WATCH: Epidemic of Fraud

The award winning documentary Epidemic of Fraud presents an alternative narrative of the “Covid Pandemic”.

The film argues that early treatment options for “Covid19” – such as ivermectin and most especially hydroxychloroquine – were suppressed in order to boost vaccine profits. It also suggests that the alleged “virus” itself may have the been result of gain of function research carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with funding from Anthony Fauci.

Does that story hold together? We’ve embedded the entire channel and encourage you to watch it to make up your own minds.

Personally, I have very strong doubts about this narrative, which I have made clear in multiple articles (such as this one and this one).

This quote from Dr Mike Yeadon, in his recent post on the Exposing The Darkness SubStack, sums it up perfectly [emphasis added]:

THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC. No new illness. Nothing changed anywhere in all causes mortality in the run up to the fraudulent declaration by WHO of “a pandemic” […]Don’t hero worship the proponents of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and the like, because they’re not your friends. They’re helping the perpetrators. By reinforcing the notion of “early treatment” of a non-existent disease, they’ll have helped reinforce the propaganda that there was a pandemic and that there might be other pandemics.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest, video
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Sep 25, 2024 12:53 PM
Aug 8, 2024 6:22 PM

YOU are the disease; their covaid$ death squirt the cure.
Speak out against the genocidal pedovores and their demonic agenda while you still can.

John Davidson
John Davidson
Jul 17, 2024 4:38 AM

FWIW I tried to have a discussion with Mike about his unnecessary attack on my film. He refused. I am nearly positive Mike Yeadon didn’t watch the full film, but he was more than comfortable coming out of the woodwork to attack my work.

Aug 8, 2024 6:20 AM
Reply to  John Davidson

Hi John.
I understand his point of view though. It’s pretty clear when you understand the way things were set up for this ‘public health emergency’, to identify anyone carrying minute traces of certain nucleotide sequences in your body (amplified 1.1 trillion times by the PCR tests set at CT = 40), then to provide no clinical treatment for those suffering from the respiratory (which was probably flu in most cases, ie. how did the usual flu cases just disappear?), then when people were suffering for lack of oxygen and respiratory inflammation from such a virus / bacterial infection you isolate them, blow out their lungs with ventilators and call their death a COVID death. The number of ‘cases’ and deaths were of course inflated towards COVID19 because the medical systems were financially incentivized by health agencies to identify them as COVID19 (and ventilator use). So this created high numbers of deaths identified as COVID. Far fewer would have died if they didn’t undergo such horrendous treatment from the protocols. Keep in mind also that the majority of victims were of 80 yo+ (at normal life expectancy). It seems HCQ and Ivermectin would have helped many people suffering from various inflammatory conditions (viruses, etc) rather than being exposed to the hospital death protocols.
We should never forget that the so called pandemic was hyped up to an incredible level so as to have justification for imposing lock downs (a social compliance experiment in it’s own right) and ultimately the experimental gene therapy (ala. vaccine).

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jun 19, 2024 1:57 AM

Excess mortality rates changed. They continue to be high in some specific countries, Canada included. There were spikes in early 2020 and again in specific instances when genetic treatments were forced upon the populations. Explain this please.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 20, 2024 7:58 AM

PANDA (i.e. Pandemics Data & Analytics) Drops the Pandemic

They were fake when they formed and they’re fake now!

Nov 4, 2020
Our mission is simple. We see in lockdown and its related intrusions on civil liberties a serious threat not only to lives but to civilization itself. This threat must be resisted.
Our view is that at this juncture, the science is quite clear on what key policy responses should be—or should have been. But this is no longer about the science, if it ever was. What is required now is a mobilisation against what is essentially an enormous public relations machine that is fuelling fear and removing agency from people’s lives the world over.

The Great Barrington Declaration
As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
Protect the vulnerable. Open society.

Substack Date: March 1, 2024
The nature of the events of the Covid era
A detailed summary of PANDA’s current understanding
What do we mean by “there was no pandemic”?


May 14, 2024 8:15 PM

Ivermectin & Population Control Poison: a Deep Dive into a Nobel Prize Winning Medicine.
Avermectins are a class of insecticides/pesticides.

A Nigerian study linked Ivermectin to infertility.

Rabbit, mice and rat studies on Avermectins have shown increased stillbirths, lower viability of offspring and birth defects.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 14, 2024 6:48 AM

Did OffG reply to Nass’s Feb 1, 2021 rebuttal?

a) I assume it was a third-party who asked Nass to comment.
b) The Feb 1, 2021 rebuttal is included as one-of-the-three in the May 3, 2024 Substack

Meryl Nass
Feb 1, 2021
Is the Virus Real?
I continue to be asked if the virus is real. I answered this question in 2 prior blog posts, below. But Off-Guardian has a new article [1] claiming the virus is fake, and I was again asked to comment.

[1] https://off-guardian.org/2021/01/31/phantom-virus-in-search-of-sars-cov-2

My three “Is the virus real?” articles from 2020 and 2021
Several readers demanded I supply the goods, so here they are. Enough for me on this.
Meryl Nass
May 3, 2024

Human values
Human values
May 10, 2024 8:45 PM

”The award winning documentary”

What award? Is that just another marketing ploy for this very long commercial for the poisonous drug that no-one really needs?

The Hollywood agent making and marketing this film presents himself as ”a storyteller”. And that’s what it is: a fictional story, claiming hydroxicloroquine is ”ancient”, ”a life-saver”, and something people should take for the fictional disease called the covid pandemic.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 10, 2024 5:31 AM

Furthermore, it would be suicidal for any regime to vehemently seek to create such a pathogen. Bioweapons are intended to be delivered to specific target areas, except in the science fiction wherein immunity from a bioweapon that is both extremely virulent and extremely contagious can be reliably delivered to one’s own population and soldiers.

– Denis Rancourt

Here’s a scenario for generating localised spikes in covid-like illnesses.

A) The MRC (Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy; a.k.a. The Invisible Enemy) operates a gain-of-function biolab in China; and it creates an assortment of SARS variants of various properties – virulence, pathogenicity, infectivity, novelty, etc.

B) each virus has been tested in lab conditions on healthy humans; together with treatment protocols such as HCQ, zinc, ivermectin, etc.

C) the planned delivery method is:

1) twenty healthy individuals (perhaps vit. C & D deficient) will be exposed to a selected virus in lab conditions.
2) after leaving the lab, they will immediately get on planes to New York, Washington, LA, etc.
3) they will spend the next few days doing lots of touristy stuff; making sure they cough over everything and everyone; wipe noses with hands; etc.
4) if they get seriously ill, they retire to their hotel rooms and take the recommended treatment protocol.

If anybody can think of a flaw with that scenario, other than the retarded “viruses don’t exist”, please post it below.

May 10, 2024 11:50 AM

There’s a big difference between creating it and actively releasing it.
Create it? The evidence is that they did do this, and it was funded by Fauci.
Did they release it? No.
What I bet is that it escaped. Left on a door knob by a researcher who got it wrong. Or those piglets they tested it on, and then killed. Did a lab technician make a few extra on the side by selling them off in the wet market?
The first is deliberate, the second is cock up.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 11, 2024 3:53 AM
Reply to  Aden

One of the major arguments against the escape theory is that the “pandemic” was planned and scheduled – that is, to occur immediately after Davos 2020 (Jan 20-24). And “escapes” don’t run to schedule!

Another is that pointed out by Rancourt – that viral bioweapons need to be targeted. If a virulent virus had leaked from Wuhan, it would have mutated and degraded after going through multiple transmissions. And therefore wouldn’t cause a pandemic. Also, people who are seriously sick tend to self-isolate. Whereas the less virulent strains spread faster and create natural immunity.

The method I describe above (individuals exposed in lab prior to getting on planes) would create targeted deliveries of the engineered virus and expose large numbers of unprotected people. Thereby generating localised spikes of potentially severe covid-like illnesses. This strategy is vulnerable to the counter-measure of restricting entry from China. But it’s possible that a few people got through.

The first known case in the United States of COVID-19 was confirmed in the state of Washington on January 20, 2020, in a 35-year-old man who had returned from Wuhan, China on January 15.[4] The White House Coronavirus Task Force was established on January 29, with Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar as its chair.[2] On January 30, the WHO declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern and on January 31, the Trump administration declared a public health emergency,[5] and placed travel restrictions on entry by non-citizens who had recently been in China.[6]

Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus
Issued on: January 31, 2020

The Facts on Trump’s Travel Restrictions

NY Times – Jan 31, 2020
The Trump administration will put into place temporary travel restrictions that will bar entry into the United States by any foreign national who has traveled to China in the past 14 days, administration officials announced on Friday.

Human values
Human values
May 10, 2024 7:12 PM

Is there any evidence of any virus created by scientists in a lab?

Please show that evidence.

What would be the reason for creating a new flu/cold virus, if they could do it, as there are already more than 200 different viruses causing colds and many types of the flu?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 11, 2024 4:20 AM
Reply to  Human values

Of course, I can’t “prove” anything with regard to what they do in these level-4 biolabs and if “gain of function” for viruses is a real thing. Same as I can’t prove HAARP; or DEWs; or chemtrails; or nanothermite; or graphene nanosheets. However, unless you’ve got some credible evidence otherwise, I think it’s a reasonable assumption that there’s some truth to it.


What would be the reason for creating a new flu/cold virus

So as to create localised spikes of severe covid-like illness – and thereby feed the “pandemic” propaganda.

Human values
Human values
May 11, 2024 8:42 PM

In 2020, the year of the pandemic, there were no excess deaths anywhere but where people were murdered. Remdesivir and midazolam were used to kill helpless people in the United States and in the UK. It’s easy to kill people in hospitals, just overdose morphine or other drugs. There’s been plenty of evidence about those things. Also, news about how the first covid victim in Africa was killed by people in the street because they believed he was infected with covid (he wasn’t); nurses and staff leaving a care home in Spain because of fear of covid, leaving all those people to die in their beds without food or drink. Victims of covid are like that: victims of negligence, abuse, violence and murder.

Covid-like illness is just flu, cold or other respiratory illness. Or it can be anything else, too. A man in the USA who was shot eight times by the police was a victim of covid, died of covid. Anything and everything has been a case of covid, like victims of traffic accidents in the USA. The first covid victim in my country was a very old man (over 90 years old) who died of old age and whatever sickness he had, and that happened days after the government had declared war because of covid. Politicians, the president and the media had been waiting day by day for those victims of covid to show up, and when they finally managed to PCR a positive from someone who had actually died, I’m sure they were very happy. They declared that old man a national hero, and the family of that hero was given official condolences from the president of the state.

Excess deaths started only after vaccinations. In my town there was a localised spike of covid-like illness in an old people’s care home after they vaccinated the whole bunch and more than 30 people suddenly died. Sure, it must have been covid. Anything has been covid. But covid doesn’t exist. It’s all propaganda and lies, marketing, manipulation and brainwashing. And murder.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 11, 2024 10:27 PM
Reply to  Human values

Yes, I agree with all of that; except maybe some of the assertions and interpretations in the last couple of sentences. And none of it contradicts what I’ve posted.

May 11, 2024 7:36 PM

What’s retarded about the realisation that viruses as a contagious self replicating entity, and has NEVER been proven to exist, either scientifically or intellctually? I’d love to know.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 11, 2024 10:43 PM
Reply to  Damo

Two questions:

A) is there a top-flight scientist (e.g. Peter Duesberg, Kary Mullis, etc) who supports the no-viruses / no-contagion position?

B) is there a published paper to explain myxomatosis in terms of the no-viruses / no-contagion position?


May 13, 2024 10:04 AM

Yes, there have been many scientists and doctors who’ve denied germ theory and viruses, ever since germ theory and “viruses” were invented by the medical-chemical cartel who knowingly poison people, animals and wildlife but cover it up, claiming invisible microbes are responsible, to avoid class action suits.

Myxomatosis; don’t need a scientific paper to know it’s pesticides or poison. The most likely candidate being DDT, an organochlorine responsible for the “polio” outbreaks in the US and the extinction of some bird species. DDT was being widely sprayed on crops and grass exactly the same year the faux governments claimed they introduced “myxomatosis”. All alleged viral and bacterial illnesses are actually from toxins.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 13, 2024 11:13 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I asked for just one – “a top-flight scientist” – i.e. a name. And I asked for a paper, not your theorising. But as I thought, you can’t supply either!

May 13, 2024 10:13 PM

You wouldn’t know how to read or interpret a scientific paper if your life depended on it. If you did you’d already know Why Most Published Research Findings Are False” 

Its the most cited and read paper and analysis in scientific history.

There’s no such thing as a “top flight scientist”. There’s only highly promoted, publicized academics like Dueseberg and Mullis who served as controlled opposition voices for HIV, which like all viruses, doesn’t even exist, never existed.

Virology doesn’t even follow the scientific method, not that you’d know what that is, either.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 14, 2024 6:00 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Among other things, the scientific method involves the publishing of observations, experimental procedures, data, results, conclusions, hypotheses, arguments, etc. It’s done so that other people can find flaws, raise counter arguments, reproduce, supplement, etc. There’s no requirement that they be published in establishment journals. Instead, they could be published independently. I’ve seen such papers for the toxin theories of polio, but apparently nobody’s bothered for the toxin theory of myxomatosis.

May 14, 2024 2:17 PM

The scientific method is a specific set of steps that must include control groups in controlled experiments.

When controls aren’t used, the data is invalid and the hypothesis unproven.

And, in order for a scientific theory to be valid it must be falsifiable.

Controls already disproved virology. It’s not science it’s scientific fraud.

Nobody did tox studies of dead rabbits because nobody cares. That’s not an argument for viruses, or proof of viral existence. There’s no necessity to disprove unproven theories.

* No viral particles ever found.
* No viral particles ever isolated.
* No viral particles ever purified.
* No viral particles proven to cause disease or illness in any animal or human.
* No scientific evidence of contagion.
* Contagion still unproven, in animals and humans in all studies.
* Koch’s Postulates never fulfilled for bacteria or viruses.
*No scientific evidence proving germ theory.
* Germ Theory was disproven when Élie Metchnikoff and Max von Pettenkofer (in different experiments) both drank Vibrio cholerae without becoming ill.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 9, 2024 1:11 AM

Having skimmed through Rancourt’s essay “There Was No Pandemic”, I draw the following conclusions. It does not reject the possibility that there was a new pathogen and illness. Moreover, a population-wide study cannot demonstrate that there were not highly localised, virulent pathogens. If such pathogens had been released in specific locations, they could have caused some of the reported effects of severe illness. But they would not have spread far among the wider population for the reason stated by Rancourt. And they would have had little effect on all-cause mortality. Hence, the debate about gain-of-function research and releases of pathogens is potentially very much relevant.

However, rather than releasing viruses, my guess is that they used a different method to create localised illness. It may have been emf or something connected with the 2019 flu jabs. The purpose was not to kill people directly, but to get them sufficiently ill to seek hospital treatment. Early-treatment protocols would counteract that plan and therefore had to be blocked.

There Was No Pandemic
My first substack essay
Denis Rancourt
Jul 02, 2023

Since our conclusion is that there is no evidence that there was any particularly virulent pathogen causing excess mortality, the debate about gain-of-function research and an escaped bioweapon is irrelevant.

Generally, for obvious reasons, any pathogen that is extremely virulent will not also be extremely contagious. There are billions of years of cumulative evolutionary pressures against the existence of any such pathogen, and that result will be deeply encoded into all lifeforms.

May 8, 2024 10:56 PM

So, OffG’s secret unknown editorial writer has finally come around to acknowledging directly that there is no real scientific evidence of any virus existing or any particular disease behind the alleged ‘pandemic’. Can’t say I didn’t call it. Now do Germ Theory!

May 8, 2024 8:29 PM

I have made a recent discovery, if you can call it that, since nobody else appears to have mentioned it anywhere. It applies to anyone taking certain prescription drugs and what has been reported in the literature concerning the adverse effects of certain prescription and over the counter drugs that are touted to produce the following adverse effects namely, Influenza or Flu-like symptoms/Illness also referred to as Influenza Syndrome.

Presumably, these effects will only surface if the drugs are taken on a regular or long-term basis, and/or the person has a certain co-morbidity, susceptibility or vulnerability to the medication. It makes one wonder how many people in the population taking these drugs (sometimes more than one from different categories) are diagnosed with alleged “viral” Flu or Covid-19 and its alleged “variants”.

For example, people taking certain antipsychotic drugs have been reported with Influenza as a “side-effect”, people taking certain Influenza Virus Vaccines have been reported with “Influenza-like Illness”, certain proton-pump inhibitors (stomach medicine) have “Influenza-like Syndrome” listed. Non- Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) have “Flu-like Symptoms” listed as do many Chemo drugs and some antibiotics. However, what I have listed here, drug-category wise, only scratches the surface.

Going through the drugs listed on drugs.com A to Z, so far, I have found 162 that list Influenza or Influenza Syndrome as a “side-effect” and there are many more letters of the alphabet to go through! 

May 8, 2024 10:12 PM
Reply to  CO-

Interesting find. Thank you!

May 9, 2024 6:12 PM
Reply to  CO-

Looks like the basis of a great paper!

“Over 150 drugs or categories of drugs have been reported to cause pulmonary disease.” Merck Manual

But wouldn’t you know it… there’s a new drug that prevents “flu” (inflammatory response to poisoning) injury. Lol.

May 9, 2024 6:35 PM
Reply to  CO-

It’s interesting that some of the anti-inflammatory classes of compounds cause “influenza syndrome.” Their A-Infl. mechanism of action must be influencing cytokines other than IL-6.

May 9, 2024 9:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, there’s another problem too concerning people taking more than one prescription drug who may also suffer from low grade ‘silent’ (chronic) inflammation. Anyone who suffers from this form of inflammation usually has no manifest symptoms. It would probably only take another drug in the categories I’ve already mentioned ‘break the camel’s back ‘ to ramp up the inflammation with an acute phase reaction with cytokine release affecting any cells, tissues and organ systems in those people who have become susceptible to influenza.

Of course, there may be the relevant cells, tissues and organ systems already encumbered with metabolic waste and exogenous toxic material including the extra-cellular matrix (ECM) which has a ‘filter’ which usually only allows molecules of a certain size and electrical charge to pass through to reach the cells. This just adds to the problem if there is an additional blockade as the ECM is also a communication system – you can imagine the rest. Sorry, I had to rush this reply.

May 8, 2024 5:34 PM

Personally I also have very strong doubts about this “new ” disease named Covid. I have come to the conclusion that it is only the flu or common cold marketing in new wrapping

May 8, 2024 10:14 PM
Reply to  stella

That’s exactly my conclusion, too. Existing illnesses were simply rebranded as “covid”.

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
May 9, 2024 1:57 AM
Reply to  John

That’s all they needed to do and then unleash a constant barrage of fear through the media.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 8, 2024 7:54 AM

Does the argument that “medical masks are no good for filtering viruses” support the pandemic narrative? To talk about “filtering viruses” just reinforces the propaganda that there’s something which could in theory be filtered. Surely, the correct answer is that there are no viruses worth worrying about – or no viruses at all – and that’s why we shouldn’t wear masks!

Feb 23, 2022
You Are Being Lied To About Masks – With Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon

“They (masks) have been tested in proper formal controlled studies and they make no difference whatsoever to the transmission of respiratory viruses.”

Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Pfizer chief scientist, discusses the logic of mask wearing during the pandemic and calls medical masks what they are: “splash guards”.

From Episode 22 of “Tea Time” On Children’s Health Defense TV

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 7, 2024 11:46 PM

Hmm; where have we heard this before?

To be honest, here at IOJ, we are totally leaning toward Dr. Yeadon, our Chief Scientist, being correct over Tess and the MAJORITY of the world. We are betting that when all is said and done, the world will realize that pandemics are not a thing. So much so, we are fundraising and working with top notch lawyers to get Dr. Yeadon and other experts into court to prove PANDEMICS ARE NOT A THING. If you want to support, we can really use the help! Our work is 100% non profit.


Donate! Donate! Donate!

May 7, 2024 9:22 PM

But there was plenty of fraud to go around — unreliable numbers, propaganda, fear-mongering, threats to get the shots, horrible harms to children and young people, so much still to unravel. But to say there was no sickness at all, I don’t think that’s true. While overblown and mostly a danger to sick or old people, I did question, as a journalist, real docs who saw and treated early Covid deaths. It was real. Off-guardian needs to stay on the story and keep clear and critical thinking, question real people, so as not to lose credibility.

May 8, 2024 12:58 AM
Reply to  Reader

There was no NEW disease.

May 7, 2024 9:14 PM

And many real doctors lost their jobs for trying to treat an actual nasty virus and were blocked from doing so. Saying there was nothing seems a swing too far and discredits dissenters from all different areas, who are coming together. Again beware of provocatuers, agitators, those who seek to divide and conquer.

May 8, 2024 12:59 AM
Reply to  Reader

There was no NEW disease.

May 7, 2024 9:01 PM

Please look at this group below. I have heard reputable, questioning, and independently- thinking doctors speak in person about trying to treat Covid patients and now about treating vaccine injuries. Be wary of divide and conquer and psyop strategies to weaken dissent and disorient dissenters. There was a real disease outbreak, I think, and real deaths from a serious chest virus or something. The push for an EUA was also real, so suppression of early treatment was needed. Lots of deaths in the beginning, and doctors were barred from treating with medicines that worked. When people say there was nothing, when real people saw real illness and death — critics look more untrustworthy. Please have another look. I worry when comments like above are posted, questioners will be more widely dismissed as quacks. This harms us. More than one truth may be present at once. Maybe a few truths. I will look at this documentary.

May 8, 2024 1:00 AM
Reply to  Reader

There was no NEW disease.

May 8, 2024 8:15 AM
Reply to  Reader

You mentioned lots of death in the beginning. Real people have seen illness and death from the beginning of humanity. Real people, like myself and many, also did NOT see any death pertaining to the so called virus.

That is why the post mentioned (citing Yeadon) all-cause mortality, something that Denis Rancourt has also gone into in depth. Look up his Twitter account for links. The reason he looked into all-cause mortality is precisely because mortality does not lie. Governments ALWAYS have the numbers of who died.

Then there was also the media. A newspaper editor even admitted to me recently that THEY (the paper) attributed deaths to “Covid” even when the Health Ministry did not… just to scare people and sell more papers. The fact that the HM then chose to remain silent tells you how deep this con goes.

Robert Koch
Robert Koch
May 7, 2024 5:24 PM

Another “fringe” documentary explicitly confirming the existence of a death causing virus and the benefits of one pharmaceutic toxin over another pharmaceutic toxin. Hosted on Youtube, that’s all you need to know.

May 7, 2024 8:17 AM

Mike Yeadon has it correct. A close look shows the whole virus world is a scam. No science behind it at all.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 7, 2024 11:05 AM
Reply to  sudownunder

My last close look turned up slightly more ambiguous results. Lol.

May 8, 2024 11:17 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Do tell. How “slightly”?

Would I be right to assume you are not about to make reference to any actually controlled studies, i.e. in which the variable of a so-called virus is in any way credibly isolated and demonstrated to be the cause of “cytopathic effects”? And if so, why are you still going on about this thing without ever making a rational argument for virology as a methodologically sound discipline?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 9, 2024 1:02 AM
Reply to  Tommy

The ‘isolation’ question is a straw man, taken out of context, unless you can also demonstrate that ‘isolation’ is the only valid proof for the virus hypothesis. I haven’t seen this demonstrated. There are myriad ways to ‘prove’ a hypothesis in science, so let’s engage with the whole picture, or let’s drop these layman arguments. A2

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 9, 2024 5:11 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

If not isolation then what are the “valid proofs” to which you refer? Given your adamance they must be abundant.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 9, 2024 10:22 AM

‘Valid proofs’ would be infinite. Being able to repeatably, experimentally predict things. Trends in data. Witnessing particles influence other particles which you can measure and/or isolate. Such circuitous paths are necessary in many areas of science. Rhys Jaggar, who posts here regularly and used to work in this field apparently, may be able to chip in his two cents. He often points out that crystallising viruses has been done for a hundred years and viruses have been used in many other areas of science to make huge advancements. They have been instrumental in furthering the genetic sciences, for example.

Tbh I think most sciences would say evidence was abundant.

I am fully happy to admit, however, I’m not a virologist and I don’t know. However I do know how to spot an illogical argument. You can’t disprove something within reasonable limits by creating a straw man and knocking it down, and then appealing to ignorance ad infinitum the way I see no-virus adherents doing so much on here.

I welcome a challenge to virology, and I wish Lanka et al would take their findings about isolation to the next level and publish an in-depth paper, in which they test other tenets of virology using control groups. I long to see if the wider body of evidence, such as it is, stands up to scrutiny.

We are always free to withhold an opinion, until such time as we can make an informed judgement. I certainly won’t get drawn into this sort of coercive ‘you’re either for or against’ binary thinking, which is frankly thick.

Based on your comment, I suggest both of us should withhold our judgement and remain open minded at this point. A2

May 9, 2024 7:47 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

However I do know how to spot an illogical argument.

It would appear you do not. What is illogical is the pretense that epidemiology could in any way form a basis for the discipline of virology since foundational, controlled virology experiments are absolutely necessary in order to justify the causal attribution which said epidemiology relies on in the first place.

In order to interpret an epidemiological study as supporting the theory of a virus you have to assume 1) that the proxy marker used to indicate the virus is exclusively associated with such an entity, and 2) that this so-called virus is a direct cause of the disease symptoms in question. Without scientifically establishing these two foundational premises, you have no basis to credibly interpret any epidemiological data as indicative of a virus.

You are claiming that if you simply do a great number of epidemiological studies, you can exempt yourself from documenting the premises logically necessary for interpretation of any epidemiological data with respect to ultimate causality. This is patently unscientific, and this invalid argument is the very basis of the fraud that is virology; which is why virology propaganda always insists on it as opposed to simply actually doing the properly controlled lab studies, as Lanka has done. BTW, I note that you have yet to offer any kind of justification for so studiously avoiding these experiments. It is getting a little comical at this point.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 9, 2024 8:51 PM
Reply to  Tommy

You are claiming that if you simply do a great number of epidemiological studies, you can exempt yourself

I didn’t claim any such thing lol I am saying I haven’t seen virology demonstrated as completely bogus. Epidemiology is the statistical study of patterns of symptoms/disease spread, btw, and is not the same as virologists studying virology.

What you have done here is write a dense screed making many irrational assumptions. Eg. That all epidemiology is baseless, and all virology is baseless, because viral isolation has been brought into question.

A) There’s no reason to suppose that issues surrounding fulfilling Koch’s postulates should make all virology tumble like a house of cards, except your assumption that it does, and B) epidemiology is a separate discipline, as I explained above, based on statistical observation.

You are mixing your disciplines and using a viral isolation straw man to create a circular argument. That’s logical sleight of hand.

I accept that the epidemiology surrounding covid was meaningless. I accept that previous WHO ‘pandemics’ may have been equally as bogus. I accept that the tests for covid were proved essentially meaningless. I accept that ‘covid’ could well have never existed, and a test-demic occurred in its place.

This is not the same as discrediting all of virology. Therefore I am agnostic. And admin’s stance is agnostic, and we will continue that way until Lanka et al can publish studies putting their findings of the flaws of viral isolation in some wider context.

As I say, viruses have been inextricably linked to breakthroughs in other scientific fields, like genetics. Therefore, this and other evidence needs to be included in the discussion.

Why must no-virus proponents universally insist I’m saying things I’m not? Lol A2

May 10, 2024 5:48 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I am saying I haven’t seen virology demonstrated as completely bogus.

“Nothing can be proven true to one who is sufficiently determined not to believe it.”

For some reason, I am going to restate the argument one more time: Epidemiology, at least as far as health science, is completely pointless without the ability to attribute causality to the statistical data you generate. If you want to claim to be doing science, this causal assessment cannot be based on mere assumption. Without reliable and reproducible documentation of the biological properties of alleged viruses, these properties are functionally simply assumed.

This is why “foundational, controlled virology experiments” are required before you can credibly postulate that any epidemiological data says LITERALLY ANYTHING about any virus.

As I say, viruses have been inextricably linked…

A bold claim for someone who refuses to scientifically document the basic properties of such entities.

I am done now. At least until the next thread where you are being demonstratively obtuse about this issue.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 12, 2024 9:37 PM
Reply to  Tommy

You don’t understand my point. You are talking past me, speaking extremely broadly, saying not much of anything. A2

May 9, 2024 11:34 PM
Reply to  Tommy

The irony is Tommy, methodology, ontology and epistemology all derive from philosophy not science, that also includes empiricism and rationalism. What passes as science is invariably a muddy mixture of them all! Unfortunately, not many people seem to acknowledge the fact, and not many see it as a problem.

May 6, 2024 10:11 PM

What’s indisputable is that Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, whether used against an imaginary respiratory illness or real ones passed off as a deadly novel virus, had to be wiped from the board to permit the emergency authorisation of the vaccines. Whatever we think about the existence or no of SARS-CoV-2, these molecules are effective treatments for many real maladies, so that what the “front-line doctors” were seeing might well have been positive patient responses to many things uncovid, including panic.

The “lab-leak” and the whole Wuhan hoo-ha have for a while now been looking increasingly like a red pangolin, as this leak in the The Narrative becomes a controlled flow (and note that vaccine harms are now being afforded limited hangout in the New York Times and Telegraph). So-called gain-of-function research does exist and was farmed out by Fauci to the Chinese bat lady but can only be seen as another of their rorts.

And whereas Mike Yeadon is right to point out that they are not doing us any good, these prominent resistants who misguidedly continue (in good faith, I believe) to consolidate the idea that there was a pandemic of anything other than PCR testing, I for one don’t think they should be treated as our enemies.

If you have a friend on whom you think you can rely you are a lucky man.

Sure it was an epidemic of fraud, but a far bigger one than many of us are (yet) able to imagine. This interview with Nick Hudson of PANDA (no, not the pangolin’s cousin) is viewing/listening time better spent I think. (Just blink out the Brand ads which even Russell, God bless him, knows are bloody silly, bit for which he grifts now that he’s been defunded by Boobtube):


Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 7, 2024 11:26 AM
Reply to  StStephen

“What’s indisputable is that Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, whether used against an imaginary respiratory illness or real ones passed off as a deadly novel virus, had to be wiped from the board to permit the emergency authorisation of the vaccines.”

The following ‘fact check’ says otherwise:


Obviously, fact checkers manipulate the truth or more often try to deflect away from the claim they intend to refute but in this case they have tackled it directly.

The question then is, were they lying? I cannot find anything to contradict them?

Do you have links that can prove the AP fact check was a lie? If so, I would like to have something I can use in the future.

May 7, 2024 7:43 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I don’t converse with bots.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 7, 2024 9:24 PM
Reply to  StStephen

So I am bot according to you.

Well, that’s a first in the short time I have been commenting on OffG.

How did you arrive at that conclusion?

Because I answered two of you similarly? Yes,I did, since it was relevant to both of your comments.

I simply asked you for a link or links, yet, you provided nothing. Was not trying to nudge you trust a ‘fact checker’ but wanted to see if you had something to back up your statement – since I could find nothing new since the date of the AP ‘fact check’ – so that I could use it in the future to support what you stated.

If I make a statement and someone asks me for a link I will provide it to back up my point. There is too much bullshit in some quarters of alternative media that does none of us a favour when it gets repeated as gospel and can then be torn to pieces easily.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 6, 2024 9:53 PM

According to Lioness of Judah Substack, the following is a statement by Mike Yeadon:

All these “early treatment” promoting doctors are frauds and they’re aiding and abetting the perpetrators, to convince you there was some new disease risk going around. There wasn’t. Therefore it’s illogical to focus on early treatment.


That’s a big and potentially libelous claim to make against identifiable medical professionals. I personally doubt that somebody with Yeadon’s experience would ever make such a statement – even if he believed it to be true.

May 7, 2024 7:50 PM

Quoted quotes ain’t necessarily so. All kinds of nefarious actors, human or otherwise, misquote or just make things up in order to discredit people like Yeadon. Then it gets passed on, as it has now. Any of us can say a thing in exasperation at an unguarded moment that we might regret later having said.

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 7, 2024 9:06 PM

In order for a comment to be libelous it generally has to name or otherwise identify a specific person. The reason for this is obvious: if a person was not named or otherwise identified their claim of personally being damaged by the remarks is tenuous at best. How do you imagine that they are “identifiable” as you claim?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 7, 2024 11:05 PM

The statement opens:

This is depressing. It’s apparently a truthful documentary, telling you about how the authorities conspired to prevent honest doctors from using their expert judgment to prescribe “early treatments” that might save lives in people suffering from “covid”.

Yeadon is specifically referring to the documentary. He then states:

All these “early treatment” promoting doctors . . .

Consequently, all the medical professionals in the documentary are identified; and Yeadon has accused them all of being frauds in treating a non-existent illness.

To me, that’s cut and dried libel.

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 9, 2024 5:14 AM

If he has identified them, that potential is there. However you are overlooking you glaring thing: Yeadon is correct and thus no libel has occurred.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 9, 2024 7:13 AM

There’s a lot of frontline medical professionals who are absolutely convinced there was an illness(es) and there was something new about it. Some of them appear dodgy and may be part of a psyop, but I think most are genuine. Unless I see compelling evidence to the contrary, I’m inclined to believe them.

I doubt they’d bother suing Yeadon, but the point I was making is that someone with that level of experience wouldn’t create the opportunity. It’s only a month ago that Steyn lost to Michael Mann. Likewise, Yeadon could find himself tied up in a lengthy case regardless of the rights and wrongs.

In February 2024, a civil trial jury in Washington found that Mark Steyn and Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) blogger Rand Simberg defamed and injured climatologist Michael E. Mann in blog posts. The jury awarded Mann $1 in compensatory damages from each writer. It awarded punitive damages of $1,000 from Simberg and $1 million from Steyn, after finding that the pair made their statements with “maliciousness, spite, ill will, vengeance or deliberate intent to harm.”[69]

The defamatory statements were from 2012, when Simberg accused American climatologist Mann of “deception” and “engaging in data manipulation” and alleged that the Penn State investigation that had cleared Mann was a “cover-up and whitewash” comparable to the recent Jerry Sandusky sex scandal, “except that instead of molesting children, he has molested and tortured data.” The CEI blog editor then removed the sentence as “inappropriate”, but a National Review blog post by Steyn cited it and alleged that Mann’s hockey stick graph was “fraudulent”.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 8, 2024 8:03 AM

The theory I’m currently drifting towards in that Yeadon is a slimeball. That he’s published these statement on Telegram knowing that they will then get circulated on Substack by other people.

Change my mind!

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 6, 2024 9:42 PM

I did a considerable amount of research at the site usrtk for US Right to Know. They have an extensive archive regarding Covid as well as other issues with Monsanto, etc. There is so much there you really have to spend some time and search. But documentation is always preferable to speculation, and multiple viewpoints are helpful.

There are dangerous labs that do have accidents and more and more all the time. They don’t safeguard properly and they mess around with things they don’t understand.

May 6, 2024 7:57 PM

Criminal fraud. Quite sickening.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 6, 2024 7:53 PM

The film argues that early treatment options for “Covid19” – such as ivermectin and most especially hydroxychloroquine – were suppressed in order to boost vaccine profits.

The reason for the narrative rejection of alternative treatments such as HCQ and Ivermectin was because it would have made mandating the jabs problematic, if other treatments were publicly promoted as effective.

As far as vaccine profits are concerned – I have said it before but will say it again – the use of saline would have been far more profitable longer term since there would have been no damaging ‘side’ effects caused by the jabs for what was a non-existent named (Covid-19) disease.

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 6, 2024 9:51 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Rolling Rock, they suppressed alternative treatments because Emergency Use Authorization cannot be legally granted if other treatments exist, so they made it look like they did not so it could be pushed through on an “emergency” basis. Emergencies declared have caused corrupt politicians to bypass many protective laws, like in war for instance. They create fake or false flag emergencies to push through otherwise illegal agendas. It’s messed.up!

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 7, 2024 10:15 AM

I thought that originally too but it has been claimed that EUA was not limited in law by the availability of other treatments eg Ivermectin and HCQ. Obviously, I am aware that the ‘fact checkers’ distort the truth but did they outright lie? I have not found anything to contradict their statements.

Below, is an example of a ‘fact check’ released in Dec 2020 regarding the jab EUA and other treatments.


May 7, 2024 8:04 PM

Quite right. But I believe you’re responding to a chat bot. Have a look at “Rolling Rock’s” reply and compare it to its reply to my own comment above. The repetition and idiot tone is the give-away, as is the hard nudging towards fact checkers and their none-to-subtle endorsement. Other of the comments made under this handle may, of course, be by human accomplices and thereby strike another tone but the purpose is the same.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 7, 2024 9:12 PM
Reply to  StStephen


Paranoia or what. See my comment above in reply to your accusation of me being a bot.

May 8, 2024 10:59 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Stephen is deluded and not very bright, I’m afraid. He’s far from the realization that there’s highly organized, briefed, centrally coordinated controlled opposition orgs and they all have their scripts, narratives and central players, well in place before these psychological operations are ever taken live.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 8, 2024 11:55 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I had a crash course in the last four years with regard to the realization that the level of infiltration of supposed opposition (ie those we think are in our side) has occured on multiple levels. It is a minefield out there with narratives, counternarratives and misdirection designed to confuse.

Once people accept that there are no saviours and take personal responsibility for their lives, the sooner they can stop wasting their energy and start organising a life standing on their own two feet.

May 8, 2024 12:04 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Yes. Exactly. But most aren’t fully awake yet they are in serious, deep denial and still believe the majority of faux narratives and lies that have been told to them since they were children.

Human values
Human values
May 7, 2024 7:34 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Using saline would have been more profitable, but the purpose of all this is not just about money. The purpose is not just to lie and steal, but murder.

There are many ways to murder. Injecting poison is just one. Other methods have been used as well: denying care, denying means of existence, brainwashing people to believe flu will kill them, selling any (dangerous) drugs as the ”miracle cure”. Ivermectin and hydroxycloroquine were advertised to people who were suspicious of the mainstream media.

Trump advertised the combination of hydroxycloroquine and azithromycin in Spring 2020.

As there is no medicine for the flu, there really wasn’t any medicine for covid-19.

If people believe any of these lies, it’s an opportunity to sell them unnecessary stuff, make profit, harm people, kill and mass murder humanity.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 7, 2024 9:33 PM
Reply to  Human values

I was answering the filmmakers opinion that the jabs were about vaccine profits. Clearly, that was not the motive.

The motive is far more nefarious. Depopulation, sterilization or nanoparticle injection to facilitate transhumanism or disconnection from ‘source’ or our consciousness.

Human values
Human values
May 7, 2024 10:01 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Yes, also experimenting with their ideas about how to combine nanoparticles or whatever into a human body, a global trial for their transhumanist agenda, and they thought they can use all humanity for it as lab rats.

May 8, 2024 10:44 AM
Reply to  Human values

Why just depopulate, when you can potentially make a fortune doing so, by treating poisoning the vaccine recipients again, with chemo, radiation and toxic Rx, months and years later. Poison injections create patients for life, until death.

There’s other motivations that aren’t often discussed: As the faux authorities inject and nasal swab with the nano dust and self assembling nano particles, there’s the track and trace (geotagging, MAC address) aspect and also DARPA’s brain initiative which I believe the poison injections are an integral aspect.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 8, 2024 12:17 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I tend to think of the profit motive of say, cancer treatments for the vaccine recipients as another wealth transfer mechanism.

Medical insurers, the State (in countries with socialized medical care) or in a smaller proportion of cases, individuals, will be picking up the tab. Ultimately, more and more of the costs will be borne by the State, as medical insurance costs rise and individuals will not be able to afford to pay the premiums.

As long as governments can print currency (until a loss of confidence in the markets) they can distribute it to their chosen partners. It is simply a wealth transfer from the State (taxpayers) – until the State collapses through bankruptcy – to corporates and well connected individuals.

Also, having a sick population until the people eventually die keeps them docile, weak both physically and mentally plus it makes them dependent on the controlling public private partnerships.

May 8, 2024 12:32 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Yes. Multiple ways to transfer wealth. And let’s not forget, there’s multiple industries literally being funded and built on biofascism, data mining, bio rhythms, sensors, software, facial recognition, AI, miniaturization, tracking and tracing humans and behavior, data being the new oil.

So the transition, going from a production, manufacturing and consumer economy, to a licensing, rentier, PPP economy built on humans as the backbone of the IoT, is also a huge aspect of first growing (through mass poisoning) then transitioning to, (by creating emerging markets in the areas I listed above AND faux bankruptcies of the faux nation state corporations) and then sustaining the new global financial model.

What I’ve observed over the last four years is the multiple agendas, schemes and benefits served simultaneously within each psychological operation and hoax.

May 8, 2024 10:31 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I didn’t watch the film because I knew it would either directly or indirectly sell the viral delusion.

HCQ and Ivermectin were pushed and promoted by the faux freedom movement because these “medications” supported the false premise that [1] there was a virus and a disease that [2] needed to be treated, when there is nothing except seasonal detox (colds and flus) and pneumonia in the elderly that is falsely classified as “flu” in order to sell more poison flu “vaccines”.

It’s no coincidence the very same allopaths who shilled these highly toxic meds also shill faux democracy, useless voting and previous to 2020 spent careers injecting babies, children and adults with plenty of other poison injections called “vaccines”.

Chloroquines and Avermectins are both classes of INSECTICIDES. They were tested widely on African populations (and animals) with devastating side effects, including infertility, seizures, neurological damage and even death.

I believe that’s the reason why those medications specifically were so heavily promoted by the faux freedom doctor groups during the covid hoax. Because the authorities knew ahead of time, these medications are potentially deadly to a small sector of the populace from torsades de pointes. It’s easier to vilify medications you’ve set up as a straw man solution to a non existent disease, thus assisting the controlled opposition narrative; promoting a non existent virus and a non existent disease.

These medications (poisons) have an anti-inflammatory mechanism (so they suppress symptoms) of action, but which interrupts the detox process. That’s all that colds and flus are; the body attempting to excrete and eradicate dead or damaged tissue and excess toxins using the inflammatory pathway.

People would have been better off taking nothing rather than azithromycin, Ivermectin and HCQ.

There’s more than a million deaths a year in the US alone from iatrogenesis (a calculated, profitable and promoted medical genocide) because the public is so brainwashed and lied to about the safety of Rx and OTC when all these “medications” have a lethal dose level. Even aspirin.

In 1918 people died from aspirin overdoses and toxic vaccines not influenza. 

Patients are almost never informed of the potential risks or side direct effects of toxic Rx prior to prescription and never informed of safe, natural alternatives like food derived medicines, (such as oil of oregano) which have been used for centuries to assist in seasonal detox, “infections” and respiratory symptom remediation.

Allopaths get paid incentives and bonuses for prescribing toxic Rx and injecting deadly and completely unnecessary vaccines.

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 8, 2024 3:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Absolutely, with the exception of surgery for trauma much of allopathic medicine, especially medications, are either unnecessary or can be substituted using natural plant based alternatives.

It is interesting how we are encouraged to eat a plant based diet, often processed or grown using insectides and herbicides, but are never informed about the healing and medicinal properties of wild plants. Herbal medicine which has no patents has been used for centuries, if not, millenia.

During the Plandemic, I noticed that groups of medical practioneers came together very quickly to form the ‘opposition’ to the jabs but always maintained the key part of the agenda, ie that there was a Covid-19 virus. Certain doctors who spoke out very early on as individuals regarding the veracity of the pandemic itself were excluded from speaking at events organized by these high profile groups.

May 6, 2024 1:59 PM

award winning????? documentary Epidemic of Fraud presents an alternative narrative of the “Covid Pandemic”..WHICH IS DOES NOT. It sells the narrative.

Why feature the above.??

How is this any different than ”Died suddenly” (which made mainstream news 👁 ) with The Wuhan Lab Leak and China did it  💤  mixed in with Christianity conversion Conservative nidge nudge.
Throw in a Dr adder snake venom and covid was real.
which then sells and justify the lockdown for protection, passports to make sure we are safe, Quarantine and Isolation. Testing to make sure.Certain restrictions help lessen the spread!!!

The RFK jr shill book also nudge that.

The only thing missing was Trump / Boris was bullied 💤  or things would of been worse if the other party was in power shill fear porn. (MSM alt media nicely sold helped install this narrative though to the very unwise)

Unless this was a exercise in how to stop dodgy.

There is no other reason for the video unless your selling an agenda.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
May 6, 2024 9:43 AM

“At its formation in 1947, when the WHO was funded and founded, it was founded by people intent to commit a crime because of their own language: 

“Immunity from legal process of every kind.” 

Now, if you didn’t intend to commit a crime, why would you need to give yourself permanent and absolute immunity from every form of prosecution, even investigation for prosecution, of every kind?”

~ Dr. David Martin

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 7, 2024 3:29 AM
Reply to  Straight Talk

Rumours says the label “virus” was invented to avoid paying compensation when industry polluted the air with lung irritating synthetic substances. Thus we have the flue, influenza, lung inflammation, m.m. Without expertise in these matters it sounds logical in my ears.

May 6, 2024 9:36 AM

Unlike most, I dont need some shill fake internet Doctor who appeared during bs19 fake spin us a yeadon who managed to get on all the biggest shills shows in alt media. He appeared everywhere and is now some expert in everything conspiratorially. your standards are low when it comes to how psyops works. wont be long before he sets up an new political party and he and Dr baloney will the doctor of medicine.
Epidemic of Fraud should includes these fake heroes that appeared during bs19 sold to us as experts who also shill a MSM narrative.

May 6, 2024 9:01 AM

How many narratives is that now? Hard to keep track.

May 6, 2024 6:38 AM

The design of flawed lab tests created an artifact of COVID pandemic exactly as those same tests created artifact of nonexistent Bird flu pandemic in 2009. The same useless and discredited PCR tests “found” SARS2 in historical sewage samples from 2018 and from summer of 2019 as they found it in fall 2023 samples predicting 2023-24 new pandemic that never materialized. Why?

Because facing with nearly 100% correlation between lab test results of those jabbed WHO/CDC decided to stop testing anyone but those with severe respiratory disease symptom and only if other standard diagnosis was excluded.

Puff, predicted pandemic suddenly disappeared as it disappeared in 2009.

From nearly 20,000 even vaguely related to COVID medical papers published between 2020 and 2023 at least half were seriously challenged or withdrawn citing severe undisclosed conflict of interests, plagiarism, gross negligence and violation of research principles including manipulation and fabrication of data. Still so many papers and no one single entire supposedly 32k SARS-2 RNA base pairs long virus was found intact and was fully sequenced. Still the only proof of the virus is in-silico. The only argument Virologist have left is that no other virus fully RNA sequenced was ever found only bits and pieces.

The sad result is that so called global “scientific consensus” amounted to unprecedented in history of medicine scandal and coverup of a supreme crime against humanity entire world corporate medical and epidemiological community and its institutions desperately want to conceal and deny rationalizing nonsense displaying a terminal case of hypocrisy and industrial scale violations of Hippocratic oath being wittingly or not tools of deadly global Reset policies. Those criminals cover their crimes from US to China and Russia regardless of geopolitical conflicts.

What is even worse in addition of millions killed by malpractice of using CDC/WHO authorized deadly protocols and drug regimes is that billions now live in delusional fear easily malleable and conditioned zombie army ready to eradicate reason again.

As far as HCQ is concerned it is valid and effective remedy but most of all should be used to end world parasite pandemic as it is reasonable prerequisite to building up strong immune system that is designed by nature to prevent diseases and to repair damage which means to heal.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 6, 2024 11:57 AM
Reply to  Kalen

I’m fascinated to know if you have a link or a source for your statement about half of the medical papers published during Covid having to be withdrawn! A2

May 6, 2024 1:09 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Me too. Especially the part about PCR tests. Took a lot of flack from the “fact checkers” who were claiming that Kary Mullis never said anything about the flaws in his tests. Pay no attention to the Nobel Prize winning scientist who invented the test……… Be nice to have more references.

May 6, 2024 2:55 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

PCR tests only locate the presence of a virus, any virus remains still in the body…. PCR tests run at the levels they were run for the fake Pandemic have a very high rate of false positive anyhow… Remember, they were/are “Free”… HaHaHaaaahahahaaaahahahahaaa….. All your tax dollars and new Printed money went to buying all-those-“FREE”-tests/jabs for you compliant sheeple… CONGRATS….

May 7, 2024 2:53 AM
Reply to  Wil

No PCR can’t detect viral presence. Because the alleged viruses have never been found, isolated or purified, so the genetic sequences can’t be known. They are fabricated (invented) using software programs.

The virus scam is fraud from beginning to end. All positives are false and all negatives are false.

May 7, 2024 10:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

They (alleged original progenitor or parent viruses) also have no determinate conditions of existence in the natural world distinct from themselves according to virology. Their alleged natural form of physical existence and formation before replication is inexplicable by science and any reference to the process of their alleged replication and reproduction remains entirely problematic.

May 8, 2024 9:15 AM
Reply to  CO-

Hi Co. Good to see you! Yes, all of that’s true, and entirely unexplained by “virologists” and their absurd pseudoscience of poisoning cancer cells lines and calling that a vaccine and a virus. Deliberate scientific fraud. A disproven hypothesis.

The irony of an alleged, invisible zombie parasite, feeding off, replicating and silently killing an unaware humanity, bizarrely mirrors the controllers themselves. It’s also a recycled script narrative they’ve previously used with the imaginary, unseen “demiurge” and “archons”. Lol.

May 8, 2024 11:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

R, See my comment above regarding certain toxic adverse effects of certain prescription drugs etc concerning Influenza and Influenza Syndrome. I have been looking for substances other than alleged “viruses” that potentially cause the Flu or what can be interpreted and diagnosed as the Flu.

After all Influenza has been long diagnosed and known as a ‘protean’ disease. In some of the drug categories I’ve mentioned as examples, pneumonia is also listed as a “side-effect” – well, blow me down! I’d never have guessed!

Combined side-effects also paint a great picture for prescription drug lovers if they have an inclination to do their research which is advisable for the sake of their own health and well-being. However, you can lead the horse to the water but you can’t force it to drink.

What say you?

May 9, 2024 5:20 PM
Reply to  CO-

Yes, 100%. Because unnatural substances like drugs cannot be metabolized and excreted safely or easily by the liver. Hence, drugs that aren’t anti-inflammatory trigger the pyrogenic cytokine (IL-6) inducing fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue etc.,

Flu “symptoms” are a poison-inflammation-detox response since we don’t have an “immune” system we have a lymphatic system, endocrine system, CNS, metabolic system etc.

I replace “pathogen”, “bacteria” or “virus” in all the scientific literature, with the word toxin/s or poison, and replace “infection” with poisoning.

May 6, 2024 5:07 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

He bloody well did. It was on several YouTube vids, if they’re still up. He said ‘the PCR test is for lab use only. It must not be used for diagnosis.’
I had a casual look a few months back. Several of the vids are missing. It would not be a surprise.
One in particular, he was very laid-back, sort of lecturing a group of students.

j d
j d
May 6, 2024 6:10 PM
Reply to  ariel

Video: Dr. Kary B. Mullis. “The Other Nobel Prize”. No Infection or Illness Can be Accurately Diagnosed with the PCR “Test”: https://www.globalresearch.ca/kary-b-mullis-no-infection-illness-can-accurately-diagnosed-pcr/5757224

It is also on Bitchute here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/q5ZR66TyQWDo/

May 7, 2024 11:59 AM
Reply to  j d

Thanks: this is really important info for sticking it to covidiots and self-important fraudulent ‘fact checkers.’
Not youboob any more then?

j d
j d
May 7, 2024 12:48 PM
Reply to  ariel

The video in the globalresearch link is on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1FXbxDrDrY

May 6, 2024 7:37 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Former Lancet editor reported massive fraud among publications of corporate medicine already in 2019 and then in 2021 relating to COVID publication. Professor John Ioannidis from Stanford ran a center specifically dealing with scientific fraud. It was he who based on his researches in Santa Clara county in California correctly determined IFR of that similar to seasonal flu.

The regular fraud was compounded in COVID case by collapse of foundation of entire pandemic namely discredited infection diagnostic tool: PCR test. That was compounded by confirmation of strong levels of COVID immunity among those what had cold prior to declaration of pandemic and that included highly immune children.

That made a most of COVID epidemiological papers and many that referred and wrongly interpreted such PCR findings under questions, retraction or at least dramatic revision and that included many COVID related papers on medicine, pharmacology, molecular biology and foundations of virology.
Without PCR there was no pandemic. With inherent population immunity there was no threat to public health.

Here is an example of damning critique of PCR.

The first point of many is violation of Koch postulates by contemporary virology.

The hard scientific fact is that If clinical sample is not purified and active virus not isolated (Koch postulates) before is grown in free of any foreign components tissue culture, ( so we know what actually is being cultured, a thing never done for clinical PCR Covid tests), subsequent PCR test is meaningless in context of analytical specificity of detection of genes belonging to specific targeted viral nucleic acid.

In clinical hence settings PCR is completely non-specific, cannot identify presence of gene specifically belonging to targeted organism’s RNA or DNA sequence. It may guess it though once a while if it happens to be no significant non-specific interference in not purified clinical sample.

Issue of homologous genes among other viral species is critical, big part of PCR non specificity but assays, primers design or production errors is another as review of Corman-Drosten failed PCR design show.

Ridiculously high CT 40+ values used to determine infection (extremely low viral load) is another problem destroying credibility of clinical PCR tests’ Covid implementations as far as automatically implying (dogma of virology) that presence of minute fragments of RNA indicates presence of active viral organism in the analyzed sample that is inherently destroyed by rt-PCR process itself. 

So it means that even if we correctly detect presence of viral RNA fragments in a sample by using PCR technique (even at CT = 25 above which culture cannot even grow in vitro) that matches genomic SC2 gene reference it does not mean that there has ever been “living” intact active SC2 virus any time in the clinical sample. It could be just old irrelevant to particular clinical case genetic debris.

In many clinical research studies PCR CT of 10-15 or lower is used to assure that any PCR positive results have any possible bearing or consequence for actual clinical case being analyzed. And even in such cases they often report coinfections with SC2. Determination of pandemic based of CT 40+ was a nonsense. Today CDC puts COVID IFR at seasonal flu levels of 0.1- 0.2% from about 1% because of mass PCR misdiagnosis.

Moreover, It was shown that test positive case rates plummet to near zero if COVID PCR test is targeting 2,3,4,5 or more genes in the targeted genome. It is because like in lottery it is much harder to match 5 numbers than 1. Commercial PCR test kits commonly targeted single gene to declare test positive against WHO that recommended at least two targets.

At those above low CT levels of likely clinical consequences there was no PCR COVID pandemic at all. Zero. 

So on the top of nearly complete lack of analytical specificity of practical implementation of commercial PCR tests (not being randomly verified by CDC since mid March 2020) there is complete lack of diagnostic specificity as FDA warned in already May 2020 that PCR cannot diagnose active infection and can return false test positives in cases of other bacterial or viral infections present in Clinical samples. In other words PCR cannot determine infection status of a patient, period.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 6, 2024 9:25 PM
Reply to  Kalen

I was really hoping for a link. Do you have one, or does anyone, to benefit the community here? Links are so important and useful. Ta, A2

Hamish Dawson
Hamish Dawson
May 9, 2024 2:14 AM
Reply to  Kalen

CFR they found was 0.2% same as flu as you say.

May 6, 2024 6:20 AM

Did IVM or HCQ help those harmed by the jab? Yes or no?

May 6, 2024 8:29 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I don’t think that’s even a question that needs an answer. More to the point why there two suppressed when Covid was about. How can it help those who had been jabbed like sheep? It was, in my view, to help recover from covid not the jab itself. But I do hear pine needle tea may help, not a cure but the body is remarkably resilient. I hope you are ok if you were jabbed and experiencing other things beyond it. God bless.

May 6, 2024 12:27 PM
Reply to  mgeo

No. Nor did they help a single person previous to being injected with poison.

Those drugs don’t help anyone and never have. HCQ can induce torsades de pointes (arrhythmia) and death. As can azithromycin. Those two drugs together are highly dangerous and toxic. This was commonly known pre 2020.

Ivermectin is poison: Neurological disorders, muscle weakness, seizures are common side effects, even in animals.

May 6, 2024 10:25 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Back again to add your poisonous lies, I see. Your statements are utter and complete distortions/falsehoods that not even the FDA or CDC would attempt to pass off to a covid zombie.

May 6, 2024 11:31 PM
Reply to  StStephen

There’s no covid, there’s no diagnostic tests for invisible molecules that have never been found. Ergo, no need for highly toxic Rx. Germ theory is a hoax.

I linked to scientific papers that support my claims unlike you, with nothing but ad hominem and vitriol, proving zero knowledge.

Read some books. Here’s a list:

Virus Mania

Goodbye Germ Theory

What Really Makes You Ill

The Contagion Myth

The Invisible Rainbow

Pasteur vs Béchamp

Can You Catch a Cold?

The Lethal Dose

Unless and until you’ve read all of those you’ll be clueless about anything health related.

Eleventy Seventy
Eleventy Seventy
May 7, 2024 8:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There’s also Mark Bailey’s paper “A Farewell to Virology” which only comes in at 67 pages so it’s a quicker read (and free to download as a PDF here). Worth a read for anyone who wants an overview of why virology is being called into question by a growing number of people.

For those who are interested, it’s also worth noting that, according to Bailey and a few others, his paper has yet to be refuted.

May 7, 2024 8:44 PM

Thanks for the link. I forgot to include that paper.

And there’s Mike Stone’s viroliegy blog which has well referenced articles on most of the alleged viral “diseases”.

May 7, 2024 8:49 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The problem is that none of any of that (much of which I happen to agree with, as it happens) lends veracity to your baseless and senseless accusations against Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. For one, they have nothing to do with whether or not SARS-CoV-2 exists; I also happen to agree that it does not exist. And just as in the case of the film, by your making vile assertions that essentially agree with but go further in their vitriol than the CDC and mainstream media (“horse-paste”) in their attempts to discredit these molecules, you collaborate with Big Pharma and help them do their dirty work. As for ad hominem, I attacked only your statements. Not for the first time have I felt the need to react to what I consider the nihlistic destructiveness of your outpourings here. So there!  :wpds_twisted: 

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 7, 2024 10:37 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Researcher, what is the deal wth this dude Stephen, who thinks he is a saint?
Talk about delusions of grandeur.

He called me a “chat bot with human accomplices” accusing me of an “idiot tone”, when I aked him a question. Yet, claims in a conversation with you that he does not do ad hominem attacks.

Also, what is the deal with his avatar? I thought it was an illustration of a person sitting cross-legged, in half lotus or lotus maybe. I then enlarged it, to discover a photo of a bare-chested dude wearing shades.

WTF….I thought this was OffG, not Grindr LOL

May 7, 2024 11:18 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Lol. Poor man’s Russell Brand, controlled opposition Queen type acolyte. Aging badly, and only able to do the most basic yoga pose. Best to ignore. You can’t fix stupid or wilfully ignorant.

May 6, 2024 6:15 AM

<The film argues that early treatment options for Covid19 were suppressed in order to boost vaccine profits. It also suggests that Corona virus SARS-2 aka Covid-19 itself may have the been result of gain of function research carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with funding from Anthony Fauci.>

The whole Con-19 $cam was cooked up to increase vaccine profits. By 1990 the word on the street in the vaccine game was “vaccines are too cheap”. So mRNA Vaxx project was launched and the inevitable Covid-19 lab leak and consequent worldwide epidemic of SARS was their opportunity to roll out the RNA Vaxx and have World Governments mandate the Vaxx instead of conventional flu shots, at a vastly inflated price. (Because every smart operator knows that “every crisis is an opportunity”).

Your precis above omits the fact that preliminary Gain of Function on Corona viruses was done at U$ Army Bio-Weapons Lab in Maryland U$A, and moved to China after an outbreak of SARS-2 so near the U$ Capital. (Same as the the rubble from Con-911, with its evidence of nanothermite explosive, was moved from New York City to China; (because “they’re all in it together”?).

Your precis also omits a fact so important that it is rarely mentioned – even though this most telling clue was picked up right near the start of Con-19. It confirms the infamous spike protein found in Corona virus Covid-19 but in no other corona virus. This is a GMO protein, U$ patent app by Moderna in 2016 – four years before the outbreak of Covid-19. This GMO spike protein, which is also found in the Vaxx, was tweaked in the lab – earlier than 2016 — to make that same GMO spike protein in the Vaxx specifically attack human blood vessels. Result: a Vaxx which kills more young people than the Covid-19 Virus does.

China is the only country whose vaccine against influenza Covid-19 is an old fashioned flu shot, and it does not contain the Covid-19 spike protein. But I hear the Chinese are working on an RNA Vaxx; which proves “they’re all in it together”.

May 6, 2024 5:28 AM

Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey would agree on all fronts.
However, when my husband (in his mid 80s) was diagnosed with pneumonia via a CT scan in late 2021 (God forbid we used the PCR test), he was treated with hydroxychloroquine, zinc and the antibiotic Azithromycin and was better in 6 days.

May 6, 2024 8:12 PM
Reply to  Sarah

And all I got was antibiotics (Azithomicin, If I’m not mistaken) and also got better.

Gorl o
Gorl o
May 6, 2024 9:36 PM
Reply to  Sarah

What’s the control for your experiment

Big Al
Big Al
May 6, 2024 4:06 AM

What I’ve noticed about much of the MAGA cult, and they are far from the only cult we’re faced with (like the Biden cult), is the proud proclamation that “they” resisted Biden’s jabs. When I push back about Mr. Operation Warpspeed, i.e., Trump, and how he still insists that Warpspeed was one of his greatest accomplishments, i.e., because of him, millions of lives were saved by the “wonderful” vaccines, they will invariably say he was “duped, like the rest of us”. And/or that he didn’t mandate them, Biden did. When I push back on that with facts such as – many of us were not duped and knew right away and that if he was so easily duped, why do they want someone as President who is so easily duped into something that big and criminal, and why does he still insist that he saved millions of lives with Operation Warpspeed, that’s when they start calling me names, a Biden supporter in particular. Boom, it blows their electrodes. At that point, that’s all they got. But I’ve also been commenting that there is not and never has been a Covid-19 virus, that it was all a scam by rebranding the flu to something that has never been proven to exist. That’s when I see the same ignorance from the MAGA cult as with the, ahem, other side, or about everyone else. That’s not why they (some of them) refused “Biden’s jabs”, it was because they hate the liberals, democrats, and Biden so much that anything they support, they automatically don’t. For Trump, it was a matter of timing and because he lost. They became “Biden’s jabs” because Biden won. If he hadn’t lost, he would have done the same shit Biden did and his cult would have followed suit and took the jabs. The same thing is playing out with zionist Israel’s attempt at genocide in Gaza, particularly related to the college campus protests by “liberals and democrats”. The MAGA cult is automatically taking zionist Israel’s side, and so is their master Trump, who is calling for fascist police state tactics on not only them, but with the illegal immigration issue. That is not good news.

And that’s not good news relative to the success of the Covid-19 Scamdemic PsyOp and how it plays out going forward with Big Pharma, Digital IDs, etc. There are fewer of us than we might think who really know what the fuck is going on and understand what it’s going to take to gain our freedom from these psychopaths. And it surely is not good for the United States of Imperialism, because our next president is going to be a democrat or a republican whose name is Biden or Trump. Probably. Unless one or both of them dies. Hopefully. But it won’t make a fucking difference anyway.

If you want to converse with the MAGA cult online, the best place I’ve found is the Gateway Pundit. It’s billed as “far right” and recently declared bankruptcy because it’s been sued for lies about Trump getting cheated from the 2020 election, but most of the MAGA cult aren’t far right, they’re just anti-liberal and mesmerized by a conman.

Barbara Anne Dearden
Barbara Anne Dearden
May 6, 2024 6:09 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Trump needs to shut up about his involvement as it does not serve him well.

underground poet
underground poet
May 6, 2024 11:45 AM

Loose lips, sink ships.

May 6, 2024 1:15 PM
Reply to  Big Al

You are confused. Without a doubt. This isn’t about cults and cultists. This is about globalism and depopulation through the hijacking of the political system through the importation of voters to maintain power to continue pursing the agenda of surrendering our sovereignty to the United Nations via health and climate treaties. Crystal.

Big Al
Big Al
May 6, 2024 3:39 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

Okey Dokey Hemlock, whatever you say.

May 6, 2024 3:00 PM
Reply to  Big Al

The Trump supporters are no different than you… You support the delusional old “Career” corrupt Politician who has been corrupt his entire life…. The Uni-Party loves you both… Neither of you has any capacity for open critical thought…. Enjoy the Great Reset…
You’ll OWN NOTHING, and you’ll BE HAPPY…….

Big Al
Big Al
May 6, 2024 3:38 PM
Reply to  Wil

I support who? Do you have any idea what you’re talking about there Wil?

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
May 6, 2024 6:50 PM
Reply to  Big Al

It has become very clear since the dust settled on the Plandemic that a large part of the so-called awake element of the public returned to their old tribal habits, be it in national politics or geopoplitics.

The alt-media has burgeoned in that time as more media consumers were seeking alternatives to legacy media. Lo and behold our ‘masters’ have followed through on Pike’s mantra with a plethora of alt-media talking heads all promoting a hero or driving a narrative:
“Whenever people need a hero we shall supply him”

As far as names go both Trump and Putin fit that bill.

A lot of alt-media consumers are going to badly deceived and hoodwinked in the coming years by the very alternative media talking heads some of them have come to trust almost reflexively. This will be by a combination of controlled/approved opposition and useful idiots within the alternative space that are too blinkered to step back and see the forest from the trees.

Just because one did not take a jab and one knows what a smart city is, does not make one smart.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 6, 2024 10:04 PM
Reply to  Big Al

You wilfully ignore . . .

the parts where Trump says:
A) Covid is a hoax
B) He’s a wartime president fighting an invisible enemy
C) Give me therapeutics every time
D) You have your freedoms

E) the staged booing at the rallies
F) the declaration that “we’re not gonna take it!”

Dec 08, 2020 5:05:50 PM EST
We’re Not Gonna Take It

Big Al
Big Al
May 7, 2024 3:46 AM

Actually, I haven’t willfully ignored Trump saying “covid” is a hoax because I never seen anything that indicated/proved he said that. If you can provide me that references, I’d greatly appreciate it. I could certainly provide you a number of references where he’s said his Operation Warpspeed saved millions of lives. Now how could he say that and also say that Covid was a hoax. I believe you are incorrect.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 7, 2024 10:02 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Trump (Feb 28, 2020): It’s the flu, bro.

The MAGA people got the message !


Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We’re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that. We are doing great . . .

So a number that nobody heard of that I heard of recently and I was shocked to hear it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? 35,000. That’s a lot of people. It could go to 100,000, it could be 27,000, they say usually a minimum of 27, it goes up to 100,000 people a year who die, and so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody. And it doesn’t mean we won’t, and we are totally prepared, it doesn’t mean we won’t. But think of it. You hear 35 and 40,000 people, and we’ve lost nobody, and you wonder, the press is in hysteria mode.

@10:50: We are totally ready!

Ask PolitiFact: Are you sure Donald Trump didn’t call the coronavirus a hoax?

Other fact-checkers have agreed with our reading of Trump’s comments. Here’s what they have to say.

Factcheck.org: “Trump did use the word ‘hoax’ but his full comments, and subsequent explanation, make clear he was talking about Democratic attacks on his administration’s handling of the outbreak, not the virus itself.”
The Washington Post Fact Checker: “The context of the full quote shows Trump criticized Democratic talking points and media’s coverage of his response to the coronavirus, but does not call the virus itself a hoax.”
Snopes: “Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus a hoax.”
AP Fact Check: “The accusation is misleading. So is the selective video editing that made it appear Trump was calling the coronavirus a ‘new hoax.”

Donald Trump holds “Keep America Great” rally in Charleston, S.C.
Global News
Streamed live on Feb 28, 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump attended a “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Charleston, S.C., on Friday, ahead of the Democratic primary happening on Saturday.
Trump delivered his remarks amid the COVID-19 outbreak, and has previously downplayed the virus and its potential impact to the United States.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 7, 2024 10:32 AM
Reply to  Big Al

I could certainly provide you a number of references where he’s said his Operation Warpspeed saved millions of lives. Now how could he say that and also say that Covid was a hoax.

Because it’s a war; Warp Speed is a military operation; and everything he says during a war, as a “wartime president”, should be viewed potentially as deception. The MAGA people understand this. They got the message. Hence, the booing pantomime!

Disinfo is necessary

Aug. 22, 2021
Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated

“Those boos are what you created,” says the talking-head retard.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 6, 2024 3:37 AM

Would the real Mike Yeadon please step forward!

i.e. why does he not publish these statements on his own Substack?


Instead of here:

7. Of course I support early treatment of illnesses. If HCQ, IVM & corticosteroids have utility in certain illnesses, I defend physicians right to use their judgements. That is entirely different from individuals who have worked very hard for “early treatment of covid19”. Pushing early treatment at this juncture, knowing there wasn’t a new illness let alone a pandemic is achieving what the perpetrators want. The public convinced there was a fearful pandemic and afraid there’ll be another.

Supposedly Mike Yeadon – May 4, 2024


Ron Marr
Ron Marr
May 6, 2024 3:16 AM

You are so powerful that the psychological war will make you catch whatever you think you got. Keep good thoughts, good diet and good physical fitness with love.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
May 6, 2024 1:38 AM

Yeadon got it. Films like this one and articles which push the same message about “alternative treatments” help keep the “Pandemic”/”COVID-19″/”SARS-CoV-2” fraud narrative alive.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
May 6, 2024 2:35 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I agree 100% with all of Yeadon’s claims and admire his courage. However, I have become interested recently in a “new” school of pathology, which really dates back to the 19th century
and earlier, which claims that most diseases are caused by parasites other than bacteria, usually multicellular. One explanation of the apparent effectiveness of HCQ and ivermectin is that they clear out a lot of parasites which gives a temporary relief to symptoms which are ascribed by the “experts” to other causes. Perhaps not coincidentally the the primary original human use for both these drugs was against parasites, malaria and river blindness respectively. However, many advocates of this theory claim that the old folk remedy of turpentine is far more effective, safer, and cheaper than the two drugs mentioned above. I intend to study the evidence more.

I do not agree that the demonization by the global cabal against these two drugs was a deliberate limited hangout. In the USA at least, and by law, if any licensed drug exists which has a reasonable effectiveness against a disease, then no EUA are permissible. Both of these drugs had been licensed by the FDA for decades. Since one of the primary objectives of the scamdemic was to poison the global population and alter its DNA, this presented a huge obstacle to their agenda which had to be countered at all costs.

Betsey Norton
Betsey Norton
May 6, 2024 12:59 AM

DR. Yeadon is totally correct! There was no virus, all the bullshit about lab leaks was to support this false narrative!!!

May 6, 2024 8:33 AM
Reply to  Betsey Norton

But… but… see what Wikipedia says about Michael Yeadon:

If he’s someone so prone to making “false” and “misleading” statements “without evidence”, how did he get such a senior position at Pfizer? What does that say about them? They skip over that part.

I trust Wikipedia totally – I mean, there must be a good reason why it comes up first in every Google search!

May 6, 2024 9:28 AM
Reply to  Edwige

What worthy sources do you have that proves Yeadon is a Doctor and is this amazing whistle blower that decided one day that the covid thing was a lie and his life work of working and running/owning medical company’s is a lie…>?

May 6, 2024 12:53 AM

Not all bioweapons are designed to kill immediately, some are designed as incapcitating agents. If you can get them past the immune system barriers, all the more effective.

Dr Kevin McCairn lays out long term issues with the bioweapon:


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
May 6, 2024 9:58 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

All bioweapons, indeed the very concept of “bioweapon,” requires Contagion Theory to be true. 120-plus years of attempts to prove it have failed. See Dr Sam Bailey’s page for ample stuff about this matter.

And see the following page, which has a list of such attempts.


Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 7, 2024 3:39 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

In the first lock down year there was two predictions in alternation media (controlled opposition) that people would die from the jabs within 6-24 month after the first jab.
Nothing of the like happened.

So we are now on the long term bioweapon theory conspiracy?

May 5, 2024 11:42 PM

I am glad to have watched the film. It is s story of the demonization of HCQ, and good to see the ways in which the various players behaved. A pox on them.
I do not see the film as a criticism of Yeadon’s point that there was no pandemic. I agree with him that there was no new illness. What I am still disgusted by is the reliance on testing that was NOT diagnostic. People were condemned to die after a “positive” test, condemned by inappropriate medical care. I’ll wait for that video.

John Davidson
John Davidson
Jul 17, 2024 9:32 AM
Reply to  SusanD

Thank you, Susan. I don’t think most people, including Mike, actually watched the whole thing.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 5, 2024 11:35 PM

One of the best arguments, in my opinion, against all the measures into which we were coerced or even the ‘alternatives’ – the drugs – which we were no longer permitted to be treated with is the fact that even The Science has never been able to prove that respiratory illnesses are “catching”.

A new, well-researched book out by Dan Roytas, Can You Catch a Cold? permanently discounts the catching-a-virus theory.

Contagion is a lie, and if the majority of people could only see this, then we can emancipate ourselves from this fraudulent medical prison.

Watch this space for the new release (Amazon has sold out on the book).


May 6, 2024 12:07 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

There were two in the bed and the little one said:

“How come I got measles straight after you did?”

May 6, 2024 1:59 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Go back to sleep. You’ll still be voting in 10 years for your own enslavement and taking poison meds for non contagious, detox symptoms.

Keep injecting your kids and grandkids with poison. Don’t forget to Saturn-Satan worship at the local church on Sundays where can you act out cannibalism in a fun ritual.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 6, 2024 7:01 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Same shitty diet, for instance?

There were two in bed. One got really sick with a respiratory illness, the other did not. Go figure.

Big Al
Big Al
May 5, 2024 11:20 PM

From the CDC website:

“Estimates are not available for the 2020-2021 flu season due to minimal influenza activity.”

Everything about the flu stopped for the 2020-2021 “flu season”. (Last reviewed 2/28/24) Then it became Covid-19. End of story.

Or it could be that the flu just wanted to take a break and let Covid-19 run with it for a few years. Then the flu said, “thanks, Mate”, and decided to come back and join Covid-19. Now they’re all one big happy family. Those darn viruses, I tell ya.

May 6, 2024 3:11 PM
Reply to  Big Al

Yes, wonder why the sheeple can’t ask the question…. Almost no cases of “Seasonal Influenza” in 2020-2021…. Wow, could it be that “Covid” was just another PsyOp ????
Kind of like the question, if we put a man on the moon in 1969 with that level of technology, why have we not been back since ??? 55 years later, we struggle to get Rockets into Space ??? Is there a “problem” with asking the question ???
The Sheeple just read what the Corporate Media tell them and let the Fear Porn just wash-over-them…. HaHahaaaa…. Bend-over-Everyone…..

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 7, 2024 3:42 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Flue has done a good job for many years and has the right to take a sabbath year.

George Mc
George Mc
May 5, 2024 10:31 PM

As others have noticed, this film seems to vent its spleen on the idea that certain treatments were demonised or sidelined when they could have been “more effective” and certainly less harmful. But this sidesteps the whole issue of why such treatments were needed in the first place i.e. the film presupposes that there really was a pandemic. I see no reason for such presupposition.

May 6, 2024 3:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Most people who want to be “Successful” in their “Industry” ( Docu-Films), will stay somewhere in that “Sweet-Centrist-Chardonnay Liberal/Budweiser-Centrist-Traditional Republican” middle to make the most MONEY…. The Mainstream created the Scamdemic, sold it well, scared-the-shit out of the sheeple public, and here we are….
All the successful on-line Grifters are spinning the best info to grow/maintain their “BRANDS”….

May 6, 2024 8:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

True. It is a psychological war, I think. 🕵 are many. And I mean many. And precisely those that people don’t think so.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
May 5, 2024 10:29 PM

Big Pharma Executive Disses Cheap Effective Flu Treatment

What’s new?

John Goss
John Goss
May 5, 2024 7:29 PM

I’m with Mike Yeadon on this. I had pneumonia last year with lots of phlegm. Earlier this year (March) I started with a very bad cold with lots of phlegm on the chest which could not easily be removed. By then I had got hold of some Ivermectin (IVERCARE-12). It never made an iota of difference.

My suspicion is that 5G (Birmingham is one of two experimental cities in the UK, Cambridge being the other) and EMF at a certain frequency has been shown to create, among other adverse health issues, influenza-like symptoms.

May 5, 2024 8:30 PM
Reply to  John Goss

Ivermectin is a total psyop. Yes, 5g is a weapon and a control grid for tracking and tracing the injected and nasal swabbed. The geo-engineering – arial spraying campaigns and filthy tap water don’t help with the detox symptoms (colds and flus).

Public water utilities don’t remove most chemicals, heavy metals or Rx, and add huge amounts of chlorine to sewer and waste water. And now there’s nano (similar to what’s in the vaccines) in processed foods.

May Hem
May Hem
May 5, 2024 11:04 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Pulbic water utilities “blow out the pipes” each year ….. “throughout the year, the pipes end up with a layer of nasty, toxic film around the inside of them, so when they are blown out, all the crud gets mixed into the water supply then ultimately pushed into our homes. Even if we only drink purified water we all still use the city water and our skin absorbs the buffet of poisons. This is why a large quantity of the population suddenly gets sick in the fall, but it is mistaken for the Flu Virus”


May 5, 2024 11:27 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Saw that the other day. I’ve been calculating the costs they charge for the water and hydro electricity in Canada and it’s an outrageous amount of profit they are making, on very low overheads.

A city with a population of around 300k is making around 60 million a year on the poisoned water, just for the $50 monthly connection-hookup fee. Before the cost of electricity use and water consumption, another $120 million, so $180 million total absolute minimum for every 100k households. Imagine that kind of money per state or province wide for the millions in every population. Yet providing disgusting, fluoridated, poisoned water, dirty electricity, ugly powerlines everywhere and damaging SMART meters. It’s criminal.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
May 5, 2024 8:59 PM
Reply to  John Goss

So am I. Basically any information that discusses any aspect of the fake pandemic, but definitely anything that purports to talk about medicine or the shots, reinforces the notion that there really was a pandemic, which, as Dr. Yeadon states, never happened. And, FWIW, we have to know that every bit of information that is “allowed” on youtube has been vetted by TPTB and definitely serves to distract us from what is happening; i.e., theft of all property, wealth transfer, movement to a totalitarian state. If it’s on youtube, it’s propaganda.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 5, 2024 11:22 PM

You tube allows stuff that they would like to be forbidden but show it in a display of impartiality.

They rely on the other media organs to ridicule the presenters such as Dr Yeadon and, to be fair, it works well for them.

I am against all of this ‘everyone is controlled opposition nonsense’

Do you think you are the only person who ‘right thinks’ ?

May 6, 2024 1:28 AM

Youtube uses a number of algorithms to weed out nearly all of what’s potentially threatening to governments. What’s left behind doesn’t have a wide enough audience or reach to matter. They also shadow ban a huge amount of content and creators, just like META and X.

YouTube is Alphabet-Google owned, a CIA-InQTel-DARPA military intelligence operation, scraping data and constantly nudging its audience.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 6, 2024 5:46 AM
Reply to  John Goss

John – Pneumonia is a disease which can be caused by both bacteria and viruses, so if you had bacterial pneumonia, it’s not surprising that Ivermectin had no effect. See https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pneumonia/symptoms-causes/syc-20354204 for a summary….

Ivermectin has well-known anti-viral properties. Here’s a review of how it affects SARS CoV2 replication in laboratory-grown cells: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-020-0336-z

That latter data does not affect whether or not SARS-CoV2 was a laboratory-constructed virus, nor does it affect whether or not a pandemic actually existed at all.

It just says that ivermectin has potent activity in inhibiting the replication of a coronavirus under laboratory conditions.

The paper also describes the effects of ivermectin in cell cultures on Zika virus and Dengue Fever virus, two other already-used hobgoblins/on the long list of future hobgoblins. In the former case, molecular mechanisms were proposed based on a prevention of uptake of a key protein into the cell nucleus, leading to inhibition of virus replication.

The case that ivermectin can demonstrate certain anti-viral properties is clear, however if you have a bacterial disease, there is no way whatsoever that it should be expected that ivermectin would be a suitable solution.

The Mayo Clinic webpage also helpfully points out that most virally-induced pneumonia occurs in children under 5 years of age, so it might be an unexpected surprise if you, a fully grown adult, had contracted viral pneumonia.

Penicillin is the favoured treatment for bacterial pneumonia, John. Did you try a dose of that?

Obviously, if you have pneumonia that is induced neither by bacteria nor viruses (it being induced by mycoplasma or fungi), then you will need different therapy regimens.

Antifungals such as itraconazole are indicated for fungal pneumonia – see https://www.verywellhealth.com/fungal-pneumonia-5179190

Mycoplasma infections are best treated with erythromycin or other similar antiobiotics – see https://dermnetnz.org/topics/mycoplasma-pneumoniae-infection .

It’s important to delineate what kind of pneumonia you actually had before deciding what treatment to go for…………

May 6, 2024 12:03 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Good points all. Thank you.

John Goss
John Goss
May 6, 2024 4:26 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Thanks Rhys, but the pneumonia was before I had any Ivermectin. I got some afterwards. I did have a temperature very close to 40 degrees C. And it was caused through cycling home in a wet shirt I suspect – but the thick-phlegm chest cold was something different. Something I’ve never had before. Difficult to retch anything up. All right now..

May 10, 2024 11:44 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Lab conditions are not identical to the complex conditions within the human body Rhys, and that applies to the application of cell cultures and in vivo animal experiments to prove something that applies to human beings. Similarity is not identity and correlation is not causality. You even pointed that out yourself many moons ago that correlation is not causality. At best microbiology is conjectural it is not a so-called “exact science” according to Lacan.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 6, 2024 7:05 AM
Reply to  John Goss

The flu injections themselves can cause pneumonia and a bad case on bronchitis.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 7, 2024 3:51 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Dont tell them. We the people love placebo as the real thing. Faith can move mountains and a make a guy without legs walk again.

May 5, 2024 7:19 PM

Denis Rancourt needs to be mentioned as one of the first to point out the flaws in the new virus theory.

And Pierre Chaillot in France, who recognises his debt to Rancourt and has demonstrated that the official death figures showed nothing of note in 2020.

John Goss
John Goss
May 5, 2024 8:04 PM
Reply to  October

Denis Rancourt wrote the last chapter in “mRNA Vaccine Toxicity” (D4CE.org) called AIDS and HIV: the Blueprint for the Perversion and Subversion of Medical Science. On page 183 there is a brilliant graphic showing the increase in incidence of AIDS (in Africa) and concomitant decrease in Syphilis between the years 1990 and 2006.

This is the same as the increase in so-called SARS-CoV-2 and the non-incidence of influenza when the so-called pandemic was at its height.