Asymmetric Idiocy

CJ Hopkins

I miss the 1970s sometimes. Not just the music. And the sex. And the drugs. I miss the terrorists. The old-school terrorists. Or, OK, maybe not the terrorists, but the revolutionaries who cheered on the terrorists.

I miss the clarity, and the honesty, of that era.

Maybe you’re too young to remember, but, back in the day, you didn’t get all this hemming and hawing about murdering civilians. The terrorists, and the revolutionaries who supported them, were not ashamed of murdering civilians. The Revolution demanded that they murder civilians. Murdering civilians was one of the fundamental strategies of the Revolution.

The way this strategy works is simple. What you do is, you murder a bunch of civilians, in order to provoke your adversary into massively over-retaliating against you and committing all kinds of war crimes and atrocities, like the USA did in Iraq twenty years ago, like the IDF is now doing in Gaza. The goal of the strategy is to broaden the conflict, and draw your potential allies into it, or at least significantly weaken support for your enemy.

OK, sure, that means you have to murder some people … men, women, children, whole families, and then your enemy is going to go apeshit and kill tens or even hundreds of thousands of your people, but, if all goes to plan, your “allies” will join you, and attack your enemy, and drive him into the sea, or off the face of the earth, or wherever. So, in the end, all the murdering will have been totally worth it.

This is not a theory I just made up. It is one of the basics of asymmetric warfare. If you are not already familiar with that subject, this might be a good time to look into it.

I’m not a fan of murdering civilians. Not even for the Revolution. I do not think it is a very good strategy. Plus, well, the murdering. I’m against that, generally. Soldiers killing each other is one thing. They have been doing that since the dawn of history. And I have no problem with guerilla tactics. People fight wars with the means they have available. It’s just the murdering thing that I can’t get down with. Especially the murdering of the women and the kids, but it’s probably not politically correct to say that, what with the diversity, equity, and inclusion thing these days.

Anyway, as it appears I’m currently alienating a significant portion of my longstanding readers, half of whom believe I’m an “Islamofascist,” and the other half of whom believe I’m a “Zionist,” I figure I’ll go ahead and go for broke, and wax nostalgic about the 1970s, and say a few things I haven’t been saying, or, rather, I’ll say a few things I’ve been saying delicately not so delicately.

I’ve been saying those things delicately, because, as I made pretty clear in October, when this whole horror show started, my sympathies are with the Palestinian people. My sympathies are also with the loved ones of the Israeli civilians who were murdered by Hamas, but I am talking about the bigger picture now, the broader “Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

In that bigger picture, the Palestinians are fucked. They’ve been getting fucked for quite some time now. That is what happens when empires conquer the land you live on and do what they want with it. The land in question has been getting conquered for approximately 4,500 years. The Babylonians conquered it. The Persians conquered it. Alexander the Great conquered it. The Romans conquered it. And so on. That’s all ancient history.

More recently, in 1920, the Ottoman Empire lost World War One, and the British Empire took the land over. You are probably familiar with the rest of the history. The British pulled out in 1948. Zionists established The State of Israel. War broke out. Israel won. War broke out again. Israel won again. And again. And so on. And … well, here we are.

As I was saying, the Palestinians are fucked. Look at a map of the territory. Does it look like Palestine is on the verge of being “free”?

The State of Israel is not going anywhere. It is an essential component of the global-capitalist empire. It’s the empire’s headquarters in the Middle East. It has nuclear weapons. It is backed by the US military. The “Islamic world” is not going to join Hamas and attack it, regardless of how many war crimes it perpetrates in Gaza. The ICJ is not going to put it on trial. The United Nations isn’t going to make it play nice. It isn’t going to disappear into the ether. It is a fact of life.

It isn’t fair. It has nothing to do with fairness and justice and rights and good and bad and whatever. It doesn’t even have much to do with Zionism. Zionism is just Israel’s ideology, like Islamism is Saudi Arabia’s ideology. What it has to do with is the global-capitalist empire, and resistance to the global-capitalist empire.

Which brings us back to asymmetric warfare, and Hamas’ October 7 “Al-Aqsa Flood” strategy, and the utter fucking pointlessness of it, and the utter fucking callousness of it.

Do you seriously believe that the leadership of Hamas did not know exactly how Israel would respond to the slaughter of hundreds of Israeli citizens, families, children, people at a rave? If you honestly believe that, I don’t know what to say.

The goal of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack was to provoke precisely the response it has provoked. There is nothing mysterious or complicated about this. It is Asymmetric Warfare 101, straight out of the Terrorism textbook.

For seven months I have been watching my “radical” colleagues trying to obscure this fact. It isn’t helpful. It doesn’t help anyone. It certainly doesn’t help the Palestinian people. There is more than enough about Israel to criticize. Lying, twisting the facts about Hamas, convincing people that the IDF “Hanniballed” everyone on October 7, is (a) unnecessary, (b) obfuscatory, and (c) destroys your credibility.

On top of which, it makes you look like pussies.

If you believe that murdering people to provoke your enemy into overreacting is a productive armed-resistance strategy, at least have the fucking courage to say so. Bring back the spirit of the 1970s! The old PLO! The RAF! The IRA! The SLA! Do it for the Revolution! Or the Globalized Intifada! Or whatever.

I’m just kidding, of course. It is an idiotic strategy. It hands your enemy a free “get out of war-crimes tribunal” card. Meanwhile, the people you are purporting to be fighting for are getting slaughtered by the tens of thousands. But whatever … as long as it boosts your cred among the other “legitimate armed resisters,” who cares how many families get wasted? After all, it’s not your fault! It’s the oppressors! The Zionists! The Americans! Or whoever.

Seriously, though, I am feeling a bit nostalgic for the 1970s, when at least you could have a real argument over tactics with your revolutionary comrades instead of hearing mindless gibberish like this…

Yes, you actually just read those words, “they never killed anyone with an intent to kill.” And Lena’s note is not at all an anomaly. I have been hearing this gibberish for seven months now.

So, thanks, all my radical anti-Zionist friends and colleagues who have been pumping out this narrative, and all the thought-terminating clichés, and conducting Anti-Zionist Inquisitions, and so on! Well done! I’m pretty sure all the folks like Lena who you have helped to transform into a mass of mindless Pavlovian robots will never, ever, be turned against us, like, you know, the next time the Powers That Be come up with an irresistible stimulus!

I mean, what are the odds of that ever happening?

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Categories: CJ Hopkins, latest, opinion
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Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 25, 2024 7:03 PM

All October did was replace the “slow burn” genocide with open war. The situation in Palestine has a lot in common with what we did to the Native Americans in North America. You herd them, take their land, take their resources all the while justifying this by dehumanizing them and when they complain you label them ‘hostiles’ and act accordingly. Using this reasoning Oct. 7th was a bit like Wounded Knee**, a time when the natives fought back and won……and if you recall the history of that battle the aftermath was a terrible revenge on the families and community of Native Americans (yes, we, the ‘good guys’, massacred them).

(**AKA — “Custer’s Last Stand”)

The thing is that Palestine isn’t 19th century North America — you’re not going to reduce them to a handful of ‘natives’ living in remote areas who you eventually use to open casinos. The dam’s broken, anyway, and no amount of propaganda (and information control) is going to put things back. Not for a lack of trying, of course — our media refers to Gaza as a ‘war’ as if its a remote country where aid has difficulty reaching the people rather than the reality being “its just over the wall” — all situations there are created and perpetuated by the Israeli government and the IDF. Starvation literally withing sight of a supermarket……

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 26, 2024 1:54 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

It’s as much a war as a bullfight is a fight.

Mahm H
Mahm H
May 30, 2024 11:38 PM

Sometimes the bullfighter doesn’t make it

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
May 25, 2024 6:29 PM

The way this strategy works is simple. What you do is, you USE A FALSE FLAG to murder a bunch of civilians IN THE GUISE OF AN INTENDED TARGET-OF-RETALIATION, in order to “provoke” your EMPLOYER (“adversary”) into massively over-retaliating against SAID INTENDEDTARGET (“you”) and committing all kinds of war crimes and atrocities WHICHTHEY HAVE BEEN DROOLING TO HAVE A FREE PASS, TO COMMIT, FOR, LIKE, AGES. A TIME-TESTED METHOD PREFERRED, FOR AT LEAST A CENTURY, NOW, BY WASHINGTON AND ITS MINIONS/ COLLABORATORS.”

May 25, 2024 6:13 PM

The basic flaw in the pro-Hamas reasoning is of course that Hamas is a monstrous pieces of Shiite.

And, before clickbaits click the argue button, they would actually testify to it. Go figure.

Hamas would actually sincerely like to go down in history as such recorded. Otherwise what could possibly motivate a group to freely advertise their inhuman sins to the rest of humanity? A case of who cares? A form of nihilism, Self-hatred? Or we want you to hate us for all eternity. Who knows…

But then, whatever. They’ve surely earned their place in the most despicable far corners of Hell as the progenitors of the most despicable crimes ever recorded:

Screams Before Silence (2024)

May 25, 2024 9:44 PM
Reply to  Adam Mockett

I believe that I did actually comment on that thread, though no doubt outnumbered by the heathens.

Nevertheless, truth ultimately prevails…

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 26, 2024 2:49 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Exactly, the truth has prevailed and that whole story of the mass rapes committed by Hamas has emerged as a monstrous, mass murder enabling cynically manufactured lie.
The fact that you are still clinging to that kind if shows how desperatel and impervious to reality you truly are.

Adam Mockett
Adam Mockett
May 25, 2024 11:01 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Chilling footage from kidnapping of IDF female troops

I had thought this couldn’t be fake, because nobody would write such a drab and faltering script.

However, I’ve since realised it’s likely that the players were presented with a scenario and asked to improvise, and we’re seeing the results of best efforts to rescue it, made in the editing suite. Many of them seem none too happy to be participating. I’m getting a definite CeeCee Lyles vibe.

May 26, 2024 6:53 AM
Reply to  Adam Mockett

It’s possible to call everything fake if you so choose

Adam Mockett
Adam Mockett
May 26, 2024 4:40 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Indeed, and this makes it important to strive against acceptance, or rejection, as reality in accordance with how satisfactory we find something, or how it vindicates our prior beliefs and previous pronouncements.

As you can see BTL, there, I originally reviewed “3 minutes of horror” on the basis of its being genuine, and concluded that, far from portraying Hamas as subhuman monsters, it presented them as being pretty average blokes, whom I would not expect to be thrown out of the pub. (Yes, I do disapprove of calling women “dogs”, but I am massively more exercised by the intense, faux, outrage such utterances now generally elicit.) The video actually made me feel more optimistic, and so there was a sense of disappointment in realising it was likely a failed film school project.

Back to the problem you highlighted: I suggest it underscores that we need to reconfigure our lives so that much, much, more of what affects them, and is important to us, is directly perceivable through our own senses. We have sleepwalked into Plato’s cave.

As regards Gaza, there is, on any reasonable view, insufficient doubt, as to the suspected genocide, to dispel the moral obligation for us to do all we can to ensure there isn’t a further Nakba / holocaust being perpetrated.


May 26, 2024 9:11 PM
Reply to  Adam Mockett

I was reading this article earlier, which divulged that the 3-minute video was a whittled down edited version of an original 15-minute video:

Assuming that original to be genuine (as apparently captured from a Hamas soldier), then the video-editors would naturally have been in a bind, in their efforts to reach a broader audience. They can’t show anything too shocking, and yet if they don’t, then nobody is going bother too much about it either. Kind of a Catch-22 situation.

But as you say, there’s nothing *directly* offensive in the video itself, apart from a bit of blood. Much is left to the imagination to deduce e.g. the ‘Not her!” (for the departing van) followed by shots off camera.

Some of the ladies looked completely shell-shocked, one of them looked rather ambivalent. So, yes of course, there is room for critical judgement and judging what you see accurately

My view on the broader picture, is that the more history you know of the region, the better (though of course one’s chosen guide there is significant). An older article but still quite good:

Adam Mockett
Adam Mockett
May 26, 2024 11:11 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Thank you for the links.

From a brief glance at the comments, there, I see the Daily Mail coverage is having the desired effect.

I cannot discern an honourable reason for the women’s families to have supported/promoted international media coverage.

It can hardly be the case that seeing the video would persuade the British, say, government to apply pressure on Hamas, or the British public to try to push the government in that direction. The families, surely, recognise they might hasten the hostages’ release solely by appealing to Hamas, or appealing to, or pressuring, directly or indirectly, Netanyahu’s regime.

As with plastering the streets of London with hostage posters, drawing international attention to the video will serve only to mitigate the outcry at the IDF’s assault on Gaza, and, hence, increase the suffering of innocents.

But, the description of the video as having been edited to protect feelings, and avoid distress, is not very credible, either. We are all perfectly aware of commonly available techniques for blurring faces, or gore, and, eh, pixelating genitalia, which could easily have been applied, to permit a devastating representation of (any) inhumane behaviour, instead of simply splicing together a selection of the dull bits.

Have you seen much in the way of explanation for the Hamas operatives wearing body cameras? I’ve always believed that our police wear them, in part, to moderate their behaviour (though, sometimes, they can get away with switching them off).

May 27, 2024 7:15 PM
Reply to  Adam Mockett

I can’t imagine that it’s standard policy for soldiers to go around filming everything. Does seem to be a gift to the enemy if caught

Adam Mockett
Adam Mockett
May 26, 2024 11:19 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

From the Daily Mail article, this is the most important quotation:

‘I always say it could be anyone,’ she continued. ‘And that’s that’s what people need to understand. Today it’s here, and tomorrow it is in another place and another religion.’

Because, it is a global coup, of the elite against us, the “skint, little, people”.

Lynn Ertell
Lynn Ertell
May 27, 2024 3:30 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

And we are thankful to still have that freedom.
Since it seems increasingly validated empirically, with each new day.

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
May 25, 2024 5:46 PM

Oh, good! My FAVORITE CONTROLLED OPPOSITION is doing his job again.

May 25, 2024 12:13 PM

Remember: The Lugenpresse “scandal” is a ridiculous
party, but never gang rapes of minors by invaders (e.g.)


May 25, 2024 11:54 AM

The Gazans were going to be killed by the Israelis, one way or another. Their choice was Hopkins appeasement or taking the fight to the enemy. Situations like this have no easy solutions, I notice that all Hopkins offers the Gazans is his support … yeah, that really is not going to solve fuck.

Oh, and don’t say they could have lived normal lives if this had not happened. The Gazans have been oppressed both pysically and mentally for decades, there is no normality in Israel, not in Gaza, not in the murderous minds of their oppressors.

Appeasement, the resort of a moral coward.

David Ho
David Ho
May 25, 2024 2:00 AM

Oct 7 was an inside job. Isreal’s 9/11. It was the opening scene to the next step, the genocide.

There was no surprise attack by Hamas terrorists to provoke an over-res-response.

The events of Oct 7 and the Genocide was the plan all along.
Killing IDF soldiers in the barracks to enrage the defence forces, killing residents and festival goers plus some breathless horror stories of rape and babies beheaded to enrage the world, all set the scene for the next step.

How can anyone be so naive to actually believe this was not a set up job, all facilitated by media collusion.
It is astonishing that a simple sleight of hand and a media spun narrative so easily bamboozled and fooled the whole world. After all it is the oldest trick in the book and everyone fell for it, again!
The murders were committed by the IDF, and those who concocted this evil plan to steal the gas and oil.

May 25, 2024 5:30 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Audacity (“chutzpah”) is only astonishing in hindsight. How did so many people across the planet get murdered, crippled, diseased or bankrupted by the jab in a few years – with no punishment or even acknowledgement till now?

George Mc
George Mc
May 25, 2024 8:02 AM
Reply to  David Ho

How much of Israel is real? Sorry, couldn’t resist that!

David Ho
David Ho
May 25, 2024 9:15 AM
Reply to  David Ho

If It were a genuine surprise attack to murder people, as CJH contends, to bring about an over-response, surely the planners would have understood the only response would be to wipe Gaza off the map and nothing less, and probably a whole lot more. And to think they would choose to go ahead with it anyway because even that would help their cause, regardless of the destruction and the extermination of potentially all Gazans, is a stretch to the limits of logic and common sense and notions of self preservation.
Cognitive dissonance can even debilitate intelligent people into believing ridiculous things. The power of shock and propaganda is immense. So much so that even when such glaring contradictions and numerous examples of past psychological operations are presented to reveal the obvious, the absurd and highly unlikely is clutched to the bosom as if such carefully installed beliefs are from their own intellect and not a crafted manipulation that it most definitely is. The crafting of the public’s perception is also part of the plan. Such a critical component would not have been overlooked.
Maybe Cognitive Idiocy is a thing.

David Ho
David Ho
May 25, 2024 9:38 AM
Reply to  David Ho

And CJ, if ever you do read this, you need to understand and accept that you have been conned and and the demons of the hidden forces have possessed your intellect and mind making you do their bidding. Perpetuating the myth.
You are being used just like those Gazan men who were used as the flag, unwittingly playing their part, thinking, as they were lead to believe, capturing hostages, would lead to an exchange of those held by the Isreali government.
Someone, out there, is laughing when they read your article.

May 25, 2024 12:04 AM

“I miss the 1970s sometimes. Not just the music. And the sex.”

Not as good as 1969 though. I was stood at the corner of the stage in Oldham. All I wanted was a Girlfriend and Tony McPhee and The Groundhogs came on with Cherry Red and the Bog Roll Blues..

May 24, 2024 10:03 PM

the image ski masked arab terror burned into minds eye psy kick ramming home the message kill the pally finish the job.

every civilization must make compromise with its values golda my ears said in spielbergs munich show..

munich was gladio mossadick production from the usual satanick zio folks at globo homo

May 25, 2024 2:35 AM
Reply to  gorden

yes; another ff/hoax or staged deception: take your pick!! RGB-Y4 out!!!

May 24, 2024 8:37 PM

Get married. Get a job. Have kids. Experience of the joys of raising a family. Middle East conflicts are none of their business. Half cocked professors stirring up kids to support an agenda. It is interesting how the whole thing has played out over history. There are bigger fish to fry.

Alex Posoukh
Alex Posoukh
May 24, 2024 9:19 PM
Reply to  Hemlockfen

You may have visited a wrong site

May 24, 2024 7:48 PM

I don’t believe in terrorism. It seems like a psyop. The only beneficiaries of terror are “the state”.

All the world’s a stage. The so-called governments (corporations) aren’t at war.

Hot wars may have been orchestrated in the past, to cull soldiers or civilians. Cold wars aren’t remotely credible.

Since the introduction of TV, the internet and CGI, real death isn’t necessary. The billions in AID to both sides has been siphoned.

And poison needles are more efficient at murdering civilians than bullets or bombs.

If Gaza was already evacuated before being bombed and bulldozed that might explain the Hamas-hoax attack, and all the videos since then of rubber babies, fake rubble rescues and bad crisis actors.

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
May 25, 2024 5:51 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I don’t trust you Researcher and here’s why –

There is a huge amount of evidence and absence of evidence that points to current wars being faked in whole or part. Huge amounts of evidence literally. I have posted about it here since 2022.

But you never point to any of that real, solid evidence. And you never talk about it. All you do is say “everything’s fake” and then post some sort of stupid video like above with literally no evidence in it and just some guy literally in a basement ranting that everything is fake.

These are the kind of vids put out by disinfo agents to discredit claims of fakery, but it’s literally all you link to while ignoring all the real evidence.

You have never once responded to or used any of the real solid evidence I post. Just those embarrassing vids of guys ranting and saying everything’s fake.

If you were trying to discredit your own claims you could not do better.

So I call BS on you Researcher.

May 25, 2024 9:42 AM

What a pack of lies. What “real solid evidence” do you have? What “absence of evidence” does anyone need to provide since it doesn’t even exist? I have listed countless times there’s nothing in the media except reports by “authorities” which is HEARSAY. It’s not evidence.

I’ve never even seen YOU before. Where’s your evidence? Nowhere. Where are all your GAZA posts? Ukraine-Russia? If you don’t know all news *is* fake it’s the #1 mind control of humanity, after education/indoctrination you aren’t even awake.

FakeNukesPhil has hundreds of videos from all over the world from the video MAKERS themselves, showing their fakery. They aren’t *his* videos.

May 25, 2024 9:53 AM
May 25, 2024 7:44 PM

Researcher is a throwback to the early 2000s. Still trying to profit from 20-year-old concepts of 9/11.

Time for him (and stooges) to hang up the ‘everything is fake’ hat? Is anyone still fooled by such concepts?

May 27, 2024 10:26 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

13 people are awake. At the least open to the truth of central world control where media is a brainwashing tool repeating lies on a loop, and hundreds of army psy ops shills on keyboards with no skin in the game, no morality or ethics use names like Vagabard and Red Pill Reader to peddle disinfo.

All you spooks do is attack anyone revealing hoaxes, or exposing the nation vs nation lie.

How are corporations posing as governments that are centrally controlled and owned, at war? It’s impossible.

The only stooges are those who support tyranny and genocide. They’ll come for you with a poison needle, soon enough. Don’t kid yourself.

Lynn Ertell
Lynn Ertell
May 27, 2024 3:39 AM
Reply to  Researcher

If Gaza was already evacuated before being bombed and bulldozed that might explain the Hamas-hoax attack, and all the videos since then of rubber babies, fake rubble rescues and bad crisis actors.

Spot on! Another mediocre movie scripted and produced for “TV News”. And poorly at that.

May 24, 2024 6:00 PM

Hate to point the obvious – at least to me – CJ, but the whole idea of Hamas attacking Israel is mixed reality at best; and a complete ff/hoax at worst. More specifically, it has now been well researched not to mention documented that each of the following was invoked vis-a-vis the msm narrative on said attack: CGI; file footage; deep fakes; videos showing non-Palestinians as Hamas soldiers lol; etc.; etc.. So, once again, if one is to invoke a term that more accurately describes this purported attack of Hamas on Israel it should be one of the terms used above, i.e., mixed reality or ff/hoax (or, more generally, ‘staged deception’); and, thereby, not anything correlative of the term you have invoked for this article (i.e., asymmetric warfare). That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!

May 24, 2024 5:58 PM

Hilarious, OG shows its hand.

Alex Posoukh
Alex Posoukh
May 24, 2024 5:24 PM

I very much enjoyed your recent requiem to Jordan Peterson. It is time somebody wrote a requiem to CJ Hopkins.

May 24, 2024 2:45 PM

Unfortunately the pen is NOT mightier than the sword

Human values
Human values
May 24, 2024 12:23 PM

Those who participate in a war want you to participate in that war too. And if you’re not ”one of us”, you’re ”one of them”, the enemy.

Both sides of war make you an enemy in their war.

In a cultic mindset there’s always war, conflict. The enemy is always inside and outside. The cult can’t accept anything but itself. It is the narcissist fighting the enemy, and if you’re not on his side, he thinks you’re the enemy. And he finds excuses to justify his war against you. You wrote something. You didn’t write something.

In this anything-goes scenario, conflict is the only thing that keeps the narcissist going. The narcissist can’t think in a non-narcissist manner. Peace, no conflict, is not an option.

All wars fight against peace.

Peace doesn’t fight. It doesn’t participate in war.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 24, 2024 6:02 PM
Reply to  Human values

Peace sells, but who is buying? https://youtu.be/is51fbdE8UU

May 24, 2024 10:50 AM

Totally get what the author is saying. The emotive adoption of supposedly anti-zionist tropes obscures the fact that the pro-palestinian lobby are just as deluded as those mindlessly supporting Israel. Both sides are being played by those whose rationale was always ‘divide and conquer ‘. That they are two sides of the same coin is illustrated by the supposedly revolutionary pro Palestinian demonstrators wearing the covid masks….the symbol of the New Normal cause so fervently embraced by the state of Israel.
The Middle East is not a mythical Wild West full of moral certainties where the good guys (and gals) will win through in the end. If you’re going to play the revolutionary game a la Red Brigades etc, get yourselves decent masks and (most of all) a clearer perspective.

May 24, 2024 9:49 AM

Surely after nearly 3 years I would of chuckled once.
NEVER have I ever laughed at any of this guy’s writings.
It didnt take Matthias and his lot to call him out not long ago as an another dassom blog writer. (shill J)
Nothing to do with difference of opinions its obvious he has always been shilling the mainstream alternative media narrative.
War on populism, Trump was hated narrative, even some of the covid stuff was mainstream MSM altmedia. I never was really a believer in the court case.
I’ve seen to many MSM altmedia loops happen and then next round there re invention message has changed more so now they’ve got the audience hooked and they literally start parroting the main stream narrative whilst calling them self ”alt”..

May 24, 2024 8:06 PM
Reply to  eliger

Dassom Digital. Interesting.
Yeah, the court case looked fake af. Drumming up the worn out, Nazis vs the Jews psyop.

The Twitter screen grab looks like two dunces arguing about total BS.

May 24, 2024 9:12 AM

More and more things seem unreal to me, not sure whether it’s because I’m getting really jaded but everything now seems like one big show more than ever. It feels like the way we win is to switch off from everything, don’t give it oxygen and it will extinguish but maybe we also need it to give meaning to our lives. What if we just stopped participating in all the talk and chatter about this and that and who said what did what ad infinitum. What lives would we have left? what would life be away from the bombardments of our screens?

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 24, 2024 9:18 AM
Reply to  Sofia

I think it’s the “Magic eye” effect.

You know those pictures that look like white noise until you see the lion.

Then you can only see the lion.

Maybe we’re living in the rapture ?

May 24, 2024 8:35 PM

It’s just the matrix.

An illusion of reality through a false lens. Mass mind control enabled *only* through the media and the indoctrination system called education: Weapons of Mass Instruction.

There’s *likely* no genocide in Pallywood. The whole point of the “war” is to make you take a side in the fake country psyop and believe in the illusion of nation states when they are privately owned corporations and you are a “dead” slave owned by them through the Cestui Que Vie trusts, in their legal (not lawful) system. If enough people see through the matrix they lose all control.

Adam Mockett
Adam Mockett
May 24, 2024 11:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

One of the greatest challenges to a successful genocide is having too many people objecting to it. So, you’d need some strategies to quell the objections:

1) Of course we’re not committing genocide, but, actually, killing all those people is the only solution to their genocidal intent. (Have you heard their chants?)

2) They’re just collateral damage, which we make more effort than any other military on Earth to avoid, as we hunt some nasty terrorists, who are a mortal threat to democracy everywhere in the world.

3) The harrowing images you’re seeing are all fake, fake, fake! Here, look at these obviously fake ones (that I prepared earlier)!

May 25, 2024 12:03 AM
Reply to  Adam Mockett

Muppet, what “harrowing” images?

Dead rubber babies aren’t harrowing. Fake hysteria with no tears doesn’t pull at my heartstrings.

Masonic hoaxes complete with laughable Gematria aren’t any more believable than the staged and fake mass shootings, Oklahoma, Waco, Hebdo, Paris “attacks”, Manchester bombing, Skripal poisonings, the fake Boston bombing, the fake 7/7 terror psyop, the fake London bridge stabbing, JFK, RFK etc. I can’t think of one event that’s real.

If you believe obvious hoaxes that’s not my problem. It’s yours.

Adam Mockett
Adam Mockett
May 25, 2024 9:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Hasty generalizations:

  • Some “atrocities” are hoaxes. Therefore all atrocities are hoaxes.
  • Some genocide deniers are hasbara trolls. Therefore all genocide deniers are hasbara trolls.
May 26, 2024 12:00 AM
Reply to  Adam Mockett

This is not a war there’s nobody in Gaza except paid actors.

You’re a Masonic disinformation troll since this is a Masonic psyop like every other fake “news” story.

This farce is no more real than any of the other Pallywood productions over the decades since the staged 3 day “invasion”.


Your use of emotive words for hoaxes proves you’re a shill, and propagandist.

All the videos I’ve seen are fake. Every single one. Not just for that fake war but decades in that entire alleged conflict.

All those claimed jihadists attacks in Is-Ra-El… Bombs in empty buses. Bombs in empty stores. Complete bullshit like your fake name and your boot licking, order following, lodge membership.

Adam Mockett
Adam Mockett
May 26, 2024 3:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher
Adam Mockett
Adam Mockett
May 26, 2024 11:38 PM
Reply to  Adam Mockett

Thumbs down, really???

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 24, 2024 9:03 AM

The “Islamic world” doesn’t need to attack Israel in response for the genocide currently being pursued.

It is enough that the genocide piques the “radicals” response to the genocide around the world.

Thereby ensuring the threat of terrorism to be used as and when necessary by the government of your choice.

May 24, 2024 8:58 AM

Maybe read the October7.org witness statements – especially the Kalashnikov story – real eye opener. Of course Hamas was infiltrated. Of course Israel knew they were coming. They were warned – this according to soldiers and intelligence officials in the south. Knesset members not only know this – they’ve spoken about it openly. And now 146 countries recognise the State of Palestine, paid in blood for sure. Or maybe you wanted them to remain as slaves. Israel, the colony outpost will never be a safe space for those who build their kibbutzim on the razed villages of dead Arabs.

May 24, 2024 8:37 AM

Asymmetric warfare:

comment image

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 24, 2024 6:05 PM
Reply to  niko

I wouldnt do that if I were a monkey wishing to continue my type of specie.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 26, 2024 7:27 AM
Reply to  niko

May 24, 2024 8:32 AM

< “If you believe that murdering people to provoke your enemy into overreacting is a productive armed-resistance strategy, at least have the courage to say so.” > Scott Ritter, a patriotic U$ Marine who really knows War and has negotiated both Nuclear Disarmament and Destruction of Chemical WMD at the highest level, says: War kills people. Israel is in Military Occupation of Palestine, expelling, killing and imprisoning Palestinians by the thousands. Israel being a Military Occupier without Legal Sanction has no Right of Defense against legitimate Armed Resistance. Hamas is acting within its rights, being both the legally elected Local Government of Gaza, and a Popular Armed Resistance movement. According to Ritter, the armed wing of Hamas executed the most perfectly planned and daringly exectued guerilla attack of the 21st century. They defeated the renowned IDF, who disgraced themselves by deliberately gunning down innocent Israelis “on the Samson principle”, and took hostages as bargaining chips. Ritter answered Hopkins’s quote <above> long before it was written: Yes, Hamas knew that the Yahoo would over react. They knew that innocent Palestinians would suffer disproportionately, that Israel would demand not “an eye for an eye” but 10 or 100 Palestinian lives for every Israeli life. That is the Law of the Yahoo; and Hamas knew it. Ritter says: As a military operation, both from its operational success in puncturing the IDF and in its psychological success in goading the Yahoo State to reveal its true Zionazi colour, Hamas has put both itself and the Palestinian cause in a much stronger position. And they did it just when the world was beginning to forget Palestine. Israel will be forced to negotiate sharing the Holy Land with a Palestinian State as proposed by the Un in 1947, instead of going to war in 1948 and trying… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 24, 2024 6:12 PM
Reply to  NickM

Ohhhh, all that “Putin’s 5 dimensional judo” and how “Trump make the Democrats bomb themselves”.
But the physical reality can unfortunately not be discussed away in an academic television meeting and label discussions. The dead bodies on the street runs nowhere.

James Robertson
James Robertson
May 24, 2024 8:25 AM

Another sterling piece from CJ setting the people straight on this most important issue. Thank you CJ!
Seriously though, I have absolutely no idea what the author imagined he would achieve writing this. At this point it is almost as though CJ is deliberately trying to destroy and humiliate himself with his own work. Which is different!
Every piece manages to be the worst thing he ever wrote by far.
CJ is an adept writer, but he has little to no understanding of the world and recent Western history.
Covid was his “broken clock moment” just as Palestine is a broken clock moment for the mainstream left today.
CJ genuinely has no idea that 911 was a false flag attack, never heard of Gladio let alone any of the more recent psyops.
All you need to do to understand CJ is look at his frame of reference: he lives for Twitter and his favourite journalist is Matt Taibi. He is probably a very decent chap and I wish him all the best, but this piece is comically bad.

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2024 8:16 AM

Off topic,

David Aaronovitch (another comfortable spooky bourgeois Leftist) asks, “Cows in the US have bird flu – is it inching closer to humans?”

In the requisite disaster movie style, it’s a “long-feared leap”. Birds have infected cows and cows are now infecting cows and… well you know how it goes.

“BSE taught Europe and the UK to track its cows. America doesn’t.”

I smell a subtext here. Tracking cows is necessary. Perhaps we should track …. other creatures?

Since my shit-o-meter has exploded u can no longer stand to read this so I scan and – oh yes, there’s “mutation” …. and here is the meat, so to speak:

“What happens if humans start infecting each other”

There wasn’t even a question mark there. But we all know it’s not really a question.

“in the wake of Covid, you may be wondering about vaccine preparedness.”

We certainly were, Dave.

There are noises about some vax already in the pipeline but

“Let’s hope those defences won’t be needed.”

And as Bryan Ferry once sang, Dim the lights/ You can guess the rest.

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2024 8:21 AM
Reply to  George Mc

In my feverish haste, forgive the typo “u can” which should be “I can”.

And the above comes from the BBC. Not that anyone cares.

May 25, 2024 12:19 AM
Reply to  George Mc

This is a scam the faux governments are currently running in coordination.

Christine Massey was invited to – by mistake – and recorded a session headed up by Canada’s trans health death minister, where they justify cow and bird “surveillance” for a non existent virus.

The H5N1 hard re-launch.

May 24, 2024 7:58 AM

Asymmetric warfare:

comment image

May 24, 2024 7:52 AM

I am quite puzzled by CJ’s inconsistency pushed forward in his essay and see the only reason for that was to steer sharp debate, it is needed. For example asymmetric warfare cut both ways when we include state terrorism acting to provoke escalatory response while having full escalatory dominance on their side. Terrorist State instead of waiting for enemy attack provokes it when ready and convenient to respond under guise of self defense. U.S. and Israeli regime are masters in art of provocation to spread terror. US funding and control of Al-Qaeda or ISIS are prime examples of state run asymmetric warfare. The mentioned by author terrorists of 1960s and 70s were in large part definitely not targeting civilians per se but collaborators of state apparatus in public and corporate sphere. Killing German industrialists by RAF or Conservative Italian politicians by BR is not killing civilians. CJ seems confused. Killing police officers or guards in by SLA was not killing civilians so wasn’t kidnapping of diplomats by FLQ in 1970s. Blowing up Spanish general in Madrid by ETA washing killing civilians so wasn’t blowing up London hotel where Thatcher was supposed to be even according to law of war stating that any civilian building where enemy seeks shelter is a legitimate target. And it is obligatory by enemy side to remove civilians from premises used. Even in 1972 taking over compound of Israeli participants (all IDF soldiers or Mossad agents) in 1972 Olympics (pictured in the article) by PLO affiliated fighters were aimed to free arrested by Israel and Germany Palestinian leaders. That practice of exchange of prisoners even including women and children is not a sole terrorist tactic but common for all kinds of warfare throughout centuries and don’t deserve any specIal condemnation than war itself. Even Hitler wanted… Read more »

May 25, 2024 8:50 AM
Reply to  Kalen

“He [Marek Edelman, Leader of Warsaw ghetto uprising] said that if last hope was gone terror became the only alternative to suicide.”

That explains why Hamas stands stronger among Palestinians after last year’s July uprising, in spite of Israel’s genocidal response.

“Better to die standing up than die on your knees! — Proverb.

May 24, 2024 7:22 AM

Asymmetric warfare:

comment image

May 24, 2024 8:00 AM
Reply to  niko

Beneath the cobblestones, the beach.

May 24, 2024 4:29 PM
Reply to  niko

excellent! let the sun shine : )

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2024 6:32 AM

One of the most traumatic things about covid was how “The Left” just swallowed the bullshit right from the start. Wasn’t it fascinating? These guys who were ever so cynical and perceptive about the media suddenly fell for the most obvious line of crap since your dad told you Santa just delivered the goodies.

But along comes CJ and you think, Well thank God this guy gets it!

And he’s such a hero. He writes a book about the whole fraud and talks about fascism and the new fanaticism and gets into trouble with those German overlords. And you’re cheering him on all the way.

This guy is no fool, you think. This guy is such a witty satirist which is an excellent mode when dealing with that rancid media.

Then comes Oct 7.

And suddenly CJ lapses into the same unforgivably dumb slack jawed acceptance that “The Left” demonstrated over covid.

The only question is: Is he a dupe or a mole? A useful idiots or a paid up hack?

If the latter then maybe all that kerfuffle over his book and the German authorities was part of a phony pantomime?


Who knows? Who cares?

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2024 6:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“A useful idiots” should be “A useful idiot”. The editor won’t let me change it.

May 24, 2024 7:10 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, the curt duration of OffG’s Edit function has not yet been fixed.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 24, 2024 11:35 AM
Reply to  NickM

We’re only waiting for someone to ask nicely 💀

May 25, 2024 8:56 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sam, please could you fix the new Edit function? It allows us too little time to correct our post; sometimes allows no time at all.

Thanks, Nick.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 25, 2024 11:18 AM
Reply to  NickM

I’ve taken steps in that direction. How is it behaving now? A2

May 24, 2024 7:07 AM
Reply to  George Mc

< Who knows? Who cares? >

I don’t know but I try to make sense of the news, and am grateful for sites that provide a platform for free discussion.

As a rule I skip over opinion pieces like Hopkins and go for authors like Colin Todhunter; authors who really know the subject they are writing about, and base their opinions on experimentally verified fact. But as one such expert author sighed long ago: There is so much to learn and we know so little that all we can hope is to cure sometimes and to comfort always.

“Only connect!” — EM Forster.

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2024 4:30 PM
Reply to  NickM

“go for authors …who really know the subject they are writing about”

And who don’t hide behind a barrage of super smart-arse sarky crap à la CJH.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 24, 2024 6:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

He may be not the only one turncoat if he is a turn coat. The Kennedy guy also opened his mouth and out came a big dirty frog. There are very few clean.

Maybe they are just humans, we all make failures during our life time yes?
Maybe they took all the boosters and are now filled with graphene nanobots connected up to the Smart phone IoT and getting the message from the bad guys?.

Who knows? But I agree, it is quite strange to see these incredible jump, jump, jump.

May 25, 2024 6:16 PM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

RFK Jr. has set himself up to be a part of the new wave of heroes in near future: the ones of the ‘Wellness Management’ stripe, viz. he and his coteries (Malone; McCullough; etc.) are all involved in the engineered (i.e., socially; physically; psychologically; spiritually) steering of humanity into the new paradigm of medical intervention; which will, in toto, see humans continuing to transmogrify themselves into post-humanism (via mRNA gene therapies; BMI; neuralink; precision food/medicine; nanotechnology introduced into food, water, soil, medicine, etc.; etc.; etc.). That is all! RGB-Y4 out!!

Steven Augustine
Steven Augustine
May 25, 2024 6:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Then comes Oct 7.”

Well, let’s not forget CJ’s radical views on 9/11, regarding which he sees no reason to question the Official Narrative (this being as close to verbatim as I can get, off the top of my head).

May 24, 2024 5:54 AM

< Look at a map of the territory. Does it look like Palestine is on the verge of being “free”? >

Palestine was never free — not even 3,800 years ago when “the Sea Peoples” — a pitiful remnant of Greek refugees from the Bronze Age collapse and the Minoan tsunami — built and defended some fortified encampments (Gr. Pulastu aka Polis or City States) which gave the area its name. But it has existed to this day; and today, because of the Israeli Yahoo’s genocidal response to Palestinian resistance fighters, and the world’s disgust with Zionism’s genocidal Old Testament mindset, an autonomous Palestinian state is back on the agenda.

That is Natan Yahoo’s legacy to Israel: the Palestinian Resistance (currently in the form of Hamas) is stronger than ever; the legal borders of Israel (attained by force, fraud and military occupation) look shakier than ever; and a resumption of real negotiations for the State of Palestine under UN 1947 partition plan are more imperative than ever. Freedom is a red herring; statehood is what’s on the table.

“Justice comes from the barrel of a gun. And the U$A is a paper tiger.” — Mao Xi Dung, founder of modern China.

les online
les online
May 24, 2024 5:40 AM

Asymmetric idiocy can be blamed on the brains’
left hemisphere, with its cleverness, its rationality,
and its logic….It thinks it thinks…
You can blame civilisation on it, too !
No wars without civilisation. Wars take place within
civilisation among the civilised, and the civilised are
always aghast at their barbaric savagery…

May 24, 2024 5:37 AM

I dare say the “relevant issue” at this point is not “who” or “what” – “opinions” – might be expressed by individual readers on C.J.’s site in response to his articles. It is the complete moral degeneracy exhibited by Western oligarchy, and by their amoral political minions – in facilitating mass slaughter – funding mass slaughter – providing the weapons for mass slaughter – and providing the political and media protection for mass slaughter. Getting into a pissing match with readers over “Hamas” and what “Hamas’s strategy” might have been seems rather like “missing the point” I would say.

PS – note to C.J. – a lot of those 1960’s to early 1980’s civilian deaths from the “domestic terrorists” of the era – were actually the very calculated work of the CIA and various NATO States through Operation Gladio – designed specifically to kill civilians and then to “blame” those deaths on “domestic terrorists.” just saying.

May 24, 2024 8:55 AM
Reply to  gbossa

< just saying >

And truly said.

I was in England and Israel in the 60-70s, and there were armed police in our local park as well as in London Airport, but I did not learn about Gladio till much later — in 2015, by reading OffG. However, that astute humorist Miles Kington (former editor of Punch) already sniffed something in the wind: Kington suggested that the Police and the Terrorists were working hand in glove to subdue the public by making air travel miserable. A truly prophetic premonition of what was to arrive in full force as Con-911 & Con-19.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
May 24, 2024 5:24 AM

Satanic war on Christianity and Western civilization…

Big Al
Big Al
May 24, 2024 4:07 AM

OK, what the hell: “Do you seriously believe that the leadership of Hamas did not know exactly how Israel would respond to the slaughter of hundreds of Israeli citizens, families, children, people at a rave? If you honestly believe that, I don’t know what to say.” Ok, then answer this C.J., do you seriously believe that the leadership of Hamas believed by doing this and “if all goes to plan, your allies” will join you, and attack your enemy, and drive him into the sea, or off the face of the earth, or wherever. So, in the end, all the murdering will have been totally worth it.”? I mean, I’ve seen various discussions and opinions relative to this overreach by Israel being the final straw and could bring about the literal end of Israel. Or even bringing about the “two state” solution. But on the other hand, you say, “The State of Israel is not going anywhere. It is an essential component of the global-capitalist empire. It’s the empire’s headquarters in the Middle East. It has nuclear weapons. It is backed by the US military. The “Islamic world” is not going to join Hamas and attack it, regardless of how many war crimes it perpetrates in Gaza. The ICJ is not going to put it on trial. The United Nations isn’t going to make it play nice. It isn’t going to disappear into the ether. It is a fact of life.” So you don’t think Hamas knows that? Or that you have some sort of special knowledge that they, so intimately involved with zionist Israel, couldn’t possibly have? Or you must think Hamas collectively is dumber than a box of rocks? The author appears to be basing this opinion on the premise that the Oct 7 attack was Hamas and… Read more »

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
May 24, 2024 4:06 AM

Women, elderly and the kids are not innocents.
The always help the bad bad guys doing their stuff, make food to them, shelter them, transport them, kissing them.
They support the bad guys with all their means because they want the bad guys to do evil.
Therefore I dont buy that one that the elderly, women and kids should not be killed because they are also evilnes as the rest of the game. comment image

May 25, 2024 10:43 AM
Reply to  Erik Nielsen

Your post (which might be ironic) reminds me of a study on Germany’s post-WW1 “Freikorps” — gangs of disaffected ex-Service men who terrorized the street. The author noted one remarkable trait among these predecessors to the Nazis: they had lost the normal instinct of the adult male to protect “women and children first”. In fact, these proto-Nazi thugs actually enjoyed beating up women and children, and boasted about it.

May 24, 2024 2:35 AM

Hmmmm! CJ I suspect that the promise, or even the idea of a ‘promise’ … of water-boarding, in a black-site prison, has had an effect on your previous lasse-faire, FREEDOM of thought thinking. You’ve allowed the bastards to ‘get-to-you’.
Even a dim-wit like Muggins, firing on two neurons knows … that: By deceit they wage war. Moreover, it, viz. the kabuki-wars (that are not wars but rather sanctioned mass-murder) are getting more savage and openly barbaric by the day as ‘they’ don’t give a rat’s arse about being discovered, if ever they did. Case in point, the open threat directed at the recent ICC Tribunal pseudo-directive. And, the druggie, in Ukraine who openly demands more fiat-moolah to launder. Of course the Defence-Production line managerial class, aka NATO think that coke-head, Zelensky is the greatest thing since sliced-bread, after all, nobody cares about the ‘Wogs’ being blown apart, do they now?

May 24, 2024 1:53 AM

Thanks the off-all BTL& ATL for supporting Islamism on behalf of the 1.9 billion brainwashed from birth. Those 15 million Jewels are really THE main problem today globally: asymmetric.
/ sarc

May 24, 2024 1:05 AM

Israel has leaders, Hamas has leaders, Nazi Germany had leaders, the MIC/US has leaders, the UK has leaders.

Mmm, there seems to be a pattern there.
A murderous bloodthirsty pattern.

Anarchy (Rules WITHOUT Rulers) is the only system WITHOUT leaders.

May 24, 2024 2:50 AM
Reply to  Johnny
May 24, 2024 5:49 AM
Reply to  Johnny

“Rules without rulers”… and somehow the natural reaction of a power vacuum will just simply fail to occur.

May 24, 2024 4:45 PM
Reply to  RKae

cant be afraid to take out the trash, like we are now.

les online
les online
May 24, 2024 12:57 AM

Two facts missing:
The War Started 7 0ctober 2023.
“Mowing The Lawn” doesnt kill innocent civilians.

May 24, 2024 2:16 AM
Reply to  les online

Either you wrote this tongue in cheek or are totally ignorant of historical reality.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
May 24, 2024 6:03 AM
Reply to  Michael

Read his other comments here, and it’s obvious it’s tongue in cheek.

May 24, 2024 7:28 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Thanks for clarification. Wish I’d read your post before replying. Wish I could delete my reply which took Les seriously.

May 24, 2024 7:26 AM
Reply to  les online

Your “missing” facts are False. Here are the real facts:

“The war” against Palestine in favour of Israel, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in favour of Jews started in 1918 with a letter from the Prime Minister of Britain to “Dear Lord Rothschild”.

“Mowing the lawn” is Israeli slang for levelling a civilian district by carpet bombing. It is modelled on the U$ Air Force tactics in Korea: “We bombed until there was nothing left to bomb”. Yes, it kills innocent civilians: Officially 35,000 to date in Gaza and still counting because the bombers fly every day; unofficially 50,000 including missing presumed dead or buried in rubble.

May 25, 2024 6:27 AM
Reply to  NickM

In Afghanistan after the first week or 2, there was very little to bomb. But as in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, etc., the contracts had been signed, the bomb factories were in full swing and there were a lot more kickbacks to come. So, there are “interminable, almost innocuous, briefings of devastating attacks on the inferior enemy, that enumerate vehicles, stores, training camps, ‘staging facilities’, ‘compounds’, etc.”.

May 23, 2024 11:19 PM

Personally I think october 7 was either completely made up or if some people actually died it’s Netanyahu gov wot did it. It was a propaganda coup supported by the US gov, convince me otherwise.

May 24, 2024 2:18 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Had Hamas’ “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” been a “surprise attack” as parroted by the media, Netanyahu’s “State of Readiness For War” could not have been spontaneously carried out (at short notice) on that same day, namely October 7, 2023. The “State of Readiness” etiquette (revealed on October 7) points to a carefully prepared plan.

May 24, 2024 6:16 AM
Reply to  Michael

The Yahoo’s “State of Readiness Plan” began with his order to switch off Border Defense when he was informed (by Egypt among others) of the planned Hamas attack. Natan Yahoo modelled his plan on George “Shrub” Bush’s successful order to switch off Aerial Defence on 9 Sept 2001. The Bush / Cheney ploy was a brilliant A-movie blockbuster, in which Natan Yahoo played an Oscar-winning supporting role as Star Witness for WMD. But the Yahoo’s attempt to play Star in this B-movie low budget rerun is a flop. Palestine State is the new show at the UN. and Palestinian Resistance (currently Hamas, but for sure not only Hamas) are the new stars.

May 24, 2024 7:40 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Sofia, your opinion shows little wisdom. Read Scott Ritter, who really knows war, and is a man of tried and tested integrity;

Israel is a genuine Military Power of Occupation in Palestine. As such it has no Right of Defense against armed resistance.

Hamas is a genuinely elected local government of Gaza. As such it has every Right of Armed Resistance. This is a genine War of Liberation of an oppressed country (Palestine) against an Oppressive Military Power of Occupation (Israel)

According to Ritter, the only Legal way out is to resume Direct Negotians between Israel and Palestine, as in UN Partition Plan of 1947. Israel broke off those negotiations by going for the Military Option in 1948. It has existed as a Military Occupying Power with since then, with legally undefined territory and military help from the UK and USA who hope Israel will help them fight to protect UK and U$ oil thefts in the Middle East..

May 25, 2024 7:20 AM
Reply to  NickM

The subverted schizo bullies of the Free World (Trade Mark) have legitimised the inclusion of this rogue state in UN, trade, etc. EU has even included it in its Eurovision contest!

May 24, 2024 8:28 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Hundreds of hostages were abducted to Gaza

May 24, 2024 11:49 AM
Reply to  Martin

You know them personally?

May 25, 2024 10:47 AM
Reply to  Martin

Tens of thousands of Palestinian hostages have been abducted to Israeli prisons. Men, women and children held for years without trial and under illegal conditions with allegations of torture, rape, murder and dissection for resale of human organs.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
May 24, 2024 9:25 AM
Reply to  Sofia

Somewhere there must be “behind the scenes” footage of aĺl of the “events” that are presented to us.

I wonder who swept the floor of Mr Kubrick’s cutting room in 1969 ?

Voltaria Voltaire
Voltaria Voltaire
May 23, 2024 11:11 PM

Yeah, well its satire. WAR SUCKS. IT TOTALLY SUCKS, UNLESS YOU LIKE THINGS THAT SUCK. WAR IS SOMETHING WE DON’T UNDERSTAND AND WE KEEP HAVING IT. BUT WE ARE TRYING TO UNDERSTAND. AND WE ARE TRYING NOT TO KEEP HAVING IT. So, what’s different? What is different, is that we are communicating about it in a way we were never really able to do before. It was never so instantaneous that you could get so many different opinions and visuals and sides of the story to increase your reality about it, to help you sift for yourself to find truths about it and separate these from the hidden lies. WAR IS A LIE. There are people getting that reality firsthand, unfortunately. Before, in order to get a pretty good reality on it yourself, one had to be right there on the front line looking someone in the eye, and killing some poor stranger for some reason you either gullibly bought, or admitted to yourself you never really understood. You had to see your friends brains blown out all over your shoulder, or come home with one leg after watching your own family or some strangers family burn horribly covered with Napalm. And when you got home you didn’t want to talk about it, you just wanted everything to go away and to stop looking because it was too painful. But now we are looking and communicating without getting our head blown off. Technology has advanced our communication. At least those of us here, in the safety of our spaces can learn without being right in it. We are confronting it and seeing from different sides, and not just some Hollywood producers, or Media Presstitutes viewpoint that he wants you to have, for some agenda- entertaining as it may be. That… Read more »

Literally nobody
Literally nobody
May 23, 2024 11:07 PM

To clarify with respect “the spirit of the 1970s! The old PLO! The RAF! The IRA! The SLA! Do it for the Revolution! Or the Globalized Intifada!. Was this too not an op?like lockdowns, not Covid but Gladio?

May 24, 2024 6:28 AM

It is good for this present generation to be reminded that the struggle for autonomy for Ireland (IRA) and for Palestine (PLO) was with us in the 70s — and even earlier.

“The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church” — Proverb.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
May 26, 2024 9:12 PM
Reply to  NickM

The IRA has since shat all over “Ireland,” allying itself with the Globalist monsters and against the actual Irish people.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
May 23, 2024 10:40 PM

Who created Hamas (and thereby destroyed the PLO) and who weren’t supported by the broader Palestinian people?

Who did the mass killing on the 7th of October under the Hannibal Directive, as is amply documented and verified by surviving Israeli witnesses?

Who re-deployed Israeli border security forces far away from the break-through area just before the attack?

Who deliberately relocated the area for the Israeli festival to this very spot?


May 24, 2024 2:52 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

I realise that the ‘who’ questions are rhetorical, however, allow me to give voice to the ‘rhetorical’
Who dunnit?
The same Orks and/or their willing-saps (Ollie North, Erik Prins, etc.) who dun …
Most African Countries with mega-natural resource wealth
7/7 UK
Etc. etc.

May 24, 2024 9:43 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Ashkenazionists ?
And for the dumbasses out there: Judaism has nothing to do with Zionism !

May 24, 2024 6:30 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

The answer to each question is: Natan the Yahoo.

Big Al
Big Al
May 23, 2024 10:21 PM

The disproportionate response doesn’t match the supposed evil plan the author subscribes to Hamas, alone, particularly versus the long term evil plan of the zionists relative to Greater Israel. Doesn’t make sense. This is weird. But hey, author showed his true colors on this one.

May 24, 2024 6:47 AM
Reply to  Big Al

< author showed his true colors on this one >

Well said. The Yahoo’s “disproportionate response” to legitimate armed resistance by Hamas against Israel’s illegal military occupation of Palestine was Genocide. Got it, Hopkins? Genocide.

For Legal Eagles: Israel, as Military Power of Occupation in Palestine, has no Right of Defense against armed Resistance. Hamas, as a democratically elected local government in Occupied Palestine, has legal right of self defense against Israel the Occupying Power. The only way that Israel can obtain Legal Right of Self Defense is to go back to the UN negotiating table of 1947, and begin Legal Negotiations und UN auspices for the Partition of Paletine. Personally, I would hope for negotions to result in a country known internationally as the Holy Land, with beloved old names for districts such as Palestine, Israel, Galilee, Samaria or whatever the Parties agree to.

May 24, 2024 8:46 AM
Reply to  Big Al

Since when was CJH ever concealing his “true colours”?
After reviewing the comments it looks to me like his “true colours” depend on what coloured glasses he’s being viewed through.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 23, 2024 10:08 PM

CJ, I think we should have a new kind of revolution. We don’t kill the civilians, we kill the politicians, the Civil Servants, the US diplomats, the Israeli stooges, the greasy bankers, the gas/electricity Board executives that tell you that ‘our modelling data says we should increase your bills by 100%’ when actually meter readings say that you’re already paying more than enough. Just imagine killing every ‘Friend of Israel’ paid-for prostitute MP in the House of Commons. How about killing every MP that voted for the Coronavirus Act and Lockdowns. How about killing Mark Sedwill, the evil little functionary that thought he controlled those that were elected, rather than the electorate having that role? He’s actually a greasy banker now, so he’s got two reasons to bump him off. What about that prize turd Guy Verhofstadt? And Ursula Van der Leyen, Annalena Baerbock and Olaf Scholz? How about the nutcase US Ambassador to Poland?? And what about Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk???? All this killing the civilians is cowardly. It’s time to kill the people who deserve to be killed, not the innocent bystanders whose friends and family have to suffer terrible grief due to their untimely demise for no good reason whatsoever… Another way around it is to forcibly conscript all the warmongers into fighting in Ukraine. No sending 20 year olds to do it. Send Lindsey Graham, Vicki Nuland, Tony Blinken, Tony Blair, Macron, Starmer, David Lammy, all those incorrigible brown envelope openers that take the warmongers’ money. Be a good idea to send all the MI5/6/Mossad/CIA dudes too: the world would be much more peaceful if they all got blown up in a hot war. Oh and send Netanyahu’s son to fight too. Racist little turd who ran to the USA so he wouldn’t… Read more »

May 24, 2024 7:48 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Hear! Hear!

“Justice comes from the barrel of a gun” — Mao.

May 24, 2024 8:18 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Good comment, but, sadly, the people tend to be the victims in revolutions, too. cf Sergio Leone’s Fistful of Dynamite

May 24, 2024 8:35 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

People suffer in revolutions, too. Apart from the history of, France, Russia and China, to name three, try watching Sergio Leone’s “Duck you Sucker.” (It’s more apposite title is censored here)

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 24, 2024 2:59 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Let’s start with class consciousness…

May 23, 2024 8:39 PM

A false flag operation, that is what it was, not only they knew but they allow it to happen. Create your own enemies to advance an agenda. Problem, reaction, solution.

May 23, 2024 8:19 PM

Not even worth a comment. I sit back and watch Awf-Guardian self immolate.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 23, 2024 9:52 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

I read some of your stuff the other day, but I found it hard to appraise your work due to encountering your pay-wall. Do you have any free links stating your position on this? Perhaps you’d like to respond to CJ?

Kay Bush
Kay Bush
May 23, 2024 11:05 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Fair call Sam.

May 24, 2024 7:52 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

< Perhaps you’d like to respond to CJ [Hopkins]? >

MoneyCircus did not rise to explain his cry of Bah!Humbug. Point against MC.

George Mc
George Mc
May 23, 2024 7:33 PM

On re-reading this, it appears even more repulsive than I previously thought.   “If you believe that murdering people to provoke your enemy into overreacting is a productive armed-resistance strategy, at least have the fucking courage to say so.”   No, CJ, I don’t believe that. It doesn’t make any sense at all. It’s your straw-man that you are forcing on us.   Let’s consider: That one side provokes another into attacking it is feasible and probably the common occurrence. However, the moment this provocation turns into a “small killing” then it is an act of war in itself. And the one who creates this “provocation” is the one who starts the war. Which completely contradicts the most basic and essential piece of war propaganda i.e. that it was the other side that started it.   But isn’t it astonishing that CJ totally and completely accepts the mainstream Israeli account of Oct 7? All the way.   And if this attack was a “small attack” then that implies Hamas could have “gone large”. In what way? By nuking Israel? That too plays into Israeli propaganda.   And this “over-retaliation” suggests that “Israel just couldn’t help itself”. Hamas “forced Israel to do it”. Hamas is responsible for the annihilation of Gaza. Which once again plays into Israeli propaganda.   And the biggest joke of all: this “plague on both their houses” bullshit. Never trust anyone who comes away with that sanctimonious crap.   I always had my doubts about CJ. His ultra-sarcasm constantly somersaulting over itself becomes insufferably tedious very quickly. So much so that I stopped reading his articles in depth. I have been quiclly scanning them – and almost always find little of substance. Who can tell what is serious and what is not? Who can possibly care? Note that adolescent… Read more »

May 23, 2024 7:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc


May 23, 2024 9:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t think you read his entire article.

George Mc
George Mc
May 24, 2024 6:14 AM
Reply to  Paul

Here’s how it struck me:

The moment I saw CJH mention the 70s, I snapped into 70s nostalgia mode and thought of nice fluffy things I could say about that.

But as I continued to read, I thought “What?” I mean “WHAT?” And I started blasting away BTL right away.

I then went back ATL and read more and thought, “Jesus H! It’s worse than I thought!” And I blasted off even more BTL.

I then finished ATL. And read it again and thought “Nah it can’t be THAT bad!” And read it again and thought, “Why did I ever trust this guy?”

May 24, 2024 9:09 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I got bored long ago of Mr Hopkins banging on about how a Fourth Reich has been established in Berlin. Nothing ever happens in this country without orders from Washington. Or from elsewhere.He somehow seems to haven’t noticed.
He then pushed out his story of being prosecuted because of a swastika on the cover of his book. I mean everyone here knows that you mustn’t show swastikas. It even applies to modelling kits of Messerschmidts. And Mr Hopkins, of all people, wouldn’t have known this?
The last straw was him meeting up with Michael Ballweg, another alleged victim of the Fourth Reich. Ballweg who is/was fake corona opposition writ large.

les online
les online
May 23, 2024 11:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s plausible, you know ? Some can read minds, be they the minds of
Hamas, or Putin (but not Biden – apparently)…Why, only yesterday i
read what the British PM was thinking to decide him to call an election…
Mind Readers are Real, you know ?

May 24, 2024 8:25 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The raiders filmed themselves doing it, and hundreds of hostages were taken to Gaza

May 23, 2024 7:26 PM

MAY 17, 2024 Reschenthaler, Miller Introduce Legislation to Support American Citizens Fighting in Israel
WASHINGTON, D.C.  Chief Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and U.S. Representative Max Miller (R-OH) introduced H.R. 8445, which would extend the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) to American citizens serving in the Israel Defense Forces.
“Over 20,000 American citizens are currently defending Israel from Hamas terrorists, risking their lives for the betterment of our ally,” said Reschenthaler. “This legislation will ensure we do everything possible to support these heroes who are standing with Israel, fighting for freedom, and combating terrorism in the Middle East.”
“As our closest ally in the Middle East continues to defend itself against terror, many brave Americans have decided to lend a hand,” said Miller. “I’m proud that this legislation extends important protections to those Americans who chose to risk their lives in the fight against terror.”
The SCRA provides members on active-duty status with financial management safeguards such as rental agreements, security deposits, evictions, installment contracts, credit card interest rates, mortgages, civil judicial proceedings, and income tax payments, among others.
The USERRA prohibits employment discrimination based on an individual’s prior service in the uniformed services, current service in the uniformed services, or intent to join the uniformed services.
Read the full bill here.

May 23, 2024 7:11 PM

The only thing missing is the article being retracted and a big write up by the author saying how the OFF G one commentators are totally anti semetic like the other bait cry baby elmo operative woke baby Simon.

Dont take the bait.They need a response to act like the chosen lot and scream we are being persecuted.