This Week in the New Normal #64

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. The vaccines just keep on coming
This week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Pfizer’s new mRNA-based RSV vaccine for use on the elderly. This comes hot on the heels of approving a similar product from GlaxoSmithKline last month. These are the only RSV vaccines ever to be approved in the US, and at least two more are coming up fast behind them:
More RSV vaccines may be on the way, too. Moderna is finishing its Phase 3 trial for an mRNA vaccine for RSV in older adults and expects to submit results to the FDA within the next few months. Bavarian Nordic also said it will report results from a Phase 3 trial of its RSV vaccine for older adults this year.
Just like with “Covid”, there was no vaccine at all and then…boom. Everyone has one that works. Not just vaccines, either, but mRNA-based vaccines, a technology that went from never ever working to working every time in the space of 18 months. Very impressive.
All it took was changing a few safety rules and signing some liability waivers. What a time to be alive.
2. Covid Revisionism
We’ve been firmly in the grips of Covid revisionism for a while. Celebrities and pundits and politicians have all taken steps to downplay their complicity or talk about how “crazy” the pandemic was, as if it was impossible not to get caught up in it.
Further, there is an onslaught of policy “re-evaluation” that ranges from nit-picking to sweeping but is united in its reinforcement of Covid myths. The re-writing of the role ventilators played was especially unpleasant.
However, this one might be more grating, simply for the smallness of it.
A couple of days ago the Telegraph ran a “scoop”, revealing that the UK government’s counter-disinformation unit censored lockdown critics at the height of the pandemic (This really isn’t news, but more on that in a few days). Former editor of the Sunday Times Andrew Neil tweeted about it, neglecting to mention (or apologise for) his column in the Daily Mail calling for “vaccine refuseniks” to be “punished”.
A willing spreader and consumer of propaganda, suddenly claiming to realise propaganda was terrible…pretty nauseating.
As the UK gears up for the latest hearing in its farcical “Covid Inquiry” we can expect more and more of this rewriting of history.
3. Why does Scotland hate jury trials?
Technically not from this week, but it passed us by when it first landed. Scotland’s governing SNP is pushing through a pilot scheme to replace juries with bench trials in rape cases. Apparently, jurors often believe “rape myths” which means too many accused rapists are acquitted. The scheme’s specific aim is to increase conviction rates, which seems…off.
This isn’t the first time Scotland’s government has tried to wipe juries off the books.
Back in the Spring of 2020, when “Covid” was only a few weeks old, Scotland banned jury trials to “stop the spread”. Fortunately, this was overturned pretty soon, due to a protest from Scotland’s bar association, who (rightfully) believed their clients would be less likely to get a fair trial.
It’s not just Scotland, either. In England, bench trials were suggested as an alternative to juries to “clear the Covid backlog”. And in the US, the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse of murder last year was followed by a wave of anti-jury rhetoric. Juries were said to be slow, stupid, expensive and racist.
The same solution to three different “problems” in less than 3 years, that’s always a red flag.
In short, they are coming for trial by jury one way or another.
BONUS: Tongue twister of the week
Shout-out to Just Trudeau for rattling off the full 2SLGBTQIA+ in a recent interview…
This dumb MF’er had to practice this in the mirror 😂
— E (@ElijahSchaffer) May 26, 2023
That’s a 9/10 effort, he loses half a point for the obvious practice, and half a point because you can tell he’s proud of himself.
For anyone wondering, the “2S” stands for “Two-spirit”, which according to google “refers to a person who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit, and is used by some Indigenous people to describe their sexual, gender and/or spiritual identity.”
It’s not all bad…
Neil Oliver’s weekly monologue is absolutely worth the listen this week (some people have taken issue with us sharing him before, but I don’t know what there is to object to in this speech):
Bob Moran’s latest piece is truly an amazing piece of work…

Oh, and the Monkeypox – sorry “Mpox” – pandemic ended a couple of weeks ago. That’s good, isn’t it? We can all breathe a sigh of relief. One wonders where that story was supposed to go, and what happened behind the scenes to stop it.
We’ve got some potentially exciting news about future OffG coming soon, too. So stay tuned!
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Prince William and David Attenborough teaming up to brainwash kids or China rolling out its CBDC for the Asian games.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Fuck England and fuck Europe
the United States will abandon NATO and allow Russia to conquer all the way to Madrid
The re-education and conversion of italians, germans, welsh, etc. will be become the greatest comedies of all time on the televisions of the americas, we will laugh laugh laugh as their royal families are beaten by tartars for speaking Russian incorrectly
If nothing else can we add a UIAFP before 2S?
(Uninjected Identifying As Fully Protected)
Come on, let’s not pretend: Juries are not the holy grail!
A jury is just a group of people and some of us know how easy a person can be led to believe something whether it’s the truth or not.
Meet the Old Normal, same as the New Normal. An honest medic digs into the history of Moderna in the year 2017 BC (Before Con-19):
“The mRNA Hail Mary Plan to Save Moderna ”
In 2016 Moderna patented the Covid-19 Spike Protein GM (Gene Modificaton). Inserted into a Corona virus which normally attacks bats, this GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) made Covid-19 attack human blood vessels. Spike protein is the main component of RNA Vaxx; so human bloodvessels are what the Vaxx attaches to. Today more young people die of blood problems from the Vaxx (about 6 Million per year) than ever died from Covid-19 infection — because Covid19 acts like normal annual Corona flu which kills mainly older people who are already suffering from failing kidneys, liver, heart or lungs. Whereas the Moderna Spike Protein generated by an RNA Vaxx attacks mainly young and healthy bloodvessels. Injecting Moderna’s patent Spike Protein into the bloodstream of a young and active person is like like throwing a spanner into moving machinery.
Young people have died and will continue to die so long as they accept the Con-19 Vaxx with its Moderna-patent Spike Protein RNA. But while young people are dying the Con-19 Vaxx is making $ Billions. That 1917 Hail Mary plan, launched at a packed meeting of international financiers in a hall of Rothchild’s flagship bank, JP.Morgan, saved their Moderna investment.
And, as the OffG article says above, “they” are eager to launch another Hail Mary mRNA.
Tree of Liberty needs a refresh…
I love Neil Oliver’s weekly monologues. Please share more!
Thanks off-G. I thought “two spirits” was about the victim of a MK Ultra torture procedure which was interrupted in its early stages. Can they vote twice for Castreau?
If 2-spirit is OK, why not extend the umbrella to cover multiple personality disorder?
A few thoughts on the “virus question”, from a ‘quasi-philosophical-pseudo-logical perspective’ (if such a perspective even existed, or even could exist):
Consider two logically equivalent statements (p=>q and ~q=>~p) …
“IF this is an apple, then apples exist”
“IF apples do not exist, then that is not an apple”
Most (relatively sane) people would agree with both of the above statements. The conclusion of each follows logically from the premise. The actual existence of apples (per se) being left open to question. To those experts more qualified to answer such questions.
Moving to more contentious territories, it may (in some circles) be stated:
“This IS an apple, therefore apples exist”
and/or elsewhere
“Apples DO NOT exist, therefore that cannot be an apple”
Here, the statements are essentially categorical statements. The conclusion being a (valid) deduction from the premise. The validity of the premise itself remaining open to question.
And, there are those who demand “proof by contradiction”. A standard mathematical proof. Present a simple hypothesis and challenge all-comers to derive a contradiction (if they can. It seems watertight.
“Viruses do not exist. Show me proof that they do”
“Viruses do exist. Show me proof that they don’t”
Here the statements move beyond being simply categorical to making demands of those who would dare to oppose them. Each statement submitting its particular bold hypothesis and demanding proof to the contrary.
“This is what I believe. Show me irrefutable evidence to the contrary”. So, a more demanding type.
In terms of our mutual quest for truth, we have:
… a tentative, fence sitting academic – “if this.. then that” approach. Making statements with which nobody could possibly argue… but simultaneously establishes nothing absolute
… and/or a ‘categorical stater of beliefs’ (with perhaps a subtle invitation to challengers, but no direct demands)
and/or finally, the stater of beliefs, combined with a direct challenge to any would-be opponents – “put up or shut up”.
So, the academic fence sitter, the noncontentious asserter, and the contention-loving demander of evidence. Who has the best approach to establishing truth, I wonder.
And (if all else fails) there’s one last resort … the ace up the sleeve, the trump card that never fails … simply negate any physical evidence that dares to contrast (just call it ‘fake’) … especially post-CGI …
These are my thoughts:
If sars-cov-2 was the only fake virus:
— then there would be a clear distinction between the methodology used to determine its existence from the methodology used to determine the existence of real viruses but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Not a single scientist as far as I know is saying:
sars-cov-2 is unproven because of methodology X and other viruses are proven because methodology Y.
— you’d think its fakeness would stand out against distinct illnesses produced by other viruses.
Good points. The 3rd and 4th propositions are particular instances of the first and 2nd respectively where someone has proved *elsewhere* p and q respectively to be true.
One important thing here is that the words that make up the assertions one makes must be well-defined using words the meanings of which are unambiguous and shared by the speaker and their audience. Any term that might cause confusion must be defined beforehand or referred to where the definition can be found.
As for the last three demands; I’d say IMO Science doesn’t concern itself with beliefs. As a historical activity, Science advances through its investigations of nature as they come and has historically determined fields and doesn’t pretend and neither is its task to prove right or wrong everyone who comes along and states that they believe X does or doesn’t exist. There are conjectures in Science of course but I don’t think they are formulated as “I believe X exists; prove me the contrary.” The best way I think to understand the current conjectures is to go back to the history of their genesis to clearly distinguish what makes the core of the conjecture.
Anyone interested in the genesis of and controversies about the object of study of today’s virology, this is a possible list of books and articles I’ve been able to discover:
On the historical significance of Beijerinck and his contagium vivum fluidum for modern virology, Neeraja Sankaran, 2018
Beijerinck’s Work on Tobacco Mosaic vir**: Historical Context and Legacy, L. Bos, 1999
How Seeing Became Knowing: The Role of the Electron Microscope in Shaping the Modern Definition of Vir**es, Ton van Helvoort and Neeraja Sankaran, 2018
The Role of the Electron Microscope in Vir** Research, Robley Williams,1957
100 Years of Virology, The Birth and Growth of a Discipline, various authors, 1999
Andrewes’s Christmas Fairy Tale: Atypical Thinking About Cancer Aetiology In 1935, Ton van Helvoort and Neeraja Sankaran, 2016
What is a Vir**? The Case of Tobacco Mosaic Disease, Ton van Helvoort, 1991
The Construction of Bacteriophage as Bacterial Vir**: Linking Endogenous and Exogenous Thought Styles, Ton van Helvoort, 1994
Meet the New Normal same as the Old Normal. For Iraq read Ukraine but for Bush read Bush.
The perils of attempting to ad lib a script off the podium, post 75 … better a trip to the beach to reminisce over one’s crimes,
In contrast to trying to distinguish such obscure topics as the difference between Iraq and Ukraine
Or the difference between Australia and Austria.
Strong candidate for worst article of the year:
Of course MIT’s very own Noam Chomsky has been in trouble in recent weeks…. but who can’t transfer money without going through Jeffrey Epstein?
MIT were the prophets who began the covid predictions three years ago. And they clearly still have that crystal ball:
“The issue will only become more pressing as the brain implant market grows in the coming years and more people receive devices like Leggett’s.”
They could have at least warned us with a spoiler alert.
If the sheeple can eat the vaccine, the brain implant will be the next stock buster.
OMG! It just gets worse and worse. 2SLGBTQIA+. Never heard of 2S but now I have fair enough, I get it … but why all the fuss about it? And what about plain old “non-binary” or is that included under 2S? I’m surprised Asexual is included in the acronym chain but Non-Binary isn’t? How many more categories can that chain take?
So is it just me or does it look as if the Indian train crash was faked?
The two images from different media footage look so very different.
OK, so I’m plumping for fake. So tired of these things all the friggin time.
The old chestnut of “Saw People With Limbs Severed.” Yeah, where?
Check out the “injured”, the typical headband bandages with the spot of blood, etc. It’s just such a joke.
The biggest shake up to the renting market and agenda 30 wet dream U>K Conservative gone full sale Build back better, little example of the new changes
section 21 used to be 3 month evictions. landlord will say he is selling up you got 3 months to leave or find somewhere.
IT now 14 days and you can be evicted of multitude of things (like not getting a vaccine or being tested could be one!! as they tried that in hostels and social housing projects in the USA during the pandemic- now in the U.K.
What does new alt media and OFF G response to this ??????????????????= show Trudeau. 💤
Trustworthy Gbnews LOL
Gates foundation funded.
They are also funded by The Legatum Institute, a ‘think tank’ that has itself been funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Here’s f*ckwit Farage handing over to wretched Rees-Mogg.
Oh, and the other guy? That’s Liam Halligan who used to work for the IMF!
They are laughing in our f*cking faces. It sickening this shit.
But not you, anyway over ‘ear hsg market 08-12 bubble pop popup bubble is on the move as had to bubble wrap. ah 70%. Text.
Well, people remember 08-12 alright.
Neil Oliver (23 seconds):
And that’s where the plan fell down!
The state government of South Australia is getting one of its mates to review the handling of ‘Covid’
So fucking what.
Interesting point on the jurys Off-G thx, we need to make people aware of a vast network of organized crime, threats, coercion, and blackmail run by these messianic entities.
Having corrupt judges in-place to administer their universal morality justice displays just how lawless and monstrous this real system actually is.
Things are spiralling out of control.And the current state endorsed derangement is frightening and dangerous for women and girls.
Of course but people don’t understand or still refuse to 1980’s Boro, Teesside massive Unemployment on 19.95 pr week. And Blair’s language wording to change thought., to fight back at the invested money system by using it. ’84 sex. His Her who says its not a crime to lie, perhaps ok Woke then. We are always awake are you. The laws on Rape are still in place in Britain & Wales, are yours. Anus Vagina Mouth.
Definitely not normal, but here’s a bit of juicy gossip.
“Big Mike” may become the next presidential puppet of the U.S. Sleepy Joe Biden will be discarded either politically or physically in the near future – many claim he’s dead already – so the next hat trick will be to make Michelle/Michael Obama Vice-President when Harris temporarily moves up to the Oval Office as President.
Boris Johnson has announced that he has sent “all unredacted WhatsApps”directly to the Covid inquiry: “The former prime minister said he would “like to do the same” with texts that are on an old mobile phone he stopped using due to security concerns in May 2021 – more than a year after the pandemic began.” In addition “He said he would “like to do the same with any material that may be on an old phone, which I have previously been told I can no longer access safely”.
A few small problems with his apparent openness: unredacted being the first one. This is an admission that as usual he is lying because all he has actually provided is a virtually completely wiped database with all incriminating information removed. Then he has been told he can no longer access his old phone safely! So unlike the rest of the world which can quite simply revisit their old phones whenever they want – Boris somehow has a unique situation. Another clear admission that he is hiding all the early CV19 conversations because of the clear fraud it would expose. As for the regular visits to Downing Street of Bill Gates, then a rewriting of history is required.
The texts / whats app thing is getting people ready for something.
it keeps coming up in articles and story’s and things like Matt hancock what app message and now this.
maybe if the messages where watched by a watchdog or algorithm it wouldn’t of happened and they wouldnt of been able to hide the texts / whats app messages.
The Cabinet Office has applied for a judicial review so an attempt to kick it into the long grass and wait. Wait for the online safety bill to become law and WhatsApp turn off its U.K. service and then its adios all their worries.
It’s hard to get my head around the fact that anyone, ANYONE, would take that incredible asshole Trudeau seriously. Listening to that clip is like watching some kind of parody, stomach turning parody I should add, except it’s actually happening and at that level. It’s really hard to believe. What’s to say about those that fall for THAT? And I’m not referring to the actual subject matter of LBGGTYEU or whatever, I’m referring to the overall tenor of completely absurd manner of address. The fact that there are people like that has got to be considered in the overall equation for (revolution except Simon said I can’t mention it on Off Guardian because Off Guardian is just a “journalististic” site.) whatever, man, because THEY are as big a factor as our rulers. Anyway, it’s absolutely surreal for me to even watch it. And sickening.
Some of us see straight through it. Most don’t because they are spiritually blind.
Neil nailed it.
Justin jerked it.
From Allen Forrest:

Those whom the jab damaged seriously, making them permanently dependent on others for survival, are undergoing living hell. In comparison, the “excess all-cause deaths” figure is a lower number.
This thoughtful piece is worth publishing as an article. It’s from a doctor in New Zealand.
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll look at it. A2
See my note to Johnny, above, just posted, re. the author of the article provided!
Oops! My short post to Johnny is printed below, not above!
Yes, he’s an American psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand some years ago. He (Dr Emanuel Garcia) is a regular contributor to the Global Research site.
His articles are well-written, re. the evil that’s being perpetrated worldwide.
Thanks Christine. I discovered him via Ed Curtin.
Words of wisdom.
I will open the link on my next day off work.
In 2020, 29% of Americans lived alone, up from 13% in 1960.
Religious affiliation dropped to 47% in 2020, from 70% in 1999.
Marriage and birth rates are at all-time lows. –Mercola
Ideological subversion.
US military doctors confirm in testimony before US Senate that in the first 10 months of 2021 compared to the five year average from 2016-2020, there were increases among vaccinated US military personnel of miscarriages by 279%, of female infertility by 471%, of male infertility of 344%, and birth defects by 156%. As most children conceived after the mothers’ vaccination had not yet been born, the final figure of birth defects will be far higher.
US Senate hearing begins at the 40 minute point below:
But its good for the planet and our nature. We are too many polluting too much. We are just Building Back Better to a greener, healthier, peaceful society with freedom.
I’ve rarely disagreed with either the content or the tone of Neil Oliver’s little sessions.
The only objection I could imagine to featuring this highly articulate man is the risk of him being set up as a ‘hero’, something which suits nobody these days.
He is controlled opp.
He pushes the virus lie since the start
Yeah and that.
Yeah, it’s why I don’t watch him. He has impressive rhetoric but just stating the obvious. No hero.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king, so they say.
In a world gone mad, stating the ‘obvious’ is incredibly powerful. Offg has specialised in this quite a lot over the years. 😅
Bob Moran’s work is indeed amazing. However, the message?!
So, we’re waiting for the angels to rescue us from the psychopaths again?
Bob is a light in the long tunnel of obfuscation. As is Off Guardian.
I wouldn’t go that far. I’ve seen his other excellent and beautiful works. It’s just this angel artwork that got my feathers ruffled a bit.
..with a guitar?
Non-jury trials are nothing new.
They were used in Northern Ireland from 1973 onwards and called Diplock Courts.
These are still on the statute books despite the NI Justice Act 2007 ending automatic non-jury trials for ‘scheduled offences’. And they can still be invoked at the whim of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
They were not only used for terrorist offences but could also be used in political trials which meant being having a trial heard before a single judge.
The state has no compunction about invoking ‘special powers’ which can be instituted when it decides its warranted and as in the case of Diplock Courts will remain a tool of the state if it thinks fit.
The short answer to the question about Scotland is that “they have a different criminal justice system to England”. Its similar to the Continental system.
No they don’t you can’t smash and grab and just move around the British Isles like a chinese puzzle you ilterate clown.
Justinian law?
Can we blame Putin? Like, the plandemic and vaxx salvos are similar to his Special Military Operation (SMO); and one vaxx shot after another a form of Putin’s War of Attrition until there’s none of us, like the Ukies, left.
RSV is the new scary name for the common cold, to convince the gullible that they need to be vaccinated against it.
The sheep will be more than happy to be protected against it.
“RSV” the really scary version. Ha Ha!
Perhaps there was a typo and its mean to be RSVP.
Jab me please, I’ve a fortnight booked in Benidorm.
I don’t think the average person can afford all these vaccines jabs pricks pills medications no matter what people want to call them to be brutally honest. I seriously question if it isn’t much more than Showboating this or that if one does Need it.
Like a full engineered Open Medical Science Catalogue System., including medical technical updates.
Reset Society Violently?
A really fantastic interview with cartoonist Bob Moran linked below. I am surprised how young he is, and how articulate.
Yes, that term was coined by the excellent American writer, Margaret Anna Alice.
The thumb-down on my one-line post above has got to be from what I term an ‘AI bot troll’. For that word was coined by Margaret Anna Alice!!
Sorry, it isn’t linguistic palpable chief reason being it is none specific enough therefore it is American. I would be more interested to hear from American gents whom have professionally worked and lived in the British Isles for twenty five years, as averse to conventions on what constitutes an invention learning experience in language commentary.
What’s obviously continuing to a happen is a flawed none destructive test ending of word play, without any conclusion over a mere invention of a novelist.
The very word “philanthropist” has already been revealed as indicating a sanctimonious fraud. It hardly needs a new word. Or, to put it another way. “philanthropist” indicates “psychopath ,,, but with a good PR job”.
We should not name or label calling anybody. In public space good manners is third person plural grammatical.
Why? Because in public space we dont know each other intimate on a personal level. Therefore characteristic of any public person you meet on the street or on TV can only be by merit in third person plural.
We may criticize or help with information about the act and not the person, when Gates for example invest in masks for cows.
Its the old gentleman theme “go after the football not the man”, if we wish to claim ourselves to have good manners.
People have gone to following what’s said behind the Screen not the unedited out. What’s soo unusual is the denialist propaganda staring back through the Screen at themselves.
This they spring board out on what’s commonly referred to as not minding their own business.
One calls a snake a snake because it is a snake. Likewise, a psychopath. There is nothing wrong with calling things by their right names, but not calling things by their right names leads to no end of trouble.
I can agree on that. But re Gates I see him as a nerd. So people’s perception are different. Maybe he is a psycho, maybe he is just a nerd who got lost.
But its important to call a spade a spade, no doubt about it.
A classic example would be redefining the meaning of “pandemic”. Still it certainly was a great money earner.
Philanthropy, the first refuge of tax evaders.
The real Givers are those who give their time to charities and those who give while struggling on working class incomes.
Fill- hands-sophist, is more like it.
The sooner they can get rid of the experimental mRNA clot shot control group the better. For them at least. They will never stop lying about the dangers of the Covid clot shot. mRNA IS the problem and they know it. We, the unvaccinated, are the proof. The unvaccinated are the living proof of the dangers of the experimental clot shots. Once they get us injected with the poison, they are safe. They will never stop lying to protect themselves and their credibility.
Fuck you NSA. Popsicle sucking obese dweebs living in your mother’s basement while working to undermine the U.S. constitution by spying on innocent Americans without a warrant. Traitors. All of you. You belong in jail.
Tell your doctor squarely.
Shove that new mRNA “vaccine” squarely up your ass.
“refers to a person who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit, and is used by some Indigenous people to describe their sexual, gender and/or spiritual identity.”
indigenous people are not transexual imbeciles, you fucking parasites!
And why does this category of people rate 2 characters in the acronym, and get moved to the front of the queue, unlike the others?
They’re an Organate Propaganda.
And then you have this :
Clearly some doctors think they’re far better informed than others though I do think they have some clear targets in sight : Dr John Campbell, Sr Sunil Dand, Dr John Malone to name just a few.
Scotland ‘hates jury trials’ because there are large numbers of SNP apparatchiks that juries would convict and pesky journalists and ex-SNP leaders who juries refuse to convict.
One of the primary reasons many Europeans left for America.
Also one of the reasons that the Declaration of Independence is so laiden with lack of fair justice.
TPTB cannot stand that people have a right to Due Process, Innocent until proven guilty, right to trial by jury, jury nullification, and right to remain silent.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
Yes…remain silent as in a lie wait I’ll bring in our Straight Dick P.C. Tom Fried Bottom from the UK.
“Thomas Darling, it’s Long distance from Bradford”.
Ok Sweeny go back to studying your Dandy comic collection.
Your reply is nonsensical to me.
Try again.
I personally doubt former (not ex.) Scottish National Party Leaders are involved other than their own internal Conservative ethical principles since 2000.
This week in the NEW New Normal;
The Heat: BRICS Bigger than G7
“BRICS countries are now the world’s largest economic bloc. They are the world’s top five emerging economies; Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In a sign of a changing world, BRICS countries now contribute 31.5% of global GDP based on purchasing power parity. The Group of Seven, the world’s most advanced economies, have fallen to 30.7%, according to data compiled by Acorn Macro Consulting. In 2015, BRICS founded the New Development Bank headquartered in Shanghai [SCO] as an alternative to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.”
It appears the German economy is now in recession. Remember the good old days when such happening caused calls for “Revolution” ? Nowadays it seems everyone passively accepts calamities. Same as they do to the fallout from the vaxx and destruction by lockdowns etc.
Don’t forget Nordstream pipelines. Not a whimper from the German public. Wow!
That’s because the same sheeple who fell for Con-19 are falling for Con-Green. At least the Green German Girls are sane enough to hypocritically re-open coal fired power stations.
After the traitorous government messed up the energy supply as ordered, Germany would be lucky to get away with mere recession.
Anything Germany can do, the UK can do better – not just standing aside while its energy supply is cut off but actively desiring to cut it itself:
BTW Starmer, like Blair, is a member of the Fabian Society. ‘1984’ wasn’t so much 1948 reversed as it happened to be the centenary of the Fabians. As Wells made clear in ‘The Open Conspiracy’, the Fabians were never Socialists, they just used it because it was nearest to their ultimate technocratic-eugenicist goal. See ‘The Milner’Fabian Conspiracy’ by Ioan Ratiu. This isn’t to say “it’s all the Fabians” but they are one of its wings.
Don’t know when the good old Revolution days were in Germany? Social assistance, Sozialhilfe was brought in by Adenauer in 1951 and that will have cushioned recessions, as it was payable to keep the wolf from the door irrespective of previous earnings. And the German unions had been subverted by the US trade union movement, Harold Brown etc.
Whereas unemployment money, also paid if you had had a job, depended on what you had been earning when you lost your job.
So I suppose you are talking about the Weimar Republic 1919-1939? But the voting strength of the KPD meant that Revolution was on the agenda irrespective of conjuncture, so no recession necessary.
The Dutch farmers are in the van, and “right-wing” parties are doing well in the EU of late.
KGB was just smarter than us.
They released the Berlin wall when it was appropriate, then they released all the commies that were lying under our bed by remote control.
The American people are now either debt slaves, medical slaves, sex slaves or drug slaves, and all believe 100% in all the Obama-Biden-Commie-Covid-Clima bs……and KGB did it without firing one single shot.
Without spending a penny on a bullet, they took down our country, the United States of America, our Constitution and a people where all have weapon permission, but who sat on their thumb with open mouth when the whole thing happened.
The Commies will always be lying under your beds – Waiting, same as every other fear that’s coming to get you if you drop your guard. No where is safe from the Commies.The world lives in fear of the Commies (Until a better object to fear comes along eg earth shattering meteors, novel germs, German mother-in-laws, sink holes that swallow entire towns, and Inner Demons).Humans are easily frightened.
“Just say there’s an enemy, and sheeple will rally round us to save them. It’s easy. Doesn’t matter whether the country is a Democracy, a Dictatorship or a Kingdom. — Hermann Goering, in conversation at Nuremberg.
I think South Africa’s EFF party (Economic Freedom Fighters) are correct. South Africa sells coal to China. In return ask China to build modern coal fired power stations in South Africa. South Africa exports uranium; keep some in the country and ask Russia or China to build safe nuclear power stations. South Africa has sunshine, China is #1 in solar power equipment. Load shedding problem solved.
South Africa has surplus labour; China is looking for labour to outsource some of its industry to Africa. Unemployment problem solved. Go Socialist!
From a BBC interview, circa 1994:
“Daniel Greenberg, you were jailed and tortured as a Communist under the previous South African government. Now that the ANC is in power, do you foresee your country becoming a Communist paradise?”
“I wish. But I fear that, under the deal between ANC and Anglo-American Co, my country is going to remain a Capitalist paradise” [with uber-rich, unter-poor, resource-stripping, financial instability, shortages and blackouts].
For those who want to know more about Dave and Willie’s Marvellously Informative and Soul Saving Book For The Nippers but don’t fancy the risk of crashing their computer through the Express’s cyber assault, here is another link:
The reporter here is happy to shove the selling line to you:
“….to inspire the love to (sic?)nature …. learn more about the planet …. celebrates our planet’s diverse and rich habitats, amazing animals and wonderful landscapes ….”
But here’s the catch:
“….learn more about the planet and climate change …..aimed at the next generation of innovators of climate solutions ….practical solutions to help repair the planet ….introduces them to Earthshot innovators, entrepreneurs and game changers ….can become the changemakers of the future, developing solutions to the world’s biggest problems.”
In short, the next corporate pep talk manual that recycles all those old hits about “developing solutions”, “thinking outside the box”, “being boldly innovative” – only this time with the aim of profit maximisation (which was at least honest) replaced by some ethereal concept of “planetary health”.
However we suggest one change to the rhetoric. “Suck it and see” should be replaced by “Take it up the arse and see”.
It’s just become clear to me that they are using some lethal technology for weather modification- which is why they keep warning bout what they’re doing (“climate change”). It is the ultimate distraction- to cry wolf about a crime you yourself are committing- and the secret of their parasitic success. It works every time, because most people are too good-natured to imagine such trickery, and they have been doing it for a very long time.
Seems that the chemtrails people are right after all…
There are days where I live the spraying is so blatant, I cannot understand why people do not see it. Stark parallel lines in the sky, criss cross patterns that stick around and eventually meld together. But then again, most have their head firmly implanted in their devices, so looking up at the sky isn’t an option. And then there are always those who seem to think the PTB would simply not do things like that, and those who still think even after all the open lies we have been told that if the TV doesn’t report it, it isn’t happening.
As for chemtrails, it is usually better to try to stick to the terms these programs fall under – Solar Radiation Management or Stratospheric Aerosol Injections, to name two of them. Weather is a weapon now, and once one sees it like that, it makes perfect sense why our owners would use it.
Then there is HAARP, a tool to heat the ionosphere, which could be used to mitigate conflicting areas of high and low pressure, which cause storms. Course, one would not want to use that on the already warm side of a storm when it meets the cold side, unless one wanted to make that storm exponentially worse…. When I heard that point made, I couldn’t not see just how our owners would use that to exacerbate climate anomalies so as to push us all into their supposed Green New Deal, which is neither new nor green….
Chemtrails just don’t make sense to me.
The Earth’s atmosphere is 10,000 kilometres thick. The upper atmosphere is where most of the weather happens. Attempting to alter the atmosphere would be akin to pissing in the ocean to make it turn yellow.
BTW, I’ve never seen a ‘chemtrail’ in more than sixty years living on this awesome blue globe.
This is an excerpt from a document ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather’ presented to the US Air Force in 1996. I think they may have advanced this agenda a bit further by now.
I’m thinking this is also a way to get all countries on board with the UN/WHO/WEF agendas.
I think these are the idle dreams of power maniacs. Hhe weather is not so delicately poised that a butterfly such as the U$ Airforce can change the weather by flapping its wings.
Chem trails. No longer a consipracy theory. Now a regular event. Their behaviour is the giveaway. Obviously not water condensation trails from jet fuel combustion . A chem trail, once laid down, will spread out, eventually becoming a widely dispersed mist that covers the skyscape. Water condensation trails do not exhibit this property.
an excellent thread of commentary, what is still not being sufficiently questioned is the “why”
geo engineering may be to mitigate a future “need to know” event that will be to the detriment of humanity?
possible but unlikely, such an act requires compassion, this is not evident by anyones reckoning
geo engineering creates a format to systematically poison the indigenous species and as an exciting by product subtly alter the weatherscape of the realm we inhabit?
the evidence keeps pointing this way
so if the humanoid minnions carrying out this work will also suffer as a consequence then who is pulling the strings?
does this link into the fact that an attempt to permanently alter not only our genome but that of other animals and plants of this realm is also well underway?
are we truly thinking sufficiently outside of the box?
So a new vaccine and “All it took was changing a few safety rules and signing some liability waivers”. But you missed out what it didn’t take – unless I nodded off which is possible. It didn’t take a new fear fest of the deadly new horrible nasty etc.
So is it the case that we have a new vaccine that’s … well just handy for something or other?
As for celebs and pundits thinking it “impossible not to get caught up in” the covid frenzy – well for them it truly was impossible not to get caught up. They are after all creatures of the media. And they do what the media tells them to do.
I love that covid enquiry page. It has three modules and module 1 “assesses if the pandemic was properly planned for”. Take away the word “for” and you’ve got it right.
Of course they want to abolish juries. They want no input from the pubic at all. Not even from as few as twelve of them.
As for “2SLGBTQIA+”, we are surely due for a rehash of the Sound of Music’s Do-Re-Mi song:
The following is a compilation of possible motives for the Great Reset. Some of these scenarios are very speculative and it could be that none of them are correct:
·Globalist propaganda implies that humanity must be culled in order to “save” the planet from anthropogenic global warming (AGW). This notion can be dismissed because AGW is a hoax that was created (funded) by the globalists. Climate change is due to solar, geomagnetic and geothermal variation- not CO2- which only exhibits high climate sensitivity in contrived computer models. CO2 hysteria is political cover (not the motive) for the Great Reset.
·In the Peak Oil (PO) scenario, the globalists want a return to Feudalism because the “illusion of freedom” is no longer profitable in a post-Peak Oil world. PO occurred in 2018 and the global economy avoided collapse in 2019 only because the Federal Reserve bailed out Wall Street banks and the repo market. Money is created out of “thin air” when loans are issued so the money supply and debt are one and the same. The debt must increase in order to accommodate the interest from existing debt let alone new debt. Financial collapse is the inevitable outcome of PO because the global debt and derivatives Ponzi scheme is predicated on cheap energy. The Energy Return on Investment (EROI= net energy) of oil has sharply declined since the Age of Oil began in the 19th century. In its heyday, oil wells had an EROI of 100:1 because wells were only several hundred feet deep. Today, the EROI is only 10:1 because oil now comes from deep wells (up to 9 miles deep!), off-shore drilling, fracking and tar sands. The Age of Oil ends when we get less energy out than we put in- not when we “run out of oil”. The world now uses 30 billion barrels of oil per year and there’s no viable replacement. Alternative energy is a failure and depends on infrastructure made possible by cheap oil. Oil might be abiogenic but waiting for cheap oil to replenish itself is like waiting for air to breathe. The world can’t feed 8 billion people without cheap oil and the pagan globalists are eugenicists. The PTB have therefore decided to do a controlled demolition of the global economy via the COVID hoax, supply chain collapse, inflation and the Ukraine war, which may morph into WW3. These manufactured crises also suppress oil demand and cover up the fact there’s a genuine energy crisis. The globalists used CO2 Hysteria as political cover for PO so they could justify alternative energy investment and they hid the truth about PO because an informed public would be wary of a cull and would have never fallen for the COVID hoax. The globalists apparently want massive depopulation down to 500 million per the Georgia Guidestones and they intend to control the remaining serfs in “smart cities” via Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). PO is therefore a plausible motive for the Great Reset- unless the PTB really are suppressing “free energy” (e.g. pyramid power) in order to control us and maintain oil profits.
·In the New World Order scenario, the globalists are deliberately wrecking the current system via financial and supply chain collapse and the promotion of woke ideology (communism) so they can Build Back Better and establish a One World Government with a global digital currency (CBDC). CBDC also enables the PTB to reset the financial system which is supposedly near collapse due to the debt crisis. (The US federal debt is now $30 trillion and the total global debt is $300 trillion.) The debt crisis, though, is a “limited hangout” because debt default is a viable solution since the debt was created out of “thin air” by the PTB. The NWO scenario is also plausible but is contingent upon the PTB having a viable replacement for oil, which they’ll unveil only after first depopulating us.
·In the cataclysm scenario, the “NWO” refers to a post-apocalyptic world; the Great Reset is a diversion and the PTB are using the COVID shots and the forthcoming WW3 to cull us before the event while a select few will survive in Deep Underground Military Bases. A leading contender for the apocalypse is a pole-shift by ~2040 in which the outer crust of the Earth rotates around the inner molten core. (Atlantis is supposedly in Antarctica and was obliterated 12,000 years ago when a pole-shift moved Antarctica to the South Pole.) There’s strong evidence periodic pole-shifts are real but the mechanism is unknown. One theory hypothesizes the existence of a Planet X (Nibiru), which orbits the sun every 3,600 years. Nibiru’s magnetic field can supposedly induce a pole-shift if Nibiru passes by the Earth during its perihelion. (In the “Pole Shift- Evidence Will Not Be Silenced” book, the author says “Nibiru” (AKA the “Eye of Horus”) is actually a constellation alignment that heralds a pole-shift and is not Planet X.) A less far-fetched theory is pole-shifts are triggered every 12,000 years by an external cosmic event (e.g. galactic current sheet) that attenuates the Earth’s magnetic field, causing increasingly severe climate change and earthquakes as well as the gradual separation of the inner molten core from the outer crust, which culminates in a pole-shift. It’s also been proposed a massive comet strike could cause the equivalent of a “pole-shift” by simply changing the Earth’s tilt.
·Perhaps the globalists serve Aliens or beings from another dimension (e.g. “Archons” who subsist on our negativity) or even another intelligent species hidden on this planet (e.g. Hollow Earth). The PTB might be depopulating us and terra-forming the Earth under the guise of geo-engineering (chemtrails) to combat climate change- in advance of an Invasion.
·Perhaps the PTB’s underlying motive is simply evil intent:
“When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.”
The term “pagan” that you use there is a creation of the christian church to vilify indigenous polytheistic cultures which are the natural state of sovereign humanity.
The globalists are not “pagan”- they are driven by the Archons ( .a.k.a. christian “God” a.k.a Yahweh and his archangels, a.k.a. Annunaki) through Kabbalistic mind control and Judaic doctrine through Freemasonry, which is not “pagan” even though they may appropriate some symbolism from pagan cultures. They are parasites working through mimicry, the ultimate fakers, and Judeo-Christian mysticism is at the core of their power fantasy.
Their view of pagan spirituality is as subordinate to or less evolved than the hocus pocus of their rabbi masters.
A pole shift is the only likely solution given the inability of humanity to remove the parasites, and the plausible fact that the parasites are trying to secure themselves against a pole shift is hilarious!! …. and indicative of their insane hubris…
Some medicine actually helps people, and remember: People are actually quite good at hurting themselves and others, and actually people who work in these corporations are not all monsters.
Alternative media dont like reality either…………… 😆 .
At last, a replacement for the much-missed BigB with his EROI and his worry about debt! Only this time with too little of BigB’s concern about financiers disappearing our money “Offshore”, and too much about mystical Atlantis and shifting planetary poles.