A Plausibility Probe of 9/11 and COVID-19 as ‘Structural Deep Events’
Piers Robinson & Kevin Ryan

We are pleased to announce that the Journal of 9/11 Studies has published a new article by Dr. Piers Robinson and Kevin Ryan entitled “A Plausibility Probe of 9/11 and COVID-19 as ‘Structural Deep Events’.”
In this article, Robinson and Ryan develop a new framework for examining major crisis events. Using the “structural deep event” concept coined by Peter Dale Scott, they create an identifiable set of features that structural deep events exhibit. They then use that framework to evaluate the plausibility of the hypothesis that both 9/11 and COVID-19 were structural deep events involving manipulation and nefarious intent.
While the observations made and conclusions drawn by Robinson and Ryan will not be new to many 9/11 activists, the framework they set forth is a novel analytical tool that other academics and researchers can use to examine major crisis events and determine whether they have been instigated for the purpose of advancing political-economic agendas.
The article also usefully summarizes the key features of the 9/11 and COVID-19 events in a clear structure that can be more readily digested by readers who are less familiar with the particulars of each event.
We hope this paper will serve as a springboard for many more people to begin to critically examine the 9/11 and COVID-19 events. Popularizing analytical approaches like the one used by Robinson and Ryan will be fundamental to curbing the prevalence of deep events in the future and holding accountable the perpetrators of past crimes such as 9/11.
You can read the full paper HERE, via the International Centre for 9/11 Studies
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What a fasinating perspective. I am grateful for the COVID details from 2020, which I failed to note at the time. Thank you.
Kevin Ryan’s video links to youtube videos are dead links. Videos have been removed. (Maybe this has alreaday been noted by someone)
The discussion on COVID19 revolves around SARS COV2. There is no such disease known as SARS COV2 in nature. And, I see that Neil Ferguson from Imperial College is down as a reference.
Sadly, this won’t make my Gab channel.
Cripes, I’m sure this will not make the news but Hani Hanjours child, has just passed his driving test.
It gets better……
To honor his father, after passing the driving test last week, this weekend he got inside F1 car at the Monaco grand Prix, and god damn Won it.
Miracles, they do happen.
My bad, some misinformation going on there.
It turns out, three driving test instructors failed him, but strangely another (admittedly a contractor), passed him as competent to drive a car, although they all noted a propensity to nearly crash the thing, not understand the car controls, not understand the highway code and that he couldn’t read English.
Also, as regards the F1 car, I was incorrect (yet again). It turns out. He had been to a friends house, the Wednesday before the Grand Prix, and played the F1GP 2021 Edition on the PS5.
As of yet, no one knows how he got the money to travel to Monaco and over power the existing driver, and not be noticed by racing team.
The -1 for?
Go on, give us a clue.
Why was it so hard for the commission report to detail the logs of the satellite phones calls and the mobile phone calls (cell tower logs)?
Both would corroborate the official conspiracy theory timeline.
It’s almost as if……….
bit of bad news re. nanobots https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/the-nanobot-study-bunk-or-bombshell
The ‘vaccine’ appears to contain morgelons, alien hydra, and self-assembling nano-electronics which all resemble the white fibrous clot composition.
video of the blighters moving about
I do recall that day well. I have never seen skys that clear.
(no chemtrails con trails)
Severe clear. This is an aviation term used by pilots to describe unlimited visibility conditions.11 Sept 2008
I cant understand why the USA, which has some very high energy weapons, and has the capabilities to drastically alter the weather of all foreign countries, doesnt use them to bring
Russia to its knees.
Can it be that, like the refusal by the US to give Ukraine permission to use highly explosive long range US missiles against Russia, the US cant use its advanced weaponry without the permission of the UFO beings they obtained their high energy weapons etc from ?
“An ape with a hand grenade”, (Lavrov). Stupidity overrule all comic books and UFO fantasies.
Petra would say
3000 did not die.
years later I would actually see that comment as being true.
same MO as covid.
people dying in hospital hallways.
people falling down and death in the streets.
to The NHS Nightingale Hospitals were seven critical care temporary hospitals established by NHS England as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in England.
which has less than a 1000 people in them
1 nightgale hospital had less than 10 people sorry 0 patients
According to my friends and people I meet trillions died during covid and like 911 3000000000 died in the USA on that day.
It seemed to me that the Covid event was created because 9/11 was being figured out… the Pandemic being a means to acquire authoritative control over the public through “misinformation control”, digital surveillance etc.
Notice that the Pandemic beginning coincided with the publishing of the scientific paper of Bldg 7 at U of Alaska.
Make sense to anyone?
Here’s an incomplete list of other structural deep events
Have a nice day!
*dictates , not dicrates….
why even bother with a comment section when it is so shitty and has been for years?
I mean the uselessness of the mobile-style comment editor, you downvoting philistines 😅
I’ve always suspected that there’s no such thing as the internet! another illusion bites the dust lol
Good to see some are finally waking up to the nuclear weapons hoax. https://dfreality.substack.com/p/the-coincidence-zone-atomic-edition & https://odysee.com/@Freefloat:8/John-Hamer-nuclear-weapons:7
After all, it’s one of the biggest mind-control psyops our masters have ever sprung on humanity.
Brilliant links LOL, thank you.
“Contrary to the “nanothermite” hypothesis of the “Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth,” the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of “Cold Fusion”
Dr. Judy Wood is one of the most maligned researchers on the planet. She has been on the receiving end of a relentless stream of attacks and smears, as documented by Andrew Johnson in his two books, 9/11: Finding the Truth (2009) and 9/11: Holding the Truth (2017). Nevertheless, Where Did The Towers Go? (2011) stands as the most complete forensic investigation of the destruction of the Twin Towers.
The evidence Wood provides points towards the existence of low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) technology, which could in principle be used to solve the world’s energy needs, yet was instead weaponized on 9/11 in an act of mass murder used to legitimize the “War on Terror.”
This is a dangerous idea: it has global revolutionary potential. The ceaseless attacks on Wood and her work are intended to ensure that the idea does not spread.”
Extracts from: “In Defence of Judy Wood” by David A. Hughes: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/in-defence-of-judy-wood-0ce
You say Judy Wood presents evidence for LENR (low energy nuclear reaction) as a means of bringing down the towers. But last time I checked Judy was claiming it was a laser or maser from space that was responsible – a quite different technology.
Has Judy modified her claims? When did this happen?
But doesn’t this negate 90% of what she has written in her own book?
Almost as much bullshit as the official narrative.
You are both idiots. Just look at the fucking evidence and ignore the speculation. Judy Wood present the evidence and SEPARATELY her speculation, and does not say it came from “space”. She says it is a WEAPON, moron.
Judy Wood’s evidence has been discussed here in the comments many many times. If you want to present it again feel free to do so. That will probably be more effective than simply hurling abuse, which tends to give the impression you are either trolling or have nothing better to offer.
Also – one factual correction – Judy Wood claimed the “beam” came from “orbit” in an episode of James Fetzer’s radio show, Nov 11 2006. Earth orbit would generally be regarded as “space”.
The abuse is a response to shit slinging… “Space” generally means outer space AFAIK; or “aliens” as this commenter was implying in a lame attempt to discredit someone with all the professional credentials and far superior analytical capacity….
I have nothing to offer that Judy Wood hasn’t offered on her website. I would never have been able to obtain the photographic evidence she has. I didn’t really need to read a word of hers.
The photos speak for themselves…
It is obvious certain researchers and activists are on the off-G black list of unmentionables above the comments line, David Martin being another.
No, mate. The abuse you sling around is a response to the fact you have no real data that can stand up in a real debate with anyone who knows anything about science, logic or simple common sense.
That’s why you ‘Judy Wood’ guys post pictures and memes and soundbites but never produce papers with solid data and hard facts.
Your target audience is people who like to think they’re skeptics but who don’t actually want to bother with reading or researching complex facts and ideas, and who will be grabbed by those picture essays and silly memes and believe they just got shown “the truth”.
I mean, you said it yourself mate – “the photographs say it all”.
That’s a statement of faith, not a scientific position.
I don’t know if you’re one of the captured target demographic or if you are just cynically promoting it, and it doesn’t matter. Either way you’re selling dumbed down infographics and comic book “reveals” to people that, for one reason or another, can’t smell the snake oil.
Having heard of Judy Wood years ago I did watch one or two interviews. But I pretty much stuck with the nanothermite crowd.
Recently I watched a few more of her videos and presentations on 9/11revisionist and found them quite interesting and compelling.
I do not think she presents well as she has a rather off-putting giggle at times. But she makes a lot of sense.
If you read the background to the story of who attacked her theory that in itself is pretty interesting.
I found the point that this directed energy could be used for real life energy in a positive way quite revealing. It might supplant the oil, gas, and “alternative sustainable” energy. A threat to the status quo.
I’m stunned you can even understand what point she is making in those videos, let alone thinking it makes sense.
How can she make a point that this “directed energy” could be used in a positive way when she hasn’t even established what this energy is or if it even exists?
All she has done is unilaterally decide there isn’t enough rubble in the footprint and then LEAP from there to conclude the towers “must” have been brought down by a secret black ops beam that turned the entire buildings into dust that blew away.
She hasn’t bothered to calculate how much rubble there really was or to show the alleged deficit (which is the entire crux of her case) even exists beyond her imagination.
She hasn’t found any evidence such a beam exists. Has done no calculations or experimentation to show how it could work, even in theory.
In short she’s done nothing, nada, zip, zilch – beyond point to photos and make unproven claims about them while being the owner of a PhD.
If you find that persuasive, allow me to show you my portfolio of bridges I am currently offering for sale 🤣
You’re entitled to your opinion and beliefs. And bridges.
I still find her questions and theories interesting.
Just as plausible as two planes and nanothermite.
I also like the fact that she is the only person in 23 years that details the destruction of the rest of the wtc buildings.
This was not just two towers and building 7.
I think she makes valid points about the fact that if two 110 story buildings fall, the seismic record she reflect that. Which it does not.
I think she makes an interesting point about the bathtub surrounding the wtc site. One would think that the collapse of those two towers, and the destruction of the other wtc buildings would have an effect. There should have been flooding. There was not.
I am not wedded to her theories but she does raise interesting questions.
There is hard physical evidence for nanothermite in the WTC dust!
There is exactly zero hard physical evidence for Wood’s totally hypothetical “energy beam” powerful enough to dismember two 500000 tone buildings at the molecular level!
But you find the second just as “plausible” as the first? well, ok.
The “seismic signal” claim is classic Judy Wood nonsense. The buildings didn’t “fall”, they were blown apart, with a large percentage of their mass being distributed across lower Manhattan in the form of concrete dust and general debris. The amount of rubble that actually landed in the footprint is totally consistent with the seismic signal.
And I posit that if the buildings came down by controlled demolition nanothermite whatever there would be a great deal more rubble and debris than we saw.
A ton of feathers still weighs a ton
She merely points to the evidence that thermite cannot explain. Then she offers a hypothesis to explain that evidence. This is how science works mate.
Explain how not a single filing cabinet was found in the WTC ‘mound’, but all the paper was unburned? Why was WTC mound so small? Why did the surrounding car engine blocks melt, while their rubber tires remained intact? Why did some car door handles melt while their wing mirrors remained intact? Explain the twisted steel girders. Dr. Judy Wood at least offers some explanation, while you have nothing and remain a nobody.
A friend used to say: When the lions begin their attack, they come from multiple directions, confusing the prey.
You see there is an echo chamber here that downvotes you because Judy Wood is persona non grata as per their handlers instruction
That is fucking hilarious – in one sentence you manage to reveal your total ignorance not only of 9/11 and cold fusion – but also of the book you are claiming to defend!
Here’s a couple of facts for you to ponder:
Yeah so, there we are. Hope this helps.
Judy Wood mentions “energy weapon” as a speculation on the source of the destructive force, I am not sure she said “beam” because we are talking about some kind of microwave radiation based on similar results at a small scale obtained by a geek experimenter she presented- it’s all on her site…
I an am inclined to disagree with her speculations on free energy and this is likely a big reason why people think she’s a fake. I wish she would just stick to presenting the evidence and showing how it does not comply with thermite or explosives AT ALL.
A substance that resembles military grade nanothemite has been found in the dust from the towers.
How does this experimentally established fact fit with your claim that the evidence “does not comply with thermite or explosives at all”?
Surely this evidence completely proves that nanothermite played some part at least in imploding the towers
Hey, Grigor, our friend ‘LOL’ didn’t respond to your rational and polite question.
Color me surprised. 😄
It cannot explain all of the observations, and there are some very strange observations that it would be nice to be able to explain. Carry on though if you do not want an explanation, up to you.
I notice “jd” has effed off after making a fool of himself and completely misunderstanding Judy Wood’s book!
But then it seems you don’t know too much about her work either since you seem unsure she ever used the word “beam”.
Do ANY of her fans actually read her book or visit her website?
I suggest you get more familiar with the “work” you’re promoting.
Start here –
The title gives you a clue –
The Star Wars Beam Weapons and
Star Wars Directed-Energy Weapons (DEW)
(A focus of the Star Wars Program)
Dr. Judy Wood and Dr. Morgan Reynolds
(originally posted: October 17, 2006)
Page 1: The Bathtub….
happy reading…🫣
I watched her presentation once a long time ago and it was such a fascinating tour-de-force that I feel no real need to read any more about it, much is seared into my mind. Your anodyne comments on the other hand will be forgotten by everybody soon, thanks though.
I, did not make any claims, nor give any opinion, I, did simply share extracts with the link from “In Defence of Judy Wood” which is by David A. Hughes, as the post did say.
My apologies, it’s David Hughes who doesn’t understand anything about either cold fusion of Judy Wood’s claims – you were just parroting his errors.
‘Also, the stocks of financial and reinsurance companies, as well as other financial vehicles, were identified as being associated with suspicious trades. Large credit card transactions, completed just before the attacks, were also involved. The US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) named a number of people and companies that were suspected of being involved in the insider/informed trades.’
Quoted from the Robinson/Ryan report (page 22).
It would be most helpful if the names on the credit cards were made publicly available, similarly, the names of the people and companies involved should be broadcast worldwide, as it is clear that 23 year on, the authorities have no intention of prosecuting them.
If those people are still alive, perhaps their current addresses could also be posted for public inspection, as I’m sure that various people would appreciate being allowed to freely express their opinions on such matters?
The issue was much bigger than credit cards:
– There was evidence of unprecedented insider trading to benefit from the “9/11” attacks in USA, UK, Germany, France Luxembourg, Switzerland, Spain, Japan and HK. The shares involved were those of (a) the 2 US airlines involved (b) businesses located at WTC Twin Towers (c) other insurance businesses (d) armament makers. Trading also encompassed US Treasury Notes, gold and petroleum. Soon after the attack, leading bankers described the evidence as compelling. Relevant research includes (a) Prof. Allen Poteshman of Illinois U showing “99% likelihood” of insider trading in 2004 (b) Prof. Marc Chesney and others showing over 2010-2015 that this occurred in 14 shares and that the beneficiaries collected profits of ~$15-30 million (c) Wing-Keung Wong and others showing in 2010 that volume in the option market rose abnormally just before the attacks.
– In Dec. 2001, Reuters and CNN reported that (a) ~400 disk storage drives were found in the WTC ruins (b) Convar of Germany worked so far on recovering data from 32 drives (c) the data showed a spike in the number and size of credit card transactions as the attacks occurred, perhaps exceeding $100 million.
– Initially, US SEC sought US FBI assistance to investigate the matter. Then, it hushed it up by (a) calling for “senior contacts” in each securities business (b) classifying these persons as confidential deputies. In response to a legal request in 2009, it claimed that it had destroyed its records of the investigation.
– The US press colluded by ignoring leads pointing to the US finance industry and “intelligence” community. It played down its initial reports.
– – Mark Gaffney, Black 9/11, 2012 and 2016
The Achilles Heel of both “events” (ie, 9-11 and covid-19) is the complete and unnatural collapse of WTC7, and the lack of excess mortality during 2020.
We always need to refocus on the obvious, Maxwell nailed it once again in the comments below.
if the plan though was to present a convincing false flag story, I don’t understand why they would include an element so obviously contradicting any plausible official narrative, namely, the total collapse of a building not touched at all by the supposed cause of the other destruction?
It seems to be totalitarianism through committees. Just subvert each member of the leading committee concerned. For 9/11, it was the nonsensical Commission of Inquiry and NIST. Covid and its jabs, it was the nonsensical WHO, government health leaders and medical regulators.
Some in the 9/11 commission could only resign. Many of the medical refuseniks were simply sacked, regardless of experience or facts. This is more modern human sacrifice in pursuit of money.
Don’t forget the Warren Report.
That’s what always makes me laugh. Even though it’s clear that WTC 1&2 didn’t and couldn’t have collapsed at free fall speed (or even faster) and perfectly within their own footprint, the fact that WTC7 came down is the cockroaches rubbing it in our face. It’s them saying, not only are we going to bring down 1&2 in a manner which could only happen by months of planning, preparation and meticulous execution by demolition experts and structural engineers, we’re also going to completely troll you all by taking down a building hundreds of yards away that wasn’t even supposedly hit.
How? As in, how did it come down? Why that building and not any others in the vicinity?
9/11 had multiple objectives. One of them was to show themselves and show the world just how stupid, gullible and utterly anti-truth most people are.
There is also the collapse and ruin of wtc buildings 3,4,5,6.
There is a great deal of information on those buildings at 9/11revisionist.
I have always wondered why no one mentions, or goes into depth, about those other buidlings.
Building 6 has a crater. The crater was not created by parts of blding 2 falling on it.
I don’t fall solely in one camp or another (directed energy vs nano explosives) but it does not seem to me that 2 planes on the 110nth floor of steel structured skyscrapers could cause that type of destruction to 7 buildings.
He and She had a ‘debate’.
We lost.
As usual.
Tis like two hyenas fighting over carrion.
The theatrics were so bad you could see the virtual strings on the puppet
At least you guys can choose between two idiots. If we had these conditions we would be happy to be in your shoes.
We can only live with the dictator we have with no parole. But we dont criticise or blame anybody because we have each other.
I liken it to the hordes at the coliseum watching the gladiators kill themselves. (Bars were actually having debate parties with free nachos)
Politics in America is pure entertainment. Nothing of substance.
It might be comical if it wasn’t so tragic.
SDE’s post 1956 are usually double edge swords for the perps: they more and more cut in their own credibility plus in those propagation these ill intended events. Additionally unintended consequences for the perps. Covid19 the clearest case: WEF darling CCP China going downwards financially and stability wise, their cheapest outsourcing hub.
I am surprised you haven’t blamed the chi coms moslem,
You could put everything we need to learn on the back of a postage stamp. Those who understand what’s going on already know.
In this world of lies, bullshit becomes as clear as glass.
Is there an expiration date on B.S.? Perhaps we can find a way to break the so called ice on this one.
9/11-Eat ze bugz, who cares? time to move on and get productive on the current digital Noahic Panopticon ghetto ‘they’ are building.
About 200 people jumped to their death from World Trade Center. There’s a good photo by Reuters of people hanging out of the windows about to jump. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/september-11-attacks/8737671/911-Jumpers-from-the-World-Trade-Center-still-provoke-impassioned-debate.html…I didn’t hear a word about “jumpers” until days later and I live in Manhattan and watched local coverage, so I’ve appreciated this photo.
Why do you appreciate it?
Theres a “photo” of a man falling in exactly the same pose as the “hanged man” tarot card from crowley.
This would lead me to believe these photographs are fake.
Crowley 175 – to summon a demon.
Bush kids plane kits Steel must hit
175 hits tower at 9:03
93,93,93 Crowley beast number.
777 do what tho wilt.
They were taking off their clothes because they were being microwaved. In a fire situation people don’t do that because the clothes protect the skin from heat.
The (PNAC) Plan For A New American Century was the original outline which foreshadowed 9/11 and Event 201 with regards to the COVID scamdemic . Their can be no doubt with regards to these two events and many others being orchestrated to ultimately bring the world under totalitarian control by the technocracy that has taken over the boardrooms and the government houses of the world with the help and support of the the reigning Oligarchies and all on behalf of the .0001% (The Satanic Cabal). As we wait, watch and wonder if WWIII will be the next such staged event we must prepare ourselves for that inevitability.
No Cash=No Freedom
CBDC’s=Digital Prison
Resist now by using noncompliance and civil disobedience.
In solidarity with every one of you.
Pray, meditate peace
< the observations made and conclusions drawn by Robinson and Ryan will not be new to many 9/11 activists, the framework they set forth is a novel analytical tool >
All honour to “the seekers of wisdom and truth” with their analytical tools. But what about “the fire of impetuous youth”?
Enough people know by now that Con-911 and Con-19 were inside jobs. But where’s the bloody revolution?
It’s no use waitng for the truth to penetrate the thick skulls of the sheeple and be absorbed by their tiny brains. But the sheeple can see that the grass is drying up, and are waiting for new Leaders to lead them into green pastures.
“The hungry sheeple look up but are not fed.” — Dante,
I have returned you to your usual user name of NickM. If you want to change your user name to “0” please make that clear. You can use any name you wish, but NOT multiple names as this is trolling. Any posts you make under your 2nd guise will be amended or trashed.
Nick, my guy, I saw this comment when it first appeared and sure as shit you were posting as “0”, but it was actually you, old NickM? Why are you doing that? Using different names and talking to yerself? It’s weird. You’re not a troll lad, I’ve seen you here for too long.
Could he be “transitioning”?
Thanks for your concern, Old Friend. I’m posting while travelling abroad, new laptop, temporary wifi, dodgy touchscreen.
Apologies to Admin as well.
NickM – I advise you to stop making these hopeless efforts to cover your mistake. A “new laptop” would not make you change your screen name and sign your post “0”. We all know what you did. You habitually post under multiple identities but on this occasion you forgot to change your email address when you changed your screen name and thus outed yourself as a multiposting troll.
No new posts in this troll disguise will be published.
The masses will move when they’re ready.
Meryl Nass has put up the best concise & factual table as to why (in detail) it’s NOT a vaxx.
What is a vaxx? If not pseudoscientific poison.
Operation COVID is all part of a meticulous criminal plan to create the greatest mass illusion, the greatest plundering of taxpayer funds, the greatest social destruction, the greatest restrictions of freedom, the greatest mass medical homicide, censoring etc. in the history of the world.
The evidence clearly indicates a harsh and uncomfortable reality – there was no pandemic.
The catapulting of GoF and “Covid” variants and on and on is part of the Psyop. Those who perpetuate these fabrications are part of the problem, knowingly or not, and are doing the work for the Bio-security State by maintaining and heightening the fear mechanisms.
The facts on the ground show conclusively that vulnerable elderly, poor and disabled people were killed en masse in hospitals and nursing homes in Spring 2020 mainly via vents/propofol/fentanyl/midazolam applications. Neglect which resulted in starvation and dehydration also played a role in the slaughter as did mass cardiac arrest deaths which occurred at-home in urban centers- people stayed away from hospitals/ER’s due to fear so early stage cardiac arrest symptoms went untreated. Unilateral DNR’s also aided and abetted these crimes.
Following this opening “shock and awe” campaign individuals were then killed en masse in hospitals using the same treatments as above as well as remdesivir, barcinitib and assorted toxic cocktails. Following that we have the deadly addition of the toxic mRNA injections.
Into that mix are the deadly impacts of lockdowns and the accompanying economic devastation.
Any and all talk about a “virus” is superfluous- it was mass murder by policy from which large financial investors profited at a record setting pace- the largest upwards transfer of wealth in history- conveniently “Covid” provided cover for that.
What happened in 2020 was simply that the flu was re-branded and repurposed- the term “Covid-19” was invented to turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent of the mythical “Al-Qaeda” meaning to terrorize the population with the false construct of a boogeyman.
What this manufactured crisis conveniently camouflages is that we are in the midst of a planned total economic collapse on a global scale that allows the ruling class to mop up properties (bankrupted small businesses, foreclosed homes etc.) in order to stake limitless claims on everything in the world. Without any external threat like a ‘Killer Virus’ this massive financial collapse would have immediately caused panic and threatened dollar credibility.
Without the Covid-19 smokescreen this worldwide Ponzi Scheme and the ongoing historical wealth transfer would be seen for what it is- ongoing racketeering and theft by the financial aristocracy.
As the “War on Terror” illustrated, these deep events are constructed to exploit as many different lines of acquisition as possible. With the “Covid Pandemic” replacing the phony “War on Terror” yet another revamped “worldwide crisis” miraculously morphed into a ruling class multi-purpose golden opportunity.
We are living through the biggest worldwide organized crime since WW2.
The scale of the deception is too large for even many who consider themselves “in the know” to accept or comprehend and remain trapped in some version of the “Covid” merry-go-round.
Others are still asleep or traumatized as the social fabric is being smashed to pieces as the world around them is being completely transformed.
Put simply, Covid-19 was not a widespread medical emergency, it was a money laundering scheme, a massive psychological operation and a smoke screen for a complete overhaul and restructuring of the current social and economic world order.
Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.
Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.
Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.
There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.
The ruling psychos are gonna come unstuck at some point, because their ruthless avarice blinds them to the invincible Power of Truth.
Johnny you r in OZ aren’t you ?
With Albos latest announcement of ID (no doubt digital bio metric ) needed for online platforms how will the Truth pervade the minds of our extremely sheepish population?
those who don’t wish to hand over their Iris scans won’t be accessing any means to broadcast the Truth.
He’s dreamin.
Brilliantly put. My only doubts regarding this is why they are being so blatant about it. It’s blatant to the point of ridicule as in the ‘have a jab for a kebab’ type of way. Other memories include Chris Whitty in the UK saying about lockdown ‘I never thought we’d get away with it’ and Matt Hancock laughing so much and pretending he was crying when he heard William Shakespeare was the first recipient of the jab in the UK. Also blatant is the obvious use of ridicule in the acronyms used: SAGE for the bunch of idiots whose ‘scientific expertise’ masterminded the Covid fiasco. PHEIC (pronounced ‘fake’) for the Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Omicron being an anagram of moronic. Spi-B as the acronym for Scientific pandemic insights group into behaviours. There’s something vaguely James Bond-esque about it all. I feel like I’m in some kind of Milgram experiment where the signs are so obviously pointing one way but the majority of people are looking in the opposite direction. This is either a mass experiment to sort the sheep from the non-sheep or a huge joke being played out on us like a bad spy movie (Spy B-movie?) trying to wake us all up. Klaus Schwab could not be more of a joke especially with his name so conveniently echoing the swabs that have been inflicted on us. Almost as ridiculous as the tennis player who refused the jabs being called ‘Novax’ and playing with ‘Ons Jabeur’ in a mixed doubles. Almost as ridiculous as .. well you know what I mean and I’m sure you have your own examples.
Give me a break! This is ALL A JOKE, folks.
Yes, the ruling class psychopaths who planned and executed the scamdemic and who are behind the many other overlapping diabolical agendas that amount to a full-spectrum class warfare (world war 3, between the transnational ruling class and their respective populations, i.e., all of us) had a good laugh as they watched the chaos they unleashed unfold and millions of people obediently “doing what they’re told” (as Fauci admonished) and restricting their own airways, standing on the feet stickers, following the colored arrows around grocery store aisles, and lining up to get injected with experimental poison cocktails (that Gates publicly and suspiciously referred to as his “Final Solution”), and ordinary citizens eagerly take on the role as volunteer policemen and brownshirts to ensure others were following the rules, and families, friendships, marriages fall apart because of disagreements about all of the above; and they’re laughing even harder now as millions tune in to the American electoral extravaganza and join one team or the other, as if it’s all real rather than Reality TV, and cheer on their preferred puppet/character in the scripted melodrama/tragedy, with signs and stickers and buttons and flags and all, and once again end lifelong relationships because the other person supports the other team, not realizing both parties and candidates are really on the same team, owned by the same billionaires, proposing the same policies, advancing the same agendas; and equally funny to them (with their sick senses of humor) is watching the fruits of their labor flourish as relatively poor and powerless people turn on poorer and even more powerless people just because they have a different skin color, religion, or nationality, directing all their frustrations at their fast-falling standard of living and vanishing freedoms, which is the deliberate result of decades of bipartisan polices that have only benefited the very rich who have absolutely zero patriotism for their home countries or loyalty to the people who live, work, and die there, only to their own class.
They just keep using the oldest tricks in the book, because most people keep falling for them over and over, and seemingly never learn, or don’t want to admit they’ve been fooled.
Yeah, it’s really fucking funny to them, especially the fact that they’re getting away with all of it.
It’s actually at this point also quite funny to me too mainly because I’ve ceased to believe in a satanic, demonic ‘Smersh’ figure. It’s just smoke and mirrors and some blubbering idiot behind the curtain quivering in his boots to think we really don’t believe it or even care any more 😂
Why so blatant? Because most people don’t bother looking, and the managers know it.
But the point is (and I’ve been around a while so I feel I can confirm this) it never used to be so blatant and just because they can get away with being so obvious about it doesn’t explain why they would risk jeopardising their plans. The only explanation as to why things have changed is because there’s a different gang of thieves in charge that want us to see how bad the last lot were so they can take over. Will they be better? Maybe – but for most people there may not be much of a difference except the satisfaction of knowing that some bad guys got dealt with. I’d love to believe the cavalry are coming but I’m not holding my breath.
Pretty near perfect, except i would have said “flu” instead of “virus” in “…….turn the seasonal virus into the equivalent…..”. There is no evidence of any virus which causes a flu either. Thanks.
Deaths (at home or elsewhere) were from many illnesses besides heart-related.
The jab killed far more young people (under 30 including children) than all those (including the elderly) killed by the ill-treatment or fake medicines. In US, the jab goes on for infants.
AFAIK, the “backlog” in postponed medical appointments remains and still harms people.
Maxwell, plumbing the depths of the deception as few others do.
And, I would add, it is for comments such as yours that I often read the headline then go straight to the comments ordered by rank. I may read the article if the comments indicate it would be worth my while.
Pathogen myth, contagion myth, taken as facts, conclusion that either there was a lab released pathogen which caused problems or that there was a pathogen which could have been lab-released which wasn’t all that special. The idea maintained is “not this time, maybe, but it could happen.” That’s the fear narrative, the core of the entire COVID PysOp.
Exactly. Once people know there is only one cause of disease: toxemia – it is game over for the “elites”.
Not necessarily game over. As some people on this forum vehemently point out every time this subject comes up, there are many ways in which the rulers would attempt to control us by deception. Why said people are against permanently removing this particular arrow from their quiver is still beyond me, though.
I found Table 1 very handy, and copied/pasted it for future reference, along with links. The paper was a bit too long-winded for me.
I hope it’s jargon free paper that us ‘useless eaters’ can comprehend, process and act upon.
We’ll give you 60 minutes and that’s it, for real.
Too old, too slow too tired of the waffle.
You snooze, you lose
It’ll have to do for everyone’s bread and circuses
fix until the next false flag. 👍
I do hope that sooner or later the relative value of ‘useless eaters’ vs ‘genocidal psychopaths’ will be considered.
It would be quite amusing for the Satanic Cabal to have their value put at negative very enormous number after all…..
I swear that strike one never ends, strike two goes away for a while, but too does not end, and strike three gets off to a roaring start, only to get cut down rounding 3rd base, and the whole thing starts all over again.
“Humans have a rapidly decreasing-to-negative ‘Value Added’ .”
From: Future Strategic Issues / Future Warfare (circa 2025)