Puzzling Out the Pattern of State Crimes
Kevin Ryan
In 2020, I gave a presentation that compared the unfolding events of Covid to the crimes of 9/11. In it I described eleven features and outcomes of the 9/11 crimes that were shared by the Covid events.
Unfortunately, some people who understood that 9/11 was a lie wouldn’t consider the possibility that Covid could be a similar manipulation. And others who quickly saw that we were being lied to about Covid appeared to think that such a thing had never happened before. This led me to wonder if there were criteria by which people could identify a state-sponsored deception as it was happening.
Covid and 9/11 might be called state crimes against democracy, false flag operations, or structural deep events. For the purpose of this essay, I’ll simply call them “state crimes” although it’s worth mentioning that both 9/11 and Covid were global state crimes. That is, they were crimes committed by multiple states acting in concert.
Along with this we must understand that, in today’s world, nation states no longer drive politics as much as transnational corporations do.
With 9/11, U.S.-based authorities led the implementation of both the terror acts and the ensuing wars. But the U.S had help from other states and the ensuing 9/11 wars were conducted by a “coalition of the willing” as George W. Bush put it.
Similarly, the crimes of Covid, including lockdowns, oppressive dictates, and mandatory vaccines, were committed by a number of states across a broad spectrum of governmental entities.
What does a state crime look like when it’s happening? How do we know when we’re being manipulated by our leaders in ways that are seriously detrimental to our lives and well-being? Is there a pattern to global state crimes that can be noticed and understood, like the formula for terrorism acts used in the Global War on Terror?
It’s important to know the pattern of state crimes because those who don’t know can be misled into doing serious harm to themselves and their families. But it’s not easy to see such a thing in the moment. People can often see signs but can’t piece them together into a cohesive whole quickly enough to make a difference in related judgements. As an example, note that 70% of the world’s population injected themselves with an experimental gene therapy for a virus that has a 0.2% infection fatality rate and a median age of death of 80 years. The result has been innumerable adverse events from the injections.
Once we decide that it’s important to know when a state crime is being committed, it’s useful to begin putting the pieces together to understand the overall picture. A jigsaw puzzle could be a helpful analogy but in the case of a state crime it is a living, social, and psychological jigsaw puzzle with dangerous consequences.
There are various strategies and challenges in putting a jigsaw puzzle together. Should you start with the framework or at places in the middle? Do you allow yourself to look at the picture on the box? Have you ever tried to do it with all the pieces upside down?
One difference between a physical puzzle and an unfolding state crime is that we don’t need to start from nothing. This is where the context of history is essential and, in many ways, provides the framework in which current pieces fit. For example, there is a long list of well-documented and admitted state crimes against the people that have led us to this point. Not all were global state crimes but yet the mechanisms of how they were committed, meaning the ways in which people are misled into going along with such crimes, follow a similar pattern.
Unfortunately, sometimes humans are not terribly bright at receiving messages. There are reasons for this, not the least of which is that we tend to filter out information that challenges our views. There are also limitations of education—the avoidance of controversial topics in schools, for example. Controversial in this sense means threatening to people in power. The avoidance of essential history leads students to parrot inoffensive shadow versions of past events, or learn around them.
Add to this the growing use of propaganda that misrepresents or ignores facts, and also the need to adhere to social norms, and people often don’t see real threats to their well-being until it’s too late. This leads to a blindness to historical evidence of state crimes and a worldview that facilitates misunderstanding about what is possible and underestimates threats from the state.
With jigsaw puzzles, following lines and grouping colors and patterns helps to identify and connect pieces of the picture. Some pieces are linked along more than one axis, sometimes with repeating forms. Similarly, the characteristics of a global state crime come together to form a picture that intersects and runs parallel to lines of history and human weaknesses.
Deceptions driven by the state typically come with a pre-meditated narrative that is repeated endlessly and which people are expected to support unless they want to be seen as radical conspiracy theorists. How can the average person question anything that doctors, universities, political leaders, and scientists all appear to agree upon? You can’t see pieces of the puzzle if the surrounding picture has been greyed-out, whether through the conforming mentality of others or through your own willful ignorance.
What characteristics do state crimes against the people exhibit that are not seen normally? The features and outcomes that I identified in 2020, that were shared by Covid and 9/11, included media saturation of incessant fear-based messaging.
Fear is central to the ability to commit state crimes and can take different forms (e.g. fear of terrorism, fear of illness). Bombarding the public with fear-based messaging establishes that there is a crisis and shuts down rational thought.
Both 9/11 and Covid also exhibited evidence of foreknowledge including insider trading and exercises conducted beforehand that mimicked the events. Along with this was a failure to investigate the origins of the associated crisis.
An abuse of science was evident with the 9/11 and Covid crimes. More generally this is an abuse of trust, in which representatives of trusted institutions help to manipulate the narratives around the events. The other characteristic of state crimes that supports this abuse is censorship of dissent. As they say, 100% of doctors and scientists agree when all those dissenting are censored.
Then we get to outcomes that are shared by state crimes. In the cases of 9/11 and Covid, it was clear that the actions taken to address the crises killed more people than the original threats. This could be due to the fact that those driving the crimes simply don’t care about others or it could be that they have eugenicist tendencies. At the same time, there is an increase in mechanisms of population control and control of information by intelligence agencies. As the Nazis said after the Reichstag fire, such measures are only for our safety.
Ultimately, state crimes result in a huge transfer of wealth and power to those who are already the most wealthy and powerful. The corporate nation states that benefited from 9/11 included oil and gas companies and defense contractors. With Covid it was pharmaceutical companies and e-commerce giants. Both resulted in great profits for the very rich and for the largest corporations.
What will happen with the next crisis? If all the above features and outcomes are present, whether it be another terrorist attack or virus, or a climate emergency or something else, we should be highly suspicious and it must be assumed, until proven otherwise, that a state crime is being committed. Ongoing observation and critical thinking are required, as well as a bias for evidence.
A recent example of a crisis that is being examined as a possible state crime is the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel. Does that event share some of the features and outcomes listed above? Well, we know that the response has already killed far more people than the original attack and it appears that population control, at least control of the Palestinian population, has been an outcome. An article by Iain Davis gives evidence that there was foreknowledge and an abuse of trust in that inexplicable security failures occurred and we were given stories about the attack that are not supported by the evidence.
Additionally, Kit Klarenberg has written about insider trading related to the attack.
Has there been censorship of dissent around the Hamas attack? Were there exercises conducted beforehand that mimicked the events or a failure to investigate what actually happened? Does the seizure of land in this case constitute a transfer of wealth? If there is evidence for these features and outcomes then the public must consider that October 7th could be a state crime.
Of course, there may be a better set of criteria by which we can judge a state crime, or important elements that I have missed. The point here is that a pattern exists for such crimes and people need to understand that pattern in order to more quickly and reliably evaluate future crises for deception. If we want to maintain our lives and liberties, we must examine every new, alleged crisis using criteria based on the pattern.
We can be blind to crimes being committed against us if we don’t know history and don’t recognize the signs of public manipulation. Unless we have all the necessary Information at hand and unless present day choices take into account relevant history, critical mistakes will be made. Context is crucial when evaluating the possibility that oppressive powers might be colluding to gain more advantage over the general population.
Kevin Ryan is a chemist, former laboratory director, and prominent voice in the 9/11 Truth movement. You can read more his work at his blog. You can also watch his testimony to the Toronto Hearings on 9/11 here, his video on the parallels between 9/11 and Covid here and his interview as part of our Covid19/11 series here.
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How to detect a state crime? – easy – when they say they’re defending something.
Not to disparage this excellent article, but to remind present readers that most of its points — about the sheeple being Conned by the politicians who are Con-trolled by an unnamed “small, energetic and efficient group” — were examined by HL Mencken in his Notes on Democracy a century ago.
Very thoughtful article by a leading Truther. Because I have lived through (and thought myself out of sympathy) a few state crimes from the past, when The State was the leading actor on the world stage, two points from Keven Ryan’s article resonated with me:
a. “How can the average person, doctor, university professor, political leader and scientist question anything that doctors, universities, political leaders, and scientists all appear to agree upon?”.
Socrates answered that question in one of the earliest dialogues:
“It does not concern me how many other people agree with your opinion but whether you and I can agree or else agree to disagree”.
b. “U.S had help from other states and the ensuing 911 wars [ie, Con-WMD war crimes] were conducted by a Coalition of the Willing as George W. Bush put it.”
Scott Ritter, the chief UN Weapons Inspector, was dismissed and subsequently smeared in a honey trap for insisting that he had done his job properly, Iraq had no more WMD and should not be invaded by the Coalition of the Killing.
“While I was going the rounds of Senators, lobbying for them to vote against the invasion of Iraq, members of the American Israeli lobby approached me and offered me $6 Million if I testified that there were Some Questions Unanswered, and Iraq might still have WMD” — Scott Ritter, recent interview a propos AIPAC and the current Genocide in Gaza.
Scott’s boss, UN Disarmament director Dr.Hans Blick, pleaded Some Questions Unanswered (so Iraq might still have WMD) and was rewarded with the Headship of a University.
“How to protect yourself against Con-men: watch your morals” — Readers Digest, circa 1945.
Speaking of the next one–
Here’s an illegal Chinese lab loaded w pathogens. In Reedley, CA! It was discovered by code enforcement officer and subsequently protected by CDC & FBI. Apparently to be explained as a private outlaw’s attack on the US, it nevertheless received aid from China and tax credits from CA’s Governor Nuisance. It’s still unexplained how it obtained supposendly controlled pathogens.
The story taken as a whole is consistent with an interrupted Op against us. Weird!
Not weird at all. If U$ Health Research Czar Fauci can fund a Frankenstein Virus Lab in Wuhan China, then some grant giving agency in China can fund a GMO Virus lab in U$A. Behind the CDC and FBI lurk an even bigger U$ State Crime organisation: DoD.
You’re right, Nick!
This isn’t just “adverse events”. This is democide. Many injuries are permanent and certainly some could morph into cancers, strokes, cardiac arrest and ultimately, an early death sentence. There’s a marked increase of approximately 12 million excess deaths worldwide, from 2019-2022. That’s attributable to nothing BUT the poison injection rollout and iatrogenic murder since there was no virus. Viral “tests” never test for a virus. Rather they can only generate false positives. There’s no valid scientific evidence or study of any contagious pathogen. This is further supported by no excess mortality of health care professionals during ConJob-19 compared to general populace or any alleged “outbreak” of any “alleged” infectious disease. Epidemiological coincidence; where similar symptoms manifest within families, communities or regions, are caused by seasonal detox (colds and flus) or mass exposure to environmental pollutants and poisons. You failed to mention hoaxes are the #1 preferred Modus Operandi of Order Out of Chaos. Indicators of HOAXES and psychological warfare include 1. repetition of specific words and phrases like “new normal” “build back better” “shelter in place” and 2. repetition of plot crises; eg; faked pandemics result in vaccine campaigns like with 2009 swine flu. Note: Repetition results in mass mind control because the subconscious only collates repetition as its protection mechanism. Other indicators of hoaxes are 3. the use of Gematria in the media and by governments, and 4. fear based programming such as nuclear warfare, nuclear winter, nuclear terrorism, nuclear accident. When these four indicators are present, I know I’m dealing with a hoax and/or psychological operation because those four items occurring simultaneously is mathematically implausible. There’s other common denominators 5. censorship 6. lack of debate 7. pronouncements or proclamations without evidence or investigation. 8. smearing those (including controlled opposition playing sacrificial pawns) who counter government and media propaganda.… Read more »
“Stop the spread.”
And now we’re being subjected to the non-stop pounding of the “early treatment” ruse by the supposed dissenters in order to invent parallel narratives and stop all other narratives from getting out of the gate.
Installing the controversy on how to “treat” this alleged “new disease” serves to concretize the narrative that a “novel disease” existed and that the “novel pathogen” which caused this disease was in fact a real problem requiring political and medical measures rather than an invented control narrative.
This phony world of Potemkin logic assured that no one will bother to check the “truth of the fact”- had a new disease in fact appeared and was there proof of this novel pathogen?
Lol… Hey Maxwell, we really do live in the Potemkin realm of circular logic, tautologies, and a priori arguments, where the legal fiction authorities really are desperately trying to kill us, by forcing poison injection cocktails to stop the in silico, invisible, zombie, pathogenic molecules.
What’s early treatment? The seventh or eighth booster? Euthanasia?
Welcome to the private eugenics experiment, where you check in, and you never check out.
Perhaps they will really do it better this time. The new specie will be better if we try hard enough. Millions of babies must be sacrificed in dna experiments for the sake of the future of mankind.
Ha. Do Gates, Bezos or Klaus Schwab look like a eugenics program success?
Only if they’re aiming for inbred beta males who achieve status and $$$ through nepotism, fraud and psychopathy.
Irony alert! but nevertheless a sick thought.
Just referencing the reality with facts. Nothing could be more sound and healthier than that.
Dreaming hoping dreaming is the banality of evil! 😕
Aha. 😉 Now, all these years later I get that Eagle’s song lyric. And also why they called themselves “the Eagles”.
Well, here is the sound of 1 eagle and why they call themselves gold eagles https://youtu.be/bj1RDNrdXc4 An ancient divine sound for your ears.
“Add to this the growing use of propaganda that misrepresents or ignores facts.”?
That’s right, keep the “COVID” fiction going (that there is an actual virus), and help keep alive that fraud, so they can come back later with “new, more serious variants” or a “whole new virus.” That’s the essence of limited hangouts.
aye, maybe. i agree.
but do remember covid was a real virus for 50+ % of the population and a real event for most, even if you didn’t participate.
It may well come to pass as some historical fact, if we are not wise.
Never forget that drill.
But aye, I hear you.
Hmm, where is the proof that any real virus was ever physically isolated and purified, vs a computer file filled with code which was cooked up out of an evil brew of all sorts of ingredients, including human extracts, green monkey kidney culture, antibiotics, nutrients..? 9/11 was also a real event for most, in terms of being a “terrorist attack.”
I think RH gets it.
He seems to be implying it’s real in the minds of the 50% who were duped into believing the fear porn.
Hence, this is how history always gets written as if the hoaxes are historical truths.
thank you.
what real virus? you misread that.
Hopefully someone will scientifically and repeatably demonstrate the Terrain soon, to challenge the orthodoxy! A2
Healthy people get sick less. What more proof do you need?
Well someone do a study demonstrating this if it’s so darn simple! lol With control groups and all that jazz. It would probably have to include introducing graded concentrations of background toxicity in a controlled environment and assessing ‘disease’-like effects! Anyone? It would progress this conversation a lot, that’s for sure! A2
Those studies have been done! Including but not limited to the time of the so-called Spanish flu when snot and sputum from the sick were injected into the nasal cavities and more of the healthy people and the latter failed to get sick. Many more such trials were done since then.
That’s “contagion” done and dusted. And, indirectly, that’s evidence that the “viruses” having infected the ones that were sick did nothing to harm the healthy.
Proves nothing Veri Tas: I can show you 20 ways to plant celery seed that will fail to produce celery. Proves the gardener isn’t knowlegeable– fails to prove celery doesn’t come from celery seed.
Show us one example when contagion theory was confirmed in a controlled study. Milton Rosenau sure failed, didn’t he?!!
Virology – The Damning Evidence. The Stake In The Heart For This Pseudoscientific Profession. DPL, 3/7/23.
Controlled and public is so yesterday, unexplainable and private is so tomorrow.
You’re just another flat earther, Jeffrey. Don’t know if you’re deceitful or just ignorant.
Neither deceitful nor ignorant. Just obstinately wrong. Long live those who hold on to their prejudices! Some day, somewhere, somehow, some of them might prove to have been right all along.
“All things arise from strife” — Heraclitus.
“Newton’s solid, unbreakable atoms are mere hypotheses. The real science of matter will be found in wave mechanics” — Jean-Philippe Rameau, 18th century French composer and music theorist. Even in late 20th century Rameau’s intuitive anticipation of Wave Mechanics in Physics (like Harmonic Overtones in Music) was ridiculed by his biographer as “une vraie delire de ratiocination”.
Rather, show us one example of the terrain being demonstrated in a controlled study, perhaps?
See Veri Tas’ comment above.
His comment doesn’t deal with my question at all. A2
The life experience of most people has demonstrated contagion, your dogmatic denial notwithstanding.
This is a good way of putting it!
“Life experience…” THAT’s a good way of putting it?!
One minute it’s a controlled clinical trial, the next it’s what people think and experience. The same people who have the same shitty diet and lifestyle habits … who then become sick with an “infection” from a flying virus.
You’re getting confused, reading the wrong comment.
The point Penelope made (which I replied to) was that a failed experiment doesn’t disprove anything, in and of itself. It could be a flaw in the experiment itself.
You can’t prove a negative this way.
Very basic stuff.
Terrain should be scientifically demonstrated. At the moment it is not. A2
“I can show you 20 ways to plant celery seed that will fail to produce celery.”
Ouch! I must have been working my way through all 20 when I gave up.
Did penal-opp just use tactics described in the article?
No, this was a failed study trying to prove contagion.
I’m not calling for a failed study. I’m calling for a successful study demonstrating the existence of the terrain.
That wasn’t a failed study. It successfully disproved contagion.
No it didn’t. You can’t prove a negative like that. This is very basic stuff. Come on boys and girls, let’s power up the ol’ brains! 😅
We should be calling for dedicated, controlled studies that repeatably demonstrate the terrain, shouldn’t we? The terrain doesn’t de facto exist just because viruses don’t. That’s a false dichotomy. Our health might be governed by other factors which we haven’t discovered yet, for all we know. We can’t just assume things or deal in our own beliefs. We must conduct studies to gather evidence.
We can’t fight bad science with more bad science, can we? We must respect the scientific process, mustn’t we?
Otherwise, if we criticise virology’s science we’re big ol’ hypocrites, aren’t we?
No Sam. I disagree. We’ve been over this ad nauseam. It’s tiresome.
The absence of evidence, such as no virus ever found (faulty assumption) and control experiments disprove virology. Those, together with no contagion is more than enough.
Disproving hypotheses is common in science and medicine.
The killer experiment is an expression in the PhRMA field, that drug designers (quantum chemists), medicinal chemists, biologists, biochemists, biotechs and PhRMA use. They should (in theory, not always in practice) design and conduct a killer experiment in an attempt to elicit failure. Good scientists look for alternative explanations for their data. That’s design of experiments.
I’m not interested in proving “terrain”. Illness is often multi factorial, and “symptoms” can vary.
One germ for every disease is not only disproven, it’s asinine. So is the immune system model. There’s no evidence for infectious disease, so there’s no “immunity”. There’s more than one field of fraud in medicine.
And the double blind placebo trial doesn’t work. The FDA approves deadly drugs every year using these clinical trials. RX and OTC drugs contain a lethal dose percentage and median.
Each individual is potentially their own best investigator, scientist and physician. Medice, cura te ipsum.
So you’re happy to talk about lack of proof for virology/contagion, but you have no interest in proving terrain?
Your bias is blatant and extraordinary!😅 You’re guilty of exactly what you accuse virology of: You have no respect for evidence. A2
Firstly, “You Can Prove a Negative“
Secondly to deny the existence of imaginary molecules or disprove a hypothesis doesn’t ever, under any circumstances necessitate replacement with another “theory”.
And the scientific proof already exists in thousands of toxicological, epidemiological and nutritional studies and published research papers. And thousands of years of successful TCM and Ayurveda.
This goes both ways though. From your link:
Questioning whether viruses have been meaningfully isolated is not the same as proving that viruses don’t exist beyond reasonable doubt! There are many other ways to demonstrate the existence of something, other than by direct isolation. This could be by any number of proxy, indirect methods, by making predictions and satisfying them repeatably etc.
I really welcome a challenge to virology, but I find it extremely foolish when people come on here claiming they’ve proved a negative when in fact they can’t even prove their own pet theories! 😅
If you think TCM and Ayurveda prove terrain, since you do believe in evidence after all, perhaps you could link to this evidence? A2
do the experiment yourself. dont clean your house, let stuff grow. then when you go to the doctor see if they call it strep or covid. they have proven, in our area, that the new dog virus variant – is strep. What causes strep? a dirty environment!
You have no proof of that assertion, other than your own life experience.
If you’re right, how did the myth of strengthening one’s immune system by not cleaning too much ever get started? My grandmother’s house was filthy, she never got sick and lived to be 92.
Seems to me terrain adherents are joining the ranks of vaxxers by denying we have an immune system.
My life experience tells me otherwise. 😅
No one is interested in proving terrain, it seems, they’re more interested in believing in it while criticising others for not proving things.
I think that’s retarded. A2
How about the thousands of research papers on pubmed. Re TCM and Ayurveda.
Or the billions in both countries that didn’t have access to allopathy yet bred like rabbits and live long lives.
The two most populous countries on earth, with mortality rates lower than the US, use TCM and Ayurveda yet YOU can’t see the connection.
Unicorns don’t exist and neither do unicorn viruses.
The fact that there’s never been any evidence for them, or contagion, ever, they were always imaginary and unproven is more than enough for beyond reasonable doubt.
The preponderance of evidence already rests with terrain:
You can find all the references you need at pubmed. There’s thousands.
I just wish someone would assemble these researched phenomenon, and other phenomenon, into something more formal to represent the Terran hypothesis moving forward. A testable hypothesis. All of these phenomenon could also coexist with contagion, or be interlinked. Their existence in no way rules anything out. A2
Contagion studies and tests already ruled out contagion. So did bacteria studies, where pure strains had no measurable effect on animals or humans.
Because bacteria are from within our own cells. They intrinsic to us, not invaders. The sicker or more injured we are, the more bacteria, fungi or yeast our bodies generate to deal with the damaged tissue, or acidosis, or metabolic dysfunction or toxin load, mitochondrial damage etc.
There’s too many individual differences in physiology with multi-causations and toxicological factors to “test” terrain in the way you suggest.
The studies and papers within each causal factor for illness already exist. I read them all the time.
Because 1. nutrition, 2. exercise, 3. negative thoughts, stress, 4. sleep and 5. toxin exposure is up to the individual.
So it’s not even genetics that determines our health status, it’s epigenetics, and those 5 factors listed above, control gene expression and proper cell regeneration.
We heal on our own, given the right circumstances (5 factors) because our bodies are constantly regenerating. Within 2 years we have entirely new cells and a new body.
A couple of failed studies back in the day trying to infect people with Spanish flu does not constitute a comprehensive and methodical ‘disproving’ of contagion, as per your supplied link.
There’s more than the Rosenau studies. Where’s the studies or evidence then, if contagion’s possible?
Let’s get 500 healthy people in a building, expose them every day to sick people with alleged viral and bacterial infections and see what happens. Oh, that’s right. It’s called a hospital. We did that already, everywhere.
Germ theory is a business model to sicken, poison, cull, profiteer and a political tool to implement technocracy.
Knowing what really causes illness could save your life one day, Sam.
Unless there are other factors at play. It could be that contagion has to be an unwitting process. Whatever the mechanism, it it’s also clearly a very psychological process. Therefore human mindset (being a ‘caregiver’ as opposed to a ‘patient’) could also factor in very strongly. Let’s not forget as well, the human body is a learning machine, when faced with adversity (ie. A germ-ridden hospital) it strengthens and adapts in order to protect itself. Hospitals advertise their purpose extremely clearly, psychosomatically influencing the people inside, putting their bodies on high alert.
There are many possible complications. Many biological processes are difficult to predict and their causes cant be treated as binaries. They require specific conditions to occur, and unless we can replicate those conditions accurately, our experiments can be in error.
The same logic also applies to terrain theory and hospitals. Hospitals are full of ill people, shedding all sorts of bad toxins.
Good studies demonstrating terrain would need to establish a clear connection between environmental toxicity and illness. Why doesn’t someone do some of these?
I considered all those possibilities at one time or another. I was 50/50 for a few months but it was only brainwashing and indoctrination that was holding me back. Not lack of evidence.
Those studies are done already, there are literally thousands of epidemiological studies, toxicological studies. Nutritional studies supporting the tenets of terrain. They just aren’t labeled terrain. It’s an obsolete word.
That’s why I prefer toxicology (toxic thoughts included) rather than “terrain”.
disproving something is science! ‘Proving’ something is hypothesis.
Virology was long ago considered proved, and you know it.
It’s an institution now, an orthodoxy.
if people want to attack it on the grounds of proof, good luck to them. I put it to you, there is no historical precedent of an orthodoxy being unseated that way. I’m happy to be proved wrong, if you can think of an example.
Also, if people are going to be discussing lack of evidence, they are going to need to present strong evidence for their own pet theories.
This endless double standard is very dull.
The Corona campaign 2000-2023 was the biggest research study ever done in Virology on humanity.
This campaign was duly studied by the finest Scientists in the world in a controlled global environment and showed healthy un-vaccinated people were MORE sick, than the unhealthy vaccinated sick who were more healthy than the healthy who were the sickest. Proved!
This is what Global Science shows us. It cant be more documented than that!!
…I forgot to say “in terrain“.
‘All that jazz is about never playing the same thing twice.’
i do agree,
define “healthy”, indeed.
“healthier”? ; )
For the hundredth time, the scientific method does not require the presentation of an alternative. It is up to the presenter(s) of an hypothesis to prove it, not up to the rest of us to disprove it. That’s how i learned science on the way to an engineering degree.
But if the scientific presentation is proved but discriminated against, it still wont be an acceptable publication, yet can’t be disproved.
There is a reverse substance of sublimation.
It doesn’t remove the need to deal in evidence (rather than absence of evidence) however, surely? This isn’t a court of law, there’s no presiding judge who will throw out the case for ‘lack of evidence’ (law deals with innocence until proved otherwise, whereas inductive reasoning and hypothesis-led science does not, in fact quite the opposite). They are fundamentally different principles. Such talk lacks scientific, cultural and historic awareness, many would argue. There are myriad potential ways to make repeatable predictions in support of virology which don’t require an isolate. Lack of isolates simply isn’t the shortcut it’s portrayed to be. In order to refute virology, one would be required to refute every piece of indirect, proxy evidence ever presented and ever built upon by the virological community. No small task indeed. I put it to you that challenging in this way would allow virology to hide in the weeds forever, pragmatically speaking. Such a challenge will go absolutely nowhere. The only practical way, surely, is to challenge the orthodoxy with a competing body of evidence? Please, would you be kind enough to name one historic example of this not being the case? I know, you’ll tell me you have no obligation to disprove anything, using your ‘innocent until proven guilty’ logic. However, as I highlighted above, this simply isn’t the language of science or the process of unseating an orthodoxy, as demonstrated by history. Therefore, if we’re to have any meaningful dialogue, you really can’t fall back on that. I mean you can fall back on that, you’re at liberty to employ whatever eccentric reasoning you like if it puts your mind at rest, I guess, but at that point meaningful discussion with others really has to end, because all we can do is talk past each other! 😅… Read more »
“I welcome a viable challenge to virology”
Your challenge to virology will go the same way as the challenge uttered by the first English zoologist to see a Duck Billed Platypus:
“There ain’t no such animal!!”
So that’s why you amass evidence to prove a hypothesis, isn’t it? Except I’ve been told we can’t ‘prove’ the terrain and we should just accept that, whereas we should reject virology for lack of evidence?
Wtf? 😳😅😅😅
We already had the answer with toxicology and nutritional deficiencies for thousands of years before Pasteur came up with the fake experiments and fake lab books. Then Rockefeller developed that lie in the 1930’s to poison people more effectively. You don’t seem to acknowledge the link between poison injections and the fake pathogens.
Both toxicology and nutritional deficiencies are proven to cause AND reverse illness in epidemiological studies, in clinical trials, in animal studies, in vivo and in silico.
You are pretending there’s no alternative explanation.
It isn’t up to one who asserts knowledge to demonstrate the proofs of it to those who merely dogmatically assert the contrary while refusing to LEARN anything about the knowledge asserted. You have in no way cast doubt on an entire body of knowledge by spouting a few simplistic slogans. Nor by CARTOONING that body of knowledge.
If you truly wish to examine the field of virology and its proofs, you have to actually LOOK at the field. No presenter can demonstrate the veracity of virology by feeding you a few slogans contrary to your present dogmatic ignorance.
I’m not sure that the terrain explanation can be ‘proved’ in that sense. It is not simply or anything like an ‘on-off’ matter. It attempts to understand the interplay of all possible factors which lead to the outbreak of symptoms which we call ‘a disease.’ ‘
‘nothing can go wrong until the moment it breaks down.’
So it can’t be proved?
Therefore it can’t be disproved, or in other words, it is an unfalsifiable hypothesis?
Are we ok with this?
It is a bit uncomfortable and rather ironic, if this is so, since so many proponents of terrain theory seek to dismiss virology for lack of evidence. A2
What we call diseases and conditions are really symptoms. Why on earth would our own symptoms be contagious? Why would we have evolved in this way, or why would the designer make us this way?
Then let’s try to prove that with some dedicated, controlled studies, yeah?! Let’s strictly adhere to the scientific process in all the ways virology has failed to. Yeah?
I don’t need any ‘controlled studies’ to know we haven’t been to the moon, to know that the media lies. To know that convid was a fake pandemic, or that most of modern health science is wrong.
Plenty of people believe in virology and vaccines and they don’t need no ‘controlled studies’ either.
Exactly how do you differ from them in this regard?
Does it just come down to what we ‘believe’, in the end, evidence be hanged?
Plenty of people believe covid is a real disease. How do we differ? I’m right, they’re not.
No studies needed. I guess some of us are gifted in seeing the truth.
You seem to have gone quite bonkers.
“Why on earth would our own symptoms be contagious?”…
… unless they were the symptoms of a disease caused by some transmissible agent — parasitic worm, amoeba, bacterium, virus or prion (in descending order of size and visibity).
Symptoms are the body’s response. It makes no sense these would be ‘contagious’.
Why don’t people ‘catch’ MS or cancer?
They talk of ‘catching’ a cold or flu, but this is not a virus it’s just the body dumping toxins.
Contagion is nonsense.
If only someone could demonstrate this with some controlled studies. More people would take it seriously, I’ve no doubt. Hopefully someone will do this soon, because I’m not about to sign up to some arbitrary medical belief with no supporting evidence, just on faith. Post Covid? No flippin’ way! lol
I’m sure I speak for many in that regard. A2
[An explanation which] “attempts to understand the interplay of all possible factors”…
… “is not even wrong” [because of having many factors and much play] — Wolfgang Pauli, popularly known as The Scourge of The Lord.
I’m not sure that ‘scientifically’ has got anything to do with it. Or, ‘science’ needs to be put into a completely different context. Let me give you an example. In 2001 in the Lika Mountains in Croatia next to the Bosnian border, an Italian lawyer came to the medicine area I was focalising. He presented with a tennis ball size swelling red and weeping pus, at the soft palate/throat, unable to swallow, eat or drink, which Stefan an experienced German GP identified as a Peritonsillar Abscess, stating. ‘This man must go to hospital for surgery immediately.’ I replied, ‘Stefan, have you got a helicopter?’ Owing to our location, an hour march to the parking, an hour to Gracac, then several hours across two mountain ranges with appalling hairpin bends to the coast, then 20 miles south to Zadar, where there is a hospital. ‘And besides, I never sent any of my patients to any hospital.’ So I collected Nitsan, an Israeli who spoke good Italian, the lawyer not speaking any English, and found a quiet spot some distance away. I asked the Italian lawyer a few questions, Nitsan translating, and he told me that he had always wanted to be a cabaret artiste, but because of family pressure he went to law school. When he qualified, because of his ideals he became a public defender, which didn’t make much money. Now just prior to the gathering he was quitting public defending to go into commercial law, ‘because of family pressure.’ This is where I usually start laughing. ‘I asked him,’whose life have you been living, up to now?’ I could see he got it. In the morning, he came back to the medicine area without the peritonsillar abscess. Stefan actually broke down and wept when he saw what had happened,… Read more »
Interesting story of hands-on field surgery! Your colleague’s more cautious approach might ultimately have cost the patient his life. Presumably you drained the abscess yourself? You didn’t actually say.
I fail to see how this weighs in on the discussion though. 725 cases in 21 days could equally be evidence of a some disease going round than anything else. It could have been an interesting case study for an open-minded researcher. Could they have found any evidence of a local rise in environmental toxicity, or a rise in stress or of a pathogenic disease?
Both are true: Germ theory and Terrain theory. Like the old non-controversy of Nature vs Nurture.
“Logic reasonably requests that we should choose between two incompatible propositions: Either / Or. But Nature imperiously forces us to choose Both.” — Wehner von Heisenberg.
Sure, that could well be so. Totally fine with that.
But, why are so many people hung up about lack of evidence for virology, and yet give zero shits about any evidence at all for terrain?
Can’t we just be bloody consistent? 😅
Evidence for terrain is everywhere. You want a peer reviewed study? Talk about a fail.
Why would the healthy get sick less if contagion were real?
If it were real it would not matter whether people are healthy or not, the healthy would get sick as much as the unhealthy.
But they don’t.
Contagion is false.
Because a healthy body is better able to fight off pathogens. That’s how the argument goes, isn’t it?
The same logic that’s applied to terrain theory. Healthier people are more robust and deal better with adversity.
I don’t think your statement is very conclusive either way. A2
Yes. This is what they do. This is their entire purpose. They gate-keep the larger lies. I’ve found there’s almost nothing but lies once you really start digging and connecting the dots.
The racketeering of governments and their agents and officers is only achieved through organized, conspiratorial fraud, based on collusion, planning and propaganda using multiple agencies, all media, nation states, think tanks, militaries, NGOs, charities and even churches, all perpetrating deliberate hoaxes, not just within allopathic medicine and science, but in every aspect of ‘so-called’ modern society.
The patterns of these hoaxes and the ancient orders and orgs committing the frauds using fear campaigns, go back millennia. Rinse and repeat.
Overstatement is the hallmark of ignorance.
Did you bother reading the article?
Proving that there is no Virus is as difficult as proving there is no God. The people (even the ´´doctors´´) want to ´´believe´´ and will never take time to study Stefan Lanka´s experiments.
Anyway the covidian cult leaders will demand their lockdowns, masks and social distancing whether it´s a voodoo virus or some different model – like the terrain idea of ´´resonance´´- , using that instead to fuel ´the age old human fear of contagion.
Russia did not invade Ukraine in 2022! It was a lie then and it is still a lie. Why has everyone dropped off on exposing it? Below is a link to recent article from NBC news claiming that 315,000 of Russia”s 360,000 troops in Ukraine were killed. It’s a lie and even Putin is not exposing it because it’s fluff news. The real plans for ware are agreed on by all imperialists, China, Russia, US, India, Brazil South Africa… https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russia-suffered-dramatic-casualties-ukraine-us-intelligence-says-rcna129354
Even more important than future understanding of the falsity of certain attacks against us is their prevention. The attacks are designed by particular people who control media and the most powerful financial institutions. They also partly control govts, especially intelligence assets.
We all know who some of the designers are– and the identity of some of their henchmen who carry them out. We’re 3 years into the Covid op and if the legal systems are truly ineffectual, then we MUST ask “Where are the men of action?” That aside our most pressing need is for an alternate financial currency, which is certainly do-able.
I also see no reason why we cannot imm’y restore honest balloting; it only requires public counting of ballots at the polling place. That alone won’t restore govt, but it’s a quite powerful starting point.
Time to stop the helpless hand-wringing & commit to the small steps which comprise restoring our future.
Partly? Are you delusional? The governments are the psyop themselves. They are the direct cause of all iniquity, scarcity, trauma and suffering.
The narrative … “governments are captured, but the system itself is valid” IS THE BIG LIE.
If governments were ever representing the people then the people would have had control over the governments, not vice versa. But they have never. Ever. Because governments are all privately owned corporate structures – legal fictions – with original shareholders.
Why is that so difficult to comprehend?
Moreover, no legal fiction has any moral or lawful authority over a free man or woman.
You might be some order following, brainwashed, Masonic servant of the parasite class, who rule only through conspiratorial deception, fraud, legalese, mind control, genocide and hoaxes.
But I’m not and neither is anyone I know.
Sorry, but veracity is not a function of simplicity.
Occam’s razor. I don’t make statements without having done the research. And I’ve seen your blog and your owl icon.
Researcher, I don’t have a blog or an icon. You’ve given us a perfect example of you usual inaccuracy.
It may not be valid, but it is definitely real.
You and many others on this site just have temper tantrums & vent w/o any attempt at accuracy. You’re not a “Researchjer”; you’re just an immature brat.
“if governments were ever representing the people then the people would have had control over the governments”. You turn it around wrong.
The people have a duty to be bright enough to select and direct a Government.
When the people only want someone to do their dirty job, get more in my selfish pocket and be my nanny, they get what they ask for. The people failed!
False. The people don’t need a goverment, they can self govern.
The five cons, are 1. that it was ever necessary, 2. that the people wanted it, 3. and that they elected it, 4. and that it represents the people.
The fifth and most egregious con is that Governments are public institutions. They aren’t. They are all corporate entities – legal fictions – with undisclosed shareholders / stock holders. Privately owned and controlled corporations.
We don’t need to restore government – we need to abolish it.
It’s because govts have failed in their legal duties that all this has happened, but while you stamp your feet & cry like a toddler you’ll never understand that.
So you claim you are able to look after yourself and your neighbour? If we look back at 300 years of experience.
Whilst doing the food shop the other day we bump into a old friendly face from several years ago.
They told us there son who was only 48 years old had recently died of an brain aneurysm, it happened suddenly.
IMHO, another couple of “terrorist” incidents that fit the pattern outlined in this article, albeit on a lesser scale, are the downing of PanAm Flight 103 over the small Scottish Town of Lockerbie, resulting in the largest terrorist incident to have occurred in Britain in terms of death & destruction, and the London bombings on the Underground and a Bus known as 7/7. The former was most likely a revenge attack on behalf of Iran in response to the downing of a civilian Airliner by the USS Vincennes, for which, after many many years Libya was blamed and Abdul Bassett Al Megrahi was solely convicted and imprisoned. The latter, in common with 9/11 also, curiously, coincided with a training exercise that precisely modelled the ensuing bomb attacks to a Tee, and included other contributory anomalies like crucial CCTV coverage being out of order and the strange fact that the train on which the four patsies, sorry, errr perpetrators travelled from Luton into London was actually cancelled, plus allegations that the bomb on the tube train appeared to have exploded from beneath the carriage and not from within, as was alleged. Curiouser & Curiouser said Alice !
I prefer to consider everything that the oligarchy’s media and our governments say are lies and work from there. I don’t recall having to work much further. I think that’s why I immediately, without much information, knew instinctively that the Covid-19 news was pure bullshit. Makes things easier and you don’t have to waste a lot of time. You have to develop some fucking instincts. K.I.S.S. (comment pending OffG censorship review).
Yes, Big Al, that’s the correct procedure.
You can have lost all ten fingers and toes in some calamity, you will still be able to count the number of times “They” tell the truth.
Nice one nico that’s a good un 🙂
Like what happened/will have happened next last week.
I remember that if it was tomorrow.
It is quite legitimate to ask what is the most important thing anyway? For an alcoholic, it is definitely to get his alcohol instead of cleaning his apartment or looking for a job. Not to speak of other “drug addicts”.
But his supposed “dysfunctionality” in a fundamentally pathological, i.e. unnatural, society can certainly represent a kind of revolt against insanity. In the spirit of this organization, he refuses to participate.
When are we going to stop playing puzzles and start building real resistance? To the whole goddam game of rule.
Alinsky (I know, I know) made some pretty good rules for radicals. The rules can however be used for you or against you (same as with weapons). Use them for yourself and know (when you are a radical) that they certainly will be used against you.
Rules for radicals
“Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
“Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
“Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
“A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
“A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
“Keep the pressure on.”
“The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
“The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
“If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.”
“The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
Stupid racists think Hamas is too dumb to outsmart, outmaneuver, outfight and out-courage Israel. They would be wrong. Hamas pulled off a perfect surprise attack because they are intelligent and experienced, the perfect combination.
your posts reminds me of this meme…… from twitter which to be honest is mental at the moment.
this made me laugh (OG it is a joke, dont shoot the messenger)
Hamas is an IDF creation:
It was no “surprise attack” – the Zionists let it happen.
Do you think people who believe that 9/11 was an inside job are also racists, i.e., that Arabs are too dumb to pull off something like that?
We knew Saddam had WMD’s.
This is certainly not something we believed nor think, it was something we knew from reliable high level VIP sources. We knew it, and you too know we knew it.
Oh yes, we sure did. 😆
There may lie some truth in it https://www.youtube.com/@ZoomerHistorian/videos
The Nazi system was extremely efficient. It was based on the laws of nature. Organization means always doing the most important thing first and the next most important thing second. That is the law of nature.
The problem with totalitarianism is that Hitler, who represents the queen bee, so to speak, is able to drag all subordinate authorities into the abyss with him if he makes a mistake, because there is no longer any control mechanism over his state of mind.
The top of the pyramid must therefore never consist of a single head; the Führer principle has proven to be obsolete. History shows that self-appointed commanders are not infallible, but fail one day. Whole cultures and peoples, perhaps even continents and races, perish with them.
While Hitler sent millions of young men to certain death at the front as cannon fodder, Mrs. Merkel (installed by Europe’s enemies) did the same by flooding Europe with millions of hostile invaders. No one dared to contradict her madness.
A kind of reverse-totalitarianism that only the (all too) “liberal” society could give birth to. Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Hitler are united by their common childlessness; beware of placing such creatures at the top of a social pyramid!
And dont place the laws of nature below you, they have a way of making you look bad.
I think you’re giving “Them” credit for far more intelligence and control than they actually have. I tend to think its more opportunists seeing profit in problems — people spooked are people who don’t think too clearly (see typical on line or telephone scam — scare ’em, keep ’em hooked on the line and maintain that fear until you’ve got those gift card numbers). Now, as to whether crises are manufactured or enhanced, I think there’s no doubt about it. Its all an extension of just selling policy positions — reality is just what you make it so armed with suitable media presence and skilled enough copywriters you can get people to believe anything….and after belief control’s just a breeze.
(Check out “Dawn of the Nugget” on Netflix. Its a fun children’s movie but for the discerning adult its quite a ride. Still can’t work out if its by accident or design.)
Perhaps, in their own unique ways, Freud and Lennon summed it up best :
The Ruling Ghouls despise the bright light of Truth.
It makes them squirm.
It undermines their authority.
Along with Love, it is our best ‘weapon’.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-12-18. Mass negligent homicide for those manufacturing the vaccines. Insidious immune subversive mechanisms (blog, gab, tweet, pic1, pic2, pic3, pic4).
Good piece. These days I think of them more as oligarchic crimes, events orchestrated by the oligarchy/establishment which controls states and other major institutions.
Kevin Ryan writes:
“Unfortunately, sometimes humans are not terribly bright at receiving messages. There are reasons for this, not the least of which is that we tend to filter out information that challenges our views. There are also limitations of education—the avoidance of controversial topics in schools, for example. Controversial in this sense means threatening to people in power. The avoidance of essential history leads students to parrot inoffensive shadow versions of past events, or learn around them.
“Add to this the growing use of propaganda that misrepresents or ignores facts, and also the need to adhere to social norms, and people often don’t see real threats to their well-being until it’s too late. This leads to a blindness to historical evidence of state crimes and a worldview that facilitates misunderstanding about what is possible and underestimates threats from the state.”
Very well stated, Kevin Ryan…
In addition to cognitive dissonance and lack of education which you state are impediments to receiving messages, there’s also the early indoctrination with having to blindly trust authority that prevents many from tapping into their gut feeling or even just admitting to what their five senses are perceiving as reality all around them.