COP28: The Globalist Agenda Has Never Been More Obvious
Kit Knightly

As of this morning, we are four days into the two-week climate change summit in Dubai.
Yes, as we can all note for the thousandth time, literal fleets of private jets have descended on the desert so that bankers and billionaires can talk about making sure we don’t drive anymore or eat too much cheese.
What’s on the agenda? Globalism – and it’s never been more obvious.
President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva essentially said as much:
The planet is fed up with unfulfilled climate agreements. Governments cannot escape their responsibilities. No country will solve its problems alone. We are all obliged to act together beyond our borders,”
Thursday’s opening remarks were predictably doom-laden, with His Royal Highness Charles III and UN Secretary-General António Guterres falling into a traditional good cop/bad cop hustle.
Charlie warned that we are embarking on a “vast, frightening experiment”, asking “how dangerous are we actually prepared to make our world?”
While Tony offered just the barest, thinnest slice of hope to world leaders:
It is not too late […] You can prevent planetary crash and burn. We have the technologies to avoid the worst of climate chaos – if we act now.”
The rest of the two weeks will doubtless be committed to lobbyists, bankers, royals and politicians deciding exactly how they are going to “act”. Or, more accurately, how they are going to sell their pre-agreed actions to their cattle-like populations.
They are literally telling us their plans, all we have to do is listen.
For example, Friday and Saturday were given over to the “World Climate Action Summit”, at which over 170 world leaders pledged support for Agenda 2030.
The COP28 website proudly boasts about it:
On 1 and 2 December, 176 world leaders gathered for the World Climate Action Summit (WCAS), signaling a new era of climate action on the road to 2030.
That would be 176 global leaders out of roughly 195 countries, so they have over 90 per cent of the world covered.
Among the agreements and pledges signed at the summit so far is the “Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action”. Which, according to the BBC, pledges to:
take aim at planet-warming food”
We’ve all played this game long enough to know what that means, haven’t we?
It means no more meat and dairy, and a lot more bugs and GMO soy cubes.
They never say that, of course. In fact, they never mention any specific foods or practices at all [you can read the whole declaration here].
Instead, they just use phrases like “orient policies [to] reduce greenhouse gas emissions”, or “shifting from higher greenhouse gas-emitting practices to more sustainable production and consumption approaches”
Maintaining plausible deniability via vague language is part of the dance, but anyone paying attention knows exactly what they are talking about.
It doesn’t stop there. World leaders have also agreed to establish a “loss and damage fund”, a 430 million dollar resource for developing countries that need to “recover” after being “damaged” by climate change.
Ajay Banga, head of noted charitable organisation the World Bank, is all in favour of the idea and will be supporting the plan by agreeing to “pause” debt repayments from any government impacted by climate change.
We know how this works, we saw the same thing in the IHR amendments following Covid – it’s a bribe pool. One that serves to both further the narrative of climate change and instruct policy in the third world. Any developing nation’s government that wants a slice of that pie will have to publicly talk about all the negative impacts climate change has on their country.
At the same time, to get the money, they will almost certainly have to agree to “adopt climate-friendly policies” and/or submit their climate policies to an “independent panel of experts” appointed by the UN.
Right on cue, the President of Kenya has already spoken up:
In eastern Africa, catastrophic flooding has followed the most severe drought the region has seen in over 40 years…A tendency to ignore Africa’s developmental and industrial needs is no longer a tenable position…Turning Africa into a green powerhouse is not just essential for the continent, it is also vital for global industrialisation and decarbonisation.”
…you can almost see the dollar signs in his eyes.
Alongside the food pledge and loss fund, we have the Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge, which aims to increase reliance on “green energy”. Over 120 countries signed that one.
And then there’s the Global Methane Pledge, which has been signed by 155 governments as well as 50 oil companies.
These companies represent around half the world’s oil production, and just want to help the planet, they have no financial stake in this situation at all.
There’s the smaller Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace, which was signed by only 70 countries (and 39 NGOs). That one emphasizes the link between war and carbon emissions and aims to “boost financial support for climate resilience in war-torn and fragile settings”, whatever that means in real terms I’m not sure.
And, of course, 124 countries (including the EU and China) have signed the inevitable ‘Declaration on Climate and Health’.
It is funded to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars from donors such as the Rockefeller Foundation, and supposedly aims to:
better leverage synergies at the intersection of climate change and health to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of finance flows.”
…which might be the worst sentence anyone has ever written.
I’ve written about the agenda behind linking climate change to public health enough for one lifetime. You can read a deeper analysis of the topic here, here and here…and here and here and here.
All this is going to culminate in what they call the “Global Stocktake”. Essentially this is a mid-term report for the Paris Agreements, which can be “leveraged to accelerate ambition in their next round of climate action plans due in 2025”.
Whatever “leveraged to accelerate ambition” turns out to mean, you can be sure all of the attending governments will happily comply.
That includes every government in NATO, the European Union and BRICS by the way.
That includes the USA and China. That includes Russia and Ukraine.
That includes Israel…and Palestine.
Sure there’s a frisson of animosity being reported, with some delegations storming out of meetings with the Israelis, but basically, even victim and perpetrators of genocide can apparently sink their irreconcilable differences to agree to pretend that climate change is a real problem.
It’s basically covid all over again.
We know, just like Covid, the official narrative of climate change is a lie.
We know, just like Covid, climate change is being used as an excuse to usher in massive social control and global governance.
And we know, just like Covid, almost every world government on both sides of every divide is backing it.
Even if they don’t always agree, even if they are happy to kill each other’s citizens in large numbers, they are all on board the same globalist gravy train, all going in the same direction to the same destination, and it has never been more obvious.
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“President of Brazil”.
What a joke.
A semi-conscious, illiterate old puppet of socialist/globalist masters, a ex-conman who should be the rest of his miserable life in prison for corruption and treason to Brazilian people, a ‘walking licquor-pudding bastard’ to say the least. An useful idiot re-routed to presidency only to advance this evil Agenda, specially when it comes to selling the Amazon forest to his masters disguising as planet savers.
Inversion. Always. The ‘father of poors’ spending millions and carrying hundreds of bootlickers to ‘advocate’ on climate.
And this very strawman has ‘cried’ when talking about that.
A disgrace to humanity.
“These companies represent around half the world’s oil production, and just want to help the planet, they have no financial stake in this situation at all.”
They want to help the planet in the sense of providing oil for everybody that requires it. And let’s face it, oil is still required for the vast majority of transport.
As for financial stake, oil gets traded in the international markets. They do have a financial stake, but they can’t do an awful lot to change the prices of oil, except by banding together into a cartel. Which they could well be doing in COP28. But since the OPEC exists already, it’s hard to argue that it would be making things worse. It’s either having one cartel that sets the prices, or having two competing ones, which hopefully would be keeping each other somewhat honest.
Then, peak oil production looks like it may have arrived in 2018. So they may not have an awful lot of scope to throttle supply without destroying the world economy. And if that’s the case, then climate change could be at least partially solved because some emissions are simply impossible to generate.
They could all be going to COP28 just to admit to each other exactly how bad is the energy mess we are in.
Peak oil was always a lie propagated by the oil industry and the “green-globalist” eugenicist crowd to justify high prices and eventual “de-carbonisation”
Do you have suggestion where I can find more info in this?
If low-lying areas are supposedly going to be inundated by rising sea levels in the next ten years, why are banks still giving 30 year loans on waterfront mansions?
Do such people need loans?
Because the banks know. Contrary to those who believe and hope.
And actuaries, they aren’t hiking premiums because they know too 😅
Mining coal is bad, but children mining cobalt, copper, lithium and nickel is doubleplusgood?
So Barry O, Gore, Zelensky, Winfrey etc etc can buy them all up. Sea levels have not risen. Here in Cornwall its very simple to see by looking at ancient harbour walls still in use that show the high tide marks over hundreds of years, its not changed. Our ancestors knew far more than we do about nature and how to live within its confines. Common sense and logic are traits now sadly lacking, certainly within the UK, where the hard of learning believe what they are told to believe.
THATS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS, CO2 is the most profitable fake together with corona
“ climate change is being used as an excuse to usher in massive social control and global governance.
Just because this is possibly true, does not mean that man-made climate destruction is not a reality. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that it is happening. It’s beyond the bounds of credibility that they are part of a giant conspiracy. Yes, climate change has happened before, many times, but never over the course of one or two centuries – usually thousands or even tens thousands of years were required. Our input is the only plausible explanation for the change.
It seems to me that most climate change denial is driven by selfishness – don’t want to give up eating meat, don’t want to be bothered getting out of our cars to walk for ten minutes, don’t want to give up flying abroad for a three day holiday.
Well, here’s the news – you who can lay claim to the above resources are in the top ten to fifteen percent of planetary incomes. You and I are almost identical to the billionaires who don’t want to give up their max-polluting private jets, wife and five mistresses, 50 room mansions etc.
Most of the population of the world don’t eat meat every day, don’t have private transport and are lucky to live in two rooms. But they all aspire to our standard of living. Unfortunately there are not enough resources in the world for this to happen, and even with the small number of mostly western people who have this standard we are driving much of the natural world into extinction.
The corollary is that we will have to give up much of what we presently have, if we have any interest in fairness to our fellow humans, and the welfare of the planetary ecology.
Absolute pseudoscience nonsense.
1 – we simply do not have enough data about past climate, particularly the type of micro-cycles and changes we are currently witnessing, to have even the slightest idea how speedily they “normally” occur
2 – we have recent examples of very fast climate shifts – ie the Medieval Warm Period and the subsequent Little Ice Age (which is just ending). The MWP took only decades to emerge and lasted a few hundred years. The LIA had a similar profile. It started in the later medieval period and began to wane just over 100 years ago. The warming we have experienced is that process in action.
Why? If the MWP and the LIA could happen without our input why can’t the latter end without our input?
I don’t think you realize how massively complex and poorly understood climate cycles really are.
Do you realize for example that we are living in an interglacial in the middle of an ice age? That global temps have been much higher than this for 80% of the earth’s existence? That polar ice caps have not existed at all through most of earth history?
Do you understand that if the interglacial ends and the ice sheets start to advance again that really will threaten human survival in a way a few degrees of warming simply can’t.
1) – we do – do some research.
2) – the climate shifts you quote are nowhere near the scale of the present climate changes – again, do some real research.
I don’t think you realize how massively complex and well understood climate cycles really are.
This sort of nitwittery is typical of deniers – surface detail, poor analysis, prejudiced answers.
1 – We have semi-accurate info on climate fluctuation for the past 150 years give or take.
Beyond that we have human anecdote.
Beyond that we have only what can be gleaned from ice core samples, tree ring samples and the fossil record.
Pls explain how we obtain detailed information about precise rates of past warming/cooling from any of these sources.
And it shifted from that exceptional warm period to the LIA in about a century.
In fact some think the LIA began almost overnight with a series of bad summers and poor harvests in the 14th century.
The same scoundrels who faked the hockey stick have been trying to eradicate awareness of the MWP and the LIA because it ruins their narrative
Yep. You would be a fool to buy in to the United Nations nonsense. When they say the majority of scientists, they mean the majority of scientists on the UN payroll who were specifically hired to engineer just such a scenario through data manipulation. Then they try and bully us into submission with “rocket scientists” from NASA spewing nonsense data. Plain as day. Propaganda.
Oatmeal brained Jesus Joe has been buffaloed into believing he is saving the world from an “existential threat” when, in reality, he IS the existential threat.
Just the other day, a not-as-good-a-friend as he used to be, called to talk. Still defending getting vaxxed while ignoring all the new data which is everywhere.
He, apparently, read an article about carbon to initiate refuting my position that accelerated photosynthesis may stabilize carbon but water vapor in the atmosphere through evapotranspiration has increased because of the accelerated photosynthesis. Given that carbon gas concentrations are minuscule and water vapors are already the predominant gas in the atmosphere, that scenario is physically impossible given that the amount of acceleration is directly proportional to the carbon increase which would make the water vapor increases minuscule. (Taking a break to breath.)
The concept that most of the world is covered by water which is constantly cycling into and out of the atmosphere at a massive scale did not seem to sink in.
Anyway that’s the latest for one climate-screamer-who-cannot-accept-data-that-conflicts-with-the-narrative.
Another argument being touted is the expansion of the atmosphere.
Gotta dig to be ready to assist with shoving the feet of screamers into their mouths. Might be a good idea to keep a box of old “shoes” “in your trunk” in those situations where more “shoes” are needed.
I’m with Tilly. We don’t know much about climate change / variation, but it’s pretty obvious that the alarmism is curated, up to and including the ‘most scientists agree’ part (it should be ‘most scientists relying on government or corporate funding’ agree). Yeah – we’ve got tons of problems, most stemming from psychopathic and not very bright ‘leadership’.
As for the ‘we have to give up most of what we currently have’, I’m sure you’ve noticed that the people spearheading this BS have no intention of giving up squat. I, personally, wouldn’t mind foregoing the expense of a car, but the oh-so-concerned people telling me I have to give mine up are making zero effort to create viable public transport (which would be a great practical start to curbing transportation emissions). They also don’t seem to be on board with sustainable organic farming (tough to hand out dividends to shareholders and pay idiotically high C-suite salaries if you don’t produce food the corporate way).
Between highly suspect (if not obvious BS) consensus science (every stupid belief of the past was at one point by consensus) as well as how every proposal either doesn’t interfere with profit, or replaces one profit stream with another, leaves me totally not on board with any of this. The psychos don’t want anybody taking space on their pristine planet except themselves and a few handy employees / slaves – even while it’s their own activities that are causing the damage. To get me on board, the first step is to dock the mega yachts, ground the personal fleets, break up the tens of thousands of feet squared mansions into reasonably-sized condos, make companies pay for the environmental damage they wreak (there’s a long list of obvious hypocrisies) and only then will I seriously consider the possibility that this isn’t just a power and wealth-grabbing scam.
Everyone apart from some deranged boomer hippies, and some young female university students (the guys mostly go along thinking they’ll get laid), can see that man made climate change is full of contradictions because it’s simple make believe. The newest money making and power grabbing scheme, as well as theatre and another false cause to believe in, for some even a false religion.
The rest, who repeat the mantras and pretend to believe it, do it just like with covid, to advance in their careers, to get in on the money schemes, to sound clever and up to date, or simply to fit in and follow the trends.
The amazing thing is how many willingly participate in the lie even when they know it is a lie.
“man-made climate destruction...The overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree”
Stopped reading right there. Won’t waste precious time reading silly sheeple posts like this.
Excellent piece Kit
I do not see other countries, i.e., Thailand, Cambodia etc., cutting back on meat. This is just a Western wish list of psychology control.
Off g acting like MSM with a tiny bite of alt,
isnt this??? like discussing covid without mentioning the vaccine.!!!
theses lines in the sky Kit.????
maybe sweetie, get that water purifer asap added to the shop and your household (you did think fluoride had only recently been added to the U.K water supply as of last year) holy moly!
Lines in the sky Kit. wakey wakey,
That snow that appeared on the day of advent which moved the focus from Gaza killing to snow frost is basic truther entrance level knowledge.
Matt Landman – Frankenskies
Snow in December? Incredible.
You’re obviously 77th trying to make Truthers sound like irrational nutcases
Great video.
I always thought it was odd that none of them (pseudy alt media types) ever discussed 5G or chemtrails or even animal testing.
Migrants, cop26, agenda fear porn 21 and migrants hotels and the Poor and they love trannies they cannot stop writing about that
Clearly the ads on the site using frilly Jorden got her knickers in a twist about the lines in the sky.
Some cant see them.
China’s crackdown on Billionaires is contrary to Western Values.
Same applies to Putin jailing Oligarchs.
Globalists! expel these Dictators!
Oh give it up Nick. China is run by billionaires just like the West. The same billionaires mostly. Xi isn’t cracking down on billionaires (he IS a fucking billionaire), he’s smacking down rivals.
China and Russia are 100% on board with Agenda 2030. No amount of Matt Ehret style avoidance and bullshittery can change that.
The difference:
In China and Russia the government smacks down billionaires and the economy improves.
In the EU$A billionaires smack down the government and the economy deteriorates.
Russia is topping the world list over billionaires compared to inhabitants.
The “cracking down” on television is good cop for the sheeple. Average Joe was hoping but cheated again.
nr 2 on that list is …..Sweden!
I’m just so sick of all those phoney lying bastards giving the knee to Global Usury. I note the World Bank is “suspending” debt repayments- how unutterably generous of them!
This is misleading or even fake news, the suspension is of the ability to acquire future loans until the past debt is repaid.
Here it is, the most recent world bank information,
The citizens are sick alright, of gvt intervention into private affairs.
But if they cant get their hands on new loans to pay back their ol’ loans, the bad guys are making poor and innocent countries poorer,
Because they can never pay back their loans if they dont get more loans and new loans to buy new Mercedes Benz’es 😩 😢
Odd the military and its word wide pollution is never mentioned. The whole thing is BS.
Bombings and war is green friendly.
They’ve even got the carbon neutral logo
We are the carbon they seek to reduce, so war must be good.
16 out of 650 MPs turned up at UK Parliament to hear expert testimony regarding the Covid pandemic (cough)
Having watched Mike Yeadon’s testimony, it’s no wonder those hypocritical shits of MPs were too craven to hear the truth, they can continue to pretend ignorance. The entire senior medical class are guilty of murder or failure to report it.
It was at least as obvious in the run-up to COP15 (Copenhagen, 2009) – and probably more so. Moreover, there was no obvious counter force of any significant weight. That counter eventually appeared in the form of the “Climategate” release of CRU emails – which completely derailed the COP15 agenda. Given the importance of this release in saving humanity from the Globalist hell-on-earth which was about to be initiated, it’s reasonable to conclude that it was not some lone whistleblower (who still remains unknown). Instead, it was a military-grade psywar operation – and my guess is indicated below.
The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as the Copenhagen Summit, was held at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between 7 and 18 December. The conference included the 15th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the 5th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties (CMP 5) to the Kyoto Protocol. According to the Bali Road Map, a framework for climate change mitigation beyond 2012 was to be agreed there.[2]
On Friday 18 December, the final day of the conference, international media reported that the climate talks were “in disarray”.[3][4][5] Media also reported that in lieu of a summit collapse, only a “weak political statement” was anticipated at the conclusion of the conference.[6][7] The Copenhagen Accord was drafted by the United States, China, India, Brazil and South Africa on 18 December, and judged a “meaningful agreement” by the United States government. It was “taken note of”, but not “adopted”, in a debate of all the participating countries the next day, and it was not passed unanimously. The document recognised that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the present day and that actions should be taken to keep any temperature increases to below 2 °C. The document is not legally binding and does not contain any legally binding commitments for reducing CO2 emissions.[8]
The Climatic Research Unit email controversy (also known as “Climategate”)[2][3] began in November 2009 with the hacking of a server at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) by an external attacker,[4][5] copying thousands of emails and computer files (the Climatic Research Unit documents) to various internet locations several weeks before the Copenhagen Summit on climate change.
In this article, the source describing the Russian position came from The Moscow Times.
As COP28 Kicks Off, Russia Seeks to Assert Its Role in Global Climate Fight – The Moscow Times
Here is what Wikispooks states about The Moscow Times.
” The Moscow Times is an English-language online newspaper based in Moscow. It owned by Dutch publishers and is partially financed by the Dutch government, a fact that is often reflected in geopolitical questions….”
Moscow Times – Wikispooks
” The Moscow Times is owned by Dutch publishers and financed by the Dutch government …”
…. which is owned by Royal Dutch Shell.
Some of the present plus past leaders of RDS and the other organisations they belong to !
Shell/Leadership – Wikispooks
It’s about time the climate fearmongers were honest with us and themselves about the non stop geoengineering eg cloud seeding and chemtrails, manipulation of the weather with ionespheric heaters *Haarp*.
Actually water vapour is the biggest greenhouse gas at 96% why is that never mentioned?
Get your coat, come on out…
Hehe ☔
Maybe, but the fact is that there is no more water on earth than there ever has been so probably not a problem.
UN voting pattern reveals a major Global split: “The West” (which includes Australia) in Red vs The Rest (coloured Green).
L’Ancien Regime is now struggles to maintain its privileged position. But by excluding Russia while accepting Japan, hauteur has ensured the EU$A’s downfall.
Rich Brat: “Daddy gave me a golf club for my birthday; a very exclusive golf club. I held a successful membership drive; drove away most of the members.” — Old U$ radio joke.
Brat should not have been joking about the biggest disaster of our end times. He should have done something about it. Acted.
One example of these “green agreements ” for my country Greece, took place last weekend in COP28
Your country supposedly has a sustainable form of green energy, the rest of us, not so much.
Mitsotaks is #WEF has a book on his desk, ghastly man from a political family
Usual Greek corruption. You had the chance to take the hand from Russia and be more independent but made choice of being long term slaves to EU, Germany, US, because of the bribes. Its was a choice.
So according to your oppinion the corruption has a nationality?!
Depopulation – it’s what the people want:
And what “The Science” wants. But you knew that anyway!
more so in Christian conservative run countries.
Children cost on the excel sheet, suck time and energy out of you, vomit on your shoulder, and there is always the problem with baby sitting, 3 wheelers, grown out winter boots.
The Liberals in my country made a calculation that 1 child cost $300 000 hard sweaty bucks average over a childs life time of 20 years…..on the excel sheet.
With 3 children this is close to $1 million saved bucks over 20 years.
Imagine what a person could do with these $1 million for MY life, MY exceptional personality and my personal private Hollywood movie. 🙄
Potentially 7 years in jail for speaking truth to power.
Whilst the Covid criminals, culpable for the deaths of millions and many more maimed carry on as if nothing has happened..
“the worst sentence anyone has ever written”.
Thank you for the much needed laugh out loud, Kit.
I read that sentence three times, picturing an intersection with arrowed signs of a cow farting (climate change) and a big syringe (optimal health).
And the giant billboard with a big big bank.
I really enjoy your writing.
Must go back and read this again.
It truly is Alice through the Looking Glass.
I followed a link from the article and found:
“The Associated Press announced today it will significantly expand its climate coverage, creating a standalone desk that will enhance the global understanding of climate change and its impact across the world.”
“The expansion is supported by several philanthropic organizations, including the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation,Quadrivium and The Rockefeller Foundation. AP retains complete editorial control of all content.”
Complete editorial control…..yeah, indeed.
Next article is brilliant example how rationality is swept away by belonging to a cult.
Climate change hits women’s health harder. Activists want leaders to address it at COP28 (emphasize my)
“Manju Devi suffered in pain for two months last year as she worked on a farm near Delhi, unable to break away from duties that sometimes had her standing for hours in the waist-deep water of a rice paddy, lifting heavy loads in intense heat and spraying pesticides and insecticides.
As far as I understand rice farming, rice paddies are not waist-deep (but who nowadays read with comprehension).
“The doctors’ verdict: Devi had suffered a prolapsed uterus and would need a hysterectomy.”
““I endured excruciating pain for months, scared to speak about it publicly. It shouldn’t take a surgical procedure to make us realize the cost of increasing heat,”
Not heavy loads, heat is the culprit.
““With the rise in pest attacks in farms, we have started using more than three times pesticides and fertilizers in our farms and without any safety gears my hand got burned by the chemicals and one of my fingers had to be amputated,” she said.”
She didn’t have any protective gear because of climate change?????
Probably she didn’t have it because they are so dirty poor that every penny counts. Might also be ignorance, I see a lot of that in my working environment where protective gear is frequently needed if you care about yourself. Still, many guys don’t use it.
“…prioritize awareness programs that emphasize the specific health challenges women face in the wake of climate change as a critical step towards increasing public knowledge.”
What about awareness programs that heavy lifting isn’t healthy particularly for women and that poisons must be handled with protective gear. I mean, if one sincerely care for people.
Briefly reading the above article it came to my mind: Who on earth can read such articles, they are an insult to any thinking being.
My complaint as always is that the “The Globalist Agenda” that you guys make out is something new, smells a lot like the continuation of US capitalist imperial hegemony.
Maybe if you guys weren’t so averse to understanding the basics or Marxist international theory you’d see that this is nothing at all new.
It’s just a desperate attempt at the continuation of Western capitalist domination.
You can read Immanuel Wallerstein’s 20 page essay explaining the history of our world capitalist economy, its neoimperial structure, and the probable soon demise of US hegemony below. page 86
I’ve also got a genuine question, how do we do ANYTHING about the destruction of our ecosystem if it’s all a big scam by capital.
I know you think climate change is nonsense, but Lula for example, can see massive habitat destruction.
How does this critique of the UN/ global ‘climate change’ planning not give them a blank cheque to do exactly nada to stop our pollution and destruction of our own ecosystem?
What’s the way out, what’s the plan??
Off-G is not a party. It is a journalistic site. It is not its job to “have a plan.” And I would venture that most readers know that the Globalist Agenda is not “new” either. After all the globalists have been around for over 100 years at least. And indeed, as long time Off-G contributor CJ Hopkins says, it’s not communism that got us to this point, it’s capitalism.
It’s just a fear porn fest eh?
Journalists can’t make suggestions how we could mitigate the effects of what’s happening, or think about fighting back?
It’s a reductive view, but that’s the name of the game here. Its all monocausal explanations and directionless panic
I do like CJ Hopkins
Everyone should have a plan.
“Everybody has a plan until they get a punch in the face”. (Mike Tyson).
“A plan dont exist that cannot be smashed with hammer”. (my Grandpa)l
All right, I will answer Sebba’s question. The way out is destruction, massive destruction………….LOL.
Nothing beats destruction. Destruction always win! This is THE plan.
The planet earth is in no immediate danger; it is we, the human race, that the globalists are destroying. What we need to be doing is stopping the globalists from doing anything whatsoever. In fact, we need to get rid of them, if possible.
I mean, we do have a bit of a party in the comments section, I can’t lie (you seem to be having a laugh at least), but no, Offg is not, in fact, a party. Just for the record. Perhaps you feel we’re not journalists either, and you’re entitled to your opinion, but we’re trying our best, bless us 😅
Feel free to link to your journalism of choice, btw. Let’s see if everyone agrees with you. A2
OffG publishes articles, occasional interviews, videos. It is a site where the unheard can see that they are not alone, and compare notes. In some ways it is a magnet for individualists, in other ways it’s a sort of anti-party, deriving from the antipathy of those who have understood politics all too well. And some who have misunderstood.
That’s my sixpence worth.
We should avoid name calling. All these communism, capitalism, Elite, Deep State do just confuse.
But we can say the evil forces come from the Finance world, City of London and they use Leftists as atheistic useful idiots to carry out their sick agenda.
All great art and science are made of deep religious personalities. (Newton as one example).
Capitalism as label cant explain Cheka and endless miles and miles of dirty gray concrete high buildings with washed clothe hanging out to dry everywhere and dirty concrete children’s playground in the previous atheistic Sovjet.
The first thing the Russian’s did after the Wall was to become members of the Orthodox church:
“Now I am no more a Sovjet Communist zero but an individual person, a Russian.”
“It’s just a desperate attempt at the continuation of Western capitalist domination.”
Most of the areas coloured Red (in the Linked map) used to be similarly coloured in my childhood: Red or Pink for an “Empire on which the Sun never sets”). “The West” (which has now gained West Europe but lost Asia and Africa) is still very much the old British Empire now called Five Eyes, still hanging on with its teeth like the bulldog which used to be its mascot.
The PTB want you to understand that it is not “our” environment. Through UN, governments are handing it over to the “stake-holders”.
Israel is doing its bit to stop climate change , all its prisons in future will run on renewable energy and its tanks will run on EV batteries produced by Tesla , all its missiles will be at least 50% recycled materials
Not to mention all the “useless eaters” they’ve been eliminating.
Israel (am I allowed to use that name) must be the highest contributor to world pollution at the moment whilst doing the WEF etc a favour of depopulation. Their carbon boot print is outstripping China by a long chalk. You could not make this climate bollocks up but they did.
lets not forget Ukraine an Israeli ally , fact is that on an individual level there is almost nothing ordinary people can do , the planet is supposed to have 7 billion people and most pollutioon is caused by the type of people who attend COP summits , somehow the rich are trying to get the poor to pay for their lifestyle , what concerns me is how many regular people buy this nonsense no questions asked
Totally agree.
Even if it tried, Israel could not come anywhere near the ongoing undeclared consumption, emission and devastation of the US military – even on slow days.
maybe but the US tends to fight wars that have been created on its behalf by Israel
Its a leftist’s trick.
The do-gooder trying to wake up ordinary families that free abortion, lgbt is good, the clima (weather) is bad and dangerous and create anger by pointing at a 1m thick armed concrete wall the multi-nationals, the scapegoat they cant fight.
I attended a council run neto zero event and noticed the total lack of any debate , everybody was on message with the we must urgently do something line , saving the planet etc etc etc , after the meeting I had a chat with two of the climate change people who were totally unaware of what percentage of CO2 was in the atmosphere ( according to wikipedia) one guessed 70% and the other 20% the actual answer is 0.04% and we are all supposed to turn our lives upside down because of this , i will send links to two videos about 15 minute cities agenda but its obvious to me that the people who are pushing climate change do not even understand the basic facts and are simply being told its true and paid to push it
As Corbett pointed out on a recent NWNW, they create a client class whose livelihoods depend on one of their scams and then the thing becomes self-running.
It’s part of how the whole system works.
exactly people get paid to promote lies and then they have a financial interest in promoting them
I watched that Corbett episode with James Evan Pilato yesterday.
Very good episode. New World Next Week.
Corbett is good , however he seems too carefree , something seems odd
I don’t get that impression at all.
I’ve been reading his site since 2015. I’ve learned a lot.
And it’s his interview with Kit Knightly that alerted me to offguardian.
I think he does great work. Don’t always agree with him, but I think he’s the real deal.
He is definitely NOT the ‘gym-bunny’ version, and obviously wants us to think he is a guitar player.
yeah i am not a fan of the bookcase in the background look . even so i cannot fault his content . its just that he does not talk like a marked man
That is why I gave up watching ‘tell=lie=vision’ in 1986
i made a re upload of your video with slides
No problem, I do them for people to see/hear. You can credit me for my work though.
There are at least 20 ‘Covid Songs’ at the top of my (videos) channel. Plus this at the beginning of it. I’ve been unable to write for the last year or so.
‘The Chinese Takeaway,’
i sent that video to Jacqui Deevoy but she simply acknowledged seeing it , i am a targeted guy so redirecting to your channel will probably result in troll activity so not any use i am afraid
I am blocked from commenting on my own videos, and all the rest on YT. And the BBC don’t let me anywhere near them. Other sites have dropped me if I tell them about the BBC. They love you one minute, then totally ignore you. You get used to it.
‘Ashamed and disgusted with the BBC. ‘ (2016)
its very isolating , somehow one has to put up with it , people are trained to consider truth seekers as oddballs and malcontents , its a heavy burden
Well, aren’t we? I mean, a commitment to the truth wherever it may lead is rare enough to qualify as ‘odd’, and I seriously doubt any of us here could be described as content with the current system, so I guess we are oddball malcontents at heart.
Our new title is “terrorists”.
we are being programmed
now you watch you tube rumble and alt media et et
= 1000000x more ‘tell=lie=vision’
not if you are selective and know how to decode , the truth is easy to find as long as you know what to look for , personally i find Propaganda of all types including subliminal easy to spot and the reason i monitor MSM is in order to work out what BS they are planning next
Quite agree, it’s worth pointing out and repeating to these halfwits that CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, humans produce only 4% of the total, the other 96% is naturally produced. Climate’s always changed and will always do so, tell them to stop the hand-wringing and disregard most of what they’ve read and remind them that there is no scientific consensus and that plenty of (silenced) scientists including Nobel prize winners refute these alarmist claims. For remedial groups or individuals, point out a plank or point to a table and ask what gives it its mass. Answer….atmospheric carbon. I saw a video clip where all the Harvard (law) graduates when asked the same question gave the answer that it comes from the soil. FFS, this is the basis of all life, how can the education system have so utterly faied?
One fascinating matter is the “new back projection” implied by the covid coup i.e. what the newly revealed unity of the media says about all that previous blather. The “New Age” verbiage seemed a harmless matter over previous decades. It was presented with a fluffy “green” cover – cutesy creatures and chilled out hippies. And all that “organic” foodstuff – which, on closer inspection, proved to be highly suspicious. I recently took my son to a “green” shop and was struck by the odd discrepancy between the “sustainable” and “locally produced” rhetoric and the shockingly excessive prices. Funny how this “practical” produce always seemed to require more money – obviously putting it out of the reach of the “undesirable” consumers and making clear its true consumer base: the affluent bourgeois.
But the true culmination of all this veggie waffle was the “back burner” option of “Planet” rhetoric whereby the latest incarnation of the ever needed verbal smokescreen is presented via a new theology where the place of God is taken by “The Earth”. And the deliberately confusing metaphysical jargon of the church is now replaced by endless tomes of pseudo-scientific “environmentalist” gish gallop.
Bullshit Man has his work cut out for him these days, that much is certain.
Very precise description 👏 .
“The notion of saving the planet has nothing to do with intellectual honesty or science. The fact is that the planet was here long before us and will be here long after us. The planet is running fine. What people are talking about is saving themselves and saving their middle-class lifestyles and saving their cash flow.”
― Lynn Margulis (1938-2011)
“saving their middle-class lifestyles”
One of the central goals of the climate scam is to destroy middle-class lifestyles and create a neo-feudal structure with robber barons at the top, serfs at the bottom and virtually no in-between.
Truthstream Media’s latest video drop is a must watch:
The American Dream Has Been Downsized into a Tiny Box
These “coffin pods” being built everywhere in the US are such a waste of natural resources because they are simply not livable spaces.
Let’s face it The PMC (professional managerial class) has failed after this 50-year experiment of letting the private class “govern”. FDR-style government that invested in its citizens and protected us from predatory capitalism is the answer. Fiscal policy for public purpose works, not corporate fascism.
“In a libertarian society, there is no commons or public space. There are property lines, not borders. When it comes to real property and physical movement across such real property, there are owners, guests, licensees, business invitees, and trespassers — not legal and illegal immigrants.”
~ Jeff Deist, president of the Mises Institute
So, end nation-states, borders, constitutional rights, environmental protections, freedom of movement, citizenship itself. Humanity deserves much better.
Well said; that’s FDR & The New Deal in a nutshell:
“Fiscal policy for public purpose works, not corporate fascism”.
as an ex homeless street sleeper I would have loved such a home , its ok for single people . better than a carboard box , by the way George Carlin did a fantastic skit on why we need homes
Everybody paying tickets and showing Corona passports to bypass or guest someone’s property? 😖
I thought Mises Institute was a little wiser than that.
In all new ideas people avoid with all means to see the big elephant in the room: Usury loans.
How can anyone look at the history of lies and skulduggery underpinning the global warming/climate change narrative and not realise it’s a scam?
They don’t know the history of lies and skullguggery – mention the Club of Rome and they get that glazed-eyes panicky look.
The MSM right now are leading with Mary Robinson’s pronouncements on “fossil fuels”. How many know Robinson’s husband was the second highest Freemason in Ireland? I was in a UK supermarker this morning and there was a magazine about health immunity by the till with the most laughable all-seeing eye symbol on the front.
They all still think this won’t really impact on them and it’ll be other people whose lives will be transformed.
I guess the same way they look at the last four years and not realise the same.
Or the last four thousand for that matter.
The millennium question. Thousands of analysis have been made latest under and after the Corona scam. In some way I see it as a ladder.
When you are 4 years old you believe in the big guys 6 years old who tells you 2 apples + 2 apples are 7 apples. They must know it since they are double age as you.
When you get 8 years old you realize both the 4 years old and the 6 years old are under aged babies who dont know a shit about the world.
You are now among the adults as you now know 2 apples + 2 apples are 4 apples, and you become arrogant and under no circumstances you will waste you time playing with babies as you are now among the big guys who walk to school, and kindergarten is below your level.
This ladder continues, you believe in the big boys at 12 years old, 16 years old, and then believe in experts and so on, and you are wrong all the time until you have made yourself acquainted with universal basics and know thy self.
Its not difficult. People just froze somewhere on this ladder.
Transgender really has come on in 7 years!
What is good for the proper goose is good for the
chicken little
The next Ice Age is waiting in the wings, but at least we know how to fight it.
More farts?
Oh wow. I can’t believe what I’m reading…It must be parody! Surely?!?
Its real. Thats why we have underground parking.
You go from office directly into your comfortable car and read the transport route on a small screen, directly into your inside garage, and into mommy.
Avoid the awful outside world by any means.
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” Maybe more like a foul fart than pure wind with that sample gobbledygook above, but all the BS took me back to Orwell’s Politics and the English Language:
From your Link, Orwell complains:
“Some metaphors now current have been twisted out of their original meaning without those who use them even being aware of the fact. For example, toe the line is sometimes written as tow the line.”
Though I wince every time I see “tow”, it must be acknowledged that a few English speakers may have put their “toe” to “the line” in a game of Tug-of-War nowadays, but many more have seen a vehicle “towed” with a “line”.
The first thing that needs to happen to help the planet is to stop all wars. While this may seem obvious, the climate-doom narrative generally doesn’t mention war as a contributing factor. It is implied that war is an inevitable and unavoidable activity for humans and is not up for discussion when there’s a whole planet to be saved. Perhaps smaller regional wars are a useful distraction while they prepare for the main attack which will be on all of us.
That last sentence. Absolutely.
If all members of any government that vote for war had to be the first to go into any action there would never be another war. Once again its all about compliant people that enable all these money making scams. I would love to see arms manufacturers and dealers also joining them, oh, and nearly forgot the bankers.
War is about 20-50% (depending on the country) of the economy, and “health care” due war or modernity is 5-10%. That is the “free market” and capitalism.
Even climate change believers have stopped taking the COPs seriously. They’ve realised they are just another party for the rich, and another subject of conversation for the media. Some of them are even beginning to smell a rat.
Not sure this non-event is worth noticing.
The real agenda, not the faux green bullshit, is very much worth noticing.
What is important from this idiotic Elite event is the message that all finance streams will be directed to this green bs.
If you dont jump, you cant get bribes and anything financed.
I’m not a believer that it’s hoomins fault,
but then, i’m not a scientist…
How Livestock Farming Benefits The Planet (22:10):
Eating Less Meat Wont Save The Planet (23:11):
I really hope we have had enough of this insulting pageantry and will soon take to the streets. Still waiting.
Please do not come on here just to offload. Every single comment from you today has been negative and snide. Sure, by all means critique, but as adults we have a choice to do so constructively or obstructively. Process your negativity, don’t offload it. Thanks, A2
The primary reason nobody takes to the streets is that nobody is starving and only starving people every truly riot. Disgruntled young non-starving people sometimes gather and run riot, but it’s not a real riot if they’re only there to meet other young people or to loot shoe stores.
The secondary reason that nobody takes to the streets is that the streets are infested with cameras. The Canadian government’s reaction to the trucker’s protest was perfectly, bone-chillingly efficient. If you protest in an even marginally effective way, your bank account will be frozen and you will be instantly transformed into that annoying dirt-bag who begs his friends and family for money until nobody takes his calls. Trudeau got some bad press for implementing this trial run with old-fashioned laws, so the responsibility to freeze finances was quietly passed to private corporations, like everything else, and is now simply a feature of life. We are inescapably imprisoned by our savings accounts.
As long as we depend on money, we will be marionettes. What we need is a mutual support network that exists outside of the financial system entirely. We need to pledge our support, in real terms, to fellow dissidents — to promise them a room in our house if their bank access if blocked. What’s more, we need to promise them a community that’s better than the one they lost access to through protest. We need to know that this option is there for us as well, to know that life can’t be pinched off in an instant if our features are detected in a video feed. We need to suspect that it might even get better.
All the more reason for the manipulators to uproot small farmers and traditional villages, and to push urbanisation.
Shout-out to the organizers and promoters of the “Covid Derangement Syndrome” nonsense for finally waking me up regarding “climate change.” Prior to covid I pretty much unwittingly seemed to read materials that ended up supporting the so called “climate science” and I somehow simply accepted the contention that the “science” was somehow “settled” on climate change. Covid caused me to from here out “question” literally EVERYTHING being promoted from any official source – and I now read the peer reviewed science myself, question it’s conflicts of interest and motivations, and make my own decisions. I’m still looking for the peer reviewed “science” that demonstrates the official climate change narrative – so far no luck.
Just like covid it does not exist.
I just watched How to Become a Cult Leader narrated and produced by Peter Dinklage. The methodology is (not) surprisingly similar to the tactics used by the PMC (professional managerial class) trying to convince the world that Technocracy’s green agenda is beneficial to people and planet.
I think fewer people are as susceptible today than they were just a few decades ago. Scientism is seen for what it is, just another religious indoctrination program. The bribed psychophants should be most wary to trust an international criminal cabal who disregard life as so blatantly on display today. They are fools to think they would be exempt.
70k gather in Dubai -what a joke.The place is a crime against Nature.
Serious climate activists see COP28 as total deception. This was written by the blogger two years ago, about COP26 in Glasgow, he re-posted it today because it totally applies to COP28 as well.
“Needless to say I expect little of substance to result from this event. In fact, I am increasingly seeing this event as an expo for marketing of ‘green/clean’ energy products (and making sure most? all? countries pursue purchasing them) that do not address our fundamental predicament — ecological overshoot — of which greenhouse gases is but one negative consequence (and not even the worst). And, of course, all of this provides the justification to create trillions of more dollars out of thin air (the debt held by a variety of the ruling class) that will be funnelled towards specific industries (owned by others of the ruling class) while doing little to reduce actual consumption or ecologically-destructive extraction industries.
This is increasingly looking not like a problem that can be solved but a predicament that may at best be mitigated on the margins. One of the most significant dilemmas, however, appears to be the ‘solutions’ that are being bandied about also appear to be the ones that will simply make the situation worse: increasing technology and complexities in the form of ‘renewables’.
The evidence is accumulating quickly that ‘renewables’ (which aren’t really because they require lots of non-renewable, finite resources in perpetuity) are neither ‘green’, nor ‘clean’, nor ‘sustainable’. They require the fossil fuel platform at every level of their production, maintenance, and after-life disposal, and depend upon a variety of rare-earth minerals whose procurement wreak havoc on the environment. The entire ‘renewable’ narrative is appearing more and more like a sham meant primarily to market products and support business as usual than do anything about reducing our ecological destruction and carbon footprint (and keep in mind that our current debt/credit-based monetary/economic/financial systems are all predicated on growth in perpetuity — they will most certainly collapse without it).”
Well, if renewables are not sustainable as ways of retaining kWh/day per capita useage in the West and increasing it elsewhere, and the globalists know it, that might explain the poison death shots, i.e. to reduce the capita, as it were.
Now “the CIA dunnit” Knightly is wrong in dismissing Laurent Guyenot and M. Collins Piper in the JFK area,, so he can also be wrong in writing that the climate scam is a globalist hoax.
Because notwithstanding the clever science writer Chris Morrison over at the Daily Sceptic, there is climate data which cannot be booked under hoax:
I am tired of reading again and again that the current cold weather in the EU is proof that there is no global warming: the explanation of how increased precipitation (rain. snow) supports rather than refutes global warming is easy to find on the Net, if one wants to. Hint: it has to do with the 19th century equation whereby when a gas (air) warms by 1 C it holds 7% more water.
Btw, James Hansen went public with the C02 testimony already in 1988, and even the twenty-somethings in 2023 ought to realise that transnational capital was dead against the green agenda for decades, until, as I recall, the Stern Report made the FT change its tune from their journo Gideon Rachman sneering at Greens who wore woolly cardigans.
Seems to me that if Knightly is right to say that climate change is a globalist plot, then said globalists ought to have been publicly promoting it for much longer than they have. But no, it is a very recent thing, maybe 5 years old max.?
That is, .my current belief is that there is an emergency alright, it is just that the COP 28 Great and the Good are determined that they themselves are not going to pay the price.
After all, Judith Curry herself has never said there is no warming as I recall, merely that it is not as severe and fast as made out..
Globalists only figured out recently how to make money off it. And the warming is far more severe and fast than the ruling elite’s mass media are making it out to be, because it they told the truth, people would rebel, or at the very least not accept the green agenda.
But EFF JFK, and the entire Kennedy ruling class “alternative” slave masters, Bobby Jr is demonstrating where that family is coming from, pushing virus myths as well as the Zionist genocide project.
Globalists have been pushing the climate scam with absolute lies since the 1980s. It’s always been about the antihuman agenda rather than making money – but of course the money is a nice bonus when it happens
Since when was the UN from 1990 to about 5 years back equivalent to transnational capital, get real. The Memo of Understanding between UN and WEF dates from only mid-2019.
You clearly were not consuming Financial Times and Wall Street Journal in the 90s else you would have seen how hostile Capital was to UN that time.
regardless of the claims it is factually correct that there is very little that the average person can do and the cost of doing that is very high , it is far easier, far more logical and much much cheaper to simply adapt , a warmer world would if true be broadly beneficial as it would reduce the need for heating and is better for crop production , its proven that people tend to migrate from colder to warmer regions
Climate needs to be viewed on a very longterm perspective. If we do that it’s clear that fluctuations of temperature are normal and continuous. It’s also clear this planet has been much warmer than now for 80% of its existence.
Polar ice caps have not existed at all for most of earth history.
They exist now because we are living during a longterm Ice Age interspersed with interglacials when the ice retreats.
We are currently in such an interglacial which for the last few thousand years has seen the ice sheet retreat enough for the northern latitudes to be ice free.
However within this interglacial there are also minor and continuous fluctuations.
For example the planet has warmed slightly recently (nothing in the geological timescale) because we are coming out of a brief cooling spell called the Little Ice Age, which dropped global temps for five hundred years or so. It is however still colder than during the Medieval Warm Period.
Basically the more educated a person is about climate the more obvious it is that the whole climate change narrative is a pseudoscience scam aimed at gullible people .
The planet’s existence is not the same thing as human existence. The planet has not been this warm since Homo Sapiens Sapiens emerged as a species. And the rate of warming is unprecedented, too fast for species to adapt.
The rate of warming can’t be gauged as accurately as you suggest, surely, since mankind’s snippet of recorded time simply isn’t equivocal to the geological snippets delivered by the fossil record? This could be a blip that simply would not register in the fossil record. Perhaps it will proceed to get much worse, but it does serve to bear in mind, not much warming has in fact taken place, despite so many apocalyptic warnings to the contrary. We have also seen corresponding planetary greening, equivalent to a doubling of the Amazon rainforests in terms of leaf area since the 1980s, according to NASA. This isn’t reported very much, for some reason. Obviously this whole discussion is subject to the reliability/biases of the data we’re fed, however day-to-day experience, plus photographic records, show us that the world hasn’t changed all that much in 100+ years. We must be careful not to get caught up in a doomsday mindset, to ensure we stay objective. A2
how can any climate variations ever be measured given the extent of geoenginerring going on?
1 – It was warmer during the Medieval Warm Period than it is now.
Let’s repeat that – It was warmer during the Medieval Warm Period than it is now
2 – The exact ‘rate of warming’ in previous times can’t even be measured, so we have no idea whether there is anything unusual about the recent warming. It’s most likely just the LIA ending – another natural cycle and nothing to do with the minute change in atmospheric composition that may be happening due to human activity.
3 – We don’t even have an accurate measure of how much real global warming there has been. The use of satellite measurements in recent years has potentially skewed the data in favour of warming, as has the “urban heat island” effect present in many weather stations that were in rural settings 100 years ago but are now swallowed up in heat-generating towns. Very little effort has been made to factor in these issues when assessing current “global average temps”.
4 – The “danger” of so-called “catastrophic” runaway global warming is based on a totally unfounded assumption of positive climate feedback loops for which no evidence exists. On the contrary all evidence shows that climate self-regulates along highly complex and still poorly understood multifarious cycles of varying lengths.
5 – WE ARE IN AN ICE AGE. Sooner or later the current interglacial will likely end and the ice sheets will start advancing. This is a far greater threat to human survival than a warming of a degree or two.
I will try to post this,–rI_WYzv9i783dHXUeuLOqMKavFaEiGF8gZMiljzg-RrWGadkOmEBlU8k69qLGJZ7b3ny1s-O7fkmTEIwTOSWfHFdVKpXP_GyCFLL1uLAoaNSDOTSZ9nfabbaI2MkOmh7gb0wRHkdxQmy0t25_NoZ29KgVQvG0QlFal0xhr2tK2EI79ZYM3P1Dg=w635-h460
“Knightly is wrong in [Proposition A], so he can also be wrong in [Proposition B]”.
Non sequitur.
ps Knightly is not targeting any specific Credo: neither Climate Science nor even “The (fake) Science” of Con-19. What OffG is on about is a “mighty handful” of Con-artists who manipulate the Credulousness of the Global Public in order increase the Credit of a handful of Global usurers and power grabbers. According to OffG this Global Autocracy (whom they dare not name) sits above Nationality, Religion, Ethnicity or even Wealth: its sole criteria is Power.
“Power is the criterion of men who really matter” — Beethoven.
“Ah,Beethoven, Beethoven! What an ass you were in those days” — Beethoven.
“Non sequitur” yourself, because CAN is not IS and does not imply THEREFORE
Global warming would benefit mankind as we would not need as much fuel for heating etc and more people could live a proper healthy outside life which would reduce use of resources having to build insulated housing, wanting to travel for holidays to better climates, more crop production without the need for oil to produce fake food etc etc ad infinitum. Do any of these clowns, though they are far from funny, have any comprehension of how much water goes into building just one modern house? It’s a massive scam but the compliant, thick as pig shit sheeple will comply just like they did by facilitating the covid bollocks. Now, at 70 years old I am beginning to think we deserve what’s coming.
Not only would warmer climate produce more water for terrestrial plant life (because higher temperature induces more evaporation hence more precipitation) but more CO2 means more plant food hence more animal food. Life could became much easier.
Kismet; best to accept the rough with the smooth because:
Nobody deserves what’s coming to us: Death.
Nobody deserves what’s been given to us: Life.
“Deserves got not nothing to do with it.” –William Munny
the idea behind climate change CC , coded 33 like Cobra Committee is to get people toworry about something , the worry can then be taxed , monetised and used to control
i made my very similar reply before I read your response , agreed in full
Precipitation and cold temperatures are two different things entirely. And they’ve been pushing the global warming hoax aggressively at least since the Rio Summit in 1992.
Note that I mentioned “transnational capital”, and “they” have by no means been pushing since 1992, because the Memo of Undestanding between UN and WEF is from mid-2019 only, I think.
The environmental movement and Earth Day took off long before that. The politicians did not start the bandwagon; they joined it.
As far as I recall the
Oooops. ‘The Club of Rome’ came up with the idea in 1955. But they only started implementing it relatively more recently. It was more like ‘New Little Ice Age’ and ‘Solar Minimum’, even through 1976 set a standard for hot British Summers with queues for water, and stand pipes in the streets.
The weather changes: all the time.
Do not forget the chemtrails, the HAARP and floating HAARP and the fake ‘cooling towers’ and jet engine powered cloud makers, And all the rest of the electromagnetic weather front pushers and blockers.
IT’S ALL BULLSHIT. They hold the weather fronts 100-150 miles off California., for example .I wonder what a whole summer drought costs? Steer a Hurricane into New Orleans, Tampa, Miami. Set fire to Malibu, Lahaina.
There’s a HAARP 12 miles from me in a straight line.’
The clue is in the “28” !
You are far out. The weather is a non linear chaotic system which cannot be predicted by any computer model nor any graph.
Declared by IPCC the horse mouth itself on the Paris Conference, but never referenced in MSM.
If you want I can send you the reference.
Oh, and at the same time, that 21st century saint, Alex Soros, has agreed a deal to dump all kinds of waste in Ukraine.
Whilst the COP28 distraction is going on, I suggest people look at deals being slipped through under the radar.
Who are producing lies? The Liar. So we are up against Satanism. The One ring that connects them all.
So where is hissing Gollum crawling around?
To busy running Israeli policy at the moment.
UN membership is at the core of this global-governance coup.
I would say the owners of the UN are the core.
WHO proves that the UN is “owned” (in the sense of being largely controlled) by “Globalists” who also “own” (ie control) Large Corporations. See OffG articles on WHO & Big Pharma.
Rockefeller Foundation
More like the owners of the owners.
Here’s a site to begin your research:
“We have the technologies…” Do you mean like vast fleets of private jets so that we, the elite, can swank it up at posh hotels in Dubai to formulate how we’ll save the planet by reducing population by bogus vaxxines, stopping cow farts by killing cows and replacing real meat with test-tube phony meat?
That’s right. Like we made $Billions by replacing cheap real vaccines with expensive phony RNA Vaxx.
Ask a climate change scientist how declining soil fertility relates to climate change. Then ask for a description of soil fertility in its simplest terms.
When you are asked why you asked these questions, you can reply that without knowing the answers to these questions the flooding and drought problems will never be solved.
Declining soil fertility has nothing to do with climate change, it has to do with farming practices, forestry practices (including deforestation policies).
It has to do with exposing bare soil to extreme heat (weeds after all are pioneer species designed to protect soil from direct sunlight, yet most ignorami view them as pests), rather than ensuring that the soil is protected, its moisture protected by coverage with plants.
It has to do with repeated application of chemical poisons rather than building up healthy soil ecology.
And it has to do with overgrazing with too many animals, rather than designing the number of animals around the needs of the soil.
The best looked after soils are resilient to hugely more extreme weather events than poorly looked after soil. Soils on slopes populated by trees are far, far more resistant to erosion than sloping soils ploughed to grow corn.
Huge amounts of soil problems are ultimately related to migrants trying to force agricultural practices from their homeland onto different climatic regimes.
Extreme weather events can exacerbate soil problems, but they almost never cause them.
That is the answer to Gary’s Q1. The question which Climate Con-Artists never raise.
Trees are indicators of low soil fertility.
Flooding and drought problems?
Yes Erik, and erosion. As reported by the late soil scientist, William Albrecht, PhD:
Since 1888, two plots were planted to corn each year. One plot received six tons of barnyard manure annually while the other plot received nothing. The whole crop, both grain and fodder, was removed each year.
Both plots were plowed prior to planting the corn. In 1950, after 62 years, a single rain was enough to hammer the untreated plot flat thereby sealing over the soil’s surface to prevent infiltration of rainwater. In the plot receiving the manure, the same rain did not alter the plowed condition of the plot. More rain soaked into this plot building up a supply of stored water for the summer. The surface temperature of the soil in this plot was ten degrees farenheit cooler than the untreated plot.
As Albrecht pointed out, water does not provide its service to plants when it is falling from the sky as rain. Storing the water in the ground is a far more efficient use of water than storing it in a reservoir and applying it to the hot summer soil.
Thanks for your explanation, I understand it much better now. Isolated I see you are right but not in general terms.
More and more I find true answers and keys from the religious point.
If you anticipate our great and only Creator designed the water cycle the way that it evaporates from the Sea’s saltwater up and form a humid sky which blow in over land, cool off, and rain down in the face of all organic on earth for life giving liquid.
To secure all organic always have life giving water to drink even when it doesnt rain, water reserves are designed maintained on the surface in form of always accessible lakes, rivers and pots.
Thus, when you look at the nature this way, you will see your neighbour’s cat, your dog, a deer, birds, plants, all drink from surface water.
Only leftist idiots are drilling 25 deep holes down to the ground water to collect their 100% clean clean clean drinking eco water, which unfortunately shows up to be filled with pesticides, micro plastic, plastic bags, which can be seen on x-ray photo through a microscope, telescope and stethoscope for more research and science funding on how to find something clean to drink.
So, I get your point, but you will see your example is isolated compared to the overall picture. All the best.
The higher soil fertility that allows water to be stored in the soil rather than to run off contributes to the water cycle in another way. For water vapour to get into the sky to form rain clouds, certainly water evaporating from streams, rivers, lakes and oceans contributes to this process In addition, the water in the soil mainly reaches the sky not as evaporated water, but as water transpired by the plants. This is how plants cool themselves in the heat. We perspire and they transpire. Thus a large area of fertile soil can contribute a large quantity of water to the clouds. When a sufficient amount of water transpired by the plants contributes to cloud formation, at night when the temperature cools, the cooler temperature causes the clouds to precipitate rain. Falling on fertile soil allows much of the water to soak in rather than to run off. This is the gentle rainfall that fell overnight while we were sleeping. Fertile soil does a better job of recycling water than low fertility soil. When the soil is a low fertility, you then are dependent on the streams, rivers, lakes and oceans for evaporated water to form clouds. This is exactly the problem as there in no longer sufficient quantities of fertile soil to enhance cloud formation to supplement the obvious sources of evaporated water.
Sure, but I see this just as natural regulation, not as a problem.
When rain cant penetrate the soil it runs off because it is not needed there, and where rain is needed it is consumed.
If the soil is too porous too much rain will soak down to the ground water, and if the ground water is filled, it flows further to rivers, lakes, and/or run off to the sea.
So we want to make an area more fertile? We plow it, we plant trees and plants, direct fertilizer to the area, and after time we add goats or cows and the system becomes self regulating.
I have participated in a project in Egypt, pumping water from the Nile to a water treatment plant, piping out to households, pumping the household wastewater to a collecting sewage treatment station, and from there piping out in the desert in holed watered fertilizer drain over a pond area.with seed, thus producing vegetables in the desert.
The problems we face are own bad management. Cities remove trees and green areas which gets concreted or asphalted.
The water cant get away, the public system gets over loaded and we have flooding in cities.
Let nature do its job rather than trying to regulate and control it all.