That’s All Folks (Redux)
CJ Hopkins

Well, what do you know, it looks like we’ve got another “CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY” on our hands. Yes, that’s right, folks, THE VERY FABRIC OF DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE … again! Which means (surprise!) that it’s probably time to declare another STATE OF EMERGENCY and take some sort of EMERGENCY MEASURES to protect humanity from LITERAL FASCISM, or RUSSIA, or CHEAP FAKES, or a VIRUS … or whatever.
I didn’t watch the presidential debate — it took place at 2AM here in Germany — but I watched as much as I could stand the following morning, and I read a few headlines in the corporate press, and … well, it appears that’s it for Biden.
Normally, at this point, I would pen a column full of colorful adjectives and gratuitous adverbials skewering the entire spectacle, but (a) lots of others are doing that — albeit sans the gratuitous adverbials — and (b) I’m still on medical leave, and under doctor’s orders not to do that, i.e., sit at my desk for numerous hours, chain smoking, drinking pots of espresso, and launching my blood pressure into the stratosphere.
So I’m going to post another column from the archives.
Hold on, don’t click away just yet. I do want to say a few things about the debate, and Biden, and Trump, and “democracy.” But first, I want you to look at this photo, which was taken in November of 2019…

Yes, that is an authentic photograph taken in November of 2019. You can fact-check its authenticity on Snopes or wherever. So, I hope you’ll forgive me if I don’t get all worked up about Biden’s debate debacle as if something unwonted and astonishing had occurred.
And, as for Trump, no surprise there, he’s still the same narcissistic ass clown as ever.
What is, however, astonishing, or frustrating, or infuriating — and OK, there goes my blood pressure — is how many people still believe they are living in sovereign nation-states … you know, like “The United States of America,” run by individuals like Biden, or Trump, or whoever the global-capitalist ruling classes install in November.
People are asking, “WHO IS RUNNING THE COUNTRY?” The answer is, the same body of mandarins who have been “running the country” all along … yes, also during the Reign of Trump. Yes, also during the Reign of Obama. Because there is no actual country to “run.”
As Mr. Jensen put it to Howard Beale in Paddy Chayefsky’s classic film Network…
“You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! […] Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale? You get up on your little twenty-one inch screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, and Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today.”
I realize it’s hard for a lot of people to accept, but there is no “America.” The United States of America is a province, a territorial subdivision, of the supranational global-capitalist empire. And so is every other “Western” country. This is why nothing ever actually changes, regardless of which “leaders” are “in charge.”
In other words, you are watching a show. A simulation. A simulation of democracy. However, just because it’s a show, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t mean anything. The simulation of democracy is essential to the empire. It is what keeps us at each other’s throats, rather than at the empire’s throat. And it’s the theater that sets the tone of whatever “reality” prevails at the moment … the War on Terror, the War on Terror (Light), the War on Populism, the Pandemic, or whatever.
I’m not entirely sure what new “reality” we are transitioning into, but, whoever the global-capitalist mandarins end up installing in office in November, I have a funny feeling that the coming five months are going to be a soul-crushing, neo-Orwellian spectacle of epic proportions. They can’t allow Trump to take office again; they shot their wad with the Russian-Hitler stuff. It would be déjà vu all over again. I won’t be surprised if they draft Hillary Clinton, you know, just to rub it in everyone’s faces, or cancel the constitution on account of the bird flu, or the “global boiling,” or an “anti-vax-conspiracy-theorist insurrection,” and appoint Obama dictator perpetuo.
Or — and this is the most horrifyingly psychotic neo-Orwellian scenario — they will just stick with Biden, because what could be more soul-crushing than another Biden “victory”? That appears to be where they’re headed at the moment…

Anyway, here’s that piece from the archives. I wrote this in January 2021, i.e., shortly after Biden’s inauguration, which, as you may or may not remember, was staged in a locked-down, military-occupied DC, during a fabricated “state of health emergency,” in the aftermath of a fabricated “insurrection.”
This was the moment when the New Normal Reich was officially ushered into being, with a “field of flags,” a full-blown Nazi light-show, and the whole nine yards. Not to put too fine a point on it, they rolled out the soldiers and the urban-assault vehicles and installed a muttering, finger-sucking, global-capitalist puppet in office. They did not hide this. They publicized it. They wanted us to know that “democracy” was over, that the “populist” rebellion was over, and that they were installing a human stalk of celery in the White House, and there was nothing that we could do about it.
The message could not possibly have been clearer.
* * *

As they used to say at the end of all those wacky Looney Tunes cartoons, that’s all folks! The show is over.
Literal Russian-Asset Hitler, the Latest Greatest Threat to Western Democracy, the Monster of Mar-a-Lago, Trumpzilla, Trumpenstein, the Ayatollah of Orange Shinola, has finally been humiliated and given the bum-rush out of Washington by the heroic forces of the GloboCap “Resistance,” with a little help from the US military.
The whole thing went exactly to script.
Well … OK, not quite exactly to script. Despite four years of dire warnings by the corporate media, the Intelligence Community, Hollywood celebrities, the Democratic Party, faux anti-fascists, fake-Left pundits, and pretty much every utterly deluded, Trump-obsessed liberal with an Internet connection, there was no Hitlerian “Reichstag Fire,” no Boogaloo, no Civil War II, no coup, no white-supremacist uprising. Nothing.
The man simply got on a chopper and was flown away to his Florida resort.
I know, you’re probably thinking … “Wow, how embarrassing for the GloboCap ‘Resistance,’ being exposed as a bunch of utterly shameless, neo-Goebbelsian propagandists, and liars, and hysterical idiots, and such!” And, in any other version of reality, you’d have a point … but not in this one.
No, in this reality, “Democracy Has Prevailed!” Yes, it was touch and go there for a while, as there was no guarantee that the Intelligence Community, the military-industrial complex, Western governments, the corporate media, supranational corporations, Internet oligarchs, and virtually every other component of the global-capitalist empire could keep one former game show host with no real political power whatsoever from taking over the entire world.
Still, Trump’s failure to go full-Hitler, or even half-Hitler, was somewhat awkward. I mean, you can’t whip millions of people into a four-year frenzy of fear and hatred of a clearly powerless ass-clown president, and portray him as a Russian Intelligence asset, and the Son of Hitler, and all the rest of it, and then just drop the act cold and laugh in their faces.
That would leave them feeling like total morons who had just spent the last four years of their lives being lied to and emotionally manipulated, or like members of a cult, or something.
Fortunately, for GloboCap, this was not a major problem. All they had to do was produce a cheap simulation of “Trump going full-Hitler.” It didn’t even have to be convincing. They just needed a semi-dramatic event to plug into the official narrative, something they could call “an attempted coup,” “an insurrection,” “an attack,” and so on, and which millions of credulous liberals could hysterically shriek about on the Internet.
The “Storming of the Capitol” did the trick.
They held a dress rehearsal in Berlin last August, and then gave the real performance in the Capitol Building (this time it was for all the money, so they went ahead and got a couple people killed). It wasn’t very hard to pull off. All they actually had to do, in both Berlin and DC, was allow a small fringe group of angry protesters to gain access to the building, film it, and then pump out the “attempted coup” narrative.
It made no difference whatsoever that the “domestic terrorists” (in both Berlin and Washington) were a completely unorganized, unarmed mob that posed absolutely zero threat of “staging a coup” and “overthrowing the government.” It also made not the slightest difference that Trump didn’t actually “incite” the mob (yes, I put myself through the agony of reading every word of his speech, which was the usual word salad from start to finish). We’re talking propaganda here, not reality.
The so-called “Violent Storming of the Capitol” set the stage for the main event, which was the show of force we have all just witnessed.
Someone (I’m not entirely clear who) ordered in the troops, tens of thousands of them, locked down Washington, erected fences, set up roadblocks and military checkpoints, and otherwise occupied the government district.
It looked like any other US-military post-“regime-change” occupation, because that’s what it was, which was precisely the point.
As I have been repeating for … well, for over four years now, it was always going to end this way, with GloboCap making an example of Trump and reminding everyone who is really in charge.
Look, let’s be clear about these last four years, because there are all kinds of crazy theories going around (not to mention the official GloboCap narrative), but what actually happened is pretty simple. Here’s the whole story, as concise as I can make it.
Back in 2016, the American people, sick to the gills of global capitalism and its increasingly oppressive woke ideology, elected an unauthorized, narcissistic ass-clown to the highest office in the land. They did this for a variety of reasons, but mostly it was just a big “fuck you” to the establishment.
It was an act of rebellion against a government which they know is owned by unaccountable, supranational corporations and oligarchs who openly detest them. It was an act of rebellion against a system of government they know they have no influence over, and are not going to have any influence over.
It was an act of rebellion against global capitalism, the unopposed, global-hegemonic system which has dominated the world for the last thirty years … whether they realized what they were rebelling against or not.
This act of rebellion happened on the heels of Brexit (another such act of rebellion) and in the context of the rise of assorted “populist” movements all throughout the world.
When Trump actually won in 2016, the global capitalist ruling classes realized they had a serious problem … a “populist” rebellion in the heart of the empire. So they suspended the Global War on Terror and launched the War on Populism.
The ultimate objective of the War on Populism was to neutralize this “populist” rebellion and remind the public who is actually running things. Think of the Trump era as a prison riot. In any maximum security prison, the prisoners know they can’t escape, but they can definitely raise a little hell now and then, which they tend to do when they get really tired of being abused and neglected by the prison guards.
Most prison riots run out of steam on their own, but if they go on too long or get too ugly, the penal authorities typically respond by shooting a few prisoners (usually the ringleaders), and reminding the inmates that they are in a prison, and that the owners of the prison have guns, whereas they have shivs made out of spoons and toothbrushes.
This, basically, is what we’ve just experienced. The global capitalist ruling classes have just reminded us who is really in charge, who the US military answers to, and how quickly they can strip away the facade of democracy and the rule of law. They have reminded us of this for the last ten months, by putting us under house arrest, beating and arresting us for not following orders, for not wearing masks, for taking walks without permission, for having the audacity to protest their decrees, for challenging their official propaganda, about the virus, the election results, etc.
They are reminding us currently by censoring dissent, and deplatforming anyone they deem a threat to their official narratives and ideology.
In other words, GloboCap is teaching us a lesson. I don’t know how much clearer they could make it.
They just installed a new puppet president, who can’t even simulate mental acuity, in a locked-down, military-guarded ceremony which no one was allowed to attend, except for a few members of the ruling classes.
They got some epigone of Albert Speer to convert the Mall (where the public normally gathers) into a “field of flags” symbolizing “unity.” They even did the Nazi “Lichtdom” thing.
To hammer the point home, they got Lady Gaga to dress up as a Hunger Games character with a “Mockingjay” brooch and sing the National Anthem. They broadcast this spectacle to the entire world.
And the lesson isn’t quite over yet … it won’t be over for a while. The “War on Populism” will simply morph into the “New Normal War on Domestic Terror,” which will become one more theater in the “Global War on Terror,” which has been on hiatus, and which will now resume.
As I have pointed out repeatedly over the past four years, we appear to be headed toward a dystopian future in which there will essentially be two classes of people: (a) “normals” (i.e., those who conform to global-capitalist ideology and decrees); and (b) the “extremists” (i.e., those who don’t).
It will make no difference whatsoever what type of “extremists” these “extremists” are … religious-fundamentalist extremists, Islamic extremists, Christian extremists, right-wing extremists, left-wing extremists, white-supremacist or Black-nationalist extremists, virus deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, anti-maskers, recalcitrant transphobians, anti-transhumanists, pronoun resisters, defiant oppositionalists, or whatever … the names don’t really matter.
The point is, conform or be labelled an “extremist,” a “domestic terrorist,” or some other type of “antisocial person” or “social deviant,” or “potential threat to public health.”
I don’t claim to know every detail, but one thing seems abundantly clear. We are not going back to the way things were. GloboCap has been explaining this to us, over and over, for almost a year. They couldn’t have made it any more explicit.
When they warned us to get ready because a “New Normal” was coming, they meant it.
And now … well … here it is.
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..democracy,CJ…you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…
Biden isn’t senile, he’s ACTING.
There is an Eastern tale that speaks about a very rich Magician who had a great many sheep. But, at the same time this Magician was very mean. he did not want to hire Shepherds nor did he want to erect a fence about the pasture where the sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often wandered into the forest, fell into ravines and so on, and above all, they ran away, for they knew that the Magician wanted their flesh and their skins, and this they did not like.
At last the magician found a remedy. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them, first of all, that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned; that on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place, he suggested that if anything at all were going to happen to them, it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further, the Magician suggested to his sheep that they are not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to some that they were eagles, to some that they were men, to others that they were magicians.
After this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again, but quietly awaited the time when the Magician would require their flesh and skins.
By George Gurdieff: taught a system of consciousness called, ‘All and Everything’.
Consciousness is our ONLY salvation.
Don’t you just love it when the oligarchs rub our faces in their feces and don’t even try to pretend its not excrement? Get used to it because this is “the new normal”: piss on us and tell us it’s raining. The media is in on it of course, which is how so many dumbed down and somnambulant people believe we live in a “democracy”, that January 6 was actually an insurrection. My wife’s cousin is a Capitol police officer, he and several of his fellow officers were given the day off that day despite advance notice of the Stop the Steal rallies. How about the narrative that COVID-19 was a “novel coronavirus” that required locking down quarantining healthy people, social isolation, economic stagnation and mandated immune system destroying injections; and if you questioned any of this or refused you were deemed persona non grata?
Now we are being treated to real live genocide and ethnic cleansing and the culprits are getting ready to come before the US Congress to be treated to numerous standing ovations, groveling and cow towing while they start another war with Lebanon?!
As we suffer from sticker shock and price gauging our tax dollars are going to fund a corrupt government in Ukraine which is funneling the money back into the pockets of our senile Commander in Chief’s crime family and the Military Industrial Security State Censorship Complex while bridges roads and systems crumble right before our eyes here in the good ol’ US of A.
Don’t you just love how the globalist miscreants are able to keep us at each other’s throats while they pick our pockets, poison us and created shortages while soon they’ll be sending our kids and grandchildren off to more wars via the draft? If this weren’t so insanely tragic it would be great material for a comedy film or TV program.
Wasnt quite the pledge you took in grade school now was it?
Not at all, Civics 101 and American History as taught in most schools are a total sham.
The “trusted” media on the “summer covid wave”:
Both end up pushing boosters, unsurprisingly.
And despite what the BBC claims, I don’t know anyone who’s sick.
I know six in the last two weeks; three family members, and three co-workers. If you question their lived experience, IE, masks, PCR, the vaxx, Convid itself, they will bite your head off. I’ve learned to bite my tongue.
Me too.
My son did it the right way: He learned about several people close to him being sick and therefore he took the vaxx of personal risk reasons.
But he respect that people like me can have other personal reasons to dismiss the vaxx.
I think this is the right attitude.
The fact is that people DO get sick, a fact upsetting to at least two people on here. Disease and sickness are part and parcel of the human condition. My mother actually had to go to the emergency room. Her doctors are blaming it on “Convid,” but she’s 80 years old and not in great health already. That being said, she’s not simply making up her symptoms. Prior to Convid, they would have been blamed on a cold, or the flu, and her age would have been noted as a contributing factor. Unfortunately, she got the shot, which probably hasn’t helped matters, and I’m sorry to hear that your son chose to get it, as it is deadly at worst, and wholly unnecessary at best.
If she “tests positive”, that will be the excuse to (a) withhold all proven treatment, even for pneumonia (b) impose the dangerous alternatives.
She did “test positive,” and she also had pneumonia a few months ago. Her current issue is more related to gluten intolerance and celiac disease than it is to “convid,” but convid is getting all the blame.
Sick from what? Flu? Cold? Poisonous medicine?
“We’ve delivered a safe and effective vaccine in just nine months. This is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history.” – Donald J. Trump –
Drain the Swamp=Sustain the Swamp. Day 1 Trump laughed at suckers who elected him. He hired Swamp, reneged on Vax Safety Commissn, offered Gates science job, pulled bait & switch w/ WHO-Gavi, teed it up for NWO.
But according to this accomplished satire award winning play writer CJ that no ones ever heard off nor made anyone laugh….
Trump was a wildcard. . . 😂
Pre s/election MIC shilling as usual.
Trump delivered.. more tax breaks for the lords of capital.
Well. It’s typical Hopkins. In spite of all the details that he has correct which of course he knows are obviously correct and that we know are correct so it gives him credibility, he then launches into the thing about trump. If you think for one moment that any candidates they put up there for us to pick from are in any way Rogue or potential wild cards that might put a monkey wrench in there multi trillion dollar machine you’re insane. Or a straight-up shill trying to control the conversation. Either way, if you actually believe that Trump disrupted anything in their big plan and that it wasn’t all scripted then you’re not paying attention at all.
Except for the fringe* that watched bobby jnr’s contribution to
The Great Debate from the sidelines, most people have no
more than a peripheral interest in ‘politics’. So very few US
voters would have bothered to have watched the spectacular
live performance by Dementia Joe Biden…
The corporate propaganda media (aka – msm) know of the
political apathy of the masses so, whatever the day after’s
headlines about Biden’s absent-mindedness, the media know
it can memory-hole ‘the incident’ should “Joe Biden” want to
continue the fight against Trumpism…
The corporate propaganda media shielded the masses from
the reality of Biden’s Dementia for at least the past four years,
it should be an easy task to continue to so so for the next four
“No reason to get excited,,,” (1960’s folksinger)…
** aka – ‘extremists’ in msm-speak ?
A lot of democratic people in denial have woken to fact that, they are swiftly becoming irrelevant in the big scheme of things, and this alone could ruffle more than a few democratic feathers.
“Biden looked demented? I must watch that!”
This appears to be the trap here, what Horsley calls ‘the second matrix’. What they don’t want, above all, is total disengagement.
In slang,double adumbration
‘ joe’ refers to joe public…
The demented part would mean the dementia Joe public is = the electorate.
‘The thief he kindly spoke. There are many here among us who believe that life is but a joke.
But you and I we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate.
So let us not talk falsely now:
the hour is getting late.’
All along the Watchtower.’ Bob Dylan
Jimi’s version
What you can do with with a three-chord song,
Blues, country, folk, rock, lots of three chord multi million sellers.
Motto; Less is more.
Leave all the fancy stuff for the classical composers.
1. Melody.
2. Rhythm.
3. Lyrics.
In that order.
Yeah, but sometimes it comes out like this.
More seriously, I think there’s a high probability of a false flag thing in the next few months which just may have something to do with postponing the US elections? Supposed or attempted escalation in Ukraine most likely thing but “UK not ready to fight in any way” said some trash paper today! I think they might push for war and get a big push back. There must be a lot of people just boiling by now…
I’m feeling “relatively good” to be too maimed already to be combat worthy ! It looks like armed drones and heavy artillery & trench warfare fun times in Ukraine but since both Ukes and Ruskies are dedicated and bold liars it is hard to make out the real scale of the carnage…
Paris Olympics?
World watching?
Uppity French?
Who knows?
Add the recent swing to the right and voila!.
Yes indeed Johnny the Paris Olympics could be a serious contender for a false flag…remember what happen at the Munich Summer Games in 1972…
Don’t let them tell you it was the Palestinians…total Mossad propaganda campaign…
Bat-A-clan: Charlie Hebdo, on the morning that Shell were settling their environmental damages in Nigeria, in the London High Courts, for 55 million UK pounds sterling. Vocal Harem media focussed on Terror…
Not clear what’s the worth of a rebellion, especially in relation to globocap’s coordinated strategy beyond political theater, when people, more or less depoliticized, don’t realize what they’re rebelling against, and for; sounds more like fertile ground for controlled opposition and color revolution.
But it sure seems any populism out to give the finger to the establishment by voting for one of its own, besides being classic cooptation with lots of precedent, is about as mentally deprived if not morally depraved as Trump or Biden.
The political decadence on display by propaganda media with the ‘debate’ (I know you are, but what am I?!) may mean the next round of election madness includes plans for ‘rebellion’ to make the J6 psyop look tame.
CJ just can’t help it. Can we please make an editorial rule not to use Hitler and Nazi comparisons or for making a point? It is not about not getting arrested or pleasing the authorities or even the countless millions of suferring survivors, it is just bad taste.
Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
Hey, are you new to CJH?
It’s allowed, as satire.
it’s about as fresh as dessicated road kill.
Nah, it’s not ‘global capitalists mandarins’ who run countries and the world, but those who created both capitalism and communism to fool the entire world with these illusory “capitalism vs communism” and “west vs east” [cold war fraud included]… So who are they? The international jewish bankers, the jewish luciferian cabalists, the general jewish lobby. They own ALL ‘national’ and international banks and with this power, they control governments and the world. The loans they make to countries always come with undisclosed conditions. Nation’s leaders are just selected puppets who obey a script given to them by characters well above their heads.
Politics, elections and geopolitics are all theatre for public consumption.
= Dr Oscar Levy, german jewish physician and author, “L’Anti-Semitism” pag 350:
– “There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that cannot be traced back to the jews… Jewish elements provide the driving force for both capitalism and communism, for the material as well the spiritual ruin of this world.”
= Marcus Eli Ravage, on New York tribune + Century Magazine, feb 1928:
– “We are the founders and leading adherents of capitalism and chief perpetrators of the rebellion against capitalism… ”
= Rabbi Stephen Wise, New York: – “Some call it marxism, I call it judaism.”
= Henry Ford, jewish creator of the Ford Company, “The International Jew”:
– “The true capitalists of the world are jews, who are capitalists for capital’s sake. It is hard to believe that they wish to destroy capital; they wish to obtain sole control of it, and their wish has long been in fair way to fulfilment… Revolution is the expression of the jews’s will for power. Parties such as the socialists, democrats, and freethinkers are but tools for the jewish plan to power. The so-called ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ is really and practically the dictatorship of jews.”
= Benjamin Disraeli, english jewish conservative politician which serve twice as prime minister, 19th century:
– ““The world is governed by people entirely different from the ones imagined by those who are unable to see behind the scenes. The public does not realize that in all the conflicts within nations and in the conflicts between nations there are, besides the people apparently responsible for them, hidden agitators who with their selfish plans make these conflicts unavoidable… There are moments when the history of empires only nominally exists, and when there is nothing really alive but the sects hidden within them… Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.”
And after reading The Earth Chronicles by Zecharia Sitchin, I’m convinced that it’s the Enlil descendants who are the hidden hand.
They prefer to remain unknown, hidden from the kids, until the day arrives and they want to make themselves known, a sort of day of reckoning you might say, and not theirs.
The Graud indulges in misdirection:
“Brazil’s unparalleled spate of book bans is page out of US culture wars
A series of bans on volumes with race, gender and LGBTQ+ themes have proliferated in recent years”
Further down we hear about a group “that put pressure on authorities to ban textbooks on climate change, alleging they “discriminate” against agribusiness.”
And so amidst the usual wank about “Right Wing” machinations, we get the usual obsessives memes: LGBT, race, gender, climate change. But it turns out that the book causing immediate concern is one that has a “conversation between two teenagers praising each other sexually” which though described as “disgusting” by these evil reactionaries, “was not the reason why it was banned”. No it’s because
“It’s a book by a black author … that deals with racial issues and police brutality” and “Brazil’s south is a very conservative and prejudiced region and this isn’t the kind of subject they want to discuss in the classroom.”
But … isn’t Brazil’s South full of dark skinned folk anyway?
In any case, this is all pretty sketchy stuff and, more to the point, nothing to do with the endlessly repeated mantra about LGBT, climate change etc.
So the Graud spins nothing into something yet again.
Shouldn’t bird flu have inverted commas round it, just like CJ Hopkins (correctly) placed round “global boiling”? Meanwhile, I wish him well soon.
Obviously Offy G and shill J need to plug the past of fake make believe good old times when global cop was so dumb he/she dropped his her guard and let the Popularity populist win.
This ‘shill J’ guy was clearly living in another covid support bubble.
There fake as fuck Populist where in power during covid…..
who where they again..? that scared global cop so bad… (try not to laugh)
It was Trump, Boris Johnson, Giuseppe Conte, Orban, Bolsonaro, like of Farage.
Remind us of what country’s locked down first,?? or rolled out the jab first .? and hit the QR codes and ‘track n trace’ to visit shops, hospitals, funerals, weddings, care homes or needing jabs to works or vaccine passports…..
It was the fighting the global cop deep state so scared…
Trump, Boris Johnson, Giuseppe Conte, Orban, Bolsonaro, and the likes of Farage.
You couldn’t of had bigger global cop shills if you tried.
I am surprised Shill J does write…..
A very well-judged verdict of the US Supreme Court re: Trump and Presidential power. The New York Times are beside themselves, while the Guardian’s resident ‘deep state’ shills seemed to have been stunned into silence. The show trial of Trump had become plain sinister, and reassuring the court acted, whether for entirely the right motives or not.
globo homo pride united colours of mutleys
you have been barbera lerner spectored
empire of the city of london wall street andf the rise of hitler and the bolshevik revolutions
protocols baby all came true
you dig
Barbara Lerner-SPECTRE: Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion
Never forget that the Nazis — especially after the Night of the Long Knives — were the darlings of big business in Germany — in fact, not just Germany but globally. They were the bulwark against communism, the champions of social order and so on. I’d also say they were also models of capitalistic progress but their handling of the German economy wasn’t very good, it made tons of profits but only at the price of unsustainable national debt, debt that could only be managed by predating on their neighbors. They weren’t populists by the time they achieved total power; they certainly knew how to use populism to their advantage, though.
This sort of thing wasn’t confined to just Germany, of course. Sinclair Lewis described in his book “It Can’t Happen Here” a very 1930s American version of fascism. Its actually not that much different from modern Republicanism; the cast of sham populist, shady authoritarians and religious zealots is basically the same and probably will be the same in centuries to come.
There are societies pushing back against GlobalCorp but they tend to be marginal — or at least marginalized — because of their disregard for the “Rules Based World Order”. (I don’t think its that they don’t like rules etc. but rather would prefer them to be equitable.) These are the Eurasia and Eastasias of our world (we live in Oceana, of course, although we usually call it “NATO” for short) so we’re always in conflict with them. The snag — and this is where Orwell breaks down — is that it assumes that everyone plays the same game with the same goals. There are signs that not everyone’s playing our globalist game, at least not in the way that always results in us winning. I keep hoping.
Nazi debt, lol no
Its a good point.
But, if they were darlings of big business, not only n Germany, remember the British Royals were big admirers of Nazi ideology, US Bankers m.m., why did the same big business group turned against them so united??
So, the united LGBT/Marxist team won over Hitler Germany united in 1945 yes?
Hallelujah, CJ ‘gets’ it.
Whenever it is tempting to fall for the geopolitics and nation state fantasy, just remember the movie ‘Network’.
Then in case it is tempting to believe the ‘war’ stories, remember how much can be manufactured. The movie ‘Wag the Dog’ being the template.
Lastly, in case that wasn’t enough, don’t forget the 1968 30 minute BBC drama ‘The news benders’. This is a must see and reveals so much about false news story creation and public manipulation.
All of these add up to the ‘revelation of the method’.
The interesting part is that the Globo-Caps have never come forth to declare an official end to nation states. Ever ask why? Maybe it’s because of one tiny little insignificant fly in their global ointment. For lack of a better term, let’s call that fly in the ointment 8 billion people – all of whom have always and will always refuse to give up their group identities.
Globo-Cap has yet to convince 8 billion people that they are not, never were, and never will be citizens of this or that nation state. That they are one thing only: the chattel of the globalists is, simply put, not something the all-powerful globalists are ready to tell 8 billion people. Wonder why? Maybe their absolute hold on power is not quite as absolute as they would like everyone to believe?
What??? If all it takes to rule the world is to give the illusion that you don’t, why not use it? If the shmuks want to run around waving flags: let them. No sweat for Lazy Boy.
I doubt that it was ever any different.
I believe in my government.
The New Normal is here…
Careful you don’t catch the Turd Flu…
The stage has been reset and all the players are in the process of donning their costumes for the next act in the Satanic Oligarchy’s macabre play.
You can’t stop it, I can’t stop it and all we can do is prepare ourselves for the intensification of the war on our collective and individual minds, spirits , emotions and physical bodies.
Hunker down because that tropical depression emanating from DC and the City of London is about to upgrade to Category 5.
Pray, meditate and prepare.
In solidarity with all of you!!!
I am well prepared and looking forward to it.
I think he meant a shit sandwich
Un sandwich de merde, c’est quoi ca?…:)
Kudos Thom its a good feeling when you’ve done your due diligence and consequently disposed of the fear factor…Peace
Well in that case, can the people declare war on Pfizer Inc and bump off all executive officers of the nation they are at war with? Can they declare war on Larry Fink at Blackrock and bump off his entire family? Can they declare on Jamie Dimon et al and bump all of them off too???
If the new nations are the multinationals, then the new militaries are the executive officers of those firms and they are legitimate targets in bloody and deadly wars.
What, you want to fight the brain-dead militaries with your kitchen knives and forks?
Vietcong did just that, and did it!
But not many people have the courage to do just that. It requires you have made your mind up. Enough is enough.
I have come to realize that the day of their bump shall arrive, sometimes I’m just not patient enough to wait for it, years that end in 8 are always an interest with me.
I imagine getting the information of their habitual location is just as hard as actually getting to them without an air force.
Some of the owners of the Western “ democracies “
That doesnt mean all bookkeepers are like Eichmann, Sachs and Alexandra.
Some of the bookkeepers and the CFO’s are doing an honest and fine job!?
Thank you for the script of that famous Network monologue, Mr. Hopkins.
I have been referring to it for the past few weeks.
I substitute IBM, etc with Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street, Federal Reserve, City of London.
Paddy was a genius.
Where have all the good writers gone?
Wherever, unfortunately, the good investigative journalists have gone.
Being an investigative journalist takes a certain type of being who is willing to put themselves at risk both professionally and literally for very little renumeration. Truth over Gold is a rare commodity in this world. Power to those people who dare to tell the truth…
And what was Chayefsky’s (real first names: Sidney Aaron) great solution for what he’d exposed in ‘Network’?
Read the “quality press”…. read ‘The New York Times’!….
Genius is often tainted with mental chaos.
Network was a triumph compared with the shit we are dished up these days.
I’m sorry to go off topic so soon but I think this is a hugely important issue:
Helen Joyce here gives voice to a dread which I have been feeling and which is the logical culmination for possibly the most evil contrived implosion in all social management – the incubation of a ferocious psychosis that has already infected a vast number of people who will then go on to set off a chain reaction of social and political disasters that will bring down whole swathes of the social fabric.
The same applies to those who have coerced others, especially their children, into getting the C-shots and caused them irreparable harm. I remember one doctor (!) who put him son into hospital due the jab and he still defended his pro-C-shot position.
It seems that the protection of the ego is the absolute red line we humans cannot have anyone cross.
She likes a 666 hand signal….
it is imperial decay.
I’m expecting an RFK wave will soon sweep over the United States. The stage is set; the script is about to be flipped. We’re in for a ride. Besides; the dark powers holding humanity down concede the need for the creative brilliant beauty of human-kind to flourish, if we are to move along the Kardashev scale.
We live in very interesting times. Peace and love to you all.
[Not advocating for RFK personally, just realizing how he could be constructed as a saviour character for a nation in turmoil].
Nice to see that CJH can still do good stuff.
Holy guacamole!
There’s so many ‘enemies’ out there I don’t know which direction to run.
Guess I’ll just have to trust those in suits (and pantsuits) and follow their orders.
🤪_ _ _ _ _🤔_ _ _ _ _😉
(and pantsuits).
Hilarious. Or Hillaryious, I guess.
Wot you mean ‘Heil-I- Hilary-us?’
Is Hilary waiting in the wings,
preparing to swoop down like a vulture, and pick over Old Jo’s carcass?
You bet.
She was born to rule.
God help us.
Perhaps Hillary will be resurrected and pick Moochelle (Michael Soweto) Obama as her VP lol…Oh imagine that dynamic duo…
We can never really underestimate the insane Demonrat Clown Posse’s potential to come up with something even more insane then Zombie Joe…
I wonder if Donna Brazile is into voodoo…
Talking about scripts… notice how the alt media singing the Biden bad song sheet whilst faking it there not into politics.
I suppose your last line means: “they’re (they are) not into politics”? If this were Telegram. you could upload a voice file instead of displaying yourself.
Why paint “Globocap” as unfailable? This is only strengthening their myth.
And myth it is: they don’t know the future at all and neither does their AI.
Pop that balloon with hot air.
Don’t fall off your chair – I agree!
precisely, even the most jaded observers of the scripted simulation can see the acceleration of mass narrative entropy – there are simply too many folks starting to doubt the plot while all GloboCap institutions continue to take increasingly bigger credibility hair cuts- acknowledging this awakening paired with the growing detachment of rural dissidents with astounding (literal) fire power you start to see the limits of their mindfuckery and tactical control – at some point it must pull back or go all in (below) – its simply not sustainable at this scale and at this pace of simulation break down
Unfortunately this leaves them only with “simulated catastrophe” – the hail mary grade Hollywood event and even that massive spectacle will fall flat at this stage of the game but the damage will likely be more tangible/kinetic this time around – if that’s the play
full nuclear war is off the table b/c the techno-fascist infrastructure cannot be destroyed but a “nuclear scare” could do the trick
bird flu lockdowns are likely but will face substancial/overwhelming resistance – leaving only mass casualty as an option to overpower skepticism – again, an massive play that would breakdown domestic control – still too soon for that to make sense – a sloppy covid re-run to extend and expand emergency powers/legislation while setting the stage for food supply destruction is more likely
the alternative script is the Civil War play which is more efficient kinetically and still paves the way for more emergency powers and police state Implements but again…if they go too far down that road they’ll struggle with containment at that scale – against a particular demographic that is not only heavily aimed but can also grow food etc. – key operators of supply chain infrastructure etc.
The true end game play appears to be a food contorl and frequency/pharma based health destruction gambit that has a much longer (although desperately accelerating) time horizon
I do not deny GloboCap’s immense power, control, institutiononal infiltration/capture etc. but they’re clearly approaching a season of limited options from what I can only interpret as an unsuccessful acceleration of larger plans that triggered a large scale recognition of the beast
certainly all is planned out with contingencies and script branching but there’s now guarantee for GloboCap execution and the desperation behind the acceleration is a clear indication that substancial/critical pieces of the agenda cannot be manifested after a certain threshold within the masses – thresholds in
1. Awareness/ awakening/ detachment
2. Kinetics / guns / military subordination
3. Self Sufficiency/ food / health/ decentralization
time is not on their side
tic toc…
“heavily armed” with what? Unless they can get the US air force to join them, they would get wiped like fish in a barrell, I think….
Somehow I don’t find that very reassuring.
“They” base their look through the crystal ball on ancient prophesies.
Because, “CJ” is “Controlled”, of course.