Predicting 2025: Covid Origins Revisited
Kit Knightly

This spring will mark five years since the “COVID Pandemic” began in earnest. By late March 2020, most of the world was in lockdown or some variation of “anti-COVID measures.”
Two days ago China marked – or rather, didn’t mark – the fifth anniversary of the first official “Covid death”.
Our fifth prediction for 2025 is that “the establishment”, or whatever you want to call them, won’t let this anniversary pass without incident.
That’s the best kind of prediction because it’s vague enough that it can’t really be wrong. It’s also an easy prediction to make because they have already confirmed it’s true.
Today the UK’s Covid Inquiry launched the fourth of ten planned modules that will wrap up by the end of the year. Labour has also announced there will be a “National Day of Reflection” on March 9th…whatever that means.
But that’s all just general noise, and as much as it’s notionally about “Covid” it’s far more about reaping the benefits of Covid for future propaganda drives.
That’s looking forward, our real prediction is that they will also look backwards, tweak and retcon the Covid story to try and re-engage people who have begun to filter out anything “pandemic”-related as white noise.
This fits in with the theme of all our predictions – false concession. Replacing and updating the “official story” by incorporating some previously hidden “truth” to appease the sceptics. Controlling the narrative through fake revelations.
Throwing “conspiracy theorists” a bone.
And when you’re talking about Covid, there’s only one subject that fits that bill: The Lab Leak Theory.
We’ve talked about Covid’s “mysterious origins” at length, and our position on the lab leak theory (LLT) is well established, so we won’t go over it all again. In brief:
the Lab Leak Theory is a fallback narrative, served up by controlled opposition and believed by the gullible that serves to reinforce the idea that a dangerous new disease exists and something must be done about it.
The two essential foundational lies they will do anything to defend.
In fact let’s say that again in italics –
The lab leak story is just a back door way of getting people to believe there was a real deadly new virus and a real pandemic.
There was NO deadly new disease and NO real pandemic.
However, our prediction for 2025 is that Lab Leak Theory will become at least quasi-officially “true”.
The signs were already there in late 2024.
In early December, US lawmakers concluded a two-year commission on Covid, officially finding that the “virus” did indeed originate in a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
What followed was a burst of articles suggesting the LLT had been the subject of a cover-up by the Biden administration.
On Boxing Day, the Telegraph reported that:
FBI ‘found evidence Covid was lab leak but was not allowed to brief president’
The same day, the Wall Street Journal published a long-form “exclusive” on “The Spy-World Scientists Who Argued Covid Was a Lab Leak”
Last week, UnHerd published a column headlined “China’s stooges: the real Covid conspiracy – The lab-leak theory is still being suppressed”
Bloomberg was more subtle, lending the LLT legitimacy by discussing it as a future possibility: “How a Lab Leak Could Cause the Next Covid-Like Pandemic”
On New Year’s Eve LLT received another injection of legitimacy from an unlikely source. The World Health Organization included this paragraph in its press release marking the 5th anniversary of Covid:
We continue to call on China to share data and access so we can understand the origins of COVID-19. This is a moral and scientific imperative. Without transparency, sharing, and cooperation among countries, the world cannot adequately prevent and prepare for future epidemics and pandemics.
Lab leak theory has already come a long way from barely even a fringe idea to an acceptable alternative, but in 2025 we expect it to take the final step, becoming the majority view.
That’s a majority view, not consensus. We’re talking about a cultivated 55-45 split. Because the natural vs lab-leak argument is too valuable ever to end.
Rather, as the “anti-establishment” Trump rises so too do “anti-establishment” ideas like lab leak theory, or ivermectin and other “alternative treatments”.
This will play into the multipolar world psyop by reinvigorating the supposed feud between Donald Trump’s administration and China.
That’s our theme for 2025. Scripted wins for the fostered “alternative”.
WILDCARD PREDICTION: There will be a high-profile legal case – either civil or criminal – regarding the “origins of Covid” by the end of the year.
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well there was a virus and it was different from the flus which all come from the swine flu. however it wasnt as deadly or as virulent and was an excuse to trial naked oppression division and deceit. next time lessons will have been learned and those of us who work in the nhs and refused vaccines and challenged lies and poor standards of care wont get away with it.
“Cheryl said it was difficult to be away from Laurie for so long at the start of the pandemic and knows how it must have challenged other families. She credits the medical staff at the Health Sciences Centre for caring for the both of them and giving her peace of mind.
Four years and a second COVID-19 diagnosis later, Laurie said the events of the 2020s are still hard to believe at times.
But these days, the couple say, life is pretty much back to normal.
“I don’t dwell on it at all,” Cheryl said. “I don’t think about it from day to day. I certainly don’t worry about it.”
4 years after N.L.’s first case of COVID-19, this couple recalls being part of an early outbreak
CBC News · Posted: Mar 14, 2024
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Jim Tull
Uru in the Valley of Sleepers
“Uru, who in the rest of the world
is known as the Awakener,
has a different name in the Valley of Sleepers,
and this is how he came to have it.”
A lot of people chose to believe a lie, didn’t want to hear or know the truth. So now they live in a parallel reality where what is true to them is given by the father of all lies, who inspires the money controllers, who in turn control ‘the science’, politics and media, and etc.
Since December most of the team have been ill some seriously with lung, throat, chest, sweats infection etc etc etc.
NOT one mention of covid.
There is no virus, there is no contagion. Virology isn’t even pseudo science: it is fraud. The gaslighting involved to keep the lie alive is insulting to our intelligence.
Question is why do most so called critical scientists, doctors and alternative media seem to deliberately keep the virology fraud alive?
They cry censorship and they ignore or suppress independent science and doctors that proof of a virus, any virus.
It is simple logic. Before one even debates testing, numbers, statistics , vaccines one has to start with the most obvious question , proof of a virus.
Even a kid would get something that basic
It was good to see that Dr Mike Yeadon was recently allowed to mention the contagion myth and the existence of a viruses on ukc.
The worst is the controlled opposition and the excuses qtards make for Trump and RFK. We the people demand better psy ops!
That’s true. It’s getting boring.
No virus?! Haha. You will believe whatever you’re told, won’t you?
Two days ago China marked – or rather, didn’t mark – the fifth anniversary of the first official “Covid death”?
The CDC says the first official Covid death occurred in the USA, not China.
The CDC also found that 4-6 million Americans tested Covid seropositive in 2019: “Serologic testing of U.S. blood donations to identify SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibodies: December 2019-January 2020”. Sridhar V Basavaraju, MD, et al.
WHO Finds No Evidence of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Wuhan Before December 2019. Plain old.
“The Coronavirus was created in a lab!” – such headlines spread like wildfire after the release of a recent U.S. Congressional report on the Covid-19 pandemic. The document claims that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a chimera, allegedly engineered in Chinese biolabs to infect humans on a mass scale.
At first glance, the document seems sensational: the U.S. government exposing China and accusing it of leaking a “highly infectious and dangerous virus.” However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that this report is neither a scientific study nor an attempt to establish the truth. It is a tool of political propaganda aimed at restoring public trust in the government and justifying geopolitical pressure on China. In this video, we will uncover the key contradictions of the report, explain why the claims of a “lab leak” lack scientific basis, and demonstrate how pseudo-pandemics are used to justify strict control measures, economic manipulation, and pressure on international competitors. We will also discuss why there is still no evidence of the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and how this report might be laying the groundwork for future “pandemics.” Links and additional materials:
1. U.S. Congressional Report on Covid-19.
2. The Scientific vacuum: “The scientific method and its absence in Virology.”
Reading comments makes me realize a lot of folks continue to be bamboozled by the scamdemic grift. That’s what it is, a classic grift. They were hucksters mindfucking people into believing they needed to take their snake oil or the Plague would get them. Even when you explain to some there was no plague they just blink at you with that Homer Simpson moron stare.
It had a name so it musta been real, right. Holy smokes. You could sell a lot of these folks a box of air if you gave it a new name and they’d never even figure they’d been had.
From the outset, the powers be – con-artists and the like – seem to have fashioned a sizable chunk of childlike behaviour and make-believe fairy-land. But It was not that difficult pull-off: the seemingly gullible masses were apt to swallow the tripe that the powers-that-be were feeding them; and the second time around it is not altogether possible for a reply.
It’s a minority opinion around these parts, but the next “deadly virus” will behave like a proper “deadly virus.” In other words, the deaths will be more dramatic, more immediate and public.
Bio-weapons are useless because you can’t control them once released. The idea one time was that vaccines could be used to make your combat units immune, but that was a washout. Believe me the US military proved vaccination to be unreliable and often useless 50 years ago but the pharmaceutical boys don’t want that out there. Without 100% reliable vaccines you can’t use bugs as weapons. End of story.
It doesn’t have to be a “virus.”
What about bio weapons that are targeted via DNA?
Now you’re into science fiction. They are clever in making up stories, and ‘manipulting DNA’ is one of them.
Not out of January and the race is on for the dumbest headline. From the Graud:
“Why is it so unsettling to watch an adult drink cold cow’s milk?”
If they don’t like cow’s milk, one can only imagine how they would feel upon observing people from other cultures who feast on hot cow’s blood; the Maasai, for example.
JFK did Covid !
Are we really still doing all this? There was no new virus beyond the flu.
The whole thing was essentially a bank / market / corporate bailout.
It was all about the money. Around fourteen trillion so far and counting.
With an added bonus of ensuring a compliant population, destroying small business and then another round of cash for big pharma.
See Vighi’s articles here from the time. One of the few UK academics who nailed it from the off.
They’ve been relatively muted on “bird flu” recently… but here they go all in:
There was no COVID. There was a type of flu, blown out of proportion, treated with poisonous drugs, non-resuscitation orders, killer ventilators, and toxic masks.
This winter there are more flu-type illnesses than in 2020, no hype and no lying bullshit.
It’s not just about COVID-19, it’s about everything. As long as we accept authority from a criminal puppet government and their corrupt security and justice system, then the longer this farce will go on.
I was listening to Starmerer and Badenoch acting in the Houses of Westminster Theatre of Bollocks today. Scripted questions, scripted answers, plenty of laughs, and tons of bullshit. Who believes this nonsense is real or has a purpose?
‘Yeah, but … muh PCR test.’ 😂
Nothing at all fishy about the way Malone has been conducting himself:
Imagine that they did not get it right. They did not get the 24/7 news cycle
They tried telling you there was a pandemic and hundreds of thousands could die
and the government spent millions on drugs to protect the population
But then it all all fizzled out and people realised there was no pandemic.
Then there was an investigation that discovered that the pharmaceutical companies got together with the world health organisation to cook up the fake pandemic even changing the definition of pandemic so that they could call a pandemic without thousands of deaths.
I bet if that happened no one would forget about it and the next time they called a pandemic everyone would say are these not the same pharmaceutical companies and world health organisation that tried to tell us there was a pandemic last time.
Well it really did happen with the fake 2009/2010 swine flu pandemic .
I am always amazed when Covid came along at how everyone seems to have forgotten about the 2009/2010 swine flu pandemic scandal.
Council of Europe condemns “unjustified scare” over swine fluNational governments, WHO, and EU agencies had all been guilty of actions that led to a “waste of large sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears about the health risks faced by the European public,” says the report.
We are programmed and conditioned to have short memories via media induced amnesia. In addition we are bombarded with constant distractions fear porn, sexual stimuli and advertisements to keep us outer directed and fearful (full of fear) so we don’t use our own powers of discernment and critical thinking. This is how the overlords are able to repeat their scams and Psyops over and over again.
Ten modules of covid inquiry! Yum, yum, jobs for the boys, noses to the trough.
“Culture Secretary Lisa Nandy has confirmed that next year a COVID-19 Day of Reflection will take place on 9 March to remember the pandemic and its impact on communities across the UK.”
9/3 = one of their big numbers (Crowley used to sign 93 instead of his name on letters).
Day of Reflection = as above, so below.
I’ll reflect on how every Labour utterance during so-called lockdown was that it didn’t go far enough (started too late, finished too early, measures not stringent enough). Meanwhile the Conservatives presided over one of the world’s most restrictive lockdowns while pretending to be reluctant about it: the classic British elite ploy they used, for example, in both world wars.
I’ll add a prediction that the UK’s Covid Inquiry will include conclude with statements that could be taken as endorsing future lockdowns – but with sufficient obfuscation that it can be blamed on another bunch of disposable politicians (remember Matt Hancock?) while the technocrats carry on and on.
I never really care about celebrities losing their homes or not. I do care about Joe and Jane Average, losing their home is truly a tragedy and the intense uncertainty they are experiencing makes any loss from the actors wealth look trivial by comparison.
An actor crying on TV media that his house was burnt in the fire………..
The FILM twist
His home is saved. 👁
WILDCARD PREDICTION: There will be a high-profile legal case – either civil or criminal – regarding the “origins of Covid” by the end of the year.
Lets recap…and we except your apologies.
Save are rights, Simon shill Dolan keep Britannia fooled within 5 minutes of covid appearing he scammed donations for high court case and hired A barrister Maggie thatcher team got to help quash the pedo cases in the 80/90s.
Reiner Fuellmich, we told YOU!!! some of us got banned and what was the end result again..?
Rfk jr children defense (unless you Arabic children that is) we told YOU. some of us got banned and what was the end result again..?
Piers pied piper Corbin. How many court cases legal fee;’s.?
Dr Robert Malone, OMG how did you fool for this fucking idiot. Then Dr Robert Malone and 17000 doctors, OMG how did you fool for him again!!!
Andrew Bridgen was taking Matt hancock to court (what happened to that?)
we told YOU. some of us got banned and what was the end result again..?
Jeremy Hosking, who bankrolls Fox’s Reclaim Party and also owns The Critic, which employs Toby Young. It’s a small world!
MP Andrew Bridgen admits Laurence Fox’s group supported his speechwriting between 17 and 31 Jan 2023 As well as “speechwriting support” & “legal consultancy” donations are listed as covering “the cost of meetings, lunches, dinners & counselling”
Wake up.
Deranged ranger mentioned he was taking xyz to court.
The Great Barrington Declaration OMG how did you fool for this fucking bunch of shills.
Nuremberg trails was today version of Covid inquiry or International intergalactic court.
throw in a Tribunals or taking the deep state – trust the plan courts..unfortunately the milkshakes lap it up.
There is no going to prison, it is theatre for the MSM alt media believers just like yester years of Nuremberg trails = staged Theater.
Ive keep all the receipts…and got another 25+ names all big dicks within the alt media sphere all shilling $£ for legal court against either Big pharma or Government/Covid or some made up whatever at that time.
“Save are rights”?
“How did you fool for this?”?
At whom is this incoherent semi-literate rant directed?
OffG? I don’t recall them ever endorsing any of the items/people you refer to.
I’m intrigued by the ‘Nuremberg Trails‘ – I imagine some form of living history experience, like a walk-thru museum exhibit.
Nuremberg Trails, huh? I wonder if that’s what I’m seeing when I look up at the sky? 😉
It’s an AI bot.
Here’s Noam, giving us the benefit of his vast medical knowledge, contradicting himself by talking about corporate tyrannies and then neglecting to mention the Big pHarmer tyranny:
What, that dude is still alive?
Hard to tell from this interview.
The walking dead George.
Bit like the Sheeple.
And blabbering about an ‘Infodemic’!
For fucks sake Noam, book yourself in at an old folks home. You’ve passed your best by date.
Seems like he’s altogether lost the power of discrimination, But old age doesn’t necessarily mean you automatically lose all or most of your marbles.
Although maybe it’s true or more true for anybody with celebrity status.
Does something funny with their brains.
The Messiah Complex?
Well, if you get enough money and importance/self-importance, you are by definition lifted and taken above and away from the common herd, unless you have strong moral principles and are highly resistant to bribes, financial and otherwise.
Apparently, Gnome Chumpsky was yet another confidant of Jeffery Epstein several years ago. Can’t believe I used to take this man seriously!
He never said anything of interest. He was only taken seriously because he was promoted on the world stage. Which should be a red flag to any awake person.
I knew he was a fake when he wrote a book about American hegemony but failed to mention the rather significant role of a certain identifying group, of which he is part.
‘Manufacturing Consent’ was/is a seminal work, and it woke a lot of Folks from their slumber, but somewhere along the road Noam lost his way.
His attitude to the unvaxxed was/is heartless and inhumane.
Going by Noam’s rantings during the covid event, he and his ilk are the signs of social and cultural collapse and the decline in rational discussion.
Old age, fear of his own mortality and deference to the medical ‘experts’ methinks.
Unfortunately, telling most people that there isn’t and never was a Covid-19 virus is like telling them that the moon landings were fake. Fortunately, more people are realizing the later. Unfortunately, it’s 55 years later. So I guess more people will realize Covid-19 was fake around 2075. I wonder how many more things are going to happen in the interim that people will eventually start to realize didn’t really happen.
From what I can see, those who don’t believe it at all are a very, very small minority. There’s quite a few more on the fence, but they can’t quite bring themselves to believe something that outrageous. But for most people, it’s just crazy talk, i.e., la la la, I can’t hear you, talk.
It’s Plato’s cave all over again.
Or Déjà Vu all over again.
It is irrelevant whether covid is real. Because the real lie was whether or not there was a once-in-a-century pandemic on the scale of the Spanish Flu going on.
And there simply was not. The global shock was entirely down to governments’ policies.
This is an argument that is easily won yet everyone is glossing over it.
Ferguson made an absurd prediction of many millions of deaths. The absurd prediction failed to come true. They now present this as proof that both the prediction and response were good!!! The logical fallacy is slapping us all in the face and we ignore it.
It’s the same playbook as climate change hysteria, which trundles on and presents a far greater political threat to humanity than silly little covid ever did. When Earth doesn’t burn up – and it won’t, they’ll present this as proof that reducing CO2 output was successful and worth the suffering caused.
If we don’t smash this public tolerance of anti-logic then we’re doomed.
Disagree with your first point.. The non-reality of the virus proves the non-reality of the pandemic and more important it proves the intentionality of the scam. The mere fact it’s the one thing they can’t tolerate in the mouths of their controlled oppos is enough reason to focus on it too.
But you CAN’T prove that covid doesn’t exist. Just as you can’t prove viruses don’t exist, and you can’t prove that the moon isn’t made of green cheese without going there yourself. This is how facts, logic and science work.
All you can do is expose how weak their science is. (And corrupt and fraudulent.) That doesn’t prove non-existence though.
We shouldn’t prioritise an argument we cannot win over one where the truth is self-evident and totally discredits.
This is why repeatedly citing Koch’s postulates is such an epic fail. They are a method of proving existence, NOT disproving. Period.
Should read “totally discredits the covid official narrative.”
You don’t need to prove it doesn’t exist. Just point out it’s the flu with a new name, because it obviously was just that by the authorities’ own admission. You just have to pay a little attention.
That’s highly likely likely to be true, but proving it is another matter.
I’m just saying we should prioritise the arguments that are easily won, and keep ramming these undeniable truths in the faces of people who are refusing to apply critical thinking.
You cannot prove or disprove a negative, it’s a contradiction.
If something like covid was a fact it would be self evident for everyone to see, just like the flu (what the flu is exactly is another matter though).
Same goes for moon travel, if it was a fact many people would have gone there by now, making it self evident, like arguing whether Japan exists for example.
But we can prove that excess deaths is 2020 were well within normal range, contrary to their bogus predictions. (And this was true of all countries and US states, regardless of whether or not they mandated masks, lockdowns or both.)
A recent example of failure to see what’s in front of our eyes: my nephew who has been very much awake to the wrongdoings of 9/11and all the subsequent false flags and psy ops and who refused jabs in the Con 19 said ‘Imagine they tried a psy op on us – would we fall for it?’ I said ‘What do you mean imagine? What do you think the past 4 years have been about?!’ and his jaw dropped.
Your poor nephew has fallen victim to the terrible psyop known as Hanlon’s Razor.
The folly of Hanlon’s Razor is that it leaves you permanently off-guard from bad people wishing to harm you. It is, in short, terrible strategy.
I propose Nolnah’s Razor: Always attribute to malice that which you aren’t completely satisfied is down to incompetence. That way you are better protected and can fight back when necessary.
I almost always assume malice. As if wicked people don’t have interests that they pursue, individually and collectively.
New research: not one natural disaster can be blamed on “climate change”:
What has been will be again. What has been done will be done again.
There is nothing new under the sun.
They got parents of children who dropped dead to express support for the jab, “for public safety”. Now, that’s marketing.
Al in all the Covid19 virus & “vaxx” dealt a death blow world wide to Gain of Function research for bio weapons and their antidotes. Enormous loss of face, big financial liabilities, unreliability of that “weapon”; a boomerang. Of course the last few fanatic diehards in the GoF field have to be “processed”.
A good thing for all souls present on Earth now and returning later: less waste of time.
You really think they’ll stop using GoF to make bioweapons? I do not. It’ll just become better hidden.
The notion they were doing it to protect against enemy bioweapons is absurd. Creating a human-transmissible disease X (complete with accompanying cure) would not protect us against an enemy’s disease Y, which would require a completely different cure.
These are straight out indiscriminate weapons of mass destruction designed to kill millions if not billions. A bit of embarrassment won’t put them off.
For rational humans GoF is madness: for maniacs GoF is cotton candy.
Whst are you talking about? The fucking mainstream are pushing the lableak BS, and you still don’t get it?
Fetch me a piece of chalk someone
They DIDN’T make a bioweapon. There was NO bioweapon, because there was NO new disease. When you talk about GoF you are just falling for a ruse to get you to believe there really was a deadly new virus.
I had this ‘non-existent virus’ thing in 2019. Many of my students at that time were very ill with this same virus thing in 2019 – students from all over the world including China and Italy, where the fatalities were so high in 2020. We all got over it after about a week- just 3 days in my case – except for one poor Italian girl who coughed over us all for 3 months. It was a thing. I don’t believe it came from a lab but I do believe it existed. It was in the massive amount of pm2.5 particles that we were bombarded with in 2019 and 2020. I installed an app to show the air quality in my area and it reached a peak of ‘Airpocalypse’ (their word) on April 9th 2020 when the number of deaths from ‘Covid’ also reached a peak. And, by the way, a phone call to my GP practice in October 2019 asking what this ‘bug’ was was met with a distinct lack of interest hence I never got a jab (because I’d had it) and never believed it was fatal because none of the older members of staff had any difficulty getting over it. But it was different to ‘flu’. I felt like I’d been poisoned and in retrospect I’m convinced we were.
You installed an app that “told” you the air quality was bad ??
“I do believe it existed. It was in the massive amount of pm2.5 particles that we were bombarded with in 2019 and 2020”
So it could just be a bodily response to air pollution then?
I am genuinely open minded on germ theory vs terrain theory. But you have to favour what is most credible on balance of probability, and I’m inclined to believe in viruses.
All science is inexact science.
But covid WAS a big fat nothingburger in the grand scheme of things, however you look at it. Average age of alleged fatalities: 82. Higher than average life expectancy. Sheesh, what a joke.
Why do you think you didn’t have the flu? Same symptoms. Same duration. Same result. Why have you become convinced it wasn’t the flu simply because someone gave it a new name?
I’m very much a convid skeptic, but another option is that there was something new, etiology unknown (at least to us masses.) Enough people have reported on how different their “covid” experience was that it at least warrants investigation.
Yours is not a popular perspective on here, but I agree. IMO, there was fake convid, essentially rebranded cold and flu, and there was something else running under the radar, on a much smaller scale, as a test of some sort. Doesn’t have to be a virus either.
The PLA was definitely trying to make a bio weapon and its anti dote. They probably hoped that Han DNA was very homogeneous so they could exclude it. Nature’s diversity messed that naive plan up.
The CPC did its best to scare the world about it with their lockdown videos and state of emergencies and it worked. That plus the rubbish US mRNA and DNA shots killed too many people, not that souped up flu.
These Wuhan idiots were playing with SARSCovid2 in a BSL2 lab in a mega city like Wuhan. Lab leaks from BSL2 and up labs have happened at least a dozen of times around the globe. No need to freak out, just shut those shit shows down.
Just like you the Anglo & Han Establishments tried hard to smother the obvious lab leak, but didn’t manage in the end. The difference is that they believe in viruses and spend a lot of money and secrecy on them, while your lot doesn’t believe in risky viruses at all. I believe risky viruses exist for ignorant, fearful, old and overweight people, so ~60% of Westerners.
Thank you for that declaration of facts.
As we all know, declarations are better than proof.
Yes, I’m being sarcastic, because you’re talking in EXACTLY the same way as mainstream media and government.
What are all the tens/hundreds of thousands of people who work in those bio-labs actually doing? They have to be doing something.
If you knew how the MIC works you wouldn’t say that. The US military budget is about moving money from tax dollars into corporate hands. Period. Results are NOT REQUIRED. Billions go into projects designed to fail, and paying researchers to sit on their butts in fancy labs doing sweet fa is just one tiny part of that.
What are they doing then? Are they all in on the scam? If you’re not in on the scam, then what exactly are you doing to make your living? If you believe in virology and all the precepts of virology, and there is no such thing as a “virus,” then what exactly are you doing?
They are earning a living in a scientific and cloak-and-dagger way, in expensive labs all over the world. Some of the results are tested on locals and local animals, with little success or blamed on “dictators” (as in Iraq and Syria). The Free World “defence” budget must keep growing at any cost. Meanwhile, there are reliable poison gases, toxins, depleted radioactive poisons, etc.
Thanks from Fauci, the DoD, the PLA and the CPC.
Their bioweapons are the jabs.
I just can’t believe anyone who has been awake since 2020 and reading OG and other such sites could possibly actually believe there was a real pandemic of a real deadly virus. The facts are right out in the open and always have been. It was a barefaced scam, a test of our credulity. You failed.
Were the lockdowns and vaxes real and/or unhealthy?
If yes we agree.
Believing the virus exists IS NOT the same as believing it was a serious disease worth calling a pandemic.
You are taking the very obvious fact that there was no existential threat to mankind, and inferring from this that there is no virus at all.
That is terrible, terrible thinking.
Perhaps there is no covid19 virus, but you aren’t making any kind of case for this claim.
I know how it is. You’ve read a thousand things that have brought you to this conclusion and you can’t memorise everything and present it here in a short comment. But please try to debate in a less demanding way.
I said “no new DEADLY virus”.
Your words:
“There was NO bioweapon, because there was NO new disease.”
A “new virus” doesn’t = a new disease. If virus theory is correct there are literally billions – billions – of new viruses being created every single day. Less than 0.00000001% of them ever produce a recognizable new disease,
So even if we accept the dubious claim they isolated a new virus that in no way implies a new disease.
There was no new disease. Covid symptoms are flu symptoms. Identical. The only difference is the name. And the only justification for using the new name is a PCR that was a totally useless scam.
Behold the future of healthcare, courtesy of the CDC, DoD and CIA:
An extensive and terrifying piece Sal.
The prison is almost built, awaiting the inmates: Us.
They are relentless.
They’re gonna shut down those ‘deadly labs’, one way or another.
‘The US ruling class is preparing a cataclysmic war on the PRC, with the ROK (Republic of Korea) as a military staging post’
More here:
The Chinese have shared a lot of data on Covid but unfortunately its not the data that our propagandists want to hear. There’s been a huge political edifice built on the idea that its some kind of weaponized virus that escaped from a sloppily organized lab (because, as we all know, the Chinese can’t do anything properly without the guiding hand of us Wise People of the West) so unfortunately we’re going to continue to hear that particular drum beating indefinitely.
The problem with all this noise is that it may well be providing cover for genuine funny business. Here its not necessarily the Chinese that are doing this work and its not being done openly at some named — and well recognized — research institute. The Ukraine Bioweapons Conspiracy Theory is an example of this because if you read between the (carefully crafted) lines there was definitely something a bit weird going on which everyone plus dog is trying to put a spin on. Compared to this the Chinese academics are veritable saints since they publish their work in academic journals, work that contributes to the overall knowledge of the global scientific community.
I generally agree about OffG’s position on the lab leak theory, but not 100% yet.
One hard question: If everyone back in 2010 (or any year prior to 2018) received what we today call “Covid tests” during typical flu-seasons, would many test positive?
I’ve heard that old stored blood *never* yields positive to “Covid 19 tests”. Is that true? If it is true, what causes a positive test only in 2019 or after??
There are always false positives. You can check the WHO’s advice saying that as disease prevalence falls, the false positive rate rises. Eventually 100% of positive results are false positives!
Anyone saying that old stored blood *never* yields positive has used the tried and tested deception of excluding data they consider “anomalous”.
There are only false positives. PCR was not designed to diagnose an active sickness and it is not a “test” in that sense. All it finds are fragments of things like dna or biochemicals, which it then replicates to a point of being detectable. There is nothing to stipulate any tiny fragments it finds have anything to do with any symptoms you might have.
Public Conned Routinely.
The covid “test” (PCR is not a test) was a dice roll, based on nothing but what ever tiny fragments of dna might be in your body or might have contaminated the sample.
So, yes, the same number of meaningless positives would pop up whenever the “test” was administered, whether in 2019 or 1519.
In 2006, there was a whooping cough epidemic proven with PCR tests. Well, not really. But they managed to prove how to fake an epidemic.
Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t:
Governments can’t admit that COVID deaths were largely democide via “treatment” with ventilators, Remdesivir and Midazolam so the lab leak narrative is political cover, of course. “COVID” was rebranded flu, using the fake PCR test. However, it’s also possible chemical and EMF weapons were used in targeted areas to create a “novel” illness.
COVID also revealed that virology is pseudoscience. The virus tests and the virus genomes are fake. Given that- does it even matter if “viruses” exist or not? How could anyone even tell- one way or the other?
If you go down enough rabbit holes, then it becomes apparent that COVID was the beginning of the End Game:
The argument ‘virology is fake because Covid was a fake’ is errant nonsense. It’s like saying ‘Your husband committed adultery so all men cheat on their wives’.
By all means examine evidence, but the body of evidence that viruses exist is enormous. That is not the same as saying that those viruses cause disease.
What we can say is that virology is incredibly weak and corrupt science that’s largely based on historical fraud.
I don’t agree with Sam Bailey’s absolutist conclusions – her declarations are every bit as arrogant as Big Pharma’s – but she does a good job of exposing historical virology flim-flam.
But as you imply, absence of proof is not proof of absence.
You understand the Bailey’s didn’t just declare that “absolutist conclusion” out of nowhere; it was from repeated examination of the virologists’ fake science, demonstrating time and time again that the entire field is built on fraud. I’m sure they would still be open to being proven wrong, but at this point it’s just a given that virology is a scam, just as they used to scare medieval peasants of an evil miasma permeating the air, only less believable.
The problem is that if viruses don’t exist, it would require incredible efforts to keep the fraud going for over a century. The truth would be obvious to many thousands of people working in the field actually trying to do stuff, and the fraudsters didn’t have the power to contain such info until recently.
Even the most brilliantly contrived false theory could not have become self-perpetuating as virology did, complete with spinoff discoveries and theories consistent with the model.
Since virology did not collapse in a heap of contradictions, either the theory has merit or science has been 100% captured for a century. I don’t believe science is 100% controlled even today (though it’s over 99% where agendas matter), so on balance of probability I believe in viruses. But it’s just a belief, not knowing.
9/11 was the beginning. Covid was the umpteenth variant.
Most of the deaths came from 2001 onwards, from the jab. Previously healthy people are developing major diseases, especially “turbo” cancer. The danger increases with the number of jabs taken.
The origin of covid is a lie. So the originator is a liar.
That’s all there is to it.
Exactly, and that means every single world leader knowingly lied and is still lying. This is what they don’t want people realizing.
Leaders lying?
Imagine that.
Henry Ford was reported to have said, ““It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” The same could be said about the scamdemic. The plan to substitution the origin of this purported “deadly virus” as issuing as a love child between a bat and a pangolin to a lab leak in Wuhan was in the can long before the first hysterical headlines hit the news stands. But the alternative leaders such as Dr. Rand Paul had to fight “for the truth” and for its recognition to give it gravitas. Just shows how fucked we are.
Another (slightly altered) Henry Ford quote:
“You WILL have any vaccine WE like. As long as WE decide.”
Imbeciles who have never read an article/book or been outside their boondocks repeat words line “wet market”, PPE, booster, etc. Regardless, I hold all the criminal government of each country responsible for the disaster. I don’t buy the US propaganda crap about indemnity, suing manufacturers or agents, etc.
In the USA, it was a military operation against the population at large and run by the DoD. Big Pharma in reality was a hired hitman. Not even that because they did not really manufacturer the deadly brew which was farmed out by DoD to companies which we never even heard of. Nevertheless, they were paid handsomely for their role, and under law as an accomplice for first degree murder, deserve to pay the “ultimate” price. As an expat American though, I just have to shake my head how the typical American just loves their military.
That is the same point of view as the CPC had and has. They experienced SARS(Covid1) a few years before and it gave them a black eye.
Covid2 turned out to be quite undeadly after a few virus replications, but the CPC style lockdowns and vaxes (thanks to US funds and ideas) were more harmful.
Ofcourse the CPC first tried to blame the origin it on some fish market, and in the West they found a few stooges for that narrative. Gain of Function research is not happening folks according to them, nothing to see, keep on walking.
Armies suffer the most combat incapacity losses in the baracks, where 10% or more might be down to some flu. In 1918 the Americans blamed the Spanish instead of bats for their fear / poor immune system wave.The PLA wanted a solution from a lab.
Those soldiers in the barracks aren’t suffering from the flue, they’re suffering from all the jabs they’re required to take.
A nurse friend of ours says it’s common knowledge amongst nurses (here in Australia) that every year there’s a fairly large percentage of nurses having to stay at home due to the “flu” following their annual flu shots.
But, then, nurses are smarter than the average soldier who is taught to follow orders, not to think.
Joining the military is a last resort. Think of them as victims.
Trump fucked us over with operation warp speed and massive inflation, but don’t be lulled into thinking that this was a mistake, he has plenty more corruption ready for the next four years.
It was no accident that TPTB should choose a complete dingbat airhead to run against him. She even dropped out of the Demoncrat race in 2016 before the first primary was held because she had so little popularity. Nothing in politics is by accident, as the master manipulator, FDR, was fond of saying.
“English Patriot” replied”: Not all Englishmen have been happy about the scale of WW2 bombing inflicted on German civilians; e.g. F. J. P. Veale, “Advance to Barbarism” (1948). The sooner resentments between the English and Germans, and mutual caricatures, are put aside in favour of European co-operation, the better.”
Me: Your statement is a bit schizophrenic, if I may be so bold. Because if you recommend the book in question to me, then you should have left out the last part of your comment, which indirectly insinuates resentment on my part (which is considered unfounded):
Me: “A major focus of the book is on the war crimes trials in Nuremberg and Tokyo after the Second World War. Veale sharply criticizes these trials, claiming that they established the dangerous principle that ‘the most serious war crime is to be on the losing side’.”
I strongly suspect that your contradictory attitude has to do with your own family history, which you have already mentioned. Had your relative, the RAF pilot who was shot down, also dropped bombs over Germany by then?
However, some of your compatriots still seem to be quite happy about the outcome of history and are celebrating their “heroic deeds” (and possibly even staging themselves as “victims” instead of sinking into the ground in shame).
This timid attempt to address the arrogant victor’s justice is unfortunately still far from being a “decisive majority opinion” among British historians. And that is why there is no English-language Wikipedia article about him.
After all, there are some who, instead of applauding their “heroic deeds”, are looking for the Lorelei.
If, as you say, you live in Germany, you need to watch this series. In it, there is an encounter with one of these bomber heroes, who is apparently still “traumatized” by his murderous deeds in such a way that he has never talked to anyone about it.
The “old boy” does not quite succeed in appearing as a hero and suppressing his shame. However, he doesn’t exactly burst into tears. I strongly suspect that there are or have been hundreds, if not thousands, of such “fates” of misguided “patriotism” by the Churchill & Co. gang.
My late mother was a small kind women but she often talked about how she worked in a bomb making factory during ww2 My Father worked on the aircraft engines to help deliver the bombs. Just 2 decades later we went to live in an English camp in Germany my mother never met anyone whose relatives had been killed by the the bombs she helped make. But there was no hostility to us from the Germans when we were there.
My mothers twin sister married a German prisoner of war. But the was was never spoken about.
I grew up on military camps and could have easily become part of the military.
But I had started to find to about the lies around war before I was old enough to join.
Thanks largely to the anti war MAD Magazine
Drugged, doped, dizzy and dozing.
It’s that easy:
“There’s GOLD in them thar pills!”
(And potions and poxes and pains and compliant easily manipulated populations).
They can’t fool me…
The lab leak theory is also a lie, since there was no excess mortality during 2020, the pandemic year. The mortality rate in some countries even dropped below average … and only rose sharply once the Corona injectables were rolled out.
The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts since July 10, 2020.
One of the committee’s conclusion was:
– Fatalities almost all caused by serious pre-existing conditions
– Almost all deaths were very old people
Government excess death statistics and actuarial figures all confirm this for the so-called pandemic year.
* There is no infection/contagion either! That’s been shown conclusively through all the failed contagion experiments.
Example: Can You Catch a Cold? – Dan Roytas
** Let’s not forget the findings of this inquisitive and courageous doctor:
Wehenkel C. 2020. Positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide.
PeerJ 8:e10112
“for every 10% increase in flu shot uptake there is an increase of about 83 Covid-19 deaths per million.”
And where are residents compelled to take annual flu shots? – In nursing homes!
You can’t have it both ways – lab leak of a deadly virus and no excess mortality.
Ergo there was no lab leak, and there was no (novel) virus.
Chomsky needs a copy of that German review.
The Trotters are predictably putting their own oar in on the “natural/lab leak” front with this selection of recent titles:
But then of course our posturing pince-nez proles have never once deviated from the most primal covid foundation, the initial sacred text now receiving a makeover with this:
Which suggest that a desperate hanging on to the initial stone tablets won’t defend against necessary modifications. And the scary direct punch of “covid” has now given way to, “respiratory illnesses that include COVID-19, flu and RSV” which “are once again on a rapidly accelerating trajectory” etc. etc.
But the effect is now diffused. Not that this makes any difference to the compulsive regurgitation of the “Covid Zero” manoeuvre.
Naturally “Long Covid” and “Covid denial” comes in too. And this truly evil bit of genocide encouragement:
Replace “infections” with “injections” and you’ve got it right!
Northern Australia is being prepped by USian forces for the threat of war and predictions of sporadic conflict with those pesky Chinese.
Funny thing is: A Chinese corporation has a 99 year lease on the Port of Darwin.
Mysterior and mysterior. no doubt.
In your opinion do you think they are “bought” or just ideologically blinkered…or both?
I was tossed for mild objections in 2021. They are despicable.
I reckon they were a spook operation all along. They will have a number of genuine sincere folk but these will be unwitting tools being used to generate an “authentic” front to lure in the gullible. All under the control of the frauds operating the machinery from above.
Agree. Maybe 10 years ago I attended some speeches at Leipzig University warning of right wing tendencies within academia. Speakers mentioned wsws mabe a dozen times as a point of reference. I hadn’t heard of wsws until then. But it struck me that socialism was now coming from America and speaking English to me. In the very building that had been Karl-Marx University until 1989. Plus they were seriously claiming that Stalin got it all wrong and had Trotsky implemented communism all would have been great. Mr Bronsteins advertisers ‘operating the machinery from above’, would that make sense?
Medical science in China failed abysmally on the purported disease, test, precautions, etc. The China government tyrannised its (non-wealthy) people over the fraudulent scare longer than any other. It was reluctant to end the charade, perhaps to “save face”, even after the other international conspirators had reversed course and over 1,000 research papers had exposed the scam.
Well. Trump wants to do a Pilate, wash his hands of Ukrania, so he
can Pivot To
AsiaChina, so expect ‘proofs’ of a “Chinese Lab Leak”as the US’ explanation for imposing high tariffs on ‘Made in China’
products – to “Teach
The ChineseChina A Lesson” !!It’ll make an ideal cover story for the expected Tariff War, a term to
avoid as it is closely associated in popular memory with the lead up
to The Great Depression, a Prelude to World War Two, and thus
might engender too much Message Hesitancy…
A Year Long ‘Two-Minute Hate Session’ is in the offing…
9th March will turn into “Lest we never forget”
which will turn into books series films already Boris Johnson new book tells of an war time PM wounded by covid on Easter Thursday brought to life by an army of NHS covid doctors risking there lifes too even be in the same room as him as the 98.9999% virus was killing the nation elderly and venerable.
Ex PM Johnson even asked security services to draw up “military options” to obtain “impounded” 3 millions doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from a plant in Leiden in a row with the E.U.
The Real Anthony Fauci book sells hard the lableak so all the pawns are in place to set this
up when and if they need it.
And most of the alternative media will help sell it as most of them sell the died suddenly, snake venom, bat flu, wetmarket grift.
Perhaps the proposed Holocaust memorial next door to the Houses of Parliament will be dual-purposed so we never forget the six kajillion covid deaths.
The National Day of Reflection should centre around heads on spikes around Parliament. That would make the evil scumbags reflect on whether to do to us it again.
Oh… I forgot… freedom of speech doesn’t include threats of violence… the one and only thing that would make the evil scumbags back down.
I guess society should just roll over and take it again.
‘Incredible public health policies’
Does she even live on planet Earth?
USian public health policies are almost non existent because they have been gutted, ransacked and monetised by CORPARASITES.
The media get paid for getting on their knees and sucking Trump’s d**k.
On the contrary, I think “‘Incredible public health policies” is accurate and entirely appropriate.
Providing, however, that one is using “incredible” in the original sense of the word, and not in the degraded modern colloquial sense of “superlative”. 🤨
Point taken.
Basically rebranded flu, which is why there is so much convergence between both the figures for sufferers and the health response now. The unanswered questions really involve the politics and economics, whether it was a plain high-level hoax that for a while was taken seriously by governments; or a cover for economic warfare; or a try-out for dictatorship; …or something more outlandish.
Clearly it was centrally organised by a supranational force, not a hoax played on governments. Too many countries simultaneously threw out their existing, sensible pandemic preparedness plans in favour of the radical plan rehearsed in November 2019’s Event 201.
The only credible pretext for that would be if the World Health Organization had given the direction to do so.
But since neither the WHO or any government has even made that claim, it must be some shady global organisation that wields power over governments. I.e a true conspiracy took place.
I think this was a great explanation of the motive behind the “pandemic” & how Convid was resorted to as the best way to oppress the masses whilst robbing them blind, getting them to oppress themselves in fear of the non-existent “deadly new virus”.
The public were sold a “caring for us all” pitch and got themselves lab rat jab poisoned to “save their granny”, when in fact the fast-forwarding of the elderly to death and labelling their departures “Covid” was the basis used to sell this vast con and massively transfer yet more wealth to the scum-at-the-top, simultaneously creating huge national debts to the same bankers ( rhyming slang ) for their “assistance” during the scam.
Spot on Kit. It’s just the way. We know it’s heading there.
Most people don’t quite remember the time when TPTB eased into tellling us that ‘covid hospitalisations’ or ‘covid deaths’ weren’t actually BECAUSE of the virus, they were just co-incidental. Oh didn’t you know that? I know we talked about the high number of ‘covid hospitalisations’ as though they were people having to go to hospital simply because they caught covid, but that was your misunderstanding. WE never said that.
No, no no, the vaccines were never expected to completely protect you. Who told you that? They were only ever expected to prevent serious illness and hospitalisation which they did brilliantly, saving millions of lives! So I think you misundertood again. You see it’s that misinformation. If only you just listened to us properly instead of hearing what you want.
Thank you, Kit !
About the telegraph : FBI ‘found evidence Covid was lab leak but was not allowed to brief president’
If the FBI doesn’t brief the president about something, what is there for ?
About the prediction: in which country do you expect this legal action ?
The issue for us, in my view, is to resist the temptation to say we will never do this or never do that again. For instance, to say will we never lock down again? What if, next time, they really do release the bubonic plague and there is REAL danger from the virus? Thi is how they can continue to manipulate us if we allow it. We must be ever vigilant, use critical thinking and constantly gather the best information we can to make important decisions in real-time, and not based on prior biases, well-founded or not. We must always think and act independently of our biases based on cold, hard facts. Period.
You are right to say this Jim. There are real poisons out there and who’s to say they won’t us them to make a point? But they won’t be viruses – IMHO..