A Message to Donald Rumsfeld’s Ghost About My Known Knowns
Edward Curtin
On February 12, 2002 at a Pentagon news conference, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was asked by Jim Miklaszewski, the NBC Pentagon correspondent, if he had any evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was supplying them to terrorists.
Rumsfeld delivered a famous non-answer answer and said:
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.
When he was pressed by Jamie McIntyre, CNN’s Pentagon correspondent, to answer the question about evidence, he continued to talk gobbledygook, saying, “I could have said that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, or vice versa.”
He never said he had evidence, because he didn’t.
Rumsfeld, who enjoyed his verbal games, was the quintessential bullshitter and liar for the warfare state. This encounter took place when Rumsfeld and his coconspirators were promoting lie after lie about the attacks of September 11, 2001 and conflating false stories about an alliance between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden in order to build a case to wage another war against Iraq, in order to supplement the one in Afghanistan and the war on “terror” that they launched post September 11 and the subsequently linked anthrax attacks.
A year later on February 5, 2003, US Secretary of State Colin Powell went before the UN Security Council and in a command performance assured the world that the U.S. had solid evidence that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction,” repeating that phrase seventeen times as he held up a stage prop vial of anthrax to make his point.
He said, “My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources — solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.”
He was lying, but to this very day his defenders falsely claim he was the victim of an “intelligence failure,” a typical deceitful excuse along with “it was a mistake.” Of course, Iraq did not have “weapons of mass destruction” and the savage war waged on Iraq was not a mistake.
Scott Ritter, the former Marine U.N. weapons inspector, made it very clear back then that there was no evidence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, but his expertise was dismissed, just as his current analysis of the war in Ukraine is. See his recent tweet about Senator Diane Feinstein in this regard:
I met Senator Diane Feinstein once, in the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. She had just recently been assigned to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (in 2001), and it was in that capacity that she had a senior staffer from the committee ask me to come to Washington… pic.twitter.com/QQPA04hP22
— Scott Ritter (@RealScottRitter) September 29, 2023
Thirteen months after Rumsfeld’s exchange in the news conference, the United States invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003, knowing it had no justification. It was a war of aggression. Millions died as a result. And none of the killers have been prosecuted for their massive war crimes. The war was not launched on mistaken evidence; it was premeditated and based on lies easy to see. Very, very easy to see.
On January 28, 2003, eleven days before Powell performance, I, an independent writer, wrote a newspaper Op Ed, “The War Hoax,” saying:
The Bush administration has a problem: How to start a war without having a justifiable reason for one. No doubt they are working hard to solve this urgent problem. If they can’t find a justification, they may have to create one. Or perhaps they will find what they have already created […] Yet once again, the American people are being played for fools, by the government and the media. The open secret, the insider’s fact, is that the United States plans to attack Iraq in the near future. The administration knows this, the media knows it, but the Bush scenario, written many months ago, is to act as if it weren’t so, to act as if a peaceful solution were being seriously considered…Don’t buy it.
Only one very small regional Massachusetts newspaper, the North Adams Transcript, was willing to publish the piece.
I mention this because I think it has been very obvious for a very long time that the evidence for United States’ crimes of all sorts has been available to anyone who wished to face the truth. It does not take great expertise, just an eye for the obvious and the willingness to do a little homework.
Despite this, I have noticed that journalists and writers on the left have continued to admit that they were beguiled by people such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joseph Biden, con men all. I do not mean writers for the mainstream press, but those considered oppositional.
Many have, for reasons only they can answer, put hope in these obvious charlatans, and some prominent ones have refused to analyze such matters as the JFK assassination, September 11th, or Covid-19, to name a few issues. Was it because they considered these politicians and matters known unknowns, even when the writing was on the wall?
Those on the right have rolled with Reagan, the Bushes, and Trump in a similar manner, albeit for different reasons. It causes me to shake my head in amazement. When will people learn? How long does it take to realize that all these people are part of a vast criminal enterprise that has been continuously waging wars and lying while raking in vast spoils for the military-industrial complex. There is one party in the U.S. – the War Party.
If you have lived long enough, as have I, you reach a point when you have, through study and the accumulation of evidence, arrived at a long list of known knowns. So with a backhand slap to Donald Rumsfeld, that long serving servant of the U.S. war machine, I will list a very partial number of my known knowns in chronological order. Each could be greatly expanded.
There is an abundance of easily available evidence for all of them – nothing secret – but one needs to have the will for truth and do one’s homework.
All of these known knowns are the result of US deep state conspiracies and lies, aided and abetted by the lies of mass corporate media.
My Known Knowns:
- The U.S. national security state led by the CIA assassinated President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. This is The foundational event for everything that has followed. It set the tone and sent the message that deep state forces will do anything to wage their wars at home and abroad. They killed JFK because he was ending the war against Vietnam, the Cold War, and the nuclear arms race.
- Those same forces assassinated Malcolm X fourteen months later on February 21, 1965 because he too had become a champion of peace, human rights, and racial justice with his budding alliance with Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Such an alliance of these two black leaders posed too great a threat to the racist warfare state. This conspiracy was carried out by the Nation of Islam, the New York Police Department, and U.S. intelligence agencies.
- The Indonesian government’s slaughter of more than one million mainly poor rice farmers in 1965-6 was the result of a scheme planned by ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles, whom JFK had fired. It was connected to Dulles’s role in the assassination of JFK, the CIA-engineered coup against Indonesian President Sukarno, his replacement by the dictator Suharto, and his mass slaughter ten years later, starting in December 1975. The American-installed Indonesian dictator Suharto, after meeting with Henry Kissinger and President Ford and receiving their approval, would slaughter hundreds of thousands East-Timorese with American-supplied weapons in a repeat of the slaughter of more than a million Indonesians in 1965.
- In June of 1967, Israel, a purported ally of the U.S., attacked and destroyed the Egyptian and Syrian armies, claiming falsely that Egypt was about to attack Israel. This was a lie that was later admitted by former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech he gave in 1982 in Washington, D.C. Israel annexed the West Bank and Gaza and still occupies the Golan Heights as well. In June 1967, Israel also attacked and tried to sink the U.S. intelligence gathering ship the U.S. Liberty, killing 34 U.S. sailors and wounding 170 others. Washington covered up these intentional murders to protect Israel.
- On April 4, 1968, these same intelligence forces led by the FBI, assassinated Martin Luther King, Jr. in Memphis, Tennessee. He was not shot by James Earl Ray, the officially alleged assassin, but by a hit man who was part of another intricate government conspiracy. King was killed because of his work for racial and human rights and justice, his opposition to the Vietnam War, and his push for economic justice with the Poor People’s Campaign.
- Two months later, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, on his way to the presidency, was also assassinated by deep state intelligence forces in another vastly intricate conspiracy. He was not killed by Sirhan Sirhan, who was a hypnotized patsy standing in front of RFK. He was assassinated by a CIA hit man who was standing behind him and shot him from close range. RFK, also, was assassinated because he was intent on ending the war against Vietnam, bringing racial and economic justice to the country, and pursuing the assassins of his brother John.
- The escalation of the war against Vietnam by Pres. Lyndon Johnson was based on the Tonkin Gulf lies. It’s savage waging by Richard Nixon for eight years was based on endless lies. These men were war criminals of the highest order. Nixon’s 1968 election was facilitated by the “October Surprise” when South Vietnam withdrew from peace negotiations to end the war. This was secretly arraigned by Nixon and his intermediaries.
- The well-known Watergate scandal story, as told by Woodward and Bernstein of The Washington Post, that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation in August 1974, is an entertaining fiction concealing intelligence operations.
- Another October Surprise was arranged for the 1980 presidential election. It was linked to the subsequent Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan administration, led by future CIA Director under Reagan, William Casey, and former CIA Director and Vice-President under Reagan, George H. W. Bush. As in 1968, a secret deal was made to secure the Republican’s election by making a deal with Iran to withhold releasing the American hostages they held until after the election. They were released minutes after Reagan was sworn in on January 20, 1981. American presidential elections have been fraught with scandals, as in 2000 when George W. Bush and team stole the election from Democrat Al Gore, and Russia-gate was conjured up by the Democrats in 2016 to try to prevent Trump’s election.
- The Reagan administration, together with the CIA, armed the so-called “Contras” to wage war against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua that had overthrown the vicious U.S. supported dictator Anastasio Somoza. The Contras were Somoza supporters and part of a long line of terrorists that the U.S. had used throughout Latin America where they supported dictators and death squads to squelch democratic movements. Such state terrorism was of a piece with the September 11, 1973 U.S. engineered coup against the democratic government of President Salvadore Allende in Chile and his replacement with the dictator Augusto Pinochet.
- The Persian Gulf War waged by George H.W. Bush in 1991 – the first made for TV war – was based on lie upon lie promoted by the administration and their public relations firm. It was a war of aggression celebrated by CNN and other media as a joyous July 4th fireworks display.
- Then the neoliberal phony William Clinton spent eight years bombing Iraq, dismantling the social safety net, deregulating the banks, attacking and dismantling Yugoslavia, savagely bombing Serbia, etc. In a span of four months in 1999 he bombed four countries: Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, and Yugoslavia. He maintained the U.S. sanctions placed on Iraq following the Gulf War that resulted in the death of 500,00 Iraqi children. When his Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked by Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes if the price was worth it, Albright said, “We think the price is worth it.”
- The attacks of September 11, 2001, referred to as 9/11 in an act of linguistic mind control in order to create an ongoing sense of national emergency, and the anthrax attacks that followed, were a joint inside operation – a false flag – carried out by elements within the U.S. deep state. Together with the CIA assassination of JFK, these acts of state terrorism mark a second fundamental turning point in efforts to extinguish any sense of democratic control in the United States. Thus The Patriot Act, government spying, censorship, and ongoing attacks on individual rights.
- The George W. Bush-led U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. and its “war on terror” were efforts to terrorize and control the Middle East, Southwest Asia, as well as the people of the U.S. The aforementioned Mr. Rumsfeld, along with his partner in crime Dick Cheney, carried out Bush’s known known war crimes justified by the crimes of Sept 11 as they simultaneously created a vast Homeland Security spying network while eliminating Americans basic freedoms.
- Barack Obama was one of the most effective imperialist presidents in U.S. history. Although this is factually true, he was able to provide a smiling veneer to his work at institutionalizing the permanent warfare state. When first entering office, he finished George W. Bush’s unfinished task of bailing out the finance capitalist class of Wall St. Having hoodwinked liberals of his bona fides, he then spent eight years presiding over extrajudicial murders, drone attacks, the destruction of Libya, a coup in Ukraine bringing neo-Nazis to power, etc. In 2016 alone he bombed seven countries Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, and Iraq. He expanded U.S. military bases throughout the world and sent special forces throughout Africa and Latin America. He supported the new Cold War with sanctions on Russia. He was a fitting successor to Bush junior.
- Donald Trump, a New York City reality TV star and real estate tycoon, the surprise winner of the 2016 U.S. presidential election despite the Democratic Party’s false Russia-gate propaganda, attacked Syria from sea and air in the first two years of his presidency, claiming falsely that these strikes were for Syria’s use of chemical weapons at Douma and for producing chemical weapons. In doing so, he warned Russia not to be associated with Syrian President Assad, a “mass murderer of men, women, and children.” He did not criticize Israel that to the present day continues to bomb Syria, but he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He ordered the assassination by drone of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport while on a visit to meet with Iraq’s prime minister. As an insider contrary to all portrayals, he presided over Operation Warp Speed Covid vaccination development and deployment, which was a military-pharmaceutical-CIA program, whose key player was Robert Kadlec (former colleague of Donal Rumsfeld with deep ties to spy agencies), Trump’s Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Preparedness and Response and an ally of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. On December 8, 2020 Trump joyously declared: “Before Operation Warp Speed, the typical time-frame for development and approval [for vaccines], as you know, could be infinity. And we were very, very happy that we were able to get things done at a level that nobody has ever seen before. The gold standard vaccine has been done in less than nine months.” And he announced they he will quickly distribute such a “verifiably safe and effective vaccine” as soon as the FDA approved it because “We are the most exceptional nation in the history of the world. Today, we’re on the verge of another American medical miracle.” The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was approves three days later. Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine received FDA emergency use authorization a week later.
- This Covid-19 medical miracle was a con-job from the start. The official Covid operation launched in March 11, 2020 with worldwide lockdowns that destroyed economies while enriching the super-rich and devastating regular people, was a propaganda achievement carried out by intelligence and military apparatuses in conjunction with Big Pharma, the WHO, the World Economic Forum, etc. and promulgated by a vast around-the-clock corporate media disinformation campaign. It was the third fundamental turning point – following the JFK assassination and the attacks of September 11, 2001 and anthrax – in destabilizing the economic, social and political life of all nations while undermining their sovereignty. It was based on false science in the interests of further establishing a biosecurity state. The intelligence agency planners who had conducted many germ war game simulations leading up to Covid -19 referred to a future arising out of such “attacks,” as the “New Normal.” A close study of these precedents, game-planning, and players makes this evident. The aim was to militarize medicine and produce a centralized authoritarian state. Its use of the PCR “test” to detect the virus was a lie from the start. The Nobel Award winning scientist who developed the test, Kary Mullis, made it clear that “the PCR is a process. It does not tell you that you are sick.” It is a process “to make a whole lot of something out of something,” but it can not detect a specific virus. That it was used to detect all these Covid “cases” is all one needs to know about the fraud.
- Joseph Biden, who was Obama’s point man for Ukraine while vice-president and the U.S. engineered the 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine, came into office intent on promoting the New Cold War with Russia and refused all Russian efforts to peacefully settle the Ukrainian crisis. He pushed NATO to further provoke Russia by moving farther to the east, surrounding Russia’s borders. He supported the neo-Nazi Ukrainian elements and its government’s continuous attacks on the Russian speaking Donbass region in eastern Ukraine. In doing so, he clearly provoked Russian into sending troops into Ukraine on 24 February 2022. He has fueled this war relentlessly and has pushed the world to the brink of nuclear annihilation. He supported the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. He currently presides over an aggressive provocation of China. And like his predecessor Trump, he promotes the Covid disinformation campaign and the use of “vaccines,” urging people to get their jabs.
- Throughout all these decades and the matters touched upon here – some of my known knowns – there is another dominant theme that recurs again and again. It is the support for Israel and its evil apartheid regime’s repeated slaughters and persecution of the Palestinian people after having dispossessed them of their ancestral land. This has been a constant fact throughout all U.S. administrations since the JFK assassination and Israel’s subsequent acquisition of nuclear weapons that Kennedy opposed. It is been aided and abetted by the rise of the neocon elements within the U.S. government and the 1997 formation of The Project for the New American Century, founded by William Kristol and Donald Kagan, whose signees included Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, et al., and their claim for the need “for a new Pearl Harbor.” Many of these people, who held dual U.S. and Israeli citizenship, became members of the Bush administration. Once the attacks of September 11th occurred and a summer of moviegoers watching the new film Pearl Harbor had passed, George W. Bush and the corporate media immediately and repeatedly proclaimed the attacks a new Pearl Harbor. Once again, the Palestinian’s and Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023 attack on Israel that is widely and falsely reported as unprovoked, as is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has been referred to as “a Pearl Harbor Moment.” By today, Monday 9 Oct. 2023, President Biden has already given full U.S. support to Israel as it savagely attacks Gaza and has said that additional assistance for the Israeli Defense Forces is now on its way to Israel with more to follow over the coming days. Rather than acting as an instrument for peace, the U.S. government continues it’s support for Israel’s crimes as if it were the same country. The Israel Lobby and the government of Israel has for decades exerted a powerful control over U.S. Middle East policies and much more as well. The Mossad has often worked closely under the aegis of the CIA together with Britain’s M16 to assassinate opponents and provoke war after war.
Donald Rumsfeld, as a key long time insider to U.S. deep state operations, was surely aware of my list of known knowns. He was just one of many such slick talkers involved in demonic U.S. operations that have always been justified, denied, or kept secret by him and his ilk.
One does not have to be a criminologist to realize these things. It is easy to imagine that Rumsfeld’s forlorn ghost is wandering since he went to his grave with his false “unknown unknowns” tucked away.
When he said, “I could have said that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, or vice-versa,” he did say it, of course. Despite double-talkers like him, evidence of decades of U.S. propaganda is easy to see through if one is compelled by the will-to-truth.
Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral spirits in the danse macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again. All warfare is ghostly, every army an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier a living corpse.”
Norman O. Brown
Note: If you think I too have no evidence, look at this for many of them.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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Sure, but what can a little man do against CIA and Pentagon and BIG money? We can only take the money and run!
Steve Miller said that and he was right!! https://youtu.be/-WCFUGCOLLU
A mostly decent summary
why is the Operation Agent Orange JFK scumbag held up as a force kicking against the pricks, of his own class type, in this piece.
It’s almost like belief that any of the POTUS figureheads has innate high level power.
Powerful short video on Gaza from Joel Rafidi of the Here for the Truth site
This site and it’s readers are pretending genocide isn’t happening. Shame on them.
The author misquotes Kary Mullis. What Mullis said was that PCR is used to make a lot of something out of “something,” not “nothing.”
Thanks, Tommy. You are right.
I corrected it at edwardcurtin.com
We can do the same here
Thanks. That would be great.
Done 🙂
“out of nothing” or “out of something”, the meaning is precisely the same.
I assume this correction of typing, commas, and a half spider leg on the paper,is a desperate psychological attempt to avoid being confronted with the content of Mr. Curtin’s article
rums feld
roasting in hell
for his never ending trauma
burn sucker burn.
he screams what about my treasure
all my plunder my precious things
sorry lucifer says old chum
no luggage allowed in hell
now back in the furnace partner
What we are going through now has been made possible by three millennia of planning and action. The awful spectacle of the Plandemic could only have been possible if the entire planet had been taken over by a single all powerful entity. This is truly a grim time. The focus was then switched to Ukraine and Russia. Vast amounts of resources that were desperately needed elsewhere were diverted to Ukraine under it’s grotesque new leader. Simultaneously we were subjected to insane theorising on gender and even the mutiliation of children. My company’s next christmas party is going to be held in a restaurant which regularly has drag queen shows. The world has gone stark raving mad. This is the result of absolute power leading to absolute corruption. And in an instant the banksters have conjured up a new false flag and are using it to exterminate two million people. The insanity of the last three years has intensified into a hideous bout of maniacal sadistic blood letting. Terrible.
The Bush administration has a problem: How to start a war..
No, US only had a problem with (a) global attention/perception/resistance (b) getting enough vassals to join in the military mayhem without too much bribery.
This is The foundational event..
No, the foundational event was the first murder of a Native American or of a religious dissident. Painting Kennedy as a saint is delusional.
Indonesian government’s slaughter of more than one million mainly poor rice farmers..
Few were farmers. Many were of Chinese origin.
9/11.. carried out by elements within the U.S. deep state.
Still coy about naming the outsiderss, are we?
Everything stated about Clinton and Obama needed to be said. As for Israel, every devout Christian is a potential zombie.
Watching Genocide in Action
Wounded donkey sits near buildings destroyed in Israeli strikes | Watch (msn.com)
Anyone remember the 7/7 London bombing?
UK weapons inspector Dr David Kelly also confirmed that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.
He mysteriously died (murdered) by suicide with a pocket knife slitting his wrists.
Attending ambulance service were surprised by the of blood present as the scene.
Blair and his dodgy dossier cronies have yet to face justice.
*lack of blood
I actually find Rumsfeld’s words useful in certain scenarios, even if how he applied them weren’t to my taste. I used precisely his framework when discussing Covid19 vaccines with non-scientist jabbers. Where mRNA vaccines were concerned, ‘known unknowns’ were what the toxicology and pharmacology profile of such vaccines would be across a population, since no proper clinical trials had taken place and no previous mRNA injections had occurred under license. Those ‘known unknowns’ included: The effect expression of spike protein would have in the testes, the ovaries, the immune system. Whether such lipid nanoparticles would cross the Blood-Brain-Barrier and cause cognitive damage. Whether repeated jabbing would continue to stimulate antigenic responses or shift to allergenic ones. Whether antibody-dependent enhancement effects would manifest themselves after a single- or multiple jabs. The reason these were ‘known unknowns’ is because every proper pharmacological/toxicological programme during properly constituted clinical trials would evaluate the first two; and every properly constituted clinical trial of a novel vaccine would investigate the second two. ‘Unknown unknowns’ are a very subjective topic, simply because you have to ask ‘who are such unknowns unknown to?’ They might be unknown to 90% of the population, including 100% of decision-makers, they might be unknown to 99.99999% of the world but a few unconnected souls might be aware of them, either instinctively or through an accident of work/life paths. When I was growing up in the late 1970s, unknown unknowns would have included ‘the emergence of acquired immune deficiency in the U50s due to lifestyle choices’. There hadn’t been an AIDS-like disease in living memory, although widespread poverty, poor diet and semi-inhuman working conditions, allied to unhealthy levels of smoking and drinking would have indeed seen widespread immune suppression and compromise. Nowadays of course that is a ‘known known’. Some ‘known unknowns’ right… Read more »
When digital systems ‘fail’ and no cash fail-safes exist, how will people feed themselves?
The psycho billionares don’t care. They actually think they will be safe in their underground shelters or remote islands.
I actually find Rumsfeld’s words useful in certain scenarios, even if how he applied them weren’t to my taste.
I agree with Curtin’s point that this widely-reported and cited, even infamous, Rumsfeld quote was an ingredient in his signature delivery of obfuscatory projectile word-salad purée. But I also always thought that the rancorous ridicule inspired by the excerpted comment was misplaced.
That is, his point about “knowns” is not especially outrageous duckspeak. To me, it’s the kind of routine, or typical, pedantic observation an Introduction to Philosophy, aka “Philosophy 101”, instructor might make. Sure, the students might scratch their heads and laugh at first blush, but despite the convoluted quality it’s rational enough.
The derisive, dismissive characterization of the remark as offensively blatant bullshit reminds me of a comparable comment by Bill Clinton when he offered an evasive and obfuscatory response to his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky: “It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.”
I wasn’t shocked or dismayed that Clinton’s lawyerly– or “nonsensical”– phrase was aggressively circulated and mocked as a proof that Clinton is obviously a self-serving weasel and bullshitter.
But as someone who worked with lawyers daily, I knew that Bill’s hair-splitting comment is fairly typical of legal argumentation. Far from being outrageous and pathetic gobbledygook spewed out by a scoundrel taking evasive action– a squiddy cloud of obfuscation– it was the kind of outrageous and pathetic gobbledygook thousands of lawyers get paid every day to spew while representing clients. 😒
‘ Many have, for reasons only they can answer, put hope in these obvious charlatans,’
Here are some potential reasons
The charlatans are the closest thing to god (prophets and false prophets)
Fear of fear (cognitive dissonance)
Just gave up (love big brother, the end)
They don’t care and mind their own business
The latter is not necessarily wrong (all the others are) since most of these known known stores are BS stories from the beginning one shouldn’t mind about at all
Thank you Edward Curtin.
In US 2000 election Florida results, at first networks called Florida and therefore the presidency for Gore. But Florida panhandle is in Central time zone and hadn’t been counted yet. So after panhandle came in it switched to Bush. A few weeks later, Florida was finally given to Bush–with a margin of only 537 votes. Jeb Bush was governor of Florida at the time, he ended up apologizing to his brother for not being able to deliver the state.
537? More like a million, the frauds and thefts we’re just that glaring.
Sorry to tell you this Ed, but there ain’t no ghosts in hell.
Pretty sure DR’s been very hot under the collar for quite a while now.
One lone ‘downer’ does not a winter make.
Keep em comin Cobber.
‘Every soldier a living corpse.”
As was said,
“The moment you don a uniform you become a function.”
The Murdering Dead…
Eliminating the enemies of capitalism.
Terrific (if you will pardon the pun) breakdown of US deep state atrocities since the JFK hit. I was 17 when it occurred. It took me about a year to figure out that it was a CIA hit with the backing of, among others, LBJ and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As time went on I added others to the conspiracy, not the least of which was Israel for his refusal to permit them to have nuclear weapons. Every one of the list of atrocities you cite is accurate. Just out of curiosity, were you ever fooled by any of them, and how long did it take for you to see the real story?
Murder on the Orient Express. Poirot proved that ALL the passengers along for the train ride were blood guilty. Even those post facto.
The President and the Press
Delivered in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961.
Three questions:
A) Who is the “we”?
B) What and who is the world-wide “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy”?
C) Is there a solution to the dilemma described by JFK?
Brendon O’Connell discusses some of the issues in the following video:
Patreon Video 10 – Andrew Tate, Russel Brand, Organised Crime, Masonry & The Network
Uploaded to Rumble: Oct 7, 2023
Channel: Unit8200
Interesting. I thought I knew my Latin, but until you broke it down I had yet to grasp that, in a very word, Gubernators are synonymous with MKUltra = mind controllers.
Mind Kontrölle. However light the touch may seem, at times, its essence is still all Mengelian “coercive hypnotism.”
Proudhon summed it up best:
‘To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.’
We’re constantly told by Republicans in the US House of Representatives that their job is to “govern.” But its not. Their job is to “represent” their respective voters. Since they’re quite adamant that they don’t want to “represent” us, I think the House should be eliminated.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-14. Underreporting factor 30 turns 18k USA post-jab dead into 540k. mRNA jabs completely failed set concepts (blog, gab, tweet).
I’ve been sitting with this rattling around in my head today and have no one to say it to, so I’ll say it here. I was on a weekly Sunday quasi-religious Zoom call with a couple dozen people this morning. One woman spoke up, saying she’s a school counselor who has a grim task to do tomorrow. A beautiful, hard working 17 yr old high school senior girl died suddenly from a seizure and heart attack and this woman’s job will be to help the students tomorrow in each of the girl’s classes to hear about and talk about the girl’s death. She, and many others on the call, believe in the Covid, some believe that “had Covid”, got the shots, and have no idea why this girl just died. A doctor on the call spoke up, saying that toxicology and autopsy results will take weeks and they have to just sit with knowing that sometimes kids get pneumonia or have seizures or myocarditis and die suddenly. At that point, I just had to turn off my camera and leave. There’s no waking some people up, I guess, and I just don’t know what to do with this in my own head and heart. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read my comment.
What you can do is mail–anonymously–each of those people the brochure you can download via here in my comment below at this link: https://off-guardian.org/2023/10/15/a-message-to-donald-rumsfelds-ghost-about-my-known-knowns/#comment-634015
Or make your own brochure. Sending it anonymously by leaving your name and return address off of it, so as to 1) not incur the wrath of those whose cognitive dissonance borders on illness and 2) sending it anonymously is much more likely to be read and possibly digested because they won’t be focusing on *you*.
I have never in my long life heard about youngsters die without some rational reason.
They took too much medicine, drank too much alcohol, took drugs, traffic accidents, surgery fault, cancer, mental ill, something.
In these cases where there is doubt the system (police) will normally require an examination (autopsy) to conclude the cause of death.
But we are in unusual times. All the best.
We’re waiting for jabs against myocarditis, cancer and everything else.
I had to do that several times on a weekly zoom meeting I attended from 2020 through 2022. Then I just stopped going.
I could not tolerate the assumption that everyone seemed to have – that everyone on the meeting felt the same about cvid/masks/lockdowns/socialdistaning/shots.
Drove me nuts.
Keep planting seeds of truth whenever you can. Eventually more and more people will begin to see the light.
Great article. It goes without saying that all politicians, regardless of the level, are just disposable sock puppets for the Hidden Hand.
You forgot the voters.
JFK in November 1961appointed John McCone to replace Allen Dulles as the CIA’s head. McCone proceeded to overthrow a bunch of governments at JFK’s behest, including in Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador, Guiana and Iraq, and essentially oust the Diefenbaker government in Canada because Diefenbaker, whom JFK hated (per Bobby Kennedy Sr) refused to arm air defense missiles with US nuke warheads and refused to integrate Canada’s military with the US’s. JFK prepared the overthrow of the Quadros/Goulart government in Brazil, using AID to provide material support to pro US governors in Brazilian states such as Lacerda in Rio De Janeiro, The overthrow didn’t take place till months after JFK’s assassination. JFK also hated Sukarno in Indonesia, and McCone carried on the Dulles plans to overthrow him. McCone was against the overthrow of Diem in Saigon, but JFK pressed ahead with that one. Lots of inconvenient history that Mr Curtin chooses to leave out.
ABSOLUTE StierScheiße what you posted here, from first letter to the last full stop. That canard (maché, not enchainée, wink, wink) of JFK collaboration has been run over, then run over in reverse, hundreds, no thousands, wait,:‑wait …millions? of times by COINTELPRO and Project CHAOS perps & pals for the last 60+ years and no doubt for an upcoming century, since that pack of lies about JFK is ‘the gift that keeps on giving’. And since all the decisions mentioned were all so covert, whose to say otherwise? I’ll tell you who: the once & future guardians of real History. The “real history” (to borrow the name of M. Parenti radio show). The CIA, as run then by the Nazis who have had the final say in certain black ops at Langley, ever since General Reinhard Gehlen put up his shingle there in 1946, have been ever happiest when they can pin all their ops that flop on the likes of JFK, RFK, or whoever else looks good for the rap, especially when those likes are dead and gone. That’s a page right out of the original Nazi playbook, à la the Reichstag Fire that they leveraged with the lies that put them in power. This twaddle is nothing new, saying JFK was behind the Diem assassination, etc etc etc. . Or Operation Northwoods. That is a dead giveaway, since these were all in the works long before Dulles got the boot. I’ve heard it here in town several times by Nazis, just in the OC, on my own block. Douglas covers a lot of this spurious gosdip in “JFK and the Unspeakable.” And debunks it easily, as do many others. Norman Cousins published “The Improbable Triumvirate” about his year as JFK liaison between Krushchev and Pope John, backchannel peace… Read more »
Good article.
Now I think I need to listen to “Murder By Numbers” by The Police… for the millionth time.
Who is next after Israel/Gaza??
“Karl Rove. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
This is a really good rundown of pivotal deep events. Unfortunately it only focuses on proximate deep state actors like the CIA/Pentagon without mentioning the commanding role of ruling class organizations like the CFR which plan and give the orders on behalf of the oligarchy/plutocracy.
It’s an amazing coincidence that rank dishonesty and wealth accumulation go hand in hand. Almost as if it is a system issue.
And always they all told me as a lad “Crime doesn’t pay.”
The PTB must have coined that one as their very first Conspiracy Theory Discouragement Theory, since that would fit our reality like a precision grooved key.
Justice will always prevail. The lies under the carpet will always be revealed.
The truth will always survive…………….20-30 years after the crimes have been committed.
And the Judgement for these crimes WILL arrive at the end, when these criminals are 80-90-100 years old. Their supporters the sheeple too!! 😷 .
We are all going away folks.
I have this very good book which reads, “All that is hidden will be revealed.”
Thank God for that (both counts).
So far, on a long enough timeline, the value of everything, goes to zero.
Justice prevails in bits and pieces only, and only after the fact – when it’s too late to matter. But one thing is absolutely certain: justice for today’s crimes has no effect on tomorrow’s crimes.
Beware when anyone blames “the system”.
I was wondering if he was going to avoid an honest assessment of Israel, but sure enough there it was at the end of the piece. Does this mean Curtin is walking back his support of RFK Jr.? How can he square knowing about the ugly reality of the genocide of the Palestinian people with supporting a politician who pledges to back Israel no matter what they do?
ummm ‘doublethink?’
I do not support RFK. Jr.s support for Israel’s 75 year effort to dispossess and kill the indigenous Palestinian people and I do not support his recent backing for the Netanyahu government’s war crimes in Gaza. I have always defended the Palestinian cause and opposed the slaughter of civilians, which includes Israeli civilians. I have done my best to convince RFK, Jr. that he is dreadfully wrong, but to avail. I stand with peace groups on both sides that have long demanded an equitable solution, one which the Israeli government has long refused.
Thanks for that clear and peace-o-centric position. Keep on keepin’ on with RFK. I sense a work in progress on that front.
I was one of the people criticising RFK Jr for running for president within the Democratic Party – as a waste of time, money and political enthusiasm (this is a movement killer). The Dems are totally corrupt, and this is not a new development. He’s now running independent, which he should have done from the beginning. (I actually don’t think he should have run at all, those that really decide our elections will not allow him to win no matter how he runs.) What I feared most from his campaign is that all the energy pouring into a electoral campaign, that was bound from the outset to fail, would demoralise the (health) freedom movement. And that is exactly what I am seeing in my area. It was predictable.
I feel the same. I am very disappointed.
I am very clear with myself not to confuse Children’s Health Defense and the work they have been doing with RFK Jr’s campaign. And his very surprising, to me, stance on Israel/Palestine.
I kept waiting for his discussion with Max Blumenthal, which he agreed to, twice. on Jimmy Dore’s show in August.
I doubt that that will take place now.
I am surprised at my own strong feelings about RFK’s stance. It is a line I just can’t cross.
RFK Jr met with some “leaders in the Jewish American Community” on the campaign trail. I bet he need some campaign cash, and that required him to take a pro-Zionist public positition. I don’t remember him stating his position on Israel/Palestine before…
Well,those meetings came on the heels of the Congressional Hearing on Censorship where he was raked over the coals by Debbie Wasserman, a complete twat, and Attny Wiley, and another female senator. It would have been comical if it wasn’t so specious, ridiculous and just infuriating. I mean to accuse him so vociferously of being anti semetic. it was just moronic.
So I guess he felt he had to retaliate? I don’t know.
I was and am floored by his stance.
I have been listening to every single interview he’s conducted on and off CHD since April of 2020. No, he never mentioned Israel/Palestine that I can remember. No one ever brought it up.
Indeed, he has a well-earned reputation for really digging into issues, so his position on Israel/Palestine makes no sense. Courting the Jewish vote is SOP for US politicians. So his position is not out of character for your average US politician, (for the simple reason that they have deep pockets) but he’s spent his whole life avoiding politics (for likely very good reasons). So, something doesn’t smell right.
Damn! I was trying to catch up after not checking this site for a couple of days.
So I just posted this reply (click to view) to one of your related comments to the “While you were watching Israel…” article. I’m tempted to just re-post it here, but instead of gratuitous duplication I linked it instead. 😞
A fine, definitive article.
So, we basically have all the ammunition we need to fight this war for our souls.
But the question arises, “Wouldn’t we rather just sit at home until it’s all over?”…
We haven’t even found the battlefield yet.
We have. Here in our armchairs with our raised finger. Peace in our time!
A prominent key cognitive scientist gave a keynote lecture at West Point recently (I forget the ancillary settings and details, but the article was at Global Research a few weeks ago, easy to identify) and he put it briefly from the podium:
“The Battlefield of the 21st century is the human brain. End of story.”
Then reclaiming his chair, he had finished his talk.
Short, if not sweet.
But it seems, feeling the urgency to frame it cleanly and clearly.
In spite of my other interests it has become an inescapable focus now, for my fuller understanding.
Todays and future military’s are dependent on drones first to be the eyes on the battlefield before battle, and drones are dependent on the weather, in order to fly safely.
We can see this currently in Gaza, immanent invasion, but weather dependent.
Tell that to the Gazans. There is always the chance that the battlefield will come to you/me/us ,……..but it’s already here in various senses. Virtually. Depends how you define a ‘hot war.’
(1) AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN – YouTube (Williams Oregon July 2015)
Easy start: less screen time, leave your smart phone at home as often as possible.
rummmy killed millions of folks from the middle east via his defense policies
he killed millions via his promotion of searle monsanto aspartame artificial sweetner slow slow kill
just another khazarian mafia murdering pirate satan baal molech little helper soul catcher
Aspartame breaks down in the small intestine into methanol, formic acid and formaldehyde.
Many synthetic substances in “modern” processed food – including sweeteners and emulsifiers – kill us insidiously by making the gut porous. This allows the passage of undigested food into the blood. E.g., protein not broken down into amino acids. This is nothing new.
We mustn’t neglect to mention the Deep State’s silent partner: the American people. They’re so coy about it, so nonchalant you sometimes forget they’re even there.
Addressing Donald Rumsfeld, they might ask “Rummy, what’s in it for us?”
To which Rummy, with a sly wink, would reply “That’s a big known unknown John Q.: it’s for us to know and you to find out.”
Which would garner a giggle and a nod to go ahead, do whatever your heart desires.
There’s at least 50% who can be counted on, year in and year out, to rubber stamp or merely acquiesce (look the other way, on cue) to all the most abhorrent policies.
But it’s always been that way. Was it really any different October 15, 1723? I doubt it. That’s bedrock “homeland” here and not much amenable to shifting, this side of The Big One.
Only unforeseen seismic developments could ever change all that.
Hopefully, better than the usual. For the better than usual! 🙏
RE: We mustn’t neglect to mention the Deep State’s silent partner: the American people.
Ok, but you seemed to have “neglected” the Deep State’s very loud, in your face and persistent – literally 24/7 – collaborator, the MSM that is the engine behind what the American people think.
Don’t kid yourself. The people need no nudging in order to calculate what might be in it for them when their “leaders” decide to attack, invade or otherwise plunder another nation.
They always keep one eye on the mark at all times.
1 “I” on the £&$
The owners of the vast network of private Central Banks have controlled the direction of world events for a very long time.
“kikes” should well read “”likes of Condoleezza” ” in my post, pending, so inglorious to lose the chance to edit while it’s spat into limbo.
A typo, not a Freudian slip. Or as Sigmund himself noted, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”
So do the math.
I always knew that would happen at least once.
Excellent post by Edward Curtin. The quote by Norman O. Brown nails it. Let’s vote for more of the same Let’s continue to dress our kids in expensive military costumes and throw confetti parades for them. New World Order anthem: Leonard Cohen’s “Everybody Knows”
Feinstein sent me an email about this in the lead up to the 2003 invasion. I had challenged her in my own email about the pure “snow job” about WMD that the kikes of Condoleezza and Rumsfeld had been piling on us. She wrote me back a few weeks later, untimely enough for it not to matter, stating much of what Ritter recounts, and just about as disingenuously, “If you had only seen the intelligence I have seen, you would know this is so, and judge much differently.” I knew instantaneously that she was lying, just as I knew when hearing Condoleezza two years before say to millions through our screens, “Who would ever imagine terrorists would hijack our jumbo jets and fly them into our skyscrapers…!!!???” Per the archived blah blah blah. We were at the Democratic Convention in San Francisco 1984, as she was, held at Moscone Center, named for the assassinated mayor whose shoes she suddenly filled the next hour, in the aftermath to that bloody affair. On our way back to thecSt. Francis hotel at Union Square I bumped into L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley, passing by him at the elevator, but didn’t pause to greet him, a lapse he clearly noted, judging by his body language, entering the lift with a couple aides. I found out only last year that he was a longtime Prince Hall Freemason, as is Jesse Jackson (33°). We were coming from Moscone Center where “Jesse” had just delivered his Sermon of the Century, cheered on by yours truly, loudly. A cowboyish fellow suddenly appeared in my grill as we all stood in the throng and said curtly, “We know who you are and we know your attitude. Change it or we’ll change it for you.” And he then slipped away into… Read more »
An article in SFGate from 20 years ago, chronicling the millions and billions of “mega-military” contracts that Feinstein’s husband Blum had recently scored “War Brings Business to Feinstein’s Spouse Blum”:
“kikes” (typo in above post) should well read “”likes of Condoleezza” ” in my post, pending, so inglorious to lose the chance to edit while it’s spat into limbo. (At least in this software.)
A typo, not a Freudian slip. Or as Sigmund himself noted, “Sometimes a cigar is only a cigar.”
So do the math.
I always knew that would happen at least once.
I think The United -Steins of America is a more accurate name and says more about the real conditions than the present.
Impressive assessment of the US shadowy machinations since the assassination of JFK. I enjoy your momentous and prescient style, like solving a large geostrategic puzzle in very few words. I realize it requires much analysis and research, but I’d love to read your list of known knowns going back to before the banker’s takeover in 1913.
It’s a good piece, but largely preaching to the converted. We all need to start a conversation about solutions.
The knee jerk response is usually about “Revolution” but anyone with an ounce of sense realises this would quickly spiral out of control into violence as the state gets the excuse it needs to further clamp down on civil rights and even the slightest disobedience, violently. People are being arrested for waving the wrong flag, or liking the wrong opinion on social media FFS. Anyone calling for some sort of “Revolution” needs to be careful what they wish for, because deep state actors have it covered, you could well end up in the killing fields before the dust settles. History is full of examples.
Whatever the solution, it can’t be achieved without sane heads leading it, first we need to win the hearts and minds of the system servers, local councils, the police, the armed forces etc. We also need to counter the “divide and rule” tactics of the deep state.
Any solution has to be non violent, it’s proponents need to be aware of the violent agent provocateur, the inside men of would be co-opters, study how the Occupy Movement was co-opted for example.
How to win the hearts and minds of the system severs?
“It’s a good piece, but largely preaching to the converted. We all need to start a conversation about solutions.” We commenters have a *responsibility* to share our knowledge with others who are captured by the lies and propaganda—and not only posting comments on social media where we are largely preaching to the converted. After the brochure discussed below, my next brochure is going to be reprinting this very article, “A Message to Donald Rumsfeld’s Ghost About My Known Knowns” by Edward Curtin. Curtin’s article needs to be widely distributed because of its ability to explode the lies, propaganda and myths we’ve all been force-fed for decades. By utilizing social media so much we are *missing* a huge opportunity to reach those many people who are still uneducated about the tyranny of Covid. We need to remember that most people are still in the dark about the horrible agenda unfolding. And many of these people are not ‘dialed in’ to the few alternative sites that tell the truth. Our social media posts are falling on the ears of the already converted—that is, if they reach any at all due to censorship and shadow banning. The solution is ‘simple’: We need to put printed material in the hands of people. I urge you to start by ‘simply’ printing and passing out the brochure whose link is below. And I encourage you later to consider making your own brochures on other topics; below I give you some ideas for doing that. Passing out brochures *in person* is satisfying. And it *does* reach those who have never heard of the countervailing ideas on the Covid/masking tyranny. The *ready-to-print* 4-page brochure uses material from Off-Guardian and other sources to demolish the lies and propaganda around Covid and masks. (see bottom of this comment on where to download). A good bit of the… Read more »
Thanks, great act.
But the sheeple has already been tried, I doubt anybody at this stage will admit their own foolishness.
The psychology has been described several times before during history:
People go on as far possible with their normal life until dead corpses lay on their doormat.
Only a few are wise enough to see the patterns and prepare themselves.
But lets do it anyway.
I wish you the best of luck with this, but the people who are still true believers won’t read your brochure, any more than they’d read the Watchtower brochure delivered by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I don’t know what words to use for people who believe that Biden is a good president and the shots are safe and effective. What I get when I try is: “So you’re a Trump supporter, then?!” Um, NO. So I change the subject to — who do you favor for the World Series?
I don’t read the Watchtower because I already know what it is. If I received an anonymous brochure in the mail or handed to me as I stood in line somewhere, of course I would look at it. As would many others.
And, remember, there are many types of non-awake people, not only your ‘true believers’ many of whom are, as you say, willfully resistant and willfully ignorant.
I am speaking from experience in distributing brochures–they can have a positive effect.
It is ‘ridiculous’ for us to only spend our time solely posting in the echo chamber of social media. When you hear yourself thinking ‘it is futile’ to pass out brochures, is when you should also hear yourself say “time to get off my ass and try”.
We on enlightened social media are privileged to have the knowledge we do. But we also have a *responsibility* to try to share our knowledge. As Orwell is alleged to have said, (paraphrased) ‘it is a revolutionary act to tell the truth in times of universal deceit’. It is time we became revolutionaries.
“He who does not oppose evil…commands it to be done” Leonardo da Vinci
A great effort has gone into making people illiterate, or “too busy to read” but not to watch videos. So, it is important to make your brochures brief or point-form.
With you and many others making their own brochures I am confident there will be a diversity of forms and writing styles. I know numerous people who are not too busy to read so they will be able to handle four pages which I will mail anonymously. Other folks, however, I just give the brochures to in person.
I can imagine myself, you, or others making shorter brochures/leaflets that could feature, for example, some of the excellent memes we’ve seen in OffGuardian and elsewhere, coupled with a few good paragraphs.
There are all kinds of possibilities.
We must do what never fails to work, however long it takes: we should give the “ruling class” enough rope to hang themselves. Let that “rope” be virtual (i.e., verbal).
Let the power brokers talk themselves into oblivion. Above all, don’t tune them out once they’ve told us what they think we want to hear.
And when they’re done talking, whisper in their ear “We’re not going to pay a single debt or a single tax until you give us back all the rights you took from us.”
(I’m quite sure all the people will go along with the plan.)
Only one side can freeze your bank accounts–I learned this from the Canadian truckers. For anything to change, US taxpayers must somehow be separated from the Pentagon. Since the US already has no southern border, why not make it official and have several US states merge with Mexico, such as California, New Mexico, Arizona, along with Oregon and Washington.
Non-violence has won before, but such a turn is inconcievable for a nation responsible for so much blood.
An excellent article. Among the best I have read on this site.
This piece should be carved into the sky.
Thanks Ed.
Donald Rumsfeld cared so much about the public’s well-being he got Aspartame approved.
Don’t forget that the ironically named 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act happened during the Reagan administration, that gave blanket liability protection for manufacturers and opened the floodgates for Pharma profits and vast expansion of the number of shots kids get each year. Hardly the public health bonanza there either.
In other NEWS, the unlawful communist “Voice” (AKA. Australian Brexit) referendum was not carried in Australia today. Let’s hope it does not stop here. Perhaps more will investigate further to realise that this Australia corporation and it lackeys are only masquerading as government and are imposters. They need to be exposed.
Several Aboriginal activists have opined that the Voice was pure tokenism by a Labor government, in an effort to appease its middle class voters and avoid a fair dinkum treaty. A REAL voice.
Recent Labor leaders in Australia have gone ape shit about leaving their ‘mark’ on this country. The Liberal/National Party are no better.
Corporate sycophants, all of them.
That a weirdo political whore like Albanese would do anything to help the dispossessed is risible. This was the arsehole that attended the bankster’s LGBTQI+ march.He brutally imposed the clot shot. He is the swine that is cheering on the extermination of another indigenous people which is in progress as we write. These referendums are an effing waste of time. We need to squander our weekends on totally meaningless exercises. The outcomes are predictable and decided in advance. The last one was on the legalisation of rectum based unions and the outcome was predictable.
Rudd gave us the ‘Sorry’ farce,
Gillard gave us the NDIS, which has been corrupted by greedy, fast buck, business Slugs and now Albo’s tokenism on the Voice.
As for the Liberals, we got Iraq, Afghanistan, Robodebt and billions for submarines.
They’re all fucked in the head,
They’re nuts.
Well done topic closed down