Fascism 2.0 – Globalism and the subjects of interest

This is Part 2 of Paul’s “Fascism 2.0” series, part one can be read HERE.
In this second article in a series of three, I’m going to set the developments we have seen regarding Social Media censorship in the context of globalist power structures and suggest there is growing evidence the narrative manipulation we information consumers have been witnessing is in service to a globalist cause.
It’s important, I think, when having this kind of a discussion, to avoid falling into the trap of talking about a conspiratorial nebulous “they” without adequately defining who “they” are because such thinking leads to imprecise and ill justified reasoning and can, quite rightly, lead to the accusation of conspiracy theory style thinking. So I will define exactly what I mean by globalism and globalists. Your own definition may differ, but this is what I mean.
Globalists possess extreme wealth, typically in the billions, and can live anywhere in the world they choose. They have diversified international business interests, often shared with other globalists, and frequently receive invitations to events like Davos from the WEF.
The people we are speaking of inhabit a rarified and incestuously small community. Additionally with the arrival of the Internet, Globalism has been transformed, with the opportunity for ad-hoc co-opting of the powerful greatly enhanced. As the world has shrunk, the most influential power brokers have drawn closer together, breaking down barriers of geography and physical location.
Globalists are in the enviable position that they, unlike the common citizen, are able to leverage tax and legislative competition between countries. So for example Ireland’s GDP leapt after Ireland in 2003 quite deliberately introduced the EUs most competitive corporation tax rate (12.5%). The influx of tech businesses to Dublin brought an immense boost to the Irish economy and boosted Irish GDP to enviable levels. Globalists can pick and choose where they do business.
Now we know who Globalists are, I’m going to provide a particular definition of Globalism distinct from the old-world brochure-wear version: The old version runs something like this: Globalism is the activity of engaging in Economic Integration, Cultural Exchange, Multilateral Cooperation, Migration and Mobility policy making and Technology and Information exchange. And it is true it does involve these things, but in my opinion, the more revealing way to view globalism is by looking at the subjects and policy areas in which Globalists show greatest interest. And those are:
- Environment: Man-Made Global warming
- Global Health Security (World Health)
- Banking and International Finance
- Central Banking Digital Currency and Digital Identity
- Regional economic development
- Defence (arms manufacture and supply)
- Population and migration
We know these interests because the WEF website and agenda over the years, has revealed them to us, over and over. Look carefully at this list. Do you notice a common thread?
One consequence of the pandemic period was that people began to wake-up to the fact government policy can be implemented at the drop of a hat that will hand billions trillions of dollars to corporations owned by those who are already the wealthiest in the world. Through pandemic policy, the extent of the handover was so fast, so brazen, so deeply affecting of our lives, it could hardly be missed.
According to a report by Oxfam, during the pandemic, the world’s wealthiest individuals saw their fortunes rise dramatically, with the ten richest men doubling their wealth from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion. This surge highlights a broader trend where the wealthiest 1% gained $1.4 trillion.
Meanwhile, the world’s poor and middle classes, including small and medium-sized businesses, collectively lost around $1.3 trillion due to economic disruptions.
Just consider the local shops people were no longer visiting during lockdown. Instead, of course, they were buying from Amazon.
And pharmaceutical firm revenues were also a part of the redistribution. The revenues, all mandated by government, were mind boggling (even where there were no government mandates and private healthcare, the vaccines were purchased with tax money). Pfizer alone saw revenues of over $150 billion through government vaccine and other mandated pharmaceuticals purchase. And now people are increasingly aware this was off the back of the products that were always unsafe, ineffective and rushed to market.
Text messages between EU Commission President, Ursula Von Der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, reveal in secret Von Der Leyen agreed to purchase 4.6 billion doses of the Pfizer, vaccine, or ten shots shots per man woman and child living in the EU. Ten!
To some it has become clear, at best, it can be said that for Pfizer, safety took a second seat to a money grab of epic scale. To others, they are corporate psychopaths of the highest order. And Pfizer, we should not forget, have been subject to the second largest corporate fine – $2.3 billion – for criminal malfeasance ever paid in the pharmaceutical industry. Further during Covid, together with the CDC, Pfizer attempted to use the courts, to hide the vaccine trial data for 75 years. Re-analysis of their own trial data (only possible because they failed in their attempt to hide it) has since shown the vaccines were never safe.
Through these recent events (and helpfully nudged along by podcasters like Joe Rogan and Russel Brand), many have begun to wake-up to how the globalist money-grab works and how it has been operating similarly, if less obviously, across a number of sectors for years.
The common thread in these globalist topics is that each represents a vast, policy-driven market worth billions or trillions.
In the brochure-ware version of the list, each of these subject areas involves moral imperatives. The moral imperatives dictate that the actions and policies implemented by governments around the world, are important to ease fulfilment of virtuous objectives (like preventing global warming).
In practice, like with the vaccines during the pandemic, the value of these policy endowments to global business is so vast that the likelihood of avarice and self-interest cannot be ignored – indeed, I would argue, it becomes inevitable.
The scale of these policy-driven markets is so vast, it’s difficult to fully grasp in a single article. The many ways in which they take money from you and me without the policies first having been produced through a clear democratic process are legion. When you start to break it down, the “scam” is so vast, it’s difficult to grasp it all. So I won’t try to do that in a single article.
Instead I will point to one company which also ties-up an important point I want to make about the nature of globalist finance. Globalists cross-invest. When people become that wealthy, though they usually made the bulk of their money from one sector, they quickly start to diversify.
Cash is for ad-hoc spending and is only ever a tiny fraction of asset value. Cash loses out on interest payments. Investment asset value in multi-billions is almost always represented by shares in business interests or funds, essentially less liquid financial instruments than cash.
So almost by definition when you have billions, you have investments in many things. And what you have invested in will overlap with the investments of other globalist billionaires. Through hedging, you end up owning a little bit of pretty much everything out there that is significantly profitable, and there will be a special focus on business in those preferred policy driven sectors I listed above because, as I have indicated, the revenues there can be assured; the playing field tilted.
The important point to understand is that as well as spreading the risk, the number of areas in which you have an interest is multiplied and, just as importantly, the number of globalist billionaires with whom you share an interest is also increased. The result is a highly diversified, ultra powerful financial unit (a cabal if you like) who hold in common to a massive degree, interest in lobbying for broadly the same policies and ensuring they are applied in the broadly the same policy-driven markets.
And if you want a good example of kind just how diverse these investments get, you only need to look at the worlds largest fund management company, Blackrock.
Fortunately for us, a Blackrock executive recently committed to video insight into how the system works. He didn’t mean to. It was a sting. But the video is fascinating. Additionally presidential candidate RFK Jr has also given some great video summary overviews of how the system works.
So first, let’s examine the video of Blackrock executive Serge Varlay.
In it we are informed, “Blackrock manages $20 trillion in asset value, it’s incomprehensible numbers. […] All of this is beyond an normal persons understanding.”
Well I have news for Mr Varlay. No it isn’t. For many of us it stands out like a flashing red-light. But I accept it may be the case that most people are not aware of what Varlay has to say.
“How do they run the world?” The undercover interviewer asks (who Serge seems to be under the impression is a date).
“You acquire stuff. You diversify. You acquire, you keep acquiring. You spend whatever you make in acquiring more. And at a certain point your risk level is super low. Imagine you’ve invested in 10 different industries from food to drinks to technology. If one of them fails it doesn’t matter, you have nine others to back you up. The risk money is inherently in just about everything.
You own a little bit of everything, and that little bit of everything gives you so much money on a yearly basis, that you can take this big f**k-ton of money, and then you can start to buy people.”
“It’s not the president,” he says, presumably referring to who they own, though on this point weather he is talking literally or illustratively on this point is unfortunately not made clear, “it’s who is controlling the wallet of the President.”
And on campaign financing we are told, “Yes you can buy your candidates. First there’s the Senators. These guys are f**king cheap. For $10 grand you can buy a Senator. I could give you [meaning a senator] like $500k right now, no questions asked. Are you gonna do what needs to be done?”
The interviewer asks “Does everybody do that? Does Blackrock do that?”
“Everybody does that. […] The hedge funds, Blackrock, the banks. These guys run the world.”
“It doesn’t matter who wins. They are in my pocket at this point.”
The (presumably hot) date then asks, “Do you have any thoughts on the Ukraine Russia War?”
“Ukraine is good for business. You know that right. I’ll give an example. Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos. The price of wheat is going to go mad up. The Ukrainian economy is tied very largely to the global Wheat market; price of bread, you know, literally everything, goes up and down. This is fantastic if you’re trading. The volatility creates opportunity to make profit. War is real f**king good for business.”
This last point, we should note, applies equally to all the wars waged by the West for the last 23 years (and more) and backs up the claims by presidential candidate RFK Jr that elements of the US establishment are incentivised to commit the West to a policy of assured “forever-wars” for financial gain. Remember the thread connecting the list of Globalist interests above. The revenues are policy driven. This is not a free market.
In another online video presidential candidate RFK Jr sums up how effectively Blackrock “launder” money.
“The entire budget for EPA is $12 billion. That’s all we have for the environment in this country. We are giving 12 times that to Ukraine in one year and that’s just the beginning because even if the Ukraine war ended today we’re still going to spend half a trillion there rebuilding the country. The contracts to rebuild the country are even bigger than the war contracts.
So [Senator] Mitch McConnell was asked in March, because the Republicans are supposed to be concerned about budget deficit, ‘can we really afford 113 billion’ he was asked, he said ‘Don’t worry. It’s not really going to Ukraine. It’s going to US military contractors so it’s good for our country.’
He just admitted exactly what we’ve all been saying. It’s all just a money laundering scheme by Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing and Lockheed. Who do you think owns every one of those companies?
These videos offer critical insights and are essential viewing for anyone seeking to understand the depth of globalist influence.
There is so much to talk about in relation to policy driven markets and we haven’t even begun to look at climate change and the 2030 agenda which involves yet more astronomical sums (just a little on that later), but I have presented enough to establish the principle these markets afford very substantial special forms of protected revenue – and those revenues are most usually at the expense of the taxpayers and middle classes.
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What is this simpleminded fixation on “money laundering” as if that is some sophisticated financial endall?!?! And it is consistently misused —- decidedly so here as well —– please stop referring to all embezzling and theft as “money laundering” fer crissakes!!!
It is money laundering – its a way of disguising the transfer of taxpayer funds / national debt to private hands. Money laundering uses intermediary steps to disguise the beneficiary, which is this.
My old man, a frequent star of my comments despite myself, given his historicity that plays into all these issues ~ JWE of ecjlaw com (Ervin, Cohen, and Jessup) ~ first corporate law firm founded in Beverly Hills 90210 (actually right across the line, but close enough) gave me a few inside pointers when I was a lad about money laundering, despite his better judgement. I’m glad he lapsed that way, as it gives me some real insight into all this, in a general but meaningful way.
I laid this out long ago, but it’s still always very relevant. After all, he was Armand Hammer’s attorney (til some years ago, the main park in BH was named after Hammer, and his museum is not far away, at the edge of the UCLA campus, nearby, a hotspot of global intrigue, and I’ve long heard rumors that JWE’s body was found nearby in a locked Lincoln, but I’ve never followed up on the police report, though I’m about to after 42 years delay). I also remember him dropping some clues and tales about the early years of A.P. Giannini, founder of Bank of America (Vespucci !).I’m fairly certain ECJ did that family’s taxes as well. Heavy hitters, the Gianninis.
Epstein, recently departed, has written a book about Hammer. I can’t remember where I picked up the buzz, but I have read elsewhere that Armand Hammer is one of the legendary money-launderers, all time HOF. Given his unique position, by his own words, “As the only person ever to have had lunch with Lenin and Stalin and Nixon and Reagan,” he had the no-bid “Halliburton-esque” contract with Joe Stalin to deliver all his heavy equipment during the 1930s “5 year plans” of development in USSR, tractors, land movers etc.. My sister told my Mom who told me in the last months before she passed, just as an offhand remark, about Hammer being headed to the Slammer, but ECJ weaseled him out of that rap. I guess Unkle $cam wanted about a billion of back taxes from those Russian deals of yesteryear, actually I’m guessing about the bottom line there, but it would make sense. “Didn’t Nancy tell you, dear, your Dad got Hammer off all those charges.” I sez, “DAD did that?” She says, “Well, not him, specifically, but The Firm.” (I capitalize that, since he always referred to his partners off Rodeo Drive as “The Firm” but it instantly summons the movie with Tom Cruise, about those money-launderers, for some reason, I’m not sure why, maybe just a film flashback?)
Be that, all, as it may, I had finished dinner one evening and was thinking of some way to ingratiate myself to the old man, since he had been trying to prime me with small details about corporate taxation, about which, with my cradle to grave arts fixations, I had absolutely no interest, whatever, but didn’t have the heart or stomach to tell him. So I say, in all innocence, “Hey, Dad, what kind of taxes do your clients pay? I mean, for example?”
What a question, he shot a quick glance at me, and never responded over the next year, when I brought up the question on a few other questions. It was odd to get stonewalled.
But long story shorter, one evening after dinner he points at me with a chill look and says, “Don’t you get it?! No client of mine has ever paid a penny of taxes.”
I was baffled and boggled, at twelve years old, and I say, “You do their taxes, and they never pay anything at all?”
He grunted across the table, and carried on past the interruption with the other perp in attendance then.
I got the no taxes part, but not the grunt.
It wasn’t til years later, especially after reading “Dark Money” 2016 by Jane Mayer, and listening to Richard Wolff on KPFK.org, etc, and the Joel Bakan movie “The Corporatio” from 2006, that I got the grunt: he was signalling, for later review by me, that not only do the richer ones not pay any taxes, but they externalize all of their tax burdens to us.
Fun Fact: it doesn’t take much squinting to see that Armand Hammer is the “star” [heavy, mega perp, supervillain] of the novel “Gorky Park” by Martin Cruz Smith and the subsequent very good film [screenplay by Dennis Potter, who named endearingly his terminal tumour “Rupert” after another supervillain] starring the recently departed William Hurt as the beleaguered Moscow PD detective Already tracking “Jack Osborne” played by Lee Marvin as a thinly disguised Armand Hammer: “the only American to have import/export privileges with the Soviet Union.”
That was largely a legacy from his father Dr. Julius Gamer, Russky émigré and his close connections to the Bolsheviks, as the founder over a century ago of the NYC Communist Party.
In the movie the commodity was a contraband of minks for fur coats, but that was just for a cold cover (puns alert). Hammer had founded a drug company overseas. Lot of crossovers probably, many laundered putatively, very pre-Putin.
From there the plots thicken with all connections multiplied.
At 15 my father gave me weekend chores and moving duties at “The Firm” still a booming attorney franchise at 9401 Wilshire Blvd these days (Jessup just passed in January at 101).
in the UCB building there. Daddio would on occasion have me move boxes downstairs a floor by the staircases, and at one end I would see a shingle “Melvin Belli” on the nearest door, and at the other end of the floor “F. Lee Bailey” two Esq. heavies with connections to the assassinations and so many other skulduggeries, I’ve lost count.
Melvin Belli was Lee Marvin’s attorney in his tabloidal palimony suit, 1980s.
Down the coast 50 miles I used to frequent The Jolly Roger coffee shop in Laguna Beach (demolished ten+ years ago) in my grinding poor days, reading and studying, playing piano for tips next door at Suzanne’s restaurant on PCH, mere yards from the Pacific.
A few blocks up, also on PCH, is Mystic Arts head shop, where Timothy Leary was a fixture as “den father” of the late 60s, never ever up to any good [see or read “Orange Sunshine” 2010 by Nick Schou for vital clues to all this C👁️A stuff and a whole lot more, such as a John Lennon visit in his paisley Rolls Royce].
In my sessions at Jolly Roger in the late 70s, Claudia Marvin was an almost daily guest there, long down and out on her luck, hard times, very nice, pretty, many friends, but word was she was estranged from father, Lee Marvin.
“Orange Sunshine” covers the drugs history of Laguna then, and the major role that “The Brotherhood” played there in all that mad rollicking decade. I actually have had some long chats with one of its stars, “Rainbow Reid” aka Curtis, who promoted the Laguna Canyon Pop Festival of 1970 that was the Swan Song of the Sixties. Or a big final one. He told me how Leary had just left his place in the hippie haven called Thunder Road in Laguna Canyon, when Timothy was arrested by NBPD detective Neal Purcell. He even showed me a then current picture of Purcell (2015) with his arm around Rainbow’s shoulder, as then Laguna Beach Police Chief, taken at City Hall about 10 years ago. Amazing plethora of dots, awaiting connections. Global clues, anyone, LOL?
Needless to say, but it must be said, Rainbow and his main squeeze, who I know, dropped a lot of Acid, including a drop by a rented crop duster of thousands of birthday cards over the LB Pop Festival celebrating “Happy Birthday Jesus” Christmas 1970, each card containing microdots of LSD (which of course was a Nazi invention, exported to Langley, UCLA Huxleys and Jolly West, SF & Grateful Dead, etc etc).
I told his main squeeze 9 years ago that their friend Leary was THE Left Coast C👁️A spymaster, and rolled over on all them hippies as a constant informant. Ratted them all out, usually with long prison stints.
That didn’t go down well with toeo dyed in the wool acid devotees.
Leary had been a West Point appointment as a lad and narrowly escaped a guilty verdict from a court-martial. They didn’t know that, either. In the 80s Leary co-hosted a radio show here with the recent good riddance, “G. Gordon Liddy, of Watergate infamy.
Back then, I just wanted to play Bach and concertize and compose The Great American Symphony. But a legacy of daddio’s masonry fell on top of me! It’s all good. An education in very creative liberation
Let no one dare call my life intrigue-free. Not boring by a long shot, but I prefer the Bach.
Spell check alas: not Julius Gamer, but Julius Hammer
Armie Hammer (the grandson actor) fled to the Cayman Islands (scene in “The Firm”) after he was involved in a sex scandal with some instahos.
Yeah, the uber wealthy don’t pay taxes. That’s one reason they start foundations, faux charities and NGOs.
I’ve been looking into the legal system and it’s inextricably connected to the monetary and tax system. If you reserve your rights you can gain diplomatic immunity thus avoiding the citizen-ship slave owned status of the Cestui Que Vie trust in your name.
You need the right lawyer, accountant and connections to evade taxes.
What happened to your father? Did he die under mysterious circumstances?
I thought you knew, he was “suicided” 4.16.82 in a locked Lincoln.
A VERY spooky book, which I finally gathered the guts to read a year ago [CAVEAT LECTOR!] “Master of the Mysteries” by L. Sahagun (jointly a Pulitzer winner at L.A. Times) reports Daddio’s death in chapter 10 “Metaphysical Turbulence” as “a suicide with a small calibre gun.,”
My sister, the oldest, told me some weeks after my Stepmonster died (also reported in the 2016 Sahagun book) in 2000, that LAPD had had it long filed away as a Cold Case, “evidence missing at the scene” with a .38 Saturday Night Special.
Which, as Charlton Heston would say (as father of one of my 60s schoolmates, Fraser) they had to pry from my old man’s “dead, cold fingers.”
He and his most notorious client, MPHall, the subject of the above biography, are still unsolved “Hollywood Murder Mysteries.”
Literally. Murdered 8 years apart. ’82 & 90 respectively.
Sad to state, but given their colossal crimes against humanity, just sentences. Both.
The MotM book records how SIRHAN was visiting the PRS “esoteric reading library” several times.
In 1967!
A copy of an MPH book was found under the front seat of his car…. the night of the RFK murder.
Reagan said another book that MPH wrote inspired him to enter politics.
Elvis Presley was also an MPH disciple.
All, all that quite amazing.
[You, especially, would get a kick out of knowing MPH became a Master Mason when I was two years old, (hearing his name often from my Mom, who despised all that).
On November 22, 1954….
He was made 33° in the 1970s.
A supervillain “sans pareil”!
Fascinating. Wow, I hope you can get some answers as to what really happened to your dad.
I doubt either Hall or your father deserved to die! There’s much worse people in the world than an esoteric Canadian author and his lawyer in BH. As defacto Crown Temple agents, most practicing lawyers are members. Especially if they ever want a judgeship.
Joe Rogan??? Puuuhlease! He features half the CIA shills while Danny Jones podcasts the other half!
“Globalists cross-invest” Wow! Major thought, that?!
Like nobody had BlackRock, a spinoff from the Blackstone Group, ever figured out until now?! (Blackstone —- BlackRock, major mental leap to figure that one out!?!?)
Hardly ….. heard the latest false narrative from Mockingbird player, Daniel Peter Sheehan, recruited by Richard Billings long ago —- that “the patriots” assassinated JFK as he was interested in nuclear disarmament — NEGATIVE!!!
JFK rejected the Rockefeller brothers’ demand that he support the amending of Section 25 of the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, which forbade the purchase of foreign banks by American banks — one cannot establish the Global Banking Cartel without buying into banks worldwide! Follow the money —- the historic dictate from time immemorial! In 1966, President Johnson would see the passage of that amendment —- then an explosion of “offshore tax havens” in the present described as OFCs, or Offahore Finance Centers, a required ingredient in that Global Banking Cartel!
The FS—ISAC nations/players have influence over $100 trillion — quite the ultimate in control and power!
“Liberal-fascism”: rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy.
In the US, the “central committee” is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its interlocking network of corporations, foundations, and NGOs which has controlled the US govt and media since WW2. The WEF, RIIA, Bilderberg group, Club of Rome, etc are affiliates. The major finance, energy, defense, pharma and media corps are “partners”.
US billionaires Larry Fink (BlackRock) and David Rubenstein (Carlyle) are WEF trustees. Fink is a former CFR director, and Rubenstein is the CFR chairman. The US secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security are CFR members. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens more. See lists at the CFR and WEF websites.
Paul, there is a layer behind this that no-one wants to touch because it immediately looks like – well – conspiracy theory, and your platform and even your life can be at risk. It just happens to be true. Until the world faces this hidden reality, nothing will change. Who ultimately owns BlackrocK? Who ultimately owns the most if not all of the Central Banks? Who created Israel via 2 world wars and for what purpose? Who tortured and almost killed Ronald Bernard https://www.youtube.com/@RonaldBernard and destroyed the careers of other higher level bankers who refused to participate in adrenochrome parties https://projectcamelotportal.com/2023/06/30/kerry-on-amp-adrenochrome-highway-and-sound-of-freedom/ ? And this is just the beginning.
All of this will become clear in our lifetimes. Will you help to expose it? You need to get below the window dressing. I documented much of this on my blog years ago http://www.richardpresser.com/, though my focus is on changing it these days, not talking about it.
Prof.Geoffrey Sachs reveals U$ Pharma cartel behind the Con-19 $scam:
That’s why GMO virus Covid-19 carries Moderna’s U$ Patent 2016 Spike Protein. This has been common knowledge since 2020. Why has it taken so long for a well-connected spokesman to go public?
“This virus has seen the inside of a test tube” — Luc Montagnier, 2020
Also, David E. Martin has been saying this for years.
David E. Martin has stated clearly and unequivocally that there was no novel coronavirus, regardless of the gain of function program. You are (obviously) , completely entitled to your position, but not to misrepresent the views of others to support that position.
What I was referring to, and what I think Mr. Martin would be fine with my stating, is that he has talked about the patents on the bioweapon (be it the spike protein of the created “virus” or the injection).
He speaks about the patents going back to the 90s with Ralph Baric.
He recently did an interview with Steve Kirsch which can be found on bitchute.
I could not link it.
You are correct. Weaponization of viral genomes has been going on for decades. In the early 1970s I was rubbing shoulders with virologists in a UK laboratory which included the head of Israel’s Bioweapons Establishment. The Establishment has very effectively cancelled public news of this connection. Hence your downvotes on OffG.
Prof.Sachs is the first Establishment figure to go public on the connection between U$ / UK Pharma Cartel and the creation of Frankenstein virus Covid-19.
I have not seen this virus in non of my surroundings since the beginning in year 2000.
The only thing has been people who got the jab also got positive maybe fever a 1-3 days after the jab.
We are now near the end of 2024 and I have still not seen the Corona virus in action anywhere.
I mean, considering it was a global virus hitting everyone everywhere on our little global village. Quite remarkable yes?
Apropos the global warming mitigation mentioned….using ancient greek tech, I propose a gigantic lever and fulcrum to move the planet a few miles away from the sun. Anyone with the ear of Elon please mention it to him, I’m sure it would be a breeze with a genius like him at the helm.
Oh no! Please don’t move the planet farther from the sun – otherwise the coming Ice Age will bury us all in ice!
rfk is a shill.
stop asslicking these hopium savior.
Apparently a good buddy of convid Operation Warpspeed CEO.
I would not describe RFK, Jr. as one of the shills, just a mediocrity who grew up in wealth and therefore has an inflated opinion of his severely limited intellect.
An insidious aspect of the ‘evil genius’ of the globalist undertaking is that they have claimed the moral high ground in service to censoring all opinion that challenges them – for “ethical” reasons. Now they claim the need to censor and the right to censor – “in order to protect vulnerable minorities.” So protesting mass illegal immigration is branded a “hate crime” and anyone questioning the “hate crime” label is censored as a bigot. Women are now labelled as “hateful bigots and transphobic” for simply stating that a human being with a penis should not be allowed in their changing room, rape shelters or prisons. The globalist cabal have weaponized this nonsensical “virtue signaling” – and the brain-dead woke idiots among the most educated classes in the West cheer on this completely intolerant censorship regime in the name of “tolerance” and “just be kind.” It is all now so completely surreal that you couldn’t make this stuff up.
We are all Globalists now. No? Really? Does anyone think the people of Ireland, whose tiny little boats rose an inch or two from lowering the corporate tax rate, stood up and demanded their government drive the corporate moguls out as St. Patrick drove the snakes out? Does anyone think any people anywhere on the planet shooed away those who could raise their standard of living just a tad?
No longer millions but billions; no longer billions but trillions. Is it not clear that wealth has not increased by so much as a fly speck? that only the numbers used to calculate wealth have expanded exponentially simply because money worldwide is becoming ever more worthless?
I read where John D. Rockefeller, the world’s first billionaire, would be worth over 300 billion in today’s currency. And I can assure you that King Midas, whether real or legend, would be worth trillions in today’s currency. Wealth has gotten more and more worthless the more the world’s resources are exploited. Does anyone seriously believe they would be contemplating mining the ocean floor if enough resources still remained on land?
This is the exact same scenario that caused the French revolution – off with their heads, seriously.
So you are unaware of the bankers’ involvement in that French Revolution and still wistfully adhere to the fanciful “grassroots” notion of history?
Dream on …..
What is wrong with We The People’s dream coming true?
Emperor Luis IV hanging in a lamp post and the rest of the Oligarchs guillotined. Heads rolling down the streets
Getting bogged down in definitions can be tiresome but if an author starts off by accusing everyone else of being imprecise than he needs to be precise himself…
“Fascism 2.0 – Globalism”.How does this make sense? If fascism was anything, it was nationalistic. Isn’t this really just using “fascist” to mean “anything I dislike”? Terms like authoritarian and totalitarian would be more precise and fascism was certainly both of those but neither was unique to fascism. Nazism has some potential to be more globalist given that the supposed master race may not all live within one nation (hence, for example, the Lebensborn program) and would be more accurate but still not entirely satisfactory. The element of corporatism which was central to fascism and is very much part of globalism is not so significant to nazism – but then so is eugenics and that was central to nazism but not to fascism.
The point is that globalist ideology doesn’t fit any conventional ideological category. It’s more a mash-up of the worst parts of fascism, nazism, communism and neo-liberalism. Befittingly for “the final revolution” (Huxley’s term), it’s an attempt at a meta-synthesis. Again, I can’t help but feel that the writer is still stuck in a left-rght paradigm and is trying to let communism off the hook when parts of the globalist prescription look more derived from communism than anything else (15-minute cities/internal passports for example). Actually existing communism (the only type worth bothering about) proved itself entirely compatible with monopoly capitalism beneath the rhetoric of a “workers’ state”.
Globalism is the desire to transfer sovereignty from nation-states to worldwide bodies like the UN, the ICC, the WTO and transnational corporations. It shouldn’t be controversial because from H.G. Wells calling for a “scientific world commonweal” to David Rockefeller saying he’s a globalist and proud of it in his ‘Memoirs’ they’re quite open about this being their goal in their writings. Jacques Attali calls it ‘super-empire’ which is a useful way of looking at it. “They” are anyone who supports this – which seems to be particularly oligarchs in finance and big tech but includes others and has support from a clerisy in academia, the media and bureaucracies. If the worldwide goal looks unattainable in the short term, globalists usually advocate the transfer of sovereignty to regional bodies like the EU or NAFTA as a stepping stone to their longer term aim. Some of the front men – like Zuckerberg and Gates in big tech or Schwab at the WEF – look wildly implausible so it’s reasonable to suspect there are deeper backers of this project behind the curtain – for example in Europe’s black nobility – but who exactly remains in the shadows so some imprecision is unavoidable.
The underlying globalist agenda can be seen in how every new problem, from climate change to aliens, requires a worldwide authority to tackle it… we’re told. Virtually every sci-fi work has the earth governed by a worldwide federation – that choice of words is very precise because sovereignty resides in the center in a federation whereas a confederation leaves sovereignty with its members. My objection to a global federation is not based on nationalism or patriotism. My nation has a Rosicrucian flag and a Knights Templar patron saint so how can I have any affection for it? Ditto Americans who discover they’re living in a giant Freemasonic lodge. However nation-states act as a firewalls against the centralisation of power which is why they need supporting. Critiques of nation-states should come from the direction of devolving power downwards from them – although there needs to be caution here because balkanisation is a weapon the oligarchs have used to advance the ultimate globalist goal (see Ireland!). Globalisation is more a means to an end than an end in itself – the true ends can be summed up by the triumvirate of technocracy, transhumanism and neo-feudalism. I suspect the oligarchs believe in these for philosophical/theological/esoteric reasons (specifically their desire to become gods) but it may merely be to cement their own power and control. “Globalisation” is thus something of a shorthand for these broader concerns.
P.S. The issue of controlled opposition and limited hangouts is raised earlier in the thread so I won’t go into it much here. Both are manifestly real things. Both require some genuine information to be given to establish their credentials and that can be useful. Both then require steering followers off into damaging or useless directions. This is “bait-and-switch”.
It’s my opinion that Rogan, Brand and RFK jr were all examples. Everyone will need to use their own discernment – the crucial point is not to become too emotonally invested in any such figures. I’m not going all the evidence about every figure again – but take RFK jr…. he put out much useful information about the vaccination system and I learnt much from it in 2020/1 for which I’m grateful; however his questioning of vaccination never went beyond narrow limits, he seemed to be steering followers into the environmental trap (with particularly egregious advocacy of laws against questioning climate change), he supported the genocide in Gaza and his son is married to a CIA agent. That seems a strong case for a “bait-and-switch” operation to me. It’s not just yelling “shill” because he says some things I disagree with e.g. that viruses are real (I’m inclined to the view that they aren’t but am aware it can’t be conclusively proved either way and wouldn’t use it as some sort of litmus test – however I also understand why some when first discovering some of the criticisms of germ theory may do this and it’s probably a phase one needs to pass through which undoubtedly some bad actors mimic to sow dissension. That the official narrative isn’t true is always the main thing.)
This has probably ended up tied in knots – but then it’s a knotty issue! A control system that’s been fine-tuned over centuries isn’t going to be unravelled easily.
Very well stated.
It has become very apparent to me that some alt-media writers and commentators are screaming “fascist” and “Nazi” at every opportunity, with regards to the technocratic, neo-feudalistic takeover currently being enacted by the controllers and their underlings.
Yet, at the same time the mainstream media, at the behest of the same technocratic class along with the NGOs that they support and fund, are screaming ‘”fascist”‘ and “Nazi” at those who do not go along with their agenda. That would be all of you or most of you reading this. You, the very consumers of alt-media are being labelled as these derogatory terms while those talking heads you follow are also throwing those labels around like confetti.
Does that not strike you as odd?
Here is a test, walk down the street with a t-shirt of Adolf. Choose your country, it doesn’t matter, (especially) Germany included, and see what happens to you. It will not be a pleasant experience and you could end up in jail or worse.
Now, repeat the exercise with a t-shirt of Lenin, Marx, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao or Castro and see what happens. Absolutely, nothing or quite possibly you will find people very welcoming and responsive, depending where you are.
You can extend this test by wearing a Swastika and then a Hammer and Sickle t-shirt.
Communism has been santised and given a clean bill of health, despite mass murdering and genociding over 100 million people, far more people than the Nazis ever did. It has been made acceptable and even desirable. Ask yourself why?
Even in Russia and ex-Soviet states the Communist Party is not banned and China still claims to be communist. There is no shame in that communist legacy, in the way that Germany was shamed of its recent history.
If anyone claimed to be a fascist or a Nazi here in the comments, they would rightly be shot down with a barrage of comments. Yet, there are commenters here who covertly support (use of the downvote) and in at least one case openly have advocated communism. That latter person did receive downvotes but was not hauled over the coals for it.
To reiterate what I believe is occuring and why it is, I refer back to a previous comment of mine:
This is a reasonable point, however I am choosing to define what we are seeing as Fascism 2.0 because the globalists driving the system have “penetrated the cabinets.” The globalists don’t have executive power and so the authoritarian tendency is expressed through National mechanisms and there is a very strong pairing of global corporation with national government. It is my opinion Authoritarianism doesn’t capture this. But these are matters of definition and a new nomenclature has yet to be settled for what we are witnessing.
This prominent “feature” of the term as I am choosing to use it has been underlined in the past few weeks with the authoritarian overreach of the Starmer government. Starmer also infamously told Emily Maitlis he prefers Davos to Westminster.
Everything has changed and everything remains the same. Just as left and right have greatly evolved and twisted into, on the one hand, “Woke corporatism” and on the other “conservative (with a small c) Populism” (which now includes much of the traditional working class vote, so concepts like Fascism have evolved. I have used “Fascism 2.0” to describe a feature of the new landscape but I entirely accept you can choose a different lens or hold different definitions.
If you don’t mind me jumping in here, by calling what’s happening “Fascism 2.0” you are automatically separating it from traditional Fascism – Fascism 101. So there’s no real need to spell it out – the “2.0” spells it out beautifully.
So you went to a Dr in 2019 and they said your chest complaint was caused by a virus but that there was no test to identify it specifically.
You go back in 2020 with the same complaint and test positive for SARS-CoV-2 and told you have Covid.
How could anyone ever tell that you were actually asymptomatic Covid and ill via the 2019 bug (that still has no test)?
Bug theory bulls*it..
“Youngsters not in work or education rise to 870,000
At 23, Rhyen feels the world of work is a long way off.
“I was very aware that I was different,” says Rhyen, who uses he/they pronouns.
Diagnosed autistic in Year 11, …..”
Diagnosed autistic and uses he/they pronouns? Yes I think we’re perhaps beginning to get an insight into at least part of the problem here. Is there a connection between this pronoun brainwashing and autism? And do any of these mind fucked kids have a hope in hell of having a career?
Re-analysis of their own trial data.. has since shown the vaccines were never safe.
That changed nothing. No prosecution of government criminals, end to the torrent of public wealth wasted on the poisons, compensation for victims, etc. That is “democracy” in essence.
Lovely video of 9/11 w a most obvious analysis, simply using one’s eyes.
Also shows 36 journalists siting explosions, but official explanation denies explosions.
Kind of a fun video!
We must forever ignore that EurekaGGN installed fiber optics cabling in the top 20 to 40 floors of the Twin Towers in the four days prior to 9/11 — pumped up via the HVAC system within the central core where the elevator shafts and HVAC located, running in the outside area of each floor.
(Believe the doctor, not a structural engineer, was trying to describe the recondite term “compound resistance”?! It collapsed with the ABSENCE of compound resistance —- controlled demolition!)
The FOUR crucial points forever never mentioned (although at least one of them was mentioned in this excellent video) are: (1) the federal agents tracking and interviewing the Saudi hijackers of Flight 77, before allowing them to board the plane [FOIA’d from the notes of DoD Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in 2006]; (2) the installation of fiber optics cabling over the prior 4 days in the Twin Towers by EurekaGGN; (3) the release of the AT&T System Seven telephone records several years later, showing no connected calls from the involved airliners; and, (4) the number of similar exercise simulations on 9/11 of planes flying into buildings!!!???
Amazing, isn’t it?!
Prior to the current folks who run the world, a small group of Brits ran most of the world.
How does a small group of people run the entire world?
The same way a major multinational corporation is run. You have the board of directors who call the shots, you have senior managers who are highly paid to execute on the game plan, lower level managers who are well compensated and incentivized by the possibility of a promotion.
And finally you have the foot soldiers, the workers, who have bills to pay and do what they are told in exchange for a reward (otherwise known as a salary).
What all of these $ickopath$ forget is that they’re all gonna die. No exceptions, no get out clauses.
Die empty, loveless, unfullfilled, despised, old, frail and sickened.
Pity them, for they are their own worst enemies.
They have nothing.
If my theory of time being cyclic is correct these $ickopath$ will come back After Death.. They will get reborn again and so will you Johnny….its not too late,,,find a nice girl to the end…except there is no end….after death, cos time is cyclic not linear you will get born again..and you will meet her again and fall in love again.
It’s the Essence of Life
“What all of these $ickopath$ forget is that they’re all gonna die. No exceptions, no get out clauses”
They haven’t forgotten, it’s all they can think about, but they’re betting on their Merlin class of minion tech-workers to save them. It was too late for Daddy Bush and Henry Kissinger, so Klaus and Co are getting a bit nervous. Which is why they need a very large sample size of human guinea pigs to test that promising mRNA tech. The larger the pool of guinea pigs, the quicker they can develop the tech. The first trials seemed to show problems with severe clotting, eh? They need to tweak the formula! They need more data! More trials…. another global plague…
“Die empty, loveless…”
Coming from long bloodlines of congenital psychopaths, they don’t care: that’s their superpower. How often have we read the news of parents from these ruling class bloodlines destroying their children, and/or vice versa? See the perfectly-revealing film “The Lion in Winter (1968)”… made when some Truth was still available in big ticket films. Didn’t John Hinckley Sr. sacifice his own son for the Reagan-attempted-assassination event? They don’t have “feelings” the way they do. That’s why they’re in charge.
There’s no evidence of mRNA in the shots. Don’t automatically believe PhRMA claims, especially regarding mRNA.
Why most published research findings are false.
There’s tech in the shots. And heavy metals, which are in all vaccines.
The psychopaths in charge ensure their bloodline and legacies live on while the nescient slaves are culled.
The Reagan shooting was a hoax. Hinkley never spent any time locked up, it was a small acting role.
Those I’m most furious about are our politicians. If they refused to be on the take they’d be the impenetrable door for these oligarchs/globalists; they’d be accountable to the voting public, not these vultures. Democracy has always been a charade.
“Voting public”?!?! How utterly insane in America? You mean Dominion, ES&S, Clear Ballot Group, Edison Research, BallotTrax and the CISA/EI–ISAC network???
Off topic, but, i wish OG would not use AI for the lead-in artwork, as the above is, and for other artwork please place a name credit. I know many use unsplash.com. But realize that that “service” is just a freebee for business to get something for nothing. When users fail to give name attribution to artwork, they are just completely bailing on artists without benefit of any kind. I do use copyleft many times for my artwork, which is free and only requires name attribution. This simple thing. Come on guys!!!
Art and culture are non-essential. All “small” people are non-essential, except where actively dependent on an overlord. If they cannot adapt to new restrictions – even on getting food or medical help – they can drop dead. Mammon rules. This is the “democratic” message of “covid”.
OT but, in Germany, on 23rd of month, another “terrorist” event ??
See the Jim Carrey film ‘The Number 23’.
There’s three elements of fascism: the plutocrat billionaires, the national security state, and underworld gangsterism.
All three factors operate in sync. Of course, there’s internecine battles but for the most part the powers that shouldn’t be are in agreement that their primary enemy is humanity.
Hence, constant wars subsequently follow contrived crises in order to ensure the continuation of the status quo.
It’s a small world after all. 🌎
Underworld gangsterism handles what is inconvenient for the gangster government or gangster industry. Just as even wars are outsourced to mercenaries.
True…that’s probably why the term “proxy” is so prevalent.
PERFECTLY stated!!!
I don’t do X, nor Facebook. I also don’t do Telegram.
Youtube still have my original login from about 25 years ago, and bless their hearts, whilst they have compressed some of my ancient mainly live music videos, and anyone starts watching them, once or twice, the AI, automatically seems to significantly improve both the sound and visual quality, which 25 years ago, I didn’t think was possible. Not as good as I recorded it embarassing myself – at the front with extremely loud sound, but even from behind the drums – removing a significant amount of sound and visual distortion – and improving on the original technical quality.
I wasn’t that good – but always recorded in colour
“(and helpfully nudged along by podcasters like Joe Rogan and Russel Brand)”
If you can’t even identify who the obvious controlled opposition shills are, (they cartel signal constantly, they’re promoted and mainstream) then there’s a high probability, you’re one too.
Even very infrequent viewing of Mr. Joseph Rogan (mine, for example) will be bound to catch him generating the most stock pernicious propaganda against hapless individuals, if you’ve gone to any depth at all with your subject. He’s often enough reading from cue cards, and some aren’t very nuanced at all.
He’s pretty damaged goods, in essence. (But just one look at his shaved mug ought to tell you that much, I’d say?)
Yeah, he’s totally 100% in the club.
Then dont be afraid to back David Icke then. The most ridiculed man in history still fighting the good fight and exposing the alternatives.
The entire point of Freemasonic controlled opposition (Icke, Brand, Mercola, Rogan, Tiabbi, Corbettt, Miles Mathis, Whitney Webb etc) is to repeat obvious partial truths, and/or disseminate disinfo, keeping the larger lies intact.
Anyone who has worked in and for the media, has no credibility (IMO) because they have to be 1) Freemasons and they take blood oaths 2) intelligence assets under NDAs.
Media (including alt) isn’t an information service it’s a mass mind control tool.
I don’t know where to begin with this insane comment. You sound hysterical my friend and not in a funny way.
Right or wrong, she takes her baseline right where I do: instead of assuming, as most do, that Intel agents are an exception to the rule of citizenry, we both assume that everybody and his brother is an agent, as the starting point, and try to walk it back from there.
You’ll quickly find it’s not easy to do that.
Same with media. Assume all media is corrupted, for starters, then challenge yourself to prove otherwise. Also not easy, but taking it from there, red flags pop up everywhere.
It’s great mental hygiene.
Not hysteria…..
Your comment didn’t say anything. I think that your comment would have value if you detailed the reasons for your disagreement rather than merely casting aspersions on someone you disagree with.
Try saying something next time.
Your only comments are to protect FreeMasonry. It hasn’t gone unnoticed.
On the contrary I think Joe Rogan does some good work. One of the glaring errors on this site is dogmatic attack of so many good guys. And of course why bother w any evidence.
By “this site” you mean in the comments section I assume. We absolutely do not believe in slandering anyone who disagrees with us as some type of shill. It’s just another means of disruption.
Joe had earned around $200 million from Spotify before he re-signed in 2024 for another multi-year contract reportedly worth $250 million. A contract with a fixed uprfront payment plus a share of ad revenues. So his earnings from Spotify will be $450 million dollars. Well on the way to joining the billionaire club.
Note ad revenues. Which type of major advertisers, invariably large multinational or transnational companies will pay large sums to advertise during his podcast if he were an outsider working against the agenda? The very same corporates promoting the agenda or on the list of partner firms of WEF or involved in other ways.
Spotify is worth around euro 60 billion ($67 billion) making it the 269th largest company by market capitilization in the world. Hardly an outsider.
Just because JR says what you want to hear, does not mean he is on your side. He acts out the role assigned to him, gaining trust and credibility with his audience. If he were any threat to the system or the planned outcome then he would have been shut down or shadow banned years ago.
One of the big problems with Rogan is that he acts the role of a low life, otherwise known, and paid homage to incessantly by USA Inc, as “badass.”
A dreary brand that is rapidly becoming about all the states have to offer these days, not to mention also so hopelessly conformist.
As a brand it’s sort of a cheap blend of Hells Angels castoffs and generic military hell~raisers.
I talked to a Black Marine vet, one of the many whom I like, this was about 20 years ago near the huge base here, Pendleton, and schmoozed him with, “Well, the Corps does have lot of stand up guys.”
He says, “No they don’t, they’re just loony bins.”
Caught off guard (I’m sure you’ll excuse a figure of speech) I came back with, “Well, not all of them.”
He smirked, with power, “NO! They’re all loony bins.”
I didn’t challenge him further.
Yeah. Know the area (San Diego, Southern CA) and military types, well.
It’s a special type of “individual” that stays in the military and makes a lifelong career out of it.
And the badass roles, supposedly challenging the establishment aren’t new. Like Jesse “the body” Ventura…
Ex Navy seal turns wrestler, then governor of MN, then stars in cheesy (faux) conspiracy theory show, yet pretends voting is real.
If he isn’t a classic intelligence asset, then who is? Unfortunately ALL of them. From Jill Stein, to Ron Paul, RFK jnr, Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, even Stormy Daniels.
Before Stormy played the role of a Trump conquest (100% fake) she also played a previous role in “politics” in 2009 as a faux “outsider” running for Louisiana Senate.
Rogan – and others of his ilk (i.e., AJ; Icke; Peters; Adams; Pool; Christian; Web; Corbett; Dyer; Bermas; Rudkowski; RJK Jr.; Malone; Fitts; etc.; etc.; etc.) – is a part of the 2nd Matrix; wherein the subsect of society, who are slightly more conscious than those in the 1st Matrix, are proffered the requisite heroes, hustlers and henchmen to ensnare their consciousness/soul within networks and narratives; that, prima facie, appear to be closer to the proverbial truth than those given to the normies; but, in fact, are more of the same, i.e., misdirection and malevolence! That is all!! RGB-Y4 out!!!
Yes, Rogan does disseminate some good info, but I can show that it is too often heavily contaminated with disinfo, and with his knowing “malice aforethought.”
From “catching him at it” too often, I would humbly suggest that much of his info is handed to him pre-digested (I e. on “cue cards”).
Too much of his schtick is pretty awful. After awhile a malaise of nausea settles. So, I’m sticking with doctor’s orders mostly, including not very many jalapeños. As well as smaller doses of “JRE”.
Could you provide an example of this “good work” that you refer to Rogan having done?
On a rare occasion Rogan may have a decent guest, but the mass number of CIA shills he has featured is mind boggling, although he wisely cancelled on ASHTON FORBES, another low level shill!!!
Just about to say something similar.
I evaluate what people say on the merits of what they say and the level of evidence I’m able to discern. My method is to check sources. But like everyone, I only have time to check at most one-level deep. We all trust that when we step outside the door in the morning, the ground is still there below our feet and not a sink hole cavern. One of the problems of the “post truth” age we find ourselves in is that there has been a kind of dry rot corruption going through the very foundations. The funny thing is, your very comment that I might be a shill, is, for me the perfect illustration of why it’s probably OK to trust Joe Rogan (OK I accept a bit, there is some weird stuff where Russel Brand is concerned that I don’t know enough about, so therefore shouldn’t publicly discuss in any detail – but that’s not going to stop me relaying any good arguments he does make). I’m a bloke from Wimbledon and my mates on my WhatsApp group who discuss stuff relating to this matter (we have called the group “Conspiracy Factists”) will be mightily amused by your comment. BTW a VERY good video about the post-truth world is this one:
Lmao. Gaia? Weinstein? Who works for Peter Thiel, who’s a cabal big wig?
Weinstein, a member of the Masonic “intellectual dark web” of con artists and faux opposition, promoting voting and other psyops as if it’s ever been real?
If that’s your level of information gathering I feel sorry for you and your pals; or brotherhood, I should say.
I know your reply was not to me but I would like to chip in here.
It took me 10 minutes maximum to double check Rogan’s contract and Spotify earnings from multiple sources. I was already aware of the deal but couldn’t remember the numbers. Also, 1 minute to check the market cap of Spotify. No deep digging required.
In the case of high profile personalities with a wide reach promoted by the algorithms and cross-promoted by their peers, in order to maintain and increase their audience, one only needs to dig one level down to find evidence against them. JR and RB are not confined to conspiracy circles. They are household names. That alone should ring alarm bells.
The case against RB is pretty rock solid. I am not going to post links, since I have done that previously. Basics such as his 33 tattoo, calling for global governance, likely having been Katy Perry’s handler whilst married, his children’s book series called the Pied Piper of Hamelin and 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony role as the Child Catcher. It is the interviews that he has given that really shed light on what he is about. Anyway, the list goes on and on.
It becomes more complex with less well-known names (to normies) in the alt-media space, such Whitney Webb and James Corbett, who are big in alt-media circles but not in the wider world. WW was an unknown in 2016 until her meteoric rise to fame in alt-media. Another red flag, plus other things.
The point is that even when these people have good information and ideas, it is a pain to have to sort the wheat from the chaff.
When trust has been lost, it has been lost. You will always be waiting for them to pull the rug from under you, to pull a switcheroo, and perhaps you will fail to see it. A psychological war is a tough one, when the weapons being used against us are subtle and sometimes unknown. NLP being a good example.
know your reply was not to me but I would like to chip in here.
It took me 10 minutes maximum to double check Rogan’s contract and Spotify earnings from multiple sources. I was already aware of the deal but couldn’t remember the numbers. Also, 1 minute to check the market cap of Spotify. No deep digging required.
In the case of high profile personalities with a wide reach promoted by the algorithms and cross-promoted by their peers, in order to maintain and increase their audience, one only needs to dig one level down to find evidence against them. JR and RB are not confined to conspiracy circles. They are household names. That alone should ring alarm bells.
The case against RB is pretty rock solid. I am not going to post links, since I have done that previously. Basics such as his 33 tattoo, calling for global governance, likely having been Katy Perry’s handler whilst married, his children’s book series called the Pied Piper of Hamelin and 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony role as what was clearly the Child Catcher. It is the interviews that he has given that really shed light on who he is, and what he is about. Anyway, the list goes on and on.
It becomes more complex with less well-known names (to normies) in the alt-media space, such Whitney Webb and James Corbett, who are big in alt-media circles but not in the wider world. WW was an unknown in 2016 until her meteoric rise to fame in alt-media. Another red flag, plus other things about her.!
The point is that even when these people have good information and ideas, it is a pain to have to sort the wheat from the chaff.
When trust has been lost, it has been lost for good.
You will always be waiting for them to pull the rug from under you or to pull a switcheroo, and perhaps you will fail to see it.
A psychological war is a tough one, when the weapons being used against us are subtle or sometimes unknown to us. NLP being a good example.
The Globalists are the ultimate layer of insulation for the families (The Cabal) that essentially owns this planet. Blackrock appears to have been created by these families to facilitate the complete take over and consolidation of the world’s remaining assets that were on the fringe of being controlled. Through their massive network they have ensnared all the world’s resources including its biggest resource “the Human resource”. Competition is created within their own framework as a carrot dangled before their money/power hungry minions to further succeed while co-operation between all parts of the network streamline and increase the frequency and speed to which the total take over is occurring.
It seems unlikely to this observer that we may ever know the people who effectively own us.
No one owns this Planet – except for my Cat
She can look after herself, after we are all dead
No one owns me!
All that we have and are is on a free loan from God. That’s what “they” obviously don’t get, or they would act otherwise, or simply abstain from business as usual and be open to a new way, as one that isn’t totally world-dependent.
“Now is the acceptable time.”