Predicting 2025: Trump the Peacemaker
Kit Knightly

Traditionally, OffG’s New Year predictions are a special edition of This Week, but 2025 looks to have such a full dance card, we thought a series more appropriate.
How is the world going to change now that The Donald is back in the Oval Office?
Is he going to “Drain the swamp” for real this time? Is he going to team up with Elon Musk and save the Western world?
No, he’s not.
But we could dedicate tens of thousands of words to all the great things Trump won’t do. Instead how about some realistic predictions about what he will do? In fact I took part in an IMA panel on that topic last month.
Whether concerning RFK jr being given fluoride-related busy work or a performative pardon for Julian Assange, my thoughts were generally that a good portion of the first year of Trump’s second term would be dedicated to winning back his alienated base, re-establishing some anti-establishment bona fides and “proving his doubters wrong”.
Here’s one prediction I don’t think came up:
Trump will oversee a peace deal in Ukraine.
The hints are there. Keith Kellog, Trump’s picked Ukraine Envoy recently told the press he believes “the War will be resolved in next few months”
Putin is reportedly “ready to compromise”, Zelenskyy says Trump’s “unpredictability and strength” could resolve the war. Even Emanual Macron is weighing in, suggesting Ukraine needs to be “realistic about territory”.
The outrage is being primed too, with the HuffPo already labelling the Trump plan “a form of appeasement” while the Times warns that “Trump’s push for peace in Ukraine could spell the end of Nato” (talk about damning with faint praise).
One argument against the “peace deal” evolution of the narrative is that it’s being reported that Russia has “rejected” Trump’s floated peace plan, but that could just as easily be interpreted as negotiation tactics or building tension into the story.
An initial “rejection” before being talked around to Trump’s terms only makes him look stronger, and the entire process more genuine.
What form any deal eventually takes – and indeed how real it is – we can’t know yet, but the positioning seems clear. Either a ceasefire or a “drawdown” or something equivalent. We know how this gambit works, Ukraine would be to Trump as the Iran hostages were to Reagan.
Just as Covid fatigue had set in after two years – hence Ukraine – so Ukraine fatigue has more than set in now. And a “breakthrough in negotiations” will mix up the stale narrative. It would also provide a lot of ammunition for pointless debate in the media and on social networks.
The hot takes write themselves.
“Ukraine is betrayed! Trump has folded and given Putin exactly what he wants!”
“Russia is betrayed! Putin has folded and given Trump exactly what he wants!”
“Trump got it done in two months when Biden couldn’t do it in two years!”
“Biden got it done Trump is stealing the credit!”
“Putin held out to win Trump the election! Conspiracy!”
“Russia triumphant! Putin is a genius!”
“Russia humiliated! Two years for a stalemate! Putin is finished!”
…and so on and so on.
WILDCARD PREDICTION: Donald Trump will win, or at least be nominated for, the Nobel Peace Prize. Or maybe even three of them.
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A reply to “TonyMan” somewhere down the page( i keep loosing the spot on this damned phone) .. TonyMan Nothing Personal … Kill your Idols youll be better off !!, How can Donald Trump be anything other than a Narcissistic Psychopath , he keeps claiming Credit for jabs that have killed Millions … If You find My comments irrelevant and unintelligent why not “create” some yourself .. Trump is a Fraud , a Liar and whats more complicit in Mass Murder …. They are all on the same team .. Biden, Trump.. you name it…
And coming up the rear, taking the lead, outpacing all the others for the Big Win…is MIC, ridden by Jockey Trump!. Sorry Mr. Knightly, but the big players will walk away with the trophy. Peace be damned – there’s no money in it. War is hell…of a boondoggle for the weapons industry.
Next up: 12 year old Ukrainians drafted to keep the good fight going. Take that Putin!
Musk to call out UK Government for attempted bribery!
Elon Musk’s Tesla has received almost £200m in UK grants since 2016
Tesla, which is run by the tech billionaire who has become increasingly vocal about the UK government, has received £191m from Westminster through grants, according to Tussell, which analyses public contract data.
The bulk of the funds came from the Department for Transport (DfT), which has given the company £188m over that period.
The transport funds related to the plug-in car grant, which was designed to encourage the uptake of EVs and plug-in hybrids. Introduced in 2011, the grant provided a discount towards the cost of new plug-in cars, initially at £5,000, until the scheme ended in June 2022. The seller included it as a discount in the purchase price.
The pattern of history can predict the future. Mankind will face another world war, possibly in 2025. It can be foretold in a simple syllogism: every empire eventually faces the war it is trying to avoid; everyone wants to avoid WWIII; therefore, that is the fate that awaits. Paradoxically, the only chance of avoiding it is to accept it.
You’re already steeped in it– the world war, but haven’t switched mental paradigm yet. Death and destruction abroad does incur costs at home.
“Covid fatigue”? Ya gotta be kiddin’! still shillin’ the shite:
“5 years after it appeared, things we know and still don’t know about COVID
Five years ago, a cluster of people in Wuhan, China, fell sick with a virus never before seen in the world.”
No they didn’t and no it wasn’t.
“The germ didn’t have a name, nor did the illness it would cause.”
Well that would have been jumping the gun and sinking the movie before it had started.
“It wound up setting off a pandemic that exposed deep inequities in the global health system…”
Always good to play the contrived social outrage card and so provide a deliciously self-righteous angle to bolster the bullshit.
“…and reshaped public opinion about how to control deadly emerging viruses.”
… and reshaped public opinion about how to control public opinion.
“The virus is still with us …” yadda yadda “… But the virus is evolving, meaning scientists must track it closely.”
There’s gold in the old franchise yet.
“Where did the …” etc etc “…circulated in bats…infected humans …. at a market in Wuhan, where the first human cases appeared …”
Hang on a mo! Where did I hear this before? Ah yes!:
You know that song about how old soldiers never die, they only fade away? Well that’s like the covid epic. Apart from the fade away bit.
Spoiler risk:
“The true origin of the pandemic may not be known for many years — if ever.”
Oh you little tease!
“How many people died from COVID-19? Probably more than 20 million.”
The word “probably” doing a LOT of heavy lifting here!
“The World Health Organization has said …”
Oh fuck right off!
“…vaccine-makers broke speed records …saved tens of millions … getting life back to normal.”
And so on. If you’re getting bored with this, then there are a few spin-offs that may interest you:
“Trump names a Fox News personality, a COVID mandate critic and an anti-vaccine doctor to key public health roles
Why getting your flu and COVID-19 vaccines before the holidays is a good idea
Genetic analysis of animals in Wuhan market may help find COVID-19’s origin”
Etc etc etc
Interesting that what you are quoting works both with the Mainstream Covid Narrative TM and the Mainstream Covid Counter-Narrative TM – the Liberal and Conservative versions.
So, let’s see what we have..
2020 they make the world’s most astonishing deceptive plandemic show. All of them (including Russia) – puppet and/or real – rulers of the world (except for a few imprudent African presidents who suddenly left this world; but let’s remember that the president of Tanzania, the one with the papaya and goat tests, firstly acknowledged the reality of the “pandemic” and almost immediately, just a week later, he had a heart attack – he was so excited… “Big Brother doesn’t just kill dissenters, Winston, he first subjugates them and then kills them so they don’t die as martyrs against the regime.”)
They declare that it is time for a great reset, during which all the wonders of digitization – above all, full-fledged digital identification – must penetrate massively, deeply and irrevocably into the fabric of the daily life of the proles. CDDCs are coming and so on.
But this, if I may note, is an upgrade of the old slavery system – very significant, but an upgrade. But what is more astonishing, just a little in the background, is that they announced an upcoming “fusion of the biological, physical and digital identity of man” with unequivocal nonsense about built-in electronics in the body. This is no longer an upgrade of the old, but a leap of the type of crazy fantasies, hopes, requests (or maybe plans?) of the darpa.
As a result of these things, (at least) two groups of starkly contrasting people are distinguished: ones who accepts (or simply agrees, is not against) and those who disagree.
Then – replacing the plandemic – the most astonishing special war begins, which in the media on both sides – mainstream and (almost all) alternative – every week is on the verge of escalating into a global, nuclear, supernuclear, apocalyptic tragedy, but nothing ever happens but just to continue (whatever it is; at least the news and passions continue).
After the most astonishing warm-up show for the return of the Messiah of those who disagree with the agenda, including “sabotaged presidency”, “stolen elections”, “court cases”, “two assassination attempts supershow”, all the while accompanied by crazy influencers about the growth of the “awakened agenda”, “the battle of the left and the right world”, “either us – or them”… The Orange returns triumphantly and tightly beside him, brought to the forefront, day after day and tweet after tweet, as the most prominent defender of the “conservative cause” after the Messiah of dissenters is none other, not some random billionaire, not even some symbol of digital identification, but none other than the one the whole world thinks of when it thinks of brain implants (for “device control”, etc.). None other than the most popular influencer for merging brain and AI (“to avoid a Terminator scenario”).
But it’s just a coincidence, or? At least it’s not something to note (obviously, since it’s not marked). What’s so – it’s just a coincidence that he is, as anyone else could be.
So my prediction for 2025 remains the same from a few years ago; the same from the Russian roadmap Neuronet.
“The roadmap shows that the Neurоnet is preceded by Biometry-Net (2014-2024)
When Biometry-Net becomes commonplace, the “Neuronet Offensive” will begin (2025-2035), during which communication protocols based on digital models of mental processes will be developed and approaches to organizing a “collective consciousness” capable of “brainstorming” and solving tasks that require the concerted efforts of many people will be found.”
Neuronet is one of the initiatives of the National Technology Initiative, created by Medvedev on behalf of Putin in December 2014. At the beginning of 2014, the Maidan ended, you remember, and almost 100% of the alt-media were and still are adamant that it was a real clash between Russia and the American power clique, provoked by the latter (there was no plandemic at that time). As a result of this clash and the “control of Ukraine”, as we are assured, it also came to the current “real war” that began in 2022.
On 24.02.2022, the special Ukrainian war begins.
And this is the update from the Russian Nevronet roadmap, quote:
“The Neuronet Roadmap was approved by Protocol No. 1 of 02.28.2022 by absentee voting of the members of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia.”
(One billion articles about the crazy desires (“predictions for the future”) of darpa and wef. Zero articles about Neuronet (and other Russian “forecasts” and plans in this regard)
Again, to predict that the “war” will not stop and there will be no truce with a heroized Trump, because the war is great for a great reset, these things are military developments, “most of the technological innovations in our daily lives have come from the military industry” – to quote the Russian edition “Vedomosti”, and the soldiers are great for exactly these innovations (and they are also great for children, because they are superheroes that children can admire and imitate when they grow up).
And now let’s see what will happen this year (I predict “neurobreakthrough” with some crazy “first things”, “neurocollectives”, haha).
The NeuroNet industry is the most complex technical solutions created at the intersection of engineering and neurobiology. But they are the future, which in one way or another will affect all areas of our lives. The participants of the annual forum “Neurotechnologies of Russia 2023”, which brought together all industry participants, expressed absolute confidence in this.. For the foreseeable future, they will affect all areas of our lives. Everyone who is associated with the NeuroNet field has this understanding.
According to Andrey Vilensky, head of the expert group of the Agency for Technological Development, right now, in the context of sanctions pressure on Russia, a window of opportunity for the development of the neuroindustry has appeared in the country.
“This niche will become vacant after the departure of Western companies, and the demand from the state and business, on the contrary, has grown. Now is a great opportunity to implement their projects in the field of neurotechnology for everyone who has thought about it. Even more important is the fact that the existing enterprises working in the NeuroNet direction can multiply their presence in the market, and in the future enter the markets of friendly economies,” Andrey Vilensky believes.
..there is an explosive growth of the NeuroNet market around the world, experts say. This is clearly visible in Russia, where in recent years the state and business have shown an increased interest in this area, investments and other cash injections, including from the commercial sector, are increasing.
However, despite all the challenges, the NeuroNet market in Russia is developing and expanding every year.
“It is no coincidence that we have gathered young scientists who are working on invasive interfaces at the forum. These are the most complex, expensive and time-consuming projects in the NeuroNet area.”
Explains briefly (and funny) by Timour Shchoukine, co-founder of the Russian NeuroNet group (the second is in English):
3 of them! That wound be hilarious. Almost as weird as when Morrissey performed “Irish blood, English heart” at the Nobel ceremony.
Thinking Mr t is going to do anything good, for the People, is a mistake. He’s a part of The Klub and serves it first. He seems to be serving as a braking mechanism for failing agendas and giving them time to do conjure up something equally stupid, insane and useless for us.
On the contrary: he (and the other protagonist, the Eastern Orthodox Messiah, a fighter against the demonocratic cabal) are accelerators who, “pressed and placed in difficult conditions (‘Wuhan flu’ plandemic, etc.) by the evil ones”, accelerate the plan at the warp speed and normalize it for the dissenting proles.
So what’s the prediction for how long Starmer will last? My guess is that he’ll be gone within six months!
Keir Starmer is accused of ‘smear tactics’ after blaming ‘the far-Right’ for outrage over lack of grooming gang inquiry: Rochdale whistleblower blasts PM – as ex-Home Secretary calls him a ‘recruiting sergeant for extremism’
Justin Trudeau dramatically resigned as Canadian Prime Minister on Monday in remarks capping a spectacular fall from grace for the liberal standard-bearer just days before Donald Trump enters office.
“The Curse Of Keir Starmer” – Trump Taunts Trudeau With Tariff Threats
Jan 7, 2025
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resigned as Liberal Party leader after nine years in office, amid pressure from his party and trailing poll numbers behind the Conservatives.
Trudeau, 53, announced his decision Monday from Rideau Cottage, following tariff threats and taunts from US President-elect Donald Trump, who referred to Canada as the “51st state.”
He will remain Prime Minister until a successor is chosen.
Mike Graham speaks with radio news manager, Eileen Bell.
If you look at the analysis of the UK 2024 GE, it is not difficult to see that Starmer & Co’s ” landslide victory was built on the most flimsy of foundations. For example, they had a smaller number of votes than Corbyn had in the last GE, yet, whilst Corbyn lost by 81 seats Starmer won by over 400 seats. Moreover without the intervention of Farage’s Reform party, the overall electoral turnout would have been less than 29% as it was it amounted to approximately 33.8%. Furthermore, he has betrayed almost every commitment he pledged in both his Labour leadership election and now in the GE. He has neither wit nor charm and his limitations are increasingly being exposed.
westminster’s legitimacy crisis – The Anti-Light Magazine
illegitimate – The Anti-Light Magazine
Like Sunak, Starmer is a WEF appointee – selected, groomed, promoted. The entire 2024 election cycle was rigged – starting with Sunak crashing the Tories. Reform were allowed to get around 15%, but counter measures were activated once they approached 20%. Whether Farage is in on it, is open to question.
What’s clear is that the Starmer cabal is deeply hostile to Trump. Consequently, Trump is going to ensure they get removed. The rape-gang scandal seems to be the chosen point of weakness in Trump’s campaign against Starmer. It’s likely that Starmer is no more guilty than lots of other establishment figures, but he still has things to hide. Given that the Trump operation will already know where all the bodies are buried, I doubt Starmer will last very long.
“flouride busy work”. Oh my God, I couldn’t have said it better.
What I have said is that I am not getting excited about flouride out of water, or exposure of the bad bad additives in our food. All very nice, but really?
Rescind the 1986 Vaccine Act. Make Pharmacuetical companies liable for every single product they sell. Along with the FDA that approves them.
Revoke the PREP act and the Emergency Authorization Acts.
Get serious about the corruption.
Exactly. Easy peasy, this one. We’ll know soon how serious MAHA is.
The only reason fluoride is in our water, like many other industrial waste chemicals, is because industry has lobbied, or rather told, their reps to legislate it in, if they can get away with it. Fluoride is an agricultural fertilizer waste product they do not want to have to pay to safely dispose of. It lowers IQ in kids, it causes fluorosis and is a neurological toxin in the quantities consumed in water. In toothpaste doses it’s benign and may provide some benefit. Oregon and Portland have consistently voted against it because we care enough about our environment and bodies to keep track of facts and fight off the industrial waste industry.
More toxics and additives, unvetted or researched, are thrown into air water and our bodies every day by industry which owns politicians. Vaxxines, chemicals, industrial waste of all kinds are POLLUTION. This POLLUTION causes infinite health problems that have escalated out of control post WW2. Obesity, autism, alzheimers, and all of the ailments that Pharma tv advertises their products to cure are the result of POLLUTION.
You don’t want this stopped? Hello?
True, true, but that’s not what she was saying…
Thank you, Veri Tas, that is not what I was saying.
I wrote a longer explanation of what I was saying, in case it was not obvious, but I wrote it on my email reply rather than directly here on the site.
It goes without saying I would like a cleaner, toxic free world. That will take generations to happen. With full participation of the human race, not a knight in shining armour banning additives.
My ire stems from the elephant, or one of them, in the room. Mr. Trump and Mr. Kennedy’s support, alliance and as I see it, complicity with Mr. Netanyahu. It stinks, to put it mildly. And no one has called it out. Except Whitney Webb and Ryan Christian at Last American Vagabond.
The DC of our nation’s capital – Deals and Corruption.
I fully agree. I don’t hold much hope for Kennedy cleaning up BigPharma either. And on the other topic, all politicians in the upper echelons of power must bow to those who must not be mentioned. Same situation in most western nations.
If only we could ever free our countries of the lobby groups that dictate to our politicians… well, I’m dreaming. And the no-government idea becomes ever more attractive. The only hitch is the statist religion that most cling to.
I never became more aware of the danger of so much money in political campaigns as I did this year. It is obscene.
Why should anyone have to raise and spend millions to run for office in a government that is supposed to be by the people for the people.
Of course, even at a local level – if someone or some company donates a substantial amount of money you would naturally feel beholden.
I don’t know what the answer is but as long as millions of dollars are involved there will never be anything but corruption.
(It’s why I don’t watch professional sports or the Olympics anymore. The amount of money overshadow’s everything.)
Pollution is just a slightly more palatable word for poisons.
Trump doesn’t have to win back any “alienated base.” American presidents, as soon as they start their second terms, are lame ducks. They can do anything they want, no matter whom it alienates.
You might want to look up the definition of “lame duck”?
I know perfectly well what it means. You are the one who doesn’t.
If (and it’s the most plausible scenario imo) Plan A is for the USA to fight Israel’s war against Iran for it, then several problems are presenting themselves: 1) the USA’s declining industrial base means most of their military hardware is built in BRICS countries 2) rampant woke-ism means collapsing military recruitment in the traditional base for service personnel and wokesters are not going to replace them 3) the USA’s reputation for rampant war-mongering makes it hard to sell them as the good guys even at home or to their most subservient “allies”.
Trump wins the election (which had looked set-up for a very close result and endless division – which suddenly melted away) and there’s an incoming regime committed to re-building domestic industrial capacity, de-emphasising woke-ism and ending the war in Ukraine in a day. How exceedingly fortunate! If it doesn’t work, there’s always Plan B of war somewhere else like the South China Sea.
And if it needs saying, this is not to argue Iran’s leadership are somehow the good guys.
RE: And if it needs saying, this is not to argue Iran’s leadership are somehow the good guys.
Regardless of Iran’s leadership, they are not imperialist, the US is still the global imperial hegemon and should be opposed for that reason alone..
Off topic.
Australians will soon require a digital permit to enter the UK:
Look, I know we’re just a bunch of ex cons, beer swilling, oversexed hooligans, but fair suck of the sav.
We are still citizens of the Commonwealth and we all luuvv Charlie and his missus. And we do let you win a test match now and then.
Cut us some slack, pleease.
Looking at the website for registration and it states you must scan your face Kids under 9 don’t need to. Oh joy !
I think the two countries are in on it – Australia is a fascist state already and needs this digital ID thing to go through, any way possible.
We locked you out of prison, sent you to the greatest colony we have.
As a rehabilitated criminal we did let you work your way up as garbage collector and concrete worker or farmer assistant..
And now you require to be let into England again as an officer and gentleman. Get lost!
I was shocked to read: “My thoughts were generally that a good portion of the first year of Trump’s second term would be dedicated to winning back his alienated base, re-establishing some anti-establishment bona fides.” Don couldn’t care less about his alleged “base” nor imaginary “anti-establishment bona fides.” His 2nd term personnel appointments to date–just like those of his 1st term–are viciously neocon, weak, and/or unhelpful. He has again shown utter contempt for “his base.” His promised migrant deportations are already being soft-pedaled. He never has to face voters again so it makes no sense to appease “his base.” But Don has numerous family members/hangers on who are eager to get in on the grift. You may have read that one of them, Don Jr’s former “fiance” Kimberley Guilfoyle has been named to be US ambassador to Greece. (Don Jr has a new girlfriend). It was a way to get her out of the country while keeping her on taxpayers’ payroll.
Great comment.
Angie Tibbs, Rest in Peace | Dissident Voice
Long-time editor at DV has passed away.
A good woman who had an open mind on the $camdemic.
Off topic but, on X, when I asked for the cause of death of drag act The Vivienne I was met by a barrage of fury. How dare I! I was “a ghoul”. Someone even called me a “Paedophile”!
I am used to news reports on the newly deceased that not only don’t give cause of death but don’t even mention the topic at all. But I never thought this sinister practice would come to be expected and that people would be furious at anyone who asked.
My guess is that they all know or suspect but don’t want to admit it. They all know it’s a cull.
Did he ever give up show business?
@ Off-Guardian it equally telling what they don’t write about as what what they do target.
It is Guardian lite.
You say similar things time and again. So, why do you keep reading OG? There are many other options.
Guardian LITE??!!! Well, that’s rather harsh 😅
Radio silence from an upper class Brit about the racist rape epidemic that hit lower class young British girls.
So far it’s been mostly about Trump, Trump, Trump !!
As if Trump is The Only Bad Guy In The World…
Sure, we’ll stay riveted to our tv sets, for “The Next
Exciting Episode !” – because we’re all infected by The
Trump Derangement Syndrome – but there’ll be more
to 2025 than Trump…
And what about The Next Pandemic psyop ?
The ‘bird flu’ testdemic is being ramped-up, but it seems
unlikely ‘bird flu’ will be the Star of ‘The 2025 Pandemic’…
They are testing the bubonic plague too. Desperation? 🙂
I somehow think the only way they will be able to enforce the next lot of GMO/mRNA/nano-lipid self-assembling tech injections is to mandate digital IDs, and then to force anyone out of The System, essentially make them homeless and let them starve, who does not unquestioningly bow down before the alter of faux medicine.
Well, there is this one, a bit further than ‘waiting in the wings.’
“China has caught A Cold –
it must be Winter in China.”
Well, that’s the way they kicked off last time. Loadsa fake dropping dead in the streets, which of course REALLY Happened in the West with collapsing athletes and TV presenters, especially when they were extolling the marvellous qualities of the ‘safe and effective’ wonder vaccine on camera.
It’s beyond irony, and strays into the territory of divine retribution.
The Liberals are dissolving themselves.
As always occupied all energy and time on internal struggles and in-fights while doubling up the national debt and as the speaker says:
“Ran out of dirty tricks to play”…………………….LOL..
Justin Trudeau PM of Canada resigned today..
Much like Biden’s dementia and Harris’s incompetence paving the way for Trump’s win, the Liberals’ collapse in Canada seems to be paving the way for Poilievre’s Conservatives to win big at this year’s elections – and Poilievre, much like Trump, is someone who says some good things, such as openly criticising the WEF, but has aligned with mainstream globalists, so I don’t particularly trust him.
Same shit yes, but there is a difference, even when it is same shit.
The term “an honest criminal” was invented to explain how an ideology could be both at the same time.
For all his faults in his first term Trump tried to honour his election promises and despite wholesale opposition did better than just about any “real” politician I can recall.
Trumpster mark 2 is a very different animal, waved through with the ludicrous fake assassination psy-op and obviously controlled, however he still loves to be loved. His expansive, gold-plated ego is our best hope for positive outcomes. Trumpster will not want to tread too heavily on the toes of the MAGA crowd and will want to leave a “big, tremendous, beautiful” legacy so he can be mentioned by propagandists of the future in the same breath with Reagan.
No, Trump did as he was told to do… Presidents are puppets, they have no power… he’s as evil as the rest of them… don’t fool yourself.
A Trumpuppet so to speak,
‘Nellie the elephant packed her Trump, and said ‘GOODBYE’ to the circus Off she went with a Trumpity Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.’
Yep, bumping off the Iranian general was on his watch, after all.
Of course. But he did try to honour his promises. But doing something positive for the for the MAGA dupes is a pretty low bar after 4 years of the government actively attacking white America.
Of course he is. Although I imagine he was helped along to think these are his very own ideas. You’re both correct here – he is a showman, of course, but he will want to at least pander to his MAGA base, they are the ones who helped get him into office and he needs their outrage at the Deep State to keep his agenda in play. He undoubtedly sees some kind of legacy in what he does and he most assuredly wants to be loved. While he’s a puppet, I am not at all sure yet he realizes that. I could be completely wrong here and it’s all consciously done by him but I am not sure. With his big mouth, to be blunt, do you think our owners would fully let him know what the real plan is? I don’t. Hell, even that whole bullshit about classified documents is one more part of the scam. I doubt either Trump or Dementia Joe is fully read on to the real program. So yes, both are puppets on a string doing the bidding of people they may not even know. What’s new there?
My small machine mind would like a more dumbed-down definition of this thing.
who what when where why?
As a “flat”earther, please pardon my own poor word choice, I accept the idea that reality consists of our computer hologram torus we larp in.
So who wrote the computer code? which…… Is that the black cube?
God? Kevin Flynn? Yahweh? a team of Pleroma aeons? or Jesus alone, whose Sophia syzergy sought wisdom and defied the Original Design/mission statement?
I’ll skip ahead to Why, which imo could be the quest to discover The Meaning of Life.
But that might imply that the Creator was not a living being, but an Intelligent entity that formed accidentally in the aether of Chaos.
Pinocchio, Star Trek’s Commander Data, Frankenstein, etc.
Some of us Luddites resent the recent trend when we see so many people chatting with AI, which is connecting to the cube. Right?
Alexa, how do I get from here to Walmart?
Grok, take me to your leader. Skynet, take total control of my food, medicine, children.
Is this Trust in Authority so prevalent because our brains are hard-wired to prefer our coding? which makes humans love machines and renounce Nature?
One hypothesis is that artificial reality is an experiment to test new lifeforms.
Several books I’ve read lately suggest that, though electric systems do harm animal blood structures, as well as earth’s Schumann Resonance, natural processes (exosomes) eventually build immunities that allow species to survive.
Nietzsche’s ‘what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.’
That includes 5g, mentioned in the first post. Will bees and birds and whales evolve, in the true sense of the word, to avoid extinction?
What really killed off the Passenger Pigeon and Dodo ? The Google AI will say habitat loss and over-hunting.
~ 100 years ago. Wasn’t that also around the time when telegraph wires and electrification and other grids were being installed — to make life better for humanity?
From the greatest thread ever,
The Perpetual Black Cube (PDF) | Page 3 | – Rediscovered History of the World
Two things that stand out to me is one – the desire for the U.S. to rule the world via Trump and his admin by those controlling from behind the curtain, is stronger than ever, including increasing the largest military and intelligence apparatus ever built, both of which Trump is fully on board, and two – the immense control of Trump’s administration by the zionists. So, whatever happens has to fit within that realm and it can’t be good. It wouldn’t appear that Russia or China will fall quietly into the night unless some are correct in ascertaining there is a concerted globalist effort they’re all in on, which I don’t believe, and it wouldn’t appear that the crazy zionist religious nuts will quit their quest for Greater Israel. So, I guess we’ll find out the answer to that probably during Trump’s term.
Another thing that stands out is the fact that Trump is a dumb ass, not very smart, ignorant as hell of what is going on and the real history, an epic liar and conman, contradictory as all get out, and as narcissistic as any human that’s ever lived. So, whatever happens relative to that won’t be good either.
Wildcard prediction: I predict Trump will either die, have a stroke, or be impeached which will bring James Donald Bowman front and center and all hell will break loose in the U.S. political system.
Another Donald?!
Think I’m gonna have a quack up.
Don’t forget to Duck !!!
..and thats not the only bad things Trump are.
Trump is also a pussygrabber, heteroseksual monogame family wife maniac, ultra-radical conservative complete obsolete traditionalist, a working alcoholic, plus an air-polluting white shirt, polished black shoes and tie fool.
Thats enough for now!! Next week we will have even more on Trump!
Turdeau gone which follows OG’s theory about a cleanout of leaders from lockdown….
Different day, same $uiturd$.
Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Hubris is a cancer that eventually destroys its host.
100%……….They carried out Thur orders from the real bosses and once away from the public eye they’ll all reap their lucrative rewards. If there’s any justice at all, they should all die roaring.
Man, I should get out more, except,
OBSTACLES, you’ve seen them
Got neighbours ? Fuckin wait till you go out they do
Followed much ? This paranoia, I mean, if you notice stuff, (how many do ?),
Elect no one, elect- trick, know one knows what that is.
God is real, watching you.
BTW. Is that a recent portrait?
Can’t, for the life of me, see a scar on his ear.
Funny that.
Ketchup packets generally don’t leave scars. 😜
I don’t think that is given the credit it’s due, i.e., a fake assassination attempt that he was personally in on. Personally, I can’t believe it was any other way. And if indeed it was that way, the grand illusion is stronger than we thought.
Yeah. You are told what you expect to see.
one dark-horse prediction to watch is that in 2025 US-China tensions SUBSIDE, in a sort of neo-détente à la the Nixon-Mao summit, in spite of all the saber-rattling now coming out of the new team’s camp
That’s what the WEF wants.
One doesn’t attain leadership through wisdom, thoughtfulness and likability.
One has to be a KING or QUEEN sized PRICK or PRICKETTE.
One has to be conniving, ruthless,
selfish and very, very vain.
“Let the chaos continue” said the leader. “l’m having fun!”
Jesus, Gandhi, MLK: just pricks?
Dunno. Never met em.
2025 Prediction:
Israel will annex / gobble up large chunks of the Middle east.
Trump will annex / gobble up Canada and Greenland.
China will do its best to annex / gobble up Australia…
Israel won’t ‘gobble up the Middle East’ without its traditional command of US foreign policy and funding. Is it certain that Trump will continue to bleed the USA and his MAGA base on behalf of Zionism?
China has already bought up a lot of valuable terra australis.
Great band !
The Grifters – Black Fuel Incinerator
or this, again,
helps if yer autistic or know someone who is..
John Maus – Over Phantom
Why are they doing it? Because they pay me more than I could get outside the military. In the military I am free! Thats why……………………LOL.
Unfortunately, a number of people are not paying close attention either to the stated goals of the SMO, the progress the RF is making on the battlefield against the combined West and the experience the RF had with previous “ peace” agreements with the West ie Minsk !
If Russia is so silly to enter into “agreements”, “Treaties” with US who have broken every signed Treaty and Agreement the last 300 years, they will suffer again as they did in the past.
Senoir Russian political and military figures have made it clear only the conditions of the SMO will be acceptable. Ie De Nazification, and most importantly not becoming a member of NATO under any circumstances. Will the City of London controlled apparatchiks accept these terms?
Trump’s giant ego is on the line. I am expecting peace in Ukraine.
There will be no peace until Russia’s SMO objectives are reached !
Correction; Until US objectives has been reached.
“We are an Empire now, and you, all of you, will be left to analyses the reality WE create”. Fixed.
The US/UK/NATO are the marionettes of the City of London and its controlling families, the time is approaching of whether the RF’s SMO are completed or we will all be glowing in the dark.
The RF military and political leadership will neither trust nor accept anything come from the West !
Never. They would, as in the past, prefer a Europe bombed to peaces before they give up.
The difference was they had their bolt holes in sunny Arizona and the luxury of over 3000 miles of ocean.
As Lavarov stated, this will not protect them and they know it !
Words and words and words move nothing. Actions on the ground reveals everything.
Charlotte You are on the Money!im totally Convinced that Mr “Drain the Swamp” is going to go to War with Iran if not nuke them on behalf of Israel , Mr I’m going to end the forever Wars is a Janus faced Cretin who is going to disillusion Many of his Maga Cult Members .. many unfortunately idolise and Venerate him to the point of being willing to die for him ,another wall street puppet … My theory is that a genuinely revolutionary impulse on the right (Maga was starting to criticize wall street and the military establishment) has been sheep herded back into the toxic swamp of partisan politics , just as the Left were Sheep Herded by Obama another wall street fabrication, … Happens everytime …
Surely not an original theory , its pretty bloody Obvious .. The trump and Musk Cults have completely hypnotised some of My Friends , One in particular who just 18 months ago was buying Trump as a Monster once in an argument about Vaccines he stormed out( in 2022) yelling You love Donald Trump,its totally bizzare Now hes a Maga Cultist… And We are not even American , Australia is obsessed with Donald Trump… A hammy third rate actor !
Should we keep faith in tyrannical WEF slaves and puppets like Biden, Starmer, Trudeau and Macron? They are all confirmed haters and destroyers of their own nations, unlike Trump. However, if it turns out that Trump is a Zionist tool, is MIGA rather than ‘MAGA’, I’ll be more than ready to condemn him.
Good Question , what proof exists that Trump is not a WEF puppet?… Trump the son of a Millionaire Real estate Moghul .. who voted Democrat and hobnobbed with the Clintons , who moonlighted as a second rate actor….Suddenly decicides to run as a Republican Presidential Candidate.. he was also clearly connected to. Epstein… Supposedly almost bankrupted by his failed Casinos in Vegas ( we were told in 2015),have You considered that perhaps he was being blackmailed by the very forces behind epstein who needed a Patsy with acting experience ,to Fake a populist Right leaning populist ..precisely to herd Right leaning populist Patriots who had become dissafected by mainstream politics … Back into a stagnant ,corrupt completely controlled less than Useless framework … The whole Russia Gate Psy Op , may well have been cooked up to create an aura of credibility building him up as genuine opponent of the “deep state” an enemy of the Alphabet Agencies… The whole of the stop the steal fake insurrection movement , also smacks of orchestration to prop up the now very infiltrated , almost completely subverted Maga Movement…as we know from Machiavelli, and the Art of War,the best way to control ,or tame a genuine opposition is to lead it… Or maybe just manufacture it in the first place!
Your “comments” are irrelevant, irrational, superfluous, stupid, bad, illogical, simple-minded, ill-conceived, childish, silly, unworthy. Why do you still “create” them despite this fact?
One war closes, another one opens.
by employing there worse of them in too his WWE team.
The obese Orange Trojan Horse will attempt to immediately pass a massive piece of legislation maintaining tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulating worker safety protection laws, increasing cuts to social safety nets for the most indigent, eliminating laws prohibiting extreme speculation on 401k’s ensuring the next generation won’t have either a private pension or social security, and of course permitting many more H-1B visas so migrant “indentured servants” who are exploited by Silicon Valley can totally replace middle management positions held by college educated Americans. Make neofeudalism great again!🤑
Be prepared for more genocide in the Middle East as pyscho neoconservative warmongers turn all eyes on Iran. And it’s highly probable that the meat grinder continues in Ukraine.
Happy New Year! 😁
This might interest you Charlotte:
Thanks, interesting article in that the British Empire instigated a form of “Indian eugenics” manifested through an existing caste system and Brahmin Indians are now transporting this neofeudal mentality to the US.
The Indian/Zionist connection is not mutually exclusive but is also present in Russia and China.🤔
No nation owns racism or classism.
They are traits we can all share and wallow in when we are seduced by ignorance.
Human nature is pretty consistent.
You are right. The British Empire’s tentacles reach everywhere.
Substitute the City of London and you are nearer the money.
Queen Elizabeth is Chairman of NATO and The Group of 300:
In all photos from the Global Elite you will see the Queen in the centre.
5D chess.
Don has married slavic wives he wants to end the Ukraine meatgrinder, let’s hope so.
Think you mean Slave-ic.
Prediction: 2025 The Year Chaos Ruled !! (Esp – in the USA)…
‘2025 will be Tumultuous, Turbulent, and Trump Tantrums – (aka – TTT)
Trump’s Only Friend is the one he sees in his mirror every morning;
the one who answers “Why, You Are !” to his “Who Is The Greatest
Gift to Good Old USA ?”; the one who tells him what mayhem
he should inflict on whoever thinks otherwise.
‘The Art of The Deal’ is a euphemism for ‘The Art of Cheating’…
he smirks with disdain at how easy it is to con the mugs, the suckers,
the marks…
Trump Is An Agent of Chaos – and dont you forget it !!
Who has been in power the last 4 years and 12 out of the last 16 years as America and the World have collapsed? If you can’t see how EVIL Democrats than you’re a narcissistic sociopath. Democrats are HAZARDOUS to your health.
Is that your ‘2025 Prediction’ then ?”
Divide and rule.
Divide and rule.
Get it?
Well, if you include the fabrication of as much CHAOS as possible.
My Pillow Guy! They let you out? Well, some of us don’t play that game, we actually walk and chew gum at the same time. Try it, it’s really not that hard once you get the hang of it.
Obama and Biden did everything and doubled the public debt to do good, but Trump was EVERYWHERE destroying EVERYTHING! Thats about it folks.
Another light touch article being kind of nice and giving them (Trump and co_ a very very easy ride it may as well delivered in bubble wrap)
I notice the above editor does that alot and when it is the left he and the others authors on OG goes full steam.
Using this Ukraine Russia thing as a deflection when Zion Donny has some savage koshchrisy fundamentalist in new roles/position and all hellbent of creating the end times prophecy with Iran and co which you as a blog never mention as your Christians.
Your serving an agenda with your religious belief and this AI chrsdoom digital crusade we have seen and had shoved down our throats online recently with silly billy Carson V Wes Huff then Wes Huff appearing within a week or so on Jesus grifting Joke Rogan and this new Trump Algorithm religious X and ALL the alt media grifters shilling Jesus or hate Moslem or jws crap.
That’s not Jesus.
I’m pretty sure he didn’t have a driver’s license.
All right, let this guy have some gold rings and a gold chain then. It was after all a tradition also then.
What are you talking about?
Popular vote:
2016: 62,984,828
2020: 74,223,975
2024: 77,303,573
Quite !
He’s talking sense. Many MAGA voters were indeed disappointed by Trump’s failures, but seeing how the entire US state and corporate media conspired to ruin his presidency, realized these were defeats or sabotage more than failures. Another point: more votes for Trump may reflect massive dislike of Biden and Demonrats, not growing love for Trump. People vote against, not just in favor.
That people vote at all is a measure of gullibility and desperation.
It’s like being given a choice between hanging or a firing squad.
Or your child being indoctrinated with the satanic paedophilic ideology whilst being force fed puberty blockers !
2016 Candidate Trump unconditionally promised to build a wall on day 1. That was the single reason he was elected. Had he once said, “I promise on day 1 to ask Congress for permission to build a wall,” he would’ve been laughed off the stage and never heard from again. But that’s what he actually did. The 2nd reason he was elected was he advocated detente with Russia. But he did the opposite and brags about it. In August 2017 Congress removed all Russia matters from him and assigned to the Senate showing the world that he was an impotent joke and effectively nullifying his election. (Russia matters include Ukraine). If you can’t keep promises you made to get a job–for whatever reason–you resign and move on. That’s what Don should’ve done. As to “MAGA” it ceased to exist the day Don, Jared, and Ivanka were elected in Nov. 2016. MAGA’s meaning has been deliberately co-opted so that today it means something quite different than it did to Nov. 2016 voters. MAGA today is Bush establishment. This also happened to the Tea Party that began in 2009 and delivered a landslide +63 seats to the GOP House in 2010. The GOP was enraged, much prefers being permanent minority. Tea Party was also co-opted to blend with GOP Establishment.