What YOU are saying about: Syria
First in a new series highlighting comment and discussion below the line.
We kick off with the recent events in Syria which have generated a lot of competing analyses.
Solaris points out how the supposed “Rebels” seem so keen to appease and work with Israel:
“We will go for full peace with Israel, we will live side by side as neighbors. Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, we have never made any critical comments against Israel, unlike Hezbollah, who stated they aim to liberate Jerusalem and the Golan Heights [which Israel took from Syria during the Six-Day War in 1967 and annexed]. Our only focus is to get rid of Assad and the Iranian militias.
Hopefully, we will coexist in harmony and we will transform this region and take it from a state of war into a state of economic progress, perhaps with Israeli and American aid for reconstruction. We will take it on a different path than Iran and Hezbollah.”[Link]
Al-Qaeda-linked ‘rebels’ in Syria say they ‘love Israel’. USA gave them billions in weapons & support
The US spent billions over years arming and training militants in Syria, many linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The extremist “rebels” who took over Aleppo (and rule Idlib) told the Israeli media they “love Israel”.
Israel has for years given weapons and other forms of support to extremist “rebels” in Syria, including Al-Qaeda, which have sought to violently overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad, who has refused to recognize Israel and has provided military aid to resistance groups in the region.
BigAl thinks there is more war coming as the system collapses throughout the coming year:
Big Al
What comes next? More war. And in the U.S., anyone against war is between a rock and a hard place. The democratic party went full war party long ago so there will be no push back from them or the left. Hell, Syria started as Israel/Obama/Clinton’s war. The right maga cult and those that voted for Trump are still under the delusion that he won’t be what he really is, an American/zionist imperialist. We just had a national election that last two fucking years so people are exhausted and sick of politics. And it’s Christmas shopping season, where everyone maxes out their credit cards so they can stress about that on Jan. 2nd. The people will not be out in the streets protesting war. Not this time.
As it’s now shown that Trump filled his admin with a bunch of zionist warmongers and has stated he wants to make Israel great again (not sure when it ever was though), it’s hard not to see this as the time, finally, when they go after Iran on their way to the whole enchilada, Greater Israel. That is what MIGA is all about.
Combine that with governments collapsing because of debt, the US debt ceiling coming to a head January 1st, the supposed Bird flu and pandemics, and it appears that 2025 is the year we’ve all been waiting for. In a morbidly curious sort of way that is. Hang on to your hats.
Howard laid the blame for Assad’s defeat at Turkey’s door:
The key to the apparent “Rebel” victory has a proper name – and that vile two-timing name is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the dictator for life in Turkey who has ignored the cries of the Turks to help the Palestinians. Oh, to be sure, the slimeball has mouthed support for the Resistance; but in the end he donned his US/NATO skullcap and gave the green light to take Syria.
It would seem Muslims have yet to get over their long history of sectarian squabbling, which reduced a once imposing empire to a kindergarten food fight.
A good case can be made that it’s only because Christians did manage to put all that crap behind them that they’re in the driver’s seat worldwide. Religion is the scourge of humanity – always has been and always will be until it’s driven back to hell.
But SeamusPadraig blames Eastern incompetence as much as Western ambition:
The only question that matters at this point is: What the hell were the Russians and Iranians thinking when they let Syria go? Without Syria, the ‘Axis of Resistance’ is finished. Once Trump is installed, he’ll roll out his stupid ‘Abraham Accord’ again, and the Palestinians will be finished. Greater Israel is now a reality … let that sink in.
RedpillReader isn’t buying the narrative at all.
The most interesting part of this is that the “rebels” took over while facing next to no resistance.
I’m thinking this is just more token “war”. Assad was told “time to go mate” by the same paymasters who told him and the rest of the world to pretend “covid” was real. He took his orders like they all do and scarpered on cue.
Just like Putin getting to Kiev too quick and being told “no mate, too fast, this war has got to last as long as possible”, so he turns his army round heads home!
Susie Allbright thinks its a further narrative in service to the globalist agenda:
Susie Allbright
The wars are all about getting globalism to us asap, just like covid. They’re also performative to enforce the idea of opposition among the elites. All their psyops involve THEM killing US.
What do you think they’re fighting for? The governments are puppets and their puppeteers already own all the resources supposedly being fought over.
Read Orwell to find out what war means now if never before,
And finally [emphasis added]…
Paul Scally
I feel very sad and sorry for the ordinary Syrian citizens, their country is going the way of Libya, a total banana state thanks to the Brits and the Yanks.
…I think the first eleven words at least are something we can all agree on. Whatever interest is being served we know it’s not the 99%, because it never is, in Syria or anywhere else.
There’ll be another “What YOU are saying” soon.
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Wonder what Vanessa Beeley response on this is?
Surprise surprise. Told you so (I know how obnoxious can I get) but on TheTruthseeker.co.uk as an innocuous commentor in February 22 when the Russian military entered into the Ukraine, and with the ZOG Zelensky regime running and controlling the Ukraine, said it was a DEAL between ZOG-Israel-USA with the Russians to take those four eastern oblasts in exchange for getting out of Syria. Said the same since, even with elaborate arguments showing the Soros ZOG NGO’s out of the ME and into the Ukraine to destabilize it also with ZOG billions right from the Rothschild coffers. However, these days if anyone is to become too influential and go beyond humble comments they are simply not going to be around very long. Also, you have to be an planner to know one, and simply must understand that the powers are making deals all of time, screwing those with less powers, constantly gobbling things up which don’t belong to them, and planning usually decades in advance just like with the plandemic. Might make right you know. Why ZOG? It is the money power stupid – ever since a few hundred years ago they became Hegelian and started destabilizing banks, corporations, and even nations to offer their solutions and take them over.
Straight from the horses mouth.
What do Occupied Palestinians and Syrians think about Assad being replaced? Their opinions override any analysis by non-Syrians.
“Panem et Circenses”
The pro-Israeli djihadi “rebels” are mas-
sacring their defenseless evil Assad sup-
porters. None of this in the Juden press.
(GRAPHIC!) https://linkmix.co/31909048
What I want to know is how come no-one on here, or anywhere else on alternative media, seemed to have known beforehand that they weren’t paying the Syrian army, which is why they wouldn’t fight? You’d think that would be something obvious that all the inside dopers would have pounced on.
The Media has made it a point not to report just how extensive and devastating the US sanctions against Syria were, let alone that US military forces were stealing oil and keeping the wheat fields from the Syrian people. These sanctions made it impossible for Syria to trade with other nations because they could not use the dollar as currency.
Beyond that, few were even focused on Syria during the past year of genocide. Even the Alt Media gets so caught up in the crisis du jour that nothing else is discussed. It’s called “Views” – the Internet equivalent of “Ratings.”
Some times the world is just too simple.
Here is another thing among thousands of things that Russia still dont understand: https://sputnikglobe.com/20241210/russia-does-not-understand-what-part-of-golan-heights-israel-considers-its-own—nebenzia-1121139098.html
The most interesting analysis I have yet read or heard came from Alex Krainer posted on the Dialogue Works site early Friday morning. Assad was in Moscow the day before the headchopper incursion started, probably with his entire family, and in discussions with Putin. The bottom line to Krainer’s analysis is that Assad gave the order to his military to “stand down.” According to Krainer this was determined to be the best long term strategy by both Russia and Iran. His arguments are very logical and explains the facts of the astonishingly sudden and unprecedented military collapse of his government. Definitely worth the listen.
Russia’s bs and clumsiness in Syria, a deep dark secret for market analysts and dialogue specialists..
excellent in many respects. But does not address those that direct from the hidden hand.
Putin is a World Economic Global leader . Talks of deals of a few billion but deals of a trillion are done. Today it is Syria but tomorrow it could be turkey or even Iran.
Yes in the long run they can not hold Syria maybe not even steal all its oil. but they can destabilise it for a long time and remove a trading competitor as they did in Yugoslavia.
Gets around to that Russia and Iran and Turkey allowed and helped the takeover in Syria.
But does he realised that Russia has been keeping the war in Ukraine going by supporting Ukraine with oil and gas. Trade is more important than war and the reason for war.
I agree with much of what you write here, Brian. I also agree that Putin is playing the white hat, or more properly a gray hat, in a 4D globalist play designed to transform humanity into a neofeudal Borg hive. He is the least dirty shirt in the hamper, and many of his sins are obscured by the utter depravity of the West. But it is refreshing to see an analyst, Krainer, on gootube who can even get the 3D reality correct.
The Syrian incursion was a trap by the globalist West to bleed Russia on another front as they did with Afghanistan with the Soviet Union. Putin and Iran were smart enough not to take the bait. Assad was trying to reach an accommodation with the West and the Gulf States, but an ophthalmologist is not in the same duplicitous league as the Western Satanists. I even suspect that Russia will still have its navy base there intact a year from now barring a full out global nuclear exchange. One may argue that the neocons, including Trump, are too stupid to be stupid, but perhaps they are just following orders from the center of the spider’s web that they cannot wrap their heads around. The Israeli’s are celebrating as did the Trojan’s when they dragged the gift horse of the gods through their gates.
Turkey and Israel have created quite a mess for themselves being led by two of the planet’s leading psychos. Trump’s son-in-law, married to Tiffany, who “owns” Syria’s phosphate. will have a hard time holding on to it. Even the stolen Conoco oil fields are in jeopardy with the coming head chopper chaos (not anarchy) into which the country is entering not to mention the 1-2000 US troop tripwire there.
Here is a much more decent, factual and useful report. https://www.globalresearch.ca/regime-change-syria-step-greater-israel/5874864 .
So dont say I didnt came up with something better ;-).
Greater Israel, and Russia did all they could to arrange, agree and divide Syria after this map. What the Author on Global Research regrettably similar doesnt fully grab.
We all loved him. The best boss we had ever had. He gave us all the resposnibilty he though we could handle, and when one of our team, f’cked up, we told the truth, and if we could fixed it from home. Never publiclly name or blame the member of your team who f’cked up
When it is all working again. take him into an office, and shut the doors
“Why didn’t you page me, text me, phone me on my mobile or landline”?
I took full responsibility.No one ever knew the person in my team who made a mistake..
We occasionally still meet after work
cos it still works
Dmity Orlov, who never let me post on his blog, despite the fact that I thought he was highly intelligent, and bought his book, has the best analysis of what is going on in Syria..I have yet seen.
He likes Sailing Boats..moved from Russia to America. and back to Russia…(exceedingly bright) – but does not like criticism – he know he is always right..
RedpillReader is on the money. And an OG reader commented recently that this new battlefield and the move in Iran’s direction reminded her of Gen. Wesley Clark talking about how the USA wanted to take out seven countries in five years (though we know now that they missed the deadline). This, too, rings true. We know that the US government is run by Zionist Israel, so it all makes sense. The 80 year old meme ascribed to he who must not be named really applies to the Zionist Jews slightly modified: First Palestine, then the world.
Zionist Israel is propagating the perception framing for accepting
its coming attack on Iran: “Iran is close to/ already has nuclear
weapons”** – so we Zionists are justified in bombing Iran back to
the Stone Age !
** A variant of the US’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction” justification)…
(Expect claims “Iranians are untermensch, anyway !!” to be
included as an extra justification)…
Dont worry, Russia will have a base there and protect Iran by negotiating deals and Treaties with Israel and US. Peace!
Same template as the E.U and U.K
promises told pre selection then what happens after.
The recent footage and interviews from Syrian prisons revealing sadistic and insane torture and death, points to the fact of how the elites circumstance false binaries. Remember claims of Syrian torture and chemical weapons? White hats, apparently very staged to prop up the chemical weapons claims. These two claims were used to after-the-fact justify US military involvement even though the CIA and Western spooks have been engineering Syrian destabilization (just like all foreign disobedients worldwide) for decades. Just like the Russia and China false binary evil casting, players, like Gabbard, are found to visit the “enemy” to present a “good side” of the enemy to loosen up and confuse the US public. Enemy or maybe enemy? Thus the true evil of both sides are obscured and the fog of war lets conflicts continue.
It seems reasonable to understand that all the elite leader players, any State in control of a population, resort to police-prison-torture-death as a method of re-enforcing their control. The US has Guantanamo, foreign torture sites, the 5x-anywhere-else prison system with supermax solitary and the fact that 20% of all US inmates experience solitary confinement which is torture. Russia, China, and many other countries have documented proof of false imprisonment and torture. If the US can execute terror and torture similarly, it can be assumed ANY State entity does it when they feel they “need” to.
But this does not justify war. It justifies criminal prosecution on those ordering and executing. The West rationalizes all current war escapades as liberations from the evil of the “other”. Do the revelations of Syrian false arrest, prison torture and deaths now justify what the West has executed in Syria since 2012? Only if one accepts the lie that Western nations do not falsely punish, imprison, torture and kill people, same as their supposed “enemies”.
For me the revelation of Syrian State evil just reinforces that all governments established without universal consensus consent are Humanity’s enemy and all change must be directed at the root, not the “other” enemy, not through spook subversion and war.
Nations are psychopaths that is all nations not just some of them.
Most of the pictures you refer to are from the Syrian rebels and opposition who now govern Syria.
We have been through this fake story about Assad’s torture of prisoners before.
These are not pictures this is film and interviews of people and families that have been there. Pretty hard to deny. Not phony like the White Helmets psyop. Why would any totalitarian state not torture? The US and West have been doing it for as long as foreign affairs existed. Let’s face it. The two parties are evil and all the states are evil as well because the people allow them authority they should should never have.
If Paul Scally and others researched ‘Greater Israel’ and the Zionists’ very long and dirty history of false flag attacks, victimology and control of western governments, they’d point their fingers more accurately at the perpetrators of genocide and forever wars in the Middle East and beyond.
What’s (State-Funded) Russian Media Saying About Syria’s Regime Change?
“Assad’s Syria had been rotting from within for years. The country was locked in a perpetual humanitarian and economic crisis, with 90% of Syrians living in poverty and widespread malnutrition. Desperate families took out loans just to buy food but couldn’t pay them back. Power outages crippled even Damascus, sometimes leaving the capital dark for 20 hours a day. Electricity prices soared by up to 585% in the spring of 2024 alone, pushing an already destitute population deeper into despair.
The Assad government offered no solutions – only mounting repression. Under crushing sanctions, Damascus couldn’t secure foreign loans, and with its oil fields under US-Kurdish control, there was nothing left to trade. Even Syria’s illicit drug trade, once a lifeline, couldn’t plug the gaping holes in state finances. Profits disappeared into the pockets of warlords and traffickers, not the state treasury.
Meanwhile, Assad’s underpaid, demoralized army, bled dry by years of civil war, continued to disintegrate. For a time, Iranian proxies like Hezbollah propped up his forces, but by 2024, they’d shifted their attention to fighting Israel. Attempts to draw Russia further into Syria’s quagmire fell flat. Moscow, busy elsewhere, had no interest in bailing Assad out.”
It is true that the Syrian government followed World Bank and IMF “advice” in the 2000s and that this led to privatisations and consequent social problems. Now that the Ba’athist era is over and the US has unlimited control over what is left of Syria the full scope of neo-colonial measures will be unleashed against the Syrian people. Whatever was done by Assad will pale in comparison with the wholesale asset stripping that will now occur. People who argue that Assad followed a bad course on certain things so, somehow, that justifies the destruction of Syria are much like the trots in 1991. Back then they argued that because the USSR and peopels democracies weren’t utopias it was actually good that they were destroyed because now the real fight for socialism could begin? But what happened then oh great warriors for true socialism? Well the peoples of the former USSR and Eastern Europe got thr full neo-colonial treatment that’s what happened because the comprador forces were in control. The same is true with Syria, now three will be no constraints on what the US imperialists will do.
The overthrow of the Assad regime makes full scale regional war (indeed world war) more likely not less. The euphoria of the rebels is sadly misplaced. Turkiye – backer of HTS – looks like being dragged into direct confrontation with Israel, which is pushing its way to the outskirts of Damascus. The US is on opposite sides to its NATO ally Ankara, which is fighting the socialist Kurds. All the ingredients for major regional war. But the larger picture is just as gloomy – even gloomier. The conflagration won’t stop there. China and Russia will back Iran as the fire spreads, to protect their interests in central Asia and the Indo-Pacific. When analysed, the inevitable result can only be world war: the titanic struggle between Washington and Beijing. To avoid Nuclear Armageddon, a simple syllogism might help, and focus minds: every empire in history eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid; today, everyone wants to avoid WWIII; therefore, annihilation is the fate that awaits mankind. Paradoxically, the only chance of avoiding that fate is to accept it. The answer, and hope, lies within that logic.
Good analysis.
So who should have helped Assad stay in power then? The Russians and Iranians failed miserably in the end, right? And what about the Syrian population? For now they are ecstatic all their innocent population are no longer being tortured and killed in prisons for doing nothing more than breathe. You begrudge them this just in case your theory is right? HTS seems a better alternative to them, and isn’t it them that have the right to choose not any couch potatoes on here?
Assad refuse Russia^s help to retrain his forces he made deals with the Gulf States and SA whilst betraying the hands that helped him Iran and Russia. They concluded why fight for him !
You may be right, but you didn’t really address any of my challenges to Peter who also has conveniently done so.
If you bite the hand that feeds you, one should expect them to save you !
“ no longer being tortured and killed in prisons for doing nothing more than breathe.”
Perhaps the chances of no being tortured and killed in prisons for doing nothing more than breathe are greater under HTS. After HTS’s sponsors are Israel and the US and while there are many examples of regime change intervention by those sponsors there are no examples the replacement regime having a better human rights record than the previous regime.
I’ve already addressed this. It could hardly be worse could it? And it’s up to the people not you or I!
‘YOU’, is a legalese term meaning anyone prepared to take responsibility.
As in, in Scotland: Procurator Fiscal (Crown) v YOU. Dear sir/madam YOU did this YOU did that.
The Justice system is the corrupt thread that keeps the establishment in control.
It is always YOU that goes to court. I.E., A corporate fiction.
could Russian Bases remain in Syria seems impossible
But Guantanamo Bay remained in Cuba after Fidel Castro took over
so how does that make any sense. They are all enemies except when they are shaking hands and decided how to slice up the cake.
George Carlin – It’s A BIG Club & You Ain’t In It!
So Castro was going to blockade Guantanamo bay and physically force the US out in just the same way the Greek Cyrpriots would force the British out of theirs base in Akrotiri and the head choppers will force the Rooskies from Tartus.
Willy Brandt would use the term Real Politik to describe reality to explain to idealists their pie in the sky idea is just that !
My point was that it did not happen Castro did not try to get rid of Guantanamo bay naval base so not the enemy of the US he was portrayed as.
There were some that wanted to keep the illegal casino’s in Cuba,
But small fry compared to manipulating oil and sugar and banana and other prices . Did Castro get in power by defeating his enemies or was he allowed to win .
“ Did Castro get..” If you have evidence he was allowed to win, please present as it would be very interesting to read.
The Syrian government was probably warned not to engage directly in the Gaza/Lebanon War. The US can launch Tomahawks at any time at Syria. Even when Syria wanted to wipe out the ISIS pocket at At Tanf they were bombed in retaliation by the US. When Russia and Syria were launching strikes in Idlib Turkey was retaliating against the SAA. Lack of resources, lack of morale, encircled on many sides by hostile groups (AnsarAllah is much more insulated in this respect) makes you want to make small, calculated moves and not some bloody all out war that will drag all kinds of players in.
As long as the Moslems are subjugating their women, I have no sympathy for them dividing into factions and exterminating each other. In fact, I my make popcorn.
Thank Christ there’s never been subjugation of women in our perfect Christian countries.
We’ve never had perfect Christian countries, though have we? We’ve had a lot of nominal Christianity where people claim to be Christian but aren’t. Jesus Himself warns us “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!”
Religions = Division.
Life = Unity.
God = Life.
Simple as.
Well said.
We should then rely on those with all other sundry religious persuasions exterminate each other and those thinking their nationalism make them special exterminate each other too.
This would leave only a small percentage of the vaxxed left which the unvaxxed could easily wipe out and, at last, life could be worth living until the mafia re-establish themselves.
Praise be.
‘Wipe out’ ?
Typically Christian.
Typically religious.
They’d all, mostly, have been exterminated by that stage since they also had, er, faith in the Vax too.
As long as the
Moslemswesterns are subjugating their women,yes during covid they was happy to wear masks and also be forced to wear masks
under the guise of protecting someone else.
The torture towards western children by western parents will never be forgotten
maybe start with your own,
You have a point, of course, but Switzerland, for example, only granted women their vote in 1971… And look what we are doing to our children with all the vaxx mandates (a crime against humanity IMO) and, lately, the disgusting teachings about transgenderism in schools and the undue influencing of children in that direction against their parents’ will. That’s total mind control of children. Are you breaking out the popcorn over this?
There are now reports of devastated US parents losing the battle to stop the other parent from going ahead with transgender mutilation of a child they share. This is surprising, because the corresponding legal battles in Canada and Australia took place 5-10 years ago.
Maybe the Moslems are just taking care of and protecting their women, what actually is men’s natural function here on earth.
All right you enjoy popcorn, manly women with men’s haircut, and to see people kill each other.
So the conclusion here is we are just different.
The Empire of War, Greed and Hypocrisy reigns:
Should we bow down or shout from the rooftops?
Pull yr pants down and bow is my advise to everyone. Save yr own arse is always the best solution.
YOU don’t need to; just, keep paying your taxes and accept their authority.
One thing is clear, the incoming U.S. president doesn’t even have a clue what’s going on and why. He’s going to be led along like a hungry dog after a bone on a rope.
“Russian Intelligence Failure”?, by Andrew Anglin – The Unz Review
I thought Pepe Escobar had a good summary of what happened and what’s going on. Some might label him whatever like almost all writers are, but he’s very knowledgeable and has been consistently studying and writing about geopolitics for a long time now, particularly in the middle east/north Africa (MENA) region after 9/11. Importantly, and a good reminder, he starts with this:
“The NATO-Israeli cabal cheering on Damascus’s fall will get more than they bargained for. Power struggles and infighting among extremist militias and civil society, each backed by different regional and foreign actors who want a piece of the pie”.
So, there are many competing and coordinated interests going on, and at the top appears to be two main ones: Zionist Israel and the quest for Greater Israel and the U.S. and NATO in their quest to rule the world, or at least keep Russia and China from challenging. . And as always, a big part of that is the control of resources (like with Gaza), whether directly or indirectly which goes back to the British empire 100 years ago and more.
“On the geo-energy level, now there are no more obstacles to the resolution of an epic Pipelineistan saga – and one of the key reasons for the war on Syria, as I analyzed it nine years ago: building the Qatar–Turkiye gas pipeline through Syrian territory to provide Europe with an alternative to Russian gas. Assad had rejected that project, after which Doha helped fund the Syrian war to depose him.”
But again, he warns about reality:
“There’s no evidence that key Persian Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and UAE will gleefully accept Qatar’s geoeconomic stardom if the pipeline is built. For starters, it needs to run through Saudi territory, and Riyadh may no longer be open to that.”
It’s like what others have said about Wes Clark’s warning in 2007 about the 7 countries 5 years (ending with Iran). Things don’t always work out the way you want them.
As for the Israel angle, he states this:
“As it stands, the new regime in Damascus will be, for all practical purposes, backed by those who support and engineer Eretz Israel and the genocide of Palestine. It’s already out in the open, coming from Israeli cabinet officials themselves: Tel Aviv ideally would love to expel the population of Gaza and the West Bank to Syria, though Jordan is their preferred destination.”
One thing he mentions which I think is important and should be taken into consideration relative to Trump and his new administration, “The Great Game reloaded”. Looks like just that and Trump wants a trillion dollar military budget for it.
Syria’s post-mortem: Terror, occupation, and Palestine, by Pepe Escobar – The Unz Review
I’ve been following Pepe Escobar for quite some time. But his rhetoric here makes it sound like he doesn’t understand that chaos in the Middle East is precisely what the US wants. If it didn’t want chaos, it wouldn’t have placed some of the most severe sanctions on Syria that it’s ever doled out. First it has isolated Syria’s wheat fields and oil fields in the Northeast; then it has fixed it so Syria cannot trade with any other nation in dollars.
Clearly the US is so completely in the grip of hubris and so desperate to avoid the infamous dustbin of history that it sees utter destruction and chaos as its best chance to preserve its empire. Insanity will always find a way to justify itself..
I think chaos is a means to an end, the payoff. I suppose in one way, keeping China and Russia down, wasting money and resources on chaos might help the empire, but surely control and use of those resources would be much better. Those controlling U.S. foreign policy surely aren’t that stupid.
Oh, wait.
As I have said many times to both Trump, Xi and Putin: “If you wanna know something, ask ME about it”!
For nuts united in a nut shell: Zionism bad, Islamism, Communism, Americanism, (fill in any imperialism leftover) good.
Finally! You’ve figured it out.
Zionism = Mammon.
Communism = Mammon.
Capitalschism = Mammon.
Religions = Mammon.
The few exploiting the many.
History, in five words.
Good point.
Zionism is the only one of the four that actually depends on a negative reaction. Zionism need “anti-Semitism” to function. It needs the mantle of victimhood.
Islam doesn’t ??
I agree on that end conclusion, short and precise. The second sentence as well, as only the Brits and Yanks have the decisive resources.
” As only the Brits and Yanks have the decisive resources. ”
If only they hadn’t closed down so many factories and transferred so much production to other countries whilst reducing their armed forces so significantly, there might have been some validity in that statement.
As the Roman Empire found out, mercenaries have loyalty to no one, so the proxy armies they are using, can turn on then when it suits them.
The British Empire and their new replacement the US Empire, is the only ones who have the decisive resources.
No matter how many comments, articles, books,you write to change that sentence into something else, you cant change the factual truth in it.
” ..you cant change the factual truth in it. “
British defence: the crisis in the Armed Forces
Depleted military power may not be able to meet its own commitment to up defence spending to 2.5%
British defence: the crisis in the Armed Forces | The Week UK
Pentagon alert: U.S. runs out of missiles in a ‘matter of days’ in China war, can’t match production’Arsenal of democracy’ would face deep strains in major conflict, simulation reveals
Congress: U.S. defense industry unable to supply weapons to sustain war with China – Washington Times
The old adage, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, comes to mind !
In addition,..
Russia is outpacing the arms production of the entire EU after significantly ramping up its defense industry and despite Western sanctions, the bloc’s commissioner for defense and space, Andrius Kubilius, has said.
Kubilius, a noted Russia hawk and two-time prime minister of Lithuania, was approved by the European Parliament last month as the EU’s first ever defense commissioner.
In an interview on Friday with the RND media group, he called on the EU to significantly expand the production of conventional weapons such as artillery and infantry vehicles, as well as long-range and precision weapons amid what he called a Russian attack threat.
“The Russians have expanded their arms industry to an unimaginable extent despite our sanctions,” Kubilius stated.
Russia now produces “more weapons in three months than the entire European arms industry can produce, and in six months more weapons than the entire German army has,” he added.
Kubilius also cited experts who, according to him, say that Russia now produces more tanks than it uses on the front lines in the Ukraine conflict.
The commissioner said that a so-called NATO standard for weapons production should be developed in order to be prepared for a possible Russian attack on the EU by 2030. Kubilius claimed he was warned about such an attack by EU members’ intelligence services, including Germany’s BND.
NATO has long declared Russia to be a direct threat, and Western officials have repeatedly claimed that if Moscow wins the Ukraine conflict, it could then attack other European countries.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly dismissed claims of any possible military advance by Moscow against NATO countries as “nonsense.”
EU commissioner claims Russian defense industry massively outperforming bloc’s — RT World News
‘Embedded Mossad sleeper/spies’
Who knows, but we are living in insane times.
Before the invasion of Libya, the head of a mosque, maybe in Benghazi, was an Israeli. In the world of “special” forces and “contractors”, truth is stranger than fiction.
Species homo sapiens is only 300,000 years old and in that time every generation have seen their time as FUBAR/SNAFU to the MAX and mourned the good times of the past.
The times of the 1st and 2nd World Wars or of European Empires were not good at all.
“ Species Homo sapiens is only 300,000 years old” ?
it seems very premature to assesss the true significance of Assad’s departure
certainly there were covert deals involved, this is not even remotely a conspiracy theory, countless secret protocols among diplomats of regional and supraregional powers have been documented over the years in the context of armed conflict and other forms of international hostility, though they only reach the public eye decades later
in any case I don’t see any belligerent party here particularly as having emerged victorious or in any sense conquering this territory which seems patently ungovernable, and I would be skeptical of analyses that frame events as some sort of debacle for Russia and Iran
Gold, oil, gas, water, forests, good grazing land and prime real estate, opium, coco plants etc.
Where and when there’s a fortune to be made suffering will follow.
And then the fall.
The vampires keep increasing the pressure (exploitation) until the explosion.
clean bit
“the schemes of the International Irish. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where deleted are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all of them, have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Irish is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” ― Winston S. Churchill, Zionism Versus Bolshevism
The problem is that Churchill himself was yet another Zionist asset. He wrote the above article with the intention of scaring anti-communists into supporting moving the Jews to Palestine. Interestingly enough, between roughly 1934 and 1939, that’s what Hitler was doing as well. Look up the Ha’avara Agreement.
Good to see the self described socialists of the Western left celebrating the ‘rebels’, who are backed by Western imperialism, and not seeing any contradiction.
Can you give an example of these self described socialists
Yes, people like Owen Jones.
Noravirus Media, Zarah Sultana, the ‘Labour left’. Its always the same with the social democrat and trot crowd.
It looks to me like those countries that are not a member of the BIS have a high probability of being targeted for regime change.
Last time I heard of it there were only two countries left who are not member of BIS. North Korea is one of them.
I like this ‘ What you said ‘ comments section! It’s fun! However hopefully my comments won’t get picked cos I just write them as casual throwaway remarks half the time!
It’s pretty wild how the west went directly from “We need to occupy Afghanistan for two decades to prevent it from being taken over by the Taliban” to “Yay! Syria’s been taken over by al-Qaeda!” – Caitlin Johnstone
Expedience; the FIRST commandment of politics.
The free press reported the death of Baghdadi, a head honcho, multiple times. That is the “intelligence” the Free World pays for.
“ ..Syria falling took everyone by surprise. The sheer speed of the Assad regime collapsing as an entire army walked away from the slew of jihadists driving at high speed south, until they reached Damascus, was stunning. Presently we are only left with journalists’ clichés. Who are the winners and losers? Does this now weaken Iran thus tempting the U.S. and Israel to take a second shot at it? Or will Israel now target Iran’s allies in the region now that the Shia Crescent no longer has a lifeline highway which can be used to supply Hezbollah in Lebanon?
All of these questions still hang in the air as we need to see whether these jihadists from Idlib have the political skills to feather their own beds with regional players. Perhaps within Syria, it might be harder as already, at the time or writing, the HTS is already fighting key towns in the north which are controlled by Turkey’s main foe, the PKK, or should we say the YPG as it is known – the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) which is largely made up of Kurds, with a minority of Syrian army defectors thrown into the mix.
This clash now is interesting as the Kurds own the key part of Syria which has both the oil and the best agricultural land. Surely, one would argue that Jolani will now move to kick out the Kurds, even though their backers – the USA – are his as well. It is often the case that rival groups in Syria who are both on Uncle Sam’s payroll fight one another. But the scale of this potential conflict is huge and should not be underestimated. Syria is flat broke. Its economy is tatters with government regime soldiers only earning 7 USD a month in local Syrian pounds, probably one of the world’s most devalued currency in the last decade.
But it’s interesting how it was a Turkish leader often despised by U.S. officials who took the place of the Saudis and Emiratis who, in 2006, just after the embarrassing 34 day war in Lebanon which gave Israel a bloody nose, assured Dick Cheney that America would never be seen to be actually funding the most brutal terror group in the Middle East to fight its dirty wars. America, under Obama, actually gave Al Quada, ISIS and its affiliates hundreds of millions of dollars to fight Assad once the CIA had officially given approval to the plan to topple Assad in 2014. It was actually U.S. government policy to overthrow Assad with Syria always seen, even back then, as the weakest link in Iran’s sphere of power and influence. What the downfall of Assad is significant for, in terms of salient points it raises, or myths it debunks, is that western media will no longer be able to ignore the fact that the West bankrolls the most gruesome, horrific terrorists in the world while standing in line with the Charlie Hebdo funeral procession and condemning the Ariana Grande Manchester concert bomb. Despite CNN putting in a sterling effort in an interview with Jolani to rebrand him, the cat is out of the bag.
It’s really about relations. How to keep them, how to win new ones and how to lose them.
Ironically, it was Assad in the end who was the weakest link. He refused to have his army trained both by the Russians and then later by the Iranians. He decided that his longevity was via Israel, and so cozied up to the UAE who helped him with the lobbying in DC which some believe was working. Assad was actually trying to make himself the spy who came in from the cold with his Washington contacts rather than stay with the Russians and the Iranians. Given that it was Russia who saved him from a humiliating defeat in 2015 when most western hacks were already writing his eulogy, perhaps there is a lesson there for regional leaders.
But most leaders don’t learn lessons. In recent years relations between Assad and Erdogan swung from one high point to the other. Assad could have worked with Erdogan on destroying the SDF and take back the territory. There was an offer there. Yet Assad was blinded by his own dogma and vanity which is perhaps the key point which he has in common with Erdogan.
The Turkish leader now must reevaluate himself and his country. On the one hand, he has earned a great many points with both the U.S. and Israel, the latter being an arch enemy which has served his political narrative for some time, particularly recently. Does Erdogan now fulfil his dream of having a government in Damascus which is made up of Ottoman type functionaries and the same ideology? Or do both Israel and the U.S. now cast Erdogan aside thinking they have no longer any use for him, a move, in itself which would spark a full-scale civil war in Syria between these two main players now. Erdogan must now present himself as the key broker who is invaluable in finding a political solution, but how does he do that now he has pissed in the soup of two key regional powers that helped him for so long, Iran and Russia? Funding on behalf of the Americans a terrorist group which Washington doesn’t want to sully its hands with was smart. Finding about a third of the HTS’s fighters from Central Asia, will hold him in good stead as a contender at the poker table with all the regional leaders amassed. But now that he has fulfilled a dream, which coincidentally is the same as Netanyahu’s – the destruction of Syria as an Iranian
super proxy – how does he keep his élan and relevance, given that the west loves to hate him so much and often takes great pride in shunning him on occasion? “
Sultans of Swing !
I’m reminded of General Wesley Clarke’s quote; “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” (General Wesley Clark, 03.02.2007)Its taken the Zionists longer than 5 years but maybe 2025 is time for “….finishing of with Iran.”
Thanks to Russia pussyfooting, Syria is complete.
Also they did fuck all to stop the Libya rape.
With allies like Russia, who needs enemies?
5d chess can suck my balls.
The belief among many alt commentators that Russia/Putin would somehow save the West was always laughable. In the end they couldn’t/wouldn’t even save Syria.
Why would they have any interest in “saving the West?”
Don^t ask the ” their all in together ” believers logical questions !
What’s 5dchess?
Roughly, it’s what the Grandmasters do when they play a roomful of other players.
A steaming pile of horse manure usually emanating from certain segments of the alt-media and their hopeium junkie followers that their given hero/saviour/Messiah figure is playing a game of five dimensional chess. Therefore, any apparent losing move is actually a deliberate skilled ploy to trick their opponent since they are several moves ahead of their opponent and such a move should be viewed as part of a winning strategy. Strangely, in the end it never works out that way.
Here is an example, involving a well-known but no longer in business alt-media clown who ran a site called ‘The Saker’:
“ While I “love” (so to speak) the “in my great and unmatched wisdom” (not similes to indicate a tongue-in-cheek self-deprecating comment), I even much prefer Trump threatening to “devastate” the economy of the country with the 2nd biggest NATO military. Heck, he also threatened Europe and even the rest of the world.
As a Russian, I am in heaven, truly. Trump is destroying the Empire faster and better than all the combined powers of the Russian/Chinese/Iranian intelligence community ever could.
But as a resident of the USA I am absolutely appalled because this narcissistic imbecile (dumb narcissists are the most unbearable!) is destroying not just the Empire, but also the US, country and people I love very much!
And when I see what might replace Trump (except Tulsi Gabbard) I am very, very afraid for the future of this country and its people.
This being said, I have a feeling that Trump will be re-elected.
After all, a narcissistic imbecile who does not start wars is still A LOT better than a narcissistic imbecile who will start them (every Dem except Gabard, again).
Yes, there is a real difference between bad and worse.
But this is a sad, sad situation for the USA.
But for the rest of the planet – this is truly a moment to behold: yet another empire is coming tumbling down and, as is often the case, not by a foreign attack, but by self-destruction.
I hope that the people of the USA will not suffer what Russia suffered in the 1990s but, honestly, I agree with Dmitry Orlov: it will be even worse here.
God help us all!
The Saker “
Basis rule of research, always go to the primary resource.
Which article is that from? Why didn’t you link directly to it?
Anyway, your point is what?
That The Saker predicted Trump would win the (s)election?
That was not difficult to predict, I had been saying it here since I first started commenting even up until the days running up to the election, as stories broke that his lead was less or other ‘anti-Trump’ news broke. It was obvious because every story that broke though critical of him was in reality actually adding to his victim status and therefore would actually bolster his vote count.
The Saker’s Covid-1984 stance is more interesting than his prediction that Trump would win.
There are several other articles too where he reinforces the Covid-1984 psyop, including sucking up to the WHO and Tedros.
Another one:
The following analyses the treatment of unjabbed Russians and The Saker’s stance towards them. He didn’t have a problem with them being treated badly and ostracised, the same gameplan and disgusting treatment dealt out in Russia as in many other countries. Yet, he claims to be a Russian patriot.
You seem to have no issue with this, so long as whichever shill is supporting your geopolitical viewpoint.
In this case The Saker, but you also did the same with Moon of Alabama.
Assuming you have not taken the cull juice yourself, it seems odd that you happily support the Russian regime’s stance but not that of Western ones. You have bought into the false binary.
You are suffering from cognitive dissonance and a selective memory and as much as you would like to sweep Russia’s involvement in the Covid-1984 psyop under the carpet, it is the elephant in the room and it is not going away.
As my old school teacher said when answering an essay question, always refer back to the title of it. Alas, you have not learnt this lesson since in many cases when OG releases an article with a specific title, you take carte Blanche in order to avoid addressing the title of the article.
Now, it could be you haven’t been to Spec Savers or you seem to want to distract from the article title.
Which is it ?
Let’s keep ad hom and general bickering to a minimum in this thread, please. Thank you. A2
Agreed, posters should refer to the title of the article in a factual analysis.
This isn’t a school essay from an indoctrination class that you attended as part of your so-called education.
That is why your ‘analysis’ falls short.
Think for yourself for a change.
Pretending something didn’t happen in 2020 to 2022 that showed clear global centralised cordination with a near-identical script for a non-existent threat tells you what?
Don’t bother answering, you never do.
I see you haven’t either read or paid attention to Sam’s / admin addressed to ( I assume both of us ) and my reply to him.
So I will repeat what I said “.. posters should refer to the ACTUAL ARTICLE in a factual analysis “.
It seems you are following your well trodden path of going off at a tangent to deflect from the topic at the time.
If you cannot adhere to the title of the mentioned article, then you are wilfully ignoring both mine and Sams attempt to keep the thread relevant to the article at any given point.
I hope you are taking note of this Admin.
Don’t twist what Sam said. He was very specific:
He stated
“Let’s keep ad hom and general bickering to a minimum in this thread, please. Thank you. A2”
Furthermore, he knows, I know and you should know that the Plandemic is relevant. It is that event that is the key to uncovering the fact that geopolitics is a ruse. A scam, to con people like you into thinking these so-called independent nations are really masters of their own destiny.
They are not, they are puppet government that take their marching orders from the real controllers.
Since you are now trying to brown-nose Sam let’s all have a reminder of some of his comments to you in previous threads:
“I think you are spamming attitudes rather than arguments, which is a disinfo tactic. I’m getting tired of seeing you sneering at people using phrases like the above, it’s repetitive. You’re entitled to argue from evidence and logic, but you are just talking past people here. A lot of your recent comments have been filler material preoccupied with emotionally characterising your interlocutor and saturating comment threadsmaking conversation hard to follow. Not the first time Admin has seen you resort to this approach. So no more of that, please. I realise you won’t agree with admin’s decision, and that’s fine. You’re welcome to continue commenting, but be warned I’ll hold back more of the same. Thanks, A2”
Here is another:
“If people make no actual argument they also have no argument. It looks like you’re soft spamming generic disapproval and platitudes rather than usefully engaging, refuting, debating or discussing. And this is going round in circles. So I’m not letting more of this through. Please address specific requests made by Admin 1, link to actual corrections or alternative analysis and engage in organic discussion. Thanks, A2”
Don’t worry I am compling a list of them for later use asI find them. You have been pulled up many times for pulling these stunts.
You seem to forget, the job of Admin is precisely that.
On this occasion, I made the point of what the essence of this site is ie discussion of the relevant topic with facts.
I see you are not only engaging in distraction, in relation to the relevant article, but now trying to intimidate which by the way you have a track for this as you have tried this before!
RR behaves as a child and is quite boring by deflection. Do not engage
You then forgot to add that I stated “ ..should refer to Actual article with factual analysis. “ Sam/ Admin made no comment, since this has been stated by Admin on previous occasions. Therefore, there was no further comment from him.
You seem completely oblivious to this on numerous occasions with your attempts to use tenuous means to distract. After all, what is the point of having a titled article when you seem intent on your own agenda by any means.
As I have stated to you, this is what propagandists do ?
Now, the object of this site is to examine and discuss the relevant topics with evidence. Moreover, I have debated over the years the reasons why this is false analogy with plenty of concrete factual evidence to support this.
Let’s, look at a few examples, the Globalists have made known many of their ideas : destruction of the family, destruction of religion, destruction of the pillars of a nationstate and the nation state in its entirety. I
The Russian Federation has opposed all of these, yet, when the dogma of those with zealot like zeal of “ they are all in it together “ attempt to spin it away.
Its in his archives.
I letting you demonstrate your research skills.
” It was not difficult ..” The Saker article was written in 2019.
Title of the OG article !
What YOU are saying about: Syria
Dmitry Orlov gave up on US and move back to Russia to farm. Even if the fraudulent missiles (none of which worked in Ukraine) get past defences and destroy Russian cities, many Russians are relatively safe on their leased farmland. If you immigrate with a big family, with no claim of bizarre sexual identity, you get a big grant of land.
The ATACMs , Storm Shadow missiles have been used to deadly effect however, Russia has the most advanced anti missile system in the world and thwarted many attacks.
The Russians believe in the institutions the West used to believe in ie traditional families, religious institutions and the outlawing of Satanic paedophilic ideology which the West has adopted!
In short, its a description of how one part psychologically make his counterpart or enemy to bang himself in the head with a hammer in such a smart way that no one can figure it out it was him who made him do it..
Mr Nice Guy doesnt win wars…
Russia (aka – Putin), Iran (aka – terrorists), and Hizbullah (aka – terrorists)
should stop being Mr Nice Guy…
They should be Duplicitous & Perfidious like Our Side: Our side paid lip service
to The Minsk agreements while preparing Ukraine to be a battering ram to
break-up the Russia federation; Zionist Israel pays lip service to The Two State
Solution while its settlers steal more and more Palestinian’s land; Turkey’s pay
lip service to The Astana Process whilst training & arming the USNATO re-
branded terrorists ready to rip Syria apart…
Suckered three times – yet still you want praise as Mr Nice Guy !!
Take a lesson from Our Side: instead of Putin (aka – Russia) trying to avoid
civilian casualties by bombing only military targets in Ukraine, and Iran and
Hizbullah doing the same when bombing Zionist Israel – Bomb the bloody shit
out of Tel Aviv, and bomb the shit out of the USNATO cockroaches bunkered in
Kiev. To hell with concern for civilians !! Be just like how USNATO bombed civilians
in Yugoslavia, Kiev bombed civilians in The Donbas, the Zionists bombed civilians
in Beirut…
Our Side uses Terrorism as its main weapon of war – Be like Our Side !!
No More Mr Nice Guy !!
One of the few commentators I give at least some credence – Alistair Crooke – has said that the Gulf States had persuaded Syria’s Assad to move away from Russia and Iran and move closer to the West. If true, then the Gulf States have totally earned the door prize for “Worst Advice Ever Given.”
Furthermore, right up to the end, Assad refused to take the advice of Russia and Iran, both of whom warned him of a dangerous incursion. Also, apparently, the ultra-treacherous Erdogan of Turkey played Russia against NATO in the lead up to the attack.
But in a nutshell here’s where Syria went horribly wrong: Location Location Location.
There needs to be more scepticism about that quote – a guy who’d go on to head NATO just comes out and reveals a top secret plan? A plan that in important details didn’t happen?
As a method actor might say, what’s his motivation here?
I agree with you absolutely. I’m not suggesting he “revealed a top secret plan”. I think he was telling exactly what NATO were planning and made no secret about it. Sometimes one must reveal one’s plans in order to manifest them.
The fact is, every one of those countries he mentioned has been in an almost constant state of war in the decades since his quote.
Yes, the clip is referenced and shown here by John Titus: https://home.solari.com/money-markets-report-december-12-2024/
I agree.
And it’s a pleasure to read 0pinions that dont invoke those main two
Conspiracy Theories, “Damn politicians !”, and “Bloody Psychopaths !”…
Two tropes that should be repeated ad infinitum until the Sleepwalkers wake.
“””Paul Scally
I feel very sad and sorry for the ordinary Syrian citizens, their country is going the way of Libya, a total banana state thanks to the Brits and the Yanks.”””
The Brits and Yanks? Is that what you are calling Talmudic Jew psychopaths these days?
I read a very interesting opinion piece on globalresearch.ca which I’ll briefly summarize because I don’t think you’ll find many who agree with it (I don’t either). It’s by a Philippine Professor Ruel F. Pepa. His argument is summarized thusly:
I suspect you’d agree that this is wishful thinking on steroids.
Just another example of the famous 5Dchess smart guys.