Transhumanist Futures Part 2: Humanity in the Crosshairs
Lissa Johnson, Daniel Broudy & David A. Hughes

Originally published by Propaganda in Focus. Part One of this article is available here and here.
The Transhumanist campaign against humanity, we have outlined in Part 1, is part and parcel of a sophisticated long-game strategy waged against bodies and psyches. With the manipulation of our primal fears and altruistic impulses, the prosecution of this technological onslaught against humanity is camouflaged by linguistic shell games based on sanitising, eulogising and euphemistic language; justification through appeal to valued collective activities such as space exploration; and by claimed threats that humanity is itself the scourge, including through its propensity for “unwanted” love, which is recast as an affliction needing treatment with biochips and neuroceuticals.
In this perverse “New Normal”, technocratic regimes of dispossession headed by transnational economic interests and, we argue, the military-intelligence complex, are presented as self-evident and morally justified. Social order, civil rights, and human sovereignty are reconceptualised, repackaged, and reframed in public discourse as “surveillance under the skin”.
Part 2 broadens scope beyond NASA and its purportedly space-oriented transhumanist agenda by offering analysis of transhumanist forecasting and planning in an array of military-intelligence strategic vision or ‘futures’ documents, which are focussed both on military personnel and civilian populations. We reveal that this evidence not only casts military personnel as fodder for transhumanist experimentation, but foresees societies and leadership agendas stratified along transhumanist lines.
The trail of documentation ultimately leads to an intersection with military-intelligence scenario planning for a pandemic-ravaged dystopian global landscape in the year 2020, with real and present implications for impending global governance under the World Health Organisation, with ratification of amendments to International Health Regulations and a new Pandemic Preparedness treaty pending in May 2024.
Too often do we marvel at the power of the institutions we have constructed over time, and too often do we take for granted that ministers of state power have a genuine interest in attending to the needs of the citizenry who give consent to their rule. But how, in these times of systematic societal destruction, can we understand the ways in which a “New Normal” is being built before our eyes in the biological systems that comprise families, communities, and nations? How is the great transformation unfolding in real-time? Can the material evidence of fundamental change be discerned through the obscurity of official planning, policies and papers already published?
A Brave New Millennium: Nanotechnology, Policy, and the Building Blocks of ‘Life’
In September 2000, almost a year before NASA Langley’s August 2001 ‘futures’ presentation[1] to the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) described in Part 1, another ‘futures’ workshop took place a short drive along the Potomac River from Langley, at the National Science Foundation (NSF) headquarters in Alexandria Virginia. The workshop was titled ‘Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology’. It was organised by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), a cabinet-level council of advisers to the President,[2] which provides “the principal means for the U.S. President to coordinate science, space and technology policies across the Federal Government”.[3]
In hindsight, one can see how the little-known September 2000 NSTC workshop now stands on the science and technology policy landscape as an unassuming launchpad for what NASA Langley would term, in the following year, the BioNano Age. It was held two months after the US Government’s National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) was announced in July 2000,[4] whose aim was to accelerate progress in nanotechnology research, and was sponsored by the same Federal NSTC body that co-ordinated the NNI.[5] Shortly prior to the 2000 NSTC workshop, according to the workshop summary, “a White House letter (from the Office of Science and Technology Policy and Office of Management and Budget) sent in the fall of 2000 to all Federal agencies has placed nanotechnology at the top of the list of emerging fields of research and development in the United States”.[6]
In tandem with the nano-technological movement in the White House, the 2000 NSTC workshop spawned a modestly-worded 280-page report in 2001, which advised that “a revolution is occurring in science and technology, based on the recently developed ability to measure, manipulate and organize matter on the nanoscale — 1 to 100 billionths of a meter”. The report predicted that, “over the next 10 to 20 years [2010-2020], nanotechnology will fundamentally transform science, technology, and society”. It added, “there is little doubt that the broader implications of this nanoscience and nanotechnology revolution for society at large will be profound”.[7]
The status of such nanotechnology policies is significant to transhumanism’s trajectory in that nano-technological materials and tools are critical to the transhumanist project of re-engineering biological life. According to a 2010 report from the Air War College titled Nanotechnology: Threats and Deterrent Opportunities by 2035, “the ability to work in nanoscale is … leading to unprecedented understanding and control over the basic building blocks of all natural and man-made things”.[8] It goes without saying that one could not get more elemental than controlling the basic building blocks of all natural and man-made things. Nanotechnology, the report explains, “is about much more than dealing with the very small”. It quotes Mihail C. Roco, Senior Advisor for Science and Engineering at the NSF, as saying that nanotechnology represents the convergence of science and engineering “where the fundamental principles of life can be found.”[9]
In an applied sense, according to the 2001 Roco and Bainbridge NTSC workshop report:
… the nanoscale is not just another step toward miniaturization, but a qualitatively new scale; … among the envisioned breakthroughs are human organ restoration using engineered tissue, ‘designer’ materials created from directed assembly of atoms and molecules, as well as emergence of entirely new phenomena in chemistry and physics.[10]
Those entirely new phenomena, The Air Force Research Laboratory explains in Nanoscience Technologies: Applications, Transitions and Innovations, arise because nano-sized materials are smaller than the scales at which conventional physics apply and larger than those where atomic physics dominate.[11] This intermediate state between conventional and atomic physics results in oddities such as “forc[ing] electrons into unique energy states”, which in turn promote features including altered magnetic properties, “improved superconductivity” and exceptional strength.[12]
Among the potential applications of such nanotechnological oddities offered in the NTSC report are “wired humans”. The report foresees a day when, with the help of nanoscience, “nanoscanners” will project imagery directly onto the fovea (a small depression in the neurosensory retina where visual acuity is sharpest), while microphone implants in the throat, and implants in the inner ear, could be coupled with implantable transmitting and receiving devices. Should such developments come to pass, “then a human will be wired fully — not only internally but also externally to the vast network outside of the body.”[13]
In its capacity advising the US President, to facilitate the advancement of wired humans and other innovations, the NTSC report offers recommendations for social scientists and policymakers to “help us to take advantage of the new technology sooner, better, and with greater confidence.”[14] What ensued from this point forth is perhaps among the most significant, and the most under-reported, series of developments in national security affairs.
The following year a second workshop was held, titled, Nano Bio Info Cogno: Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance.[15] The 2001 workshop spawned a second report, edited by the same authors as the previous year’s NTSC workshop summary, Mihail C. Roco and William S. Bainbridge of the NSF. The second report, published in 2002, ran to 424 pages and launched what is now known as the NBIC initiative, an influential, international interdisciplinary convergence of activity across Nanoscience, Biotechnology, Information technology and Cognitive science / neuroscience (NBIC) domains. An introductory graphic to the report heralds the nascent NBIC convergence as “changing the societal ‘fabric’ towards a new structure”.[16] The seemingly innocuous description of ‘change’ to the structural ‘fabric’ of society may have passed to readers, at the time, as unworthy of deeper contemplation, but digging into the details of the international ‘interdisciplinary’ ‘convergence’ of nano-everything yields surprising results about what ‘change’ would actually entail.
Although not obvious in the NBIC report itself, a later NATO document made clear that the NBIC initiative had come about with DoD backing. The 2021 NATO report reads, “NBIC is a scientific project bringing together four previously distinct domains: nanotechnology (nanorobot technology, nano-sensors, nanostructures, energy, etc.), biotechnology (bio-genomic technology, bio-engineering, neuropharmacology, etc.), information technology (computer science, microelectronics, etc.) and cognitive technology (cognitive science and neuropsychology). The project was formalized with the encouragement of the US Department of Defense (DoD) in 2002 and subsequently taken up by major international institutions and a number of nations, to bring together future technologies”.[17]
Indeed, concurrently with the NBIC project, just as the White House had entered the 21st century with a focus on nanotechnology and a new National Nanotechnology Initiative, the DoD entered with a compatible Defense Science and Technology Strategy 2000, published in May of 2000. The Defense science and technology strategy declares that in order to “provide for national security in the 21st century”,[18] the DoD would need to be “building our portfolio of technology investments … leveraging the technology explosion, and enabling the Revolution in Military Affairs”.[19] Technologies of interest to the DoD are listed as including nanoscience, micro- and nano-robots, molecular engineering, augmented reality, nanoscale sensors, and biosensors with smart sensor webs, all together enabling “the combination of biology with information technology, electronics, optoelectronics, sensors, and actuators”.[20] In other words, the same BioNano technologies underpinning NASA Langley’s BioNANO Age, slated to commence in 2020, as discussed in Part 1. The subsequent DoD-backed NBIC initiative of 2002 cites the 2000 DoD Science and Technology Strategy report, offering “embedded bionic chips” in soldiers as an example of the revolutionary technologies emanating from the national security realm.[21]
Simply put, the DoD, NTSC and NASA Langley in 2000-2001, and NATO in 2021 (along with a cornucopia of military-intelligence projects and documents in between — a small selection of which we summarise below) have been singing from the same transhumanist DoD BioNano hymnsheet since at least the turn of the century.
The 2021 NATO report continues: “The object [of NBIC] is to encourage the development of tools and adapt or improve humans through an anthropotechnical approach to develop a hybridized human-system … Today, this project has led to the partial convergence of domains, mostly through pairing information technology and health nanotechnologies, new chemical cognition enhancers, embedded electronics, etc. Ultimately, it will lead to an augmented human operator (or even a hybrid one), injected with amplifying substances or nanotechnologies [emphasis added]”.[22] That is, it will lead to transhumans. With the help of hypodermic needles.
By way of illustration, the NATO document notes, “a number of enhanced soldier projects are already underway”.[23]
Cyborg Soldiers: Transhumanist Designs on the Military
As regards abbreviations, GI may be one of the most enigmatic. Originally, it referred to galvanized iron, which was used in the manufacture of, among other things, buckets for military use. With the rise of the permanent international arms industry, the abbreviation has assumed additional meanings: “government issue”, “general issue”, and “ground infantry”. The collocations of each meaning are interesting: the concept of infantry is derived from the French ‘infant’ whose mind represents fertile ‘ground’ for effective conditioning. Is this why ‘bucketheads’ who’ve been effectively conditioned like babes have long been sent out first as cannon fodder into conflicts in efforts to acquire ground in battle? The answer to this question may tell us something about the mindless cyborg on assembly lines around the world.
With a brave new nanotechnological millennium in mind, a simple browse through titles of relevant military-intelligence documents provides a brief overview of ways in which the bodies and brains of GIs and other military personnel have been positioned at the frontlines of battle plans between transhumans and humanity. Consider the following:
- Neural and Biological Soldier Enhancement-From SciFi to Deployment (2009):[24] Published by NATO and prepared by the Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis, a long-time partner to the Federal German Ministry of Defense. The report echoes the US DoD’s 2000 proclamation of a technology-driven ‘Revolution in Military Affairs’ (RMA) for the 21st century,[25] and discusses the role of human augmentation, brain-machine interfaces and genetic engineering.
- Cognition 2035: Surviving a complex environment through unprecedented intelligence (2009):[26] A research paper for the US Air War College, the document similarly projects that, “by 2035, advances in nano-scale, biological, and information technologies will drive cognition toward unprecedented capabilities in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Enhanced Human Intelligence (EHI). These capabilities will have a dramatic effect on all levels of the Air Force”. The paper cites brain computer interfaces and neural prostheses, noting, “there may, also, come a time where adoption of these technologies is compulsory … military service may require certain computer-brain augmentations for its members … Coercive forces will drive extensive ethical and cultural debate”.[27]
Was compulsory adoption of bio-nano technologies involving synthetic RNA in 2020, ostensibly to ‘augment’ the human immune system, an opening gambit in the deployment of such coercive technological ‘enhancement’?
- Biologically fit: Using Biotechnology to Create a Better Soldier (2013):[28] A thesis from the Naval Postgraduate School, the document discusses genetic engineering to create a better solider, and argues that the DoD must overcome the natural genetic limitations of unadulterated service members, in the interests of creating a soldier with greater strength, speed, endurance, and resistance to enemy tactics. The paper proposes that, “the natural limitations of the human genome confines a soldier’s war fighting capabilities” to the extent that, “the soldier is the weakest link due to its natural genetic limitations”. (Note the dehumanising and gender-neutral reference to the human soldier as “it”). In a similar vein, the paper observes, “leaders are realizing more the importance of the soldier as an integral weapon system” [italics added].[29] Accordingly, the document summarises the DoD’s interest and investment in DNA research and genetic engineering. At the time — a decade ago — it was noted that “the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and other research organizations grow closer to ground breaking innovations that could have a major impact on the institutional practices of the DoD … DARPA is underway in their attempts to develop tools to enable genetic engineering that may one day enable the DoD’s ability to create a biological (sic) fit soldier”. By way of example, the paper cites a DARPA project involving artificial chromosomes: “By soliciting the help of private biotech corporations, DARPA aims to improve their methods to implant human artificial chromosomes (HACs) into mammalian cells as highlighted in a document on the DoD’s Small Business Innovation and Research page”.[30]
As much as the content of such documents is striking, with their cavalier recasting of human beings as weapons and instruments of war, whose utility is defined and designed by the military, the sheer number of like documents, along with the fact that they have been publically available for decades, is perhaps even more remarkable.
The list continues.
- Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD (2019):[31] Performing Organizations – Director, US Army Combat Capabilities Command Chemical Biological Center; Naval Research Laboratory; National Defense University; U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command; Georgetown University, and; the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Sponsoring Orgnization – the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. The report outlines four domains of cyborg technology and notes that an upcoming two way data transfer between brains and machines and/or brains and electronics will create a “revolutionary advancement in future military capabilities”. Specifically:
This technology is predicted to facilitate read/write capability between humans and machines and between humans through brain-to-brain interactions. These interactions would allow warfighters direct communication with unmanned and autonomous systems, as well as with other humans, to optimize command and control systems and operations. The potential for direct data exchange between human neural networks and microelectronic systems could revolutionize tactical warfighter communications, speed the transfer of knowledge throughout the chain of command, and ultimately dispel the ‘fog’ of war. Direct neural enhancement of the human brain through neuro-silica interfaces could improve target acquisition and engagement and accelerate defensive and offensive systems.[32]
To be clear, this document reflects the fact that the office of the third highest ranking US DoD official (The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering), second only to the Director and Deputy Director,[33] is presently focussed on turning military personnel into cyborgs. The plainly transhumanist nature of this reality, at such a high level of command, belies the common misperception that transhumanism is a quirky affectation of fringe-dwelling intellectuals, a figment of over-active imaginations, and/or an indulgence of elites with their heads in the clouds.
The report goes on: “The U.S. Government should support efforts to establish a whole-of-nation approach to human/machine enhancement technologies”, involving the commercial sector as well as government, with the rationale that, “a national effort to sustain U.S. dominance in cyborg technologies is in the best interests of the DOD and the nation”.[34]
And yet, despite advocating a whole of nation effort to achieve US dominance in cyborg technologies, the report acknowledges that, “how the use of integrated technologies will affect existing brain architectures and functions is not yet known and arguably, can only be known by implementing the particular interventions”.[35] In other words, through human experimentation.
Are there any parallels to be drawn, or lessons learned, from the Covid-19 experiment into which the world’s population has been integrated? [36, 37] As Barack Obama put it in April 2022, “we’ve now, essentially, clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide”[38] — the “vaccines” still being in clinical trials until 2023 when they were rolled out in 2021. Furthermore, is it a coincidence that the Covid-19 experiment was co-ordinated by National Security agencies, as opposed to health agencies, in at least two ostensibly democratic nations purportedly under civilian rule — the United States and Australia? (We examine this question more closely in Part 3.)
- Human Automation Integration for Supervisory Control of UAVs (Uninhabited Air Vehicles) (2006):[39] Published by NATO and prepared by the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory of the UK Ministry of Defense (MoD), the report describes approaches to “remote supervision of operations involving use of lethal force”. The technological tools include what it describes as advanced human-computer interfaces and multi-modal virtual media immersive synthetic environments.[40] That is, remote killing using ‘enhanced’ virtual reality.
- Ideas Lab for Imagining Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Cognition in the USAF of 2030 (2019):[41] Sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the paper is the final report of a year-long project to explore the mid-term (10+ years) future of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Cognition (AI) in the context of the future USAF [US Air Force]. With an entire section on “Human Machine Fusion”, the report cites examples including a warfighter with micro- or nano-electronic implants allowing them to see a wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum,[42] to physiologically withstand extreme environments,[43, 44] or to control a plane as though it were an extension of his or her body through a brain-computer interface.[45] Such augmentations would form part of what the report calls a “human-machine matrix”, encompassing different levels of human-machine interaction, from simple human use of “smart” machines, to “tighter integration of humans with machines, where human-machine coupling creates an entirely new form of warfighter (e.g., something exemplified by the ‘cyborg’ concept)”.[46] The report observes of its contributors, who hail from academia, the NIH and military contractors including Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin, “there was agreement that research on human-machine integration should consider a broad perspective on techniques to integrate machines with the full range of human bodily systems including the peripheral and central nervous system,[47-49] the musculoskeletal system,[50-52] the endocrine system,[53, 54] the viscera, the vascular system,[55] immunological processes and even patterns of gene expression”.[56, 57] Such transhumanist developments the report deemed necessary to achieve “success for the USAF in the 2030 military context”.[58] In other words, if the US Air Force and private military contractors have their way, military-grade transhumanism will leave no stone of human biology unturned.
- Opportunities and Implications of Brain Computer Interface Technology (2020): Air University Press, Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. The paper is part of a series of US Air Force publications that “aim to present cutting-edge, actionable knowledge — research” according to a foreword by a USAF Commandant Brigadier General.[59] It outlines the R&D status of emerging technologies designed to achieve “bidirectional communication between a brain and a computer” in order “to meet challenging national security objectives for the next 20 years”, “enhance combat capability”, and “ensure that the DOD maintains its war-fighting advantage”. The Brain Computer Interface technologies of interest included genetic modification of brain cells, utilising optical as well as electrical signals for Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs), and employing nonsurgical, including injectable, means of recording and controlling activity at “the basic working unit of the brain, the neuron”.[60]
It is worth recalling here that Dennis Bushnell, the NASA Langley Chief Scientist, told national security industry partners in 2001 that the fruits of classified R&D often remain “in inventory” for over 40 years.[61] Which raises the question as to how long injectable means of recording and controlling neuronal activity have been available to the military-intelligence establishment. Given Bushnell’s 2011 remark that brain chips had already been inserted into 10,000 people[62], the question seems a reasonable one. Which in turn raises the question of what Elon Musk’s public spectacle over surgically implanting a brain chip into just one person by 2024 is really all about.
Looking towards a 2040 timeframe, the Air Force paper notes that technologies such as genetically and optically-mediated injectable BCIs are part of an “exponentially growing” and “potentially disruptive” field.[63] Consistent with the foundational DoD-backed NBIC report published 18 years earlier, which launched an international “convergence” of interdisciplinary Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno R&D,[64] the 2020 paper explains that the BCI technologies it describes are the product of interdisciplinary collaboration between neurologists, biologists, engineers, geneticists, psychologists, computer scientists, and mathematicians. It adds that the “DoD has increased its investment and reorganized its efforts to lead in this [interdisciplinary BCI] field”.[65]
The report explains that the BCI technology of such interest to the DoD involves “a bidirectional communication pathway between the brain and an external device, designed to acquire, analyze, and translate brain signals for a specific action. The brain typically works by sending a signal to peripheral nerves and muscles to induce movement of a limb or to conduct a certain action. BCIs provide a new output channel for the brain to communicate with and ultimately control an external device. The external device could be an artificial limb, a simulated aircraft in flight, or anything that can be interfaced with a computer. BCI is also synonymous with brain-machine interface, neural-controlled interface, mind-machine interface, and direct neural interface, all of which are in other research”.[66]
The report, written in 2020, advises to expect within the next five to 20+ years technologies such as those under development by DARPA, including devices to “read and write memories directly into the brain” (the DARPA RAM/RAM-Replay, ‘Neuro-FAST’ initiative), implantable microchips, and DARPA’s Next Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology N3 program,[67] which includes a ‘platform’ enabling the brain to transmit or receive magneto-electric signals via transducers injected into the body.[68]
Lest any skeptics feel inclined at this point to mutter ‘conspiracy theorist’, ‘disinformation’, ‘Anti-vaxxer’ or ‘crackpot nonsense’, we note that the majority of the documents listed above, and the majority of primary source materials cited throughout this article series, have been formally authenticated and disseminated through the National Technical Information Service and/or the DoD Washington Headquarters Services Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, or through the DoD Executive Services Directorate.
The 2020 Air Force BCI paper concluded:
BCI and related technology are pushing humanity closer to the philosophy of Transhumanism, which seeks to enhance human intellect and physiology through the use of technology. This philosophy may lead to a new definition of what it means to be human ….
Within the military realm, the USAF and DOD should be the first to set the standards for the acceptable use of this technology and then apply those standards through international agreements. This will only be accomplished if we lead in the development and testing of BCIs ….
In order to seize these opportunities, the USAF needs to act now on currently available technologies to foster a culture of increased experimentation and calculated risk-taking”.[69]
As luck would have it for transhumanism, increased experimentation and risk-taking had already been written, three years earlier, into the very foundations of the office of the Under Secretary for Research and Engineering. When that role was created as part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017, a conference report accompanying the Act read: “The conferees expect that the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering would take risks, press the technology envelope, test and experiment, and have the latitude to fail, as appropriate.”[70] Two years later, in 2019, a paper sponsored by the DoD Under Secretary’s office was advocating for the United States to pursue dominance in cyborg technologies, including through trial and error with military personnel.[71]
Does calling for human lab-rats in cyborg experimentation fulfil some aspect of the US DoD recruitment process? We wonder.
In sum, each of these transhumanist soldier ‘enhancement’ papers, which represent but a selection of similar documents, are consistent with the 2001 NASA Langley proposition that human beings are too “large”, “heavy”, “tender”, and “slow” for warfare, particularly compared to robots, which, NASA Langley points out, possess “greatly improved lethality”.[72] The foundational 2000 DoD document on a 21st century technological Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) likewise opened by proclaiming, “the technologies that will make our forces lighter, more mobile, and more lethal will be key”.[73] However, whether re-engineering human beings to match robots in their lethality constitutes ‘enhancement’ is not a subject of serious debate in these and other military-intelligence strategic vision and ‘futures’ literatures. Like the forward march into a world that revolves around technological capability rather than human welfare, lethality as ‘enhancement’ is simply accepted as unquestionable, and taken as a given.
But what of transhumanist designs on the civilian sector? Armies will be armies and astronauts will be astronauts. Super soldiers for combat and extremophiles for space, as described in Part 1, are one thing. But do the DoD and its agencies concern themselves with artificially engineering civilian populations?
Cyborg Civilians: Deep State Designs on Global Citizens
When NASA Langley opened its talk to the national security conference in 2001 with, “The ‘Bots ‘Borgs ‘& Humans Welcome you to 2025 AD”,[74] audience members could have been forgiven for thinking that the sole aim of the playful title was to garner laughs. A spoonful of humour helps the dystopia go down, etc.

Copyright Yena_B, 2024, Artist’s impression of ‘Future Strategic Issues’ slide 2 from 2001
But could the same be said of publications from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)? Together with the US Army War College Center for Strategic Leadership (CSL)? And the National Intelligence University (NIU)? If those three organisations had jointly sponsored a 104-page monograph on the subject of bots, borgs and humans in the years to 2030, could that level of military intelligence co-ordination be considered a joke? If the monograph had been commissioned as part of an ongoing series on “new and emerging ‘futures’ concepts”, with the “overarching goal” of “assist[ing] strategic and high-operational level decision makers” in their “critical analysis of national, military and intelligence issues within the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (JIIM) environment”, should that be dismissed as a little bit of banter?[75]
As reality would have it, in 2008 just such a document was published, as part of an ODNI think-tank initiative called Proteus. The Proteus consortium, like the DoD-backed NBIC initiative and the White House National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), dated to the turn of the millennium.

Copyright Yena_B, 2024, Artist’s impression of Proteus slide 1 from 2008
By 2008, Proteus had grown into an international consortium involving an alphabet soup of agencies under the aegis of the ODNI, including the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the US Joint Forces Command (USJFC), the US Marine Corps (USMC), the US Navy and others, along with numerous universities, international bodies such as Canadian, Israeli, British, Australian, Italian, French and Swiss military-intelligence bodies and institutions, the UN, and private corporations including Lockheed Martin. In 2008, the consortium published a monograph titled, Leadership in the Era of the Human Singularity: New Demands, New Skills, New Response.[76] **The monograph opened by noting:
The “human singularity” refers to the integration of technology into the human body so that levels of mental acuity and physical ability eclipse all previous known levels … A broad front of converging core technologies, such as nanotechnology, bioengineering, supercomputing, materials development, and robotics, may make such individuals commonplace by 2030; indeed, significant steps have already been taken to achieve this goal, and the singularity could arrive earlier.
The rise of the singularity and the resulting Enhanced Singular Individuals (henceforth referred to as ‘ESIs’), capable of outsized mental and physical performance, will have a major impact on the practice of leadership, a major factor in determining whether a society succeeds or fails … In fact, the singularity will override the parameters that traditionally define human performance, changing society in complex and subtle ways.
With the singularity [for instance], humanity will be heading into uncharted territory whose highly-talented denizens raise the specter that human beings will be rendered obsolete”. Similarly, “the singularity will change our ideas of humanness”.[77]
The careful and calculated modification of our self-perception as autonomous creatures in recent years is hardly surprising when seen in hindsight as part of the inexorable march toward full human automation. The paper stresses that in future decades “enhanced” individuals “will represent a growing portion of the population, not simply a small fraction … [which] will transform society”.[78] Building upon this projection, the bulk of the monograph concerns itself with the direction that such societal transformation is expected to take. Throughout, in order to assist ‘strategic and high-operational level decision makers’ in ‘the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational environment’, discussion revolves around leadership challenges associated with the anticipated emergence of three strata of ‘beings’: The ‘Tweaked’, the ‘Freaked’, and the ‘Geeked’ classes. The monograph explains:
The Tweaked’s abilities result from the integration of singularity technologies with individuals’ biological systems … [These individuals] represent the mainstream of ESIs, those who benefit from that broad front of technologies applied in as many ways as scientists can devise.
The Freaked are new creations: cyborgs or humans with significant mechanized parts; A.I.-guided robots, clones designed for single functions or operations, group minds operating through an open source mental system via embedded quantum- or protein-based chips, robots with animal or human brains, and even animals with human intelligence or humans with animal traits … As fantastic as these possibilities seem, all are based on technologies that are well along in development or are in the prototype stage.
The Geeked are un-enhanced individuals (henceforth referred to as ‘Norms’) who depend on external devices to achieve competitive advantage: access to super-computing; control of virtual worlds leveraged into ‘real-world’ advantage; and gatekeepers who exercise control over energy, resources, and the technologies of crowd control and manipulation. The Geeked, of course, are already among us in the high tech industry”.[79]
The document, published under the banner of the Proteus consortium, which involves ~30 military / intelligence bodies across 11 nations in conjunction with numerous universities, written in 2008, stresses that:
The singularity is not simply a conceit devised by scientists, inventors, and futurists unduly entranced with technology. It is, rather, supported by a continuous stream of scientific advances that already can extend human life, establish interfaces between biological and synthetic systems, improve brain function, integrate robotic elements into the human body, build implants that offer ‘superhuman’ sight or hearing, clone individuals, create species hybrids (usually one trait from one species grafted to another) via gene-grafting, and develop ways to translate a person’s neuronal activity into their actual thoughts, among a host of other innovations.[80]
To anchor the point in concrete R&D, consistent with the foundational NBIC paper[81] and countless related documents distributed by the the DoD Washington Headquarters Services Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, the monograph adds, “the accelerating development of a few key technologies — nanotechnology, super-computing, genetic engineering, and robotics — is propelling the singularity”.[82]
In terms of leadership challenges posed by the coming Tweaked, Freaked and Geeked classes, the document warns that:
Many ESIs, especially the Freaked, will start out pretty much as servants or curiosities, as will simulacra such as holographic entities, cyborgs, and clones. The Tweaked, on the contrary, will leverage power from the beginning. Conflicts will flare in regard to recognition and compensation: do ESIs or their designers, owners, and/or handlers receive credit and rewards for a job well done? What fate lies in store for ESIs rendered obsolete by improved technology? Norms will not necessarily be loyal to their ‘own’; many may align with ESIs, and Norm leaders who can work well with ESIs will flourish.[83]
Questions that are expected to arise include, “when can an ESI own property? When does a cyborg receive a paycheck?” Meanwhile, “geeked leaders who control singularity technologies will eventually yield leadership to the Tweaked and Freaked as the latter groups gain confidence and independence”.[84]
As part of a world in which this unfolds:
… sex is no longer the only generative force; that honor will be shared by the technologies that create the singularity. The true unseen powers are not higher powers per se, but the source of ESIs’ gifts and the networked links that connect them to that source.[85]
Some readers may see the reference to these “true unseen powers” as an uncanny fulfillment of Edward Bernays’ 1928 description: “Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power …” Others may see foreshadowing of Yuval Noah Harari’s 2017 pronouncement that “Divinity is not far enough to describe what we are trying to do.”
With technology supplanting reproductive and higher powers, the document counsels that, ultimately, “ESIs will influence social organization to reflect and favor the expression of their outsized talents”. It cautions, “as pre-Singularity humans, we need to discard the assumption that we will always exert control or leadership over technology … At no other time in human history has the locus of leadership shifted from the strictly human to beings with greater mental capacity than our own [italics original]”.[86]
Throughout, behind the brash and brazen forecasts, there is the unspoken assumption that Proteus’ military-intelligence power-centres and their private partners can and should steer civilian leadership into a transhumanist future. With the DoD having explicitly assumed leadership responsibility for the requisite R&D,[87, 88] societies’ transhumanist trajectory appears to have, thereby, effectively and quietly been placed under military rule, in the process removing that trajectory from public oversight and electoral accountability.
Operating safely outside public accountability and oversight, the military-intelligence community may take transhumanism in one of two directions. According to Proteus’ monograph, a technologically stratified Tweaked, Freaked and Geeked society “could imply a commitment to creativity and innovation, with society organized to favor artists, visionaries, scientists, and inventors rather than profit-takers. Or it could result in 1984-like scenarios due to the power endowed by invasive, body- and psyche-penetrating technologies”.[89]
We can’t help but posit here that the prospect of the military-intelligence establishment using its transhumanist technologies to craft a society of artists and visionaries is quite a stretch. The advent of 1984-like scenarios, however, particularly on the back of the Covid era, requires little imagination.
Either way, it seems sufficiently clear that, as with all other new technologies designed and produced with planned obsolescence in mind, the promise of market-driven solutions for corruptible flesh will continue to pit one class of tweaked against the freaked or the geeked. One need only glance at divisions between the new government-funded and promoted social classes of updated, castrated, and otherwise adulterated non-binary tweaked versus the ‘norms’, or the geeked, to see where this grand operation is headed. In the words of the historian of the future beloved by the Giant class, Yuval Noah Harari, “You want to know how super-intelligent cyborgs might treat ordinary flesh-and-blood humans? Better start by investigating how humans treat their less intelligent animal cousins.”
But is such rhetoric mere hyperbole? Do these “futures” scenarios bear any meaningful relation to reality, or Is “futurology” a quack science? Are the powerful actors and organisations behind those scenarios merely fantasising about what might be possible in some hypothetical future or alternative universe? More specifically, does Proteus have any track record forecasting world events?
Proteus Insights From 2020, Circa 2000
The International Proteus consortium (officially the Proteus Management Group) was established in 2005, for the purpose of advising senior decision-makers, planners and intelligence analysts internationally on how to apply what it called its ‘Proteus Insights’. Those Proteus Insights were intended “to help solve complex issues on the future geo-strategic landscape”.[90]
The ‘Proteus Insights’ around which the 2005 international consortium revolved came from an original, smaller group that had been sponsored by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). The original group involved members from the Canadian Office of Technology Foresight, the Naval Postgraduate School, the U.S. Army War College, the NRO, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the office of the Director, Central Intelligence (DCI). This original smaller group appeared on the national security landscape with a book in 2000 titled, ‘Proteus: Insights from 2020’.[91] The foundational book engaged in scenario-based forecasting looking specifically to the year 2020. On the strength of the book and its visions for 2020, the subsequent, transnational state-corporate-UN consortium was formed, in order to carry the ‘Proteus Insights’ forward. (Including in the 2008 Tweaked, Freaked and Geeked monograph.)
And just what were Proteus’ insights for the year 2020, advanced in the year 2000? What did the group foresee on the horizon 20 years hence? What was the vision so compelling that ~ 30 military / intelligence bodies across 11 nations came on board to build upon it? Was it Oxford transhumanist Bostrom’s vision of new “aesthetic and contemplative pleasures whose blissfulness vastly exceeds what any human being has yet experienced”?[92]
No. It was not. It was a pandemic. At least according to the contemporary definition of the term. In Proteus’ ‘insights’ for the year 2020, buried among a selection of other scenarios lay the description of a series of intractably mutating and recurring viral outbreaks around the globe. In the years leading to 2020 The Virus™ of Proteus’ storyline crippled societies and economies, saw revocation of citizens’ rights and freedoms, created social divisions and, finally, reached “a global dystopian level of intensity” by 2020.[93] As if given by some Divine revelation to the ancient oracles, the viral dystopia in the Proteus forecast had been sparked by a novel virus in an unfamiliar land: a “new” virus which, unlike previous deadly viruses “was highly contagious and could be spread human to human through airborne and/or aerosol contact”.[94] Proteus’ “new” Virus™ “mutat[ed] so rapidly that very few people remained immune”.[95] As in the real world of 2020, unlike the common cold or flu, “victims of the virus often did not show symptoms for two or three weeks after infection. Thus, it was much easier to spread the virus unknowingly through travel and daily contact with others”.[96]. Accordingly, “viable states” such as the US and Europe closed their borders.[97]
And so it seems that life in 2020 imitated not only NASA Langley slides, as we outlined in Part 1, but Proteus Insights™ as well. The perfection of the global pantomime seems uncanny. These facts may beg the question for many: Is Proteus some sort of new-fangled New Age prophet?
It is particularly noteworthy that in 2000 Proteus invented a Virus™ distinguished by its asymptomatic transmission. This was a fiction that justified authoritarian governance and totalitarian control both in the Proteus scenario and in the real world. In the 2020 that ultimately came to pass, already by November a large study involving nearly 10 million subjects yielded not a single case of asymptomatic transmission.[98] Other work pointed to misinterpretation of meaninglessly high PCR cycle thresholds as the culprit, underpinning specious claims of asymptomatic infectiousness.[99, 100, 101]
Nevertheless, as in the Proteus scenario, this particular claimed feature of The Virus™ — doggedly maintained by real-world authorities despite evidence to the contrary — is what enabled repressive, authoritarian police-state tactics such as border closures, lockdowns, checkpoints, and vaccine passports for travel and participation in society.[eg 102-110]
In these and other details, Proteus forecasting from the year 2000 for a viral dystopia leading into the pivotal year of 2020 clearly sets the stage for the Rockefeller 2010 “Lockstep” scenario[111], Event 201 in October 2019[112], and many other ‘pandemic preparedness’ exercises.”
In the year 2000, as it advanced its ‘Insights from 2020’ Proteus wrote,
the symptoms of the new Virus … were horrible and confusing … For the first 3–5 days they mimicked those of a bad cold or flu … [but] then symptoms worsened to include violent coughing, difficult breathing and extremely high fever. In some cases, patients bled into the skin and other organs[113]
(Recall that early in the Covid operation death from internal bleeding and organ failure formed part of the seminal scare campaign). In the U.S. the elderly and vulnerable urban poor were the Proteus pandemic’s main victims. Once again correspondence with the details of the Covid operation is remarkably close.
Meanwhile in the real world, looking back over the past few years since the rollout of the 2020 pandemic narrative, with its ravages on the elderly and vulnerable as Proteus had prophesied, one cannot possibly maintain with any serious appeal to logic the argument that a virus possessed the ability to commit the mass atrocities we witnessed, including foreseeable and preventable death through lockdowns,[114, 115] treatment-suppression[116, 117] and vaccine mandates,[118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124] numbering in their millions and counting.[125, 126, 127]
In its main point of departure from the 2020 that came to pass, Proteus scheduled its series of worsening outbreaks to begin in 2010 (recall, however, that the flu season of 2009-2010 in the real world saw the failed Swine Flu scare),[128] such that by 2020 a rolling and recurring pandemic had upended the globe. Imagine the opportunities for enterprising investors expanding their portfolios and entering the vaccine development sector back in 2000. A tip of the cap to Bill and Melinda Gates for their launch of the Foundation in 2000 that would become the centre of the Covid show in 2020.
The Proteus scenario explained:
The world of 2020 looks bleak. Since 2010, the globe has been swept by highly contagious, deadly viruses that flare, die down and return in mutated form. The World economy has declined sharply as trade and commerce have dried up, and is now mired in a serious, long-term recession. Many nations have become either authoritarian, ruled by demagogic strongmen, or simply succumbed to chaos.[129]
With this in mind we muse: Was the failed over-hyping of the 2009-2010 Swine Flu[130] an effort to build more gradually to the viral dystopia of 2020, as per the Proteus vision? Was it a coincidence that in 2009 the WHO definition of ‘pandemic’ was watered down,[131] making the Swine Flu scare (and the Covid operation) possible? Were it not for diligent and perspicacious European parliamentarians and rapporteurs thwarting a co-ordinated over-reaction to the Swine Flu in 2010,[132, 133, 134] might the timing and pace of The Virus™ that upended the globe in 2020 have more closely matched Proteus’ schedule? Needless to say, such questions will remain unanswered. It is, however, worth noting, as we explore in Part 3, that during a 2004 presentation on Proteus ‘Insights from 2020’ to a Command and Control symposium, the US Army War College Center for Strategic Leadership described “biological viruses” as “instruments of power”.[135] Regardless, it is a testament to the Blitzkreig shock-and-awe propaganda operations[136, 137] and psychological warfare[138] of 2020 that, ultimately, Proteus’ vision became a reality, seemingly overnight.
As Proteus’ fictional pandemic wore on, “the world economy continued in decline”. In the US, society became “highly divisive and fragmented”. Around the world, “developed countries struggled with civil libertarian issues … [By 2020] people have become adjusted to fewer personal freedoms … Individuals carry a ‘MedID’ used to enter anywhere, even one’s own home, and it is necessary to walk through an ‘AntiViro chamber’ to go out of the house, or to pass in and out of enclaves .…There is extensive security camera surveillance in high risk areas”.[139]
Fast forward from the Proteus’ scenario to 2020 and although MedIDs disappeared as swiftly as they arrived amidst mass global citizen resistance [140, 141, 142, 143], the failed real-world push for ‘vaccine passports’ had been planned in advance by the European Commission [144], and was backed by MITRE, a leading military-intelligence contractor.[145] Meanwhile, extensive security camera surveillance is on its way in 15-minute city zones.
Was it the erosion of citizen rights and freedoms and heavy biodigital surveillance that peaked the international intelligence community’s interest in Proteus following its publication of Insights from 2020?
Finally, in a development involving a pandemic-inspired global transfer of power, Proteus declared of its disease-ridden 2020 world:
The World Health Organization (WHO) is now the most important international organization … The United Nations coordinates military security efforts with WHO programs.[146]
Which seems rather prescient in light of the upcoming WHO pandemic treaty and revisions to International Health Regulations (IHR), under which unelected WHO functionaries would gain broad powers to unilaterally declare global health emergencies. With subsequent emergency powers the WHO could assume authority to compel, rather than advise, member states to comply with WHO directives. Those WHO directives could include the imposition of ‘health certificates’ and vaccine passports[147, 148, 149] — or ‘MedID’s’, vaccine mandates, quarantining of citizens, and ‘disinformation’ measures, together affecting freedom of movement, freedom of speech and other citizen entitlements and fundamental rights. Negotiations for the IHR amendments have been held largely in secret, and are slated for possible adoption, along with the WHO Pandemic Treaty, at the 77th World Health Assembly in May of 2024, more or less on schedule, if slightly delayed, according to Proteus’ ‘insights’.[150, 151, 152, 153]
In short, Proteus has an uncanny history of forecasting world events. Accordingly, we wonder, would it be wise to ignore Proteus — this time on the issue of Tweaked, Freaked and Geeked classes — a second time around?
To address these sorts of questions, we dig more deeply in Part 3 into specific preparations being made for transhumanists societies, both conceptually and in policy terms, with attention to dual use technologies (those with both civilian and military applications), and military operations in civilian disguise. Part 4 focuses on concrete underlying R&D, leading back to the Covid epoch and the role that injectable bio/nano platforms play in transhumanism and the new public health theatre.
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Thank you OffG for republishing this series. It ties so many things together, we can start to see a coherent whole. I feel like research like this, to fully understand it, should involve study groups but I have no idea how that would work in an online fashion…
The reality is that the coming rapid decline in energy resources and supplies of critical raw materials will alone doom any extension of high tech society, let alone any nanotechnology transhumanist dreams, never mind the collapse of the global ecosystem and the increasingly chaotic global economic system almost certainly leading to a global economic collapse and rapid moves towards a third (nuclear) world war.
Ok. Admins… I’m getting flagged for posting… “Proteus Bot”??? and then just straight commentary not insulting anyone? I tried to thumbs up a writer and feedback said I already did a thumbs up when i did not. I waited a minute and re-thumbed up just fine. Is your new web redo buggy?
It happens all the time. At least it took your vote eventually!
At first i said: Island of Dr. Moreau. But when the Geeked Freaked and Tweeked stuff kind of highlights a flip attitude that i don’t equate to Dr Strangeloves, which this sh*t is, it’s clear this it is SCRIPTS. LOCKDOWN was the scripted action, now accompanied by wild speculation think tanking, that they find perfect to release as recorded Satanic proclivities of the 1%. We already know that, we don’t need this science fiction projection. Paranoia Ice Nine? The idea that digital signalling can ever feed content or response to/from a human much less animals and plants is totally science fiction. Just watch the Star Trek TV shows and all the assumed technological magic and just assumed behavior (like everyone speaks English) that makes “space travel and living” so totally impossible. Harry Potter is more believable. Don’t get me wrong, i love the stuff. But not to be taken seriously. That’s why now in the 21st C, fantasy, magic, sci-fi, terror and monster movie genres have merged into one category. All of it needs to placed where it should be, forms of play. We want NO MONSTERS authorized with our money, consent or authority to make idiotic decision making or even research like described in this article. OMG.
Yes, it’s all recycled scripts. Basically this latest SCRIPT keeps everyone distracted from the mass depopulation, whilst transitioning to a new economic and financial system: Human Data as the new oil.
The attempted commodification of biology and biological systems (rather than the current and previous era of farmed human labor, taxing expanding, consumer populations running on credit-debt) creates new markets out of cull and control technologies.
As populations decline, the new system functions using bio-data mining, behavior control benchmarks, death systems disguised as healthcare, transferring greater wealth from the majority to the parasite class, leaving only those who can generate higher profit margins (per measured, monitored consumption) within the new rentier, licensing economy. “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”
Am I to believe from the foregone discussion that nobody can see that the discussion itself is participant demonstration of billions of us interacting via technology, technology we did not create, technology we pay to use? The brute fact is that this participant discussion is the interconnected network of activities of billions, not just a few. There is little to no point in immersive description if only one or two are prepared to admit the compresence of billions interfaced via technology. Then the current topic of ‘human’, ‘technology’ and ‘transhuman’ is indeterminate, indescribable and unconscious and outside brute fact actuality.
I find it hard to believe, that apart from one or two, nobody else can even admit there are billions of people active right now with capacities for intercommunication our bodies do not have unless extended by technology. Whether our collective activity is interconnected or not, it is still earth transforming by its sheer aggregated magnitude. You can reject the immersive description of actuality, but you cannot reject its actuality, or its consequence.
It is a brute fact of the world that billions of us are active at any one time. If we cannot think of this, it is still actuality. Brute fact actuality is belief-independent. Brute fact actuality is not opinable. It matters little what your opinion is, it only matters that you act. Since we cannot ‘not act’, am I to believe that brute fact actuality is completely unconscious to almost everybody, even as they are active in brute fact actuality? Then what does anybody ‘think’ they are doing independent of concrete technological actuality? And is it really thinking if it has no real world referent in collective brute fact actuality and is not even aware of anything extended by technology?
I presume the answer will be in Part 3!
@Then what does anybody ‘think’ they are doing independent of concrete technological actuality?
Less dream, more rabid fantasy. If we cannot match our words to any corresponding actuality–beyond the trivial ‘cat&mat’ level of analytic philosophy–anybody can say anything and the verification is the equivalent of ‘upvoting’ based on conditioned emotion. Trivial here, but far more sinister in general.
Society for “German” language announces most popular baby names.

Berlin: 1st place Mohammed (unchanged)
Bremen: 1st place Mohammed (moved up from 2nd place)
Hamburg: 1st place Mohammed (moved up from 5th place)
Hesse: 2nd place Mohammed (moved up from 3rd place)
North Rhine-Westphalia: 2nd place Mohammed (moved up from 10th place)
There are practically no Germanic names left on any of the lists, only those of “biblical” (i.e. Hebrew) origin.
Politics: “A population exchange and/or Islamization is not taking place, but is a right-wing extremist conspiracy theory.”

The US government issues a “travel warning” for Germany. Apparently they intend to use this nonsense to disguise the criminal conditions on their own territory.
Dont worry, Noah is just in the heel of Mohammed. Noah’s Arch will save Germany from the flood.
So Astra-Zeneca have withdrawn their magic potion worldwide after admitting it causes death and disability.
I wonder why.
Curious timing with the world’s leaders about to throw us all under the bus with the pandemic treaty.
Anyone got a theory that makes sense ?
Backpedaling with their heads up their arses is a very tricky procedure.
Hope they fall hard.
I’ve just realised what’s happening.
It’s a test.
Like WTC7, if we don’t call it out they will assume we’re ok with it. Its that bad karma on you thing.
The timing of the pandemic treaty fits nicely with this
If we can’t be bothered to make a huge fuss they have the green light to do what the hell they like.
Yes. They know they can basically get away with it, because governments (therefore courts) are part of the PhRMA and Industrial Medical cartel (Knights Hospitaller) and there’s no real advocacy groups for victims of iatrogenesis.
The faux freedom movement won’t do a damn thing. There’s no mention of it here, either.
RFK jr is taking them to supreme court (just needs more money for legal fee’) and when Trump get in you watch….
trust the plan.… 😂
🤣 🤣
As long as I get more $$$ they can do what the fuck they wanna do.
That means everything but mRNA have been thrown away.
Psychopathic “Ashkenazi-Stasi” metastasis
bullies, stalk, terrorize & “criminalize” free-
dom-loving young Swedes for “wrongthink”.
The ideological human has always been conceived as being dual in nature. Therefore the human is a composite body or syntheta made-manifest as two substances…. One determinable, the other-creating is indeterminable. One is matter, the other-creating is form. This canonical schismogenesis has never been resolved because the two substance are necessarily irreducibly differential. So much so that they each have its own cosmos: the kosmos noetos and the kosmos aisthetos …. and never the two shall meet.
This is the basis of the Cogito: the thinking thing is unextended is a “pointless singularity” and the mechanical-hydraulic body-as-body is extended in the fully-formed deterministic unreality we called earth. The real world is not here, it is someplace elsewhere, hereafter. Thereafter: there is a mind-independent world and a world-independent mind. The mind-as-mind is the really independent mind outside reality (sometimes called disembodied.)
In cognition, this world of appearance is downgraded, imperfect and chaotic so we needed to employ technology to make it upgraded, perfected and more real to the remote mind. But it can never be perfectly real, because…. Well, because some dead blokes said so. Mostly christian moralists.
The body is essentially dead meat unless this pointless singularity controlled it from outside the deterministic cosmos like the proverbial “ghost-written machine” as an alien animism or animae immortalis as the originary AI. So the dogmatic AI controls the body and causes it to act, so the agency is not in the body-as-body but in the language as technology as the cause of language-behaviour.
The language is the most spectacular piece of bioengineering software ever written. It determined our cognitive, affective and behavioural capabilities as ‘dualistic’ and ‘rational’ which means the sentence as logos is the basic input code of the mind-machine matrix. It works so well that billions of people who will never meet constitute themselves in consensual coordinate cooperating, apparently without even noticing. The whole species has been conditioned to act together as a synergetic human-machine matrix which everybody thinks makes them ‘individualised’…. Just so long as the voice in the head keeps transforming experience into logical, grammatical, and rhetorical technology. And we do not think about what we do.
Everybody thinks they are an individual dualistic substance of a rational nature because of the romanisation and christianisation of AI. The voice in the head is the mind-machine interface engineering biology on a planetary scale in order to make a non-entity feel real. This is about as real as it gets because the “standing reserves” have all but been consumed. All attempts to reduce the human to biology have failed so far because the far-fetched nostrum of visiting alien animism from outside the universe is …. well, more real than real-time reality-checking in abstracted imaginability-only. AI breeds AI in the head the extension of which is long past needing review. But the reality-independent mind is even more remotely controlled autophilia than when Arendt was writing (1958.)
It is good that people are finally questioning the end of human technical bioengineering. It is not so good that it is being done to scapegoat the excess confabulation of some when we should really be questioning our own confabulation as obscuring and unrevealing. Technology is a means of concealing technology as well as a means of revealing the human. The remotely controlled dissociated mind-as-mind is embedded as a node in the mind-machine matrix listening to dead personal “technospeak” telling it is alone, one of a kind, and unique…. Whichever is like talking to the Borg!
Wha? Dualism is unrealism. Any formal writing presented in the form of them/us with added top-down hierachisation is false. Ask anybody to challenge the inherited dogma and they go “Wha?” So let us perpetuate the christianised greek interpretative jargon indefinitely? Baaaarrrrrghhhhhh!!!!!
Seriously, have you never come across Cartesian dogma as reductive? The Cartesian worldview is the scientific worldview and it is an exposition of the permanent–read eternal–separation of mind from body. If we would challenge such mystification and alienation dogma instead of blaming ‘them’ (perpetuating dualism) ‘we’ might get somewhere?
If the people are to hear, the message must be clear.
Philosophy and religion are two sides of the same coin, and the ‘coin’ is bent.
Chuck the coin and intuit the Truth
Please do not go down the same old ‘clear and distinct’ ideology route. Descartes had clear and distinct ideology of two radically different substances, an ontology based on tautology, and a method guaranteed by a rational god; which is precisely the scientific and rational method that got us here. Check Arendt for her diagnoses of the human condition based on “Cartesian doubt” and the reduction of science to mathematic modelling. There is the root of totalisation and fascism.
We can only have clear and distinct ideas of the world that match the world, not philosophy. And hardly anybody seems able to envisage a world of more than one. Which is Cartesian ‘clarity’ and ontological dualism for you.
He’s a very naughty boy.
That film came out on my 18th birthday. I’m still scarred now!
Very perceptive, Bryan.
Even Titans are “God’s” creatures if you really consider him/her/it/all almighty. We have together managed into 2024 so can we have a bit of confidence in the next few decades & centuries?
‘Mind blowing’ might be a good thing as brains are not sources or knowledge but just transmitters and organizers of known puzzle pieces.
It’s a satanic agenda undermining humanity much like the LGBT ideology undermines the family unit and societal norms.
Sad the alleged awakened, still can’t see it..
Like every religion sacrifices have to be made.
There will be many, many, failed experiments,
but it’s all For The Good Of The Cause –
Cheating Death !
But we’ll not hear of the many failed experiments,
Only the Trumpets blaring “Onward, Ever Onwards
Till WE Have Dethroned GOD”**
As a manual labourer, i’m not looking forward to
The Future They offer: No more 40 hour Week,
and no retirement ’til i’m 473 years – and numerous
replacement parts – old
** To the tune of “Onwards Christian Soldiers.”
They truly hate mothers – see, for example, the number of Disney films where the mother is dead.
Of course the British Empire was built on separating boys from their mothers to turn them into good little imperial proconsuls.
Also socialist/leftist ideology. Cut and smear all human relations, and give yourself all into the central public authority who take care of your needs..
Censorship being censored?
Hitler is like Jesus in us. Jesus says we should embrace our enemies. Hitler says we should defeat our enemies. Both are true, but neither can be considered the ultimate method, only contextual. In my opinion, we have not only embraced our enemies, we have invited them to plunder us.
Now Mr. Hitler should be allowed to speak again and put an end to all this madness. Can you be Hitler and Jesus at the same time? Of course: all good deeds directed against our own kind are in principle Jesus. And all deeds that take the sword out of the hands of our enemies are, in principle, Adolf.
No-one has ever suffered from forestalling his murderer and finishing him off. Jesus should have his justification among our own, but first comes the unrelenting battle to assert and prove ourselves before Adolf and our own kind! Because any coward and weakling can give in, and even Jesus would be outraged.
Hitler was radical, without a doubt. He was “intolerant” (tolerance means endurance). Whether he is not condemned and demonized by equally intolerant forces, out of pure self-interest, is another question. On the other hand, we should take a close look at what he (allegedly) represents. He was a right-wing radical. Right stands for reason, the right, the right hand, justice. It is interesting that in German, as in English, “leftist” has a shabby, devious, pejorative meaning.
In English there is the word “sinister”, borrowed from Latin, which comes from sinistra, left. Here, however, we want to look at the rest of this demonized word combination, namely “radical”. What does this actually mean? Radical also comes from Latin and comes from radix, which means root. So anyone who demonizes the root must be rootless themselves. And who the f-ing hell could this be? It is those who are “at home nowhere, but do business everywhere”, condemned to “eternal restless wandering”.
The masculine, heroic, soldierly, honorable, brotherly, sacrificial, pain-resistant, national, patriarchal, disciplined is demonized and condemned. The fatherland is to be destroyed. The “authoritarian personality”, the “authoritarian character” (Fromm) was branded as devastating and destructive, as having no future whatsoever. Men are the evil of the world, even though they have achieved everything that makes us who we are.
Where does all this come from? In my opinion, it comes from “Shekhinah”, the maternal bloodline, which, in contrast to our initiatory cultures without such outlandish early childhood circumcision, is the deciding factor for the destroyers. Matrix means uterus, but also the all-consuming digital machine world, that “sucks” us in and makes us lose ourselves. “Their” interpretation of the world is diametrically opposed to ours.
Tolerance originally meant the body’s capacity to survive poisons until East India Company employee John Locke changed it.
Clear evidence how much the elite really believe in tolerance comes from freedom of expression – when nobody except millionaires had a platform they were all for it but now anyone can form a platform and start saying things that are unapproved they’re moving to close that down. At the moment we’re at the stage where they’re seeing if sneaky censorship methods like shadow-banning and the occasional show trial will provide enough containment – but if not, who doubts that it will become more overt with “internet passports” and the like?
Haddu ne schlechte Verstehste oder ne Nixmehrmerkste?
R U Johnny Depp?
Life can’t be created in a lab?
We live in a lab.
We live on the Earth.
We are Earthlings.
Of the Earth.
Carbon, calcium, water and nitrogen.
And Spirit or Consciousness, whatever that is.
Society, or the world, is a lab.
As yet, it is not compulsory to live in the lab.
As Jesus once said: “I am in the world, but not OF it”
In other words, he perceived himself as an Earthling and a self aware BEING.
As did the Buddha, Mohammed and many other spiritual teachers.
Priests and their ilk have warped humanity to assert control.
Today’s priests wear suits and lab coats.
You can’t limit IT’ by defining/attempting to define/IT,
If it’s a priori, then everything is consequential, follows on from it.
It can’t be done with words. Words just get in the way. Stretch them (too far) and they become meaningless. But we can have fun with them on the way-hey-hey.
The ‘transhuman’ campaign against humanity is humanity. This was not outlined in Part 1, which claimed to be epistemic. People participate in the ‘mind-machine interface’ or the ‘human-machine matrix’ to clamour against the coming of the ‘mind-machine matrix’ which is necessarily here and now…. You are reading this due to the consensus activity of billions of people around the globe. We are part of the ‘human singularity’ that emerged even before the internet and ‘anthropotechnical’ brain and technology fusion is as Oldowan as mode 1 lithotechnology.
The confusion seems to arise from the ideology of the ‘human’. I already said if anybody was going to do this methodologically, questioning every assumption, it would take an age…. But if you assume terms in your premisses, your conclusions are bound to be suppositories!
Nevermind changing the definition of ‘human’; nobody ever bothered to define ‘human’ in the first place. And I mean nobody. It is often assumed Aristotle did, but he had no concept of the ‘human’…. The term is a Roman translation of the Greek paideia which meant education (as in encyclopaedia—enkyklios paideia—as in a completed and rounded education.) So whatever the human is is in entraining. The human is not a biological entity. The human is cultivated inculturation through language-behaviour. The most fundamental technological device is this. The human is the linguistic programme augmenting biology on a mass scale:
Coming to you via the mind-machine matrix which is necessarily transhuman. Humanism or humanity is not in the crosshairs, humanity is the main impulsional driver of technology and the most fundamental technology is this (vis verborum). If we wanted a new end of technology, we needed a new concept of the human and not a metaphysically theory-laden metaphor that everybody personalised and then killed everybody who did not agree with our misconceptions (Korzybski).
Language technology (rhetorike tekhne) is what we do to make our phantasms come true. Technology is who we are. And we think that the whole earth is a “standing reserve” as an end justified means for our conceit. Even the Nazi Heidegger did not think that was a particularly good ideological purpose, but ‘we’ in the very broadest sense do. If we wanted to think it through and do something more humane, rethinking the human as biological is key. But then you’ve got yo rethink the language first as linguistic deprogramming from them/us delusions of individuality and identity…. and nobody wants to do that, or so it seems.
“rethinking the human”
How do you propose this be done? What can be done to steer humankind from this age of utter decadence, where just about all human intellectual capacity is dedicated to the said transformative, technological efforts?
What can be done to unring the conceited exceptionalist idea that human has dominion over the world and make human incorporate his fucking self into nature in a non-invasive way, or a less invasive way, or a way that is only invasive to the point that doesn’t ultimately lead to self-destruction?
The only person who has a sort of recipe is Nate Hagens as per the great simplification. Everybody else, as far as I can see, is analyzing at best the various aspects of how things are fucked up. And I’m now talking about people who have a clue what the fuck is going on. The vast majority of fuckers have no clue or whine about some THEM oppressing US.
Speaking about language, is perhaps the prevalence of English, a rather mechanistic language that reflects the proclivity of its speakers to get to Point B as efficiently as possible, without considering unintended consequences or underlying issues, the problem? People think differently in other languages, in more nuanced a fashion.
I’ve been a fan of Nate’s since the “Oil Drum” days. If you know his course, it is all laid out. Everything else is in the footsteps of Nate!
Honestly, I have no idea. Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Whitehead et al wanted us to rethink dogmatic humanism, even Descartes wanted us to “doubt everything” and continuously question received dogma…. and he came back with exactly the same received dogma! I ask you, is it impossible for the human mind to conceive of the earth without cutting it in two? And I do not mean just contrasting opposition as adjectival, I mean metaphysical opposition.
Rethinking the human has largely been done. Re: “Descartes Error” or Varela and Maturana… the body is activated by metabolism, not alien animism! Our cognitive capacities are innate and geared toward homoestasis through activity. We no longer need a soul substitute to ‘explain’ motor behaviour.
Speaking about the language: Nietzsche, Korzybski, Wittgenstein to mention a few want us to use language as a tool, not a means of metaphysical speculisation and inherent dualisation. You add Dewey and pragmatists like Lakoff and Johnson. The fact we worship a metaphor is really beyond belief.
Interestingly, the PIE group of languages included Sanskrit which has a much more pluralistic metaphoric system. My own background is zen which is adamantly against the substantivation of metaphor as rooted in Sanskrit. You are right. Not all language has a “christcentric copulae”, many do not have any, and many are pluralistic. Mbembe wants us to think in African animism, but try introducing that here!
I can tell you that the general discourse and perception of reality is markedly different in the three languages I speak (fluently), and it would be even more so were it not for the shit that seeps from the omnipresent English domain, a phenomenon that’s been going on for quite some time, quite a few decades, if not most of the past century. Even though, a century is a rather short period as regards understanding what the fuck is going on.
What is see coming from the English milieu can be summed up as “THEY ARE AFTER US”. Endless permutations thereof spiced up with stories about all sorts of epsteins, their islands, and satanic deeds perpetrated there. Where that shit comes from, I fucking don’t know. Religious upbringing? Not only there is no effort to dig deeper and examine the underlying stuff, but attempts to do that usually yield outright dismissal or rabid rejection and accusation that you’re one of them satanic demons. This is truly fascinating and you can observe it right here on this forum. Some people are fucked up to an incredible degree, it’s hilarious how far they’ve gone round the bend. Like Researcher, Empress of Paranoia.
I tell you frankly that I don’t give two shits about what all the guys you mention suggested, well I do, sort of, and I’m sure that they got good ideas, but the main point is how you sell any of that to the gluttonous fuckers out there who have over at least the last century cemented in their skulls that consumption (and all the transformative phenomena it entails) is la raison d’etre, and don’t give a flying fuck about anything else.
Education is obviously not the answer because people have never been better educated than today. Sure, education is in many ways formal and mechanistic, but the vast majority of people should be able to put 2+2 together and conclude that the shit (oil) that drives the whole circus will run out some day, relatively soon, and that when that happens the shit hits the fan (trucks stop running). Religion? People don’t give a fuck. Extinction? People don’t give a fuck. Fake pandemic? That’s a probably a good strategy because it addresses the disconnect between human and the rest of nature, the perception that human is outside nature and needs to protect himself from nature’s elements.
So maybe kill gates and anal schwab need to foist few more fucking covids on the populace and lock them the fuck down to prevent them from consuming horseshit and give them time to reflect on the fundamental aspects of human existence.
That is really interesting. Please indulge me further (not sarcasm). Have you heard of something called the Sapir-Whorf theory? No, it is not an episode of Star Trek, but it states what you just said about the linguistic determination of ‘reality’ and admits to a plurality of knowing. I only ask because it is hotly contested and ‘disproved’, but is enjoying a bit of a renaissance among some linguists. I know you say you do not give a shit, but I was always taught to cite or at least acknowledge other people’s ideas. Knowledge is knowledge shared after all.
I’ve often wondered myself why the anglophone world is so analytic and absolutely obsessed with individuality. The beardy german would say economic determinism. I must admit, you are the first person I have heard implicate orthography. Without going into detail, the reason we have the grammar we have is theology. The fact that four men took two words–act and potency–and made an eternal religion is literally unbelievable. But another german showed us that religion became the cult of the self as auto-theology.
Just for comparison, I have been posting about ecologic economics for several years before the pandemic and the uptake has always been much the same. I also posted during the pandemic and suggested that the time could be better used learning about the world. I can assure you that the basic tenets of ecology have been posted here in the past, cos I posted them. I did it as sort of a social experiment to see what people could uptake.
Such is the level of pandemic paranoia, the chance for peer-to-peer learning is gone. If anybody can imagine that there are billions of people active now and that there activities are interconnected, but not causally, then nobody is willing to admit it. Therefore we cannot even begin to think of us as Nate’s superorganism. Then we cannot think the human, technology, or anything else with reference to actually existing reality… but we can cogitate ‘I am’. To think of ‘I’ we must also create ‘not-I’ and then what do we do with all that pathology? Dump it on some personification of memory? Think of it as in the world? It appears that the external world no longer exists for the ‘human’. Just for the record: that is pretty much what most of those I referenced said decades ago. The root of totalisation is in the imagination. That it is bound to irrupt from fantasy into reality very soon is the agenda-setting that we should be concerned with, but it appears nobody is listening.
BTW: The author Daniel Broudy lectures in “rhetorical grammar” and how sounds influence us. He should know!
Yup. In Amsterdam Monique and I attempted to translate Khalil Gibran from English into Dutch. She informed me that Dutch was deficient in the required shades of meaning, even worse than German, insufficient vocabulary. The Germans got over it by crashing words together like an auto-wreck, or evolved it into a new technojargon, whatever you prefer.
That’s very interesting as well, thank you. FWIW I am no linguist, but I have been told that the Roman interpretation of Greek philosophic jargon is a similar auto-wreck, which is cogent here. That was before christianisation of the Roman interpretation, are we all “lost in mistranslation”!
I am reminded of Quinian indeterminancy and the impossibility of translation without the loss of nuance you are highlighting. English, I am reliably informed, goes the other way: too many ways to say the same thing that everybody takes to be ‘different’.
It’s, as you imply, a matter of breadth of vocabulary. Interesting that breadth, bread and breath are so close in spell-ing, Nicht War? Which expression is a perfect example of what we are discussing.
English is supposed to have a very broad vocabulary compared to other European languages.
It is also why English is such a good example of the ability for deceit in diplomacy, and German can be just plain confusing if you don’t know the exact context.
“justification through appeal to valued collective activities such as space exploration”
Really? For that dwindling sector who are still vaguely aware that Star Trek, Star Wars etc. are, you know, made up: Is space exploration such a big draw? Considering how easily the parasite class cut a swathe through the Earth’s population and – for all their bleating about “poor mother Earth” – really couldn’t give a shit about this planet anyway, why would anyone who is not part of that class be so eager to launch themselves towards those impossibly distant chunks of dead rock floating around out there?
Does kinda look like hypocrisy in the end.
I am now deeply convinced that those wretched creatures, clowns and “political” comedians, who have been deliberately damaging our countries for such a long time cannot be dissuaded from and convinced of their madness by “the very best arguments” – but at best by the swung truncheon. On this point, I agree even (or because of that) with a world-famous Austrian, whose name is apparently not allowed to be pronounced here (because it is unseemly in the system). He had recognized this throughout. Everything else is “democratic” daydreaming and self-deception. This whole thing is just a scam, grasp dat finally!
It is absolutely childish, immature, irrational to continue to believe and propagate in all seriousness that this system, which in its entire construction was created to ultimately eliminate us all, because it flushes the character-deficient scum to the top like a grease drops, could be reformed from within. Laughable! Nothing will change, neither today nor tomorrow – on the contrary. Everything will inevitably get worse and more unbearable. Our time is running out before our eyes, and we continue to allow ourselves to be “democratically” deceived, bamboozled and hoodwinked. How long? When is enough finally enough to swallow?
”Nothing will change, neither today nor tomorrow – on the contrary. Everything will inevitably get worse and more unbearable.”
That’s a defeatist attitude.
[ dih-fee-tiz-uhm ]
the attitude, policy, or conduct of a person who admits, expects, or no longer resists defeat, as because of a conviction that further struggle or effort is futile; pessimistic resignation.
Defeatism is the attitude expressed by many that evil or the Devil is winning, will win, and nothing can be done about it. So it sides with evil.
Your (deliberate?) misinterpretation is astonishing. As far as the system is concerned, the sooner the better to spread defeatism. This will hopefully activate an increased fighting spirit, which will finally be discharged in productive conflict solutions. At some point, even the last of them will have to get off the dead horse and realize that they are not making any progress, but are standing in their own way and are even trying to talk themselves into this deception with twisted sophism.
Btw.: Where is it written that I say everything is hopeless? (That would be the classic definition of defeatism.) I’m just saying – on the contrary – that the way it’s been handled up to now is hopeless. In all seriousness, one wonders where you get the incomprehensible audacity to try to twist my words without expecting a corresponding corrective response.
Of course, there is one path that (almost) always exists, and it is the one that can be taken alone, the one that the (supposedly) powerful least expect: the will of the subjugated peoples put into practice. At some point they will have to recognize this foul “game” at their own expense and render it harmless.
Presumably your “background” is not a national one, but a “humanistic” one. Whereby, of course, the origin of this whole ideology is kept strictly secret, while you yourself pursue strictly ethnonationalist intentions. So you in particular should not feel in the least addressed by my encouragement, but should feel the full force of our defeatism. Someone once said: “When they talk about ‘humanism’, they usually start lying and deceiving.”
In the end, it will turn out that what we call “democracy” is not viable. From a global perspective. Its undoing was already built into its kind of misconstruction, right from the start. Even if some still idolize the golden age of the 1960s.Because only the same circles of beneficiaries ever benefit.
That plays itself out again and again. I am in favor of thoroughly cleaning out this whole pseudo-“humanist” stable and clearing away the table on which they are constantly exchanging their trump cards behind their backs, so that something truly valuable and stable, in the sense of natural-organic order, can finally emerge.
It can therefore be said that your sly but at the same time extremely clumsy attempt to accuse me, of all people, of voluntary self-abandonment was one of your rule-breaking low blows, which, however, hit nothing but yourself.
You see, I am not insulting you with the accusation of stupidity, but with the deliberate intention of distorting other people’s statements beyond recognition. Of course, I may be overestimating you and you may actually be as ignorant as you pretend to be. That’s why in this case I’m guessing at the specific character trait of a specific ethnic-religious ethnic group, called Chuzpah, i.e. calculated provocation and ‘misunderstanding’.
In the end, it turns out that I was totally wrong and you seriously believe in this mumbo-jumbo about ‘humanitas’. Then, unfortunately, you are massively brainwashed to your own detriment and fail to recognise any realities. This world is not about empathy, but exclusively about interests, be they economic or personal.
It’s a bitter pill to swallow for anyone who wants to grow beyond the maturity level of a minor. On the contrary, this does not mean becoming a cynic and a ‘defeatist’. It just means taking off the rose-coloured glasses and looking at the world as it is, not as we would like it to be. I would only sympathise with you if you were an incomprehensible naïf, but not a devious villain.
You really have to look at the world with clear, sober eyes. The problem with so-called idealists is that their pipe dreams are a kind of substitute religion for them. The powerful play whole symphonies on the keyboard of their emotions. They are always inventing new artificial needs, which they jump on like a fish on a fishhook. This is a deliberate evasion of the actual biological orientation of human beings. Edward Bernays demonstrated what all the others in this “clique” are still imitating today.
And it works forever. Unless we all together pull the “humanist” mask off their diabolical grimaces once and for all. That is what I am advocating, and not “defeatism”, which in this sense endeavours to maintain a world of illusion and lies, no matter how absurd the “arguments” that underpin it may be. A dog can be conditioned for life. The dog is happy to be a slave. For us humans, this is somewhat different from what Mr Skinner claimed. We are not “happy” slaves in the long run.
“military personnel as fodder for transhumanist experimentation”.
Like they were for vaccination – the Boer War provided vital “proof” for Pasteurism; so- and wrongly-called Spanish Flu first appeared among vaccinated U.S. troops; even the horses sent to the Western Front 1914-18 were vaccinated.
“unprecedented understanding and control over the basic building blocks of all natural and man-made things”.
Remember when they took a break from their occult rituals at CERN to declare they’d found the Higgs boson? Were they going to announce that after all that money and investment they hadn’t? Nobody outside their club knows exactly what they can and can’t do but there sure is a lot of b.s. to win grants and for intimidation (remember ‘Rules for Radicals’ states that the belief you can do something is as powerful as actually doing it). Meantime, let’s pray that Creation has kept its secrets outside the discovery of these lunatics – which given that, for all their hype, they can’t create the simplest life despite what must be decades if not centuries of trying seems indeed to be the case.
P.S. Forget about Higgs’ other idea – that there must be a Higgs Field because that leads back to the idea of the aether and the collapse of the Einsteinian paradigm which in turn means science was mistaken/lying for the last century… and we can’t have that!
Raphael Lemkin creator of the term “genocide” defined it broadly: “Genocide, in [Raphael] Lemkin’s opinion, was a social and political process of attempting to destroy human groups, not an act of mass killing….Like all social phenomena, [genocide] represents a complex synthesis of a diversity of factors; but its nature is primarily sociological, since it means the destruction of certain social groups by other social groups or the individual representatives….Genocide is a gradual process and may begin with political disenfranchisement, economic displacement, cultural undermining and control, the destruction of leadership, the break-up of families and the prevention of propagation. Each of these methods is a more or less effective means of destroying a group. Actual physical destruction is the last and most effective phase of genocide.”…
The larger problem is when to recognize the trans critters limitations, and not to wait until right up to eternity’s door step waiting for it, but never achieving it, what ever it is.
WE have created!
if WE think THEY do/did things to us then WE can’t change them!
I am not the victim of the world I see. (ACIM, W-31)
I may be spectacularly wrong on this but I have a feeling that AI and transhuman stuff is a red herring.
Just another gew gaw, another distraction like BLM or men pretending to be women.
If you can switch it on, you can switch it off.
Drama over.
AI is a somewhat more sophisticated take on intermittent windshield wipers. The paranoid images of a robotic entity taking possession of humankind is delusional hallucination.
First of all, the so-called artificial intelligence is an EXTENSION OF HUMAN.
Second of all, the image of the future as being a technological, technocratic, robot-infested world is a false one. It ain’t gonna happen. On the contrary, the industrial age will wind down as energy extracted from fossil fuels is exhausted and natural resources pillaged. At best, people will be able to retain some industrialization and use the technological knowledge amassed during the Fossil Fuel Age to make life easier.
Artificial intelligence, in other words sophisticated computerization, can be a highly useful tool during the closing stages of the industrial era, as it can be used to manage the distribution and sharing of energy, resources, create a comprehensive system, stuff like that.
As to the paranoid images of this, that, and the other thing, they’re red herrings for sure. Most of the stuff that gets ‘discussed’ in the public domain is pure horseshit.
“the industrial age will wind down as energy extracted from fossil fuels is exhausted and….”
It’s you again Soccy!
Indeed, it’s Sociopathetic again ! 🙂
But he has tamed his language….
Yes, he is so intellectually impoverished that he thought that cleaning up the language would disguise his identity. Funny.
Like what I said but less interestingly.
So the internet of everything and the bots will be powered with solar energy?!
Solar energy is all life on Earth has. Without it, there would be no life. There is some energy naturally occurring in the center or Earth, but that’s not what allows life to exist. There is also the gravity of Moon, which doesn’t do shit for life on its own, but could be harnessed to provide some energy, and there is nuclear energy that can provide some juice.
So, yes, the human enterprise is powered by solar energy. Namely solar energy stored in fossil fuels over millennia, which we are rapidly depleting to the point of exhaustion in a relatively near future.
The Internet of Things or some kind of comprehensive system that would intelligently control devices would be most useful in the sense that it would allow utilizing resources and energy where they are needed, thus achieving considerable savings.
For instance, look around at how people move around. Most people use cars and most cars carry one single motherfucker who’s hauling his ass someplace where he’s not really needed at all. With fucking cars getting bigger and bigger (probably to accommodate the steadily increasing size of the asses of all of you lardass fatsos), that’s around 1 1/2 tons plus the weight of the lardass prick that gets transported around, mostly needlessly. AI could manage this nicely by sharing means of transport, dispatching vehicles to where they’re needed, stuff like that. If you’re too fucking fat, AI might order you to walk or ride the bike instead, thusly reducing healthcare costs by preventing your heat attack. All sorts of benefits could be achieved.
You might object that this way you’d be deprived of your freedom (the freedom to use your gas guzzler to relocated your lardass ass to this or that Point B) and while that is true, allocating resources this way would allow extending some form of modernity and the industrial civilization longer and cleaner. Plus you’d be less disgustingly fat and healthier.
Would such a system restrict the relative freedom people have today? Fuck, yes. Would it benefit humankind collectively? Definitely.
The ideal scenario would be if people were able to exercise self-restraint and refrain from overindulging. Alas, people are gluttonous motherfuckers and they can’t. They’ve invented themselves a self-destructive system called consumer capitalism – yeah, yeah, you’ll whine that it was THEM who forced on YOU, but that’s pure bullshit – and they voraciously consume everything left and right. That gotta stop, and stop it will, one way or another.
You can say that about everything; Water, food, clothes, regulating planets, the moon, women, m.m.
If they werent there there would be no life, we would be nothing without a woman or a girl.
It’s a man’s world.
You must be aware of Alice Friedemann? Its not the cars that are the problem, it is the logistic fleet of trucks…. as in, “when the trucks stop running.” We are not replacing the whole earth logistic fleet, end of. What will we do, offload blame onto ‘them’!
No trucks, no just in time logistics, no Amazon, no civilisation. You must also be aware of the turn to biofuel if you linked to art berman and also the further pressure this puts on habitat. And I probably do not need to tell you that biofuel is an energy sink and waste?
All this technobabble cannot happen. The real problem that is being obscured is in how do we downscale a fucking monstrous combustion engine which is necessarily what the human has become? The question of technology and the ideal of human flourishing with science and technology is all but played out. How doe we reconsider the human/technology problem at the end of technology? Even the Nazi Heidegger wanted us to think this through earlier (1954.) Now we cannot even enframe the real problem for the propaganda.
So, this new lust for technocratic control was brought on by the obese?
As regards solar energy generation – apart from the natural solar energy we derive vicariously from plants exposed to rapidly and artificially dimmed natural sunlight – this requires a lot of energy derived from somewhere else (crude oil, gas, child labour, …) in order to produce the panels that will collect and the batteries that will store the solar energy for our technocratic dystopian world to utilise.
“If you can switch it on, you can switch it off.”
You are saying everything is reversible. That there is no such concept of point of no return.
Is it possible to remove nano particles that are inserted into humans? Is it possible to return humanity to it’s original form after population-wide gene-editing, especially if no one knows and has the means to know what is happening at the gene level?
And after indoctrination, aka. education of the next generation to love and appreciate their enslavement, is it possible to ever to return to a generation of people who can see the bigger picture anymore?
Look at the jab-fans.
Currently lost to the cult.
Apparently they can be detoxed and returned to normal and nobody will ever mention their foolishness again.
If they can be saved, reprogramming a few posh daleks will be a walk in the park.
The instigators of all these sci-fi schemes are ambitious, money hungry scientists and corporations.
Their converts/disciples are old, filthy rich men, who are approaching the end of their greedy, money grabbing lives.
Being Loveless, sexless and atheist, they grasp at straws to find meaning or purpose in their selfish, pathetic lives.
The ambitious scientists fill that void for their masters.
Life cannot be created in labs.
Consciousness is beyond human comprehension.
Fools, all of them:
I’m sure I saw James Burke create life in a test tube live on tv in 1973.
Are you sure you weren’t watching the Twilight Zone?
But that was on the then current programme, ‘Tomorrow’s World’ (if I remember rightly), and (if I also remember rightly) the programme had a materialistic mindset. Johnny is right, life cannot be created in labs. For the actual nature of life is consciousness (= what’s termed spirit); contrary to what materialistic scientists merely assume, consciousness is NOT ‘merely a by-product of brain activity’. Consciousness operates/manifests through the brain, yes, but it is not created BY the physical brain (and that is an absolute, 100% fact).
Not Tomorrow’s world.
It was something called Burkes’ something.
Pretty sure it was 1973 as my form teacher was in the audience and as a 13 year old boy I couldn’t believe it.
Pictures of Lily.
Ah yes, I recall it now, have just looked it up; Burke’s Special, running from 1972 to 1976, here in the UK.
Oops, a correction to my post to you of a few minutes ago! The programme wasn’t called ‘Burke’s Special’, it was called The Burke Special. I typed it incorrectly in the post, even though I’d written down the correct title on looking it up! Apologies!
Thanks for that !
Seriously, he advised religious people to look away while he added something to a test tube. If it turned red it indicated life.
It turned red.
An animal, a flower, a cyborg and AI has their own consciousness, and we have our consciousness.
The moon has its own consciousness and cannot understand it.
We cannot comprehend the flower’s consciousness and the flower cannot comprehend our consciousness.
Johnny what is it you are babbling about?
“Someone would have said something…”
My apologies for the above comment , but in the face of such a tour de force of research and presentations, really what can be said about the reality of the present era, set out before us.
The scale of the corruption is irrepressible within the scope of mankind’s capabilities.
Thank you.
“technological onslaught against humanity”
It would behoove every author to first examine the basic tenets and premises of what he’s about to yap about, so as to avoid building a thesis on one giant foot of clay, which is the case with these guys.
It’s like this.
The alleged technological onslaught against humanity is perpetrated by humanity itself. The last time I checked, it was humans who develop technologies, there is no entity other than humans that would be foisting technology on humans and carrying out the alleged onslaught. Likewise, the last time I checked, just about no humans have ever rejected technology; on the contrary, humans have been eagerly consuming it and asking for more and more and more. I’d venture to say that the perception of time/history of most people reflects the development of technologies. Maybe geopolitics too, but technology first and foremost.
So, what are we whining about now?
The development of technology is our very raison d’etre. If there is anything by which human can be defined, it’s this endless quest for devising ways to transform the world around us. Why, we don’t fucking know, we’re too stupid to reflect on that, but that’s us.
Anyway, human critters have now amassed enough expertise to make it possible to tinker with their very makeup. That’s nothing new, by the way. People have been making themselves in test tubes for quite some time due to the dysfunctionality of their dicks/cunts. Likewise, quite a few guys have pacemakers, use dialysis (artificial kidneys), not to mention how many motherfuckers out there wear glasses. Medicines would probably also qualify as transformative agents. Be that as it may, now they wanna get into people’s brains and everybody’s up in arms.
Ridiculous. This is us, this is our nature.
You no longer like technology? Fine, understandable. Then propose and promote a different modus operandi for the human species, something other than forever fucking with things.
You should read a book on ‘evil’ sometime.
Every single good thing in our existence has always cast a shadow.
Even light itself cannot pass through the simplest material object, and not everybody works towards mankind’s positive evolution.
In fact the physical benefits of working against it can be enormous, and that’s the way some of our species like it.
I’d say the main point of my disagreement with you is that you think of humanity merely as something that indulges in ‘Groupthink’, and that we therefore share the guilt for everything horrible that happens (the author covers that idea at the beginning of the article).
But where you say, “This is us; this is our nature”, you are wrong.
This is not me, and it is not my nature.
I resist it for all I’m worth, but my powers are very limited.
You put yourself on a pedestal nicely, I’ll give you that. Pat yourself on the back too, for you obviously think yourself human, as opposed to the subhuman rest. Your comment reeks of conceited moral superiority.
You understood nothing about the above comment.
The above comment is that humans are inherently technological transformative creatures. Including yourself. You avail of technology too, as evidenced by the very fact that you frequent this forum.
Whether or not good and bad things happen is not the point. They do and guilt only enters into it insofar as the bad things are caused by technology. For WE ALL DO SHARE “GUILT” AS REGARD TECHNOLOGY. For humans are technological creatures.
Can we say that we, humans, are ‘guilty” of being technological, transformative motherfuckers? Good question. Other critters wherewith we share this planet probably think so. Their life would be way easier without humans.
Anyway, I suggest you actually read what you responding to and then give some elementary thought, instead of projecting your hangups and your attitude of moral superiority, which, BTW, you don’t have.
So we are all Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari then? Good to know!
I suggest we divide our specie up in two types.
1. Those who says they comes from an ape, and today they developed into a technological transformative AI/IT freak.
2. Those who says they comes from God’s Creation, and today they try to progress their understanding of our divine purpose here on earth.
Good luck to 1. with all your experiments on how to develop yourself in Digimon. Digimon Digimon Digital Monster, Digimon are the champions.
Logs are not human.
log /lôg, lŏg/
4. A big poo.
One that a normal person would be proud of.
Proteus Bot…