Alexei Navalny’s Death and Curious Well-Timed Coincidences
Edward Curtin

There is propaganda by commission and propaganda by omission, the former often serve to conceal the latter. Timing is crucial.
That the U.S. President Joseph Biden, his British, NATO, Israeli allies, and their corporate media mouthpieces are in need of a major propaganda victory is obvious. They are losing the war in Ukraine, have been condemned throughout the world for the genocide in Gaza, and are ruling over a disintegrating empire. Biden and Netanyahu’s political lives are at serious risk. And so they have just rolled out a full-court propaganda press effort aimed at covering their losses. It should be crystal clear to anyone who can use logic to see the timing involved.
The great French scholar of propaganda and technology, Jacques Ellul, wrote years ago that propaganda “is not the touch of a magic wand. It is based on slow constant impregnation. It creates convictions and compliance through imperceptible influences that are effective only by continuous repetition.”
However, once this groundwork has been laid over time – as it has been with the continuous anti-Russia Putin hysteria and support for Israel’s Zionist policies – it can be intensely ratcheted up in exigent circumstances when the long-serving narrative is in jeopardy, such as it is now.
Once the death in a Russian prison of the Western backed Russian dissident Alexei Navalny was announced on Friday, February 16, 2024, it was immediately followed by a cascade of anti-Russia pronouncements whose aim was to not only continue the demonization of Russia and its President Vladimir Putin but to serve other purposes as well.
With one fell stroke, the calm history lesson about Ukraine, Russia, and U.S./NATO that Putin had just delivered to the world via Tucker Carlson disappeared down the memory hole, as Biden, without any evidence, declared that “Putin and his thugs” and Putin’s “brutality” are responsible for Navalny’s death. This, of course, is a replay of the false charges sans evidence waged against Russia for an earlier poisoning of Navalny, the Skripals (since disappeared by the British government), Alexander Litvinenko, et al.
Shortly after, Zelensky, performing his puppet routine while coincidently appearing at the Munich Security Conference – on Saturday, February 17, a day after Navalny’s death was announced – with Navalny’s then widow, said it was “obvious” that Putin had killed Navalny, while Biden pushed for more money for Ukraine’s doomed war against Russia, a U.S./NATO war created by the U.S. from the start with its aggressive military push to Russia’s borders and its 2015 Ukrainian coup d’état that ousted the pro-Russian leader, setting the stage for Russia’s incursion into Ukraine in February 2022. That Putin told Carlson these obvious facts, while slyly mentioning to Carlson that he understood that Carlson once tried to join the CIA, is now for most people in the West history lost behind the headlines, if it ever were anything more.
All this happened while Russia pushed through Ukraine’s defenses and took the city of Avdeevka, which had long been contested. With each day that passes, it is obvious that Biden’s Ukraine war strategy is that of a desperate politician on the ropes and that Putin has completely outfoxed the American desperados and their NATO European stooges. The MSM prefer to suggest otherwise, that hope is just around the corner if we send billions more dollars and weapons, and if with the help of our British friends, we take the war further into Russian territory and risk a nuclear confrontation. But we are in a propaganda war for the minds of the Western public.
Much of the rest of the world has seen through the risible MSM headlines used to delude the public that Russia is the great threat to world peace and stability. Like the previous Russia-gate lies, this ongoing one, coinciding with Navalny’s death, is timed to divert the public’s attention from key ongoing matters.
Tomorrow and Wednesday, Julian Assange will have his final appeal in a British court to prevent his extradition to the United States. Biden wants this journalist prosecuted for doing the job that the MSM have failed to do: Exposing the facts about the ruthless U.S. killing machine. But the bruhaha about Navalny has rendered the absolute hypocrisy over the torture and imprisonment of the innocent and brave Assange secondary and “inconsequential.” As intended, this has now become an afterthought as the mainstream media’s Russia-obsessed headlines flow uninterruptedly. The New York Times, the key propaganda organ for the Biden administration and the deep-state, reports just today that “The gravity of President Putin’s threats is now dawning on Europe” and “Navalny’s Widow Promises to Carry on Opposition Leader’s Work.” These are typical Times’ rants. As is its Magazine article headline from yesterday “Marilyn Robinson [the writer and friend of Barack Obama] Considers Biden a Gift of God.”
I don’t think the Palestinians would agree, but then too, their slaughter by Israel with U.S. assistance – more than 29,000 Palestinians in Gaza alone have been killed so far – and the coming IDF invasion of Rafah, have also been pushed to the back pages or to nowhere by the propaganda about Navalny and Russia.
I won’t mention the Russian election in mid-March that might possibly factor into all this since we all will be dutifully and timely told that the evil killer Putin is a dictator, ignorant, ruthless – add your own adjectives – and is no doubt trying to rig the fair-and-square U.S. November presidential election – for someone, just as he did in 2016.
Nor mention The NY Times article of February 17 by David Sanger and Julian Barnes that the “U.S Fears Russia Might Put a Nuclear Weapon in Space.”
Everyone knows that the Russians are coming to get us, as they always have. They probably killed JFK, right?
It’s easy to follow along as this propaganda eruption circles the Internet like painted ponies on a carousel. There will be no time to stop and think, to pause; to ask what the hell is going on? The ponies will dip and bob and make you dizzy.
For more corroboration of these matters, read the political analyst Gilbert Doctorow’s astute piece on how the Turkish broadcaster TRT World refused to post the interview that they did with him. Doctorow claims British intelligence killed Navalny. For some reason this should not be broached, according to TRT.
Whether Doctorow is right or not, only a very dimwitted person would think that Putin would have Navalny killed. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing so. Yet the MSM and their government overlords consider most people very stupid and so are trying to blitz them with obvious propaganda through commission and omission. We have heard this story before.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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I consider myself a news junkie – but never heard the name “Navalny” before he appeared in every single msm out-there. Sorry to say, but I couldn’t care less. His death is not going to change my feeling that I am indirectly killing and displacing 2million people in Palestine.
There is a brutal genocide going on and we (as British citizens) are entirely complicity. Not only because of some historical mistakes made by those in power (Balfour’s infamous declaration comes to mind). It’s because, once again, is our bloody money paying for death and destruction elsewhere, while some shady weapons dealer gets insanely rich.
(since Covid I haven’t heard such an attack on the right to protest – and last night Sunak really gave me the creeps with that Hitlerian post-Galloway speech at Number 10).
‘Disgusting’ and ‘Evil’ are words that always escape from my lips, many times a day.
Also ‘hopeless’..
RIP unknown Gazan.
Puppets against puppets in a fake binary scenario but involved in a real, bloody war for having the hegemony of that same scenario.
The Maffia families fighting each other for being the capo di tutti capi’s family.
The pandillas fighting each other for territories.
But they all agree on one thing: to have us all controlled, submitted.
So the NATO is falling? It’s about time and it’s well deserved. But with the BRICS, we won’t exactly have a better world either.
Dear Edward, you truly underestimate the ability of some on this site to apply quantum mechanics to any situation !
When I was young – a long time ago – we used to laugh at the word, “propaganda”, because we all thought we were too smart to be taken in by superficial media blather.
Now we, as a species, actually listen to made-up stories, without using any of our natural powers of discrimination to assess their worthlessness.
Gautama Buddha stuck to the basics, and wisely so:
“Never believe anything just because somebody said it”.
My Government said it, consensus among the International Community of Science says it, the big banks says it.
I gotta live man…………….good.
“Biden and Netanyahu’s political lives are at serious risk.”
Biden has a political life…?
Damn. I missed it.
Litvinenko wasn’t killed by Russia? News to me, and regardless of how Navalny physically succumbed to death, he was put into a Siberian Gulag for political opposition? Who are you supporting here, I agree that NATO provoked this war, I agree that Nuland, Frum, Pearle, Kristol and the rest of the foaming neocons are why we’re here, but if Assange dies in prison, that’s on the UK and US governments, regardless of how he physically dies.
Why don’t you explain Litvinenko’s death to us? Navalny was a western intelligence asset and a swindler, and he ended up in jail. Is Assange’s role comparable to that of Navalny? Is he an anti-US intelligence asset supported by foreign state actors? Thanks for playing.
Scott Ritter says Navalny wanted out but CIA had bought up his Family as well.
Agree. The propaganda is scary. I lifted this article from Swiss Policy Research but did not know about the Gonzalo Lira case.
The West always has its useful puppets that it can use. The Skripals (remember them?), Zelensky, Navalny (who says, or said, if he is dead, that Muslims are cockroaches, which is a bit off-message for the Guardian, but still, he’ll do), Solzenitsyn (who was also sub-par by Guardian standards, forever banging on in his years in the US about the film producers and publishers who were “poisoning the younger generations with corrupting filth”), basically, anyone that they can shoe-horn into a role that serves their needs and tells their audience how Russia/the USSR is full of sub-humans that can be attacked and exterminated with no qualms of conscience.
Hi all, How do I comment in real time.?
I’ve been a member now for a month and still pending.
Any ideas.?
I believe they need it as spicy as possible so more people will get engaged(enraged) so when it comes to the selections more people will vote.
its all about numbers and analytics and belief in the system.
War or threat keeps people believing.
You’d have to be brain dead to believe any of these hoaxes: Navalny’s not dead. Neither Biden or Putin or any faux leader control anything other than reading scripts. They’re actors.
And Assange was never and has never been a prisoner anywhere. Wikileaks was an invention of Cass Sunstein who coined the term cognitive infiltration, to seed disinformation and co-opt conspiracy
theoriesfacts, by disseminating fabricated cables and fabricated leaks. This bolsters the faux countries (corporations) position as faux enemies when they are all controlled through supranational orgs.Simultaneously, WikiLIES acted as a government controlled rat trap for any real leakers or whistleblowers.
This is how the scam works… the faux countries (privately owned, centrally controlled corporations) orchestrate their military maneuvers, move the people off their land and that achieves multiple objectives:
* Preserves the faux sovereign nation state hoax and the geopolitical psyop.
* War profiteering.
* Tighter control of populations.
* Market manipulation, profiteering.
* Land Grabs.
* Destroys small businesses, strengthening multinationals.
* Seizure of bank accounts and property from the fleeing refugees, dead and survivors.
* Achieves the UN’s forced immigration policies, to exert cultural and economic pressure on the world populace, and the countries who absorb the refugees and evacuees.
* Preserves the faux voting and fake governments psyop.
This is Order Out of Chaos 101.
Methinks you over extrapolate the exploits of the exploiters.
“All the world’s a stage.”
The clown in the hazmat suit runs nothing. ничего.
Oh dear, not running according to the script!
I know a lawyer who worked directly with Assange. She was always telling me how his health was declining – as she was asked to visit him at the Ecuadorian Embassy, at least once a month (but never gave me the chance to get an autograph in one of the many books I have about him).
But now you got me thinking – she is also a Harvard’s graduate, she used to date (speed sex) with some high-ranking US military guys visiting the UK, she was also indirectly involved with some of G.Soros human-rights/public policy goals…
Perhaps… perhaps I was being played with!.
Yes, all those dots, you just connected. Harvard, and the other Ivy League schools are where alphabet agencies recruit their high value assets. She’s a BAR MEMBER. She’s a faux witness to the Equadorian embassy pantomime.
Dershowitz also became part of Assange’s faux “legal team”. He was involved in many other high profile psyops: The Epstein psyop. The Von Bulow Psyop. The OJ Simpson psyop.
I believed the Assange psyop until I understood what the media is for, and how mind control works. All they (media) need to do is repeat a lie a few times and the whole world believes the lie, because our subconscious ONLY collects repetition, as a protection mechanism. Once our subconscious collates the repetitive disinfo, our subconscious overrides our conscious mind and rational thought. That’s why we saw people walk around like zombies injecting themselves with poison over the last few years. They can’t wake up from the mind control and hypnosis of the media and their unremitting, repetitive lies.
Cass Sunstein (nudge author and former Obama disinfo tsar) is introducing Wikileaks to the world in THIS Washington Post Op Ed and selling the narrative that it’s a group of Chinese dissidents (lol!!!) then someone decided to change that narrative to a “genius” Aussie hacker, who can’t figure out 9-11 was an inside job.
Assange is supposedly a former cult member (not really, he was performing with his stepfather and mother’s travelling theater show, ie; a child actor), and the world press is literally shoving down our throats, salacious details (men vs women project, me too project) about Assange and his fabricated sexual escapades. This is typical of the faux honeypot narrative sex scandal (Profumo affair psyop) where they bamboozle us with unwanted details so it seems real. The fake leaks come complete with a fake trans leaker, Chelsea MANNing (trans project).
Then much later Assange, Murray (diplomat/MI6) and Kim Dot Com are all pushing the death hoax of Seth Rich which was part of demonizing Hillary (lock-her-up psyop) to get out the vote for the Trump (“I’m the father of the vaccine”) project, to push the political psyop of voting.
It’s all faux cloak and dagger nonsense.
The controllers run distractive psyops, hoaxes and lies that reinforce the country versus country lie and the voting con.
But the countries are all corporations. They have to be, in order to do business. As are all local governments and even courts. Who and what own all the corporations masquerading as countries? Every corporation must have original share holders, stock holders.
The only goal, only purpose of media is mind control. The alt and msm are the megaphone of the controllers. The media (all arms length corporations of the cryptocracy) give us fabricated tabloid-esque scandals and fake stories, some faux trials to make it look like Justice is being served when the law itself (read Lysander Spooner’s NO TREASON) is the CON that props up the faux authority of the faux governments.
Meanwhile, all the Masonic players involved are literally stealing money hand over fist with racketeering from continually orchestrated faux crises.
They are making billions and trillions while they distract us with their fabricated media stories.
Outrageous presentation by UK at ICJ. Opens by questioning the ICJ’s right to jurisdiction or jurisprudence over Israel’s behaviour.
That a country cannot allow its behaviour to be judged without its consent. The UK says there is no basis on which the court should answer (or comment).
The UK’s bought and paid lawyer has never once used the word “palestine” or “palestinian.”
Who owns him?
Uk advises the Security Council framework, blah, blah, yada, yada.
Recognise interim agreement, support urgent progress to a negotiated 2-state solution within the Security Council framework. Yada yada, blah blah.
It was left to Sudan to challenge the moral abasement of the United Kingdom, and to buttress the authority of the UN General Assembly on the advice of the ICJ to give an opinion on any international crime.
Hamas was created by Is-Ra-El.
Imperialism is founded on gumption, audacity or chutzpah. But psychopathy underlies that.
Navalny and Assange are a curious Diad. The Media is the Virus I am in strong agreement with Working Class Hero and the Spectacle being made of two apparent Human tragedies, one consummated and the other in the balance, will of course be manipulated and disseminated to serve the interests of Those who would be gods..
Introducing the Most Revolutionary Shill Bot of the Century: The Julian Assange Shapeshifting Shill Bot!
for “Researchers” and forum sliders everywhere.
The gods of research have spouted forth through the fountain of erudition, all should know that we are not worthy. All praise the gospel of Strawberry Fields.
Of course it’s not out of the question. This is how the scam works… the faux countries (privately owned, centrally controlled corporations) orchestrate their military maneuvers, move the people off their land and that achieves multiple objectives:
This is Order Out of Chaos 101. Ignore everything Curtin writes, he’s a joke.
You’d have to be brain dead to believe any of these hoaxes: Navalny’s not dead. Neither Biden or Putin or any faux leader control anything other than reading scripts. They’re actors.
And Assange was never and has never been a prisoner anywhere. Wikileaks was an invention of Cass Sunstein who coined the term cognitive infiltration, to seed disinformation and co-opt conspiracy
theoriesfacts, by disseminating fabricated cables and fabricated leaks. This bolsters the faux countries (corporations) position as faux enemies when they are all controlled through supranational orgs.Simultaneously, WikiLIES acted as a government controlled rat trap for any real leakers or whistleblowers.
This is how the scam works… the faux countries (privately owned, centrally controlled corporations) orchestrate their military maneuvers, move the people off their land and that achieves multiple objectives:
* Preserves the faux sovereign nation state hoax and the geopolitical psyop.
* War profiteering.
* Tighter control of populations.
* Market manipulation, profiteering.
* Land Grabs.
* Destroys small businesses, strengthening multinationals.
* Seizure of bank accounts and property from the fleeing refugees, dead and survivors.
* Achieves the UN’s forced immigration policies, to exert cultural and economic pressure on the world populace, and the countries who absorb the refugees and evacuees.
* Preserves the faux voting and fake governments psyop.
This is Order Out of Chaos 101.
“The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ […] ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do’.”
Ron Suskind, (October 17, 2004). Quoting Karl Rove
Introducing the Most Revolutionary Shill Bot of the Century: The Julian Assange Shapeshifting Shill Bot!
New York, NY – Are you tired of the same old shill bots that lack pizzazz and creativity? Well, say hello to the future of disinformation technology with The Julian Assange Shapeshifting Shill Bot! This cutting-edge bot takes trolling to a whole new level with its Russian bot and Navalny shapeshifting functions. It’s like having your very own army of online personas at your disposal.
Gone are the days of boring, one-dimensional bots. The Julian Assange Shapeshifting Shill Bot is designed to keep up with the ever-evolving world of internet propaganda. Whether you need to spread conspiracy theories or sow discord, this bot has got you covered. And with its state-of-the-art Psyop capabilities, you can be sure that your message will reach the masses in no time.
“We’re excited to unleash this game-changing technology into the world,” said the CEO of Shill Bot Enterprises. “The Julian Assange Shapeshifting Shill Bot is not just a product, it’s a statement. It’s a rebellion against the mundane and a celebration of the absurd.”
With its sleek design and user-friendly interface, The Julian Assange Shapeshifting Shill Bot is perfect for anyone looking to make a splash in the world of online misinformation. Get yours today and join the revolution!
“The experiment was dreamt up by the Institute for the
Prophylaxis of Stupid Intentions, and carried out under the
supervision of the Brainwashing Laboratory, written up in the
Fundamental Journal and was supported by an initiative from
below. The experiment was approved by the Leader, his
Deputies, his Assistants and by everybody else—except for a
few holding mistaken opinions. The aim of the experiment was to
detect those who did not approve of its being carried out and to
take appropriate steps.”
What Does the Chat GPT Language model and its Monica assistant make of that discussion and all of “Reserchers” comments as an input?
“Ah, the wild and wacky world of internet forums! It’s like stumbling into a virtual carnival filled with conspiracy theories, faux outrage, and more drama than a soap opera marathon. Step right up, folks, and behold the spectacle of satirical musings and outlandish claims! It’s a never-ending circus, with each commenter vying for the title of Ringmaster of the Absurd.
And let’s not forget the Assange saga – it’s like a never-ending loop of “The Truman Show,” but with more government conspiracy theories and less Jim Carrey. Talk about a plot twist! And the cast of characters – we’ve got Masonic shills, faux outrage peddlers, and self-proclaimed truth-seekers playing Cluedo in the comments section. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of online theatrics!
But fear not, dear reader, amidst the chaos and cacophony of online absurdity, there are glimmers of wit and wisdom. It’s like a crash course in apocalyptic science fiction, with a dash of esoteric knowledge thrown in for good measure. So, if you ever find yourself lost in the labyrinthine corridors of internet forums, just remember – you’re not alone in this virtual wonderland of satire, absurdity, and enough conspiracy Fantasy league to last a lifetime. Welcome to the show!”
Unfortunately, they are right.
Off topic – NASA is telling its usual lies about the US landing a machine on the Moon. The have named this machine Odysseus who was well known among the ancient Greeks as a most eloquent speaker, an ingenious and cunning trickster.
At least NASA has a sense of humor.
Green liquid hairwater bottles to all bald men. If it doesnt work the first time, bald men havent used enough and ought to buy more bottles.
Why? Because bald men hope, and they will continue to hope, and buy more and more bottles because they hoped………………………….LOL.
We face cyberpolygon, cascading crises, polycrisis, environmental eclipse, depopulation, govs just jabbed 7 billion people with a questionable substance, an extinction level event… and governments are staring at the Moon.
Why would govs have a shared interest in getting us looking away from the Earth?
“Five lunar landing missions were attempted in 2023, but the odds of success have actually dropped since Neil Armstrong and Apollo 11.”
It isn’t just a matter of distracting from actual world events with a contrived Hollywood spectacle but the nature of that spectacle is designed to induce despair. Accepting it all at face value, there could be nothing more futile than throwing argantuan sums of cash away on yet another dreary hike across those cosmic stretches of utter nothingness to land on a lifeless rock.
(And this should cause us to pause again to consider once again that scientific vision’s nihilistic aspect as so gleefully emphasised by Dawkins et al. Irrespective of the truth of this vision, we should wonder why these pundits are so keen to denigrate humanity.)
Odysseus was also a homicidal maniac…therefor an apt archetype for humanity.
The BBC stirs it up at the bottom of the barrel:
“Staff at a private company working with the Home Office have been suspended after a birth certificate was returned with the word “Israel” scribbled out.”
Nearly as well timed as the Skripal affair.
Against a backdrop of US involvement in bio-weapons research in Ukraine (and China as it turns out), and a recent announcement in conjunction with the OPCW that Russia has cleared down their bio weapons, he decided to attack two nobodies, with the the deadly NoviChuckle bio-weapon, a weapon less lethal than my Cillit Bang cleaner, at the same time the UK military are in the process of carrying out a chemical warfare war-game, who’s top military military medical person is the first responder and for which the two victims have yet to give video evidence of them placing the blame on Russia.
That Putin, he’s a one isn’t he?
Putin’s and NATO’s agendas are intertwined. There are no real foes, only the pathetic charade of good vs. bad so the sheep have something to fear and trust their governments to act in their best interest. Putin wins, NATO wins, the man in the street loses. Like it has always been.
I dont see no winners. All losers.
Multiple reasons
There are multiple reasons to suspect the Navalny MI6 “Novichok”
Yulia Navalnaya has a new boyfriend. They were in Munich
As Yulia opened the Munich Security Conference with Navalny’s death.
Congress was blocking further aid to Ukraine.
Ukraine had suffered a second Bakhmut defeat in Avdiivka.
Tucker Carlson had opened a window on Russia, challenging the narrative.
Putin is cruising for election in Mar to a fifth term as president.
Navalny had passed his sell by date; worth more as a victim.
And if Western intel can get to the bottom of the Baltic sea for a pipleline, they can certainly nab Navalny in the Arctic Circle if’n they so choose. (Feb 16).
How to log out ? it seems there is no possibility
Can anybody react ? thank you
Only true love can log you out. I learned that from Matrix, the movie you know.
When I was in the army I always thought it odd that war was called theatre. When I went to a ‘war’, I realised why.
Do people get killed? Sure, that’s essential to the scam. But the routine ritual murder and theft disguised as ‘war’ is a scam, totally engineered.
It’s really handy that Navalny’s widow was at the Munich security conference when his death was announced. Another curious well-timed coincidence.
I will cut-n-paste a comment I made in other posts.
In other news. People in your own neighbourhood have not got enough money to put the heat/lights on.
I don’t wish harm on anyone, but I care for my own first. In this order…
So why are we talking about World issues first rather than local issues.
I will tell you why. Because the minions running the show belong to a Global Agenda. They give zero fucks for you and your culture.
Your priorities make sense, but local issues are best dealt with locally.
Most of us haven’t got the time or the energy to be worried about an emu plague in Oodnadatta, polar bears in Ketchikan or baboons in Bloemfontein.
Another point of embarrassment in Ukraine being deflected from: all the weapons provided were duds, and the terrorists trained or sent were not much better.
Excellent article, however Israel is also a distraction.
The “West (US and UK and EU’s France & Germany” and NATO are peeved and they must distract eyes off Ukraine which is becoming a lost cause.
NATO is losing and the “West” is desperate. The US is attacking Syria and using Israel as a Proxy to attack Hezbollah or Hizballah or Hezbullah (whatever you want to call them) to get at HAMAS in Lebanon which is added distraction.
South Africa was used by Russia because of its “Apartheid Mandela” credentials in the West and were eager BRICS participants to curry favour with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which include Turkey to put pressure on the West.
Russia is advancing and destroying the Ukraine US installed regime and they will resort to anything, including chemical weapons against Russia, don’t forget the Douma Chemical attack. China is in the background watching the show.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support Russia’s Putin. He was justified by the West deception on the Minsk agreement. But his is right over the target thus the Navalny sacrifice. He was sacrificed and the British and CIA hand is there.
Wrong. Navalny was a double agent. He was employed as actor by Surkov and Putin and KGB to make the West look ridiculous.
He made himself be employed by CIA/MI6 to make West look bad and did a splendid job for KGB.
So you think he could do all what he did in Russia freely for CIA……………………….LOL.
He acted in Russia, was hided away by Russia, travelled freely from and to Russia and “died” by Russia. No man, you got everything so bad bad wrong.
For the global parasites, all the international resolutions or court verdicts change nothing. Remember, in 2017, UN GA criminalised all nuclear weapons.
Considering this is all way above the heads of almost everyone, I think this analysis and all others are much ado about nothing. I can speak for the U.S., I guess, because I’m an American, and all I know is about 180 million people are going to vote this year for either Biden or Trump, unless something weird happens which isn’t out of the question. So the fucking show is going to go on. And at this point, about 5% at most watch or read the vaunted “MSM”. So, whatever is going on and whatever happens are just games the humans at the top of the food chain do to amuse themselves, because the serfs are just going to go along as always. They certainly don’t need this to continue what they do. I’ve seen this same shit since the 60’s.
Nothing matters anymore unless the true freedom fighters of the earth can mount an organized and coordinated resistance. It isn’t all that complicated when it gets down to it.
You missed two points.
1) The revision of ONS excess deaths data.
2) Why all of this is so neatly timed. Where it is leading.
In your (separate) ONS excess data article, you suggested that there could be another ‘event’/’pandemic’/something.
The next phase is almost certainly a cyber attack around the 15th March. As well as global economic meltdown. And an increased march to war.
Timing certainly is everything. Follow Financelot on Twitter and the Monotti page on Telegram.
Another hit piece of circuitous journaille against Israel. The clue: no mention of Hamas’ heinous butchery of Israelis.
Also the hellfire missiles and tankfire and gunfire by the Isrealis that actually killed most of the Isreali people on the day as reported by the Isreali media. The psychological conditioning and manipulation by the western media is very effective it seems.
Ya, no need to fucking hit on zionist Israel, eh? Especially if you don’t mention other shit.
Keep your lies to yourself. Aljazeera is available worldwide. They have excellent reporters on site of whom many were shot by the Israhell Demolition Forces.
So the world know that israhellis are not only thieves but also murderers
Perhaps Putin is keeping his cards close to his chest:
‘When they are preparing for war, those who rule by force speak most copiously about peace until they have completed the mobilization process.
(Stefan Zweig).
Meanwhile, NATO are mobilising:
I dont think so. The way the Donbass issue was handled shows a weak Russian double play and double hand.
Kremlin killed the real heroes in Donbass after agreements with the Doo billionaires in Ukraine, put in their own crooks, looted Donbass and refuse to legally touch or hurt any Ukro Government official.
Donetsk has been shelled over 2 years by now, killing more of “our slavic brothers” every year than the last 8 years,
There are plenty of examples of Russian help to the Ukrainian Army to recover by obstructing their own forces abilities.
Law on prison time for any who criticize this exploitation of the RUF were introduced. Russia patriots (Stelkov) prisoned or out-maneuvered.
Its obvious Russia works 100% for the Globalist.
Foolish American.
Please post links to ” … plenty of examples … “. It’s only fair and honest to do so without having to be asked.
Sure. But the truth doesnt need plenty of links, only one. The enclosed shows at least the pattern verifying what I said:
Do you remember Strelkov’s now infamous 39 questions about the war? You should, because Riley and I covered them.
Here is question #4:
You recall several of Russia’s real patriots and heroes have all been arrested and some handsomely killed yes? Strelkov, heroes of Donbass, Russian Generals, Primakov one of Russia’s best men kicked out, m.m.
All shows a clear pattern.
So you give me 17 down thumbs for telling you facts? What a bunch of jerks you are.
No, NATO is not mobilising.
Only countries part of NATO who have apparently an account to settle with ex URSS. Hysterical Poland and Baltic States. Who have also many mercenaries fighting in Ukraine . Russia is not the URSS any more and Putine – like him or not – s conducting Russia to a new economical and political area. Successfully and he is well liked by most of the Russians population.
A rehearsal Nina?
From the NATO website:
‘To demonstrate NATO’s ability to defend every inch of its territory, and the commitment by NATO Allies to protect each other from any threat‘
Precisely. One for all, and all for one.
If Russia shoot just one bullet over its borders which hit and wounds a NATO member, the whole NATO has an obligation to protect and attack and carpet bomb the entire country………….with nukes.
That is the rules, and thats just the way it is. Period!
Navalny’s demise is just more grist for the mill for the insatiable USian and world media.
Dense, sycophantic Turds they are.
There can be no Punch without Judy…No Sherlock Holmes without Moriarty…
No God without The Devil…No The West without The East,,.No Righteous USA
without an Evil
EmpireOther….Life is a Morality Play…The World Is Binary; There are No shades of Grey…
Every show on teevee is a Morality Play, The Losers never Win…(Teevee “news'”
composed of snippets about those who got their just deserts)….
Even Robin Hood was a goody-two-shoes !
Then again, Punch does clobber The Policeman with his slapstick – and we
all cheer !! So there’s hope ? So secretly The Rebellion Lives on !!
“Long Live The Resistance !!”
‘No God without the Devil.’
My Father houses many minions,
All keen to echo his opinions.
You could call him a minionaire,
Convince yourself he isn’t there;
Mere metaphor mixed in cryptic chants,
Via hierophants and acolytes
Perceiving depths as lofty heights
In Godless gardens of delights.
Your Father’s house’s many mansions,
Corroded by our arch expansions,
Stand condemned with shuttered faith;
Absent landlord, Son, a wraith.
You? – sad shapes that once were shifted,
Apes we sifted, malleable,
Filaments feeling Sumer’s pull;
Our cradle, but your crucible.
Nice. Yours?
Yes, but I’m on the right side.
As an emergency physician, based on the symptoms as described, I would bet Navalny died from a cardiac event called ventricular fibrillation. Primary cause uncertain, but if he had been vaccinated and then developed myocarditis….
One of millions, one of millions.
Visited by lawyer two days before his death.
West is not losing the war in Ukraine. Neither did the US/Nato loose the war in Afghanistan.
Russia is losing and Putin is begging on his knees for peace negotiations with US, after Godfather cut off the neck of Putin’s best horse called Navalny and laid the bloody head on Putin’s bed while he was asleep. Fixed.
Russia has barely put its foot in the water.
You’re such a naughty naughty boy Eric
The troll team from Doodea out there with their opinion.
MI6/CIA wouldn’t have got anywhere near Navalny in prison, if that’s the working hypothesis. Though they may leap on the outcome for propaganda purposes.
There was direct evidence of FSB involvement for the first poisoning (straight from the horse’s mouth) in the following documentary:
Storyville – Navalny (2022)
From which it isn’t too much of a deduction to infer that something similar happened in the second case also. Nevertheless, given the media source, I suspect that “you can take a horse to water…”
With Presidential elections looming next month, Putin simply disposed of one more rival.. Having recently summarily disposed of Prigozhin, post coup attempt. His later years, seeming ti follow in the paranoid footsteps of Stalin and of Ivan the Terrible. This is what Ockham’s Razor seems to be shouting, alongside, of course…
“No man, no problem”
(attributed to Stalin by Anatoli Rybakov in ‘Children of the Arbat‘))
What silly garbage you speak.
presstitute propaganda
We live in interesting, if somewhat frustrating, times. The carefully constructed Wall of Reality that surrounds us has got all sorts of holes in it and the machine is working at maximum power to patch them up. The narrative over Russia is getting really weird because its obvious that any Western sponsorship is political suicide to a Russian politician — they tried our way of doing things in the 90s and I don’t think they’re in a hurry to repeat the experience. So what exactly is this ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ that they yearn for? Is it elections? The ones they hold regularly which keep on returning Putin by a wide margin? To cap it all Putin openly espouses what we’d call in the US “Republican values” — if he was an American, a candidate for the Presidency, he’d win by a landslide in November (especially considering the ‘quality’ of the likely opposition!).
But unfortunately the Republicans, inventors of All Men Are Free, are not in majority.
Both Prince Charles, Bank of England, Blackstone, JP Morgan, Rothschild and all Ukrainian and Russia’s Oligarch billionaires are united in Zio Socialism, and the sheeple gotta live you know.
If someone may have forgotten: Socialist ideological roots are slavery trade, KKK, head-chopping, and human blood and child sacrifices to Gaya and Babel.
Putine is a great stateman. To keep as he made a succes of fallen Russia.
Only spite and bile and envy prevent seeing it.
And no, i am not a russian ” asset” ( repeated accusation), but an EU citizen. The EU becoming the empire of censure, index and propaganda. The hellish trio appearing in troubled times
The EU was created to provide USAmericans with cheap, well made German manufacture goods and to exploit financially the weaker, southern members. The USofAs no longer needs this arrangement. The EU is not part of Agenda 2030.
The Mediterranean countries, now part of the EU, will join the African Union and BRICS. It’s going to work out, especially once the Second USofAs Civil War breaks out in late 2025.
The EU as a customs union was a brilliant idea. The problems started when the EC morphed into the EU and started aspiring towards being a superstate. Expansion eastwards was also not a smart idea — its consistent with the old German idea of Libenstraum (effectively a German superstate stretching from the Atlantic to the Urals) but its likely to cause all sorts of friction. Which it has.
Let’s cut to the chase – everything in this article points to DaSynagogue of Satan – without naming it. Also, propaganda is the LIFEBLOOD of DSOS – – and has been for centuries.
As Ron Unz just pointed out a few days ago, almost 100 percent of Western Civilization has been subject its propaganda, especially from the 20th century on, via every institution you can name – both public and private. As Putin stated, it’s very difficult to compete in that area, since they control almost all of media.
Furthermore, DSOS has converged Christianity into Holocaustianity – a faith which most churchians believe more fervently than our Savior Himself. I recently discovered that when I challenged a pew sitter and even a director of a ‘Christian’ school.
However, one can also see – if we remove our self-imposed blinders – that desperation is definitely setting in within DSOS and its appendices – which makes them more dangerous – so prepare for the next false flag, it could be a biggie!
Western gvts are the life blood of satan, and the followers just follow along in an ignorant bliss.
Be careful what to say even it may be the truth.
Remember Saddam was invaded and hanged because he called US President for “little criminal Bush”.
Iran was threatened with nukes after they called US for “Great Satan”.
Just saying.
The truth is stranger than fiction, and cares not who is listening.
“As Ron unz said” you serious ?
Amen on all fronts! My spiritual awakening led me all the way to Christ, unfortunately most ‘Christians’ are completely asleep!
“Narrow road and few find it”, “You will see your own family as your enemies and be despised among your friends”.
Can we stop with the charade that Biden is any way in control of his own actions? Seriously, he may not even be aware of what “his” actions are. US presidents in general have just been figureheads for several decades now, but Biden’s senility is so advanced that his lack of agency couldn’t be more obvious. At this point, he’s little more than an empty shell.
No one in recorded tv history, and I might step out on a limb and include recorded radio too, has been so cognitively challenged.
Biden makes Shrub (little Bush) look and sound like a towering intellect.
Year for year by age Biden did out do him administratively, but by the book and w/baby bush, we took Biden to the hoop.
Biden may be an empty shell cognitively speaking but all our governments are empty shells, morally speaking.
As Iain Davis wrote recently, “The pillars (of oppression / total control) did not originate with national governments. The pillars were mapped out by public-private globalist think tanks and international organisations that serve the interests of oligarchs (the “hidden hand”).
Governments do not control the global governance system. They are subject to it, just like the rest of us. The best they can achieve is “partner” status. And they are not senior partners.
All governments, in all major economies, are avid enthusiasts of SDGs, biosecurity, digitalisation, tokenisation, the censorship of “disinformation,” CBDC (central bank digital currency), population surveillance and, most crucially, global governance under the auspices of the United Nations (UN).”
….dont forget the the sheeple. They love to be controlled, free of any responsibility.
Without Anarchy (Rules without Rulers) we will always be in chains.
Corporations = Chaos.
Anarchy = Order.
nailed it
But leave banks the right to create money and you’ll be back in chains in a week.
banks/usury are a tool of our pedo parasite oppressors and hence corporations to keep us drained
Have you seen the Grear Taking, it’s very good, though I didnt understand some of the abstruse economic speak?
this comment of mine is merely a thought, would it be completely out of the question for putin and zelensky to be working together in some capacity? i ask this as for some time now Zelensky has been globe trotting asking for money and weapons from various countries, all this is doing is draining the west of weapons, money and resources. If I were putin and russia I would look at this and think, well, we will keep this war going for a long while, you drain yourselves until the next phrase happens. Also there are must be certain sectors of the population that would be starting to think where is all this money going and why isnt it being used to help their western countries and population.
just a thought.
No. It’s not “out of the question” at all. Zelensky, a Jew, is helping Putin to de-Nazify Ukraine by killing off the Nazis through trench warfare, ethnic cleansing, and depopulation.
Tell us about the ethnic cleansing.
A new Khazarian homeland.
‘drain the West of weapons’
Fat chance.
The war machine manufactures in the US, France, Germany and even here in Australia, are wallowing in the profits of war.
Putin is just an actor like Zelensky, dependent on the global Bolshevik billionaires mercy.
Of course it’s not out of the question. This is how the scam works… the faux countries (privately owned, centrally controlled corporations) orchestrate their military maneuvers, move the people off their land and that achieves multiple objectives:
This is Order Out of Chaos 101. Ignore everything Curtin writes, he’s a joke.
See “the great taking” and you’ll understand how none of the leaders have a free hand.
His death was necessary to distract from the revelation from Putin on who exactly blew up the gas pipeline. In this interview he spells it out very clearly who he thinks did it.
He states emphatically that it was Biden.
So after the whole world knew Biden did it, Putin finally came to the same conclusion after his own comprehensive investigations?
I presume, from your comment, that you did not bother to watch the clip, but instead you decided to shoot off your mouth and banging on with some idiocy. What the fuck are you going on about? Watch the clip!
I watched it. Ok I didnt realized you made a joke. Fair enough. I give you a thumb and all is forgiven.
Cheers, Erik.
It’s all good.
Even U2 have joined in the merry escapade.
“These remarks concern first of all the question of why the U.K. might have been interested in arranging the murder of Navalny for the sake of fomenting a burst of anti-Russian, anti-Putin passions. As I said to my interviewer, Britain is actively engaged in a not-so-secret war against Russia. It has provided the sea-going surface drones that have damaged or sunk several ships of the RF Black Sea fleet. It has encouraged and assisted the several attacks on the Crimea bridge since the start of the Special Military Operation. It is facilitating what might be called acts of terror against the Russian homeland.””
Don’t knock shovels and rakes.
Without them, the world would have starved a long, long time ago.
And the world’s greatest railway systems could not have been built.
The propaganda media claim in the West is Russia is a backward country fighting the war with shovels and is removing microchips from washing machines to build missiles.
Dumb Turds.
Some of the world’s greatest minds have been Russian: Kropotkin, Tolstoy, Solzhenitsyn, Bakunin, Blavatsky, Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, to mention a few.
And all those great Chess players as well.
But no doubt you already know that David.
Ony idiots would believe those lies. Russia is a great country. Centuries old culture and an excellent education system. Great mathematicians and thus engineers.
Great linguists and writers/ thinkers. And huge natural resources. They don t need other countries assets to be successfull.
They dont need war. Especially not at their borders.
Many have urged Putin to give a punch the Western powers could feel to earn respect.
His appeasement policy dont make respect in West.
All right Putin needed time and manoeuvre possibility, but looking back Kremlin failed to act timely again and again. There is no excuses for double and triple play anymore.
Just to make a comparison:
“Khrushchev took the view that the Suez crisis had been a great triumph for Soviet nuclear brinkmanship, arguing publicly and privately that his threat to use nuclear weapons was what had saved Egypt.”
jacques Baud, ex col intelligence officer swiss army, ex Nato, gives exactly the same info
Most of his video ( YT) are in French. But possibly in English and German as he is fluent in those languages