Why are the globalists calling “Climate Change” a “Public Health Crisis”?
The answer is all to do with the pandemic treaty and climate lockdowns.
Kit Knightly

The global elite plan to introduce a near-permanent “global state of emergency” by re-branding climate change as a “public health crisis” that is “worse than covid”.
This is not news. But the ongoing campaign has been accelerating in recent weeks.
I have written about this a lot over the last few years – see here and here and here. It started almost as soon as Covid started, and has been steadily progressing ever since, with some reports calling climate change “worse than covid”.
But if they keep talking about it, I’ll keep writing. And hopefully the awareness will spread.
Anyway, there’s a renewed push on the “climate = public health crisis” front. It started, as so many things do, with Bill Gates, stating in an interview with MSNBC in late September:
We have to put it all together; it’s not just climate’s over here and health is over here, the two are interacting
Since then there’s been a LOT of “climate change is a public health crisis” in the papers, likely part of the build-up to the UN’s COP28 summit later this year.
Following Gate’s lead, what was once a slow-burn propaganda drive has become a dash for the finish line, with that phrase repeated in articles all over the world as a feverish catechism.
It was an editorial in the October edition of the British Medical Journal that got the ball rolling, claiming to speak for over 200 medical journals, it declares it’s…
Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency”
Everyone from the Guardian to the CBC to the Weather Channel picked up this ball and ran with it.
Other publications get more specific, but the message is the same. Climate change is bad for the health of women, and children, and poor people, and Kenyans, and workers and…you get the idea.
And that’s all from just the last few days.
It’s not only the press, but governments and NGOs too. The “One Earth” non-profit reported, two days ago:
Why climate change is a public health issue
Again, based entirely on that letter to the BMJ. The UN’s “climate champions” are naturally all over it, alongside the UK’s “Health Alliance on Climate Change”, whoever they are.
Both the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders have published (or updated) articles on their website in the last few days using variations on the phrase “The climate crisis is a health crisis.”
Local public health officials from as far apart as Western Australia and Arkansas are busy “discussing the health effects of climate change”
Tellingly, the Wikipedia article on “effects of climate change on human health” has received more edits in the last 3 weeks than the previous 3 months combined.
All of this is, of course, presided over by the World Health Organization.
On October 12th the WHO updated its climate change fact sheet, making it much longer than the previous version and including some telling new claims:
WHO data indicates 2 billion people lack safe drinking water and 600 million suffer from foodborne illnesses annually, with children under 5 bearing 30% of foodborne fatalities. Climate stressors heighten waterborne and foodborne disease risks. In 2020, 770 million faced hunger, predominantly in Africa and Asia. Climate change affects food availability, quality and diversity, exacerbating food and nutrition crises.
Temperature and precipitation changes enhance the spread of vector-borne diseases. Without preventive actions, deaths from such diseases, currently over 700,000 annually, may rise. Climate change induces both immediate mental health issues, like anxiety and post-traumatic stress, and long-term disorders due to factors like displacement and disrupted social cohesion.
They are tying “climate change” to anyone who is malnourished, has intestinal parasites or contaminated drinking water. As well as anyone who dies from heat, cold, fire or flood. Even mental health disorders.
We’ve already seen the world’s first “diagnosis of climate change”. With parameters set this wide, we will see more in no time.
Just as a “Covid death” was anybody who died “of any cause after testing positive for Covid”, they are putting language in place that can redefine almost any illness or accident as a “climate change-related health issue”.
Two days ago, the Director General of the World Health Organization, the UN’s Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health and COP28 President co-authored an opinion piece for the Telegraph, headlined:
Climate change is one of our biggest health threats – humanity faces a staggering toll unless we act
The WHO Director went on to repeat the claim almost word for word on Twitter yesterday:
The climate crisis is a health crisis. Air pollution and extreme temperatures are causing an increase in diseases like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory. People are dying prematurely, and the most vulnerable are being hit the hardest. We must prioritize healing our…
— Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) October 28, 2023
At the same time, the Pandemic Treaty is busily working its way through the bureaucratic maze, destined to become law sometime in the next year or so.
We’ve written about that a lot too.
Consider, the WHO is the only body on Earth empowered to declare a “pandemic”.
Consider, the official term is not “pandemic”, but rather “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”.
Consider, a “public health emergency of international concern”, does not necessarily mean a disease.
It could mean, and I’m just spit-balling here, oh, I don’t know – maybe… climate change?
Consider, finally, that one clause in the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” would empower the WHO to declare a PHEIC on “precautionary principle” [my emphasis]:
Future declarations of a PHEIC by the WHO Director-General should be based on the precautionary principle where warranted
Essentially, once the new legislation is in place, the plan writes itself:
- Put new laws in place enabling global “emergency measures” in the event of a future “public health emergency”
- Declare climate change a public health emergency, or maybe a “potential public health emergency”
- Activate emergency measures – like climate lockdowns – until climate change is “fixed”
See the end game here? It’s just that simple.
Oh, and we won’t be able to complain, because “climate denial” is going to be illegal. At least, if prominent climate activists like this one get their way.
That’s only a whisper in the background right now, but it will get louder after COP28, just wait.
Until then, like I said, I’m stuck here writing forever.
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They call up down, down up, in as out and out is in, back points forward and the front to the rear. If their lips move the opposite is true.
A health crisis 10 times worse than covid equals 0 crisis.
Have I ever mentioned there is no such thing as a virus?
Pink unicorns and falling skies, these things are fear made of….
It appears that a hill is being erected by the elite for many of us to die on.
That is those of us who do not wish to comply with outright tyranny
The implications of the agenda(s) which are being implemented are huge and will fundamentally change our world.
Behold the death of freedom and only if we the good people let them.
Resist now or perish.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is trying to push through a global treaty, https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9550/, which would – effectively – give them absolute control over every aspect of every country. Mainstream media is pretty much ignoring it, but it’s scary as hell when you think about enforced vaccinations using more experimental drugs.
Thanks for staying on top of this, Kit. I hope you don’t mind my sharing it far and wide (including my elected officials).
>Just as a “Covid death” was anybody who died “of any cause after testing positive for Covid”, they are putting language in place that can redefine almost any illness or accident as a “climate change-related health issue”.
“Covid death” wasn’t defined that loosely, it was defined as people dying within a set period of time after being tested positive for covid, and considering how deadly covid was, the chances that the person actually died of covid were around 99%.
As for many illnesses or accidents potentially being related to climate change, that is true, but it’s also true of many other things. When people calculate illnesses related to known unhealthy things (for example alcohol), it turns out that many illnesses are related to alcohol consumption.
There are two separate questions: What was the immediate cause of death for a person? Which is usually a named disease, accident or violence. And what factors contributed to this disease, accident or violence? Which usually is a lot of things, and people can genuinely disagree on how important each of the factors are.
Public Health is a fraud, just as much as virology is. They both reinforce each other and are at the centre of health fascism we are now faced with.
Lack of safe drinking water and access to nutrition have structural, political causes, and foodborne illness, in so far as it is not due to chemical spraying of crops or antibiotic, drug or faecal contamination of meat, dairy and eggs, are due to individuals’ poor (gut) health caused by poor nutrition and chemicals in the environment, chemical ‘medicines’ and the perpetual stress of trying to survive other man-made impediments to thriving life and health on earth, such as war and artificial scarcity.
I recently watched an interview with Astrid Stuckelberger, a scientist and former WHO insider, who said she had noticed how over the years those at the WHO pushing for real health reform through access to clean water and proper nutrition were gradually pushed out, while incompetent and/or conflicted, or worse, people were promoted into top jobs – just look at Tedros, a war criminal.
When the WHO still had some innocent and honest scientists:
There is a lot more behind profiting from illness than contamination nd stress. E.g.,
-. destroying traditional life through “development” and eviction
-. preventing traditional and alternative medicine
-. poisoned, useless or expensive food and medicine
-. poisoned water
-. poisoned posessions: clothes, furnishings, toys
-. indoor and outdoor poisoning (“pollution”): fumes, fine dust, heavy metals, POPs, hormone disruptors, radiation, noise, vibration.
More than 20 years ago I went along with the global warming narrative. As an outdoor worker planting trees I could see a big change in our local weather, planting bare chested in winter, and in the same day my fingers freezing off, followed again by unseasonable warmth. But then things went back to normal.
I read a great deal on the subject and changed my view to be what people now refer to as a denier. It was interesting to learn how the science had been manipulated and politicised.
Then to witness the emergence of fanatics from towns and cities lecturing and persuading others to join in their apocalyptic doom cult.
Throughout though, I have never shifted my perception that humans cause incredible harm to existing ecosystems through just about every got of our activity, but also I am aware that in places human induced systems combine with nature to create semi natural ecosystems that can be even more diverse than the wild systems they replaced. As it stands in the UK biodiversity loss is a derect result of the dereliction of these semi natural ecosystems.
In recent days I have finally changed my viewpoint again on climate instability, by taking the middle ground. I reject the arguments regarding carbon dioxide, but accept the arguments about deforestation.
Water is the atmospheric gass that has the largest effect on warming and local weather systems. As more forests are felled, heat from the sun releases more water from the now deforested ground surface, which has an effect on global temperatures and localised weather events. Ironically, the arguments used by deniers using science to discredit the claims made about plant food, actually point to a very significant factor of human induced change, deforestation.
The intentional creation of POVERTY, tent cities and not providing clean drinking water is the real health crisis. So until they address this economic policy, they aren’t serious.
World poverty is viewed as a solution, not a problem. The World Bank and IMF think of poverty as low-priced labor, creating a competitive advantage for countries that produce labor-intensive goods. So poverty and austerity is an economic solution that’s built into their models.
~ Michael Hudson
At any time in any place the human economy is actively destroying the human ecology and consuming the more-than-human biocoenosis (life-assemblage) – the living earth – that supports life-itself. Life supports life by living together as a self-regulating organisation (biocoenosis) some called “sumbiogenesis” (interconnected, interpenetrated, immanent “whole life genesis”); life creates its own environment by living (and vice-versa) as self-organising, self-regulating cogenesis, coevolution or alternatively, deregulated coextinction. What is remarkable is in the number who vociferously favour the latter option — as liberalised, privatised and globalised — like it was ‘your’ owned decision to make.
At any time in any place on the living earth the global crisis is unfolding. Crisis means judgement (and is closely etymologically related to “critic, critical, criticality, critique, criteria” and even “certain”); critical judgement that has collectively come to mean ‘economically rational judgement’ that is being made-up everywhere, by everybody, all-at-once, all-the-time for at least ~200y of the self-regulating ‘one world’ market species.
That ‘rational-agent enlightenment’ is globally distributed, nonlocal, nonlinear self-ordering decision-execution process is always in dynamic ‘economic optimal criticality’; that is, in theory at least, self-balancing, self-regulating, and self-equilibrating; but only in a fucking ‘neoclassical’ econometric phantasy world. In the real world the whole of human market-behaviour is destroying anything and everything that supports life-affirmation for the psychiatric phantasy of the money-Fetish.
Thereafter: the human world econometric ‘self-equilibrating’ market-behaviour is destroying the actually self-equilibrating world ecologic sumbiogenesis in real-time unchecked unreality. Therefore the world econometric WE conform globally to a unstable econometric unanimity (unus “one” anima “mind”) as a Unanimous Singularity [US] deployed globally as a one world economy [OWE] or one world neoliberalism [OWN] in crisis, criticality, and absolute certainty of extinction.
The living earth is being transformed by the one and only economic species – homo kakoeconomicus neoliberalismus – for whom no genocide, no ecocide, and no amount of ecotoxicity is ever enough for psychiatric money-Fetishism, alien animism and economic alien possession that knows no limit to its collective psychiatric libidinal phantasm.
Thereafter: human market-behaviour as a whole species market-fundamentalism is a “thanatocoenosis” or death-assemblage consuming life-affirmation for the sake of the imaginary-symbolic money-Fetish, the imaginary-symbolic psyche and the imaginary-symbolic ‘self-regulating’ market-behaviour causing mass extinction so many have come to conform themselves to in globalist unanimity with their daily econometric activities.
Thereafter: the horror, the suffering, the mass-marketised extinctionism, the imperialism, the colonialism, the genocide, the ecocide, and the ecotoxicity are negated in real-time while the self-absorbed, self-preserving rhetoric is disgorged as a false-hearted character-masking of econometric unreality-biased unanimity. The ethical-volitional choice between saving the self-preserving world economy or the sumbiogenetic world ecology is made by default – thanatocide it is then.
So why can nobody just say so without the toxic moral charade of transferring responsibility to a phantasy scapegoat? Repeat after me: “We wanted to remain imperial over the Third World who provided and provide our privacy and private property for free. We wanted our ongoing colonialism that provided and provides our privacy and private property for free. We wanted our free-market freedom and consummate right for the inviolable liberty to consume the earth. We wanted to turn a blind eye to the poverty and suffering we caused and cause by our daily econometric activity. We want the last of the resources for ourselves to sustain our vertiginous egomaniacal hallucinoses of privacy, private property, and profitable free-market thanatocoenosis” is the unconscious, unwritten neoliberal narrative creed unanimous between the imperialist ears. So why not just own it, you who think you own everything elsewhere by right of privation and dispossession, including the sovereign right to decide who lives and who dies?
Nobody has the cojones to admit it, so the excremental transference rhetoric and unanimous hallucinoses continues; as the day to day covering and psychiatric masking of the unanimous collective death-drive. So long as you keep writing such self-absorbed shite, I’ll keep saying its shite by pointing out that the living earth itself is the only worthwhile criteria of any and all meaningful ethical judgement – not the self-absorbed, self-preservation of private property of an imaginary-symbolic psyche with an unlimited desire for destruction.
Maybe the awareness will spread? Maybe will all turn to zen to understand the psyche as psyche as a rhetorical attachment to causing suffering to the unseen Other to fill the immense inbound unreality we feel we can overcome by consummate commodification and consumptogenesis of the whole earth? Perhaps we will find another quantum of solace that is not quite so fanatically self-annihilative? Or quite so vociferous with enthusiasm to get the ecocidal job done?
I think this is one of the most verbose, pretentious and ludicrously alarmist comments I’ve ever read. I don’t believe in an appeal to authority to refute an argument, but equally I feel its worth pointing out that now 1800 eminently qualified scientists and other professionals, including Nobel prize winners have signed this document stating that the message that you appear to have swallowed hook line and sinker and then regurgitated in a tiresome word salad is dangerous nonsense created off the back of cod science and terminally faulty modelling: https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/
It’s so verbose and pretentious that I can’t even get as far as calling it ludicrously alarmist. Or indeed anything. Which is strangely appropriate.
I didn’t want to make this personal: but every day you seem compelled to air your phantasies about ‘them’; whichever is your owned shadow-projection. Fair enough: that is your opinion. My comments are based in ecologic fact. The world economy really is consuming the world ecology right now. The world economy is also imperial of itself; that is there really is Third World oppression, poverty and dehumanisation caused by the First World standard of living — but apparently, this does not count.
What does count is the endless stream of noise coming from those who have achieved the highest standard of living EVER through economic imperialism; the same economic imperialism that is also consuming the earth. Get it?
Only by scaling down economic activity can we create viable community. We only have a limited amount of resources left to either save the economic imperialist standard of living or save the earth’s ecology by creating a new and better way of living than market-totalitarianism.
We either scale down consciously or collapse, much sooner than anybody will countenance whilst they continue to live in economic phantasy la-la land.
So nobody likes my style of ecologic “poetic realism”: but then, nobody likes economic realism either? The only logical test is the correspondence to actual ecologic reality. The rest is just phantasy psychiatric alarmism grounded in unreality.
How many times does it have to be explained that there can be no infinite growth on a finite planet? For the past two hundred years the human economy has been doubling every ~25y. Each doubling required all the material and all the energy that had ever been used before. In the last 30y the human economy has used half the worlds non-renewable resources. To double again we need…. Oh, wait a sec: that doesn’t compute or work out mathematically said very few.
Exponential doubling is not well comprehended; but it stands to reason — if you use a finite resource base exponentially, you are gonna run out…. soon.
The underlying condition is dwindling resources, particularly dwindling energy recourses. All economics is surplus energy economics. Energy that turns natural resources into products we consume and throw away as waste, ecotoxicity and pollution. I never even mentioned the ‘climate’ because there isn’t one. The whole earth is a single indivisible, irreducible system, and so is the economy.
At any given time the whole of the world economic species is consuming the whole of the earth ecology at an ever increasing exponent rate trying to double the market economy every ~25-30y by consuming all the resources that have ever been consumed before ignoring the absolute certainty that this is impossible, but we are going to do it anyway, or die trying.
How fucking stupid does anybody have to be to try and cling to their position in this economic madness? Economic madness that is at the same time imperialism, colonialism and market-fundamental totalitarianism. Are you trying to tell me that 1800 pseudoscientists are defending their right to consume the earth? The Precautionary Principle means that we must take the totalised ecological degradation seriously. The only solution is Degrowth and wealth redistribution from the imperial North to the impoverished South but it has little purchase power in a self-preservation market-economy species.
Alarmism? Nobody was alarmed by the increasing level of Third World poverty over the last ~30y — the neoliberal decades — which have been the most destructive ever: but as soon as the destructive ego-engineering began to falter — you can’t stop the increasingly psychotic alarmism for the perceived loss or economic impairment of the earth ecology collapsing due to the whole earth consumptogenesis of the Mystic Economic Ape: “Hear no evil; see no evil; do as much evil as possible by blaming somebody else”. It’s just economic fascism after that.
Yes, but isn’t he on the same page, in the same “tribe”? If he is, it is ok. In that case there are ways for improvements, this one is about, lack of simplicity in communication, presentation of opinion, confidence (or lack of it), attention seeking…
If he is not, if his deliberate goal was to confuse, then I am wrong, being unable to read him through better. Personally, I often don’t read his comments for that verbosity. Too heavy.
Same page? I vehemently disagree with the constant stream of noise lamenting loss of economic freedom grounded in the free-market — economic free-market freedom fundamentalism that is wantonly consuming the earth. My goal is not to confuse, but to make it absolutely clear that the destruction and First World imperialism is really real. Third World oppression is really real; First World ‘oppression’ is increasingly microfascist whingeing by those who have achieved the highest standard of living EVER, but it is not enough.
Such is the dangerous delusion diverting attention away from the real-time actual destruction of the actual earth by First World overconsumption which is never enough. We could all live better lives with less, but not the WEF way. They accumulated economic power because we empowered them with our labour; whichever was only going to lead to economic monopoly and kakistrocacy so long as we work all of our lives for it: but we never came up with a viable or inhabitable alternative. So now the only livable alternative is Degrowth whichever is the local empowerment of all individuals by the permanent disempowering of the kakistocratic elite.
I have taken time to show that all the premisses of economic growth are falsehoods, and all the premisses of reductive mechanical ideology are falsehoods and so on and so forth. The only sensible alternative is to take ecologic annihilation seriously; if ‘we’ do not — the consequences are unconscionable. There are no such disastrous consequences to Degrowth.
No growth: no economic elite.
As far as I can tell, ” degrowth” is essentially stagnation. I see it as destructive to human life and the human spirit. You can see what this looks like in many small towns in the US. Places that were once thriving economically and bustling centres if human activity are now centres of stagnation, depression and drug abuse. I think your strategy ignores the needs of the human spirit.
Thank you Bryan for coming back to discuss/comment.
It pleases me what you said as a conclusion, as I 100% agree.
My background is engineering and maths. In my thinking i will be looking for causes and effects. Ne feelings. Looking for facts. Real, repeatable.Then propose solution.
Growth in “money” is one of the components of the major social structures. There are more. Interest, rent, currency, individual “ownership” of collective assets…
Consciousness and ability to think is not priority. Humanity and life on earth as one is not understood, not most important. We have a chance. Emerging, elementary shades of consciousness. Still too weak for primitive urges, instincts, reactions.
Many species got extinct. Can we avoid it? Step on another level? Time is on earth’s side.
I admire your verbal abilities and skills. And it’s obvious that you are thinker as well. But I need dictionary to help me to understand some of your ideas. And lengthy explanations. That drains, and affects concentration. Simpler and shorter would make big difference.
What does it mean to be on the same page?
The structure of the language is the problem; therefore the understanding of the structure of the language is also the solution. It is a conundrum that has vexed many; if you continue to express “clear and distinct” ideas with correct logical-analytical structure — you are compounding the problem. If you change the predetermined ‘precision’ toward poetic metaphor you risk becoming unintelligible.
Descartes had “clear and distinct” rational concepts of two substances, mind body severance and separation and a literal deus ex machina metaphor of a rational god as supreme guarantor of his absolute none-sense metaphysical schema. Whichever more or less everybody, at least by default, has internalised as the ‘scientific method’ of supernatural rational knowledge of causes where there are none.
Systems thinkers can only converse with other systems thinkers in private, when descriptive and nominalist thinking is understood and the irreducible holism of systems taken for granted. Even then, there is no guarantee the system is a living system and not a mathematical misrepresentation (I’m particularly thinking of abstract economic systems like the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) of neoclassical phantasy which has no real world correspondence.)
The circular nature of the predicament we are in is rooted in the structure of the language. To break out of it we need to understand the deep structure and avoid falling into the same old linguistic trapse over and over. This is better expressed as “meaning as a tool” of cognitive-pragmatic understanding; which is best expressed as Box’s axiom — “All linguistic models are wrong, but some of them may be useful.”
I’m afraid there are no easy or simple expressive answers. The way we structure civilisation is extremely complex and getting more complex by the moment. We are already at the outermost limit of most of our technologies and we have definitely exceeded the linguistic technology to understand. Sorry for the negative assessment, but simplicity is not something we do well!
I think the brilliant memes on this page show us the way to go.
It worked with moneypox. When they saw people laughing at it they quickly buried it.
Climate change propaganda might be a public health issue, in that millions of dupable children, grown-ups with the minds of children etc believe all the nonsense and get irredeemably stressed out because of it.
Britain’s public health will only be threatened by ‘climate change’ if winters turn much colder again. It might happen this year, it might not.
‘Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun!’ is of course the doctor’s prescription for how to get sunstroke in the Tropics.
But at 50N, any sane individual has no health risk from UK climate unless they go out of their way to get soaked outdoors, fail to have a warm bath/shower and a change of clothes and then proceed not to eat properly for 12 months to weaken their immune system.
Excellent Kit. The WHO is a tool used by the Globalists. The sooner the UN and its tentacles like WHO, IPCC and IRENA as disposed of the better.
The UN is infested with terrorists and they are in the US in the open.
Forever is a long time Kit.
You’re gonna get RSI in those typing fingers.
Hang on _ _ _ _ maybe you could utilise some AI to take over the heavy lifting.
Problem solved.
But what about the disastrous effect on the climate of the clocks going back? The hour displacement of activities will have a catastrophic effect on heat fluctuations, not to mention the inherent antisemitism of these temporal alterations.
The protean nebulosity is by design.
– Michael Crichton (h/t Willem)
G.K. Chesterton – Eugenics and Other Evils (1922)
We now pass from mere individual men who obviously cannot be trusted, even if they are individual medical men, with such despotism over their neighbours; and we come to consider whether the Eugenists have at all clearly traced any more imaginable public authority, any apparatus of great experts or great examinations to which such risks of tyranny could be trusted. They are not very precise about this either; indeed, the great difficulty I have throughout in considering what are the Eugenist’s proposals is that they do not seem to know themselves. Some philosophic attitude which I cannot myself connect with human reason seems to make them actually proud of the dimness of their definitions and the uncompleteness of their plans. The Eugenic optimism seems to partake generally of the nature of that dazzled and confused confidence, so common in private theatricals, that it will be all right on the night. They have all the ancient despotism, but none of the ancient dogmatism. If they are ready to reproduce the secrecies and cruelties of the Inquisition, at least we cannot accuse them of offending us with any of that close and complicated thought, that arid and exact logic which narrowed the minds of the Middle Ages; they have discovered how to combine the hardening of the heart with a sympathetic softening of the head. Nevertheless, there is one large, though vague, idea of the Eugenists, which is an idea, and which we reach when we reach this problem of a more general supervision.
It was best presented perhaps by the distinguished doctor who wrote the article on these matters in that composite book which Mr. Wells edited, and called “The Great State.” He said the doctor should no longer be a mere plasterer of paltry maladies, but should be, in his own words, “the health adviser of the community.” . . .
H.G. Wells et al (1912)
Prefatory Note to The Great State
It is interesting to note certain juxtapositions; this is not a socialist volume, and the constructive spirit has long since passed beyond the purely socialist range. Neither Sir Ray Lankester, nor Mr. Haynes nor Mr. Fry would dream of calling himself a socialist; the former two would quite readily admit they were individualists. That old and largely fallacious antagonism of socialist and individualist is indeed dissolving out of contemporary thought altogether.
Health and Healing in the Great State
By C. J. Bond, F.R.C.S.
Chapter V. (pp. 143-80)
The enormous importance of the problem makes it a matter of vital concern that the ingoing information and the outgoing energy of a National Health Service should be co-ordinated in one central brain in one department under the control of a Minister of Health, and this Minister must combine in himself, or be able to obtain at first-hand, medical knowledge and a knowledge of biological Sociology; the Health Department will be the most fundamental of all the departments of State. It will be called upon to advise other departments concerning the biological principles upon which education and labour must be founded, upon which the activities of the soldier, sailor, and other public servants must be guided; and upon which the control and reformation of the mentally deficient, the pauper, and the criminal must be carried out.
But…..you must admit there are degenerated people among us. They are in front of us all.
The last link in the article shows such a degenerate person who call himself a Green Industrialist.
Those people are unable to connect themselves to our organic world like normal organic people do and are thus mentally and emotionally disabled for some or other reason.
For me they are like mechanical dulls.
What should we do with these degenerated people? They infect societies.
So somewhere the eugenic people has a point. They are just going after the wrong people.
Just to wrap up basics: Clima Change is the real Weather’s negative.
The CO2 problem is the real CO2’s negative.
Both are paper tools for the Financial world’s wish to control the non-linear chaotic organic world into their linear zero sum excel sheet and book keeping.
Yes, but THEY say it’s ME, whereas I say it’s THEM – and I usually get out voted. However, Operation Warp Speed is doing its bit to redress the balance!
Well, you were upvoted here so it cant all be bad.
When will some people (aka – females) becoming pregnant
be declared a Global Public Health Crisis ?
(Wars, of course, are excluded)…
Sorry if someone has already said this but isn’t PHEIC pronounced FAKE? They’re just messing with us at this point.
Yes, Reiner Fuellmich made that point a year or so ago! But it’s highly unlikely that any of the ‘normies’ will see that!
They are ‘just messing with us’, you’re right.
Changes to The Terms:
Please be advised of the following changes
to ‘The Terms & Conditions’**
for your continued survival on Earth…
**esp. changes to the ‘Terms’ (aka – framing)
Other Terms & Conditions:
(1)…You Will Own Nothing
(2)…You Will Be Happy…
(3)…You Will Not Take Sides (though your
Silence will be construed as abetting…)
Kit, you are just brilliant! Thank you.
I wonder if there are any transgender people reading this.
I wonder, niko, if you know any transgender people?
I wonder how many criminals who have caused the injuries and deaths from this made up pandemic are actually transgender.
I wonder if there is anyone else out there, in spite of what they personally feel about transitioning, who sees that transgender people are the scapegoat du jour.
Easy prey.
How many Boosters will i need to protect me from Climate Change (TM) ?
Basically, they are trying to ‘legitimise’ the ability to do anything they want, any time they want. Quasi-legally/legally. It’s what we used to call a blank cheque, if you can remember such things, Fill in your own amount. The firmament’s the limit.
It will take a concerted amount of refusal to stop this. It’s One world pharma-fascist medical martial law government by the backdoor,
You may not even realise til the health police kick your door in.
Andrew Bridgen has spotted the conundra and is well on the case.
Now Andrew Bridgen takes on the power-hungry World Health Organization – The Conservative Woman
You took the words out of my mouth. If climate change = public health crisis, then a public health crisis can be declared a Public Health Emergency. And under a Public Health Emergency, governments can do whatever they like, to whomever they like, whenever they like.
Here in New Zealand, ever weather event — both here and around the world — is reported as evidence of climate change. Heavy rain? Climate change Big winds? Climate change.
And these days every weather event follows a heavy spraying of the skies. I predict this summer will be even worse than the last.
At this point, we can confirm that geo-engineering, weather modification methods have failed and may even be the culprit behind all of the recent erratic weather fluctuations.
erratic weather fluctuations
You probably mean fluctuations in unintendedd places – like back home.
I live there too. In a place where it’s either raining or it’s waiting to rain.
This will probably get lots of down votes, but i’ll say it anyway.
Good article, but gave it only a 4. Knightly takes a binary view, after so often telling us to avoid such traps. You either believe in “climate change” and accept whatever you’re told to do, or you’re a dupe of the New World Order.
Reality is: growing global climate chaos is real, the global industrial capitalist system has huge and growing impacts upon the planet’s ecosystems, one of which is to drive the global weather/climate system increasingly into chaotic instability. But at the same time, it is the system itself which is the problem. It cannot provide the solution. A “green new deal” and tighter management of humanity are not solutions to this problem, they are merely measures by the elite to use the crisis to its own advantage. The only solution is the destruction of the global industrial capitalist system.
Let’s stop trying to save industrial civilisation Excerpts from Bright Green Lies: How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About It by Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith and Max Wilbert. Erin Remblance and Max Wilbert, 10/26/23,
Sleeping like sheeple, are you ?or is that the sound of you peeing in your pants ?
Wow! These enviros have never looked up! Damn, Derrick, at least go the beautiful beaches in your area and look at the sky!
BTW, he’s Native American by ancestry, he regularly looks at the sky.
Are you sure? Do you really look up in the real sky, or do you look at the sky in your screen through some telescope, microscope, stethoscope?
All right, we say you look up in the real sky. Tell me what you see in the real sky?
The only anomaly from normal weather you will see in the real sky is Pentagon/Nato, the Military: HARP, chemical bombs or geo-engineering.
No other entity makes a clue difference in the sky. Whatever chimney’s you claim they can easily be engineered filtered (example coal).
It means the Military who makes free pollution of our weather says its the populations who pollute it by their bad behaviour.
Our earth is an organic chaotic constantly moving and changing entity. As a human there is only one rule to this constantly non linear change: Adaption, Fit in.
When it rains, snows, heats, freeze, we adapt us, we fit in. With our raincoats, warm boots, sun glasses, snow glasses, whatever.
I think people have isolated plenty of the shit coming out of the spray planes.
You really think spraying what in global atmospheric terms are tiny amounts of chemicals can control the climate? HOW, pray tell us? Unless the spraying can create a uniform layer all over the world, and this layer is maintained regularly, such spraying amounts to ….pissing in the wind, in terms of climate control.
Worse, it amounts to chaos enhancement. The global weather/climate system is not a machine, it is an organism, with numerous variables (in the thousands) which feel back and forth with one another. Many of these variables are not even known. Many others are not accurately measurable. Major aspects of the interplay, including ocean/atmosphere interactions, are not even well-known, let alone measurable. The whole system is an open system, highly indeterminate.
People like you believe everything is a machine, you learned nothing from the virus scam. Organisms are not machines.
Now you talk sense.
Sure isn’t tiny amounts where I live, nor where Derrick lives.
So you, as Derrick, believe that CO2 is changing the climate?
I believe everything is a machine? You certainly have no idea of my perceptions, i have no idea why you would say such a thing. Certainly I live more of a non machine life than Derrick. I knew long ago viruses do not cause colds. Did you just discover this during the scam?
Well, this is a first. Your post changed, possibly I responded before an edit.
As I have said before here. The overall climate can not be changed to where they want it. I am well aware of the dynamic of the entire biosphere and the scale of the system. However, local changes can be made fairly easily, as I have explained before, Make the sky cloudy during the day and clear at night a fairly simple thing to do it seems, as happens quite often where I have lived. And where Derrick lives. And you have cooled down the local climate. This is opposite of the “old time” weather along the coast where Derrick lives as it use to be clear, maybe just midday, and cloudy at night. Its fairly simple. But as it is a large dynamic system, what you do somewhere has effects elsewhere.
You can look at the NOAA, GOES satellite images, and watch the weather being manipulated yourself. You need to do this everyday to get an understanding of what is happening. Also you can periodically test your soil and rain water for barium, aluminum, strontium, and sulphur ( yes they can actually tell you the amounts that are there— though one test I sent in the Aluminum was so high that the lab results came back with a warning that it exceeded test parameters, i.e. there was more aluminum in the soil than the parameters of the test were designed to detect) that is not leached out by rain and some that is. And at different times of year. You, yourself can do many different types of tests and experiments. Figure out for yourself. Don’t rely on someone defining what the experiment should be. How to isolate.
So I totally agree with you (unlike apparently offG) that the global climate crisis is real, it really is chaotic weather. I think the climate chaos and the detrimental effects it having on the ecosystems of the earth is a very important consideration. It is even more than that but I won’t delve into the specifics here, let me just simply say my rhubarb and asparagus regrew this fall they just died in heavy freeze as all the alder tree and apples leaves did overnight.
The last freeze here this spring was -4C (nearly June, no one remembers such a type of freeze here) and first freeze this fall-4C (it had hardly been below +10C). Climate chaos. I saw the planes, it is more than obvious the geoengineering going on. But you believe—well let me ask you again: Have you isolated the climate chaos as being caused by CO2.
A few years back, I look for Derrick saying (writing or video) anything about the fake pandemic. Could not find anything. Do you have any links to him addressing this issue? Did he wear a mask as so many enviros, both good (understanding the green energy scam) and bad, in the area, did?
Let’s stop trying to save industrial civilisation
No one has any say in this, except the biggest oligarchs trying to save themselves.
Well said, especially in such a partisan environment. Unfortunately, the global industrial capitalist system will consume and destroy itself. Whether the one world market economic civilisation or the one world ecologic system collapse first will be determined by a fatalist coin spin. The only wonder is in the number of people content to conform with their owned industrial execution by actually supporting the NWO with their owned servile inactivism.
Its part of the established tradition to privatize profits and socialize losses. So all the rampant Wild West ‘grab what you can’ actions that likely led to a climate crisis are completely sacrosanct, you can’t interfere with business and so on but once the negative effects of this are making themselves felt its a problem, one that we all have to pull together to solve with shared sacrifice etc.
This isn’t a one off and its not new. Its a bit disappointing that people haven’t noticed (or, rather, with the corporate stranglehold on our media “been allowed to notice”). We see it with anti-colonialism, with reparations and so on. Where there has been an effective payback for national sacrifice (e.g. UK after WW2) the public have had to eventually pay for the largess and whatever gains they received has long been clawed back from them.
It’s sort of like a global IQ test.
There’s a 99.98% chance that

intelligent AND insightful
than THIS one.
‘If you can’t tell the wood from the trees, can you diagnose the Disease?
It’s a part of the Intelligence Test’ Ariel 2010
It certainly looks as though that’s where they want to take us.
And a COVID-style global “emergency” is liable also to be used to deal the death-blow to private car ownership.
Each year they make owning car more costly and driving more miserable, and I don’t think this is an accident. In the UK, motoring is expensive and unpleasant: the roads are overcrowded and very badly maintained, parking is increasingly becoming impossible, law-abiding drivers are targeted by police for the most minor infractions, while antisocial and reckless drivers roar about the place unhindered. And now, here in the People’s Republic of Wales, most 30mph speed limits have been slashed to 20mph in the name of “safety”; a measure which is extremely unpopular with the general public, yet which, in typically autocratic fashion, has been imposed regardless.
Perhaps by the time they announce their “emergency”, driving will already be such misery that people will give up their cars in appreciable numbers. I guess time will tell…
The speed limit in wales is the least of your worries. Wales is Britain’s testing ground for all things climate emergency. If 20 mph isn’t enough to force you from the roads perhaps the noise and clean air zones plans will do it. Those travels around your beautiful landscapes will also become a thing of the past when you are restricted, or outright banned, from entering
stolen landprivate land such as national parks and the like.https://nicolalund.substack.com/p/soundscape-action-plans-and-clean
But why pick on Wales you may ask. Because both the English and Welsh governments think the people of Wales are the dumber than the rest of Britains inhabitants and will roll over to any demands. About time you proved them wrong and started shouting louder I guess.
Just moved here. I have to agree! A demoralised defeated nation.
I don’t think we can AFFORD these useless self-serving Govern-ments (mind control) any more.
… just like they’ve made air travel a flightmare!
What about fluoride in our drinking water, are the WHO going to do anything about it, nope.
It’s the Flouride Stare that worries me more.
I know what you mean I’ve seen it many times, it’s pretty scary isn’t it.
Fluoride Stare deconstructed; in the context of ‘quackzines’. By Amandha Vollmer, naturopath and warrior. The only place I could find this 90 second video is in a post by someone on twitter. It has been memory-holed elsewhere. Download it while you can. Priceless.
She is good
Does anyone know the baseline of climate from which climate change is determined?
Everything relating to human activity including travel. The list is endless.
Good point. They love to point at graphs that show temperatures have been rising since the 1850’s without pointing out that 1) even with these increases, temperatures are probably still in the lower end of the normal range; and 2) less than 200 years of data isn’t particularly significant when we’re talking about a 4.5 billion-year-old planet.
Good question. It changes, subject to the “segment” of the chart/period chosen for analysis.
According to Greenpeace the main cause of global warming is fossil fuel. When did fossil fuel started?
It started in 1893 when Rockefeller declared oil a fossil product, a rare product coming from old dead fossil dinosaurs.
Expensive and only for rich white men who at that time could afford to buy a 4wheel Ford driving 20 km/hr on oil.
The curve of polluting the entire global vaccinated population continued from this 0 point until today to the disaster warming in Maui and Gaza, the corona virus, the earthquake in Turkey, and the exploding divorce statistics in West and Japan.
All because of white ultra republican men’s hang to cars.
Because they need to distract the public from all the cv deaths…
This PHEIC (FAKE) emergency diagnosis capability in conjunction with UN-membership is a dangerous situation indeed.
One quick solution would be to rescind that membership.
An even more thorough solution would be a higher level of background radiaton in certain areas of the world (e.g. the place were an ugly skyscraper of a certain parasitic organisation is located).
Tumors are regularly destroyed with radiaton, and the UN/WHO/globalist pukes are definitely societal tumors.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-10-28. Patients give informed consent, not doctors. Peter A. McCullough to receive “Shining Scalpel Award” f/ AAPS (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
From your Link (search for Informed Consent):
“On ‘informed consent’… patients give informed consent, not the doctors. The doctors are supposed to give the information to the patients then, once the patients get and understand the information, they may or may not give their consent. A lot of people don’t seem to understand this. (tweet).”
Another opportunity to repeat my sourly sarcastic observation:
When the toxic “COVID” jabs were released, even the scamdemic/vax-mongers assiduously paid lip service to vaccination programs’ “Prime Directive”; thus, initially it was made known that none of the presumptively safe & effective jabs could or would be administered without the recipient’s freely-given “informed consent”.
Of course, this high-minded, idealistic standard was perverted out of the gate because the dubious toxic jabs were manufactured and distributed in a squiddy cloud of Big Lies: misinformation, disinformation, hypocrisy, and arm-twisting chicanery from every political and scientific authority and Big Pharma marketers.
My observation was most people came to assume that the vitiated standard of “informed consent” meant that as the needle is poised for insertion, the doctor or healthcare worker must inform the recipient that they have consented to receiving it.
Here is an interesting essay about all these pseudoscience theories leading to poverty, war and that made no sense at all from the beginning, yet were firmly believed by most distinguished men. It’s from Michael Crichton, written far before convid, and it starts like this:
‘ Imagine that there is a new scientific theory that warns of an impending crisis, and points to a way out.
This theory quickly draws support from leading scientists, politicians, and celebrities around the world. Research is funded by distinguished philanthropies, and carried out at prestigious universities. The crisis is reported frequently in the media. The science is taught in college and high school classrooms.
I don’t mean global warming. I’m talking about another theory, which rose to prominence a century ago.
Its supporters included Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Winston Churchill. It was approved by Supreme Court justices Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis Brandeis, who ruled in its favor.The famous who supported it included Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone; activist Margaret Sanger; botanist Luther Burbank; Leland Stanford, founder of Stanford University; the novelist H.G. Wells; the playwright George Bernard Shaw; and hundreds of others. Nobel Prize winners gave support. Research was backed by the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations. The Cold Springs Harbor Institute was built to carry out this research, but important work was also done at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins. Legislation to address this crisis was passed in states from New York to California.
These efforts had the support of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association, and the National Research Council. It was said that if Jesus were alive, he would have supported this effort.
All in all, the research, legislation, and molding of public opinion surrounding the theory went on for almost half a century. Those who opposed the theory were shouted down and called reactionary, blind to reality, or just plain ignorant. But in hindsight, what is surprising is that so few people objected.
Today, we know that this famous theory that gained so much support was actually pseudoscience. The crisis it claimed was nonexistent. And the actions taken in the name of this theory were morally and criminally wrong. Ultimately, they led to the deaths of millions of people.’
Full essay: https://mennodeboer.com/2021/06/14/michael-crichton-why-politicized-science-is-dangerous/
Crichton cites Lomborg’s ‘The Sceptical Environmentalist’ which is worth reading. Lomborg accepts climate change but rejects the standard solutions and provides a wealth of evidence that the green “we all knows…. ” (we all know resources are running out etc) are wrong.
Likely a lot of people guessed what “theory” Crichton is writing about, but including one more paragraph would have helped:
“The theory was eugenics, and its history so dreadful -and, to those who were caught up in it, so embarrassing- that it is now rarely discussed. But it is a story that should be well known to every citizen, so that its horrors are not repeated.”
Unfortunately there are many still profiting from it, in fact a whole country is built on the basis of that crap theory (I don’t think that I need to give a hint which country I am talking about, but for the stupid ones I’ll give it anyway: Its name starts with an I)
I knew you would be against India again. Blame everything on India not talking about your own massacres on the Sioux and the Last of the Mohicans.
There are other countries imposing racism that is almost as bad, but cleverly keeping a low profile.
aaaarghh! It’s happening everywhere, including Gaza. Right now!
And they likely murdered Michael Crichton, who was exposing conspiracies too closely.
Kissinger said Israel will not exist in within the next 10 years, over 10 years ago.
It looks like, as usual, everything has been detailed planned ahead.
“We are historical actors, and when we act you will be left with studying what we did”.
It does look like the edge of the cliff. If they destroy/allow Israel to be destroyed, does it mean that that will speed up the offering of New Khazaria in the Ukraine to/for the refugee/survivors? On compassionate grounds?? (haha)