Moscow to give Africa more unproven “vaccines” that nobody wants or needs
Murashko promises “new vaccines” to Africa as Gintsburg gushes about his intranasal clot-shot for toddlers
Riley Waggaman

The Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, held in St. Petersburg at the end of July, was by all accounts a smashing success.
The biggest names in Africa-related economics and humanitarianism were there, including Russia’s leading philanthropist:

(How is it that Mr. Prigozhin is mingling with Africans at a swanky hotel in St. Petersburg, while Igor Strelkov—who denounced Prigozhin as a traitor, and described Wagner’s “March on Moscow” as an act of treason—is sitting in pre-trial detention in Moscow?)
But the 2023 Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum was not just an opportunity for warlords to exchange tips and tricks.
Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko and Gamaleya Center Director Alexander Gintsburg were at the conference to take advantage of the free snacks and open bar, and also to champion closer clot-shot ties between Moscow and Africa.

The deployment of “new vaccines” was one of many “promising areas for cooperation”, Russia’s health minister explained to the conferencegoers:
Another promising area is the supply of vaccines. This is the already proven yellow fever vaccine, the Ebola vaccine produced by our Gamaleya Center [which was barely tested and not even remotely proven — RW], which also developed the Sputnik vaccine [whose clinical trial results were declared a “trade secret” and withheld from the public— RW]. The Sputnik vaccine itself was supplied to more than 70 countries [Approved by. Usage varied wildly — RW], and according to the responses of the Ministries of Health, it proved to be the most effective vaccine that protects against deaths and the spread of infection,” [Source: Mikhail Murashko’s pea-sized noodle — RW] said the Head of the Russian Ministry of Health.
If Sputnik V is the safest and most effective clot-shot ever invented to prevent the spread of positive PCR tests, why on earth did the Russian government team up with AstraZeneca to create COVID vaccine “cocktails”, and why did Gamaleya announce last year that it was developing an mRNA COVID injection? Why would you need to make another COVID “vaccine”, if Sputnik V is already rainbows and unicorns in a vial?
But one must admire Murashko’s hutzpah: Sputnik V deliveries to Africa have been mired by allegations of brazen corruption and various scams.
(In Ghana, the government tore up a contract to procure Sputnik V through a middleman who was reportedly charging $19 per dose, which is almost double the normal price. Kenya experienced similar issues with Sputnik V doses being provided through the “private sector”. The Russian Direct Investment Fund allegedly gave an Emirati royal exclusive rights to resell Sputnik V to third world countries at a huge premium.)
Murashko had even more good news for Africa: The Gamaleya Center cooked up an updated Sputnik V slurry (Sputnik VI?), and this magical elixir is purportedly being tested as I type these words.

source: RIA Novosti
So the clinical trial results for the original Sputnik V have been withheld (probably forever), but Russia’s Health Ministry is still marching forward with a new study for a new and improved Sputnik V? Yes, this is the Scientific Method.
Order of Alexander Nevsky recipient Alexander Gintsburg had similarly exciting vax developments to share with TASS on the sidelines of the Africa forum: Sputnik V is going full-nasal because The Virus could return at any moment! Baby nostrils get first priority, obviously:
“The intranasal vaccine [against coronavirus infection] <…> must be adopted <…> by all age groups, but we should begin with the youngest age group, for which there is no vaccine at all. For [children ages] 0-6 there is no vaccine against COVID. As we understand, at any moment [it] may be needed—no one knows how the evolution of [the virus] will go. Therefore, this vaccine is needed,” Gintsburg said, answering a question from TASS.
Speaking earlier at the summit, Gintsburg said that Gamaleya scientists are ready to develop an intranasal COVID vaccine for children under the age of six.
“Why intranasal for this younger group? Because this intranasal, on the one hand, does not have any ‘side effects’, as we saw in the ‘older’ groups. On the other hand, for children and especially for their parents, intranasal administration is different psychologically than an injection—although the effectiveness is the same,” he explained in an interview with reporters.
Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter or Telegram.
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I wouldn’t expect anything else from a KGB man that is also a banker boss puppet.
Putin is just another lap dog to TPTB.
“How the African Country of Niger was Captured by a French Energy Company”
[Posted one year ago]
The energy companies hold all the power and can override democratic parliamentary decisions.
“If another nation adopts strict climate regulations that reduce the value of US energy assets in that country, the country must compensate the US firms. Wall Street has been granted free rein to move financial assets into and out of our trading partners.” Author: Robert Reich, formerly a member of the Clinton administration, writing in the Guardian..
So, we are hindered by US power to make legislation we need? We need to pay them compensation when we adopt a legislated harm minimisation strategy? And what was that pantomime about voting and votes matter about?
Private military group Wagner is expanding its presence in Africa, filling the space left by France’s withdrawal. They are backed by Russia and have been involved in conflicts in Sudan, Libya, Central African Republic, and Mali, amassing power and control over resources such as oil, gold, and diamonds. Russian military presence in Africa is growing,
Russia is also using it prisoners who where doing long prison sentences offered to join and fight.
Wagner the Russian Foreign Legion?
US has had a permanent presence in Africa for at least 50 years.
Last I heard there is a SF base in the Congo and that one of the islands off the East Coast is a CIA facility.
Africa is to be further exploited for mining resources. Including the people.
So… as Riley Wagaman rightly noted in his recent article on the digital ruble (an article that I personally distributed in many places):
So, Riley, this was huge big news — Putin’s Latest Law Criminalizes Online Anonymity. THIS HAPPENED ON JULY 31 2023. Today is August 6 2023
Can you share a link? If you’d been less needlessly bitchy I’d have forwarded your message to the author directly. I doubt there’s any reason Riley wouldn’t cover such a thing, if it was so. A2
Well, it looks like too many Africans already distrust Bill Gates, Pfizer, etc., so I guess it’s time for Clotshot Team-B: Russia and ‘Sputnik’. (Seriously, why do they have to name everything in the country now after a 65 year-old satellite? The Russian Federation really needs new marketing!)
Great to see other nations helping Africa out of poverty and giving children better lives. It must be a huge worry for the American government, as they want Africa to be poor – hence the fear of people like Bono and Gates when they try to help.
There is one take-away from this business – and only one:
It is high time for Africa to say to the West and East and generally the rest of the world:
I have a hard time understanding why this site publishes Waggaman. He writes like an intelligence agent and the name sounds like a pseudonym to me.
Easy. He writes about real events, why your insinuations are irrelevant.
The Graud also advocates poop water snooping in the wake of the “irresponsible” slump in surveillance. And this,
“Prof Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College London, said while Covid was on the rise, it had started from quite a low level and the “mildness” of Covid now was largely because most people were still within a year or so of having had three vaccine doses.”
Note the scare quotes round “mildness” – because we of course know that covid cannot be mild. Note also how this (presumably temporary) “mildness” is attributed entirely to the vaccines or, to be more precise, to the vaccinations within the last year or so. Implication: We need to keep up the vaxxes! And sure enough: “it was important to plan for another round of boosters and consider which specific vaccine it should involve.”
And sealing the new precarious emergency state,
“I think we don’t really have enough data points to say confidently what normal looks like for Covid, other than the fact that normal is probably going to be significantly higher infection and disease burden layered on top of all the other things that are already causing us problems every year”.
And a preview of coming attractions:
“Another vaccination campaign, with eligibility based on health conditions or age, is expected to be launched later this year, according to UKHSA. The agency says it understands conversations about scaling up testing are continuing.”
(Article: “UK almost ‘flying blind’ on Covid this autumn, experts say”)
There are no viable ‘corona-viri” in shit water!!
My god!
No more covid statistics? Don’t worry. There is a new method: examining waste water:
“The latest wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US, entirely hidden from the public, is continuing apace. On Thursday, Biobot Analytics released its latest data, showing that the level of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles in wastewater across the US has risen by 125 percent over the past six weeks. Every geographic region is undergoing a surge in wastewater levels, an advance indicator of the spread of the virus.
Scientists are forced to estimate the spread of COVID-19 by sampling wastewater because the federal government has stopped counting the number of COVID-19 cases. In May, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stopped reporting the daily number of people who tested positive for COVID-19, in a deliberate effort to cover up the spread of the disease in order to condition the public to accept perpetual mass infection.”
So there you are. Furtively scooping up poop water is where it’s at!
And this testing can off course only be taken inside people’s private property on their personal waste water, which people off course must pay for, for the common good.
Same as the PCR test, these waste water tests will show the non-vaccinated have a Corona variant without knowing it, lock down, quarantine, military, down on the floor, injected.
“Winston Smith, you now own nothing and……………..are happy”.
a surge in wastewater levels, an advance indicator of the spread of the virus.
Can The Science find a way to reduce wastewater? Is Climate causing this?
Off topic but curious:
“In its first season, Heartstopper received huge amounts of praise for showing what it’s like to come out when you’re young. Its diverse cast of characters showcased openly gay, bisexual and trans teenagers on-screen. And the show’s second season takes things a step further by including a character coming out as asexual.”
Note how that cuckoo term “trans” sneaks its way into “gay” and “bisexual”.
But also note how creator Alice Oseman “identifies as asexual and aromantic – a term for people who say they don’t feel romantic connections”.
Soooo …… a programme about young folk discovering relationships coming from a person who “doesn’t feel romantic connections”?
My cognitive dissonance meter is spinning out of control.
But maybe that’s where the “asexual” thing comes in? Sex is about to be …. discouraged unless it applies to lone individuals before a screen.
Dunno…might be less about discouraging sex than about discouraging love or any sense of responsibility towards other people.
Young scientists presented the robot “Adam” at the Russia-Africa summit
So Satan is really trying to do it better as he promised. Adam, an interesting name.
Message to Putin: It’s Ukraine, not YourKraine.
Besides (or maybe together and inseparably from them, what do you think?) the vaccines:
The Ministry of Digital Development Science and The Ministry of Economy see great prospects for ICT trade with Africa. Which technologies are most in demand
Look, look, leave the stupid vaccines. I am very worried because the Cabal is waging a real war against Russia. I repeat: Kabbalah is waging war against Russia, Kabbalah is fighting against Russia through proxy Ukraine, Kabbalah wants to destroy Russia, he is waging war against her!
For confirmation, ask Riley, Rollo, and also every the top 5 D’s, including Ehret, McGregor, Ritter, and whoever you want. Here I am now haunted by Erik Nielsen, our respected (at least from me, I respect him, I do not know about you) a fellow commentator who wants to remind me that the Cabal really fight against these nasty technocrats-vaccinators from Russia.
So, can you explain to me, if Russia is carrying out the plan of the nasty Rothschilds-Rockefellers-Bilderbergers, why would they want to destroy Russia? Why are they fighting against Russia through PROXY Ukraine? I don’t want to hear this. It’s not possible. So Russia is NOT implementing the plan of the Kabbalah, and that is why they are trying to destroy it. Russia is against Kabbalah and Kabbalah is against Russia. This is war.
As I have heard it, the only thing that makes a little overall sense in the confusion, is TPB planned to align rich West with the poor rest.
TPB tried in vain the good way, but West refused to give up all their privileges using 90% of the globe’s resources, leaving Africa, Latin, China with crumbs. Why we now get the hard way.
So this decay of EU and especially US is to weaken the colony powers as much as the third nations can get onboard. This you will know factually happen.
The pushing of neutral Belarus into the arms of Russia, strengthening of China, Africa. Latin is about to come, BRICS (invented by Goldman Sachs).
The centres of power is moving to East with China as main centre, and we get the “multipolar” world. This should be the overall reset, the BIG picture.
To confirm this you will see the Corp talk and fight about new virgin markets who are still without a banc account and in need of the same comfort as West.
And to control this big movements and settlements, you need a “new world government” where all countries are playing into the theater.
Im not sure of the above, but it is the only answer that give some logic in the circus.
Russia’s is fighting WWIII against NATO in Donbass, while Western Elite travel freely to parties in Kiev, and Blackstone and JP Morgan use all their money to invest in W-Ukraine.
Good, Mr. Nielsen.:)
Although I do not underestimate you in any way, I’m convinced that, when it comes to the “war,” you’re far from the level of the leading critical online expert, Rolo. We are all far away.
I remind his best answer, about who started the “war”: unidentified military white hats. In another case, the elite itself started the war because of… the arrest of oligarch Medvedchuk. But because it became clear that the elite did not want the war and sought an agreement with the US/West, then it was the white hats. (The great reset almost doesn’t exist there, it’s not something that deserves more than a few brief mentions. Everything “is much more complicated.”)
The best explanation for the reality of Eddie’s war is that “can’t all military expert-commentators can have conspired or confused.” There is no controlled opposition in Russia. This is an amazing country woven by traditional honor, dignity, and super-smart people who can’t be bought and aren’t wrong.
Thats why I write Im not sure. Always open for corrections. My impression about the common Russian people are good, a living people with soul.
Just more of Waggeemun’s blathering Russia-phobic MI6 drivel 🤮.
Su*ck the eurasian carrot, dear jimbo. 🍌
in fact I do not understand why his anti russian articles are published
Simple. Are these articles factual or not? Do they not fit into the norm of manipulation of reality, or what is it you dont understand.
Yes, this is war between Russia and the rest of Europe — and this war has been going for at least 500 years, when Sweden’s King Gustavus Adolf the Great tried and failed to invade Russia around 1600; followed by France’s Emperor Nappy who tried and failed around 1800; followed by German Fuhrer Adolf the Not-so-great; followed by two Jewish Ukrainian puppets of the EU$A whose names are: Porky Poroshenko the Chocolate King, and Cocky Zelensky the B-movie President.
Why? Because Russia is a very big and very rich parcel of Real Estate where an enterprising conquerors could make enormous fortunes. The only trouble being, Russia is inhabited by:
“A Mess of Russians” — Shakespeare, Loves Labours Lost, around 1600.
Russia has been occupied and controlled by the Cabalists for over a century. And the soldiers just need to turn round, shoot their controllers, and go home.
Kissinger, Putin, and the “New World Order”
by William F. Jasper
January 9, 2009
Kissinger, never one to let a crisis got to waste, has been busy on an important new-world-order project in Russia with Vladimir Putin. Although it has gone virtually unreported in the U.S. media, Kissinger has been featured prominently in the Russian media during his many trips over the past decade to Moscow to meet with Putin and Yevgeny Primakov, the former KGB terror master for the Soviet Union in the Middle East. In 2007, Kissinger and Primakov were appointed by Putin to co-chair a bilateral “working group” of Russian and American political insiders to tackle issues such as global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear threats.
Novosti, the Russian “news” agency run by Putin-friendly apparatchiks, reported on the new working group in an April 26, 2007 story, noting that “Kissinger, U.S. secretary of state from 1973 to 1977, has been a frequent guest in Russia since Putin took office in 2000.”
I think you will find both sides of this agenda are represented in Russia.
The satanic mafia thought they had Russia tied down after the fall of the soviet union but forces within Russia has pushed back against this. Might be why it looks a bit schizo.
Yeah, right? A real mystery, Mr. Slavsquat. After this horrible, genuine, and long-predicted rebellion (for reference Rolo and your reports), the chef is a distinguished guest at a major forum and his critic is in pre-trial detention.
A truly inscrutable mystery with real riots (which, in your opinion, showed the problems and weaknesses of the Kremlin) and real critics.
By the way, a very insignificant detail that two days before the great real attempt at mutiny, there was an interesting, but completely neglected (from you too) meeting. Later, on July 4, there was a meeting of the SCO. In both cases, it was about a lot of “fighting extremism” with a focus on stopping its online spread. Such things, petty, that can not be compared with important events such as the rebellion, the speeches of Girkin, etc. That’s another story..
Prigozhin’s real rebellion, then the arrest of the real Kremlin critic… Oh, look you.
(There are much more detailed and accurate reports in Russian, but I guess people won’t want to use a translator.)
So, one of Edward’s favorites and repeatedly cited alternative Russian media is the “pro-putinian”, as he calls it, katyusha org. I also love they, but only/mostly their section on technocracy in Russia, which is one of the best and perhaps the best Russian.
The difference is that when they talk about Putin and the “war,” it gets funny, and I, unlike Eddie, note this with laughter. Even when there was a huge AI conference at the end of 2021 (which was marked by a 2-3 line announcement on Ed’s blog) and Putin spoke impressively about AI needing to be brought into every sphere of society (something that later became Putin’s orders… which was not noted at all on Ed’s blog), katyusha said that Gref wrote a speech to Putin and in the rest of his article… They mostly talked about how Gref was to blame for everything. You know.. thath’s the business, “patriotic”.
So, what do Katyusha, the patriotic site for good example, according to Eddie’s blog, the outspoken fighters against plandemy, technocracy, the attempt to introduce a electronic concentration camp, think about this ban on anonymity? Here’s what:
Then throughout the article they simply set out the technical details, reminding from time to time that the work of the authorities can be done even better. And in the end of article:
I look forward to seeing how this will be noted on Eddie blog. (Let’s not forget what accelerated this whole story: first the “rebellion” of Prigozhin, who was very active in telegram and in general in the information field, and then the noisy Strelkov, who was arrested “as part of a criminal case on incitement to extremist activities.” – online “incitement”….)
*On July 20, they announced, fully approving, that the authorities were preparing for a new mobilization wave and were preparing a law on “fines for those who hide from the conscript commission”, concluding their article with the solemn:
A few more Russian mans who got cunning and missed getting vaccinated (well, not only), in a “battle for the fatherland”. Cool, what? After all, the WEF, the Rothschilds and the Bilderbergers are on the other side….
The Patriotic picture of Katyusha’s article.
Let’s recall Riley’s claim about the “rebellion”: 100% real. He discouraged his readers from thinking the rebellion was false, arguing that “law tightening” could be triggered in many easier ways instead of fake rebellion. He even wrote a separate article setting out his arguments for a real rebellion, analyzing the “unconvincing” arguments for a false rebellion, and slightly ironizing this thesis.
What’s up now, Mr. Riley: there is or is there no connection between the rebellion (as well as the super-screaming “the real criticist” Strelkov and his subsequent arrest) and the subsequent ban on anonymity?
Uninformed readers ask.
“But… Russia is doing it out of instinctive human decency, even if misguided.” 😀 Will they ever run out of excuses?
When the most prominent critical experts on the Internet (like Riley and Rolo, for example) run out of unceasing confirmations, explanations, analyses and evidence of the real war? 😀
I will give away a secret: whatever confessions about what the Russian great reseters make, whatever excuses they run out, since there is almost a complete consensus even in the critical alt circles that war is real, and if on the other side are the bankers, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the CFR, the Kissinger, the deep state… Then nothing else applies, and people will always see that “Russia is resisting the cabal.”
The alleged reality of the alleged war, which, supposedly, the worst and most time-proven great criminals are waging against Russia, easily eliminates any suspicion of Russia’s complicity in the plan of the same criminals.
In reality it is easy. Russia didnt wanted it, but the Cabal wanted Russia to do it and forced it to do it.
Conclusion the Cabal is in control.
Otherwise Blackstone and JP Morgan wouldnt fool around all over Ukraine and make their investments while “WWIII” NATO against Russia is going on in Donbass.
Thanks, Erik.
(The Laudrup brothers were unforgettable Danish footballers, by the way. You are a talented football nation.)
Do you try online extremism on me? (Maybe inspired by Prigozhin?)
No, just searching facts. We shoot, and when we dont hit something or someone, someone will shoot back.
Only when we get 13 minus votes we know we hit the nail :-D.
I knew there had to be a reason why Mette murdered 17 million Mink,
For no reason … carry on shootin’ and good luck flying your plastic mockup
Model F-35, costing 5 million DKR. Hopefully, Denmark’s F-35s will exceed your expectations in futures wiser and not get shipped to the Ukraine, like your French Howitzers… 😂 ever more stealth.
Was it a bird ? Was it a plane ? Naaah, just Erik flying his Legoland RC F-35, out of Bilund: “Tag, Ma’am Mette, murdering Mink & Minds meticulously.”
alike …
Just for fun,
& reserve Bacon. 😉
Hedging against Schweinflu’ over cuckoo’s nest ?
🀄 Balky
I think the public are smearing politicians too much, so much that it is disgusting. Politicians only do what we ask them to do.
If some lobby group of experts ask Mette to kill 17 million because they represents a danger for society, and the danger was not there, it is not a politician’s fault, but the lobby group’s fault! You hear me?
The F-35 was forced upon a little country, like the rest of EU. Forced to buy the US shit, or else………….
Politicians are only doing our dirty job.
Have you helped your politicians when they were under pressure from Nato, US, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Wall Street, Bank of England??
Did you stand behind them when they were under pressure??
Or did you sit in your armchair laughing at them, calling them stupid, smearing them, criticizing them for not standing up, crying for more in your baby bottle?
The evidence of the Russian government’s actions, going along 100% with the WHO, carrying on the 4IR agenda with the implicit support of the WEF (for instance, the St Petersburg global economic gathering), pushing CBDC and digital IDs harder than just about every other government, playing a growing role in Africa, Asia,…in enforcing the needs of global capital and pursuing the “Pandemic”/”COVID-19″/”SARS-Cov-2” con job fraud narrative proves you really have no idea WTF you’re talking about.
The “multi-polar world order” is a plan cooked up by the likes of Goldman Sachs and the Council on Foreign Relations, replacing th G7 with the G20. Tell us, please, what part of the G20 Bali Declaration of November 2022 you think is so cool.
Riley claims this and discourages his readers – which YOU PERSONALLY have witnessed 100 times – from thinking that the war is fake and a continuation of the reboot. Do you want to examples? (I can fill the commence field with the bullshit Riley and Rollo’s.)
Not. You give me examples where Riley says that war isn’t real, that it’s part of the great reset. Let me see, give. Or does he only say the opposite, and sow childishness about two elites, one of which is opposed, non-Western and patriotic? Where is it?
Were you there when it was the big buzz about the REAL BIG RIOT (according to Riley)?? What Riley said: it’s real, it’s real, there are reasons, it was predicted, and blah-blah.. Did you read my comment above? Did you open the link? Not. Wait for Riley to tell you… I joke, he will never say, because it contradicts the consistently imposed by him suggestion that war is real.
So you read my comment and then give me, as a refutation of my comment, these well-known truths? You haven’t read any of my comments, I guess. You didn’t open the connections. You’re waiting for Riley to tell you, rather he to repeat and repeat the well-known truths. Whatever he says, that’s it. Is there more? What do you think? Do you want me to start asking you 1,000 things one by one and you don’t know anything about them? Have you ever opened a Russian site, or just whatever Riley gave? You didn’t open, did you? I open daily. And there it says much more, deeper and heavier than Riley reports.
Go ahead, explain to me more – as you have not understood what I am saying – how Russia is in complicity. Then, explain to me why Riley claim that war was real and there was no doubt that it might not be. You also explain to readers here why Riley routinely discouraged her readers from thinking of war as false. Explain how Riley resist her readers who claimed the rebellion was fake and aimed at tightening the noose around people with harsher laws. (And don’t read my comments above and don’t open the links.)
The super-savvys of Russia who have not opened a Russian site in their lifetime. Routinely, an understander calls, with all his self-confidence, and without knowing anything from what I say, he starts talking to me. Something there…
Are you pretending to be stupid?
And… fools started putting pros on Jeffrey and cons on me. Without ever they knowing what I was saying. They can only think between two planes, and besides, they don’t like to read. Cool.
I’m waiting to see how many pluses will you collect, given that I not only agree with what you’re saying, but I know 100 times more because I’m not informing myself from Riley, but from a host of Russian sources which Riley hasn’t even mentioned and won’t mention. Russian technocracy I know so much that what Riley wrote on the subject is like a student essay in comparison; I know almost everything about transhumanism (and Riley hasn’t mentioned almost nothing about it).
I’m waiting to see how many pluses you’ll muster by saying that the evidence suggests Russia being complicit in GR with the ones she’s supposed to be fighting, when Riley only says the war is real, has no judgment about whether the war is fake, and regularly discourages his readers from thinking of the war as fake. Riley and Rollo provide tons of “evidence” that the real (in their opinion) war is not going properly because of the power games in the Kremlin, intrigue and corruption.
It’ll be fun.
(Have you opened a Russian site, by the way? But in the Russian version, because they are usually different.)
And how did you decide that I was saying something contrary to what you were saying? I wonder if you think the war is real or if it’s fake? And also, what does Riley think? (And last but not least: what do you see Riley thinking? Because he is very clear about the funny and fake war: it is 100% real in his opinion.)
“The alleged reality of the alleged war”
Russia has fought many real and great wars for its existence. Firstly, Kievan Rus fought for the existence of Europe against Far Eastern ethnic groups: Mongols, Tatars, Khazars, Chinese and Japanese.
Then it fought in Europe against European dictators: Charles the Great, Napoleon the Great and Hitler the Not-so-Great.
Now it is fighting against tinpot tyrants: Obomba the Bombastic, Biden the Senile, Nuland the F*EU and their clown puppet president of a synthetic country that was cobbled together from disparate and mutually incompatible parts: Roman Catholics vs Orthodox Catholics, Poles vs Ukrainians vs Russians, Jewish Presidents vs a Jew-hating neo-Nazi army.
That is the real war, with real steel and fire and real blood shed in Europe. In this “kinetic” war Russia is on the right side; as it was in WW2.
The other war, the one which intelligent editors at OffG are interested in, is on a higher and more enduring plane than physical war: it is “mental strife” against Autocracy, Authoritarianism, and Economic Enslavement. In this “mental war” OffG is on the right side, as Socialism was in WW2.
Probably not, but they will run out of time.
Moscow’s latest ‘vaccine’ for Ukraine’s counteroffensive:
As Ukraine’s (much-hyped, 2-month-old) ‘counteroffensive’ recaptures the odd semi-abandoned village (eg Staromaiorske with a population of 10 and now fighting for Robotyne)…
and … Ukraine’s offensive inches forward in search of a breakthrough
… Russia unveils:
New Short-Range Missiles for Su-57 Outpace US Developments
Might be a game changer. The missiles can hit targets behind the plane (when fired forward). And the missiles know their own positions in time and space (without need for external guidance). Plus infrared homing thrown in as an additional extra.
Ukraine may get their F-16s. But would there be any pilots to fly them? Bringing out a set of F-16 commemorative stamps won’t change that.
Russia’s air superiority has lain dormant. Soon to awake?
How many game-changers have we seen already? Strangely enough, for all its power and superiority in every field, Russia is unable to protect the hapless inhabitants of the Donbass (now integral part of the motherland) from shelling.
It protected it from invasion by the US/U.K./ NATO trained Ukrainian Nazis regime plan to invade the Donbas in early February 2022 !
That was almost a year and a half ago! Why can’t they stop the shelling? Or won’t they?
Wasn’t any attack on the new oblasts an attack on Russia itself? With terrible consequences?
Question did the Russians thwart the US/U.K./ NATO proxy Ukrainian Nazi regime from invading the Donbas in early February 2022 ?
Answer, yes they did !
Good find. Written 7 days before the SMO started
From the Link to Voltairenet by BrianBorou:
“In the Donbass the fuse is lit. The United States is preparing an attack on the two oblasts of Donbass whose population is now predominantly Russian. According to the Russian Constitution, the President of the Federation, Vladimir Putin, will be responsible for defending them militarily. In order to avoid being held responsible for the explosion, Moscow has therefore taken its turn by withdrawing its troops a few kilometers… . Washington can no longer invoke the Minsk agreements because, “thanks” to President Macron, Kiev has just refused to apply them.”
“Russia’s air superiority has lain dormant. Soon to awake?”
It’s already awake. NATZO aircraft no longer dare fly over Syrian airspace. NATZO has witheld its F16 aircraft and Abrams tanks from Ukraine because they will be shot to pieces, same as happened to previous NATZO “game changers” such as German tanks, U$ missiles, U$ Patriot AAD, French howitzers and various bits of British kit.
Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter says NATZO knew that they were urging a suicidal mission on Ukrainian army. It is contrary to Military Doctrine to attack a heavily defended position unless you have 10:1 superiority in numbers and are backed up with superior armour, AA Defence against enemy aircraft, and air cover for your own troops and their tanks — as Monty and Patton had against Rommel. NATZO now admits they knew the Ukrainians had none of these military necessities, but NATZO was “depending on Ukrainian courage and spirit”. In other words, NATZO was cynically depending on Ukrainian stupidity: the Ukies believed that we are their friends giving them all those NATZO weapons.
“It’s not always your enemies who drop you into it” — Russian proverb.
Well stated. Succinct.
But Israel regularly bombs Syria?
Yes, but irregularly and from a safe distance. The IDF used to waltz merrily in and out of Syrian airspace bombing whatever they liked, but now they sneak around outside for a hit&run strike, like naughty boys breaking a window then running away.
Regardless of inferior or discredited armaments, the bulk of the US economy depends on (a) maintaining the production and sale of armaments (b) promoting or launching wars. This is called “defense”. Its vassals are not much better off.
Prigozhin was likely dotting the ‘i’s and crossing the ‘t’s for Niger’s coup (and for any other African countries that would like a coup too). Thus he had a bigger role to play than Strelkov.
A triumph of useful brawn over misguided brains?
Something like that. I think you are close.
I thought this is common knowledge but Wagner was active in Africa for quite some time “helping” African governments in this troubled continent, for a fee of course. Russia’s frictions with the French who still think Africa is theirs to sack for a few euros is not new.
It should be common knowledge, though it probably isn’t. I do recall seeing a map recently (on Russian TV) with vast swathes of northern Africa under Wagner influence.
So yes, there’s more than one playground for the elites to play in.
But pity the playground. It doesn’t generally fair as well as the players. As Ukraine, Syria et al would seem to prove
Yes, agreed. Funny, I search for ” Wagner’s operations in Africa” and the first result is from the CFR. Here it is from the horse’s mouth but to be taken with a grain of salt.
The CFR uses the word “intervene” to describe Wagner’s activities in Africa, but according to comments from Africans on Russian sites, they don’t seem to be unhappy about Wagner being there and giving them a hand; on the contrary, French commenters or presumably French were criticizing Wagner’s activities (destroying villages, seizing entire regions, etc)
Aggressive bullshit shilling from central hydra head MIT:
“What’s next for the moon
Robots—and then humans—are going back to the lunar surface. Here’s what they’ll be doing.
We’re going back to the moon. And back. And back. And back again.”
“The ultimate goal? Getting humans living and working on the moon, and then using it as a way station for possible later missions into deep space.”
Well …. umm … they might find “water ice” on the moon. Yay! That could help “The Planet” i.e. Earth to cope with global boiling.
Or something.
But be assured that
“We’re going back to the moon. And back. And back. And back again.”
Thus do they grant themselves a blank cheque and an endless conveyer belt to suck up more resources for a light in the sky that means sweet fuck all.
The cost of putting people on the Moon rules out actually doing it.
The Van Allen belts would microwave them long before they got there anyway.
If these seriously mad scientists want a cheaper option, they could stick some rocket fuel up their own bums and go solo.
We’d be well rid of them.
BBC says the 2000C and the bombardment of cosmic microwaves and giant stones in the Thermosphere and the Exosphere were kept at bay with a magnetic field belt of protons and electrons around the Apollo ships and the Astronauts.
It worked effectively like vaseline. I saw that on BBC news and a professor said it.
I upvoted you, because a professor said it.
I’m assuming he had a white coat…
No-one has any intention of going to the moon, assuming that that was even possible. What they will do is claim they need X amount of billlions of dollars, take it, and then make their usual video of blurred figures moving in slo-mo on Miami beach at night. Well, either that or show an old clip of Space 1999. What the hell, credibilty was blown a long time ago.
There is a first time for everything..
Think there was something about joining the dots a few pages back…
No, that was petty change you were seeing.
Yep. You’re right.
From Russia with Love 😂
They are really really horny to get this Mrna vaccine up in the brain. Why? My first thought is 5G, 6G waves connection to people’s brain.
Thanks to Riley again (and OffG) for challenging and “question more”.
In no case.
strange how RFK couldn’t come up with the liability issue when he discussed the dramatic changes in 1986, in Jimmy Dore’s interview, that led to so many new vaccines.
Right. He’s aware of it, of course.
From what I see, it actually went up under Trump’s suppose watch.
So much for caring about the children. !!!
I suppose that graphic was made pre-Convid, since the mRNA “vaxx” isn’t listed, but I doubt many of the other ” 2019″ shots listed were developed during Trump’s tenure.The pharma psychos roll them out regularly.
It’s “Adieu, France. Privyet, Russia.”
Prof Everisto Benyera (University of South Africa) Analyses the Niger coup in context of rising protest against neo-Colonialism from Paris and Brussels in Francophone Africa:
“We are one of the most resource-rich countries in the world; so why are we so poor?” — Francophone African Leader, in the above Conversation on South African Broadcasting Corporation.
Time will tell if the difference between the neo-colonialism of Paris and Brussels is very different from that of Moscow and Beijing.
“difference… is very different”. Oops. But you get my drift.
Easy. Because black men have big d…s and small brains……………LOL. That joke was funny man.
A few things that this article omitted in the recent summit.
Russia has been subjected to widespread sanctions aimed at bringing about the collapse of its economy. During the Summit in St. Petersburg, Putin announced the cancellation of $23 billion in debt owed by African countries.
“Central African Republic President Faustin-Archange Touadera underscored that Russia’s support helped save democracy in his country. ‘Fearing no geopolitical problems, Russia provides aid to our country, our armed forces and security agencies in their fight against terrorist organizations,’ he said. Mali was able to reinforce its armed forces and ensure its security thanks to Russia’s aid, said Interim President Assimi Goita. ‘Mali has a military partnership with Russia, and we thank it for its support and friendship. […] The Malian Armed Forces are currently on the offensive; we have significantly reduced the number of [terrorist] attacks on [our] military bases, we were able to ensure security in many places,’ he noted.”
Putin offered to supply grain to several African states free of charge in an effort to meet the current challenge of burgeoning food insecurity.
Africa was virtually unvaxxed for convid, and convid was a TOTAL NON-EVENT. Africa is the unjabbed control group for the world, as are Haiti and the Amish in the West. You will note there was no 5G rollout in these regions either (very limited pilot installations in a handful of African capitals).
(Images here as of November, 2021)
The presidents of Tanzania and Haiti refused the jabs. The presidents of Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo refused to comply with containment measures.
All four were six feet under months after their non-compliance.
Dr John Magufuli, president of Tanzania and a PhD chemist, in fact kicked out the WHO, after he exposed the PCR fraud. Bill Gates promptly urged other African leaders to bring him in line. Magufuli died in office shortly after and was replaced by a WEF-linked minion.
President Pierre Nkurunziza of Burundi also expelled the WHO in May, 2020. He died of a “heart attack” on June 8, 2020, less than a month later.
With the Pandemic Treaty set to be signed next year, all dissident leaders will have their hands tied by legally binding global dictates.
See more at Africa Covid19 Truth on Telegram (#control_group).
Easy. Africa has no money. Therefore it was not beneficial for a Corona virus to have virusvaxx in Africa.
People who think viruses have no brain are conspiracy theorists.
Note that the Corona virus originally came from an ape in Africa and was spread through one Chinese tourist back to Wuhan in China, from where it spread to the whole world.
Trump and I call it a China virusvaxx because it came from China, and therefore China and Africa has to pay for all damages they did to US and the free world.
Africa and China ran away from their responsibility and engaged with the Russian regime in St. Petersborg instead, leaving the big bill to the American taxpayer.
Ironic how the backwards, 3rd world, savages, uncivilized where uneducated enough not to get the vaccine.
A one vaccine? What’s the big deal! Don’t they want smart and modern urban infrastructure?
I hate smart cities and smart meters. What do a man do when everybody love them and these cities are popping up everywhere?
Good to know, but the disease was and remains non-existent.
Note to admin: I am posting important data on Africa, Covid and the vaccine, but it is being blocked as spam. Please approve if you can. Thank you.
The World is a Business, Mr. Beale!
Leprosy! That’s where it’s at!
Florida has just “gone Biblical” in this respect. Sadly, it seems that the CDC isn’t quite with the doomsday script yet and so we are left with “significant concerns about the general state of public health in the United States”. Bit of a damp squib there and no incentive for Charlton Heston to resurrect. As if sensing they’re on to a loser, the Trotters turn to malaria. But their heroic efforts to boost all this into something that might cause at least a brief chill somewhere are showing a bit of propaganda exhaustion now. The rest of the article is almost literally a matter of poking that decomposing horse who just fails to move.
The Human Microbiome Project established in 2012 that we normally carry (a few) dangerous microbes. With the establishment acknowledging the return of relatively exotic diseases, I wonder what could have changed in the last few years. 😉
Makes you wonder if Russia might be charged with the task the ‘collective west’ was unable to execute, that of getting the people of Africa to accept these injections.
This is exactly why those bastids are offering African nations free grain, isn’t it?
They know it’s a “limited hang-out”. By next year, once they’re all dead, they’ll be able to start selling grain back to the West at a huge markup since all Ukrainian agricultural products will be too toxic to touch.
Probably fake news but, I heard Vlad received Klaus last week in secret. It seems Vlad, in turn, received his “well-done” from the chief Weffie with pleasure.
And BTW, why eliminate Nazis if all you’re going to do is replace them with is Stalinists?
I’m sure no one here is fooled …
You might be though, fooled. Could the real reason be to destabilize Europe internally by the lack of beer, from less grain that is, grain that wasnt supposed to go to Europe in the first place, but to actually feed Africans.
Nothing creates more chaos in country’s than a beer shortage.
That’s exactly why we make our own bevies …
Hat trick or no trick?
“grain that wasnt supposed to go to Europe in the first place”
Most of last year’s Ukrainian grain deal went to the EU not Africa. EU is protesting from its belly where its heart is.
Im living in EU. I sent a letter to our Trade Minister telling him I cant live without my corn flakes every morning.
If I in EU cant function, the whole world will stand still and especially Africa will suffer from the lack of goodness and EU soft values.
Immediately hereafter they changed the grain direction from Africa to Europe. They were intelligent enough to understand it.
Quite appropriate sarcasm, Vic. I don’t believe Russia is implementing the same nasty plan of the nasty Bilderbergers. Because of the war they are waging against Russia through Ukraine. If they were accomplices, they wouldn’t have fought. There is no complicity, but there is opposition to Russia, and therefore they are trying to destroy it.
If African countries accept these RNA poisons it will prove that Africans are as stupid as Europeans.
Black mark against Russia, sending Gintsburg to Africa to peddle his Sputnik Poison instead of sending him to jail where he belongs. This sort of corruption — marketing vaccines without mandatory ten year testing, and without VAERS report on after effects — can spread to other products and destroy Russia from within.
A rare confession from you, Nick. (I guess you’re making up for it soon.;)) From your fair reasoning, the question arises: why then are Putin and the others in power in Russia, who are an alternative to the West, defending their people and waging a hot war with the West, doing this?
Not so rare, Chuka. My posts were regularly censored on The Saker (Orthodox Russian) site for criticizing Russia’s Covid policy and Sputnik RNA Vaxx. The human heart is like the Curate’s Egg: parts of it are excellent.
“The divide between good and bad cuts through the human heart” — Soljhenitsyn.
It has little to do with intelligence. See the comment by Cela on the national leaders who stood their ground but are now underground.
The President of Belarus (White Russia) would have been underground for Covid denial by now, if Putin had not foiled a NATZO coup against him.
How very kind of them…..🙁…..not.
Philanthropy at its finest: giving people stuff that they don’t need for a ‘reasonable’ price.
Fraud with culpable homicide: selling medicines which are not only useless but can kill.
Philanthropy at its finest: giving people stuff that they don’t need for a ‘reasonable’ price
and they then get tax and vat subsidies back from it.
if u look after yourself, your a frikin NAZI:
Thought that was a good point. People only ever seek out an alternative explanation, if they’re dissatisfied with the explanation they’ve previously heard.
They may sense that something is wrong, without necessarily being able to rationally articulate it. Which prompts the search elsewhere for a better explanation.
After a little perusal to determine a preliminary impression of Russia’s attitude towards climate change, I thought I’d peek in to the mighty Slavic attitude towards that fabled “trans community”. The inestimably reliable Wiki on the subject:
“Between 2006 and 2013, ten regions enacted a ban on “propaganda of homosexualism” among minors. The laws of nine of them prescribe punishments of administrative sanctions and/or fines. The laws in some of the regions also forbid so-called “propaganda of bisexualism and transgenderism” to minors.”
And as you may guess from that excerpt, this article muddies up homosexuality and bisexuality, which are an actual things, and transgenderism, which was pulled out of the arseholes of the hack committee elite cocksuckers. I have no idea what “propaganda of homosexualism” or “propaganda of bisexualism” means except that, if these sexual preferences are indeed being promoted to minors, then it is indeed invalid i.e. minors being by definition prepubescent. In any case, roping in the “L”, “G” and “B” labels here is deliberately misleading since it is the “T” label (still dripping in faeces from that arse it was pulled out of) that is the deadly clincher. There is indeed a “propaganda of transgenderism” and it’s offensive no matter what age group you refer to.
Oh and I’m aware that there is something called “gender dysphoria” which may indeed be an actual thing. But I reckon that that’s a thankfully rare matter – or, at least it would be if not deliberately whipped up. So bearing in mind that there may be an actual thing here, then people should be made aware of it but only on a distant back burner i.e. it would only be a real problem if someone showed an indication of it without being led down that path.
“I have no idea what “propaganda of homosexualism” or “propaganda of bisexualism” means.”
It means public advertisement and promotion. You must not promote an anomaly.
You must only advertise and promote the universal natural given, and no, you are not a universal natural given..
Thats why we again again again again and again ask the lgbt people to f… inside your bedrooms and not up in our faces.
The stench of self interest, greed and corruption.
Just like the WEF or a G7 summit…
No difference whatsoever. Gangsters and crooks, one and all. Obviously BLM doesn’t, in Africa at least.
Money again, right? Oh, that money and personal interests…
Nothing to do with money and personal interests; It’s like saying that senior managers of a large global company do what they do for their own interests. Whereas, the only thing they do is to perform strictly the tasks assigned to them by the top executives.
Thanks, I also lol
There is no other way (among so many eminent experts on Russia who… they never opened a Russian website).
Another one for the “you didn’t mention this in 2020” bulging files:
In 2020 clinical trials were the bedrock of “the science”; in 2023 it turns out they’re riddled with fraud. Truly in the footsteps of Pastuer who it turned out in the 1990s had faked his lab tests…
What’s going on here? Firstly, it must be obvious that they study the alt-media and try to counter arguments they notice have gained traction. Some of this countering is just smearing advocates as science-denying anti-semites but not all of it. Secondly, acknowledging an issue within carefully circumscibed limits is meant to defuse it. Here they’re trying to set 25% as the upper limit for fraud in clinical trials. Mainstream medical sources had put the figure much higher so they’re trying to hold the line at a quarter. They know most ‘normies’ will still go with those odds (“hey, three out of four of them are good!”). Thirdly, it shows the controlled media can’t be controlled at all. Look at their fearless reporting, holding big corporations to account! Fearless reporting… three years after it might have mattered….
In 2020 experts (so called) didn’t even need to see any data. All what was needed was some CEO who said that the ‘vaccine is more than 90% effective’.
Aka ‘trust the science’
Because CEOs of Pharmaceutical companies never lie.
That’s how you get to be CEO of a pharmaceutical company.
By never lying…
I don’t distinguish between “East” and “West” when it comes to covid – and I daresay climate too. (See footnote below)
And on perusal of the daily media vomit, it is undeniable that a new tone of hysteria is entering in. In the “developed countries”, even the toilet roll chewers are starting to utter heresies like, “Covid is coming to be seen as just another cold” (which it always was anyway).
And if those “advanced” races are proving to be less and less amenable to getting steel rods full of poison injected into them, well perhaps “the natives” in those uncouth southern climes can still be sufficiently impressed. Not a reliable assumption really. So expect more and more and more gibbering from the press hacks.
Footnote: cf.
This follows the universal propaganda pattern as in, “They say they’re going to cut emissions but they’re not doing it fast enough! We need to kill much more people if we want to save “The Planet” as designated by “The Science””. And I also daresay that “Climate Action Tracker” is another of those compulsively germinating “Fact Checker”, “Fake News Finder”, “Reliable Statistics Here” etc. corporate jive-talk power point presentation nests.
You missed the most important part of this ridiculous incomplete summary of a climatetracker (in fact, Russia is quite decently moving towards a “decarbonized” society), right from the start:
Another incidental benefit of the non-agreed, non-fake, real war that fully corresponds with the plans of “all stakeholders”.
For reference to evidence of the truth about the war, I recommend the classics: Eddie, Rolo, Marco, and also emerging experts such as the recently gained notoriety Iurie Rosca, who recently, after elaborately explains that,”as the plandemic has shown,” the Russian elites (authorities and business) are completely in the West’s game, in agreement with them, he begins to tell how a brutal war is being waged against Russia, explaining the historical background of that war. It is about the same elites who are in agreement with the West and act together, and are in a cruel war with the West (because exactly the same elites “announced the special operation” and run it).
Unbelievable. There is no other elite in Russia that is not in agreement; there is no elite that is in agreement with the West and a second elite that is opposed to the West and is waging war in Ukraine against them.
I had a lot of fun recently when Rolo wrote a lengthy article explaining that the pro-Western Russian elite in power didn’t want the war from the start, didn’t want it now, and was ready to reach an agreement with the West. A reader asks him: well, but if the elite didn’t want the war, who started it?
It got a little embarrassing.
It turned out that some patriotic military white hats had started the real war, contrary to the plans of the ruling elite. They are stronger than the whole elite, obviously.
(The story doesn’t breathe out at all and everything goes according to plan. Expect a new explanation for why the real war continues. Expect also and the Russian white hats, which sooner or later will put a stick in the wheel of the elite..)
Back to facts. Ukraine amassed 100000 military on the front of Donbass and close to Crimea with a plan to attack.
Russia followed up by amassing a defence force on the other side. Before the Ukrainian war army could attack, Russia attacked first as defence.
This can be documented as true. Russia didnt wanted the war.
Notwithstanding what the Atlantic Elite in Russia want, they were and are forced to participate in it.
Yes. Wait for the white hats, Erik. And I recommend you, loaded with your facts, to return to your old love Ehret and Chung;)
The only way “to prevent the spread of positive PCR tests” is to prevent the spread of PCR tests.
P hony
C hemical
R eaction.
To explain my downmark. PCR is not a Phony Chemical Reaction: it is one of the most exquisitely Perfect Copying Resource that Nature has ever perfected, because it performs one of the most important things in life: Reproduction.
It is the Con-men and Con-medics who misuse PCR to pull off Con-19 on a gullible public who are Phony.
P sychopaths
C unning
R use ?
P utin’s
C oolest
R ussia
A hammer is the most perfect tool nature ever has made to hit a nail…………and so on.
You are right to correct the misconception that PCR is a test.
It is not a test, and its inventor, the late Kary Mullis said so.
I just hope his genuinely scientific achievements are not tarnished by the atrocious misuse of his invention. He deserves better than that.
Applause. He was a really cool surfer acid head scientific dude. He told the truth, and Fauci and Gallo refused to debate him on TV about the criminal use of PCR for AIDS/HIV. He was probably murdered, conveniently a month before EVENT 201 kicked the whole thing off. When they killed him I knew what was coming. I’ve been putting it in song lyrics for 15 years.
Just or kicks: ‘Agenda 21: a song to die for.’
Agenda 21 a song to die for – YouTube
Great stuff, Ariel!
Could you post the Lyrics? They sound pretty strong.
My filing system’s a bit of a mess> Can’t you get them off the actual song, I try to get the message across as clearly as possible even when they get a bit poetical.
I mean, would you be asking B.Dylan to do this? I slept on the same floor in Schenectady that he slept on 4 years earlier and we both got static shocks from the same carpet.
I was cancelled by the Biased Bastards Corrupturation longtime and I am certainly not a rock and roll millionaire now.
So no secretary or PA
You rang? It has nagged me, so I found the appropriate rough book. It can be a tough call, as I’ve got about 300 179 on youtube ranging from puerile to magnificent. and bits missing…there’s a briefcase somewhere in Portugal.
Anyway I owe it to my ‘public,’ such as it is.
‘Agenda 21 ‘a song to die for’
‘The harder I try, the worse it gets.
Smoking across the sky fly poisoned cigarettes.
Dark towers of power burst into bloom,
shedding showers of deadly flowers
into every room.
Forcing all your children to take vaxxines,
ingredients to kill them, way beyond obscene.
Ruining your water, poisoning your food.
They even have the gall to tell you
it’s for your own good, good, good.
Blocking off the exits, one by one.
Have you ever heard the words ‘Agenda 21?’
Chorus 1 False Agenda 21: Plan to kill most everyone.
Turn the rest into slaves, those not yet in their graves.
You’ll never solve this problem, intellectually.
Split right down the middle
you’ll cling to fantasy, cling to
cling to fantasy.
False Agenda 21, plan to murder everyone.
Sacrifice us to their gods.
These are overwhelming odds.
Lies they teach us in their schools,
obedience to all their rules.
Convincing us we’re only meat
When it’s OUR SOULS they want to eat.
Bridge: Slaughterhouse and prison,
dreaming you are free.
Moment of decision, are you where you really want to be?
Are you, are you where you want to be?
Are you, are you really hearing me?
Verse 2: We’ve been set up, all our lives,
brainwashed, distracted, hypnotised.
You don’t know what a fact is.
You’d be surprised:
consensually contracted
out of paradise.
Born into slavery, under control
beings you can’t imagine
will suck out your soul.
The more I know, the worse it gets:
A planet kept in darkness
to pay off their debts.
Repeat Verse 1: ‘The harder I try, the worse it gets,
smoking across the sky fly poisoned cigarettes.’…..etc.
c) Ariel AZ Alexander 28-31 May 2015
I’m not sure ‘enjoy’ is quite the right word here.
So why did he invent it if it could be misused?
Same shit as these geniuses who invented the nuclear bomb: “I did it for peace”, oohhh did you, really?
Isn’t it true that almost ANYTHING can be misused? Guns to fire bullets – designed to tear through flesh. All war weapons similar but worse. That’s a different subject. Energy weapons….
Common or garden sharp or heavy tools, all deadly if used in anger.
Ordinary nitrogenous fertilisers and diesel make a handy bomb.
I have loads of potentially deadly weapons lying about and that’s without the workshop and machine shed. But we don’t get arrested for possessing them.
I agree that science needs to be careful and there are loads of roads that should not be gone down, consequences should always be weighed up.
Kari Mullis is heavily interviewed several times on YouTube. He explains himself carefully and thoroughly. Check him out.
I know, just joking.
“Common or garden tools, all deadly if used in anger.”
“The gardener was armed with a pitchfork” — PG.Wodehouse, Bill the Conqueror.
And then, just before “Covid”, he suddenly died.
That’s what its inventor said: PCR is an enzyme that multiplies ANY & ALL DNA that it comes across; it is NOT a SPECIFIC test.
PCR without CONFIRMATION BY SEQUENCING is meaningless. Tens of Billions of PCR “tests’ have been issued — and all of them meaningless.
Just for the record: “Polymerase Chain Reaction”.
‘From Russia with $$$$love$$$$.’