German Courts Are Going FULL Dystopia
Kit Knightly

It’s been an astonishing couple of days for German judges. Well, “astonishing” if you’ve been living in a cave for the last four years.
Many of you likely already know that satirist and playwright (and frequent OffG contributor) CJ Hopkins is being prosecuted in Germany for “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,”
All because the cover of his book has a swastika on it.
Needless to say, the charges are absurd. Insultingly so. You can read CJ’s first-hand account of this nonsense here and here.
Anyone who isn’t a) stupid or b) delusional can plainly see these charges have nothing to do with a stock-image swastika, and everything to do with the content of the book. In short, they are politically motivated charges brought against an author for criticizing the state. The very essence of dystopian tyranny.
…and yesterday he was convicted.
He now faces 60 days in prison or a 3600 Euro fine.
That’s case one, and as we say one you are likely familiar with if you’re regular readers.
Something you probably haven’t heard is that, just this morning, a different German court sentenced a former judge to two years in prison.
His crime? Ruling that mask mandates in schools were not constitutional.
The case dates back to April 8th 2021, when Weimar District Family Court judge Christiaan Dettmar ruled that two schools in the district a) could not enforce mask mandates, b) must continue in-person classes and c) could not force pupils to test for “Covid”.
From Human Rights Blog:
The court case was a child protection case under to § 1666 paragraph 1 and 4 of the German Civil Code (BGB), which a mother had initiated for her two sons, aged 14 and 8 respectively, at the local Family Court. She had argued that her children were being physically, psychologically and pedagogically damaged without any benefit for the children or third parties. At the same time, she claimed this constituted a violation of a range of rights of the children and their parents under the law, the German constitution (Grundgesetz or Basic Law) and international conventions.
After listening to testimony from expert witnesses, the judge ruled in favour of the mother, writing in his verdict:
These are the risks [to mask mandates]. The children are not only endangered in their mental, physical and psychological well-being by the obligation to wear face masks during school hours and to keep their distance from each other and from other persons, but they are also already being harmed. At the same time, this violates numerous rights of the children and their parents under the law, the constitution and international conventions.
Two weeks after handing down this ruling, his home and office were raided by the police and his mobile phone was seized.
And now, two years later, he was found guilty of “judicial misconduct” and initially given two years in prison (the court has since suspended the sentence). “Judicial Misconduct”, for simply disagreeing with the government.
Free speech is the first and most vital liberty, without it no one is truly free. An independent judiciary is a must to preserve any kind of justice, judges who simply nod along with government edicts are the building blocks of authoritarian states.
The voice of the people and the power of the courts – ideally – work together to hold the government to account.
And yet, whether in the judiciary or the arts, the German legal system is now a machine for criminalizing and punishing dissent of any kind.
…I’d make a comparison to another German government that used to function in a similar way, but I really can’t afford a 4000 euro fine.
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The National (nationwide) Socialist German Workers Party was hijacked by Hitler his fellow, undemocratic antisocial-ists/anti-socialist (same as the Labour Party in the UK), removed ‘Socialist’ from the title & the renamed Nationalist German Workers Party was eventually abbreviated to the Nazi Party.
Have you really just discovered what “German” courts are like? I hate to tell you but they’ve been like this since what’s left of Great Germany became an occupied state. Where were you when David Irving was on (show) trial in a “German” kangaroo court? And dozens of others less prominent than him – and “only German.” Add to that the fact that the people who were tried (read made an example of) were still luckier than the people who were murdered for their thought crimes. CJ’s prosecution is an outrage, but the worst that can happen to him is that he’ll be fined. He is American, a Marxist, and probably a Jew – and all three are protected classes in occupied Germany. He won’t go to prison or be murdered like so many Germans who questioned the official version of things – like judge Dettmar for example. Fuhgeddaboud him.
Here’s a link to an opinion piece on the judgment against the Weimar judge. ( It’s on the website of the German publication Apolut. There seem to be quite a few German speakers here ( on OffG) posting so I think it will be of interest to some OFFG readers. In the UK I don’t think that decisions which have not been made available to the public and which have not been made following a public hearing are enforceable. I may be wrong. That may not be the law in Germany anyway.
I wrote an e-mail to [email protected] asking permission to translate in Romanian and publish on internet some of your articles. I received the reply that the e-mail could not be delivered because
550 Mailbox is full / Blocks limit exceeded / Inode limit exceeded
I wonder if this is the situation or it is only my gmail account which is not delivering e-mails to off-guardian.
Acting like a Nazi seems like an odd way to try and prove you are not a Nazi.
Benito Mussolini defined fascism as the close relationship between corporate power and government. This is what departing President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about….the rise of the military-industrial complex. There is now overwhelming evidence that the Corona19 plandemic, and the”virus” and “vaccine”…bioweapons which have been developed since the 1990’s or before (see Dr. David Martin’s trenchant explanations, particularly of the patents) have their origins in the US Department of Defense. Fortunately, as more and more information has been squeezed out of the governments and “health care” agencies, by repeated lawsuits, the public has begun to realize how corrupt all the Covid19 participating governments are. The more the public makes it clear that they will not comply with fascism, the less governments will feel that they can imprison, torture, and kill dissenters. The difference between a near life sentence (Mandela) or assassination (Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther King) for dissenters, and a shorter jail sentence and smaller fine is likely due to the fascists’ fear that the public is on to them. Refuse to comply. Speak out.
Has the law ever been anything but a state scam to justify theft?
That’s not true. There was a lot more freedom of expression in the UK in the past. In the 1980s ( or 1990s) Sinn Fein were banned from speaking in the UK .. which was a restriction on the freedom of speech..but I don’t think that there were any others ( except for those doing jobs covered by the Official Secrest Act;;;and even then juries refused to convict in some cases and seemed to have developed a common law ‘ public interest’ defence
Remember all the Bitish fighters who fought to ensure that the Weimar rulers were able to retake control? And that this fight enabled communism to flourish to the point that commenters here think that “fascism” is the problem.
The disconnect is stifling.
Compared to Solzhenitsyn’s eight-year sentence to hard labor in a gulag, or Mandela’s 27 years in a SA prison, 60 days or 3600 EUR is a _______ (fill in the blank). If I were CJ’s publicist, I might suggest that he, because of financial hardship and reasons of principle, serve the 60 days, or so state that he would. With that said, during the course of appellate review, CJ could launch a gofundme to free himself from the ever present threat of unjust incarceration. Think of the opportunity to use mainstream media coverage to promote the CJ brand and attendant book sales.
One would almost think under the legal dictum, “We intend the natural consequences of our actions,” that the German authorities were attempting to raise CJ’s profile. Spoiler Warning!!! This hackneyed formula has been played out innumerable times, and in the center ring for your entrutainment, it’s the all new 9th Season of DT- “Jail House or White House”? Though CJ writes that the Trump Show is based on real events, according to my disinterred sources in the Clinton cemetery, its a docufiction, produced by Black Rock Media News – aka the Barnum and Bailey Circus.
Precise description: A storm in a glass of water.
Things have looked that way to me for my whole life. Of course other things are going on but there’s an awareness of that continuous unspoken undercurrent.
Precisely. A storm in a glass of water.
Who gets to define “health” or “sanity”?
Norway LOCKED man in psychiatric ward for questioning mRNA shots
The same day police arrived at his door, he had shared one of my news stories.
Peter Imanuelsen
23 Aug 2023
The senior doctor had this to say about the issue:
“When he is healthy and stable he does not post and is not interested in these topics [climate skepticism, covid vaccine skepticism among other things]. It is not normal behavior that he is now displaying considering how he is when he is healthy. He is still secretive and suspicious.”
In other words, according to the doctor, the man is not “healthy” when he is posting about things like stopping children from getting the mRNA vaccine and not believing in the official narrative about climate change.
Dr. Peter Gøtzsche: Forced Psychiatric Treatment Must be Abolished
Jim Gottstein
Jun 10, 2016
This is the video of Dr. Peter Gøtzsche’s June 2, 2016, talk in Anchorage, Alaska on Forced Admission and Treatment in Psychiatry are Violations of Basic Human Rights and Must be Abolished. A little under an hour is the talk with the rest being the question and answer period. A transcript has been prepared by Irit Shimrat and is posted at . . . This talk was sponsored by the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) with a grant from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority.
For more information go to
Its a sensitive issue considering people exist who are in need of Psychiatric Treatment and often are not aware of their own state.
In the past the treatment was cruel and invalidating; electro chock, zombifying medicine, closed asylums together with other maniacs, medical experiments.
Today we have medicine who provide conditions for these people to live a worthful life which we didnt had before.
I have been in several of these departments with family members, and I tell you the medics dont have an easy job and it is not an easy area of our health.
Making the best they can, and then hear all kind of accusations on why they didnt cure the patient, or why they didnt obeyed all kind of wishes from the confused patient.
So, for two centuries psychiatry subjected people to incarceration, torture, and slow execution. During that time they claimed that the “treatments” were good for the person’s health (whatever that might mean) – though they presumably knew otherwise. Now, however, they really do have treatments which work – or so they claim!
Do you see the problem here?
It is a continuum: warnings, warped laws, selective raid/ enforcement, long trials, imprisonment, withheld medical treatment, solitary confinement, electic shock to the head, psychoactive/addictive “medicines”..
Stupidity. You recall bloodletting? When you became sick, the doctor arrived and tapped you for 2 litres of your blood believing the sickness was in the blood and you thereby became less sick.
When you broke a leg or an arm and the doctor couldnt repair it, he simply used a bottle of whiskey and a saw to cut it off.
Remember a leg of wood, Captain Blackbeard and his iron hook?
We have better possibilities today. So stop your crocodile tears and whining.
And in the old dark days, hospitals used maggots to help heal infections.
Oh, wait a minute: that actually worked because the maggots ate the bacteria and dead tissue.
But we’ve come a long way baby: we now have syringes filled with antibiotics which pump through the entire body, killing everything in their path.
Maggots eat everything. At least antibiotics take away inflammation yes? Here is your maggots:
maggot infested dog –
maggots eating a whopper –
Full Dystopia. A few years ago a kid in Tuebingen, cute university town with late medieval flair got himself a leather jacket and went all punk rock. He painted a swastika on the jacket and – not like Sid Vicious – CROSSED IT OUT in red. He got taken to court and had a fine slapped on him. Promotion of a forbidden organisation or something like that.
I can’t quite believe CJ Hopkins has never heard of this or similar cases. And I think CJ Hopkins will know just who instigated this and similar laws being written down after 1949 in the West German occupation zones.
Whenever I meet a US military column on the autobahn, that’s when I encounter FULL dystopia.
dystopia seems pretty international really these days.
Sorry to interpolate, interpose or otherwise intrude… but I promised a take on the “disappearance by explosion” of the Russian mercenary leader of the Wager Group, Yevgeniy Progozhin.
So I’ll deliver. I actually don’t have a conclusion. Just an exercise in making sense of the uncertain.
Mercenary Leader Disappears In Plane Explosion — Wagner Group’s Yevgeniy Prigozhin phone is found; not yet his body
I have earlier received a card through my letterbox advertising the services of Vlad’s aloft insulation services. Could be a scam.
What about Prigozhin’s passport. Was that found too?
I guess Prigozhin, leader of the Wagthedogner Group didn’t take sufficient Prigozhin…
Moin, OffG People!
To pack some more meat to the bone regarding the family judge; As the reporting comes in it seems, that it is not criminal to make a stupid ruling. He was specically sentenced because the court thought that he aspired/conspired to get the case and rule with the intention to put the Carola (Covid) Rules down before anything was started and so violating judical neutrality.
Funny enough, as a family judge, he could start a case on his own, if he sees children endangered, because that is specically what these judges are there for. So he didn’t even need the woman. He also could not be sentenced under the idea of not beeing responsible because, well, he is a family judge. If this court ruling would hold, he would lose all his pensions. But since both parties think about opposing the ruling a) for not being guilty or b) to put him in jail for real, it will get interesting. As part for the course the actual real issue e.g. were the rules useful and/or harmful in the first place was not of importance.
Thanks for your input. Very interesting. A2
There must be a background to the case that is not in the above article. Can someone add to this?
Thank you for the additional info. This is absolutely chilling. I hope he gets justice in a higher court. The same with CJ. There still must be some sane judges
Can somebody please explain what happened at the end. He got a 2 year prison sentence and then this was suspended. “Suspended”in this case means that the decision was overuled by a higher court or what?
A suspended sentence means you aren’t sent to prison, whereas you technically could be, but you have a criminal record. It’s a deterrent and punishment, you have to ‘stay out of trouble’ and abide by certain conditions the court imposes. A2
He explains in the article about the case which he published today on OffG. Based on what he has said, I would say it means something different from what people in the UK understand by a suspended sentence.
OT Guardian (not gonna link) at the scarient with Prof Walport Klaus’s friend.
I don’t know CJ’s financial circumstances but it seems to me the €3600 fine is the “carrot” they want him to take.
Most poeple would rather find that sort of money than go to prison.
The downside for “them” is prison could be seem as martyrdom which would do nothing for the agenda.
The best outcome would obviously be a successful appeal but I would imagine that is not realistic without a King’s ransom (King’s do seem to have an easy time in court)
So, CJ seems to have a bit of a dilemma:
Go to prison and make a big fuss to get attention for freedom of expression.
Pay the fine and see the headline ” Author fined for resurrecting Nazi hate”
Whichever way he will have a criminal record.
Your call, CJ..
One wonders if 9/11-normie CJH (proudly displaying a blurb, from leading Zionist RFK jr, on the cover of his naughty book) was stupid enough to display a hakenkreuz on the cover of his naughty book, published in Da Faddaland (while he is a resident of same)… or if he was being clever. The size of his fine, compared to the size of the fine of the equally-not-fishy AJ, is in proportion to his stature as an asset, I guess. An appearance on equally-not-fishy Russell Brand’s platform should help: talk about the chilling effect your persecution will have on the chilling effect of equally-not-fishy limited hangout content!
I believe that whole Israel/Palestine “debate” between RFK Jr and Max Blumenthal was a clever divide and conquer ruse that (Kennedy’s likely cash-strapped campaign) and Max stupidly fell prey to. What does it do? It divides the already fractious health freedom movement by something that is a peripheral issue to what we have been faced with for the last 3 years.
Three years, yes. But the Palestinians have suffered for 75 (and counting)!
If “we” can’t get our shit together and unite around the issues we agree upon, rather than being divided by the issues we don’t, the Palestinians could well suffer for another 75 years.
That may be true . I don’t think all of us outside Palestine feel that we know that much about it. What we do know in the Weffy West INCLUDING Israel/ Palestine ( including the people who have Israeli citizenship) is that the average citizen has been stripped of their rights. So I think we may now have the same status as the average Palestinian in the West Bank/ Gaza. They are terrified and bullied by Israel. ( Apparently their own reps are not very good). We are now all bullied and terrified by our own states …which seem to have morphed into one monolithic Weffy tyrant…brilliantly described by CJ Hopkins
RFK Jr put forth an open lie, that Israeli forces do not deliberately target civilians, when top Israeli military commanders have openly stated otherwise. This reflects basic dishonesty. Your willingness to overlook this fact is highly disturbing.
RE: RFK Jr put for an open lie
No doubt. He also pushes the Lab Leak Theory TM as well the other limited hangout that the Pandemic Was Mismanaged TM.
I don’t know if you followed the reporting of the Greyzone in the last 3 years, but they have been pretty much running radio silent on all things relating to the psy-op that is Covid-19, the Great Reset etc. That’s hard to forgive. That makes Kennedy look pretty good by comparison.
I say – pick your enemies and pick your battles (because there are way more of each than any of us can handle). If you can’t make alliances with people on issues you do agree upon, then humanity is lost. All we have is our numbers, if we can’t come together, we’re fucked.
I am not overlooking anything, I have perspective on what will move us forward and what won’t.
I wrote on another topic of our recent flight from the EU.
The most terrifying thing about the whole experience was the casual normalisation of tyranny.
The Austrians and Germans were considering compulsory “vaccinations” so I readied to leave at a moments notice if needed.
We had direct experience of France where we had to sign an attestation to go out on our 1 hour daily exercise within 1 KM of home. The “co-incidence” of an hours exercise for prisoners was hard to ignore.
Restaurants and bars would be raided by stormtrooper-like police demanding “papiers”.
Luckily, protests were massive and I believe that public sentiment stopped the escalation.
I appreciate that on this platform demonstrating is very unfashionable as a form of protest but I argue that, if done in sufficient numbers and repeated until successful,it works.
flight from the EU to where? somewhere else in the Weffy West? the UK where Assange is in prison and you can’t move much of your own money around without getting the authorisation from your bank? The UK wher Chris Williamson ( ex Lab MP) can’t hold a talk without keeping the venu secret until the last minute?Canada where you have your bank account frozen if you take part in anti-vaccine protests?
Yes UK. My home land where I can protest in my mother tongue, where the police don’t routinely unbuckle their guns when they stop you for any reason.
No, it’s not perfect by ANY means but I feel a lot safer from the whims of EU/WEF rules.
Germany and Austria are one dictat away from authoritarian dystopia and, if they go that way, France will follow.
Funnily enough I lived not far from Vichy and I am not at all surprised how the collaboration happened.
Are you aware that Alison Chabloz was given a fine and a suspended sentence for her publications on the internet by a court in England? I didn’t understand the reasoning of the judge. Did you? Are you aware that Jean Charles de Menez was unarmed and shot on a tube in London? THe police were never prosecuted and they lied about the fact that the poor bloke was unarmed initially. Are you aware that Tony Greenstein was unable to bring a case for libel against CAA Are you aware that you can be imprisoned by the police for causing a pubic nuisance by demonstrating ? No doubt you know all about Assange who has been in Belmarsh prison for years ..what for? Did you know that you can’t withdraw money over a certain amount out of YOUR OWN bank account in the UK without authorisation from the bank first?I have no idea why you feel safer in the UK. It’s the same everywhere in the WEFFY WEST
I am not saying you’re wrong.
Politics and law and order are in a parlous state in UK but compared with what happened in EU over the covid scandal………………………
To me, UK feels a lot safer.
You forget half of the story.
The money above a certain amount you pull out from your account, only have to be reported from the bank to the Authorities about what they are to be used; travel, furniture, new windows, some reason.
Its just a report system to present another stupid statistic to fill the public bureaucracy.
Many who demonstrate are not aware that the police are there to secure the public space for everyone to move freely around.
Instead some provocateurs use the police as scapegoats for their special cause and anger against the system.
Well put Erik, narrow mindedness is basically tiring quibbles put into print as thoughtless scribblings., that show up as tell alias in a composition.
Strategic Culture Foundation is now unavailable in the UK.
And US.
They will be back. They are up on Russian sites and Telegram.
Hong Kong Phooey
Nullius in verba
So….Julian Assange has been under lock and key for how long now in the bastion of freedom that is the UK…..with this little fine does that mean German courts are more or less of a dystopia than the UK?
I am increasingly convinced that the apparent torture of Assange is a psyop designed to demoralise people who wish to uphold basic human values. He may be insane, dead or perhaps somewhere else but he continues to act as a powerful warning to other like-minded folk.
Isnt he under an International Court Ordered Principle? An embarrassment more than anything else, both US & Australia are wimps imo, over this one Person media convenience puppet.
This was all fueled on RT America for the hullabaloo US Dollies thousands of miles away., Trolling Webster’s they stuck out like sore thumbs on the NET thinking they’re using ‘English’.
Really Rita …He’s only making room for thee luv.
There are many indications that Germany has been steadily moving toward a full-fledge fascist dystopia at least since after the war. Consider the case of Ernst Zundel, who was deported and incarcerated in Germany for 5 years for daring to question the story of the Holocaust and for wanting to rehabilitate his native country’s reputation. It’s interesting that the country who persecuted and ostracized Zundel for his his views on Hitler and the Holocaust has absolutely no qualms on openly supporting and sending heavy weaponry to avowed racist murdering neo-nazi Banderist in Ukraine!!
doesn’t that apply to ALL of the Weffy West?
No,this is the thing…We can’t afford the 4000 euros fines anymore since these very wounded people took over. We will have to start our own world. We are doing it already. It is a HUGE clean up. WE, us, here have to survive this. Surviving this is super important!
Every material has it’s goal and effect on these who receive it. So… how do you feel reading this? Are you better? Calmer? Do you feel joy? Or…. the opposite is true? You’re become more stressed, you have more tension, outrage, rage? Do you feel threaten (by the dystopian courts or whatever)?
Because if so, than, the effect of such message is exactly the same as intended effect of plandemic messaging. You must feel threaten, you must feel tension and stress. You must be outraged.
Tip of the iceberg. Global tyranny is just an apathetic shrug away.
So what ?
Another kind of tyranny:
DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) are similar to your microwave– attracted to metal, but harmless to plastic. They cook by heating the moisture in food (or trees, leaving the tree temporarily standing). The fine particles of the chemtrails now routinely sprayed can be a facilitator of DEW transmission. Maui had two days of a “weird haze.” before the “wildfires.”
Locals are finding the fires melted metal and glass, but left their plastic flowerpots intact. The leaves on some trees are intact, but the lower trunks are cooked from within. Housefires don’t burn at the 2500 degrees necessary to melt metal.
Probably NOT a factor in the fires: Dry season, but no unusual drought. Grass fires don’t burn especially hot. High wind from hurricanes typically extend 100-250 miles. Hurricane Dora was 500 miles distant. Global warming: there has been no increase in HI’s mean temperature says Weather Underground.
There is photographic evidence of an unprecedented weather/energy play in the sky.
Are you saying that there is evidence that the fires were intended ? ( Nothing would surprise me. I have been reading about interesting allegations made against the RAF concerning devastation in Devon resulting from experiments in weather manipulation by them)
We are sure you Lassies are on top of everything.
The fires were intentionally ignited and sustained by a DEW weapon. There is precedent– one eg is the Paradise, CA “wildfire.” There are others.
Another anomaly of this weapon is that, because it is a beam of energy one can often see the outline of the beam– as in when one-half of a car is totally burnt & the other half totally untouched w/o any evidence of heat at all.
Thanks.Very interesting. I know I won’t undestand it if I try …but I do know that in the weffy West our govts talk BS all the time and there is no reason to believe that they are acting in the interests of the average person.
Shades of the 9/11 scam.
DEW is surely the real reason why Starlink ( and other similar ) only appear in press as lines of lights in the sky or 5G in remote areas.. having being launched paralel to “covid” should be enough to make all to stop debating about what mass media dictates and start talking about what is not on the table..
Pek, for more info on Directed Energy Weapons, Use the search bar on the site. There are a half-dozen articles in the past 5 days.
Raytheon, etc are producing more of these weapons. 40% of the market fro them ios now “civilian” rather than military. They can produce earthquakes as well as fires. They aren’t particularly secret– it’s just that people don’t know about them.
Thanks for the tip. 👍 There are all kinds of DEW essays.
Well in Globo-Cap penal colony Stralya :
“ In 2003, the Howard government passed an Act that gave ASIO the power to hold people in secret custody and force them to answer questions, including requests that could lead to people being subjected to extra judicial execution overseas. ”
“In 2018, the Assistance and Access Bill became law, making Australia the first country in the world where police, border force and other officials can “add, copy, delete and alter data” after people are forced to handover their phones and mobile devices without any suggestion they have committed a crime. Twelve government agencies “can now issue notices to make tech companies remove encryption and build in new technology to conduct covert surveillance of their customers.”
“Australia was the only country in the world to close its borders to its own citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic, and then to force the few allowed to return into police detention for which the detainees were compelled to pay. This dictatorship of coronavirus as a crime was created by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who seized the national health, border control and finance powers for himself in secret from parliament and from his own government; and by Gladys Berejiklian, Premier of New South Wales, who ordered the scheme to compel travellers arriving at Sydney Airport to pay several hundred million dollars for a police operation fabricated to look like a quarantine health service.”
“Force, fraud and propaganda – the world glimpsed in surprise what was happening in Australia when the world tennis champion Novak Djokovic was arrested on his arrival in January 2022, and then ordered out of the country after his court case was dismissed. The Djokovic case was not the exception – it was the Australian rule by force.”
Australian Fascism: How it destroyed the courts, John Helmer
Stralya: the U$A’s liddle poodle 🐩 apparatchik
Scott Morrison, Alex Hawk and Gladys Berejerkof will be very wealthy people after doing their masters biddings. These 3 libtard representatives appear to prove that:
In Australia petty thieves are imprisoned, but the really good ones are elevated to political leadership.
Your lucky all we get is a picture of a door with No.10 on it.
If only we had a picture of a door. No man, bare grey concrete is all what we can look at 24/7 and all we have in our lives.
Yes I did notice the swing of the US spiritual leaning towards slate and battleship grey public transportation vehicles.
18 Armistice was officially over world war one. Were these people black foreign nationals or aboriginal..late to the World ID Consensus Corporates for National International Travel?
No one in Australia needs to be reminded of coalition sins. But for some reason you forgot to mention that while the Liberals were being liberal ANthony ALbanese and Labor sat opposite clapping and cheering them on.
Also, millions of dollars extorted for “quarantine” at cronies’ hotels at a time when tourism was doing badly. For one quarantined couple, the wife tested “positive” after 2 weeks and was sent to another hotel. The husband had to remain where he was, probably because he had now become a “close contact”.
Australian politicians have a massive inferiority complex when it comes to their international counterparts.
Whitlam was possibly the one exception.
Add data? Like the telephone number of the local terror bomb maker? It reminds me of the recent infant murdering nurse case in Yukay- court ruled- no names of victims released! Take away data like that and they could do me for murdering Mr X any time.
In Stralya you will be prisoned and fined for not having an Iphone or mobil E-devices with a QR code, which can be tapped, changed, and decoded.
You are then seen as a aboriginal, one who is living naked in the middle of an Australian sandy desert, and therefore in need, to be sterilised, vaccinated, chipped and released after 3 mth of quarantine in a concentration camp.
This is what they also have been doing under Prime Minister Scott Morrison dictatorship and slaughter rule.
Would you believe after all these atrocities an overwhelming majority of the Australians voted him into the PM office again in the post-virus-not-to-be-named period. Its true.
Wow! If that is true Oz is worse than anywhere
I’d like to see more evidence first. It could just be a psychological trick and things don’t seem right.
For example, what about 40+40, 60*60=3600?
Sentence suspended?
Is that because judges are ‘above’ the law?
Is this just another warning to the plebs?
STFU and do what you’re told!!
a ruler that overrides the rule, is more oppressor than protector, the peoples quiet, is their acceptance.
I loved Germany, but sadly, I had to leave it. I lived there in the lovely city of Cologne for nearly fifteen years. I made all sorts of friends and generally had a wonderful experience … until the end. The last two years I was there were sheer hell. Though it broke my heart, I just couldn’t stand the Covid-tyranny anymore.
Where’d you go, if I may ask.
Yes. I’d like to know too. Can’t imagine where he is, is any better. Seems the same everywhere in the Weffy West…and all over the globe
I love the black humour at the end! So sad to see the world, particularly Germany, going full-on fascist again.
particularly Germany? I’m not sure Julian Assange would agree
Yes, you are so right about that!
What I meant is that Germany / the Germans, in particular, should have been amply sensitised to such dystopia, such fascist developments, given the history that’s been so drummed into them at school and via Hollywood. But any mention, early on, about parallels to that moment in time, drew nothing but outrage. That was my experience with people I know in Germany.
Now they are sitting right in this situation, recently went through the immense propaganda and the crass incitement of the compliant normies against the unvaxxed and unmasked from politicians and the German media and they STILL don’t see it.
full-on is the key word here. New rule is that every state entity and business has to implement a reporting centre for misdemeanours without proof needed and the accuser can stay anoynomous. Need I say more
We had a snitch system here Down Under too. Disgusting.
“Judicial Misconduct” ! What a catchall !…Hard to disprove, no amount of evidence or argument…it’s other (civil) expressions: “Bringing The Game into disrepute.” / “Bringing the Nation / The Party / The Profession into disrepute.” You cant win !!
The charge might be contested, but you cant win…You Are Guilty !!
The rule used to crush all dissent…
The rule that every authoritarian / dictatory loves..
Honour killings !
or infact absurd?! The judge was doing his job!!!
TPTB have more trial balloons than a carnival has cotton candy. And that’s what I suspect these two verdicts represent.
I suspect further that the verdicts also represent a little nudging by the Americans, who now hold Germany – and most of Europe – by the proverbial “short hairs.”
Americans just love to do unto others before they try it out on their own turf. Get the kinks out. First, America came for the Germans….
Funnily enough they did kick the Kinks out.
The Nazis are back!
Well at least the half-witted thugs are back.
The N-word doesn’t really do them justice any more.
The Nazis are back; and so are their backers. What we are seeing in Europe in the early 2020s is what Europe saw in the early 1920s: financial backing for Local National Fascism by Global Corporate Fascism.
There were never any Nazi’s in the first place!
The WHO is monitoring a new highly contagious variant of Ethiopian.
Scientific indicators include “raised eyebrows” like those of Warren Buffet who says there is worse to come.
The burger-loving, “all you can eat,” Buffet, ukelele in hand, is your oracle on health.
leptospirosis..Like a Brit in Southern Spain with August holiday diarrhea ..bad stomach.
There’s seasonal ailments, people should talk to their own who travel annually not fear mongering drummers.
Not in ant remote way to justify this atrocious verdict against CJ, but the German court system also created a rather interesting precedent with another case, which was never reported on here. Dr Sam Bailey talks here to German engineer Marvin Haberland, who got his graduate degree at UC Berkeley, who triumphed in the German court system in regard to a case which challenged the foundations of the official “disease” narrative. The state declined to proceed with the case, setting a precedent which a bunch of litigants have followed suit (pun unintended) and had their charges of mandates violations dismissed.
Runaway Virology – Marvin Wins In Court, Dr Sam Bailey, 38 minutes.
Well, I suggested it would end thus: Prigozhin be dead.
Riley will write tomorrow – but you read it here first:
“Prigozhin is likely to exit the stage… or…take a low profile. If he’s lucky.” – June 24, 2023
Riley has written,
Don’t down vote me, come and drink chacha 🙂
Please don’t use our free platform to flog your subscription-only content. This is the last time I’ll politely ask you. I’ll remove such links in future. Thanks, A2
Three money circus fanboys downvoting here? Or two, and one is moneycircus 😅
Pay for your own advertising. Downvote that. Thanks, A2
Was his own private jet that crashed. 3 crew plus 7 passengers incuding Wagner chief & his commanders.
“It is worthy of note that a military Il-76 transport aircraft departed from Russia to the airfield near Minsk, where PMC Wagner was stationed, for the first time in a month.
The Il-76 of the Russian Defence Ministry was sent to Belarus to deliver PMC Wagner fighters to Russia.” –
My guess is Russia killing all their own nationalists. To please our dear equal globalist partners.
I wonder if it crashed in Katyn Forest?
Or maybe isn’t even dead, just did his part and got his retirement approved.
Someone with a better knowledge of Russian than me needs to examine it – but a preliminary bit of research reveals that….
Yevgeny = noble or well-born
Prigozhin = intelligence (according to nameslook)
A tiny bit fishy, no?
I speak Russian. Prigozhin is a derivative of “useful”
What is extremely interesting is that the entire NATOstan MSM (English, Italian, French, Spanish, German etc. media) have all jumped to control the narrative with a cut and paste from the same script that seems to have been handed to all of them:
“A post by Grey Zone, a Wagner-connected social media channel, claimed Russian anti-aircraft defences had shot down the plane.”
Suddenly this previously unknown “Wagner-connected” or “Wagner-linked” channel with its English name is the authoritative source of whatever happened.
Personally I’ve always considered “ISIS-linked” or “Wagner-linked” or “Boko Haram-linked” to be doublespeak for “Langley-controlled”….btw, if anyone wants to buy the rights to use Osama’s picture in an article, you will have t buy the license from an outfit in Virginia,
“The leader of the Wagner Group, a Hero of Russia, a real patriot of his motherland – Yevgeny Prigozhin has died at the hands of traitors of Russia. But even in hell he’ll be the best! Glory to Russia!”
So Putin is a traitor to Russia, Prigozhin is a “real” Russian by becoming a Putin dissident because Russian dissidents are not bonafide NATOstan certified Russian dissidents if they are pro-Putin but Putin along with Xi is part of the diabolical WEF plot (and therefore good friends with NATOstan) to take over the world and make us eat insects and that is why Putin didn’t go to BRICS summit in South Africa…..the NATOstan 5D chess media script is getting convoluted.
Well I’m sure RW will have the “correct” inside scoop soon from his base in Georgia or Moravia or wherever he is at the moment.
In other news, Southfront dot org had its domain shut down overnight on August 18 and can now be found at southfront dot press
Turns out the international domain name registry is owned by the Department of Commerce.
Southfront’s crime was to provide updates on the conflict in Ukraine that not only differs with the POV of RW and the NATOstan media but even asserts that the conflict is real and bloody and not some fake scripted theatre…..
Public Health is a totalitarian ideology. The modern version predates the Nazis by about a century and it has some way to go before it gets full dystopic.
– Charles Maclean, M.D. (1823)
Remarks on the British Quarantine Laws,
and the So-Called Sanitary Laws of the Continental Nations of Europe,
Especially Those of Spain.
By Charles Maclean, M.D.
Sanjeev Sabhlok Blogs
Long-known failures of quarantine and why Public Health should be curtailed
Sanjeev Sabhlok
Aug 10, 2023 #publichealth #society #review
Sanjeev Sabhlok is a former economist from the Treasury Department in Victoria, Australia. He resigned in September 2020 to protest the police state created in Victoria by Governor Dan Andrews through his extreme lockdowns and mask mandates.
Sanjeev is author of a 2020 book “The Great Hysteria and The Broken State” and has supported Prof. Gigi Foster in a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of Australia’s lockdowns. The CBA was published in 2022 as a book “Do lockdowns and border closures serve the ‘greater good’?”
Sanjeev realized that the scope of modern public health is not supported by the information constraints and incentives it faces. He therefore commenced a first-principles review of public health to determine its justified scope and powers. In this presentation, Sanjeev outlines the current status of his review.
Over recent months, he has published some of his findings in his Times of India blog. For example, Dr Charles Maclean’s scientific work which underpinned the Sanitary Movement of the mid-19th century that empirically demonstrate why quarantines have never worked and argue for their abolition. His work included a cost-benefit analysis of quarantines, and an examination of excess deaths from the plague quarantines (lockdowns).
Modern public health has reverted to the pre-Maclean era in which the scientific method is not applied. Instead, it bases its prescriptions for quarantine (lockdowns) on models and “ethical” considerations, without any regard for empirical evidence. It has effectively “cancelled” and blanked out both Maclean and his sophisticated research methods, since their existence poses an embarrassment to its practitioners.
Based on his preliminary findings, Sanjeev argues for the abolition and restructuring of most functions of public health.
Thanks. That looks absolutely fascinating. At least the guy was able to publish it in India. Is there more free speech allowed there?
I am sure that the German Volk will throw wet kisses to “Joe Biden” and his neocon buddies for blowing up their gas pipelines when their factories close and the temperature dips well below zero this winter.
Well, it might be a little inconvenient for Mr. CJH but it comes off like a sort of certifiable badge of honor.
Or a Purple Heart for his purple prose.
The compliant have made themselves our enemy. We gave them compassion last time. They exhausted our sympathy. They must be shoved aside.
New Lockdowns As Popular Unrest Looms:Arson, shortages, crime and unruly migration greet Covid’s ‘return’
And that’s the way it is. It’s like, you’re either with us or against us.
That’s always been the Nazi point. Like ‘Sophie’s Choice’!
Ooh, that Off-Guardian timer gets tighter with every post. What an algorithm!
I had one minute to change ‘greet’ to ‘presage” but Hal would have none of it.
Is AI replacing the moderators?
I’ve seen that of late too, timing out pronto or spitting it into pending so you can’t edit etc etc: either AI or just Big Brother himself? 😂 Just having fun in fantasy but it would be nice if they had normal software.
It’d be nice if everyone was normal around here and stopped denigrating this site with such dreary regularity, while actual hostile saboteurs (the reason Offg comments have to implement certain safeguards) get a completely free pass. I know, I know, it’s always safer to jeer at teacher than to stand up to the class bullies but… still, once upon a time I expected better.
Once upon a time! 😅
My apologies on behalf of Offg for disappointing yet again. I’m sure we’ll jump right on fixing this. And I’m sure, when we’ve worked through the long list that all our niggling detractors constantly bring to our attention (often in rather a condescending, snide tone), finally people will start respecting offg and the ethos and personnel behind it, and things will feel human around here 👍
I’m holding my breath….
With respect, this a better result than imprisonment..
Pay the fine C.J.
No appeals ‘pending’? Seems grossly unconstitutional, post-RolandFreisler anyway, and perhaps headed to higher courts.
And did you wear the mask? Did you get vaxxed? Did you see that as a “better result than imprisonment”? Or than confinement to your home, loss of job, loss of friends, etc? Fight, CJ fight! Appeal! Maybe you’ll get a judge like Dettmar!!
What I find surprising is that the only report I have read of this is on OFFG. ( NO I am not surprised that MSM in the Weffy West has not covered it. However I am surprised that I can’t find a report on the Nachdenkseiten or Apolut. I googled it too…nuffink.
As Dr. Reiner Fuellmich seems to have discovered – to his incomprehensible and absurd astonishment, the tentacles of corruption have reached into Germany’s judicial system.
Our protest and resistance are going to have to be more obvious.
McKinsey and their like have infiltrated everything.
Fifty posters in front of the Supreme Court can do it: “WE WANT PEACE NOW”.
Nope. They will be removed on trumped-up charges – possibly violently.
It was a joke. But interesting you believed in a poster revolution. 😁
I’m truly sorry to hear about CJ: that really is petty bureaucracy. However, I’m still struggling from the other day to put all this in perspective.
On the one hand: German courts are going full dystopia, press room raids and indictments constitute a full-blown “government pile-on”, and recently; we are going to need to be compensated for our loss of liberties and freedoms, just like the indigenous folk we murdered, maimed and unequally assimilated into the likes of the previously legitimate jurisdictions of European Democracy.
Am I to presume from the above that the ius publicum Europaeum was doing just fine until recently…. And then only recently, all of a sudden, this heralds a new Weimar Republic (the constitution of which was never revoked or suspended) previous to the Enabling Law and the subsequent “state of exception” (Agamben.) I’m actually speechless.
The hyperbole here is dangerous whenever even a mild look at what European jurisfiction is based on. Neo-European jurisdiction – as settler-colonialism – had colonised 84% of the habitable world by 1914; whereupon two mass-mobilisation World Wars were fought in quick succession in order to secure the right to colonise the Rest. As everybody knows, the old imperial empires eventually collapsed, and America came out as the globalisation hegemon driving industrialised production; Germany was spared the Morgenthau Plan and was rebuilt as a dollarised outpost and market for American “white goods” with the Marshall Plan. So: at what point did the libidinal globalisation drive of the industrialised war machine give way to anything like humanism?
Nazism was less of an aberration of Western Enlightenment Principles and more of an epitome; carried on by improved and ever more efficient industrialised means. The colonialism never ended and the imperialism goes on ignored as “net imperial appropriation” of resources and labour from the dehumanised Rest.
Instead of centralised state propaganda, the dominance culture educated the young to carry on imperialism over the Rest by economic voluntarism; indoctrinated into the dominant consumer culture by turning young minds into commodities and controllable human-capital that never asked “Where does all this material wealth come from, Daddy?”
I know the answer if nobody else does:
Under American capital guidance; the basic conception of the ius publicum Europaeum went onto colonise the rest of the earth post 1948. The history of which is the history of modern economic colonialism. And now it is turning in on itself. German courts are not going full-blown dystopia: they were founded in Enlightenment Principles of full-blown dystopia, but it took till now to see so?
Rich Men North Of Richmond refers to the milit intel CIA cadre based north of the capital of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
Richmond, which is just south of Washington, D.C. – is in turn a district and not part of any U.S. state – and that is what the viral song exposes, which makes the deep state nervous.
Shiver me panties. Hipsters (reinvented Millennial version of Yuppies) may feel a flutter in their tidy whites but the truth will penetrate – from one end or the other.
Germany is an occupied country, so place the blame where it lies.
Tiresome correction since Off-Hal timed me out.
“Which refers to the capital city of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Richmond, just south of Washington, D.C. – in turn a district and not part of any U.S. state – and subject of a viral song which makes the deep state strangely nervous.”
Shiver me milit-intel / Millennial panties.
Yes, just like the City of London and the Vatican. Laws unto themselves.
Oh dear… Do we really have to go to war against Germany again…?
I do hope the decent people who live there draw a clear line in the sand this time…
Germany have absolutely good decent heavy political personalities. They have just been purged under liberal Merkel, all of them.
Quite right.
But just look at how little an effect we OffG readers have on world events, despite being absolutely good and decent personalities.
The purging goes deep…
We are parked and cornered.
But….just like Gerhard Schröder and Nelson Mandela, we are waiting for the right moment to jump out of the closet and show the world, we all the time have been among the resistance.
Perfectly consistent really with the WEFY West tacitly approving the wrongful prosecution of Assange by not speaking up for him..
Just terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. CJ Hopkins’ work and the work of the judge from Weimar has NOT BEEN in vain. Thanks to them ,we know we’re not going crazy.
Well I’ve probably gone crazy.
I hope others will be luckier…
“Prigozhin is likely to exit the stage, move on to his next commercial venture or, most probably given the threat to his life from rivals or Ukrainians, take a low profile. If he’s lucky.” – June 24, 2023
I assume you are aware that he has now shuffled off this mortal coil with a little help from his friends. As Paul wrote, we are in a war between non-earthly principalities. He will probably offer his services to Yahweh and Satan and see who responds with the best offer.