest people at the time) that the so-called ‘Spanish Flu’ was not a ‘virus’ at all; that it was a combination of deaths from illnesses caused by ‘vaccines’ given to those coming back from the 1st WW, bacterial pneumonia, overdosing of aspirin, etc.
Agreed. Plus maybe a way of hiding how many men had died of the effects of mustard gas in WWI. Many would not die during the war, but the effects would continue afterwards and lead to their deaths in the following years. Men were still suffering and dying of it’s effects in the 1960’s having had poor health – particularly lung issues – since 1918. My mother told me her father – born 1897, entered WWI at 18 and mustard gassed – coughed every morning for hours before going to work. He died aged 63 in 1960.
Anyone who has ever had a bad lung infection or pneumonia will know how debilitating a cough can be. It not only fatigues the lungs but all the muscles of the torso and you feel constantly tired and ill.
Sadly, my 80 yr old parents act the same way. They got their 6th shot last month. They get all their info from the propaganda spewing cable news stations and believe everything the CDC says. Anything labeled misinformation–they refuse to read or watch. They’ve been completely brainwashed from the constant fear mongering in 2020 and I don’t think they’ll ever wake up to what has really happened.. It’s very disturbing to me because I can’t even have a discussion without it ending in a ridiculous argument. I finally just gave up
Responses to the Great Mind of Dr Craig Spencer:
Actually, the eyes of 2020 were the same eyes we have now in 2023.
We did and you didn’t want to know.
They didn’t have to die of covid. The chances are that most of them didn’t die of covid at all – assuming that there is even such a thing as covid.
The why-didn’t-you-tell-us-then argument is also used by in Germany (wrt lockdowns and their effects), where the minister had the nerve to say the dissenting voices “were not loud enough”.
So it’s all actually the fault of those who were smeared and censored.
I hope and pray these people are not allowed to get away with it.
They followed the Devil and killed people. They still follow the Devil and lie about it. They did all that to serve the Devil, for money.
Anyone who uses “Full, Stop” in an argument is a fool or a knave.
Peery. Odd.
Anyone who thinks bodily functions are a laughing matter is an idiot. Period.
‘Spot on’ too.
a very high percentage of nhs staff will stick to the lie to their dying breath, because that dying breath my yet be in the comfort of their own beds as opposed to a brutal death at the hands, feet and bats of an angry mob
compliance and complicity breeds loyalty like nothing else
Yes, but the mob itself was compliant and complicit; I don’t think there could be anyone who can throw the first stone.
The mechanisms that made what happened in the last three years possible are IMO the same as those that make possible our integration in a system of hierarchies, implicitly acknowledged and not criticized, and which is the basis of the smooth normal functioning of modern societies as a whole.
” Whatever happens, under no circumstances allow yourself to be put on a ventilator, as you will likely, never leave that hospital alive . . . ” said a highly concerned German Doctor, from the getgo.
“Safer quarantined @home, if risk exists ? ! ” was her conclusion.
She was correct and well aware.
Sadly. No names, no pack drilling.
Doctors regulate Doctors, who always knew,
Everybody’s lungs have a different capacity…
‘ Real revisionism is pretending there was no way anyone could have known the harm that was being done, or to close your eyes to the fact it was all done on purpose.’
The problem with our frontline workers is that they project their own DANGEROUS stupidity on anyone else who was at the time skeptical about the life saving measures.
I have spoken about this medical negligence (that I witnessed first hand), endlessly here at the time, and although I know that one should only believe so much from an anonymous commenter (me), I have the luxury that I know myself.
Anyway, I have recently (finally) published my covid ‘leads’ to pulmonary embolism medical negligence story and this has raised some (but not enough yet) traction within the political, legal, and academic realm.
It’s in Dutch:
Please share.
This is right up there with ‘planes crashing into the WTC caused the structural failure’ and ‘the USA had nothing to do with Hitler’s rise and everything to do with his fall’ where re-writing of history is concerned.
Reading the propaganda around football is an instructive way to learn about this sort of thing. The first rule before you ever read any article on football in the ‘MSM’ is to ascertain which club the ‘journalist’ actually supports. Many of them are nothing more than club propaganda agents. The second thing you must ascertain is whether they are on the make, namely trying to stop multi-season-paying fans going to top games, whilst being rewarded for doing that by getting VIP treatment at such games (e.g. the World Cup, attempts to relocate Champions League games to the USA etc).
When you have done that, you quickly remove their title of ‘journalist’ and replace it with more derogatory terms like ‘wordsmith’, ‘scribbler’, ‘prostitute’ or the like.
I see the sports columns of the MSM nowadays as pages in a comic, not news. If they gave evidence like they printed, they’d be in prison for committing perjury, after all….
Rest assured, it’s locked in.
This- the revelation which occurred during Cupid 19- is never going to be resolved,it’s never going to be forgotten or managed away and as they have assured us you cannot turn back the clock.
It’s now like echoing feedback. It just keeps getting louder. And the entertainment no longer serves its purpose of a captivating salve for manufactured anxiety.
This is the staredown. Don’t look away
VENTILATORS for COVID actually killed! Did more harm than good, and that’s the irony, in that too, we were misled; I am not saying people were deliberate, but this was a reckless insane policy. – Dr. Paul Alexander. APR 23, 2022.
Dr Kyle-Sidell 4 Apr 2020 patients being treated with measures (ventilators) which are making the symptoms worse.
My experience with the vaxxed public in the past two weeks: two friends to tell me they have stage 4 lung cancer( have been anticipating this as they are 5 shots in)
Another -going blind probably 4-5 shots.
A regular customer’s daughter has aggressive breast cancer and she just gave birth to a baby with myocarditis!
Eyes glaze over when you suggest a link to mRNA and out trot the terms” vaccine nay sayers ‘, the old nugget “conspiracy theorists “ and Ant-vaxxer.
This two week period reflects the previous two week period…and the ones before.
Yeah but they’re not dying of covid are they, so it’s a win
If ventilators or vaccines don’t work, just knock em down with tasers:
These days, I really want suggestions as to what I can do to stop revisionism, apart from yelling at my wife and my TV set.
I can safely say that the yelling doesn’t work.
Just tell me who is in a position of influence who might conceivably listen to me, and I’ll be there.
Well, you might try RFK Jr.
Naw, he just wants me to listen to him.
“To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
And to run where the brave dare not go”
Don’t know dude, seems a bit impossible at this point. But maybe we need to examine this “position of influence” thing, because in the end, if it’s a bunch of us, it’s us. WE are the influence we’re looking for.
Well said.
You are so right.
I suppose what I really meant is that, although I can influence myself to a fair extent, I am looking for ways to help some of the rest of our species to open their eyes a little bit wider.
But, as you say, it seems rather impossible at this point.
After all, who’s going to want to open his eyes, when he already thinks he can see everything?
Decades of propaganda have blinded so many.
You might try switching your TV off, or simply not watching any ‘News’ programmes. I haven’t watched a news programme in 6 years and it’s done me no harm whatsoever.
Good advice, of course, but one excellent side effect of covidorrhoea is that it has made me absolutely immune to the msm version of events.
The yelling I mentioned – which I have given up, by the way – was nothing but frustration at the fact that an unbelievably evil joke has been played on my fellow man, and he seems to like it…
Yelling aside, I’m still angry and sad about that.
I haven’t watched any TV at all in 23 yrs, and it’s done me no harm at all. In fact, I’m even smarter than I used to be. I used to only have a top 2% IQ, and it feels even higher now, without the constant barrage of idiocy..
The Icelandic health inspectorate. They have a legal obligation to take every call that they receive seriously. And even though they probably won’t do anything with your call, they also have the legal obligation to file your call.
The moment that it will come out that covid was nothing more than flu+medical negligence (which will become known) they have nowhere to hide except for admitting that you (the one who called in) was right and that they were stupid all along.
That information may lead to some changes in the medical and legal realm.
It’s a long road and it may not work (who knows), but it’s better than whining since you put the pressure on people (and institutions) who should be held accountable for observing medical negligence by law.
Write a book – an autobiography, a memoir. I would certainly like to read about your life, musical education, accomplishments and wisdom. The last chapter could deal with the Covid scam and the beginning of the end of the world – leaving a true record of events for all posterity!
The pen is mightier than the piano!
Many thanks for your confidence in my abilities – what a life-changer that would be for me!
But music is what I think I do best, and I know it has a positive effect on many people, even if it is, strictly speaking, a rather small percent of our society.
That said, I must admit – old as I am – that I sometimes wonder whether a new tack might not be a good idea.
I’ll get back to you on that, Sebastian.
Never forget the rhetoric, lies and evil the scumbag CONvid propagandists were peddling 24/7. This from the former Governor of California which from what I can gather is now becoming like some kind of hell on Earth, which is quite crazy because when I was growing up, all I ever wanted to do was go to California because it seemed like some kind of paradise. California along with New York – somewhere else which was truly iconic and awe inspiring – have both become prime victims of The Communist Subversion Of The West, which the whistle was blown on years ago
Covid-19: Screw your freedom – Schwarzenegger slams anti-maskers – YouTube
I regret ever watching a Schwarzetraitor film. And some things happened by many, like from this asshole, that are basically unforgivable, I don’t care the ignorance. They willing to go that far, I don’t care how uninformed they are, are enemies of freedom.
His only redeeming feature is that he has delivered some one-liners that were funny at the time…
He knows how to flex his muscles and make money, but that’s about it.
He’s as dumb as Donald.
As dense as Biden.
As devious as Obama.
Perfect ego driven useful idiot, just like Yuri Bezmenov talks about
They don’t need to rewrite history Kit, they just conveniently omit it.
His face looks familiar _ _ _ _ _
Holy shit!!
He’s everywhere!!
Look at it in a positive way, follow the money. The less people around the dining table, the more to us in the porridge bowl.
The wall street stocks raise, the available jobs raise, the salaries raise, suddenly there is more everywhere.
Malthusian nonsense.
Or else they’re all just replaced by robots and AI.
Before getting kicked out of my golf group……..all the guys were vaccinated with the clot shot and vaccinated with the pneumonia vaccines and they were excitedly happy. Fuck them, I thought. Eventually, I explained (lucy……., you have some splaining to do) the scenario. They were closed minded clueless. That’s on them. Yep. The medical community knew early on it was a respiratory thing. The medical community was doing it’s best to protect patients. Then something happened……. We all know what that was. Lying happened. Big lies. Continuous lies. Protective lies. Every kind of lies. Imaginary lies. Lying all over the place. Every lie imaginable. The worst possible character trait: Lying. And they are nothing but liars. Fucking liars. Big liars. Small liars. Liars. All of them. Fucking liars.
All the people I know of who got vaxxed, got the virus afterwards with fever, uncomfortable, coughing a couple of days.
Even after the story is closed today seeing we never got anything and stayed healthy during the whole period, they are convinced we did the wrong thing.
A couple I know reportedly had a mild case of “Covid” some time before taking their first “vaccine” shot but then both caught a very bad case of “Covid” now some time after those “vaccine” shots. It gives me the impression that the “vaccine” shots may be inviting in a worse “Covid” experience than would have been experienced without the “vaccine” shots.
My cousin works in a small hospital here in the UK which received a number of ‘Covid’ patients from a larger hospital during the initial March to May 2020 outbreak. He was manual handling and washing these people at close quarters while they were coughing and spluttering over him. Considering the disease was supposed to be so infectious, he didn’t catch it.
In April 2021, a couple of months after being coerced into having the vaccine by the NHS, he contracted the illness and felt pretty rough for a couple of weeks. He reckons he caught it whilst being out and about shopping or meeting a couple of friends.
Flash back to late 2019 and he said he had a bad cold after going to a family gathering following a funeral. He remarked that the symptoms were much worse than normal and he was knocked off his feet with it. He thinks this was likely the same illness that affected everyone in early 2020 and was probably the reason he didn’t get sick whilst at work during the initial peak. He was probably immune. When he got sick so soon after the vaccine in 2021 confirms what various studies have shown – it makes you more likely to get infected.
I’d like to add that I’m not vaccinated and as far as I know have not been infected, even after my partner tested positive at the end of December 2022 with the usual symptoms and loss of taste/smell. We both had flu in early November and she said that felt much worse.
You may well have been infected but have a sufficiently robust immune system that you barely noticed.
Are we taking PCR at face value now?
I never got or get anything. No test, no flue, no virus, no vax, no caughing, nothing.
I smoke like hell, drink a bottle of whiskey every month, hunting girls, like a good steak. Whats wrong with me?
Of coure. That way you’d run back to get your ‘boosters’ over and over again. Don’t you see how devious this whole thing is? How meticulously planned it was? It was brilliant in its evil!
And all those people who gave their “informed consent” to being injected with experimental, unproven drugs coincidentally now seem to catch every cough and cold and stomach bug going while the silent control group carry on unaffected.
Then there’s the other “vaccinated” people who have subsequently contracted cancers, had heart attacks etc but luckily that’s also just a coincidence.
Trying to point out the possibility of there being a connection triggers the equivalent of them loudly singing “La,La,La” as you speak and being greeted with incredulity at the suggestion that Bill Gates toured the World’s political capitals despite having no medical or pharmaceutical expertise, and then saw a fifteen fold increase on his investments in, er, pharmaceutical companies.
And still the NHS sends out Covid vaccination reminders for the over 75s. The data is in that no vaccination after the second does any good and probably does harm. But still the NHS wastes taxpayers’ money on a proven-to-be-harmful strategy.