Choosing What to Believe
Todd Hayen

"What elephant?"
There was a time in a galaxy far, far, away that you didn’t have the luxury of “choosing” what to believe. The job at hand was to figure out what the truth was and believe in that—the truth.
Now, it seems we don’t need to do that if we don’t want to. Now we can choose—if we don’t like an option, we can cast it aside and believe something else that makes us feel better. That way we can create the reality we want—or so we think.
Truth doesn’t matter anymore. In fact, to the people who are guilty of this choosing idea, there really is no “truth” per se, anything is game as long as we believe it. Might as well pick something pleasant.
This brings me to the popular spiritual tenet that you do indeed create your own reality. Obviously, this is too complex a topic to bring into this tiny article. Suffice it to say, I actually believe in this tenet, but it is difficult to explain, and definitely has some explaining to do before understanding it.
In this article I am not talking about this quantum idea of consciousness collapsing the wave potential. I am talking about how we navigate a material reality as a material being who has chosen to be part of this reality. If we are engaged in this manifest game, then we do have to stick to some material rules. That’s all I will say about this so as not to confuse the issue beyond comprehension, which would be very easy to do.
However, I do believe that this “new age-y” way of thinking may have a major role in how we handle what we are facing today. And I wonder if, in its rather simplistic presentation (only thinking about rainbows and unicorns when the world is falling apart) could be part of the agenda’s original plan to send us all into never-never land so we don’t take responsibility for the mess we have gotten into—or take on the responsibility of getting ourselves out of it.
Just the other day I was talking to someone who has obviously chosen to live in the sunshine of positive thinking about the reality of the world today. She really didn’t want to hear what I had to say about the real world but did listen carefully.
Finally, she said, “That is pretty dark, I really don’t want to see the world that way, so I will choose to see it differently.”
Really? Does she really have that option?
I suppose so, considering that she is not yet being led into the gulag or the gas chamber. She right now does seem to have the option to “look at the world differently”—the agenda is currently giving us that option. It would not take too much effort, or be too much of a sacrifice, to live in the sunshine these days—particularly if you had enough money to do so.
Right now, it would only take a middle-class income to travel a few times a year to a nice sunny beach, to afford to eat just about anything you wanted, to avoid most diseases or afflictions a person might encounter in their everyday life, to go to concerts, movies, sporting events, etc. when the desire moved you. In our carefree middle-class life, we can be free to play video games, watch TV, lounge around and do nothing when appropriate (and even when not).
All these things are indeed options, and most of them are doable, most of the time. At least temporarily. Why choose to live in a world where some powerful faction is planning on taking all of that away—and soon? “I don’t want to believe that!” they say.
Most people choosing the “happy” reality to believe in, do acknowledge there are problems. They know it isn’t all as perfect as they would like to think it is, but they trust the powers out there to take care of any problems they might run into (in the US you can boil those problems down to one word, “Trump”). “They know what they are doing!” they exclaim. Yeah, they probably do know what they are doing—they certainly know how to accomplish their own agenda—which is not in our best interest, regardless of what they tell us.
The problems are relatively easy to resolve (I’m being cynical). Things like pandemics—scary as hell at first— but “they” figured it out with a “warp-speed” vaccine (isn’t science amazing? Just like in the movies!), now tens of millions of deaths have been avoided. All is good again. That’s only because there never was a pandemic, certainly not in the way they described it to be, and the solution they came up with is really what we need to worry about. But that is too dark—genocide is too dark—the wanton destruction of humanity is too dark—“I don’t want to think about that,” they bleat.
Other issues that are problems (sprinkled here and there to keep things “real”) are either eventually solved by the omnipresent government and the miracle-performing efforts of science, or just ignored. Most of them are ignored, obviously. Some that are not ignored are presented as “debates” so the politicians have something to promise their constituents, but most are covered up.
Things like poison food, fluoride, endless wars in numerous countries (not counting the “obvious” wars the politicians use to their advantage), suicide amongst the youth (and everyone else), video, drug, cellphone, and porn addiction, prescription drug abuse, a murderous pharmaceutical industry, a militarized police force, chemtrails, fake global warming, weather engineering, farmers being destroyed—if I kept listing these I would be on page 100 before running out of things to list.
Ignored. Covered up. Never chosen by the people to look at, even if brought to their attention forcibly because these things are too dark, and who would choose any of this to be their reality?
The curious thing about all of this is thinking that we even have a choice. The relatively “happy” choice is predominant in the culture (at least in the US, Canada, UK and much of Europe). Not many people are starving, or work in slave camps, or are literally at war. As mentioned earlier, most people have the resources to do most of what they want to do, leisure time, fun and games, bread and circuses. And if things get too rough some cannabis or alcohol (Soma) comes in handy as an instant escape.
But looks are deceiving, as they say. As a therapist, I see people every day who simply can’t put their finger on why they are so unhappy. And even if at the present moment most of us don’t have to worry about putting food on the table, I think that “present moment” is soon going to flit away.
Inflation is running rampant, safety in the streets is quickly eroding due to a weakened police force (or one that is too focused on control and violence) as well as because of millions of illegal aliens swarming the borders, freedoms are daily being restricted and our economic system is trembling on its feeble legs about to catastrophically collapse.
Soon, there may be only one option in what to believe—the truth. And it probably isn’t going to be pretty.
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David Icke reposted your comments on X @ 19th December…
They are this kind of unhappy because they don’t have a direct connection, or rather are unaware of, or not using the direct connection to THE SOUL.
If you maintain the soul connection you can face the oncoming shitstorm with something approaching IMPUNITY. ‘They’ can’t reach you. I have field-tested this in the USA, France, Italy at gunpoint.
I doubt if the police can reach you anyway. But you can reach them, if necessary.
We lost t he internet for 3 weeks. And the local celltowers went down. So what?
I want the truth because I believe the truth sets you free. I’m uncomfortable with a fake version of reality.
A lot of people don’t want the truth because it unsettles them. They like their comfortable version of reality.
I guess we can lament until the cows come home, but it’s simply that there are broadly two types of people.
We have free will so I can’t force others to seek the truth. Just like they can’t force me to ignore it.
What you gonna do?
To live in deliberate voluntary community with others that share this lack of aversion to truth, or to whatever simply might be the case, whatever’s most plausible or merely possible, if certain truth can’t be known, is what I think might be done, and probably should be, as soon as possible.
Its not only the bible who refuse the liar. Many philosophers have warned about the consequences of trying to live on lie or lies:
Here Fyodor Dostoyevsky:
“A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others.
When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and, in order to divert himself, having no love in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal.
And it all comes from lying – lying to others and to yourself.“
Excellent discourse Todd, thank you and I can use your ideas in my upcoming Part 2 serialisation as I move toward Chapter 10 and the expression of mental strength in order to defend against the Polycrisis we are currently enduring.
“A polycrisis, according to economic historian Adam Tooze, is a situation where one faces multiple crises, and the whole is more dangerous than the sum of its parts. It is hard to find a more accurate description of the challenges facing the global economy at present.”
We are on the same page and our unity of purpose will defeat the evil ones in the end. It certainly is a spiritual war, first and foremost, and thus mental resilience is crucial to survive.
Blessings for this season of peace and goodwill,
So wonderful! Thank you!!
Although I do not write about this often, I am a firm believer this is indeed a spiritual war….putting all that is happening in this context is the only thing that answers all of the questions.
Thank you Todd and have a very merry Christmas wth a loving family and good friends.
In a kind of “reversion to the mean”, anyone whose mental model of the world is at variance with reality will eventually come to grief. Sometimes the consequences arrive quickly, sometimes more slowly, but eventually the bill will be paid.
“Right now, it would only take a middle-class income to travel a few times a year to a nice sunny beach, to afford to eat just about anything you wanted, to avoid most diseases or afflictions a person might encounter in their everyday life, to go to concerts, movies, sporting events, etc. when the desire moved you. In our carefree middle-class life, we can be free to play video games, watch TV, lounge around and do nothing when appropriate (and even when not).”
Excuse me, but not on either coast of the US are vacations possible even one time a year, much less a “few”. We live in Oregon, at just below median income for a family of two. If anyone gets two weeks off work it’d be the work world that existed 30 years ago. We have not been on a “vacation” anywhere since 2019. Concerts are usually $80 minimum and many times over $100. $40 concerts are doable but very rare. A variable price football seat at Duck games, rings up near $100 and not affordable. Play, watch, lounge, do nothing… when appropriate??? While nearly every new “convenience” of our master class dropped upon us predatorially tricks and steals from us on a daily basis, demanding protective, defensive DIY action. Holy crap Batman, where do you live? Are you independently wealthy and not having to think or protect yourself from this empire of wealth Vampires? Not “many” people are starving? Here in Eugene OR, over 1% of the population of 170,000 are homeless and for many on the crummy pay they get in this state, live one month away from the streets and pigs pushing you from one busted up camp to another.
I think maybe Mr. Hayen is seeing too many folks in the top 10%, $150K+ US, with some disposable income.
I think we need an update here. The truth has already landed on the bottom 89% of US coastal urban US society. And it is crushing us to death!
I agree with you…I should have spent more time on that paragraph…basically, I was saying that the “average” person these days do not have to worry about catching rats to put dinner on the table, which was the case several generations ago and is currently the case in many very poor countries…as well as with the homeless as you describe.
I also did not look at the statistics of income, as I should have. i.e., what IS the “average” person brining in these days…it must be a helluvalot because many people do go on vacations and eat $300 dinners several times a week. MOST houses in Aurora where I live cost over 2 mil…and they are continually building houses costing over 4 mil…where are all these people, and where do they work???
To comment further on your comment…I am writing an article titled “The Death of the Middle Class”…certainly not an original observation, but it addresses what you comment on here…I think there is no longer a lower class, a middle class, and an upper class…the economic structure now includes more than three classes…maybe a destitute class, the homeless, a very low class, under $20k a year, an upper lower class between 20k and 65k, a lower middle class, between 70k and 150k, a middle middle class, 150k to 250k, a upper middle class, 250k to 600k, then the lower-upper elite…but even under a mil as a yearly income keeps you out of the elite…the elite are mega billionaires…
My point here is that there are many “average” (meaning not wealthy CEOs, etc) people making enough that they CAN take those two or three vacations a year, eat at fancy restaurants, etc. but are still considered “average”…I don’t think $150k a year cuts it anymore…everything is just too expensive.
Anyway…I hope this sheds a little more light on my intentions in writing what I wrote. Thanks for pointing this out…I am sorry I was not clearer.
Ironically theses people you mention have the most illness;s and visit the experts the most mainly due to the indulgences of the food and drink they consume and stressful work life.
Thanks for continuing the dialog!
Well it does seem you are in a rich class environment where one can get removed from mass culture and not experience the current squeeze most of us endure. I’ve been tracking the economic stats involved in developing class designations presented in media since the early 2000’s. Around 2005, the 1% according to research by David Cay Johnston, were the “donor class”, starting at $350k/yr income. Just recently i read that the 1% have ballooned to the top 3% which now starts at $350k/yr and i believe, i’m estimating, that the top 5% starts at $250k/yr. 5% of the wage earning US population, of around 160M, equals around 8M people with better than $100k in disposable income to spend. If you include their no-income family members, this is a lot of people to spend lavishly. But it is still at most, less that 10% of the population. Meaning 90% are living essentially paycheck to paycheck depending on their buy-in status.
Back in the early 2000’s CitiGroup published a paper to investors describing the most desirable and profitable investment strategy was to target the “Plutonomy”…
“As the rich have been getting richer, so too stocks associated with the rich, have
performed exceptionally well. Our Plutonomy Basket, generated returns of 17.8% per
annum, on average, from 1985. If Plutonomy continues, which we think it will, if
income inequality is allowed to persist and widen, the plutonomy basket should continue to do very well. Names in this basket that our analysts recommend as buys include Julius Baer, Bulgari, Burberry, Richemont, Kuoni, and Toll Brothers.”
The rogue rich are the problem. They live in a deregulated class Utopia protected at all costs in all directions including propaganda, subterfuge, courts, laws, police and military. It’s hard to see commoners at fault as the squeeze gets worse each day. I just hope us commoners can begin using our 90% authority to shut this Casino for rich down.
Here are some more rough facts about the PTB takedown of the US bottom 90%…
Wealth inequality in America is much worse than what people think.
This short video shows what the true average is. Or was, rather, because this video was made in 2012 before the most wealthy doubled their income during the plandemic.
The $100 per ticket is there because people can and are willing to pay this price for the said concert or sports game!
Similar the restaurants. Its unbelievable people are willing to pay $100/person for a dinner but they are, and this can only be because a lot of people can afford it.
All right Sandy, we have to admit it. You are in the vagabond class. Not less worth, just lowest working class. No hard feelings from our side just clearing out facts yes :-D.
Are you a psyop? Insulting condescension supposed to rile me? Typical “jealousy” assault when usually “conservatives” can’t deal with the truth, nor debate facts, they jab at you with petty one-up-manship barbs.
In the bigger picture, the concerts i went to in SF in the late 60’s/early 70’s had (3) first rate bands for $2-$5, lasted until 1am.
To compare, at 20x+ the price, we get 1 band with possibly a 20 minute set by a lesser band for $80-$150, total concert time 2 hours. Sorry but inflation is about 8x. Somewhere the inflation has been tripled and the quality halved. I was a part time worker and student and sill could afford rent, food and had disposable income for concerts and fun.
The bigger picture is the quality of society has been incrementally reduced down to nothing for the bottom 80% and a Golden Utopian Casino for the top US 3% ($350k+). For you swap “willing to pay” nonsense with unable to afford reality, you just show your monied superiority complex jumping out it’s lane. I’m median income and was able to occasionally afford $100, but no more. And we consciously reject participating.
Swallow the blue pill dude, bon appetit!
Are the Apollo moon landings a reality or just something people want to believe?
This is one great question these days of so much information available to all.
Just the other day I was talking to someone who has obviously chosen to live in the sunshine of positive thinking about the reality of the world today.
Why would she want to hear your AJ
disinfowars fake apocalyptic end of days negative view of the world due to the alt and MSM you been radicalised online and religiously watch as real….You charged 200$ per hour, I would want a refund.
Not giving presents this year,
but here’s some reading material:
The ‘War’ Against Insects Is A Hoax
Orgone Addicts: Wilhelm Reich Versus The Situationists
The ‘War’ Against Insects Is A Hoax
It’s not a war against insects – the insects would win that war hands down. What it is, however, is that the war we humans are engaged in against ourselves is also destroying insects. Pesticides just remove the weak among the insects – so, bring ’em on.
But the global heating it’s so easy for humans to deny is very real to insects, who have no word for “hoax” and therefore swelter and die – aided by a disintegrating ozone layer thanks to geoengineering.
It’s the combination of being clueless and not wanting to be bored, why false narratives are clung to. Combine that narrative with the feeling that anyone who believes in the narrative is a good person who is worth the middle class income plus work position et voila. Next the cook (media) create an endless series of, what Mencken called, hobgoblins, who are about to take all that good stuff away from you, unless you continue to believe in the nonsense, and people will do everything to keep their lofty positions that aren’t lofty at all.
What it ultimately leads to?
Even more boredom. You can see these shiny happy people in the most beautiful places in the world, talking about… other places they have been to, as if they cannot spot the beautiful place they are at the moment. Ad infinitum.
In order to see the truth, one has to see. The tragedy is that these people can see, but have chosen (most at a very young age) to wear the flappers that are provided to them by the old stream media/schooling/modern culture. Only shock therapy can make them see: Try an old people’s home, or a ventilator at an isolated icu where you are treated for runny nose. But by that it may be too late.
Thank you Todd, right on the money as usual.
Hannah Arendt was more pithy with her words (unusually!): “The ideal subject for totalitarianism is not the commited communist nor the commited fascist, but the ordinary subject who can no longer distinguish between truth and falsehood”.
Plato’s cave may need an update: We don’t escape one prison filled with illusions, we escape one prison into another prison filled with illusions…
Why beat round the bush when reality is as close as your breath?
That’s like asking why we have political, academic or commercial propaganda.
Truth is never pretty. Mostly because no matter how hard people and sheeple try to deny it, they can’t. The only real truth us we’re born, we die. That’s it and people who call that dark can’t face it! Nice piece, we’re in deep shit and no matter how people deny it, the worse it will get!
Holy Moly! Sounds like you are ready to move to Canada to get a visit from the MAID. Surprising negativity. As I read I did my normal thing. I looked for cues. Action words. Statements to react to. Dark. Truly dark. Are you okay? You need help?
I like how he said bad things about aliens. And he called them aliens. Aliens might not be bad individually. Hell, indiwidually, they might be the salt of the oith. But en masse, they lower wages, prevent unionization, cause unemployment, and increase housing costs. Which is why our owners like them so much and shame us when we look with jaundiced eye upon the fanfare of welcome they receive.
Employers are the creators or destroyer of jobs not immigrants. History proves that big business is the enemy of unionization not immigrants. Housing cost is set by the law of supply and demand. We live in a market economy that determines all the points raised in your comment, immigrants are irrelevent to such issues.
You don’t even understand what I’m talking about. You have not a clue.
Well, please enlighten us.
I think I said “illegal aliens”…and yes, not ALL illegal aliens are bad…but I do believe if you are a foreign person and want to come to this (or any country), you have to do it legally. I immigrated to Canada from the US, and I did it legally, and it was important that I did.
People like you and the other guy are congenitally incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. Your painfully conventional liberal-consensus prejudices proscribe you from ever being able to understand simple truths like the one I am striving hopelessly and haplessly to adumbrate.
Hope and hap spring eternal, however, it would seem. Thus, I try again:
Legal illegal schmillegal. Increasing immigration–of whatever flavor– is a trick employed by the ruling class again and again throughout history. The Romans did it. Hell, the Assyrians did it.
Bernie Sanders knows it’s a trick. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels knew it’s a trick. Cesar Chavez knew it’s a trick. All intelligent, informed, un-predudiced, just-the-facts-ma’am foam-at-the mouth right-wingers like Marx and Engels, and Sanders and Chavez et al know it’s a trick. Here is how it works.
First, our owners, the multi-billionaires, force their pet government to farce the country to the gills with immigrants. Most liberal-consensus average people think that our owners are bigots. That they hate immigrants in exactly the same way as they hate, oh, pick an oppressed minority, blacks, women, the Irish, the Pennsylvania Dutch (Ben Franklin hated them and thought they were black).
But calling our owners bigots is just silly ignorant stereotyping. Our owners have no prejudices against people. Their only prejudice is towards money and power. And immigrants, en masse, make them money. and give them power.
What, pray tell, you ask, do rich people get out of immigrants?
A. Extremely cheap labor, resulting in a concomitant extreme deflation in wages and salaries. Especially for the poorest citizens. (Although the new projected “legal” importation of computer jocks is going to screw with the native tech middle class right nicely, too.)
B. The destruction of unionization and the permanent end to the slightest chance of working-class solidarity of any kind forever.
C. Extreme inflation in rents and housing and real estate prices. Tried to find a rent you can afford lately?
D. A general disunity in the general society that absolutely and utterly precludes the Great Unwashed from ever making the modestest concerted attempt at fighting back.
But there is a second prong to this, the two-pronged immigration shell game scam, a necessary prong, the prong that is the key to the whole ball game–and that prong is shaming.
You know the word “shaming,” don’t you? You’re a psychologist. It’s a classic defense mechanism. Somebody attacks you: you counter by attacking them. With shaming.
How do they shame you? But telling you you are a bigot for hating the poor little huddling masses yearning to be free, you dirty bigot you. For not getting sentimental about what amounts to having your neighborhoods and livelihoods snatched away from under your nose.
It’s the perfect trick. They point you to a lovely, deserving, fine, upstanding, hard-working, innocuous, pleasant, well-spoken immigrant family, and say, “How could you hate these wonderful people?”
Then they make movies wringing the teardrops from you over the abject suffering of the poor, deserving immigrants. And in the movie they stick stereotypically ignorant and backwards red-neck type characters who inflict ignorant and backwards prejudice upon the poor deserving immigrants. And they say, “You don’t want to be like these yobs, do you?”
Then they shame you with the fact that your own ancestors were immigrants, and call you “hypocrite,” and trot out Charlie Chaplin and Emma Lazarus and Neil Diamond, as if you belong to a kind of lower class that is forever disallowed from having an opinion because of your ancestry. (This argument does not work well in England, where most of the population’s ancestry goes back to Cheddar Man.)
So. What do we have? The rich get all the brand-new money and power they can accommodate. And you can’t do anything about it. Even complain. Because you will be shamed.
Forget whether you are right or not. Truth is not relevant in this context. All that is relevant is, wait for it–identity politics.
All that matters is whether you are a bigot or not. Whether you dare to object to your own immiseration, you slimy dastard, or welcome it, like the Statue of Liberty, into your welcoming (penniless, homeless) open arms.
Why don’t you write your own articles rather than hide in the comments dissing other writer’s work. I would like to read something you say without the ad hominem as the foundation of it.
Do you write somewhere? If so, post a link.
No-one will hire me. You can see why. I write illicit, unacceptable, prose and promulgate illicit unacceptable concepts. I am a pariah. If you know anybody who will hire me, I am your humble and obedient servant.
Well, I don’t know about “hiring”…everything I write is for free…my substack has a paid subscription, but that doesn’t pay the rent.
You can start your own substack…and you might get “noticed” there…don’t worry about writing “illicit, unacceptable, prose and promulgat(ing) illicit unacceptable concepts”…that should just make you more popular…
If I use my own name, you know what will happen to me.
I have a suggestion: let’s stop creating wars of resource acquisition so that it will be possible for “aliens” to remain in their homes. That way they won’t plague the good life we’ve created here in the West because of all the resources we were able to steal. Sound like a plan?
Sure, you’re right. Wars cause refugees. But most of this current influx of immigrants aren’t refugees. You will not like this, but I say that they are “coerced” immigrants. In other words, rich people pay for them to move next door to you. They pave their way. They give them free transport, free spending cash, free housing. They actually advertise in their home countries. Come to Europe or the US! Everything will be free for you! The deliberate transferal of populations is a time-honored trick of the uber-class. The Soviets did it. The British Empire did it all the time. Look at Trinidad Tobago. The average citizen is a Hindu.
So many people now realize quantum physics is nonsense (as well as ‘nuclear’ bombs, etc). It’s no longer worth dropping the term into your articles in a vain attempt to add gravitas. The word galaxy is also rapidly becoming obsolete as more people become aware that these ideas were planted into their minds by the same group attempting to terminate them with extreme prejudice.
So many people now realize quantum physics is BS (as well as ‘nuclear’ bombs, etc). It’s no longer worth dropping the term into your articles in a vain attempt to add gravitas. The word galaxy is also rapidly becoming obsolete as more people become aware that these ideas were planted into their minds by the same group attempting to exterminate them.
I still believe in my government, and I trust they are doing the best they can in their job.
Why? Because they have an education from Yale or Harvard University, and you have not!
this is sarcasm, i hope?
So Many Fakes, so Little Time
Oh yeah, the drones! Are they Chinese, UFOs, sniffing for nuclear leaks, or just bold hobbyists ignored by the military? Try none of the above. It is another nothingburger fake, like the Chinese balloons, manufactured to fill headlines. In this case it is the local AFBs buzzing themselves with their own toys, to generate a general panic. Because they literally have nothing better to do with the four trillion or so they steal from you every years for “defense” and “intelligence” than to buzz the cities with drones, drive their aircraft carriers around in the Indian Ocean mooning fake Houthis, or running these fake shootings, rapes, and other mayhem. This is your taxdollars at work. Support those troops!
Let’s see: on December 18, at 11:38pm, so aces and eights twice, a guy showed up at Fuentes’ front door with a drawn gun and a crossbow, right under his porch camera, and yelled “Yo Nick!” Because that makes sense. If you wanted to kill Nick, you wouldn’t wait for him to leave, like to the market, follow him, and then attack him in some out-of-the-way place. No, you would go ring his doorbell and yell at him. This same guy allegedly committed a triple homicide just before knocking on Nick’s door, because, again, that is a good way to move under-the-radar. You want to kill all his next-door neighbors in a hail of bullets, like some scene from RED, before casually walking over and yelling “Nicky, come out and play!” All Nick has to do is shoot him through the window, but I guess this genius never thought of that. So many actors, so many death wishes. And of course he didn’t just bust through a window and kill Fuentes, he stupidly stood there on the porch until police arrived, got trapped away from his car, and had to flee on foot, shooting the neighbor’s dogs on his way before getting gunned down by the boys in blue. So scenic! It will look so good on the big screen, brought to you by Kathryn Bigelow or someone.
stories from both the mainstream and alternative presses continue to sell fear of nuclear armageddon, with The Economist leading the fearporn. It is missiles and mushroom clouds everywhere. Barely a break for Santa, since the space is needed for gaslighting you with nukes. Mike Adams is again pushing the idea Trump will be targeted with a backpack nuke, and Alex Jones is publicizing it. You have to laugh. There are no nukes. It is just the same duckncover crap they have been pushing since 1945. You can also ignore all the bluff from Putin, since he is in on it.
That first fat-ass is Steven Seagal. Mickey Rourke and Gerard Depardieu are also pals with Putin. The Kremlin is little more than Hollywood-east, and Putin our tough-talking midget from Moscow who can play the foil to the Pentagon. It is vaudeville right out of Orwell’s 1984, with Putin playing the part of Eurasia. Putin is an actual cousin to many Hollywood stars, including DiCaprio, Penn, Pitt, Jolie, and Natalie Wood, who is still alive (if she hasn’t died of old age).
Bring it on! It would be the best thing that could happen, if all these crooks would stop spending your stolen money for a while. Shut it all down permanently, including the military, the CIA, the NIH, the CDC, the department of miseducation, NASA, the FDA, and all the rest of it. It is nothing more than a massive conjob and theft from the taxpayers, who not only are getting nothing for their trillions each year, they are getting a brainwashing and mindfick beyond any ever imagined by Mesmer, Marx, Orwell, Bernays, Barnum, Freud, or Crowley. You are being de-sexed, de-dollared, de-educated, and permanently marooned in a nowheres- ville of absolute nullity and inanity, with computers feeding you a constant mash of pretend language, pretend science, pretend art, and pretend events. You are already just a click away from virtual reality, even without the idiot-goggles.
You do know that Matis is most likely an agent or asset but one who speaks a lot of truth?
You helpfully provided the following link on another article where Matis ‘outs’ CJ Hopkins. In it Matis is asking for donations:
Yup, two 33s.
Matis then goes straight on to point out Hopkins use of the name Consent Factory, and the line from Hopkin’s masthead using the term “manufacturing consent”
(My emphais with the underlining)
Now any conspiracy theorist who is genuine would point out the 33, not just one in this case but two 33s, since they would know that their readers should pick up on it.
Matis says nothing, he doesn’t even make a joke of it and he puts it in the face of readers while at the same time pointing out Hopkin’s in you face give away.
What are the chances of two 33s being coincidence? You really couldn’t make this stuff up. Agents outing other agents.
Consent Factory Inc. is a spoof masthead. I nearly fell for it, until I checked the website, and read further which makes Matis conjecture by using it laughable. He should have stuck with the rest of his premise and not used that.
Whats your angle exactly
Ewidge.?Rolling Rockthat your CJ’s court case is real.? or his back story is real.?
or you saying CJ is a satirists and the whole consent factory is real and mile is dodgy.?
an agent.> and your proof is 335 with a po box number and the articles CJ writes are so not agent ;0)
I would rather read miles than shillj.
I am not Edwige, neither the original with the purple avatar nor the new one with the red.
In fact I have pointed out previously that there are two in the comments. I would hardly draw attention to myself if I was one of them. Nice try but no cigar.
However, you are odi, alina, esure and ironic. You are also using entitlement and suzaloop as your other monikers.
On top of the other grammatical errors that you repeat across all monikers both suzaloop and entitlement made an additional one writing “oppsite”
You have some front to suggest that I am using more than one ID (which I am not) when you are using 6 different IDs that I have now outed. I still know you have more….
Merry Climate !
Bird flu turkey Christmas cull.
Yup, a few days before Christmas, something to talk about over the dinner table.
Apparently it was caused by wild, disease infested birds blown into turkey enclosures by evil storm Darrah. Which is our fault.
You couldn’t make it up.
Oh, they just did.
Choosing What to Believe but spills fear media fear porn.
I am not scare of going out nor have I seen millions of migrant aliens wanting to kill us.
I called the police over something and they came out within 15 minutes.
REPEATING MEDIA Political driven Christydoom FEAR PORN Dr Todd, does not make it real.!
You sound like your suffering from cyber psychosis.
Then Stop shilling the doom.
Meet you in hell
You are talking to the multi IDer who I outed the other day by revealing four of their user IDs. Those were placed on premod so now he/she is using two of the others not in premod, suzaloop and entitlement. Actually, I think there are another two more which I have not named, yet. Eight in total.
This so far 6 named and shamed multi-IDer attacks nearly every article from guest authors and those from the OffG edtorial team with flimsy ‘evidence’. Same MO, same grammatical errors, same phrases and style of writing.
I did reply to them in a comment to me above but it is in pending.
You really are something.
It is even worse than conventional genocide because it is not a simple “we kill you now” situation but one in which the victims are brainwashed to accept their lockdown, muzzling and finally a potentially fatal poisoning in the belief they are doing the right thing.
My issue is that people tend to normalize things.
When I was a young adult during the Iraq war many people, usually older, were happy to waste money on that war because like Trump says “we’re there for the oil”.
Morons, gas prices climbed.
Same with Vietnam, Afghanistan, housing bubble, and so on.
But finally people are catching up because it’s becoming cool to question authority.
That’s why we got limited hangouts like Tucker Carlson and Jeffrey Sachs, both previously insider war mongers.
Fucking finally!
Actually, one of the main rallying slogans of the hippie era, when I was a young teen and adult, was “Question Authority”. We thought it was cool then too. You can still see all sorts of posters and flyers, etc., from the 60’s and early 70’s on the internet with that exact phrase highlighted. That was over 50 years ago. And here we are anyway. I don’t see it any different now. Actually worse because of the rampant consumerism, smart phones, and all that combined with the control and manipulation measures taken by our rulers. Any “Woodstock” concert now would have Starbucks and Taco Bell concessionaires lined up next to phone charging stations.
True, but many of those same people turned into crapitalist greedy assholes.
That’s why they let the economy sell us out so they can get “rich”
I suppose it won’t work now because none of us get the good deal they got.
Housing went up 10x from the 80s, while salaries, even union ones only around 3x.
Inequality is a political failure; not a personal one.
As the commons were being enclosed in 17th century England, an anonymous poet wryly observed:
‘The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals a goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from under the goose.’
If we were serious about addressing inequality we would acknowledge that inequality is the result of the ongoing and ever-innovative theft of the commons, including the remarkable framing of housing as a speculative sport rather than a human right, alongside the dangerous slide towards the extreme commodification of both health and education.
People who have been locked out of paid employment are framed as stealing tax-payers’ hard-earned dollars while people in low-paid or insecure employment are framed as being greedy for penalty rates and minimum wage levels that are ‘punitive’ to businesses.
Social expenditure is framed as being a gigantic theft while the minimisation, avoidance and reduction of tax, especially on high wealth individuals and corporations, is framed with a pious reverence for the rights of the hard-working wealthy.
This is not just about having the resources to support those who bear the brunt of extreme inequality. It is about the value of a society collectively achieving for everyone that which we hold to be essential for a decent life: a place to live, a place to work for those who are able to work, income adequacy for those who can’t, a place to learn, and a place to heal.
The message of the market is that you either personally pay the premium or you go without.
Used to be a free to read article but has now been locked behind a subscription wall.
Rebellion itself became a commodity. X-tinction Rebellion, Black Lives Matter*, the Trans Movement are all corporate funded and as mainstream as it gets. They are the Establishment.
*E.g. my local hardware store sells Black Lives Matter yard signs, rainbow and Ukraine flags.
Lyrics of ‘When the earth was round’ by Brian Ray…
War of the worlds on the radio
scared your daddy right out of his home
Loch Ness Monster in a lake was all the rage
The moon landing, it wasn’t real
They made that movie out in Bakersfield
Come on baby, what happened to us
Can we get back to the way it was
When the earth was round
Before the upside down
Back when I was yours
And you were mine
You saw Elvis at the Dairy Queen
We believe what we wanna believe
You heard 9/11 was an inside job
From a guy named Bob
You might as well be addicted to drugs,
Let’s get back to the way it was
When the earth was round
Before the upside down
Back when I was yours
And you were mine
We used to fly so high,
We could touch the sky
Everything was cool
When you were mine
I see you dancin’ in the sun
By the ocean in slow motion
We had it all
on this spinnin’ ball
but we threw it all away
now it’s time to pay
When the earth was round
Before the upside down
Back when I was yours
And you were mine
We used to fly so high,
We could touch the sky
Everything was fine
When you were mine
When you were mine
When you were mine
Brian Ray has been Paul McCartney’s longest-serving guitarist, longer than George Harrison or Denny Laine. Funny how he decided he just had to write a song about losing a girlfriend to those horrible conspiracy theorists.
The 82 year old McCartney just played a three-hour concert to wind up his long tour. The MSM were in raptures.
They imagine this will herd people back on to the reservation?
Go back to pre easy-credit and things were simple. If you wanted something, you saved up and sacrificed.
To get a mortgage you had to save with the bank.
Then someone had the idea that they could sell us a “lifestyle”.
All fine and dandy, but something went wrong.
Everyone could have what they wanted, whenever they wanted it.
Everyone could live like a king.
Of course, this is impossible and UK national debt is now 2.5 Trillion pounds.
It is the financial elephant in the room.
We were allowed too much, too quickly and now they want it back
‘Willful Blindness’ (Margaret Hefferman) is an excellent source for all you describe above, Mr. Hayen; more specifically, in said book Hefferman details how everything from conformity to hierarchy to how the brain’s designed creates the perfect backdrop for humans to ignore or be oblivious to reality’s ugly truths. It’s a great read; and highly recommended for insight on how we’ve been pushed, guided and nudged to the precipice – that many viewers of this site refuse to ignore (at their own peril no less)! RGB-Y4 out!!
“I am talking about how we navigate a material reality as a material being who has chosen to be part of this reality.”
Thoughtful article, Thanks!