We Called It: Israel-Gaza Ceasefire
Kit Knightly

Eight days ago, in our third prediction for 2025 we said…
…the incoming Trump admin will be trying to score “peacemaker” points with a deal in Ukraine, that could extend to Israel-Gaza too. A negotiated release of all hostages is also possible.
We already predicted, in our first such article, that Trump was going to be sold as a peacemaker.
Well, just hours ago the news broke that Hamas and Israeli authorities had agreed to a six week ceasefire and exchange of hostages. You can read the full terms of the deal here.
Whitehouse spokesman John Kirby, speaking to the BBC, claimed the temporary ceasefire is only phase one and will allow time to negotiate phase two, which might see a “permanent end to the war”.
…and Donald Trump is already getting the credit.
Yes, it’s true Biden is still in office and his admin has claimed the credit for themselves…
but you’d be forgiven for forgetting that, since most of the press have.
The Independent headlines:
Trump credited for ceasefire breakthrough as US officials who resigned over Gaza war slam Biden’s inaction
Going on to say [emphasis added], “Officials said breakthrough came when Trump applied pressure on Israeli government, something Biden was unwilling to do”
This is furthering the interesting “Trump vs Israel” storyline that was set-up when it was reported Trump had “snubbed” Benyamin Netanyahu by not officially inviting him to his inauguration.
In that same vein the New York Times tells us that “the Israeli Right May Soon Be Disenchanted With Trump”.
The Atlantic agrees, reporting on…
“How Netanyahu Misread His Relationship with Trump – The cease-fire in Gaza reflects another triumph for Donald Trump and shows Benjamin Netanyahu who’s boss”
In more general terms, Trump is getting kudos for the deal all over the media, even from traditionally hostile outlets.
Trump helped secure a Gaza ceasefire deal. Can it last?
After 15 months of hell, Israel and Hamas sign a ceasefire deal – Donald Trump provided the X factor by putting heat on Binyamin Netanyahu, who insists the war isn’t over yet
The Atlantic again:
Trump Made the Gaza Cease-Fire Happen
‘A stern message’: how return of Trump loomed over Gaza ceasefire negotiations
Even CNN give him partial credit:
How the Biden and Trump teams worked together to get the Gaza ceasefire and hostages deal done
The cherry on top is that the deal is going to take affect on January 19th – the day before Trump’s inauguration – which means we might get some visuals of recently freed hostages in attendance (or something like that).
Won’t that be good PR?
Without being unduly immodest I have to admit we tend to get proved right quite a lot – but not usually as fast as this.
We all know the agenda-makers could have halted the slaughter in Gaza any time over the past months with just a couple of phone calls. But to them human beings are just NPCs in their grand plans and Great Resets and thousands of lives can be sacrificed without a second thought . It just wasn’t convenient for them to stop the killing – until now, when it suits the strange new narrative of The Donald as emerging Hero.
Is this really an end to the nightmare for the people of Gaza, or just another aspect of their continued exploitation by forces beyond their control?
Let’s see how this continues to pan out.
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It is Israel trying to score some points with the people by pretending Trump is not one of them. They did the same thing coming out against the Federal Reserve Act because they knew if they did, the people support it.
How many times will people get lied to before they figure out EVERYTHING YOU ARE TOLD IS A LIE! All of it. If you believe any of it, you believe a lie and a liar.
This ceasefire is only a pause of uncertain duration. Hamas has not been destroyed and it’s objective to annihilate Israel is not the least diminished. In the hostage handovers do they look like a spent force? The ceasefire will only be used, ironically funded at least in part by US “reconstruction” aid money for Gaza, to re-arm and rebuild Hamas’ military capacity for a next 7 Oct, which they have vowed to do.
the world Zionist power, at the head of financial capitalism. the supreme power. Wars, wars and wars that will reshape the world. End of democracies and constitutions. Digital slavery, slavery and that’s it
Stoltenberg is considered an expert on transatlantic strategy (specifically in connection with the Ukraine-Russia conflict), which may suggest that the elites behind the Bilderberg Group intend to prioritize military engagement, potentially through covert operations in connection with NATO. This assumption would seem to be supported by the fact that Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir Technologies – the AI giant aligned with US intelligence – serves on the Bilderberg board (with Palantir’s co-founder and key shareholder Peter Thiel). Karp, who not unlike his billionaire associate Thiel fancies himself as a visionary philosopher, has claimed that Palantir played a significant role in orchestrating ‘most of the targeting in Ukraine’.
Not only that, but here’s Palantir again:
Palantir supplying Israel with technology to help in war effort
After holding its first board meeting of the year in Tel Aviv, the US company announced the signing of a strategic partnership with the Israel Ministry of Defense
https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/rymy7ret6and here: Tech giant Palantir to hold first board meeting of 2024 in Israel
-We stand with Israel. The board of directors of Palantir will be gathering in Tel Aviv next week for its first meeting of the new year. Our work in the region has never been more vital. And it will continue,”- the U.S. company announced
It is interesting an old article from 2017
-The neo-fascist philosophy that underpins both the alt-right and Silicon Valley technophiles”, which discusses the links of some Silicon Valley figures to the “Dark Enlightenment,” a dark neo-fascist philosophy started by British academic Nick Land in the 1990s.
There are some consistent themes in the Dark Enlightenment, revolving around technology, war, feudalism, corporate power, and racism. “It’s an acceleration of capitalism to a fascist point,” says Benjamin Noys, professor of critical theory at the University of Chichester and author of Malign Velocities: Accelerationism and Capitalism .
Those who have studied Dark Enlightenment describe an almost cult-like vision of a dystopian future. “It is a worship of corporate power to the extent that corporate power becomes the only power in the world,” says David Golumbia, a new media professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. “It becomes militarized, and states break down. For some reason that’s difficult to understand, they seem to think these highly weaponized feudal enclaves would be more free than the society we currently have.”
The major proponent of the movement other than Land is software engineer Curtis Yarvin, who blogs as “Mencius Moldbug.-
-And while most Silicon Valley techies are unaware of and uninterested in Dark Enlightenment, there are notable figures and ideas that seem to share intellectual heritage and connections with the movement.
Venture capitalist Peter Thiel is a major backer of Yarvin’s start-ups and, as The Baffler reports, in 2012, Thiel gave a lecture at Stanford with distinct Dark Enlightenment themes. -A startup is basically structured as a monarchy,” he said at the time. “We don’t call it that, of course. That would seem weirdly outdated, and anything that’s not democracy makes people uncomfortable.-
-The future Reich that our children and grandchildren will see will have a much more definitive and total character than the one we knew between the 30s and 40s. The destructive power that technology puts at the service of humanity is destined to be unleashed because all of humanity today can be eliminated…. What matters above all is our inferiority in the face of the machines we have created. (Gunther Anders, Man is Antiquated, Turín, Bollati Boringhieri, 2007, vol. 1, p.57).
Except for the soldiers and civilians are slaughtered these wars in the Ukraine and the Middle East are totally contrived.
I so not pay any attention anymore to the official narratives spun by our governments and the ,mainstream media, but in tuning onto the internet I could not miss the following on MSM.
A major blow to Putin: Russia’s unexpected defeat
The alleged “blow” to Putin is that Zelensky has announced he was going to stop the flow of Russian natural gas from Russia through the Ukraine. Jimmy Dore picked up on this ludicrous announcement over a week ago, puzzling how such an “all-out” and “earnest” war by the Ukraine against Russia since February 2022, with an alleged over 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers slaughtered in the Russian “meatgrinder”, and all of those terrible and crippling sanctions of the US against Russia, and no one thinks of interfering with the vast array of Russian pipeline through the Ukraine to the EU and Turkey. Sure, lots of BS for our benefit about Nord Stream 2 but likely also Nord Stream 1 was left untouched and has also kept supplying the EU. Some war.
Trump as we know is another face for Zionism and as the international banking cartel controls Russia, the UK, the EU and the US, its pet Zionist tribe has been in total control of both the Ukraine war with Russia, the genocide in Gaza, and the fall of Syria. In their see-through plans, Trump is to be hailed as the great peacemaker, while the superpowers gobble up one smaller nation after another while rattling their swords in our faces and against each other.
33 Israeli hostages (of whom only 25 are apparently still alive), to be exchanged for 700 Palestinian prisoners. Works out as an exchange rate of 1:28
Similar to the ratio of Iraqis killed to US soldiers in the last US-Iraq war. Hence at least a level of consistency in the valuing of the lives of those little people in little nations when compared to those in the big nations
33? Gee, what a coincidence.
aren’t you supposed to drop dead first?
Better check
Robert Allen Zimmerman
May 24, 1941 (age 83)
Years active1957–present[2]
So far as I can gather, in fact I told my wife…and she asked do you want to go to the cinema with me – have a meal first… She said I really liked All along the Watchtower – yeh but Bob Dylan is still alive so far as I know
Due to the Tonal Range from almost silence from deep aggressive bass to extemely high vocal notes, it is extremely hard to video Gary Numan and Band without getting sound distortion…Yet they are still doing it -allowing anyone to video them
I really Respect That
Nearly as Good as The Drum Sequence in the Cure
All My Girlfriends Loved Cats and The Cure – all still alive and Well, so far as I know. Extremely Difficult to play Live just with drums – but that is the Beauty of Music. Our 2 year old Grand daughter. is extremely good on My African drum – just a little bit too
fast for 2. She likes my guitar too (I can’t play it she is 2 and she does)
Are Friends Electric – Gary Numan
I have met loads of people who didn’t like me – wind me up to the limit,,but it never came to fights anywhere…sometimes I was dressed the wrong way at a Tubeway Army Gig – Gary Numan and I had rather long hair…I said I just here for the music. i do not want a fight in a Manchester Pub…Have you got a Girlfriend Mate???
Was there a greater global reaction to a US inauguration than with Trump’s 2nd term?
Long even before it even happened. Everyone maneuvering for that optimal future position.
Peace deals in the Middle East (with a suitable prelude to wider war with Iran). The banning of a social media platform TikTok. The IMF throwing wobblies over the global economic future. And yet, that complete non-reaction / muted response of the main opposition, the US Democrats (plus UK Wokerati) compared to his first term. Having seemingly conceded complete defeat.
Will the Trump bite prove as good as its bark? Time will tell. Perhaps the impact is already half-done. The threat of a future storm encouraging people to shut up shop regardless of whether the storm actually arrives…
What a pretty disguise Satan wears:
She looks ripe for rape according to the K*ran.
The precedent was set by our upstanding CHRISTIAN forefathers and settlers.
Tens of thousands of indigenous women, children and men raped, enslaved and murdered.
Christian history ignored.
Jesus was not raping, Mo was. Total apologist!
And the award for the most pathetically anxious deflection goes to ……
Another apologist!
Another deperate dodger.
Accepting and using the term anti-semitism is accepting a status as a sub-human. Apparently, mere “racial discrimination” is not enough for the special creatures.
Trump called it. And a type that wishes to be included in those wishing to express that of which they’ve no experience of.
And yet what of those who’ve never ever had any forest to dance around in? What to say of such types. And those without never a field, woods, or a well in their historical back garden to speak of. What might be their perspective in such sad cases. Their place in the philosophical mix? The mind boggles. Yes, what of them??? Not to speak of their contribution.
Could they somehow express such sub-experiences regardless of a pitiful past?
“Whatever happens, it’s a psyop” does not qualify as being ‘right’ when ‘whatever’ inevitably happens.
I have no idea what is going to happen next, but all I can wish everyone is Good Health. It probably was not faked (why would anyone do that)…
The oldest woman in the world, was brave enough to be interviewed – probably still on youtube (most of my old stuff is)
How come you got to be the Oldest Person in The World – 128?
“I did not go to the Doctor”
Good, if not lifetime, advice
Insanity is a virus…
I was extremely critical of the vast amounts of money being spent on Y2K. leading up to when the clocks changed at Midnight 1999. I wrote an article about this, a few months before the event and sent it to one of the main publishers of the computer press, using my own real name and real email address…
In the morning, I thought “Oh Shit”, if my Management Read This, I am almost Certain to get Fired….so I contacted the publisher / editor of the computer weekly magazine – Please do not publish this…He said what you wrote was Brilliant..Is it OK if I change your name…I said yeh OK (Tony Wilkes is not my name)
Then it came to the time, and I was working from home, naively thinking everything was going to be fine, at least for the computer systems, I was responsible for.
When the Date Changed – Almost All Communications Stopped Working
Cos The Entire World was phoning each other up
wishing each other
Happy New Year.
The same thing happened on 9/11, under less happier circumstances
We thought our Friends in New York were Dead
They were. You needn’t have worried
Six million eh? … ah I was going to point out the obvious parallel but who the fuck cares?
Does the list include self hating Jews?
Kit Knightly,
Thank You. You always seemed sensible on the rare occasions, I saw you interview people like CJ Hopkins on’t ‘inter web net / telly.
“We Called It: Israel-Gaza Ceasefire”
“In more general terms, Trump is getting kudos for the deal all over the media, even from traditionally hostile outlets..”
You are only a young lad…you should phone up, that Scottish Lad, and do a joint interview – maybe screened live by GB News if he hasn’t already got fired.
I usually like him, especially his soft Scottish accent, family projection and his innocence, deep knowledge and broadcast history of British History
and then he realises – WTF?????
This can’t be happening, but he knows it is.
That takes real courage – losing your income at the BBC
Whilst, I have done drones, and seen UFO’s they did not knock on my door and ask for a cup of tea… that was the Police. WTF do you want?
“What They’re HIDING About UFOs, Israel & Trump’s Administration Will SHOCK You!”
Perhaps youthful but then doesn’t he support that Corbett geezer. What more could anyone want?
As I said a week ago, this will be the end of the Labour Party – and the different kind of war is merely moving on to a new phase!
The Labour Elites COMPLICIT in Muslim Grooming Gangs – Raja Miah
andrew gold | heretics.
Jan 16, 2025
Politician Raja Miah has uncovered everything about the Labour Party’s links to the Muslim grooming gangs in the UK. He has faced all manner of attacks for his work – and it’s time to name names of those responsible for the cover up. #groominggangs #antiwoke #massimmigration
0:00 Raja Miah Highlights
1:30 Raja Miah’s Incredible Work
4:30 Failure of DBS Checks & Mosques Led By Offenders
7:00 Postal Votes & Labour’s Involvement
8:30 Islamic Cartels Collecting Postal Votes
10:30 Islamification of the UK
14:30 The Grooming Gangs
17:30 Labour: ‘Daddy’ is one of Ours
20:30 Oldham’s Shisha Bar Grooming Gangs
22:50 Labour Threatened to Sue Raja
25:30 Magistrate Asking Raja For Help
27:30 The Labour Leader Who Laughed at Raja
30:00 Bare…Faced…Lies!
32:30 The Police Missed 9 Times!
34:00 What About White Gangs
36:00 Mayor Andy Burnham Shoulda Known Better
38:10 What Maggie Oliver Had to Do!
40:30 Operation Hexagon!
45:10 How We Fight the Cover-Up
46:30 Dangerous People After Raja
49:00 Should We Have Compulsory Voting
53:00 Does Raja Feel Any Hope?
55:10 Mothin Ali & The Palestine Flags
57:30 Labour Making Muslims Feel Fear
1:00:30 A Heretic Raja Admires
Given that the British public don’t seem to be up to the task, it’s going to require the intervention of Trump & co. I just hope they get on with it!
Are there ‘grooming gangs’ in London? Sadiq Khan accused of stonewalling Tory questions
The London Standard
Jan 17, 2025
Mayor Sir Sadiq Khan has been accused of “stonewalling” questions about whether London has a problem with so-called “grooming gangs”.
His Tory rival Susan Hall made nine successive attempts at Mayor’s Question Time to ask Sir Sadiq whether there were gangs operating, or previously active, in the capital.
But Sir Sadiq repeatedly asked Ms Hall, the former Tory mayoral candidate, to clarify what she meant by grooming gangs, claiming: “I’m not clear what she means.”
So the answer is obviously yes. How many more child gang rape victims to add to the yUK’s long list of 1 million?
That title “Sir” or “Lord” seems to be a royal gag on national “white” collar pedophilia and other crimes: Sir Jimmy Savile, Lord Ahmed, who else?
The labeling of select lawyer /liar clubs as “Inner Temple” in London was at least improved on the other side of the Atlantic in “Bar”.
London, and its “City”: a Black Hole is what it is.
“The country’s preparation for future pandemics will be stepped up by the largest ever national response exercise due to be held in the Autumn.”
Surely … I mean SURELY … by this point even the dumbest toilet roll chewer will have realised that this is one big psychotic monolithic aggressively pushed SCAM that has nothing to do with “public safety” (as if!) and is entirely a vast culling operation under an increasingly threadbare cover?
Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public.
The vast majority of the general public has never even heard of Event 201. So of course when you tell them covid was all planned they think you are the one who has lost the plot, despite all the evidence being freely available.
Sadly true. Whenever I talk to someone face-to-face, I am so depressed by their rote repetition of media speak. As in “Oh you must be one of them anti-vaxxers/conspiracy theorists” etc. And I have found it’s utterly futile to engage them.
The dumbest of all are those who proudly announce theta they wouldn’t hesitate for the next vaccine – as if this was some indication of moral strength.
Truly, the propaganda department was entirely correct in its presuppositions of public behaviour. They could foresee the drones putting up their wretched rainbow frames on their Facebook pages: “I’ve had my vaccine and I’m such an insufferably pious prat!” etc.
Jab, Jab, Jab, get Jabbed again…The weirdest thing about this, is that my Ex seems completely fine…and she has had all the shots going.
They always do. Until the last one
Maybe a way to cull the dumbest.
I hope you are well George Mc, I am feeling a lot better recovering from my SEPSIS attack. I even took my car for a drive – the first time since it past its MOT in October. It started up first time, but the computer said – Gear Box Fault – Restricted Performance – poor acceleration – a bit like me. My wife said laughing, are you going to see the new Bob Dylan film with me – the actor is really good. I have got to fix my car first.
The movers and shakers and their slimy ilk are gonna party on the 20th.
Where’s our invite?
Glad winteroak Paul Cudenec is Still Fired up…I remember winteroak giving an extremely powerful speech, nearly 20 years ago…as if he had just come back from the war in Afghanistan?
I used to meet a lot of soldiers at the time, cos our local pub, is the best rock pub close to Headley Court. He said it was a Shark attack,
Off topic but fuckin’ he’ll!
And the hits keep coming! From the Graud:
“Moon added to list of threatened cultural sites for first time
Potential looting and commercial trips pose risk to artefacts left by lunar landings, says World Monuments Fund
The moon has been placed on a list of threatened heritage sites, owing to fears of potential looting and destruction caused by planned commercial trips.”
I’m now convinced that somewhere up there is a competition to see who can come up with the most insulting piss take.
“he’ll” should of course be “hell”. Fuckin’ spellcheck!
I just had to repost this reply by moneycircus:
“That’s a new twist on the Moon landings – make it a nature reserve so we can justify why we don’t go there.”
There was a project to surveil the “landing sites” privately. US responded by declaring that approaching the sites within a certain distance was illegal. This still does not explain the lack of clear photos from overflights, compared to the very artistic and creative works from Mars.
Reckon the Old Man in the Moon and his cheese supply are pretty safe for now:
And that cow too George.
Holy Moly, that’s a BIG jump.
That’s amazing! 😅 Can we get a link?
It’s a good example of “begging the question”, of pre-supposing that there are artefacts of lunar landings to protect. There hasn’t been a single convincing image of said alleged artefacts produced by anyone in over half a century.
All we see of space, and satellites are enhanced “images” – not genuine photographs. And why is there no genine photograph of our Earth, taken from “space” with one of the “satellites” (ie high weather baloons).
I presume Edwige’s link works. I didn’t want to link directly to the Graud.
Did they ever land on the moon in that aluminium homeless shelter called Apollo 11?
The ‘ceasefire’ you have when you’re not having a ceasefire.
Let’s call it what it is:
An abeyance of atrocities:
We keep this quiet too: UK leader Starmer signs ‘100-year partnership’ agreement with Ukraine during trip to Kyiv
Our hero is one up on despicable Trump.
Consorting with THE Enema.
U.K crown corporation owns most of the world.
UK leader Starmer is a lacky to scream angry at for the plebs.
Half right.
I didn’t think it possible, but Starmer is 100% Psycho – even worse than Blair
Die Die Die…Kill Kill Kill Kill – Imprison and Torture Julian Assange to the Death Starmer Director of Public Prosecutions then – Now UK Prime Minister
Even The Swedish – let him go – he is innocent…
The Americans were extremely Embarrassed even Dick Cheney thought wtf…
Let him go…He only told the truth
For all you academics out there
Great Graphics, but a bit soft for me.
Isn’t it great to still be alive, in a world now gone completely mad
The Greater Israel Project is the root cause of the madness – brilliantly, shockingly described through the lens/weaving together of recent major historical events by Ms. Barbara Honegger:
See: Barbara Honegger Blows Up the Greater Israel Project. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY (wordpress.com)
Thanks for the link Jerry. Barbara Honegger is terrific. Will watch more of her videos.
“Sold” as the peacemaker, but will actually continue the genocide. It would behoove most of those listening to mainstream media news to finally realize that it’s all utter bullshit.
A ceasefire. What next – what will happen to all the Palestinian people who survived this genocide? Where will they go, since their last bit of land has bee pulverised, the rest having been taken over decades ago?
I remember they said they was pulling out of Afghanistan and I also remember 3 different presidents saying it some of them presidents saying it a few times during the 4 year terms.
which brings me to the same type of political stunts.
Israel-Gaza Ceasefire
Palestine – Isreal ceasefire
Hamas – Israel ceasefire
Israel IDF – Gaza Hamas ceasefire
Can’t get hold of this popular ‘Britpop’ bands on cd, guess its digital now.
Echobelly – Anarchy and Alchemy (Official Lyric Video) – YouTube
not to do with their previous releases, ‘People are expensive’ , ‘the earth is flat’, ‘gravity pulls’..
That David Lynch has died, the best of Contrarians, maybe not great all the time, probably selected, but good before the internet.
Sure it was David Lynch who said read ‘The Art Spirit by Robert Henri’….
…got the thing years ago, what stops you from reading makes you watch David Lynch films….
There must be something more than this…
First thing I did when I got to college, age 16, didn’t know anyone, was to join the Film Club…There were all these pretty girls and me, and we regularly went to the “art cinemas” in Manchester. My wife still does that in London.
They still won’t show even Any Warhol’s Flesh on TV.
We were just so incredibly embarrased – but I don’t think it did us 16 year olds any psychological harm.
According to AI co-pilot “Echobelly, a British rock band formed in 1992 by Glenn Johansson and Sonya Madan”
“Echobelly – Dark Therapy (Acoustic April 2020) Sonya Madan Glenn Johansson Britpop”
Now, Onwards to Greenland, and Canada, and Panama Canal
(“Think of the Flattery !!”), and ? Where else ? Not Australia, as
it’s already in the bag. Maybe Russia, or China ?
Anyway It has to be seven countries to match the seven Moslem
countries destroyed because they werent Democracies…
The corporate propaganda media know full well Trump Loves Flattery,
his narcissism is his Achilles Heel… So they now flatter him, to seduce
him, to addle his thinking…
A junky for flattery, recklessness will now rule as Trump seeks another
fix for his brittle ego… (Take Note, Iran !)
The corporate propaganda media will now egg Trump on… On The Home
Front there’s the Social Security safety net to be dismantled, workplace
safety laws to be gutted, environmental protection laws to be removed…
So many ways to earn more flattery !! Trump will feel he’s in Junky Heaven !!
Speaking of Trump’s narcissism, I’ve noticed a commentariat proto-trend forming in recent days: multiple comments scathingly insisting that Trump is absolutely not a narcissist.
Every comment I’ve seen so far seems based on YouTube pop psychology videos. The all cite an aspect of Trump that in their view refutes the narcissism charge– mostly that he demonstrates obviously genuine affection for his family (not to mention Big Macs), or manifestly compassionately “cares” about beleaguered victims of authoritarian violence. Narcissists aren’t capable of such affective behavior– case closed!
I wonder if they would similarly sternly reject synonymous attributes, e.g. “egotist” or “megalomaniac”. 🤔
I would say that whether or not he is a narcissist, egotist, megalomaniac, or just a bad golfer, Trump is not running the show.
He is one of the current front men running the show.
He is there because he serves a purpose. Among other things, stealing all the attention from the atrocities of the past 5 years, and the destruction of communities due to weather weaponization and geoengineering.
Just to name a few?
Yes – lots of distractions to keep us from focusing how Trump is pushing their New World Agenda, which is why he’s been placed in the position of president.
I don’t claim to know what’s going on, but Pompeo seems confident that the job is now effectively finished!
September 29, 2024
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said it’s wrong for the United States to seek a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas and that the U.S. should instead tell Israel to “finish the job.”
Remarks by Hon Mike Pompeo, 70th Secretary of State Paris, Jan 9, 2025
Jan 9, 2025
Mike Pompeo is batshit crazy neocon christian mentalist wanting end times armageddon.
As I’ve been saying for the last couple of years, if the true binary is between the bang and the whimper, I’d vote for the bang!
For all their prowess at attacking civilians or military infrastructure on the ground, the Israelis are taking very large casualties in Gaza from Hamas and made very little inroads into Southern Lebanon against Hezbollah. In addition, they have not subdued the Houthis who continually attack them and their tanker fleet besides the internal conflicts within the various Israeli political factions.
And reports of 20,000 wounded IDF from just the Gaza conflict:
Simplicius’s Garden of Knowledge | Substack
Houthis say they hit Israeli base with hypersonic missile
Houthis say they hit Israeli base with hypersonic missile – World – TASS
Unfortunately, this ceasefire will be an interlude in the ongoing attempts to create a greater Israeli entity.
The ‘Greater Israel’ Scheme and Its Global Power Play: A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon
Will the cease fire hold, will all the hostages be exchanged/released/returned, will the right wing Zionist zealots approve the deal, time will tell. Does this mean Israel is abandoning its Greater Israel agenda? Does anyone remember that Israel helped create Hamas as a counter to the PLO? What are the MIC/Deep State war profiteers power cliques saying about this? Does this mean the warmongers have repented and now they want peace?
Personally I doubt it.
“Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him.” Albert Pike 33rd Degree Freemason
The same Albert Pike who predicted WWI WWII and WWIII in 1871?! Oh yeah.
Worse than that, Trump also retweeted an interview with Jefferey Sachs, in which the latter called Nutty-yahoo a “deep, dark son of a b*tch.” Ouch!
But is this just another trick – a pretend squabble between Trump and his boss Netanyahu?
Hamas is Israel.
I wouldn’t blow my horn just yet. For one thing, this is essentially the exact same ceasefire agreed on last May but which Prime Minister Netanyahu refused to accept at the last minute because Ben Gvir and Smotrich would have left his coalition – leaving him open to arrest since his government would collapse without these two..
For another thing, this “ceasefire” parallels the “ceasefire” between Israel and Hezbollah – which Israel violated over 1000 times before it was over.
For yet another thing, the actual ceasefire in November 2023 released both Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners. But most of the Palestinians were arrested again within days of being released.
In a word, this mess is a PR stunt – nothing more, nothing less. Israel is determined to force ALL Palestinians from Gaza and then to annex the West Bank and systematically eliminate all the Palestinians there as well.
For yet another thing … well it’s Israel, isn’t it?
Perception Management…
The corporate propaganda media (aka – conversos) have been infected by
The Trump Effect (the obverse of Trump Derangement Syndrome)…
Trump is assigned all the credit though did very little;;; (How quickly the
prestitutes’ have abandoned Whatshisname !)
What a story!
Just another example of the ridiculous false binary that is American politics where everything is reduced to heroes and villains. Guess what, anyone in power anywhere in the world is a villain and villains sometimes err and do the right thing.
But let’s be happily deflected into the false debate within the false binary that any of this politicising and making capital has anything to do with stopping the slaughter.
It’s another October Surprise. Reagan’s inauguration with scenes of the hostages being released playing in the background.
What a disgusting display.
well thats one war over get ready for the next one it wont be long comming
The cease-fire sounds more like a bargain with the dedil.
PressTV just announced that “Relentless Israeli bombings in Gaza have claimed the lives of over 30 Palestinians since the ceasefire was announced.”
After seeing what’s been happening since the ‘ceasifife’ with Hezbollah almost 2 months ago, what’s to be expected?
What ceasefire? Latest news is Bunny-yahoo changed his mind gain.
The army or wars in others countries have all got a bad rep with the voters.
A private military company (PMC) or private military and security company (PMSC) is a private company providing armed combat or security services for financial industry which includes government interests
Wagner group · Olive group · Academi G4S Security
We’ve seen the exact same play book before.
So what the average jo has forgotten is there is another army Outsourcing the war to private military contractors like blackwater or Bush and cheney owned Halliburton, royal family owned Serco, and the many different private armys who have contracts and many ex vets serve in them army’s.
PR will spin is as cease fire, or Trump has started no wars.
But the private army will continue doing it under private when the normal army’s are public.
Basic search online will show how much of the budget is spent Outsourcing to private military contractors.
The 6 numbers of the lottery please for this Saturday.
Good one.
Can I order a Nobel Prize for him?
You won’t have to. It’s already sent for.
A Nobel Prize for the Swamp man?
Well, that would confirm what we’ve long suspected:
The Nobel Prize is just a back scratching, self congratulating, masturbatory racket for those ‘in the club’.
Well, it’s only fair. Henry Kissinger got one after all! 😂