Talk Thread: Election Day in the UK

The original title of the post was simply “Election Day 2024”, but of course this is the “greatest election year in human history”, so that didn’t narrow it down enough.

Today is the general election – or rather selection – in the UK, and the consensus is that Labour are going to storm it. Hardly surprising since the only effort the Conservatives have made is going out of their way to humiliate themselves.

Seriously, the Tories have barely campaigned. Where I live I have received more Communist party leaflets than Conservatives, and the Tories hold this seat and have done for years.

Notable Conservative claiming they’ve already lost, before the polls have even opened. A risky campaign strategy to be sure.

The question doesn’t seem to be who will win, but rather how much will Labour win by.

The only possible spoiler for Sir Keir Starmer’s big day being Nigel Farage’s Reform, who have surged in the polls in the weeks running up to the election.

Realistically, according to polls and media coverage we’re looking at three potential results:

  1. Labour win a Blair-style “supermajority” and can do pretty much anything they want.
  2. Labour squeak a narrower than expected win, with Reform surging in voting and leaving Farage as leader of the opposition. Cue a bunch of concerned columns about the “rise of the far right”.
  3. Reform win a narrow victory, Farage is Prime Minister and Britain gets its own Donald Trump. Yay us. Cue even more concerned columns about the “far right”.

But what do you think?

  • Who will win?
  • By how much?
  • Will there be a clear majority or a coalition?
  • Who will be the opposition? Will Reform replace the Tories?
  • What role will Farage take moving forward?
  • If Labour win as expected, what will their first policy changes be?

Most importantly…

  • Does anyone still think their vote counts?
  • Does anyone think the result will make ANY difference to the rollout of the anti-human  globalist agenda?


We’ll keep this post updated with any important breaking news as the day progresses.


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Jul 6, 2024 2:17 AM

How boring politics is.Sir Keir wins-Yawn.Big surprise.He will be another Vile,Evil,Ruthless Globalist pawn.
Voting back and forth for the same and different versions of oppression and sleaze.

Derek Diamond
Derek Diamond
Jul 6, 2024 12:23 AM

Does anyone still think their vote counts?”

“Being Anishinaabe, and also raising an Anishinaabe/Nehiyaw/Nakoda daughter, has further affirmed the truth that we are, 100 percent, our own sovereign nations as Indigenous Peoples. It has affirmed this truth within myself as I think about the future my daughter will have growing up on the political landscape that exists today, constantly having to fight for the truth of her inherent rights.” Andrea Landry

Why I don’t vote in colonial politics

Inalienable Rights: A Suggested Solution To The Covid Coup


As an Indigenous woman, I was scared to give birth in a hospital 

This Is Not A Song, It’s An Outburst: Or, The Establishment Blues


Jul 5, 2024 6:34 PM

Do you think some of the voting is fixed? Andrew Bridgen got a very low vote compared to his 2019 win. Seems very unlikely.

Jul 5, 2024 9:07 PM
Reply to  Sofia

The latest Register of MPs’ Interests shows that Andrew Bridgen received thousands of pounds in services from Laurence Fox’s Bad Law Project. This includes “media support”, “speech writing” and “social media strategy”, all following Bridgen’s infamous H@l*******t tweet in January 2022. which cause a alt media normal msm alt media stage managed ‘controversy’. There was also financial tie between Bridgen and Reclaim. He also got a £25,000 interest free loan last August from his “mate” Jeremy Hosking, who bankrolls Fox’s Reclaim Party and also owns The Critic, which employs Toby Young. It’s a small world! Andrew Bridgen the U.K idiot version of RfKjr wannabe. ANDREW BRIDGEN – COVID 19 VACCINATION PUSHER 11:21 AM · Apr 2, 2021 Andrew Bridgen @ABridgen I have had my first vaccination of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine this morning at Masons Pharmacy in Coalville. The staff were very helpful. Can I encourage everyone to take up there… Read more »

Jul 5, 2024 5:38 PM

The first thing the new government will do is announce that they would have freed Assange if he hadn’t already been freed, and then await their well-deserved adoration for protecting free speech.

Jul 5, 2024 1:59 PM

Reformers are now the new hopium of Trust The Plan UK style. Hear is some facts. BNP in the 80’s 90’s without the GBnews 24/7 or the internet or celebrity jungle or The alternative media managed fifty seats in local government, one seat on the London Assembly, and two Members of the European Parliament. Reform was the Internet pacemaker just the like the Brexit party was to give the illusion that people really cared about Brexit and after 4 years of media madness about the contrived ritual called Brexit they voted to get it over and done with and Nigel the pacemaker back then with charge you 50£ to join The Brexit party then disbanded his party last minute and told everyone to go vote Tory (Boris) if you want Brexit done and bizarrely coincidentally= Corbin Labour party’s 2019 election campaign was quiet poor. They’ve just Switcharoo and pretended everyone… Read more »

Jul 5, 2024 1:57 PM

There was never any real chance of Reform winning under the present system. Labour won a supermajority though they actually received less votes than they did under Corbyn in either 2017 or 2019. This election was decided years ago and the Conservatives did virtually everything possible to lose it.

T Greenfield
T Greenfield
Jul 5, 2024 11:14 AM

A genuine question would be: is there really democracy? If not then what does it matter for whom you vote, what the outcome will be this time round. In my country an unelected non-politician has become prime minister two days ago (that’s The Netherlands). He has been chief of the Dutch secret service for years. Democracy? I should think not. But maybe it will fare differently in the UK….

Johnny Conspiranoid
Johnny Conspiranoid
Jul 5, 2024 10:17 AM

Labour’s share of the vote is almost exactly the same as when they lost in 2019. The Conservatives’ vote has crashed by almost exactly the share of the votes that have gone to the newly created Reform Party. It’s as if Reform were created to split the Conservative vote and give Labour a big majority. Starmer is a safe pair of hands for someones interests.

Jul 5, 2024 9:40 AM

33.8% of 59.8% is 20.2%… that’s some landslide. Those are the latest Fabian vote share and turnout figures I can find – not that it’s easy because the media are burying them in usual fashion unlike the results in seats which are trumpeted everywhere. It’s the usual psyop. I’m looking forward to all those protest songs about the 1 in 5 that won’t appear. This is not of course to make the equally usual tedious arguments about chnging the electoral system. The problems go much, much deeper. Look at European countries with PR to see they’re no better. I see that amid all the carnage Braverman, Badenoch and Jeremy (The Invisible Man except in the Guardian) Hunt kept their seats. What a shocker. The only slight pleasure is seeing Tobias Ellwood of the 77th was booted out (to no doubt reappear somewhere else causing even more harm but 24 hours… Read more »

Jul 5, 2024 10:16 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I’m trying my best to get that evanescent pleasure out of “my” tory mp’s probable demise….no, it’s gone already.

red lester
red lester
Jul 5, 2024 10:32 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The new Shropshire tory is a mercenary who keeps finding public funding, like tories somehow do in plandemics, and all those psyop ‘begging blind donkeys in war zones’ on the TV.

Jul 5, 2024 9:10 PM
Reply to  Edwige

On a New moon Independence day selection.

Jul 5, 2024 8:45 AM

The Big Think is frightfully clever! They advocate thinking and lots of it! And they can quote Kant (don’t worry about how he viewed the state – he was very clever)…

Why the sudden urging on now to forget? What could they possibly want everyone to forget? Couldn’t be the two years of lockdown and vaccinations that didn’t feature at all in the election campaign, could it?….

Like any apparently new and sudden trend it’s really not new at all. For at least two decades the trend has been to get people to contract out their memory to their devices. ‘We can remember it for you wholesale’ as Dick-heads are prone to say. Gotta keep those brain cells free for some really important activity – like… err… what to consume next or when’s the football on?

Memory is like any muscle – use it or lose it.

Jul 5, 2024 7:13 AM

I have been voting for half a century now and I have never been able to vote for someone who actually represents my interests.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 5, 2024 6:36 AM

It can safely be said that the Labour Party has in no way ‘a mandate from the country to rule as dictators’. They have achieved 34.4% of the vote, less than David Cameron got when he had to go into Coalition with the Liberal Democrats. No-one should have any tolerance whatsoever for any Labour liar that says they have ‘won’ this election. They have won lots of seats due to an unrepresentative electoral system. Nearly twice as many people voted NOT LABOUR as voted for the Labour Party, yet already, the Labour Party has nearly 400 seats, with around 50 still to declare. In a truly representative system, they would have around 200 seats. The Liberal Democrats actually have about the right number of seats – 65 on 12% of the vote. Reform UK ave secured 600,000 more votes than the LibDems but have 4 seats. They also secured 20… Read more »

Jul 5, 2024 8:13 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

No tolerance either for calling themselves “Labour” – it’s the Fabians who are in the driving seat.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 5, 2024 8:17 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Regardless of PR or FPTP, I am sitting here this morning knowing that I live in a nation of idiots.

Labour will drown the country,as con have done, following the replacement policy.

Instead of NHS reform, Starmer will shovel billions into the black hole.

Green belt will be destroyed.

Yet the people who voted Labour in KNEW this when they voted !


The phrase ‘couldn’t be worse’ are dangerous but on this occasion Reform, even if they just solved the boats, couldn’t have been worse.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 5, 2024 12:12 PM

The beauty of democracy: people are steered to vote a certain way by the media, then they do and whatever happens it ends up neing their fault for choosing the wrong party/candidate. So the ones that own the money supply, the media/entertainment, and run the intricate back rooms of govt where decisions are made laugh all the way to the bank (quite literally).

les online
les online
Jul 5, 2024 1:12 AM

US thinking seems to have been;
As the USA was initiated by a treasonous act it’ appears
hypocritical to do over Julian Assagne on a Treason charge.
Therefore, release Julian back into Freedom in time for USA’s
Independence Day… It’ll make US look good ?

les online
les online
Jul 5, 2024 12:23 AM

A politician who believes men have a cervix is not evidence of the success of
trans or whatever screwd-up ideology, it’s evidence of that politicians ignorance.
That anyone would vote such ignoramuses into 0ffice is a frightening thought…

Jul 5, 2024 4:38 PM
Reply to  les online

Who’s a member of the Trilateral Commission? Founded by David Rockefeller.
Anthony Blinken.
Keir Starmer.
Starmergeddon’ may well not be an exaggeration.

Jul 6, 2024 5:57 AM
Reply to  les online

The issue is bigger that party politics or government. The social subversives have raised trans-sex from private adult practice or delusion to a matter of rights (over-ruling parents’ rights), criminal insult, etc. If our core bisexual reality can be undermined, our end is not far off.

Jul 4, 2024 11:31 PM

We Cannot have a selections, without this quote that has now been factchecked.

A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 5, 2024 12:13 PM
Reply to  nima

The same applies to the covid op.

Jul 4, 2024 11:19 PM

Total shambles this voting of the Uk and elsewhere. Never true democracy and the only true democracy is God and even that has been high jacked by loonies. Stay true to yourself and let others falter but help those in need for one day you maybe in need.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 4, 2024 10:56 PM

Aren’t the Tories and the Labor Party similar to the Dems and Repubs, in that they’re two sides of the same coin.

Jul 4, 2024 11:12 PM
Reply to  Charlotte Ruse

Labor were at least somewhat left-wing a while ago, and Corbyn was the last bit of that. The Demoncrats have never been left-wing.

Charlotte Ruse
Charlotte Ruse
Jul 5, 2024 1:58 AM
Reply to  LOL

You’re probably right as Bernie Sanders is a total bullshit artist.

Jul 5, 2024 8:14 AM
Reply to  LOL

Remember Momentum? What happened to them?…

Jul 5, 2024 2:02 PM
Reply to  LOL

What is remarkable is that a few years ago both the major parties had leaders who, whatever you may have thought of them, were hugely popular with the membership. Both of them have been cast out into the outer wilderness, about as far from power as it is possible to be, and replaced by identikit globalists. Almost as if it was planned…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2024 10:09 PM

As an example of the approaching intensification of the trans lunacy that will be accelerating under Starmer, consider a case of reversed morality as reported in the Graud: “Georgia lawsuit challenges anti-LGBTQ+ book bans over ‘real harms’ Lawsuit says student and youth groups hurt after teacher was fired for reading My Shadow is Purple to students” Featuring the reversal whereby it is the stopping of a murderous paedophiliac cult that causes “harm”. The children will be horribly deprived of “life saving” mental and physical mutilation. We get the “harrowing” tale of AA, a “transgender” student harassed because the one teacher stupid enough to go along with this degrading pantomime was dismissed leaving AA to suffer all manner of life threatening stress when those around HIM refused to enter the wondrous psychotic World of trans. And which shower of ideological goons are behind this shite? Why, none other than that good… Read more »

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jul 4, 2024 11:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Plan ‘B’ then?

Jul 5, 2024 8:16 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The body carrying out “gender transitioning” in the UK was the Tavistock Clinic.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2024 8:38 PM

If THIS Labour Party is “the face of the new” as the media have already decided then it condemns us to a world of braindead overgrown infants without the merest sense of history, politics, the English language, … indeed frankly without the merest sense full stop. The embarrassing antics of those enlarged middle aged male babies with make-up, wigs and dresses and their squeaky infantile voices encouraging you to come and play with them signals an endless psychotic withdrawal into a perverted fantasy world of permanently arrested sexuality. It’s as if we are trapped in the world of the Teletubbies but five decades after they aged and became decrepit but still insisted on acting like nursery charges.

Jul 5, 2024 12:14 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“it condemns us to a world of braindead overgrown infants without the merest sense of history, politics, the English language, … indeed frankly without the merest sense full stop.”

It would be the opposite of condemnation if the global population realised that nationalism (like religion) is just a tool used (by those psychopaths who know better) to divide and conquer.

English scum is the same as Russian scum.

The problem isn’t just that the psychopaths are psychopaths – it is that most are incredibly gullible.

If there is a creator (even of the simulation), the design is malfeasant

Jul 4, 2024 8:20 PM

Jul 5, 2024 8:19 AM
Reply to  jenny

The original Disraeli had some interesting things to say about where power really resides in the UK.

See ‘Coningsby’ fro example.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2024 8:01 PM

Interesting coverage of the Tory campaign:
 “Senior Tory criticises ‘worst campaign in my lifetime’ as frustration grows”-       The Guardian
 “How the Tory campaign imploded” – The Times
 “How Right Wing newspapers changed their coverage as Tory campaign imploded”-       Inews

 You may ask if this is “skewed” reporting but at this point it ought to be clear that what these politicians do and how it is reported are two fields that meld imperceptibly together. “The Management” (i.e. the overall power centre) makes the decisions and then issues the script which is followed by the players and the reporters. It is obvious that the Tories were told they must bow out, they act accordingly, and the media gleefully reports their downfall.

To paraphrase Tolkien, The Age of Neoliberal is over. The Time of Biosecurity has come.

les online
les online
Jul 4, 2024 11:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Australia is in the grip of an building industry manufactured housing crisis… The latest version of Official Concern is over there being So Many Vacant Houses about the city… Prediction: the next stage of Official Concern will be over the many selfish elderly persons, whether alone or couples, still living in The Family Home, though the kids have long flown the coop… This undoubtedly will lead to the State forcibly acquiring the Selfish Aged Persons homes, and removing Gran & /or Granps to a Rest Home to “free up the housing stock”, though it’s also likely that, like in 1919-20 post-civil war Russia, the State will order Gran** to surrender all spare rooms for others to live in… Though the Housing Boom has been restrained, not so building inner urban high-rise blocks in which to ‘pack and stack’ the numerous migrants invited by the government – necessary as they are… Read more »

Jul 5, 2024 8:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The power of “the right-wing press” is something they want to put to bed. It’s served its purpose and it’s race is run.

Jul 4, 2024 7:38 PM

who cares

Jul 4, 2024 7:15 PM

Reform UK will do well to get 20 seats (probably an overestimate).

But look for the ‘exit poll’ around 10pm UK time (around 3 hours from this post). Usually uncannily accurate (no need to stay up all night)…

Jul 4, 2024 6:43 PM

Seriously, the Tories have barely campaigned.

The Torys haven’t done any promotion..?
They have a news channel called GBnews pumping migrant / commis coming to get you 25 hours a hours 8 days aweek with half the Conservative party as paid presenters and some of alt media like your self.
You used to promote the GBnews weekly Neil mason Oliver monologues.

John Milton
John Milton
Jul 4, 2024 8:38 PM
Reply to  nima

You obviously don’t live in an area that has been culturally enriched by the mass importation of illegal migrants.

Jul 4, 2024 11:35 PM
Reply to  John Milton

Nationalism is our form of incest, is our idolatry, is our insanity. ‘Patriotism’ is its cult… Just as love for one individual which excludes the love for others is not love, love for one’s country which is not part of one’s love for humanity is not love, but idolatrous worship.


Common Sense
Common Sense
Jul 5, 2024 6:51 AM
Reply to  nima

Nationalism is the love of one’s nation as built by our ancestors, NOT idolatry. Patriotism is the willingness to stand up for the principles represented by it.

There is absolutely no connection between excluding the love of others and loving yourself and the principles of your ancestry. If you can’t love yourself, your family, your community and your nation, you’re also incapable of extending that love to others in the world.

The natural order of love is self, family, community, nation, world. It all starts at home.

Johnny Conspiranoid
Johnny Conspiranoid
Jul 5, 2024 10:34 AM
Reply to  nima

The sentiments of GBNews serve to promote the Reform Party which in turn serves to split the Tory vote. See how that works?

Jul 4, 2024 6:42 PM

Although it is already “such a beautifully multicultural”, Germany is still (actually forever) a scary country, says a “British” Jew. It is sheer inconsolable. However, there is still one way to get rid of your historical guilt: Only a Germany that has completely disappeared from the face of the earth can ultimately become also a truly good Germany in our highly critical eyes! Is that a decent offer that you could be happy with? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_Ronay


Jul 4, 2024 5:55 PM

People desperately want to believe in these hollow civic rituals. Anyone who thinks spending (wasting) an iota of financial or political capital on electoral politics to be a worthwhile endeavor is living in some fantasy land.  In every election you are bombarded with propaganda about how “your vote makes a difference” and associated nonsense. According to the official version ordinary citizens control the state by voting for candidates in elections. The politicians are supposedly servants of “the people” and the government is an instrument of the general populace. This version is a myth. The way the system is designed all elected representatives will do some version of what big business and the state bureaucracy want, not what “the people” want. Elected representatives are figureheads. Politicians’ rhetoric may change depending on who is elected, but they all have to implement similar policies given similar situations. Elections are a scam whose function… Read more »

Les Misrables
Les Misrables
Jul 4, 2024 8:13 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Absolutely true 100% I hope you don’t mind I have reposted this on Facebook !

Jul 4, 2024 11:48 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

The insane run the asylum.
Anarchy (rules WITHOUT Rulers) now.

les online
les online
Jul 5, 2024 12:13 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Here in Down Under the ruling faction of the Australian Uniparty, the Labor
Party, suspended a party parliamentarian for her outspoken support for
Palestinians, ie, going against Party support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinians…
The Pollie has resigned from the Uniparty, and Middle East migrants, whom
Labor gets tons of votes from, are withdrawing their support…
There’s no opening yet for a Nigel Farage to come save The System, but we’ll
get there… (The Spectacle, or Revolution ? We know which the masses prefer >)

Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Jul 5, 2024 7:48 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Every politician in every country right across the world is owned, either through blackmail, bribery or pure self interest( which will eventually lead to blackmail) Not one of them has “the people’s” interest at heart.

Jul 5, 2024 8:29 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

“In every election you are bombarded with propaganda about how “your vote makes a difference” and associated nonsense.”

One of those things where they all agree which always tells you you’re hitting on something close to the belly of the beast.

I saw Mick Jagger pushing the importance of voting recently. Does an 80 year old rock’n’roll rebel have nothing better to do? That’s the same Mick Jagger who penned ‘Eazy Sleazy’ during lockdown and who emerged out of the Rothschild-Fabian LSE.

Jul 6, 2024 5:14 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Ughh.Mick is doing a rock concert where I live.

Jul 4, 2024 5:50 PM

“Bank cancels AfD donation account The AfD has apparently lost its donation account. This has been reported by several media outlets. This is not entirely new for the party. The AfD has to find a new bank for donations. According to information from the Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the federal party’s account at Berliner Volksbank will be closed. The Omas Gegen Rechts association had launched an online petition demanding that the bank close the AfD account. According to the association, the head of the bank met with the grannies on Wednesday. The petition was handed over at the meeting.” They don’t call themselves “Grannies Against Extremism”. Rechts has the same meaning as right: on the one hand the right side, on the other hand synonymous with “correct” and law. They could just as well call themselves “Leftist Grannies Against Democracy”. “The initiative was founded by journalist Susanne Scholl and Monika Salzer. Scholl is… Read more »

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 4, 2024 5:29 PM

You’ve been there before — several times. The 1959 was won handily by the Macmillain for the the Conservatives with their “You’ve Never Had It So Good” only to have the party implode a few years later in scandals and mismanagement. So after 13 years of Tory rule Labour got a a majority and the government. This lasted until 1970; the 70s started with a Conservative government (and entry into the EC) followed by Labour — “undecided”, I’d call it — culminating in the win for the Conservatives under Thatcher in 1979. This administration lasted for 17 years, eventually disintegrating in a pattern of misasma and corruption. This is followed by Blair and Brown, nominally Labour, followed by another dozen years or so of Conservative rule which, again, imploded in a miasma of incompetence and corruption (sense a pattern here?). So, expect a Labour government, “sort of” (post Corbyn purge… Read more »

Jul 4, 2024 4:53 PM

Nah, there are better things to think about: Pseudo-sapience is the leading paradigm in modern culture- an arrogance born out of the “scientific enlightenment” which supposedly liberated us from the yoke of “god” and the church. As a Turtle Island elder said: “These people can do all these clever things with the computer… but they are empty inside“. Modern human beings have the illusion of free rational thought and free will, when in fact one set of dogmas based on lies and abstractions has been replaced with another, with the underlying morals and metaphysics largely unchanged. God has been replaced by scientism and the word of “scientists” in the media is not only unquestionably accepted as truth, it is also violently protected. The internet has become the greatest ever propaganda machine with sites such as Wikipedia serving to manipulate the hive mind with unprecedented effectiveness. Here, anonymous hands can easily… Read more »

Jul 5, 2024 5:01 PM
Reply to  LOL

Yup, ‘telempathy’ the present, and the way onward, wherein it will still be NOW. Start as you mean to go on. The presence is the PRESENT.

Jul 4, 2024 4:39 PM

Farage is the only non-globalist in play, thus making this vote simple for legal natives.

He upset the US apple cart once with Brexit, why not again?

Bored now
Bored now
Jul 4, 2024 5:12 PM
Reply to  antonym

He’s a 3rd generation banker who delivered a key note speech for the WEF Great Reset, speaking straight after then Prince Charles. That makes him a devout globalist in my book

Jul 5, 2024 3:24 AM
Reply to  Bored now

Amanda Ware
Amanda Ware
Jul 4, 2024 7:39 PM
Reply to  antonym

Dream on

Jul 5, 2024 8:31 AM
Reply to  antonym

The Farage who called for Tony Blair to be made vaccination czar during lockdown?

Jul 4, 2024 4:14 PM

Interesting how UK “conservatives” are giving up to “liberals” captainship, while “liberals” are giving it up to “conservatives” in the US. They’re both the same, interchangeable parts of the Western Empire machine playing musical chairs, thinking the prols don’t see the wall-to-wall fraud. Hah!

Jul 4, 2024 6:54 PM
Reply to  sandy

Notice a pattern ..? Since Bs19 all the political party’s have played musical chairs.
In the EU and most of the Western and Eastern world the same has happened
left has gone right right has gone left and new political partys appear talking internet waffle.
it makes the electorate, feel like there team in government is winning this time..

Jul 4, 2024 4:10 PM

Any remaining ounce of doubt what Monbiot really is?…

He really doesn’t want to do it – but that dreadful Trump has just forced him! Solar-powered bombers with payloads full of fully biodegradable shrapnel piloted by woke hipsters no doubt.

The early returns are in and the first winner is… the MIC. Ain’t it always.

Jul 4, 2024 11:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

There is nothing we can do to stop his election

Monbiot referring to Orange Hitler

Jul 4, 2024 3:58 PM
  • Who will win?

I don’t care.

  • By how much?

I don’t care.

  • Will there be a clear majority or a coalition?

I don’t care.

  • Who will be the opposition? Will Reform replace the Tories?

There is no opposition.

  • What role will Farage take moving forward?

Same as before.

  • If Labour win as expected, what will their first policy changes be?

Some sort of fascism, just like before.

Ann in Oregon
Ann in Oregon
Jul 4, 2024 6:30 PM
Reply to  Luke

Right on. Who cares. Don’t vote.

Jul 4, 2024 7:02 PM
Reply to  Luke

Think of the level of consciousness it wants to keep it viewership on.
Something supposedly called alternative which sells make believe ”voting is real”.
so lets keep talking about unisex toilets or trannies or did Biden shit his pants.

John Milton
John Milton
Jul 4, 2024 8:43 PM
Reply to  Luke

Yes, but being a white male will become illegal much sooner under “women can have a penis” Starmer’s rule.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2024 3:08 PM

And since Sir Keir retracted his unwise enthusiasm for the male cervix he’s clearly pulling out all the stops to look as if he might have a pair, in the rugged old sense.

Andrew F
Andrew F
Jul 4, 2024 3:06 PM

Sir Lord Keir Starmer was the director of crown prosecutions when he wrote to the Swedish prosecutors as they were saying there was nothing in the Assange allegations: “Don’t get cold feet”. Now that I’ve put that “on topic” comment I can segue into my missing comment on the last Off-G piece (the sloppy smear job on Assange). Assange has been invisible for a week since he was “freed”. Has he been “Skripalled”? The missing comment was: Interesting article, but it doesn’t work for me. Missing context indicates bias and lack of bona fides. Firstly, the Belfast Telegraph (I don’t give MSM ‘journalists’ much credence on anything they say ever, but that’s the source used here – and it’s a mild smear piece anyway) quote attributed to Assange is preceded by: “His obsession with secrecy, both in others and maintaining his own, lends him the air of a conspiracy theorist.… Read more »

Jul 4, 2024 2:45 PM

If you believe there is essentially a global conspiracy to enslave the human race, its not a great leap of faith is it to believe the results of elections are rigged.

I.e. it doesn’t matter who you vote for, the results are already decided.

Seems to me thats the case.

Lets see later what they have decided……

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2024 2:56 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Well it’s a bit of a giveaway when they tell you in advance.

Erik Nielsen
Erik Nielsen
Jul 4, 2024 9:01 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

The concept is wrong. We became slaves the moment we were kicked out from paradise.
The rest is nuances.

Jul 4, 2024 2:07 PM

Starmer’s “pledge” that the UK won’t rejoin the EU in his lifetime seems to show some concern about Reform.

The Fraud’s leading photo-scroll of the leaders voting included a lapdog sitting up and begging. Cutesy clickbait… or morbid mockery?

Will two years of house arrest, poisoning blood, poisoning the rivers and beaches, massive economic robbery (i.e. inflation), two lunatic wars and much more besides be enough to make open Fabianism palatable? Or will it be more disguised Fabianism? Choices… choices….

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jul 4, 2024 1:53 PM

How’s that for a “representative democracy”?


How much, if at all, do you think the 2024 election campaign has addressed the issues you are most concerned about?
Conducted 3 July 2024
YouGov surveyed 3447 GB adults

Very much . . . . . . 2 %
A fair amount . . . 16 %
Not very much . .. 41 %
Not at all . . . . .. . 30 %
Don’t know . . . . . 11 %

Jul 4, 2024 5:22 PM

And in a historic landslide victory, the 18% have it! 🤡

Chris Chadwick
Chris Chadwick
Jul 4, 2024 6:20 PM

Made me think of Devid Brent and Big Keith.
“If Don’t Know wasn’t an option…”

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2024 1:39 PM

No doubt about it. This is the anxious Corbyn replacement vertical rabbit’s big cue to …. well to stand and panic before that oncoming headlight for however many years it takes to sterilize all kids, impose as many lockdowns as needed on whatever pretences in order to cage up the protestors, impose insect takeaways, make nude pride marches compulsory, ban all books written more than 5 minutes ago, sanction the removal of one word from the English language every week, and have all WW2 movies re-edited to re-present them as accounts of Oct 7.

Jul 4, 2024 1:30 PM

I’m sort of hoping for 2, just so I don’t have to spend the next five years looking at both Starmer and Sunak. Article in the DT today reckoned Starmer will be elected with a lower vote share than Corbyn lost with in 2019, so not exactly a ringing endorsement.

Nicholas Creed
Nicholas Creed
Jul 4, 2024 1:30 PM

Whoever gets in, the globalist policies will be followed. If Labour wins, Starmer will dutifully roll out CBDC, digital ID, Net Zero acceleration, and Universal Basic income, fast. I see the greatest threat coming from the risk of bail-ins. The fact that Starmer recently changed the definition of a working person to be “someone who relies on public services and has no savings” sounds ominous. The Bank of England passed its own Bail-in legislation which went into effect after we ‘left’ the EU. I wrote about it here: UK Uniconomy: Universal Basic Income and Bail-Ins

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 4, 2024 2:26 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

Bank bail-ins were enshrined in legislation in most of the developed world around 2010.

Yet, to be used since it would scare the human cattle and cause further bank-runs, it is the ultimate wealth destruction tool. Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and First Republic being 3 notable failures from U.S 2023 banking crisis, that were rescued with no losses to depositors.

When the day arrives of a systemic collapse then the bail-ins will be used. Then no-one will have any savings except those who got their cash out or have been given some sort of discrete exemption or work around to the bail-ins.

Jul 4, 2024 7:42 PM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

I think there was a bail in in Cyprus a number of years ago (10 maybe?)

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 4, 2024 8:41 PM
Reply to  davcmat

There was in 2013 but I didn’t mention it because it was structured such that only those with in excess of euro 100,000 in deposits suffered a haircut. So the standard EU limit of protection upto 100k was respected. Plus, the bail-ins were ‘marketed’ as only affecting Russian dirty money!

In a systemic event, everyone will get burnt, since the various deposit insurance funds are woefully underfunded. Great excuse to rob the people.

underground poet
underground poet
Jul 4, 2024 9:30 PM
Reply to  davcmat

The Greeks sold out their country about that time too, today they have to put the pedal to the metal w/a 48 hours 6 day work week as the new normal to make ends meet.

These are tough hard nosed individuals, they might not think anything of it, but try to export that philosophy to the rest of Europe or America and the results will not be as good.

Jul 5, 2024 7:28 AM
Reply to  Rolling Rock

Already used in Cyprus around 2012, maybe because it provided an opportunity to seize private deposits from Russia.

Jul 4, 2024 3:41 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

Interesting = The fact that Starmer recently changed the definition of a working person to be “someone who relies on public services and has no savings” sounds ominous. I suppose if the majority of people are just 2 or 3 wage checks from insolvency, this definition could represent the majority of people in both the UK or elsewhere. Wage slaves, free range slave, choice is yours, but an actually slave the master/owner had to provide food, clothing and shelter as per a farmer for his livestock. But for the small number of people who are able, or have built up assets to more or less be independent of political interference, we are simply interested onlookers, no influence, but aware of the system we live under. But if the UK, plus the rest go down the road of Universal Basic Income, which no doubt we shall fund it ourselves, we shall… Read more »

Jul 4, 2024 7:14 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

Nicholas Creed, try this…..go to your bank and ask them… kindly that you want to draw out 5k that day that minute now and see whats happens.? 99% of the time they will say in very suspicious ways, you cant take that money out. need to fill out forms or calls this number to explain why you need to have that much cash taken out of your own fukcing bank account. Or Go pay £6.100 to a car dealership in cash and the car dealership by law have to report it to the inland revenue under the anti  laundering regulations (brought in under the torys).   E>U the same spill. under money laundering regulations is, any business or sole trader that accepts or makes high value cash payments of 10,000 euros or more. USA the same: Federal law requires a person(business’) to report cash transactions of more than $10,000 by filing Form 8300, Report of Cash Payments… Read more »

Rolling Rock
Rolling Rock
Jul 4, 2024 7:47 PM
Reply to  nima

Yup, same everywhere. It is no longer your money when you put it in a bank. It becomes a liability of the bank. You have lent it to them.

Anyway, an Aussie Tiktokker had a unique way of asking for his dough in cash from the the Aussie banks. Funny as fuck to see the reactions of the “just following orders” bank employees.


George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2024 8:11 PM
Reply to  Nicholas Creed

And if Labour doesn’t win?

Jul 5, 2024 5:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc