The Second Coming of Literal Hitler
CJ Hopkins

So, the quadrennial simulation of democracy in the USA is getting underway, and personally, I couldn’t be happier.
It’s been a challenging few years for unincorporated political satirists like myself. The roll-out of the new global-capitalist totalitarianism hasn’t been particularly funny. In fact, it has been extremely not funny. Squeezing a little humor out of it has been like trying to suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
Not that the New Normal Reich is history … on the contrary, it is just getting started. Yes, the shock-and-awe campaign is over. It’s been over for the better part of a year. We are deep into the mistakes-were-made/limited-hangout phase of the changeover.
Nothing can stop or reverse it now.
The implementation of the new official (i.e., Orwellian) reality is a fait accompli. What actually happened has been memory-holed, forever, supplanted by stories of censorious “bad apples,” “overreactions,” lab leaks, and so on. Those who are old enough will recall this phase from the aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq. It’s going pretty much by the numbers.
Which…fine. That “reality” stuff was ruining my shtick. No one wants to be told that they’re the victim of an elaborate PSYOP, which is what I’ve been doing for the past three years, with one demographic after another.
First, I alienated most of my friends and colleagues, and even family members, by challenging “The Science” (which has now been debunked) and opposing the transformation of the planet into a pathologized-totalitarian police state.
Then, when I warned people about Elon Musk and the whitewashing of Twitter, or X, or whatever we are calling his Chinese-style “everything app,” which, if Elon has his way, we’re all going to “live on” in the visibility-filtered, advert-saturated, dystopian, global-capitalist future … well, that pretty much did it for the rest of my audience.
Not you, of course…the other rest of my audience.
See, part of the genius of the New Normal Reich is how it has completely polarized society. It has systematically divided the masses into two irreconcilable warring camps, both of which demand absolute conformity to their dogma from their respective members. That isn’t to imply that there’s parity between them. The one camp, “the New Normals,” is backed by state and corporate power. The other camp, “the anti-New Normals,” is not. It’s no secret where my sympathies lie.
The problem, for me, is, I don’t do well in camps. Any kind of camps. I’m not a camp person. I have an aversion to self-appointed leaders, or an oppositional-defiant disorder, or something. Or maybe I’ve just seen too many movements congeal into irrelevant countercultural ghettos where people blow off steam in a virtual vacuum and get preyed on by hucksters and ten-cent gurus … or 240-billion-dollar gurus.
So, screw it, I’m going back to comedy, or at least I’m going to give it a try, and the upcoming US election season should provide me with the perfect material!
For example, this piece in The New Republic about the horror a new Trump term would bring. It’s basically a “Return of the Revenge of the Curse of the Bride of the Son of Hitler”-type piece…you know, like one of those 1970s Hammer horror films with Christopher Lee.

That’s right, he’s back … Trumpenstein, the monster! It’s the Second Coming of Literal Hitler! Vladimir Putin’s personal cock holster! The pussy-grabbing Destroyer of Worlds! According to Brynn Tannehill and The New Republic, it is “goodbye NATO … goodbye democracy!” Hello to the new-and-improved Trumpian Reich!
To folks who know their 20th-Century history, the story-line will be eerily familiar. Like Hitler returning from Landsberg prison, where he wrote Mein Kampf after the “Beer Hall Putsch”…
[Trump] is coming back with the entire conservative apparatus at his back, having spent four years in the wilderness methodically planning how to permanently alter the political and legal landscape of the country to favor an anti-democratic minority.”
Apparently, Trump’s evil master plan this time revolves around reinstituting “Schedule F” for federal employees, which would allow him to fire anyone with “policy-making authority” and replace them with hate-crazed Nazi fanatics. Brynn explains the utter horror this will lead to.
…a Trump administration would replace vast swathes of the federal government bureaucracy with sycophants and ideological fellow travelers bent on implementing pro-corporate, pro-religious, and anti-minority agendas. This weaponizes the entire federal bureaucracy against women and LGBTQ people.”
Shortly thereafter, the genocide will begin.
The right intends to use every power of the government to eradicate anything it considers woke, particularly transgender people.”
According to Brynn, once Trump has mass-murdered all the transgender people, and the gay people, and women, and presumably the Jews, and African-Americans, and whoever else he’s planning to mass-murder, he will fire and replace all the generals and admirals, arrest all his political and personal enemies, and declare himself American Führer for life!

And so on. I think you get the idea. The most powerful propaganda machine in the history of propaganda is revving up again. It’s going to be a year-long Two Minutes Hate, with Donald Trump playing the part of Goldstein.
The message is, Trump, and his master, Putin, and THE FORCES OF UNSPEAKABLE HITLERIAN EVIL, and Covid, and global boiling, and whatever, are slouching toward Washington to DESTROY DEMOCRACY, and, this time, they’re not screwing around! The only way to prevent the Trumpocalypse will be to visibility-filter the hell out of everything (except, of course, for free-speech Twitter), lock down everyone when things get unruly, and just basically go full-blown totalitarian again. It won’t be very difficult to set in motion. All they will need to do is get Rachel Maddow to shriek “IMMINENT COVID GLOBAL-WARMING INSURRECTION!” and the New Normal masses will strap on their masks and start clicking heels and following orders.
Seriously, they’re already breaking out the Trump-is-Literally-Hitler routine, and the official election season hasn’t even started!
Selfishly speaking, I can’t wait for it to begin. The global-capitalist ruling classes are not going to let him win again, but they’re clearly preparing to whip the masses into a full-blown frenzy of ass-puckering PARANOIA and MINDLESS HATRED of anyone even marginally deviating from official ideology, and I plan to milk that show for as many laughs as possible. I may not be able to stop what’s coming, but, in the immortal words of a very drunk Jim Morrison, I just want to get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.
Of course, I’ll probably be doing that in my new accommodations in German prison, where I’ll be serving time for comparing the roll-out of the New Normal to the rise of Nazi Germany.
For those of you who think I’m joking, I am not. I am under criminal investigation in Berlin for comparing New Normal totalitarianism to Nazism, which, comparing anything to the Nazis is strictly prohibited in Germany … unless, of course, you’re comparing Trump to the Nazis, in which case, that’s fine…

…or, as the Germans like to say, in Ordnung!
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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I like RFK for some unknown reason but he needs to wake up to the climate scam
Same here. I think it’s because we recognise the ‘old fashioned Democrat’ of the 50-60’s in him, back when they were sane.
I read something that made me laugh a couple of years ago-
Bring a 50’s Democrat forward to today and they would be a Republican.
Take a Democrat from today back to the 50’s and they would be thrown into an asylum.
It’s exactly the same here in the UK, ahhh progress!
RFK Jr. has done a lot of his best work on our behalf as an investigative reporter (“Ring of Fire” radio, once heard often, around the time of Y2K, on “Air America” AM radio, launched by the witch-hunted Al Franken) and as a great, and often victorious, environmentalist attorney.
I was working as a 16yo volunteer for his father the night he was assassinated. And not too far away in L.A. (my brother-in-law was standing in the next room when he heard the shots). Etc. So we go back.
Hat tip to Jimmy Dore and …. the NYT
The FBI organized terror activities in the US, federal Judge showed.
Operation “Januari 6th” was peanuts for them.
Trump might be of German descent but was not one of the many Nazis accommodated in the Americas by the CIA.
In a sense this is correct. Hitler was after all the father of a certain Middle Eastern nation. Drumpf is one of it’s most fervent backers. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem and gave them the Golan heights. He will not persecute the LGBTQ+ “community”. There is a photograph of him waving a rainbow flag. He wanted to ban Muslim immigration into the US because he perceived them to be a threat to the “gay” “community”.
That’s proposerous It was there owing to Israel is a US Asian State.
Sorry but this article is all over the place. What’s your point? Maybe you should prepare an outline for your next article. What is the following supposed to mean? “Not that the New Normal Reich is history … on the contrary, it is just getting started” So you still can’t stop talking about Off Guardian’s failed hypothesis of New Normal?
How’s it failed?
I’ve been having off guardian related issues for a while and this ain’t one of them.
I think you should read this article again.
Part of the effort which the-powers-that-shouldn’t-be are making to boost flagging interest in next year’s presidential election, which will be made by both “sides” (competing brands of would-be-elite-stooges) into a “vote like your survival depends upon it” case. “Choice of cancer or polio,” to quote Jagger-Richards.” Interesting how Trump funders are also backing RFK Jr’s campaign.
Headline story a few days ago. 100 universities and colleges still mandate Covid clot shots.
You would think.
The CDC is still recommending the clot shots for infants.
Fauci is still being billed as a hero even though he perjured himself before Congress more than once. His protocols led to the unnecessary deaths of millions of people with tens of millions permanently disabled.
Forced vaccinations for a population of which only .1% is at risk and most of that .1% could have survived if treated with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin.
Instead of recommending the use of ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquin, Fauci banned them from being repurposed as a Covid treatment which paved the way for the use of experimental mRNA technology.
And, of course, Fauci perfected the PCR test protocol to guarantee positive tests to drive the fear. No one wanted to question why so many asymptomatic clusters were popping up everywhere.
They are all in on it. Government. Academia. Medicine. The MSM. Big Pharma. Corporations. The data is out there and they all ignoring it as though it does not exist.
Clearly, they have all participated in Crimes Against Humanity and they are all colluding to protect themselves because they know what they did (and still are doing). They would rather continue killing and maiming innocent healthy people, including infants, with an experimental clot shot that provides zero benefit.
It cannot get anymore evil.
What do suppose might happen if Trump gets back in office?
That is what they are thinking and they will do anything and everything to keep him out of office.
I would vote for Trump in a heartbeat if he promised to go after them.
The list is long.
Drumpf warp sped the clot shot. I wouldn’t bother to vote if I had the choice.
He won’t ignore the truth the second time around. It is too obvious to ignore. Everyone was buffaloed the when it started. He and the rest of them were just playing it safe in the beginning.
What part of he pushed heavily for the vaccine don’t you get? Stop blowing his trumpet please he’s gonna cum.
When I began reading your comment, I thought you were making sense and that you followed the gist of the above article, I even noticed what a good, easy-to-read and articulate writer you are…
However, when I read this paragraph:
“What do suppose might happen if Trump gets back in office?
That is what they are thinking and they will do anything and everything to keep him out of office.
I would vote for Trump in a heartbeat if he promised to go after them.“
Realized you didn’t ‘get it’ at all.
Be rest assured if he were to utter such a ‘promise’, the treasonous, lying and mass-murdering (viz: Operation Warp Speed) scumbag he is, will NEVER keep it.
For God’s sake lady, where have you been since mid 2020?
Open your eyes – you’ll see a massive elephant in the room: As you said ‘The list is long’ of the many things he promised to do last time, and he reneged on almost every one of them!
You’re obviously one of the (sadly: multiple millions) of deluded ‘Trumpists’ the author referred to.
WAKE UP! He’s not your friend, or anyone else’s friend outside of the UN and WEF.
He is not coming back to save the world.
He (Trump) is the worst of those treasonous NWO puppets you mentioned who ‘have all participated in Crimes Against Humanity’, yet you and millions of other, similarly hoodwinked fools, see him as some kind of heaven-sent Saviour!
Mind boggling…
And you would rather stick with a “Rotting bag of oatmeal”? Credit Dan Bongino for that one.
Come on.
Trump pulled the U.S. funding from WHO and the United Nations while withdrawing from the Paris Accord agreement. Big plusses in my eyes.
Everything is relative.
Biden and his minions actually think the world is going to end (as we know it) because we use fossil fuels.
Jesus Biden thinks HE is the “Savior”.
Quite a legacy, wouldn’t you say?
I cannot stand Trump any more than you can. I can think of several others I would rather see as President.
But….. such a promise to hold them accountable would trump Trump’s faults.
My hatred for those that coerced my son into jabbing two of my grandchildren goes above and beyond any crimes that Trump may have committed.
Every politician out there is guilty. No doubt about it.
I have picked my poison for the reasons as stated.
What’s your favorite poison?
It’s always the same with you people. Say trump is bad? “So you want Biden then?” Which is an obvious no or when you say Biden is bad others say “so you want trump then?”. No to both. But we do need t get rid go sheeple like you. You are a tree voting for the axe because it too is made primarily from wood, and is almost exactly like you. You are mindless hinny. Period.
CDC is still recommending the clot shots for infants.
US government (CDC etc.) has mandated it for infants, correct?
could have survived if treated with ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin
Just lifting the ban on (wthholding of) standard medical treatment for the common illnesses including pneumonia would have sufficed. Most of the purported covid victims died of the common illnesses.
I believe the mandate was lifted but is still recommended for all kids including infants. CDC has recommended that the Covid vax is added to the standard regiment of childhood vaccines. School districts that follow the CDC recommendations closely are expected to add Covid vaccines to their list of required vaccines, if they have not already.
The assumption (with which I disagree) is that the Covid outbreak was real. I am just giving them the benefit of the doubt. Adding the concept that this was just another flu outbreak is too incredulous for some. So I chose not to go there. Same for comorbidities.
Trying to keep it simple.
In all of my discussions with people, the hardest thing to get across is the PCR testing. Most people cannot get past the concept of false positives and the corruption in medical labs and the payoffs to medical institutions for positives and the huge payouts for Covid deaths. It is so incredulous that many people cannot wrap their minds around the concept that the corruption is/was that rampant.
All of my ex golf buddies who took the jab and forced me out because I did not, were also given the latest version of the pneumonia jab as well. That was tell tale in my mind. I believe that early on the doctors were suspicious about the efficacy and need of the Covid jab while suspecting that this was just another respiratory disease going around (which it was).
Instead of bucking the system and risking censorship and the loss of their licenses, they quietly gave the pneumonia boosters. I though it was odd. All the old guys went to their doctors independently and each of their doctors recommended pneumonia boosters. Tell tale. They knew something was up and chose to keep quiet while doing what they thought was the best thing for their patients. I don’t think they had a clue as to how dangerous the Covid jabs were at that time. They do now but they are still offering the poisonous jabs.
Then all hell broke loose and they all hid behind Fauci protocols for protection.
Hang them all.
All they had to do was come out together but most of them chose to protect themselves over their patients.
I digress.
That is exactly the reason why we are where we are.
Remember when he went after Hillary? Yeah me neither love
I note that Chris Whitty is due to give a lecture next year with this blurb:
And I am starting to suspect that the entire network of health/virus/climate/gender/military-confrontation catastrophe mongering is one vast distraction from the fundamental operation – a gargantuan and unprecedentedly audacious financial attack on the masses with the aim of reinstating a new feudalism.
Honestly, I don’t get it. This obsessivo with calling the totalitarism we are going towards a kind of neo-feudalism is nonsense.
Feudalism was one of, if not the most decentralized power structure in human history. The nobility had no authority or power to change taxes for example without talking with a village head. Feudal kings had lots of authority but very little power.
It’s really mysterious to me how people equate feudalism to tyranny, when the modern post-enlightenment state is so much more overbearing.
Its a quarrel about label.
When people name it and I hear it, we remember the King, the Nobility riding on horses and the peasants walking in almost slavery.
This equal to the King Charles/the Royals today, the Oligarchs, and the middle/low class heading toward heavy taxation, tough limitations in movement, economy and difficulty to raise to a higher class.
Whatever we call it, the meaning is clear.
Can they really be this stupid? It gives Trump what he wants; to present evidence in court and subpoena witnesses. So bring it on!
Aug 2, 2023
Donald Trump faces four charges over efforts to overturn 2020 election
Latest criminal case against ex-president comes just weeks after he was charged with retaining national defense information
Complete statement from Special Counsel Jack Smith on Trump Indictment
Aug 1, 2023
Special Counsel Jack Smith: “Today an indictment was unsealed charging Donald J. Trump with conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding…I encourage everyone to read it in full. The attack on our nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021 was an unprecedented assault on the seat of American democracy.”
Nope, its a distraction from the larger crime of the Biden family, always minimize your political crimes.
It is a retaliation.
Its a joke. No one should be forced to participate in a circus like that.
Justice Department
This phrase is so unabashedly Orwellian. Almost as bad as the Ministry of Truth.
Flagrant political theatre:
Does anyone remotely believe there’s no security at a Prime Ministerial residence? Same as all these cultural events seen weirdly unable to halt all these Just Stop Oil protesters – until the inevitable digital surveillance solution comes forward.
It is merry little England, perhaps they were disguised as window cleaners, English people are as dull as ditch water and twice as gullible
“Clean ya winders and roof, mister?”
Bet you wouln’t say that to their faces 😀
Weird that, cos when I was working at a packing firm several people got all upset I wouldn’t hand money over to Brit army charities. I got all kinds of badmouthing until I said “I’m Irish”. Magically english people shut the fuck up once you say that. And if they ever pull a British news items pov on the troubles they soon go skulking off into a corner to badmouth me under their breath. I also have the courage to say the IRA weren’t terrorists. I have the balls to say that in England. None of you would praise the Brits in any Irish town or city or village. The English are cowards that’s why you fight in groups and against nations weaker than you. I have two phrases one by me one by my gran that Suma up the English. My gran said to my English dad “Jimmy the English when you’re in ones and twos are perfectly fine perfectly agreeable people but the second you lot clump together you become as sly as foxes”. And my personal one is “the English? A race of paedophiles pretending they have manners”
Say that to a Geordie in a Tyneside Pub, bonnie lad and see what happens.
Likewise a Yorkshireman who back in the day came out of the Pit.
Mayhap you’re talking about London and Points south, other than real Cockneys, sunshine.
There’s a lot of good Irish and some awful, like arch-minion Varadkar and his minions.
You got Australia 80% right in the following post, but a fairish amount of them came from Erin’s Isle back in the day or were forced here in iron chains on wooden ships (by the English admittedly). Listen to the folksong “Moreton Bay”.
You can’t pigeonhole an entire country. It doesn’t matter which western country you’re in now. It’s about fighting the totalitarian malevolence of a corporatocracy/bureaucracy. You know “freedom to say 2+2=4, everything else follows”. It’s come down to that.
Say that o. Tyneside Bonny lad? Which part north shields Wallsend the toon? I’m from here too. You try your up the Brits in Ireland “bonny lad” (first sign you’re a Geordie who can’t fight is that term being used) in Ireland I pull up the RAs all the time here.
The English and Uber Brits (wannabe English and English people who love the idea that several smaller nations are perpetual joke nations to own and mock) are by far the most brainwashed people in Europe and the 2nd or 3rd most brainwashed on earth after America. The 2nd or 3rd nation spot is taken by Australia. A truly mindless nation.
Problem-reaction-solution. They are called Rent-a-Mob for a very good reason.
What is Trump? Another piece in the political game that the ruling class, that is, the party whose interest is consistent with a class-based society, have played in America since it’s independence and the ratification of its Constitution and form of government.
This game consists primarily in preventing the fusion in the citizenry of seemingly different or even formally opposing interest into one national majority expressing what is common beneath the apparent diversity: class interest. When put face to face, different interests tend to synthesize and may do so for tactical reasons if for nothing else, like conventional parties do during electoral processes. So to prevent the spontaneous formation of a popular majority expressing the true general interest, diversity of opinion, quite a few of which remarkably ludicrous, is artificially encouraged, and officially represented, which gives it the appearance of self-sufficiency and self-importance: each one of these interests thinks it’s got the solution for the nation’s problems and is thus discouraged from looking for coalitions elsewhere. In electoral times, figures pop up that each represents a non-mayority only within this diversity, which is thus further divided – not united – into two, three or more factions.
This state of affair is commonly interpreted by the citizenry as a feature of democracy, freedom of speech, of free association, of free conscience and so on, which would be the case if only the diversity and number of interests were genuine and if the goal sought by it is to prevent the spontaneous synthesis into a majority by a complex web of legislation.
Divide et impera, sold as the hallmark of freedom; the American found remedy to the the disease that European republics were afflicted with: to conciliate the popular character of a government with a class-based society.
Further reading:
The Federalist N°10
The Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, Charles A. Beard, 1913
“Divide et Impera”: “Federalist 10” in a Wider Sphere, Holton Woody, 2005
Edit third paragraph: I meant: “… and if the goal sight by it were not to prevent…”
The true division is not between Left and Right but between top and bottom. And the top have crafted a theatre whose purpose is to dupe the population into thinking that their thoughts and feelings are being represented “up there” and so a presented conflict is a mirror of a real conflict at ground level. Trump and this “rising fascism” is supposedly an indication of a real fascism germinating from the masses – who, as always, are the true enemy of the ruling faction.
And very few notice that the top ‘apes’ have been shitting on the us for centuries.
Time to cut down the tree.
I’m not a native English speaker but the beginning of your reply struck me as peculiar; as if my comment were arguing that Left/Right was the true divide…
You say (emphasis added),
“This game consists primarily in preventing the fusion in the citizenry of seemingly different or even formally opposing interest into one national majority expressing what is common beneath the apparent diversity: class interest.”
I can think of no better phony division than the Left/Right divide which is, of course explicitly political. Each side of this divide is a prop of the ruling class and, since 2020, the public’s mind has been succesfully muddied by ascribing all critique of covid and climate to the much hated “Right”. To reject climate/covid – and indeed the transgender guff too – is to be “reactionary”, “against the progress of history”. It is to be “with Trump”.
Ok, I get your interpretation. I really meant interests in general before being attributed, if they ever are, to either Left or Right, or before they could self-perceive themselves as such. I was principally thinking of the several hundreds of US NGO’s, each of which dedicated to its own particular cause from the local animal welfare group to the Anti-immigrant groups. The encouragement of the diversity of these causes I wanted to highlight, which, in the consciousness of those espousing them, have a priori no relation to Left or Right.
This list of so-called “Extremist groups”, which does not exhaust all regulated organisations -more than one thousand – in the US will speak for the argument I wanted to more than anything else. Take a look at that diversity, but also the unrealised overlappings of these interests. It is remarkable that this list isn’t yet reduced to a few dozens big groups; not to speak of the NGO’s in general. The thesis, confirmed by the correspondence maintained by the Founding Fathers, is that American society should be encouraged into the greater possible diversity of mutually-ignoring or mutually-fighting interests and causes.
The LGBT, climate, green, race, gender, etc just adds to that already existing and officially represented diverstiy.
Forgot to link to the list; here it is.
Yes. I made a special detour to stand where the Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand was shot. Assassination was quite a hazard in Ancient Rome, purportedly. Even US presidents, for the little they’re actually worth as temporary figurehead CEO of AmeriCorp, and it’s just as worse over here.
Apologies for increasingly off topic direction but,
For the first time in perhaps ten years I put a comment into Craig Murray’s site. Someone rashly put in a link to OffG’s legitimate mocking of the “hottest temperature on record” stuff and supertroll Clark leapt in with (and I kid you not),
I said,
That made me laugh.
I’m a pathetic masochist and so felt cheated when alighting on a Graud article with the headline,
“‘Everything you’ve been told is a lie!’ Inside the wellness-to-fascism pipeline”
but then finding my gleeful enragement curtailed by a paywall. Pity. It looked so promising from the opening,
“One minute you’re doing the downward dog, the next you’re listening to conspiracy theories about Covid or the new world order. How did the desire to look after yourself become so toxic?”
“Jane – not her real name – is nervous about speaking to me. She has asked that I don’t identify her or the small, south-coast Devon town in which she lives.”
Ooh! Shady secretive murmurings from someone who is afraid to be found out!
“I’m feeling disloyal, because I’m talking about people I’ve known for 30 to 40 years,” she says.
Jane isn’t trying to blow the whistle on government corruption or organised crime: she wants to tell me about her old meditation group. The group had met happily for decades, she says, aligned around a shared interest in topics including “environmental issues, spiritual issues and alternative health”. It included several people whom Jane considered close friends, and she thought they were all on the same page. Then Covid came. ……”
Damn! I’ll never find out about how Jane was duped by that sinister “old mediation group”. No doubt it’s a disturbing tale about how government corruption and organised crime are no longer the problem. No! The real threat is from apparently harmless yoga practitioners!
Here’s an interesting nugget from your Guardian article:
I guess they’ll have to update the article now, since aliens seems to be the official story at this point!
“Over-50s could deliver takeaways, says work and pensions secretary
Mel Stride lauds flexible working at firms such as Deliveroo amid post-Covid rise in economic inactivity”
The artificially created “post-Covid rise in economic activity” now “presents an opportunity” to restructure the entire socio-economic Western world.
What does this particular proposal mean? Here’s a clue:
“Over-50s looking for work should consider delivering takeaways and other flexible jobs typically occupied by younger people, the work and pensions secretary has said.”
Two problems with that: First, the more jobs taken on by the oldies, the less for the young. Second, these jobs are not exactly known for being well paid. The normal pattern for the working life was for young folk to start small and work their way up to a fully functioning maturity whereby their wage would have to reflect the increasing financial demands of maintaining a family.
The obvious overall result will be increasing immiseration, less and less incentive to actually have families, and also an increasing animosity between the old and the young.
Everyone should bear in mind that the reset does not necesarily function in a spectacular way but by way of little increments.
Speaking of which, more gleeful Graud pronouncements of doom:
What do potholes tell us?
See? Tax the poor more and more. But it still won’t be enough!
@What do potholes tell us?
They say to design cars better able to withstand potholes without needing repair, like my 1958 Mercedes Benz 190d.
Car design peaked in the 60’s, its all been downhill since then.
Over-70s could deliver takeaways for there state pension says the secretary of state.
How dare anyone think they can live till there 80+ and retire.
Hey but aren’t we supposed to care so much about the elderly that we are up in arms about them dying in their 90s – “from covid”?
Bugs, Trannies and then boo hoo poor Trump being bullied.
How very Christian alternative media…
Throw in a Trudeau or Macron, bash to make it a full house shill fest.
They do it on purpose. For to annoy readers and encouage them to write in the comments the best refutations of the articles.
This is a special operation.
Don’t mention Vivek Ramaswamy….
A “young” guy with tons of common sense and who knows how to speak at lib.
Hedge funds, experimental drugs, Harvard, Yale and wealthy parents.
What a fine fellow he must be.
Another one of $atan$ $ervant$.
I think WEF is in there somewhere.
After the Fourth Reich Industrial Revolution
all the unemployed and those who lost their job to a robot
will be gainfully employed cleaning up the mess the EVs,
hi-tech windmills, worn out solar panels are making. They
are, after all, merely window dressing for the promised Utopia
being used to distract us while the 4th Reich Revolution takes
over. Your Universal Basic Income wont come free, you’ll have
to work for it. There will be plenty of work to do cleaning up.
Lots of holes to be filled in, too. 👽
“And though the holes are rather small, they’ll have to count them all.”
bugger off Biden is more Hitler than Chump by far o
Given that they’re both pretty appalling, I’d still have to add that H. never made it to the senile stage currently enjoyed by Biden…
Trump is neither a Hitler nor a president, hopefully he will not be a jailbird. Trump opposition is using government paid for and sponsored prosecution as a tool to force legal defense cost high enough to bankrupt Trump.
Trump’s a puppet of the ruling elite, just like the rest of the current crop of Presidential candidates. Just look at what happened when he snuck in under the radar last time to snatch the White House hotseat from under the flabby old ass of snatchless monster raving loony Hilary.
In a trice, the “People’s President” megically morphed into just another spiness tool of the globalist oligarchy, pushing through DNA-changing bioweapons at warp speed to serve his masters’ nefarious transhumanist agenda.
For feck’s sake, American voters, wake up!
There is not such thing as an election by voting anymore. It is a selection by a star chamber.
They are all banker boss puppet POS
no its not the star chamber its the privately owned, global in size corporate board room
yes, that’s the gist of things here in USA inc. elections are rigged and controlled by 2 corrupt political parties that represent the oligarchy. their level of control extends from every city council in america, through state governments, to the highest echelons of the federal government.
anybody paying attention has to have noticed the seamless continuity of policy b/w reagan/bush/clinton/bush2/obama/trump/biden. the ship of state, guided by the wisdom of the professional managerial class, steams ahead rolling over all in its path (especially the poor and any foreign govt that doesn’t comply to the empire’s dictats).
yet despite this very obvious truth (USA inc is an oligarchy/kleptocracy, not a democracy), millions upon millions will cast their vote in hopes that their guy/gal will win office for their respective team. 40% of eligible voters didn’t cast a vote in 2020.
if voting isn’t a viable option, intentional disengagement to de-legitimize the faux elections becomes a viable strategy. yet i can’t find a single organization that is actively trying to de-legitimize american elections. the intoxicating aroma of hopium continues to envelop the “progs” who see the glass as 1/2 full.
the fragmented marxist community likewise supports obscure leaders on shoestring budgets knowing damn well it’s going to be a losing proposition from the starting line.
occupy was a popular idea – back in 2011 (the occupy talking points were co-opted by D’s and used against the 1% nutter mitt romney), but quickly fell out of favor after democratic municipalities forbid political encampments in public spaces following the spectacle (yes that ongoing spectacle guy debord referred to). perhaps that was it’s intent – criminalization of public assembly. occupy did spark anti-authoritarianism, but by explicitly not providing a new strategy, it failed (co-opted eventually by sanders ‘our revolution’ – how’s that for doublespeak ?).
billions are spent on the quadrinial circus to convince us that we have the best democracy on earth. even though 40% don’t participate, i can’t find a single leader actively encouraging either boycotting elections at the polls (election day will be on guy fawkes day on 2024), actively calling for a general strike on election day 2024 (11/5/24), or even encouraging people to occupy their own wallets and abstain from paying tax.
nada – the compliance (especially among the virtuous folk who believe the glass is 1/2 full) is nauseating.
“Remember you’re not alone; you’ve no right to inflict the sight of your fear on me.”
– jean-paul sartre, no exit
You are not alone. The UK is now in exactly the same sad situation.
Are we still voting?
LOOK’ LOOK!! The ENEMY’s over there!!
It’s commies, no, it’s terrorists, no, it’s WMDs, no, it’s AIDS, no, it’s China, no, it’s Putin, no, it’s Trump, no, it’s Covid, no, it’s Climate Change, no, it’s nuclear war, no, it’s aliens, no, it’s Trannies, no, it’s anti vaxxers, no, it’s Tik Tok, no, it’s BLAH, BLAH, BLAH – – —
No. It’s TRUTH.
And it scares the shit out of you.
You’re right. Most people find it hard to believe that enemy is your own government and banksters.
The MSM is the key.
Consider this piece reported. 🙂
🎯. CJ
On a vaguely related note, I glanced yesterday at a YouTube video about Bill Browder.
The support he gets from people who have never read an actual fact sheet in their lives is truly horrific to behold.
Indeed, a comment critical of his actual deeds in the recent past would stick out like a very sore thumb in the midst of those cheering and clapping cesspools of ignorance that characterize his worshippers.
“No one wants to be told that they’re the victim of an elaborate PSYOP”?
Well I, for one, am quite happy to be told when I have been the victim of any misdemeanour – not to mention atrocity.
After all, it might just have escaped my notice, however unlikely that might be.
I’d certainly agree with the author here that denial can run deep.
But there is absolutely no shame in knowing that a highly-experienced, centuries-old, soulless, cunning and unrelenting cabal of satanic cultists in high places has decided to make your life a misery by undermining all the things that make it worth living.
We should rejoice that the horns on their heads, along with their forked tongues and forked tails, are gradually becoming visible to all.
Please, DO tell me if I have missed anything important in this context.
I DO want to be told.
Do you live in Iceland not to be confused with the upper north west Pacific Icelandic Jet stream we follow on Doppler that belts it’s way down looping around the United States and out over the Atlantic Eastward. In motor sport..
However Unworthy Musk’s Still On Our Side In Fighting Censorship, No?
X Corp., parent company of Twitter, sued Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), alleging they “embarked on a scare campaign” to deter advertisers from the platform by “engaging in a series of unlawful acts designed to improperly gain access to protected X Corp. data.”
They then falsely claimed to have statistical support showing the platform is overwhelmed with harmful content.
[I don’t use social media. IS he still permitting the good guys on Twitter?]
“First, I alienated most of my friends and colleagues and even family members, by challenging “The Science”, and opposing the transformation of the planet.
Then, I warned people about Elon Musk and a dystopian global-capitalist future … well, that did it for the rest of my audience!”.
Well, you are not alone. We are some out here who can recognize this story as our own.
This from the quotes raises the interesting question: what are these friends, colleagues and fans of his?! 😅
When you end up in trouble you quickly find out who you can count on.
Sadly very few really, if any.
But after 20-30 years these friends, family, colleagues will lay their head on the block they were among the moderate rebels 😀
Course Erik, foolish drank water like they gulped at science up front centre…..Hands up Class what is Science if it isn’t prehistoric.. I understand completely. A flat society is easy to follow as current news.
You should be proud of your new notoriety, CJ. These days, the real thugs publically calling out to “kill the TERFS”, and the child molesters and mutilators are coddled, revered and rewarded, while ‘dangerous’ truth-tellers pointing out the bleeding obvious are criminalised.
I’m not much of a Trump fan – he rolled out the “warp-speed” drug injections after all. Not going into his many other failings, except that he is also closely connected to the Israeli elites and government – the government that bragged about having subjected the citizens of Israel to a Pfizer clinical trial with an experimental injectable drug. Say no more.
The link between Trump’s election and Russian manipulators is a joke and has been debunked. He won at least as fair and square as Biden did 😉
Here is a heartbreaking speech from a young girl who is a victim of the most appalling psychopathic medical crime that I am aware of. And I am aware that this is off-topic and could very easily fit into the previous OffG item which is specificaly about this matter. But again I don’t want to compartmentalise because I have no hesitation and issue no apology in drawing a parallel between this case and the Nazis. This is akin to the “experiments” of Josef Mengele except that this is far worse – since it is taking place on a far wider range and with the backing of what now passes for the medical establishment. This is the warping, deformation and ruining of the young. Pay particular attention to the ultimatum delivered to the girl’s parents: “Do you want a dead daughter or a living transgender son?”
Poor girl destroyed her life.
These gender reassignment surgeons will feel the full wrath of God, make no mistake…
I think they’re too stupid to know what they’ve done wrong, let alone that there may be a punishment awaiting them…
Some even think being punished in the future would be perfectly fine, just so long as they get rich and powerful this week.
Trans-gender politics can be put in its place if victims – especially minors – who change their minds after surgery sued successfully. Unfortunately, the judiciary is the cheapest and easiest to subvert.
This sort of coercion by the medicos and their little helpers is not a new thing since “Covid” and since the push to trans-genderise the kids.
Just to highlight one example, a friend of a friend of mine (sorry ’bout that, it is true nonetheless) was diagnosed with breast cancer but refused to have chemo. On leaving the hospital post excision of the tumour, a nurse went after her in the corridor and screamed, “You’ll be back!” This was in relation to the patient having spoken decidedly against having to undergo chemo. This is appalling behaviour reminiscent of the Dark Ages where the Devil / Hell and Condemnation were the threat of the day.
Informed consent? No such thing.
The friend’s friend is still alive BTW.
What’s happening today, and the doctors’ and nurses’ co-operation with or sometimes even eager participation in atrocities is neither new, nor is it better or worse than what happened during the Hitler regime. It is the way these practitioners are trained (brainwashed): Theirs is the only medicine; herbal, nutritional and homeopathic medicine are “unproven.” As a particularly vocal medical fanatic in Australia, who was given space in the MSM, said there is no alternative medicine, there is only medicine.
Again, they slander this wonderful man and a real enemy of the deepstate swamp, who, let’s remember did “something no one else has done before” – “I accelerated the procedures [for approving vaccines] and gave the world three wonderful vaccines”. And again the servants of the swamp’s frogs shout “Putin – BAD”, these villains! 😡
I will not tolerate and will clear a little of the tainted image of Vladimir Vladimirovich!
Here’s one more thing. As usual, I have some additions and objections to Eddie’s otherwise good and important announcements. For example, this important article of his from 28.07.2023, which again probably can not be found elsewhere in the English-speaking Internet space. The main: “Russia’s Ministry of Health wants to make Sputnik V mandatory for half the adult population in the event of another COVID “outbreak”
The main fixation, of course: business connections. As summarized in “a short but devastating article highlighting who benefits from mandatory Sputnik injections” of Novye Izvestia:
It was so simple. It’s just that certain groups of oligarchs have filled their pockets. Maybe the pharma mafia organizes pseudopandemia for profit? And what do the much bigger global power players who are behind the efforts for radical transformation of society think? Is the pseudopandemic game of the pharma mafia in tone or contradiction with the aspirations of the big players? Wasn’t exactly the pseudopandemic the beginning of the final stages of social transformation?
Novye Izvestia don’t think that. They quoted “Journalists from Regnum news agency [who] conducted an investigation into the beneficiaries of the vaccine”:
I remember where I’ve heard of the AFC Sistema[=System]. Here:
I suppose that this is nothing and such a mention hints at a connection between unrelated things, which and contradicts the good journalistic practices and standards, which is why it is not given any attention in the article of Noviye Izvestia, nor on the part of Eddie, who adds to some omissions in the investigation of this profit fraud:
Popular people who are known for a lot of things, but I personally, don’t know why, remembered of those of them:
Doesn’t that period end in 2025?
“Until 2025” and “after” are also mentioned and here.:
I have no idea, maybe it means nothing, but I decided to mention it.
Y€ah, that$ why Ru$$ia i$ $o horny about b€ing €qual partner$ copying the mo$t ugly $id€$ of We$t, except some crumbs off course as a ban on mutilation of children.
Thank you Russia, for being such a goody goody cop for children.
In my opinion, the money is for the smaller fish (which are very big fish for us, but for the biggest, they are small). To be sure, that they will do the job of the biggest fish qualitatively, which is not for the purpose of getting rich.
(This comment has a second part which is the more interesting one but is currently on “pending”. I don’t know if it will pass, but if it passes, you can read what I mean.)
Somewhere around New Year’s Eve is expected to pass the comment, if we are lucky
Universal basic income is all one has. People lose themselves into believing only their voice heard reassurance literally holds any water.
Or in other words, something I think you understand very well: the acceptance that everything around the most up-to-date events is with reasons for gain resembles the point of view of someone who stuck his nose in the ground (right at the point which were standing in nowhere, it didn’t come from anywhere, it were just there, and exploded for no reason). You know…
It’s not even childish, but it’s talking about very serious depravity, limitation and stupidity. This is exactly the spirit of “believe in science” that also says that great reset is a conspiracy theory. For example.
And what happened to the big bad job that 2020 announced, and which is the only huge difference with any significant change before that? It’s gone. Everything is the same and as always has been: power, money, wars…
“Follow the money and it will explain everything. Serious investigation. There is no change, everything is the same.
There is nothing new under the sun.
Possibly it’s against Russian Orthodoxy. German Russian are part of Germany’s Society.
“wonderful man” hahahahahahahaha
“Those who are old enough will recall this phase from the aftermath of the US invasion of Iraq. It’s going pretty much by the numbers.”
Yup, to paraphrase the American Left’s favorite historical figure, one national crisis is a tragedy, but 35 clusterfucks is just a statistic.
(Rhetorical question) Which of the 2024 candidates running for president of the United States advocates for an immediate total halt to all (proven deadly) mRNA bioweapons worldwide?
RobertKennedy jnr.
Which of the 2024 candidates running for president of the United States advocates for an immediate total halt to all (proven deadly) mRNA bioweapons worldwide and isn’t running with either of the completely corrupt and oligarchy controlled (fool me once, fool me forever) democratic or republican parties?
This one?
Yeah, Kennedy wants to set us free from covid/vax, then imprison us under AGW.
It’s got to be something, Penelope. We can’t just going here and there denying. That would be extremely dangerous for our democracy.
(Well, The most certain for democracy is with the chips, but there is still time until 2025…)
What democracy would that be ?
I was joking.
By the way, in addition to a president who meets the requirements of the deep state to “fight climate change”, he could also become the first president to help himself with AI voice assistant. Not that I want to joke about it, but for president… I don’t know how he going to give speeches like that, it’s a little hard to listen to.
He, by the way, also “believes” that covid is real and “covid vaccines” are not tested and do not “prevent proliferation”, but are bioweapons. So why not, in addition to “global warming” deniers, jail and for covid deniers too? And for deniers of “proven effective and safe” vaccines that are not bioweapons?
A rubbish article . Mr Trump is a low energy incompetent hedonist , and scion of wealth ! Comparing him With Hitler is truly ridiculous . Letting him sit on the POTUS throne is not and has never been a threat to anyone . He may well be in prison as the next American Electoral circus comes to town . JFK Jr is more likely to be American democracies next savior ? LOL Talk about jumping the shark Mr Hopkins has mounted a Great White here?
R FK, Jr.
RFK/JFK both are part of the same delusion now being foisted on the ever optimist dem party insiders ?
I was just correcting a very common mistake these days.
When I was a wee little lass, we got into trouble knocking on people doors playing knock down ginger,
The local bobby ‘Bizzies’ caught us, we had to say sorry to the people we upset.
I was not allowed to play with them young Scally’s again, (it was there fault the local bobby thought in why someone like me would do such a thing). little did he no.
Get to the point….
Your lawyers CJ if they was worth anything would advise you to keep it on the low, just like the bobby who basically stop me hanging out with them trouble makers Scally‘ on that summer holiday many many moons ago.
Or like me, you was a little Scally’ = trouble maker ;0) and pushing it with your articles to really piss off the ones who want you prosecuted and lynched, hang drawn and quartered.. …Same people who fund trump’s campaign.
I can beat that. We were two boys pushing the bell, and when the homeowner opened the door we threw an raw egg in through the door and ran like hell.
I recall only one of them ran after us and we had to hide up on 5’th floor in another building 2 km away from his, ready to run at the roof floor if he entered the building.
We could see him from the window fooling around in the yard looking after us, after 30 long minutes he finally left.
It was a bit too close to death an episode, and we decided it was too dangerous to continue this type of adventures.
We changed to throw eggs on by passing buses front window or side windows, running like hell afterwards. The local newspaper had it, mentioning someone had thrown eggs on buses. But we never got caught.
Today I dont know how the f… we could ever get a crazy idea like that. Trying to make something happen. Boys will be boys.
“Hitler” is hive mind.
The soundtrack of your life. “Put your hands in the air, if you is a true player.”
After 30 years The Guardian is using the same headline: “DJ Koze, summer anthem genius.”
What you need to know about… The Grauniad will tell you.
“If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.”
Fascism came to the US carrying a bible promising religious freedom , an oxy-moron and non sequitur of sorts . The constantly being rewritten historical Hitler has never existed ?
Interesting how upvotes disappear.
Though not as interesting as how one day your articles are accepted by Off-G, and the next, it seems like they are following a blacklist.
Wrong. Upvotes are complete and utterly non-interesting. You should be too good to fall into that trap. Do you have financiers who pay you for each?
Certainly a portion of Off Guardians revenue , as paltry as it appears to be , does come from those with deeper pockets who are less morally bound , who feel it to be a marketing advantage to try to shape the discussion , by controlling the range of debate . Those claiming to be “moderators” often provide proof of that with their comments and censorship , at one point attempting full control of all comments . Then again the definitions of moderation/moderator have undergone quite an adjustment themselves in the past couple of decades. I’ll be pleasantly surprized if this comment get published ?
As someone who’s made nearly 2k comments on this site, can you help me understand why you hate offguardian and its moderators quite so much, and why do you continue to comment here?
I don’t hate anyone ? I find Off Guardian entertaining and often informative . I just think that those acting as moderators on this site don’t really understand the mindset a moderator requires , and your histrionic advocacy of a certain dogma is not within that definition . My continuing comments here are simply an attempt at error correction if you can’t accept that then simply block me as the Guardian and many other blogs and comment sites have done since this particulate game was offered up as a marketing ploy ?
What particular ‘game’ was offered up as a ‘marketing ploy’?
Seemed to me you made some defamatory remarks about the mods here. Saying that we’re corrupt and party to ‘controlling the range of debate’ and ‘attempting full control of all comments’.
Why do you think admin here are so easily corrupted for such ‘paltry’ sums? 😅 Are we just such no good characters that we’d trade our mothers for a six pack?
Was that comment an attempt at ‘error correction’?
In which case, perhaps you’d be kind enough to provide your evidence against us? State it very clearly, for the record.
If you cannot, or will not, Admin will be good enough to take this as your full retraction. No more will be said about it.
Please note you were able to publish these defamatory remarks here. Please also note, I have no intention of ‘banning’ you.
I’m glad you actually find Offg entertaining and informative. Perhaps you could give credit where it’s due and be respectful to the authors and staff? That would be the mature thing to do. This isn’t somewhere to come and offload, the comments are what we all make them. Thank you, A2
Thanks for your response . My remarks are not defamatory , they are critical , I realize that in the age of newspeak/wokeism this may not compute , and for all I know you may simply be a software program trying to squeeze a few shekels from me ? I used to do crosswords as a form mental exercise until newspapers disappeared or went behind paywalls ? For a time comment section seemed to be a bit more diverting , but with the emergence of AI that time may have ended ? Nonsense may be replacing sex as the product now being mass marketed over the Internet , A Marshall Mcluhan flashback , “the medium is the message” content is irrelevant ?
Outright suggesting that admin are corrupt and actively controlling discussion BTL is indeed defamatory. You are welcome to be critical, but if you’re going to allege we are corrupt you really must substantiate these claims.
I note you have provided zero evidence to substantiate your previous suggestions, therefore I consider your remarks retracted.
Please continue to enjoy Offg. 10010110100110111001 A2
(AI joke)
It’s not well known, but the “little corporal” with the toothbrush moustache was Time magazine’s “Man of the Year” in 1938. That’s 1938.
Really makes you think…
Hitler’s economic policy was pro-privatization, which is the core of fascism. The US media spin praised it and eventually adopted it, rebranding it “neoliberalism”, even “libertarianism”.
“In February 1933, as Chancellor, Hitler met with the leading German industrialists at the home of Hermann Goring. There were representatives from IG Farben, AG Siemens, BMW, coal mining magnates, Theissen Corp, AG Krupp, as well as a locust of Bankers, investors, and other Germans belonging to the top 1%. During this meeting, Hitler said, “Private enterprise cannot be maintained in the age of democracy.”
In 1934, Nazis outlined their plan to revitalize the German economy. It involved reprivatization of significant industries: railways, public works project, construction, steel, and banking. On top of that, Hitler guaranteed profits for the private sector, and so, many American industrialists and bankers gleefully flocked to Germany to invest.
The Nazis had a thorough plan for deregulation. The Nazi’s economist, stated,” The first thing German business needs is peace and quiet. It must have a feeling of absolute legal security and must know that work and its return are guaranteed. The interferences in a business which occurred at first, perhaps as a result of too much zeal, have become intolerable.”
Germany had the most robust social-democratic movement, and consequently, the best worker protections in Europe codified by law. This was a significant impediment to businesses “operating freely without interference.”
You mean a rocking horse with six seating postions, exemplified in the water fountain of Kill Bill…..think you may reconsider a more neutral balance username..
Media’s Opposition to Trump Elected Him
That’s why they so obviously and ineffectually opposed him. Polls and other measures of public attitude towards media held that people distrusted it only slightly less than they distrusted govt. It was their “opposition” to him, while avoiding any truly damaging reporting that elected him. Trump positioned himself as an “outsider” by blabbermouth tactics but did almost nothing during his term that actually opposed the cabal’s agenda.
Trump in true blabbermouth style had bragged years in advance that he was going to be President just didn’t know whether it was this election or the next. [Turned out to be the next. He’d long been arranged as a distraction/lightning rod. Ideal personality for it].
His ex-wife said he kept a Mussolini book by the bedside & he practiced Mussolini’s facial expressions in the mirror.
Had the controlled media really wanted to oppose him they wd have attacked his “outsider” status– this billionaire who received unending banking credit for his real estate empire & was several times rescued by the banking establishment.
“His ex-wife said he kept a Mussolini book by the bedside & he practiced Mussolini’s facial expressions in the mirror.“
Even if this ridiculous piece of propaganda were true, what on Earth does it actually matter?
I’m not a fan of Orange Man, far from it, but for the sake of the entire World the US needs to get rid of the current insane administration before they kill us all. If it means having to endure a little pouting, it seems a small price to pay.
I assume Penelope is a woman. Brilliant brain but still a woman and women have a little weakness for gossip.
As men we know ex-wives are not the most reliable and trust worthy witnesses on earth. Fixed.
Stewart & Erik, Guilty as charged, men.
I didn’t mention gender.
For the record, I am a Man, but I don’t feel one bit guilty about it.
Stewart, it DOES sometimes seem as if being male– especially a white one– is supposed to have guilt attached. Personally, my pet peeve for years has been the assumption that the female emotional milieu is the standard of health for both sexes.
I remember when this yukky idea first came in, in the 60s. The whole feminism movement adopted it.
We need each other. Women’s mens cant regulate biological without close masculine company, and men do need assistance to get fully around.
Its a partnership where both have each their special intelligence and qualities, together they perform the perfect team.
If people knew this and their history both from paradise and the later ideological divide and conquer of the family, we would perform much better than discussing who is better than the other.
Can you extrapolate on “female emotional milieu”? Not sure what you’re referring to…
Straight Talk, Y’know– the constant carping about Men aren’t as “sensitive” as women, don’t cry as easily, don’t talk about their FEELINGS as much; they don’t necessarily share their experiences in such great detail as women do, etc. The propaganda tells women to be dissatisfied w men cuz they aren’t exactly like women. I see it as an attack on the normal bond formed between women and men.
The idea is that if men are in any way DIFFERENT than women that’s a proof that there’s something WRONG w them.
Trouble is Americans shouldn’t be on the Internet imo. There is only One Planchet…Lol!
I agree Trump is the epitome of the lesser evil proposition which has become popular since the Gore /Bush circus started this current race to the bottom ? RFK and Biden are “Killary” clones
I agree he is after all a media personality, who has generated billions in revenue for said media . I stand my initial description of Mr Trump posted earlier . As POTUS he was boorish but harmless. or as Stormy Daniels opined off the record , he tipped well and didn’t require much work to keep him happy .
Ay book Mr Trump kept next to is bedside would require many pictures ?
Trump and Zelensky were given TV shows to plant seeds in the public mind that they are “worthy leaders”.
What’s funny is that CJ, for all his insight into Globalcap, still sees Trump as oppositional to the paradigm – “the global-capitalist ruling classes are not going to let him win again” – as if his Presidential selection was a mistake. Would very much appreciate if CJ or others would expound on the logic of this POV.
jtkong, yeah, funny how CJ sees Trump, who’s purchased his outsider status w few comments & the media’s knighting him as such. Rather like continuing to see China as a competitor of our elites– after they mega-invested in China to bring about their economic miracle, and shipped them our industries.
Gotta laugh at that magazine cover:
“Wie Donald Trump den Hass in Amerika schurt”
“How Donald Trump is stirring up Hatred in America”
while depicting him giving a Nazi salute. The lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling.
Remember: a total lack of self-awareness is actually the system’s goal.
Yes, but paradoxically coupled with a narcissistic self-obsession. My blood runs cold when I think of the environment that today’s children are growing up in.
At least they didn’t have to endure 50 years of neoliberalism. The globalists behind that fascist policy will never be trusted again, which is why their next CBDC caper is already vehemently opposed.
I see it quite the opposite: the purpose of the system is to bring as many people as possible to accept and obey it in full self-consciousness.
Obey and believe that politics is the answer.
I don’t think so.
Full self-consciousness usually encompasses an ability to see the wider picture.
Narcissism is not full self-consciousness. It’s a mental disorder.
What kind of narcissism are you talking about? And what if you see the wider picture, but actually obey? Not a few people can see the wider picture; real resistance at many levels is far more limited occupation for connoisseurs. If seeing was the end/enough, the system would no longer work instead of flourishing as it is now.
I maintain my claim that the system wants at most exactly those who see the bigger picture, in the full conscious to obey it realizing that they are obeying. It has been said for a long time: “By you will, not by compulsion.” Tame dogs are already submissive and do not have much value. The deceived, if he has already been deceived by these hitherto cheap frauds, has hardly much use except as part of the gray mass, that is, the body that serves the head.
A confused and unconscious mind is like a weak horse. I don’t know who wants a weak horse to pull his cart, will he be able to pull it at all?
In a nutshell: full self-awareness is power. The other is weakness. And in order to aim at mass non-self-awareness, they want massively weak, stupid people. About what? What will they serve them for? If they were, they would have banned alternative information channels 100 times by now. But they’re not. Doesn’t that seem more like a long sifting process?
The goal is the opposite: “forty years across the desert” for to select the best and most sustainable.
If those who caught in the nets on 9/11, covid and slavaukraini, are the criterion that the goal is a massive total lack of self-awareness… Haha, think again.
It’s two-way. What attracts those with a lack of self-awareness at the same time repels those with more self-awareness.
So: are these mass frauds for these with the less self-awareness to catch them, or are they for these with more self-awareness to make them even more self-awareness? Or are they to make the self-awareness people more unself-awareness? For to have an even more stupid and dysfunctional multitude.
What do those who invented and implement fraud think? What is their purpose?
But then we have the next, more complex wile (the fake war for example) and the mesh of the sieve narrows.
The kind of narcissism I’m talking about is simply the mindset of a person who goes into politics because they think they are more intelligent than they actually are.
They think they are important, and they think everybody else is not important.
These are the people who lack the ability to think.
They only see their own short-term agenda, they react to everything in a clichéd manner, and they cannot understand why anybody would oppose them.
The reason I think “the system works”, as you put it, is that there is no longer adequate oversight concerning who is accepted into politics.
The overseers are as corrupt as the people they are supposed to oversee, and there are now so many ignorant people who have basically bribed, sucked or threatened their way into the system that it is very easy for them all to hide behind each other while they do the devil’s work.
It takes wisdom to govern a country well, and narcissism doesn’t come close to wisdom.
Full self-consciousness is at least a step in the right direction, and it is possible to build upon that for the future.
Now I understand better what you mean. Thanks for the explanation.
The war ended 78 years ago, why don’t you grow up and let it go?
Just a suggestion… Hhmmm.
The 2nd World War is constantly be rewritten to serve current political ambitions . Hundreds of thousands of Winston Smith clones beaver away at this ongoing project Mr Hopkins is simple surrendering to that impulse.
Why don’t you try learning from history?
Do you mean the victors (world conquerers) version of events?
The “War” never ends, Violet. How else can a few European families and “Cosmopolitan Financiers” maintain control of hundreds of millions of people?
The World we live in today – the Anglo-American Financial Hegemony – is a direct result of WWII via the Bretton Woods Agreement, which was itself the direct result of WWI, which was the direct result of the creation of the “Federal” Reserve, which was the direct result of a conspiracy of Wall Street bankers and traitorous “politicians” in league with the old “Cosmopolitans” from Europe.
So, no, I’m not going to “let it go”
“Those who are ignorant of the crimes of History are condemned to be victims in their turn”
I don’t think so, the war ended in 1945, it is the rotten lying media that Keep the bullshit alive.
You and mjh are both right in my view.
As mjh says, we should learn from the past, but when the BBC start whispering in hushed, reverential, hypocritical tones at the sight of a memorial wreath being laid in memory of people who died too long ago for anybody to remember why, I go with Violet.
Well said.
I am with Violet also!
The BBC are a cancer in our society.
I didn’t mean “learn blindly the history the rulers and their media fronts want you to learn.” Studying history means assessing it, analysing it, weighing up the evidence — using your brain. There are lessons to be learned from WW2, what led up to it, and what followed from it. If people don’t pay attention to the past, they will just make the same mistakes again, be hoodwinked in the same ways, and march arm in arm into tyranny — or be shoved, helpless, into death camps.
Please leave the room, AI, and let an intelligent human moderator peruse my comment instead.
Let go selectively?
“Israeli Holocaust Survivors’ Rights Authority claims there are 200,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel, with around 50,000 living in poverty. Germay has agreed to increase its stipends to about 7,000, increasing its annual total to 15 million Euro.” -Uri Bollag,, 2019
Sure there are.
By focusing on an individual you miss the point entirely about fascism and the nature of power. Put simply, by capturing the civil service and judiciary its possible to implement absolute rule while maintaining the facade of democracy. This is what happened in Germany in the 1930s — the Reichstag never went away, it was just rendered an impotent talking shop. The real power was through party functionaries in the civil administration with tight control exercised over who could become even a low level civil servant or schoolteacher.
There is no substitute for reading reliable histories or eye witness reports rather than just assuming that this year’s fascist is just going to be last year’s version, a new face in old clothes. Fascism isn’t anything special, its merely the adaptation of the state to serve the interests of a small ruling clique with the added twist of populism to give the impression to the gullible that they, too, can be lottery winners. In particular I’d recommend getting to know the background and consequences of “The Night of the Long Knives”, the watershed moment when populism was formally vanquished and German fascism went corporate.
Good point about the Night of the Long Knives.
See The Third Reich In History and Memory by R.J. Evans
I was convinced the Trump Seig Heil cover had to be a mock up. Sadly no. And all this shows up why Trump is still being given a prominent platform in the media and will clearly continue to do the required goose stepping whilst the media froth over the impending new Auschwitz. Speaking of which, expect rhetoric on a proposed gassing of the fragile frightened fluffy trans teddy bears, possibly even shots of camps being built, guards assembled, barbed wire fences and terrified little rainbow coloured trannies forced to wear unstylish clothes.
The camps will be in their name, for the use of others. This would be a neat reversal of history.
The first Nazi concentration camp, Dachau, was built for and primarily populated by Christians. See “Christus in Dachau” by Pater Lenz.
The first use of the term “concentration camp” was by Winston Churchill during his time as a journalist /propagandist for England in its fight with the Boers in South Africa circa 1900 .
Wasn’t it the British that invented concentration camps?
Do you really think they were invented? It’s just every control freak’s wet dream multiplied by whatever is possible. In the days before they put the losers behind fences they just tortured and killed them. It’s the psycho’s idea of progress, hence the appellation “progressive”.
No, Make America Kennedy Agaim!
ok we are now supporting RFK Jr in this bait and switch exercise? although RFK Jr’s a pro-vax scientologist, in Jeff Epstein’s Little Black Book, and JFK’s sister was married to a descendent of the Bank of England, his father was part of a Nazi financer group called Cliveden and a Knight of Malta, JFK was enrolled at Fabian LSE and championed Foreign aid IMF/World Bank debt, Vietnam war, and Socialism at home, sure why not.
Joe Kennedy sr opposed the bankster’s WW2. That is why the clan has been cut down by gunfire and other means. And that is why you neocons hate them
Following the link to the New Republic article, it struck me that the only way to remain sane in this sewer is to never lose sight of the obvious fact that all this crap was set down long ago i.e. the movie script was delivered to the printers probably decades ago. Take this:
“There are more books banned today than ever before in American history—37 states have now banned books—and far-right extremists are adding titles to the list by the day. Draconian laws that specifically target LGBTQ authors and people of color, enforced by secret informants and vigilante justice, now mean that teachers and school librarians risk losing their jobs and face $10,000 fines and jail sentences of up to 10 years—just for doing the work they’ve always done.”
And so, in that film studio back then, the “baddies” were set up – “far right extremists” (this probably on the table as far back as the 60s when the script editors realised that “the Right” would be out one day). And then the melding together of “LGB” with “T” with “people of color”. Radical chic updated for the transgender franchise.
The bit at the bottom is funny:
“Imagine a world without Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer Prize–winning graphic novel, Maus, Toni Morrison’s beloved Beloved, and Margaret Atwood’s prophetic The Handmaid’s Tale.
Actually, you don’t have to imagine it.”
Indeed I don’t. I vaguely know about the first, never heard of the second, and couldn’t give a flying fuck about the third.
What was not mentioned was the “banned books” were only banned in elementary and secondary public school libraries. These books were not banned for public sale in any respect and deluded parents can still easily purchase them and give them to their children. These books were simply not purchased by school librarians as much of the content would then have been considered pornographic and pedophilic prior to the mega psyop perverted WOKE rollout, and particularly unsuitable if not illegal for children.
Right. It’s more about age-restrictions than outright bans
Thank you, el Gallinazo. Adults can read whatever they want– but please don’t let us push deviant behavior on impressionable children.
Such is my faith in the media that I never even thought for a moment that any of these books were banned.
I remember as a kid in my early teens in the state of New Jersey when Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer was banned for sale in the state. The ban was quite controversial because Miller was considered a “serious” fiction writer, and it inspired many heated letters to the editor. Times change.
The ban was an absolutely rightful thing to do.
I saw the Miller film “Quiet Days in Clichy” as 19 year old and found it boring and filthy, not anything children would ever enjoy.
This traditional protection of children (for above 16 year only) by responsible adults at that time, were and are still being shamed out by leftists as “far-right extremism”.
Why do leftists want children’s access to obscenities which are heavy to bear even for us adults?
I suppose it was the sixties, i was a teenager looking for the new hip liberated stuff and found it really dreary. Now I realise he was just a cheap hack playing the progressive intellectual card to mask squalid titillation.
Tropic of Cancer was and remains a great read even today. I remember getting ahold of a copy of Ulysses also banned , circa 1960 . I was deeply disappointed to find it incomprehensible unless one was working toward a degree on the Greek/Roman classical period and had background knowledge about the goings on in Dublin circa 1900 ? Even some of Hemingway’s darker stuff was still deemed unprintable before the 60s ? As to the notion that “times change” , I think not !
Where are your quotes from? I also linked to the New Republic article and couldn’t find them there — please give your source. And as for what you say you find funny (“the bit at the bottom”) you do yourself no credit by showing ignorance about important works of literature. I admit I’ve not read Maus, never having been fond of graphic novels, but that is my loss. As for Beloved, you must live with your head in a sack if you’ve “never heard” of it. Atwood’s book is well worth reading if you can stomach it, unlike the TV series of the same name which is, I gather — never have seen it — a pile of rubbish. The book is chilling, although I think somewhat overblown and hysterical in tone. As for her analysis of how a totalitarian society operates and whether it can be resisted, that is well worth considering. At any rate, why dismiss her just because she is mentioned in an article you don’t agree with?
My quotes are from the top – indeed the first thing you read* – and from the bottom.
You’ve not read Maus but that is you loss? How do you know if you never read it?
The Atwood novel looked like woke crap to me – and deliberately tying in with that affluent identity politics thing. “somewhat overblown and hysterical in tone” would certainly fit that notion. But hey what do I know? I never read it but I’m sure that’s my loss.
I saw – or attempted to watch – the 1990 film version and it bored the hell out of me.
*I think I see the problem. The quotes are not from the article itself but from the “Dear reader” part. And they are hysterically funny as are all trumpeted “dissent” which is nothing of the sort.
Once upon a time, censorship was a simple matter of burning a library. The Insane Empire did make an effort to seek and destroy every copy of the most inconvenient documents. E.g., the UN report on bio-warfare in N. Korea.
Well, there is this, which isn’t particularly humorous:
“America First” activist calls for Dictator Trump, declares “We want a total Trumpian Reich”
Russell insisted that his followers did not want “freedom.”
“We want a total Trumpian Reich, okay?” he said. “That’s what we want. We want a total Trumpian Reich. We want dictator Trump.”
“We want Trump to rule forever and ever and make America great again,” Russell added. “And we want all these people who are acting in bad faith, who are traitors to this nation, to go to jail. That’s what we want.”
‘We want dictator Trump’: America First activist publicly calls for ‘Trumpian Reich’ – Raw Story – Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
Yeah, I remember back in the summer of 2020, during all those fake riots, how many Trumpists were calling for him to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 and round up all those pesky Democrats (who, to be sure, did deserve it) and deep-staters and rule by martial law. Although I had voted for Trump and regarded all the bleating of the MSM with utter contempt, I was skeptical of that idea, since it would have made us even more overtly into a dictatorship. The past seven years or so have been oddly similar to the Weimar Republic of Germany in the 1920s. Who’s to say that all of this tranny-craziness hasn’t been deliberately contrived in order to speed some ‘new hitler’ to power so that the globalists can then unleash WW3 and nuke away the remaining humans that refuse the clotshots?
OK, I realize how paranoid I sound, but the parallels are there …
“Who’s to say that all of this tranny-craziness hasn’t been deliberately contrived in order to speed some ‘new hitler’ to power“
IMHO this is exactly what’s happening. Social engineering on a global scale.
Peoples’ desperation for an old-school firebrand leader is palpable at this stage, and no doubt the “elitists” already have their guy waiting in the wings. Personally, I don’t think it will be Trump, but ultimately it doesn’t matter who they use, the final destination is obvious.
Can’t have a dictator without supporters. Although, I’ve long thought the office of the president should be abolished as no one person should have that much power for a country as large as the U.S., regardless of the naysayers who say the POTUS is just a figurehead. If anyone has listened to Trump that last few months and the things he has said “HE” would do if elected, they would know that we’re as close to dictatorship as it gets, and de facto anyway. And his supporters are showing they’ll be behind him every step of the way.
This is ultra crazy to me coming from these cultists on the right in that they mostly opposed the Covid scam and yet continue to support Trump as he doubles down saying he is the “King of the Covid-19” vaccine that saved “millions” of lives. Goes to show how fucked up most of them are, as bad as the democrats with their trannies. And now they’re admitting it’s not about freedom. That’s whacked. But then again, very predictable. So now we can say Trump supporters are anti-freedom.
Trumpian Reich? WTF is that supposed to mean?
“the quadrennial simulation of democracy in the USA is getting underway”.
The Republican nomination is dullsville compared to the Democrat non-side of the fence….
Two weeks ago, RFK jr made some comments about the vaccine appearing to have some qualities of an ethno-specific bio-weapon, an idea that goes back to the PNAC document. He seemed to claim the vaccine was more dangerous to blacks and whites and less to Jews and Chinese. This ‘careless bit of misspeak’ (funny how alt-critics who came out of the mainstream keep making those – see Andrew Bridgen) has led to him just having to pay fealty to Israel in the last week – for example “there’s nobody who is running for president today who is a stronger champion for Israel than myself.” Amazing how that worked out….
RFK’s son (RFK III for those keeping count) just happens to be married to a woman who’s ex-CiA. He met her at Burning Man, the Silicon Valley festival of the Occult that’s not at all based on ‘The Wicker Man’.
Some years ago a man sabotaged the Burning Man festival by setting fire to the Man ( a big wooden man-shaped structure) by himself, ahead of the scheduled ceremony.
He was caught and prosecuted, but also ended up comitting suicide a little later….. Surely another coincidence.
I seem to remember someone throwing themselves in to the flames one year as well.
All good clean family fun…
Two weeks ago, RFK jr made some comments about the vaccine appearing to have some qualities of an ethno-specific bio-weapon, an idea that goes back to the PNAC document.
NO ed
The screamers of anti s said they created it back in 1998.
Hear is the original article, save it before it goes bye bye.
I**ael’s diabolical genetic weapons target Arabs
Muslimedia: December 1-15, 1998
Of course, you don’t have to see RJK Jr as perfect or as having the same exact views as you do (as many of those who read O-G do). But on confronting the dangers of vaccines, challenging the corrupt medical establishment, and helping the vaccine injured he has a long and excellent record. He was an early and open critic of Covid policy. As for who his son married, who cares? Is he responsible for what his adult son does? RFK Jr has been attacked and denounced by his family. They rightly see him as a renegade. Or maybe I should say a maverick, for on some issues (like Israel and like the environment) his stance is not nearly as critical as I’d like it to be. But I do feel he is bascially sincere, and that he is open minded and willing to examine those views. Would he make a good president who can change things for the better? Let’s hope we get a chance to find out!
If you play the voting game you would be off your rocker to vote anyone other than RFK or Shiva Ayadurai. The latter has stated clearly: WE MUST GO AFTER THEM- when talking about Fauci and friends. They must be rounded up, have their assets seized and get locked away for life. A death sentence is letting them off the hook.
VOTE FOR THE HOOK. These criminal parasites must not get away with this.
So are you recommending to vote for the democratic party, for justice? Good luck, man.
As the saying goes, ‘If voting changed anything, it wouldn’t be allowed.’
Having watched the January 6 spectacle of well behaved not-even-protesters being literally beckoned into the chamber by the crooked index finger of a Capitol
policeman, and the ensuing media hyperbolic feeding frenzy-talk about sharks.
The Weapons of Mass Distraction.
Politics is about tying up your attention and energy, Divide and Conquer. If you fall for it. It keeps you impotent in any real sense. You could have done something useful with all that wasted energy.
. Pick the next crisis/crises for the New Normals to buy into.
The PSYOP continues.
Sure thing. Anyone who speaks well. Putin came, said “no to American hegemony” and ready. The best character creators are the deep state and their mainstream media, can make a hero out of any garbage just by talking against it.
I am not a huge fan of Hopkin’s writing. But I’ll definitely give two thumbs up for the description of Trump as “The pussy-grabbing Destroyer of Worlds.” As good as anything Kunstler has written. Though Kunstler himself is the ultimate Trumptard, and unlike Greg Hunter, he cannot use a very low IQ as an excuse.
As to Trump as the second coming of the Messiah. Hmmm. We have Bolton, the maniacal mustache, in the top “security” spot; A man who never met a war he didn’t like. Pompeo (we cheated, we lied, we stole) as the director of the CIA and (amazingly) as Secretary of State. A man who never saw a buffet he didn’t like. And Attorney General William Barr, a man whose father gave J. Epstein his first job out of college at, of all places, an elite girls’ preparatory school. And he is the father of the Warp Speed military bioweapon against the global hoi polloi; and a host of other federal appointed miscreants. As New Yawkers would say, What’s not to like.”
Trump is obviously being used by our Overlords as to bring USA debt slaves into a state of virtual if not kinetic civil war. As to not permitting him to win a second term, I am not so sure of that. He could truly trigger a second civil war. I cannot think of a more formidable diversions away from a focus on the real enemies of humanity, the top level banksters. The ones whose names may not be spoken. And let us not forget, the US civil war (more accurately termed as the war of southern secession) was responsible for more US deaths (obviously not including the untermenschen from around the planet) than the rest of US wars together since 1789.
Well Biden killed more civilians overseas in 4 weeks than Trump did in 4 years. Trump has been the only US President who didnt start a war, he made peace with N.Korea and tried to get US troops home.
Trump made a lot of jobs, railroad projects in US which Biden immediately dumped the moment he came into office in favour of public administration of refugees, drug addicts, homeless tents, and LGBT rights.
Trump took a battle against fake news, and stopped the Democrats exploitation of elderly and he made true efforts to stop human trafficking.
I didnt like his warp speed, his talk about the military should lead the injections, his many foreign sanctions was not wise, the killing of Soleimani was unforgivable. But compared to the perverts on the left he was at least his own.
One man cant lift it all. A general passivity and a corrupted system can make it impossible.
Eh – me and my friends and family have agreed to disagree for the most part. Some people want the hard us v them lines drawn just as much as globocap does apparently. There’s a contradiction in us rightly calling out the literal Hitler nonsense while simultaneously screaming about literal camps for the unvaxxed and exclusively using the Nazi metaphor. Hyperbole is hyperbole.