Gaza: The End of the Jewish Joy Ride?

Michael Lesher

You almost want to feel sorry for Israel’s professional apologists in mainstream media these days. Their job, a fetid one at best, has been especially trying lately.

First they assure us that Israel has no intention of committing a genocide – and right away they’re refuted by Israel’s own prime minister, who loudly demands the extermination of every man, woman and child in Gaza, not to mention its president’s equally public insistence that Palestinian civilians are legitimate military targets.

Then they struggle to excuse Israel’s bloody attack on one Gaza hospital, only to end up watching Israel’s killing machine obliterate literally all of them. (Not to mention making a mockery of the excuses by providing no evidence that there was ever a “Hamas command center” under al-Shifa, the first of those destroyed hospitals, to begin with.)

Then they try to divert attention from Israeli atrocities by yelping about “mass rape” supposedly committed by the Palestinian fighters who burst from the Gaza concentration camp on October 7. But the ink is hardly dry on their indignant op-eds before their masters in the Chosen State confess that they have no victim testimonies, no forensic evidence and no reliable witnesses to back up any of the claims.

What’s an apologist to do?

Well, if you’re a staff writer at the Atlantic – where rationalizing Israeli crime is a specialty of the house – you can fall back on the lamest canard of all: that the public disgust stirred by Israel’s worst-yet mass murder campaign against Palestinians is really a product of rising “anti-Semitism.”

And sure enough, Atlantic’s April number sports a feature story to that effect by one Franklin Foer with the lachrymose title “The Golden Age of American Jews is Ending” – because, don’t you see, Americans couldn’t possibly have a respectable motive for getting worked up over a genocide.

Mind you, it takes some high-octane chutzpah to pretend that today’s Big Story is the end of an era for American Jews, at the very moment when American-made bombs and artillery shells are pulverizing Gaza and exterminating its population (half of which consists of children), to the applause of virtually every Jewish communal organization the world over, including inside the US.

But Foer doesn’t lack chutzpah. He’s not only prepared to claim victimhood for Jewish genocide supporters on the grounds that their sachems haven’t been able to stifle all public dissent. He also wants you to believe that the decline of American Jewish power isn’t due to public backlash against bullying by Jewish organizations (think AIPAC, or the sadly misnamed Anti-Defamation League); nor to the exposure of illegal spending sprees with government funds by various Hasidic institutions; nor even to the racist blood lust expressed by almost every prominent Orthodox rabbi in the US since Israel’s genocidal campaign began last October.

No, according to Foer, the real trouble is what he calls “anti-Semitism on the right and the left” – which I guess means “everywhere,” in the US at least. And he’s even prepared to insist that this “anti-Semitism” is not only bad for the Jews; it threatens the American republic, too.

“Over the course of the 20th century, Jews invested their faith in a distinct strain of liberalism that combined robust civil liberties, the protection of minority rights, and an ethos of cultural pluralism,” Foer claims. But now, “that era is drawing to a close. America’s ascendant political movements – MAGA on one side, the illiberal left on the other – would demolish the last pillars of the consensus that Jews helped establish.” Ah, the unaccountable ingratitude of those goyim! I mean – what’s a little genocide between friends?

Setting to one side Foer’s self-righteous reading of American political history, any claim that today’s United States is awash in anti-Semitism is obviously silly. Quite apart from opinion polls – which tell a tale very different from Foer’s – popular culture is a convenient point of reference in such matters, and it’s hard to see how a society permeated with Jew-hatred would have showered no fewer than twenty Oscar nominations last year on films that celebrate already-famous American Jews. And then there’s the large number of American Jews who have participated in the anti-genocide protests that so trouble Foer – a datum that, standing alone, suffices to refute his imputation of anti-Jewish bigotry to the protesters.

But Foer is right about one thing. A privileged chapter in diaspora Jewish history is coming to an end – though not for the reason he gives. The simple truth (though Foer cannot admit it) is that the American public is getting tired of being bullied by a greedy and hypersensitive Jewish elite that, like a spoiled child, has insisted on having its way for years in everything from Mideast policy to the distribution of government benefits, and is now finally overplaying its hand.

And if that Jewish “leadership” really has squandered its measure of imperially-funded impunity by embracing a genocide – at a moment when the fabric of US politics is too strained for an ultra-divisive issue and too cash-poor to give away the extra billions that Israel is demanding to finance its crimes – it is quite possible that Foer has stumbled onto another truth as well: that the wreckage from the fall of the Jewish elite will doom whatever is left of American democracy.

To make sense of these claims, a short summary of recent history is in order. It is well known that since the end of World War II Jews in the West have come to enjoy a degree of freedom, prosperity and political influence that is without precedent in the Jewish diaspora.

Unsurprisingly, American Jews have generally welcomed this development. And given the horrors that preceded it, culminating in the genocide of Europe’s Jewish population in the 1940s, it’s not hard to understand why Jewish elites in the US focused at first on securing their hard-won position in any way they could, taking advantage of new opportunities and assimilating themselves to preexisting power structures.

But after 1967, as Israel settled into a new role as one of Washington’s key client states, what had been prudence morphed into braggadocio. Norman Podhoretz set the tone, vowing that henceforth American Jews would “resist any who would in any way and to any degree and for any reason whatsoever attempt to do us harm” – a boast that meant in practice (to quote the superb scholar Norman Finkelstein) that “American Jewish elites could strike heroic poses as they indulged in cowardly bullying.”

Less privileged constituencies may be forgiven for not seeing that period as a “golden age,” as Foer does, but you can reject his twisted perspective and still agree that the postwar joy ride of Jewish “leadership” is probably coming to an end.

After all, why shouldn’t it?

Today’s United States is not the United States of 1945, nor even the United States of 1967. The American public now is as deeply divided as in the last decades of the 18th century, when armed rebellions and secession plots were recurring realities. The presidential election scheduled for this November – assuming it happens at all (the Democratic Party seems to be trying to convert the balloting system into a prearranged election-by-lawfare) – is likely to exacerbate differences rather than resolve them, with potentially disastrous results. Worse, given the massive attack on civil rights that was launched four years ago on the pretext of a COVID-19 “medical emergency” – an attack that included the deliberate undermining of the electoral process in many states – it is not even clear whether the necessary conditions for democracy exist any longer in the US.

Meanwhile, consumer prices have skyrocketed, workers are suffering massive layoffs, and the small business economy, crippled by the COVID coup, has been unable to compensate for the damage.

Why should a citizenry in such straits continue to give preferential treatment to an overbearing Jewish elite that 1) clearly doesn’t need it, and 2) flaunts its allegiance to a foreign power even as it demands favors from American institutions at every opportunity? (Anyone who needs an introduction to the fraudulent practices this elite will resort to, and the extent to which it has entangled US government in its chicanery, need only read Norman Finkelstein’s copiously documented The Holocaust Industry for some useful details.) By any standard, American Jews have enjoyed an extraordinary run over the last fifty years; it’s about time we were treated just like everybody else – no worse, but no better either.

The (mis)behavior of Jewish “leadership” is exacerbating the problem. Instead of absorbing the message of the writing on the wall and prudently lowering its profile, it is going for broke, intensifying its financial and political demands in support of Israel’s genocidal slaughter – the worst possible issue seized at the worst possible moment. Not even warning growls from old allies like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have had any noticeable effect. Like Shakespeare’s Richard III, Jewish “leaders” seem intent on plunging ahead toward their own inevitable destruction.

And I fear that they will not fall alone. Gaza is far from being Joe Biden’s only problem this year. But as the Palestinian death toll soars, and the pictures of shredded or starving children become ever more numerous and intolerable, the Gaza genocide could end up being the last straw that breaks the back of Biden’s reelection propaganda.

Genocide Joe’s problem with Gaza is that there is no real escape from it: Biden cannot ignore the issue but also cannot afford to resolve it. If he grows an embryonic conscience and finally brings Israel to heel (at least temporarily), he will pay a heavy price with Jewish voting blocs in November. If he doesn’t, a regional Mideast war could be in the offing, and I doubt that any American administration could survive the fallout from such a debacle.

I am not about to shed any tears for Joe Biden or for the Democratic Party. But if the current government collapses, what will replace it? An ad hoc coalition around the former Narcissist-in-Chief? A caretaker administration effectively under the sway of US intelligence agencies? A COVID coup-inspired government by executive fiat? The prospects are not encouraging.

Meanwhile, the 1,000 American troops now being sent to Israel/Palestine – ostensibly to build a “humanitarian port” for Gaza – may end up, for all I know, as a striking force behind a coup designed to oust Netanyahu and to put the US directly in control of a client state gone rogue. No one familiar with the CIA’s record can rule out such a possibility. But how will an American working class that already resents the billions of dollars annually thrown away on “aid” to Israel (while average American families can’t pay the rent and the heating bill at the same time) react to the idea of turning the Jewish State into an expensive US protectorate? What if those American troops start dying in new wars in Lebanon or Iran? How much can Americans be expected to pay for Israel’s rapaciousness?

I certainly do not know where any of this will lead. But I’m finding it very hard to imagine a happy ending to the story. I’ve already mentioned my doubts about whether the presuppositions required of a democracy exist in today’s United States. One of those presuppositions is the assumption of shared goals (Lessing, following Aristotle, went so far as to describe this as “friendship”) between the members of differing political factions. But can I really acknowledge any sort of common cause with a supporter of genocide? To be honest, I’m still not sure I can use a word like “friendship” to describe my relationship to someone who, just a few years ago, denied my right of movement, my right to be governed by democratic processes, my right to speak my mind without being censored, my right not to be a human guinea pig, and even my right to breathe freely. And I can’t forget that there were many, many such people.

What I’m finding really ominous is that so many enemies of American freedom over the last four years are now quietly cozying up to Israel’s genocide lest they upset the Democratic Party applecart – and are demanding that the American public do the same. Rebecca Solnit, one of those “progressive feminists” who helped to publicize every democracy-destroying lie of the COVID coup, from masks to coerced human medical experimentation, doesn’t mince words about the dangers of Republican politicians: according to her, they have “abandoned all ethics and standards, and will happily violate the oaths they took to uphold the constitution”; in fact, she claims that “[v]iral Trumpism has already merged with conspiracy theories such as QAnon, with anti-vaccine cults, with white supremacists and neo-fascists.” But the prolific Ms. Solnit has gone strangely tongue-tied about the slaughter-plus-systematic-starvation of more than a million children in Gaza.

Gloria Steinem, another “progressive” who bailed on the “my body, my choice” principle as soon as a Democratic Party administration demanded the injection of federal employees with untested drugs, was quick to denounce Palestinians over charges of sexual violence that were probably fabricated. But she too has been practically silent about the slaughter in Gaza, not to mention the well-documented sexual violence committed by Israelis against female Palestinian prisoners. And so on, and so on, and so on.

I mention these examples because I think they expose, like a lantern in a shadowy room, the cruel emptiness belied by all the liberal gesturing. The tragic truth is that the Democratic Party and its mouthpieces are not offering us an alternative to Donald Trump. They are using Trump’s name as hunters use beaters, to induce frightened prey to stampede into their nets. They are not, as some critics believe, political ideologues; they are really more like political parasites, forced to feed on the vital energies and principles of others because they have none themselves.

That is where Democratic Party apologists meet the crime-rationalizing rhetoricians of American Jewish “leadership.” Even genocide, the most heinous of all crimes against humanity, doesn’t move such people, because where they should have hearts capable of empathy with suffering or of anger at injustice, all they’ve really got is a craving for power and a dread of losing it.

And so it turns out that the Jewish elites who are hell-bent on maintaining their undeserved privileges – so much so that they’ll embrace Nazi crimes to do it – are forcing the pitiful hollowness of America’s political elites into public view. That is the real disaster that Franklin Foer, who wants to keep both elites in power, cannot see. His pastiche of anodyne falsehoods is intended to divert public attention from the horror of Israel’s intensifying crimes in occupied Palestine. But he is really laying the groundwork for the radical disillusionment of the American public – a disillusionment that could bring down the entire political process when a generation of its victims realizes how recklessly and how cynically it has been deceived.

Yes, the American Jewish joy ride is probably about to end – and with a bang, not a whimper. The real questions are all about what happens next. How many Americans (and others) are going to be hurt in the crash? How many will get out of the way in time? How many will be ready with aid for the victims when the debris finally settles?

And what will be left – after so much cruel and needless damage – of what we used to call “the land of the free, the home of the brave”?

Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.


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Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 10, 2024 12:37 PM

As WCK Chef Jose Andres said, “It’s a war on humanity”. Israel’s Biblical Psychopathy “Please stop calling Netanyahu a psychopath. Or at least, call him a biblical psychopath, a worshipper of the psychopathic god. And while you are there, learn see the Hebrew Bible for what it is: “a conspiracy against the rest of the world,” as said H. G. Wells. In the books of the Bible, “you have the conspiracy plain and clear, … an aggressive and vindictive conspiracy. … It is not tolerance but stupidity to shut our eyes to their quality.” Brutal, chaotic war – norms, conventions and laws of conduct are being erased “Israel’s aim, firstly, is to destroy the norms, conventions and laws of warfare; to create geo-political anarchy in which anything goes, and by which, with the White House frustrated, yet acquiescing to each norm of conduct obtrusively trodden underfoot, allows Netanyahu to grip the U.S. bridle and lead the White House horse to water – towards his regional End of Times ‘Great Victory’; a necessarily brutal war – beyond existing red lines and devoid of limits.” AI-generated kill lists used in drone programs like Lavender and Where’s Daddy, seek out those AI deems “the enemy”, and bombs their home at night. They want to be able to normalize this worldwide. Sick Cultures: When Belief Systems turn Pathological “Significantly, it is this lurking moral uneasiness with their nation’s hypocrisy, felt particularly by the youth, that is now eroding the American alliance with Israel. The ethnic cleansing and genocide, so acceptable to Israeli Jews, is a behavior that a number of Americans see as indefensible—particularly from an “ally” claiming to hold values similar to their own.  Thus is change possible even in an environment over which we have but nominal control. And, in this case,… Read more »

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 11, 2024 1:18 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

” … the U.S. to get past its own hypocrisy … ”
you know the one about a whale and his calf jumping through the eye of a needle, right?

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 10, 2024 8:21 AM

Thank you, Michael Lesher for your courageous article. Somehow, I missed it.
I would love to send it to friends and family but I lost most of my friends due to my anti-Scamdemic stance. I do have some close family but we have tacitly decided that we will never discuss politics again.
You say, “But I’m finding it very hard to imagine a happy ending to the story.”
I understand this but you are blinded by a bias. There is very much a very happy ending, i.e., the coming, irreversible demise of your country, the USofAs, and the zionist entity.
For the Global Majority this will be the happiest possible result and the start of a new age.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Apr 7, 2024 3:04 AM

Judaism is a faith, Its not a race. Zionism has been exposed at the hands of a new multipolar world entity that wants this lot exposed for what they are and the damage they have elicited to humanity since the late 1890’s. Arguably even earlier.

American Jews are realizing the depth of the damage. They are mobilizing to contain the narrative before it goes even further down their rabbit hole, exposing the false narratives of far greater events in their history.

It’s a dangerous time for them. The ultimate question is who triggered this knowing full well that the degenerative idiots in power in Israel will go ballistic, that the mass population of their state will overwhelmingly support them, that their western sponsors – including India – will look the other way or be complicit in the extermination of Palestinians and finally that the Palestinians themselves will let themselves be slaughtered as martyrs while their supporters in the Arab league and other Muslim nations sit idly by.

There is a reason for this purge. Ask yourselves why and who. oh and it’s not the Palestinians that are being purged here, no it’s the clan.

I Exist Without Consent
I Exist Without Consent
Apr 4, 2024 11:02 PM

Zionist joyride *

There are plenty of Jews around the world, including in Israel itself, who are equally appalled by the Gazan Genocide as much as anyone else. Ruling class needs divide-and-rule as insurance against proletariat revolution so we see RC media companies conflate this crime with Judaism. This genocide is funded and supported by the West, so it’s more accurate to say that this is a Western ruling class led genocide.

Apr 5, 2024 5:23 PM

I’d go further and say that, rather than the western elite, the blame falls entirely on the western working class with their rabid anti semitism.

Apr 5, 2024 5:56 PM

I’d go further and say the blame lies fully on the western working class! (blatant sarcasm alert)

Apr 4, 2024 9:58 PM

Ritter puts on his Military Intelligence Hat to explain why Israel’s strike against the Iranian Consulate in Syria is a master stroke against the Axis of Resistance:


Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Apr 4, 2024 9:22 PM

“And what will be left – after so much cruel and needless damage – of what we used to call ‘the land of the free, the home of the brave’”?
That world is dying fast. What will be left will be vestiges of what once was a United States of America which was ruled originally by White Anglo-Saxon Protestant elites. There will a a hollowed out infrastructure, a façade of “democracy” under an overlay of technological fascism. The Ashkenazim wield too/so much power and influence, the new normal will be the Goyim bowing down in subservience to them, just like their Talmud predicts/demands. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/history/articles/the-fate-of-gentiles
Transhumanism, Post-humanism and the overlords’ technocracy will be driven by the Ashkenazim and their allies who systemically reengineer the planet into their Brave New World Order. Welcome to the worst case scenario for humanity.

Apr 4, 2024 4:47 PM

I desperately need AIPAC – to let me know precisely when I became anti-semitic.

In 1944, when I was born, the Nazi Holocaust was still raging. So it was okay to oppose genocide.

Even as late as 1994, during the Rwandan crisis, opposition to genocide was still okay.

Now, in 2024, as I turn 80, it ends up being no longer okay to oppose genocide – it has become anti-semitic.

Gee, if only AIPAC had told me sooner, before I stumbled into this swamp of anti-semitism with my soo yesterday opposition to genocide on my back, I could have swerved just enough to avoid getting caught.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 4, 2024 5:16 PM
Reply to  Howard

They changed the definition of anti-semitism on you. that’s what happened. It went from the obvious Nazi era one to opposing even by words anything that the State of Israel does.

Apr 4, 2024 10:03 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The new definition.

Anti-Semitism: Any word or action that a Zionazi might not like.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 5, 2024 12:19 PM
Reply to  NickM

The new Normal: ‘I piss on Zionist definitions.’

Apr 4, 2024 10:12 PM
Reply to  Howard

The new definition.

Anti-Semitism: Any word or action that a Zionazi might not like.

Anti-Semite: Any person that a Zionazi might not like.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2024 4:23 PM

Perhaps all those persecuted minorities would be less persecuted if they stopped screaming about how persecuted they are? But of course that would spoil the show.

Apr 3, 2024 7:48 AM


Aleister Crowley, MI6 dark magician, excerpt from his book “Magick Without Tears”:

All this is clear proof of the unspeakable power and wisdom of Those who have sent me to proclaim the Law.

I observe, after a talk with M. Jules Courtier yesterday, that all their S.P.R. work is proof only of extra-human Forces.

We knew about them all along; the universe is full of obscure and subtle manifestation of energy, we are constantly advancing in our knowledge and control of them. Telekinesis is of the same order of Nature as the Hertz Rays or the Radium emanations. But what nobody before me has done is to prove the existence of extra-human Intelligence, and my magical Record does this. I err in the interpretation, of course; but it is impossible to doubt that there is a Somebody there, a Somebody capable of combining events as a Napoleon forms his plans of campaign, and possessed of powers unthinkably vast. If these events be indeed the result of calculation and control on the part of the Secret Chiefs, it seems at first sight as if the people involved had been prepared to play their parts from the beginning.

getting Your fucking heads around this has never been so timely

Mar 30, 2024 6:22 PM

The simplest resolution has always been one state with political and civil rights for all it’s citizens and it speaks much for Jewish racism and bigotry that this is their greatest fear. In many Western minds, the antisemitism canard still impresses.
As one Palestinian put it:

“Thank you for correcting me. I had thought I hated you because you came to my land, killed my father and brothers, blew up my village and stole my family’s land. Now I realise I hate you because am antisemitic.”

The second essential in Israeli propaganda is the manipulation of the Historical time line.
If you can move the time line, a defence becomes an attack. For Israel, History begins when a Jew is hurt.
This is most evident in the current crisis. Israel depends on an ignorance of History which, as one of advanced years, I am astonished to find is far more common than I had expected. Few young people seem to have even the merest grasp of the events of 1947/8 and 1967.
Hamas attacked Israel! They killed and raped!
Well hang on a minute, the rapes, poisoning of wells, massacres perpetrated by Irgun, Lehi etc. are well documented. And even if the Hamas atrocities did occur (which I doubt), it took 70 years for Palestinians to respond in kind.
Israel needs to be hated by Palestinians. It is their raison d’etre. Without it, Israel would have to behave in a civilised manner.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 4, 2024 5:20 PM
Reply to  Brewer

(The Zionists were at it well before the official foundation of the State of Israel.)

Apr 4, 2024 10:48 PM
Reply to  Brewer

“even if Hamas atrocities did occur”

Two unspeakable atrocities committed by Hamas, in the minds of Israel’s racist Yahoo regime. Literally unspeakable, because the Yahoos never mention them:

  1. Made a highly professional military raid on the IOF (Israeli Occupation Force) guarding Israel’s illegal “border”, killing 300 IDF combat soldiers and removing Mossad computers containing sensitive MI (according to Scott Ritter on YouTube).
  2. Resusscitated the State of Palestine from Limbo. The world was beginning to forget that UN Partition Plan of 1947 had proposed a Two State Solution for Palestine: half the land for Palestinian Jews, half for Palestinian Gentiles. The war by Palestinian Jews against Palestinian Gentiles illegally pre-empted UN negotiations by declaring a Jewish state by military force. This Jewish state called Israel illegally occupied the whole of Palestine. Israel is an Occupying Power and has no right to defend itself against the Native Population whose land it is illegally occupying by force. Whereas Hamas has legal right to military resistance (again, Scott Ritter). Thus the most unspeakable atrocity which Hamas committed was, to remind the world that Palestine is UN unfinished business. Palestinian Jews must go back to the UN to negotiate with Palestinian Gentiles about the best way to divide this Holy Land; or preferably (IMO) not to divide the Holy Land..
Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 5, 2024 1:26 AM
Reply to  NickM

By far the biggest atrocity Hamas committed way back was winning the elections for the Palestinian Authority. This little incident has been glossed over, “memory holed” if you will (because it certainly was news that ‘disappeared’), but its critical to understanding what’s been going on. Hamas was first an foremost a political force and by all accounts an effective one since it initially put its efforts into things the PA tended to neglect — education, housing etc. Their ascent was the Israeli’s worst nightmare so they marched into the West Bank and arrested their Hamas delegates, all 54 of them, and hauled them off to jail in Israel. (“But they’re all terrorists, right?” — the definition of ‘terrorist’ being ‘whomsoever I choose’) They weren’t able to get at the Gaza ones so we ended up with what’s been whitewashed as the ‘official’ PA in the West Bank and the ‘rebel’ Hamas in Gaza. This explains the peculiar level of popular support that Hamas has, far more than you’d expect from a bunch of terrorists who just go around causing trouble.

Democracies like their opposition weak, fragmented and fractious. Thus they give the impression of choice while not actually having to confront or embrace change.

Mar 27, 2024 7:30 AM

Seems to me that the western politicians are queuing up to not defend Israel, now that the mass migration of Jewish storm troopers [Muslims] as suddenly hit home. These new migrants have been given full citizenship in their respective host countries.
Throw in a growing political awareness, infiltration into the official political parties and the block vote. Many professional politicians have suddenly realized that that the cozy cartel with their masters is almost over. If they want to keep their seats in any forthcoming elections, they will have to change allegiance.
Don’t look for the votes of the original [ethnic] voters of the now vastly changed countries most of the original [ethnic] voters are in their 70’s+ and those that are not have been brainwashed to accept all the MSM bullshit and no longer care about professional politicians.
Hence the professional politician and MSM propaganda, “Mr Putin is a very nasty man,” and we must spend money we have not got, recruit a disenfranchised [ethnic] population to fight and die for our propaganda.
It is 2024, not 1914 or even 1939, the western world, and its [ethnic] population is no longer the world of 1914 or even 1939, or even 1952 Korean war [western capitalism v eastern communism]
I am so glad a] I am in my late 70’s b] have outlived most of my brothers and sisters and c] just watching the world going to hell in a handcart.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 5, 2024 1:34 AM
Reply to  Peter

Its not the “mass migration of Muslims” although I’d grant you that its difficult to vilify a community when that community is your neighbors, your friends, the local doctor, maybe your MP etc.** Common decency should say “Enough!” — we’ve been ignoring this for decades, its not like we’ve not known what’s been going on, its just we’ve preferred to ignore it our rationalize it (and our ever so compliant media and political class were only too willing to help us ignore it).

To use that well worn simile, rather a lot of people in England to my knowledge were only too well aware of what the Nazis were up to — and what they had planned — in the 1930s. Somehow it just kept slipping everyone’s mind — after all, they were basically decent folk, just like us really, and they were definitely anti-communist, anti-labor and so on. We continued ignoring it until the reality came home with the liberation of the first camps (not really the first — they were overrun by the Russians so it didn’t count that much, its what our armies found that really counted). This was just too blatant to ignore. (But even so in the West we couldn’t rehabilitate the Nazis quickly enough — bastion against communism and all that….).

(**Not for a lack of trying, though!)

Mar 25, 2024 11:47 PM

Are you f******* kidding me? ” … no victim testimonies, no forensic evidence and no reliable witnesses to back up any of the claims. …”

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2024 4:20 PM

But plenty of asterisks.

Apr 4, 2024 4:50 PM

I wouldn’t normally insult a fellow commenter by calling for links – but I think I’ll make an exception in your case.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Mar 24, 2024 7:01 PM

How to identify the evil in the world.

  1. They will claim without any allowance for discussion (intellectual) that Israel has a right to defend itself which is a complete absurdity. Ask yourself, would a Nazi concentration camp guard have the right to self defence ? probably not.
  2. They can’t differentiate between Jewish and zionist. They won’t because it would expose them as bigger anti-semites than the ones they are pretending to subdue continuously offending people who are nothing of the sort.
  3. They pretend to feel guilty of almost anything because they know full well they are not the persecuted race, a vale they hide behind, when in fact they are not a race at all but a religious sect like many other religious sects. I do not recall a country called Islam or Zoroaster? do you?
  4. Poland, Baltic states and Ukraine – the ancestry home of the zionist genocidal maniacs. Residing in the UK or shall we say hiding.
Mar 28, 2024 12:26 AM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

Touche! You have summed it up quite nicely. Good on ya!
These mongrels have been using every trick-in-the-book to mask their nonsense, and getting away with it because we’ve all been generally either, intimidated or shit-scared, to call-a-spade, a spade. i suspect that being in control of printing the money and owning the ‘Reserve Banks’ has precipitated most of the problems. But, enough already, it is time that these Satanists were told, to go to hell, and to tell the devil that we’re still well.

Apr 2, 2024 8:49 PM
Reply to  Berlin Beerman

the truth is out
the devil is in the detail
behold the synagogue of satan

Apr 3, 2024 7:29 AM
Reply to  gorden

and in quiet contrast to “organised religions” (organised for the goyim), when they “pray” their prayers are heard…
once folk actually and finally understand that the deals these animals make with “satan” are actually binding and rewarded contracts, then perhaps, just maybe We can start to bring this all to its fitting end…

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Mar 24, 2024 2:45 PM

Thank you for writing this. Another sane voice – thankfully they are mounting.

Gordon Hastie
Gordon Hastie
Mar 24, 2024 12:32 PM

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a genuine malady. i’m in the UK, and an old friend has been living in the States for the last twenty years or so. For him, Trump is the worst of all possible evils. In the meantime he seems to have become a neocon (“we need to replace Putin and Assad”), believes all the covid bullshit and doesn’t seem fussed by what’s happening in Palestine. So to that extent, the Dems’s evil ways have had the desired effect. The way things are going that disgusting old crook will soon be adding Armageddon as well as Genocide to his moniker. But – hey – he and Hunter got away with it.

Mar 24, 2024 12:08 PM

Then they try to divert attention from Israeli atrocities by yelping about “mass rape” supposedly committed by the Palestinian fighters who burst from the Gaza concentration camp on October 7. But the ink is hardly dry on their indignant op-eds before their masters in the Chosen State confess that they have no victim testimonies, no forensic evidence and no reliable witnesses to back up any of the claims.

What’s an apologist to do?

Hmm go to prison for 5 years perhaps?
Israel crafting a new law that criminalizes the questioning of the ‘official’ narrative of Oct. 7

As punishment, the law would establish a five-year offense “for those who publish things that would deny the massacre or downplay its dimensions.”

There you go – just like the Holohoax ban questioning whether it really happened the way claimed.

Sheldon Richman
Sheldon Richman
Mar 23, 2024 1:55 PM

An excellent article! You just don’t know suffering until you’re Jewish and living in America today! :\

Mar 23, 2024 11:38 AM

Slightly OT:

Purim, or the Feast of Lots (‘pur’ = lot, plural form ‘purim’), falls in 2024 on March 23/24. This annual celebration recalls the events of the OT Book of Esther. An account of triumph by Queen Esther and Mordecai over the anti-Semitism of the day. The reigning King was Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces. Lots were cast for the day of annihilation of Esther’s people, hence the name.

Xerxes garden was adorned with blue and white linen (Est 1:6) and at the close of the story Mordecai is clothed in blue and white garments (Est 8:15). Reminiscent of the modern Israeli flag.

Mordecai and Esther, both “people of the Book”, deal with Hamas, sorry Haman of the Agagites (a descendant of Amalek, the eternal enemy of Israel in every generation). Hamas, sorry Haman, had intended to annihilate all of Esther’s people in all the land.

The book recounts the origins of the annual celebration. It’s a short book, easily readable in half and hour or so, for more unpolemical insights


Jill Keehner
Jill Keehner
Mar 23, 2024 8:36 AM

The Jews hold their destiny in their own hands. Heaping violence on others will not bring them closer to their goal. If Israel were not weaponized and funded by the West, Israel would at least have to rub along with their neighbors on a more equal footing.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 5, 2024 12:30 PM
Reply to  Jill Keehner

The USA is totally bankrupt and sooner rather than later, its funding of Israel will come under the knife of ‘swingeing cuts to unnecessary government programmes, starting with an 80% cut in the Defence Budget’.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Mar 22, 2024 1:09 PM

It should be noted, that a busload of billionaire transnationalist capitalist ghouls “worldwide” are enjoying the same joyride.😁

Mar 22, 2024 11:07 AM

And then there’s the large number of American Jews who have participated in the anti-genocide protests that so trouble Foer

Yes, all 300 of them. Whew!

Allthewhile, the Israeli jews are polling near 90% that they need to continue the genocide.

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Mar 24, 2024 2:47 PM
Reply to  BuelahMan

You obviously haven’t been to a march. Last time there were over 2,000. As for the European Jews of Israel – they can go back to Europe now. They’ll be safer there.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 5, 2024 12:32 PM
Reply to  Pavel Stanford

They might not be very welcome after seeing what their masters have done the past 70 years. No need to import deeply violent people, after all….

Mar 22, 2024 3:52 AM

“humanitarian port” for Gaza

Deport for Gazans more likely.

les online
les online
Mar 21, 2024 10:19 PM

What needs to be done ? Abolish the debt !
That’ll really give them usurers something to screech and
scream about !!

No More Debt Funded Wars !!

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Mar 24, 2024 2:50 PM
Reply to  les online

Yep – can’t leave psychopaths in charge of the money supply.

Mar 21, 2024 8:36 PM

This is a good take on the present situation but no mention of Zionism in the whole mess?
What I find I interesting is that the genocide is reinforcing all the stereotypes about Jews being diabolical, greedy, etc. It’s creating far more “antisemitism” than Hamas could ever manage to. And we must remember that the Palestinians had nothing whatsoever to do with the Holocaust……

Corona Hotspot
Corona Hotspot
Mar 21, 2024 5:01 PM

“Gaza: The End of the Jewish Joy Ride?”
Not so fast, Michael.

The world will be the next Gaza.

If they are done with the World-Gaza, we will see…

Mar 22, 2024 10:50 AM
Reply to  Corona Hotspot
Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Mar 24, 2024 2:52 PM
Reply to  SuperbuggG

He’s just one loon. You can see him in a Nazi outfit though. Ashkenazi. ‘Ashke’ means ‘splinter’.

Apr 2, 2024 7:00 PM
Reply to  Corona Hotspot

Ever since Con-vid I’ve been fond of saying, ‘We are all Palestinians now’.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 5, 2024 12:33 PM
Reply to  Corona Hotspot

Ukraine is already the next Gaza – ethnic cleansing of Ukrainians so that the Israelis can move there and leave Palestine to the Palestinians. They’ll try and do it, whether they will be allowed to is another matter…..

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Apr 10, 2024 1:19 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Exactly. Ukraine is in the process of becoming another ethnostate. More should be written about this.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 21, 2024 3:30 PM

Written by a Hamas apologist IMO. Just saying.

Mar 21, 2024 5:17 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

You’re a genocide supporting cunt.
Bugger off.
Remember, the Americans who fought the British were called terrorists by the assholes just like you are doing.
If only the Bible was a real thing. Actually it was… It documented numerous genocides committed by groups that you support.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 5, 2024 12:34 PM
Reply to  Rob

Shouldn’t this comment be addressed to the Chief Rabbi of the UK, King Charles III and Rishi Sunak?

Mar 21, 2024 5:18 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Just saying you’re a twat. 🤡

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 22, 2024 8:50 AM
Reply to  Rob

Oh dear. You’re certainly triggered.
So, because I don’t agree you resort to Ad hominem and foul language.

You’re obviously an unhinged childish individual.

Now run off and play in the traffic and tell someone who cares about what you think.

Mar 22, 2024 11:02 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

You’re obviously full of shit and come here to troll, knowing full well that your position is fucking bull 💩

Pavel Stanford
Pavel Stanford
Mar 24, 2024 2:49 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Well you replied, so obviously you do Mr 77th.

Apr 3, 2024 7:34 AM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

come play with me and find out what im willing to resort to….

Mar 21, 2024 5:21 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

I find it funny how you’re here spouting that bullshit.
I bet you don’t even read off guardian.
If you did… You would know that the whole Hamas thing is ridiculous.
Ask why the apartheid state of Israel supported them and didn’t allow for further elections.
Hasbara trolls like you are useless and nobody believes your propaganda anymore.

Mar 21, 2024 8:23 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack
Apr 4, 2024 4:56 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Your comment betrays an acceptance of the Israeli mantra that ALL Palestinians are Hamas – even the newborns.

I would gladly support your right to that opinion were it not that that is the Number One opinion which drives, not only the genocide itself but the West’s support of the genocide.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 5, 2024 12:36 PM
Reply to  Howard

I think we should say that all Jews are genocidal Zionists so they should all be bumped off like animals, the real final solution worldwide.

‘Say about Jews what Jews have already said about Palestinians….’

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 5, 2024 1:40 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You don’t feel that you’re falling into a binary here?

I can certainly see the potential for population control through harnessing large-scale narrative binaries. And I know other people might see that potential too, since ‘divide and rule’ is an age-old principle. And we very much see the media – the global propaganda machine – at work servicing both sides of this narrative, maintaining this binary in the public awareness…

I’m not saying the world’s most powerful people necessarily ARE able to control things to such an extent, but I’m pretty convinced I’ve seen them try for many years (and never so obviously as during covid times), therefore, I always tend to be a little suspicious of becoming too emotionally invested in such binaries.
